#I know there are tensions with Catalonia and that Spain has historically made efforts to suppress everything Catalan
borealalice · 5 months
Are Spanish athletes from Catalonia not allowed to play under the Catalan flag or do they all just represent Spain because Catalonia is apart if Spain. Cause I was researching Marc Marquez and he Catalan but he rides under the Spanish flag and used to use the Spanish flag to celebrate his wins.
Spanish athletes compete under the national flag and not the regional one the same way that American athletes compete under the national US flag and not their regional state flag. In an international sporting competition they represent the country, not their autonomous community, so yeah, I guess Marc is technically not allowed to compete under the Catalan flag. The same way that Fernando Alonso is not allowed to compete under the Asturias flag, or Rafa Nadal under the Balearic one, or Carlos Alcaraz under the Andalusian one (Catalonia is not the only region in Spain with its own flag, anthem, parliament and government. All 17 autonomous communities have their own! I particularly like the Asturias flag and the Andalusian anthem, actually)
As of now Catalonia is still a part of Spain, so it would make no sense for Marc to compete under a regional flag. If they ever become independent, which a portion of the community wants to, then the senyera (name of the Catalan flag, by the way!) will become a national flag, and he’ll be allowed to compete under it!
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