#theshadow; adult
tenevaya · 4 years
@lordofoblivion​ liked this for a starter!
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“It was the wrong plan in the wrong hands.”
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pinatasfullofbees · 5 years
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Here’s my application for @wofsecrets-in-theshadows
Name: Mavis
Tribe: Sandwing
Pronouns: she/her
age: 7 (young adult)
Role/occupation: metal worker/tinker, sometimes missions as a scout
Additional: is missing her front left leg
Personality: Mavis is a calm and collected dragon who knows when and where to act out. She’s gentle to the dragons that need it, but can also allow herself to be mean and stoic if the moment has a need for it. She has big spirit, but also has a bite far worse than anything she can bark out. Mavis isn’t the best at her words so she let’s body language to a lot of the emotional stuff for her. She’s respectful to the royals and any other dragon above her mostly because she doesn’t wanna deal with other dragons messes. She may be calm, but she has the ability to kill if it is nessasary. She understand the sacrifices of doing what is right. 
Background: Mavis was born in the dunes and has never seen anything outside of it. When she was born her mother had medical issues that cause the baby sandwing to have a mangled leg when she hatched. Mavis’ mother was a cold and distant dragon that only saw the leg as a weakness and disowned her daughter very quickly after that she saw the leg hindered her ability to walk. Her father took pity on the dragonet and took her in to show her his skills in tinkering and metalwork. It took years for her to master, but once she did she designed a prostetic leg for herself which allowed her to further her craft. Now she loves to make jewelry and armour to sell to other dragons and to supply the royal guard with new gear. She had dreams of leaving the dunes someday to see the ocean, but a run in with a savage rainwing stopped those dreams dead in it’s tracks. Now her father thinks of her as weak for her disabillity and the poison scars she is branded with. She now is training to be a better scout to protect herself and to get further away from her father’s care. 
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fredhandbag · 4 years
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Did you enjoy The Whisper Man? I think you’ll also like The Shadows by Alex North. Lucid dreams, kids killing kids, creepy woods, Mr. Red Hands, copycat murders, a kid who disappeared and a survivor being stalked by memories. Got some strong Chalk Man vibes from this one. There is a lot of creepy. A very disturbed leader of the group. An adult who struggles to deal with the past. And many unanswered questions. There is a twist that I think is a bit overused in many thrillers but it sort of works here. And many of the descriptions of dreaming will affect yours 😱 A page turner for me - kept me guessing. Some character crossover from Whisper Man but totally different stories. Good pick if you’re looking for a creepy vibe. Another great story from North. #theshadows #alexnorth #bookofthemonth #creepywoods #thriller #bookstagram #bookshelves #bookswithcharacter #bookhoarder #bookworm #sodacityreads #bookreview #hardcover #bookcollector #bookhaul #bookspines #goodreads #homelibrary #fiction #crimefiction #bookcollection (at Creepy Woods) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3gSG9gLDr/?igshid=hhj5g7mv0d61
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Read J.R. Ward Books read online free
J.R. Ward
  » Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood #1)  » Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood #2)  » Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood #3)  » Lover Revealed (Black Dagger Brotherhood #4)  » Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood #5)  » Lover Enshrined (Black Dagger Brotherhood #6)  » Lover Avenged (Black Dagger Brotherhood #7)  » Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood #8)  » Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood #9)  » Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood #10)  » Lover at Last (Black Dagger Brotherhood #11)  » The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood #12)  » The Shadows (Black Dagger Brotherhood #13)   » Covet (Fallen Angels #1)  » Crave (Fallen Angels #2)  » Envy (Fallen Angels #3)  » Rapture (Fallen Angels #4)  » Possession (Fallen Angels #5)  » Immortal (Fallen Angels #6)   » Leaping Hearts  » The Story of Son
About This Author
Jessica Rowley Pell Bird (b. 1969 in Massachusetts, U.S.A.) is an American novelist. Under her maiden name, Jessica Bird, she writes contemporary romance novels, and as J.R. Ward, she writes paranormal romance. She has received the Romance Writers of America RITA Award.
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tenevaya · 4 years
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“Imagine having a father in one’s life. Even better, one who cares...”
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tenevaya · 5 years
@twilighttwin - continued from here
      Ienzo knew what sleep deprivation resembled. They experienced it enough, even now, to know that Roxas had not slept in days. Of course, with their blank stare and crossed arms, they were not about to tell their former colleague any of that information. 
      “Any reason why?” they asked, “Unfortunate as it is, sleep is necessary.”
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tenevaya · 4 years
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@vibraea​:  “ you’re not alone . you’re stuck with me forever . sorry . ”
Hurt / Comfort | Currently accepting.
No one needed to see them like this: gasping for breath, tear streaks down their cheeks, blue eyes widened in absolute terror. Ienzo worked tirelessly to avoid anyone seeing them panicked. 
One hand on their chest as they remembered to breathe, the other on the ground helping them sit up. Brain full of jumbled thoughts--what happened? A familiar voice caught their attention as they looked to Gemiya. Had she been there since their episode started, or did she just arrive? How much did she see? Too much. She saw too much. No one could see them like this.
An episode in the middle of the day, and in a public place. Ienzo wasn’t sure they wanted to know what sparked it. The hand on their chest moved to comb through their hair. No energy to run, much less stand up, or attempt a spell to send Gemiya away. Besides, she told them they were stuck with her. They needed to see how long it took for her to regret such words.
“Did I...” The words left their lips, but they didn’t know what others should follow. A pause as they tried to piece together at least one sentence. Their breathing now under control, they needed to attempt normalcy. “... How much did you see?”
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tenevaya · 4 years
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“And there is the impaired logic. Sleep deprivation takes away your cognitive abilities as well--bit by bit. Imagine what Riku could accomplish should he not be sleep deprived. I doubt anyone knows what that looks like.”
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tenevaya · 5 years
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@integrumsol​​:  🗝
Masquerade Ball | Currently accepting.
       If anyone asked Ienzo, and most knew better, they would consider this ball a waste of time. Yes, celebrating the end of the new Organization XIII, and the return of countless hearts, seemed fine. But, did it have to be formal? Did those in charge of managing this event have to hearken back to what some called Radiant Garden’s glory days? An informal setting with a feast would have done fine.
      Nevertheless, Ienzo stood in a corner, their hair changed to a dark brown. Hopefully, no one would be able to recognize them like this, especially with the mask. They rarely wore green, hence their choice of gown tonight. Their arms stayed folded over their chest. One hour. That was what they resigned themself to before they could leave. It wouldn’t be too hard to mingle for an hour, yes?
      Unless the person who chose to stand next to them happened to be terrifying.
      Ienzo should’ve expected Lea to come. He lived here, after all. It didn’t stop the apprentice from nearly jumping at the sight of him. Calm. They could stay calm. No need to cause a scene. Lea wouldn’t do anything here, and neither would they.
      “... Hi Lea,” they said, attempting to smile, “Nice to see you?” That shouldn’t have been a question. Right at this moment, they wanted to hit their head against the nearest wall. “How are things?”
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tenevaya · 4 years
damnatic replied to your post: sex position quiz “I suppose that is somewhat...
luxord vc: that’s definitely not accurate
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“Excuse you?”
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tenevaya · 4 years
@freeshooterxig - continued from here
The screams did not bother them, nor did the explosions. No, not even the smell of death was worth their attention. By now, after corrupting who knew how many worlds, Zexion was accustomed to this chaos. They caused some of it, after all.
No, it was the building on fire in front of them that froze them. Unable to move, and unable to breathe, their eyes widened as they stared at it. A scream echoed from inside from a woman they did not know, did not recognize. Yet, their mind changed it, distorted it, plucked a different sound from their memory and--
They barely felt Xigbar move them, much less hear him speak. His words were garbled as panic coursed through them. Arms couldn’t stop shaking as their eyes watered, screams still echoing in their ears. It took at least a minute before they blinked, and realized they were in a different location. Another several seconds afterward, they noticed Xigbar holding them steady. 
This was not Radiant Garden. This was Port Royal. They were here on a mission. They had no heart--the water in their eyes and how they trembled made little sense. A shaky breath left their lips as they attempted to ward off the urge to hyperventilate--another action that made little sense. No, they should not be this panicked, this afraid. Nightmares and horrible memories cared not for their lack of heart, though. It was a physiological response to the environment, not emotional.
Instinctively, they wrapped their arms around Xigbar to keep him close as they caught their breath.Had they realized where and when they were--but they didn’t. What did he say to them? Here. Something about here. That was all their brain translated. 
“Here?” they asked, voice soft. 
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tenevaya · 5 years
@freeshooterxig - continued from here
The only smidgen of good news was that the lacerations masked their older burn scars--enough for them to not care as Xigbar loomed over them. Blue eyes bore into the floor as they attempted to regulate their breathing. The first time Zexion dared to speak against the Superior, they received a warning--a threat. Xemnas carried through with that threat the second time, wounding his former protégé enough to still their tongue.
Had he the heart, he might have abhorred how silently they took their beating. 
“I would be far less useful as a Dusk, I surmise,” they retorted, wincing as they straightened. They held out a hand for the Potion, their gaze meeting Xigbar’s. “Tell me: do you approve of his methods?”
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tenevaya · 5 years
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@solaimaginem​:  For once...The replica can't help but feel as if the domain he's chosen to stay in is intruding. All it takes is catching sight of a familiar figure and then said Replica was using the darkness still at his command to give him a speed boost darting away. Not far enough though, never far enough he thinks. So instead he just sort of offers an uncomfortable smile to the apprentice, teal eyes avoiding meeting the form in the doorway to the lab where he dwells."Morning."
      Caffeine injection required to remedy insomnia-induced fatigue. Those weren’t the words Ienzo used in their mind, nor would they say it aloud, but they were accurate. Still in the same clothes from the previous day, they pulled their hood up to cover most of their face. Hopefully, that would be enough for others to not notice their bloodshot eyes, and paler-than-normal skin. Right now, they had no energy for illusions, their hoodie zipped up tightly to cover most of the scar around their throat. 
      First, caffeine. Then, illusions. After that, standard routine.
      They managed to reach the kitchen, and poor themself a black cup of coffee, and bring it to the laboratory. A few sips in, and their hope for a quiet morning ended as they approached the doorway. Someone else was in there already, and attempted to dart away. It wasn’t Even--he would have taken the time to say something to Ienzo first. It wasn’t Aeleus or Xaldin. As they looked up from their cup, both eyes widened. They barely heard the other greet them as they dropped their cup to the floor, shattering on impact. Frozen in place, they had to tell themself to breathe. 
      Subject no longer requires caffeine due to panic-induced state. 
      "...” Words refused to come out. The only thing they could do was raise an arm to cover part of their face--as if the Riku Replica was about to attack them. Right, this was why they stayed away from the laboratory these days. How could they forget?
      Subject may be experiencing memory loss due to insomnia. More data required.
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tenevaya · 4 years
@gingersmiith​ liked this for a starter!
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“Here comes another strange town.”
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tenevaya · 4 years
@fabulumn​​ liked this for a starter!
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“All I ever wanted--all I ever needed--is here in my arms.”
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tenevaya · 4 years
pickpocketarc replied to your post: “… You all enjoy beach day,” they said, hugging...
“C'mon, Zex! we’ll get you a chair and an umbrella and a drink with a smaller umbrella in! And you can wear one of my shirts.” – gingersmiith
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Now they’re intrigued.
“Will that drink have alcohol in it? If so, then I will take this deal.”
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