#why is artoriel like that
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thevikingwoman · 6 months ago
FFXIVWrite2024 - Prompt 16
Fortemps household dynamics fascinate me endlessly, so here is some barely grown-up Artoriel POV
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV | Words: 359 | read on Ao3
Artoirel de Fortemps | pre-ARR Rating: Teen. Character study, Ishgard society, Fortemps family, mention of infidelity (canonical), why is Artoirel the way he is? vague heavenwards spoilers
Artoirel de Fortemps doesn’t stop when he sees his little brother run past him, bloody nose and tears streaking down his face. He merely gets out of the way. Emmanellain doesn’t see him, his eyes on the ground as he rushes by. Probably running off to nanny, though he is far too big for that. Artoirel sneers, unbiddenly, and continues around the corner.
“Some third-rate knight he’ll be.”
“Third son, too.”
“More worthless than a bastard.”
This makes Artoirel pause. The statement is followed by raucous laughter. It would be unseemly to get in a fight over Haurchefant.
“Well, Haurchefant is a fine fellow.”
“For a bastard, aye.”
Someone snorts. “Don’t say that to his face. He trounced Delicrouxeus the other day. Mark my word, Count Fortemps will give him command of something.”
“Emond can’t even command his own dick.”
More laughter. Artoirel's ears burn. He bites his cheek. He cannot be unseemly. He needs to be above reproach. The Fury knows his brother isn’t going to be.
“Mayhap little Emmanellain is Halone’s punishment? A hapless idiot of a son.”
“Bet ol’ Edmont would have been happy with even another stick in the mud like Atoriel rather than Emmanellain.”
“If he kept himself true, he’d mayhap had a brave and personable trueborn son. They’d all be a third-rate House this way.”
His clenched fist hit the wall. Atoriel bites his cheek to keep from crying out. He cannot. His growth spurt done, he’d hardly get any taller, but he cannot take on three squires. He mustn’t.
“Kept himself pure – Haviellemont, you better learn that. I saw you with that wench in the Brume but two days ago.”
“And what were you doing there?”
The voices fade as Artoirel hurries away. He does not run. He is not his little brother. If only Emmanellain behaved proper, there would be no doubt about the honor of their house. He brings shame on them all. Artoirel reaches the fresh, crisp air. He cannot help his little brother’s follies. He simply must be a better example. Above reproach, the perfect heir. Father needs neither Haurchefant nor Emmanellain as long as Artoirel is peerless.
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bronnichiwa · 6 months ago
FFXIVWrite; Day 10 - Stable
Day 10 - Stable
Edmont de Fortemps knows the pain of losing a child.
During Ultima Thule, it almost happens again.
Edmont de Fortemps loved all of his children equally.
That he loved Emmanellain and Artoriel went without saying.  That he loved his bastard son the same was peculiar, even in the more progressive parts of Ishgardian society.  His now-late wife had taken issue with it, of course, but Edmont was always one who looked towards the future.  If his children were to be the future, he could hardly hold his own transgressions against them.
From the first day he held Haurchefant in his arms, there was no question that the boy was his, and that only made his untimely passing all the more painful.
In Ishgard, it was extremely common for parents to outlive their children.  That they lived in the fires of war meant that the young were always in more danger than the old, and this was something that Edmont had grown to understand over the years.  Still, this didn’t make Haurchefant’s passing hurt any less.
Edmont understood all too well why there wasn’t a word for parents who outlived their children.  He felt as if his own being was being ripped to shreds, as if the world had lost all of its vibrancy in a matter of moments.
It would have been easier, perhaps, if there was someone he could blame.  If he could look at the Warrior of Light and think that without their existence, his son would still be here.  But doing so would be nothing if not an insult to Haurchefant’s memory, and Edmont had grown a soft-spot for the Warrior of Light.
Somewhere along the line, the Warrior of Light had become his child, too.
He had never meant for it to happen.  Edmont had, in fact, denied Haurchefant’s initial pleas to offer the Warrior and her friends aid.  But Edmont was nothing if not full of love, and given the soft spot he held for his son, he couldn’t find it in himself to say no.  Not when Haurchefant was this passionate. 
With the Warrior of Light under his roof, he quickly became enamored.  He’d expected a selfless savior, someone who spoke quietly and only ever put others’ needs above their own.  He’d expected a saint, much like the ones that were written about in Ishgardian tradition.  That he’d found instead someone entirely more human awakened his parental instincts once again.
He did his best to support the Warrior of Light while she was in Ishgard, even if it only amounted to giving her somewhere to stay.  Edmont had been a parent long enough to know what his children needed, after all, and the Warrior of Light lacked nothing if not stability.  He strove to provide a warm hearth and a welcoming home.
All children eventually leave the nest, however, and the Warrior of Light was no exception.
Old as he was, Edmont was unable to travel.  Instead, he received his updates from Ser Aymeric.  Ala Mhigo, Sharlayan, Thavnair; all were places he’d never been, but he relished in hearing about them all the same.  That the Warrior of Light never came to him directly didn’t escape his notice.  There was some part of her, he surmised, that held herself accountable for Haurchefant’s death.
Edmont longed to give his daughter a hug, longed to tell her that it wasn’t her fault and she shouldn’t blame herself.  But, he knew that some things couldn’t be rushed, and such blatant displays of emotional awareness were all but foreign in Ishgardian society.
Instead, he makes sure that his house is always ready to receive company.  He makes sure that his house is always a home, always somewhere she and her companions can escape should the situation call for it.
When he receives the call, Edmont acts no differently.
The former Count Fortemps has known Aymeric for most of the younger Elezen’s life, and Edmont has never heard him so distraught before.  It takes him a long time to parse what Aymeric is even saying: the Warrior of Light was gravely wounded in a faraway corner of the galaxy and is currently in critical condition.  They’re waiting for her to stabilize, Aymeric explains, but they don’t know that she will.
Without much else to do, Edmont de Fortemps works to make his house a welcoming home.  He makes sure the drapes are changed, and he makes sure the guest room is ready.  That there is a metaphorical sword of damocles hanging over his heart, threatening once again to shatter him into a million pieces, does not deter him.  That his world could once again be stripped of color does not make him stop.
After all, there is little an old man can do from this far away, save for make a stable home.  Save for make somewhere to return to.
When the dust settles, and Rose is fully healed, she returns to Fortemps Manor.  Though the decorations have changed, it’s just as warm and inviting as she remembers.  In a world of chaos, where things can change between seconds, it’s home.
And Edmont is there to greet her with a smile, as if she never left.
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chysgoda · 2 years ago
(@driftward) Ship meme, for Art’imis...
Aymeric. I am curious about how that dynamic would shake out.
Or Yugiri. What's that shape in the mirror.
Bel laid on her stomach reading the book uncle Artoriel had given her. Her mother sat on the bed next to her and stared at the wardrobe. Bel craned her head back to see how her mother’s lips pulled into a thin line and her eyebrows scrunched into the patch of ivory scales at the center of her forehead. Bel twitched her purple tail to the side to lay it alongside her mother’s sender ivory one. The young miqo’te girl placed the ribbon bookmark and closed her book. “He’s not like Ilberd.”
Art’imis expelled a breath somewhere between a huff and a laugh. “No, he’s not.”
Bel scowled when she noticed that her mom was picking at the scales on the back of her hands. She wriggled to get her knees under her and knelt up. She grasped one of her mom’s hands and pulled it towards her so that Art’imis couldn’t keep picking at herself. The paladin stared down at the hand Bel had claimed for a moment and then blew out a breath. She kissed the crown of Bel’s head and then rubbed the side of her horn against her daughter’s cheek.
They let the silence settle, soft and still between them. Eventually Art’imis sighed, “Well I know that you like him.”
“Mom!” Bel drew out the vowel into a whine, “I was ten!”
“Sorry darling,” Art’imis laughed and threw her arm around Bel’s shoulders, “seriously though, What do you think?”
Bel fussed with the end of her tail until her mother laid a hand over hers. “I think he’s kind. He never chuckles with the other nobles to keep face when someone makes a joke”- Bel raised her hands to make air quotes so aggressive she almost threw Art’imis’s arm off her shoulders - “about your scales or my ears. I know he can’t go with you when you have to be the Warrior Of Light, but he’d understand it and what it does to you.”
Art’imis hummed in thought and rested her chin on Bel’s head until the thirteen year old wriggled to get her to move. “Help me pick something out to wear?”
“Only if you never bring up that crush again.”
“Hmmmmmm, no promises.”
(The only person that doesn’t drag Bel about her school girl crush on Aymeric is Aymeric.)
Aymeric probably would have been who I shipped Art with ultimately except for one problem, I find Aymeric really really hard to write. Like to a stupid extent and I’m not sure why. On a character level though I think he would be patient and compassionate enough to wait for and help Art deal with her trauma (and Bel’s trauma) regarding the relationship with Ilberd. (Because I was evidently the only person who did NOT see that coming and I have inflicted that on Art’imis) Art was seriously messed up after the bloody banquet and it took her until 5.1 to get her feet back under her so she could trust a relationship again. With Aymeric I’d have to poke at it to get a feel for if that process would have sped up with him in a more romantically inclined role than a platonic one. As a couple I can see them working fairly well together. I can also see Edmont playing matchmaker just a bit because then he knows at least two of his kids are in a stable relationship. Also Aymeric as Bel’s adopted dad would be hilarious and adorable.
And now have some AU photos where Art’imis de Borel takes her husband to see the home of the twelve. (She’s pretty sure that there won’t be any trials while they’re there. Mostly sure. Well reasonably sure… okay she told him to bring the damn bow for a reason)
And here in particular she points out how you can see the tower that SOMEONE used to drag the scions to the first.
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observationcoffee · 2 years ago
I think this is def a contributing factor but I don't think its the only thing (spoilers under the cut for those who haven't done ishgardian restoration quests/endwalker):
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Emmanellain is rarely put in a position where he can show off his strengths. It's easy to be annoyed with him in the heavensward main questline for his mistakes but he's just not meant to be a commander, or a soldier really. If you do the ishgardian restoration questline you find out that Emmanellain is a wonderful merchant and ambassador. He secures a solid trade deal with Ul'dahs merchants! A group that even Nanamo had trouble getting under her control. He is a BIG part of encouraging businesses to trade with ishgard, jump starting their economy. He learns about the political circles in other city states, and encourages the nobles to learn about other cultures outside of ishgard! In endwalker, hes the one to contact the sky pirates to help transport the adamantite. Which, considering how elusive they are... I find thats something big to note.
But outside of him praising himself i've never really seen this recognized by other npcs in the game. Even in Endwalker, Artoriel sends Emmanellian to the Garlemald expedition to "make something" of himself by fighting. Why can't he make something of himself outside of fighting? Why was he never sent to a school to improve his merchant skills?
My point is, I think alot of whats wrong with Emmanellian can also be explained by the fact he has talents that nobody in his family have bothered to nurture. And instead he's been pushed into being a knight because thats the "honorable" thing to be. Emmanellian is a social butterfly that was trapped in a isolated war torn country that had no place for free spirits like him. He's one of the characters i'm most excited to see grow now that ishgard is opening itself up to the rest of the world and is removing religion from politics.
I think a lot that's wrong with Emmanellain can be explained by the fact that he's the one conceived in the aftermath of an affair. He's the apology child and there is no thing alive that can fix the holes in his parent's sinking ship and there is no thing he could ever do to be good enough to make up for what Edmont did.
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crystal-verse · 2 years ago
oh fun bit of trivia, bc of ishgard customs and such those in battle (dragoons, knights, etc) tend to die young (bc yknow, fighting dragons) so they tend to marry earlier as well. anyways this is to say that mehka and haurchefant get married like early/mid-HW, before his death near the end of HW. which is to say that mehka is pregnant when he dies and she has an entire baby. she's normally the tank (warrior, switches to paladin after her husband's death) but in SB she gets delegated to healer duty bc if she refuses to fight then k'pheli and the others are at least gonna make sure she's not in the thick of the fight. (this is also why k'pheli picks up dark knight -- he needs a tank class and has gotten attached to ishgard at this point)
anyways the baby's name is dieudonné, it's french and means "gift from god", he's a very tiny half-miqo'te half-elezen, and emmanellain is the go-to babysitter because unlike artoriel he actually has some experience with children (see: honorit). emmanellain is mehka's favorite brother-in-law despite everything and she does not bother to hide it (rip artoriel though)
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Having more thoughts about Kore's retainers. They're still pretty loose, but I wanna set them down here anyway.
Ramblings below cut
She hired them both during the events of Heavensward
Cosette (Elezen, eventual Black Mage) was first, not long after Kore had gotten settled in Ishgard.
She'd had something she needed or wanted to do that involved going to Ul'Dah, was saying something about how she couldn't do it because showing her face in Ul'Dah was probably a bad idea, and Emmanellain or somebody was like "why don't you just send somebody to do it?"
Kore was like "YOU CAN DO THAT?"
Either Emmanellain, Artoriel, or both went with Kore to the Jeweled Crozier to introduce her to the wonderful world of retainers.
Cosette came highly recommended from a very respectable Ishgardian agency (I've got some vague ideas on her backstory, but nothing nailed down yet). Kore was definitely intimidated by her (and the whole concept) at first, but they eventually formed a sort of professional friendship (although that took a while; Cosette's a pretty formal person).
Valinari (Viera, eventual Botanist) got hired later on, and less officially, shortly after the whole Ul'Dah plotline was resolved.
I haven't nailed down all the details here either, but I do know that Valinari was in hot water with something that ultimately traced back to some shit that Lolorito owned (which, to be fair, is a significant chunk of Ul'Dah), Kore stumbled upon him in the middle of it, and she effectively hired him on the spot both to protect him and as a small middle finger to Lolorito.
I have this great line in my head where someone's trying to get her to turn Valinari in and she's just like "My retainer would no more do this thing you're accusing him of than your boss would poison the sultana." Which, like. Technically true.
The level to which Kore expects Valinari to actually do his job is not super high; she's a pretty chill boss in general. He still gets shit done, but at his own pace.
Also, Valinari and Cosette hate each other, but it's in that, like, office sitcom way where they snipe at each other all the time but will still bail the other out if there ends up being an issue.
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ysara-and-friends · 5 years ago
Edmont: yes, I love all of my children equally. Artoriel, Haurchefant, and...
Edmont: *squints*
Edmont: Emancipation
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thesilverfullcr · 2 months ago
Emmanellain stammered in humiliation and embarrassment as Ro’s attentions were focused on him, with the shorter man completely sitting on his lap, even going so far as to plant a tiny, chaste kiss on the tip of his nose. A few men at the table snorted in amusement, cheering Ro and Emma on, though Artoriel seemed hellbent on ignoring his little brother’s plight.
Haurchefant just grinned, though he did take some pity on poor Emmanellain. He wasn’t sure how exactly to divert attention away from the flustered boy and to himself, but the situation righted itself just fine. It seemed that this Rothalion knew when enough was enough, and he shifted attention himself. Emma breathed a sigh of relief when Ro slid off his lap again, but he couldn’t quite keep his mouth shut.
“He’s bisexual, that’s why he’s the right one,” Emmanellain huffed, pointing at Haurchefant.
It was a little insulting that Emma was ready to throw him under the bus at a moment’s notice, but Haurchefant knew his brother well enough to know he didn’t mean it like that – he was likely just trying to divert Ro’s attention so he would stop getting teased. Emmanellain and Haurchefant got along pretty well, for the most part. Better than Haurchefant got along with Artoriel, anyway.
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“Yes, thank you, Emma,” Haurchefant replied, snorting a little bit. “I do, in fact, swing both ways, as it were. However, I am loath to flirt with a man while he’s working.”
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It wasn't uncommon for some to touch when they're very much not supposed to, and some get a lot more rough than idle touches. Rothalion, depending on the person, allowed it... but there were regulars he did not like and made a point to lash out at when they overstepped his boundaries. Not always the first time but certainly repeat offenses earned a punch or a vicious bite. It was enough that he had quite literally been given a monthly limit, much to his chagrin... At least this crowd seemed either disinterested or entirely respectful. It put him more at ease than he oft was.
"Hmm..." He shifts his gaze to each introduced man in sequence, his smile softening a moment. "You all have quite lovely names, I see." An ear perks, his smile shifting into an entirely playful smirk as he tilted his head in looking at Emmanellain. He was far more embarrassed than anyone else at that table. Some were certainly taken off guard, a few red in the face likely from their nerves and even the possibility of questioning, but largely nobody was offended nor did they stammer and redirect Rothalion like this one did. Was he all that interested in the stammering one? Not really. He was cute but not quite Rothalion's type anyway... Besides, if he tried anything the poor thing would probably crumble into dust. It was fun to mess with him a bit, though.
Rothalion shot a grin towards Haurchefant with a glint of mischief within bright green eyes. He slipped back and completely into Emmanellain's lap, arms looping around his neck. Hooded eyes peer dreamily up at him, attempting to hold his nervous gaze.
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"Oh, come now... there's nothing wrong with it," he purred, a sensual lilt to his tone. He used the strength in his arms to lift himself up, pressing a playful little peck of a kiss to the tip of Emmanellain's nose. He then laughs, his eyes flicking to look at Hau again. It was clear with how much he looked at him that his interest did, in fact, lay with him. He was playing, but in reality he did wish to instead be in Haurchefant's lap.
"I'm not embarrassed, dear. If something so small as giving attention to the wrong man were to cause me embarrassment, then I aught not have this job, yes?" he mused. As he spoke Rothalion removed himself from Emmanellain's lap, instead shifting a little closer to Haurchefant to lean against him. His head cants to the side, smile softening again when he looked up at the other man.
"That said, I am intrigued as to what he means in his implication of you being the right guy." He's prying but not without intention. He had caught the look he received before Haurchefant ducked his head, but he didn't wish to inquire so much if the man were not interested even remotely and was just embarrassed for looking out of curiosity.
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southshrouded · 3 years ago
A Love of Princes
(more Tonkatsu Udon lore, this time from Heavensward! wahoo)
Of all the people to find her, she wasn't expecting Artoriel.
She didn't get much sleep these nights. Something was wrong, aside from the Ul'Dahnian coup and the Dragonsong War and the missing Scions of course. Her every bone seemed to ache in twinges and spasms, cutting into her every day life like a sudden cold knife. She felt unraveled.
The frigid air of the Pillars helped, and at night it wasn't like anyone else was going to brave the bitter stillness for some solitude. Her height afforded her an easy hiding place behind the railings of the Fortemps Manor as she stifled sobs into her hands. What horrifying transformation was she undergoing? What would she become?
Sighing and massaging her stinging calves, she didn't see Artoriel at the window until it was too late. She was only granted a manner of seconds to clean her face of tears and snot before he had ran to the door and come outside.
"Miss Udon?"
She gulped, trying to clear her throat of breaching weeps. He stood at distance, the way you would to a street dog caught in a trap.
"I shall fetch someone, shall I-?"
Her glittering glare caught his sentence in his throat with a silent plea. His hand fell from the doorknob.
"At least come inside, then. You must be fair freezing."
Her only response was to draw her knees up to her chest and hide her face. Artoriel sighed and, drawing his coat close around his neck, came closer and leaned against the railing.
"Do tell me what's wrong. Are you in pain? I can summon the house chirugeon. We can't have the Champion in anything but her most fighting fit, can we?"
There was a long pause, and Artoriel counted five snowflakes on the fur trim of his cuff before a muffled reply:
"... m'legs hurt..."
"Your legs? Here, let me see."
Gingerly, he knelt down on the stones beside her and rolled down the cuffs of her boots. "I don't see anything wrong... did you break it? Or does it feel swollen anywhere-"
He glanced up at her face, at her knitted brow as she tried intently to look at anywhere but him.
"... You're an elezen, aren't you?"
She flinched.
"Why, I can scarce believe it! I would have sworn up and down when I first met you that you were a lalafell. Halone's mercy strike me!"
He sat back on his heels and gave a puff of laughter. Tonkatsu's glower deepened.
"How old must you be now? Nineteen, twenty?"
"... 'm nineteen summers..."
He laughed again, a burst of surprise.
"Did not your parents tell you?"
It wasn't until after he asked it that he realised what he said might have been insensitive. If Tonkatsu took offense, she didn't show it, but her gaze turned away. He reached out and gently laid a hand on her shoulder.
"'Tis all a part of growing up. Your body is simply growing into an adult's body."
He gave her an encouraging smile.
"Why, when Haurchefant was your age, he ate a horse's weight in food every day to keep up with his growing. He shot up a whole yalm overnight!"
His smile grew wider in spite of her horrified stare.
"Come now, let's get inside. I know the cold feels nice, but a hot bath will be even better for your muscles. I'll send for some more food to be sent to your quarters, you must be starving."
He stood up and offered her his hand. She ignored the gesture but stood up regardless, tugging at the hems of her trousers. As he got to the door, she paused.
"Ar... toriel..."
"Yes, Miss Udon?"
"Y'won't... tell nobody about this, will you?"
He smiled again, encouragingly.
"Come now, it wouldn't be particularly chivalrous of me to be spilling a lady's secrets now would it? Hardly befitting of a noble."
If he had any thoughts about the state of the nobility in Ishgard at that current time, he didn't think it prudent to say. "What's... shiver-ous?"
He paused.
"It's... the ways of knights and nobles. To uphold the values we hold dearest, and to protect the ones dearest to us."
He held the door open for her, and ushered her back into the warmth. As they walked through the darkened hallways of the Fortemps manor, he paused to take a book down from a shelf and handed it out to her. "Here. When I was younger I used to read these stories to myself. They're fairy tales, mostly, but perhaps you might learn something from them."
She took it from him and gazed at the cover, a gold crown embossed on a green field. She passed a hand gently over the gilding, thumbing the beautiful illustration of a woman in a tower leaning out to kiss a passing traveler on a horse. She nodded.
"Thanks, Artoriel."
He breathed a sigh of relief.
"You're most welcome, Miss Udon."
The wind of Coerthas was shrill and sharp, cutting through the bypass in harsh blasts. Tonkatsu shielded her eyes with a gloved hand as she gazed out, squinting against the snow glare, at the congregating Temple Knights near the mouth of a cave. One by one they loaded people into a waiting wain, grabbing them roughly by the arms and legs despite their protestations. She hummed softly under her breath. Behind her, a ... man, perhaps, or some sort of apparition in the form of a man, took out a book and began to read aloud.
"Once upon a time..."
She leapt over the snowbank, launching herself high into the air to come down on the knights with a crash.
"There lived a prince in a castle, far far away."
Taken with surprise, the knights weren't prepared to defend themselves against her whirlwind offense as she slashed through their numbers with a weapon that could be generously called a sword, but was more a lump of metal welded to a hilt.
"Blessed by Halone as he was for his looks and his temperament, he was wanting but for only one thing: a throne to call his own."
Her long limbs, gangling and awkward as they were, had no form or grace as she hefted and thrust the massive sword around her in massive arcs, shearing plate and bone. There was no style to her technique, just power.
"And so he set about to perform great feats of heroism, for he knew that if he strived hard enough he would be worthy of great valour and fame."
Though she had the element of surprise on her side, it wasn't long until the knights were able to recoup and launch a counter attack, harrying her sides and closing in on her exposed flank. She growled, eyes rolling like an animal cornered.
"So he ventured forth to seek his fortune, come what slings and arrows of outrageous fate may come. And find it he did."
Shrouded suddenly in dark power, Tonkatsu clenched her left fist tight and raised it to the blindingly white firmament. The knights all faltered as she drew the energy about her person like a cloak, looking for all the world like a man possessed. Their last sights were of a demon, dark and daggered, bearing down on them.
"But fortune is what we make of it. For all the heroics he did, it was not enough to fill the hole in his heart, and for all the valour he garnered it did not make him happy. In the end, he found no rest. No throne would carry his burdens. And so, the prince perished."
The snow was beginning to abate. Tonkatsu watched as the prisoners slowly clambered out of the wain, choking back screams at the swathes of blood that coloured the snow. They took one look at her and scrambled away to the mouth of the pass. She wiped the sweat off her brow, sticking out her tongue to catch some passing snowflakes on her tongue.
"That's not how that story ends."
She said accusatorially. The apparition shrugged.
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theferalscion · 3 years ago
Do you think artoirel would send Emma to die like he does to wol in the normal game or would he not do that to his dearest little brother. I think if artoirel did send Emma to die it could still be because he's friends with haurchefant now, but it could also be bacuase artoirels like for fucks sake you're back. Why.
HMM I don't think Artoriel's intent was ever to send the WoL to *die*. To fail? Definitely
Though in this case I don't think it would be him deliberately setting Emma up for failure so much as just.. assuming Emma will fall, no matter what
Though since it's Haurchefant bringing the prodigal son home in this case (already so many feels, Haurchefant vouching for Emma and proclaiming that he's become a hero, father, for real!!), Maybe Artoriel is just trying to prove that Emma is the same lazy irresponsible coward that he was when he ran away
Though poor Emma would think Artoriel was giving him this job because he finally believed in him and when Artoriel reveals that he expected failure... Emma will be crushed
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ffxiv-ariavitali · 5 years ago
Considering how Fortemps sees WOL as their own family, maybe a scenario of Aymeric, Estinien and Hien of them probably asking Edmont and even Artoriel's permission to court WOL for marriage? You can add Lucia, Honoroitt, Yugiri and Emmanellain if you'd like :D
hi hi~ there’s a lot going on here, so i’ll keep it simple with just Edmont since he’s the star of the show :)
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It was to be expected that, after all the time that you spent with the Fortemps family since your asylum, that you would come to see them as your own. Being by your side since—and being an avid fan of yours besides, Aymeric was acutely aware of this and has done all he could (within reason) to curry favor with Lord Edmont.
It doubtless helped his case that he was Ishgardian in blood and even more so since the lord came to see Aymeric as a son of his own. It was easy to discuss matters since culture and faith were the same and, of course, bears no grudge in politics because it’s an entirely different realm on its own.
While traditional, Aymeric still approaches Lord Edmont for his blessing in asking for your hand. The news brings joy to the lord and any fatherly protectiveness that could have been shown was nonexistent, allowing for an easy acceptance. Knowing the lord commander for as long as he has, your father was sure that he would be able to make you happy.
There was a mutual understanding between Estinien and Lord Edmont when it came to discussing anything regarding a betrothal. Knowing the rules and traditions of Ishgardian marriage, the dragoon is easily convinced to go through with the formalities of such (with the support of Aymeric attending as his family, of course). 
When Estinien had approached your father for permission to marry you, the lord was not at all opposed to it. He knows that the dragoon makes you happy and that you wouldn’t want anyone else by your side. With the dedication that the man showed when it came to slaying Nidhogg has now been redirected to being by your side and he had no doubt that he will protect you when push comes to shove.
What Edmont appreciates the most is his ability to tell you things for what it is. You needed someone to look out for your back, to remind you to take breaks, to eat, to take it easy and when you were being stubborn, you needed someone to bring you back to reality. With Estinien’s bark being as fierce as his bite, Edmont has no doubt that he’ll be a good influence on you.
Being from a faraway land, your father was unsure of what to think when the Prince of Doma had suddenly arrived on his doorstep to beg a boon of him. Rather, he didn’t arrive as his nation’s leader, but simply as a man known as Hien Rijin looking to seek permission for your hand in marriage.
Edmont knew of your relations to Hien, as you were wont to talk about him often whenever you would stop by to visit. It was very kind and courteous of the prince to seek him out considering the familial ties, going as far as to travel across the entire star just to speak with him. After further discussions, he finds there are much in common between Ishgardian and Far Eastern customs and it was easy then to come to an agreement.
Once he was comfortable, Edmont was able to understand the reason why you had fallen for him. His smile was radiant as the sun, a warm summer to melt away the cold winter that you have been put through. It was a cute notion, a delightful notion, and he would like for the best for you.
The only issue now is deciding where to hold the venue.
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abimee · 2 years ago
me and moosh are acting sincere when we talk about the fortemps gay thing so im being sincere when i say i think emmanellain is at just the right corner between little sibling and noble next child to have not been influenced by his repressed father and upset older brother so when he and haurchefant swap clothes as kids so he can wear heels and dresses and chefant pants and coats hes Aware that "good little boys with wives" dont do these things but, in canon he does use his little brother of a high house status to get away with things, so i think being around his brother when chefant starts to question himseld at a young age rubs Something off on him and he deflects questioning and reasoning both externally (being caught trying on the lipstick chefant got for his 11th birthday and never touched) and internally (wondering why he cares more about how the pretty manseevant complimented him on how he looks than pretty noble ladies cooing over how he looks). like emmanaillain just walks through life being given little sibling priviledge of never getting in trouble but also never having much responsibility so he is aware of what being gay is because he watched and heard his bastard brother, at the time bastard sister, being berated by the servants for being caught wearing emmanaillains nice formal suit and giving a lowborn girl a hug, but not aware enough of his own gayness because hes shielded by the baby brother badge And not in the seat of next count so all criticism and expection is pointed to artoriel instead and emmanallain gets to continue oggling men for their looks and looking at noble women for fashion and ettiquette at parties at a young age and thinks its just normal to have an intense opinion on how attractive men with facial hair is
i dont think emmanellain knows what being gay is i dont think hes ever conceptualized it. i think he kisses a man and the thought never crosses his mind
i think we need to give emmanellain more credit hes a smart man. just not super smart. he knows what being gay is he just never thinks about himself as gay because as second trueborn hes in that limbo state of being sort of scooted to the wayside in terms of noble responsibility but also still sort of drilled about societal expectation. Hes a romantic who sucks at it but all hes digested is heterosexual romance so he never realized hanging out with girls making him feel good wasnt an attraction thing because he doesnt Know anything else besides books about swooning maidens and heroic men until his bastard sister becomes his bastard brother and brings him home a scandalous book where two guys kiss
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semi-imaginary-place · 4 years ago
ffxiv the dragonsong war
oh yeah that was an incredibly stupid assassination attempt. why are you wearing armor on your shoulders and not over your vitals aymeric. and the assassin just walks up to him while he’s with 2 other nobles and stabs him. bruh.
lucia and hilda are in the same room. e~very woman is a lesbian at heart~! lesbian at heart. lesbian at heart! e~very woman is a lesbian at heart
ah artoriel. i still haven’t forgotten how you tried to get me killed.
“kore wa kishi no ikusa”?
what is up with the localization team only translating 1/3 of the dragons lines. do they hate dragons talking?????
interesting that aymeric specifically says something like i wasn’t expecting it to be a dragon (that saved the girl). vidofnir’s nickname for the pc is different too, cuter?
that was a nice moment, but how did vidofnir get through the 4 barriers.
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he’s trying too hard
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yeah that would do it
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why cant we just go the part of the sewer where minfilia left the player character? or did the WHOLE thing collapse
wonder why thancred had an eye color. the iris was a difference color but
omg aenor going after both of the boulder brothers. im so sorry clemence.
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nijohirjesyho · 5 years ago
First impression
Not to sound like Welcome to Nightvale but I feel in love instantly. Like I’d been told he was a great guy but after the trauma that was the Waking Sands that he’s just like, sit down, rest, I’ll help you however I can, and actually does help you (almost all the quests he gives you are directly related to your goals) it was just so nice. He struck me as really friendly and sweet.
Impression now
Past me was right on the money and I’m gay.
Favorite moment
When he gives the speech after you’ve been accused of regicide and says you can stay in Camp Dragonhead and use it as your base “the Falling snows”. Just how genuinely he offers everything he can give you. Also since I’m tired I typed how as hoe at first and it’s what he’d want.
Idea for a story
Oh my god, my AU. My magnum opus. I’ve been working on it for so long. The Dark Knight Haurchefant AU. I need to actually sit down, crank it out and publish it.
Unpopular opinion
My unpopular opinion is that Haurchefant had an absolutely shitty relationship with his father and brothers before the WoL arrived. I base this on the fact that knowing damn well Haurchefant cares about you Artoriel sends you to what he not only thinks but by his own admission hopes is your death. Emmanallian looks you in the eye and pointedly refers to himself as the “second true born son”. Haurchefant was never welcome in Fortemps manor before we arrived, it’s just that no one said it in those words.
Favorite relationship
Haurchefant and Francel! They’re such good friends.
Favorite headcanon
This one is sad but my favorite headcanon is one someone else mentioned, god someone remind me to find the post because OP deserves the credit, but that Haurchefant’s title is an insult. Because a Silver Blade is an unused blade and they’re basically imply Haurchefant is a coward or no good in a fight.
I just love exploring that Ishgard was shit to Haurchefant and he came out the way he did with sheer determination and Francel’s support and that might be why he was always so unwavering in his love and support for us. Because when the world is against you, having one person who believes in you can make the difference. 
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inviouswriting · 5 years ago
Originally posted on my main blog. Reposting it to here.
Where it should be!
Kiya x Aymeric. The start of things. Cut for spoilers obviously. Everything after the Vault. 
Mentions of character death and the sort. Uh don’t read if you don’t want to have feels.
This is why I keep the angst and drama off my writing blog.
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Kiya felt dazed as she wandered Ishgard, she is suppose to meet with those around her about what to do, to chase after Thordan. She was just at House Fortemp breaking the news of Haurchefant. Seeing Edmont break down, she left the house before she did the same. Her mind shattered for her fallen friend and adoptive brother.
What was more for her, was seeing her friend Tatyl broken down. She was in love with Haurchefant, and he had given his life to protect her. Not even her healing or raise spells would work. The Twelve know she tried, Kan-E-Senna had pulled her away to take her to Gridania for better comfort. 
Kiya was left to her own feelings, she had been dressed in lower layers of clothing a maidservant outfit. She was assisting with the memorial stuff, and felt it appropriate. 
She wasn’t watching where she is going, and bumped into a person. She reacts with a solemn sorry and looks up to see Aymeric, still sporting a sore arm from The vault. He regards her with a soft look to his eyes, seeing the pain writ in her eyes.
“Kiya, my friend, did you just come from?” He asks referring to Fortemps’ he is given a nod. The air was colder than normal almost reflecting the mood outside. Snow was trickling to a fro, and Aymeric sees Kiya visibly shivering. He wonders how long she was outside to be shivering.
“I-I’m sorry.” She says, Aymeric is unsure if the sorry was to him or something else. He loops his other arm around her knowing she is pained from the events.
“There is nothing to be sorry for. Come let’s warm you up. You are far too cold.” Aymeric brushes a hand on her cheek, and his suspicion is correct to get her out of the cold. Her painted lips make it hard for him to tell if she is hypothermic, but he guides her to his home.
Once inside he instructs his manservant for tea and blankets. Getting Kiya to sit down in a nicely furnished den in front of a fireplace. Aymeric sets about his own health grimacing from his arm, it was healing well, but sore. He returns to his guest draping a blanket over her shoulders. Kiya finally registers where she is as if broken out of the shocked daze.
“Aymeric! I... I do not mean to impose like this. Please...” She sees him sit next to her, and give her a warm smile he is dressed in a blue shirt with black pants. He holds out a cup of tea to her.
“Drink this.” Kiya takes the cup, her feline ears droop back to her head at his kindness. She feels like a mess, like she doesn’t deserve the title of Warrior of Light. Her thoughts overwhelm her as she looks at the delicate cup warming her hands. She only takes a sip before everything catches up to her at once. She sets the glass down so she doesn’t drop it, then buries her face into her hands and starts to sob freely.
“He’s gone! I couldn’t protect him!” Kiya says between her sobs, she is pulled into Aymeric’s chest and he lets her cry, something he had been wanting to do, but she beats him to it. He rests his head on top of hers.
“Shh... I know...” He tries, he does know, he was there. He held his friend. He saw Kiya’s pained face upon realization she lost someone dear, someone whose life was taken protecting hers because he believes her light so fierce. 
Kiya winds her arms around Aymeric’s torso burying her face into it. All he can do is pet the top of her head and try to even attempt to soothe her. What he does is let her cry, till his shirt is soaked in her tears. 
This goes on through the evening, she spoke of her tales with Haurchefant before she met Aymeric. She had resigned herself to laying her head in Aymeric’s lap letting him pet her head and ears, she found it soothing. She would add more tears when she reflected on the events that happened. He would feel them in his thigh.
Aymeric had lost track of time and noted it was well pass midnight and sighs. She had fallen asleep, he had been able to get her to eat something and now he was vexed with getting her to her home. His manservant suggests the guest room, and he agrees, having help carrying her there. She is light, and hangs limp from his servant’s arms. He did not like that sight of her.
Kiya stirs when she is set on the cold bed, and curls into it finding a pillow. A whimper escapes her, and Aymeric sits on the other side of the bed close to her.
“It is alright, I am still here.” He places a hand on her head, a grimace as he leaned on his wounded arm, his body ached from his own time in The Vault. He knows he will have scars from it, but physical scars heal compared to mental wounds. Those do not heal so well. 
“Please don’t leave me alone.” Kiya murmurs in her sleep, her hands gripping at one of his sleeves. Aymeric lets his manservant go assuring him he is fine for now.
“I’m not going anywhere. You have mine promise, my friend.” He leans against the headboard as Kiya curls into his side. How he wished this was under different circumstances. He never thought he would witness the great warrior of light break down in tears like this. He is reminded in that moment, she is still mortal and a normal person under all those titles. He pets her long hair in a comforting manner till her breathing evens out. He notes the tears that dot the ends of her eyes and wipes them away.
When she is finally asleep and sound he hears someone knocking. Aymeric sighs knowing his manservant is asleep after helping him with Kiya. Grimacing he gets up and goes to the door after brushing the back of Kiya’s face with his hand.
 “I will be back shortly.” Aymeric murmurs hoping she will be asleep when he returns to her. He thumbs away another line of tears he sees. At the door, he opens it to see Artoriel with an umbrella. The snow steadily falling harder.
“Ser Aymeric, sorry to disturb you so late, have you seen our friend? Alphinaud is worried. Said she left in a daze.” He asks, and Aymeric gives a nod.
“She’s here, I bumped into her earlier on my way back. She was too cold to let her wander... She is asleep. She cried herself to sleep in my arms..” Aymeric did all he could in his condition along with what she needed.
“Do you wish me to take her back?” Artoirel offers, only for Aymeric to shake his head no.
“No need to wake her when she just fell asleep. She can stay the night here, then tomorrow if she is feeling up to it, she will visit Fortemps, or she might go straight to the Congregation to meet with everyone there.” Aymeric explains, he notes the fresh layer of snow on the ground. 
“Ah, then take care of her. I shall let Father know that she is safe and Alphinaud.” He gives a bow, and receives one. 
“Oh, before I go, a way to cheer her up, she does like mint tea.” He suggests and steps off to go home. Aymeric returns back inside and to his friend. He checks and sees her still asleep, but silently shivering from a dream. 
He keeps his promise and lays down next to her to rest. He feels her cling to his side for warmth. How he wished this was under different circumstances.
The next day, Aymeric had to leave before she woke up, but he left instructions for his servant to follow in giving her tea and a bowl of soup. Still worried for her health after being in the cold for so long. Kiya is thankful, and feels her heart ache from the memories. 
She accepts the food she was offered and drink. She heads to the inn and changes her appearance, having her long hair cut short with a hair band holding it, and two green stars dot under her right eye.
Kiya takes a deep breath and goes to the congregation. Meeting up with everyone, solemn expressions, her eyes on Aymeric who gives her a wistful smile.
Alphinaud asks him how his wounds are, and he carefully glances to Kiya before he chooses his words.
“Some wounds do not heal.” He catches Kiya’s eyes as he says it, the pained expression brief, but there. He carries on with plans, knowing things must go on even when everyone in the room rather not.
He feels his own heart pang wanting to comfort his friend. Even as he waves her off to have her carry out her missions. The last time he speaks with her is before she treads to Azys Lla, he hopes she comes back from her fight with his father. He prays to Halone that she does.
Aymeric does not know what will happen if he learns of her fate be grim. He has already fallen in love with her, and he couldn’t tell her.
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chysgoda · 2 years ago
11. Do you think  your character is lucky or unlucky? What do they think? 28. How materialistic is your character?
11. Do you think your character is lucky or unlucky? What do they think?
Luck is a really strange thing to think about from the perspective of the writer. If I want a specific thing to happen to a character I can arrange causality to my liking to make sure said specific thing happens. And unless you're using some kind of randomizer as a writing tool the random happenstance that we collectively call luck just doesn’t exist in constructed worlds. So from my perspective I don’t really think in terms of a character being lucky or unlucky because there isn’t any random happenstance that would be called luck happening within the parameters of my writing.
As for the characters Art has been around the block enough times that she takes the stance of assume your luck will be terrible because Murphy is a bastard. A stance she has passed on to her daughter.
28. How materialistic is the your character?
Stuff if nice, but not nice enough to value over people.
Art’imis is a clothes horse and collector of strange things. This includes everything from gifts from city state leaders to this one rock that caught her eye in Rhalger’s Reach that no one else can figure out why it’s interesting.
Bel has a few keepsakes that are deeply important to her, such as her plush Chocobo Popo the lucky, and the lute Artoriel gave her for 16th name day.
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