#fowl play
scribbiesan · 1 month
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“The Red Hood stood before him silently in the dark alleyway.”
*throws this at you and cries* i never wanna do backgrounds again i say (y’know, like a liar)
What the fuck is up y’all, i finished that thing like i said i would! I couldn’t figure out how tf to add lighting from a lightning strike so i just threw shit at it and hoped it stuck. I might have missed a few details or fudged his design or whatever the fuck, but that don’t matter. What DOES matter is Jason Todd is a scary motherfucker even when he’s just dicking around for psychological damage.
Anywho, this is a little piece for the fanfic Fowl Play over on AO3 by pinkjester, go give them some love!! I love reading that fic when i need a good laugh and am in a BatFam mood. It’s short, but cute, and i love it.
Hope y’all enjoy!!
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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Fowl Play - art by Win Mortimer (1947)
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transhawks · 2 years
no need for manifestos, an entire afo/hawks collage
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middlegradeeveryday · 1 month
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Fowl Play by Kristin O’Donnell Tubb
Chloe Alvarez has never been to the reading of a last will and testament before, but she hopes it is just like the movies. Lies! Intrigue! The reading of her Uncle Will’s will is standard, until he announces his gift for Chloe: his African grey parrot, Charlie.
Uncle Will was Chloe’s best friend. Without him, she’s left with only her memories of them together—which come to her in snapshots—and her new friend, Charlie. The parrot has a vast vocabulary, and soon Chloe hears her say something odd: It was murder, followed by homicide and cyanide. Chloe becomes convinced her uncle Will’s death was foul play. Why else wouldn’t he have told anyone in the family—especially Chloe—that he was sick?
With the help of her family, Chloe begins the investigation to uncover Uncle Will’s murderer. The suspects: His nosy neighbor. An ex-girlfriend. A rude landlord. A loan shark. But it all leads to more questions than answers. Did someone really kill Uncle Will? Or could this journey help reunite Chloe’s grieving family?
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Mystery
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speedygal · 4 months
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It is here!
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initially meant as a christmas present forr me but WELL WORTH the wait. Just had to snap shot some pages to make the point clear how excellent they look on paper . my God. the detail. the shading.
now if you excuse me, I shall read it before putting the comic up and reread it another time. <3
reading it a little at a time and savor it
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makenna-made-this · 11 months
Purely in the interest of SCIENCE go to yesterdaysprint their tumbler and then to post/159062366714 for ARSONOUS CHICKENS.
I love how this is sent like some secret tip from an anonymous informant of the crime I personally think all chickens should be allowed to commit one (1) arson, as A Treat
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kuyucosmic · 14 days
Morning Matt Doodle
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missuswoman · 1 year
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I just listed this funny birthday card on my website. You can also find it on Etsy, Folksy and on Conscious Crafties.
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The next story is another one starring Sergeant Hektor Dann, “Fowl Play” by Fiona Patton. These ones are usually pretty good, and this is no exception. Anyway, Hektor’s actually got a crime to solve this time, a run of shoplifting incidents that are accompanied by the sound of a chicken throwing a fit and a bunch of feathers. Which of course leads to everyone wondering if you can actually train a chicken to steal (all signs point to no). And of course given the odd nature of the crime everyone is also making sure to crack as many chicken jokes at him as possible. But hey, the case is eventually solved and the thief caught red combed handed… a couple of weeks later by an elderly and crotchety civilian who figured if he actually wanted anything done he’d have to do it himself. So yeah, the Haven Watch was pretty much left standing there with egg on their face.
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urban-unease · 1 year
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Art Credit: @danielcalmdown
Artemis Fowl books 1-4
@orangerosebush tagging u cuz you made a great post about how Artemis says he is motivated by money but is actually motivated by love for his family. This pic really made me think of that post.
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ven-ugh · 10 months
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Babies at a boring conference
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Alternative ending: He shoots those birds and turns the tri-form off
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orangerosebush · 4 months
Ive always had this headcanon that artemis was very cold to juliet growing up to distance himself from anything child-like as much as possible since being friends with another child who doesn't share his intense Parentification traits and as they get older (like mid 20s) artemis is finally self aware enough to be like "hmm i probably treated her like shit for a long time and didn't even think about it cause I was so focused on crafting this impenetrable image of a Fully Functioning Adult since I was a literal toddler".
IIRC, the most intimate look we get into Artemis and Juliet's dynamic is in the first book -- and like, everything about them in B1 is bizarre.
I share the headcanon you mention -- and that past is made worse by the fact that Juliet (~16 y/o) was the main person in charge of Angeline's care when things progressed so severely that the woman was bedbound.
There's a tension between Artemis allowing Juliet to take liberties that he'd typically only permit his mother (and Juliet wanting to take those liberties!), and Juliet being freaked out by how intense (arguably creepy) Artemis used to be.
Here's this scene from the start of the book (where Juliet is able to use the diminutive "Arty" during a time when the Fowl-Butler dynamic is such that Butler still calls 12-year-old Artemis "Sir"):
“These alterations must be made to the cellar. See to it, Juliet. To the letter.”  “Yes, Arty.”  Artemis frowned, but only slightly. For reasons that he couldn’t quite fathom, he didn’t mind terribly when Juliet called him by the pet name his mother had for him.  Butler scratched his chin thoughtfully. Artemis noticed the gesture.  “Question?”  “Well, Artemis. The sprite in Ho Chi Minh City . . .”  Artemis nodded. “I know. Why didn’t we simply abduct her?”  “Yes, sir.”
“Juliet pointed to a viewcam mounted on the wall.  “Oh, he’d find out. Artemis finds out about everything.” She leaned in close to [Holly]. “Sometimes I think he can see inside my head, too.”
Though! It must be said that canonically Artemis gifts Juliet multiple expensive (sports?) cars when they grow*** up. Their dynamic contains multitudes
*** I misremembered. Artemis leaves her the cars in his will. Well. LOL. ("To Juliet Butler, who has protected my brothers so faithfully, I leave my sound system which is based on gel-speaker technology and which should make even her collection of modern music sound reasonably non-offensive. I also leave to Juliet the three sports cars and a lifetime subscription of the Wrestling Channel.")
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
X-Files Collector's Edition: Diana Fowl(ey) Play– Part V: AUs, S5-S6
Alas, alas, poor Yorick-- I am not done the Diana fic train. BUT we have reached AU fics... and that means I only have this post and at least another one. So, freedom is within my grasp.
Loose chronological order below~!
ceruleanmilieu’s One of the Girls (alt. Ao3)
""Agent Fowley, I apologize for any perceived disrespect,” Scully said. “We were simply discussing theories—”
“Theories?” Diana repeated. “That does take me back. Back to the basement office. There’s nothing quite like working a case with Fox Mulder.”
“You flatter me, Agent Fowley,” Mulder said, shifting closer to his partner. “But Agent Scully and I are running late for a meetup with Danny. We’ll report our findings to Agent Spender as soon as possible.”
Diana nodded, and it was as though something in the shrewd way her thin lips upturned, Scully understood the other woman’s cool behavior. There had been a moment of confusion at first, but being locked in a conversational triangle with the exes gave her a sharp thrill.""
The End Mulder evades Diana's amorous attempts by pretending he is dating Scully. Scully, meanwhile, is shocked and a bit peeved; but comes around, helping him to flesh out a plan.
@contrivedcoincidences6 / Spooky66 / geektime66's
Quantifiable (Ao3)
""Diana’s eyes narrowed but before she could say anything Mulder spoke up, “Scully’s right, this could be the key to everything in the X Files. We need to bring this to Skinner, this is leverage, let’s go.”
In true Mulder fashion he began to gather his things in a rush, ready to move onto the next thing but Diana reached forward to grab his hand.""
AU-- The End Mulder and Scully are dating; and it's her great delight to step all over Diana's toes.
@baronessblixen’s (Ao3)  
In Hallways (Ao3)
""Excuse me?" He grabs her arm, not gently, and drags her into a corner. His body is too close to hers and he can smell her; she hasn't changed her perfume. She's the same woman who left him years ago.
"I saw the way you looked at… what's her name?"
"You know very well what her name is," Mulder growls.
"Her name isn't on the door," Diana says, smiling innocently, showing her white teeth. "It must have slipped my mind.""
AU-- The End Diana is furious Mulder and Scully are already dating, taking her anger out snidely on Scully. Mulder stands up for her.
All I Want For Christmas (Is You) (Ao3)
""Aren’t you going to let me in?” She pushes at his chest with a smile and he knows she wouldn’t accept a no anyway. He steps aside and his heart leaps into his throat.
“Mulder, who-”
“Agent Scully.” The two women speak at the same time, staring each other down. Mulder watches, swallows, and doesn’t know what to do.
“Rather early for a visit.” Diana is the first of them to find her voice. “But I see you’re leaving.” Scully touches the scarf that’s around her neck and he sees her face fall. She presses her lips together, swallowing what he’s sure are some colorful words. It breaks his heart to see her smile gone. He won’t hear her laughter again tonight.""
The Ghosts That Stole Christmas Diana drops by Mulder's. He leaves her and chases after Scully, who had booked it to her family's.
Making Progress
""No, Diana. That was all you.” Mulder’s voice picks up, is louder now over the fake laughter on the screen. “No, I did not. Not once.” If only Scully could hear Diana’s side of the conversation. Mulder is quiet, appears to listen. He sighs once, runs his hand over his face.
Arcadia Scully overhears Mulder laying down the law to Diana on the phone. (Sidenote: this might not be AU, but I missed the opportunity to put it in an earlier fic list. Whoops~.)
Gwendolyn's Fox Mulder Estrogen Brigade
""OK, Scully. But it wasn't exactly my proudest moment," Mulder began, deciding to get through it as quickly as possible. "Diana and I had been seeing each other for a while but I was just stumbling into the X-Files and all of a sudden, I guess I just wasn't as interested in the relationship as I had been. She wanted a commitment and even started talking about marriage.
"Well, I sort of freaked out about that. You may not know this about me, Scully, but I have a bit of a problem with intimacy, which Phoebe probably had a little something to do with." He stopped to gauge Scully's reaction; she only nodded sagely and arched her brow to indicate that he should continue.
"Anyway, she had to go out of the country for a few months on assignment, so instead of making a clean break with her like I should have, I said that during the time she was away we should take some time off, see other people. I was hoping that while she was gone she'd realize what a basket case I was and meet somebody else and dump me."
"But that didn't happen?"
"No. She kept calling and writing to me the whole time she was gone and when it got time for her to come back, I panicked. So..." he paused briefly, averting his eyes from his partner's intense gaze and bowing his head before continuing in a rush "I decided to tell her I'd married somebody else. I bought a ring and everything.""
Crackfic-esque-- Pre-FTF Mulder is bombarded by both of his exes as they team up to forcefully help him and Scully on a case. (I love this one to death. Hilarious and surprisingly wholesome?)
@frostbitepandaaaaa / FrostbitePanda's Four Days AU
""Besides, I’m not really here for professional reasons, like I told you before. My motivations are more… personal.”
Scully catches the moan of pain that bubbles up from her gut before it can escape her mouth, clenches her teeth and finishes her drink. She feels like, maybe, throwing up. She feels like, maybe, turning tail and fleeing. She feels like, maybe, her and Mulder would never be left in peace.
“You wouldn’t happen to know a Special Agent Fox Mulder, would you?”
Her mouth is completely dry, her voice simply lodged in her throat as good as an axe in a stump. The woman in front of her seems blissfully unaware.
“Him and I… we have a bit of a history, you know,” Diana goes on, goes on torturing her. She stirs her drink, looking sad, wistful. “We left things a bit… unfinished.""
Part 2 of Mulder and Scully's aftermath in Antarctica, Diana Fowley crashes an FBI ball, surprising Scully (who hadn't met her in The End) and trying to claim Mulder for herself. Skinner gives Scully the boost she needs to end this charade once and for all.
@suitablyaggrieved / ScullyLovesQueequeg Cancelled Plans
""Oh, hey Diana,” Scully heard Mulder say. This bothered Scully a little since she had only just been there in the office, but she said nothing, pretending not to listen to the ensuing conversation, instead busying herself with the mail that was marked as hers that was resting on the corner of Mulder’s desk.
“This Saturday? Not really, no… I haven’t really thought to ask anyone out. I think she’s doing something. Why?” Mulder asked, glancing at Scully, and then down at his desk.
Memo, report, HR. Things I can deal with later, Scully thought to herself.
“Hmm, I guess. If you’re buying, I’ll consider it. I’ll see you soon, we can sort the details out tomorrow.” Mulder said, with a tone of finality that suggested the conversation was over."" 
It's Valentine's Day post FTF; and Diana invites Mulder out. Scully sorts her wounded feelings, trying to distance herself from the hurt. When Mulder realizes she has no plans, he swaps to celebrate the day with her.
Suzanne Schramm's Fidelity (1/2) and Fidelity (2/2)
""Whether you want to believe it or not, Fox, doesn't change the reality of the situation." she said quietly. Mulder shrugged. "How do you know she's clean?" Diana asked.
"How do I know?" Mulder shifted in his seat to face her. "Diana, I know my partner. I know her. Scully is one of the most honorable people I've ever known. She would never betray me."
"But she has. She didn't tell you where she was going or what she was doing even though it involves your life's work. She lied about why she was taking time off from work. Why would she keep that from you?""
Post The Beginning Gibson begs Scully to secretly meet up with him. He turns on a module in her brain that activates abilities like his own; and when Diana swoops in to capture her-- claiming she's aiding and abetting the Conspirators hiding Gibson-- Mulder almost sides with his ex, unable to explain Scully's bizarre behavior. Almost.
""As the elevator doors opened up on the fourth floor of his building, she saw Agent Fowley stepping out of his apartment, her arms full of manila folders stamped with case numbers. She turned on her heels, saying some parting words to him before she began walking down the hall towards Scully. As Diana made eye contact with her, Scully wished she could have evaporated on the spot, but it never seemed to work out like that when you most wanted it to. So she settled for offering a small half-wave as they passed each other.
“Agent Scully,” Diana said haughtily, shaking out her long, dark hair a bit as she passed by. Scully opted to say nothing, marching straight to Mulder’s door but pausing as her fist hung in midair, ready to knock. Did she want to find out what Fowley was doing there?
Early S6 Scully runs into Diana leaving Mulder's apartment. She confronts him on why Diana can call him Fox but she can't. Her anger then turns around when Mulder explains his ex's disregard.
Keep It All the Year
""I came here to save you from making a terrible mistake,” Diana said hotly, slamming the first empty martini glass onto the counter. “I assume if you’re out here with her family, it’s because you’re planning on proposing.”
Mulder started laughing, which only seemed to make her angrier.
“You think I don’t remember? You told me once that statistically the most popular month for engagements is December, and the most popular day in the whole year to get engaged is December 25th. You must think I’m an idiot.”
“Finally, you hit the nail on the head,” he said, his voice dripping with derision.""
AU-- TGTSC Scully ropes Mulder into going with her to family Christmas in San Diego. Diana crashes their good vibes by flying out, making out with an unwilling Mulder, and landing him in the hospital from a punch out. Thankfully, Charlie is there to iron out those crazy kids and their wild misunderstandings (while Bill turns from a raging bull into just.. baffled.)
Note: The Diana part is just a tiny portion of this wacky, feel-good read. Highly recommend.
@cutelilcurtain / cutelilscully's (Ao3)
""Eventually she cools down, but then is embarrassed to be around Diana. It’s as if Diana knows some secret about her, has read her diary and knows all the gossip about her. Scully does her best to ignore it, and is surprised and thankful when Diana doesn’t bring it up or ask. Scully wonders if Diana has children, has ever wanted children, has ever wanted Mulder’s children. It makes her angry and jealous.""
Mulder incenses Scully when he tells Diana about their IVF tries. Diana is, surprisingly, sympathetic concerning their failure.
HumphreyWrites / sure-fine-skullz / spookysadsophie's
Sundries in the X-Files Universe
""He begrudgingly answers it, and she watches his lip curl in aggravation as Diana Fowley's voice vibrates through the phone.
When he hangs up, she knows whatever magical moment between them is over."" 
AU-- The IVF works... and it's twins. Though Diana is a blip in the overall fic, she weighs heavily on Scully's early pregnancy journey, constantly drawing Mulder away to herself.
Michelle Kiefer’s Buried Deep
""Everything was familiar to her, a nightmare she'd dreamed night after night, but this time there was something different. A new face looked on from behind the doctors. Diana Fowley's eyes bore into her from above the surgical mask that obscured the rest of her face.""
Post Tithonus Scully has a flash of Diana from an abduction memory during her physio appointment. She keeps her memories to herself.
o0Stella_Dana0o's The Promises You Can't Keep
""Well, well, well... Look who's here!" The brunette said at her partner. Scully could see Diana's mocking look and it didn't take much to make her want to solve this case just to rip that expression out of her face.""
Mulder convinces Scully to help him help out Diana and Jeffrey Spender on a case. Of course, it all goes wrong-- but he's absolutely furious when he finds out Diana had "negligently" let Scully get shot.
@slippinmickeys‘s (Ao3, Gossamer) 
Diana At the Door
""When the Smoker had recalled her back to the States, she had been confident she would be able to manipulate the situation back on track as she always had, but Fox’s partner had proven to be a surprisingly stubborn obstacle, seeing through Diana’s machinations like an X-ray through soft tissue. Diana had thought the woman had been handled several years before — run through the Project’s standard pump-and-dump operation when she became problematic — lending the Project an influx of fresh DNA while at the same time being eliminated had seemed a tidy solution at the time. When the woman had survived, Diana was surprised but unbothered, knowing the cancer fail-safe would soon resolve the matter. And then the Smoker — supine and (she could only imagine) lovesick — had capitulated to Fox’s weak threats and now needed Diana to come in and clean up his mess. She had no idea what the two men saw in the diminutive little priss, but she was confident that she could at least distract Fox long enough to make him temporarily forget. She had it on good authority that Agent Scully was drawn to authoritative father figures, and Fox Mulder – particularly under the spell of Diana Fowley’s time-tested and humbling cunt – was not the young woman’s type. It would be easy, she thought. It might even be fun.""
Pre-Two Fathers? Diana foully (heh) disregards both Scully's and Mulder's feelings, planning to boldly trap him in her web. She is shocked and appalled to find her rival unrepentant and in loungewear at her ex's.
Prompt Drabble Collection - Chapter 1
""Then why don’t you have a desk?”
It was a purposeful cut, the gloves coming off, and Scully both relished it and was annoyed at its callow nature. If that was how it was going to be, fine . 
She stood up straighter and walked casually around the side of Mulder’s desk and sat down in the chair. While maintaining eye contact with Fowley, she opened the top drawer and pulled out a hot pink nail file and set it to the edge of her finger.""
Post One Son Scully will win the X-Files partnership power struggle Diana wars for. (I love this one so much.)
@softnow's (Ao3) redux iii
""He’s locking the door when he hears the heels and stops breathing. If she’s back, it can’t be that bad. If she’s back, she’s not dying.
“Scu—” He whips his head up and her name dies on his lips. “Diana.”
“What are you doing here?”
Diana casts around like there might be someone lurking in the shadows, watching. There’s a manila envelope in her hands.""
AU-- Post One Son Mulder realizes Scully's nose has been bleeding, breezing by Diana's amorous attempts to support his partner and find out her results. It's not good.
Becksndot5's Soul in the dark
""What she didn't want, in the eyes of a woman, this woman, was to act weak and helpless. On the other hand, she also didn't want Fowley to see her with all her wounds. "Mulder, how bad ... how bad do I look?" Her voice made it clear that she expected an honest answer.
"The swelling of your eyes is gone, it’s a little black and blue around the edge of your eyes, and otherwise there is only the cut." Although Scully was never overly vain, Mulder knew that Diana had an impact on Scully's behavior. Diana had the power that Scully felt somehow inferior and small in her presence. The reasons were another mystery, which he had to elicit from Scully.
Mulder went back to the door and asked Diana to come inside. Scully welcomed her politely and Diana put the open file before her on the kitchen table. Mulder stood besides Scully.
"Agent Scully, I need your signature once here and here.“ Diana said while tapping with her fingertips on the paper. Without hesitation and before Scully could stiffen in shame, Mulder lovingly Scully took her hand and placed the pen which she already held, as if this gesture was the most normal thing in the world, to the right place.
Mulder's icy gaze met Diana, like a spearhead."" 
Post One Son Scully is kidnapped, tortured, blinded, and handicapped. Mulder is all-on-board to care for and help her recover and to protect her from Diana's cruel pokes.
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baronessblixen · 6 months
I just read one of your Diana and Scully fics (...okay, maybe three) so seeing your tags on the cat fight reblog GOT ME. XDDDD
It's so true.
Thank you for re-reading ❤️
To be honest, the only story I remember is Fowl Play. And that's mostly because @xxsksxxx is a fan of it. But those cats immediately screamed Scully and Diana at me. It was perfect. Their coloring too 😂
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kuyucosmic · 4 months
Oh I yeah I decided a bit ago to go with Fowl Play as the name of my upcoming comic, maybe some art of the main characters soon.
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