#framework au
the-barefoot-hatter · 11 days
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shrimpchipsss · 1 year
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professor shen qingqiu, the most confusing man in academia
(redraw of that indiana jones scene)
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sembaze · 7 months
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i'm silly
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code-dy · 1 year
Y'know what
Han Yoojin as a scam baiting vlogger, Sung Hyunjae as the managing director of a well-known Cybersecurity firm and Song Taewon as the overworked+underpaid head of the cybercrimes division of the Korea Central Intelligence Agency
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harumscarumcos · 7 months
so like I have this whole little canon in my head of like “what if the clone saga happened early enough that suddenly aunt may is now raising three boys on her own and peter has two brothers that have somehow out cool’d him in different ways at school” but also I wanna throw teresa Parker (the recently introduced possible long lost sister) in the mix cause I think I need to see them all be really protective big brothers???.
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jackiequick · 3 months
Reverse Betrayal - Agent of SHIELD….HYDRA? | [ Flipped AU]
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AU —— Amelia has been apart of the Inhuman/Brotherhood Of Mutants and Hydra all along, and is working against SHIELD (Why? We will never know..). After she had to reveal her powers to control a handful of soldiers after them while keeping a few in the process, to try Ward, to save the team and complete the mission. 
He decided to protect her and hide her secret, not knowing she was a spy. She doesn’t want to be saved or protected, in fear of letting her guard down, choosing to run away but Ward always finds her. The young heroes will always find her.
“I was trying to protect you..”
“So was I.” 
“So what are you doing?”
“I took your advice..I stopped running.”
“Look at me, baby, look at me! I won’t hurt you, I promise that.”
“Even after the hell I put you though?”
Name: Amelia Rachel Mary Morse
Codename: Tempest 
Date of Birth: July 14, 1995
Nationality: Italian-American
Place of Origin: Queens, New York
Age: Varies depending on the timeline
Height: 5’2
Sexuality: Straight (though her loyalty often comes before any personal relationships)
Species: Inhuman/Mutant with the power to control and manipulate emotions
Affiliation: Hydra, Brotherhood of Mutants
Rank: High-ranking operative within Hydra's ranks, trusted member of the Brotherhood
Appearance: Amelia has a striking presence, with expressive eyes that seem to hold a secret. She often wears a confident smirk, giving off an air of mystery and danger. Her attire is sleek and practical, fitting for someone who operates in the shadows.
Emotion Manipulation: Amelia possesses the ability to sense, alter, and control the emotions of others. She can incite fear, anger, or calmness at will, using her powers to manipulate situations to Hydra's advantage.
Mental Resistance: Years of training and exposure to Hydra's methods have given Amelia a strong mental fortitude, making her resistant to telepathic intrusion and manipulation.
Combat Training: Trained in various forms of hand-to-hand combat and armed combat, Amelia is a formidable opponent in combat situations.
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Background: Unlike the original timeline where Amelia dreamed of becoming a SHIELD agent to protect and serve, in this AU, she was recruited into Hydra at a young age. Growing up in Queens, she always felt like an outsider, hiding her true nature as an Inhuman/Mutant. When Hydra discovered her abilities in the later years, they saw her potential as a valuable asset. However she made it clear to have her abilities used on her own terms and conditions, she wasn't going to be their little toy.
Under the guise of a loyal agent, Amelia rose through the ranks of Hydra, honing her skills and serving their sinister agenda. She became known as Tempest, a name that struck fear or uncertainty into the hearts of her enemies. "Tempest" symbolize her ability to stir up and control emotions, much like a storm can whip up turbulent winds and chaos. It also represent her inner turmoil and the internal struggles she faces as she grapples with her loyalties and the choices she must make.
Alongside her allegiance to Hydra, she also aligned herself with the Brotherhood of Mutants, drawn to their vision of mutant supremacy.
Motivation: Amelia's loyalty to Hydra stems from a desire for power and control. Having felt marginalized and overlooked for much of her life, she sees Hydra as a means to exert her influence and shape the world according to her will. She believes in the supremacy of mutants and is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure their dominance.
Relationships: While Amelia may form alliances and partnerships within Hydra and the Brotherhood, her true loyalty lies with her own ambitions. She is skilled at manipulation and may feign friendships or romantic entanglements to further her own agenda. However, deep down, she harbors a sense of loneliness and isolation, knowing that her true nature must remain hidden from those around her.
Additional Information:
Deep down, Amelia harbors a sense of loneliness and isolation, knowing that her true nature must remain hidden from those around her. Despite this, she found solace in a relationship with her boyfriend Nikolai, where they shared a sense of comfort, understanding, and love.
When Amelia was assigned by her boss John Garrett, an undercover Hydra agent within SHIELD, to work alongside Phil Coulson and his team, she was hesitant at first. However, she discovered a warmth, confidence, and strong sense of compassion when working with Coulson and meeting the Young Avengers. 
Over time, she found herself drawn to them, allowing her walls to slowly fall as she began to desire something more for herself.
During the fall of SHIELD and the revelation of Hydra's infiltration, Amelia's cover was blown along with many other agents.
In a pivotal moment, she betrayed Ward and the team, saving them and herself. Following Hydra's downfall, Amelia went into hiding, forging her own path and rebuilding her guard. 
However, she remained on the radar of both the Young Avengers and SHIELD...
This was my excuse to make an baddie Mia haha. Now it’s your turn to flip an characters around ;)
Anyways tell me what you guys think!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @cherrysft @rickb-chaos @starkleila @infinetlyforgotten @meiramel @parisparker269 @buckysteveloki-me @yetanotherwells @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @xgoddessoffandomsx
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starheirxero · 8 months
I cannot describe just how feral your "It runs deeper" au makes me.
I am positively in love with it, please give us more-
I am literally ALWAYS overjoyed to share what I can about IRD, it's such a passion project of mine you have no idea!!! So here's some KC concept art + my insanity about one of Eclipse's scenes + and actual snippet of (potentially) one of Bloodmoon and Lunar's interactions :3
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acaciapines · 4 months
do you think a world with daemons would have an anti-daemon au. aus where instead of a person being a human-daemon pair you mash them into one body.
if daemons are the starting point what would their version of “our world” look like. bc I think you can make a solid argument that it wouldn’t be as simple as “there’s just humans now.”
aus about the ways people lie to themselves using the lack of two bodies that can argue to make a point. about being boxed-in and forever stuck. if you do decide to keep humans but cut all daemons maybe it’s a radical argument about changing the social taboos around who daemons can and can’t talk to.
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andro-dino · 2 months
Here's a headcanon I like
Nile listens to 2000s emo stuff and cried when MCR disbanded
like 5ever ago I drew Nile playing guitar bc it looked cool and I like to think that he would play a lot of that type of music. actually that also just reminded me of the mfb pjsk au I thought abt ages ago too. I only doodled out ideas for wildfang bc they were the most concrete idea I had as like a punk/rock band. I never actually had a ton of thoughts abt that au and only did very small doodles but it’s very fun to think about
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kingsmoot · 3 months
Ok I have something that's not Daemon-related: do you have any modern Ramsay headcanons? :3
this is so sweet of you ty for the ramsay ask 🩷❤️ unfortunately modern aus for asoiaf really don't interest me so i don't have many thoughts. like the sociopolitical web of westeros doesn't exist in modern day and so neither do any of the circumstances that make ramsay + his house interesting to me.
like, 2024 rams would probably be... idk an extremely mid-tier guitarist in an intolerable grindcore band who quit his dead end hard labor gig when his estranged half brother reached out to him and disappeared shortly afterward. his father is the last remaining direct descendant of english nobility who invested his inherited fortune in like. oil and real estate. and is now bleeding his off shore bank accounts dry settling ramsay's serial rape charges out of court.
which unfortunately isn't interesting to me!
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flame2ashes · 1 year
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smol-blue-bird · 2 years
Greek mythology retellings that I like:
We updated this myth for a modern setting while keeping most of the story and major elements of the mythology intact
We made a story loosely based on or inspired by an old Greek myth, and we’re upfront about that
Greek mythology retellings that I don’t mind:
This is an adaptation for laypeople who have little familiarity with the subject matter, so we simplified some things out of necessity
This is an adaptation for children, so we kept it age-appropriate and handled the sexual/gory material in a non-explicit way
This is a ten-minute YouTube video that can’t possibly explain every tiny detail about this extremely complex topic, so we’re gonna stick to the basics
Greek mythology retellings that I loathe with every fiber of my being:
This is the Secret True Version of the original myth that historians have been hiding out of malice, and if anyone tells you otherwise they’re a liar who’s shilling for Big Archeology
The original myth was Wrong and Problematic and you’re Bad if you enjoyed learning about it, but don’t worry, I rewrote it to make it Good
I hate history, I hate reading, I hate the classics, and I especially hate ancient Greece. I did zero research whatsoever for this project and I have no respect for the source material or the field in general, and I’m very proud of that
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strrkie · 8 months
[What if Miwa stopped being afraid of Noritoshi at some point. she no longer flinches when sees him. The more they communicate or silently relax in each other's company, Miwa feels comfortable]
Miwa: K-k… oh no I forgot again *whispers, then sighs* Nori…toshi?! Welcome back! Kamo: *turns his head in her direction* Thank you. Are you still embarrassed to call me by my name? Miwa: Of course not *giggled softly* I'm just not used to calling you anything other than Kamo-kun. That's the whole reason! *smiled contentedly as Noritoshi pulled her closer* Kamo: Then call me Nori, Kasumi. *hugs her and places his chin on top of her head, his calloused hands gently touching her shoulder blades* Miwa: No-ri… *softly pronounces this short form of his name* I think I'll get used to it quickly! *Kasumi nuzzled into Noritoshi's shirt and hugged him back tightly*
Muta: *smiles when he sees that they are both so relaxed*
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mister13eyond · 1 year
this is a "oc that used to be a canon character" appreciation space
do you have ocs that used to be canon characters from a piece of media, that then took on such a life of their own they became ocs?
show me them please i want to love them
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barbreypilled · 10 months
also like if ur going to publish derivative fiction im sorry but it has to be good. u actually have to do something interesting with it u can’t just google a bunch of tropes, make the characters do them and call it a day like at that point just do fic prompts I guarantee it will be better in the long run bc u won’t have to inevitably get cancelled for review bombing books that ppl actually had to use their brains for
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jupiterjunebug · 4 months
writing the tool academy fic has given me a pretty good sense of how to write a lot of wrestlers which makes sense and i was hoping for. it has also done a thing i did not forsee which is now i have an immaculate grasp on how to write tony khan.
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