#francisca solar
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Las mejores lecturas de este año fueron Chilenas, quiero leer mas literatura de otros continentes, espero este año mi visión de mundo se expanda.
#lectura#lecturas favoritas#frank kafka#el proceso#bienvenidos a la librería Hyunam Dong#hwang bo reum#eva baltasar#tres cuerpos salvajes#roberto bolaño#los detectives salvajes#clarice lispector#cerca del corazón salvaje#el candil#la ciudad sitiada#benjamin labatut#maniac#charlotte bronte#jane eyre#alia trabuco zerán#limpia#francisca solar#el buzón de las impuras#un muy buen año de lectura#libros#text post
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El 2023 publiqué este hermoso cuento junto a la escrito Francisca Solar y Penguin Random House :) Disponible en librerías !
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The Switch Drag Race (Season 2)
Miss Leona "Winter"
Pavel Arámbula
Diva Houston
Rochelle Mon Chéri
Marie Laveau
Francisca del Solar
Franciska "Pakita" Tólika
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“MAIOR” é o segundo disco autoral e quinto da carreira da OBMJ, que completa 15 anos de história agora em 2023. Depois de disponibilizarem oito das onze faixas de seu mais recente álbum nas plataformas digitais, a Orquestra Brasileira de Música Jamaicana se apresenta na histórica Casa de Francisca, no centro de São Paulo, para o lançamento do LP “MAIOR”. O disco estará à venda durante o show que acontece no dia 11 de outubro, véspera de feriado, às 21h30. “MAIOR” traz como tema central a grandiosidade da vida, que nos permite desfrutá-la de forma particular e única. O grupo explora a natureza, a fé, as alegrias, a força mítica de deusas e deuses, a alma, as emoções, amizades e a liberdade. As composições celebram a vida que nasce, as coisas simples, a dança, a música e tudo aquilo que não se pega e não se vê, se sente. As novas músicas vão de encontro aos ritmos dos povos originários da América Latina, bebem das fontes do Caribe e do México, da música andina e do swing antenado do Belém do Pará, do samba reggae da Bahia, misturados ao reggae e ska jamaicanos. A arte solar da capa de “MAIOR”, que reúne elementos do ska ao calendário asteca, ficou por conta do premiado desenhista MZK. O álbum conta com participações cheias de significado, colaborações escolhidas a dedo para somar nesta busca por algo maior, como a do genial maestro Leitieres Leite (in memorian) que, com toda sua sensibilidade, presenteou com um solo de flauta certeiro a faixa “A Los Hermanos”. Também marcam o disco toda a força compartilhada na letra e na voz da cantora, MC e compositora Laylah Arruda (SP) em “Estrela Maior”, a festividade da percussão de Maurício Badé (PE) em “Coisa Delícia”, o toque caribenho de Ian Giller Branco (PR) em “Tarde em São Luís”, a tradição da guitarrada de Felipe Cordeiro (PA) em “Onde é que eu vou parar” e todo o swing de Luiz Caldas (BA) em “Vai!”. Além das novidades, algumas músicas já conhecidas pelo público e que fazem parte do repertório dançante da OBMJ também estarão no setlist do show na Casa de Francisca - tanto as autorais, como a “Ska around the nation” com sua tradicional coreografia feita pelos músicos, quanto as releituras de clássicos brasileiros em reggae, ska e rocksteady, que fazem a plateia dançar e cantar do início ao fim das apresentações numa grande celebração coletiva aos ritmos jamaicanos com tempero brasileiro. A OBMJ é: André Mitsuoka no trombone, Fabio Luchs na bateria, Felippe Pipeta no trompete, Fernando Bastos no sax tenor e flauta, Igor Thomaz no sax barítono e alto, Lincoln Bretha no baixo, Otavio Nestares no trompete, Pedro Cunha nos teclados, Sergio Soffiatti na guitarra e voz. Vai lá: OBMJ NA CASA DE FRANCISCA Show de lançamento do vinil do álbum “MAIOR” Data: 11 de outubro de 2023 (quarta-feira, véspera de feriado) Local: Casa de Francisca (Rua Quintino Bocaiúva, 22 - Sé, São Paulo-SP) Horário: Abertura da casa às 19h30 | Show às 21h30 Ingressos: https://pixelticket.com.br/eventos/16814/obmj-qua-11-10-abertura-da-casa-19h30 Em pé - R$62 | Arquibancada e mezanino - Show R$80 (jantar opcional - R$98*) | Mesas com jantar (salão menor) - Show R$80 + acepipes + jantar R$98 = R$178* * Bebidas, sobremesas e serviços não incluídos.
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Un proyecto pionero en Chile: Proteger a las ballenas y combatir el cambio climático
En Chile, se ha instalado una boya inteligente exclusivamente en la zona de la Patagonia del norte. A través de ella se puede proteger a las ballenas. Es necesario comprender que juegan un rol muy importante al capturar y almacenar carbono en su cuerpo.
Un proyecto que protege y funciona
De qué se trata este proyecto pionero: es una boya amarilla de 3 metros cuadrados que flota en la superficie para ser visible. Asimismo, hay dos paneles solares y de lejos se puede imaginar cualquier cosa, pero no lo es. Esta idea cumple un rol esencial para la conservación de ballenas y el cambio climático.
Para alcanzar esta boya se requiere de más de 1 hora de navegación hasta el Golfo de Corcovado que se encuentra frente a la costa de la isla de Chiloé. Desde el punto ambiental, este lugar es muy valioso ya que en los meses de verano llegan muchas ballenas provenientes del hemisferio sur.
El Golfo de Corcovado
Para los científicos, el Golfo de Corcovado es -a nivel mundial – un punto asombroso de diversidad marina. Y es que, allí se unen las corrientes de agua fría y ricas en nutrientes que vienen de la Antártica y Humboldt, de las más productivas del planeta.
A ello, también se le suma que, por ser un golfo existen muchas islas donde hay un gran aporte de agua dulce que proviene de ríos y canales. Esto, es también los que incrementa la cantidad de alimentos disponibles tanto para la flora como para la fauna de toda la zona.
Sonia Español, es la bióloga marina y científica que explicó: “Hay muchísima diversidad que viene a esta área a alimentarse y es lo que hacen, por ejemplo, las ballenas azules”. Vale recordar que es la directora y líder del primer proyecto de conservación oceánica acústica para proteger a estos grandes cetáceos de la Patagonia llamado “The Blue BOAT Initiative”.
“Aquí es donde más se las puede encontrar en los meses de verano y las acompañan ballenas francas australes y sei, todas en peligro de extinción”.
Las ballenas: Son las secuestradoras de carbono
En 2019 se publicó que existen poco más de 1.30 millones de ballenas en el mundo. Sin dudas, es una cifra inferior a los casi 5 millones que se estimaron en algún momento. Aunque distintos países han tomado iniciativas para terminar con su caza comercial y hasta evitaron que se capturen, siguen viviendo bajo amenaza.
Una de las mayores acciones que permanentemente sucede es cuando se enredan en mañas de pesca, nadan entre la contaminación de los plásticos y lo peor, las colisiones que sufren con embarcaciones.
Remediar este problema no solo es importante para preservar la especie sino también para mejorar el camio climático: “Con los años hemos ido aprendiendo que las ballenas no juegan un rol solamente como grandes mamíferos, sino que tienen el maravilloso rol de secuestrar carbono” explicó Maisa Rojas, ministra del Medio Ambiente de Chile.
Ahora la meta que creó la filántropa Francisca Cortés Solari junto al Laboratorio de Aplicaciones Bioacústicas de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña es: cuidar a las ballenas que son las secuestradoras de carbono.
El carbono: cómo funciona
Par comprender mejor la problemática, Sonia Español explicó en detalle que el rol de las ballenas como secuestradoras de ese gas, es esencial:
“Ellas de forma natural absorben más de 33 mil toneladas de CO2 a lo largo de su vida y cuando se mueren caen al fondo marino, entonces ese carbono no vuelve a salir a la superficie. Estos grandes animales capturan tantas toneladas de carbono como 1.500 árboles”
Un claro ejemplo: las ballenas que se encuentran muertas en el fondo del mar secuestran en el año un 60% de carbono, mientras que las marismas salinas o los pastos y el quelpo (un tipo de vegetación marina) solo absorben el 40% que resta.
Como si fuese poco, la capacidad que tiene las ballenas es contribuir a que se mantengan las microalgas y el fitoplancton, que, según estudios, son las que producen la mitad del oxígeno que consumimos en el planeta.
Así funciona: Cuando las ballenas bajan al fondo del mar para alimentarse, luego vuelven a subir a la superficie para respirar y allí liberan deshechos ricos en nutrientes que el fitoplancton necesita para crecer.
“Estas criaturas microscópicas no solo contribuyen con al menos el 50% del oxígeno de la atmósfera de nuestro planeta, sino que lo hacen capturando unos 37 billones de toneladas métricas de CO2, es decir un estimado de 40% de todo el carbono producido”.
Plan a futuro
Chile ha sido pionero en la protección de los medios marinos. Se convirtió en uno de los 5 países del mundo con las áreas marítimas más protegidas.
Su plan es instalar otras 5 boyas más de ese tipo en el Golfo de Corcovado. Asimismo, en el futuro, posiblemente también puedan replicar la iniciativa en el corredor marino que recorren las ballenas entre Chile y Ecuador.
Originally published at http://todosobreballenas.com/ on March 1, 2023.
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Alpha Centurion War:
Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Cree and Cheyenne Indigenous woman and Loretta Dawn Isip a South Asian Filipino Anishinaabe Indigenous woman was with their spouse and partner Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith an East Asian Japanese Latinx Colombian person of color and Indigenous Amerindian of the lowlands of Colombia and Polynesian Hawaiian and Tongan Indigenous Pasifika person. Inayat Aloomse Barnett and Loretta Dawn Isip said, “Alex Smith/Lexi Smith he/she/they held a planet, a solar system, a galaxy, a universe, a multiverse, & an omniverse within him/her/them that was persistently shifting.” Loretta said, “Knowing serenity because of disorder, self-love from sorrow and reincarnation from the stars that had died the length of his/her/their journey.” Inayat said, “Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith he/she/they are stunning, but you really cannot truly realize it until you appreciate that he/she/they are the result of the pieces that he/she/they refused to let life take from him/her/them.” “He’s/she’s/they have a heart and spirit so untainted.” “We wage that he/she/they have flora growing amid their ribs.” “That he/she/they have liquid gold flowing through his/her/their veins.” “We gamble his/her/their mouth taste like the sun’s kindness.” “That his/her/their clawed hands feel like home.” “He/she/they are like shadow raven in the shadows, and then he/she/they are the dusk, would you stay if he/she/they assured you paradise?” “You bet your ass we would.” “I think he/she/they are caught between who he/she/they were and who he/she/they want to be.” Inayat Aloomse Barnett and Loretta Dawn Isip said to Crimson Changeling, “On occasion we reflect that there is no way we might be so blessed.” “You are our best pal, we identify you would die to defend us, but we also recognize that you would survive for us.” “When all the others have disappeared, & they conclude that we are not so valiant after all, you will still recognize us, you will still desire us.” “What am I to you all,” he/she/they asked them with his/her/their eyes still shut. They both held his/her/their hands and said, “You are all that we were not prepared for in the past.” “You are the person we yearned for in our forlorn time of adolescence.” “You are the valid companion that we would in no way considered that we would ever unearth.” “You are the certainty after existing through so much treachery and betrayal.” “You are the proper individual after so many dishonest people.” “You are the one that we were preordained to adore after ultimately discovering what true love was.” “You are both rapture and the anguish to us,” Indigenous women spouses and partners said.
#indigenous#indigenouswriter#indigenous art#indigenousartist#indigenous rep#native#ndn tag#ndn art#ndn
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It’s Complicated Chapter 7: Playing By The Rules
Source: @all-things-raul-esparza
Chapters 1-5 Chapter 6 Story on AO3
Rafael Barba made the best huevos rancheros in the world. The solar system, even. He was fully aware of that and unafraid to acknowledge it to anyone who would listen. Frankie mocked his conceit about it, but her biting sarcasm was belied by the fact that she was on her third helping.
Beneath the playful ribbing, Rafael’s eyes kept sliding to the stack of luggage next to his door. She had packed her things as he’d made breakfast, despite his repeated assurances that he was just as happy for her to stay. He didn’t say he wanted her to stay, preferred her to stay, although they both knew that was what he’d meant.
But Frankie needed to go home to her apartment. Rafe’s plane had left at an ungodly hour that morning, and Amanda had taken him to Kennedy, so she didn’t need to rush in order to see her brother off, but she needed as much normalcy as she could find. Alan was dead, and that was a good thing, however it had happened, and she could now resume her normal life without fear. But it wasn’t that easy and, as a psychiatrist, she knew that.
And then there was Barba. Frankie needed a lot of things right now, and space was at the top of the list. She was in love with Barba. She’d told him that. Twice. And she knew it was true. But she also knew that she was a mess. Having just come through a traumatic experience that had threatened every aspect of her life, and been welcomed into the arms of a man who was everything she had ever wanted, she knew as a psychiatrist that what she felt could very easily have been deep gratitude and a need for security being mistaken for love. She needed to do the adult thing and reclaim her life. When she had her feet back under her, solid and balanced, that would be the time to see how things stood with Barba.
The other benefit of that strategy was that it would give Barba space and time, too. Frankie had fallen for him completely. And he was being as supportive as she could ever hope for at this moment. But that didn’t mean he felt anything for her. It could easily just mean he was a good man who liked women. She remembered what Amanda had said. He dated, but he didn’t get involved. If she wanted him to feel what she felt – and holy shit did she want that - she needed to give him time to get there.
“I ordered a lot of groceries when I knew you were coming here, but maybe I should have ordered more.”
“I do not apologize for my appetite. Besides, I haven’t really eaten in days.”
“I can make more toast.”
“No, thank you. More coffee would be good, though.”
Rafael stood touching her as much as possible as he filled her mug with his excellent coffee. When he was done pouring, he kissed her cheek before stepping away to replace the pot in the machine.
“You can call me Frankie, you know. You’ve seen me naked.”
“Your name is beautiful. I’m not about to desecrate it with that preposterous nickname.”
As she looked at him over the rim of her coffee cup, her eyes sparkled with the smile he couldn’t see. It actually gave her a little thrill every time he said her name. Not only did he pronounce it beautifully, but the slight roll on the “r” made her think about his tongue. Every time. She even liked it when he called her “fresa”, although she would take that secret to her grave.
“When are you planning to return to work?” He asked, returning to the subject he’d been about to raise.
“As soon as possible. Tomorrow. I want my life back.”
“I can understand that. We’ll be glad to have you back. This whole thing… I don’t care what you had to do, I’m just glad it’s over.”
“What does that mean, ‘what I had to do’?”
He blinked. Why had he said that to her? It didn’t matter. That was the decision he’d made; he would never let it matter.
“I don’t mean anything. Just that I’m glad it’s over.”
“You’re a terrible liar, Barba. What did you mean by that?”
“I misspoke, that’s all. Let it go.”
Frankie set down her coffee cup on his kitchen table. “Barba, this is important. You’re… We’re… If you have questions, or misgivings, you need to ask. Or maybe…”
“Maybe what?”
Frankie ran a hand through her hair, looking around the room as if for help. “Look, I mean… We started out badly, and then things got intense fast, and… I know you see a lot of women, and why wouldn’t you, you’re…”
“Rico?” His mocking expression was a little forced.
“And if that’s what this is… was… then fine. But I feel, um… Well, that’s just it. I feel. For you. And I don’t need you to return that, I’m a grown-up, but if you wanted us to see each other, then you should know that. And I would need to know that you didn’t think I’m a murderer or… whatever it was you were just suggesting.”
Rafael didn’t respond for a moment. Which of those things was he supposed to deal with first? He turned and refilled his own coffee cup to give himself some time to gather his thoughts. “You really know how to pack a lot into a few nearly incoherent sentences.”
She stood and began to clear the dishes from the table. “You don’t have to respond. I need to get going, anyway. Sorry if I dumped a lot on you. I think too much about things. Occupational hazard.”
“Stop it. Don’t do that.” He turned to her, leaning against his counter. “I assume you were speaking your mind. Now let me speak mine.”
She turned from the sink and unconsciously mirrored his position, leaning against the counter a few feet from him.
“You said I date a lot of women. I don’t know what ‘a lot’ means, but I don’t suppose it matters. That’s apparently something someone thought you should know, and there’s not much I can say about it. It is what it is. But I really don’t like you making yourself a notch on my bedpost. That’s not what happened.”
“I apologize.”
“So do I, if that’s how I made you feel.”
“It isn’t. Of course it isn’t.”
“Then there’s this whole idea that I think you killed Canady. I don’t know how many ways to tell you that is not what I think.”
“But you think I did something to get the charges dropped.”
“I think…” He frowned. “We’re being honest with each other here. I don’t know what I think. It happened pretty fast, Francisca. Out of nowhere, there’s this ‘anonymous tip’ about a guy who wouldn’t give us the time of day before, and suddenly he’s spinning the exact same story you are…”
“Spinning? Story?”
“Here we go…”
“Words are critically important, Barba. You say a lot simply with your word choices.”
“Don’t try this at home, folks, she is a psychiatrist…” He muttered unhappily into his mug.
“You say you don’t think I’m a murderer. But I’m ‘spinning a story’ about what really happened, and apparently I somehow got to Jefferson from Riker’s so he would ‘spin’ the same ‘story’.”
“Francisca, I don’t care. That’s my point. You can parse my language any way you want, but you can’t tell me what I believe. I know you didn’t kill Canady. And I don’t give a flying fuck why some tweaker backed you up when there was no evidence we could use to help you…”
“FUCK! You think I did it!”
“For the ten billionth time, I do not think you did it.”
“You think I got to Jefferson.”
“I think… something happened. And Francisca, I do.not.care.”
“I care! Don’t you get that? I care! He told the truth! What he said, that’s exactly what happened. And if you don’t believe that, if you think he ‘spun a story’ to help me, then you think I’m no better than he is.”
“I really need you to stop telling me what I think.”
They stood, side by side leaning against Barba’s kitchen counter, heads turned so that they were scowling at one another.
“And I need to live with myself. I did not do what you think I did. Whatever that is.” She kept a tight rein on herself as she spoke quietly and pushed up from the counter. “I’m just gonna hail a cab outside.”
“Francisca, don’t leave like this. You’ve been through enough.”
She didn’t respond as she pulled on a short, fitted leather jacket over her soft grey tank top. When she’d collected her luggage, she turned to him as she stood just inside the open door.
“Thanks, Barba. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, more than I can say.”
“I’m not a monster.”
“Neither am I.”
“I know that. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”
“And that’s the problem. I’m one of the good guys, Barba. I can’t feel the way I feel about you and have you doubt that. Even if you don’t care.”
“What does that even mean?!” He shouted.
“It means I hear you. You know I didn’t kill Alan but you think I did something to get the charges dropped, and you don’t care about that because all’s well that ends well.”
“Yes. Exactly.”
“For you, that doesn’t make me a monster. For me, it does.”
“You’re young, Francisca.”
“OK, that’s my cue. When your argument starts being my age, we’ve said everything there is to say.”
For the rest of the afternoon, both Barba and Frankie muttered to themselves all the things they wished they’d said.
“Amanda, stop! I cannot hear that stuff.”
“I wasn’t telling you sex stuff! I couldn’t, could I, when I’ve been back from Austin for a month? It’s just that Rafe’s amazing, and we had the best time together, and why didn’t you tell me he was such a studmuffin?”
“Ugh. Stop.”
“Well, he likes you.”
“I like him, too. We’re close. Just… tell someone else. Tell Carisi.”
“Carisi doesn’t want to hear about how hot your brother is.”
“Carisi is right.”
“OK, well, Barba’s here, so you get a reprieve for now. But seriously, Frankie, he is just…”
“Briefing time.”
Around the table, the team provided the information they had about their latest case, making sure everyone had all the data they would need during the questioning to come. Frankie’s role would be a passive one; she didn’t need to take part in the interview unless something unexpected happened. What they needed was her read on the suspect.
It was awkward standing next to Barba in his sublime suit, even though the past two months had been surprisingly normal. Rafael and Frankie had even found their way into several arguments. It was awkward because he’d hung his jacket over the back of his chair at the conference table and rolled up his sleeves. His hands and forearms were beautiful and kept drawing Frankie’s attention. Not only that, he kept making astute observations and asking piercing questions that were helping Frankie to zero in on this suspect’s psyche. They were a good team.
During the past months, blessedly full of routine and ordinariness, Frankie had recovered her sense of herself. It had been healing to be in her own apartment, waking up and going to work in her own office, in charge and control of her life. She didn’t see any reason to replace her burned-out car; she liked the freedom of not having to deal with it. Her colleagues at the FBI and in SVU had been wonderfully supportive. She hadn’t had the opportunity to see Porter since she’d been released from prison, which was a little odd given what they’d been through with Canady, but he’d called. Olivia assured her she’d see him soon.
The problem was that, the more she recovered and settled permanently into her New York life, the more head space she had for Barba. Her feelings for him were not lessening with time. Worse, they had both been terribly adult about the whole thing, which told her that she was going to need to get over it. She was the only one who had been foolish enough to fall in love in such an irrationally short time. She didn’t blame herself – trauma could do that to a person, she’d seen it a million times on the job. She just needed to shake it off. But it made her very sad, and the more she grew into her role at SVU, the worse it got. Barba was so very attractive, so brilliant, so damn great at his job, she would really have liked to build something with him. It was not going to happen. He was a serial dater, and she’d just been the latest woman on his agenda. He’d made her feel attractive and special, and had been exactly what she’d needed when she needed him. But that was apparently just the reason he was so attractive to so many women. He didn’t feel what she did.
“How old is this guy?” She asked Barba as they stood, a discreet distance apart, watching the interrogation.
“Yeah. That fits.”
“What are you thinking?”
“He’s not faking this.”
“You’re saying the entire building and everything in it really has been replaced by exact duplicates?”
Rafael’s heart skipped a beat when she gave him the familiar scornful side-eye he sometimes said things specifically to elicit. Like now.
“I’m saying that idea is a real symptom of a real problem. It’s called ‘reduplicative amnesia’ and there’s an easy way to find out.” She knocked quietly on the door and walked into the box.
“Mr. Wilson, I’m Dr. Rojas. I apologize for the interruption, but I wonder if I might ask a couple of questions. It will only take a moment.”
Rafael watched as she asked a number of questions about where the suspect believed himself to be, and was surprised when he informed her that this building was in Detroit. It was an exact replica of an actual police station in New York, but this wasn’t the original. It was a fake copy, designed to trick him. He could see “Aha!” written all over her.
Barba appreciated the chance to simply watch her for a while. He was fascinated by the way she made her simple shirtdress seem so elegant, and the way the different sections of her braid shone with slightly varied colors in the overhead lights. He found her dazzling. And watching her use her talent and insight was fascinating no matter how many times he saw it. He even enjoyed the hell out of their verbal sparring. But he was at an absolute loss as to what to do with his feelings for her, and it was starting to be a problem.
Rafael didn’t understand what had happened. He’d thought that Frankie had asked him to be honest about what he thought of the information Juwon Jefferson had given them. He had been, but apparently that wasn’t what she really wanted. What she wanted Barba to do was tell her that he believed everything Juwon Jefferson had said. She wanted him to lie.
Rafael might have been right about her in the first place. Francisca Rojas might be a woman who required the people in her life to believe she was perfect, or at least to tell her that she was. He couldn’t do that. He’d told her what he believed. He’d even told her that he didn’t care if she or someone else had done something that might not be entirely admirable, since it had kept her from going to prison for a crime she didn’t commit. That was the best he could do. But, apparently, that wasn’t good enough. And, worse, what passed for “love” in her mind was far short of what he was looking for. She’d said she loved him the night she came home from Riker’s, and although she hadn’t repeated it the next morning, she had at least confirmed that she had feelings for him. Yet since the moment he’d blundered into suggesting that someone might have influenced Juwon Jefferson to give a statement corroborating hers, it was as though she’d turned it off. Rafael needed a woman whose love was indestructible. Francisca Rojas’s was apparently about as durable as smoke.
“He needs a CT, and probably an MRI, as well,” Frankie was saying to Olivia, who had been in the interrogation but was now leaving with her and Fin, apparently having abandoned it. “There are several things that can cause this: tumors, dementia, brain injury, other psychiatric disorders... He needs a workup. Because we need to know his mental state before we can go one step further.”
“Wait, wait, wait…” Barba cried, stopping them as they passed him on their way to Olivia’s office. “What’s going on?”
“Wilson may not be competent to stand trial,” Frankie said.
“Bullshit. So he thinks he’s in Detroit. He still knows rape is wrong, and he still tried to avoid being arrested. Voila! Competent.”
“Oh, brother. Get over yourself, Barba. Nobody’s that good. Any expert psychiatrist as sane as Wilson is could make hay out of this. We need a workup.”
“Not today, we don’t. I’m charging him. If it gets to the point where there’s a need for a workup-“
“Ni siquiera te importa si él es [1]–“
“Esto no se trata de [2]-“
“Ding! Ding!” Olivia called. “Fighters to your corners. There’s no one in your room right now. Let me know who wins.”
Rafael and Frankie expressed their displeasure, but both trudged into the least-used interrogation room at SVU, which had begun to be affectionately known as “their room”, because it had become routine for them to have heated disagreements that apparently could only be solved through half an hour of high-volume Spanish discourse.
“Explain to me why you don’t want to know the truth here?”
“Explain to me why I need to explain anything to you?”
“I’m not here to be decorative, Barba. This guy’s got a pathology going on, and it could mean he’s not legally responsible for what he did. How is it that doesn’t matter to you?”
“Because even he thinks he’s legally responsible. He ran away, remember?”
“Even you don’t believe what you’re saying.”
“Aaaaaaaaaaaand, we’re back to you telling me what I believe.”
Frankie was taken aback for a second. Was he still talking about the case? “I don’t think you really want to just stick your head in the sand on this. Do you?”
“You call it sticking my head in the sand. I call it looking at the world the way it really is. You oughtta try it sometime. It’s very refreshing.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He was talking about them. She was sure of it now.
Rafael sighed. “Nothing. It means… Francisca, not everything is black and white. This job, you gotta get a little more comfortable with gray.”
“Well, thank you for the career advice, but in this particular situation, there’s a fairly simple way to determine whether this man has organic brain damage that might-“
“So what if he does? He still raped a woman and beat her bloody. He still deserves the punishment for that. I really don’t give fuck one if ‘the tumor made him do it’. He’s still guilty, and he should still pay the price.”
“Even if that means breaking a whole shitload of rules.”
“Sometimes, to make things come out right, you have to break the rules. You can do that and still be one of the good guys. And that, mi fresa, is a lesson you have yet to learn.”
“Don’t talk to me like I’m a child.”
“Then stop acting like one. The world is an imperfect place. The sooner you get comfortable with that, the better off we’ll all be. I’m instructing Liv to charge him.” Rafael turned his back on Frankie and strode from the room. Although he’d won this argument, he’d lost what mattered.
Olivia Benson constantly accused Barba of having too much respect for the rules, of being too bound by them. In that moment, he realized that he had lost Francisca, a woman he could have loved, because she didn’t think he respected rules enough. It was the ugliest kind of irony. And it was enough. Time for Barba to stop living like a monk waiting for a woman who was never coming back.
One of Frankie’s favorite things to do had become Friday night drinks with Sonny, Amanda, and Fin. They were so much fun, had so many great stories, and she really enjoyed the chemistry between them. On rare occasions, they were joined by Olivia and Porter, but when the two of them had a night off together, they were much more likely to want to spend it alone together, or just the two of them with Noah. Tonight was an “alone together” night while Noah stayed with a friend, which received its fair share of jokes in questionable taste around the table at Folini’s.
Amanda and Sonny were now trying to get Fin to reveal details about the date he had planned for the next night. Fin was enjoying their attempts, but was giving nothing away. Apparently, Amanda and Sonny shared Frankie’s opinion that it was kind of cute how excited he was about the date, because they would not let it go. They were well into their second drink before the subject finally changed.
“I don’t know why you won’t tell us about her,” Amanda said to Fin. “We tell you everything.”
“Did it ever occur to you that might be why I don’t tell you anything? You overshare. Both of you.”
Sonny’s offended look was hilarious. “I do not overshare,” he insisted.
“You so overshare,” Amanda laughed.
“Oh, Partner, you do not get to go there with me. I should not know how many condoms you went through when you visited Frankie’s brother in Austin.”
“Ewwwww! Stop right there! I do not want to be in therapy for the rest of my life,” Frankie shouted.
“Hey, look, we were celebrating! He’d just got the splint off his hand so we were finally able to-“
“Wait, what? What splint?”
“Hmmmm?” Amanda asked, with a false confusion Frankie saw through instantly.
“What happened to Rafe’s hand?”
Amanda looked around the table, each of the other faces as blank as she was trying to make hers.
“Oh, you must have heard about it. He got… hurt on the ranch.”
“How? What happened?”
“Oh, I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t remember the details. I just know he was doing something with a steer, and his fingers got caught in a rope somehow.”
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?”
“They probably thought they’d be accused of oversharing!” Amanda laughed and began to tease Sonny about his own lack of discretion.
Something about the exchange bothered Frankie. Amanda was clearly lying, and Amanda had done enough undercover work to be a very good actress when called upon. But that was when she was prepared. She had clearly said something she shouldn’t have. There was something about Rafe’s hand injury Amanda, or Rafe, didn’t want Frankie to know. But that made no sense. What could be secret about a hand injury?
She was temporarily distracted from her thoughts when something across the street caught her eye; a familiar profile in a well-made suit walking in front of a Chinese restaurant the team never went to because it was far too expensive. Rafael was holding the door open for a striking blonde woman in a pantsuit Frankie had been drooling over the previous week at Barney’s. As she walked past him into the restaurant, the woman gave Rafael an unmistakable pat on the butt, which made him laugh in a way that made it clear the touch was quite welcome.
[1] You don’t even care if he’s-
[2] This is not about -
#law & order svu#law & order: special victims unit#rafael barba#raul esparza#fin tutuola#sonny carisi#amanda rollins#olivia benson#law & order SVU Agent Dean Porter
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Buncha fankiddos 1. Clayton (Francisca x Susie) 2. Solar Knight and Flare Knight (Zan Partizanne x Galacta Knight) 3. Freya (Chef Kawasaki x Dark Matter Swordsman)
#kirby#fanchild#fankid#fankids#francisca#zan partizanne#galacta knight#susie haltmann#chef kawasaki#dark matter#digital art
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DISPARAN (FILL THE SKIES) - Como Asesinar a Felipes [Videoclip] from Niño Viejo on Vimeo.
Official Videoclip of DISPARAN (Fill the skies) by: Como Asesinar a Felipes + Chino Moreno @OperacionCAF
Directed & Edited : Leonardo Beltrán Character Design and Storyboard : Ignacio Solar Backgrounds and Colors: Meli Yensen Layout : Ignacio Solar, Leonardo Beltrán. Animation : Ignacio Solar, Carlos Gonzalez, Francisca Castañeda, Leonardo Beltrán. Clean up and Colored : Maria Coello, Rodrigo Baudrand. Composition : Leonardo Beltrán, Carlos Gonzalez. Assistance : Fabian Flores, Rodrigo Baudrand. Studio: Niño Viejo ©2018
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Reseña: La vía Damna
¡Nueva reseña! L a vía Damna de Francisca Solar
La vía Damna es una novela de ficción histórica y terror gótico de la autora chilena Francisca Solar. “A la vía Damna puedes entrar, pero jamás salir”. Las gélidas aguas de Magallanes de 1905 reciben a los náufragos, y a los enfermos y criminales arrojados por sus tripulaciones. Aquellos que alcanzan la costa son acogidos por una orden de religiosos en las ruinas del Fuerte Bulnes. La…
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El ayuntamiento del municipio de Navarrete esta cediendo las aceras o paso peatonal de las calles a particulares.Esa situación se puede evidenciar en la calle Santa Ana equina calle Francisca Vargas donde la propietaria de un solar en ese lugar rompió el pavimento de las acera para colocar una alambrada y malla perimetral.El espacio robado al patrimonio publico es de mas de un block y según…
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ME HACE RUIDO Album of The Year 2014
ME HACE RUIDO Album of The Year 2014 Me Hace Ruido
1. El Columpio Asesino /// Ballenas Muertas En San Sebastián 2. Ases Falsos /// Conducción 3. Jack And The Ripper /// Jack And The Ripper Vol. 2 4. Los Waldners /// Eclipse Total Del Corazón 5. Los Punsetes /// LPIV 6. MKRNI /// Canciones 7. Arca /// Xen 8. Lorelle Meets The Obsolete /// Chambers 9. Diosque /// Constante 10. Fakuta /// Tormenta Solar 11. Francisca Valenzuela /// Tajo Abierto 12. Javiera Mena /// Otra Era 13. Ana Tijoux /// Vengo 14. Siddartha /// El Vuelo Del Pez 15. Centavrvs /// Sombras De Oro 16. CLUBZ /// Texturas 17. Torreblanca /// El Polvo En La Luz 18. The Oaths /// Fractal 19. Protistas /// Nefertiti 20. Las Amigas De Nadie /// Human Dress 21. Grises /// Animal 22. Porter /// Moctezuma 23. Nortec Collective: Bostich + Fussible /// Motel Baja 24. Caloncho /// Fruta 25. The Mud Howlers /// R.R.R 26. Ximena Sariñana /// No Todo Lo Puedes Dar 27. Russian Red /// Agent Cooper 28. Montenegro /// Montenegro 29. Ceci Bastida /// La Edad De La Violencia 30. Las Ruinas /// Toni Bravo
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066 – Literatura Peruana – Fichas (1069 – 1086) – El Diario de Inés Muñoz – El Encuentro de dos Mundos – Año 1539 –
1069 – (1539 - 8 de enero)En Lima, el cabildo mandó dar cuatro solares fuera de la población para el asiento de los principales curacas de los nativos de Lima.
1070 – (1539 - 9 de enero) Francisco Pizarro funda la ciudad peruana de Ayacucho, con el nombre de San Juan de la Frontera.
1071 – (1539 - 13 de enero) Fallece Pordenone, pintor italiano (nacido en 1483) Giovanni Antonio de' Sacchis más conocido como Il Pordenone por la localidad friuliana donde nació, fue un pintor italiano activo durante el Renacimiento, y uno de los más importantes difusores del movimiento manierista en el norte de Italia. Giorgio Vasari lo llama Giovanni Antonio Licinio.
1071 – (1539 - 5 de marzo) Fallece Nuno da Cunha, explorador portugués (nacido en 1487) Nuno da Cunha era hijo del famoso navegante portugués, almirante y embajador ante el papa León X, Tristão da Cunha, y de su mujer Antónia Pais. Nuno acompañó a su padre a la India en la expedición que este había dirigido en 1506. Nuno da Cunha mostró su valor en las batallas de Ojá y Brava (una ciudad en la costa somalí), por lo que fue nombrado caballero por Alfonso de Albuquerque. También participó en la captura de Panane, bajo las órdenes del virrey Francisco de Almeida, coincidiendo y luchando al lado de Lourenço de Almeida, hijo del propio virrey. A su regreso a Portugal fue nombrado supervisor de la casa real por el rey Juan III.
1072 – (1539 - 12 de abril)El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, es bautizado como Gómez Suárez de Figueroa, en memoria de uno de sus abuelos, <el Inca Garcilaso de la Vega nació en el Cusco en la mañana del 12 de abril de 1539, muy pocos años después de la muerte de Atahualpa, el último soberano Inca. Fue el hijo natural del capitán extremeño Sebastián Garcilaso de la Vega y Vargas, conquistador de noble linaje de Castilla, y de Palla Chimpu Ocllo, bautizada como Isabel, nieta del Inca Túpac Yupanqui y sobrina del Inca Huayna Cápac>.
1073 – (1539 - 30 de abril) Bidón de petróleo enviado desde Nueva Cádiz, Nueva Esparta, arriba a Cádiz en la nao Santa Cruz. Primero documentado en la historia de Venezuela.
1074 – (1539) En Europa. Muere Isabel de Portugal. Nacida en Lisboa el 24 de octubre de 1503 y fallecida en Toledo el 1 de mayo de 1539, también conocida como Isabel de Avís, fue la única esposa de Carlos I de España, emperatriz consorte del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico y reina de España. Actuó como gobernadora de los reinos españoles durante los viajes por Europa de su marido. Isabel era la segunda hija del rey Manuel I de Portugal y de su segunda esposa María de Aragón siendo por tanto, infanta de Portugal por nacimiento.
1075 – (1539 - mayo) Hernando de Soto desembarcó con nueve barcos y más de 620 hombres y 220 caballos en el sur de la bahía de Tampa, al frente de la primera expedición europea (1539-1543) que se internó profundamente en el hoy territorio de Estados Unidos, y la primera documentada por haber cruzado el río Misisipi.
1078 – (1539 - 7 de mayo) La Dote. Estando en el Cusco (Yucay), Francisco Pizarro otorga a su hija Francisca (nacida en 1534) el cacicazgo de Chimú (1.000 tributarios) y las encomiendas de Conchucos (800 tributarios) y de Huaylas (3.000 tributarios), esta última correspondía al curacazgo de Contarhuacho la abuela materna de Francisca.
1079 – (1539 - 24 de junio)Fundación de la ciudad colombiana de San Juan de Pasto.
1080 – (1539 - 9 de agosto)Fundación de la ciudad colombiana de Tunja.
1081 – (1539 - 15 de Agosto)El mariscal Jorge Robledo funda en Colombia el pueblo de Santa Ana de Los Caballeros, hoy conocido como Anserma.
1082 – (1539 - 3 de Septiembre) Se aprueban los estatutos que Ignacio de Loyola presentó al Papa Paulo III, para la fundación de la Compañía de Jesús. La Compañía de Jesús, cuyos miembros son comúnmente conocidos como jesuitas, es una orden religiosa de la Iglesia católica fundada en 1539 por Ignacio de Loyola, junto con Francisco Javier, Pedro Fabro, Diego Laínez, Alfonso Salmerón, Nicolás de Bobadilla, Simão Rodrigues, Juan Coduri, Pascasio Broët y Claudio Jayo en la ciudad de Roma, siendo aprobada por el papa Paulo III en 1540
1083 – (1539) Los granos de trigo. Doña Inés Muñoz, recibe una remesa de alimentos, llegados de Cádiz, la amable dama invita a su cuñado Francisco Pizarro y su esposo Martín de Alcántara a festejar el acontecimiento, les prepararía una olla podrida, los garbanzos, judías, chorizos extremeños y demás artículos recién llegados se lucirían en el plato. Hizo la casualidad que al abrir uno de los cajones, se fijase doña Inés en unos pocos granos de trigo confundidos entre los garbanzos. Ella y sus criadas realizaron una minuciosa búsqueda y llegaron a juntar “hasta cuarenta y cinco granos de trigo”. Doña Inés hizo con ellos una almáciga en el jardín de su casa y al poco tiempo brotaron las espigas y tras ellas el grano. Cuatro años después la almáciga había dado origen a muchos trigales en las huertas de los alrededores de Lima, estableciéndose por Pizarro un molino y amasándose pan para el vecindario, que lo pagaban a medio real de plata la libra. De Lima, pasó el cultivo del trigo a los fértiles valles de Arequipa y Jauja. Es Ricardo Palma quien recoge esta minuciosa historia.
1084 – (1539) El Cabildo de Lima, otorga un permiso para construir un establo, para que las vacas que habían llegado “Se perpetuasen en estos lares”
1085 – (1539) Tecnología. El ingenioso ingles Robert Brooke, muy cercano al rey Enrique VIII, fabrica cañerías de plomo fundido para ser utilizadas en la conducción del agua, es un adelanto a la higiene y fontanería.
1086 – (1539) El rey de España Carlos V tuvo que enfrentarse a la rebelión de Gante, su ciudad natal. Los de Gante, que cometieron muchos desordenes en calles e iglesias, se habían rebelado por los excesivos impuestos que tenían que pagar para mantener las guerras con Francia y pidieron ayuda a Francisco I. Ayuda que éste les negó, debido a la reciente paz con España. Además, permitió el paso de las tropas españolas por Francia e incluso recibió en París al Emperador y le agasajó con grandes festejos. [email protected]
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Alpha Centurion War:
The supervillain teams of Inferno, Swarm, Nekron, Insurgence, Bane, Nightmare, Fear, Legion, Nemesis, Omen, The Fiends, Syndicate, Infernals, & Toxin had combined together to form the supervillain conglomerate the Sect of Evil. This would later become the basis of the intergalactic supervillain alliance and supervillan organization of Forces of Evil. So the superhero teams of the Exiles, Outlaws, Fugitives, Outcasts, Renegades, Alphas, Primals, Feral, & the Wildcards would join together to form the superhero conglomerate the Exiles. This superhero alliance created to defend the Earth was filled with superheroes who were people of color, Indigenous people, disabled people, & queer people. This mega super hero group of the Elites was founded and led by Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith the queer and trans Asian and Latinx Asian Native superhero/superheroine. Later on the Paladins, Nova, Chosen, Apex, Omega, Void, Oracles, Aurora, Rangers, Tricksters, Ironclads, Goliaths, Exclusives, Prodigies, Colossal, Singularity, & Centurion would join them. Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Attahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalini Smith was standing on the roof of a tower. He/she/they are currently known as the Cardinal Changeling, Cambion Chimera, or Scarlet Shapeshifter of the Paragons. He/she/they were formally known as the Blue Basilisk, Emerald Eagle, Firebrick Fire Fox, Golden Griffen, Harlequin Hippogriff, Kobi Kitsune, Jade Jaguar, Silver Shark, & the White Werewolf of the Elites. He/she/they were formally known as Morph and Chimera of the Primals, Alpha, & Apex and were known as Shifter and Changeling of the Outcasts, Renegades, Fugitives, & Exiles. He/she/they were in their ivory and scarlet costume with a domino mask, cape, pants, gloves, & boots. He/she/they were in his/her/their untransformed form with terra cotta brown skin with brown eyes and black hair. He/she/they ran and jumped. He/she/they yelled as they jumped, “Whoo!” He/she/they were falling before shapeshifting into a Tevran. His/her/their skin orange, his/her/their short hair turned red, & his/her/their eyes turned yellow. As he/she/they absorbed solar radiation and lunar energy his/her/their eyes blazed gold, his/her/their skin radiated tangerine, & his/her/their hair glowed scarlet. He/she/they started flying while shooting optic blasts out of their eyes and energy blasts out of the palms of his/her/their hands using red, blue, white, & yellow solar radiation and lunar energy. He/she/they soared in the atmosphere feeling free as a phoenix or eagle does. He/she/they were firing energy blasts and optic blasts to stop the alien armada that was invading Soar City.
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