#fortemps family headcanons
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FFXIVWrite2024 - Prompt 16
Fortemps household dynamics fascinate me endlessly, so here is some barely grown-up Artoriel POV
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV | Words: 359 | read on Ao3
Artoirel de Fortemps | pre-ARR Rating: Teen. Character study, Ishgard society, Fortemps family, mention of infidelity (canonical), why is Artoirel the way he is? vague heavenwards spoilers
Artoirel de Fortemps doesn’t stop when he sees his little brother run past him, bloody nose and tears streaking down his face. He merely gets out of the way. Emmanellain doesn’t see him, his eyes on the ground as he rushes by. Probably running off to nanny, though he is far too big for that. Artoirel sneers, unbiddenly, and continues around the corner.
“Some third-rate knight he’ll be.”
“Third son, too.”
“More worthless than a bastard.”
This makes Artoirel pause. The statement is followed by raucous laughter. It would be unseemly to get in a fight over Haurchefant.
“Well, Haurchefant is a fine fellow.”
“For a bastard, aye.”
Someone snorts. “Don’t say that to his face. He trounced Delicrouxeus the other day. Mark my word, Count Fortemps will give him command of something.”
“Emond can’t even command his own dick.”
More laughter. Artoirel's ears burn. He bites his cheek. He cannot be unseemly. He needs to be above reproach. The Fury knows his brother isn’t going to be.
“Mayhap little Emmanellain is Halone’s punishment? A hapless idiot of a son.”
“Bet ol’ Edmont would have been happy with even another stick in the mud like Atoriel rather than Emmanellain.”
“If he kept himself true, he’d mayhap had a brave and personable trueborn son. They’d all be a third-rate House this way.”
His clenched fist hit the wall. Atoriel bites his cheek to keep from crying out. He cannot. His growth spurt done, he’d hardly get any taller, but he cannot take on three squires. He mustn’t.
“Kept himself pure – Haviellemont, you better learn that. I saw you with that wench in the Brume but two days ago.”
“And what were you doing there?”
The voices fade as Artoirel hurries away. He does not run. He is not his little brother. If only Emmanellain behaved proper, there would be no doubt about the honor of their house. He brings shame on them all. Artoirel reaches the fresh, crisp air. He cannot help his little brother’s follies. He simply must be a better example. Above reproach, the perfect heir. Father needs neither Haurchefant nor Emmanellain as long as Artoirel is peerless.
#ffxivwrite2024#ffxiv#ffxiv fanfiction#artoriel de fortemps#why is artoriel like that#fortemps family headcanons#SO facinating#character piece#viking does ffxivwrite2024#viking writes#published 9/16/2024#heavenwards spoilers
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All's Fair In Love And War
Tea Type: Half and Half with a lemon (Tickles with jealousy and some suggestive tickling)
Potential Triggers: Nothing except suggestive tickling, and speaking of it!
Pairing: Thancred x F!Mi'qote! Reader x Estinien
Length: 2.2k+
Summary: A sequel of sorts to my tword headcanons for FFXIV. You can gather it fine from reading, but I’d recommend giving them a gander if you want to get the full picture!
“So , who’s this Estinien fellow Alphinaud told me you bonded with on your travels?”
You flinched, looking behind you to see Thancred with a taunting grin on his face and glittering eyes. You hadn’t even heard him enter House Fortemps. It hadn’t been long since you’d found him and healed the Dragoon in question from Nidhogg’s all encompassing affliction and seeing Alphinaud’s cheerful grin behind his back you growled his way, ignoring Thancred for the moment.
“You little brat- he hasn’t even been back a full week!”
Your upset only amused him further as the Summoner took a casual sip of his tea, meeting your gaze from over the rim of his book, Refia chirping happily from around his ankles.
“And? I thought it would serve to cheer him up to hear of your exploits. Besides, it felt only right to inform him another was in competition for his affections.”
You went bright red and were left sputtering.
“I-how-whatever gave you that idea?”
Alphinaud’s eyes flicked behind you and he snickered with a hum.
“Oh? Am I wrong then? You’re blushing mighty hard for one meant to be apparently unaffected.”
“I-I don’t have to answer that.”
You huffed, crossing your arms and were surprised as Alphinaud merely shrugged and stood, beginning to leave.
“Alright then. I’ll leave you to it; do try not to kill her, yes? She does have duties to attend to in a day or so.”
With that he was gone and the back of your neck prickled which could only mean…
A hesitant turn of your head and you smiled nervously at Estinien, the unmasked Dragoon staring you down with the faintest of smirks playing on his lips. Thancred looked to be on the verge of laughter at your back.
“…Do I want to ask how much you heard?”
“Much and more than you would’ve liked I suspect, as seems to be customary in our relationship by this point.”
Amusement was thick in his deep voice and you hid your face in your hands as Thancred approached and slung an arm over your shoulder.
“Well I for one, should very much like to know more about this relationship you developed in my impromptu absence."
His grin was sharp and from the tightness of his grip you knew he was the slightest bit jealous of Estinien, not that he’d ever dream of letting the Dragoon know of it.
Estinien, for his part, remained stoic as ever save the smallest of smirks, his eyes taking in all and giving away nothing.
"Hmph. I’m surprised she hasn’t already told you as much. Well, I’ve nothing to hide in any case. I believe she should be the one to tell all, however. What say you to taking this somewhere more private?”
You nodded eagerly, desperate to not be caught by Emmanellain or worse Haruchefant . He’d never let you live it down if he caught you like this and you were already drowning in embarrassment. You looked to Thancred to see his smile had strained thanks to Estinien’s prodding. You opened your mouth to suggest your quarters but Estinien was already opening the door for you all to exit.
“We can retreat to my quarters. The Dragoon barracks are all but abandoned in the wake of our victory and they’ve moved back in with their families. The building is essentially mine to do with as I please, according to Aymeric. No-one will overhear us.”
The walk to the barracks was silent until you broke it, trying to distract Thancred from glaring into Estinien’s back and instead speaking of your other Ishgardian friends and the other Scions alike. That relaxed him and his grip around your shoulder loosened. Even Estinien’s shoulders relaxed and you swore you caught him glancing back with a fond expression more than once.
“I can’t believe Alphinaud truly fell for that hair-dye prank. Alisaie near laughed herself hoarse.”
You playfully nudged him as you entered the barracks.
“Don’t think I didn’t see you stifling laughter too in the corner. You’re not as slick as you like to think, sir thief.”
Estinien opened his mouth to quip and you cut him off with a knowing smile.
“…and you’re not any better. You act all broody but I catch you smirking at Alphinaud and I’s antics all the time so don’t even try to deny it.”
He seemed affronted as he led you both up to his room but by the time he was closing and locking the door he was smirking again.
“True enough. That scene where you laughed yourself hoarse and nearly came from my voice alone was particularly smirk worthy, if I may so.”
The smugness was thick in his voice and you coughed, laughing nervously as Thancred froze.
“Y-You shouldn’t joke like that Estin-”
“Oh I assure you I’m not. Your friend wished to be informed of our relationship. Besides, you and I both know there’s better ways to make you laugh.”
“I’m going to end you. What happened to keeping it secret or regretting it!?”
“I didn’t explicitly say it, now did I? It’s still up to you if you wish to tell him and be punished.”
You sputtered at that in outrage but when you finally looked up at him, the impassive look on his face ensured you stayed silent.
Thancred finally broke his silence, removing his arm only so he could cross them across his chest and stare down at you.
“I see you’ve developed a bratty streak in my absence. Hmph. A pity. We’ll have to see that remedied.”
His eyes glittered in competition and you swallowed, hard.
“Either you tell me plain this little secret you and the Dragoon are dancing around or I’ll deliver a punishment all my own. I suggest you choose wisely which of us you’d prefer.”
His hands moved to his scabbard, and belt deftly removing both and you looked away to see Estinien removing his heavy armor as well, revealing a white t-shirt just underneath along with black sweats.
Great. So you were to choose between a punishment you knew what to expect and one you didn’t. Unfortunately, you really wished their positions were reversed. Estinien wasn’t the type to change his method over jealousy- Thancred was and if you chose to keep your mouth shut you had no doubt he’d have no problem making you regret it. Thancred would never hurt you but he wasn’t the one who typically interrogated your enemies for nothing.
But say you did the opposite, and told? That’d just rile him up more you were sure of it. The fact that you explicitly told Estinien about your little kink before him? When he’d teased you with it for so long while oblivious? Gods you couldn’t take the embarrassment. You risked a glance at Estinien, now fully out of his armor who merely raised an expectant eyebrow in response. Asshole. He was calling your bluff. Of course, all that wasn’t even including the public humiliation of being absolutely wrecked to the point of tears, likely until you safeworded if you told. Like it or not, the choice was made.
“Eyes up here gorgeous.”
You blushed as Thancred drew your gaze back to his, an amused smile tugging at his lips.
“What’s it gonna be?”
“…I can’t. I’m sorry Thancred.”
You could feel the way Estinien stood up taller in pride, the huff of laughter under his breath and your cheeks burned brighter as Thancred took you in.
“So it’s to be an interrogation, is it?”
“…that’s not as scary as you make it sound. I know you’d never hurt me.”
You tried to play it off in some vain attempt to make him change his mind but he only shrugged, easily seeing through you.
“Of course not. Pain isn’t the most effective method anyway until the psyches been worn down some. Not that I plan on using that either. No, I think you and I both know what I’m planning to do.”
You tried not to let it show on your face but you were nervous and before you could think better of it, you were pleading your case to Estinien.
“I didn’t tell, aren’t you going to help me? This is your fault after all!”
Estinien snickered, shaking his head.
“My fault? Interesting phrasing. It’s not my fault you’re so frightened of a little tickling by my hands you opted not to confide in your long term friend. The only help you’ll receive is if he asks for it. You’ll like it anyway, I’m sure.”
Your mouth fell open in betrayal.
“But you said-”
“That you couldn’t say anything without punishment. Nothing about my end. In any case, I’d worry about your current situation before it’s too late.”
Your eyes widened and you whirled to look at Thancred but he was already staring back at you with wide eyes.
“By the Twelve… you really…? This whole time? Ha. And here I thought I was imagining things. You really do like it.”
Your eyes moved past him to the window but you startled as Estinien’s long fingers squeezed your shoulder.
“I wouldn’t try it. I’d catch you even if you did manage the jump and Thancred is too quick for you to run towards the door, not to mention it’s already locked.”
He mumbled into your ear, causing you to shiver.
Thancred cracked his knuckles and you flushed, ducking your head but he was there to corner you against the wall just behind, Estinien moving back to let him do as he wished.
His fingertips once again guided your eyes to his and this time he held it.
“Oh no. You’ve hid your reactions from me far too long as it is. I want to savor this. You’re going to tell me, truthfully. Do you like being tickled? Have you gotten off to the idea of me teasing you until you come undone as many times as I wish? Hm?”
The self-satisfied smirk was evident on his lips as you squirmed and just about melted in his arms; already giving him his answer. He’d never seen their Warrior of Light so red before.
You nodded and Thancred was content to let you go, but Estinien pushed you back by your shoulder, just behind Thancred’s own, his azure eyes burning into you.
“We both know he wanted a verbal response. Give it to him.”
At the familiar dominance in his tone, you folded, eyes rushing to Thancred’s.
“Y-Yes I have. More than once! To both of you!”
You squeaked it out before looking to Estinien for approval, to which he nodded, hand moving from your shoulder to your head where he ran his fingers through your hair.
“Good girl.”
It was a quiet mumble, but the praise filled you with warmth where the adrenaline once was.
“To both of us, huh?”
Your eyes flew open at the playful lilt in Thancred’s voice.
Oh Gods had you really said that?
You were still too content with Estinien’s soothing ministrations to move but you looked nervously to your favorite thief.
But he wasn’t looking at you.
“Estinien. What say you to a friendly competition?
"There isn’t many in Coerthas. What would it entail?”
“Who can make her come undone the most? Winner gets to stay with her for the night and the loser has to be on guard duty and stay awake.”
“Not very high stakes but I’ll take it. As long as she agrees to it, of course.”
“That goes without saying.”
They both turned to you and as sheepish as you felt, you still agreed.
“…Okay. But we’re obviously including the typical safewords. Lahabrea for you, Thancred and Nidhogg for you, Estinien. Still okay to use?”
You always checked, ensuring the words weren’t triggering for them and both nodded.
“You both have more in common than I realized, actually. Huh. So…how are we doing this then?”
Thancred looked vaguely amused as he shrugged.
“I can always run out and fetch some restraints. You’re awfully calm given your earlier flusteredness, you know.”
“No need, I have my own. It’s the hair. Makes her melt. Ears too, and those triple as an extra erogenous and ticklish area so I target it often. Her back will have the same affect.”
Thancred’s eyes lit up at that.
“No way; I didn’t even know she was ticklish there!”
“Wait don’t-eep!”
You yelped as Thancred moved before you could stop him, nimble fingers slipping underneath your shirt and drawing patterns into your back, occasionally spidering or digging in slightly to make you squeak. Nonetheless, you melted forward into Estinien’s waiting chest and sighed in content, small giggles slipping out now and then.
“So this is why you tensed and would jump away whenever I tried to massage your shoulders. Could you get any cuter?”
You nuzzled Estinien and grumbled weakly, taking solace in his warmth.
“This isn’t playing fair.”
“You’ve got a safe word darling. You need only say it if you need us to stop at any time.”
His deep voice rumbled in your ear before his teeth pulled, making you arch a moment before a purr escaped you, making you gasp, flinch away and cover your mouth.
The two men froze.
“…Tell me you heard that too, Wyrmblood.”
“Loud and clear. Naughty kitten, hiding such sounds from us for so long.”
Both men’s voices had deepened in their lust and it was obvious to see it in the way their eyes darkened as well.
“Now then, why don’t we find out what other sounds you can make for us. Shall we truly get started?”
Breathless you could only whimper as Thancred tongued your throat, while Estinien retrieved the restraints.
“I’m fucked aren’t I?”
“Not yet you aren’t. But you will be. Thoroughly .”
#tlc: half and half with a lemon#tlc: nsft#tlc: tickle fics#ffxiv tickle fic#estinien x reader#estinien wyrmblood x reader#thancred waters x reader#thancred x reader#thancred waters x you#thancred x you#estinien x you#estinien wyrmblood x you#female reader#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#final fantasy 14#ff14#ler!thancred#ler!estinien#lee!reader
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I am demanding.... er.... respectfully requesting Avi'li and Erenville headcanons please? 人´∀`)
Hehe, happy to fulfill your demand—er, request for Avi’li and Erenville headcanons (‘•̀ ▽ •́ )φ
When he starts working and hanging out with Erenville more, Avi’li begins to spend his nights in the Noumenon reading different articles and books on various animals, especially those that Erenville talked about that day. He’s excited to continue the discussion the day after!
1. This is going to be a multiparter: from some discussion with friends, I headcanon Erenville has a sophisticated palette taste wise; he’s traveled a lot and has had a variety of cuisine; however the Sharlayan and Gleaner mindset still prioritizes practicality over all else, so when he’s on the road he settles for things like archon loaf, road rations, and plain foods
2. Meanwhile, Avi’li has been practically spoiled with food all his life. Food has always been provided to him (his family, inn food, street food, the House Fortemps staff, Aymeric’s staff, the resistance, Domans, the Last Stand, Mehryde’s Meyhane, Vrtra’s people, etc etc etc). In short, he has no idea how to cook for himself outside of burning rice and having fish that’s slightly too chewy.
3. So when he visits Erenville on the road, regardless of their relationship, he has to suffer road rations and the plainest food for…longer than he’s had to be comfortable with lmao
4. It inspires him to cook! Thus starts Avi’li’s culinary arc.
5. All of this to say: Erenville is the pickiest food critic lmao. He knows flavor profiles and what works and what doesn’t, and he’s a hard audience to impress. It frustrates Avi’li to no end, but it’s a fun challenge you know? Cooking to impress your not-boyfriend! I have a scene in my head where Erenville makes some minor nitpick that no one would actually care about it, but that’s the joke right, and all Avi’li can do is silent scream into a cushion lmao
They’re such a comedy duo to me, they just riff off each other really well? Definitely that pair that is just “yes and”ing each other all the time
After the Boat Kiss(TM), Avi’li touches his lips A Lot unconsciously, with his fingers and also biting it when he’s in thought. He’s thinking about that kiss! Beyond frustrating for Erenville to watch because he Knows because Avi’li is so obvious and yet they can’t make out about it??? Like there’s an easily achievable solution to this and yet….
And this is most I can share until things develop in DT! Thank you for asking and indulging me! (´°̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥`)
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So jumping off from canon that Artoirel collects orchestrion rolls and is a good enough musician to compose a new score for the Firmament Restoration, I headcanon that he loves music and he would've chosen to become a musician if he didn't have to become count.
Also that he enjoys dark/gallows humour but doesn't let that show much because it seems "a little weird". (Someone show him some of The Addams Family.) Between that and him putting a lot of effort into his noble composure, some people think he has little to no sense of humour at all.
I am not a woltoirel shipper (unless in an AU) but I absolutely understand the appeal and my WoL does love him very much still. 💙
Show me the AU 👀👀👀
But also yes!!!!! He feels like one giant onion you have to peel layers from but it's soo worthwhile in the end. He's so caught up in what he should be doing and being prim and proper that he doesn't get to show that he's a weird lil guy (affectionate) and that it's a-okay to be so 🥹🥹
I will also say that my wol is also a musician and Artoirel is the only person he trusts with his WIPs. Only person. They work together on composing and performing music very often after they get married and they also bond over music a lot. Emmanellain saw them at the grand piano in the Fortemps manor all the time while they were still not together, being happy and in love without knowing it 🥰
Also hell yeah on him being a musician if he didn't become count 🥺 he obvs has both the talent and the passion!!! And gallows humor Artoirel is something I have to incorporate into my own hc bc it's so, so good like. He does give edgy jokes enjoyer energy!!!
I just wish the fandom wasn't sleeping on him bc he's a delightful lil guy and if SE doesn't want him we will adopt him
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headcanon ; chiyo kanshi and her children, across the universes.
MAIN VERSE / TIMELINE. can be verse dependent.
hypatia kanshi-galvus. @windcovet. chiyo and zenos.
conceived after the events of endwalker, when her parents were traveling the world together. chiyo didn’t know she could get pregnant/thought she was infertile and they were having unprotected sex. hypatia was a shock, but after some processing, a happy one. chiyo named hypatia for zenos' grandmother.
zenos didn’t give a lick about his last name but chiyo, aware hypatia was the last of the line (and by extension, the last of emet selch’s line) insisted.
very tall, takes after her father in her height, demeanor, general appearance. mixed race garlean/au'ra, and has a garlean third eye as a result.
hypatia is unfortunately a magnet for those wishing to continue the garlean empire through her. though she has no interest in becoming an empress, her and her family continually fend off rabid supporters.
in verses in which she exists in garlemald, hypatia is seen as a perversion of the galvus line and not acknowledged as anything but a bastard, at best.
reaper/dark knight.
ventuswill "venti" kanshi-waters. windcovet. chiyo and thancred. picrew tba.
placeholder name that may be changed in the future.
chiyo's second born. less of an accidental and more intentional, as her parents had wanted children since stormblood era. inherited his parents pretty features, but has black hair from thancred and chiyo's recessive genes.
bard/dancer/astrologian. chooses to live in the cramped tower of his mother's home to study the stars. mixed race hyur/au'ra, and looks like an au'ra because of it.
chidori / “chili pepper” kanshi-njaro. picrew tba.
chiyo's youngest daughter, born to her and j'khilim njaro (windcovet). also accidental, but a pleasant, welcome surprise. inherited her father's ala mhigan coloring and her mother's stubborn, rebellious personality. mixed race miqo au'ra with mainly au'ra traits.
has a difficult relationship with her mother as she ages. chidori is deeply proud of her ala mhigan heritage and struggles to accept that her mother is doman and thus, so is she. also struggles to accept that her mother married an oppressor of ala mhigo.
monk, like her father.
tsuyumi and kaien rijin. chiyo and hien.
lady chiyo au. princess and prince of doma, respectively. inherited their father's black, untamed hair.
kaien was named for his grandsire.
tsuyumi was meant to be named tsuyu. but hien worried it was too on the nose and would upset the doman populace, so negotiated a labor-addled chiyo into tsuyumi, instead.
when the twins were infants, an assassin broke in and tried to murder the prince and princess. the maid looking over them fought them off until chiyo and hien arrived, but tsuyumi had been wounded with a scar across her eye. thankfully, they were otherwise unhurt, but tsuyu feels (as she ages) that this scar has made her ugly, despite her parents' reassurances.
nicolette de fortemps. chiyo and haurchefant.
hershey font lives au. the first girl born to the fortemps family in a long time, she's the joy of edmont's world. since edmont legalized haurchefant after his death scare, nicolette is born legitimate.
#long post //#pregnancy mention //#file : chiyo kanshi.#headcanon : chiyo kanshi.#v: chiyo kanshi; lady chiyo.#gonna pin this to her sites page as well for ref <3#not the most indepth post but for ref when i say chiyos kids
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Is it easy to write or otherwise portray other characters (or OCs) reactions to your OCs relationship? Are these interactions important to your characters story? For example, is the relationship one that can be publically acknowledged?
Hm... Well, I am unsure if I can speak about OC / OC relationships much since I do them with other people and tbh I don't know if any of the stuff I can say is 100% canon even for that AU. But for Tahla and Cemi, they're both gladiators in the Ul'dah Coliseum, and Tahla's persona hides her identity. Cemi is also almost always in character, who is not supposed to be in a relationship. So they only really get to interact as a couple in private.
These are all headcanons me and Cemi's mun ( @the-littlest-kojin ), so I am unsure how difficult or easy to write this would be. Given the nature of their jobs it felt natural that it would go this way.
For Nara I only have headcanon the reactions of her and Haurchefant dating and eventually getting engaged.
You know the drill, HW spoilers under the cut
So, in the AU that follows the game closely, their relationship was difficult to hide from the Scions and the people around Camp Dragonhead. They were never subtle, nor did they had to.
Haurchefant's family was delighted, too. So delighted, in fact, that they offer Haurchefant to become a full member of the Fortems House once more, were he to marry Nara. Mostly just so the Warrior of Light herself would also become a Fortemps, by marriage in this case.
All of this became quite easy for me to "write", in this sense. I feel like the story of the game itself is telling you what would happen in those cases. With the adoration you recieve from the Fortemps, to the fact that some soldiers in Camp Dragonhead already ship you two.
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I decided to sit down and sketch out all my WoLs (not including like, six other joke characters that I have) and I have come to the conclusion that someone should take the character creator away from me.
I got too many lil guys 😵
From left to right...
J'rhota Tia is just a silly orange lad - PGL/ROG main, a scrappy little fight boy. Means well, but very head empty. Constantly getting locked out of the Waking Sands, but unfortunately is the only one who can take down Ifrit without getting tempered.
Amelot Greywoode Lost an eye on one of her adventures - couldn't afford a glass eye to match her good eye at the time, so the one she wears under her eyepatch is slightly off colour. (Highlander, GLD)
Parasha Pasha - Tiniest gorl. Min height lala. My god, she's so small. 🥺💕 Ostensibly mains WAR/DRG, but really is a FSH main.
Sami'ra (Sameth/Bunny) Lavellan - ARC/ROG main, previously a Dragon Age Inquisitor. Yearns to keep the stories of his people as a historian, but in the harsh economic times post-calamity, adventuring better pays the bills and provides for his large extended family. Per his name, he is the youngest son in a Keeper family with an oddly large number of sons. Truth be told, not all are family by blood, though are loved just as well. Sam has quite the crush on a certain Lord Commander.
Cessalie Sombreterre was an orphan of Ishgardian birth, and made her way to Ul'dah at a young age to try and make her way in the world, eventually taking up adventuring. Ostensibly a BLM main, though dabbles in roguery and swordplay. Min height elezen. Amongst her people, she's so leetle 🥺💕 Marries into the Fortemps house.
Hazel Rah is my main lad, first boy I ever made. He was born in the Golmore Jungle. Though he misses his childhood home dearly, he was forever restless, and eventually left - spending some time in Dalamasca and other occupied territories, before travelling to Eorzea in the wake of the calamity. Young for a travelling viera, he's about 70ish years old. Before he came to Eorzea, his forest name was Rjel Fith. He loves to garden.
Clover Frith is Hazel's much older sister - she's around 200, though she's not one to keep count. She left the forest when Hazel was quite young, in his 20s or thereabouts. When they met up again decades later, she was taking work as a gleaner in Sharlayan. Though her forest name is long left behind, her last name was Fith.
Blackavar Rehw-Dvre was Hazel's childhood sweetheart. In my headcanons, he does not leave the forest at all until well after the calamity - the general upheaval and unrest making its way even unto the forest, prompting the Rava people to make the choice to send scouts far from home to investigate. As such, though he is confident in the ways of his home, he is very out of place in the wider world and is often mystified by the ways of outsiders. As far as appearances go, Blackavar actually has quite curly hair - so I imagine his hair is more like the catboy hair both J'rhota and Sam have. Alas, there's no perfect bun options 😞
Holly Huorlwesfv is a veena bunny who I created as a retainer and went "aw fuck, I did it again," and had to turn him into a real boy because I liked him so much. He doesn't yet have a lot of a backstory yet, but I named him after Captain Holly from Watership Downs, and so in my mind he looks quite a bit scrappier than he is. Ears are scratched up and tattered. A few more scars. He's a stoic bun, a former guard most like. Definitely a fighter. PLD main iirc.
Bitter Snow is my beautiful, purple, goth Roe. I did not mean to give her the same name as Yellow Moon's paramour, it happened completely accidentally. 👀💦 She's so pretty, I ought to play her more. Pretty sure she's a DRG main, I cannot recall.
#ffxiv#all my wols#god there's so many#hazel rah#clover frith#cessalie sombreterre#j'rhota tia#bitter snow#blackavar rehw dvre#holly huorlwesfv#parasha pasha#sami'ra lavellan#amelot greywoode#original characters
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The Difference Love Makes
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Edmont de Fortemps Additional Tags: Oneshot, Ficlet, Angst, Not Beta Read Summary:
Prompt: Clear
Edmont de Fortemps wanted to be a father, but he fears that didn't make him a good one. Basically some headcanons about how Edmont feels, but prose-ified.
It was clear that some of Ishgard’s nobility saw their children as necessities, as obligations to their house and their ancestors. Many hardly gave their children the time of day, letting servants and nannies raise them instead.
Edmont de Fortemps was not among them.
He had a soft spot for all children, and dearly loved his own. He looked forward to having a family. As much as he would’ve liked to have had a daughter as well, his family felt complete.
In his own mind, it was clear he had failed them. His eldest child doubted, his youngest child floundered, and his middle child...
Edmont often wondered if wanting and loving his children made a difference when he himself seemed an unfit parent.
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WOL Questions! Who was your WOL before meeting the Scions? Are there any relationships/friends maintained outside of the Scions throughout the story?
Ah, man I love seeing questions like these!
Anyway to begin answering them, before Odtsetseg was officially the WOL, she was the daughter of Hotgo's khagan Temujin. She also was not a participant in any pre-calamity events in Eorzea as the au ra was only thirteen at the time. After the destruction of their tribe she and her father set out for Eorzea in order to follow the visions she was having. Unfortunately, Temujin did not make it to said western lands with his daughter. As a result, young archer became a vagabond only arriving in Gridania to both improve her skills as an archer and gain some reputation as a fierce adventurer.
Now concerning any relationships outside of the Scions: To name a few canon-wise I do believe she was friends or at least heavily acquainted with Mide, Dayan and their crew. They all came from the same tribe, after all. She also has kept in touch with the members of house Fortemps, since not only was Haurchefant a good friend but that family in particular also supported her raen mother and twin by providing them with work in an auri-hostile environment.
Now headcanon-wise Odtsetseg has improved and maintained relations with her raen mother and twin brother. With her twin though, their relationship hit a bit of a bump during the initial events of Stormblood. Fortunately, by Endwalker they made up and I can safely say after a certain raid xaela has a newfound gratitude towards her mother.
#LET GO THIS DESTINY YOU'RE CAUGHT IN A TRANCE (answered ask)#STRANGE LOPORRIT (ooc)#thescions#SECRETS OF HYDAELYN'S CHOSEN (headcanon)#((thank you for the question <3))#Odtsetseg: mom thank you for not becoming some evil butterfly hellbent on becoming a god.#Yui: ??? You're welcome?
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my answer from a twitter wolqotd asking what makes them insecure and why ended up with some chunks of lore i wanted to archive here:
compliments about his body make him very insecure, even positive ones unless it comes from a close partner. as do comments on how his child was born (he's the one who carried them). he doesn't mind if people know, but if someone pries it's too much for him.
regarding the compliments - he feels insecure because he has been used for his body in the past, and any positive attention towards his body from someone who isn't very close is difficult for him to trust. he's much more comfortable with compliments about his clothes or hair.
regarding inquiries towards his pregnancy - anything beyond "i birthed him" is more information than adair would want to give. he knew since he was young that his sex was somewhat of a grey area, but that isn't uncommon in au ra (in my own headcanon).
adair never thought he was fertile either way. in his experience, going unprotected hadn't been an issue for him or his partners despite it being unsafe. to find himself with child was a complete shock. he was unprepared, and had never wanted this. adoption had been mentioned with his partner, haurchefant, as an alternative when talking about their future together.
but because he was still grieving after the vault, and because every medic and midwife he consulted said everything seemed healthy and normal, he chose to have and keep the unexpected child. by the time it was getting difficult to hide the changes to his body, he was at a stopping point with the scions and was able to spend the next year in relative privacy with the fortemps family and a few close friends.
he felt incredibly dysphoric as his body changed, but also sentimental because it was like a little piece of haurchefant was still with him. and this complex mix of emotions is why he rarely talks in depth about that part of his and Ori's lives, and feels insecure when asked.
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Selru is/was a Gleaner born and raised in Old Sharlayan before he got sent on a boat to Mainland Eorzea to try and get sent into the Land/hand guilds to learn what they knew under order.. However he had to join the adventurer's guild and one of the combat classes to do so, so the boy ended up riding to Gridania with the Twins (who thought he was sent to spy on them from their parents at first until he buggered immediately off) and took up conjury to better learn magics since his fathers couldn't teach him that, all while suffering what he thought was Aether sickness. ICly the developing Echo altered his own aether during his trip away from Old Sharalayan by the time he got to Gridania and attuned to the Aetheryte he couldn't actually teleport back to Old Sharlayan, and when reentering in Endwalker there was a bit of a hold up with the book keeper keeping the gate since his aether didn't trigger the book like it should have as a citizen. I headcanon his non-bio father rushing up to confirm that this is INDEED his son and they both explain how his developed Echo altered his aether. He would have LOVED to visit his family during everything (Though his dads DID travel to Eorzea to explore areas he opened up in the nations of Nym, Amdapor, and Mhach when able, since one of his dad's is an archeologist (who was excited to turn his Archeology into Anthropology with the Nym) but since he couldn't do so easily he ended up considering Ishgard his home base of operations. But even then he's too much of a traveler to really settle down anywhere -- He has a suite in the megaduta in Raz at Han, a penthouse in the Firmament of Ishgard, a Book Cafe in Mist on La Noscea, his room at his dad's place in Old Sharalayn, Inns all around the world, a Place in House Fortemps (And House Borel), and of course in both the Waking Sands and the Rising stones and the Pendants on the first (I wouldn't be surprised if the Chai's let him crash with them when in Eulmore). Even after the events of Endwalker 6.0 he's still too much of a wiggle wanderer to just settle one place and consider it home: Home is where your heart is and his heart is with everyone.
oh hey would you look at the time i have another wol question for ya
where is your wol/oc from?
is it one of the major cities? somewhere outside eorzea? is it where their family is from? do they consider it home? how often do they visit and do they wish they visited more?
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What do you think the reaction among the house fortempts guys would react when the wol tells them she's pregnant with haurchefant's kid after he dies? If you're not super comfortable with this ask you dont have to respond
Haurchefant's Child Hc

Actually my WoL has that ingrained into her lore so allow me to use said hcs
Count Edmont
Yeah, consider yourself the official daughter of the fortemp family
Edmont will support you before and after the pregnancy
Does harbor guilt for how Haurchefant grew up
Promises you that the child will bear the name fortemp not a greystone
A very doting grandfather

Unlike count Edmont, he feels very guilty for his cold treatment of you and Haurchefant
As acting count, he intends on making you sure you are apart of the family
Unfortunately that means, he goes overboard with the gifts
I swear the baby's room will be filled with so many toys
He feels silly when he thought your relationship with Haurchefant was sisterly
Will pull titles on you, when you reach 8 to 9 months
You shouldn't be moving around, and he will not hesitate to have servants or guards escort you in the city
Artoriel loves you and he may look all serious, but he does

The fun uncle ( I am sorry but it is true)
Will help you pick baby names ( no Emmanellain were not naming them after you)
Hariot is excited by the idea of a baby in the manor
Surprisingly, Emmnellian helps with the nursery
Unfortunately, he will not shut up about it
Helps you paint the nursery. Terrible at painting chocobos sorry ,but it's true
Will brag about being an uncle to Sicard
Takes his job as uncle very seriously when you are away
Though nappy duty goes to Hariot by default sorry
Will love your baby with all his heart
Even in death , he loves you so much
Will watch over you and your child even if he drifts in the aetherial sea
Rest assured you and the fortemp family will make sure your baby will know about their Daddy
#yukiotacon#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#ffxiv headcannon#ff14 fanfic#ff14 headcanons#ffxiv fanfiction#ffxiv fic#artoirel#artoirel de fortemps#emmanellain#emmanellain de fortemps#count edmont#edmont de fortemps#Fortemp family#final fantasy x reader#final fantasy xiv headcanons#haurchefant de fortemps#haurchefant x reader#ffxiv haurchefant#wol x haurchefant#haurchefant#haurchefant greystone#haurchefant x wol#haurchewol#post heavensward msq#ffxiv heavensward spoilers#ffxiv heavensward
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Emmanellain rambling
I actually have a lot of Thoughts about Emmanellain’s characterization I just haven’t decided what my headcanon is yet.
But it hinges on the fact that he’s a gossip monger: he MUST therefore know that his behavior toward women but especially Laniaitte is socially unacceptable. He also only seems to behave so over-the-top inappropriately toward her specifically.
She (during one of the Cloud Sea sidequests iirc) has a piece of dialogue saying essentially that they were very close as children and that she thinks he clings overmuch to it even still.
Which leads me to the crux: he’s purposefully being performative to make a certain impression, to cement his reputation as a terrible flirt and a ladies’ man, and he singles Laniaitte out because they’re old friends, because he knows she’ll put up with him without ruining him.
I think he does this to compensate for something, but I can’t decide whether my headcanon is that he’s trans or that he’s gay. Maybe both!! Perhaps he was born as the only daughter of House Fortemps, his father got him a Fantasia to support him, and now he’s being performatively hypermasculine in the only way he feels he can to compensate for the censure of his peers. Perhaps he’s doing it so that he’ll be written off as a terrible womanizer and it will compensate for how close he is to certain eligible men of his age.
And though I don’t think she knows at first, I love the idea of him finally opening up to Laniaitte about it and her gently scolding him for not telling her the truth sooner before encouraging him to continue loudly and poorly proclaiming his love for her. It becomes a private joke.
He knows he’s doing well when he can see the change in the twist of the corners of her mouth because she’s trying not to laugh. She heckles him for it in private and tells him not to cut it so close. They’re better friends than ever because of it.
Regardless of what Emma’s trying to cover up, Haurchefant is the most observant out of all of the Fortemps by a country malm, no contest, he ABSOLUTELY knows that something is up and likely has good guesses as to what it is.
And Honoroit would put it together, the lad’s a smart cookie.
#fortemps family dynamics#FFXIV headcanons#Emmanellain de Fortemps#Honoroit Bandarlois#Haurchefant Greystone#Laniaitte de Haillenarte
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Not a simple headcanon but I love peeling back the layers of the Fortemps interpersonal relationships but especially between Artoirel and Aymeric.
Like Artoirel is the put upon eldest son who needs to uphold so much, but Edmont? doesn’t seem nearly as affectionate with him as he does Haurchefant
Meanwhile Edmont is also supporting and praising Aymeric even saying things like “another son” in reference to him
But Artoirel is never bitter, he’s also supportive of Aymeric and his work for Ishgard. And I’m just so fascinated by that dynamic.
I just think it speaks to Artoirel’s character that he doesn’t let his familial relationships impact how he treats others.
Like. I do hc he has resentment for Edmont because of this but that he knows that Aymeric isn't at fault here so he doesn't blame him, too? Aymeric never asked for Edmont's love, he just got it as a gift. And while it does sting, it's not like Artoirel will fault Aymeric for it because I do see him as very inherently JUST and it's just.
The fact he's able to differentiate between his own feelings and how things SHOULD be is such an interesting part of his character. So much to dig into. So maybe he rationalized the lack of love from Edmont as "hurts me as the person but this is how you raise an heir"! And that's why he doesn't say anything!! These are two different things!!!
Nika cannot do this but at some point he does tell Artoirel that his feelings are valid and that he's allowed to be angry and hurt at Dad, at which Artoirel is like. Say syke rn (and also that's why they work as well as they do! Different ways of seeing things that the other person needs for growth!!)
But that loyalty to principles of things might very well have earned him the nickname Ironbone :) I kinda like that idea
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Ishgardian Starlight Celebration
Mimble (and his puppy) are enjoying the Ishgardian Starlight Celebration, especially the various seasonal treats.
For those of you with Ishgardian OCs, or OCs with links to Ishgard, what are some of your ideas or headcanons about the celebrations and your characters involvement in them?
For example...
Does Francel of @aroseyetbloomedwrites arrange special events for the children of The Firmament and their families? Does he receive any gifts from the people?
Does Aymeric escort Hali of @firelightmuse to view the richly decorated manses of The Pillars? Or perhaps accompany her to a Starlight Ball in her honour?
Do Meeps (@meepsthemiqo) and Emmanellain visit his family over the Starlight period? How does she feel about this? Do the children enjoy playing in the snow?
Does A'vett (@avettabendrot) have any special bakes for the Starlight Celebration? Is there an Ishgardian Stollen? Or does he fashion a Gingerbread Tribunal to display in the shop window?
What starlit romance awaits Kai (@kissstealkai) amongst the glittering frost and flickering candlelight?
How involved is Faiolan of @mirageofthecrystal in House Penderghast's Starlight Celebrations? Does his House adapt their celebrations to further their goal of bringing Ishgardian society together?
Does Rulian of @miqomischief / @rulianbadeux actually get any time off over the Starlight Celebration? What events or functions does he attend? And what gifts does he get for his husbands?
Does Mercer of @furys-mercy take some time away from his workshop and clandestine activities to celebrate the season? Does he ever donate mechanical toys to be gifted to the children of The Firmament?
What does Akhutai of @scales-claws-and-thorns make of all this talk of families and emotional closeness? Is there anything about the celebration that he enjoys?
Has Ichelle de Fortemps (@loldragoon-ffxiv) found ways to use the Starlight Celebration to advance her more socially progressive aims? Is there a way in which she could use the occasion to make a diplomatic gesture to strengthen Ishgard's relationship with the Dravanians?
Does Xynal of @kskellington find Ishgard beautiful at this time of the year? Or is there some ambivalence about the celebration for him? Will he be marking the occasion with his husbands? What gift would please him most?
Does Fennie of @scholarlostintime bring in any Ishgardian Starlight Celebration traditions to help his children learn about their cultural heritage and history? (maybe not the salt rock though)
How will Drac (@draculas-husband) and Count Edmont be spending the Starlight Celebration? Would they be happy with a big family occasion or would they prefer something quieter and more intimate?
And lastly can there ever be enough sparkling lights and cocoa to reconcile Inxli (@pinxli) to the cold!
(If you're not already following any of the above blogs, I strongly recommend you check them out, there are some amazing characters and stories to be found).
As for me, my humble Ishgardian Starlight Holiday Headcanon is that this would be what Ishgardian festive music might sound like - ideal for having in the background of a Starlight Candlelit Dinner or even a Starlit Stroll...
Apologies to any Ishgard-linked blogs I left out - I have to go to bed now!
#ffxiv#Starlight Celebration#shameless seasonal blog boosting#tis the season#ffxiv rp#ishgard#ffxiv starlight#ff14 ffxiv#ffxiv gpose#ffxiv oc#Youtube
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HC: The First Moment NPC Fell in Love with WoL
Taking a quick break from the story to share some headcanons.
The first time NPC realizes that they're in love with the WoL, featuring the elf husbands.
That is a difficult question. The exact moment? I’ve never been wont to trust someone known for their skills in persuasion, but their power over the hearts and minds of others is undeniable. The Warrior of Light convinced me of much through the strength of their efforts. So many things I had believed to be impossible, they need not honeyed words to make me believe. They show me.
The laws of Ishgard were vast and immutable, etched in stone for many ages. To think that we might become a republic, that anyone might have the political power of a lord! I had never given myself the freedom to imagine it until this fearless adventurer strode into the Holy See, smashing centuries of rules and procedure. They never feared impropriety, always placing their conviction before the trifles of high society.
My feelings grew when they flung themselves into danger after I had been taken to the Vault, that they would follow my father to Azys Lla and do what I could not. I should have been the one to put him down, I should have been the one to bring Estinien home. Yet, they looked on me with compassion, with true friendship rather than pity or disappointment.
I apologize, I could speak for many ages on this. The exact moment that I knew I loved them was at the Grand Melee. For all of the infatuation I had held, that sealed it. I admit, I felt a rush of pride seeing them victorious in Ishgard's colors, in my colors. Every day after, I knew I loved the Warrior of Light. If only dinner had been longer, but perhaps next time.
They were lovely from the first! Don't laugh, but I do believe in love at first sight. Really. I loved that they didn't know who I was, where I had come from, what people thought of my family. They needed my aid, and I could be their hero. To someone so strong, I could be their hero. That I might be the person to comfort the Savior of Eorzea, the primal slayer, the Warrior of Light! Imagine that.
Every day has been an exercise in showing my affection, though for as forward as I had been, I don't think they've picked up on my intentions. I have sent word to them at House Fortemps to visit for another hot chocolate date, but they are quite busy. I trust we'll make the time before this dreaded war ends. I fear that they might leave Ishgard for some time after that, but maybe...oh. Coerthas isn't so out of the way. I hope they come to see me from time to time.
You fail to receive an answer. Estinien has scowled in your face for at least 30 seconds, but it has felt like an eternity.
"Thavnair. After the aetheryte sickness. I heard them call my name from behind me as I expertly haggled with the vendor for the cure to the Warrior of Light's ill. It was sweet, soft. I had never heard them speak that way. The way they gazed at me, desperate for me to notice. It was quite sweet."
Estinien has been apprised by another person in the room that the Warrior of Light had simply been attempting to stop him from overpaying for a drink. He looks absolutely crushed and has put on his helmet. He has no further comment-oh. He has returned.
"They were quite pleasant after Arenvald's accident. Compassionate but pragmatic, quick to shut down Fordola's commentary while giving her the same kind honesty. No matter the situation, their words are true without a hint of cruelty. I felt..." Estinien sucks in his breath sharply, "I admit, I am a bit softer now since meeting them. There is a way to be loving and honest. They're truly an equal on the battlefield, a beast of a dragoon, but so soft otherwise."
Estinien has cleared his throat and will not elaborate further.
#ffxiv headcanons#ffxiv headcanon#aymeric x wol#wol x aymeric#aymeric headcanon#wol x estinien#wol x haurchefant#elf husbands#ffxiv writing#fluff#aymeric de borel#bastard son aymeric#aymeric x reader#estinien#haurchefant#haurchefant greystone#haurchefant x wol#haurchefant de fortemps#heavensward#heavensward spoilers#endwalker spoilers#hc post
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