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eerieangels · 2 years ago
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[PT: found footage horroric !]
a gender related to found footage horror and/or found footage horror series/movies. this gender can be related to the series/movie themselves, the genre itself, and/or the elements of found footage horror, etc.
tagging : @lovesse @accessmogai
[ ID 1: a gif of a flag with eleven horizontal stripes, in the following colors: black, dark gray, muted dark green, gray-ish green, dark gray, off-white, dark gray, gray-ish green, muted dark green, dark gray and black. The fifth, sixth and seventh stripes are wavy, and fifth and sixth are thin.
Over the flag is a filter, as if there was a recording being made, in an old camera, and the footage is sort of grainy. Small speckles dot across the screen. /End ID ]
[ ID 2: two images of the same flag as above. The first image has the same filter one, but it's not moving. The second image has no filter. /End ID ]
ids by @julietianboy!!
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losergendered · 10 months ago
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ID: a set of 4 images in 2 pairs. each has one image of the listed haunting of bly manor character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Jamie Taylor from The Haunting of Bly Manor is a phoeselenian, transmasc genderfluid girlflux, stone butch, egogender, sylteaen, cocuingender, foundfootagehorroric, wolfkadupulgoldic, bowotivel, canimorterium, dogfinalperson, traumadog, thingmutt, boydogthing, wolforestic, sinnisous, doloflorcrescien, floraskullic, herbgardenic, mecveir, diphylleiale, moonflowerale, forowshroomcorian, petoichomasc, kenireverberean, mascinique, girlfuck, florinboygirl, azurdoxgirl, crowfreak, dog viocarnation, canonically sapphic, lesboygirl, neurolian, girlhusband butch boydyke who uses she/him, he/her, haun/haunt, ██/███, zi/zin, tho/thorn, cro/crow, flor/flors, vey/vem, tei/ter, x/x, nyx/nyxs, ki/kill, and occasionally mirrored pronouns! Cro has PTSD, autism, and low empathy!
Dani Clayton is a lunafutch, genderfae, naturfairic, lavendertownic, antiflosia, froglilyfabric, redspiderlilyale, meadowbloomic, sapphitropic, springadored, wedsapphitress, romanovela, chocoaltepanic, tuliporine, arborventis, nillamatchia, lovfloflygender, ophepaintic, sweescensafen, rozreagender, yellowtulipale, rainflowerale, peaskullilacian, kidshorroric, lemonbiscottic, sarpifaicorian, narratihauntic, rosgirlby, acoromantic, canonical bambi lesbian. Shy uses she/her, ca/car, flor/flors, dear/dears, sh♡/h♡r, chae/chaer, ye/yearns, sof/soft, rhy/rhym, shy/hyr, frill/frills, ae/aer, shi/shine, ly/lyr, bon/bons, creme/cremes, sh🌹/h🌹r, amour/amours, ro/rose, and fir/firs pronouns! Flor has PTSD, ADHD, and hyperempathy!
Jamie and Dani are married and in love!
For 🌖☄️ anon!
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fujiuro · 7 months ago
"About Our Eternal Bond: Bon's Obsession (Bon Obsession! X Reader)"
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You never should have returned to Bunny Smiles Incorporated, but something
--perhaps a strange curiosity or a deep-seated need to unravel the mysteries that haunted that place—
drew you back to the old pizzeria, now abandoned and in ruins. The tales of disappearances, the lost voices, and the secrets buried beneath layers of rust and dust had always haunted you, yet the morbid pull was irresistible.
The place was exactly as depicted in those disturbing tapes you had watched, the ones that chronicled the downfall of Bunny Smiles.
The lights were off, and the air reeked of mildew and rust. The once-beloved animatronics that had delighted children were now mere twisted shadows of their former selves.As you wandered through the dark corridors, you felt a familiar presence. Bon, the blue rabbit animatronic, stood there on the empty stage. But something was different
—his usually blank eyes now gleamed with an unsettling intensity, as if something conscious, something hungry, resided within him."You came back," the metallic, distorted voice echoed through the empty hall, tinged with a disturbingly sweet tone. "I knew you couldn't resist... You belong here."A wave of dread washed over you, but your legs felt rooted to the ground. Bon slowly moved off the stage, each step echoing in the silence of the pizzeria. He began speaking of "eternity" and "union," his words dripping with a sickening obsession. He believed that for you two to be together forever, you needed to become "one of them."He led you to the back of the pizzeria, to a room you had never seen before
—dark, cramped, filled with disassembled animatronic parts and loose wires. In the center of the room, one of the old animatronic suits hung open, empty and waiting, as if it had been prepared just for you. The smell of old metal and oil made your stomach churn.Bon, with an insane glint in his eyes, approached. "I'll take care of you, protect you... forever," he murmured as he extended his metallic hands, ready to force you into the suit. You realized with horror that to him, this wasn’t just an obsession
—it was an inevitable destiny he was determined to fulfill.You knew that if you didn’t escape now, you would be trapped in that suit forever, your consciousness imprisoned alongside the darkest secrets of Bunny Smiles Incorporated. Time seemed to slow as you fought desperately to break free, knowing that with each passing second, Bon drew closer, ready to complete his twisted plan.
---This version ties Bon’s obsession into the dark and unsettling context of *The Walten Files*, making full use of the old pizzeria's atmosphere and the psychological horror that permeates the series.
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cinemaquiles · 27 days ago
Falta terror: "VHS 94", de 2021
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geekgyrl · 2 months ago
Paranormal Farm 2 Closer to the Truth 2018 Movie Review #paranormalfarm2...
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sgcruz21-blog · 2 years ago
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(via Top 7 movie trends throughout history)
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vexilabs · 2 months ago
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Names: (masc) Cesar, Mark, Luis, Scott, Ivan, (fem) Ana, Mira, Tracy, Jill, Sally (neu/other) Alder / Alter, Angel, Imposter, Faker, Clone
Pronouns: it/it's, ix/ixs, ?t/?ts, ?/?s, !?/!?s, h!?/h!?m, sh!?/h!?r, h?/h?m, sh?/h?r, that/thats, this/this, thing/things, that thing/itself, entity/entitys, being/being, inhum/inhumane, bad/idea, risk/risks, copy/copys, fake/fakes, mask/masks, what/whats, who/whos, [redacted]/[redacted]s, alter/nate, uncanny/uncannys, scare/scares, spook/spooks, eye/eyes, cryp/cryptid, creature/creatures, watch/watcher, stare/stares, voi/void, shadow/shadows, stalk/stalks, weird/weirds, odd/odds, stat/static, strange/stranges, creep/creeps
Titles: Prn who deceives, Prn who pretends, Prn who copies, Prn who is an imposter, Prn who is fake, Prn who is odd, Prn who stares with prns eyes, Prn who embodies uncanny valley, Prn who is unidentifiable, Prn who has replaced them, Prn who works for Gabriel, Prn who is a child of Gabriel, Prn who is loyal to Gabriel
Labels: mandilec, notworthriskquoteic, mandelogueloric, mandelougenamic, unrealin, alternavesi, phosimpostial, foolegacyquotic, godhelpquotic, aldernate, flawdernic, compledernic, overdernic, homipavren, alternatin, altvocaldernic, local58gender, mandelaloggender, weepaniac, TMCAlternatelexic, entity kin, unidentified object kin, anomaly kin, mandelogere, intrudergender, moralterlovia, omnisdoth, unholycreaturestalkic, foundfootagehorroric, eyegender, horrunearthly, psychoanatamic, virutahorroric, digiminalwebic, creepthedric, abandreligic, boghtmare
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( Requested by @analog-autistic )
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sleepiestdreamer · 5 months ago
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Masc Marble Hornets ID pack :
Names —
Jay , Jamie , Jaymus , Alexander , Alec , Ale , Tom , Brian , Oper , Op , Ark , Sethem , Prox , Hunt , Hunter , Reserve , Crawl , Skully , Dessie , Feare , Darnell , Note , Sketch , Scur , Dark , Mar , Honi , Brucie , Dart , Dasher .
Pronouns —
Hide/hides , Run/runs , Danger/dangers , Slender/man , Face/faceless , Record/records , Film/films , Tape/tapes , Race/races , Entry/entries , Stalk/stalks , Op/operator .
Titles —
The one being stalked , [prn] who watches the tapes , The recorder , [prn] who didn't burn them , [prn] who hides , The one to reveal the mystery , [prn] who investigates , [prn] who watches .
Genders —
Operatorcharic , Maskycharic , Alexcharic , Hoodiecharic , Timcharic , Marbletic , Proxygender , Creepypastagender , Foundfootagehorroric , Cryptix , Boy(?) .
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thatliminal-wanderer · 1 year ago
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Oliver Swift (Dialtown) ID Pack
Request by 🎉🤩 anon
Akira, Alecto, Alejandro, Alfonso, Alfred, Alula, Amanda, Amy, Annabelle, Autumn, Beau, Blair, Bogart, Brooks, Buster, Caddy, Cameron, Cass, Champ, Charles, Christopher, Damien, David, Dover, Elizabeth, Frank, Giglioli, Heather, Humphrey, Issie, James, Jason, Jennifer, Jessica, Jett, John, Joseph, Joshua, Jules, Keaton, Kelly, Kerit, Lee, Lusca, Mason, Matthew, Mel, Melissa, Micheal, Michelle, Moa, Nessie, Nicole, Poe, Robert, Salem, Sarah, Sloane, Steller, Twist, Vesper, Yarri, Zana
big/foot/bigfoots, boo/boos, bun/yip/bunyips, cass/cassette/cassettes, crypt/cryptid/cryptids, dae/daem, film/films, fres/fresno/fresnos, ghost/ghosts, hunt/hunts, krak/kraken/krakens, mon/monster/monsters, movie/movies, neon/neons, ness/nessie/nessies, nostal/nostalgia/nostalgias, rad/radical/radicals, retro/retros, star/stars, static/statics, thrill/thrills, yeti/yetis
The Cryptid Lover, The Horror Movie Maker, The One Who Is Mentally in The 80s, The One Who Makes Movies By [prn]self, The One Who Records The Unknown, The One With a Video Camera, The Radical Movie Producer, The Self Proclaimed Radical One, The [Friend/Lover] of Cryptids, [prn] Which Hunt The Unknown, [prn] Who Loves The 1980s, [prn] Who Loves The 80s, [prn] Who Runs The Haunted House
Arcadecoric, Arcadegender, Beigecoloric, Buriedgaysic, Cryptidcute, Einigholonostalaesic, Evrender, Foundfootagehorroric, Genderlog, Hallonostic, Indiemovic, Lexeradicalic/Radicallexic, Mothmancomfic, Mothmancryptic, Moviverhypia/Moviverlovia, Nolsgender/Pixigender, Olivercharic, Oliverswifttransgender/Oliverswiftgaygender, Ravesk8ic, Slashertix, Weirdkidpartyic
Other mogai
Cryptidacademiaestelic, Cryptidcoreaestelic, Horrormoviestelic, Oliverswiftstelic
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3scapethevoid · 10 months ago
Weirdcore + dreamcore IDs!
[PT; Weirdcore + dreamcore IDs!]
I've seen other people do this so I wanted to do it myself! I hope this helps someone out! ;)
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THEMED SYS NAMES︔︉ What's In The Eye?, The Mycelium Patch, They Who Are watching, The Rose Vine, No Exit Subway
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THEMED NAMES︔︉ Shrum/Shroom, Vortex, Void, Dream, Daisy, Eyes, Spotty, Haven, Spookie/Spooky/Spook, Arch, Ocula, Exite, Luminal, Echo, Daze, Cloudy/Cloudi, Glitchy/Glitch, Error, Enigma, Matrix, Bug, Flaw, Portal, Serene, Mirage, Illusion, Apparition, Chimera, Delusion, Angel, Sunny, Socket, Telle, Sky, Deja, Unknown, Nobody, Nothing, Nameless
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THEMED PRONOUNS︔︉ eye/eyes, dream/dreams, weird/weirds, vor/tex, cloud/clouds, odd/odds, lost/losts, mush/shroom, voi/void, strange/stranges, deranged/derangeds, tooth/tooths, tele/vision, tv/tvs, static/statics, glitch/glitchs, error/errors, no/exit, flower/flowers, watcher/watchers, clock/clocks, eerie/eerie, deja/vu, familiar/familiars, nostalgia/nostalgias, where?/where?s, ?/?s, th?y/th?m, ?t/?ts, it/its, daze/dazes, rem/ember, entity/entitys, being/beings, thing/things, creature/creatures, that/that things
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THEMED GENDERS︔︉ limipoolin, liminalforestic, liminalsnowic, liminalspacestalgic, snowyroadic, entityshiftic, these four playlist related ones, weldislocatic, phoshorrovial, lullacreeputic, oldtelevisionic, eyerose, limindream, horrostalgic, foundfootagehorroric, myceriane, eyegender, oculagoric, wanderographic, limiaunévo, kenodigilic, creepylostmediaic, kenophochoric!
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laurasnewnightmare · 2 years ago
When I took the photo the pool was empty... He was there in the negative of the photo but not the final photo, it's been a few days and now he's appeared in this one too, I think I'll take a pass on swimming for the foreseeable future...
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sleikclown · 4 years ago
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Lo feo que es sentirse solo, pero incluso peor no estarlo. . . . . . . . . . . #creepy #creepyart #creepyartwork #creepyartist #sleik #horrorart #horrorartwork #horrorartist #unnerving #unsettling #unnervingimages #unnervingartwork #unnervingart #foundfootage #foundfootagehorror #unnervingimage #cursedimage #cursedimages #cursed #unsettling #trevorhenderson #horrifying #horrific #unsettlingart #scp #scpfoundation #cryptid #cryptids #weirdcore #nostalgiacore https://www.instagram.com/p/CScXqoTlk3P/?utm_medium=tumblr
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idiotuzay · 5 years ago
found footage içleniş #foundfootagehorror #sentimental https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ztd-kgjFW/?igshid=1py6o5152gw8y
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brendan270 · 6 years ago
Wrapping it up with #hellhousellc3 probably the best way to start Halloween only on #shudder 🎃 👻 . . . . . #shudder #horrormovies #foundfootagehorror #foundfootage #scarymovies #hellhouse #independentfilm https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nKhQkhqme/?igshid=n561a2l3layi
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tallyspaiva · 2 years ago
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Sinopse: "Uma jovem que estuda os hábitos dos usuários de webcam testemunha um assassinato online e se torna o próximo alvo do assassino." Dirigido por Zachary Donohue Escrito por Zachary Donohue, Lauren Thompson Estrelando: Melanie Papalia Matt Riedy David Schlachtenhaufen Gêneros: Terror / Mistério / Suspense / Found-Footage País: Estados Unidos Linguagem: Inglês Companhias Produtoras: Cliffbrook Films / Onset Films Distribuído por IFC Midnight 🎞 Tempo de execução do Filme: 1h 17m Data de lançamento: 12 de dezembro de 2013 (mundial) Classificação Indicativa: 🚫 18 Anos 🚫 🟡IMDb: 6,0 / 10 🧑🏻‍💻Eu: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🍅Rotten Tomatoes: 78% de Aprovação 🍅 Consenso dos Críticos: "O filme é vertiginosamente assustador em sua refração de horrores através das janelas em cascata de programas de computador que passamos a entender mais intimamente do que nós mesmos." #theden #theden2013 #thedenfilm #cliffbrookfilms #onsetfilms #ifcmidnight #ifcmidnightfilms #zacharydonohue #melaniepapalia #horrormovies #Horror #Terror #foundfootage #foundfootagehorror #suspense #Thriller #thrillerpsicologico #misterio #recomendaciones #filmesdeterror #slashermovies #slasher (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl-qIuFuGwQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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khatter9 · 2 years ago
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Good ol mockumentary! #angieshorrormoviefest #mockumentaryfilm #foundfootagehorror #horrormovies #spookyseason https://www.instagram.com/p/CjoK3rRuVri/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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