#fr conspiracy
bottomsonlybar · 1 month
i honestly just can't see how they're gonna be able to do this video without either hard launching OR going full no homo again like?? how are they gonna be vague about fucking PHAN CONSPIRACY THEORIES??? unless they only do the super crazy ones like idk phil's secret wife i just don't understand how they're gonna go about this
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yuzuyoon · 2 months
Lily, as someone with knowledge of singing and vocal technique, I'm hoping you can answer something I've been thinking about since I watched the mini-doc about the creation of Muse.
When Jimin and his crew go back into the bedroom--it's almost midnight, at this point--Jimin says, with some uncertainty, I believe--that the key they've chosen is "quite high." Two keys ahead of the original! Later, the guitarist asks him if he's going to sing it higher and then nods approvingly..."that's art."
But is it really better to sing in such a high key? Would it not have sounded as good in a slightly lower key? Is it the reason for the auto-tune so many people are complaining about?
I thought about this while listening to Be Mine. There's that one line that seems excessively high--so high I feel like it might attract any dogs in the vicinity. Do you think it needs to be/should be that high?
Btw, whatever the key, Be Mine is one of those songs that is deceptively difficult to sing, isn't it? People aren't talking enough about Jimin's vocal prowess here.
i want you to listen to two things. first, listen to the original version of dynamite. then listen to this version:
now tell me which one sounds more like a bts song. the original dynamite was a song in quite a high pitch, and many people agree that the version in a lower pitch sounds more like a bts song.
this concept applies to all songs. some songs sound better at a higher tone, some songs sound better at lower tones. im sure when considering the pitch of who, jimin took two things into consideration:
1) is he capable of singing it live (and we have seen yes he can)
2) what sounds best vocally and instrumentally
im pretty confident jimin chose the right key because of one main reason: it fits perfectly into jimin's vocal sweet spot
we all have vocal sweet spots when we sing and they're not all coherent. for example, i'm really comfortable in my lower-mid range and my high range, but i struggle when it comes to mid-high range. jimin's sweet spot seems to be that very high falsetto/mix that he does in the who prechorus
who is a challenging song to sing, but jimin chose it because he knows his voice and he knows what sounds good. i believe, had he chosen one of the lower pitches, we wouldn't have gotten that resonant note. (jimin also seems to be so proud and confident of his vocals now after taking those lessons and he's been showing it off a lot. a challenging key would the perfect opportunity to show off something he's proud of)
because i love making videos to try to explain things, here's one of who in different keys so you can get a feel for why jimin chose to have to song be that pitch:
im pretty confident the original pitch sounds the best.
now for be mine: yes the prechorus for this song is also absurdly high. like absurdly. the real test on if that was the right key choice for this song is if jimin can sing live (fingers crossed the bonus clip has be mine in it). based on the who performances, i am so confident he can
and yes, be mine is challenging to sing because youre reaching a spot where its hard to even use a falsetto to reach those notes. jimin and i have similar high key ranges and its so incredibly difficult for me to get to those notes and make it sound nice. jimin really saw people ranking him at no. 4 for vocal capabilities in bts and decided to come for his rightful no. 2 spot as a lead vocalist. all the kudos to him, that is a power move if i ever saw one
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hballegro · 2 months
i have more conspiracies about MASH that may or may not be true, but ive decided they are. they also just might have been explained, but im dumb, and cant remember. heres your sequel.
in 7x3 where hawkeye tackles bj, bj goes "AAH!' and hawkeye says 'WRONG! THAT STARTS WITH AN H!'. this is because mike farrell's line was 'hey!' but due to the force and drama of the scene, just Yelped instead.
All the dogs that turned up that never appeared again [like the one bj and hawk "ate" when they were trying to scare a visitor, dogs seen in 1 shot, etc] were just dogs that the production crew/cast owned and wanted to bring to work/volunteered their animal for acting duty
in the handful if scenes where hawkeye is actually knitting [and not using the red yarn, for the reason given in the previous edition], hes making a blankie for erin. [co-credit my sibling]
klinger got his ears pierced during the course of the show, starting with clearly just clip-ons and then later declares he doesnt want his ears to close up. some say continuity error, I say commitment (and also it would probably be easier to find real earrings instead of clip-ons)
in s7e2 Peace on Us, no one told bill christopher to tie that red streamer around his neck, he just thought it would be silly
in s7e2 Peace on Us, again, no one told alan alda to drive the jeep back to camp with his leg up like that. he just knows the character well enough to make that call. which he's correct about
the scar on hawkeye's lip was caused by a fishhook in his youth. got called Troutboy a long time afterward because of it.
bj is a vaseline girlie and takes good care of his hair as well.
hawkeye sniffs food because, having grown up partly during the depression, eating spoiled food was a real risk, so giving it a good ol' sniff-test was a given
fr mulcahy cares deeply about his appearance and engages in more grooming activities than any other guy in camp [the shower cap, always looking perfect, owning gardening gloves, manicured hands and feet, etc]. he even irons his stole on a bi-weekly basis and launders his clerical collars
hawkeye's issues with people leaving and not saying goodbye began with his mother after she passed, since his father didnt want him to worry
on nights where charles goes to bed after the other two, he will occasionally clean up a little bit. this contributes to why he's so pissed in 'Pressure Points'- he's been doing his own cleaning and some of theirs without them noticing or caring.
once again these are all just things that came to mind while watching, i didnt think too hard on them. the only one 'researched' on was the food sniffing, solely because i needed to do Year Math lol
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beansprean · 1 year
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Miniscene hurt no comfort Wednesday.
*waves hand* something about Nandor's alexithemia, the inability to see yourself clearly, being alone in a feeling or a moment, etc etc... y'know... mirrors!!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Close up on Nandor looking conflicted and sad on a mottled green background as he notices something ahead of him. 1b. Reverse shot of Guillermo from behind, sleeves rolled up as he cleans a mirror with a cloth. A small side table below the mirror holds a spray bottle of cleaner and a few books with a bookend shaped like a rearing horse. Guillermo is reflected in the mirror but Nandor is not. 1c. Shot of Guillermo from the side; Nandor's arm enters the frame to grip his shoulder from behind with a soft "Guillermo..." Guillermo turns his head back slightly, arm pausing its polishing. His reflection is still visible in the mirror, alone. 1d. Repeat. Guillermo lowers his arm and half-turns to face Nandor as he steps into frame, hand still on Guillermo's shoulder, facing away from the viewer. Guillermo looks up at him expectantly and replies, "Yes?" His reflection turns away with him.
2a. Shot in profile, background blown out in red-violet as Nandor surges forward, both hands cupping the back of Guillermo's shoulders to pull him in, and presses his mouth desperately to Guillermo's. Guillermo's eyes fly wide in surprise, cheeks reddening as his hands, one still clutching the cleaning cloth, are crushed against Nandor's chest. 2b. Repeat. Their heads tilt left, changing places as Guillermo begins to kiss back. His hands run up Nandor's chest to grip at his cape. Nandor grips Guillermo's shoulder firmly with one hand and slides the other up to cup the back of his neck.
3a. Repeat. The background returns to green as they part, still holding each other close with mouths scant inches apart. Nandor looks dazed, half-lidded eyes staring without seeing. Guillermo smiles softly, gaze hooded but focused as he asks playfully, "Hah...what was that for?" 3b. Repeat. Nandor looks away, tension returning to his expression as he takes a small step back, loosening his grip on Guillermo's shoulder. He stutters, "I, um..." Guillermo, hands still on Nandor's chest and gripping his cape, waits patiently for him to complete the thought. He maintains his soft smile, but some confusion begins to creep on his expression. 3c. Close up on Guillermo from Nandor's POV, Nandor's hand stretched out and sliding from Guillermo's shoulder to rest on his collarbone. From offscreen, Nandor continues, "I don't know." Guillermo jerks in shock, his expression immediately hardening as his eyes widen in pain, staring up at Nandor. He is hurt, but he can't quite manage disbelief. 3d. Repeat. Guillermo closes his eyes and ducks his head, scowling but somehow resigned as he grabs Nandor's hand to remove it from his shoulder. He says, "Well. Don't do it again..." 3e. Wide shot, the mirror and table visible again on the far wall. Nandor stands in front of it, back to the viewer, rejected hand still hovering in the air, unable to decide whether to reach out, as Guillermo turns his back and walks away. Guillermo continues, "...until you do know." His face is turned away from the viewer as he leaves, but the mirror catches his expression as it crumples, hurt and angry and humiliated. He is alone in the mirror, and whatever expression Nandor wears remains unseen - perhaps even to himself. /end ID
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beekindtobees · 5 months
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cant stop thinking about them. and i wont.
( last one looks a bit wonky bc i drew it on my laptop :)) )
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mint-ty · 10 months
what if all filmed tapes were forgotten at Jere's together with Bojan's underwear? Mark is giving all excuses while trying to desperately find where the videos at. Meanwhile they're:
A) in a trashbag somewhere in Vantaa still not having seen the daylight
B) Jere washed the memory cards with the shirts
C) Jere keeps watching them himself (and m**) that's why he's so silent, he's busy. Also he forgot to tell the others he has the videos.
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starry-saturn-nights · 9 months
You think there were like, buzzfeed unsolvedesque conspiracy videos online on Flynn’s disappearance? And like, maybe a few of the more “outlandish” ones were actually like, the closest to what actually happened to him?
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donnydamakkk · 1 year
every woman casted on station 19 was casted to personally induce gay panic attacks on the sapphic community
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tieressian · 2 months
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disfrutalaisla · 8 months
Do you ever think about how foolish’s worker number is the same as his ticket as if he was already categorized as a number in the federations system and the implications that has about the other characters as well
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bucketkicked · 2 months
good morning ☀️I found a boxer who reminds me so much of Tony!!! I’d use her as a fc if I could find matching fc for her brothers (since the fc is Algerian, I’d have to find more Algerian fc)
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kursed-curtain · 9 months
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Thought y'all on tumblr would like to see what I'm up to on the funny dragon game
It's a milkman! The Milkman! How exciting
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lotus-duckies · 4 months
ngl the caganer route is ranked very high on my List for monster prom Events
it's so funny and you get to spend all your time hanging out with some guys. i love hanging out with Some Guys. damien has undiagnosed neurodivergence and hitting a log in front of his dads
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bioshook-wynand · 1 year
If Andrew Ryan existed in 2023 he would be a conspiracy theorist doomsday prepper
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alexlesuagz · 2 years
I am at least 75% sure that through all the arguing and discourse in the certain parts of the Criminal Case community (*cough*, TikTok, *cough*) I think we can all agree on one thing:
Fuck Kit Partridge.
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radiofreealbemut · 6 months
Full album in free download here https://archive.org/details/NXL035/
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