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theoldbone · 2 years ago
Part 3 UV, last one! You'll have to check out Mindat's massive gallery to see many, many more https://www.mindat.org/photoscroll.php?frm_id=pscroll&cform_is_valid=1&searchbox=uv&submit_pscroll=Search
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Gmelinite-Na, Microcline, Poudrette Quarry, Canada, photo by Modris Baum
Clinohumite, Calcite, Pein-Pyit, Myanmar, photo by Rob Lavinsky
Diopsite, Calcite, Pitwak Mine, Afghanistan, photo by Christopher Clemens
Hackmanite, Scapolite, Apatite Group, Feldspar Group, Phlogopite, johachidolite, Pyant Gyi Mine, Myanmar, photo by Nicolas Hebert
Hardystonite, Calcite, Franklinite, Franklin Mine, NJ, USA, photo by Don Windeler
Chrondrodite, Diopside, Calcite, Long Lake Zinc Mine, Canada, photo by Simone Conti
Quartz, Calcite, San Rafael Department, Argentine, photo by Christopher Clemens
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theanoninyourinbox · 9 months ago
New Jersey franklinite sword fencing thief?
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GIMME YOUR MONEY -Franklinite, probably
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crancisfrozier · 1 year ago
For anyone interested it also looks like Thierry Boyer, an underwater archaeologist who has dove to Erebus, Terror, and Investigator, is giving an online talk on the 24th at 8 PM (EST)
Registration looks to be free!
*Edit to add: this was January 24th, 2024*
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morbidboats · 4 months ago
I know that given everything people in the past didn't know it's not always nice to make fun of them because they were often doing their best and I agree but also if u try to bring a LIVE POLAR BEAR who is only slightly wounded on your boat to take it back home with you with nothing but a leash on it. I am going to laugh. I mean. how was that ever going to go well
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gremlinshatephilosophers · 1 month ago
Just know that I tried very hard weasel in more references to my favorite mineral samples but no matter what I tried there was no reason to bring up wulfenite and rhodochrosite.
But I’m posting them anyway!
Rhodochrosite sample and something else I found at a local mine that’s definitely manganese based and may also be rhodochrosite
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The left was labeled wulfenite/vanadinite from AZ and the left is wulfenite from Mexico
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Raw corundum (ruby) under long wave UV and chalcedony geode under shortwave UV
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My UV collection under long (top) and short wave (bottom)
The yellow sample on the top left is scapolite, the white and green samples on the bottom left are aragonite, and the large rock on the top right is opal.
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And some more glowing stuff from a local mine, including willemite/calcite/franklinite and what I suspect is manganocalcite. (The stuff on the right is a mystery to me)
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new jersey’s state mineral being called franklinite feels like a cosmic joke
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weirdestbooks · 4 months ago
CountryGems AU Oneshot
Coral and Pearl (Wattpad | Ao3)
Gems in Oneshot:
Black Coral: Hawaiʻi Star Sapphire: America Philippine Pearl: Philippines (duh) Blue Diamond: Britain Quartz #1/LP: Lower Peninsula Quartz #2/EJ: East Jersey Chlorastrolite: Upper Peninsula Amethyst: Michigan (Fusion of Lower and Upper Peninsula) Garnet: West Jersey Franklinite: New Jersey (Fusion of West and East Jersey) Peridot: Kalahui Rainbow Quartz: Aloha
Black Coral felt like an idiot. She should have seen this coming, seen the signs. Why would a Sapphire take an interest in her if not to acquire her for his collection?
She knew she was rare, a mistake, a seriously defective gem that was meant to be a quartz until something had gone horribly wrong, but her defective nature and strange gem were exotic and fun enough that she wasn’t shattered for it. She knew she was on the same level as a Pearl, but she wasn’t a made-to-order servant and was allowed to be her own gem.
As much as one could be in this society.
But it did explain the appearance of Philippine Pearl, why he was here to. 
Blue Diamond’s favorite Sapphire had acquired them both, new gems to his collection. Black Coral really should have seen this specifically coming. Star Sapphire was known for his habit of collecting gems that were odd or rare and hadn’t bought a pearl yet.
This was an excellent opportunity for him.
Black Coral hated it.
She would have run by now if it hadn’t been for the fact that she was on Homeworld and had nowhere to escape to. She couldn’t leave Philippine Pearl behind either; he was one of her few true friends, and Black Coral would rather be shattered than purposely leave him behind.
“So, did Star send you to ensure we can’t escape?” Black Coral asked, ignoring Philippine Pearl’s wide-eyed gaze of shock at her lack of title and calling Star Sapphire by a name only used by the gems that outranked him. The two quartzes exchanged looks before one smiled.
“Don’t worry, Black Coral, Star’s not like that,” the one Quartz said.
“He’s better than most other gems that are this high up. For obvious reas—ow!” the second quartz cut himself off as the first reached over Black Coral and Philippine Pearl to smack him on the head.
“EJ, we can’t talk about that,” the first quartz said. The second quartz—EJ—rolled his eyes.
“Everyone here is loyal to Star and knows already,” EJ said.
“Yes, but it is up to Star to tell them, not us. How would you feel if someone went behind your back talking about your relationship with Garnet?” the first quartz asked. EJ crossed his arms.
“I get your point, LP. You can stop guilting me. The point I wanted to make is that Star isn’t like the other gems or other sapphires. The only bad thing about living with him is that Blue Diamond comes in now and again and starts ranting about his current problem before demanding that Star see a future where it is fixed,” EJ explained, causing Black Coral and Philippine Pearl to exchange looks. 
Blue Diamond was the easiest to anger of the diamonds and very quick to shatter anyone who made him mad. Black Coral didn’t want to have to spend more time around the Diamonds. She struggled enough with the honorifics and formalities of Homeworld, and if a Diamond saw her insult Star Sapphire, she would be in a world of trouble.
Black Coral was silent for the rest of the trip, taking comfort in Philippine Pearl when he put his hand in her and squeezed it, something that EJ and LP didn’t comment on. Black Coral could be grateful for that, at least.
When they arrived in Star Sapphire’s room, the gem was pacing around, talking rapid fire to a small green gem who was sitting beside him, a Chlorastrolite if Black Coral was right. Another rare gem, usually only working for Diamonds. Then again, Star Sapphire liked collecting rare gems.
Chlorastrolite noticed them first, and the grin that split her face was infectious.
“LP!” she called, rushing over to the quartz, embracing him before…before they fused. Philippine Pearl’s mouth dropped open in horror as his eyes flittered over to Star Sapphire.
“EJ, Garnet is in the other room if you would like to become Franklinite again,” Star Sapphire said. EJ nodded and quickly took his leave, leaving Black Coral and Philippine alone with the illegal fusion, Star Sapphire, and the knowledge that the other Quartz had left the room to create another illegal fusion.
“Your Clarity, I—” Philippine Pearl began, seemingly not thinking, before quickly slamming his mouth shut and lifting his hand into the Diamond salute. Black Coral scowled, glaring up at Star Sapphire.
“He’s a nervous one,” the fusion said. Star Sapphire laughed.
“You were once, too, Amethyst. We aren’t exactly conventional here. It’s okay, Philippine Pearl. There’s no need for titles or salutes around me. You can call me Star, so long as no one from outside my inner circle is here, that is,” Star Sapphire said. Black Coral’s scowl deepened.
“If there’s no need for titles or salutes, then why would you force us to be a part of your collection,” Black Coral spat, tone venomous. Star Sapphire sighed as if he had expected the question but did not like it any less.
“Black Coral, you know how your gem is viewed. Blue Diamond has collected a fair few himself, as well as Yellow Diamond, and with your personality…well…” Star Sapphire trailed off.
“What’s wrong with my personality?” Black Coral snapped, summoning her weapon as Philippine Pearl lept to stop her.
“Forgive her, Your Clar—Star. She’s had a long day. She doesn’t mean it!” Philippine Pearl said, hands pushing down Black Coral, fear in his eyes.
“Sorry, Black Coral, that came out wrong. What I meant to say is that you’re hotheaded and impulsive, and that’s okay, but if you anger the wrong person by mistake, there’s no buffer to stop you from being shattered or…” Star Sapphire trailed off, and the fusion—Amethyst—put a hand on his shoulder. Star Sapphire patted it, and Black Coral scowled.
“I was fine where I was! I never encountered the Diamonds or any high-ranking gem until you! Everyone was fine with me there! I had friends there! Peridot and Rainbow Quartz, and you just—” Black Coral threw her hands in the air, trying to hold back a scream.
“I know this is different from what you’re used to, Black Coral, but I won’t stop you from seeing them. I just…I want to protect as many people as I can, allow them to be themselves without being punished. I’m sure you’ve seen that with Amethyst. Anyone else would have him shattered,” Star Sapphire said, Amethyst nodding in agreement.
“I trusted you before, and you betrayed me,” Black Coral spat.
“I hope you can learn to trust me again, then,” Star Sapphire said. Black Coral scowled.
Fool her once, shame on her, but she refused to be fooled again. She didn’t know what Star Sapphire had planned, but she didn’t trust it. No sapphire would allow an illegal fusion without ulterior movies…right?
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cirrem · 6 months ago
pick your fav of my summer vacation brought rocks
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oldearthminerals · 1 year ago
Willemite, Calcite, & Franklinite Specimen from Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex County, New Jersey
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crossover-enthusiast · 1 year ago
Also I can't remember what I have and haven't said about the Steven universe au gems but here's what I had in mind for the characters' gemtypes (both the ones I have and haven't said)
Skiddad is a Blue Moon Diamond disguised as a Star Sapphire (or Cat's Eye I'm still kind of on the fence on that) and I'm changing his gen replacement to his forehead to fit his divinity and intelligence.
Dexter is either an Amber like you said or ironically a Cats Eye and his gem is on his eye to mimic Dexter's mismatched pupils.
Hanna is a Lemon Quartz with a gem on her naval since naval gems tend to be more caring and I'm going with the "gem place is linked to personality" theory since I've always liked that one.
And though I love the Topaz Frank idea, him being a Franklinite is equally as perfect
I'm still deciding on Bob, maybe a Red Beryl? Idk where is gem would be lol.. maybe on his chest?
I think Ethan would be a gem to if Streber is, maybe strebers little friendgroup is instead a group of gem rebels like the off colors or the crystal gems. Idk what gems they'd be I'd love suggestions
And Streber as said is a Bloodstone, his gem either on his arm or on the socket like you said.
Dexter as a Cat's Eye would be funny lmao
Oh my god I had no idea what a Franklinite was before this moment but that's fantastic look at this thing
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Absolute unit
Uhh, anyways, tbh I think it'd be funny if Bob's gem was on his stomach too bc gluttonous cannibal (and it'd fit with stomach gems also Going Completely Feral sometimes)
OHH the friendgroup being a rebel group like the Off Colors would be so cool!! Aria already has a gemstone necklace so hers could go there instead, and Liv's gem could be in the eye her eyepatch is over
Maybe Ethan could be a defective Red Jasper? Red Opal is also pretty close to his colors
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livesonthebside · 17 days ago
A few days ago, I got asked by [historian] to do an interview for his book about my interest in the Franklin Expedition and on the new generation of Franklinites post-The Terror and I still can’t stop blushing.
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nedsecondline · 5 months ago
It’s Now or Never
“You may delay, but time will not.” — Benjamin FranklinIt’s Now or Never
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practically-an-x-man · 1 year ago
Your OCs as crystals?
Ooh okay! I'm gonna preface this by saying that I'm not a crystal-symbolism person at all, so this is going off of appearance and vibes only (and I'm also counting things like pearls and amber, not just crystals of the literal sense)
Madison: abalone shell
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Jasper: ...
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Rae: opalite
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Robin: quartz (acoustic radiation baby! come to think of it, she could probably use quartz as an amplifier/tool for her mutation)
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Ophelia: franklinite
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Quinn: chalcopyrite/"peacock ore"
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Katherine: amazonite (history lesson: it was beloved in Ancient Egypt for being easy to carve, like this carved scarab)
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Kestrel: amber (this one has a feather in it!)
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Eris: tigers eye
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Nikoletta: jet
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fox-su · 5 years ago
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💎 Day 3 💎
Here are the au gahnospinels! I forgot about day 3 so I'm posting it with day 4. The pink diamond au obviously has Gahnospinel. The blue diamond au has spinel. The yellow diamond au has franklinite. And lastly, the white diamond au has hercynite
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💙 Day 4 🐍
What's this? Gahnospinel has fused @diegosouzalions2020 spinels?! What :0 ?! Anyways, from top to bottom their names are lime spinel, ringwoodite, and midnight spinel.
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minerali-list · 6 years ago
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Franklinite,  Willemite and  calcite
Photo: Ekaterina  Pakhneva
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