#found family and fightin' the man
shakespearean-dream · 3 months
i would adore ur ted ideas he is so interesting 2 me!!!!!!
ask and you shall receive!!!!
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ted. teddigan. theodoreigan my boy. i have so many mixed feelings about u💔
this drawing was a pain in the ASS to make for some reason?? my first go at him was way too close to canon for my liking so i threw myself out there n got to a place i liked thankfully, plus halfway through i forgot how to draw hands and almost cried (joking) cause i thought i had them down at this point!!!!— but trust me, even if you have 9 years of art experience (like me unfortunately. someone take me out i’ve had a good life) ur gonna forget the basics sometimes. warm yourself up and try again cause i did and i eventually remembered 😭😭😭
doing these character studies and drawings have seriously improved my way and process of drawing faces which is so nice 🥲 i think i just need to start looking at the bigger picture again so i don’t forget how to draw everything else. like hands. or full bodies. foreshadowing ;)
i wanted my ted to look just a wee bit unsettling because my general consensus of him is that he is totally fucked in the head, lmfao. born a nepotism baby who ended up scamming people more for fun than for actual cash, horribly sexist but dependent on women to validate him, paranoid as all get out, selfish and self centered as all get out, just his canon personality’s all in one and turned up a notch. 🥲
i don’t think he’s totally beyond redemption, especially because he’s been cooped up with ellen, who is a highly decorated in the engineering field black woman, benny who’s gay and gorr “FREEDOM FIGHTIN’ LIBERAL🇺🇸🦅🦅🔥🔥” ister for 109 years. in that time he’s definitely slipped up and they’ve definitely corrected him (along with nimdok too LOL). i think with some intensive therapy, a shower and a trip to the tolerance museum (south park reference) he’ll be a little better.
i’m a mild ted/AM shipper (as seen in the bottom right hand corner) but more in the “ooohehheh they’re flirting!!… oh no. oh this is not going to end well. this is definitely a toxic relationship” way and less the “awh cute maybe they can have mutual redemption arcs!!!” way because i love seeing gay men suffer romantically (don’t cancel me i am a bisexual man suffering romantically i swear😭)
i’m not too partial to any other ships honestly, ted/ellen makes me nauseous (just cause of the way ted talks about/treats her in the franchise, no hate to my tellen shippers i promise) and i can only see gorrister with his wife 🥲 with benny and nimdok i have no clue if either of them rlly have romantic interests but im not a fan of them with anybody so erm… i do love the whole groups found family vibes though :”””] they’re all cute together and the mutual suffering but all the while growth is comforting to me
i think that’s about all my thoughts!!! another thank you for the support on this blog recently i love yall sm. i’ll eventually post on my transformers blog but i am STILL SCARED because robots are hard to draw. stay tuned for it though. 💀
thank you for reading if you did!!! let me know which of the guys yall want me to do next; benny, AM and nimdok are left on the chopping block. ❤️
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blkdaddie · 1 month
A New Day
Part of the Natural As Breathing Series
The sun was just creeping up, castin that soft, warm glow through the lace curtains. The kind that make you feel like the day’s gonna be alright, no matter what. But this morning, I knew it wasn’t just any day. Them pains started in the middle of the night, slow and easy at first, but now they was coming on strong. It was time.
 I made the room ready earlier, pushing furniture aside, clearing a space on the floor where I could move ‘round and do what needed doing. Mama’s old quilt was laid out, those patches full of memories, and a pile of fresh towels and blankets beside it, waiting to catch new life. Nate, bless him, had his doctor stuff all set up too—his little black bag, a basin of warm water, and all the things he said was necessary. He’d been my anchor, calm and steady, just like I needed him to be.
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The knock came at the door. Miss Lucille, one of the church ladies, had come by to take the kids for the day. I could hear them little feet scampering toward the door, excited to have a visit at Miss Lucille’s. She always spoiled ‘em, giving ‘em cookies and tellin’ stories about when she was a girl.
“Y’all behave for Miss Lucille now,” I called out, wincin’ as another pain gripped me. “And don’t be givin’ her no trouble, ya hear?”
“Yes, Daddy!” came the chorus of little voices, and I heard the door creak open, Miss Lucille’s warm voice spillin’ into the house.
“Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing,” she said, peekin’ into the room, her eyes full of kindness. “I got these babies. You focus on bringin’ that new one into the world for me to spoil.”
“Thank ya, Miss Lucille,” I managed to say, breathin’ through another wave. “I know they in good hands.”
She nodded, then ushered the kids out the door, leavin’ the house quiet, save for the sound of my breathin’ and the shuffle of Nate movin’ around.
Them contractions kept coming, stronger with each pass. I found myself swaying and breathin’ through ‘em, tryin’ to stay in control. Nate was right there, his hand on my back, warm and firm. He’d check me every now and then, his touch sure, but tender. I could see that look in his eyes, that mix of doctor and husband, both focused and full of love.
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Been a doctor for years now, but I swear he turns into a different man when it’s his own child comin’. All that fancy schoolin’ don’t do nothin’ to calm his nerves when it’s his baby on the way.
When the pains got closer together, he helped me down to that quilt. His voice, always so smooth and steady, kept me grounded. “You’re doing great,” he said, squeezin’ my hand like he meant it. “Not much longer now.”
I took comfort in that room, filled with pieces of the past—Mama’s quilt, family pictures, the smell of the lilacs outside the window. It was like bein’ wrapped up in all the love that came before me, holdin’ me steady when things got tough.
“Breathe with me,” Nate murmured, his voice a gentle guide. “In through your nose, out through your mouth.”
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I did as he said, breathin’ deep, tryin’ to ride them waves of pain instead of fightin’ ‘em. The baby was pushin’ down hard now, and I could feel it, that life inside me wantin’ to meet the world. Nate was right there, helpin’ me shift, findin’ the spots where the hurt eased up just a little.
After all the sweatin and gruntin my body knew when to push, all my muscles workin to help this baby on its way . I never was scared of hard work and birth is some of the hardest. I grunted as the baby crowned and paused to catch my breath when the head finally come out. “Nathaniel!” I growled, my use of his full gov’ment name let him know I was hittin my limit. “I’m sorry babe. Just hold on, almost there.”  I grit my teeth as he poked around to check the cord, then nodded when he gave me the go-head.  With one last push, I felt that baby slide into Nate’s hands. There ain’t no words for that feelin’—the release, the relief, the pure joy. Nate, all careful and gentle, cleaned the baby up before layin’ that little bundle right on my chest. Warm and wrigglin’, our child, finally here.
The baby’s first cries filled the room, and I swear it was the sweetest sound I ever heard. I gave a soft chuckle; now I know why Mama did this 8 times. Holding this new soul is pure heaven. Nate was still workin’, makin’ sure everything was right—clampin’ the cord, cuttin’ it just so, then wrappin’ up our baby in a soft blanket.
“We done good, huh?” I say, my voice barely more than a whisper.
Nate nods, leanin’ down to kiss my forehead. “We did, love. We did.”
Eventually, Nate helps me get settled, and we lie there together, our baby nestled between us. The house is quiet, peaceful. This is home.
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guzmabuglord · 2 months
Think it’s bout time I introduce myself proper, eh?
okay. yo. I’m Guzma, hence the username. He/him pronouns 💯. I’m the strongest fuckin trainer in Alola and my favorite thing to do is beating down PUNKS with my dope-ass crew, Team Skull. Bug is the best type of pokemon, so i’ll prolly comment on your bug types if you got any of your own. (and you SHOULD.) You got any complaints about any of that, you talk to ME. also, i’ll try to update this if there’s ever anythin to add.
That’s all there is to say about me. Here’s a little bout my pokemon. None of em have names, but since ‘parently it’s common round here I might give em some eventually.
Golisopod’s my main man. my ace. been with me since I was a snot nosed punk myself. don’t play favorites with my guys but he’d be my favorite if I did. He’s real scary to other people but he’s chill when he ain’t battling.
Scizor’s always full of energy, which is real nice considerin how I found him. Don’t really know what happened with him, but he’s gotta lot of sun bleaching and scratches on his exoskeleton. He’s a lot smaller than most Scizor, but he thinks he’s smaller and lighter than he is so he likes to lay on me.
Masquerain’s an odd one. started followin me one day and didn’t stop till I offered them a pokeball. Flies faster upside down, which is hella weird. I wake up to them starin me down sometimes?? Pals with my Ariados.
Pincir’s prolly my smartest. mold breaker’s damn useful on him and he likes it when it trips up people we’re fightin. Real menace. Helps me with sudoku sometimes which is kinda fuckin scary.
Vikavolt’s protective and real good at trackin folks down and gettin me places. He never forgets a face or a place, so he’s my livin map. He likes bein scratched on the outside of his mandibles.
Ariados is real stocky and level headed, so he balances Masquerain out. His old trainer was real fuckin nasty to him so I beat him down and he gave me Ariados. he’s still kinda independent and makes his own webs to sleep in sometimes.
Joltik’s not one I bring out to battle, but I found her with Vikavolt. think they’re family so I had to get em both. she’s real sweet and I spend time with her sometimes when it’s real late and I can’t sleep. Gives me static electricity shocks by accident sometimes.
Venipede’s pretty new. got it on here a few weeks back from my pal Dashy. ‘pparently some bad guys dumped it at zeir gym door, so i’m tryna help it feel better for the time being. It’s real fast, and it goes for walks with me and Golisopod. Thinkin it might evolve sometime, so tryna prepare for that.
Just got a Nymble egg in the mail, so i’ll prolly be gettin one of those soon enough. Real hyped for it!
speakin of. If it’s needed, send any bug types needin care my way. Got plenty of space.
…One more thing. I’m the BEST fuckin bug type trainer out there, dammit. Remember that.
hi!! 👋 welcome to my guzma rp blog. this is mostly me just having a little fun with this guy i care about a lot <3 here are some notes though!
- ANON HATE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! i am fine with people sending “mean” stuff to guzma for whatever reasons they have as he is a gang boss… but there’s obviously a clear line between that and genuine ooc hate. if you’re worried abt me misinterpreting you feel free to add a note or anything!! :3
- this blog is meant to be guzma experiencing tumblr/rotomblr as an application! so i won’t be doing “traditional” roleplay from this guy, sorry :[
- mod is a minor! don’t send 18+ stuff please. (mod is he/him)
- INTERACT!!! interact with anything and everything that isn’t listed as a no-no above!! i LOVE talking to you guys and responding to your asks!!
thanks for reading :3! have a bugterful day
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panzershrike-pretz · 10 months
Part 1
Disclaimer: This is a original short story based on my original characters' adventures in my own fictional universe.
Summary: A Goddess who lost her faith, trying to get back to her senses so her family doesn't fall apart.
Warnings: small depiction of injury,
Tag list: @malarkgirlypop, @bucky32557038ww2 (if you want in or out, just tell me!)
-> Image below found here.
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It has been more than a month since the ship left it's last port, crashing through the waves as the storm raged in it's wake. It was dark and only some sillouetes could be seen, running around - pulling ropes and chains, trying to get her on her way.
The barks that could be heard from down below as stuff was thrown around by the shaking vessel were almost drowned in the thunder.
"It's alright, girl!", someone said, making Peggy stop for a moment and look over her shoulder. No, it's not alright! This thing is about to flip! If I bark loud enough, I might save us all!
A loud crack of lightning made the dog yelp, slipping on the floor as some water rushed down the stairs of the hatches. It could be properly closed if anyone really had payed attention - and now the stairs where slippery and the lower deck was filling up with salty waves.
Peggy felt her body crash against the side of the ship, but quickly got up again, trying to find balance while it swayed around. The rain was only getting worse.
Eventually, someone ran down, almost tripping and falling as he found refuge against the violent ocean. His eyes darted around the deck, almost scared - until he saw the dog protecting a ball of layers and more layers of cloth and blankets.
"Alright... it's alright... i'm..." he managed to get back on his feet, following the walls until he was with them. The man let himself sit, incapable of pushing Peggy away as she inspected him. "I'm alright, girl. I'm okay. Promise. I'm alive."
No, you aren't!, she huffed, staring into his eyes as if to say that. She could smell some blood from somewhere in his body - he maybe didn't notice, but she sure did. And began barking again, to call for some help.
"Oh, shush it, Peggy!", he said, but she couldn't care less. Instead of trying again, he ignored her and began unwraping the ball of blankets to reveal three of the cabin girls. "Brownyn, you ok?"
She was the oldest of the three and was tasked with taking care of them while the storm raged. Her eyes met his - and then she flinched when another set of barks went loose. "Yes, Mr. Heere" was all she said.
"E'ryone alright down here?", a woman came running down, heeding to her own dogs calls. "Miss Bruntley? Mr. Heere?"
She didn't really need an answer, as Peggy ran back to them and began sniffing the man until she stopped, pointing at something in his side. The woman, Pangey as she was called by the crew, immediatly made herself useful, stripping him of his dark blue cloak - and finding a blood stain in his white shirt underneath.
I knew it!, Peggy wagged her tail, proud of herself. Can I go out now, momma?
"Oh, it's ugly", he said, looking down - only now the pain seemed to set in. He thought it was only the bitting cold of the rain, not some injury.
"I've seen worse, Cap'n, ye'll be fine. 'Tis just some scratch. How'd ye get it?", as her hands worked, fast passed, her pink-ish eyes rose to meet his. Pangey didn't exactly need an answer - she knew the Captain had no clue either and everyone was falling over themselves upstairs. Could've been anything.
"By Gods, the sea is raging", he whispered, trying to take his mind out of the pain and cold.
"Well, ye're a God, sir", Pangey said as she got up, a small smile on her face. "Why won't ye stop it then?"
He had no answer. She knew as much as him that he wasn't in charge of the storms - it was that old harlot of a woman, Contance, playing her cards and joking with their lives.
"Ay, at least yer boyfriend ain't here", the Captain finally said as he got up, trying to hide a face of disconfort. "Mine are just up there fightin' ye ol' storm along with me crew. Feeling lucky yet, doc?"
"HOLY SHIT!", someone yelled, soaking wet as he entered the lower deck. "I'M SURE THE MIZZEN IS BROKEN! HOLY CRAP, IT'S A BIG GALE, THIS ONE"
"We can fix it later, is everyone alright? Are ye ok, darlin'?", Captain rushed to the other man, clebching his hand on his arm, making sure he was alive and well. "How's Michael?"
"I'm ok. He's ok. They all are. Well... in parts...", the green-eyed guy looked over at Pangey. "I'm sure Emma could use yer help".
She didn't waste anytime, nodding firmly before disappearing out into the storm again.
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thedarknessyouhold · 1 year
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"When Freddy's magically gifted brother is taken by humans, him and his three friends must traverse the land to find him, before the last family he has left, is gone forever."
Disclaimer:[This is my own personalized FNAF story. It doesn't take place in the same universe as the regular games, but a universe that experimented in positively progressing in mutating animals and humans, instead of technology. Mutants are seen as dangerous and higher ups do anything to find them, what happens after they are found is unknown.]
Goldie Fazbear: Only 13 years old, Golden Freddy, (mostly called Goldie) acquired mysterious powers at a young age that tend to be powerful and sometimes uncontrollable. Spending his days in the small cottage him and his brother live in outside the town of Forrest due to… previous incidents… he spends his time replaying all his movies and video games in the barn, hoping Freddy comes home early today, or hoping the voice in his head controlling his body will finally go away along with his stupid powers that ruined his chance at a normal existence. Whichever comes first.
Bonnie Bunsworth: The youngest and ONLY doctor that hasn’t been driven off by one of Goldie’s outbursts, Bonnie’s sudden appearance in the town of Forrest was unexpected, but welcomed. Only 12 years old, and walking into town one day without any belongings, looking for work and a place to stay, his knowledge of his field and the world of the past and present is extremely vast…and extremely mysterious…
Freddy Fazbear: The older brother of Golden Fazbear, Freddy spends his days in the town of Forrest working at his tailor shop trying to relax, and hoping to the gods that he doesn’t get a call of another complaint from yet another townsfolk about Goldie’s “definitely controllable” antics. Skilled in his work but shaky at being an older brother figure, Freddy is dead set of “fixing” his brother Goldie like he does the clothing in his shop. Even if it means he has to do ANYTHING to do so.
Chica Chickery: Freddys best friend since he showed up in Forrest with his little brother years ago, Chica runs her late parents bakery with a heart of gold… and a bit of sugar! Always caught up in the gossip in town but humble, Chica is never afraid to give her goods to others for free, and tell others the hard truth of needed. A true friend, she will always be by your side, even in the hardest times!
Foxy Fitcherman: The oldest of the group, Foxy has spent most of his early days adventuring and pillaging through the shores and seas around Animatica and Humantica with a loyal crew. Now, he spends his days in his fish shop by the Forrest pier, in his wood chair behind the counter, catching zzz’s until a customer graces him with their business or a chat. A loyal man with a hook, Foxy ain’t afraid to stand up for the ones he cares about and to protect them. Even if it means he gets to wear his old boots, trusty pirates hat and have a bit of sword fightin in the process…
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REFERENCES #2 - References #2 coming soon!
Close Up’s:
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designedparadigm · 26 days
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   the  wild  west  sure  as  hell  ain't  forgivin'  -  and  it's  very  unforgivin'  for  one  born  a  girl.  joan  mactavish  learned  that  through  the  way  the  town  looked  at  her  when  she  walked  in,  hefting  things  from  the  mactavish  ranch.  they  didn't  like  when  they  saw  her  out  wranglin'  the  cattle.  seems  the  little  girl  had  some  mismatched  dreams  about  being  a  cowboy.  too  bad  she  lacked  the  boy  part. 
   she  had  many  a  suitor  at  her  door,  trying  to  tame  the  wild  lass.  she  turned  them  all  down.  time  and  time  again.  showing  no  interest.  she  wasn't  going  to  settle  with  any  old  guy.  she  needed  one  who  understood  and  accepted  her.  challenged  her.  they'd  never  make  her  complacent.  never  tie  her  down  and  make  her  a  pretty  trophy  to  keep  locked  away.  she  was  wild.  she  was  free.  she  loved  the  ranch  life,  the  excitement. 
   and  then  it  all  came  to  an  abrupt  sudden  end. 
   one  night  was  all  it  took  for  her  whole  family  to  be  massacred.  she  hid.  it's  the  only  reason  she  lived.  survivor's  guilt  wells  up  in  her  chest  -  but  not  as  bad  as  the  rage  did.  the  rage  when  law  enforcement  didn't  even  try.  they  didn't  chase  the  bandits.  “long  gone  out  our  jurisdiction  by  now,  miss  mactavish.  might  be  best  for  ya  ta  settle  with  one  of  them  suitors  of  yers.” 
   hell  fucking  no. 
   the  spark  she  carried  ignited  into  a  raging  uncontainable  wildfire.  the  little  lass  was  expected  to  sit  down  and  be  demure?  wed  a  man  who  wouldn't  even  care  about  what  she  wanted?  just  accept  she  won't  see  justice?  no.  hell  fucking  no.  if  it  was  a  man's  world  and  it  took  a  man  to  hunt  outlaws  -  then  joan  mactavish  would  just  have  to  hang  up  the  skirts  and  pick  up  the  chaps. 
   it  took  her  a  while  to  get  the  hang  of  passing  -  but  once  she  did?  he  walked  the  world  as  john  mactavish.  a  disasterous  man  to  come  across,  one  with  an  adoration  of  explosives  and  an  unhealthy  amount  of  sheer  luck.  always  doing  the  dangerous  stunts,  as  if  he  didn't  fear  death.  (when  your  home  and  family  are  no  longer  in  this  world  but  the  next  -  why  fear  dying)  he  gained  the  moniker  of  ‘good  ol’  johnny  boy'  -  a  name  he  often  proclaimed  when  announcing  himself.  it  really  did  stick.  not  that  he  minds. 
   he's  not  prejudiced  against  who  he  hunts.  whether  they  be  outlaws  or  lawmen.  if  the  lawmen  ain't  doing  their  job,  johnny  comes  for  them.  if  the  outlaws  are  hurting  families,  women  and  children?  johnny  comes  for  them.  he's  been  known  to  root  out  corrupt  townships,  take  their  cash,  and  leave  with  it.  just  to  spread  it  to  the  poor.  give  them  a  fightin'  chance.  he's  a  free  fuckin'  spirit  and  will  do  as  he  pleases. 
   even  with  a  hefty  bounty  resting  on  his  skull. 
   and  a  massive  secret  to  keep  -  how  would  the  world  react  if  they  found  out  it  wasn't  johnny  boy  but  wee  lassie  joan? 
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rodent-king-buunii · 4 months
Were more than halfway done, this is eps 9-12. I put pictures + screenshots in this time.. Bare w me here
TW: Death
Episode 9:[not much happens]
The street clip is back
The real life footage is fuckin trippy stop!
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Alien Freddy Kruger has made an appearance..
Oop- damn she found a Knight..
O no.. what is she bout to do w track 44?
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Not her mimickin the sister’s babble on the banana phone
This episode has a lot of info + big words i don't entirely understand, i just know that Lain is bein duped in the wire like a deepfake matrix
Episode 10:
THE FUCKIN STREET CLIP[i feel like i should have a counter for this shit too]
Not them beefin by readin each others minds out loud… this is the shittiest fuckin battle ive ever seen HELP
Why have a desk for someone that dosent exist?
Lain havin an existential crisis part 12..
They made this whole fake ass family to keep this creature[Lain] in a state of calm? She is some sort of experiment, her state of mind and body are separated. Like some sort of computer simulation that has made itself believe that its real..
As if she was a real girl but somethin happened n her consciousness was uploaded into an A.I. n is remembering that this fake world is hers, shes the god of her own world.. She is everythin n nothin
Dude2 finally made an appearance but bout to get EUTHANIZED!!
O shit the mom that the delivery dude was tryna get w got fucked up too
Kid didnt even notice…
The men in black are supposed to be the good guys but o my fuckin gods they talk like super villains- i liked it better when they didnt speak
They denounced the emo God for both worlds.. He cant be Hannah + Miley anymore
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Wait okai so it made sense when the dad said he loved her but when Eminem said it it made me confused??
Mfer look like the one meme
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God is a dick dude “i created you” “love me” “theres no one else”
Episode 11:[empty episode]
Openin up w/, what i can only assume is, Lain hookin up to her set in this empty house she once called a home.
It feels like a music video you vaguely remember seeing as a kid, is about to start.
Were Lain + the dead classmate actually friends?
Were any of her friendships real?
Was any of it real?
After 8 straight minutes of never starting a music video we got to the plot?
Emo god is back-- fucker
She understands but doesnt at the same time + i feel her for that.
The dead girl + the guy from the club are playing angel + devil on her shoulder, playing the suicide game + trying to vaguely convince her not to..
Alice’s teacher “rumor” is still in hot pursuit
O its just Lain bein weird.. Nvm..
She is the wired
Love that for her
Shit Lain passed it on like a fuckin virus
Episode 12:
“I was overthinking things all along” --Lain
What a fuckin mood
Alice is onto Lains ASS
Fuck Lain is bein creepy af usin her power to creep out her “best” friend
Taro is still up on the “i kissed an angel” thing-
Lets all love Lain
The man is tryna blend everyone + everythin usin Lain
Alice comes to the Ikura residence + walks though this trashed deserted house. Hits some gas, sees the skinwalker w/its head split in half, still babbling in search for Lain
Lain sleeps in a cocoon bed like i do :>
“Watching what?” Lain: :>
Lain thought she was loving Alice, Alice thought Lain was bat shit outta her mind + hated her.
Theyre connected without having connected
“Alice, i love you” girl don't-
Alice is a better friend than i am…
Not Lain talkin back to EMO GOD
I love her questionin him, tellin him that theres a god before him
Lain fuckin leaves him to go with Alice so he threw a fit + created a body… fuckin pussy
These girls watched as a false got destroyed himself
Death Count
+5[theres no telling how many global Knights there were]
New total ≈19
I shouldnt have laughed as much as i did during episode 10 +12. God was givin v musty.
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husheduphistory · 1 year
Fightin' Words: Abe, the Armstrongs, and the Life Changing Almanac
It’s a fun fact, the kind that comes out during parties, trivia games, or just in casual conversation. “Hey, did you know Abraham Lincoln is in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame?” As odd as it may sound, it is partially true. Before he became one of the most important figures in American history young Lincoln was many things, a self-taught student, rail-splitter, and a boatman to name a few. But, one of the biggest turning points of his life came to him as a young clerk where a simple show of athletic prowess would tie him to a murder trial decades later.
By 1831 Lincoln was living in New Salem, Illinois and working as a clerk in a grocery store owned by Denton Offutt while studying law. He was only twenty-two years old but the six-foot-four-inch tall Lincoln had developed a reputation for being a formidable wrestler with an undefeated string of wins in the catch-as-catch-can style of hand-to-hand wrestling. This type of reputation spread quickly in the rough and tumble town of New Salem, and it caught the ears of The Clary's Grove Boys, a nearby gang of men who spent their days drinking, fighting, pranking people, and spreading a general storm of rowdiness wherever they traveled. Offutt was continually impressed by his new employee, openly bragging about how Lincoln was mentally and physically superior to any of The Clary’s Grove Boys and that he could easily take any of them down in a fight. The Clary’s Grove Boys heard the claim loud and clear and their “champion” Jack Armstrong was up for the challenge.
The accounts of the fight between Abraham Lincoln and Jack Armstrong vary depending on the source. Some accounts say that the battle lines were drawn clearly between Lincoln and Armstrong while others say that Lincoln bet Armstrong ten dollars that he could find a man who could beat him and on the day of the fight no one showed leading to Lincoln calmly stating “Look here, Jack, my man isn’t here yet, but rather than lose that ten dollars I will wrestle with you myself.” Armstrong was no small opponent, but he had no idea who he was tangling with when he locked arms with Lincoln. Given his reputation as being a bully the entire town came out to see the brawl and the two men exchanged blows and grappled with each other, each unable to pin the other to the ground but with Lincoln clearly having the upper hand. Accounts say that at one point Lincoln grabbed Armstrong by the neck and held him at arm’s length while shaking him, laughing as other members of The Clary’s Grove Boys struck his legs with zero effect. There is an unclear picture as to who even won this fight, but what is known is that at the end of it a battered and bruised Armstrong shook Lincoln’s hand and declared "Boys, Abe Lincoln is the best fellow that ever broke into this settlement. He shall be one of us."
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Print "There was a Man: Abe Lincoln Licks Jack Armstrong" by Harold von Schmidt for the July 1949 issue of Esquire Magazine. Image via www.lincolncollection.org.
The fight with Armstrong changed Lincoln’s entire persona in New Salem, making him a beloved and well-respected figure in the town. He became a voice of reason to the hijinks of The Clary’s Grove Boys, sometimes stepping in as mediator and diffusing disagreements before they came to blows. He also got his first taste of leadership, later being appointed as captain of the local militia unit and moving on to serve in the Black Hawk War. Perhaps the most surprising outcome was the bond between Lincoln and Armstrong who became extremely close friends after their brawl. As years went on Lincoln was welcomed into the Armstrong family home of Jack and his wife Hannah and he would often stay there both for friendly visits and when he found himself without work. When Jack and Hannah welcomed their son William into the world in 1833, Lincoln would often rock the baby to sleep during his visits. No one in the room could have predicted how their paths would cross one day.
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Jack Armstrong. Image via http://www.mrlincolnandfriends.org/
Lincoln’s career in politics and law continued to grow steadily over the next decades but while Lincoln was building his fabled career in law the twenty-four year old William “Duff” Armstrong found himself on the other side of it. In August of 1857 a religious camp meeting held in Mason county Illinois was winding down after multiple days of congregating. On August 29th 1857, the night before the meeting was to officially conclude, Duff and some others were spending time around the whiskey wagons and they decided to sample the goods. After drinking heavily Duff lay down on a bench to sleep off the effects of the alcohol and he was left alone until approximately 8pm when a local farmer by the name of James P. Metzker rode his horse into the vicinity. Metzker was also intoxicated and he made the fateful decision to grab the sleeping man’s leg, spit in his face, and drag him to the ground waking the sleeping beast of Armstrong and causing the two of them to get into a heated brawl. According to Duff’s brother, A.P. Armstrong, the two men eventually stopped throwing fists and decided to have some more drinks together. He goes on to state that after this friendly exchange Metzker proceeded to get into another fight with another man that was drinking with them named J.H. Norris. Eventually Metzker left the scene on his horse, falling off several times in the process but eventually making it home. The only three that truly know what happened that night are Armstrong, Norris, and Metzker, but two days later Metzker was dead, having succumbed to two fractures to his skull that doctors concluded could not have come from him falling off his horse. The Mason County Sheriff arrested both Norris and Armstrong for the murder of James P. Metzker.
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William "Duff" Armstrong. Image via hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu.
Armstrong was facing certain peril. Accused of cold-blooded murder alongside Norris, who had already escaped jail for a murder charge once before, the outlook was bleak. While awaiting trial in jail his father Jack Armstrong died but the man had a deathbed wish, he wanted to call in a favor from his old friend, the young attorney Abraham Lincoln, and ask that he defend his son in court. Hannah Armstrong wrote to Lincoln and his response was swift:
“I have just heard of your deep affliction and your son's arrest for murder. I can hardly believe that he can be capable of the crime alleged against him. It does not seem possible. I am anxious that he should be given a fair trial at any rate, and the gratitude for your long-continued kindness to me in adverse circumstances prompts me to offer my humble service gratuitously on his behalf.”
Lincoln packed his bags and traveled to Beardstown, Illinois ready to defend the man he once rocked to sleep as a baby in the battle for his life.
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The Beardstown Courthouse where the Almanac Trial took place still standing today. Image via abrahamlincolnonline.org
The trial began on May 8th 1858 and the charges against Armstrong and Norris were grim, the indictment stating the Norris struck Metzker in the back of the head with a large piece of wood before Armstrong struck him in and around the right eye with a “slung-shot”, a metal weight held in a long strip of leather, causing “mortal bruises” that lead to his death. The prosecution greatly rested on the words of Charles Allen, a man who claimed he witnessed the assault and knew it was Armstrong and Norris because he could clearly see them by the light of the full moon overhead. It may have seemed like and open and shut case, Norris had a criminal past and Allen clearly saw the men attack Metzker. But then it was Lincoln’s turn to speak.
Up until this point Lincoln sat quietly in the courtroom, “with his head thrown back, his steady gaze apparently fixed upon one spot of the blank ceiling, entirely oblivious to what was happening about him, and without a single variation of feature or noticeable movement.…” When the time came for him to cross examine Allen, Lincoln had very specific questions for the star witness. When asked for details about that night Allen repeatedly insisted he saw it all happen from approximately 150 feet away, the brutal scene being lit by the full moon overhead “about where the sun would be at one o’clock in the afternoon.” Lincoln asked more questions, pressing him about the location and time of the crime over and over again. The camp meeting was taking place in a very densely wooded area that was quite dark at night. Lincoln joked, did Allen have a candle with him in order to see? But the witness persisted that he saw it all happen clearly in front of him and that his certainty was fully placed in what he saw under the light of the bright full moon. He was given every opportunity to change his words.
When Lincoln was satisfied that Allen was given a proper chance and that he had made himself clear about the moon lighting his view of the crime, he submitted into evidence an almanac that contained information about the night the assault occurred. The defense was swift and crushing. The pages of the almanac contained a wealth of information, including the position and phase of the moon the night of August 29th 1857 and it simply did not match the account of the witness. The volume was inspected by the court, the attorneys, and by Judge Harriott all of which confirmed the information on the page, at the time of the assault the moon was no where near a position to be illuminating the scene. Rather than being directly overhead as Allen stated, Lincoln said the moon was in fact setting, which would have left the scene amid the heavy forest in significant darkness, certainly not illuminated brightly enough to see the distinct faces of Armstrong and Norris.
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Lincoln for the Defense painted by Norman Rockwell in 1962 depicting Lincoln during the Duff Armstrong trail. Image via https://www.lincolnshrine.org/
Everything the prosecution had deflated within moments as members of the jury and some in the courtroom burst into laughing. Judge Harriott commented that Lincoln was wrong about one thing, that according to the almanac the moon would have been coming up at the alleged time instead of going down as he stated. Lincoln’s response was simple, “It serves my purpose just as well, just coming up or just going down, as you admit it was not over head as Mr. Allen swore it was.”
With a simple turn of a page all credibility of the prosecution was destroyed. Lincoln had other evidence including a doctor stating the injuries to the front of Metzker’s face were the result of the blow to the back of his head, but it did not matter. The almanac sealed the deal in the minds of many present in the courtroom. As the jury went into the jury room Lincoln approached Hannah Armstrong and told her that her son would be “cleared before sundown”, a prediction that quickly came true. Within an hour the jury unanimously voted to clear Duff Armstrong of all charges.
After being reunited with his mother and getting a talk from Lincoln about how he needs to care for his mother and become the man his father was Duff Armstrong went on to live a long life, dying on May 5th 1899 at sixty-six years old. Norris, the man who allegedly inflicted the blow to the back of Metzker’s head, was convicted and this time he was unable to avoid jail. He was sentenced to eight years in a state penitentiary.
“The Almanac Case” became on of the most well know chapters in the law career of Abraham Lincoln and was even used in campaigns against him during his senatorial race and his later run for the presidency where opponents alleged that he used an altered almanac to keep his old family friends safe. Lincoln became the sixteenth President of the United States just two years later in 1860. He was honored by the National Wresting Hall of Fame with the Outstanding American Award in 1992. Today, visitors to the National Wrestling Hall of Fame can visit the Lincoln Lobby with a mural showing the famous brawl between Lincoln and Jack Armstrong that would lead to a lifelong friendship and save Armstrong’s son only two years before Lincoln became President of the United States.
Lincoln's Defense of Duff Armstrong by J. N. Gridley.
Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1908-1984), Vol. 3, No. 1 (Apr., 1910). https://www.jstor.org/stable/40194333
True Story of the Almanac Used by Abraham Lincoln in the Famous Trial of Duff Armstrong by Duncan Ferguson.
Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1908-1984), Vol. 15, No. 3/4 (Oct., 1922 - Jan., 1923). https://www.jstor.org/stable/40186950
Abraham Lincoln and the Case of the Altered Almanac by Mel Maurer
The Cleveland Civil War Roundtable, 2006.
“Duff” Armstrong Trial: 1858 Encyclopedia.com.
By the Light of the Moon: Abraham Lincoln's Adventure in Forensic Meteorology (Part 1) By Matt Soniak. Mental Floss.com Sep 13, 2011.
Is Abraham Lincoln in the Wrestling Hall of Fame? By Dan Evon. Snopes.com May 3, 2018. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lincoln-wrestling-hall-of-fame/
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hime-memes · 2 years
                         • Into The Spider Verse Soundtrack Starters • 
I was re-watching this movie the other night & remembered how good the soundtrack was. Here we are today, with a set of lyric starters ! Enjoy ! 
                   - Click the Song Titles to be redirected to a youtube™ video of them. –       As always: These have been modified for cohesive and sensical use for the general RPC. Feel free to change anything within these that you see fit to make it work for the receiver’s muse !     Recommended For: Any Muses/Plots/Timelines.
Trigger Warnings For: Violence & some mild language
‘ Elevate ‘ “ I had to get out all alone. “  " I’ll figure it out on my own. “ “ I know what I really want now. “ “ ... And now I see clear in HD ! “ “ I ain't got time to waste. “ “ They wanna fight ? I'm just gon' let 'em hate. “ “ You better choose a side -- ! “ “ You gotta choose a side ! “  “ You better do what's right, or you’re gonna lose the fight ! “ “ This is my arena ! “ “ I'm the black widow with a bad stinger -- “  “ I'll make you scream like a bad singer. “ “ I'm everything that you wanna be, plus more ! “ “ ... Since there's no heroes anymore ... “ “ Who’s the bad man that a man gotta bash on ? “ “ They will slander me -- I just plan to be somethin' powerful for my family. “ “ I tried to balance life and my sanity. “ “ How can I possibly act right ? “ “ I know you heard 'bout my last fight ! “ “ ‘ Cause I win, over and over again ! “ “ Fightin' my demons; I'm nice for a reason. “ “ My strength and my honor is trusted by children. “ “ I'm ready and willing to fight all these villains ... “ “ No chaos or killings -- my style is so brilliant ! “  “ I may have lost the battle, but I will not lose the war ! “  “ And, I did everything that I did on my own. “ “ Better talk to me nice; better watch your tone ! “  ‘ Way Up ‘ “ I went from boy to a man. “  “ My opposition had to stand down. “ “ ... And I had to make a perfect plan. “ “ I had to fight for the city. “ “ I had to fight for the people ! “ “ You gotta do what all leaders do ... “ “ Everyone here ? We believe in you ! “ “ We know you can be a hero, 'cause we’ve seen you do it ! “ “ Now, there's no villains allowed. “ “ The competition was lethal ! “ “ Honestly, it's no biggie. “ “ I had to do what all leaders do. “ ‘ Familia ‘ “ Father, father, unforgivable -- “ “ This is my house; you made it personal. “ “ It's always trouble when they go too far -- “ “ Nobody mention my familia. “ “ Father, father, could you bless his soul ? “ “ He’s talking crazy, I may lose control ! “ “ La lealtad vale más que el dinero ! “ // “ Loyalty is worth more than money ! “  “ Y yo me vo' a morir leal y nunca como un traicionero ... “ // “ And I'm going to die loyal and never as a treacherous ... “ “ Yo hasta doy la vida por mi familia ! “ // “ I’ll even give my life for my family ! “ “ ... Y que en paz descansen los que se mueren de envidia ... “ // “ ... And may those who die of envy, rest in peace ... “ “ Y en la familia no se falla, pero si te traicionan ... “ // “ and in the family you don't fail, but if they betray you ... “ “ No les das la espalda, tú lo ayuda' y perdona'. “ // “ You don't turn your back on them, you help him, ' and forgive '. “ La familia primero. ” // “ Family First. “ “ No lo compra el dinero ! “ // “ Money don't buy it ! “ “ Real hasta la muerte -- ! “ // “ Real until death ! “ “ Yo nunca vo' a traicionarte ... “ // “ I will never betray you ... “ “ Y si tú te cae yo mismo vo' a levantarte. “ // “ And if you fall ? I myself will get up ... “ ” Nobody pop off; nobody get murked ! “ “ Nobody scream, it'll prolly get worse ... “ “ Now I'm the curse -- this is my terse. “ “ Before I kill 'em, Imma torture them first ! “ " You about to need a prayer from a preacher. “ “ Eye of the tiger, faster than a cheetah -- ! “ “ Hop out the spider, then it's hasta la vista ! “ “ Now you’re a dead man for real. “ ‘ Hide ‘ ” Need a drink ? “ “ Really think I found my home -- Shorty make me feel at home. “ “ She made me leave the thrills at home & I'm fine with it ... “ “ She really made me lose control. “ “ Imma let my love unfold. “ “ We're just two lost souls, but we're fine with it. “ “ There's love at my front door ... short notice ! “ “ You're not like the same girls, I notice. “ “ Think I met my soul mate, and yeah -- I know it. “  “ When it gets dark outside; In you I confide. “ “ You help me face my demons. “ “ I won't hide ... “ “ Girls like you are hard to find ! “  “ I hope you don't mind, If I give you the time of your life ! “  “ Life is not the same -- “ “ Now that you're here ? I want nothing to change ! “  “ You pick me up when I'm down, look - I need you around. “ “ You’ve seen me through my darkest times ... “ “ You brought meaning to my life ! “ “ All because of you, I do right. “ “ Because of you, I have a purpose ! “ “ I fight for the world, because you're worth it. “ ‘ Scared of the Dark ‘ ” I'm not scared of the dark. “ “ No, I'm not afraid of the fall ... “ “ I'm not scared, not at all !  “  “ Why would a star ever be afraid of the dark ? “  “ I ain't never scared & I ain't never horrified. “ “ I just looked down at my Rolex, it said it's the darkest times. “ “ I ain't never terrified, I ain't never petrified. “  “ You know I see dead people, I just tell 'em, ‘ Get a life ‘ ! " “ Let me testify. “ “ I have never testified. “ “  I'm married to my pride. “  “ I got eyes like marbles; if I cry -- they sparkle ! “ “ You know I can read your mind like I'm the author. “ “ Take a deep sigh, it’s a sayōnara, I ain't afraid to die ... “ ” Okay, put my heart to the side. “ “ In my feelings, hey - let's ride. “ “ ‘ That’s my baby ! ‘, Boy, you crazy ! “  “ If only you count the tears I've cried ... “ “ A million times, I swear I've died ! “ “ I'm trying, but it's still not right -- “ ‘ Memories ‘ “ My memories came back in the form of someone else. “ “ I know this feelin', yes, I know this very well ! “  “ Why won't you love me now ? “ “ It's gon' take some gettin' used to. “ “ You feel the pain when it hits you. “ “ Don't you ever let them fool you ! “ “ ' Cause I know, that you know, that it ain't true. “ “ I learned the hard way about trust ... about us. “ “ We're not so stable anymore. “ “ What's left if I give you my all ? “ “ You stepped over me like a sidewalk. “ “ That's your loss ! “  “ You self-destruct and I watch. “ “ I can't deal with ya. “ “ I finally had enough. “
‘ Home ‘ “ I'm at war with their enforcement. “ “ Tryna fight for what's right and got sidetracked ... “ “ Where is your mind at ? ... ( Never mind that ! ) “  “ I stay with my brethren & pay for protection. “ “ I'm doing what's right and not askin' no questions. “ " I'm ready and waitin' for my day of salvation. “ “ I’m right where I belong now. “ “ They're looking for saviors. “ “ I'm looking for safety. “ “ I'm never gon' beg or plead. “ “ Say it out loud: Are you ready for war ? “ ‘ Start a Riot ‘ ” Who in here tryna start a riot ? “ “ That ain't no flyin' saucer ... “ “ You better just fix your posture ! “ “ And every hero needs his theme song, so -- “ “ You ain't got a chance, boy ... “ “ I thrown in everything but the kitchen sink ! “ “ I try to be friendly in the neighborhood. “ “ ... And here you come, all bargin' in ! “ “ ... All ugly like a brown fur cardigan ... “  “ I'm comin' through with my crew to make 'em pay ! “  “ I don't need no super suit, I'm feelin' brave ! “  “ Don't be a hero -- turn around & walk away ... “  “ Every day is like a sticky situation, when evil's lookin' for a chance ... “   “ We got the power in our hands ! “  ‘ Invincible ‘ “ I wanna feel like I can't come down ! “  “ I got a dream so I can't stop now. “  “ I gotta stop feeling invisible -- and start feeling invincible ! “  “ The hardest thing is believing in your dreams ... “  “ I feel like a stranger to myself, and sometimes that feels dangerous. “ “ ... But, I'll bet you'll see me for who I truly am. “  “ Some days I look in mirrors, and I wonder who's that man ... “  ” When your fear's near, you don't wanna get closer ! “  ‘ Let Go ‘  ” Sometimes I don't really know myself. “ “ Devil’s on my back, pray for me -- I need help. “ “ An angel’s in the front tryna guide my steps. “  “ Who do you call when you need some help ? “ “ Who do you call when you by yourself ? “ “ Who do you call when you feel down low ? “ “ I just wanna scream -- I just wanna explode ! “  “ I got a devil on my left & a angel on my right. “ “ I'm just tryna live my life; You know I'm just hangin' in the fight. “  “ Violence in the streets: I just wanna calm the beast ! “  “ All these problems I'm just fightin' with myself are enemies. “  “ I'm looking for my happiness now. “ ‘ Sunflower ‘ ” Needless to say; I keep her in check ! “  “ Callin' it quits now ? Baby, I'm a wreck ... “  “ Crash at my place -- Baby, you're a wreck. “ “ Someone took a big ‘ L ‘; Don't know how that felt ! “  “ Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt ... “  “ Some things you just can't refuse. “ “ She wanna ride me like a cruise & I'm not tryna lose ! “ “ ... Then, you're left in the dust. “  “ I think your love would be too much. “  “ You don't make it easy -- no. “ “ Wish I could be there for you ! “  “ Every time I'm walkin' out, I can hear you tellin' me to turn around ... “ “ Fightin' for my trust & you won't back down ... “ “ Even if we gotta risk it all right now ? “ “ I know you're scared of the unknown & you don't wanna be alone ... “ “ I know I always come and go ... but, it's out of my control. “ ‘ What’s Up Danger ‘ ” Two-thousand surroundin' us. “  “ You’d travel two-thousand kilometers to hang out with us ?! “  “ What's up, danger ? “ “ Ayy, gettin' old; they doubted us ! ( Makes it that more marvelous. ) “ “' Cause I like high chances that I might lose. “ “ I'm insane, but on my toes -- I could keep the world balanced on my nose. “ “ I had a slumber party wit' all my foes. “  “ Now, I wear 'em like a badge of honor on all my clothes. “ “ If I'm crazy, I'm on my own. “ “ If I'm waitin', it's on my throne. “ “ If I sound lazy; just ignore my tone ! “ “ Mama was always askin', ‘ Where did I go wrong ’ ?! " “ I like it when trouble brews, I won't dare change ! “ “ I like it when there's turbulence on my airplanes. “  “ I like it when I sense things that I can't see yet ... “ ‘ Save the Day ‘ “ I pull up and save the day. “  “ How could I forget ? “  “ It takes some courage to bet. “ “ That must be why you’re in debt. “ “ You take the bait and get caught in the net ! “  “ Evil will never prevail, suckers ! “  “ What is real will never fail to prosper. “ “ All of these people sayin' that they want the treasure ? “ “ Careful of the wishes you make up on your blessings. “ “ Because the devil in you is plottin' against you ... “ “ ... And you'll find that your worst enemy is within you. “ “ It's me & my friends & I know that they got me ! “ “ Got no fear in my heart 'cause I know that I'm brave. “ “ Never gave up, kept my head in the game ! “ “ If you ever get lost, then I'll come back and find you ! “ “ On a bad day, a villain can't defeat me -- “ “ Everybody gotta fear when there's combat. “
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weirdboi · 2 years
||Wich The Bad Guys character are you||
Enjoy :>
No looking at the results,first answer the questions and then you can look at the results
Don't do this quiz if you necer read the books or you'll get confused
Answer honestly no lying
What would you do if a child was starring at you?
💛I would smile at it
💚I would say "Boo"
🧡We would have a starring content
💙I would just turn around
🤍I would just wink
🖤The child would just start crying,I know it bc that always happens
2.If yiu found a wallet on a street, what would you do?
💛I would try to find the owner
💚I would take it,I mean no one leaves a wallet on a street unless that don't need it
🧡I would ask everyone in town and if it's nobody's i would just leave it on a street
💙I would gave it to the police
🤍I would try to find the owner but I think they would got scared so :')
🖤 Depends
3.If your friend is upset,what do you do?
💛Ask them what is wrong and if they don't want to talk about it I'll be ok with it
💚 Pretend like I don't exist
🧡Ask them what's wrong until they tell me
💙Make them some tea to feel better
🤍Give them a Biiig hug
🖤Still Depends
4.If your friend comes out as LGBT+
,what is your reaction?
💛 I'm glad you found your true self
💚Good for you I guess
💙I always knew that your gay
🤍Give them a hug and promise that I'll suport them no matter what
🖤Gives a big hug that they can berley breath
5.You didn't learn for a big Monday test,what are you going to do?
💛Learn at the lunchtime
💚 Depends from wich subject the test is
🧡Panic and scream in bathroom
💙I try to learn for test very fast
🤍I accepted my future
🖤It wouldn't be the first time so
6.It's movie 🎥 night,wich film do you want to pick?
💛 I'm ok with everything except horrors
💚 Anything without clowns
💙 Romance
🤍 Something with romance and tragedy like Romeo and Juliet
🖤 Horrors something like Mr.Babadook(2014)
7.Someone wnats to fight with you,what do you say?
💛No way!Call me a pussy but I ain't fightin with you
💚Ok when,where and are any weapons allowed?
💙Just walk away
🤍Bites him and job is done
🖤Ummm hi 911?There us a guy I had fight with and now he can't stop bleeding
8.You have a crush on your best friend and how will you tell them that?
💛I like you,more than friend,I really like you and I think we could work out
💚Hi I like you
🧡 Marry me 😍
💙I like you,do you like me back?
🤍*Writes on paper* I luv you be mine pls
🖤*Kiss* Your welcome
9.There's a fire,who do you save?
💛 Family
💚 Myself
🧡I try to save everyone in the place
💙The children
🤍I save everyone except myself and die slowly
🖤I caused the fire so
💛If you had most of the yellow hearts,than your Mr.Wolf.
You are fun, loyal and always there for your friends.You'll always believe in them even when they don't believe in themselves
💚If you had most of the green hearts,you are Mr.Snake.You care and love you friends,but you don't show it that much.You have a bit bigger ego than theirs and you would do anything for your friends even if that means becoming Satan's batler
🧡If you had most of the orange hearts,you Mr.Piranha.Yoy are a funny and sometimes a bit annoying person.You are full of energy 24/7 and love Mexican food.And you also have stomach issues
💙If you had most blue heart,your Legs/Mr.Tarantula.Your a small person with big brain.You always want to help and you are ready to give people second chance (Only if you believe they deserve it)
🤍If you had most white hearts,your Mr.Shark.You're a quiet,shy and big person who isn't the main character of the group but you still help.You have some issues that mess with you but you're still trying to get up.Also you have an amazing taste in clothes
🖤If you had most of the black hearts,your Joker Black (my Tbg Oc). Your a bit creepy but funny person.Sometimes you do some evil things to help others and you like hanging out with boogie mans and clowns.You have some amazing powers and aslo daddy issues :)
Tell me in comments wich characters did you turn out to be
Luv you 💟
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writerleo86 · 15 days
Armor Champions - Season 5 Act 1 - Episode 210 (Do Not Copy) - 04.30.2024
    At the backyard which was at the back of the Martin family's home, the fighter Tori Martin readied herself as the two boys -- Camerion and Nickel -- remained behind her.
    "Dad!" cried Camerion.
    Tori slowly walked toward the door as Camerion started feeling something coming from inside the farmhouse.
    "Mom, stop!" He yelled. "Don't go in there!"
    Jonathan Martin was soon thrown out from the forced door. He landed on the grassy ground before everyone. Then Tori hurried to her beaten husband as a fearful Camerion spotted the attacker revealed as Aslan Coradusku who came from the door.
    "Who the hell's that?" cried Nickel.
    Aslan floated from the small porch and landed before them. And he spotted the blue-haired boy standing behind both Tori and Nickel.
    "Or what is it?" added Nickel.
    The wicked Aslan responded in a soft but grim voice "I have found you. The Key himself has revealed itself."
    "Itself?" asked Tori. "What's this guy talking about?"
    A scared Nickel stood ready to battle as he asked "Camerion? You know this fruit-loop?"
    Camerion answered "I got no idea. But he knows who I am."
    "Who you are?" questioned Nickel. "What's this key he's talkin' about?"
    Then Camerion lowered his head and revealed "It's me."
    Nickel faced him and Camerion answered "I'm the Key. The guy's probably here 'cuz I can open portals."
    "Camerion Martin!"
    Aslan walked a few steps closer and aimed his right hand at both Camerion's parents. And he formed a small ball of bright purple energy.
    "Camerion Martin," warned Aslan. "If you do not come to me at once, I will have no choice but to kill."
    First, Jonathan rose from the ground. The older man ran a few steps forward. He soon leaped forward with a quick spin. And he dived with a Right High Kick.
    Jonathan yelled "Get away from my family!"
    After blocking this attack using his left hand, the emotionless Aslan continued shielding himself from more of his attacker's vicious kicks. Then Jonathan struck the enemy's chest using a vertical Left Roundhouse Kick. Aslan was forced onto the roof as Camerion and Nickel hurried to the protective parents.
    "You ain't gettin' the Key!" yelled Jonathan.
    "But how?" asked Camerion. "How do you know?"
    "Desoto told us," answered Tori.
    Jonathan shook his head and replied "After fightin' that darkness inside yer friend Billy, Desoto told us about yer powers."
    Tori gave a quick smile and revealed "That's why we didn't let you go to parties. Dad and I were afraid you'd get into serious trouble."
    Once he stood up, the stern Aslan flew directly toward Camerion. The quick Tori hurried before her son and struck the face of the enemy using a front Left Palm attack. This made Aslan back away with a roll.
    After that, Jonathan dived forward with a Left Side Kick which caused Aslan to back away once again.
    "Nickel!" ordered Tori. "Get Camerion out of here!"
    "But Mom!" cried Camerion.
    "Just go!" Tori told her son. "Dad and I will hold him off while you two head out!"
    The fearful Camerion mumbled "Mom..."
    "No buts Buddy!"
    Jonathan yelled to Camerion "These people are after you! Ya gotta go no while the going's good!"
    Camerion cried "But Dad! Mom!"
    "We'll be alright!" directed Tori. "Just go!"
Armor Champions Season 5 -- Episode 210:  The Vicious Assault from a New Enemy
    Jonathan tried to hold him back until the enemy placed the ball of purple energy from his right hand on the man's chest.
    Aslan gave a large smile and yelled "Now be gone!"
    A bright pink energy gathered around the body of the suffering Jonathan until he changed form. He was now a small, red piece of hard candy which floated onto the enemy's right hand.
    Next, Aslan held the candy toward his face as the two boys watched in complete shock.
    "The hell?" cried Camerion. "That guy just turned my dad into... Candy?"
    "This guy's just sick!" implied Nickel.
    After licking it one time, the drawn Aslan placed the candy into his mouth. He chewed on the piece of red candy until he swallowed it.
    Then Aslan lifted his head as he floated into the air. That was when the focused Tori hopped onto the roof.
    She yelled to the boys "Get out of here!"
    "Mom!" cried Camerion.
    The courageous Nickel grabbed the right arm of his grieving friend with his left hand.
    "Come on!" He told Camerion. "We can't do anythin' now! Let your mom handle him!"
    Then the desperate Aslan spotted the boys flying away from a tall tree. The wicked man quickly blew a small ball made of pink plasma from his left hand. The projectile flew toward the boys. And the ball created a medium-sized explosion which caused both Nickel and Camerion to fall into a large waterfall nearby.
    Before he could search for the fallen youth's, the back of the unsuspecting Aslan was grabbed by the fierce Tori.
    She yelled "You're not getting my boy!"
    Aslan gave a sinister grin as a field of bright-pink energy formed around their body. This made Tori fall with many back-rolls down. And the woman stood on one knee.
    After that, Aslan blew a small ball of purple energy which hit the chest of his target. A bright-pink energy surrounded the body of Tori Martin until she formed into a small, blue piece of hand candy. And the candy flew to the left point-finger of the villain.
    Aslan replied "I must retrieve the Key at once."
    He threw the piece of candy into his mouth and mumbled "The Key... will not escape me."
    During the next morning, the rejuvenated Jede walked into the living room where he found his family.
    Jede wore a sleeveless dark-red shirt with the hood on his back, black sweatpants with a vertical white stripe on each leg, and white running-shoes. And his long dark-brown hair was down.
    Relena had on black eyeliner, pink lipstick, and a golden ring pierced around the bottom of each ear. And her long blond hair was also down. She had worn a sleeveless light-pink shirt with a short black skirt. She also had a thick black belt around the top of her skirt with a golden buckle. And she wore a pair of long black boots with high heels.
    Collin had on a collared light-blue shirt, khaki shorts, and black shoes with white at each bottom.
    While standing before the comfortable chair at the left side of the room, Jede placed his cell phone to his left ear with his left hand. Both Relena and their son sat at the long couch at the other side.
    Jede waited twenty seconds and clicked the OFF button on the phone.
    He soon reported "No one must be at home."
    The calm Relena implied "That's odd. The Martins don't leave their house until eleven. It's nine now."
    The worried woman lowered her head and told her husband "I called Joey earlier. He said Camerion didn't come to work."
    "This is indeed suspicious," claimed Jede.
    Then Jede dialed another number on his phone as he informed his wife "Perhaps Trey has finally found Billy. I shall call him to verify."
    Relena shook her head and answered "You might be right. Trey's the only place he knows."
    Meanwhile, a black cell phone rang as it remained on the small brown table at the right side of a clean bed in Trey Chaolan's bedroom. The door to the bathroom opened. And Trey wearing only a gray robe hurried to the phone.
    "Hello," greeted Trey.
    "Oh Trey! This is Jede Kaballa."
    Trey held his phone to his right ear with his right hand as he asked "What's going on?"
    Jede had asked "Have you talked to Camerion recently? Or have you seen him around?"
    "Camerion?" responded Trey. "No, I haven't."
    Jede reported "I have tried to call his home. No one had come to the phone which is odd because of how early it is. Relena had called Joey earlier. And Joey said that Camerion has not arrived to work at The Box."
    "That really is strange," implied Trey. "Camerion has always been diligent about his job. He would have been there by now."
    Then Jede thought to himself and asked "Has Billy returned?"
    Trey turned around and revealed "He is staying at my home for the time being. I think it is wise that Billy stays at a place he recognizes. But he hasn't come back yet."
    Jede gave a relieved smile and replied "I am thankful that you have taken him in. I am also grateful for you trying to assist Billy in recovering his memories. I truly appreciate you Trey."
    "No problem," Trey told him. "Billy is important to all of us. I'll keep him safe, I promise. As for Camerion, give me a few minutes and I'll look for him."
    "Oh thank you Trey," responded Jede. "We appreciate your help. Let us know if you find Camerion at once."
    Trey shook his head and answered "Not a problem."  
    And both men hung up their phones.
    Minutes later, both Camerion and Nickel laid in sand near the lake. They remained unconscious as they were found by someone standing on a wooden bridge nearby.
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saratogaroadwrites · 1 year
For King and Country (66/122)
For King and Country | saratogaroad rating: T total wordcount:  280,466 characters: Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Roland Crane, Aranella, Batu, Tani, Lofty, Leander Aristidies, Bracken Meadows relationships: Roland Crane & Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Aranella & Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Roland Crane & Aranella, Batu & Tani, Batu & Evan, Tani & Evan, Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum & Lofty, Rolander other tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Mother-Son Relationship, Father-Son Relationship, Place Slowly Becomes Home People Slowly Become Family, Found Family, For Want of A Nail warnings: none
Pulled from his world by mysterious powers, former president Roland Crane finds himself caught in the middle of a coup meant to take the life of the young King Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum. Joining forces with Aranella, the pair of them set out to aid Evan in making his dream of a kingdom where everyone can live happily ever after a reality.
But the road to peace is a long and treacherous one and there is no promise of success in a world where darkness spreads ever thicker with each passing day. If they are to stand a chance, they must stand together, for king and for country.
(A retelling.)
Metallic footsteps clanked on equally metallic walkways. The wind whistled through open air corridors and covered platforms. Bracken inched the door open, peering out into the night.
“…okay, I think…I think they’re going back to normal patrol routines.”
“About flippin’ time,” Lofty muttered. “How many’a those things have we been fightin’ off, anyway?”
“Too many,” Roland said, holding a Soreaway soaked bandage to a nasty looking gash on Leander’s arm. “That last one almost tore us all to pieces.”
“Yeah,” Bracken grimaced, shutting the door quietly. “I’m sorry about that. Normally the security bots aren’t this…overzealous about things. They’re supposed to protect people, not hurt them.”
“Ye built great big things and gave ‘em weapons, lass,” Batu rumbled, leaning against an overturned chair. “Ye can’t be surprised if they go an’ turn on ye someday, too.”
Bracken turned away, ashamed. Aranella heaved a sigh and shook her head. They had fought their way up through the Factory floors, making their way through nonsensical security and over-aggressive robots alike, and night had long since fallen. Supplies were beginning to run low, their energy to continue fighting lower still.
“Is there any way to disable the security?” Aranella asked. “We may not make it much further if things continue like this.”
“I’m afraid not,” Bracken shook her head. She raked a hand through her hair, grimacing as her fingers caught in a tangle. “We can take a break in here, but we can’t stop.”
“Then let’s take a breather,” Roland said, meeting Aranella’s eye. She nodded almost imperceptibly, flicking her eyes to where a breathless Evan and Tani sat shoulder to shoulder against one of the many metal terminals in the cramped office. The stars glimmered outside the windows. “Bracken, could I ask you a few things?”
Sitting down properly, Roland reached back to fix his ponytail. “President Vector. What kind of man is he?”
“A good man.” Bracken leaned against the door, arms crossed over her middle. “Zip’s got his quirks, sure, but he’s always put the people first.”
“Oh, sure,” Tani rolled her eyes. “First on his “I’ll squash you if you don’t do as you’re told” list.” She raised an eyebrow, ignoring Evan giving her a stern look. “I know everybody’s thinking this is a Broken Heart, but what if it’s not? What’ll we do then?”
“We…” Bracken swallowed hard. Aranella’s heart went out to her as she said quietly, “…We’ll have to take him down, I guess. I can shut down the security from the Reactor control room at the top level. It won’t fix everything, but at least things will calm down in town.”
“That may be the best we can hope for regardless.” Leander said, idly poking at the gash in his sleeve. “I have been thinking it over, and there is no way we could restore his Broken Heart on our own.” When everyone looked at him, Leander sat forward. “In order to restore a Broken Heart, one must first take Virtue freely given and store it in a special vessel. Even if we knew the requisite spells…”
“We don’t have the vessel.” Aranella breathed. She pressed the heels of her palms to her eyes. This day was just getting worse and worse with each passing moment. “What options does that leave us?”
“Does clobberin’ count?” Batu asked, sounding only half serious. “A good whack on the ‘ead might set ‘im straight.”
“People did recover from being Devoid of any virtue when their Nightmares were fought off,” Evan said quickly. Aranella fought not to smile; of course he would remember the stories the clearest. “Maybe it will come to that?”
“Nah, mun,” Lofty shook his head. “This ‘en’t that bad yet. Way I figure, we gotta think outside the box.” Eying Bracken, he took a few squeaky steps towards her. “You said that he cared ‘bout his people, right?”
“That’s right,” Bracken nodded, “We built Broadleaf Industries together to take care of the people. To make life better for them, and…” Her fingers slipped across her knee. “That was always the point. To make sure they’d want for nothing.”
“Okay…” Lofty nodded. “And you know ‘im pretty good, right?”
“Well, yeah. We’ve been friends since we were both still in diapers.” She smiled, laughing wetly at something only she could see. “I’m pretty sure I know just about every secret he’s ever tried to hide.”
“Then, that’ll be what we use.”
Everyone stared at Lofty, utterly confused. Aranella frowned deeply.
“Lofty, what are you talking about? How can we use a man’s secrets to restore his Heart?”
“Not the secrets,” Lofty waved a hand in the air, “Bracken over by yur’s got real good memories of the bloke. Memories of when he was kind, and loved his people, and wanted good things for ‘em, yeah?” He looked up at Bracken. She nodded slowly and he went on, “That means she’s got memories of ‘im having Kindness, and Love, and all kinds’o other Virtues. If we can remind ‘im of that, then maybe we can bring ‘im round.”
“Just by talking to him?” Evan tilted his head. “Could that really work?”
Lofty shrugged. “Best idea I’ve got, sunshine. Not hearin’ any other bright ideas, eh?”
They didn’t have any other ideas, bright or otherwise. The only idea Aranella had was knocking Vector out and leaving Bracken in charge, but that wouldn’t solve their Kingmaker problem. Doloran could swoop in at any moment. Tired as they all were, they needed to hurry.
“Then…” Evan frowned. “We’ll have to go with this idea.” He looked at Bracken, then pushed himself to his feet. “Once we reach President Vector, you should try to talk to him. Remind him of who he truly is. It may not restore his Kingsbond, but if we can restore him to his senses, that may be enough.”
“Enough for what?” Roland asked, “The Kingsbond will still be frayed. That kind of thing can’t be repaired overnight, Evan.”
“I know,” Evan said firmly, clenching a hand over his heart, “but if he can earn his people’s trust again, if he can become the man they once cared for in their own right, then perhaps the Bond can be repaired as well. We would have to remain for a bit to be sure that Doloran does not try anything in the interim, but perhaps…”
“Bring him around and then protect him?” Aranella asked. As plans went, it wasn’t that outlandish. She’d certainly heard more foolish plans over the last few months. “It could work.” She eyed Bracken. “What do you think?”
Hands clasped in front of her, Bracken nodded slowly.
“It could work.” She agreed. “I can think of a few things to talk about, try and jog his memory. And maybe…” She ran a hand over her right knee. “If that doesn’t work, I still have an ace up my sleeve.”
“You know, that trick only really works if you’re actually wearing sleeves.” Tani said dryly, leaning her head on one hand. Tired laughter echoed through the office space as everyone gave in to a burst of amusement. Once they had settled down, the others clambered back to their feet.
“Alright,” Bracken took a breath and called her hammer to her hand once more. “Let’s go clobber ourselves a president.”
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sttoru · 1 year
💭&😠 with gojo :)
ANONNN ^_^!! thank u for asking angel mwahmwah gnna be rambling for a bit bye i answered these like i was on facetime w u telling me all abt my selfship lore w gojo. if u dont wanna read my stupid ramblings, scroll 🙏🏽🙏🏽
💭: where did you two meet?
OKUAOKAY its a loooong story which includes trauma and stuff on my part but i wont tell u , im gonna TRY and keep it short ! basically, satoru met me when he was on a solo mission >_< the school sent him out to an abandoned place where i was left @, fighting curses . now how did i end up there ? no cursed energy & nothin’ & still fightin’ these imaginary things (why dis lowkey reminding me of toji’s backstory) ? basically due to family . LAWLLL wont go into details since its a lot of explaining and lore but i got dumped there w the only weapon being a stick bcs those mfs loathed my ass bye ANYWAYS satoru found me , all messed up , and got me outta there & took me straight to shoko to get fixed up bcs i looked v BAD (as in wounds & stuff) && HE WAS SOWW WORRIED THE WHOLE TIMEEEE, muttering stuff like ‘please be all right,’ WHILE PACING AROUND THE ROOM BACK N FORTH 😋😋 anyways thas how we met and also how i got taken in by the school since i had no one lookin after me blahblahblah (insert more selfship lore) and satoru was kinda like my guardian during that time !! :3 he helped me find my way through the school, took me out to the city to explore, stuck up 4 me when i needed it, dragged me everywhere w him, let me train w him—yk just being super caring & also trying to light up my mood every time . especially when he sensed i wasnt feeling well. thas how he got me to warm up to him (rare occurrence) lol but the last thing is completely me irl … my rbf is so bad smh , ppl r always tellin me that i look mad or think m giving them looks 🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️ also ion like talking to ppl much & prefer to stay in my own bubble but if i had someone like satoru (literally the complete opposite of me) id def wouldn’t mind becoming a extrovert heheeee anyhow yes eventually ended up friends to lovers :D !! sorry this turned so long bye mind u this is the shortest i could keep my rambling at oooops
😠: what's the worst fight you've had? (if applicable)
UHHHMM well . LMAO i feel like im the one that starts almost all arguments w him t_t but most arguments get solved p easily since we r both adults and act like adults & talk things out like adults ! satoru’s always patient & never yells & asks me for my part of the story before he continues so we both understand each others feelings . but theres this one time i was fed up and stressed out, to the point i wasn’t trying to listen to anything he had to say. i was staying over at his apartment, he was being clingy whilst i told him that i wasn’t in the mood at the moment (was working on a project i desperately needed to get done for the night) . satoru gives me my space, but then comes back around every half an hour or 15 minutes, asking me to take a break since i was like overworking myself and taking no tjme to rest. but yk when you’re determined to do smth, theres no stopping u (like when u r in that hyper focused state). so at one point i literally snapped and raised my voice, asking him to f off and leave me be, called him annoying (😞😞) and outed all my frustrations in a fit of rage . i felt so BADDDDD right afterwards but couldn’t bring myself to apologise since i also partially felt like i needed to be left alone at the moment.
satoru was stunned and just.. nodded and said smth among the lines of ‘okay, all right. i understand. i’m sorry for bothering you, baby. however, please take a break.’ like that man didn’t even argue back, just stayed calm & collected before leaving me be without refuting anything bad i said abt him. okay so i finished my project peacefully that night (abt 5 am when i finished) . i went to his bedroom, ready to sleep, only to not find him there. THIS MAN WAS SLEEPING ON THE COUCH . IN HIS OWN HOUSE HELLO i didnt even tell him to, but okay, 😖 i went back to the living room to apologise and tell him to sleep on the comfy bed instead of on the couch with a measly blanket he found somewhere (which didnt even cover his entire 6’4 body)., he didn’t answer me so i turned him over to look at me and ……. this man. had cried himself to SLEEEEEP 🚶🏽‍♀️ he was already sleepin & the skin surrounding his eyes was red , cheeks stained w tears i was so mad @ myself actually. DAAASHDJSN he didnt show his hurt to me bcs he knew it would only distract me more from the work i had to, therefore he let me be & dealt with his own feelings alone. YALLLL this makes me sob every time
anyways i woke him up eventually and this man wasn’t even fully awake before he pulled me down on the couch with him and hugged me tightly to his chest like he was afraid i was boutta disappear 🙍🏽‍♀️🙍🏽‍♀️ he was talkin’ abt sum ‘sorry, ‘m sorry for disrupting you earlier. are you mad at me?’ BRAHHHHH. felt so bad i didn’t sleep the entire day, apologised to him & comforted him & just held him in my arms while he slept . NEVA AGAINNNN NEVAAAAAA
selfship ask game
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dr4kenlvr · 3 years
pairing(s): baji keisuke, draken, mikey sano, chifuyu matsuno, mitsuya takashi x gn!reader
genre: fluff
request: Heyy there i saw that your requests are open, can i request Tokyo revengers boys ( Baji, Draken, Mikey, Chifuyu and Mitsuya) reaction to reader being a good fighter, like they see her fight for the first time. If you're busy or couldn't write it then its completely fine. Good luck and wish you a good day/night 💕💕
warnings: this post contains spoilers from tokyo revengers anime/manga, some violence and graphic scenes depicted as well. includes swearing!!
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you already know this man is going to be so fucking hyped when he finds out you can fight
the two of you went to the festival together, him already letting you know that he'd have to leave a little early to participate in the moebius fight
the time rolled around and baji left you with a kiss on the cheek, telling you stay put cause he'd be right back!
now let me tell you the sheer look of shock (and pride) on his face when he saw you in the midst of the crowd, beating the fuck up outta some dude's face
you were atop of him, hammering down punch after punch until he eventually passed out beneath you
before baji could reach you, or even say anything, another moebius member tackled you from behind- effectively pushing you off of the other one's body
baji was enraged, and ran faster towards you until he saw you headbutt the asshole in the face and break his nose
"holy shit.. you can FIGHT??!" baji practically shrieked, running over to you to help you up, skimming over your face and arms for any injuries
you bashfully smile, telling him your family made you take self-defense lessons at a young age and that they really came in handy for times when your boyfriend was a literal gang member
"you're such a badass, my god this is why i love you." -baji, placing another kiss to your cheek before fending off the rest of moebius with you by his side <3
after the fight, chifuyu told you that he's never seen baji smile so much during a fight
now, draken's gonna have a feeling about this one already
he's not stupid, he sees the way you study fights between toman and rivalry gangs, you're practically analyzing them like you've got a test
so he's curious, can his s/o fight? is his s/o interested in learning? he keeps it in the back of his mind, it's not a priority- so long as you're safe
october rolls around and he brings you to the valhalla fight (he refused at first, but you kept pushing him), opting you to stay put on the sidelines where you'll be okay
"im keeping an eye on you, you better stay put."
you nod, taking your seat on one of the cars as the fight began
watchful eyes hawking over the fight, you felt yourself heat up at the consistent brawl between your boyfriend and some tall dude with spiked hair
he was currently in a chokehold by draken, who found himself flipped over by the guy's immense strength
draken looked beat down, and tired. you knew you had to do something, anything.
so without a second thought, you pounced down from the cars and ran straight towards the pair with a raised fist
with all your might, you rammed a fist into the valhalla member's head, causing him to fall over with a pained groan
draken's basically like :O right now,, did you just knock down hanma shuji????
you immediately offer a hand to draken, telling him that you'll talk after you knock hanma's ass down for good
"they yours ken? i didn't know you liked them feisty ♡"
"yeah," draken smirks at you proudly, "i didn't either."
hanma good luck with this two on one because it's not looking good for you !!
mikey never really wondered or bothered to ask you if you yourself were a fighter, or had some sort of skill in the area
so he was definitely suprised that you knew how to kick ass
mikey invited you over to his grandfather's dojo, expecting you two to simply hang out, maybe even take a nap if you were up to it
but no, tell him why you're at the dojo, fighting him???? (not literal fighting, yk like training)
and tell him why mikey's actually having some sort of trouble with you?????
what the fuck?????
mikey is so stunned, face frozen like O.O, but still dodging your attacks
"can," kick, "-you," punch, "at.. least," duck, "let me hit-" kick, "you- once!"
mikey grins at your attempts to land a hit on him, "now now y/n, that's just cruel of you to ask!"
once the two of you eventually stop because fuck is that tiring, mikey gives you a pat on your head
"i didn't know you could fight baby, you've got some pretty good moves!"
tells everyone after, literally everyone
his grandfather, emma, draken, takemitchi, baji, chifuyu, smiley, angry, mitsuya, peh, the list goes on!
chifuyu was beyond shock and proud at his s/o for being such a bad bitch !!!
"you're the damn coolest y/n!!!" -chifuyu whenever you show even the slightest bit of skill
god he's down so bad
the first time he found out though, wasn't a pleasant situation
the two of you had been walking home together after a date, hand in hand and happily swaying from the delicious dinner
it was peaceful, until you felt someone grab your bag and dash off with all your belongings
chifuyu was too shock to respond quick enough, but before he could take a step he saw you sprint in the direction of the thief
and holy fuck were you fast
"y/n?! w-wait up!" he runs after you, turning the corner to a sight he didn't expect to see
you had caught up to the person, jumped and tackled them to the ground- you then put them into back elbow chokehold, applying enough pressure for them to drop your bag as you let them go
chifuyu immediately went to pick up your bag, "i got it y/n, n-now let me handle th-"
before chifuyu could finish his sentence, you land a heavy blown punch to the asshole and knock him out
"... holy shit!"
chifuyu couldn't even catch his own breath HELP
mitsuya loves the fact that you are capable of protecting yourself, he always did worry that you dating him would put yourself in danger
so he too, was extremely suprised to see his s/o beat down literal gang members so swiftly
he was out with luna and mana, just walking around and enjoying the summer breeze with his sisters
the two girls made conversation amongst themselves, chattering about things ranging from what they wanted to eat for dinner to "that flower is so pretty!!"
mitsuya smiled at his sisters, until luna abruptly stopped him in his tracks
"hm? what's wrong luna?"
she points ahead down the street to what looks like a fight breaking out- mitsuya instinctively moves his sisters behind him; "don't worry, your big brother is here with you."
"no! isn't that y/n?" mana yells out
... y/n? a fight? what?
mitsuya looks over to what is indeed you, taking on members from the rivalry gang tenjiku like they were just a bunch of mosquitoes
"woah!! they're so cool takashi!"
"aren't you going to help them?"
mitsuya freezes, he doesn't want to leave his sisters on the street, nor bring them closer to the fight, but he also doesn't want to leave you alone with such an outnumbered fight
a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts: "hey!! takashi!!" you call out, jogging over to him and his sisters
mitsuya's eyes practically bulge out of his head, you're done??? and you don't look too injured at all!
"h-hey y/n, what happened? god, are you okay?"
you laugh, explaining to him that you overheard them talking absolute crap about toman, targeting their words towards the 2nd divison captain
"i couldn't bare to continue listening to their words, they've got no idea."
mitsuya peeks over your shoulder at all the bodies on the floor and the piles of limbs toppled atop one another
he chuckles, "they certaintly didn't, but it seems neither did i. i didn't know you could fight love."
you're interrupted by luna and mana who cheer loudly: "Y/N IS THE COOLEST!!!"
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu
reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! i love talking to you guys and hearing your thoughts on my work <3
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talesofstyles · 4 years
Good Morning Indeed
absolutely no plot whatsoever, just a bit of husband and dad harry in the midst of the family’s morning chaos 😂
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“Go get the condom on.”
“I’ll pull out, I promise.”
“Your pull out game is weak.”
“Oi, them’s fightin’ words.”
“There’s a reason we’ve got six kids.” Says the missus with a roll of those pretty—but sometimes deadly (please don’t tell her I said this)—eyes. “‘Sides, I’ve just changed the sheets yesterday. You are not coming on the sodding sheets.”
“Fine,” I sigh and reach down to the bedside table. Why is the drawer filled with sodding Duplo and those tiny, pricey Sylvanian Family bunnies? I’m guessing kid number two, three and four have something to do with that. A few more seconds of rummaging before I finally found my treasure in the very back of the drawer. I lay on my back as I sheath myself up, and seeing as I’m already here… might as well, right? I smirk at her as I say, “hop on then.”
“Fat chance that,” she mutters. “Do I have to take off my top?”
“Nah,” I shake my head, it’s cold, and I’m a considerate husband. “A flash will do. Just give me a visual.”
She rolls up my shirt that she wears to sleep, a really old white rolling stones t-shirt that has two holes and a loose thread hanging on for dear life from the hem. She looks homeless. Gorgeous homeless though. 
“Nice,” I flash her a boyish grin, like a teenage boy seeing his first pair of tits. “You’ve got great racks.”
“You’re just saying that…”
I know what she sees when she looks at herself in the mirror and I wish she could look at herself through my eyes. 
“Hey, don’t you dare. My babies grew in that body, that’s everything.”
Her tender smile hits me right in the gut. “I love you.”
“Love me enough to ride me?” I say with a playful flick to one nipple.
“Nice try.”
“I love you,” I mutter near her mouth and give her a searing kiss. I run my tongue over her bottom lip, then I kiss her down her neck, her cleavage and her breasts. I slowly circle one nipple, and she giggles, knowing it’s a well-rehearsed move that is guaranteed to do what’s needed. See, her tits are kind of like start buttons. No matter the situation, a little attention to those bad boys switches things around real quick. Her head slams back against the pillow. And she moans, holding my head in place.
We’ve got ignition lads. 
I nestle my body on top of hers, and there’s a bit of wayward angling and poking until I find my way inside of her. And then it’s on. Two bodies writhing on the bed. My hips rotate in long, slow circles.
“What? The condom isn’t broken, is it?”
“No, it’s bin day. I forgot to take out the recycling bin.”
“S’fine, we’ve got time before the school run.”
The bin’s sorted, back to the shag…
I slide my hands under her, bringing us closer. Rocking us faster. My forehead hovers close to hers and I open my eyes so I can watch. What can I say? I’m greedy like that. I want to soak up every gasp, every flicker of pleasure across her face. Pleasure I’m giving her.
Her breathing changes. It turns panting and desperate, and I know she’s close. I move harder, grinding against her, inside her, with every forward push. Warms sparks tickle my spine and heat spreads down until every nerve in my body is shaking. I slam inside her, burying deep as her hips jerk upward. She spasms hard around me, gripping me tight. 
I rock back my hips and pull almost all the way out, but then I freeze. Because a dreaded sound echoes across the room, grabbing our full attention. It’s coming from the baby monitor. It’s a rustling, the sound of cotton rubbing cotton. Like snipers in the jungle, we don’t move a muscle. We don’t say a word. We wait, until the rustling stops. And all is quiet again. 
Too bad it’s not for long. Because two thrusts in, a light comes on in the landing. Followed by small footsteps heading down the stairs. Shit.
“Harry, just come already. They’ll all be up soon.”
“I’m close… don’t rush it, you’re scaring it away.” 
She grinds her hips. Also another well-rehearsed move that she knows will get me off. But I freeze again, because there’s a second set of footsteps and the sound of a toilet flushing. Oh, and the babies next door are starting to whimper. 
“I’M HUNGRY!” That’s James, darling little cockblocker number four who likes to be fed on time. He’s three.
“WE’LL BE OUT IN A SECOND!” My wife shouts over my shoulder. “Harry for the love of god-”
I pick up the rhythm. Small beads of sweat form on my brow. She grinds her hips again, and I try to focus. “Just like that, fuck, keep doing that.”
“Sshh, keep your voice down.”
“IS THERE ANY BREAD THAT ISN’T 50/50?” That’s Eleanor, child number two. She’s seven, and she’s one of those children who seem to possess a discernible palate that knows when we’ve changed brands of baked beans or attempt to bring sugar-free fruit squash through the doors.
“IT’S THE SAME,” I reply.
Honestly, seven-year-olds gunning for a fight this early in the morning can go do one.
The babies are starting to gather volume next door so I try to focus again. It only takes a few more thrusts before ecstasy wrecks my body, making me shudder. I press my lips against her neck as I come back down to earth. But I don’t move yet. I know we should get going because things are already chaotic outside our door, but I just don’t have the will yet. I’m considering going back to sleep for a minute or two. She won’t mind, will she? Well, I’m wrong. Because she proceeds to perform the move that seems to amuse every sodding woman on earth. And causes every man to squeal like a bloody pig. Without warning, she uses her powerful muscle to squeeze my extremely sensitive cock. 
Girls, grab a piece of paper and write this down. I’m speaking on behalf of every man to walk on earth here; we hate that. We don’t think it’s funny.
I jerk back, pull out, and roll off her. I try to look annoyed as she giggles, and obviously I fail, because that freshly fucked, flushed-face makes it impossible not to grin back.
“CAN I HAVE JAFFA CAKE?” That’s Victoria, child number three. She’s five, and she’s yelling as she thunders up the stairs. 
“JAFFA CAKE ISN’T BREAKFAST,” my wife shouts back as she sits up and hands me a nappy sack. “Harry…”
I wrap up the condom with it and toss it to the bin. “You’ve just taken me life force, woman, give me a moment.”
“NO.” We shout in unison. 
“You want to wrestle a biscuit-hunting kid out of a cupboard and 50/50 bread drama or fussy babies with full nappies?”
“Babies.” I hear a small child get whacked by a sibling downstairs and I feel like I may have got the better deal here.
Next door, the twins are not happy. They’re six months old now, and they’re both teething. Thing one glares at me as I walk into their nursery and thing two stares at me stroppily from the corner of her cot. Their cheeks are scarlet, and thing one proceeds to bark at me like a seal. I pick his warm, sleepy, cuddly body and cradle it close to mine as I lay him down on the changing table. I smell the dampness. It’s definitely wee. He’s soaked through, I think I didn’t tuck his willy in when I last changed him around three in the morning so it sprayed in some upward motion and drenched his clothes. See, this is why girls are better than boys. There’s no way they can pee upwards. 
After I put a fresh nappy and a change of clothes, I put him down on the rug so he can wiggle around while I grab his sister and sort her out. After six kids, I’m definitely a pro with baby duty and can practically change their clothes one-handed. The whole thing takes only a few minutes.
I cuddle the babies on each side as I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. They immediately reach out to their mum who’s cracking some eggs as soon as they spot her, knowing she’s the only one who can cure their hunger this morning. 
“Uniforms!” She says to the big kids as she takes one baby into her arms. “We’ll do breakfast after. Please, please, please…”
Desperate pleas lead them to saunter out and up the stairs. I follow my wife into the living room and hand her the other baby as she plops down on the couch. She rolls up her shirt and the babies latch instantly. Tandem nursing is harder now that they’re a little older and aware of their surroundings. They’re trying to scratch each other’s faces as they nurse. “Oi, what’s this? You each get a tit, stop fighting.”
They seem to somehow listen to me and have stopped trying to poke each other’s eyeballs. We’ll see how long that lasts. “Finish the eggs?”
I nod. “I’m on it.”
I brew some coffee, finish the scrambled eggs, and pop the slices after slices of bread in the toaster. Breakfast is done just in time as my wife walks back into the kitchen with two full and happy babies. She puts them in their high chairs and I scoop a bit of eggs on each of their trays for them to nibble on.
George appears back in the kitchen clad in his uniform with his also dressed brother trailing behind. We always lay his clothes the night before on his bed and he gets dressed all by himself in the morning. And he’s getting better at it, seeing he only missed a button on his shirt.
“Hi mate,” I say as I fix his button and he flashes a toothy grin at me. I plop him down on the chair, he’s graduated from the high chair now but still uses a booster seat.
“No toast!”
“What do you want then?”
I nod before I grab a handful of cheerios and set them on his plate next to his eggs. Then I take a few steps back across the table. “Hey, James, set it up.”
He flashes me another toothy grin before he opens his mouth wide and keeps it open. I hold a single Cheerio between my fingers while I bend my knees and bounce my hand as if I were dribbling a basketball. “Three seconds left on the clock, down by one. Styles got the ball. He fakes left, he drives in, he shoots…”
I toss the Cheerios in a high arc. It lands right into his mouth.
“He scores! The crowd goes wild!”
James holds both hands over his head. “Core!”
“Viv stole the biscuit tin, you know? She ate three jammie dodgers upstairs.” Eleanor says as she walks in with book bags and school shoes. 
George, seeing his sister walks in, proceeds to open his mouth wide and flashes her the half-chewed eggs on his tongue. It’s his current thing and it annoys his sisters to death. The young’uns think differently though as they double over in laughter. 
“Eeewww!” She shrieks. “You’re so gross!”
“I didn’t have any biscuits!” She yells and runs down the stairs.
This kid is the quintessential daddy’s girl. She climbs up onto my lap right away, handing me the brush and a hair tie. 
“See, poppet, I would’ve believed you if you didn’t leave evidence all over your face,” I arch one of my eyebrows as I sweep a speck of raspberry jam on the corner of her mouth. 
“You always do a ponytail,” she huffs.
“Either that or I give you a bowl cut with kitchen scissors. I reckon that fruit bowl will do. Your choice.”
“Can I have some more eggs?” George asks with his mouth full of his last bite.
“God, that’s like your third serving,” Eleanor grumbles.
At that insult, Eleanor flings a piece of toast like a ninja. Before George can retaliate, my wife gives them both the look.
“Viv, will you at least have some eggs?”
“Fine,” my wife sighs. “I’m gonna get changed then.”
I glance at the clock and, well, shit, I should get dressed too. “Can you lot watch the babies and try not to kill each other for the next five minutes?”
“Five quid each?” Eleanor tries to negotiate. “Babysitting isn’t supposed to be free, you know? That sounds like child labour to me.” 
“Two quid each,” I give her my dad look that says the offer is final and indisputable.
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Movie Night at the Summers Residence
Spike x Summers!Reader
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Warnings: spoilers, some sexual content
Description: Fluff about the attempt to adjust to life after Buffy’s death at the end of Season 5. The Summers + Spike have a movie night to try to honor old family traditions in the wake of another tragedy.
“This movie is stupid,” Spike said for the fifth time. “It doesn’t make any sense.”
“What part about this doesn’t make sense?” Dawn asked, shoveling popcorn into her mouth. “Baby is at a resort for the summer, she meets a dance instructor, and they fall in love. Seems pretty straightforward to me.”
“It just wouldn’t happen, that’s all. He wouldn’t give up all those women for one little girl—”
“Baby is not—”
“Shut up! This is the best part!” you said, shoving them both.
The truth was, for you every part was the best part. You, Buffy, and your mom had watched this movie together over and over. When Buffy was on the cheer team, you had convinced her that practicing the lift from the movie would sharpen her skills. Really, you had just wanted to feel for a moment like you were flying. 
“She almost got hypothermia there,” you whispered, pointing to the screen. “They filmed in the autumn and it was freezing. They practiced until their lips were blue.”
“Shut up,” Spike whispered back. He sounded almost angry and you looked up at him in alarm, but he was smiling. Teasing. “This is the best part.”
Your heart beat a little faster as you looked away, not forgetting the last time you had found yourself tangled up in him all this weeks ago. But it was hard not to squirm when he was running his fingers up and down your arm, tracing swirling patterns onto your skin.
Dawn was sitting on the other side of Spike, unaware of the tension between the two of you, real or imagined.
Tension, you tried to convince yourself, was good. It gave you something to feed off without risking the balance you were trying to find or the rhythm you had recently gotten into.
“Fight harder, huh?” Johnny was saying on screen. “I don’t see you fightin’ so hard, Baby. I don’t see you runnin’ up to your daddy, tellin’ him I’m your guy.”
You watched Spike’s hand still on your arm. Was that what he saw in you? Someone who was never going to own up to the relationships they were in?
“What are you thinking about, baby?” Spike asked, his voice low in your ear. To make the most out of space on the couch you were sharing between the three of you, he had put his arm around each of “his girls” early on, but Dawn had shifted him off some time ago in favor of a blanket pulled up to her ears. Now it was only you drawn close to him, smelling the cologne he had on and the blood from the mug he kept on the coffee table. Somehow, you didn’t find the two scents sickening together.
“Jennifer Grey was so pretty,” you breathed, keeping your eyes trained studiously on the TV. “I used to want to be just like Baby. Go into the Peace Corps and everything. But that was before.”
“You still could.”
But you both knew that was a lie. He had been on you lately about going back to school next semester, but how could you? There was too much going on. You had to fill the space of not one person, but three.
“Maybe,” you said noncommittally, watching the dancers swirl across the screen.
When the movie was over, Dawn selected “When Harry Met Sally” as the next pick, to Spike’s open disgust. But she fell asleep less than halfway in.
“Help me take her upstairs?” you asked Spike, rising to move the popcorn bowl out of her lap. He obliged, lifting her with a superhuman strength you would never get used to.
You tucked her into bed like she was a child, smoothing her hair back and kissing her on the forehead. You left her lamp on in case of nightmares, made sure all the windows were locked, and closed her door with a soft click.
“Did you want to finish the movie?” Spike asked when you met him in the hallway, ducking his head to rub the back of his neck sheepishly.
“I thought you didn’t like it.”
“I’m man enough to admit I’m warming up to it.”
He followed you down the steps and the two of you settled back in to where you had paused.
“This is the best part,” you said, not for the first time. So far, you had pointed out the diner, museum, and wedding gift shopping scenes as the best, but this time you grabbed onto Spike’s arm as you watched. It was a little firmer than you remembered. Had he been working out?
“It was Buffy’s favorite, too,” you said, recalling how in awe you both had been of Meg Ryan’s ability to mimic life as she sobbed about her former boyfriend getting married. This made your eyes prick with tears, but for the first time, you felt more grateful to have known her than devastated over her death.
“What are they doing?” Spike asked. He was less mocking than usual. Leaning forward with his hands on his knees, absorbed in the drama.
“It’s meant to be funny, you know, true to life.” Sally’s tears melted into tender kisses amongst the used tissues and her runny makeup.
“Has that ever happened to you?”
“Well, not exactly, but—” Eyebrows furrowed, searching, rifling through memories, then victory. “It almost happened to us. So, see, it’s realistic. Just like real life.”
“Just like?”
You could feel his eyes on you. You didn’t want to face him, to go over this embarrassment again. Your face heated as you met his stare.
“I thought you said you didn’t want to do this.”
“I said I didn’t want to do it when you weren’t ready.” He cocked his head and raised his eyebrows, a warm look from a cold body. “Are you? Ready?”
You couldn’t answer that, only close the gap between the two of you and curl your fingers over the hem of his cotton t-shirt. He was slow with you, tender, toying with the elastic inside your skirt but going no further.
He tasted like cigarettes. You had imagined it before. Never thought you would like it. Always thought it was a stupid, unhealthy habit. But it couldn’t hurt him, could it? And he wouldn’t hurt you.
“Calm down, baby,” he said when you whimpered. Actually whimpered, like some kind of kicked puppy! God, you had never felt this needy before. You had never needed healing like this before. “We’ve got time. Sun won’t be up for hours.”
He massaged as he kissed, trying to get you to release the tension in your shoulders, your back, your thighs. He cupped the back of your neck and bit your lip, just a little, just enough to show off his hard-won self control.
In the end, you didn’t have sex. You couldn’t, not yet, not when you were still so delicate. But after, when he was holding you, you were able to say what you needed to without choking on the words.
“I miss her.”
“I know you do.”
“I would do anything to get her back.”
He squeezed you gently, kissed the place where your neck meets your jaw. “I know you would.”
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