#four swords links father
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indigos-stardust · 9 months ago
Mom's Scales/ She's Here, I think I know what it's about based on the name alone from what you've told me about your aus and hcs, TELL US MOOREE
Ok so I didn't have a lot of words to give so I made some art
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For context: The death of Links mother (only a few months after he was born) is a pretty recurring undertone of my four swords series Color Spectrum. Its effected their dad and Link's relationships a lot...
From their father grieving when Link was little and Link trying to pick up the emotional strain as a kid... to feeling like it was his own fault or like he was a burden due to how "difficult" he was as a teen. A lot of this was subconscious in Link before the manga, but it definitely plays a large role in their dynamics between each link and also each of their relationships with their father.
I can go into more details about this if you like, but that's more of a "What if I exploded and Generational Trauma just Splattered Everywhere" (#14) starring Red lol
anyways, I had this idea that like, links mother (im calling her Mia for now) got some freshly dead privileges esp considering her relationship with fairies and yk, giving birth to the kid with the soul of the ancient hero or whatever.
Point is she wanted a way to be able to come back and protect or aid her little one in some way in the future. Hylia gave her an offer and she took it. And uh-
Also forgot to mention shes Soo autistic <3 which is fun because link (or the linkS) are very autistic and that like??disconnect is what caused SO many issues between them originally, I really feel like links shaky relationship with his dad is overlooked but eh just my opinion
Listen this originally just started out as "lol what if the dragon from the manga was sweet and kind to shadow" but I'd also just finished thinking about how links dads grief paralleled vios and uh-
Well I connected the dots (I forced them together very aggressively while sobbing) and now their mom came back as a half sentient dragon who saw bebe shadow and went "this is mine" and decided to lick his wounds (literally) and teach him how to fight when he was just like... yk being forced to become stronger thru survival
to be clear she didn't mean to like burn down crops and whatever, half sentience and all, but she just wanted to support her new lil monochrome bebe (shadow) and then SHE DISCOVERED MORE IN DIFFERENT COLORS AND WAS ABSOLUTELY THRILLED
(links father is terrified but also mystified by her) and she thinks that this little fella who has been taking care of her babies is very nice to keep alive as well
Also shadow originally named her "Blood Hunter" but in private? When its just her and him? He calls her Mai-Mai because well. Dragons do communicate and her little noises while she took care of lil shadow? Sounded very much like "mai a maiamaimai"
(also I just love the name I stole it from ALBW)
they do reunite after shadow is reborn btw
(thank you @here4dragons for helping me with the anatomy and abse THANK U THANK U THANK U)
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lil doodle^
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entiqua · 1 year ago
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doodles celebrating fsa's 20th anniversary ! the tiny red on blue's shoulder was drawn by sushi and deku shadow + link's dad + the right deku in the last pic were drawn by randy ♪
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smilesrobotlover · 2 months ago
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A little cute comic of Leon and his wife, whom I named Aveil. Taking pictures of my traditional art is so freaking annoying but whatever. Ignore the shadows I guess lol
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linkedspirit-fanartfunart · 4 months ago
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[Image Description: 1 colored drawing and 2 lineart comics for Linked Spirit AU featuring FSA Green Knight/Smith's Father, and Smith. The Green Knight has long shoulder length blond hair and a beard. He wears a green cloak and blueish armor. He looks forward flatly, holding a green kinstone in one hand and his helmet with a green plume in his other arm. The 2nd picture is labeled "post mc" and Green Knight rubs his temples, grumbling "uuuhg my Head, What even Happened" A 6 year old Smith looks up and announces "I got a new hat! For fighting Vaati!" He looks down, eyes wide, beard and eye bags more defined labeled "instant + 10 years" 3rd: He holds out the Green Royal Jewel toward one of the 4 Links. "You must not forget Vaati is not the only foe you face-" he says, One of the Links shouts, "Why is your hair Green Dad?" "Just take the jewel" he says. A screenshot of the in-game sprite with bright green hair and an arrow to his head is labeled "lost a Prank War with the other Knights" End ID]
Gotta love being the Knight father to a kid who's saved the kingdom 3 times over and before you can even think of helping you're brainwashed by some mouse man wizard.
anyway idk what his name is rn. Who knows if he'll need one.
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fourswords · 7 months ago
to be quite honest shadow's characterization in the fsa manga was always something that raised more questions than answers for me because it's like. he's got a mile-wide inferiority complex about being link's shadow we all know this but when did he have the time to develop that inferiority complex in the first place. how long was he lurking around after ganon created him before the events of the manga actually started. what did he witness or hear or both to make him so fucking angry
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alphagirl404 · 11 months ago
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nopenototdaysatan · 18 days ago
Our Dreams are Reality .. Or are They?
A New Life! - Shadow
It’s only a week and so much has changed,
I re-met the others.
Blueberry seems…. Weird.
Strawberry even more so.
At least green bean is normal.
Zelda has been so kind.
She gave me a room to stay in.
Has let me roam the castle with no security.
She’s even gifted me a new tunic.
It has swirling crescents embroidered into the cuffs,
I like the design but…
Should I be wearing something that is embroidered on her own outfits?
I’ll ask Vio. He should know.
Which is who I’m on my way to see!
I haven’t seen him all day long!
Which is a travesty and a betrayal of the-
It’s just a travesty. Nothing more.
Cresting the hill nearest his house,
I see the home Link was raised in.
And see Blue and Red running around outside.
This is what I wanted.
I want to play with the others.
I want to have fun with the others
I want to have this.
Whatever “this�� is called I would do anything for it.
“Blueberry! Straw-”
Just from my periphery I see him.
I see the man I hurt.
The man who makes me feel strangely everytime I see him.
I did the apology that Vio taught me.
So, why does he still stare at me?
Breaking the stare
I turn back to Red and Blue.
“Where’s Vio”
A scoff from Blue while Red pouts
“You don’t wanna hang with us Shadow?”
Red whines, gearing up to tackle me.
“Not today, Red.” I say as I side step the tackle
With a chuckle.
“Haven’t seen Vi in awhile so,
I wanna see what he’s been up to.”
“He’s in his room. Come on Red,
Let the dweebs bother each other instead of us.”
Blue roughly pulls Red back to his feet as I head inside.
And finally the eyes cease to watch me.
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fourswordsextended · 9 months ago
Hey there! It's been a while, huh? Director Peppermint here to throw a couple updates at you!
First off, we're about to move on to the script! Once the outline we have is reviewed, our writers will move onto the script. We're one step closer to something presentable!
Additionally, here are some concepts illustrated by @macaroonkitti
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caracolcondiarrea · 5 months ago
I think I haven’t shown my Zelda collection here so here it is
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In total there are 105 items here, 30 of them are from Japan. If you count you will count like 100 or Less, that’s bc some items are a bit hidden, there are 3 Zelda shirts in my closet and I have the Hylian shield and the Master sword.
there are only like 2/3 things that aren’t exactly The legend of Zelda, but have something to do, those are: the train I have next to spirit tracks and to things I don’t know the name that are used for four swords (adventures)
also I think the rarest thing probably are these two
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I think they are the rarest bc it has a not for sale so it’s probably a thing they made for something. It’s the music from twilight princess and the 2nd one is just a mix of music from every game to wind waker
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mintybloomz · 1 year ago
Do you have any ideas regarding how Link's father feels suddenly having to raise four/five children (in a post-manga AU where Link splits again)?
Man's STRESSED OUT. After the Links save Hyrule, the King offers to let the family live in the castle but they reject the offer at the time. After a second split, Link's father finally took the King up on that offer because they didn't have enough rooms.
It also takes him a bit to recognize the Links, especially Green, as different from their whole. He's trying, though.
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entiqua · 2 years ago
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happy father's day
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nichsia · 2 years ago
If you're doing requests could I request the old men (banjo)
Of course, Minty!! Old men yaoi.
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Sorry this took so long! I was dissatisfied with my first few sketches for the longest while, then finally got this. I guess 4 times is the charm ^^;
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x-i-l-verify · 3 months ago
#four is going through it in the background lmao
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I really want them to livestream their dungeon experience to each other lol
(also time is 100000% doing it on purpose to mess with them lmao)
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lunavagans · 4 months ago
Do you think Shadow knew that the chance of his death was bigger than of his continued survival anyway, no matter if Ganon had won or lost?
Like. There are four (hah) scenarios in which he could‘ve died ignoring his sacrifice which nobody expected. 1. To the colours somewhere along the way. 2. In the big bang-boom-pow battle in the end between Ganon, Vaati, the colours and Zelda. 3. If Ganon lost, to the light side because he is what he is and why would they even keep him alive? (Spoiler for the sake of himself, his actions and his potential for good.) 4. If Ganon won, to Ganon himself because Shadow could be practically useless at that point, depending on how you interpret his position and responsibilities under him as well as their relationship.
And I mean, I can understand why he went apeshit with future prospects like that once he got the opportunity to wreck Hyrule. Doesn‘t make it right, but I do kinda like the thought for hc purposes and general angst.
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delulujuls · 8 months ago
the other one | jacaerys velaryon
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hi, here comes the 2.7k of i don't know what, really. its for sure intense, so fasten up your saddle and enjoy the ride. i enjoyed making aegon such a cutiepie in my two last shots, but this man is designed to be a menace to humanity so yeah, i believe im gonna lose it in the next shots. prepare for chaos.
summary: heart want what it wants, and y/n's heart belong to young prince from dragonstone, not to the future cruel king of westeros.
warnings: targaryen brothers being mean to velaryon boys AGAIN, aegon is such a meanie oh god, fighting, arguing, threatening with a sword, last scene is smelling a bit like a rap3, so feel free to skip it. your comfort is the most important
pairing: sister!targaryen reader x jacaerys velaryon (ft. jealous, possesive and dark!aegon targaryen)
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Two young princes stood at the gates of the castle, awaiting guests. For several minutes they kept glancing at the sky, looking out for dragons. However, only the sound of wind and waves crashing against the rocks could be heard, with no indication that any winged beasts would soon appear before their eyes.
“Do you think they’ll come at all?” Lucerys asked his older brother, glancing at him. The cold wind chilled him to the bone, and the youngest of the Velaryons longed to return inside and sit by the fireplace.
Jacaerys did not get a chance to answer because shortly after, a muffled roar reached their ears, and something flickered in the low-hanging storm clouds. The heavy sky was pierced by the massive body of Vhagar, who was the first to emerge from the clouds and flew towards the beach. Close behind were Vermithor and Sunfyre, who looked dainty in comparison to those two giant dragons. Aemond, Y/N, and Aegon had arrived at Dragonstone.
Soon after, all four appeared at the castle gates. Helaena was flying with her older sister on Vermithor, choosing not to sail by ship with their mother, father, and grandfather. The youngest of the siblings still couldn't bring herself to travel alone on the back of her Dreamfyre, but felt confident with Y/N, now walking hand-in-hand with her sister towards the castle.
Lucerys took a step back, seeing Aemond and Aegon confidently striding towards them. The youngest Velaryon swallowed hard.
“I hope they don’t sit close to us,” he whispered, prompting his brother to discreetly nudge his arm.
Jacaerys smiled at the sight of the siblings. “Welcome, it’s good to see you here,” he said.
Aemond, leading the way, wore his characteristic grimace, nothing like the smile the young prince offered him. The last thing he felt like doing was feigning politeness. In silence, he merely glanced at them, bypassing them and pushing the heavy gate doors.
“My favorite, strong nephews,” Aegon said sarcastically, with a mocking smile. Passing by, he nudged Lucerys in the shoulder, who was about to turn and say something when his aunt’s voice reached his ears. Y/N smiled joyfully at the sight of Rhaenyra’s sons.
“Luke, Jace,” she extended her arms, hugging them both at once. Hearing the girl's joyful voice, Aegon glanced over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. He thought his sisters were too lenient with those bastards.
“It’s good to see you, Y/N,” Jacaerys smiled, embracing her and catching the smell of her lavender-scented hair. While he sincerely disliked Aemond and Aegon, he was very fond of their sisters. Helaena was shy and harmless, often speaking little and nodding more. Y/N, on the other hand, often reminded him of his mother, unafraid to speak up or defend her position. She was also wise and very pretty, and he was genuinely pleased to spend a few days in her presence.
“Are you coming, or are we going to freeze out here like a bunch of idiots?” Aegon asked sharply, seeing Y/N hold onto older Velaryon a bit too long. The young princess gave him an amused look, tousled Lucerys’ hair, and linked arms with Helaena. The four of them briskly walked towards the castle.
Rhaenyra was celebrating her thirty-second name day, so the entire family from King’s Landing had come to Dragonstone. Viserys wanted his daughter to celebrate her birthday in the capital, but she wished to spend the day her way. The ailing king, still battling illness, had no intention of arguing with his daughter, lacking the strength and health to do so. Even to the Targaryen seat, he chose to sail by ship rather than ride on the back of one of the dragons. After Balerion’s death, he had given up flying and now didn’t think about it at all.
During the evening feast, the dining hall filled with people. Despite it being Rhaenyra’s day, Viserys sat at the head of the table. To his left was his eldest daughter, beside her Daemon, Joffrey, Lucerys, Jacaerys, Rhaena, and Baela. On the king’s right sat his wife, next to her the Hand of the King, then Aemond, Aegon, Y/N, Helaena, and Rhaenys Targaryen, next to whom, at the other end of the table, sat Corlys Velaryon.
The feast went on in a calm and surprisingly pleasant atmosphere. Previous feasts often ended in arguments before they even really began. The main instigators of all disputes, Aemond and Aegon, sat quietly, not speaking much. Many might have thought someone stuffed hay into the dragons’ bellies to prevent them from breathing fire.
Aegon, however, increasingly clenched his hand around the wine goblet from time to time, hearing Y/N happily talking with Jacaerys across the table. His blood boiled hearing her so delighted with the conversation with him. He felt like slapping that fucking son of a bitch.
Helaena was also having a good time, shedding her shyness piece by piece with each sip of wine. She chatted lively with Rhaena and Baela, who were already slightly tipsy themselves. Rhaenys sent an amused look to her husband, who tightened his grip on the wine jug and pulled it closer. The Sea Snake had to be vigilant to prevent his granddaughters and the young Targaryen from getting too drunk. Helaena, however, had more to celebrate than just her half-sister’s birthday.
Since Viserys and Alicent’s daughters reached reproductive age, the Hand of the King and the Queen Mother began looking for potential suitors for them. While there was no trouble finding suitors for Y/N, who, besides her wealth and possessions, had a strong character and good disposition, finding a husband for Helaena was problematic.
From birth, the princess showed signs of abnormal development. Though she grew as a girl should, her mind seemed not to keep up, still trapping her in a world of childish dreams. Helaena was quiet, read a lot, and spent all her time in the garden, not burdened with unnecessary duties.
The Hand decided that when the time came, that is, when Aegon was to take the throne from the ailing king, he would marry Helaena, and Y/N would marry Forrest Frey. The plans were made at a Small Council meeting, which neither Helaena nor Y/N attended. Probably neither would have known about the plans to marry them off if Y/N hadn’t accidentally overheard their conversation when one of the doors unguarded by sentries was ajar.
“I don’t agree!” she said firmly, pushing the heavy doors and entering.
“Y/N, you can’t be here-,” Alicent stood up, wanting to calm her daughter, but she sharply pointed her finger upwards. “And you can’t do this to Helaena! I don’t agree!”
Aegon, who was one of the people at the table, also didn’t support the Council’s idea. However, he was too drunk to make any objections. Only his sister’s intrusion somewhat sobered him up. If he had to choose, he could marry Y/N since she wanted to fight so hard for Helaena’s better fate. Frankly, he didn’t care either way.
The guards first wanted to remove the young princess, but she began presenting her arguments. The Council didn’t think an eighteen-year-old’s arguments could make any sense, but many underestimated Y/N’s negotiation skills. In the castle, by Aegon’s side, she could be more useful than in the Riverlands beside Forrest Frey.
The Council decided that Helaena would marry Frey when the time came, and Y/N would marry Aegon. The young princess didn’t want Helaena to spend her life in the castle, locked in chambers and bearing children. She wanted her to break free from King’s Landing and experience a life different from the one she had lived so far. Y/N knew that unlike her sister, she could handle an incestuous marriage and an unwanted husband, who Aegon was to become in the future. Helaena might have been driven to suicide.
But for now, these were just tomorrow's problems, or who knows, maybe even further. Helaena, in a sudden burst of joy, stood up and climbed onto a chair, much to Alicent’s horror.
“To my beloved sister Y/N,” she said, swaying. Rhaenys held the chair to prevent her from falling. “And to my sister Rhaenyra, who celebrates her birthday today. I love you!”
Alicent, Otto, Aemond, and Aegon looked at her indulgently, raising their goblets. All the other guests eagerly toasted, applauding the young princess’s words. Rhaenyra stood up from the table and hugged her sister; Y/N also rose to do the same.
“Helaena needs rest,” Alicent whispered, gripping her daughter’s shoulder before she stood up. “Escort her to bed.”
Y/N shook off her hand and got up, embracing her sisters. However, when she felt Helaena’s heavy body in her arms, she held her close around the waist.
As soon as the sisters left the dining hall, Jacaerys, sent by his mother, joined them. Young prince apologized to Y/N and with a single, confident motion, picked up Helaena, who laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek, admitting that she would let such a handsome man whisk her away without hesitation.
Jacaerys only let go of Helaena when he placed her on the bed in her bedroom.
"Will you stay with her until morning?" he asked as Y/N began removing the rings from her sister's fingers.
"Helaena usually sleeps like a mouse under a haystack, but after wine, she sleeps like a rock," Y/N replied, smiling slightly at the sight of her sister's flushed face. "Wait outside, I'll change her for bed and join you."
The young prince nodded obediently and left the chamber. He stood outside the door, straight as a string, feeling like a guard. Shortly after, the princess joined him, quietly closing the door behind her.
"She'll sleep like a baby until morning," she assured, laughing softly.
"It's nice to see her with a smile on her face," Jacerys admitted as they slowly began walking down the corridor. He quietly offered his arm to Y/N, which she gladly accepted.
"I've noticed she smiles much more when she's here. I feel like the capital is suffocating her."
Jacaerys lowered his gaze. He had recently learned about the marriage plans for the young sisters.
"I heard she'll leave King's Landing sooner or later," he said, glancing at her. He didn't know how delicate ground he was entering.
The young princess sighed and nodded. She spent the whole way telling Jacaerys about everything that had happened in the past weeks. In the company of the boy, Y/N didn't feel like his aunt, as their relationship would suggest, but like a friend. After all, they were only a year apart in age. They had always had a good relationship and, unlike her hostile brothers, Y/N really liked Jacaerys. She cherished every opportunity she could spend with him. This was one of those moments.
The pair didn't return to the feast; instead, they went to one of the terraces. They sat on one of the benches, and Y/N involuntarily rested her head on the boy's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her waist, hugging her close.
"You deserve more, Y/N," he said quietly. "Both you and Helaena deserve more."
"I know I'll manage, I'm strong," she said, watching the remnants of the day dance on the horizon. "But I'm so scared for Helaena. She deserves the whole world, not what's waiting for her in King's Landing."
The young princess wasn't sad; at this moment, she could even say she felt a lightness in her heart. Jacaerys' body warmed her pleasantly, and the cool, salty air chased away the heat caused by the wine from her cheeks.
"You're the bravest dragon I've ever known," he said with a smile, looking at her face. The girl smiled at his words. "I don't know stronger people than Targaryen women."
"Do you really think so?" she asked quietly, looking into his eyes. She didn't know if his cheeks were flushed from the wine or the cold wind. Nevertheless, his dark eyes looked at her so gently that the young princess never wanted to look into any other eyes again.
Jacaerys smiled and nodded. He cautiously lifted his hand and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He touched her cheek and gently stroked it with his thumb.
"I would take better care of you than they would, you know?" he said after a moment, his whisper lost in the whistle of the wind. Y/N heard his words clearly, just as she clearly heard the snort of disdain that came from somewhere to the side.
"I don't know which of you is more pathetic," Aegon said, looking at them with drunken eyes. He could barely stand, but his fists were clenched. Aemond remained silent, standing in the entrance and blocking it with his body. Unlike his brother, he didn't look drunk.
"What is your problem?" Y/N asked angrily, standing up. Unintentionally, she shielded Jacaerys with her body, who also rose from the bench.
"That you act like a complete whore," he spat through his teeth, causing Jacaerys to step around the girl to stand in her defense. She grabbed his hand and pulled him back when Aemond drew a dagger and stepped forward, defending his brother.
"Watch your words," Jacaerys said angrily. He didn't care that he was addressing the future king. In his eyes, Aegon wasn't worth anything, and he certainly didn't deserve to be Y/N's husband.
"Or what, bastard?" Aemond asked calmly, looking at him intently.
"We haven't done anything wrong," the young princess said sharply, though her voice trembled. She knew that her brothers were unlikely to hurt her, but she wasn't capable of protecting Jacaerys from both of them. She had only her hands, feet, and teeth at her disposal. "Get out of the way."
"Oh, really?" Aegon smiled. His drunken eyes were shiny from alcohol and dark-circled, his skin ashen. Even despite the fire of hatred burning in him, he didn't have a bit of a blush on his face. "I see a fucking dog clinging to my future wife."
"You wish she were your wife," Jacaerys said without thinking much about the words that left his mouth. Aegon lunged at him with his fists, to which the young Velaryon responded in kind. Aemond sheathed his dagger and grabbed Jacaerys by the shoulders, holding him and exposing him to Aegon's blows. In the commotion, the young princess managed to draw her brother's dagger and without hesitation, grabbed Aegon by the hair, pulling him back. With tears on her cheeks, she pressed the sword to his neck.
The four of them froze in place.
Aemond still held Jacaerys tightly, blood was trickling from his lip. Aegon's heart was pounding, not from fear but from adrenaline and, at that moment, also from excitement. His sister's small hand was firmly gripping his hair, forcing him to tilt his head back. Blood flowed from his broken nose, running down to his grinning lips.
"She's a dragon, see?" Aegon said, addressing Jacaerys. "You couldn't handle her, fool."
Y/N pushed her brother to the ground, releasing the dagger from her hands as well. She grabbed Jacaerys' hand and pulled him from Aemond's grasp, who would have lied if he said his sister's behavior didn't leave him speechless. In shock, he wasn't even able to oppose her.
"I'm so sorry," she began tearfully, pulling him away as far as possible from that place. "I should have killed them when I had the sword in my hand."
Jacaerys pulled her by the hand, causing her to turn around suddenly and fall into his arms. Without a word, he kissed her, feeling her salty tears mix with the blood from his split lip. Y/N returned the kiss but looked at him in shock. Jacaerys smiled warmly at her.
"Don't apologize to me," he whispered, cupping her cheeks in his hands. "You are a dragon, so be a dragon."
The pair didn't return to the feast. Instead, Y/N went with the young prince to his chambers. Jacaerys initially protested when she said she would help dress his wounds. Eventually, he agreed to her proposal, lying on the bed in just his trousers. The girl carefully cleaned his cuts, placing a cold compress on his abdomen. She sat beside him, looking at him tenderly.
"I'm so sorry, Jace," she whispered, squeezing his hand. The boy, however, seemed to be in a good mood.
"If every fight with them means I get to spend time with you, I'm ready to fight them every day."
The young princess smiled and shook her head at his words. She felt her heart swell when she was with him.
Their eager lips exchanged a few more kisses before Y/N quietly left his chamber, returning to her own. Helaena was still sleeping soundly, snoring softly. She lay on her side on her half of the bed, not even stirring when her sister began preparing for sleep. Dressed in a nightgown, she let her hair down and carefully combed it. She put the brush away and blew out the nearby candles, lying down on the bed.
As soon as she covered herself with the quilt, she felt someone sit on her, pressing her into the mattress, and a cold hand covered her mouth. The girl wanted to scream but felt a blade against her neck. The attacker leaned over her, his hair tickling her face. The young princess smelled alcohol.
"Every time you raise your hand against me," Aegon whispered, tightening his grip on the dagger's hilt, "I'll have one of your fingers cut off, understood?"
Y/N squeezed her eyes shut and nodded. For the first time in her life, Aegon truly frightened her. She felt her heart leap into her throat.
"And that fucking Velaryon dog," he moved his hand from her mouth to her hair, gripping it tightly. "I never want to see him near you again."
"Aegon-" she whispered with difficulty, clutching his wrist to push him away. She felt herself running out of breath, and the cold blade pressed deeper into her skin.
"Is that clear?" he growled, pressing her harder into the pillows.
"Yes," she said tearfully.
A moment later, she felt her brother's alcohol-tainted lips forcefully and brutally kissing hers. Aegon stood up shortly after and left the sisters' chamber, closing the door behind him. In the darkness, the young princess found her sister's body and hugged her from behind, trying to suppress her tears. She was terrified.
How much she wished she could hide in Jacaerys's arms at that moment.
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skzdarlings · 7 months ago
the kingsguard ; jisung x reader ; part i
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | tba | ao3 link
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pairing: han jisung/reader summary: You are a queen. He is a kingsguard - a member of a holy order that vows to defend the king in the name of the gods. They forsake all earthly goods and swear a vow of chastity to avoid all worldly temptation. When he stands in as proxy for the royal wedding, all those vows are tested.
content info: later chapters get smutty. reader has some physical description: mentions of her having very curly hair and a more curvy body.
content warnings: a royal affair between queen reader and guard jisung. the king is a violently abusive man. this chapter contains a scene of physical violence and attempted sexual assault against the reader who later has a panicked reaction. reader also believes sex is not pleasurable (but learns different to say the least).
please proceed at your own discretion.
chapter word count: 5100 words.
There is no groom at your wedding.  Your betrothed is too hungover to attend the ceremony.
You are disappointed but not surprised.  Last night, your father hosted a welcome banquet but your husband-to-be ignored the lavish festivities in favour of drinking himself into a stupor.  It did not matter that banners were hung in the great hall, that a feast was prepared, that the palace glittered in anticipation of his arrival.  It did not matter that you were made a vision, resplendent in ivory and pearl, prepared and perfected just for him. 
The house, the money, the bride.  It did not matter at all.     
Such insult would not have been tolerated in a man, but he is a king.  Only the heavens can issue him orders, just as he commands common blood like yours. 
Your family is wealthy but your father’s land sits at the border.  Many at court consider you foreigners in all but paperwork.  Regardless of that status, your family owns the most prosperous land in the kingdom – a kingdom with coffers long since drained from an overseas war that reaped nothing but blood. 
This arrangement will save the kingdom and your betrothed knows that, but he is not happy to marry for money when his bloodline is better.  The king holds nothing but disdain for your union and last night it moved like a poisonous mist through your home. 
There was nothing you could do.  You sat and watched your royal betrothed make a crude mockery of your arranged marriage.  He travelled to your lands with a contingency of courtiers and they filled your house with his contempt.  He spent the night belittling your family name, sneering at you, and pawing at the servant girls between drinks.   
The king drank.  The courtiers laughed. 
Only one group extended any civility towards you at all. 
“His Majesty sends his regards,” the leader speaks to you now. 
He is in black robes, a sword at his hip.  Bang Chan is captain of the holy kingsguard, an ancient order sworn to defend heaven’s earthly sovereign.  There is nothing holy about the degenerate king but his kingsguard is an ordained ministry nonetheless.  They surrender all earthly goods and fortunes, devoting themselves to service and soldiership.  That includes a vow of total chastity so they are the only men permitted to perceive the future queen prior to the ceremony. 
What little remains of the ceremony.   
The soldier informs you the ceremony will now be conducted by proxy.  The king is bedridden today, but the wedding cannot be delayed as he is needed back at court and the return journey is long. 
Chan is polite and respectful.  He does not mention that the marriage cannot be delayed because the king wants money now.  You are certain your betrothed’s condemnation of his otherwise worthless bride was rather more unkind.   
You remember the cold eyes of his courtiers, his even crueler sneer, and you blink back tears.    
“I understand,” you say.  You are practiced at maintaining grace in the greatest adversity.  “Thank you, soldier.” 
Chan wears a pitying expression.  It looks like he wants to say more but he knows his place.  The kingsguard is the strictest order in the kingdom.  Only the most devout are granted the black cloth and silver sword. 
“Your Majesty,” he says with a bow. 
You are not a majesty yet.  You have weddings vows to swear to a stranger first.
Until then, you are just another woman.
You made the wedding dress yourself.  You have always enjoyed the craft of needlework, even where certain jobs could be passed along to a seamstress.  Growing up, you spent more hours alongside the working women than at your mother’s table, a behaviour that was indulged until the war. 
You run your fingers along every familiar stitch, tracing the embroidered floral patterns down your forearm.  You always wanted a spring wedding but it was not meant to be.  You enter the hall with the hot summer sun pouring over the crystal and marble. 
It is an ostentatious ceremony.  The king could not afford such a spectacle.  It makes you think he absconded on purpose.  What better way to wrestle back his dignity than to disregard the expensive ceremony?  He kept decorum and travelled to collect his bride only to snub the household in the end.   
The king’s absence is felt more than your presence.  It turns the grandeur of the hall into a theatrical farce.  Courtiers giggle behind their hands, the traditionalists casting you looks of disapproval. 
Your own family smiles and you smile weakly back. 
For all their faults, you love your family.  They thought they were doing something good by arranging this marriage.  A small, childish part of you even hoped they were right, but that hope is gone now.  You have resigned yourself to the sad reality of the world.  Life is a dreary grey save what small bits of colour one dares sew into its seams. 
There are flashes of black cloth around the hall.  Chan is not among the present kingsguards as the leader stays close to the king, but a handful of the regiment has been spared to witness the proxy vows.
You recognize a soldier named Hyunjin, standing apart for his beauty as much as position.  Several of the ladies tittered about him last night, lamenting that such a handsome form was sworn to a chaste life. 
You do not recognize the other two.  One is shorter and stocky.  The other has silver hair and a freckled face, smiling at you from the far corner.  You stare back at him, taking the proffered comfort of that open sweetness. 
You finally reach the front of the hall.  You step onto the dais.  The minister rises and a hush cascades down the congregation. 
You worry your pounding heart can be heard in the highest arches of the hall. 
The first words of the ceremony are a name. 
“Han Jisung,” the minister says.  It echoes with a swinging reverberation. “As an ordained soldier of the kingsguard, you have been called upon by His Holy Majesty to stand in proxy for the swearing of the vows.”
Footsteps break the silence, beat by beat.  Someone ascends the dais. 
You do not look at him.  You cast your eyes up to the arches of the great hall, tracing the grandiose architecture.  It carries cultural traces of the borderlands.  The art of this place is home to you, though it draws ire from the courtiers behind you. 
You think that you may never feel so at home again, that you will never gaze upon such beauty, then you turn and catch the warmth of deep brown eyes.  You see the man who will receive your vows on behalf of the king. 
Your racing heart stumbles over itself. 
Han Jisung.  You did not know his name until now.  You recognize this soldier from the banquet last night.  
The stranger stands beside you.  His nails are painted black, stark where he rests his hand on the silver hilt of his sword.  His hair is as black as his midnight robes, his brown eyes darkly lined, but his intimidating shadows are softened by the gentler, roundish shape of his face.  There is a raw and open tenderness, even where he tries to stifle it with appropriate solemnity. 
Your eyes are drawn to his lips and you remember his smile last night.  Jisung strode into the banquet with a sword at his hip and a guitar on his back.  It is not unusual for the kingsguard to have a bard, someone who can conjure a flattering song at a whim, who can perform as if the gods speak through his guitar strings.  That is Han Jisung.    
Last night, while people danced and drank, you sank further and further into yourself.  You smiled prettily but all the spring blossoms in your heart rotted as the summer sunset turned to a miserable black gloaming.  Torches were lit and the cackling faces on spinning bodies looked like demons in the lamplight.  The king ignored you so everyone else did the same. 
Jisung, armed with a guitar, was enchanting a crowd of courtiers and some local palace residents.  You watched from a distant seat.  You could not help but stare, captivated by this stranger, this combination of soldier and musician and holy man.  His glowing face in the torchlight was a solitary beacon, his smile more intoxicating than the ever-flowing wine.  His laughter rang out like a symphonic chord, travelling the air to touch your ears where you sat alone. 
The man was no one to you, just another stranger in your home, but there was such a simple, honest delight to him. 
He just seemed so alive.   
You were not prepared for the moment he met your gaze.  His black robes swished as he jumped, his dark hair bouncing. His eyes seemed to flash gold in the firelight.  He stood on a chair above the crowd and said, “A song for the future queen!” 
He sang about the springtime, not even knowing you cherished it so much.  Perhaps the gods truly spoke through his guitar strings.  He sang of new beginnings and hopeful seasons and cherry blossoms. 
You smiled.
It was your first real smile all day. 
He looks at you now, a flicker of something kind in his dark eyes.  You see that twinkle only briefly because he dips into a respectful bow.
You unravel at the sight. 
You imagine truly marrying this man, swearing oaths to him and not some wretched figment he serves.  You imagine the promise of laughter.  You imagine those warm eyes seeking you across the room.  You imagine a song every spring. 
You know it is a fantasy.  This man is a stranger and that version of him is a fabrication.  Your heart breaks because that version of you – the girl who is happy for the rest of her life – is just as much an impossible fantasy. 
Jisung looks up while bowing.  He meets your gaze as a tear trickles down your cheek.  No one else notices, just like one else noticed you last night.
As he straightens, his polite smile falters, his brow furrowing with thought. 
You jump when he flicks his wrist as if batting a fly.  The discreet sweep of his thumb across your cheek is so fast that you only know it happened because the tear track dries. 
“In the name of the gods,” the minister speaks, “the ancient and the almighty, we gather here today to unite in matrimony the holiest of subjects.  This couple has been brought together through heaven’s all-knowing divine intervention.”   
You bow your head.  There is nothing else you can do.  You listen to the recitations and make your oaths when prompted.  You swear before gods and men to serve your husband, to obey him, to always be pure and faithful to him. 
“The gods grant you to speak on behalf of the divine blood,” the minister says to Jisung. 
You look at Jisung.  He is already looking at you.  His gaze darts down your dress, across the floral embroidery, and lands at your feet. 
Your breath catches when he slowly gets down on one knee, keeping his head bowed and eyes down.  A gentle murmur disturbs the congregation but there is no outrage.  The king would not have bowed before the queen but the genuflection of a proxy is arguably appropriate.   
“I swear,” Jisung says, his theatrical voice replaced with a gentler rasp that tingles up your spine, “I will honour you as a wife and a queen.  I will revere you as the gods’ chosen consort.”   He looks up, his lashes long and dark, his brown eyes so big and warm.  You think he is so beautiful and it makes your heart pang.  That ache deepens when he smiles and says,  “I will be your protector.  Until the day I die, no harm will ever come to you.”   
He stands.  Blessings are made.  The minister pronounces the union has been sanctified by the gods.  The congregation kneels in genuflection, respectful of the rituals even if they do not like you.   You stand on the dais above them all, maintaining a stoic expression.
You are a wife and a queen, though your husband is nowhere in sight.  Your eyes stray to a head of dark hair, bowed with the rest of them. 
Jisung looks up, a bit of that hair falling over his eyes.  He flashes a smile. 
Your heart picks itself up and starts running again. 
You cannot do this. 
You thought you could try for the sake of your family.  You thought you could try for the sake of the gods.  You thought you could try for the sake of the kingdom and all the innocent people within it. 
Then the king came to your chamber.  He did not attend the wedding feast, just as he did not attend the ceremony.  It was a fair excuse to make an early departure so you returned to your room while the music played and wine flowed.  You were exhausted, emotionally weary, and your face was sore from so many false smiles. 
You discarded your elaborate gown.  You were in a shift, sitting at your vanity and removing jewelry, when the king arrived.  He did not announce himself or knock.  He threw open the door and marched inside like a conquering force.  He looked over your room with a scrunched face of displeasure, grimacing as if he was standing in a barnyard.  He looked at you with the same hateful distaste.     
Your throat closed up as if you inhaled poison.
You stood on shaking legs.  You had practiced a speech for this moment.  You thought perhaps you could convince the king to regard you as a decent friend if not a cherished wife.  You were willing to compromise on happiness. 
He backhanded you without hesitation.  No one had ever hit you so hard.  It felt as though he struck you with hot iron, your cheek a stinging welt.  Bells seemed to drown out the music downstairs.  
“Sire,” you said, your voice shaking worse than your legs.   
You found you could not look at him directly.  Your eyes burned just turning towards him. 
“Get on the bed,” he said.  “Wife.”  He might as well have said whore as the word was spat.   
You never expected to enjoy your wedding night.  Women know there is no pleasure in acts of copulation.  This was something worse.  You approached the bed like a deer skirts the edge of the woods.  One wrong step and you knew you this hunter would attack. 
He grabbed you from behind before you could sit.  You slammed your eyes shut, curled your fists tighter.
In the darkness, you heard music, a distant voice belting some sweeter tune.  You recognized Jisung, his crystalline voice soaring above the bells. Your heart chased the sound, a desperate stampede up your body.  It seized control. 
Before the king could do more harm, you blurted, “I’ve started my monthly bleeding.”
He stopped, the hem of your shift in his fists.
“Just – just so you know,” you said. 
It was a lie.  You braced yourself for the worst.  If he chose to disregard it, if he chose to take you anyway, he would quickly see there was no blood and you were trying to deceive him.  He had rights as a husband and it was sinful to deny him. 
He made a sound like gagging.  He shoved you forward. 
You collapsed in a heap on the bed.  You are not sure if he looked at you again because you hid your face in the blankets.  Hiding like a child hides, as if the world could disappear by not seeing it. 
“I will not have you on the road,” he said.  “You’re filthy enough as is.  When we reach civilized society, you will be made as appropriate as you can be.  You will be cleaned, you will lose weight, you will be made to look halfway respectable, not like some borderland animal laying in its own filth. I will have you then without exception.  Wife.” 
You shuddered when the door slammed shut. 
The sun was still setting when he left.  It has long since vanished from the sky but you have not moved.  You fear if you lift your head, he will be there, waiting to strike. 
After a long, long time, you surface.  Your room is empty.  The lavender light of sunset is gone, leaving behind a puddle of moonlight.  It trickles between the curtains, pours down your back.  You shiver.  You touch your cheek and find it is still tender. 
You try to pray but there is no answer.  Even the music has ended. 
In the ringing silence, you stand.  Your body is sore from curling up for so long.  It takes some pacing to straighten fully.  Back and forth, across your room.  Back and forth, in the silence. 
I cannot do this.  Back and forth, the same thought, again and again. 
Disobeying the king is unlawful.  Abandoning him when you have sworn an oath is treasonous.  Even the kingsguards are bound to their vows for life.   If a soldier breaks his oath, he is put to death, swift and sure.  The punishment for a disobedient wife is the same. 
The silence is agonizing. 
You know what you have to do.   It will not be easy.  The risks are great but you would rather die a swift death than suffer the slow poisoning of contempt. 
You have to try for sake of yourself. 
Your adrenaline pounds.  You pack all your jewelry in a sack to sell.  You bring some clean clothes.
There are servant clothes in a stack by the unlit fireplace because you mend their worn garments during the busy seasons.  They are always appreciative and you like helping people. 
You don a pageboy’s garb and tuck your hair into a hat.  The king commented on your build and you grant it gives you away, built with your mother’s curves with a cascade of your father’s curly black hair.  You hide all your prominent features as best you can. You will be more inconspicuous as a roaming servant boy. 
You tip-toe into the corridor, uncertain if the hallway is guarded.  The palace is usually safe but you are a queen now, so maybe the king sent guards.  Protecting you was in his oath, after all.  The king is beholden to oaths sworn to the gods.
At least, he should be held to his oaths.  
The hallway is empty but you are hardly aggrieved.  You seize the opportunity and let your racing heart carry you away. 
Down the hall, down the winding stairs, through the kitchen, past the door.  You slow to a nonchalant canter when passing other servants, making sure to turn your face down and keep to the shadows.  Everyone is either busy, drunk, or tired, so you manage to slip past without notice. 
Once you are alone outside, you break into a run.  You do not leave yourself a moment to think.  If you begin to doubt, you will falter, and this will all be over. 
You are panting and sweating by the time you reach the stables.  You are not exactly in the habit of great exertion.  You take a moment to catch your breath while scanning for guards because there must be some.  The courtiers have their animals in camps around the palace but the king’s horses are stabled.  The kingsguards have alternated shifts to keep an eye on the king’s property.  
There are no guards to be found.  You approach the stable with cautious steps and slip inside when no one appears.  A lit lamp is swinging near the door as though it was recently bumped, but no one is there.  The horses shuffle and sweep their tails but it is otherwise silent.     
You step to the first stall.  Your heartbeat is erratic and it pounds harder when you find a horse already bridled.  Did they forget to remove the saddle?  This is one of your father’s horses and that is unusual, but you do not question it. 
You lead the horse out of the stall and into the middle of the stable.  You speak gentle nothings to him.  You have not often ridden this horse as he is one of the faster animals, but you will need that speed tonight.   
Perhaps the gods are on your side after all. 
You take hold of the saddle.  You are about to hoist yourself onto the mount when a zing of metal slashes through the silent night.   The tip of a sword touches your shoulder.   
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
You recognize that voice. 
Of all the kingsguards to find you, of course it would be Han Jisung. 
You are so startled  that your adrenaline turns from fire to ice.  You freeze solid. 
“Hey! Little boy!” He lightly jabs you with the sword, just enough to scratch the material of your stolen shirt.  “A kingsguard asked you something.  Answer me!  Now!”
Your hands are still raised when you turn around.  It is a slow, begrudging reveal.  Your eyes are on the hay-spattered stable floor.  You look at his black boots, the silver sheath hanging at his hip.  Up, up, up, your eyes slowly lift. 
You meet his gaze.  His brow is furrowed with frustration but it smooths when he recognizes you.  Shock replaces irritation.  The sword wobbles and he takes a startled step back. 
“You—” he says.  He looks at you, slack-jawed, then rubs his eyes as if he cannot believe what he is seeing. 
Finally, the sword lowers to his side. His long black robes swish with the movement.  His shock gives way to panic.   
“What are you doing?” he demands, his voice breaking on a harsh whisper.  He swiftly sheaths the sword and takes several determined steps closer to you.  “Are you crazy?  Where are you going?  And what are you wearing?”
“I’m leaving,” you snap back.  The burgeoning panic in your chest begins to putter, making you indignant in your desperation.  “And I’m obviously in disguise.”
“Oh.  A disguise,” he says dryly.  His face is theatrical by nature, brows jumping and eyes widening.  “Yeah, no one could recognize you like this.  Except for, oh, I don’t know—”
Audaciously, Jisung snatches the hat off your head.  You yelp, throwing your hands up to grab it, but he pulls it away faster than a blink. 
Your hair tumbles free, curls even messier than before.  You slap your hands over your head, frantically smoothing them down.  Your arms start to shake, all that panic and adrenaline bubbling, needing somewhere to go.  You feel as though you are going to burst, a screaming firework shooting through the roof of this stable. 
“I would have been fine with the hat,” you snap.  “I made it this far.” 
“Only because half this house is drunk,” he replies with equal verve.  “Look at you, your hair, your face, your – your body.”  He stumbles over that one, eyes flicking down your form and up again.  He clears his throat and shakes his head.  “You would have been caught immediately.  You were caught immediately.” 
“I’ll be fine,” you say.  “I know my way.”
“There’s no way a girl like you has ever ridden anywhere past your family’s land,” he says.
You are flushed with heat and aggravation.  You want to argue but he is not wrong.  You know the general direction to town but you have never ridden there alone. 
“I know my way,” you say again. 
“Do you?”  He takes a step closer.  “You go north – I assume you know which trails are occupied by bandits?  And the east –  you know which path to take to avoid the mountain lions?  Or the west – if you go over the border and the men who live in those woods discover you alone—”
“Stop it!”  You throw your hands up over your ears.  All that panicked heat simmers and spills.  It turns to tears. 
You sob.     
He’s right.  You know he’s right.  You let your desperation and your adrenaline carry you this far, but you are not prepared for an arduous journey.  You have a sack of jewels that are a greater liability than asset on dangerous roads.  What would you have done if they were stolen?  What would you have done if someone hurt you?  You have nothing.  No map, no direction, and no hope.
Jisung’s shoulders drop.  His own passion tempers itself, his frustration cooling in the face of your tears.  He was also carried away but you don’t blame him.  He is a kingsguard.  He is duty-bound to protect the king and the king’s property, which you are. 
He found you committing treason.  You are lucky he did not hold a sword to your throat and drag you to the king. 
His sword stays sheathed.  He looks at you, expression morose.   
“I’m sorry,” he says in a soft voice.  “You know I can’t let you go.” 
“I know,” you whisper, gasping through your tears. 
If you were not so miserable, you might have laughed at the look on his face.  You are certain this man has encountered many adversaries, but never a sobbing woman.  He would have been happier dealing with a real thief. 
His hand lifts and falls as he wars with himself, evidently debating whether he should touch you or not.  You stand there, sobbing into your hands while he watches helplessly. 
When he does touch you, it is careful.  His fingertips are light on your shoulder, then the slow curving touch of his palm as he gently squeezes.   It is the first kind touch in days and it sends a shiver down your spine.  You look at him, eyes wet with tears, imploring with no words. 
His mouth opens but he doesn’t speak.  A breath stutters past his lips.  Slowly, he takes back his hand and curls his fingers into his palm.   He swallows. 
You stare at each other in the dim lamplight.  You are not sure how long you would have stood there but you are interrupted before you can find out. 
There is a soft knock at the stable door and Jisung jumps as if it was thunder.  His head whips around, looking between you and the door. 
“Fuck,” he says.  His brows leap and he covers his mouth.  “You didn’t hear that.  Quick.” 
You have no opportunity to ask questions.  He swiftly ushers you into the empty stall, closing the door behind you.  He races to the stable entrance to greet whoever is there. 
You hold your breath, hiding in the shadows as someone enters the stable.  Jisung and the intruder speak in hushed tones that you cannot decipher.  You inch closer to the door, peeking through the slats of wood.    
It is another kingsguard.  He was not at the festivities but you recognize him from the ceremony.  He is the silver-haired one with the face full of freckles, the one who smiled at you so kindly.  You would recognize such a unique face anywhere.  For some reason, he is dressed in civilian garb even though the kingsguard is not allowed to wear anything but their black robes. 
You can hear better as they step further inside.   
“Thank you again,” the silver-haired man says. 
“Don’t thank me yet, Felix,” Jisung replies.  “I still think you’re crazy, man.”   
“Still,” the man, Felix, replies.  “Not everyone would have helped.  You didn’t have any problems?”
Jisung is adjusting the saddle on the horse.  His eyes lift and meet yours through the slats.  You duck further into shadow. 
Jisung sighs and shakes his head.  He tightens the reigns then hands them to Felix.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” Jisung says.
Another figure steps into view, one who has been silent this whole time.  You watch as the person draws back their hood, revealing a woman around your age.  By the style of her gown, you can tell she is a courtier from the capital.  She smiles at Jisung. 
“Thank you, Han Jisung,” she says.  “The gods will reward your courageous heart.”
“Ah-ha-ha.”  He giggles nervously, scratching the back of his neck.  “I already have everything I need.  Some of us—”  He casts a withering look at Felix, though his tone is light and teasing, “—can keep our chastity vows.  I don’t need anything more than service.” 
Felix chuckles.  He holds out his hand to the woman and she hurries into his arms. 
“If that’s your path, I hope it will make you happy,” Felix says. 
You watch as they help the woman onto the horse.  Felix swings up behind her.  They both pull hoods over their heads. 
Jisung reaches up, offering Felix his hand.  Felix clasps it.
“Brother,” Felix says. 
“Crazy man,” Jisung replies. 
Felix smiles.  They drop hands and Felix takes the reigns.  With an expert click, he marches the horse into a swift canter and rides out the open stable door.  Jisung strides forward to watch them leave, craning his neck to see further. 
Now you know why there were no guards and a horse was prepared.  Felix and Jisung must have been posted as guards and took the opportunity to sneak Felix away.  Felix, who has evidently committed treason, breaking his vow as a kingsguard to ride off with a woman. 
You doubt this was a whim.  You wonder how long the trio has been planning this.  If there was ever a time for a guard to steal a horse and sneak away, it would be in the busy chaos of a wedding week.  Like Jisung said, most of the household is drunk.  Others are tired and resting.  A long journey back to the capital begins tomorrow and it cannot be diverted. 
It is a journey you will have to make. 
You nudge the door open.  Jisung’s shoulders jump as if he forgot you were there.  He regards you warily as you step forward. 
“So,” you say.  “It’s okay for some people to commit treason.”
“It’s not the same thing,” Jisung answers quickly.  “Felix can handle himself out there.” 
You have both witnessed the other commit a treasonous act.  You could rat him out to the king, just as he could drag you back and do the same.   Instead, you stare at each other, your gazes measuring.  You meet in the middle. 
“Do you think we understand each other?” he asks. 
He holds out his hand in offering.  You remember his quick but substantial touch at the ceremony, the moment he wiped the tear from your cheek.  For all that darkness circles the periphery of him, there is something warm at the centre of his character.  It compels you to trust him. 
You take his hand. 
“I do,” you say. 
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