#franco nation
lionofchaeronea · 9 months
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The Wind, Félix Vallotton, 1910
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here's how 'andretti 11th team 2025, gives Franco and Danny seats' can still win...
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svkhky · 2 months
rip franco colapinto he’s not dead he just got overtook by both 2024 prema cars
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muirneach · 5 days
i hope my neighbours like french canadian fiddle and chansons because thats all they hear out of my room
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thiccanglosaxon · 28 days
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During the height of the Spanish civil war commies aka SCUM dug up many graves belonging to nuns and priests across the whole of Spain also known as red terror.
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httpiastri · 3 months
Hi, I started watching f2 this year and I had question if you can answer: why do some of Franco's fans hate on drivers like Paul?
hmmmm im not sure if im the right person to ask, but i think it's because fans from certain countries (such as argentina) are very very passionate about their drivers? so when they have a driver such as franco who's doing well and driving in f2, they're extremely supportive when he does well, but they also get quite protective when things go wrong. if you check out the f2 ig comment section of posts where franco has scored points, there will be tons of argentinian comments cheering him on, which is lovely and im sure franco is very thankful for their support!! but then in cases such as when paul was upset about franco's overtake during the last lap of imola, they get defensive instead 🤷‍♀️
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years
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Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) are best known for living in the frigid Arctic. But new research suggest they may be more widespread than previously thought in cold stretches of deep ocean around the world.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
TRAs are upset with JK Rowling for calling  a man who raped and murdered a 13 year old girl in a racist gang attack ….a man.
Trans users on Twitter are attacking JK Rowling after the Harry Potter author “misgendered” an account belonging to a trans-identified male convicted of murdering a 13-year-old child in a racist gang attack.
On November 29, JK Rowling called attention to a social media account under the handle @gameonterfs, posting two screenshots — one of a tweet from the account celebrating the fantasy of her death, and another of the profile photo that account was using.
While it is currently unknown if Rowling is aware, the account she brought attention to is one of several belonging to convicted child murderer Luis Morales, better known as Synthia China Blast.
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On October 24, Reduxx reported that Blast had been discharged from his parole with the New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision on July 30, quietly marking the end of his sentence and release conditions. Blast had been serving a 25-to-life sentence after being convicted in 1996 for the murder of 13-year-old Ebony Williams.
Blast, along with his boyfriend Carlos Franco, members of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation gang, had targeted the young girl in 1993 as she made her way to her older sister’s house. Williams was taken to an apartment in Hunts Point where she was held captive. It is believed the murder had racist motivations due to Blast and Franco’s gang affiliation.
According to case investigators at the time, Blast and Franco tortured the young girl before stabbing her repeatedly. 
Realizing she was still alive after having been slashed by Blast, Franco then stomped on the child’s neck until it was broken. Prior to being killed, Blast had reportedly sexually assaulted the girl. New York Police Department examiners determined that the child’s corpse, despite being badly burned, showed signs of the assault.
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 Following her death, Blast and Franco packed the girl’s naked body into a box and dumped it near the Sheridan Expressway. Finally, they doused the box in gasoline, and set it ablaze. A passenger on a nearby train saw the flames and called 911.During the trial, Bronx Prosecutor William Hrabsky said of the crime: “The suffering that this poor child went through is beyond belief and puts this crime in the category of monstrous and barbarous.” Despite pleading innocence in court and to media in later interviews, Blast had reportedly “bragged” about committing the crime to friends, some of whom would later testify against Blast and Franco on that basis. Williams’ mother, Yvonne Hill, had also asserted that Blast and Franco had appeared to be entertained by the trial proceedings, and showed no signs of remorse. “Ever since the trial was going on, all I see is Luis Morales grinning and Carlos Franco, too,” Hill said during a victim impact statement, referring to Blast by the name he had used at the time. “You ain’t smiling today. I hope you both rot in hell.”On November 7, Reduxx received an e-mail response about the article, with an anonymous messenger complaining that the piece had noted allegations that Blast had sexually assaulted Williams before her murder. The e-mail address, beginning with the numbers 4300, falsely asserted that Blast had been exonerated of the crime and that his conviction had been overturned.The sender had also vaguely threatened a lawsuit or some sort of legal action against Reduxx for the piece.
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The same day, a Twitter account surfaced with the handle @Code4300, impersonating Reduxx Editor-in-Chief Anna Slatz, using her photo and Reduxx branding without authorization. 
While posing as Slatz, @Code4300 claimed to be in a relationship with a trans-identified male and called for a boycott against, and the banning of, Reduxx. The owner of the account also made several references to Blast and asserted his innocence, using both the female pseudonym and his birth name, Luis Morales, as well as made wild claims that Blast had died in July of 2022.
Reduxx contributor Jennifer Gingrich was similarly targeted by the account’s disturbing posts, which also began to use her profile photo and post sexualized comments about her. 
Shortly after, the e-mail address associated with the sender of the November 7 complaint as well as the @Code4300 account were linked to an Instagram belonging to Synthia China Blast.
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Though @Code4300 was ultimately suspended by Twitter, Blast continued to make accounts which engaged in similar conduct. Among them, Blast established multiple profiles railing against ‘TERFs’ — a derogatory term for women who assert their right to single-sex spaces.
“For the record, my name is Synthia China Blast and I was wrongfully convicted of murder,” Blast tweeted on November 10 from one of his alternate Twitter profiles which had briefly used the handle “TERFHunter.” The tweet has since been deleted.
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Other handles on Twitter known to belong to Blast include @Lords_ofKaos, @FXTravaganza, and @gameonterfs, the account which Rowling called attention to on November 29. All three accounts carry on a similar posting style to Blast’s original @Code4300, and have parallel usernames and monikers associated with Blast’s multiple Instagram accounts and real-world identities.
Blast is utilizing a heavily doctored photo of himself as the profile picture on @FXTravaganza, while @gameonterfs uses a stolen photo belonging to individuals who are not related to him or his crimes in any way. On @Lords_ofKaos, Blast is using the profile photo from @gameonterfs as an account header.
All of the accounts repeat Blast’s earlier incoherent claims which simultaneously assert that his conviction was overturned, and that he died in June or July of 2022. As evidence of the second claim, Blast uploaded a poorly doctored Death Transcript to his @FXtravaganza account
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Despite his claims to the contrary, Blast’s conviction was never overturned.
Blast completed his sentence in July of 2022 when the Parole Board of the state of New York discharged him fully, marking the end of the conditions he had been subjected to since 2018 when he was initially released. 
Kristina Lennon, a Correctional Sentencing Review Specialist with the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision confirmed Blast’s discharge to Reduxx via e-mail on November 18.
Blast’s accounts have also continued their habitual harassment of Reduxx Editor-in-Chief Anna Slatz and Reduxx contributor Jennifer Gingrich. Yet Gingrich received a 24-hour suspension after she responded to Blast and correctly identified him as the murderer of Ebony Nicole Williams.
Rowling’s tweet calling attention to Blast’s alternate account has attracted the usual attention of trans activists and those critical of women’s right to single-sex spaces, with many rushing to defend the account from Rowling’s platform, likely ignorant as to who was behind it.
Some took issue with Rowling “misgendering” the account owner by using the term “bro,” while others claimed Rowling was engaging in “kink shaming” or expressing homophobia.
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Many incorrectly claimed @gameonterfs was Rowling’s own creation, or had been made by a radical feminist posing as a trans-identified individual. They pointed to the fact the accounts largely followed gender critical women as “proof,” unaware that Blast typically follows those associated with his targets in an effort to get their attention.
Following his incarceration, Blast became a noted advocate for incarcerated trans people’s rights, successfully demanding the state of New York provide him with feminizing hormones in 1999, and suing the state in 2003 after having been refused sex reassignment surgery.
Blast repeatedly became a media sensation for his sexual exploits while in custody, beginning a romantic relationship with Heriberto “Eddie” Seda, a convicted serial killer who had sought to murder one person of each zodiac sign as an homage to San Francisco’s infamous Zodiac Killer. Blast and Seda’s relationship was dotingly covered by New York Magazine in 2004, who even commissioned a portrait photograph of the couple.
Blast and Seda were ultimately separated from each other by the Department of Corrections.
Blast was regularly profiled in media throughout his incarceration, and became a subject championed by prison abolitionists who decried his extended stay in solitary confinement. During his incarceration, Blast became a regular contributor to The Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP), an organization which provides assistance to inmates on how to legally change their identification documents.
In 2014, Orange is the New Black actor and SRLP representative Laverne Cox read a letter in support of Blast. But Cox quickly retracted the gushing words after learning more about the crime Blast was convicted of.
Following his initial parole in 2018, Blast was an intern and Prisoner Advisory Committee member for the Sylvia Rivera Law Project.
If trans people are so oppressed aren’t there other trans people out there deserving of the support the alphabet people are giving this guy? More people are seeing the support for a child killer and it’s making more people back away from the cause.
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stairnaheireann · 1 year
#OTD in 1933 – The anti-Fianna Fáil Army Comrades Association, which developed into a fascist-inspired group nicknamed the “Blueshirts,” is outlawed.
Éamon de Valera denounced the Blue Shirts organisation as unlawful, yet despite the Government’s ban, the Blueshirts also known as the National Guard paraded throughout the country. The Army Comrades Association (ACA), later the National Guard, then Young Ireland and finally League of Youth, but better known by the nickname The Blueshirts, was a far-right organisation in the Irish Free State in…
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borealalice · 5 months
Are Spanish athletes from Catalonia not allowed to play under the Catalan flag or do they all just represent Spain because Catalonia is apart if Spain. Cause I was researching Marc Marquez and he Catalan but he rides under the Spanish flag and used to use the Spanish flag to celebrate his wins.
Spanish athletes compete under the national flag and not the regional one the same way that American athletes compete under the national US flag and not their regional state flag. In an international sporting competition they represent the country, not their autonomous community, so yeah, I guess Marc is technically not allowed to compete under the Catalan flag. The same way that Fernando Alonso is not allowed to compete under the Asturias flag, or Rafa Nadal under the Balearic one, or Carlos Alcaraz under the Andalusian one (Catalonia is not the only region in Spain with its own flag, anthem, parliament and government. All 17 autonomous communities have their own! I particularly like the Asturias flag and the Andalusian anthem, actually)
As of now Catalonia is still a part of Spain, so it would make no sense for Marc to compete under a regional flag. If they ever become independent, which a portion of the community wants to, then the senyera (name of the Catalan flag, by the way!) will become a national flag, and he’ll be allowed to compete under it!
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Daniela and Valentino Armani during Poland and Argentina football match 🇦🇷💙
Pic: Daniela Rendon
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hanban371213 · 2 months
lets go hannah nation, this is the end of book 7! context in first post, check the first tag
Book 7 - Crisis, Ideological clashes and cultural mutations in the first half of the 20th century
Part 4 - Portugal: the Estado Novo
The military coup that brought down the First Republic failed to fix the country, and economic and political instability remained. In 1928, António de Olivera Salazar is invited to the government as Minister of Finances, and miraculously, for the first time in a long time, the country is no longer losing money. Seeing this, he's immediately invited to govern the country. His government becomes known as the Estado Novo, authoritarian, catholic, conservative and tradicionalist. Overvalues the rural world, and strongly protects the Catholic church. The regime then slowly gets itself closer to Italian Fascism, with a Cult of Personality, Nationalism, Authoritarianism, Corporativist(to prevent class warfare workers and bosses are grouped together in corporations in order to work out their issues, under the supervision of the State), and milicia groups and the Secretary of National Propaganda are created.
All aspects of the press is inspected and censored, and a political police, the PVDE(later on the PIDE) is created.
The intervencionist and autarkic measures of the Estado Novo led to financial stability, and there was a lot of investment in public works. However, due Salazar's hatred for industrialism and the urban world, and extreme value given to the rural world, industrialization was an extremely difficult process, as numerous obstacles existed preventing new industries from developing, and creating monopolies with the few existing ones.
The Estado Novo also practiced a "policy of spirit", where through art, literature, theatre, arquitecture, etc, the State wanted to produce cultural works, submited to the ideals of the regime, that showed the "greatness" of Portuguese history, and show it off to the world.
Part 5 - The degradation of the international climate
In Spain the Popular Front, a broad coalition of centre-right and left-wing parties in opposition to Fascism, wins the elections. But far-right polititians blame them for all the problems in the country, and many generals, namely Francisco Franco, stage a coup. The Republican forces manage to stop it, but are unable to completely crush them, and as a result the Spanish Civil War begins.
It immediately becomes an international issue, with both sides being supported by various groups.
The Republicans are suported by the USSR, in exchange for most of the gold reserves, by Mexico, who took in many refugees, and by the International Brigades, made up of volunteer forces from 53 different countries. France and England vow to not intervene, following the principles of the League of Nations.
The Nationalists are supported by Italy, looking to expand it's influence westward, Portugal, fearing a Republican victory in it's border, and Germany, who used the civil war as an "experimental lab" for it's new military weapons.
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byler-alarmist · 2 years
I'll probably go to sleep soon, but asks are open! Btw I am very thankful for Eduardo Franco and the fact that Byler Nation keeps winning.
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herpsandbirds · 6 months
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Blue-legged Mantella (Mantella expectata), family Mantellidae, endemic to the are in and near Isalo National Park in Madgascar
photograph by Franco Andreone
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cleolinda · 4 months
“We need to identify each juror. Then make them miserable. Maybe even suicidal,” wrote another user on the same forum. “1,000,000 men (armed) need to go to washington and hang everyone. That’s the only solution,” wrote another user. “This s--- is out of control.” “I hope every juror is doxxed and they pay for what they have done,” another user wrote on Trump’s Truth Social platform Thursday. “May God strike them dead. We will on November 5th and they will pay!”
“Now you understand. To save your nation, you must fight. The time to respond is now. Franco Friday has begun,” another Proud Boys chapter wrote, apparently referring to fascist dictator Francisco Franco of Spain.
I have to think every single juror in that box knew this was a possibility. But they stood by their verdict anyway. I saw someone on Fox News--I think it was Jeanine Pirro--yelling about how no "red-blooded American" would believe that Trump was guilty and that this was a valid proceeding, but I don't know, I think those jurors had every reason in the world to not put themselves in danger unless they meant it. I also think they're braver than anyone on that channel is.
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