freeshooterxig · 4 years
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/Kingdom Hearts turns 19 years old today. Somehow I cant seem to fathom that as a number, but look back and think about all the costumes and friends I have met through this franchise. This series is so near and dear to my heart that I would not be where I am without it. Happy Bday KH. May your heart forever be your guiding key
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ursus-aced · 3 years
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//I'm sorry! >.< I forgot what this was to. It's been a while and it was hard to find the exact ask meme for this. Feel free to send another or the same one if you can remember. I'm going to see if I can be a little active and I promise I'll try to answer the next one the best I can.//
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eyesofparoxysm-a · 4 years
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freeshooterxig said:
“ don’t give me that look. ”
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“ Hmmmmmmm “
To late! He’s giving the look! Despite no eyes being shown definitely gives that feeling of being stared at. Doesn’t help with the loud hmming coming from the hooded man either. 
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maskedvulpes · 4 years
@freeshooterxig | cont.
She dismissed his words with her own, a shake of her head, mouth pulled into a tight frown. "Don't pretend to push me out, Luxu..." Her voice was filled with hurt that she didn't bother hiding, as she stood in front of him with her fists clenched at her sides.
"You don't have to pretend with us, with me, I know you have your role and I won't ask what it is, but you don't--" She sucked in a breath, biting her lip. "You don't have to pretend." She was so tired of people pretending around her.
Reaching out, she unclenched her fists and grabbed his hands in her own. "We're family, Luxu... Please don't forget that. I care about you."
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lightheartedwarrior · 4 years
freeshooterxig replied to your post: “Unwanted sexual urges? Have a graham cracker and...
Just rub it out and ignore it after, kiddo
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The box of graham crackers fell out of his hands immediately. He blinked a few times and stammered as his brows came together trying to formulate any words. 
“Did you just say that?!”
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kcystotheheart · 5 years
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⭑ It’s been awhile, at least to her since she had last seen Braig. The last few tests seemed to have increased in difficulty, them asking her to complete tasks that seemed almost impossible. She had to push herself to her limits, using whatever means necessary to complete the trials they had set up for her. It had exhausted her both physically and mentally, which she was grateful that signing didn’t take much effort.
It was around this time that she would be allowed out into the gardens for a bit of a change of scenery, a treat so to speak. After all she had managed to complete the tasks that were given to her. Even though the possibility of seeing Braig were slim, she was hoping she did as she was led out to the gardens.
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darkheartedprince · 4 years
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X I G B A R replied to your post
cackles. i’m gunna learn ya
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“I don't need to be learned. School does that enough.”
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virusplanted-a · 4 years
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@freeshooterxig​ sent:
“how long has it last been since you slept?”
Stubborn | Accepting
"...I suppose it's hard to deny that I haven't been sleeping." He looked at his mentor, the bags under his eyes prominent against his skin.
He had been absent from the sleeping realms for some days now; a bout of insomnia claiming him and leaving him restless and exhausted. When he had finally managed to get a wink of sleep, he had shown up before his mentor within minutes.
He had expected to be questioned for his absence. However, perhaps it was just his sleep-deprived mind... did he detect concern in the voice of the older male? "I apologize, Master. I didn't mean to miss out on training."
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lordofoblivion · 4 years
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@freeshooterxig​ said: “[txt] there was a RAT”
[txt] So you mean Demyx?
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valorxdrive · 4 years
freeshooterxig replied to your post “♕ - ”Mmmmm. I wonder if those Battlegates are still lingering around....”
Better question; You ever wonder kiddo, how the battle gates look like the portals in the Realm of Sleep? Maybe this was all a dream~
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♕ - ”...” His heart nearly seized in his throat at that very mention. Of all the voices this one in particular always managed to snap at his nerves like a fire unrelenting. That shock eased into visible anger within a heartbeat as he comes to face his the infamous man among the guardians.
“You. What do you mean by a dream!? How are you--!” That additional bite was no lie. He had surprised him without a hitch in more ways than one.
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tenevaya · 4 years
@freeshooterxig - continued from here
The screams did not bother them, nor did the explosions. No, not even the smell of death was worth their attention. By now, after corrupting who knew how many worlds, Zexion was accustomed to this chaos. They caused some of it, after all.
No, it was the building on fire in front of them that froze them. Unable to move, and unable to breathe, their eyes widened as they stared at it. A scream echoed from inside from a woman they did not know, did not recognize. Yet, their mind changed it, distorted it, plucked a different sound from their memory and--
They barely felt Xigbar move them, much less hear him speak. His words were garbled as panic coursed through them. Arms couldn’t stop shaking as their eyes watered, screams still echoing in their ears. It took at least a minute before they blinked, and realized they were in a different location. Another several seconds afterward, they noticed Xigbar holding them steady. 
This was not Radiant Garden. This was Port Royal. They were here on a mission. They had no heart--the water in their eyes and how they trembled made little sense. A shaky breath left their lips as they attempted to ward off the urge to hyperventilate--another action that made little sense. No, they should not be this panicked, this afraid. Nightmares and horrible memories cared not for their lack of heart, though. It was a physiological response to the environment, not emotional.
Instinctively, they wrapped their arms around Xigbar to keep him close as they caught their breath.Had they realized where and when they were--but they didn’t. What did he say to them? Here. Something about here. That was all their brain translated. 
“Here?” they asked, voice soft. 
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“You guys act like Xigbar being weird isn’t normal.”
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eyesofparoxysm-a · 4 years
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freeshooterxig said:
“I can’t control my magic.”
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“ Should I be worried that something is on fire, frozen, or is now stuck in the sky without gravity? “
Considering that Magic can very well be unstable and controlling it can be just as difficult MoM is hoping right now that the Tower is still in tact. 
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maskedvulpes · 4 years
@freeshooterxig sent:
“I thought you were dead. I moved on.”
Purple eyes met golden, a flash of shock settling over the woman’s features before fading behind an invisible mask. As far as reunions went, she had been expecting a violent one; one where they stood opposite one another on a battlefield.
Standing here, on a cliff side that mirrored their meeting spot in ages past, was almost too ironic for the fox.
“You left.”
Her words are quiet, but sharp; a dagger in the night sky around them as she stares at him. A laugh slips from her lips, a bitter one that sours the already tense air. “I followed you through all your hoops. Through the flow of time itself.”
Pointing a finger at him, she steps forward, into his space. “If you thought I was truly dead, if you really moved on, you wouldn’t be here. Please don’t assume me naive enough to fall for your manipulations now, Luxu. You know that I never have.”
She was no longer the shy, naive Foreteller who wanted everyone to get along and stop the Keyblade War. She was a commanding and confident presence, now, as she stared at the other. A hand reached up, caressing his scarred cheek; though there was no softness in her eyes when she drew her hand back and brought it back to his cheek, a hard and stinging slap that rang out in the quiet night air.
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iratheforeteller · 4 years
@freeshooterxig  . Hand-cuffed to one other person (or each other)
“How in all of the worlds did this happen?” Ira snapped trying his best to keep his temper in check but it was a losing battle. “Because I feel as if this is all your fault.”
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kcystotheheart · 5 years
@freeshooterxig​ liked for a Subject X starter
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⭑ She didn’t speak, she never did. With everything that had happened to her, they believed she didn’t have the capacity to talk. She was currently sat within the gardens, holding the step of a flower she had found. She didn’t know what it was, but it was pretty to her. What she held in her hand... was a dandelion. After a moment or two, she got up and made her way over to where the other was stationed and held it out; almost as if asking what it was.
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