#fostering kids
superdumbfan · 1 year
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I made an in-universe blog of my ARG.
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catsbeaversandducks · 2 years
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Enoki would like to ask a question.
By u/StruggleSnuggled
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kleefkruid · 4 days
In which Spruit shows her tiny teeth and then tries to drag you through the screen to come and hang out and maybe bite a little
(and yes this was my POV this morning and yes I did die a little)
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 4 months
Ra's knew who the boy was the moment he'd snuck into the room. He'd allowed the child--more man than child now, but everyone was a child compared to him--moments to steel himself while Ra's refrained from acknowledging his presence. The boy's breath was barely audible but unsteady, and a drop of something fell to the floor.
His grandson was injured. "Danyal," he greeted and finally gazed upon him for the first time in seven years.
Danyal had grown into his father's height, yet stayed lean in regards to his musculature. His black hair had grown out of the League-regulation haircut, held back in a messy braid. He held himself as strong as he could, but kept an arm wrapped around his stomach. His shirt--standard American teenage garb, he dismissed--was spotted with blood and he could see bandages poking out from under the cloth.
With great care, Danyal knelt before the Demon Head and recited the Oath of Loyalty.
Ra's watched.
The boy's tongue, fat with English, spoke the League's variant of Arabic with the grace of a mace to the head, yet his words were clear. He took his time speaking the oath, carefully sounding out words, working hard to avoid mispronunciation. The Oath in question was the older version, from before Deathstroke's insurrection, but Danyal spoke it with a calm certainty that it would be accepted.
And without a doubt, it would be accepted.
Talia's eldest son had been born from her body instead of through science, a mistake that nearly cost her the child and damaged him upon birth. While the best doctors in the world saved his life, Danyal Al Ghul would always be weak in a fight, always prone to illness, always struggling to excel. When it became clear that the boy couldn't become the next Demon Head, Ra's sent Talia to create a replacement while arrangements were made for her first child to be taught business and science, for the betterment of the League. Danyal, very much his father's child, thrived in his intellectual pursuits while Damian grew and developed into a budding assassin.
But Danyal was more like his father than he'd ever knew. Ra's couldn't miss the signs of one of his family turning away from the League. Not the mission--Danyal had written several university level papers defending the environment by the time the boy was 10--but Ra's methods...
Ra's had a conundrum. Danyal was a dedicated conservationist; once the boy was an adult, Ra's was certain he'd take the world by storm and bring the League to new heights. But if he forced his methods onto Danyal, he could create an enemy of him, just as his father was.
Ra's gave Danyal an offer; Danyal would be allowed to leave the League and live a normal life if and only if he faked his own death in such a way that reinforced Damian's loyalty to the League of Assassins.
Danyal had been hesitant at first, but past his test with flying colors. Instigating one of the more unstable assassins into organizing a coup, cutting the insurgents off near immediately, but "dying" protecting both his younger brother and mother. It was a masterful performance. Even Talia hadn't known about the deceit.
And yet, here he was, on his knees, pledging loyalty. Danyal knew what that meant, knew what he was returning to, which morals he would be allowed to keep.
"And what do you bring with you, child of no one?" Why should the League accept the return of this child, who left once before?
Danyal met his eyes. "I bring with me, my team, who are loyal to me and me alone. I bring with me, research surrounding the Lazarus Pits, in origins and further uses for the waters." Ra's raised an eyebrow, and Danyal smirked. "I bring with me, my knowledge, nurtured within this very home and sharpened in the world outside. I bring with me, my weapons, built with my own hands. I bring with me... my body, finally healthy and whole." He brought his head down to the floor, trembling with pain. "I bring my whole self to the Demon's Head, for Him to accept or reject."
Ra's smiled. "By the shadows that guard our order and the blood that binds us, I accept this oath. From this day forward, you are an instrument of the League, a harbinger of justice, and a weapon in the hand of Ra's Al Ghul."
Danyal returned to his feet, swaying percariously. He needed immediate medical attention. Despite this, he continued, "Long live the League of Assassins. Long live Ra's Al Ghul."
And he collapsed onto the floor.
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were-wolverine · 7 months
things in DC canon i’ll literally never get over
1. dick finds out batman replaced him as robin (without asking him) from the NEWSPAPER and simultaneously finds out bruce adopted a new kid without telling him (to make things worse: bruce didn’t even adopt dick)
2. dick finds out jason died from the newspaper (AGAIN? REALLY BRUCE?) and bruce had the fucking funeral WITHOUT HIM while he was still in space
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 169
Danny is from a world where everyone has wings, even if most have long since lost the ability to fly. Something about loading and aspect ratio, wings being too small, body too heavy, now mostly used as display, whatever. 
It doesn’t matter even if he had blueprints from when he was like six of a jetpack to help fly. It won’t work anyway and hey, he has his ghost form! Which uh, might be perhaps, affecting his wings which were maybe sort of scorched black and practically down to the bone thanks to the accident. 
It doesn’t matter, he swears. Though he’s admittedly relieved to see the new feathers growing in are different from Dan’s angry sunset. Even if they’re not even supposed to be able to grow back. Alright, this is fine, no one is going to notice! It’s not like everyone knows about the poor Fenton kid whose wings were absolutely destroyed thanks to an accident! It’s fine. 
He’s not flying in a half-panic towards the Far Frozen while crying because his wings are coming back and he’s so scared. He didn’t panic and instantly fled the moment Jazz pointed them out while changing the bandages. 
He definitely didn’t trip over something while wiping away said tears and blacking out from all the stress and all of his problems that he definitely mentioned to someone and isn’t keeping a secret. Definitely. 
Hawkwoman and Hawkman would like everyone to know that neither of them were expecting a very small child to be spat out of the villain of that week’s machine that should definitely not be a portal. A very small child, maybe nine or ten, with a multitude of concerning wounds both old and fresh. Which isn’t even beginning to touch on the wings. 
Feathered, like baby down despite the gnarled scars, unlike their own metallic, with the beginning of tiny specklings like stars amidst the darker fuzz peeking from the wounded flesh. 
Who?! Who dared?! It’s (at least to the forever reincarnating duo) a literal baby! They still have down! Tiny baby fuzz! Was it the portal?! Oh this villain is going to taste their maces for causing this if that’s the case! 
The rest of the Justice League would honestly like to know what just happened and are honestly unsure on if they should stop the two…
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10bendog · 3 months
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Cartoon Network Villains Bar
Even the bag guys need a place to unwind in between episodes. These guys are all regulars here, even if some of them often question why they come.
Would you go there if you could?
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xxbimboboyxx · 4 months
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Shes going to do it
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strawbxrrymilkyyt · 2 years
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Cartoon Network at the CNN Center/The Turner Office in Atlanta Georgia (2006-07)
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incognitopolls · 14 days
Having biological kids can be impossible/impractical for many reasons including you/your partner not having the relevant combination of parts, infertility, age, disability or illness, etc.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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deckoftrickcards · 6 months
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made a lil thing on my sisters ipad
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superdumbfan · 1 year
Despite the fact that I have not finish production on the first episode, the series might have to go on a very short hiatus.
The thing about this is that to create this series I was using a laptop given to me by my school. The thing is though I'm graduating on the 12th so I had to turn it in today. Now I have no computer to work on this project. So when it comes to art related to this project and the actual production of this project it will have to go on hiatus for a very short while.
Summer job lined up in place for me. So if everything goes smoothly hopefully you'll only take 2 weeks to get my check, buy a new computer, and continue production on this series. Though life can be unpredictable so I don't really know.
But just because I don't have a computer does not mean I'm not going to continue to work on this project. It just means for a while I'll have to work with notebooks instead of Google docs and I'll have to be using pen and paper instead of digital art. I don't know if any of this will be uploaded unless it's something really big I want to share. Mainly will be concept art for later on episodes since I've already got episode 1 through 3's scripts are already written out and I'm halfway through production of the first episode.
I don't know if I have a lot of fans of the series like at all but I want to apologize to those who are interested that I had to take a hiatus before I could even get the first official episode. Again hopefully this will be very short and just be a minor little bump in the production.
Thank you very much for your understanding. When production is started again I'll be more than happy to update those who are interested.
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sunshine-zenith · 7 months
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TWO fairies who grant wishes for you? No, one fairy, plus the guy who lives in her house, hangs out with her when she’s working, and is legally bound to her by marriage
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ex-foster · 6 months
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Former foster kid quote on the foster care to sex trafficking pipeline.
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castleofravens · 2 months
grady and edaline are probably terrified at the idea of sophie dating because their other daughter was killed by her partner, like yeah they know all of sophie’s friends but they thought they knew brant too
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neeeeeoposts · 1 month
hello again pinterest templates
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