#free doxx info!
Oh yes, before I forget I have some {8} information about Mod Galekh.
Caesar Bouble.
7 sweeps.
1775 Navy Road, the Westfield Providence
143 pounds
Tumblr media
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thecranewivesrpf · 3 months
thinking about selling my little guys. but they also take like 15 hours each because mother lost the bobbin to my sewing machine 😭 could probably be significantly cut down if I had that
and also I'm 15 years old and.high school exams etcetc . mentioned it to my friends and they instantly exploded and begged me about it so maybe
did some numbers working japan minimum wage they'd be $90 in hourly only also ungodly shipping costs thinking about charging like $20-25 each?? don't trust myself with the bases machine sewing the larger bits because if I fuck up I fuck up the entire thing and have to do it again. and I hate cutting out and measuring drawing the seam allowance again etcetc
mother will probably say no. because high school exams this year. but consider I could be making money and giving people little guys to throw around
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stranglemegently · 1 year
what state/country do u live in (i wanna know how far away i am from getting murdered) :3c
dox yourself girl
also if this was in reference to something i havent logged on a long time so um
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WIBTA if I put a sign near my home?
I'm honestly not sure how to title this, but this is what makes the most sense.
Let's start with some background. Me, my husband, and my roommate (all of us are late 20s M) have been stalked by someone online and in person for over a year now, let's call him Xavier. It all started when he was in a pretty nasty breakup, and we hung out with him for about a month and a half to give him support and help him out when needed it. However, he kept asking us to stalk his ex, triggered my husband on multiple occasions after asking him to stop, kept making fun of my roommates appearance, was really mean to my animals, among many other things that I don't really want to get into. I kept justifying his behavior to myself thinking that he was just going through a rough time and needed help, I even talked to him in person on numerous occasions about how he needed to cut it out, but eventually enough was enough.
After about a month of him coming over on weekends, we reached out to Xavier's ex to talk to him, see what was going on and get his side of the story ya know? We told him of all the things we collectively said about him, and apologized for everything since we only had Xavier's info to rely on, and we've been hanging out with his ex ever since because he's a fun guy to be around. We cut Xavier off before we started hanging with his ex, and now we hang out with him at least every two weeks bc again, he's really fun to be around. But Xavier refuses to leave all of us alone. I've warned my friends about him since they've seen Xavier around occasionally, warning them casually in like a "here's what happened to me, just keep an eye out for him, but I'm not gonna stop you if you want to be friends" kind of way.
It just kept getting worse with Xavier, he even shared the small town we live in online when his ex posted a photo of us hanging out, and it feels like he's waiting for any reason to doxx our home. We've even spotted his car around the town we live in, and driving by our house on a few occasions.
Now, Xavier has a fairly large online following, like some thousands of followers, and loves detailing every little aspect of his life online. I was on and off friends with him before he gained a following, but then noticed he got super egotistical and acted as an authority figure on any matter that doesn't involve him. He often talks about me and my husband's life, if we have friends over, or parties, or whatever we might have going on. We have not hung out with him in over a YEAR as well, and he continues to post things about our lives. Reporting his accounts have done nothing (except for getting one account getting taken down on a brand new social media), and I'm unable to involve authorities at this point (and would like to avoid them altogether if possible) because of a lack of proof and not being in "immediate danger".
So here's my question! WIBTA if I put a sign near my house that says " Xavier Sucks "?
My reasoning is, since he posts everything online, he'd definitely take a picture of it and post it, basically telling on himself. There's absolutely no way he wouldn't, he loves being enraged online nowadays. It provides enough proof that he is actively stalking our home, and hopefully loses his accounts so I can finally be free of this. I feel like an asshole especially because of how angry I've been, and since this would give me the confidence to "call him out". I'm also being really bitter and want no trace of his accounts anywhere, and I believe him to be too much of a coward to do anything directly to me or my family in person. I'm just so tired of this and want to be left alone, and really don't know what to do otherwise. So, I'm coming to random strangers on the internet to tell me if I'm an asshole!
What are these acronyms?
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magical-glimpse · 9 months
Would yall like me to make a list of the the red flags i look out for in readers ? It is quite a personal list but i guess it can help people who reallht dont know how to go about it ?
✨Red flags in BTS tarot readers ✨
what do i mean by red flags ? I mean little things that, when added up, can lead me to block or ignore a reader because they are not accurate or responsible. This is a personal list, according to my own values, and my experience on what tarot can or cannot do. If you don't find it helpful then just ignore me and make your own lol.
a reader who does not have any boundary whatsoever (accepts everything or does not say what they do not read on)
a reader who never refuses a reading on any topic
a reader who genders people they dont know the gender of (calling future spouses Mrs or Mr, gendering them in readings)
reads on appearances ( tarot can give clues in personal readings, but it does not accurately predict appearances)
openly ships certain people together
openly likes one member over the others ( i dont just mean biasing, i mean their entire blog is 90% one member)
dedicates a whole tarot blog on one member
has no problem reading on rumors
claims to read in order to "spill tea"
entire blog is about "spilling tea"
never explains where they get their info from: tarot? oracle ? intuition? clairs ? No friggin' idea bro.
shit talk the members or the people they are supposed to read on
says one of the bts' members energy is dark or manipulative
says a member or FS uses "black magic"
does not have any idea or even opinion on the theory behind tarot, just pulls cards and hope for the best i guess ?
cultural appropriation
gets kicked out of a member's energy, comes back, is surprised it's hard to read on them again
acts almighty about the fact they can read tarot
acts aggressively towards innocent questions
doxxes people
a reader who does many readings, every day, never stops, never takes breaks. Tarot takes energy, if someone can pull many readings daily they are either a super saiyen of tarot endurance or bad at actually reading.
Someone whose FS readings of members weirdly pairs up with their own characteristics
Someone whose readings are dragging a member or a FS through the mud (ex: saying jk is toxic and manipulative and a cheater, saying taehyung got someone pregnant and forced them to abort, someone using the very real fears from within the kpop industry to target an idol with no other proof than "tarot")
thinks "divine feminine" and "divine masculine" are determined, or linked to in anyway, to biology
created the blog before and making posts before learning tarot, their very first tarot readings are bts tarot readings,( unless they explicitly say their blog is for learning purposes )
you dont actually learn anything from the reader, they never explains the process, or the answer or anything about tarot
their readings are always extremely positive or extremely dark for no seemingly good reason
readers who acts like they are never wrong
readers who share leaked pictures from paparazzi
readers who call a FS some sort of honorific name or put them on an inhumane pedestal
readers who claim themself (or others) are the FS
readers who act childish in general
I guess there could potentially be more, but this is what covers my bases as of rn. Feel free to add more so we can discuss them.
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aita-blorbos · 16 days
AITA for freeing a convict my family has a personal grudge against?
I (immortal M) am the crown prince of my realm. I have a rocky relationship with my father (immortal M), the king, who berates me constantly and neglected me for a long time. Recently, I found out that the person who raised me, N (immortal F), isn't my birth mother, and my birth mother left shortly after I was born, so I've been trying to leave the realm to find her. However, Father keeps sending his forces to kill me for running away from home. Though, to be fair, killing me is the fastest way to bring me back, seeing as I revive back at the house every time I die.
Anyway, on my escape attempts, I occasionally pass by the jail cell of this prisoner, S (dead M). He was sentenced by my father to a sadistic punishment for eternity for a serious crime, which I'll get into later. He seems to have become a decent enough fellow after such a long imprisonment, though - he's helped me on quite a few of my escapes, and he's friendly enough.
As the crown prince, I happen to have the authority to commute sentences. I felt bad for S, so I cut short his sentence and freed him. However, the crimes S was being punished for turned out to have actually affected a lot of people close to me.
Firstly, he kidnapped my current boyfriend, T (immortal M) (for clarification, it happened before we began dating), which prevented him from doing his job and screwed up the natural order of things (can't say how exactly because it would doxx T), and traumatised him significantly. And then, after he was brought before my parents to face punishment, he tricked my birth mother into letting him walk free, which was a humiliation for the family. T's service being so important to our house and the world as a whole, combined with my father being extremely proud and devoted to his wife, was what led to S's harsh sentencing.
Understandably, T and Father aren't happy that I freed S. I kind of get that, but I also want to believe S has changed and repented - he has been nothing but nice to me so far, nothing suspicious, no tricks - and I'd like to give him a second chance. AITA?
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otrtbs · 3 months
hello, good morning, evening, or afternoon!
I’m a high schooler trying to figure out what to major and I have seen your post about being in art history/museum realm for work which is something I’m interested in
I have a few questions
Is it a type of field where connections are important?
is the pay truly as low as people say/joke about?
And my last one: is there any advice you could give to someone interested in museum based work?
1) yes! connections are superrr important 😭 i think a big reason i got my current job was because i had previously worked with some Big Museums before (like accredited museums) <- and i cannot tell u how many times my boss has said to me “talk to your contacts at [insert museum here] and see what they recommend/have to say”
just the other day, i had a new exhibit open and an art critic was there (retired thank god) but he was from a big city in texas i used to work in and i was chattin it up with him like “oh you’re from [redacted]? i used to work at, [redacted gallery] with [redacted] and [redacted]” (<- girl trying not to doxx herself) and he was like “i was just there looking at her new show with [redacted]! you’re a long way from home!” and i got his contact info. and i got him to warm up (slay and a win)
2) yes, you are going to be paid peanuts. no money. zero dollars. i am telling you right now, hard truth, i could quit my current job rn and work at ihop and probably make more money (with tips). you’re gonna have to really love what you do. do NOT go into this profession for the money, there is no money 😭‼️but if it’s something you’re passionate about, it’s worth it!
3) my advice would be to network!!!! volunteer at museums if you can!! intern at galleries!! your professors in uni are GREAT connections to help you. (literally one of my profs in texas knew my academic advisor in scotland like utilise ur professors!!)
try to minor in something that will help you stand out! (marketing, economics, communications) some other skill set you can bring to the job besides art and art history or museum studies.
if you want an archivist job, a museum registrar job, a collections, or curatorial job, you’ll need to be familiar with museum archival systems. there are a lot of free youtube tutorials and walkthroughs online. PastPerfect and The Museum System are the two big ones i know of, but there are several out there.
i hope this helps some!! and best of luck!! <3
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ryuichirou · 11 months
Hello!! I'm too shy to send you this out of anon, but I wanted to let you know how much I admire you. I'm a TWST artist myself, and I like certain problematic tropes and pairings. I also want to draw nsfw of my favorite ships, but I'm too afraid of doing it. The anti movement in fandoms is too overwhelming and I'm scared of people going after me. I don't mind kids yelling at me for drawing teens doing what most teens do nowadays (like sex) but everything has escalated so far that people are willing to doxx you and ruin your life over what you ship or draw, and that's what I'm scared of. I know that you probably get nasty messages and people bothering you, but seeing you and Katsu continue creating regardless of what people might say gives me encouragement to post whatever I want. And you seem to be a sunshine of a person, not to mention that your art is amazing. I wish I could post daily as you but sometimes I'm a little bit lazy and I yet need more confidence even if I've been drawing since I was a teen. Anyways, sorry if this got longer, but thank you for contributing amazing art to the TWST fandom. (I'm also into Hetalia and SnK!!! Seeing that you like DenNor made my day haha)
Sending you and Katsu my best regards!
First of all, thank you so much for your support and for your kindness, Anon. And thank you for messaging us at all about this topic, even if anonymously. I think this is a very important thing to talk about, and your message honestly made us kind of emotional. It was a bad idea to read it before going to bed lol
Just like you said, the anti movement is honestly psychotic. I feel like a lot of people who participate in it simply don’t realise the weight of their actions and words, which make sense, because the majority of them are very young; and the ones that are adults are usually quite deranged and dangerous. It’s not rare for their actions to lead to horrible consequences, but I guess this is nothing new. It used to be overbearing conservative parents, now it’s some kids with too much free time. That being said, these days we see more and more people who ignore, criticize or ridicule the antis for their hypocrisy, and this is very nice to see.
We really do get quite a lot of hate, but honestly, we used to get even more stupid comments, even though we haven’t been hated with such passion before. But still, the support we’re getting now is also much more impactful and vocal than what we used to get. There also are people who aren’t even into our ships, but would defend us just because of what this whole thing represents: their own right to do whatever they want when it comes to fiction.
Our personal thing is that we’re just way too spoiled and self-indulgent with stuff that we like. Even if it meant that we’d never get hate, we would be miserable if we had to restrict ourselves for the sake of others; and I know that because we tried. So the worst thing that could happen is that we’ll stop posting, but we’ll still continue creating, because it gives us too much joy to give it up just because someone has no friends at school and wants to impress other antis with their sick (moronic) post when they completely miss the point of our content and ignore our 18+ warnings.
So yeah, I hope you’ll remember what you love about drawing and keep doing whatever you want, even if you don’t post it. But I also think that, if you’re comfortable at any point, you should also post it. You can create an account with no link to your regular acc and your personal info whatsoever and post whatever you want there. You could still get hate, but at least it will be safer and without any high stakes, although I understand you might feel fear because people could recognise your artstyle and connect the dots.
Also preventive bans work wonderfully. If we stumble upon a post that has certain aggressive messages (you know the ones), we simply block everyone who interacted with that post. It takes time, but it’s worth it, I think. Hell, people use “call-out” (because there is nothing to call out, we’ve stated everything plainly ourselves) posts with us to block people.
Also also, ironically, ignoring the hate also kind of helps… I know it’s easy to say, and it’s not a 100% guarantee, but we just think that people are more prone to attacking you if you react to hate in any way. So the best thing is literally to just block and delete it. Oh, and always report it if it gets aggressive – this could do nothing, but it could also bitchslap them out of nowhere lol
Anyways… I am very grateful and glad if we could give you any type of reassurance and comfort with our posts. I hope to see your stuff one day, and I hope there’ll be more people who post whatever they want, so fandoms can become healthier again.
And I’m very happy you like Hetalia and SnK too, especially DenNor! <3
Thank you again from both of us, and I hope you’re having a good day.
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letsbesonormal · 5 months
I'm going to be honest - I have no fucking clue what/who is critblr. Like, I have a vague sense of what kind of behavior it refers to, but then people vague things about how "you can tell when someone is critical." I'm sorry, critical of WHAT? This tells me nothing.
Or "they use doxxed info in fics." Okay, sure, that makes sense in theory, however I don't know anyone's address from 321 Sesame Street and do not care to know. If I don't already know the doxxed info, the only way I know it's a doxx is if I go down a google hole looking to verify that information...which I don't want to do for obvious reasons.
Anyway, feel free to anon me if I reblog someone iffy, but I don't have the time (or desire) to play internet detective on every person that comes across my dash.
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crush3dmary · 1 year
Regarding Ritchie "Kiel" "Rox" "Mimo" "Lain" ryuuseini / mimoriru
So, at the end of 2022, I made a post on twitter about this particular user, who runs a merch store, abusing my personal info that he obtained from his store to doxx me and threaten to "ruin my life". You can find it here, as well as receipts and additional testimonies in the quote retweets from other people impacted by his actions.
Well, his art showed up completely unprompted on my dash, which tells me that since being called out, he has taken no accountability, changed his name, ran away to tumblr, and not only opened his store again but is trying to fandom hop to escape his sordid past. So if you're too lazy to read the twitter post, or if you got hit with my block chain, to summarize:
Ritchie and I were friends for over a year and a half. He cut ties because he didn't like a couple things I said or how I ran my server, which is fine. He's entitled to that. What he's not entitled to is to start a smear campaign DMing all my mutuals with very exaggerated accusations about me that he can't back up or accusing me of "stalking" and "harassing" him when I haven't contacted him since we cut ties in 2021. But that's all just friend group infighting. What matters is the literally illegal shit he did after and again, has taken no accountability for.
While we were friends, he said he had some leftover Zelos merch and he'd send it to me for free if I covered shipping costs, to which I said sure and gave him my address. Well, in September 2021, when his panel did not get accepted into Rappig Crossing's conline, he assumed I had used my connection to Maple Gel to get him blacklisted... when I had literally moved the fuck on at that point. I had nothing to do with whatever beef he had with them, but as a result, he went into a large Tales server and shared my personal information, made threats to get me kicked out of school and to "ruin my life", and encouraged the people in this server to "look up my irl credentials" to prove I'm not who I say I am or... something, which I can prove wrong easily. Receipts here.
People in Tales generally don't fuck with him anymore because people know he's shady but I have ygo:dm mutuals who unfortunately don't. If you're looking for merch there are better, more reputable creators who won't compromise your personal information as soon as they decide they don't like you. Take this information as you will, but Ritchie: I hope you know changing your name and hopping groups every time you get called out for something is an abuse tactic.
You can think I'm the literal devil all you want, you can say I'm dragging things out, but you intentionally and knowingly compromised customer information in order to threaten my safety over something you assumed and said yourself in the screenshot that you couldn't prove. You couldn't prove it because it was false, and you still went to such extreme lengths to put me in danger regardless. People have the right to be able to decide whether they want to support your business with this information in mind. I have the right to speak up when I believe I was wronged and the perpetrator has not only taken no accountability for what they did, but might go on to hurt someone else too.
In conclusion, if you're a pokeani/yugioh/tales creator who does merch, send me your info. I want to plug your shop.
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As someone who's been through a lot of DID tumblr community, especially because you used to make infographics and talk about your DID and such here often... IDK, I don't want to ask if you regret talking about your DID or your parts so much, because that's too broad, but like.
[internal grumbling and vague gesturing]
Liiiiike... Hrgh. As a slightly adultier-adult than me, how do you balance having all this DID stuff online and also just like, being a 'normal' person in the world and having a good life where you're married and happy and all that?
For me/us, I feel like a lot of thinking and over-analyzing about DID has been detrimental overall, but it also got us to this place where we *don't* (need to) do that most of the time, and we're able to be pretty blurry and really only talk about DID/'parts stuff' if it becomes A Problem or something Comes Up.
I guess we're asking for your #HotTakes about this, if you'd like to share :)
(If you don't, that's totally okay, don't worry about it. Or you can tell us privately if you like! Just figured we'd ask, because like, nuance and we like your opinions/worldview a lot <3)
Hi Anni ilu :>
I'm answering this at work because I just Can't Resist but I'm not sure if the guys at home will feel the same so uh. That's a disclaimer I guess
Yearsss ago when we made this blog, we were specifically trying to #Figure Ourselves Out. That's explicitly what we made this blog for, to record and try to recognize patterns as we came to terms with having dissociated parts. And we were unemployed at the time (and also out of school? I think?) so we had a LOT of free time to be occupied with this stuff.
Which, as you mentioned, led to us reading a lot of books on the topic of dissociation and making Content about it. And also writing a lottt of more personal diary-like posts.
I don't regret that era per se; we went through a lottt of growth in that time, and it's nice to have it as a time capsule to look back on now (especially with the like, memory issues, ya know.) I don't mind it being Out There "publicly" either; we're pretty strict on what doxx-able info goes here, and our online presence is kept strictly from our irl one, with only a couple highly trusted exceptions.
I do regret putting so much personal information here without fully understanding how vulnerable it made me. I didn't understand that talking about the struggles certain parts were going through would leave those parts open to people (with mostly good intentions) approaching us with commiseration and comfort--things our younger parts especially were starved for.
At that time we were quite isolated. We didn't have the skills to identify when we were fawning, or set boundaries when we did realize it. (This was before therapy.) And not everyone we let emotionally close to us should have been--something we unfortunately wouldn't learn until much later.
So like. Posting about DID in a general, informative way was pretty chill, and I wish I had the time and energy to do some of that again. But as far as publicly exploring our parts? We now have a pretty hard rule about only sharing things that have been resolved, or setting boundaries when needed.
But I feel you so much about mostly just being blurry unless something is a Problem or needs addressing. (Although it doesn't have to be big, it can be as simple as like "Why do I feel sad...oh, Reki is nearby and needs cuddles, got it.") It's just not as important now to Figure Everything and Everyone Out. I got a job to do and bills to pay. ;)
- Tris
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free-simblr · 1 year
any info we get regarding creators that are using tracking tactics within their cc, we will keep you updated. there is no reason to borderline harass and doxx people over (most likely stolen) pixels in a game that are supposed to be free after a period of time anyways. we will always stick to keeping simblr (and anyone who downloads CC) safe.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 months
You know, if I had a nickel for every time BTS made me stop listening to them due to their actions- I’d have 2 nickels. Which isn’t a lot- but it’s weird that it happened twice. Neither of these occurrences are recent so feel free to ignore this but I need to rant because I found out about it last night and it hasn’t left my mind since. And I’m ranting to you because you seem to have a pretty strong moral compass and you seem to be able to handle some bad stuff and I respect you. Also if I were to post this on my main- I’m afraid that some ARMYs would doxx me. It wouldn’t be the first time.
Anyways this’s got me all in a huff bc last night I found out that during the period I stepped away from supporting them (originally because they worked with Nikki Minaj while she was actively defending her brother who raped his 11 year old stepdaughter. Here’s the link to an article about it, should you want to know more: https://www.essence.com/celebrity/child-rape-trial-begins-nicki-minaj-brother-jelani/. I know now that this was probably less their decision and more their companies but I was also 17 when this info came out and I’m happy that I stuck to my guns then, but I digress) that yoongi fucked up and he fucked up big time.
Anyways- during 2020, when he was releasing his second mixtape, he and two other producers thought it would be a good idea to sample one of Jim Jones’ sermons. And I say him because at the end of the day he’s the artist; it’s his name this will all come back to. Not only that but you have to pay a LOT of money to get any of Jim Jones’ sermons/speeches when you’re not using it for educational purposes (for example in a true crime documentary or a podcast). You have to hunt to get that shit, and it’s not like there’s a lack of information about Jonestown available. This isn’t to say that you can’t employ the words of bad people in media- but you’ve got to do it right. An example that comes to mind is post Malones (not that I’m a big fan of his but he has a catchy song every now and then) song “Jonestown.” Granted, that song still feels icky but Malone demonstrates a knowledge of what happens and that he’s invoking it for a reason. Yoongi doesn’t do that. He picked a soundbyte from a mass murderer and decided to add it to a track that had nothing to do with the context behind the clip. There was no purpose, there was no reference to the harm done during the song. It was a song about “flexing on his haters.”
What he did was stupid. Plain and simple. Because either 1: he didn’t check the source (and he’s notorious for producing his own stuff so this is on him either way) for a soundbyte in a language he doesn’t speak fluently. If this is the case, it reeks of a rookie artist which yoongi is not. He’s seasoned and BTS had been in enough controversies during their early years to know that they should research.
Or 2: he knew and he didn’t care. Unfortunately, due to some comments made after the song was initially released, this seems pretty likely (ie: saying that he was using it because Jim jones was racist to Koreans. Which Jim Jones was known to be racist via a white savior complex and it was mostly focused on black and brown people during the civil rights movement but that still doesn’t have anything to do with the context of the song. It feels like a lazy excuse because he liked the aesthetic of the soundbyte).
But you know what, everyone fucks up now and then. You don’t know what you don’t know- but you can help repair the damage after gaining insight. And the best place to start that process is with an apology, right?
Apparently not, because while bighit released a statement in Korean and not on their main profiles (which is an odd choice because it seemed like it was mostly western fans upset at the usage). Despite saying that they vet the sources seriously, somehow they let this one slip through. You can’t have it both ways; you either vet it or you let stuff slip. And that yoongi was “embarrassed.” If he’s embarrassed he can say that himself. He was 27 at the time, which is far old enough to know better and to be able to take responsibility. In fact, it would probably get him a lot of brownie points if he humbled himself, but he didn’t. He stayed quiet and that was what really set me off.
These are grown men. Adults- Jin was in his late teens to early 20s when they debuted. They’re not stupid- they’re UNICEF reps for gods sake. Yoongi should’ve known better and the group isn’t in the precarious position they were in when they had their first controversy over Namjoon wearing a Nazi cap. That’s when you let your company protect you. This is not like that. I’m sick of the fan base treating these adults like they can’t think for themselves and that they should be protected from the harm they’ve caused.
So that brings me to why I’m telling you all of this as well as how I found this information out 4 years after the fact. It was through a meme. You know that one that’s used mainly for FICTIONAL characters that are evil but well loved (read: hot)? It’s the “my little meow meow” one. So one of the first uses, if not the first use, was an ARMY using it to defend Yoongi’s actions. Why they thought this was appropriate, I don’t know. But that’s what it’s from.
Now why am I telling you this? Well i know that you joined the fan base in like 2021, right? So this would’ve passed you by theoretically. And if I knew that someone I supported fucked up pretty massively, I’d want to know about it. This is also a reminder (not necessarily to you but to the fan base as a whole) that these are men. They fuck up and they don’t need you to defend them. We don’t know them, we have an idea of who they are in our heads but that image is incredibly manufactured. Fanfic and fan art aren’t as serious because they have personas they put on for the camera. But when it comes to posting about the members and sort of glorifying them (again, not you directly but I feel like this could start an interesting conversation) it feels like you’re letting the harm go unnoticed
Anyways that’s my rant. I feel better now. Again, feel free to ignore this. I just trust you with the info because you’re an adult and you seem to show a lot of compassion and a good moral compass not only through what you post on here, but also through what you write
I am actually aware of this and also felt severe disappointment because what I know of it seemed like an example of creatives hyping themselve up and doing something "edgy" without thinking of the real world response, then hiding behind a smokescreen to protect the artist. The apology didn't feel like there was accountability --unlike Namjoon's response many years ago the response to I think War of Hormone and sexism where he went to learn more and self reflect.
There is definitely this harmful cycle that can happen with celebrities where people are willing to forgive them for just about anything, and in turn they are surrounded by people who enable them to drift further from reality and do things that are less acceptable. I have worked with the music industry for 14 years, I cannot emphasize how many hours i have spent debating whether we should/should not work with this or that artist, whether what they did was bad enough to refuse, who has a right to draw those moral boundaries, etc. It's distressing how much of the industry have done really regrettable things --and that's just the stuff we know about. The profits enabel it.
Everyone has to decide for themself what the limits and application of their morality are, who they choose to support and in what fashion. Supporting someone doesn't mean you can't be critical of their mistakes, and everyone has their own line of "I admrie this person but they fucked this up and I want to see evidence of them doing better" and "I absolutely cannot support this person any longer."
Personally, I do think Yoongi learned and grew from this experience becuse while I don't admire that the self reflection was not public in a way that felt sincere, I don't think I've seen repeat behavior since that incident years ago. Could I be wrong about that? Totally. We make the best choices we can with the knowledge that we have.
That meme use is inappropriate and I don't doubt that there are always plenty of folks who are unbothered by what another person considers an egregious behavior. I think that's what you meant about glorifying, those who act like the people they admire can do no wrong. It does both ourselves and the artists and the whole value of "famous" people a disservice: they like us can make mistakes they learn and grow from, and we can learn and grow alongside them, but the hard part for them is that their mistakes are incredibly visible. I don't envy them that.
I'm glad it made you feel better to get this off your chest! And I'm touched that you consider me a safe place to vent your feelings to 😊
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thiefbird · 6 months
tagged by @oleolesimeeligen but making a new post to save everyone's dash from a post challenging "do you love the colour of the sky" for length! Thanks for the tag <3
❤︎ are you named after anyone?
no, i was named after the poem Afton Water by Robert Burns! So indirectly i was named after a Scottish river? Anyway heres the poem: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43799/afton-water
❤︎ when was the last time you cried?
couple months ago when i reread the first temeraire book and levitas died. my poor baby deserved so much better than rankin
❤︎ do you have kids?
jesus fucking christ on a cracker no
❤︎ do you play/have you played any sports?
i did fencing in elementary/middle school, and i both competed in and taught archery through high school! currently i am a sedentary rock but if i continue being in less pain+fatigue i may think about joining a roller derby league, bc clearly im not obviously queer enough
❤︎ do you like sarcasm?
yes. im not always good at it when other people do it but i do enjoy it
❤︎ what do you notice about people when you meet them?
hair colour and how their voice sounds. im moderately faceblind and have difficulties with audio processing, so i cant tell their facial features well and i dont understand WHAT they're saying, but i will recognise voices and hair immediately
❤︎ what’s your eye color?
blue-grey but if i wear purple my eyes look purple which is funky
❤︎ scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies i love to terrify myself
❤︎ any talents?
eh? i can write okay i can sew okay i can crochet+knit tolerably well and i can play guitar well enough
❤︎ where were you born?
austin tx. you can probably doxx me with just the info in this one post idgaf
❤︎ what are your hobbies?
knitting writing drawing crochet cosplay and historical recreation
❤︎ any pets?
my beloved cat. she has next to no teeth bc her body keeps making anti-tooth antibodies and then i have to pay 500 buckaroonies to have them removed but it is worth it because she is the cat of the world
❤︎ how tall are you?
5'5" short king
❤︎ what are your favorite school subjects?
no longer in school but the 3 months i went to high school were at an absurdly tiny charter school. it was so small they couldnt support a concert/marching band or an orchestra so the two music classes offered were classical guitar and "rock band" which was essentially a free and in-school version of the School Of Rock summer camps. we learned like fifteen songs and how to set up and do live mixes and at the end of the semester we did three shows (one for the middle schoolers during school hours, one for the high schoolers during school hours, and one after school) and i blew out a microphone and gave a whole horde of middle school kids a sexuality crisis by being Visibly Queer and also cool af
❤︎ what’s your dream job?
either the person who picks out fabrics for period piece films, or captain of a reproduction napoleonic war era frigate. i d charge billionaires absurd amounts of money to serve as ratings on my frigate. they have to sign waivers saying im allowed to have them flogged and also the frigate is not responsible if they die. i am actively seeking investors for my Billionaire Torment Ship
tagging @sapphirablue @gabrielnovakgoestomyschool @everythingmustmoveon @sesamie @glowing-blue-feathermage and also YOU if you want to do it <3
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starseedpatriot · 2 years
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From Angel Aura
Many of you are likely unaware that on Telegram we have many anons who help to maintain the larger channels, wrangling bots and watching chats for sinister or violent messaging. By sinister or violent I mean doxx attempts, threats that run contrary to our movement (we do not condone violence) or Ray Epps type digital infiltration.
We also observe patterns
On this channel in particular, we have admins who’ve been in the Truth community for many years, often maintaining some of the largest boards in the world during the run-up to Trump’s election in 2016 and Hillary’s loss (which was incredible to witness with shill monitoring eyes), Seth Rich, Wikileaks, all of it.
They’ve become adept at spotting manufactured opinions and how talking-points are forced into a community in order to sweep up those of us who are immune to MSM conditioning. If you see an admin say “wew, so many shills today”, we’re not making reference to patriots who are pissed at a particular turn of events. We’re referring to professional narrative sculptors who you perhaps don’t see amongst us. Given the scale of the info ops against Trump and our movement, without this knowledge our channels would be overrun with infiltrators attempting to steer or fracture conversation (as they do).
With all this in mind, and without divulging info that may help them, we want to share particular observations over the past month.
We started to see “Trump’s vaccine holocaust”, or “Trump needs to…” parroted by brand new users. This began very soon after Twitter’s Fauci Files were mentioned. An obvious and seemingly large shill operation had been kicked off to get ahead of Fauci’s demise by shifting blame to Trump.
Have you noticed the push for Trump to condemn vaccines only gained momentum AFTER we heard about the forthcoming Fauci Files? It’s just their next step to attempt a deflection of the unstoppable tsunami that’s heading their way.
We all successfully broke free from legacy media’s evil claws, but propaganda has evolved to follow us. You can see it if you take a moment to discern *why* a certain narrative has appeared. Pay attention to timing and what’s coming.
(If you’re feeling attacked by the time you get here, go back and read the part about this not referring to pissed off patriots.)
Original post: https://t.me/angel_aura/347
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darthkvznblogs · 2 years
What is the status of mutants in general?
This one's a bit of a minefield for me to answer, because mutants tie into a lot of spoiler-y stuff I can't discuss till we're done with "Year 1" content, specifically the arc that's just started over on the Supergirl fic.
I can say a few things, though, for now:
-Mutants have been around since ancient times, but there was a boom in mutant births around the 50s and 60s. This led the major world powers to panic, as mutants with very dangerous abilities started to sprout all around and intentionally or accidentally cause major incidents that put lives at risk and (more importantly to them) threatened the status quo. Magneto and Xavier led major movements to both safeguard mutants and pressure the world's nations into a better solution to this problem than "capture/contain/eliminate".
-There are laws all over the world restricting mutants with potentially or outright dangerous mutations from living in most developed nations (or at least most major population centers) to prevent potential disasters. These individuals are typically given a choice when identified - stay and be constantly monitored (probably wearing a power dampener if your mutation is dangerous enough), or get an all expenses paid trip to the artificial island of Genosha, where they can live freely and ensure that their mutations won't put others in danger. Mutants with harmless or easily controllable mutations are still registered, but they are not closely monitored or expelled. It's illegal in most of the world to discriminate against mutants and crimes targeting them are usually handled like any other kind of hate crime. It's kinda...dystopian, but it was the best compromise the UN could reach with Mutantkind's representatives, with the promise of improving infrastructure worldwide so these measures eventually become unnecessary. There are exceptions, for better and worse - nations were mutants go completely unregulated, and others where they are captured and incarcerated, or worse (that's usually where the X-Men come in).
-There is no mutant cure. There are ways to dampen mutant powers, but it's not an illness you can get rid of or a body part you can cut out.
-Mutants have a life expectancy 1.5 times greater than regular humans - so Magneto, who's about 75-ish in the modern day Kverse, looks and acts closer to his mid-to-late fifties.
-As part of the agreement with Magneto and Xavier, there are no national registries - it's all tied to SHIELD's Index, which collects data on all Enhanced individuals, naturally or otherwise (remember, SHIELD is not an American organization in the Kverse). This is meant to ensure the registry can't be used freely to doxx or target mutants, though it does mean anyone who can overcome SHIELD's security can gain access to that info.
-Xavier typically detects powerful mutants via Cerebro before they can be discovered by the various national agencies and extends an invitation to join his school (which is more oriented towards an active role in mutant defense and advocacy). If that fails, Magneto sends in his own team to offer them a place in Genosha. If that fails, they usually back off but keep an eye on them in case anything goes wrong with the "normal" government procedures.
-Xavier's school isn't in NY but it also isn't in Genosha.
-The whole "system" is effective but fragile. The world's powers are keenly aware that if they so chose, mutants could wreak havoc with their way of life, and the mutant leaders know perfectly well that there's whole fleets of Sentinels (courtesy of Trask Industries) and other such weapons and defenses ready to go in case the system fails. There's also a lot of third parties that don't play by these rules - shadowy merc groups who kidnap or kill mutants that may be useful or problematic for certain organizations and governments, the Mutant Liberation Front, which performs acts of terrorism in the name of freeing mutants from persecution (suspected but unproven to be sponsored by Magneto), and just other characters who are doing their own thing, like the Hellfire Club.
There's a whole lot more to say, but I feel like you get the gist of it! TL;DR: the world got scared when a bunch of powerful mutants started showing up, they had like a decade of uncertainty and some violence, but cooler heads (mostly) prevailed and they mostly agreed to live as better neighbors than they were roommates until they could ensure the entire house wouldn't fall to pieces, so to speak. No one's really satisfied with this approach, but at least it's prevented a lot of death and destruction so...
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