neurotypical-sonic · 2 years
desperately want to do something for wholesome sonic and tails wednesday but god, I've got nothing. I've missed the past couple of weeks and I'm so upset about it but there's just nothing going on in my head
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botionfuck · 2 years
"actually a kinda better First Fragment - Solus cover, but with bad audio and more weird faces"
as the title says. for some reason im pouting for a lot of the video
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mori221c · 9 months
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fragmemts (4/?)
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devilswalkingstick · 6 months
Reobsessing myself with your ben kayne fragmemt au. It's just so fun to rotate around in my head
i have also been rotating the him........ i have been lacking creative time/motivation recently (...for like 2 years) but im still hoping to finish a ben wip ive had for a while!! but knowing other people still think abt him is just sooooo <3<3<3<3<3
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What does polyfragmented mean?
polyfragmented is a term for DID (dissociative identity disorder)
its the term where you "poly" meaning mutiple i think and "fragmemted" as in alternative identities aka alters
so polyfragmented is a sysem with many alters it's pretty fluid what peope considered polyfragmented
some people see it when it's 50+, some when it's 100+
we are polyfragmented - Honey
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Pure just told us the alter we've been seeing around the main headspace was a fragment and fused in the headspace with us? Not sure with who. Maybe all of us? We dont feel any different? Apparently he didn't have a name? this is so weird. - Blurry
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Ode #086
To her;
everything felt yesterday;
the laughter;
the tears;
so she was scared;
because he was back;
in her life;
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cha-eunwoow · 6 years
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revenoirlsb · 4 years
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Nike x Sacai x Fragment ... These are looking real nice!!! Images of the upcoming Nike Sacai Fragment Waffles have leaked online #nike #sacai #fragmemt #nikesacai #nikesacaiwaffle #kicks #sneakers #sneakers #style #fashion #dope #lifestyle #hypebeast #revenoirlsb #mrrevenoir https://www.instagram.com/p/CDcEx4WJDB8/?igshid=7ysbpr4do44g
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etirabys · 5 years
A good homage-to-DWJ novella would be about a young socially alienated teen who's obsessed with getting to an alternate universe where their favorite author, who in their world died tragically young after writing only a few novels with a cult following, lived to ninety and published dozens of books. They'd probably get tangled up with other characters with their own madcap personalities, who are also trying to cross worlds for more serious reasons and initially think badly of the protagonist for just wanting to read more books by this person (whose titles sound a lot like DWJ's titles). Then they have shenanigans and become friends and it turns out one of the fellow voyagers is actually a lost fragmemt of that author's self and they'll write about characters based on the fellow passengers. The protagonist realizes one of the colorful fights described in their favorite book is actually based on an explosion they had and is mortified.
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fiverrrwasright · 7 years
the smoke and the smoke and the smoke
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botionfuck · 2 years
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mun i owe you my life,, can i get funeral, fragment of the universe, and der freischütz hcs for their favorite food + reacting to sharing cake with an employee??
Funeral of Dead Butterlfies-Funeral has no Big preference, but he does prefer Butterscotch. Butterflies like sugar, and he just so happened to be turned into a butterfly.-He doesn’t eat often, as he has to reveal his real face to do so, but when he does...It’s usually something small, like graham crackers or cookies. Sometimes regular crackers or Saltines.-As for his employee coming in with cake for them to share? He would be EXTREMELY shy about it.-”You want to share this with ME?? You’re so sweet...” and then his face butterfly flutters in such a way that could be considered him getting flustered.-Would let you have more than him, because he knows youll enjoy the frosted pastry more than he will.-You Get To See His Cute Dumb Face. Black eye color, Glasses, Black hair with white streaks put into a mini ponytail, and a FUZZY bear that he might let you mess with.-He probably will honestly.
Fragmemt of The Universe-They don’t eat often, but if they had to choose...Probably a rice krispy. Those are the common treats in the facility.-You bring them cake to share? Make sure you bring two slices. Once they taste cake, they will eat the entire slice in less than 1 second.-Makes apologetic noises for eating it so fast-Will honestly try to sucker you into giving them some of yours, but wont take all of it.-Other employees advise bringing them an entire cake thats got marshmallow on it. They tell you you’re gonna be trapped in a lovey dovey cuddle for a day and a half.-This is how you become their favorite employee, and they refuse to attack you.-Their new favorite thing is cake. And you.
Der Freischütz - Bethmännchen. His favorite kind of pastry.It’s a type of cookie, very sweet.-If you brought him those he would be excessively happy, although wont show much of that.-You bring in cake to share, and he is baffled. Stunned. Asbolutely in awe that you would want to share cake with him. -He would try to hide it behind his cool exterior, but you can obviously tell he’s happy and honored that you wanted to share cake with him.-He would thank you profusely before, during and after eating the cake with you-Would ask if you made it, and if you did, he would give you heartfelt compliments on how good it was. Even if you didnt do that good of a job....He cares about you so he wont tell you, he’ll only encourage you.-He would offer to bake with you, even if you didn’t make the cake.
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alexanderthel8 · 6 years
I have a name for my system!!!
We are the Red Naxela system
-Adam (protector)
-Charlie (persecutor)
-Jack (little)
-Patrick (fantasy)
-Fox (anger fragmemt)
-Alex (host)
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spacetreesativa · 6 years
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The six bell shaped samples shown above were made with wet grey clay, and i experimented with Anne Goldmam inspired imprints.
I used a number of different items, such as seashells and fragmemts of animal bone. And even a tooth! To press into my clay.
I varied the pressure i put on the samples to see how they printed.
Sample 1. Which is at the very top, i used a dried plant and pressed into a leatherhard piece of grey clay qyite firmly to create a mixture of striped and dotted lines. I like it quite a lot and think it would look quite nice if it was glazed in yellow.
Sample 2. Which can be seen on the top left i created by smushing fragments of bone into a piece of grey clay. I dont think it looks great however the texure is interesting and would look good if ever i was ever to create a landscape piece.
Sample 3. Next to sample 2, was created by using a pine cone on a piece of soft grey clay. It didnt turn out quite as i had hoped but it looks quite interesting nevertheless.
Sample 4 was my favourite to create (next to sample 3) as i used a tooth to imprint the clay, and i think it looks quite cool. It reminds me of our visit to the liverpool museum where we saw lots of skeletons and animals and it makes me think of fossils. Which could look quite nice on my final piece.
My sample on the bottom left is quite delicately imprinted with a seashell, and i think this looks quite cute, and i would like to use this on my final piece.
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Can Badge Collection Vol.1 Campaign
• About Can Badge Gachas
You can get a Can Badge Exchange Ticket by finding Stardust Fragment pieces. You might end up pulling a Can Badge of the same design. Can Badges will be mailed when filling out can badge Exchange Application. You’ll need to enter a valid Japanese mailing address. If you live outside of Japan, ask your fowarding service/proxy service providers about applicable fees.
•Campaign Period:
December 28, 2017 6:00pm JST to February 16, 2018 4:00pm JST
• How to use:
You can pull one blind Gacha using five Stardust Fragment pieces. One from five types of Can Badge Exchange Tickets will drop randomly. When you apply for a can badge exchange ticket, You can mail the can badge of the design you want to do Application can be done from the partner details page of the gacha result page or can badge exchange ticket.
• About Stardust Fragments Stardust Fragmemts can mainly be earned as ranking rewards at the end of an event. [Events Last 2 weeks+] There are only a limited amount of Can Badges Gacha [230 of each kind] You can not send Stardust Fragments as Gifts to other users but you can Trade them with other users. [Gift - gifting to a user and not receiving anything in return from them. Trade - trading an item with other user and receiving something in return] If there are no more Can Badges Gacha then no more Stardust Fragments will be rewarded. If you have Stardust Fragments leftover at the end of the Campaign than they will be replaced with Droplets of Attack, Droplets of Strength, Leafs, etc.
Rank 1~50 Star Dust Fragments
Rank 2~5 - 20 Star Dust Fragments
Rank 6~10 - 15 Star Dust Fragments
Rank 11~30 - 10 Star Dust Fragments
Rank 31~60 - 5 Star Dust Fragments
Rank 61~150 - 3 Star Dust Fragments
Rank 151~500 - 2 Star Dust Fragments
Rank 501~2000 -1 Star Dust Fragments
• About Can Badge Gacha
[5 Stardust Fragments = 1 Gacha Can Badge Exchange Ticket] Gacha will be closed when all five Can Badges becomes zero
How to get Stardust Fragments
-Special Login Bonus Gives you only 1 Stardust Fragment. Redeem by 1/9
-Event Ranking
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