#freeform tag matching exchange
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Welcome, ineffable fans, to ApocaLips Now: a freeform tag matching First Kiss AO3 Exchange! This is the ultimate heavenly (and hellish) confluence of all 'Good Omens' canons, celebrating the imminent potential canon kiss of our beloved ethereal entities.
Will our celestial pair share their first kiss on Earth, in Heaven, or perhaps even in Hell? Will it be a stolen moment of passion in the back of the Bentley or a shy confession in the cozy confines of Aziraphale's bookshop? Before canon takes the reins, here's your chance to let your imagination run wild!
Fanfic, fanart and all Good Omens canons welcome
AO3 Collection for Nominations and Signup Dreamwidth Community
Event Schedule:   Freeform Tag Nominations Open: Now! Nominate here Nominations Close: 22nd May 2023 Sign-Ups Open: 24th May 2023 Sign-Ups Close: 31st May 2023 Assignments Sent: 2nd June 2023 Deadline for Submissions: 13th July 2023 Works Revealed: 27th July 2023 Creators Revealed: 6th August 2023
Please help share and get the word out!
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antimony-medusa · 4 months
Do you like seeing cubitos hurt in a variety of ways, and then comforted afterwards? Do you sometimes go "man I wish I had an incredibly long list of ways to hurt and then comfort my guys"? Do you like working to a prompt someone gave you? Do deadlines comfortably far off in May fill you with a sense of security and peace?
The exchange is a big multi-fandom exchange, so as with other exchanges, you sign up with your list of Requests (things you'd like as a gift), and Offers (things you're willing to make as a gift), Ao3 runs a big machine that matches you, and then you will have six weeks to work on your gift before the deadline. It's a freeform exchange, so in addition to matching on ships (CharacterA & Character B (Character A Hurt) or Character A/Character B (Both Hurt)), you also need to have signed up and said that what you want for the gift is "Arranged Marriage - friends try to comfort anxious newlywed". Or "Character A Takes A Blow Meant For Character B". Or "Character who is afraid of vulnerability cries during sex". Or "Estranged Characters - Injured A shows Up on B's doorstep Saying "I didn't know where else to go"". I could go ON. There are probably thousands of freeform tags and honestly sometimes I browse them for inspiration.
We are currently in the nominations phase, which is when everybody submits the ships and freeforms they want to see in the tagset, because once Nominations are over, you will only be able to sign up with the ships and freeforms (basically little prompts) that people have already submitted to the tagset.
The schedule for the event this year is:
Nominations: 9 - 25 Feb
Signups: 1-15 March
Posting deadline: 31 May
Work reveal: 7th June 
Creator reveal: 14th June
So I am come to you here now because we are in prime time to get your blorbo into the tag set. A friend last night realized the event was going, and started nominating, but you're limited in the number of tags you can nominate, and they basically just got Emduo into the tagset. Which is great for me, but some people like other ships, so. I am throwing this open. Do you want to join me?
When you nominate the ships, you nominate them with the names like normal, but you also throw in a parentheses that says which of the people in the ship is being hurt. Like one of the QSMP tags is "Ángel Missael Castañeda Vega | MissaSinfonia/Phil Watson | Philza (Hurt Missa)". Somebody wants to see the reaper cry. OR there's hurt Philza! Or both hurt! Or you, I am gesturing wildly, could get other ships into the tagset! I just nominated spiderbit for the spiderbit friends.
So come! Nominate tags with us! Have ships you want to see put through the wringer? Have a fantastic idea for a scenario that can fit into 100 characters as a freeform tag? Join! Nominate! Sign up with us later! Exchanges!
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theminecraftbee · 2 months
Just out of curiosity, do you know any alternative ways of showing types of relationships that could be used on ao3? I find the & and / method to be very constraining, especially with ambiguous or multi-dimensional relationships. & for platonic and / for romantic does not allow for a proper representation of nonstandard relationships, for example an enemy/loathing or polyamorous relationship. (Homestuck quadrants are their own thing and are not what I am asking for/about.)
answer that answers your question:
yes and no. if you just want another category of markers to exist, i know you said no homestuck quadrants, but those are probably most commonly used, although they're all synned to the / tag. i've seen some exchanges that want to differentiate use /& together, i've seen ? be used, and i've seen some invent their own tag (largely exchanges use these for matching purposes and it's rare but i HAVE seen it). however, there's no unifying convention, and ao3 will eventually syn all of these to either the / or & tag (usually the / unless the wranglers have a very good reason to think it's the & tbh). so know that even if you use your own symbol, it will show up in the relationship tag it ends up synned to.
one of the most common solutions to this is to use the symbol closest to what you want--personally i tend to just use the & unless there's fic content i think gen fans would really hate, since & is the tag that covers the much wider spectrum of relationships in my head, although some people will differ--and use freeform tags to disambiguate. for example, last days has the & tag for joe and cleo, along with a "queerplatonic relationships" tag! i believe "ambiguous relationships" is also a canonical tag, and you don't have to use canonicals if you can't find the one you like! the world is your oyster.
(here i'll also note: the & doesn't require them be like... friends. it just requires the fic be about their relationship in some way, and for this relationship to not be romantic or sexual. enemies is absolutely covered here, as is like, weird coworkers, or even tags like "hero & the public".)
(similarly, the / tag doesn't require they like each other, it just requires it to be a "ship"; enemies who have a ton of sexual tension goes under this, as do things like abusive romantic or sexual relationships; just make sure you're using your warnings and additional tags appropriately!)
the other most common solution is to tag both the / and & tag and use a tag like the "ambiguous relationships" or "this can be read as either" or "queerplatonic relationships" or whatever other disambiguating tag you think it needs. this is less common in the mcyt fandom because of the mcyt fandom's history of being SUPER WEIRD about shipping, but it's often the most common solution in fandoms that aren't this one.
"i want ao3 to have a ship tag that is neither & nor /, and is not considered synonymous with either" unfortunately this doesn't exist and isn't going to. like i'd love to say there's a way to make it exist but it Won't because of how ao3 was designed to work on a backend level and also ao3 does NOT change quickly, for better or for worse. you're going to have to pick between "make up a symbol and it will probably be synned to /", "use the tag you think you like best", or "use both". i wish there was another option too, if it helps, but the additional tags are really useful here!
"use no relationship tag" is also always an option; the relationship tag is not a required tag!
answer that answers your two examples, neither of which really fit the question as i understand it, hence me separating them out:
a fic about the relationship between two enemies is either the & tag if you just want the one that is actually meant to be used or the / tag if you mean for it to be like, the kind of enemies that have sexual tension. use additional tags to additionally disambiguate (example: just put in the tags the canonical tag "enemies" and you're good to go). the & tag is for ANY kind of platonic relationship, it does not require the two characters like each other, only that the fic is about their relationship! you can use the homestuck <3< if you REALLY wanna make it clear but that's synned to /, so like, up to you. if you're super worried someone will misunderstand the & tag you can also just not tag a relationship, relationships aren't mandatory tags.
i have no idea why you're asking about polyamory because that has a solution that's entirely unrelated to the problem you propose: you just tag the ship. ship tags with more than two names in them are legal tags, as long as it doesn't go over ao3's tag character limit you're good. if you do hit the limit, just use more than one tag! this is totally fine and follows ao3 conventions, don't worry. if it's the kind of polyamorous relationship with metamours, where not everyone is dating everyone, this is where more than one overlapping relationship tag REALLY helps. plus: you can mix / and & tags! not all of them will be canonical yet, but that's true of ANY ship tag you're originating! i have seen the form of "character/character & character" in many fandoms before, it's totally valid and will disambiguate! (also, the ensemble tags may help you here if you're doing like, a polyhermits thing; "hermitcraft ensemble/hermitcraft ensemble" is a legal tag and i think what polyhermits is probably synned to.)
so yeah, hopefully this helps some! good luck out there!
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Multifandom: Just Married - A Marriage Trope Exchange
Posted by: justmarriedmod Just Married is a marriage-themed multifandom exchange for marriage tropes of all kinds: convenient, accidental, undercover, arranged, forced, and so on. Participants will write a complete fic of least 1500 words and receive a complete fic of at least 1500 words in return. Fanart is also accepted in this exchange, and the minimum requirement is clean lineart on unlined paper. Podfic requirements are a complete recording of 1500 words or 10 minutes in length. Matching will be done on fandom, relationship, medium, and marriage trope freeforms. Links: Dreamwidth Community | AO3 Collection | Tag Set 2024 Schedule Nominations: May 24 - May 31 Signups: June 01 - June 09 (now open!) Assignments out by: June 11 Creations Due: August 11 Works revealed: August 18 Creators revealed: August 25 Just Married is currently taking signups. We hope to see you at the wedding! comments via The Fandom Calendar https://ift.tt/ETv7A9o
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hitmanexchange · 6 months
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Nominations are open!
This is your chance to nominate pairings you'd like to offer or request.
Nominations will close Sunday, January 14th.
Please keep in mind that / is used for romantic or sexual relationships, and & for platonic or familial. Make sure to nominate (and later to request and offer) what you actually want.
If you like, you can also nominate freeform tags for the kind of story you'd like to request. This is not a requirement, and the exchange will not match on freeform tags.
You can find the official tag set here.
The announcement post with schedule and rules for this exchange can be found here.
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WilsonDick Winter Exchange is an anonymous gift exchange for everyone who enjoys Dick’s relationships with Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Grant Wilson, Joey Wilson, Adeline Kane, Lillian Worth and William Randolph Wintergreen in any and all platonic, monogamous, and polyamorous forms and flavors.
We're only 10 days away from sign-ups opening, so here is a step-by-step guide on how to sign-up.
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If you’re filling out the Sign-Up Form and you happen to hit a roadblock because you can’t see a tag for a fandom, character, relationship, or additional tag you want, then you need to nominate it.
Nominations will remain open until sign-ups close on September 30.
You may nominate up to 7 fandoms, 7 characters, 20 relationships and 20 additional tags/freeforms. 
The tagset is here; All you have to do is click on Nominate, add your fandoms, characters, relationships or additional tags missing, and then click on Submit. 
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General Rules
Participants are required to fill out the AO3 Sign Up Form with, at least, three (3) different requests and one (1) offer. 
Your requests and offers must include a minimum of two (2) ships, favorite tropes, likes, and DNWs (Do Not Wants or squicks). If one of your requests is a romantic WilsonDick ship the rule is complied with if another request is about the platonic ship and vice versa. For example, if one of your requests is Slade Wilson/Dick Grayson the rule is complied with if another request is Slade Wilson & Dick Grayson.
Step-by-step: Request Section
You have to request, at least, 3 different prompts and include a minimum of two ships (romantic or platonic). Only select the options you want to receive. 
1) Title:  Adding a title is optional.
2) Fandom:  Select, at least, one fandom or you won’t be able to continue.
3) Characters & Relationships:  Only choose the characters and relationships you want in your gift.
4) Additional Tags:  Add up to 20 additional tags per request. These tags will help us to match you with a suitable participant. 
5) Categories, Ratings & Archive Warnings:  Only select the options you are willing to receive in your gift.
6) Letter:  You can add a link to your blog or cardd with further information on your Likes and Do Not Likes.
7) Prompt Description:  Add the content you would like to receive (SFW and NSFW Likes, Favorite Tropes, and Do Not Wants).
We recommend adding 3 to 5 requests, some of them with detailed prompt descriptions and others with general prompt descriptions because there are always gifters who can work better with one or the other.
8) Optional tags:  These tags will be used by the mods to improve matching, but may be discarded completely if necessary to make a match. 
Link to visual request examples. 
Step-by-step: Offer Section
You have to write, at least, 1 offer and include a minimum of two ships (romantic or platonic). Only select the options you feel inspired to write or illustrate.
1) Title:  Adding a title is optional.
2) Fandom:  Select, at least, one fandom first, or you won’t be able to continue.
3) Characters & Relationships:  Only choose the characters and relationships you want to write or illustrate.
4) Additional Tags:  Add up to 20 additional tags per request. These tags will help us to match you with a suitable participant. 
5) Categories, Ratings & Archive Warnings:  Only select the options you are willing to create for.
6) Letter:  You can add a link to your blog or cardd with further information on your Likes and Do Not Likes.
7) Offer Description:  Add the content you are comfortable creating (SFW and NSFW Likes, Favorite Tropes, and Do Not Wants).
Also, add your preferred contact info (Discord, Tumblr, Twitter or email).
8) Optional tags: These tags will be used by the mods to improve matching, but may be discarded completely if necessary to make a match. 
Link to visual examples of offers.
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For further information, please check our Rules or send us an ask.
Our Discord server is open to anyone who is interested in the various pairings of WilsonDick, not just participating users.
Visit us on Twitter if you’d like!
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gumworthweek · 1 year
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The tagset for WHOOOP: A GumWorth Exchange 2023 is now open for nominations! Nominations will remain open until January 14th, 11:59PM EST! That's a week from now!
You do not have to commit to signing up for GumWorth Exchange to nominate, so make sure to nominate even if you're just considering joining us!
Note: Make sure to check the already approved tags before you nominate; it may already have been approved to the tagset!
Explanation of how Tag Nominations work under the cut! This information and other important info can be found on our Dreamwidth, "gumworthexchange".
How to nominate In the tagset, click the button on the top of the page labeled 'Nominate'. This will take you to a form where you can fill in a single fandom slot, followed by 10 relationships and 20 freeforms. Because this is an exchange for GumWorth, your relationship nominations MUST include Gumshoe and Edgeworth, but they can also include other characters.
Please try to stick to the formatting guide below.
General nomination info / Formatting You can nominate up to 10 relationship/characters and 20 freeforms. Please use & to indicate a platonic pairing, and / to indicate a romantic/sexual pairing. Some examples might include:
Dick Gumshoe/Miles Edgeworth & Kay Faraday
Dick Gumshoe/Miles Edgeworth/Lana Skye
Dick Gumshoe/Miles Edgeworth & Phoenix Wright/Godot
Dick Gumshoe/Miles Edgeworth/Larry Butz/Phoenix Wright
In your signup, you cannot DNW any person included in a relationship. For example, if you request Dick Gumshoe/Miles Edgeworth & Phoenix Wright/Godot, you cannot DNW Godot, and only receive a platonic piece with Phoenix. Please make sure you nominate any relationship you might be interested in receiving or creating for!
Please use full names for the characters when nominating. If a relationship tag becomes too long/unwieldy, mods will clean it up before the exchange starts.
Freeform tags
Nominated freeform tags can be any tropes, kinks or scenarios. They do not need to be canonized AO3 tags. They can include general ideas for AUs, or more specific concepts. However, we may combine some tags if they are too similar during cleanup. Some examples:
Alternate Universe - Soulmates Alternate Universe - Prince!Gumshoe/Royal Tutor!Edgeworth Scenario - Meeting the parents Rope Bondage Power Bottom Dick Gumshoe Catboy Miles Edgeworth
Why nominate? This exchange will be matched by AO3. AO3 needs a pool of set tags to work with in order to match one request to one offer. If we were to match the requests by hand, we would be able to tell which requests go with which offers even if the tags are spelled wrong or slightly different. A machine cannot do this. Therefore, this exchange needs a tagset so every request can pick from the same pool of tags, to make automated matching easier. Additionally, seeing nominated tags might inspire someone to request something they might not usually request!
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doitexchange · 2 years
What even is this? Write a fic of at least 500 words about animal sex characteristics, get a fic of at least 500 words about animal sex characteristics! Unless you mean existentially, in which case we have no idea.
Do fics need to be explicit? No, as long as the animal sex influences the story. It could be about societal expectations around relationships based on reproductive needs, or pre-sex conversation about sexual needs, or marketing copy for a dating app.
Is this about literal animals having sex? Possibly, but not necessarily! You’re welcome to express a preference in your request for the characters as literal animals, or as humans with the reproductive characteristics of your requested animal tags, or anywhere in between. If you do not want literal animals, a literal animal having sex with a literal human, or any other specific combination, please put this in your DNWs as well as carefully considering which freeform tags you request.
Are mythical animals allowed? Yes, as long as the sex is relatively unlike human sex. Were-bear that shifts to hairy-but-human to have sex: nah. Centaur with both human and horse organs that need to be simultaneously stimulated: definitely.
Deets on DNWs Due to the nature of the exchange, the kind of DNWs (do not wants) you might usually use could become confusing. Please be as specific as possible about DNWs, and please do not kinkshame.
Examples of DNWs that are NOT enforceable: “gross slimy animals”, mpreg when requesting animals that don’t fall into a male/female binary, underage without specifying an age or level of development.
Examples of enforceable DNW: spiders, relationships between an entirely human character and an entirely animal character, waste fluids involved in sex, sexual relationship between canon characters A and B.
Example DNWs that probably need more specificity in this exchange:
Bestiality: are two sentient animals ok? A human and a sentient animal? A sentient animal and a non sentient animal? Animals that are sentient but can’t communicate consent?
Underage: Under a specific time-based age, or developmental stage? What about animals that are fully developmentally mature but only a few months or years old?
Gender-based DNWs: are you requesting animals with more than two genders, or sexual characteristics that don’t match with gendered human sexual characteristics?
Opt-out only, nothing is opt-in; if you don’t want it, you gotta list it as a DNW.
Sounds great! How can I learn more? Check out our official AO3 collection!
I have more questions! So do we, for real. But you can contact us on twitter at @DoItExchange or on tumblr at Do It Exchange.
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titleleaf · 2 years
Regarding your comment about not being sure how to gather Steddie prompts, do you have specific types of prompts you like to take, or specific themes you want to focus on? I don't know what Darkest Night is, but I assume it's a fic exchange, does it have a usual themeset?
Ty so much for reaching out — I spent like an hour today chatting with a friend who isn’t even a ST enjoyed about Steddie plot planning (specifically how to write characters struggling with misunderstandings/bad communication without making people go “why the fuck won’t they just talk to each other??”) so this is extremely fortuitous. My usual wheelhouse seems to be angst, darkfic with feelings, and filthy porn (or all three for no good reason) but I’m open to any prompts, especially anything that’s autumnal/Halloween-y; the only things I don’t really write are pregnancy/kidfic with noncanonical kids, explicit fic with under-16s, teacher/student AUs, or omegaverse. Feel free to send me fic stuff at any time btw, my stack of stuff in progress is massive rn so I can’t make any good promises regarding timelines but I really like getting prompts and fic requests.
Darkest Night is a darkfic exchange with freeform tag matching so it’s pretty good for me wrt niche spooky themes, but I’m not sure if it’s running this year. The free form tags run the gamut from Abandonment Issues to Zombies, and it just occurred to me I could use them like prompts in themselves — off the top of my head for Steddie I’d love to write time loop fic (where Eddie’s forced to relive his banishment again and again, or where Steve’s stuck in the loop and trying to save whoever he can) or came-back-wrong fic where Eddie eventually re-emerges from the Upside-Down but he’s not quite himself any more. On the flipside, Trick Or Treat is running this year and there’s lots of more fun/romantic Halloweeny prompts there so maybe I need to try my hand at some sexy ghosts/haunted movie stores/sexy vampires. It sounds like vampire!Eddie is big in this fandom for obvious bat-related reasons but consider: vampire Steve.
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smut-wars-exchange · 1 year
Would it be possible to select 'art' in my sign up, but DNW some media types? For example, I'm hearing impaired so couldn't enjoy a fanmix, so would be really disappointed if that were my gift as it would be totally inaccessible to me. I don't know if it's a constraint of AO3's system to only allow two or a small number of medium requests, but I've never seen an exchange lump all media types AO3 accepts under one category before.
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Feel free to add any media type as a DNW. If your gifter cannot fulfill their assignment because their art medium is a DNW, they'll just need to default and your requests will become pinch hits. We match on at least one pairing and common additional tag (fic and/or art), and, since we have a small pool of participants compared to multifandom and freeform events, we opted to have most media types under a single category (otherwise the number of initial pinch hits would increase significantly.)
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Some quick answers to questions:
Yes, fanartists are welcome! When you sign up, you can request art, fanfic or either, and offer art, fanfic or either. Your requests don't have to match your offers.
Think of them as mini-prompts. It can be anything that you could enter as a tag on AO3, whether it's a plot idea, a vibe, a setting, a plot idea, an event, an art style or a character dynamic. They make sure you are matched to someone with a shared interest. You can check what's already been approved and make your own nominations here.
Can anyone tell who has nominated something?
Do I have to nominate to sign up?
Not at all! But only freeforms nominated during the Nominations period will be available when you sign up. If there's not something you would like to create for, make sure you get your freeforms in before 22nd May.
Do I need a Dreamwidth account?
No. Dreamwidth is just a convenient site for the exchange community. But you do need an AO3 one.
Where are the rules?
On the exchange profile on AO3 and on Dreamwidth.
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Alright, one last post about this for the road.
Do you like Fandom Exchanges? Do you like Hurt/Comfort? Do you like MCYT? Are you 18? Is this too many questions?
This, as I just learned earlier this month, is a massive multi-fandom exchange on the theme of hurt/comfort. It's open to both artists and writers, and the expecations is a fic of at least 1000 words, or a piece of artwork that is not on lined paper and is at minimum clean linework that is at least 500x500 pixels. And you have from 16 March to 13 May to work on your gift so like, thousands of time. So easy. You can do that in a weekend, right? So achievable.
Some details: this is a massive multifandom exchange, so like, NSFW is allowed, and that means you have to be 18 to sign up. Also as it's a massive multifandom exchange, the mods are not policing what shows up in the tag set (there are literally 620 fandoms listed, can you imagine policing that, no,) so you almost definitely will see stuff in the tag set that makes you go "huh," but that's when you get to go "boy people sure like some stuff", and then you move on and go on to the stuff you're actually writing.
Tag Set?
Glad you asked. Okay so big Ao3 exchanges normally work off a Tag Set. They run a preliminary section where people can submit relationships and characters etc to a massive list, and then once it comes to actual sign-up time, you are only able to select stuff that is in the tag set for your offers and requests. So nomination period (where we're in right now), is important if you want to join an exchange, cause it lets you make sure that the relationships you actually want to offer, and then write/draw, are available to you.
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[ID: An image of what the tag set looks like right now, open to the RPF section which contains SMPs— Empires, Origins, 3rd Life, Dream SMP, Hermitcraft, and SMPEarth.]
Tell me more about those tags?
Okay so, a general exchange works by allowing people to Offer and Request what fandoms and characters they want to write, and then the algorithm matches people's Offers to Requests, so that that person who Requested TMNT art is matched with someone who Offered that yes, they want to draw the turtles.
Within this specific exchange, they go a bit more granular. You both specify the relationship, and because this is a Hurt/Comfort exchange, you specify who exactly is getting hurt.
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[ID: photo of the tags set, showing Philza & Technoblade & Tommyinnit & Wilbur Soot (hurt tommyinnit). ]
I know the dash loves hurting tommy, I've seen your exchange sign ups. I nominated that tag for you all. Never say I don't do things for you.
I didn't even think about empires, but someone already put flower husbands in the tag set, here's your chance to whump Scott.
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[ID: photo of the Empires SMP tags, showing fWhip & Jimmy Solidarity (hurt Jimmy), Scott Smajor & Jimmy Solidarity (hurt Scott), Scott Smajor/Jimmy Solidarity (hurt Scott)]
And then because this is a FREEFORM exchange, you specify what freeform you want, which is your actual prompt for the fic/art you want. Some examples of the freeforms.
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[ID: freeform tags reading: Comfort via food or cooking, Comforted by an animal, Doctor A has to talk B through operating on A, Hugging a person who isn't used to recieving hugs, Human experimentation, Hurt A is too tired/ill to move; calls B to take them home, Retainer lovingly cared for by liege, Reunion after character who was presumed dead returns.]
There are so many freeforms. (Note that the "this is an 18+ exchange" and "this is a dl:dr exchange" rules apply, some of the freeforms are about major archive warnings.)
Yes yes, I know exchanges, why are you telling me this.
Okay so, I'm doing the exchange, and I really want to match on MCYT, so I'm trying to lure as many people as possible to join me. Come on you want to join me so bad. There's 3rd Life AND Empires AND Dream SMP AND Hermitcraft AND SMPEarth in the tag set.
Yes but why are you telling me NOW?
Ah, because the tag nominations closes tomorrow, the 24th, so if you want to get a tag into the tag set— as I type this Scarian isn't into the tag set, so, y'know— your chance is to GO GO GO NOW HERE IS THE LIST TO THE TAG SET CHECK OUT WHAT IS THERE AND NOMINATE YOUR BLORBOS.
Whew. Long post. Enjoy your dash I hope you're having a good day.
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 2 years
In the Meadow, We Can Build a Snowman
by MsRebeccaWelton
The truck slowed the nearer it reached the house, and Rebecca sucked in a breath.
It was a big, red brick two-story farmhouse. Large trees flanked both sides and there was a small matching barn off to the left. There were stick candles burning in the downstairs windows with small wreaths hanging just above them, and smoke was coming out of the chimney indicating that someone was already there. Through one of the windows, Rebecca could see a huge Christmas tree lit up in one of the rooms, illuminating it in a nice glow.
The truck pulled to a stop and Ted turned off the engine, looking over at her.
“So whaddya think?”
“Ted…” She could hardly speak as she looked at the house covered in snow and glistening in the moonlight. “It’s breathtaking.”
Ted and Rebecca spend Christmas in Kansas with his mom's side of the family.
Words: 7231, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ted Lasso, Rebecca Welton, Original Characters
Relationships: Ted Lasso/Rebecca Welton, Ted Lasso & Rebecca Welton
Additional Tags: slight AU, season 3 if you will, but not really, michelle and henry do not exist, unfortunately rupert does but don't worry i gave him a different story, and it's only briefly mentioned, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, lots of fluff, Winter, Winter Wonderland, building a snowman, Stockings, Presents, Teasing, Cheekiness, Cheesy, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Romance, happiness, Movie References, Love, there was supposed to be smut but that didn't happen, too many people in the fictional house, sorry ted and rebecca, maybe next time, I got carried away with the fluff, and then lazy with all the extra characters, i just needed to be done with this, so yay, not part of the tl fanfic exchange, just done for me myself and i, way too many original characters, idk why I did that to myself, but remind me to never give ted a big family again - Freeform
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/43777878
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Multifandom: The Mane Event Exchange Sign-Ups - Now Open!
Posted by: themanemod Hello hair aficionados, It is now time for The Mane Event! Sign-ups are now officially open. If you noticed that a freeform that you nominated was not included in the tagset, it has most likely been absorbed into one of the umbrella tags to make matching easier for everyone. You can check to see if that was the case by checking your nominations. The sign-ups will last from March 1st to March 7th, 23:59 UTC. You can find a countdown link here: (your time zone|countdown) While you’re thinking about fandoms you want to sign up, give the fandom promo post a look and check out the pictures posted there. You might find a new fandom to write for! Lastly, if you realized last minute that there was a fandom that you would like to request for the event but forgot to nominate, please email [email protected] with a list with the fandom and ships you want loaded. Please format your list as follows for ease of upload: Fandom 1,Character/Relationship 1,Character/Relationship 2,{...up to Character/Relationship 20} Fandom 2,Character/Relationship 1,Character/Relationship 2,{...up to Character/Relationship 20} Happy signups! comments via The Fandom Calendar https://ift.tt/KFqVBT3
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hitmanexchange · 1 year
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Nominations are open!
This is your chance to nominate pairings you'd like to offer or request.
Nominations will close Saturday, January 7th.
Please keep in mind that / is used for romantic or sexual relationships, and & for platonic or familial. Make sure to nominate (and later to request and offer) what you actually want.
If you like, you can also nominate freeform tags for the kind of story you'd like to request. This is not a requirement, and the exchange will not match on freeform tags.
You can find the official tag set here.
The announcement post with schedule and rules for this exchange can be found here.
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dapolyshipping · 2 years
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Assignments are due now! Pinch hits are due by November 12 at 8pm EST.
We’ve heard from almost everyone who hasn’t turned in an assignment yet, but just a few reminders:
If you still need an extension, please reach out to us using one of the below contact methods or complete the form.
If you need to adjust your extension to a later date, feel free to email, DM, or complete the form again.
If you need to default, please let us know before you default in AO3. You can do so by using any of the contact methods below.
The collection is still open for treats from anyone, whether you’re signed up for the exchange or not. Treats for specific individuals should match one of their requested ships; you may also treat the entire exchange with a ship that was nominated but not requested. To locate people without treats, visit the Requests & Treatless link below and search for !”Treat Received” in the Freeform field.
Requests & Treatless | nominated tags:  gSheets | ao3 | autoao3app
ask | submit | twitter | discord | email: [email protected]
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