#four letter acronyms
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sufficientlyantique · 1 year ago
A friend who is older mused to me about an interaction with one of their younger colleagues. The colleague was upset because my friend was yelling at them in an email.
The phrase that was written too loudly?
I'm imagining a contextual statement along the lines of "I need this ASAP."
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across-every-universe · 6 months ago
would i be insane for admitting that when i was in like middle/high school i had this lil crush on a robot from a movie that was just blocks. like seven feet tall of cubes. and even the movie was like “dw he’s not sentient he’s just got an advanced algorithm” and i was like “okay don’t care still kissing the seven foot titanium cube”
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deepwoundsandfadedscars · 2 months ago
Losing my mind, I have a ton of keywords and tags in my block list, for the most part the blocked keywords are due to specific memes because it is very easy for me to get sick of some of the memes that tumblr latches on to. The relevant one right now is 'slug' because of that 'live slug reaction' meme
but i was just scrolling on my main and see a blocked post from a dear mutual (who is mutual both here and on my main) and the blocked keyword is 'slug'. Huh, ok, probably isn't that particular meme cause I don't think they've ever reblogged one of those, and I don't think I saw any similar posts from the dash on this blog, because I know both block lists aren't identical, so I don't think I have that word blocked here (significantly less instances of it on this blog lol)
so of course I clicked it. Fam. It was my own fanfic that they reblogged.
I blocked my own story from showing up for my main blog
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inuyashasforest · 2 years ago
Not a question but I just want you to know that every time I type ‘lmao’ on my phone it offers up the predictive text of ‘LMAL’ 😘
To be fair LMAL is possibly the worst accidental acronym that could have come from a title pffttt
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mango-dolphin · 2 years ago
You stan Octavian I don't think you get an opinion on what's considered "bad" 😂
fair point actually. i think i'm going to log out forever and cry into my cat, and then continue my life completely offline. i've been completely and utterly owned. how am i going to recover
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hindbodes · 11 days ago
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adinelleggreeo · 8 months ago
Yall, the number sixty and nine is flagged as inappropriate on Tumblr!
I'm doing a daily art challenge and the post with that number was hidden for being En-Ess-Eff-Double-You or whatever. It was NOT. It was just a drawing of my OC!
Just letting you know if you innocently sixty and nined it all over your post and have been wondering why it's not getting any likes and reblogs.
This was the post in question for me. I didn't know what the problem was until I changed the number to words.
(pretend there's a rolling eyes emoji here. I'm on my desktop)
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lesbian-vampyre · 16 days ago
just talked to the same teacher who got me in trouble for this. she was upset with my grades in her class, but i think she should be more worried about the way a student asked her how to spell the word 'forward' and she had to look it up.
today i got in trouble for helping someone with a math problem god i cant wait to switch schools
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chisecco · 1 year ago
tbh i miss when ace discourse didnt exist and being lgbt or queer wasnt a competition on how oppressed and miserable you could be in the eyes of internet strangers
like when you could just say "i am not cis and/or straight therefore i am one of you" and people would receive you with open arms instead of saying that your identity that goes beyond the acronym is invalid and harassing you with death threats and sending you gore and snuff just because you dont exactly fit under The Big Four Letters
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sgiandubh · 2 months ago
Great for S. Jake will be have a good influence on him. We can't say this for AN
Dear AN Anon,
It is my firm belief AN has but a peripheral role to play, these days. Something shifted for the better, once Ashley Hearn entered that building and hopefully will continue to do so. Let the others believe what they want: I know this young woman is legit and I know she means well.
Jake Norton is exactly what the doctor ordered to mend 2024's abysmal PR mishaps: Dubai burlesque gal (I am trying to be elegant, here), loudmouthed wannabe influencer, 'he's mine and will never be yours' (was that Tennis Chick?) and let's not forget 'Go, Sarah'. All of these have been shamelessly taken by a bunch of thirsty older women (nope, I am deliberately not using that four-letter acronym, because I am sure he doesn't...) to apocalyptical levels. Showbiz reputations have been screwed for less, but remember (ROFLMAO), Anon: 'every saint has a past and every sinner has a future'.
What I like the most about this turn of events is the way S managed to redeem a lost project and turn it into something different and positive. With trooping colors, Anon. Fuck the naysayers - people who accomplish something must be supported, simply because it might encourage them to do better and more. Fair's fair.
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squaredbean · 1 month ago
My fake life series teams that no one wants to hear about but I’m posting about anyway
BigDoubleBs: (Bdubs, BigB)
They theme themselves entirely around the letter B. Their logo is a backwards B next to a regular B. They go around spreading lies and rumours and cause general confusion amongst all their peers. The B stands for Bullshit but they can’t explicitly say it and it gets censored multiple times. Bdubs is mostly just matching BigB’s casual chaotic energy but he’s not-so-secretly super stressed out all the time. BigB is oblivious to this and continues to unknowingly make Bdubs’ life hell. Bdubs is consistently loyal but every time he is left alone with someone who isn’t BigB he breaks down. People keep pointing out that he could just leave BigB but Bdubs is vehemently against this. BigB could not care less whether he stays or goes but is glad for the company.
GUESS AKA GESS: (Gem, Etho, Skizz, Scar)
A desperate attempt to make the team name an acronym (at Skizz’s request) themes them all around quiz masters. Everyone changes their skin to have a mask (except Etho) with a different comedy/tragedy-esque face on it. Several names are tried before they land on GESS (Gem immediately shot-down SEGS and EGSS). They run out of questions to ask very fast and Gem is the only competent member of their team because Etho makes it his personal mission to antagonise Skizz and Scar for no reason at all. Etho convinces Scar to kill Skizz and break his heart, Gem kills Etho for being annoying. (fun fact I wrote this one before the trivia bot episode lmaooo)
Team LIT: (Lizzie, Impulse, Tango)
They go all-out on the party theme, throw several parties (most of which end horrifically (“why do we keep coming back to these?! they never go well!” -Grian, probably)) and Lizzie claims to have trauma from her failed secret life party. Joel attends every party and doesn’t die at any of them. Impulse and Tango try to redstone their way into murdering people during the parties - they do, but they also murder themselves and Lizzie several times. They are consistently pathetic for most of the season, except Tango and Lizzie get eliminated very early on and Impulse snaps, kills so many people as a red and wins the season.
The Gentlemen: (Scott, Mumbo, Joel, Jimmy)
These four find themselves hanging out on the first session and make a bit of themselves doing posh English accents, which turns into a season-long ordeal. They all change into suits (except Mumbo who is already wearing a suit) and hate team LIT with a burning passion because they are “uncouth savages”. At some point it turns into Scott, Joel, and Mumbo all fighting over Jimmy’s attention. Mumbo doesn’t exactly know why they’re fighting over Jimmy but he’s too deep in the “yes, and” to back out now. Joel and Scott very amicably hate each other and keep making passive-aggressive jibes at each other. Jimmy quite honestly just enjoys the attention.
Nightstalkers: (Pearl, Martyn, Grian)
They keep to the shadows. They become one with the night. All three of them are shockingly good at sneaking and become thieves/ninjas. Martyn does a Batman voice until he can’t stand to do it anymore. Pearl just likes to giggle behind people. Grian mostly just likes to mess with Jimmy and Scar. The three of them start to do black market trading. They try to be allies with everyone but by the end of the season everyone kind of hates them. Grian is once again the last of his teammates standing.
God Help Us: (Cleo, Ren)
Cleo defends Ren from a horde of zombies night one and naturally Ren declares them bonded for life (“or at least until the season ends, I guess”). Ren feels he is indebted to Cleo and spends the whole season throwing himself in front of them as a meat shield. He dies first. Cleo joins up with the Nightstalkers. Everyone offers condolences to Cleo even before Ren dies because they spend the season just Going Through It. Murphy’s Law slaps Cleo in the face so hard. She, Tango, and Impulse spend almost an entire episode crying to each other about the fact that things are just Not Good.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months ago
Some Hanukkah-Related Vocabulary
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In Judaism, the Hanukkah holiday is the “festival of lights.” Lasting eight days, the holiday commemorates the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem in 165 BCE. Once the Temple was won, the Jews found only enough oil to keep the eternal flame of the menorah lit for one day.
According to legend, the miracle of Hanukkah occurred when that small amount sustained the menorah’s light for eight days, in order for more oil to be made. Fittingly, hanukkah literally means “a dedication” in Hebrew.
As is the case with many languages, there are certain sounds in Hebrew that just don’t exist in English. The first letter of Chanukah, the modern Hebrew letter chet, makes a sound called a “voiceless velar fricative,” a ch in the back of the throat similar to the Scottish pronunciation of loch. The classical Hebrew pronunciation had a softer ch sound, represented by the H instead of Ch in Hanukkah. Today, both spellings exist side by side.
The Hanukkah menorah (also called the hanukiah) is a candelabrum with nine branches. Eight of the candles represent each night of Hanukkah, while the ninth (the shammes) is used to light the others.
The original menorah in the biblical Temple of Jerusalem had only seven branches, representing the seven branches of human knowledge and the seven days of biblical creation. The Hanukkah menorah has a more specific purpose, representing the eight nights of the holiday. Translated from the Hebrew, menorah means “lamp.”
From the Hebrew word shamash meaning “to serve,” shammes (or shames) means “attendant.” The shammes is the ninth candle on the Hanukkah menorah, used to light the candles representing each night.
The Hanukkah candles are traditionally placed in the menorah from right to left, though they’re lit using the shammes from left to right each night. On the first night of Hanukkah, the menorah will have only two candles, the shammes and the right-most candle. On the last night, a menorah will display all nine.Previous
In Jewish history, the celebration of Hanukkah and the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem are the work of the Maccabees, an ancient family of Jewish leaders who rebelled against their colonizers. After years of oppression under King Antiochus Epiphanes, Judas Maccabaeus led a rebel army against Antiochus and reclaimed not only the Temple but Jewish freedom.
It is possible the name Maccabee is derived from the Hebrew maqqabh meaning “hammer.” It was given to Judas and the rebels in honor of their fortitude.
The “baddie” in the Hannukah story is the Greek-Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes. But what you may not know is that there are a lot of people named Antiochus in history, particularly kings. The one in the Hannukah story is believed to be Antiochus IV.  
Yet the meaning of Antiochus in Greek is a bit confusing. Antí– means “against,” and ékhō means “to have, to own.” Taken together, his name means “one who is against owning.”
The dreidel is a four-sided spinning top bearing the Hebrew letters (nun, gimel, hei, shin). Children spin the dreidel and win or lose based on the letter facing up when the top stops spinning. The letters on the faces of the dreidel form an acronym for the phrase Nes Gadol Hayah Sham meaning “a great miracle happened there,” referring to Israel and the Temple of Jerusalem.
In Israel, the letters on the top are nun, gimmel, hey, pey, representing “a great miracle happened here.” A dreidel is also known as a sevivol in Hebrew. Observances vary, and some use the Hebrew terms when celebrating Hannukah.
A piece of Hanukkah gelt is a chocolate coin usually wrapped in gold foil, designed for children to gamble with during a game of dreidel. 
Gelt is Yiddish, derived from the Old High German, for “money.”
One of the Jewish traditions of Hanukkah is to make foods made in oil to celebrate the oil lasting for eight days.
A latke is a potato pancake made from shredded potato and fried in oil, often served with applesauce or sour cream. Like gelt, latke is a Yiddish word derived from the Russian latka meaning “pastry.” The oil in which latkes are fried represents the oil that kept the menorah burning.
Another popular dish at Hannukah is sufganiyot, small jelly-filled donuts.  
The origin of the name sufganiyot is debated, and as with other terms described here, its spelling can vary. It’s said to come from the ancient Hebrew word sofgan which means a kind of spongy dough.
However, a popular story claims that God gave Adam and Eve sufganiyot to cheer them up after they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden—the name, then, comes from the Hebrew spelling of Garden of Eden.  
Speaking of things that are apocryphal, the story of Hanukkah is not found in the Jewish Bible, known as the Torah. Instead, the story of the Maccabees and the Temple is found in a collection of later writings known as the Apocrypha. 
The word apocrypha comes from the Greek for “hidden, obscure.” This collection of writings, including the stories of the Maccabees, is known as the Apocrypha because their authors are “hidden” or unknown (or they weren’t written in Hebrew). 
It wasn’t until 1735 that apocrypha came to be used in reference to all kinds of marginal tales or those with unknown authors, not just Biblical ones.  
It might seem like the holiday of Channukah changes dates every single year. But actually, the dates are the same every year—just on a different calendar. Most of the world uses what’s known as the Gregorian calendar. But Jewish holidays are set according to the Hebrew calendar, so they appear to change dates every year on the Gregorian calendar. 
Hanukkah starts at sundown on 25 Kislev every year and lasts for eight nights. Kislev is the name of the ninth month in the Hebrew calendar. The name Kislev comes from ancient Assyrian or Akkadian names for the same time period.  
Chag Sameach
How you say “Happy holidays” in Hebrew. 
Chag means “holiday,” and sameach means “happy.”
Source ⚜ More: Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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leahbasavraham · 1 month ago
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Mizrah by Israel Dov Rosenbaum 1877
Despite the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE and the dispersion of most Jews, the Land of Israel has remained a primary focus of Jewish identity. A commonly felt, deeply rooted bond to the Land of Israel and the hope of all Jews to return eventually to it have been important unifying factors. One expression of this intense bond is found in the practice of facing toward Jerusalem during prayer. For Jews in the West, this direction is east, and the custom developed of placing a decorative plaque on the eastern walls of homes and synagogues to indicate the direction of worship. Such a sign came to be known as a mizrah, Hebrew for "east." Mizrah is also an acronym composed of the initial letters for the Hebrew phrase "from this side the spirit of life." This inscription appears in the four corners of the central panel of this papercut, indicating that it functions as a mizrah.
In Eastern Europe, mizrah plaques were often made out of cut paper, resembling the carved wood Torah arks of Polish synagogues in the intricacy of their design. As is common in many other extant examples, the composition in this papercut is symmetrical, designed on one half of a sheet of paper, folded vertically, and cut out through both halves, thus creating a mirror image revealed upon unfolding the sheet. Papercuts were usually mounted on a plain or colored paper background to provide a contrasting effect, as seen here. Although architectural features such as columns and arcades often balance the composition of papercuts, the use of an imposing building as the central element, as seen in this example, is rare. Whether the building was based on an existing or imaginary one, Israel Dov Rosenbaum, the creator of this extraordinary papercut, made sure to include a clock at its dome, possibly a hint at his profession as clockmaker to the local count in the small town of Podkamen, Ukraine. A Jewish community existed in Podkamen at least since the seventeenth century, and by the late nineteenth century, the town was home to more than a thousand Jews.
The elaborate design and the repeated use of thin connecting lines make this mizrah an exquisite example of its kind. The creatures, both mythical and real, as well as the vegetal motifs and horror vacuii of this composition, are typical of Eastern European art. Included here are lions, deer, eagles, and what appears to be a pair of small leopards atop the dome of the central building. These four animals usually appear in Jewish papercuts to illustrate the saying "Be bold as a leopard, light as an eagle, swift as a deer, and strong as a lion, to do the will of your Father who is in Heaven" (Ethics of the Fathers 5:23). The doubled-headed eagle is often interpreted as a political symbol associated with the Russian Empire. Several Eastern European artifacts in The Jewish Museum collection feature the double-headed eagle, including Torah shields and Hanukkah lamp; as well as a mold for pastries baked for the holiday of Purim.
Among the mythical beasts featured in this papercut are the leviathan (portrayed as a curled fish) and the wild ox-the legendary food of the righteous in the world to come (Leviticus Rabbah 13:3, 22:10)-depicted in the lower register, and the unicorn, seen in the outer frame. The interiors of wooden synagogues were often filled with elaborate animal and plant designs, many having symbolic meaning. Animals are also found in carved Jewish tombstones in Eastern Europe. Likely more portable or readily available sources were printed books such as Hebrew primers featuring a depiction of an animal for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet or illustrated copies of the Meshal ha-Kadmoni, a collection of animal fables written in 1281 by the Spanish Hebrew author Isaac ibn Sahula. First printed in Brescia, about 1491, the work soon gained popularity and was reprinted many times, including nine known Yiddish editions. Many of the extant copies are embellished with illustrations, mostly portraying the disputing animals, who "converse" in biblical Hebrew and are all well versed in Jewish learning: the rooster is a Bible scholar, and the deer an expert in the Talmud. Two pairs of roosters appear on the upper margin of the mizrah, flanked by a pair of birds. In one of the illustrations for the Meshal ha-Kadmoni, the rooster and a similar quail-like bird (though referred to as a hawk) are paired in "conversation."
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meraki-yao · 9 months ago
Hi! I hope I don't come across as some hater (I'm really not, I promise). I just saw someone on twitter mentioning that nick filtered rwrb on his ig. If you comment it is only visible to you or something like that. I didn't check myself, but I wonder, if it's true, why did he do that? Is just really sad ngl.. I mean again, no hate here, please don't get me wrong, I love both and nick and tzp! It is ok if you don't want to answer this or something. P.S. If anything please don't block me omg :D. P.P.S. You really seem like such a nice human being and I admire your mindset, keep it up! Take care!
I'm answering this one because 1, you're a sweetheart, thank you for asking so politely, 2, my Chinese rwrb friends did some investigating.
"rwrb" the combination of these four letters, is indeed filtered. BUT, the full name "Red White & Royal Blue" isn't. Neither is "Henry", "Prince Henry", or "❤️🤍💙". It is literally just, the acronym.
The circled is from the recent F1 post:
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At the same time, look what they found:
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These screenshots are from my friend, her user interface is in Chinese so I'll translate a bit: all of these comments are from the last two hours, all from the same account, this "user24613579811". But if you look at their profile:
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0 followers, 0 posts
That's suspicious, right?
On top of that, this account has been commenting under Nick's post for at least the past month
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This comment, is from approximately a week ago, under the 18 May post. This is also prove that the phrase "Red White and Royal Blue" isn't filtered.
Also note that in the collection of comments, not only is "rwrb" typed as "rwr*b", but "homophobic" is typed as "homophob*c", so the word "homophobic" is probably filtered as well
So this is the hypothesis: the account has been massively harassing Nick for a while, and originally, they only used the phrase "rwrb" not the full name. Blocking this account isn't really productive because blank accounts like this are easy to set up, if you block this one, the person behind the account can just set up another one in like, five minutes. So they chose to filter "rwrb". This isn't against the project and the fandom, it's against these bully spam accounts.
My friend also said, and I quote "This is just my hypothesis, if you think otherwise, please do feel free to do some investigating yourself. Also, please remember this:"
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Take care too!
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Thoughts on Short Chapter 90.1 (Long Post)
First of all, what in the world just happened? That short chapter was so unexpected for a short chapter.
Endo is really good at messing all of our brains in just four pages. Upon seeing it as an extra chapter, I thought it’s going to be on a lighter side but I don’t expect it to be dark and centered around Anya!
So here are some of my 6 takeaways. (Long post again sorry!)
1.Anya is probably not the real spelling of her name or not even her real full name
-Anya is pretty sure herself that her name is spelled as Ania, she spelled her name the same way in the Eden Entrance Exam.
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-And the expression in her face when Loid corrected her tells a lot. (I’m really amazed how Endo conveyed this without the readers letting know what is going on in Anya’s mind. Meaning that he still doesn’t want to reveal that snippet of her thoughts process since it surely would reveal something about her past) Her expression was so subtle but it tells that for her, she's certain that it was really letter I. Then settling with oh, but not like a happy and excited or enlightened ‘Oh!’ But just a simple, Oh, okay... Like she had no choice but to just agree.
And her lying in her bed thinking about the name, saying it aloud as if familiarizing it.
So here are my thoughts about Ania/Anya’s name:
Ania is part of a longer name
Maybe Ania was a nickname given to her because she has a longer one.
I just told my sister days ago that Anya’s name sounds like Ostania and maybe that is where her name came from. So maybe Ania is just what they named her deriving from Ostania itself.
Ania could also be an acronym for something. Like the A could stand for Apple since the experiment is called Project Apple. The rest of the letters however I have no idea.
Ania could also be an experimental name (Like what I saw on some posts here the AN1A one so they decided to call her Ania but it was not a name but a label for her.
2.Why Loid assumes it was Y and not I
In the documents Franky had given him in the first chapter, her name is spelled Anya with a Y. Meaning, the orphanage thought her name is spelled that way but we can understand for Anya it was always spelled with I not Y. (The document is not readable in the manga but it was clear in the anime)
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3.Endo has plans for everything, especially for the three main characters and their back stories
Endo often says that he thought things in a spur of a moment in terms of making this manga (Reference: fanbook Endo interview page 176) like how he decided Anya being a telepath on the last moment and called it luck that it worked out lol. But this was clearly planned and the anime creators, directors and writers are aware and is working closely with Endo. What he pulled in this short chapter isn’t something that can be thought for the last minute. It is planned from the very beginning. Probably some of the little details in the manga might mean more that what meets the eyes. (I saw a video before and in that video they showed Endo's studio and they showed miniature models of the designer chairs on the volume and there are chairs there that were just briefly shown that is yet to appear. I saw the video before the release of Volume 11, the one with Emile and Ewen and I saw their chairs in the line up of the models. So you can't convince me that he hasn't planned anything where he wants to take the plot next.)
4. The Anime on Anya's nameplate change
Anya's name changed in her nameplate, from Ania to Anya at exactly end of Season 1 Part 1 episode 12. Anime have been very persistent in showing that nameplate.
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(Episode 3, not in the manga)
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Then Episode 11, we saw the change of her name spelling on her test. So the short mission 90.5 took place before she got her first stella.
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The Season 1 Part 1 Finale, we see this nameplate and I went to check the short mission of this in the manga and no, the manga didn't show the change of nameplate in that particular chapter.
Now I'm rethinking that it was really a well thought decision of Clover and Wit to make the Aquarium episode and this episode in the finale rather than starting the dog arc crisis and it was smart and sneaky of them.
Anime is doing a lot of work to elaborate the manga and I love them for that!
5.Like Father Like Daughter
It would make sense that in this family Loid and Anya would be the one who bears fake names. Yor being the one whose name being real symbolizes how she doesn’t lie about anything besides being an assassin, and there are times when she isn’t even keeping the fact that she is one. She always does things, mainly, because she genuinely cares for Anya and Loid not for her job at all (as the story progress she thought less about them being just a cover for her). Yet Anya and Loid often does things for their own ulterior motives (Anya for wanting a family for herself and Loid for his mission). They’re the ones who actively kept protecting their secret identities. The ones with the most the secrets. Both have names different from their real ones. Really makes sense don’t you think?
6.We could get an Anya backstory arc, if not by the next chapter, sooner than we expect.
We might have snippets of Anya’s backstory but I believe that Endo would not give out the whole thing. It’s too early to reveal it and what could Anya’s trigger be for her to think about everything that happened in her past?
Loid is triggered when he was rendered unconscious by Anya’s tonitrus
Yor is triggered when she’s thinking about Yuri
How about Anya?
What could trigger her to remember everything she went through?
-Will she perhaps see something or someone that will make her remember her past? (I read a fanfiction about her meeting a man who used to adopt her, it’s from coloredice I think and I can’t help but seeing it happen in canon)
Yet this is a short chapter, maybe Endo will continue this with another short chapter or give us a full chapter in the next two weeks centering around Anya. But it could also be not, since it could also just a way for Endo to add additional details to the narrative. But why bring this up now? for sure, it was a reminder, maybe a preparation on what the future ten chapters to the 100th holds.
Now it’s time for you to tell me what you think? Let’s be Twilight and overthink this four chapter short because our man's too attached to even care about knowing Anya’s background.
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cobra-creampuff · 5 months ago
perhaps a slightly cracky one but.
in which mickey pattern-recognizes that certain sex acts with ian Do Something to him, and it's a very intense and vulnerable Something and that's on top of the other very intense and vulnerable Something that ian is Doing to him that he shall not be directly acknowledging Ever but knows is too Done to prevent or reverse by now, so before it's too late mickey has to figure out what this Something is and put a stop to it.
so he goes a-lookin on the world wide web but the search engines are no help because they are but algorithms and cannot interpret his deeply personal description of a specific psychosexual experience. so eventually he must admit defeat and go to gay reddit and just ask.
so he asks. he says, so this weird thing happens to me sometimes when i have really good sex with my um. guy that i have sex with. and he describes the feeling, and the sex, and a little bit about the guy and the Other Something too just because that feeling fucking leaks all over everything and once you're all covered in it you don't even notice anymore.
anyway so gay reddit is like hey dude. that's subspace. and basically the only way to avoid it is to stop having sex that good. and even that's not a guarantee.
and a few people add on hey btw. are you aware that you have feelings for that guy severely?
so then mickey. well first he makes a bot to mass report those few people until they get automatically permabanned. cough. but THEN. then he reads up on the whole Thing, learns all about a completely different four-letter acronym that he (still thinks he) will take to his fucking grave, and keeps right on doing All That with ian and (ineffectively) rationalizes to himself that it's okay and he's actually not vulnerable and he's in total control of the everything actually because he has The Information and ian doesn't.
absolutely nothing to worry about, nothing to see, nada and that's all folks. and he's sticking to it.
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