#fraser gets angry
verushkak70 · 6 months
Fraser pulls himself back from the edge
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So, with difficulty, here we see Fraser pull himself back from the edge. Look at his visible hard swallow. Look at his hand beginning to shake as it holds the gun in Gerard's face. Look at the shine of tears in his eyes, the shutting of his eyes as if to stop seeing what he is seeing (the man responsible for his father's death). The way he works his lips, tongue, teeth in the last GIF. Fraser is mad as hell. (Excellent physicality of the emotion by PG, too, btw!)
Sure, some people will argue, "Well, he was severely provoked, and he pulled himself back from doing something stupid and violent."
True. But. If he were 100% well-adjusted - like he acts for most of the rest of the series, like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth - would he ever have drawn his gun in the first place?
I love angry, hurting, messed up Fraser. I just love him to bits and I long ago lost any ability to remove that headcanon from my mind, unless I'm writing a pinch hit for a very specific prompt or Secret Santa author letter with parameters very unlike my own, in which case I compartmentalize, and put myself in the shoes and headspace of the recipient, and see Fraser their way.
But in my own imaginings and headcanon - Fraser is pretty emotionally messed up. He's doing the best that he can, of course. And, all things considered, his best is pretty good. (I'm not suggesting his grandparents were completely terrible surrogate parents, by any means. But. His late grandmother slaps her late adult son - which Fraser doesn't even see; only Fraser Sr. sees/experiences that; that is canon.)
And while it is completely understandable that Fraser would be pretty messed up emotionally/relationship-wise, of course it would definitely have repercussions in his adult life and relationships.
I'm just saying.
And I love messed up Fraser. Love him. He is my favorite version of Fraser because it makes him so human, and not a Mountie superhero at all.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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The Crown Season 5 Claudia Harrison as Princess Anne & Theo Fraser Steele as Commander Tim Laurence
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specialagentartemis · 2 years
Genuinely: For people who are angry and frustrated at the limited number of movies and shows available for streaming, at the way streaming services pull or cancel movies and shows at will, at the way every media corporation under the sun is pulling their stuff onto their own streaming service and balkanizing access to things behind a dozen different monthly subscriptions? For people who miss Blockbuster and want to be able to just rent a DVD again?
See if your local library has a DVD collection.
If I want to watch The Mummy (1999) with Brendan Fraser? I can't stream it on Netflix, but I can borrow it from my local library.
If I want to watch The Mummy (1932) with Boris Karloff? I can't stream that pretty much anywhere, but I can borrow it from my local library.
I want to watch Star Wars or Iron Man or my favorite Disney movie but I refuse to sell my soul to pay for Disney+? I can borrow these from my local library.
Do I want to finish watching Star Trek: Deep Space 9 or check out Star Trek: Picard but resent that it's all on yet another streaming service I don't want? I can borrow season box sets of DVDs from my local library!
Obviously, available circulating collections vary a lot between library systems. (My hometown's library has all of Star Trek DS9 on DVD, for example, but my college town's library only has TOS, Picard, and Discovery.) And of course it depends on whether things are released in physical media form at all, and you won't be able to keep up with new episodes of new series - it takes a while for many things to come out on DVD.
But there can be a lot of good stuff there too. For example, I missed Nope in theaters, but I still really want to see it. So I have it on hold from my local library. I'm 73rd in line on 50 copies, so it'll be a while.
So check to see what DVD collections your library does have - it might surprise you what you can get access to, for free, in a manner that no greedy corporation can yank away.
And by checking out DVDs, you are telling the library that you use and want them to maintain and grow their AV media collection. Which is an encouragement we could really use these days.
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pigtailedgirl · 6 months
Ray Vecchio.
A cinnamon bun character with a covering glaze of 100% sass, sarcasm, and willful stubborn grumpy ignorance.
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And nerd. Did I mention I love all the nerds of Due South!
This isn't your bad guy or jerk. I refuse interpretations that forgo the soft heart underneath that makes the character.
Dude was this soft little boy that had his hope and dreams of what it means to be a good man beat out him by his father and example. Had all the harsh realities of people's lives letdown to muddle through. And you know what his mantra and overall reaction to these lessons is? His core refrain of action, again behind or with the glaze, throughout the series and his life? Try again anyway. Keep dreaming of better. Even when angry and afraid and down.
At heart, he never quits trying to be better. Even if he doesn't know what it is; See the bad examples. Or project feeling it; See bad experiences.
He wants his classic car, pool night with the guys, and a shortie pajama wearing girlfriend who bakes him muffins at Christmastime.
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Hee sorry couldn't resist.
He wants loyalty, and respect, and love foremost. The real and honest stuff. To have. To give.
He has wanted to be a cop since childhood, because it's his base impression of a hero. As he references while doing the actual weird and miserable part of the job in the dumpster. Instead of trying to live up to an example like Fraser 's relation to his Dad, it's seeking an example in opposite, but it's the same virtues wanted; Cops are the good guys, they save the day, they help.
The interior meat of him, and to understand the character, you have to realize the fronts he puts up to cover the fear and hurt, the anger at the world, that tells him none of his wants or dreams or this seeking are worthy or achievable. So you get vexed and cankerous and ignorant Ray. But it's clearly a response and a defense. Which doesn't make it goals or good of course, hence he's in the gotta learn better position, in the fool and prove wrong position most times. It's not supposed to be free from critique, more is kinda of there to be, but it does make him layered when you can plainly see that's not his heart or wants either and that he works as a character with that balance of division in him.
To me it's a perfect balance. A humanity and emotional character that you can relate to on either end. The dreamer or screw-up. Cause that feels like a reality.
Ray Vecchio is the everyman of the series. Don't poison that one and keep it a happy series.
The saddest thing or line of his character struggle is the worry or to confirm he isn't worth having those basic wants or fulfilling them. That he'll give in or get given up on. That the outer projection of negative will just be a final reality for him or the outside. Letting his grump or the awful aspects view of the world win or beat him, essentially argues the realities of that is more powerful than DS's hopeful magical realism...and I go ah no!
Because the joy of doing good and helping and overcoming he gets from being with Fraser is a way better reward than glitz or external rewards, even as it's the most challenging too.
Because it's the more self-fulfilling. That reward of the soul.
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Okay, I have a (hopefully!) fun discussion question for you in line with the teaching tool I'm working on for my class: Do you think the show sets up Jamie Frasier and BJR as foils and, if so, does it do so effectively?
Goodness @lyledebeast you really cannot give me a better Ask than that!
Answering these questions comprehensively would take a very long time because there are so many different parallels drawn between the two characters across both versions of Outlander canon—the show itself and the novels that inspired it. Indeed, the establishment of Black Jack Randall and Jamie Fraser as foils happens early and consistently in both the TV adaptation and the book series.
So my short answers are: Yes, absolutely the show sets up Jamie and Black Jack as foils. And yes, I think it does so quite effectively!
As a refresher for readers, foils are characters established with intentional comparisons and contrasts to differentiate unique aspects of each persona. Protagonists and antagonists often get established as foils to elucidate one another’s positive and negative qualities. I would definitely say this happens consistently between Jamie and Randall in Outlander canon—and in both directions at that.
Although it would take quite a lot of words, even for me, to provide a comprehensive overview of all the specific things both the show and the books do to establish Black Jack and Jamie as foils for one another, I can give a concise overview of the foundational work each version of canon does to set up the continuous parallels drawn between the two characters. The original Ask addresses the show specifically, but I’d never miss an opportunity to encourage y’all to flex your reading muscles! So I’ll include additional details provided in the books for context that enhance the TV adaptation’s framing of Randall and Jamie as foils.
For my money, there’s no better illustration of the foil dynamic between the two men than the juxtaposition of the two main flogging incidents from Season 1 of the TV show and its equivalent content in Book 1 / Outlander in the novel series. First is the retrospectively narrated 1740 sequence set at Fort William, wherein Randall flayed the upper layers of skin clean off Jamie’s back with with a nine-tail whip. Second is the live-action 1743 sequence set at Castle Leoch after Claire Beauchamp gets rescued from Fort William, wherein Jamie beats her with a belt for disobeying him and thus putting himself and his clan in danger.
On the show the belt scene is played mostly for laughs, but we do get an edgy scene subsequently in which Claire menaces Jamie with a knife and tells him he’d better never raise a hand to her again unless he’d like to get dismembered. I enjoyed that scene quite a bit. Stick him with the pointy end and all that! That said, it’s missing a critical bit of intrigue from the books that further cements the foil dynamic between Randall and Jamie. Specifically: In the book version, Jamie explicitly tells Claire that he got a sexual charge out of beating her because of how angry she got and how feisty it made her.
If this sounds familiar, consider how Black Jack tries everything he possibly can to get emotional responses out of Jamie. Not just while raping him at Wentworth Prison, but also years before while flogging him at Fort William. His whole aim in whipping Jamie that second time was to get him to cave and have sex with him, having made a bizarrely earnest proposition the previous evening that got rejected after Jamie gave it some thought.
Rather a lot of thought, to wit. In both the show and the novels, Jamie notes that he ultimately turned Black Jack down because he didn’t want to let his dad down by ceding control to someone else. He doesn’t indicate being put off himself by the idea of having sex with another man. Likewise, he doesn’t think his dad would be disappointed in him for sleeping with a guy if he did that of his own volition. Randall seems fully cognizant in both versions of canon of Jamie feeling some conflicted attraction to him and enjoying winding him up. So he figures it’ll take more effort to persuade Jamie to his position.
I’ve explored this in my “Shaking in the Light” fic wherein Black Jack explains the Fort William incident to Mary in his own words. In both that “Dispatches from Fort Laggan” continuity and several of my other stories, Black Jack and Jamie discuss the flogging and each of their respective motivations in that interaction. All of this draws on the canonically established character traits of both Jamie (physically, as established by his own behavior at multiple timepoints including the beating he wholly unnecessarily jumps at the chance to take for Laoghaire MacKenzie) and Black Jack (emotionally, as established by the Duke of Sandringham’s comments about him) being gluttons for pain.
Perhaps the greatest irony here is that between Black Jack and Jamie, we only ever get evidence of one of them beating his wife—and it very much isn’t Randall. Confirmed later via Black Jack’s son Denys Randall in Book 9 / Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone wherein Denys contrasts his mother Mary Hawkins’s memories of his father with her experiences of being married to his stepfather Robert Isaacs, who did beat her. Tracks absolutely with what we knew about Black Jack when he was still alive, mind. Whatever else one might say about him, he was always good to his family and cared about doing the best he could for them.
Then of course there’s Claire herself constantly fearing losing Jamie to Black Jack in both versions of canon. An understandable fear given how resoundingly obsessed Jamie remains with Randall even decades after his death! During early installments when Black Jack still lives, Jamie keeps deliberately goading him into snapping and doing violent things to him.
NB: It absolutely is not Jamie’s fault that Randall rapes him. Anyone who thinks the survivor of a rape is ever at fault for what happens, no matter what they did, can shut the entire fuck up.
However, in many other cases Jamie does go out of his way to antagonize Randall and goad him into fighting with him. The best example of this is the duel (actually multiple duels given the first one gets averted) to which Jamie challenges Randall in Season 2 and Book 2 / Dragonfly in Amber respectively. Definitely one cluster among several, though.
And Claire is far from the only person who notices this. Perhaps the best narration of these observations though comes from Dougal MacKenzie, whose disparaging comments about Jamie in Season 1 of the show are amplified to a damning degree by additional context from Book 1 in the novel series. When Dougal is giving Claire his own retrospective on the events at Fort William three years prior, Claire asks him why he’s telling her all this. He says he thought it might serve as an illustration of character. She thinks he’s only referring to Randall at first, but he clears up this misconception swiftly. He’s definitely referring to both men—and he isn’t wrong in the slightest.
Both the books and the show include a recurring theme of Black Jack and Jamie experiencing a lot of the same stuff emotionally but only one of them actually understanding the assignment of what’s going on between them. Nowhere is this more clear than in S1E15 “Wentworth Prison” on the TV series, wherein Randall sits down solemnly across from Jamie and asks him why he’d rather die than so much as talk to him.
The interaction that follows is about as close as Black Jack ever comes himself to saying the unsaid, which is fairly clear from both the show and the books. He’s trying persistently to get Jamie to understand that he understands what it’s like both to be pressured into sex and to feel ashamed of wanting something he knows will be destructive. The show makes it pretty clear that Randall himself is being coerced in all manner of ways, including sexually, by the Duke of Sandringham. I could probably write a full monograph on that dynamic alone! For now I’ll simply note that Black Jack’s explicit awareness of the similarity between himself and Jamie includes that particular dimension of shared experience.
Let’s not discount either that by this point Jamie and Black Jack have each saved each other’s life once already. Randall rescues Jamie from the gallows earlier in the episode looking like he’s about to shit a brick for almost not making it down to the Borders in time. And earlier in the season, in S1E09 “The Reckoning” just before he and Claire jump into the bay to escape, he leaves Black Jack unconscious on the floor of his office instead of slitting his throat. At this point Jamie doesn’t know that Claire has a vested interest in Black Jack remaining alive due to him being her 20th Century husband Frank Randall’s purportedly direct ancestor. He spares his life because he doesn’t want to kill him, and says as much later on.
We see this kind of parallelism a lot with the two of them. Including in Book 2 where we get an explicit retrospective from Black Jack about having “taken from him what he has taken from me” during the night at Wentworth Prison. Randall is both finding comfort in some of the only positive memories he has and trying to explain to Claire that Jamie actually does feel something for him—something particular that she can’t take away no matter how much of a hold she might have on him. Glorious bonuses abound in Book 1 as well given everything else we see from that night that didn’t make it into the TV adaptation. Including Randall sobbing copiously and telling Jamie he loves him, begging him to admit he loves him too.
Then there’s also a show bonus for that element of canon: the infamous “don’t stop” sequence from early in S2E02 “Not in Scotland Anymore” when Jamie is having one of his many dreams about Black Jack. TL;DR: A basic functional understanding of anal sex allows clear determination of which man is getting penetrated in that footage. Randall is eating it up and begging Jamie for more. Iconic. Also totally in character.
Again, every character-establishing moment we’ve gotten for Black Jack up to this point indicates clearly that he’s desperate for people to respond to him with passionate emotions. He’ll take what he can get obviously; if that means making someone furious with him or frightened of him he feels that’s better than nothing. But it’s not what he wants most. Jamie reflects this valuation of passion himself many times in both versions of canon, including but not remotely limited to the belt scene referenced above.
In the books it’s likewise strongly implied (before being confirmed later by Randall himself) that Jamie fucked him later in the night while they were both delirious and losing their minds in that dungeon cell at Wentworth. What he says to Claire in S1E16 “To Ransom a Man’s Soul” about Black Jack succeeding in making him realize things he wanted makes far more sense in light of this additional information from Book 2 and the show canon exchange between Claire and Black Jack at the tavern in Inverness where a grieving Randall is busily drinking himself into a stupor.
That about covers the early foundations here. Of course a key difference between the two men—and indeed a central driver of both their dynamic as foils and their antagonism of one another—is the difference from one man to the other in acceptance of sexuality.
Although very aware and resentful of the stigma surrounding both bisexuality and sadomasochism, Black Jack accepts his sexuality enough to be fairly open about it in comparison to other canonical queer characters in the Outlander universe. He does this with a considerable amount of internalized self-loathing, sardonically referring to his “unnatural tastes” and noting he’s well aware of how people see him. But he doesn’t deny his sexuality or attempt to escape it.
Jamie, by contrast, never manages (at least so far) to square with his capacity for attraction to people of similar sex and gender. He remains haunted for decades on end by his constant dreams about Randall, a plotline developed much more in the books than on the show. But damned if the dreams we do see on the show—as described above—aren’t incredibly telling.
In the books Jamie’s dreams about Black Jack only get more sexual over time. He becomes consumed with the dreams to the point of rambling about them constantly to his wife and his sister, both of whom have also experienced Randall getting frisky with them unsolicited. At one point in both the show and the books, Jamie notes to Claire that Randall absolutely succeeded in making him realized he wanted sexual intimacy with men. Then there’s also his sexually and romantically charged friendship with Lord John Grey, who himself has always been open with Jamie about his feelings beyond the platonic. But he still never acts on it—at least so far, though that could change in Book 10 and/or the final season of the show which will cover that content.
For now, I’ll note that Jamie’s dreams also clearly delineate the dynamic of him and Black Jack being foils. And for a final bonus, consider the dream sequence from Book 6 / A Breath of Snow and Ashes suggesting Black Jack as a foil for himself when he shows up in mirror image on both sides of Jamie. That, dear readers, is another topic for another time!
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crepesuzette2023 · 8 months
What’s a fic that made you cry ?
Thank you for asking—and for immediately sending me off on a brief 'meta' slingshot trajectory around my own navel! (Don't worry, I'll answer your question.)
Your ask reminded me of the fact that I almost never cry over stories. I either enjoy them, or I'm shaking with rage, if they're too painful. For a story to hit the sweet spot of undiluted sadness, of simply being moved, without spouting angry tirades in my mind trying to argue with the sad events of the story, is pretty special.
For this reason, the stories your ask made me think of are among my favorites. Sorry if I mentioned some of them before, but here we are.
(I'll mention some spoiler-y and hopefully brief explanations under the cut.)
Miracle Worker by @scurator. Still Mates by @pauls1967moustache. The late, great, johnny ace by @midchelle. Coast Starlight by bookofapril. All I Know Since Yesterday by RedheadAmongWolves.
I guess what the three quote unquote saddest stories in this list have in common, to me, is that they're a big, noble Fuck You to the ultimate adversary, everyone's final lover, the great oblivion, etc.: Death—while at the same time summoning its inevitability. It will get you, even if you love a Beatle. Even if you are one.
So, you better hold on tight and make the most of it while you can (she says, typing these lines on tumblr while seizing the fuck out of her instant coffee flavor).
Miracle Worker is about Paul and Robert Fraser making love after John's death. It's about death, and fading physical beauty, and the untarnished beauty between them. The guttering flame. Yes, it's very hot, and both sad and invigorating—like a good cry, but without the ugliness of anything as overt as crying.
Still Mates is about Peter Asher giving himself permission to reject a life of politely closeted desire by sleeping with Paul, his sister's ex, in '68. It's a story about courage, and the ability to face who you are and who you want. I'm sorry for sounding like a movie trailer. It's also a fantastically realized outsider's perspective on the beauty of J/P turning ugly, and on the mystery surrounding this legendary relationship—the elusiveness of Paul's soul is in striking contrast with Peter's hot but mundane physical closeness to Paul, the man.
The late, great johnny ace is a ghost story that denies being a ghost story, but at the last moment can't resist reaching for comfort. (At least that's what I choose to believe.) Paul, George and Ringo make a record in 1981. Paul writes Here Today. The ghost is John. The 'at the end of all things' atmosphere is shattering, but the music in Paul's soul, and the surviving bonds of friendship, and, just possibly, John's ghost, prevail.
Bonus: crying/tears without sadness
Sometimes a story is so beautiful it makes my eyes well up with it.
Coast Starlight is about a world where Paul and Robert Fraser are together in the 70's, and they're vacationing on Fire Island, and they fuck a lot, each other and others (together), and it's fine. More than fine. It's heaven on earth. As I said before, I really can't do this story justice. The relief (what a weak word) I felt in the end, when Paul realizes he can let go of his burdens and be loved for who he is (by Robert, who is giving this to him), nearly had me speaking in tongues of the awesome power of fiction.
All I Know Since Yesterday is about two teenagers in love, without either of them having told the other. They're sheltering at one of their houses after being caught in a rain storm, and dream about the future. A future with each other. And, finally, they kiss. The teenagers are John and Paul. And what I love about the story is that you feel throughout that this is the beginning of something big. The kiss is both sweet and elemental.
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gjdraws · 1 day
Just saw Invitation to Romance and may I say how incredibly funny it is to see such a funny parallel that I wonder if they intended it:
1. Evil guy Eillis arguing with his fiancé and generally being difficult because his fiance is just Like That
2. Ellis having his fiance followed for no reason except jealousy and so of course, she's indignant and angry and trying very hard to lose the tail her husband has on her because she expects this every now and then you know?
3. His fiancé telling him there were shenanigans on the water bed! Ellis going OH MY FIANCÉ she is telling me terrible true things!
1. Ray arguing with Fraser like a couple but going along with it because Fraser is just Like That
2. Ray following Fraser bc Fraser will legitimately get in trouble and DOES and so Ray's here swooping in as Fraser's gonna get shot like oh hi babe btw I brought Dief and a gun! and Fraser's like oh cool nice wasn't expecting you but totally not surprised hi babe! Oh you're in a mountie uniform, I'm sure you have your own very good reasons! And in general being not at all surprised Ray is here but in a very "He's always around" sort of way.
3. Fraser being no I did not commit any shenanigans at the water bed they were entirely innocent, and Ray going Yeah I believe that
In conclusion they are very well matched your honour.
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Incredibly miffed that he danced with Catherine when Ray was right there to have a chat with instead.
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allofthebeanz · 1 year
Buckle up, kids, Beanz is gonna rant about fictional characters...
(heads up that while I'm not being negative or critical of someone's interpretation, I do refer to what I've seen in fic and how I feel about it in terms of my own reading of characterization. If you're sensitive about this kind of meta (like I am!) please feel free to skip over this post)
Okay so during my recent marathon of Due South fic reading, I noticed that some people characterize Ray (Kowalski) as seeing Fraser as 'Supermountie' and I definitely see where this comes from. Everyone has an image surrounding Fraser. Ray Vecchio definitely buys the persona and deals with hero worship until the second season where he comes to terms with Fraser being a repressed bastard rather than superman. I personally adore Red, White, and Blue because of Ray's character development in the pretend argument he has with Fraser. (And I have to say it's a shame that the actor didn't want to come back for more cameos so we could see the interactions between the two afterwards).
Now obviously Ray, and most of the people Fraser surrounds himself with (Thatcher, Turnbull, Welsh, Frannie) care about him as a person, but they still see him as an indestructible hero. He does crazy shit and he pulls you along and you're scared for yourself because you're not like him. Or, if he gets hurt, he just bounces right back because his duty is above anything else how can he stay down for too long. He's Fraser, he can do ANYTHING.
Maybe this is just me, but I never got that from Ray Kowalski. Ray comes in, he thinks 'wow, what a weirdo' (not in a bad way, Fraser's just weird like all the other members of the cast tbh). He tells Fraser not to go in a burning building. He tells him not to lick electrical sockets. He calls Fraser a freak - there is zero hero worship towards him. What happens when Fraser turns out to catch a knife? Ray's livid about it. Ray decides to box with Fraser because he sees them as equals, right? There's no 'wow, Fraser's gonna kick my ass' it's just 'fight me'.
To me the only thing Ray had to do, which everyone does, is figure out how Fraser communicates. Ray figures out how Fraser manipulates. He's passive-aggressive with the niggling and the high vocabulary. But he never needed to figure out Fraser's human. Because he told him - to his face - 'you don't have a cape'. He wants Fraser to be vulnerable about him because he already knows he has vulnerabilities. There's no 'do you get angry Fraser' it's 'just get angry already!'.
In MotB Ray gets all snippy again in the submarine because Fraser does that thing where he's blank faced and calm. Fraser, five minutes ago, was yelling at Ray and giving him the beautiful 'are you happy now' face. Ray seemed to be calmer with that Fraser. And, hey, sure Fraser shows anger there but we also get a rare smile at the end. With Ray! That's the most emotion we've ever seen from him since Victoria's Secret!!!
tl;dr: RayK, at least to my reading, has never seen Fraser as SuperMountie
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Hii! Could I ask for some hcs for yandere Jamie Fraser? Your writing is fantastic!!!
''Even if you want me away from you, I will never abandon you.'' - Jamie Fraser.
❝🗿— lady l: sure you can Hope you like these hcs, anon, I really enjoyed writing it, as I really like this character and I haven't seen any yandere content for him, so… Here it is! Thank you for the compliment!! Good reading and sorry for any mistakes! <3
❝🗿tw: yandere themes, obsessive and possessive behavior, uncontrolled jealousy, implied physical aggression, dub-con, implicit murder, threats, slight nsfw, slight dirty talk, unhealthy relationship.
❝🗿 pairing: yandere!jamie fraser x gender neutral!reader.
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There are many words that can define Jamie Fraser but the one that makes the most sense is: devout. This man can be many things, but he is a yandere who is very devoted to his darling, no matter how obsessed he is. There is nothing he wouldn't do for you and every moral he has will be cast aside for you.
Jamie was fascinated with you after meeting you and became more and more obsessed with each encounter you had. You couldn't get out of his head for some reason and he became more and more addicted to you. He yearned for you constantly and felt angry and sad when you weren't there.
You are his top priority and always will be. You'll be put on a pedestal for him, basically. He really worships you, in a not unhealthy way, and you've become the center of his world. Jamie has been through a lot and he doesn't want any of those things to happen to you. Fraser will kill anyone who dares to try to lift a finger to hurt you.
Jamie is not that possessive, he trusts his darling, he is confident in your feelings and he knows you will never do anything to hurt him. But that doesn't mean he isn't jealous, because he is, and a jealous Fraser is a real pain in the ass. He'll be quite annoying when he's jealous and will claim your attention any way he wants. It's not uncommon for him to have nicknames for you, but if he feels threatened by someone he will call you in more affectionate ways. He will make it clear that you are with him, that you belong to him. And if that doesn't work, Jamie will make subtle threats.
Jamie's natural instinct is to be overprotective and that's not something he can let go of even if he wanted to. This man is so protective of his sweetheart that even a broken nail is cause for concern, he cares for the ones he love and he cares and love you more than anyone else. How much he loves and protects you is unmatched and almost impossible to write. You are the most important person to him and always will be, he puts you above everything and everyone and you will always be his priority. You are matchless, perfect, and even a goddess/god in his eyes.
He's a soft yandere for you, and only for you, it's really hard for him to want to hurt you, but that doesn't mean he won't, because if you cross him in any way, Jamie can and probably will punish you. He doesn't like to hurt you, he has always hated physical punishment, but if necessary, he will physically punish you. His most preferable forms of punishment are those that involve some form of sexual pleasure, it's fun to watch you sexually agonize over him. And only for him. But that could also depend on how involved he is with you because if it's in a platonic way he'll be kinder to punishing you. But don't worry, he won't leave marks on your skin, he would hate to ruin your skin with scars.
Jamie is quite gentle and soft when it comes to you, you're the only one who knows his more vulnerable side. He can be many things and some of them are truths and lies, but the reality is that nothing people say about him makes him uncomfortable, he doesn't care about them, he cares about you and what you think. Fraser really values your opinion and if you don't like a trait about him Jamie will do his best to change it to please you. This is something he has done a lot, he lives for and craves your approval. He needs it constantly. It's like a thirst and Jamie is always thirsty for you. In every sense of the word.
This man is a yandere worshiper completely, he adores everything about you: your face, your voice, your smile, your eyes and your body. Even the parts you don't like, he will assure you how perfect you are. He likes to kiss you a lot, he loves the taste of your lips and it's almost always when he's glued with your mouth on his, that is, if he's not using his mouth for other… purposes. Every part of your body must be adored and he is more than happy to fulfill that wish, you drive him crazy and he almost can't contain himself around you. Bite marks and hickeys on your body are very common, he likes to mark you. He likes to remind you that you belong to him and him alone.
To say he is a dom is an understatement, this man is completely versatile and he loves both giving and receiving. Jamie loves to feast on your juices, if given the chance he will spend hours between your legs eating you out, devouring your pussy like a starving man and in a way he is hungry for you. Fraser loves to taste you, he likes to run his tongue over all your sweetest and most sensitive spots, enjoying the sounds you make in pleasure. He won't object if you want to suck him too, in fact, he loves to see you on your knees and taking him in your sinful mouth. Jamie likes to take you hard, pushing hard inside you enjoying the sly little screams you'll let out when you feel all of him. Every sound you release is like sweet music to Jamie's ears, fuck he loves you so much and hearing you moan his name just makes him even more in love with you. You are so fucking perfect.
Jamie can be as loving and patient with you as he is furious and crazy, his mood swings will vary greatly depending on your degree of relationship. He's not the most patient man you know, but he's there for you, totally gentle and calm, always encouraging you to get what you want, that is, if he hasn't already gotten it for you. He loves taking care of you, secretly, seeing you vulnerable and depending on him is something he appreciates very much, because he loves you and just wants to be the only one you trust. Jamie wants to be the one you trust blindly, the one you turn to for comfort or advice, he's going to be the one you trust and love without sense, he'll make sure of that.
In a way, he's not the worst yandere you'll ever meet. He has some characteristic and dangerous traits, but he will never hurt you too much, he doesn't like to see you all hurt and bleeding. Jamie is overprotective and jealous, he will protect you from everything that is bad in the world, including yourself, but he will not protect you from himself. He's quite confused by his own feelings, but he knows he's madly obsessed with you and he doesn't intend to ever let you go. Fraser can be thought of as a selfless yandere at times, but many of his selfish actions speak to the contrary. He is very loving with you, he loves to hug you, simply having you in his arms makes him happier and more confident of his own feelings. Jamie just wants the best for you, he wants nothing but your happiness, but he feels he's the only one who can help you achieve it. You cannot run away from him, he will never allow that. The love he feels for you is greater than any notion he may have and you will never leave him. Jamie will do whatever it takes to make sure you will always be with him.
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verushkak70 · 6 months
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I love this entire scene from the pilot. I am fascinated with Fraser's growing, barely contained, righteous anger. The way he's breathing SO HARD you can see the rise and fall of his chest. The way he tosses the bankbook dismissively.
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beatleskinkmeme · 2 months
1967 robert fraser kisses a drunk paul mccartney at a party ,john sees and gets angry ,jealous and insecure. "who do you love more?"
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judgeanon · 5 months
I'm late asking this but what was the best and worst of the Progs and Meg in 2023?
I'm late replying but here we go!
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For Dredd in the progs, I really enjoyed the short stories. THE NIGHT SHIFTER, SHRINE, FLUSHER and DISCIPLES OF DEATH were all favorites, although I admit that last one was mostly because of the cute Scottish goth girl.
Other than Dredd, I liked THE OUT, THE ORDER, DURHAM RED, the BATTLE ACTION crossover thing, FERAL AND FOE, DEADWORLD and BLADERS. I especially liked ROGUE TROOPER (I'm a sucker for Ennis), VOID RUNNERS (Boo Cook keeps getting weirder and I love it) and AZIMUTH (gorgeous art, intriguing story, and one of those classic 2000AD "You thought it was a new series but NOOOO!" twists that I really dig).
I didn't really like ENEMY EARTH, I think the art just doesn't fit the premise. And JOE PINEAPPLES should've been by all accounts a cool fun heavy metal last goodbye, but it turned into a weird meandering bunch of nonsense (with some cowardly anti-vax shit thrown in for good measure). LOWBORN HIGH and PORTALS AND BLACK GOO both had the same problem for me: strong, very British premises that don't go as far with the Britishness as I'd like them to. And DEVIL'S RAILROAD, I really wanted to like it but it just kinda lost steam very early on.
The big mehhhh of the year was the end of HERSHEY, though. I tried my best to meet it halfway and to its credit it did deliver some cool panels and nice pages, but in my eyes, it really squandered the last chance for Hershey as a character to present her side of her relationship with Dredd, to leave him with any kind of nugget of character development. It didn't do nearly enough with what I think is years and years of truly compelling relationship work and all the great Simon Fraser art in the world can't fix that.
I still bought a print of that one cover tho'.
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For the MEG, I liked almost everything. STORM WARNING, SURFER, DREADNOUGHTS, LAWLESS (fan-fucking-tastic last chapters), MEGA CITY 2099, all good stuff. I also enjoyed the shorter Dredds in the second half of the year, like RATINGS WAR and FITTING THE DESCRIPTION, but ONE-EYED JACKS... I dunno, neat premise but it went on a bit too long and wasn't super exciting either. Didn't really grab me. Same with Dark Judges.
That said, the most important 2000AD thing in 2023 for me was not in the prog or in the meg. It was here:
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Molcher's I AM THE LAW is a monumental book, one of the most thorough if not THE most thorough look at Dredd in its context. It's also heavy as all drokk, a real gutwrencher of a book, the kind of shit you can't read more than one and a half chapter without getting utterly depressed, ravenously angry, or both. It's a bleak, tough book but also a necessary one. That it's an official Rebellion product, to me, serves as a line in the sand, a very explicit statement about how they perceive Dredd. In a time where companies are running over themselves to claim their works are "not political" and "only want to entertain", Rebellion publishing Molcher's titanic work and advertising it next to their Case Files collections is something worthy of respect.
(Also, I may be a little biased on account of being in the Special Thanks for the book...)
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bitterbrained · 5 months
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𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐬 ―
an introduction.
NAME malcolm angus hayes NICKNAMES mac + mal + hayes AGE thirty-seven DATE OF BIRTH november 29th ZODIAC sagittarius sun + cancer moon + capricorn rising OCCUPATION coach + trainer at level four gym AFFILIATION enforcer for the mata haris HOMETOWN dundee, scotland TIME IN JAPAN five years
STRENGTHS honest + loyal + compassionate + principled + down-to-earth WEAKNESSES impulsive + reactive + stubborn + aggressive + disorganized
CHARACTER PARALLELS luke glanton ( the place beyond the pines ) + lincoln burrows ( prison break ) + daryl dixon ( walking dead ) + lip gallagher ( shameless ) + murtagh fraser ( outlander ) + jax teller ( sons of anarchy ) + brendan conlon ( warrior )
trigger warnings: mentions of violence + drugs + physical assault + sex trafficking + implied sexual assault + murder ― reader discretion advised.
▷ born on the wrong side of a cold, damp city in southeast scotland, malcolm hayes enters this world an accident. a mistake. the result of a faulty contraceptive and a night of good, cheap fun? a missed period and a panic attack in the cramped single-serve bathroom stall of the convenience shop down the block. and, nine months later, a baby boy. his father surely has no plans of raising him, not beyond evading what meager payments the county requires of him, and his mother ― a young woman by the name of bonnie baird, a dancer at one of the clubs in town a few nights a week to get by ― struggles to get by. but she does. as an infant, he spends nights in a car seat in the back of the club, babbling at the dancers as they breeze by. a warning. there will be no baby fever here. she does her best to raise him, though, and he may grow up knowing struggle, but not for a lack of effort on her part.
▷ malcolm is only twelve years old when the trajectory of his life changes drastically and permanently on what would otherwise be a normal tuesday morning. he learns he has a brother. and, more than that, this brother is coming to live with him and his mum. jericho hayes, for as young as he is, invites pure and unadulterated chaos through the door the moment he scurries inside ; like a wild animal trapped in an enclosure, he lashes out. breaks things. malcolm understands this better than most, he thinks. he's angry too, after all. but his own rage is a quiet one, not so much dormant as it is deep-seated ― an acrid, pulsating heat that lives in in his core and swells with each day he learns a little more of the world. but he doesn't know his younger brother's anger ― he still has his mum, after all, seldom as he sees her ― and cannot condemn it. he doesn't try to housebreak the kid, but he does decide he'll look out for him the best he can. he didn't have anyone looking out for him, after all, and he wonders sometimes if maybe it wouldn't have helped.
▷ as much as malcolm tries to raise jericho, at the end of the day, the truth is that both of the hayes boys are raised by the streets. he drops out of school when he's fifteen. tall, strong, and hard-working, it's not hard to find work. but stocking shelves or getting a gig down at the shipyard don't cut it and he knows that. he tries for a while, but he's got bills to pay if he wants to help his mum ( and get her off the goddamn streets because he's old enough now to understand what she feels like she's got to do to try and provide for the two of them and he wants to put an end to it ) and make sure they've got more than just a roof over their head but enough food on their table to not go to bed hungry, enough hot water to actually feel clean. and he needs a car, too, fuck, because his mum surely hasn't had one in years.
▷ his mum tries her best to be discreet about her business and keep it out of the house as much as she can, malcolm sees this, but that doesn't mean men don't come through tracking mud day in and day out. malcolm recognizes a few, faces he sees more often ― at least a couple of times a week. one day, one of these men offers him a job. it's a simple one. deliver a package a couple of towns over for him. that's easy enough, he figures, but he doesn't have a car. no matter, they provide one for him. he doesn't ask what's in the package, just drops it off at the address he's been told. but he can't drive the car back. ❛ oh, and take this permit. leave yours. ❜ it seems strange, but there's a ticket for the rail on his phone before he's even got the time to question it. when he gets home, malcolm is paid in cash. a fair bit more than he's expecting, too. he's asked, would he like to do it again? the answer is yes. absolutely, he would.
▷ it doesn't take long for malcolm to figure out what he's delivering. he's not stupid. but after a few smooth runs, he's convinced himself it's a risk he's willing to take. how's he going to get caught? he's never been flashy. first thing he does once the cash flow starts to feel secure is buy a car, but it's not much of a sight to behold, even so : a dingy silver volkswagen that's got two years on him, but the wear isn't bad and the deal is even better. malcolm doesn't pretend to know much, but he suspects it's the perfect incognito vehicle and even says as much the next time he sees his boss. he's instructed to continue the vehicles provided and dropping them off at the disclosed locations. that's less toll on his own car and his pay's only getting better, so malcolm doesn't ask questions. for now, he thinks, the less he knows, the better. and he knows enough for the time being. sometimes, he takes jericho with him, if for no other reason than the knowledge he's not wreaking havoc in his absence. and if anyone's got issue, no one ever says shit to him for it.
▷ a few more years and malcolm might not know everything, but he knows a hell of a lot more. so it goes something like this : each time he goes on a run, he's getting a rented car ( and at this point, he's the one renting the cars ) from a dealership in any one of a handful of local cities under false credentials. he takes that car to the designated drop off location ― they're further now, all of them, and each run can take him an upwards of a day or more with several stops along the way ― and once all of his product has been dropped and payment collected, he ditches his fake documents and grabs the first train that'll take him close enough to dundee, and there's someone waiting to pick him up the moment he steps off. standing at well over six feet tall and broad enough to eclipse near anyone who might stand in front of him, he seldom requires backup. less people, less mess.
▷ for a while, life actually seems like it might be pretty fucking good. trying to be smart about his shit means living within his means so he can dig his mum out of debt, and he does. in fact, he starts providing for her so she doesn't have to work at all. for the first time in what malcolm can only imagine is decades, she can know peace. and so, too, can he ― because he meets a woman. and he doesn't just meet her, either, he falls in love. he's not ever been able to maintain something serious, not before now, but there's something about her that makes an honest man out of him. well, as honest as a criminal can be. it's a shotgun wedding, but malcolm knows he would've married her either way. the only difference is now he's got a wife and a son. bonnie never thought she'd live to see herself become a grandmother, and she spoils the grandchild that carries her son's name with more affection than she ever had the time or energy to devote to him and jer. malcolm fears this might make him angry, jealous, but it actually serves as a salve for his spirit. it heals something in him.
▷ the law finally catches up with malcolm on the eve of his twenty-sixth birthday. it's a raid and nobody is prepared. he's not even meant to be there, for fuck's sake ― he was supposed to be out on a run, but they've given him a night to get pissed and celebrate and sent docherty out in his place, lucky prick ― and yet, he's sat absolutely fucking plastered on the sofa in the center of it all when the damn polis come kicking down the door. when it's all said and done, they manage to snag him and six of his brothers. malcolm doesn't try to fight when they throw him in the back of a van, not once they've already got him. even drunk, he knows better ― he's not trying to aggravate more charges, and outside of existing in the wrong place at the wrong time that night, he knows they don't got shit on him.
▷ or, at least, that's what he thinks. turns out, they've got enough small, bullshit charges stacked against malcolm to lock him up for five years. of everyone that got busted that night, he manages to land the shortest sentence ― without a word against anyone, either, he's no snitch ― and even so, it seems his entire world manages to go to shit while he's on the inside. jericho gets into fighting ( and really, good on him, malcolm thinks, because the boy needs a consistent outlet for his excitability and anger ) and he's proud, but his leaving while malcolm's serving time means there's nobody at home to look out for his mum. she's got to go back to work, too ; he can't support her from the inside, not like he used to, and anybody he'd ask to keep eyes on her while he's in got thrown into the back of the same damn wagon.
▷ now, he doesn't know exactly what happened while he was on the inside ― only what his wife would tell him when she'd visit, but after a while even she stopped visiting, wouldn't pick up his calls, and for the last two years of his sentence, malcolm might as well have been getting radio silence from the outside world ― but he knows that when he gets out, it's not to a ride or a welcome home from a friend or a family member, but to the news that his mum's dead. been dead, as a matter of fact, for something like a couple of years. and wouldn't you know, not a single fucking soul seems to know what happened to her? malcolm finds that hard to believe. his wife and kid are gone, too, whole house boarded up. are those two things connected? couldn't say. for some reason, nobody wants to tell malcolm shit. that's fine. when's he ever relied on anybody but himself anyway?
▷ while he was locked up, malcolm tried to work on himself. figured it was the right thing to do ― learning how to practice patience, tolerance. and wouldn't you know he actually did a pretty damn good job of it? unfortunately, it turns out he can't seem to recall any-fucking-thing about forgiveness when it's his family on the line. all that growth? out the fucking door. he has to break in to his old house to get the emergency supplies he'd left stashed in the floorboards of the washroom long before he got busted, but it's all still there. the money, the documents. the gun. he pays in cash for a cheap motel room and works up a plan over a bottle of whisky. a few hours later, he breezes into a meeting ( his invitation to which has clearly been revoked ) and decides to shoot first, ask questions never. not like any of the fuckers were inclined to answer him the first time he asked, were they? seven men go down, security included. as he inspects their bodies in the aftermath, malcolm realizes he recognizes maybe half. the only face that really matters though, the bastard that used to pimp out his mother? he's there. malcolm unloads a few more rounds into him for good measure before making his exit.
▷ when he gets back to his room, he spends an hour in a scalding shower and tries to figure out the new plan from here. he needs to leave. if he stays, they'll find him and kill him. he may be wily, but he'll be lucky if he lasts a month. but he doesn't have anybody left in dundee, and he's barely got any money. what he does have is a phone number, and he doesn't even know if it'll ring after all these years or if his little brother has gotten a new one while he's been gone. it's a different kind of relief he feels when jericho picks up on the other line. little shit didn't even know he was supposed to be getting out. malcolm can't even be mad, though. how could he know? he doesn't like to make a habit of asking for handouts, for help, but if there's anyone he can trust, he knows it's jericho. kid's in japan now, says there's a job open there he could probably snatch up and he'll wire him some money, send him a ticket. it's more than malcolm could ever ask for, but it's also not something he's in any position to refuse. within twelve hours, he's in an airport, and he spends the flight to japan falsifying certifications that make him look more than qualified for the job. ( don't ask where he got the laptop, alright? he'll send it back to the original owner when he can, there's an address on the case. )
▷ malcolm ends up staying with with jericho for a few weeks after he gets to japan, long enough to get on his feet once he's secured the coaching position at level four gym. and coaching his own brother, no less ― he's just as hard-headed and volatile as malcolm remembers, but he'll be damned if he didn't miss it. it doesn't take long for him to get his own place, though, if for no other reason than that he doesn't need much. his flat is a tiny hole in the wall, one he's got to duck through the doorway to get into, but it's enough. it also happens to be located close enough to heaven's night that malcolm stumbles across the mata haris by chance ― he thinks he'd call it fate. the loss of his mother is still fresh when he finds them and their cause is one that strikes a chord close to his heart. it feels like the purpose he needs ; and, more than that, it feels like a way to honor his mother. ( had she been scared? did she yell out for help? did she yell out for him? ) to give support to a voice she never had. malcolm gives his life to the mata haris, all of his spare time and attention ; he is their muscle, a guard dog at their beck and call. and they almost fill the gnawing, gaping void in his chest left not only by his mum, but by his wife. his son. but much like searching for a needle in a haystack, he doesn't begin to know where to look for them. she never said a word. so he keeps his head down and tries to focus on the now. he's doing good. he's doing better. christ, it's just so hard to leave the past behind sometimes.
▷ to be added.
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renee-writer · 6 months
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The Heart Don't Lie Chapter 70
She is terrified. Each day that passes makes her more so. She would go to Rose but she is so happy finally. No, she won’t disturb that. Not for something that may be nothing.
Mama Claire. She is the one who can handle this perfectly. With a nod to herself and a quick breath for courage, she walks into the kitchen where she seats. The twins and her are playing with modeling clay.
“Will, Will! Play?” her baby sister holds up the sticky clay.
She smiles at her. “Sure Em.” She knows their naptime is soon.
As she joins them, Mama Claire gives her a quizzical look. She is able to hide her concern from Em and Tom but not from her. Her smile says they will talk later.
After a half hour of rolling and pounding the clay with Thomas and rolling and shaping it with Emily, they are rubbing their eyes.
“I shall place them down and we shall talk, eh?”
“Aye please.”
Claire leads the eighteen months off for a much needed nap and Willa gathers up the clay, placing it back in the containers.
“They went down easy. Now, what is wrong?”
She rejoins her at the table.
No reason to mince words. “I think I may be pregnant.”
Whatever Claire was expecting to hear, it wasn’t that. Her mouth hangs partially apart as her mind struggles on how to respond.
“Pregnant? But you haven’t a lad,” she shakes her head, “sorry, of course you must, just… help me out here.”
“He is in my classes. One day, a month ago, I was feeling really bad about Anna and everything. We went out for a brew. It turned into several. His place and ah…”
“Indeed. Okay, how late are you? Any nausea, other changes?”
“Ten days, aye just recently, and my bra’s are getting tighter.”
Her stepmom closes her eyes, her lips move. Willa wonders if she is praying. She herself has been. The first time, a barely recalled experience, could completely change her life.
“I shall let Jenny know the twins are napping. She can keep an eye on them while we go find out.”
They head to hospital. “Wouldn’t one of those where I pee on a stick work?”
“Yes but this is more accurate.”
One of Claire’s  favorite nurses is working in the A&E.
“Dr. Fraser, are you finally rejoining us?” She greets her.
“Not until the twins are school age, I am afraid. We have a delicate matter,” she explains what is needed.
A blood draw and the two head to the cafeteria to wait on the results.
“I am terrified,” Willa plays with the straw on her drink, “I am not ready to be a mam! What will I do?”
“First things first. We find out. Then, well…”
“I could give it away. There are couples out there who would love to adopt, right?”
“There are. It is a beautiful unselfish choice.”
“After nine months and giving birth though, I don’t know that I will be able too hand it over to a stranger.”
“Willa, you know we will support you in whatever decision you make.”
“Daddy is going to want to kill me.” She bemoans, her head down.
“No,” She reaches across the table and lifts her head, “no. He will be disappointed and angry, more at the lad then you, I imagine. He adores you and will help and support you any way he can.”
Claire ‘s phone chimes. “Is that?”
“Yes. The results are back. Come, let’s find out.”
She takes the paper from the nurse. Her arm tightens around her step daughter.
“Mama Claire?”
“You are pregnant.”
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tellthemeerkatsitsfine · 10 months
"The thing that we used to call AI in sci-fi we now call AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, because what we now call AI is not actually AI, it's sort of a sophisticated mashup machine that's been sold as the future of technology and humanity by people whose favourite thing is selling the thing they haven't invented yet. So, [Sam Altman has] been hailed as a genius mainly for stuff that he hasn't done yet but says will happen soon, and no one's willing to lose the possibility that he might still do it. So far, I think the market has been very credulous about the claims of these tech bros because the future seems cool and no one wants to miss investing in the next, better mouse trap. The problem is that the tech industry as a whole does not want to build a better mouse trap, they want to pitch a mouse trap app that they dreamed up while microdosing Absinthe in the desert to get VC funding within six months and then retire having built nothing but taking the credit for fundamentally disrupting the mousetrap industry using an AI-enabled crypto-blockchain which you can use to mint unique mouse coins, each coin stably tethered to one individual dead mouse's DNA, and you ask them what the core service of their app is and it turns out it's just a taxi that you call and then they drive by and throw an angry cat in your window, and then you rank the cat by customer service, general fluffiness, and mouse-killing ability, but now the app's only being used by Nazis and incels to throw cats through the windows of women they don't like because the developers did not think through any of the possible ways in which their service could be misused, and now cats with low fluffiness ratings are killing themselves because the app's given them a self-esteem problem. And that's the tech industry right now."
- Alice Fraser, The Bugle episode 4283, November 24, 2023
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gotham-ruaidh · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Modern Glasgow!
On Halloween Night 2015, I went with a friend to a club. Something I never do. I had a terrible time.
But I’m thankful every day that I went, because that night inspired me to write the first chapter of what eventually became Modern Glasgow - a short story where a modern Jamie and Claire go to a club, get angry at each other, and make up.
With time, the Modern Glasgow universe has expanded beyond my wildest dreams. The fanfiction landscape has changed, as well - back when I published Modern Glasgow in November 2015, there were no other modern AUs. Now there are too many to count.
When I posted the latest Modern Glasgow chapter over at AO3 a few days back, the statistics really struck me.
132,000 words
126 chapters
90,000+ views
Never would I have imagined that my crazy ideas would be so welcomed by so many people.
I am so humbled that you have all indulged me on this journey with the Modern Glasgow Frasers. I’ll keep writing them as long as you want to keep reading them!
So thank you. And if you've got an idea for a story, or a question about the Modern Glasgow universe, or want to know about my writing process...please send it in!
With love and appreciation,
(PS - click here to read the stories in chronological order!)
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