theoldbone · 1 year
Part 3 UV, last one! You'll have to check out Mindat's massive gallery to see many, many more https://www.mindat.org/photoscroll.php?frm_id=pscroll&cform_is_valid=1&searchbox=uv&submit_pscroll=Search
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Gmelinite-Na, Microcline, Poudrette Quarry, Canada, photo by Modris Baum
Clinohumite, Calcite, Pein-Pyit, Myanmar, photo by Rob Lavinsky
Diopsite, Calcite, Pitwak Mine, Afghanistan, photo by Christopher Clemens
Hackmanite, Scapolite, Apatite Group, Feldspar Group, Phlogopite, johachidolite, Pyant Gyi Mine, Myanmar, photo by Nicolas Hebert
Hardystonite, Calcite, Franklinite, Franklin Mine, NJ, USA, photo by Don Windeler
Chrondrodite, Diopside, Calcite, Long Lake Zinc Mine, Canada, photo by Simone Conti
Quartz, Calcite, San Rafael Department, Argentine, photo by Christopher Clemens
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ammg-old · 8 years
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Oooo isn’t this beautiful??  I found it when I was searching for photos of magnetite for my geography study.  It’s magnetite with red crystals of chondrodite.  It looks like somebody trapped fire in a rock.
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