#foxma headcanons
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Lucius would have given Ed so much validation and made work with colleagues fun!
What's more, Lucius would have inevitably still helped Bruce with something, which would have meant that Ed and him could've crossed ways eventually. And we know that Bruce would be fascinated with his knowledge, just wanting to know everything about dead bodies that other children his age shouldn't know.
And who would Ed be to refuse him this knowledge, after all, the kid seems interested and not disturbed, so why not tell him some of his favorite facts?
And just imagine some officer trying to make fun of Ed only for them to be put into their place by a famous billionaire 😂.
I think Ed might have still killed someone though, defending someone (maybe Lucius, who knows?)
But the Riddler would have stopped making fun of Ed's nerdy side, so that's a win 👍
And about the denial of his sexuality...well...👀
I think that if Lucius left Wayne Enterprises for the GCPD earlier (in like season 1) Ed wouldn't have killed anyone.
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 years ago
One difference between nygmobblepot and foxma is that Oswald can do a bit better than Ed and Lucius can do a lot better than Ed
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loumandforyou · 2 years ago
came back missing two old ships of mine, nygmobblepot & foxma. the fact that I will never get new content and that neither of these ships got justice, hurts me deeply. if anyone here is interested in these ships...send me your headcanons?
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orwells-nightmare · 2 years ago
Reposts of My Gotham Memes Pt 1
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clonecest-bin-account · 4 years ago
Hey you mentioned on a past post that Foxma was one of your favorites, do you have any cute/sad headcanons for the pair, maybe some post Umbara ones?
Ohohoh yeah, I have some. 
Let’s start with the sads:
- In a canon compliant case, where Dogma gets sent for decommissioning, Fox tattoos his name right where his heart is. He tells nobody about this but sometimes he brushes his fingers against the tattooed skin; it’s like he can feel Dogma’s presence close to him, even though he’s not actually there.
- In an AU in which Dogma gets transferred to the Guard, even though he’s grateful for Fox for saving him, he can’t bring himself to trust him entirely, still scarred by what happened with Krell. Maybe they don’t even get together/get back together if they were before Dogma went with the 501st.
- He’s just so angry at the world and himself. He questions the point of everything, even his own existence. Is it really worth it to be alive?
- In the event that they do actually get together/get back together, Dogma will begin noticing how more scars Fox has on his body, some of those that look like... thunder scars? Fox doesn’t tell him anything about them, the stubborn bastard, and this creates a bit of a rift between them.
- Remembering what happened with Krell, he fears that something similar is happening with Fox, so he decides that if Fox won’t tell him, he’ll investigate and find out on his own. You can imagine how well that goes for him, let’s just say that Fox is heartbroken when he finds out Dogma has been “killed in action”...
And now the cutes:
- Dogma snorts when he laughs. Fox is the only one who knows and he finds it utterly adorable.
- Fox has a habit to leave trails of kisses along Dogma’s tattoos pattern.
- One of Dogma’s favorite positions to be is resting his head on Fox’s chest. He’s so comfortable, the perfect pillow.
- Fox’s idea of prank is coming up from behind him and picking him up - something that he does effertlessly - to scare him.
- In those rare moments of pause they have, they love to just stay in bed, even not doing anything, just basking in each other’s presence and being close, exchaing soft kisses from time to time.
- Fox reguarly takes Dogma to Dex’s. At first Dogma’s a bit weirded out by the informal setting, but he grows to love the place.
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littlehollyleaf · 7 years ago
(1) As much as I enjoy jim experiencing consequences, ed's line about jim being more of a killer than him makes me uncomfortable. First it shows that ed hasn't got an ounze of regret for killing his victims, he's minimizing their memory and using them as a petty argument against jim. Also, i took this as the answer to the question of 'why is lee dating ed if he killed kristen?' but jim killing to save people's lives or under the influence of the virus and feeling guilty for it
(2) afterwards is not the same as ed unapologetically killing lee's coworkers and friends like officer pinkney or kristen and his general attitude of 'KiLliNG iS fUn!!!11 loL :)' maybe i'm exaggerating and lee thinks that she can calm their murder instincts with love or whatever, at the end of the day ed can be really unsympathetic sometimes and that's the only thing i understand
Sorry this has you feeling uncomfortable! x
I think that Ed’s comment was very much SUPPOSED to highlight how his kills are RADICALLY DIFFERENT to Jim’s ie. Jim’s body count may make him ‘ten times the KILLER’ Eddie is (a fact I now have official numbers to support :p), but the context of all their kills does, I believe, definitely make Eddie much more of a MURDERER than Jim. 
So yes, it shows how Eddie does not regret his kills (possibly not even Kristen anymore!) and how self centred Eddie is. Which is pretty much the state of play for Eddie I think? He is egotistical/egocentric/narcissistic/arrogant. That’s been his character from the start, although at the start those traits were less ofc, since he was all cowed and trying to please at the GCPD and be a good person and all that. As he’s started to pursue crime more and more, however, Eddie’s dark/negative/unsympathetic/unhealthy character traits have been slowly but surely intensifying, which I think makes sense for his development into Riddler, since that’s what a lot of versions of the character is like.  
You make a fair point that the exchange seemed to be offering an answer to the  issue of why Lee would be sexually/romantically involved with Ed (idk if I’d call what they are doing ‘dating’ :p), when he is the guy who killed Kristen. I’ve mentioned before that Ed killing Kristen has been kinda a non-issue for me when it comes to Lee being involved with him, because I have been cool to assume Lee is just... over that *shrug* But now you mention it in relation to this I can actually see how the exchange between Jim and Ed CAN be taken as offering a real insight into Lee’s state of mind / feelings -
Because Jim agrees about being more of a killer and says that’s could be why Lee isn’t with him any more, which I had been sort of shrugging off as just a throw away comment, but thinking about it now it ties in to what @five-p-m says over here
Ed refrains from killing people now - because Lee doesn’t want him to - and that doesn’t stop him from being the Riddler (being the Riddler doesn’t necessarily involve killing anyone). When Jim was with Lee and she wanted him to walk away from Gotham and his work at the GCPD - which necessary involves him killing people in the line of duty and sometimes not because he has to but because of this drive he has, not to back down from a fight, hating to lose, etc.- he wouldn’t do that for her.
So from Lee’s POV, I guess she sees Jim as persistently putting himself in situations that REQUIRE him to kill, and regardless of whether those kills are justified or not they leave Jim with emotional/psychological baggage that Lee doesn’t want to deal with. Meanwhile, as five-p-m notes, Ed has seemingly found a way to live his life WITHOUT killing, to the point of going out of his way to arrange situations so people don’t get killed, and more than that he has done it EXPLICITLY FOR LEE, which is exactly what Jim WOULDN’T DO. So to Lee, the bottom line is perhaps that Ed WAS a killer/murderer, but he has STOPPED being one (she did talk about him as a man who’d changed when he was rescuing her from the GCPD). But Jim IS STILL a killer.
Hence the current preference for Ed. To Lee’s mind he has changed how he lives his life for her, and in doing so has changed himself, and she believes he can be persuaded to continue to do so. So Ed is a double whammy - he has both (seemingly) become a better man, or at least a man she finds more preferable than who he was before AND he is prioritising her needs/desires. 
Jim on the other hand has proven himself unwilling to change who he is and how he lives his life for her. 
As you point out though, comparing Ed and Jim’s kills alone overlooks the attitude towards killings each of them holds. So if the ‘Jim is more of a killer than Ed’ idea is part of Lee’s thinking then it adds to my interpretation of her as being INCREDIBLY NAIVE when it comes to Ed. She is overlooking/downplaying the fact that he is still selfish and doesn’t actually care about others in general (with a few exceptions, inc. her), meaning his lack of killing people is NOT due to morality. And she is putting too much stock in the idea she can keep Ed from killing again (via ‘love or whatever’ as you succinctly put :p). Because as I see it, with Ed’s enjoyment of killing and urge to do so not at all being confronted and/or dealt with, it is therefore foolish of Lee to think he will ‘indulge’ her (as she said of his use of dart guns during their heist) indefinitely.  
Hi ho. Lee will learn her mistake very soon I think!
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eyayah-oya · 4 years ago
for the ship bingo:
1. foxma
2. codex
3. comet/wooley/tup
4. waxer/boil
Ooo a great selection of ships!! Thank you for sending these in!!
1) Foxma
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I think they have a lot of potential and I do see a lot of stuff I like. But I also personally headcanon Dogma as aro/ace so I haven’t really explored many ships with him.
2) Codex
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I love Codex a lot in pretty much every form. They have such a great dynamic and fandom has made it even better.
3) Comet/Wooley/Tup
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If you go into the Ao3 tags for this pairing, I’m the only one that’s posted anything on there with these three. I love them!! They are my babies and they deserve so much love!!
4) Waxer/Boil
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These sweethearts are one of the first ships that got me into clone/clone shipping!! I love them a lot and they are married with a bunch of pets and their daughter Numa. Canon is non-existent.
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clericalsunshine · 8 years ago
Okay so Foxma. 
Imagine Ed laying his head in Lucius’s lap as he reads through some scientific journal. A hand is slowly brushed through his hair as quiet discussion is shared about the theory and whether or not it is plausible. Ed would be quite content until their opinions differ
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knightinpinkunderwear · 6 years ago
Priest Foxma AU where the both of them are priests? Or Priest Foxma AU where Eds a demon and Lucius is a Priest?
Uh…maybe I haven’t made this clear but I generally view and headcanon Ed as some form of Atheist or Agnostic Jewish man. And I’m not sure I could see him as a religious leader in service (that may be because I don’t have a firm grasp of how Jewish worship services work) I also can’t really see Lucius as a Priest/Pastor, I just can’t see it. 
And I um…have already done a foxma Ficlet with Ed as a demon here
And I’m not comfortable writing Lucius as a Priest/Pastor if Ed is a demon, it implies a pre-existing evil in Ed instead of a choice of evil because of past circumstances and abuses. And given that Ed is canonically a mentally ill man this does not sit well with me. 
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gaymickrory · 8 years ago
I can't make the eye emojis but Foxma (Lucius/Ed headcanons please...)
1. I think they would have to get together pre-series or early season 1. At the time, it's actually Ed who calls of the relationship because he's closeted. 2. After the events of s3, he's ready to admit he likes guys so basically "How the Riddler Got His Name" happens but with it even more obviously being all about him wanting to be with Lucius again. And part of Lucius is like damn he really, uhhhhhhh grew into his look, but obviously a much larger part is like this dude is bad bad bad bad news. 3. Ed is always trying to orchestrate situations that are supposedly taunting the GCPD but are very obviously just excuses to see Lucius and connect with him again. Lucius hates the games and of course the casualties, but there are moments when he's more sucked in than he wants to be and, in turn, Lucius reminds Ed of his humanity and who he used to be more than he's comfortable with.
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akillerconundrum · 8 years ago
send me 👀 + a ship ( platonic / romantic / hate ) & i’ll give you 3 headcanons!
Oh dear is that their ship name now? I suppose Riddloxy, Nygmoxy and such all kind of sound like an allergy medication, but I find this appropriate. 
Ed’s interest in Foxy revolves around an appreciation of the man’s intelligence, but despite what he sees of himself in Lucius, the differences frustrate him. He wants to find someone to fill the void Oswald left, but has never been in a ‘rebound’ situation before, and has no idea what to do about it all. Never mind Fox is very much not the same sort of person as the last man in his life. 
He constantly goes through his mail, if only because it’s a fun federal-violation game that seems to frustrate the hell out of Foxy. Also he’s nosy as hell.  When left to his own devices, he will listen to Fox’s answering machine messages and check his email too. (And flag any junk mail while he’s at it, but tends to mark things he’s read back as unread as needed.) He’d cover his tracks, but calls it a test of Fox’s forensic skill if he gets caught. 
Ed really likes Foxy’s kitchen, and appreciates it’s intuitive layout a lot.
Bonus: He’d love to watch Foxy box one day. 
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shyjusticewarrior · 3 years ago
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loumandforyou · 2 years ago
came back missing two old ships of mine, nygmobblepot & foxma. the fact that I will never get new content and that neither of these ships got justice, hurts me deeply. if anyone here is interested in these ships...send me your headcanons?
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shyjusticewarrior · 3 years ago
If I was in charge of Gotham, Ed would've had curly hair more often and kissed more men
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shyjusticewarrior · 3 years ago
Ed @ Lucius In Season 3 Episode 15
Ed: Come upstairs and play with me Foxy~ *eyebrow wiggle* *swipes tongue*
Ed: Also I'm using you as a substitute for Oswald.
That scene is almost as gay as hallucination Oswald sultry serenading him and it deserves more recognition for that.
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shyjusticewarrior · 3 years ago
Ed being flirty with Lucius while trying to make him his replacement for having Oswald is gay squared
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