#free yb!
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kaywopp · 6 months ago
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Free em!
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ry0ubakura · 2 months ago
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Interesting input from Bakura here.
Maybe he can relate a little to the feelings of doing selfish things on purpose so not to sever a spirit's attachment to oneself...........
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sleipliir · 9 months ago
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He won’t leave me alone 😭
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pierogispies · 2 years ago
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Free resource scrungle yanderes. -and Wally. All are 320x320 pixels, ready to upload to Discord.
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pink-anonymous-person · 1 year ago
Congratulations on 100 followers Pink!!👏👏I hope if it OK for u draw my YBG Oc Yura with Peter, I love u and your arts so much💕✨✨✨✨✨
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i drew two versions based off your Peter x Yura drawings. here & here
hope you like!
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thatonedarkentity · 2 months ago
I love psychotic men.
that’s it. That’s the post. Please stalk me <3
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brian4rmthe6 · 3 months ago
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kaleidoscopeminds · 2 years ago
i miss 2016 luke a lot sometimes 🥺🥰
hi babe! i wasn’t a fan back then so maybe i have a slightly different perspective, but i do respectfully disagree
not criticising you of course 🥰 i totally understand the concept of missing something you really loved and having nostalgia for that, especially when it’s someone like luke, but this is a point of view that i sort have a sticking point with. i feel like it makes more sense and is just nicer to feel celebratory of the clear growth and improvement luke has made for himself and his life since then, and as a fan of him that’s the outlook i prefer to take rather than missing the past
everyone of course can be a fan in their own way! but i personally think putting younger versions of any of the band on a pedestal isn’t the nicest way of being a fan, when they’ve clearly worked hard to better themselves since then, in lots of different ways from music to personal growth
i just feel like everything current luke is and has achieved is worth way more than missing past versions of him 💞
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rosieheavenz · 4 days ago
Your Boyfriend art request
feel free to comment any art request for any character from ybf its a free market so go wild go bananas
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tanagause · 7 months ago
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sleipliir · 10 months ago
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Heyyy I hope you guys didn’t mind my absence. I’m back now- wait what do you mean there’s something behind me?
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rubahlicik · 8 months ago
Dugaan Penipuan berkedok Sedekah di Tumblr
Aink masih tetep bakal bilang dugaan karena belum bisa ketemu langsung dengan ybs. Sore tadi aink di wa sama @jagungrebus yang ngajak bergosip soal akun rumahati yang terindikasi penipuan.
Aink ga kaget, emang Uda mikir dari dulu kalo rumahati (sebut aja uni) emang mencurigakan. Yang bikin kaget, pas aink buka tumblr buat catch up sama beritanya, ternyata orang baik di Tumblr banyak banget,..
Mungkin tulisan aink ga bakal bantu banyak, tapi seenggaknya bisa ngasi tambahan gambaran soal uni.
Aink kenal uni jauh sebelum aink kenal sama istri. Dia salah satu customer tanaman hias aink. Aink inget dia order via pm Tumblr. Dulu nama akunnya birunii. Cukup terkenal di kalangan pembaca yang suka cerita berhikmah dan agamis.
Waktu itu dia masi S2 di UNPAD, ngekos di daerah sekejati. Aink cod tanaman sama dia disana. Setelah beli, aink emang selalu ngasi konsultasi free buat customer. Jadi komunikasi tetep terjalin via wa selama beberapa waktu.
Aink baru denger kabar dia lagi sekitar tahun 2019, istri lagi hamil anak kedua. Dia order paket tanaman lagi via Tumblr. Tapi dari akun rumahati.
Awalnya aink ga ngeh dia uni. Tapi pas trf, liat nama penerima paketnya kok kayak kenal. Pas aink kroscek ternyata bener uni.
Selain dapet orderan, aink juga dapet kontak lagi sama kawan lama. Aink seneng dong.
Dari sana aink mulai follow dan kenalan sama kontennya rumahati versi tahun 2019.
Sedih banget hidupnya. Buat yang ga kenal, aink kasi gambaran singkat.
Uni setelah nikah jadi ibu rumah tangga anak 2. Selain itu, suami dan mertuanya 'somehow' menanggung beban hidup orang di sekitarnya.
Aink ga paham juga gimana ceritanya Ampe keluarga suami uni harus kerja keras menutupi kebutuhan anak yatim, janda dan orang2 susah di sekitar mereka.
Pokoknya sedih tidak berujung lah, Ampe aink mikir kok dia hidupnya gini bangeett.
Tapi karena yang nyerita ini kawan lama, aink ga mikir kesana. Malah jadi pengen bantu. Waktu itu aink sama makarima nai sepakat bantuin rumahati biar beban hidupnya ga berat berat amat.
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Jadi kami bertiga mau bikin writing project gitu buat dibukukan. Nanti hasil penjualan di sedekahin ke rumahati.
Sekali lagi, buat yang ga tau rumahati. Postingannya selalu sedih. Ada aja si anu kecelakaaan, si anu ga bisa sekolah, si anu ga kebeli susu... Yang kalo aink pikir sebetulnya itu bukan masalah dia, tapi dia usahain biar bisa kebantu secara finansial.
Caranya ini yang aink ga suka, dia ngemis di Tumblr.
Kalo opdon, dia cukup bikin postingan di Tumblrnya sama minta tolong direblog. Itu Uda paling banter kalo kata aink. Tapi uni beda, dia Ampe ngepm orang orang yg ga dikenal buat nawarin sedekah.
Dan yang pernah sedekah bakal difollow up terus untuk sedekah selanjutnya.
Aink ga suka, makanya aink pengen dia berhenti ngemis. Aink nyaranin dia jadi konten kreator, atau jual apa gitu. Tapi dia ga mau, bilangnya sehari2 aja pusing, apalagi masih harus ditambah pusing mikirin konten.
Hingga akhirnya aink sama nai berniat bantu dia lewat bikin writing project. Karya terbaik dibukuin dan dijual. Jadi ga perlu harus ngemis lagi kalo hasilnya bsgus.
Ini link postingan event yang mau dibikin waktu itu.
Tapi ga jadi, ..
Jadi sambil nunggu eventnya berjalan, aink inisiatif ngasih sebagian penjualan tanaman aink ke dia. Aink lupa nominal berapa, tapi Uda masuk.
Menjelang event dimulai, aink uni dan nai bikin grup wa untuk memantapkan teknis. Salah satunya soal teknis penyaluran sedekah dari penjualan.
Di awal obrolan project, uni setuju kalo ada dokumentasi penerimaan sedekah ke target penerima. Ya tujuannya biar transparan
Aink sebagai penyelenggara ga mau ada fitnah, pengen jelas aja uang dari mana, jumlah berapa, di salurin kemana. Biar ada pertanggungjawaban ke yang ngasih sedekah.
Uni setuju, awalnya..
Menjelang launching event, uni ngasih tau kalo suami dan mertua ga setuju ada dokumentasi. Alasannya menjaga Marwah penerima bantuan.
Aink sempet adu argumen waktu itu, yauda ga usah foto penerimanya. Foto barang sembako atau bukti sppnya aja.
Tapi ditolak. Ga sesuai prinsip dia katanya.
Event Uda mau dimulai, aink ga enak sama nai yg Uda gembor2in waktu itu. Masa iya ga jadi, kan ya.
Yauda, aink minta struk belanjanya aja deh yang difoto. Bust seragam kek, beras, susu atau aappun lah yang mau di salurkan.
Biar ada bukti nih si uang sedekah jadi apa.
Waktu itu Uni setuju
Tapi beberapa hari kemudian dia tarik lagi. Dia bilang ga bisa.
Kalo pun aink sama nai mundur, gapapa yang sedekah ke dia mah buat yang mau mau aja.
Kesal? Ojelas. Tapi aink tetep ga mau suudzon,. Mungkin cara hidupnya kayak gitu, nyusahin diri sendiri dan banyak orang lain yang ga kenal dia demi orang orang susah yang harusnya bukan tanggung jawab dia.
Maksud aink, kemana RT RW? Kamana bantuan sosial? Yang lebih mampu dan wajib membantu kan bukan dia. Aink sempet mikir dia Hero syndrom
Tapi ada yang bikin aink makin curiga.
Salah satu target bantuan waktu itu adalah bayi yang ditinggal bapaknya, ga kebeli susu dan aneka kebutuhan lainnya.
Istri aink Hamil anak kedua, anak pertama usia sekitar setahunan. Jadi ada baju bayi yang masih layak pakai banget.
Tiap aink nawarin baju bekas yang layak, dia ga pernah mau. Pengen mentahnya aja.
Dia waktu itu rumahnya di Cisaranten kalo ga salah, mencil gitu. Mungkin mbak jagung lebih tau, tapi katanya dia atau suami suka jualan di Gasibu kalo Minggu.
Aink sempet beberpa kali pengen ketemu suaminya yang katanya jualan di Gasibu (bandung) tapi ga pernah bisa (entah ga mau). Kalo aink pengen sedekah berupa barang pun selalu ga diterima, minta mentahnya aja biar gampang.
Ketika event writing project dicancel, aink Uda curiga banget Ampe unfol Tumblrnya. Aink sama nai Ampe minta maaf ke folower yang Uda join karena projectnya batal, tapi uni tetep berikukuh sama prinsipnya dan playing victim (sekaligus Hero untuk orang orang susah yang mungkin saja fiktif).
Aink ga pernah ada niatan buat mencoreng nama uni dan akun rumahati waktu itu. Karena bisa saja aink salah, kecurigaan aink ga berdasar. Apalagi aink sempet meremehkan ketika uni bilang
"ada kok orang orang yang rutin sedekah ke saya tanpa pernah ketemu orang yang mereka bantu atau minta bukti penyaluran sedekah"
Serius, aink anggap uni omong kosong waktu itu. Cuma trik manipulasi biar aink tetep lanjut proyek bantu dia. Ternyata aink salah.
Pas sekarang baca tulisannya @paomungbeans aink jadi ikut ngerasa salah banget. Kalau aink waktu itu berani nanya ke beberapa pihak yang interaksi sama uni, mungkin ga akan banyak korban.
Tapi emang jalan takdirnya gini. Harus ada orang orang baik yang diambil sebagian hartanya lewat sedekah yang bisa jadi fiktif.
Semoga buat temen temen yang terlibat diberi keikhlasan dan diberi pahala sesuai dengan yang mereka niatkan.
P.s banyak orang baik di Tumblr, jodoh kalian juga mungkin orang sini. Tapi jangan lupa, orang jahat juga banyak. Ga ada salahnya curiga dan berhati hati
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pink-anonymous-person · 1 year ago
How about Lucy for 1A? Can't think of any others lol.
Expressions Meme request
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this was super fun! she’s angry because of her and YB’s argument XD
bonus: here’s a little comic I did!
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phonegod · 1 year ago
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i have peters yandere side, olivers adhd, stolases hornyness and daves crackheadedness, also henry millers adopted son<3, something me and dave have in common, nice, and i have dons sarcasm/sternness/depression(the depression one is a joke cause he’s divorced and his son hates him.), this one repost has gone on to long.
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Making a tag game cause I can
Rules: post 4 fictional characters you relate to and assume something about the person you reblogged from based on their characters
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No pressure tag! @sidneyoftheblackwoods @mqstermindswift @stars-and-birds @zenilvar @forever-chained-to-myself @themidnightarcher @skeelly @thepencilsnameissteve @thislove-taylorsversion @thislifeissweeterthanfiction @swiftieannah @a-pessimistic-swiftie @catastrxblues @jellycanon @what-about-wendy and anyone else who wants to join<3
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hiddenoatmeal · 4 months ago
YB Sketches (w/ the limited free time I have rn 😭)
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Also totally unrelated but I ordered some prints and nearly half of them were missing when I got them! They were all Peter related too 😒
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crystalandparrot · 7 months ago
The Hardest Trial
A Gravity Falls Reader Insert
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Part 1: The Frilly Guy Upstairs
Bill is OOC!! He will be growing as a character that he probably wouldn't otherwise and if you have a problem with it, don't read. It's not a romantic story, it's just what I thought would happen if he was FORCED into this situation. This is an insert, I was gonna make it into an OC, but I don't know if people want that. If you do, I'll switch it up. Enjoy :)
"Look, from one God to another, who cares I tried to kill those brothers? They're all ants, it's all a game. Let's press restart and try again! I'm too cool and fun to die, just give this angle one more Tri."
With a sigh, the AXOLOTL spoke, "You cannot regrow through denial. You'll have to face my hardest trial. See my program to the end then you may yet live again."
Bill laughed, pain erupting through his body as he giggled. "What? Am I fighting demons? Eating ghosts?"
"You're getting what you need the most. One way to absolve your crimes. To change your form will take some time." The AXOLOTL blinked slowly.
Bill felt a white, tingly feeling start at his feet and crawl up. Bill couldn't believe his luck! Man this salamander was an idiot! All he had to do was fake a tear or too and he was home free! Whatever kind of challenge it was Bill could handle it! He was UNDEFEATED in combat, there's no way he wouldn't win. With a joyful expression, Bill shook the AX's hand. It was a deal!
X ilkb zefia ibcq tfqelrq zxob
Obsbxiba ql yb x clodlqqbk ebfo
Vlr jrpq molqbzq rkqfi peb'p lc xdb
Lkiv qebk zxk vlr jxhb qeb buzexkdb
For the first time in his existence, Bill was awoken peacefully with quiet music. He sluggishly blinked his eye opened—popping it open when he felt a squeeze around his body. Frantically, Bill looked around, pupil narrowing on a chubby arm hugging him to a small, plushy body—a baby.
"WHAT?!" Bill shouted suddenly, ripping himself from the chubby arms of the sleeping infant. As suspected, the baby began to cry from the unpleasant disturbance. Its arms reached out, looking for its angular cuddle buddy in desperation. Fat tears rolled down the round, rosy cheeks while wails of sadness left the lips of the baby in front of Bill.
Without warning, the door burst open and in ran two humans, both frantic and sweaty. Bill recognized one of these humans, the taller woman who was holding a hand to her chest to calm her racing heart. He supposed the other female was her wife or spouse of some sort, a shorter female who's eyes glanced around for any possible threat to the infant's physical form, completely on edge with a golf club in hand.
"Peri, it's fine, the baby probably just had a nightmare." The taller female walked to the crib, breath still slightly uneven.
"Well, well, well, nice to finally meet you face to face Raindrop! The name's Bill—"
"Look, she's fine." The taller female held up the baby gently.
Bill blinked at the woman and briefly flushed red, "Look, lady, I don't take kindly to being ignored—"
"Yeah, I guess." The shorter female (Peri, if Bill recalled correctly) dropped the club and approached the two humans.
"Mindscape. It's still the Mindscape..." Bill said flatly. He closed his eye and rubbed the eyelid, much like how Ford used to rub the bridge of his nose when his glasses started to hurt. "Alright, I can work with Mindscape. I just have to enter a mind of an innocent, impressionable being and influence them to forever serve their one lord and master for all eternity." Bill snapped his fingers, "Piece of cake."
Hearing a giggle, Bill's pupil shot over to the small human that was being gently placed in the crib. He floated over to the crib, joining the parents gazing upon the chubby flesh bag. Once Bill peered over the railing, the baby's eyes shot to him and a large, boneless smile stretched on the baby's fat cheeks. With "grabby" hands to Bill, the baby began forming the letter B and mimicking the sound of said letter.
"Aww, you want your Baba?" The tall woman asked, giving the baby a yellow pacifier. The baby took it gratefully and dropped its arms, but its eyes still stared intensely at Bill.
"Okay, get some sleep, sunspot." The smaller woman kissed the infant on the cheek and began walking out of the room with her partner. "Have you talked to your mom recently?"
"Last week. I have to call her again today, maybe invite her over."
"That'd be nice, I miss Shermie."
Bill was more preoccupied with this infant than the conversation, wondering why this thing of ALL beings in the universe could see him while he lacked a physical form. Soon enough the round doe eyes of the infant closed, its constant sucking on the pacifier lulling it to sleep with comforting familiarity. Only once Bill could hear even breathing from the baby that he could give himself the will to float away.
There had to be something that explained why he was there...but as Bill searched room by room, phasing through walls and drawers for some semblance of a clue, his hope began to die down. Maybe this was the AX's trial, figuring out why he's here. This wasn't Gravity Falls (not that Bill minded, he'd prefer not to be encased by the natural weirdness laws...again), which meant he was no where near his old form, so why?
Bill peeked into the living room, seeing the two women cuddling on the pastel yellow couch, not his favorite shade, but they had nice taste. They were looking into a large family album. They looked to be halfway through it, a picture of Sixer's college gradutation, the nerd was standing there with his PhD(s) in hand and a large stupid smile on his cheeks. Next were two pictures, one of the T.V with Stanley presenting the "Rip-off", the next was an arm, red and splotchy, with the words underneath, 'It gave me rashes'.
"You ever think about calling?" Peri asked, glancing up at her spouse from the spot on her shoulder.
"Sometimes, but I haven't spoken to anyone from that side of my family since my Uncle Stanley died." The taller spouse turned the page. It was a baby picture with the words, "Our little Sunspot : August 30th, 2004"...that was the baby that was currently sleeping in the crib...but that could only mean...
Bill quickly glanced around the room and flew towards the kitchen when he found it. He looked around and finally spotted a classic human time tracker-a calendar. The date most recently crossed off was February 20th, 2005. So either Bill was dealing with some people who really needed to update their decor...
Or Bill went back in time.
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