tumblybumblyfennec · 11 months
Holy shit I almost felt myself fall into the Tumblr mindset what the shit is wrong with me.
I let myself get a little bit of serotonin from when my Gordon Ramsay blogs got a handful of notes and almost fell for the trap of becoming a Hellsiter.
Gonna need to course correct hard and go back to lurking.
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tumblybumblyfennec · 11 months
Seeing Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving has passed is a sore for seeing eyes.
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tumblybumblyfennec · 11 months
Having played extensive bouts of F-Zero 99, I think I can sum up what your main machine says about you.
Blue Falcon: You eat plain toast with butter every morning for breakfast. You don't like taking risks but you also don't wanna look completely helpless so you pick the vehicle that will neither cause you to go the distance or trip at the starting line. You're pretty boring, but you just wanna get through the race. Some of them are pretty daring, but the vast majority of you guys are playing this machine not to live, but to avoid dying.
Golden Fox: You favor high risk gameplay styles. You like going fast at all costs, even when it means that getting sneezed on will pinball you off the walls until you explode in a fiery wreck. But when you get going, you REALLY take off. Your low non-boost speed means nothing to you when you can boost constantly and get it all back when you make it to the heal strip, so you play like a chinchilla on methampetamine. And it works sometimes.
Wild Goose: You're taking no chances with having people ram you into walls, though it is at the cost of being unable to boost much thanks to your slow recovery rate on the healstrips. If not for that reason specifically, you picked it because your playstyle is violently competitive to the point of trying to reduce all other ships on the track into their component parts by spin-ramming them until they're a mushroom cloud on the horizon, which lets you make up for your poor healing rate by instantly getting back to full with each wreck you're directly responsible for. You play not to win... you play to make everyone else lose.
Fire Stingray: You think you can make up for the atrocious acceleration rate with the excellent grip rating by never hitting anything that could slow you down. You'd be right if people weren't specifically trying to mulch your ship on sight because they fear your top speed more than anything. Your existence is suffering. And yet you latch onto your futuristic Ford Pinto because you're sure you can get that first place on the next one if you just try a little harder. But you never get it. The cool black skin for the ship will forever evade your grip, just like it evades the Falcon mains.
...not bitter that I can't get the 1st place color skins for the Falcon or Stingray at all. No sir.
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tumblybumblyfennec · 11 months
me every time I start talking about Mario RPGs: pfft Mario and Luigi was the only one that was truly good the Paper Mario games are baby games for babies also me, having just played through Paper Mario in its' entirety ten years after the last time: why is this baby game for babies so fucking CHARMING
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tumblybumblyfennec · 11 months
Oh fuck actually getting notes on my posts hit my serotonin button shit shit shit is this why all of you do this
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tumblybumblyfennec · 11 months
...I have just been informed that one of the first people Gordon slammed on Kitchen Nightmares had plans to run his own line of frozen foods despite his own restaurant tanking.
So in reality, it's more like an expanded ending where Remy and Alfredo are spiting Chef Skinner by stealing his idea and doing it in addition to running their successful rat-chef restaurant.
...don't think this changes my threat with the soy sauce.
Learning that Gordon Ramsay, the man who balks at frozen food of all kinds, now HIMSELF has a frozen food line feels like a glitch suddenly formed in the Gourmetrix.
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tumblybumblyfennec · 11 months
Seriously though, this is like some weird AU where Gusteau didn't die from sadness, he just got hardened and bitter and chose to make the best frozen food in the world purely to spite Anton Ego.
Learning that Gordon Ramsay, the man who balks at frozen food of all kinds, now HIMSELF has a frozen food line feels like a glitch suddenly formed in the Gourmetrix.
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tumblybumblyfennec · 11 months
Learning that Gordon Ramsay, the man who balks at frozen food of all kinds, now HIMSELF has a frozen food line feels like a glitch suddenly formed in the Gourmetrix.
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tumblybumblyfennec · 1 year
Playing F-Zero 99 and hoping for people to NOT vote for Mute City when it pops up is absolutely maddening, so I'm gonna drop this hot take on all of you Mute City folk: Always voting for Mute City is as exciting and new as ordering a glass of alkaline water with a slice of lemon.
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tumblybumblyfennec · 1 year
For the record, less cursed. Pineapple on pizza is delicious.
Canadian bacon on the other hand...
"Add tags to help people find your post"
Tumblr, let me shake my thoughts out of my brain in peace without worrying that someone is gonna start a flame war over whether pineapple on pizza is less or more cursed than kiwi in anything and I'm gonna be in the epicenter of the dramasplosion.
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tumblybumblyfennec · 1 year
"Add tags to help people find your post"
Tumblr, let me shake my thoughts out of my brain in peace without worrying that someone is gonna start a flame war over whether pineapple on pizza is less or more cursed than kiwi in anything and I'm gonna be in the epicenter of the dramasplosion.
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tumblybumblyfennec · 1 year
You may be in danger if you ride in my vehicle, this said.
I think we need to address the fact that F-Zero 99 is getting players because it speaks to mankind's primal urges to go really fast on the highway and drift-slam other drivers into the guardrails.
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tumblybumblyfennec · 1 year
I think we need to address the fact that F-Zero 99 is getting players because it speaks to mankind's primal urges to go really fast on the highway and drift-slam other drivers into the guardrails.
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tumblybumblyfennec · 1 year
For the record, fennecs are the best animal.
No I do not accept criticism.
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tumblybumblyfennec · 6 years
I see a policy change regarding racier content coming up on the 17th.
Goodbye Tumblr. I’m sorry you felt the need to commit suicide, and you will be missed. :\
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tumblybumblyfennec · 6 years
DA MARY-OHS!!! Nah, but seriously, your art style’s pretty... distinct, so I can’t really pin down any one person’s style it reminds me of.
What does my style remind you of/look like to you?
I know I’ve asked this before to some degree, but what does my art style make you think of in terms of like, familiarity? Does it remind you of someone else’s work? Is it too stand-alone that it is its own thing? What you think?
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tumblybumblyfennec · 6 years
OH, also, hi. I’m the tumbling fennec. I just kinda drift about.
Let’s get several things perfectly clear.
I am straight.
I am white.
I am male.
I am a furry. (kinda.)
I like busty women.
I play video games.
I watch anime.
I read comics.
I do NOT approve of telling people what they’re allowed or not allowed to like.
I hate people pretending they know better than the original creator of a work they claim to “like”.
I am snark as fuck.
Should you accept these facts, you’re prolly aight.
Have a nice day!
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