#freedom to vote act
kp777 · 1 month
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filosofablogger · 2 years
Working Hard To Take Away Our Vote
Working Hard To Take Away Our Vote
For a while over the last two years, our attention was focused on voting rights.  After the false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election, states – particularly predominantly Republican states – used the claims as an excuse to pass restrictive laws, allegedly to make elections more secure, but in reality, to disenfranchise the sort of voters who are more likely to vote for Democrats.  These…
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queenvlion · 2 years
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whenweallvote · 3 months
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This year marks the 60th anniversary of “Freedom Summer,” the 1964 voter registration movement in Mississippi. More than 700 volunteers mobilized to fight against voter intimidation and discrimination at the polls. 
Freedom Summer volunteers were met with violent resistance from the Ku Klux Klan and members of state and local law enforcement. News coverage of volunteers being beaten, arrested, and even killed drew international attention to the civil rights movement. 
The Freedom Summer project ultimately registered nearly 1,200 Black Americans to vote in Mississippi, and pushed Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
This year, let's continue their fight to uplift Black voices and Black votes. Join us in registering voters during our Juneteenth Weekend of Action at weall.vote/juneteenth.
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tomorrowusa · 5 months
Donald Trump wants voters to forget that he killed Roe v. Wade. Don't let people forget what he did.
Trump’s fundamental disinterest in the truth value of his words is the only context that matters for his comments on abortion Monday morning. In a direct-to-camera statement on Truth Social, the former president told his audience that he does not support a national ban on abortion. “My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint,” Trump said. “The states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. In this case, the law of the state.” [ ... ] Compared with the mounting push from anti-abortion activists to ban the procedure nationwide, however, Trump’s stance is designed to look almost moderate. And if you were born yesterday, you could even say that Trump was beginning his pivot to the center, to blur the difference on abortion between himself and other Republicans. [ ... ] The truth of the matter is that given a second term in office, Trump and his allies will do everything in their power to ban abortion nationwide, with or without a Republican majority in Congress. Recall that in his 2016 campaign, Trump said that there had to be “some form” of punishment for women who had abortions. Later, as president, he backed a House bill that would have banned abortion after 20 weeks. Anti-abortion strategists have not been shy about their plan to use the 1873 Comstock Act, an anti-obscenity law, as legal authority for executive actions to limit abortions throughout the country, in blue states as well as red ones. [ ... ] We already know what he wants, what he’ll do and what he’ll sign. Trump landed a major blow against legal abortion during his first term. If given a second, he will land another.
In his own words, Trump brags about killing Roe v. Wade to an adoring Fox News audience this year.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 month
So…y’all seeing the Antiblackness jumping out of the nonblack people in the Free Palestine on tiktok and other social media platforms(mainly Twitter)?
Like it’s crazy how all this started because Maya Ayooni came at a Black woman, sicked her 2.1 million followers(some of which are still on Tori Griers page today), did a whole live framing her as an angry Black woman and just being condescending overall, then making a quick little apology video that had the comments locked so there’s only ten of them. Then a bunch of non black people and even other Arabs(unsurprising tbh) started jumping on Black people collectively. It’s absolutely disgusting that I’ve actually seen someone call Kamala Harris a white man in a colored woman’s body(she’s biracial but come on now) to referring to other Black people as melanated people.
And Maya’s butt had the nerve to repost this tiktok calling Black people colonizers which by the way is the same video calling Black people, melanated people.
Here’s some links with the TikToks that started this whole mess:
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stanpinessecretlover · 2 months
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katialeephotography · 21 days
Voting is an Act of Love
“How a society treats its most vulnerable is always the measure of its humanity.” Matthew Rycroft
Voting is an act of love.  Not love for one political party or candidate but for democracy and all it represents.
Currently, one party has shown a blatant disregard for the rights of many in our society. In this election we must choose to protect the freedoms that define us. We must vote for the needs of the people.
Vote with love for those who are held back by systemic racist policies. Vote so communities of color are allowed the freedoms and benefits of our society.  Vote so that our education system cultivates full understandings of racial injustices, their history, and how to eradicate them.
Vote with love for those whose freedom to cast their ballots is restricted by gerrymandering, voter purging, voter intimidation, limiting voting locations, and redundant voter registration laws, all of which hamper democratic participation.
Vote with love for those who deserve the right to make autonomous decisions for their health and wellbeing without political interference.
Vote with love for those who are disabled and whose funding for schools and social programs are often first to be eliminated.
Vote with love for those who deserve respect in their schools no matter their gender. Vote so policies that are written and upheld, allow people to live openly without fear of discrimination.
Vote for each and every child on this planet, and future generations whose health and safety are in peril. Vote for those who understand the urgent necessity to stand up to the powerful, destructive forces and say, “Enough.”
Vote with love for your immigrant parents and friends who fled authoritarian regimes, and chose to become citizens of this country; trusting that democracy and freedoms here in these United States are constant, not fickle or easily stripped from its citizens.
Vote with love for this country, knowing that decisions that could be made for us will be far more egregious than anything we’ve witnessed before.   Vote because you have the agency to protect the Republic.
Your vote is love in action. Look to the most vulnerable people you love, and vote in their interest.
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odinsblog · 1 year
BREAKING: In response to the GOP's anti-voter ACE Act, Democrats are re-introducing the Freedom to Vote Act, which actually helps people vote.
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What is the Freedom to Vote Act?
The Freedom to Vote Act is a revised voting rights bill based on the main pillars of the For the People Act.
Protecting the right to vote, ending partisan gerrymandering, and tackling dark money in politics.
It is the most important voting rights bill since the Civil Rights era.
The Freedom to Vote Act tackles corruption by ensuring that our government works for us.
Combats dark money loopholes that allow billionaires to buy our elections
Prevents foreign interference in U.S. campaigns
Strengthens campaign finance enforcement
Creates an innovative small donor financing option for House elections
The Freedom to Vote Act creates national standards for voting, ensuring all 50 states have...
Automatic voter registration
Same-day voter registration
Online voter registration
Early Voting Guaranteed two weeks incl. nights and weekends
The Freedom to Vote Act will protect our right to vote.
Expands no-excuse vote by mail for all eligible voters
Gets rid of long lines at the polls (and end unjust bans on food + water being distributed!)
Curbs discriminatory voter purges
Restores voting rights to people formerly incarcerated
The Freedom to Vote Act is essential for fair districting and will ban partisan gerrymandering.
Prevents subversion of the electoral process.
Protects election officials and poll workers
Combats mishandling of ballots and other sensitive materials
Republican States have passed almost 100 laws rolling back voting rights in the 10 years since the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County v. Holder.
In Georgia, the gap between Black voter turnout and white turnout in the 2022 election was the highest it had been since 2014. And in Alabama, the gap between turnout has *tripled* since SCOTUS removed the protections of the Voting Rights Act in 2013.
Together with the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, these are the bills that we need to see signed into law now.
Our democracy can’t wait.
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boysnberriespie · 4 months
“Have a spine. Don’t vote.” Ah yes, the famously hard thing to grit your teeth and do: nothing.
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kp777 · 14 days
An opinion article by Fred Werthheimer.
Fred Wertheimer is the founder and president of Democracy 21, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that seeks to promote government accountability and integrity.
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filosofablogger · 1 year
Our Last Chance?
In a comment thread with blogging friend Barry from Aotearoa (aka New Zealand), he told me there was some disgust in his country after a recent election because voter turnout was so low … only 80%!  ONLY 80%???  I would be dancing in the street with joy if we ever had an 80% voter turnout in this country!  Our highest rate since 1900 was in 2020 when 66% of eligible voters actually took the time…
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heart2heartroses2u · 4 months
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queenvlion · 2 years
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whenweallvote · 1 month
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Every issue we care about is on the ballot in November — and our VOTE is our power. In honor of the 59th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, join us in the fight to protect our vote today:
🗳️ Check your voter registration at WeAll.Vote/register
📲 Get your own personalized voter registration portal at WeAll.Vote/voting-squad, then ask three friends to register to vote
👥 Host a voter registration drive with us at WeAll.Vote/host
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
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Beware of the MAGA Republican Gestation Police!
The overturning of Roe v. Wade by the GOP US Supreme Court made reproductive freedom a state responsibility – for now.
Pay more attention to your state government and especially the state legislature.
Find out exactly who is representing you in your state capital.
Find Your Legislators Look your legislators up by address or use your current location.
If you're represented by Republicans, work to defeat them by supporting the Democratic candidates for your districts. Contact your county or state Democratic Party to find out how. Involvement in legislative races is an excellent way to get your feet wet in political activity. It's very grass roots.
If you're represented in the legislature by pro-choice Dems – then cool! You can still support a group dedicated to electing more Democrats to state legislatures.
Volunteer Opportunities, Events, and Petitions Near Me · DLCC on Mobilize
Even slackers can help by getting mech from the DLCC.
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Democracy begins at home – in your home district.
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