#frank allan
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macrolit · 5 months ago
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Giveaw@y: We’re giving away these 12 vintage paperback classics! Won’t these look lovely on your shelf? =) Enter to win these classics by: 1) following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblogging this post. We will choose a random winner on 21 December 2024. Good luck!
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Tintin Tarot, part 2 - the Fool's Journey Continues. Part 1 can be found here! Me and @josephscoat came up with a list of Tintin characters assigned to the major arcana cards in a tarot deck after she realised how well Tintin mapped onto the Fool.
The Hanged Man - Sacrifice, martydom and hesitation. Frank Wolff's death in Explorers on the Moon really stuck with me. I watched the 90s cartoon adaptation of it with a friend recently and even though I knew what was going to happen, it still hit very hard. I replaced the living tree, which represents the potential for growth and knowledge on the original card, with the planet Earth.
Death - New beginnings, metamorphosis, fear of change and decay. Even just for the imagery I had to use Rascar Capac. His use in the narrative seems to demonstrate a fear of the unknown. As the Hierophant and the child from the Sun card appear on the original Death card, I opted to use Rascar Capac as he's in the same story as the Prince of the Sun and Zorrino, who we assigned to the Hierophant and the Sun respectively! Professor Tarragon replaces the dying person on the ground in the original card, and Inti the Incan sun god watches over the scene.
Temperance - Middle path, patience, finding meaning, but also could mean excess and a lack of balance when reversed. Haddock is famous for his tendency to fly off the handle at a moment's notice. But Haddock also has endless patience for Tintin's bullshit. His character arc is one of finding meaning in his life after hitting rock bottom. He is pouring bottles of Loch Lomond, as seen in the Magician card.
The Devil - Addiction, lust, materialism, playfulness. Who else is more devillish than Tintin's arch nemesis, Rastapopoulos? His schemes grow wilder and larger as he pursues wealth and revenge. While sexuality is famously absent from the Tintin series, Rastapopoulos and his associates certainly lust over money and control. Tom and Allan are held in chains, though they are clearly removeable. The choice is theirs if they wish to walk away.
The Tower - Sudden upheaval, disaster, but also an avoidance of disaster in reverse. Calculus' reusable nuclear powered moon rocket was literally ahead of its time, representing a huge shake up in technological advancement in the Tintin universe. However, the moon mission attracted a lot of sabotage and disaster which was narrowly avoided. While the characters had to rely on the rocket for safety, it's not necessarily predictable.
The Star - Hope and rejuvenation, but also discouragement and insecurity in reverse. The phostile meteorite ushered a global wave of panic and speculation initially, but once it landed it became a beacon for competing factions to get to in time. It has a property that allows living things to grow quickly and abnormally large, representing the abundance the Star card is supposed to signal. The Star is supposed to follow the trauma of the Tower. Picking the rocket and meteorite felt thematically appropriate as both have associations with space, a relatively new frontier.
The Moon - Illusions, intuition, fear, confusion, misinterpretation. Professor Phostle jumps to conclusions and makes wild predictions from shaky calculations. He's also conveniently moon shaped.
The Sun - Inner child, joy, truth and liberation from struggle, or sadness and self doubt in reverse. Zorrino escapes the torment and bullying in his village and joins the Inca. Haddock and Tintin are immediately protective over him, with Zorrino being a little younger than Tintin.
Judgement - Releasing baggage, call to action, renewal, moving forward. Ramo Nash breaks free from Rastapopoulos' grasp and saves Tintin's life. I decided to depict the final confrontation scene from Alph Art where he pushes Rastapopoulos off a cliff, to his end.
The World - Culmination, success, completion, but stagnation in reverse. The Fool has seemingly completed his journey - Tintin has it all, a successful fulfilling career, friends who care about him and a manion to live in. But he is, by design, stagnant. Forever a cherub faced boy, stuck in an episodic serial by nature, Hergé wanted to kill him off by sealing him inside a resin statue, freezing him in place for eternity. He will forever be the Boy Reporter.
I dressed him as a Morris dancer because I thought it would be funny
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bitterkarella · 3 months ago
Midnight Pals: Dune vs Middle Earth
Frank Herbert: i'm going to tell a story about this space cocaine that lets you do super hard math and its made of worm poop, inshallah JRR Tolkien: Tolkien: i hate this Tolkien: i hate this so much
Stephen King: why do you hate dune so much? Tolkien: isn't it obvious? Dean Koontz: is it because you're a deontologist and dune is consequentialism? Tolkien: Tolkien: what
Koontz: you know, the differing schools of ethics Tolkien: what on earth are you babbling about Koontz: you know deontologism and consequentialism Tolkien: Tolkien: you don't know what you're talking about Koontz: i Koontz: i i i
Tolkien: define deotologism for me Koontz: i Koontz: i don't know Koontz: i just it on the internet Tolkien: yeah that sounds like the sort of thing someone would say on the internet
Koontz: i just wanted you guys to think i was smart King: aw dean King: dean dean dean King: we all totally think you're smart King: don't we guys? Barker: don't patronize him, steve Poe: clive c'mon
Barker: wow guess i'm the only one who respects you enough to tell you the truth dean Koontz: what's the truth??? Barker: dean the truth is Barker: Barker: ok sure we think you're smart, dean Koontz: :)
King: you couldn't say it, could you? Barker: i just couldn't say it! Barker: just look at those big puppy dog eyes
King: so why DO you hate dune so much? Tolkien: a desert planet? no rolling English hills? Tolkien: is there a single capering buffoon in the whole thing? King: i don't think so Tolkien: and not one sexy hairy foot!
Tolkien: well at least there's one thing we can agree upon Tolkien: the majesty of the lord our god Herbert: oh yeah Tolkien: all praise Anglican jesus! Herbert: Alhamdulillah! Tolkien: Herbert:
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alli-the-tragic · 4 months ago
The Edgar Allan Poe connection on the second WH Halloween Update
As I watch the recent update, I noticed at least two references of Edgar Allan Poe's work. The First one is The Tell-Tale Heart which is blatantly mentioned as Sally's new play rendition. The second one is The Cask of Amontillado which isn't as well known but if you are familiar with it like I do. You'll get that reference and possibly what will happen in the future.
Let's try to theorize what these connections mean in Welcome Home:
The Tell-Tale Heart
The unnamed protagonist became paranoid by the old man's eye. He eventually murders the old man and dismembers the body parts and puts under the floor, the cops came and the protagonist tried to manipulate the cops, saying there is nothing wrong. However, he eventually becomes paranoid by the beating heart under the floor and then, he snaps.
The Cask of Amontillado
The protagonist, Montresor, opens the short tale by being in a carnival with his acquaintance, Fortunato, who is currently drunk and dressed up as a jester, including little bells on the tips of the hat. Montresor strategically planned to take revenge on Fortunato by persuading him to go to the catacombs together. As Montresor finds his perfect spot, a small crypt, he takes Fortunato and chained him inside and bricks him inside. 
I had a feeling that bricking Poppy's window is a subtle way of getting rid of Poppy because large puppets are difficult to work with and the creator(s) thought that she doesn't have any use anymore. Poppy eventually gets out being paranoid by an eerie sound and successfully escapes. Which sort of botched the getting rid of Poppy plan.
I still have a feeling that someone or something wants to get rid of the neighbors for one reason or another and eventually successfully do so.
Which leaves Wally Darling, Welcome Home's most popular character and possibly the creator(s) pride and joy, isolated and needing help by calling into the outside world.
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wheelsnipecelebrini · 1 month ago
frank nazar misspelling “blackhawks” three times 👍🏻
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one-and-a-half-threat · 4 months ago
Did anyone else notice any more Edgar Allan Poe references in the book-and-record set or-?
Other than the obvious Telltale Heart reference, of course. I mean that the whole bricking thing is a pretty clear reference to The Cask of Amontillado, where the story's narrator (a man named Montresor) traps a man (a man named Fortunado, Montresor's sworn enemy) deep in the catacombs by chaining him to a wall and then building a brick wall around him, then leaves him to die.
I can't find any more Edgar Allan Poe references in the video, but I thought it was interesting that an Edgar Allen Poe motif was prevalent and purposeful, and I'm wondering if there will be more of this theme to come. I definitely plan on keeping my eye out for more.
So other than The Telltale Heart and The Cask of Amontillado, did anyone else happen notice anything else?
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sosoribro · 2 months ago
please someone see my vision
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and yes i WILL be drawing moe and joy as brad and janet and POTENTIALLY some of these others too idk yet
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paintingsandrecords · 5 months ago
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paul baribeau; ink and watercolor
last fifteen days listening:
allan sherman - more folk songs by allan sherman and friends
paul baribeau - pul baribeau
sparks -gratuitous sax and senseless violins
off! - free lsd
various - one great tribute: a love letter to the weakerthans
frank turner - no man’s land
boogie down productions - edutainment
various - dr. demento covered in punk
the pist - is risen
the glory stompers - abandoned youth
the pist - input equals output album one
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xpuigc-bloc · 5 months ago
Harriet and Leon
Allan Rohan Crite
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Tire Jumping in Front of My Window
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bitterkarella · 1 year ago
Midnight Pals: The Mysteries
Bill Watterson: what ho, mortals Watterson: it is i the hermit bill watterson Watterson: i have lived up in my cave on the mountain for nigh on 30 years Watterson: in silent contemplation of the mysteries of the cosmos Watterson: but now i descend to walk amongst you Watterson: to speak of the revelations delivered unto me Watterson: thus spake watterson!
Stephen King: oh my god! bill watterson! Watterson: yes King: i'm a real big fan of calvin and hobbes you know Watterson: thank you King: i've got so many bumper stickers of calvin peeing on things i don't like! Watterson:
Watterson: listen, people! i bear important news- Koontz: i have a question! Koontz: is the transmogrifier real? Frank Belknap Long: god i wish the transmogrifier was real 
King: i love the spaceman spiff strips haha so good Poe: i prefer the tracer bullet arcs, funny stuff Barker: hey did you draw frazz? c'mon you can tell us, we're cool Watterson: see this is why i don't come down here much
Bill Watterson: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, I call this the tale of the mysteries Watterson: ok so follow me here Watterson: what if it turned out that man was just an insignificant speck in an unfathomably vast and hostile universe HP Lovecraft: i know the answer to that one
Watterson: so i realized, in my years of meditation, that man is a meaningless blip in the vast nothing of space King: Poe: Koontz: Barker: Lovecraft: Barker: hahaha Poe: clive Barker: did you just rediscover cosmic horror from first principles?
Watterson: what if there were things in the universe that we didn't understand? King: Poe: Koontz: Barker: Lovecraft: King: is there more? Watterson: no that's it
Watterson: see, the thing is Watterson: mysteries exist Watterson: what are mysteries? we just don't know Watterson: i'll leave it to your imagination to fill in the rest Watterson: you know, like the noodle incident Watterson: anyway i'll see you all again in another 30 years
Barker: ya know i was always more of a far side fan anyway King: i always liked garfield, ya know garfield? King: like eating lasagna, hating mondays King: classic strip, classic! Frank Belknap Long: i liked ozy and millie Barker: wow frank big surprise 
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fu22i · 1 year ago
I’m curious…
This is just to see the people’s thoughts and opinions.
Eda x Raine prompt “Eda and Raine go to school together. Eda got Raine a huge ass teddy bear for a special occassion and Raine is mad cause they have to carry it around all day.”
Allan x Ken prompt “Allan tracing their names together in the sand.”
Hunter x Willow prompt “Willow being gifted tickets to see a family member overseas, but having to leave Hunter at home for Christmas, not expecting Hunter to turn up on Willow’s family’s doorstep on Christmas morning with a bouquet of roses.”
Frank x Eddie prompt “Frank and Eddie meet for the first time at a set of a movie.”
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abs0luteb4stard · 4 months ago
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writerofweird · 6 months ago
Dracula's Halloween Party
The following story contains references to death, murder, xenophobia and antisemitism. If only the dream I dreamt wasn’t real… Dracula is having a Halloween party! All his guests have got their invitations and are coming to his big scary castle on top of the hill! Dracula’s blown up lots of balloons – hard when you’ve got fangs as big as he has – and he’s prepared loads of yummy snacks. Who’s…
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jazzdailyblog · 2 months ago
Frank Gambale: The Virtuoso Guitarist Who Revolutionized Jazz Fusion
Introduction: Frank Gambale’s name resonates as one of the most innovative and technically proficient guitarists in the world of jazz fusion and instrumental music. Known for his groundbreaking sweep and economy picking techniques, Gambale’s career spans nearly four decades, during which he has redefined what is possible on the guitar. From his collaborations with jazz legends like Chick Corea…
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childrenofdune · 2 years ago
Things you might have missed in the second Dune Part Two trailer!
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otalia · 9 months ago
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Hidden Treasure by Calliopes_Muse and Geekgrrllurking
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