#free Jaffa
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Goodbye, Gerak, former Leader of the Free Jaffa Nation
Rest in peace,
Louis Gossett Jr
May 27, 1936 - March 29, 2024
Tak mal arik tiak
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 1 year ago
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The genocide we're witnessing today isn't exclusive to gaza, and isn't new. Israel is literally built that way. This was never self defense or retaliation to hamas or anything. This is how israel brings their settlers. They bomb and destroy entire Palestinian cities. Murdering Palestinians and kicking them out of their land. Then build a new city and bring people from around the globe and give them the green light to live in a land that isn't theirs. While Palestinian refugees can't even visit their hometown. The only difference today, is that Palestinians learned the nature of the Israeli government and they don't fall for their lies anymore, so Palestinians stay in gaza and are ready to die for their land than leave it and be refugees who are never seen as humans or allowed in their own homes. We've seen this movie before, just as bassem yousef said.
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eam-x · 5 months ago
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يافا - فلسطين
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paliwalls · 9 months ago
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Jaffa | يافا
Jaffa Beach in Gaza, tens of kilometers from the original beach
شاطئ يافا في غزة، على بعد عشرات الكيلومترات من الشاطئ الأصلي
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dedi-ashour · 3 months ago
Acrylic on canvas 100/80
Original (Oil painting)
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ardenetoile · 3 months ago
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drsonnet · 11 months ago
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Jaffa, palestine
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moscowlullaby · 1 year ago
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tanadrin · 2 years ago
i like to imagine that after the Stargate program goes public, FN Herstal goes all-in marketing the P90 as the Official Goa’uld Stopper of the U.S. Air Force
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mirtadraws · 5 months ago
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This year's #Inktober is about #Palestine.
Day 13: Jaffa oranges are named after Jaffa, which is their main center of production. This cultivar was developed by Palestinians during the Ottoman rule in the Levant. After the Nakba, the percentage of Arabic population of Jaffa declined, and today the ownership, production, export and branding of these oranges is Israeli. Israel exports citrus and other fruits to Europe, check before you buy produce. For example, my local supermarket offers dates from Israel and dates from Morocco. Don't forget to check where stuff comes from before buying it.
PS if "Jaffa" sounds familiar to you but you can't remember where from, it's probably from Jaffa cakes.
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fairiedance · 1 year ago
Palestine - The Land of Sad Oranges
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The Jaffa orange holds a lot of symbolism for the Palestinian struggle. This varietal was developed in Palestine in the 19th century and named for the city Jaffa, where it was first produced for export. It has strong skin and few seeds, making it excellent for commercial use, so it was a major product from the region until the industry declined under British rule and disruption from WWII. Finally the establishment of Israel caused irreparable damage as groves were seized or destroyed by settlers. Israel took over production on seized land but never achieved the same success with the crop, and what remained of Palestine suffered ongoing violence and blockades preventing the industry there from further success. The Jaffa orange has remained a symbol of the Palestinian homeland, most notably in Ghassan Khanafani's short story The Land of Sad Oranges.
This orange with a Palestinian flag for a leaf can be found here on shirts, stickers, mugs and more. ALL PROCEEDS from Palestine related sales will go to my Palestinian best friend to help him bring his girlfriend over to America and to help his other loved ones around the Levant who have been/are being hurt directly and/or financially by the attacks on Gaza, the increasing Israeli raids in the West Bank and the collateral damage in surrounding countries. All designs available here.
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dedi-ashour · 7 months ago
يافا عروس البحر المتوسط "مدينة البرتقال"
تعتبر مدينة يافا واحدة من أكثر المدن الساحلية جمالاً في جميع أنحاء العالم، كما أن موقعها الاستراتيجي المُطِل على شاطئ البحر جعل منها مطمعاً للغُزاة منذ قديم الأزل، وبالحديث عن اسمها فإن مسماها الأول كان "يافث" نسبة إلى ابن سيدنا نوح عليه السلام، وقد تغيَّر الاسم مع تعدد الثقافات والغُزاة الذين احتلوا مدينة يافا على مر العصور، حتى وصلت إلى اسم يافا بمسماه الحالي، وقد تعدَّدت الأقاويل حول سبب التسمية منذ زمن بعيد، ولكن الأرجح أن اسم يافا كان من عهد الكنعانيين الذين عاشوا في فلسطين قبل أكثر من 5 آلاف سنة، وهُم مَن قاموا بتسمية يافا بهذا الاسم.
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وتعتبر يافا من أقدم وأهم مدن فلسطين التاريخية تقع على الساحل الشرقي للبحر الأبيض المتوسط - وتبعد عن القدس حوالي 55 كيلومتر إلى الغرب، كانت لفترة طويلة تحتل مكانة هامة بين المدن الفلسطينية الكبرى من حيث المساحة وعدد السكان والموقع الإستراتيجي وكانت مركزا للحضارة والثقافة والرياضة، حتى تاريخ وقوع النكبة عام 1948، وتهجير معظم أهلها العرب.
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zorbarsglogaboungcurture · 1 year ago
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Jaffa, Palestine in the 19th century.
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drsonnet · 11 months ago
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1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine against the British, resistance fighters including Fatima Khalil Ghazal 
Generalstrejken 1936 (palaestina-info.dk)
مجموعة من الثوار المحاربين في الثورة العربية في فلسطين ضد الانتداب البريطاني التي امتدت بين عامي 1936 و1939.
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naipan · 11 months ago
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“The book is written in Latin. In 1695. Rilandi was describing what was then called Palestine.
The author Adriani Rilandi is a geographer, cartographer, traveler, philologist, he knew several European languages, Arabic, ancient Greek, Hebrew.
He visited almost 2,500 settlements mentioned in the Bible. The research was conducted as follows:
*He first created the map of Palestine. He then designated every settlement mentioned in the Bible or the Talmud with its original name.
* If the original was Jewish, it meant "pasuk" (a suggestion in the Holy Scriptures that mentioned the name. )
* If the original was Roman or Greek, the connection was in Latin or Greek.
In the end, he made a population census by settlements.
Here are the main conclusions and some facts:
* The country is mainly empty, abandoned, sparsely populated, the main population is Jerusalem, Akko, Tsfat, Jaffa, Tveria and Gaza.
* Most of the population is Jews, almost everyone else is Christians, very few Muslims, mostly Bedouins.
* The only exception is Nablus (now Shchem), where approximately 120 people from the Muslim family Natsha and approximately 70 "shomronims" (Samaritans).
* In Nazareth, the capital of Galilee, lived approximately 700 people - all Christians.
* In Jerusalem there are about 5,000 people, almost all Jews and a few Christians.
* In 1695, everyone knew that the origin of the country was Jewish.
* There is not a single settlement in Palestine that has Arabic roots in its name.
* Most settlements have Jewish originals, and in some cases Greek or Roman Latin.
* Apart from the city of Ramla, there is no Arab settlement that has an original Arabic name. Jewish, Greek or Latin names that have been changed to Arabic that don't make any sense in Arabic. In Arabic, there is no meaning in names like: Akko, Haifa, Jaffa, Nablus, Gaza or Jenin, and names like Ramallah, al-Khalil (Hebron), al-Quds (Jerusalem) - they do not have philological or historical Arabic roots. So, for example, in 1696, Ramallah was called Bethel (Beit El, the House of God), Hebron was called Hebron and the Cave of Mahpel was called El-Khalil (the nickname of Abraham) by the Arabs.
* Relandi mentions Muslims only as nomadic Bedouins who came to the cities as seasonal workers in agriculture or construction.
* About 550 people lived in Gaza, half of them Jews and half Christians. Jews were successful in agriculture, especially in vineyards, olives and wheat, Christians were engaged in trade and transportation.
* Jews lived in Tveria and Tsfat, but their occupation is not mentioned, except for the traditional fishing in Kineret.
* In the village of Um El Fahm, for example, lived 10 families, all Christians (about 50 people). There stood a small Maronite church.
The book completely refutes theories about "Palestinian traditions", "Palestinian people" and leaves almost no link between the land and the Arabs who even stole the land's Latin name (Palestine) and took it for themselves.
Book by Adrian Relandi (1676-1718) about Palestine, published in Utrecht in 1714.” [Summery by https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/whose-land-is-this/]
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