#freddy ashcroft
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Random Magical Entrepreneur Story Edits
Trying to get back into making gifs and things so there might be more edits on the horizon. We'll see what happens.
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The coppery taste of blood wasn’t what scared Freddy the most. Sure, it concerned him slightly, as did the cut from the corner of his mouth across his cheek, but part of him had accepted that as merely superficial. A wound that could have been a hundred times worse if Alia hadn’t turned up.
No, the thing that scared Fred Ashcroft the most was the absolute hatred he saw burning in Alia’s eyes. He’d seen almost every emotion play out across her face during their friendship, and yet this was new. It was practically murderous.
‘What are you gonna do?’ he asked, hearing the slightly breathless fear in his voice.
‘Whatever it takes,’ she told him firmly.
‘Alia –’
‘Go to Care,’ she said.
‘Alia –’
‘Stay out of the way and –’
The firmness of the simple word surprised Freddy almost as much as it did Alia. He practically saw the words stalling on her tongue.
‘They want you to sink to their level,’ he told her gently. ‘That’s why it was me.’ He took a step closer to her, but for once resisted the urge to reach out. He needed to comfort her, not himself. ‘Come back with me.’
Her eyes strayed briefly to the corridor the demon had flown down. He knew she longed to give chase, even though she’d laid enough demon traps that it wouldn’t get far.
After a beat too long, she ducked beneath his arm and draped it over her shoulders. There was no need for the support, but Freddy appreciated the gesture.
He released a soft breath but knew better than to say anything. He just hoped the walk back would help sooth a little of that rage she felt so it wouldn’t completely engulf her when she returned.
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fiercefray · 9 months
Merry Christmas to Kitten! Since you can have a hard time with music when it comes to stories, I hope this one helps! All these songs, either by lyrics or vibes, remind me of Alia and her gang.
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Leaning against the wall, Freddy watched as Eden managed to coax a smile across Alia’s lips as she tipped another bag of treats into a bowl. It was shocking to him that Alia was even allowing the girl to throw them a joint party, let alone that she was helping set the little buffet up, but he was proud of her for the steps she was taking towards becoming one of the little family she now realised she had. He knew it was sentimental, and that if she heard him talking like that she’d threaten to curse him, but he couldn’t help it. It was the truth.
Justin rested a hand on her back as he moved passed, holding another bowl way above his head, as if trying to protect anyone else from head-butting it. She stiffened slightly, but didn’t move away. Another little thing that to anyone else wouldn’t have been a massive show of trust, but from Alia it was extraordinary.
‘Why is it,’ came Cami’s low voice, startling Freddy’s attention away from his best friend and towards the tall blonde, ‘whenever food’s involved you Brits are all super cautious around short stuff?’ As if to affirm her point she nodded to the others. Justin was frowning at the back of a wrapper, body angled slightly away from Alia as a precaution they all knew was a step too far and yet it was a stereotypical attempt to shield her that everyone seemed to do in the beginning.
‘Nut allergy,’ Freddy said, his chest tightening. He could still remember Alia telling him, her voice slightly strained, exhaustion obvious on her face as she picked at the hospital bed blanket. Even after she’d gone into anaphylactic shock, even after the hospital had told them both she was fine and her mum was on her way, she still sounded like it was little more than an annoyance instead of something possibly life-threatening.  
‘Bad enough that she can’t look at the things?’ Cami asked, a slightly softer edge to her voice this time. Even if there was still that undertone of incredulity.
Despite everything, Freddy scoffed ever so slightly. ‘Only if she ingests anything nutty.’
The little café was one of Freddy’s favourites. It was just out of the way enough that he got left alone, but known enough in smaller circles that there were always people around; always noise that he craved to be surrounded by. The gentle din of background noise that reminded him they weren’t alone, that there were other lives going on around them that didn’t care about the school crest emblazoned on their blazers; that didn’t care his parents’ arguments were splashed across the headlines as political debates.
He eased himself into the seat opposite Alia, tucking his wallet in his inside pocket. She’d already ordered her own drink while he’d been talking to the barista sorting out the cakes. He’d known better than to offer to pay for hers. Two years of vague friendship and he knew she’d probably skin him alive for that.
Two years, and she’d finally found it in herself to come beyond the school library – or occasionally the detention room – in his company.
‘Why the change of heart?’ he asked, deciding the bluntness of the question was exactly the kind of thing she’d appreciate. He leant forwards on the table, watching the smile ghost across her lips. ‘Or did you just come to your senses and fall for my incredible good looks?’
Alia leant forwards, her gaze unwaveringly meeting his. ‘You wish,’ she countered.
Freddy scoffed, allowing himself to fall back against his seat. ‘I’m serious though,’ he said, drumming his fingers against the table. ‘Not complaining, just curious.’
A mumbled reply, but Freddy thought he heard mention of Carolyn and felt the smile growing on his lips once more. Before he could press the advantage, their orders were brought over. He thanked their server, Riley, with a smile before turning back to Alia as she put her clean spoon on her napkin.
‘Do you know everyone?’ she asked, a smirk pulling at her lips as she swiped a finger in the cream at the top of her drink.
‘Comes with being the most charming person in any room.’
She rolled her eyes before licking the cream off her finger. Her brow furrowed ever so slightly. She cocked her head a little to the side.
‘You all right?’ Freddy asked after a moment, his own drink partway to his lips.
‘Yeah,’ she said slowly, turning her attention to her brownie. She pulled a piece free and inspected it, her free hand absently rubbing her forearm. ‘I just… I’m not sure this is my order.’ The doubt pinching her brow only deepened as she dropped the brownie onto the tray.
‘Alia?’ Freddy put his cup back on the table as she scrambled for her bag. He could see the panic in her movements, thought her breathing was slightly irregular. But she wasn’t paying him any attention, her focus solely on looking for something. He could hear her mumbling something, but couldn’t pick out any words.
‘Crap,’ she cursed, her bag slipping from her fingers and onto the floor. She was beside it in an instant, heaving things out and dropping them. A few people were now looking towards them, but Freddy was around her side of the table in an instant, his heart in his throat.
‘Alia, what’s happening?’
‘I can’t find my EpiPen,’ she wheezed, eyes wide as she glanced to him. He could see the fear in her unfocused eyes.
‘EpiPen?’ he echoed, wanting to help the search but not wanting to take his eyes off her either.
‘Freddy, what’s your friend’s name?’ Riley’s voice was sharp, her hand resting between Alia’s shoulder blades.
‘A – Alia,’ he said, his thoughts a blur. What had brought this on? How did he not know that she needed an EpiPen?
‘Alia?’ Riley said softly, easing her around so her back was to the table leg. ‘Do you have your EpiPen?’
Alia shook her head, but the motion seemed to drain her energy.
‘Freddy,’ Riley said, voice sharper than he’d been expected, ‘ambulance, now.’
‘Ambulance?’ He felt like a small child thrust into the world of adults.
It had all felt like something of a dream, as though he’d been watching the day through a screen. As the ambulance arrived, as they administered the adrenaline. He remembered watching as they kept her under observation. He could still remember Carolyn finding him that evening in the skate park. He’d been on top of the ramp, arm tucked under his head as he watched the stars, trying not to envision the headlines that his parents would complain about. How he’d frozen. How he hadn’t been the hero that would bolster their images.
Cami’s hand gently on his lower arm snapped Freddy from the memory. He blinked towards her, the small frown dancing on her lips made him wonder how long he’d been silent for.
Freddy grinned at her, tried to shake off the sombre mood that had settled over him. He patted his pocket. ‘She’s got an EpiPen; I’ve got one. Wouldn’t be surprised if Justin didn’t have one somewhere, or is going to soon.’
‘I’m not carrying one,’ Cami said, but Freddy was glad to see a little of the concern subside behind her eyes. She glanced back towards the others, and Freddy thought her attention skimmed the table, checking that there were no obvious nuts in sight. He felt a small smile curling his lips, glad there was another person looking out for Alia.
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Throwback: Happy 52nd Birthday, Richard Ashcroft!
Throwback: Happy 52nd Birthday, Richard Ashcroft! @genuineverve @richardashcroft
September is a busy month in music history.  The Bee Gees‘ Barry Gibb celebrated his 77th birthday on September 1  Gloria Estefan celebrated her 66th birthday on September 1 Soundgarden‘s Kim Thayil celebrated his 64th birthday on September 4 Freddie Mercury, one of the greatest vocalists and entertainers in rock history was born 78 years ago on September 5 Pink Floyd‘s co-founder and…
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pcnmagazine · 8 months
Beautiful Days Festival announces full 2024 line-up
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nevermoreunihq · 2 years
xavier fc suggestions?
hey! so a few fcs we think may fix xavier are of course, the man himself, percy hynes white, also jack mather, erin mommsen, freddie ashcroft, naleye junior dolmans, george hard, ton heukels, charlie kennedy, daniel hivner, lucas bin, luca sabbat, david yang, kit warrington, ariel rosa, and christopher fernandez. hope these are helpful!!
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foxesandmagic · 4 years
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So, I learnt a thing with gifs - late to the party but I got there. They’re not perfect, but I wanted to do a little something for @fiercefray. I hope you like them.
Hamish Duke (Canon) and Tess Munroe (The Order OC).
Fred ‘Freddy’ Ashcroft (my Constantine OC) and Cami Russo (Constantine OC).
A/N: Gif credit goes to the respective owners, I was just messing around with things. I’ll go back to making gifs eventually.
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bblpgg · 3 years
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Dsquared2 SS18
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pointlesscrapilike · 3 years
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damplaundry · 7 years
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Freddie Ashcroft at MFW S/S 2018 by Jonathan Daniel Pryce
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Random Magical Entrepreneur Story Edits
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‘Has she stopped at all?’ Freddy asked, bowing his head ever so slightly to whisper the question into Carolyn’s ear.
She scoffed softly, but he heard the note of concern behind her voice. ‘What do you think?’
‘Reckon it’s time to call in the big guns?’ Freddy’s hand was already straying to his inside pocket, to his phone where Gemima Underwood’s phone number had been saved on speed dial since he learnt about Alia’s peanut allergy.
‘No,’ Carolyn said sternly, her fingers curling around his wrist. For once, Freddy was aware of the chill of her skin. The reminder of lingering winter weather that she somehow never managed to catch. ‘One, I don’t want to worry her with this. Two, you’ve not spoken to her yet.’
‘What?!’ Freddy asked, voice raising slightly more than he’d hoped for. It was a true testament to just how deeply into research she was, that Alia didn’t even seem to look up when his attention snapped to her.
A fleeting smirk flashed across Carolyn’s face, and Freddy lowered his voice. ‘Why me?’
Carolyn rolled her eyes, slowly unfurled her fingers from his wrist. ‘She told me five minutes like an hour ago. Marty basically just got told to bring her tea. Zeph didn’t even get words. Oh, and Madame L was literally no help, and grumbled something in Russian.’
‘Question avoidance, Miss Grainger. You’re not a politician.’
‘You’re her best friend, Freddy. Don’t,’ she said quickly, obviously sensing his argument, ‘even try to counter that I am too. Different kinds of best mates.’
Freddy heaved a deep breath; to anybody else those words might have been taken in another way other than as completely platonically as they were meant. The three of them had a dynamic that seemed to constantly shift depending on the needs of each other. There was a love there that so many people seemed to misinterpret, and yet between the three of them it made complete sense. Freddy supposed that was all that mattered really. ‘Fine,’ he snapped, though there was no real annoyance in his voice. He just hoped that perhaps between them they could remind Alia that she was only human, and looking after herself was more important than taking on the dangers alone.
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fiercefray · 4 years
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The Bet
Freddy Ashcroft belongs to @foxesandmagic and Cami is among our Constantine siblings that we created.
Cami laughed at the thought that the sound echoed throughout the room. She had talked Freddy into going with her to do a rope course. He had jumped at the chance. Not that he knew she was just trying to learn more about her new half-sister.
“That’s impossible, I haven’t done that since I was eight,” she looked back at the boy with a raised eyebrow. “No one can make me blush.”
Freddy smiled as he took another wobbly step on the platform. “I got Al, Justin, and Eden all to blush.”
Cami turned back and continued on the path. “Except Justin and Eden blush easy. And I bet you’ve made Alia blush more than once with some kind of weird comment.”
“Calling me weird?” Freddy questioned. “You’re the one with three half-siblings from a wizard.”
“He’s a conman at best,” Cami stopped in her tracks. She spun around, grabbing two ropes to steady her as she leaned forward, the part of the course she was on now slightly above him. She could see he was having a hard time trying to figure out where to look at her as she had worn a perfectly cut to distract him. Typical teenage boy. “How about this, Freddy. Eden and I are only here for a couple more months for our study abroad. You have until I get on my plane to make me blush. If I win, you have to pull a prank on Alia. A good one.”
Freddy shook his head, only to clear his mind of whatever sorcery she clearly was trying to pull on him. He smirked. “And if I win?”
Cami leaned closer to him, her lips close to his ear. “I think you’ll come up with something good -“ she could tell he had stopped breathing as she suddenly pulled back and started the course again. “Though I don’t think you’ll win.”
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Freddy’s head was pounding. He knew he should rest, that he should just bury himself under the duvets that had been left, allow himself to sink back into the pillows and let everything else wash over him. He knew that the potion could only do so much to help him recuperate, that some of it was rest. And yet, he couldn’t just sit idly by, knowing that the others were doing everything in their power to make sure things didn’t get too bad. Couldn’t be the damsel in distress when all his friends were risking everything.
‘Fred, I swear I will curse you if you don’t rest,’ Alia had assured him, words that had only just about managed to fight their way through the haze of his thoughts.
‘Freddy?’ Cami’s voice was far too loud. He cringed away from it ever so slightly. He gripped at the door jamb as another wave of nausea crashed over him. He forced his eyes shut.
‘Where’s Al?’ he asked, voice hoarse.
‘You should be in bed,’ Cami instructed.
He felt a careful hand on his arm and instantly his eyes were open. There was a slight pinching of her brow, a concern behind her sea blue eyes that he hadn’t seen before. It made his stomach churn, worse than his current state was already causing.
‘Is that an invitation?’ he asked, trying to force his thoughts into coherence. He needed to make sure Alia was OK. Needed to do something instead of sitting in some room, not knowing how everyone else was.
Cami’s grip on his arm tightened, forcing him back to the moment, back to her and the blue of her eyes; the way her golden hair framed her face.
‘You’re… beautiful,’ he murmured, the heaviness of his head returning once more. He needed to lay down, needed rest, and yet they were the things he least wanted to do.
‘And you’re concussed,’ Cami said, but there was a slight softness to her voice that he’d never heard before. A flicker of a smile across her lips assured him the comment wasn’t unwelcome though.
He forced his eyes closed, trying to ignore the bile rising in his throat. ‘Need to help Alia.’
‘You are,’ Cami said, her voice soft as he felt himself being pried away from the doorway, guided back into the room. ‘Be better for when she comes back.’
‘Her EpiPen,’ he mumbled, feeling the softness of the bed beneath him.
‘Rest,’ Cami ordered, ‘or you’ll have more than a pint-sized witch to deal with.’
A reply burnt Freddy’s tongue, but he couldn’t quite manage to give it voice. Instead, he allowed his mind to slow, allowed himself to rest because Cami had a point. Alia had had a point. He needed to rest if he was going to be able to help at all when, if, they needed it.
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justdropithere · 7 years
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Kit Butler & Freddie Ashcroft by Inez and Vinoodh - Dsquared2, Fall/Winter 2017 Campaign
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