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scytheral · 2 years ago
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ㅤ⬧ㅤViTALSSENCEㅤ:ㅤA gender That feels Dark and Gloomy in The way Spirits are Dark and Gloomy. Could also Mean being Dark && Gloomy while Being a Spirit , a Dark and Gloomy spirit , Etcetera.
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ㅤ⬧ㅤSiNNiSOUSㅤ:ㅤA gender That is Dark && Gloomy in Nature , Eerieness and Hauntingness.
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001ㅤ——ㅤCoined by The Prince.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ002ㅤ——ㅤDay 09 of This event.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ003ㅤ——ㅤTagㅤ:ㅤ(ㅤ@purietteㅤ)
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[ PT / Vitalssence: a gender that feels dark and gloomy in the way spirits are dark and gloomy. could also mean being dark and gloomy while being a spirit, a dark and gloomy spirit, etcetera. / END PT. ]
Pronounciation: vee-tahl-sens
[ PT / Sinnisous: a gender that is dark and gloomy in nature, eerieness and hauntingness. / END PT. ]
Pronounciation: see-nee-sos
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losergendered · 10 months ago
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ID: a set of 4 images in 2 pairs. each has one image of the listed haunting of bly manor character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Jamie Taylor from The Haunting of Bly Manor is a phoeselenian, transmasc genderfluid girlflux, stone butch, egogender, sylteaen, cocuingender, foundfootagehorroric, wolfkadupulgoldic, bowotivel, canimorterium, dogfinalperson, traumadog, thingmutt, boydogthing, wolforestic, sinnisous, doloflorcrescien, floraskullic, herbgardenic, mecveir, diphylleiale, moonflowerale, forowshroomcorian, petoichomasc, kenireverberean, mascinique, girlfuck, florinboygirl, azurdoxgirl, crowfreak, dog viocarnation, canonically sapphic, lesboygirl, neurolian, girlhusband butch boydyke who uses she/him, he/her, haun/haunt, ██/███, zi/zin, tho/thorn, cro/crow, flor/flors, vey/vem, tei/ter, x/x, nyx/nyxs, ki/kill, and occasionally mirrored pronouns! Cro has PTSD, autism, and low empathy!
Dani Clayton is a lunafutch, genderfae, naturfairic, lavendertownic, antiflosia, froglilyfabric, redspiderlilyale, meadowbloomic, sapphitropic, springadored, wedsapphitress, romanovela, chocoaltepanic, tuliporine, arborventis, nillamatchia, lovfloflygender, ophepaintic, sweescensafen, rozreagender, yellowtulipale, rainflowerale, peaskullilacian, kidshorroric, lemonbiscottic, sarpifaicorian, narratihauntic, rosgirlby, acoromantic, canonical bambi lesbian. Shy uses she/her, ca/car, flor/flors, dear/dears, sh♡/h♡r, chae/chaer, ye/yearns, sof/soft, rhy/rhym, shy/hyr, frill/frills, ae/aer, shi/shine, ly/lyr, bon/bons, creme/cremes, sh🌹/h🌹r, amour/amours, ro/rose, and fir/firs pronouns! Flor has PTSD, ADHD, and hyperempathy!
Jamie and Dani are married and in love!
For 🌖☄️ anon!
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rabidbatboy · 1 year ago
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NAMES ; alice , cheshire , oddity , tiffany , iris, salem , hatter , misty , azalea , merry , simon , void , vanessa , violet , hyacinth , bunny , opal, aspen , indigo , sparrow , wisp , clover , rose, petunia , wybie , cherie , rook , verity , alyx
PRONOUNS ; weird / weirds , odd / odds, swirl / swirls , bun / buns , dark / darks , lost / losts , creep / creeps , biz / bizarre , eer / eerie , tea / teas , dream / dreams , mir / mirror , won / wonder , twist / twisted , freak / freaks , fear / fears , haze / hazes , float / floats , heart / hearts , card / cards , red / reds , grim / grims
TiTLES ; [X] who fell down the rabbit hole , the strange one , the lost one , [X] peculiarity , [X] who hides a dark secret , that which is not as it seems , the twisted one , the one driven mad , [X] who dreams of strange lands , the one lost in a sinister place , the eerie one , the lost and disoriented , [X] who lives in a whimsical world
iDENTiTiES ; wonderdepthian , sleepywonderlandic , alicewonderlanian , whimsilexic , erokoric , bizarreaesic , oddcoric , weirdcorestalgic , eeriething , porcelaineic , teapartyic , wrongsomian , confusingender , genmotigi , sinnisous , ennormisse , pyschoanatamic , corrucreepen
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🦇 ——— REQUESTED BY ; anon
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[ PT: (dark) alice in wonderland id pack
identities; (links)
requested by; anon / END PT]
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thatliminal-wanderer · 1 year ago
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“Black Rainbows” by Miracle Musical ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Alba, Amarantha, Amaris, Amaya, Amias, Amitola, Amy, Anjum, Annabelle, Anuenue, Apollo, Archer, Aruna, Asteria, Aurora, Ayla, Badriyah, Basma, Basmah, Belinda, Blackwell, Bogdan, Briar, Brone, Celena, Celeste, Cerys, Chandra, Chandra, Chaos, Crimson, Dade, David, Delores, Dolores, Eros, Esme, Esmeray, Estella, Evelyn, Gray/Grey, Guinevere, Hala, Hannie, Hina, Ibtisam, Iridiana, Iris, Jabari, Jabez, Jocasta, Jonathan, Layla, Lennon, Leo, Lolita, Luan, Luna, Lyra, Mabel, Mahogany, Malachi, Manzat, Mara, Midnight, Mona, Muskaan, Nekane, Nesta, Niji, Nikini, Noelani, Noir, Nova, Nyx, Obsidian, Orion, Ozul, Perdita, Phoebe, Rainbeau, Ricmod, Rue, Salem, Seren, Serena, Shadow, Simon, Starla, Stella, Theodore, Tristezza, Tristian, Uenuku, Umbra, Vesper, Vespera, Vidhuhas, Whisper, Zorion
ae/aem/aers, amor/amors, astro/astros, beach/beaches, black/blacks, blue/blues, blush/blushes, char/charcoal/charcoals, clear/clears, color/colors, dark/darks, deep/deeps, draw/draws, eros/eros, gloom/glooms, gray/grays, green/greens, hue/hues, indigo/indigos, ink/inks, joy/joys, letter/letters, light/lights, lost/losts, lunar/lunars, luv/luvs, maroon/maroons, mid/midnight/midnights, moon/moon, navy/navys, night/nights, orange/oranges, other/others, purple/purples, rain/bow/rainbows, ray/rays, red/reds, sand/sands, sha/shadow/shadows, shade/shades, sorrow/sorrows, star/stars, stella/stellas, tree/trees, yellow/yellows, ⭐️/⭐️s, 🌅/🌅s, 🌈/🌈s, 🌌/🌌s, 🌙/🌙s, 🌠/🌠s, 🌴/🌴s, 🎼/🎼s, 🏝️/🏝️s, 👥/👥s, 🖌️/🖌️s, 🖤/🖤s, 🦋/🦋s, 🩶/🩶s
The Black Rainbow, The One Colored In Black, The One Who Draws The Rainbows, The One of Dimly Lit Colors, The Rainbow of Dark Hues, The Song of Sorrowful Love, The Stella Octangula, [prn] Who Paints With Darkness, [prn] Who Saw You Smile
Acilnerae, Blackrainbic, Blacksandgender, Dizzlovesickic, Fogibeachnightic, Galaxyfate, Genderdoomed, Ghostenamoric, Gloomyrainbowgender, Hawaii:partIIalbumic, Limitifuzreatic, Lovesickthing, Moonbowin, Novaity, Pastrasea, Pazazsuan, Phosmoceanlianl, Plageneigegender/Plagetempêtegender, Rainobsidicrysic, Starryseagender, Stellstallum, Thalassyrean, Tidepullene, Umbrainbowgender, Vitalssence/Sinnisous
Other mogai
Alderainbow, Alderblacksand, Alderbleedic, Alderstarpil, Assigned Star at Birth/AStrAB /Assigned Starling at Birth/AStgAB /Assigned Starlight at Birth/AStlAB, Darkwarmgreyvesil, Detherealaestelic, Grey Omninoun, Pink Omninoun, Rainbowvior/Rainbowalius/Rainbowperspesque, Red Omninoun, Star Omninoun, Starperspesque, Void Omninoun, 🌈 Omninoun
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cocajimmycola · 2 years ago
Can we Request SiNNiSOUS Rosaria icons &. Maybwe Columbina &. / or Rosaria Rentry Graphics { ? } Thankyuo .. 🌷
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hope these r ok :3
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angel-of-genders · 2 years ago
A gender related to the flag of the gender Sinnisous by @scytheral on Tumblr.
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My flag on the left, the original flag on the right.
If you would like this to be removed, please let me know.
@liom-archive , @woahhereiam , @cookiejarids , @accessmogai
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franciscomaldo · 6 years ago
@GarySinise se une a temporada final @13ReasonsWhy √
@GarySinise se une a temporada final @13ReasonsWhy √
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Gary Sinise / Imagen cortesía Dominik Bindl/Getty Images
Gary Sinise se une al elenco de 13 Reasons Why en su cuarta y última temporada. La cuarta temporada, que verá al elenco principal graduarse de Liberty High, se anunció como la carrera final antes del inicio de la tercera temporada recientemente lanzada (que debutó en Netflix el 23 de agosto).
El actor nominado al Oscar y ganador del…
View On WordPress
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grasdal · 2 years ago
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A little drawing and some even littler drawings, featuring a few of the treats available every weekend at @breakfastbar_yeg one of my incredible neighbors on the second floor @dtmarketyeg If you haven’t tried them, I recommend the “Sinnisant” and the market-famous, “Nutella Crossaint” or their, “Grilled Cheese”!!! Yummy! Oh yeah, and come make some comics with me, between bites! @edmontondtwn @dtmarketyeg #farmersmarket #yeg #yeglocal #yegweekend #yegkids #yegfarmersmarket #yegart #yegcartoonist #yegcomics #yegfood #yegbaker #yegeducation #yegstories #yegkidscomics #kidscomics #comicsforkids #yegfun #yeglocalbusiness #yeglocalartist #yegclasses #kidsdraw #yegdoodles (at Edmonton Downtown Farmers Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpWdiVJLecU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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losergendered · 2 years ago
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ID: a set of six images, in two rows of three of the listed homestuck characters with a white outline in front of a flag splice of their listed identities. each have a version with their pesterquest sprite and a version with a panel rip, with the blank flag splice in between the two. END ID
Rose Lalonde from homestuck is a gendervoid lightaspic lightseeric ocularic ocularine fluoroculien nyxivull eldorr exaevis sinnisous parantogirl mysterybeing phosmagial phoscrystillial phosorbucuial queertesia lesbiangender knittion lesbian that uses they/them pronouns!
Their matesprit, Kanaya Maryam, is a femme transfem vampgender vampcreature cannibalvamp flamvamp lacedecorated vampweirdo vampcoriea virstuel femfrilled lesbifrilled chainsawfrilled batmortuic gothmistress vatesiau lesbian woman that uses they/sie/bat pronouns!
For ♌ anon!
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losergendered · 1 year ago
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ID: a set of 8 images in 4 pairs. each has one image of the listed homestuck character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
June Egbert from Homestuck is an autistic T4T transfem sillygeistic lexezephyric breathaspic breatheiric losergirl selenian bisexual girl that uses she/it/xe/boo pronouns!
Her sister, Jade Harley, is an autistic transfem riflegirl sciencegender scientistgirl sleepygirl sleepydream dreamwitch enfloriune wilderic naturengender rainexploric floraunaitism froggender wildanismell pupgender pupweirdo doggirlthing thingmutt caninechimeric wolfphasic sparklefurgender spaceaspic T4T puppydyke girl that uses it/moon/🌱/woof pronouns!
Their friend, Rose Lalonde, is a T4T trans gendervoid lightaspic lightseeric ocularic ocularine fluoroculien nyxivull eldorr exaevis sinnisous parantogirl mysterybeing phosmagial phoscrystillial phosorbucuial queertesia lesbiangender dykelexic knittion lesbian that uses they/them pronouns!
Their brother, Dave Strider, is a T4T biromantic demisexual genderbit transneomasc trans² faggot trans guy that uses he/him pronouns!
For @leijonisms !
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cocajimmycola · 2 years ago
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✦✦ Sinnisous Rosaria icons
Requested by @dowllie
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losergendered · 1 year ago
june egbert is an autistic t4t transfem sillygeistic lexezephyric breathaspic breatheiric losergirl selenian bisexual girl that uses she/it/xe/boo pronouns!
her sister, jade harley, is an autistic transfem riflegirl sciencegender scientistgirl sleepygirl sleepydream dreamwitch enfloriune wilderic naturengender rainexploric floraunaitism froggender wildanismell pupgender pupweirdo doggirlthing thingmutt caninechimeric wolfphasic sparklefurgender spaceaspic t4t puppydyke girl that uses it/moon/🌱/woof pronouns!
their friend, rose lalonde, is a t4t trans* gendervoid lightaspic lightseeric ocularic ocularine fluoroculien nyxivull eldorr exaevis sinnisous parantogirl mysterybeing phosmagial phoscrystillial phosorbucuial queertesia lesbiangender dykelexic knittion lesbian** that uses they/them pronouns!
[ *beeprideflags' gothcore trans flag, **kiruliom's lunar eclipse lesbian flag ]
( btw, could you add caeliangel's transbian flag to rose alongside the lesbian flag? ty! )
their brother, dave strider, is a t4t biromantic demisexual genderbit transneomasc trans² faggot trans guy that uses he/him pronouns!
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losergendered · 2 years ago
updated my hcs for these two soooo
rose lalonde is a gendervoid lightaspic lightseeric ocularic ocularine fluoroculien nyxivull eldorr exaevis sinnisous parantogirl mysterybeing phosmagial phoscrystillial phosorbucuial queertesia lesbiangender knittion lesbian* that uses they/them pronouns!
( *kiruliom's lunar eclipse lesbian flag )
their matesprit, kanaya maryam, is a femme* transfem vampgender vampcreature cannibalvamp flamvamp lacedecorated vampweirdo vampcoriea virstuel femfrilled lesbifrilled chainsawfrilled batmortuic gothmistress vatesiau lesbian* woman that uses they/sie/bat pronouns!
( *satanfemme's femme flag, kiruliom's solar eclipse lesbian flag )
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pronoun-arc · 7 months ago
Copy-pasting what's below the cut(s) for archival purposes:
A rectangular image of a painting of the “Drink Me” bottle from Alice in Wonderland. In the image you can mainly only see the paper that reads “Drink Me” in a fancy font, it’s tied by light blue string to a blue bottle, and is being held up by a pale hand. The background is dark blue.
NAMES ; alice , cheshire , oddity , tiffany , iris, salem , hatter , misty , azalea , merry , simon , void , vanessa , violet , hyacinth , bunny , opal, aspen , indigo , sparrow , wisp , clover , rose, petunia , wybie , cherie , rook , verity , alyx
PRONOUNS ; weird / weirds , odd / odds, swirl / swirls , bun / buns , dark / darks , lost / losts , creep / creeps , biz / bizarre , eer / eerie , tea / teas , dream / dreams , mir / mirror , won / wonder , twist / twisted , freak / freaks , fear / fears , haze / hazes , float / floats , heart / hearts , card / cards , red / reds , grim / grims
TiTLES ; [X] who fell down the rabbit hole , the strange one , the lost one , [X] peculiarity , [X] who hides a dark secret , that which is not as it seems , the twisted one , the one driven mad , [X] who dreams of strange lands , the one lost in a sinister place , the eerie one , the lost and disoriented , [X] who lives in a whimsical world
iDENTiTiES ; wonderdepthian , sleepywonderlandic , alicewonderlanian , whimsilexic , erokoric , bizarreaesic , oddcoric , weirdcorestalgic , eeriething , porcelaineic , teapartyic , wrongsomian , confusingender , genmotigi , sinnisous , ennormisse , pyschoanatamic , corrucreepen
🦇 ——— REQUESTED BY ; anon
[ PT: (dark) alice in wonderland id pack
identities; (links)
requested by; anon / END PT]
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NAMES ; alice , cheshire , oddity , tiffany , iris, salem , hatter , misty , azalea , merry , simon , void , vanessa , violet , hyacinth , bunny , opal, aspen , indigo , sparrow , wisp , clover , rose, petunia , wybie , cherie , rook , verity , alyx
PRONOUNS ; weird / weirds , odd / odds, swirl / swirls , bun / buns , dark / darks , lost / losts , creep / creeps , biz / bizarre , eer / eerie , tea / teas , dream / dreams , mir / mirror , won / wonder , twist / twisted , freak / freaks , fear / fears , haze / hazes , float / floats , heart / hearts , card / cards , red / reds , grim / grims
TiTLES ; [X] who fell down the rabbit hole , the strange one , the lost one , [X] peculiarity , [X] who hides a dark secret , that which is not as it seems , the twisted one , the one driven mad , [X] who dreams of strange lands , the one lost in a sinister place , the eerie one , the lost and disoriented , [X] who lives in a whimsical world
iDENTiTiES ; wonderdepthian , sleepywonderlandic , alicewonderlanian , whimsilexic , erokoric , bizarreaesic , oddcoric , weirdcorestalgic , eeriething , porcelaineic , teapartyic , wrongsomian , confusingender , genmotigi , sinnisous , ennormisse , pyschoanatamic , corrucreepen
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🦇 ——— REQUESTED BY ; anon
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[ PT: (dark) alice in wonderland id pack
identities; (links)
requested by; anon / END PT]
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