#francesca speaks.
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notholaenas · 9 months ago
kiss kiss fall in love !
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existential-queeer · 11 months ago
*Francesca and John casually flirting in the drawing room*
Violet Bridgerton, mere inches away:
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veruzriti · 1 month ago
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black&white version below
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mot-hesbian · 7 months ago
Bridgerton be like
Fatherless Behavior
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Understandable But Still Yikes Behavior
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Oldest Daughter Behavior
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Orphan Annie Behavior
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Teenage Girl Behavior
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Autistic Behavior
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Wet Cat Behavior
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(more in reblog)
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byebyelullabye · 2 months ago
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(currently in the middle of putting this on ao3, in the meantime enjoy the twitterscape)
(Made with all images from Pinterest)
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mioakem · 10 months ago
happy pride to the CANONICALLY bi bridgerton siblings 🥳🥳🥳
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linawhitelily · 17 days ago
I believe that the main couple in Dante Alighieri's Inferno is not Francesca and Paolo, but these guys:
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Canto 26, translator: Rev. H. F. Cary
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ya-fbr · 10 months ago
me, completely in love with john: yeah, idk what they could possibly do to make me move on from this man and sell me on francesca and michael
bridgerton: introduces michaela stirling
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niallsdaya · 1 year ago
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racist losers absolutely grasping at straws to try and come for a successful, beautiful black queen
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Colin: It must be hard not being able to laugh.
Francesca: I do have a sense of humor you know.
Colin: Really? I’ve never heard you laugh before.
Francesca: I’ve never heard you say anything funny.
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jam-packed · 5 months ago
lovin the vids of vale and casey circlin around the interwebs, they r so friends
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awkward-sultana · 6 months ago
We could have reasonably seen more of Anthony calling his sisters by pet names. That man was basically a father to his younger siblings, so I'm sure he "sweetheart"-ed and "dear"-ed them constantly. Big opportunity missed.
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lachicavoltron333 · 10 months ago
I just finished watching bridgerton season 3 part 2 and i just wanna say one thing:
thank you, for everything, it was so good,it made me laugh, it made me cry,it made me happy, i still need Time to get my thoughts correctly, but thank you for giving me something to love and cherish for at least a few months.
- beyaz 🌹🌹🌹
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maniacace · 7 months ago
dbd cancellation news coming out 10 days before jatp anniversary is so incredibly fitting
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byebyelullabye · 2 months ago
1. bar sitcom
No one knows how a trio of grad students Penelope Featherington, Phillip Crane, and Edwina Sharma came to own a bar right in the heart of prime Mayfair real estate but everyone stops asking questions once the alcohol starts flowing. Featuring a cast of characters such as waitresses Sophie and Michaela, investor Simon Basset, cooks Finch and Colin, ruthless yet loveable Kate, hopeless romantic regular Benedict, and many, many more. (saphne, kanthony, benophie, polin, philoise, franchaela)
2. rock band (social media au)
Grammy-wining rock band The Ledgertons was formed in 2012, consisting of brothers Anthony (lead guitar), Benedict (percussion), and Colin Bridgerton (lead vocals and bass) before being later joined by their sister Francesca (keyboards) in 2018.
Snippets from interviews, Spotify, Wikipedia, Tumblr, Twitter (Elon Musk who? No, he was never born in this world) and everywhere else fans and stans of The Ledgertons (or Ledgerheads as they're affectionately called) can be found as they matchmake their way through the internet such as when Anthony goes on the highly popular YouTube show Curry Shop Date with Kate Sharma (making it the most popular episode to date), when Benedict accidentally reveals his crush on his favorite graphic artist Sophie Baek, Colin's years-long will-they-won't-they saga with Penelope Featherington, best friend and head writer of Arlington (Flixer's biggest period drama TV series), and finally, Francesca's not-so-subtle chemistry in a collaboration with popstar icon Michaela Stirling. (franchaela, kanthony, polin, benophie, minor grucy)
3. casino robbery
The Bridgertons own a chain of casinos from one end of the globe to the other but one night, the three brothers all get distracted in the original London casino and hotel that started it all. The trio wake up in one of their hotel rooms to find their account 3 billion pounds lighter with differing accounts of what happened the night before with each of them meeting the woman of their dreams. Anthony's lily-scented goddess, Benedict's Lady in Silver, Colin's Lady Whistledown, all possibly turning out to be in kahoots??? Now it's a wild goose chase but what are these brunet idiots really chasing: getting the money back or their future wives? (kanthony, polin, benophie, minor saphne)
4. The Holiday
Penelope, an Irish rose living in Paris, needs to get out. After a brutal breakup with Alfie Debling, she's sick of it. Lovelorn in the city of love? Not on her watch.
Eloise Bridgerton is not big on emotions. Maybe growing up in London has its side effects. When her office forces her to use her vacation days in the summer, she finds a lovely Parisian cottage for a house swap.
Penelope's and Eloise's lives will never be the same. (polin and philoise)
5. vigilante shit
Kate, Sophie, and Penelope run multiple money laundering businesses. ABC (cops) can't keep up (benophie, kanthony, kanthony, minor franchaela, philoise and saphne)
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mot-hesbian · 3 months ago
Y'all ready for Bridgerton sexualities? Cuz here we go (these are modern day hcs btw if that wasn't obvious)
Anthony: straight with a capital S (somehow) and cis. He takes a second to understand his queer siblings because of ingrained bias but after a while is supportive. At which point he goes into overdrive and buys them pride flag everything.
Kate: bisexual and cis. I can't explain it but she's definitely thought of kissing a girl. Anthony didn't find out until after they were married because she didn't feel like it was something she had to broadcast.
Edwina: sapphic and a demi-girl. I don't know where she is on the fruity spectrum, I just know she's into guys and girls.
Benedict: Pan (obviously) and cis. This is canon.
Sophie: straight and cis, but thought about experimenting at some point.
Posy: bisexual and cis. It's a vibe that I can't let go of.
Colin: straight demisexual and cis. This might as well be canon.
Penelope: pansexual demi-girl. It's a feeling. Thinks it would be funny to come out in a chaotic way (think her engagement announcement in the show).
Felicity: she's *something*.
Phillipa: pansexual and probably some type of genderqueer. Not out because she's not sure how her family would take it. Is considering telling Penelope and Felicity tho. Finch knows because they don't keep secrets.
Albion: straight but definitely genderqueer. He was so excited when he realized they matched due to not being cis. They had a very nice charcuterie in celebration when she came out to him.
Prudence: I wanna say lesbian who's attracted to non-binary people as well (I know some of them identify as a sub category of bisexuality so I wanted to clarify) but cis gender. Also closeted, out to her spouse.
Dankworth: some kind of fruity and definitely genderqueer, probably more in the non-binary persuasion than anything close to the binaries. He's deffo androgynous and they use basically all pronouns. Very supportive when her wife came out.
Daphne: I mean, she's probably bisexual, right? And definitely cis (I'm not willing to give up her eldest daughter trauma for trans!femme Daphne. As awesome as she would be). Is just vibing tbh.
Simon: straight and cis, but extremely supportive. Offers a safe space for all the queer youth he knows that aren't supported or wouldn't be supported by their families.
Lady Danbury: also something. Is unlabelabled.
Eloise: she's either straight or pansexual, who knows at this point? And still figuring out her gender. If she's genderqueer she's probably Demi. She is insufferable about queer rights regardless and everyone else is tired. They're all for it but making it her whole personality in her teenage years is certainly a choice she made. She mellowed out as an adult and realized it's okay to have a life outside of her political causes, partially because of her best friend and later her husband. She's still passionate about queer rights but in a way that won't eventually burn her out.
Philip: straight trans man. Didn't realize he was trans until he was well into adulthood and it took corresponding with Eloise to be able to embrace it. They are very in love and almost kind of obsessed with each other. They like yapping about their passions to each other at all times of the day. They both find this equally hot (for their spouse actually listening) and absolutely endearing (when their spouse is the one yapping).
George & Marina: straight cis.
Francesca: bisexual cis gender. She's so quiet it took her bringing home a wife before anyone realized she was queer.
Michael/Michaela: pansexual cisgender. Do I need to explain?
John: bisexual demi-boy. It's just his vibe I can't explain it.
Gregory: pansexual either cis or demi-boy I have no idea.
Lucy: bisexual cis. She's too busy pumping out kids and enjoying it to be genderqueer.
Don't know enough about otwttw to say anything about the other characters.
Hyacinth: bisexual and has transcended the gender binary.
Gareth: I mean, from what I know of him he and Hya sound bi4bi. Transmasc transfemme???? Who knows.
What do y'all think?
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