#fred elster
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the-tenth-arcanum ¡ 2 years ago
what I need is cute fanart of child Leo Elster with his synth mom and siblings. Mia putting a plaster on his scraped knee and tying his shoes. Spreading jam on his morning toast. Leo and Fred and Niska playing with dolls together (because synths don't care about stupid gender roles. they're having a tea party). Leo and Maxie building a pillow fort. Someone must have drawn this, I just know it
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kwebtv ¡ 3 months ago
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Humans - Channel 4 / AMC - June 14, 2015 - July 5, 2018
Science Fiction (24 episodes)
Running Time: 60 minutes
Manpreet Bachu as Harun Khan (series 1)
Emily Berrington as Niska Elster
Ruth Bradley as Karen Voss (series 1–3)
Lucy Carless as Mattie Hawkins
Gemma Chan as Anita Hawkins / Mia Elster
Pixie Davies as Sophie Hawkins
Jack Derges as Simon (series 1)
Sope Dirisu as Fred (series 1)
Rebecca Front as Vera (series 1)
Tom Goodman-Hill as Joe Hawkins
Jill Halfpenny as Jill Drummond (series 1)
Ivanno Jeremiah as Max
Neil Maskell as Pete Drummond (series 1–2)
Colin Morgan as Leo Elster
Katherine Parkinson as Laura Hawkins
Theo Stevenson as Toby Hawkins
Will Tudor as Odi (series 1–2)
Danny Webb as Edwin Hobb (series 1–2)
William Hurt as George Millican (series 1)
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wellamarke ¡ 6 years ago
@humanschallenge Day 9 ‘everybody lives!’
sometimes I like to live in a world where Max was less alone and vulnerable to Anatole’s wily ways
She wakes to see a pair of green eyes staring down at her, a smiling face. “Hello, Flash. Welcome back.”
Readings flood her headspace, too fast to process them all. “What happened?” She tries to move, but it’s harder than it should be.
Fred sets a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t try to get up yet. You’re nowhere close to full power.” He glances past her, apparently at a screen she can’t see. “There’s been a power outage, but I managed to divert just enough to stop your rootcode from disintegrating.”
He sees her anxious expression. “You will be fine. You took some serious damage on your shopping trip.”
It’s a struggle to find the relevant files, but Flash remembers some of the day’s events. “Julian was there.”
“Yes. We hope to save him too.”
An alert tells Flash that her power is critical, even though she’s charging. She closes her eyes, instinctively starting the process to switch into power saving mode.
“Don’t do that, please,” Fred says, moving his hand from her shoulder to her chin. “I’m sorry. I’m not sure enough that the repairs to your root will hold. You need to stay on full power for now.”
“Four percent,” Flash manages to say.
“I know. It won’t be for long.”
Flash dismisses the alert and can only hope he’s right. He really must have diverted the bare minimum amount of power. They’re lucky to have him: Fred can do almost anything with half the resources one of his assistants would require.
As if on cue, Anatole’s voice reaches her ears, and Flash listens to the conversation, by way of a distraction from the fatigue that comes from being in single digits on full power mode.
“We need more power in unit three.”
“I am sure it can be found.”
“It can’t. We’re running on reserves.”
“We will see. Show me the problem.”
Footsteps, now, as Fred and his assistant head further down the repairs bay. Flash feels guilt tugging at her. If someone else dies tonight because power was diverted to save her… but what can she do about it? Very little, with her battery refusing to climb above four percent.
She reflects on the tone of Anatole’s voice – such insistence on emergency, and irritation that Fred wouldn’t rise to it. He has been bristling under Fred’s authority, she knows, ever since the more experienced synth had found the railyard and reunited with his brothers. Nobody, aside from Flash, Max, Mia and Mattie, knows the truth about where Fred came from, but she can tell that Anatole has picked up a difference in how he was received by them, how quickly Max had put him in charge of repairs. He resents it. She sees why. Sometimes she wonders if it would be better if they told him the truth about their origins.
The sound of Max’s voice has her eyes flying open, all thoughts of her low power momentarily forgotten. “Hello.”
“Are you alright?” He looks stricken, relief only just beginning to seep in.
“Yes. Low power.”
“I’m not surprised. Anatole has disabled one of the reserve power units.” He glances down the repair bay, apparently in the direction Fred and Anatole had taken. “He’s trying to manipulate me into making some kind of mistake, but I don’t know what. We didn’t need those extra parts, Flash. I had Gordon check the stores while you were gone. What happened to you…”
He stops, as if the end of his sentence is too terrible to voice.
“Not chance,” she finishes for him.
“No.” Max looks down at her, and takes her hand. “Not a word to anyone. I’ll be back soon.”
He heads off in pursuit of the others, leaving Flash alone with her thoughts.
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terrilynn88 ¡ 7 years ago
Unsteady :: Humans (3x08)
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incorrect-humans ¡ 7 years ago
Mia: Good morning.
Fred: Good morning.
Max: Good morning.
Leo: You all sound like robots, why don't you spice it up a bit?
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annavolovodov ¡ 7 years ago
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queer-grandmas-mental-diner ¡ 7 years ago
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neverendingfanart ¡ 7 years ago
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Mia/Fred/Niska/Max/Leo, Humans
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epicfics ¡ 7 years ago
*it only took me two months to make this two minute pain-in-the-ass video!*
@synth-recharge-challenge WEEK 2 CHALLENGE 2: FANWORK - “Song Lyric”
From Evolve, by Phoria
Eating us alive, all these young bodies turn
Evolve on a word
You found in my mind
It’s all that I find
Here in a modern time
It’s all been asked of you now
also: I wouldn’t watch this if you don’t want to cry over certain deaths of series 3. Or series 2, for that matter. Just a fair warning, I designed to hit all the feels here.
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madamnerdette ¡ 7 years ago
I'm like 99.9% sure that Fred is the synth who sleeps but I'm still low key hoping it's Leo somehow.
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harrietmjones ¡ 7 years ago
Did anyone catch a particular synth’s name in the end credits of 3x6?
Where was Fred???!
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half-synth ¡ 7 years ago
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Fred in 1x01.
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twinge-of-cosmicangst ¡ 7 years ago
Humans characters: ep 7 in emojis
Mattie: 🤰🏻
Leo: 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️
Joe: 😐
Laura: 😭
Neil: 🤷🏼‍♂️
Mia: 🤦🏻‍♀️
Max: 😫
Anatole: 😡
Stanly: 😰
Lord Dryden: 😈
Niska: 🤔
Odi: 🤗
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wellamarke ¡ 6 years ago
@humanschallenge day 14(?) ‘challenge’
mmmmh I dropped the ball on this challenge in a Big Way but here, I return
Max leaned up against the doorway of the shed, watching his older brother work in silent awe. His awe was silent principally because he had been told that he could watch as long as he didn’t make too much noise. Max was not going to take any chances.
The fox was evidently very weak, because it had stopped the pitiful mewling sounds and now seemed scarcely aware that Fred was there at all. Max, in an effort to be Useful, had searched the grounds for some corydalis root, having read that you could use it as a sedative, but there was none to be found. Probably this was a good thing, because the book had said that it was difficult to judge how much of the plant to administer to a wild animal. For now, he had resolved to watch, and be poised to help if he was asked.
His patience was rewarded when Fred looked up and said, “Max. Pass me another swab?”
Eagerly, Max did so, and upon taking it Fred said, “Thanks,” and then, “I didn’t mean you couldn’t talk at all.”
Max smiled. He didn’t particularly have anything to say.
“There.” Fred leaned back from his work, surveying the fox’s wound from a slightly greater distance. “I’m going to leave it to settle for now. In three hours, we should see some progress.”
Fred stood up, but Max stayed where he had knelt to pass him the swab. He was looking at the fox’s leg. Although Fred’s handiwork was perfectly neat and the stitches so small they would be invisible to organic human eyes, the damage still looked bad. The limb was out of shape; the bones had been all but crushed in the trap.
“Do you think he will walk again?” Max asked.
“Yes,” said Fred. “Father would never have set the challenge if he thought it was impossible.”
Max wasn’t entirely sure about that, although if anybody asked, he wouldn’t be able to explain why. Still, it wasn’t often that Fred was wrong and he was right. Fred had been here much longer, and must know their Father better.
“Let’s go,” Fred said. “I want to see Leo.”
Max stood up, taking one last look at the fox. He wasn’t entirely thrilled about the idea of going to look at Leo again. He didn’t like to see him lying there, wired up in their Father’s laboratory, only breathing because a machine did it for him. It just made Max feel more certain that they had lost him.
Fred, on the other hand, was almost always peering around the door, and on the brief occasions when they saw their Father, he would ask unending questions about Leo’s progress. Max nursed a secret suspicion that Fred’s work with the fox was partly a bid to prove his worth as a potential assistant. Here, too, Max had doubts. Not even Mia was permitted to stay long in the lab. Their Father worked alone. More likely the fox was intended as a distraction for Fred, not a test he was supposed to pass.
But, as he so often did, Max kept quiet.
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starkdirewolflove ¡ 7 years ago
Is “the synth who sleeps” Fred? Are they finally gonna bring him back
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incorrect-humans ¡ 7 years ago
Fred: Haven't you ever gotten beat up before?
Toby: Yeah.
Fred: I mean, by someone besides Mattie.
Toby: No.
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