#Fortemp family
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smalldumbpigeon · 1 year ago
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yknow i have so many thoughts about the Lvl 70 DRK quest and i guess this is one of them
(dialogue from the quest, Count Edmont)
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snail-fever · 11 months ago
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hazelkjt · 5 months ago
"You did it!"
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"It was just a fluke, though. A stroke of luck." -Emmanellain "Oh, just shut up and be proud of yourself for once!" -Hazel
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thevikingwoman · 6 months ago
FFXIVWrite2024 - Prompt 16
Fortemps household dynamics fascinate me endlessly, so here is some barely grown-up Artoriel POV
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV | Words: 359 | read on Ao3
Artoirel de Fortemps | pre-ARR Rating: Teen. Character study, Ishgard society, Fortemps family, mention of infidelity (canonical), why is Artoirel the way he is? vague heavenwards spoilers
Artoirel de Fortemps doesn’t stop when he sees his little brother run past him, bloody nose and tears streaking down his face. He merely gets out of the way. Emmanellain doesn’t see him, his eyes on the ground as he rushes by. Probably running off to nanny, though he is far too big for that. Artoirel sneers, unbiddenly, and continues around the corner.
“Some third-rate knight he’ll be.”
“Third son, too.”
“More worthless than a bastard.”
This makes Artoirel pause. The statement is followed by raucous laughter. It would be unseemly to get in a fight over Haurchefant.
“Well, Haurchefant is a fine fellow.”
“For a bastard, aye.”
Someone snorts. “Don’t say that to his face. He trounced Delicrouxeus the other day. Mark my word, Count Fortemps will give him command of something.”
“Emond can’t even command his own dick.”
More laughter. Artoirel's ears burn. He bites his cheek. He cannot be unseemly. He needs to be above reproach. The Fury knows his brother isn’t going to be.
“Mayhap little Emmanellain is Halone’s punishment? A hapless idiot of a son.”
“Bet ol’ Edmont would have been happy with even another stick in the mud like Atoriel rather than Emmanellain.”
“If he kept himself true, he’d mayhap had a brave and personable trueborn son. They’d all be a third-rate House this way.”
His clenched fist hit the wall. Atoriel bites his cheek to keep from crying out. He cannot. His growth spurt done, he’d hardly get any taller, but he cannot take on three squires. He mustn’t.
“Kept himself pure – Haviellemont, you better learn that. I saw you with that wench in the Brume but two days ago.”
“And what were you doing there?”
The voices fade as Artoirel hurries away. He does not run. He is not his little brother. If only Emmanellain behaved proper, there would be no doubt about the honor of their house. He brings shame on them all. Artoirel reaches the fresh, crisp air. He cannot help his little brother’s follies. He simply must be a better example. Above reproach, the perfect heir. Father needs neither Haurchefant nor Emmanellain as long as Artoirel is peerless.
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howdygravytrain · 5 months ago
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aymeric's a simple man: he sees wife, he loses his shit /pos UwU
a simple set done before dawntrail (i think i'm nearly done sharing all the pre-dt screenies??)!! also granson somehow getting his ass transported to the source works because yes 🤠 super short, but as always transcript is below!
Panel 2: Granson: Who is that hot lady?
Panel 3: Aymeric: THAT'S MY FUCKING WIFE!!!!
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witchloversupreme · 1 year ago
If you take a step back and really look at them, Gaius (in ARR, at least) and Edmont are actually pretty interesting foils for each other, because one is a deeply, deeply awful person who is an incredible father, while the other is one of the most moral and kind people on the planet who's given all of his kids massive, incredibly self-destructive complexes.
Like, Gaius genuinely adores all his children, even Livia, despite her incredibly disturbing fixation on him, and is very obviously gutted by the idea that they'd go to war without him to protect them, while Edmont very clearly only cared about Haurchefant, foisting all the First Born Son responsibilities on Artoirel but giving him absolutely none of the respect, and hardly remembering that Emmanellain even exists save to scold him.
Hell, even Haurchefant, even though he was the favorite, didn't get particularly better treatment because of Countess Fortemps (incredibly understandable) hatred of him, which led to Haurche becoming self-destructively self-sacrificing to try and get at least a little of the respect he deserves from his peers, and eventually lead to his death at The Vault.
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morganali-art · 4 months ago
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FFXIV October - Day 24 Childhood
Françoise was a very serious, young girl - both in temperament & countenance. She had inherited her father's eyes, but her mother's stern brow.
Henri, by contrast, was a most anxious little lad who kept to his sister's side as a shadow.
I've had some sketches for Cessalie x Artoirel kids kicking about for a while, and they finally got names because I was forced to name my Stardew Valley children 😂
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pumpkinmagekupo · 1 year ago
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So I was going through my old screenshots. I forgot about this from the drk quest line.
In my canon Mizuki lives in Ishgard and is adopted by Edmont. and married to Aymeric at a later date
So don't you worry papa Edmont! Mizuki will always return to Ishgard and her precious family.
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Mizuki "I am going to make you so proud!"
And in the words of Stitch: it is little and broken but still good...
we can fix those issues.
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smallest-turtle · 2 years ago
And another thing?
Haurchefant is only two years younger than Artoirel. How many adults actually have memories from that far back?
Whether you think Edmont and the Countess married by arrangement or for love, Artoirel likely has no memories of his parents' relationship before the affair. His home has never Not been strained by what happened.
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zakifairer · 2 years ago
You know that moment where you tell your friend that you want to date their brother
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They laughed this off and arranged a date later.
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ievaxol · 2 years ago
Expanding on the Fortemps' family dynamics is always so much fun and seeing how people go about it is one of my favorite things. I think about Emma so much like. To be the child born after an affair 💔
YEAH like. It's been a while since I played hw so I go off my own memories and wiki-refreshes right now for canon backing but Emmanellain really strikes me as simultaneously spoiled and neglected — where Artoriel and Haurchefant are both well aware of their duty and their obligations, he seems to be floundering.
I feel like there is a sort of sadness in being allowed to do whatever, as much as it might sound like something to be jealous of and that's a little what i think happened to Emmanellain. He's allowed to do more or less as he pleases but it's in a way where no one really bothered to give him the same care or framework that the other two had — perhaps after the affair fractured the family.
It's also a lot easier for the two brothers to blame Haurchefant than it would be to blame either of their parents. Unfair as it is, that's often what happens and going against a parental figure must be very tough compared to icing out a half brother who only your father tells you to be cordial towards.
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dongbangskies · 2 years ago
My dancer quest took me to Ishgard…
Aymeric did not make an appearance and I refuse to believe that he willingly didn’t come out to see me, his mew mew blorbo, dance.
On a separate note, Ranaa was rushing to Ishgard from Gridinia in her full dancer gear and I was like “hold it girl you need clothes! It be snowing….. oh she’s gone.”
And not the NPC pointing it out.
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They made the joke so we couldn’t.
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haellen-o · 6 months ago
Honestly it would probably depend for haellen. Like at which point in time would very severely effect the way she'd handle it. So yes *and* no. Depending on which point in time
Ophelia? Haha no. Everyone else wouldn't survive either. Losing haurchefant already turned her into a monsterous psychopath. Losing ysayle would suddenly become a problem for the entire world
This request was sent to us and we made a poll in response to it. Send any Blorbo-related question you want to our inbox and we’ll make a poll on which people can vote with their own Blorbos in minds
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aoki-fic · 2 months ago
Emmanellain wouldn’t be home for starlight.
It couldn’t be helped. The Astalicia was to embark on a very important voyage — to not oversee it personally would be to strangle their business before it had a proper chance to grow. It would be their first trip across the meridian, a milestone for every merchant worth their salt. If all went well, they’d be able to secure trading deals in Thanalan.
Or so he’d said in his letters home.
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whumpobsessednarwhal · 5 months ago
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Whumptober Day 4 Hallucinations: Sensory Deprivation
Characters: Emmanellain de Fortemps
Fandom: FF:XIV
It didn’t make any sense.
Emmanellain knew he was bound with chains, yet when he moved his arms he heard nothing.
Was it magic? He didn’t know of any magic that muted all sound.
His body ached from the unnatural position he had been forced into. It was taking all of his will power not to cry.
Or…maybe he was crying. He honestly couldn’t tell, on account of the fact he couldn’t feel anything.
Emmanellain hung from that position, the only thing he was able to do was hope that his brothers or father found him.
The silence was starting to get to him. It was driving him insane. It was maddening. He screamed through his gag, desperate for any sound, but then again maybe he didn’t scream. He had no way of knowing.
Robbed of all of his senses, he had no idea what he was doing, if he was doing anything at all.
At one point he swore he heard his father’s voice, but maybe he didn’t. Was he hallucinating?
He wasn’t even aware that he was no longer blindfolded or gagged until the lights turned on and sound seemed to flood back into the room. The rattling of chains, his choked sobs and a strange humming.
The lights got brighter and brighter. The noise in the room seemed to get louder and louder until it made his head pulse.
It didn’t take long for the sound to become too much. He whimpered in pain, but that only seemed to add to the noise. He slumped forward and the chains rattled loudly.
At some point the noise became so painful he started screaming, which only made everything worse.
He writhed and screamed and begged. He wanted this pain to stop.
He had no idea when he screams changed from simple noise to a word.
Emmanellain was in too much pain to care that he was screaming for his father.
He wanted his dad.
He wanted to go home.
None of these things happened.
At some point, his voice gave out. The noise didn’t.
Until it did.
He almost didn’t notice it because he was in so much pain. He only realized when the light dimmed.
He blinked through tear filled eyes as a woman walked into the room.
Purple hair, gold eyes, pale skin.
The woman who had kidnapped him.
She smiled and patted him on his cheek.
He didn’t realize how long it had been since he had been touched until he felt himself leaning into her hand.
He let out a pained whine, tears slipping down his face.
“Don’t worry, sweetie,” she cooed, “You can go home to daddy now,”
“Dad…” Emmanellain croaked.
The chains fell away and he collapsed into a heap on the floor.
The woman picked him up and dragged him out of the room.
She shoved him forward and he fell. The scenery changed. One minute he was in a strange and dark hallway made of stone and the next he was falling onto the floor of the Fortemps manner.
“Emmanellain?” an achingly familiar voice asked and Emmanellain’s head snapped up.
His father stood there, eyes wide, shocked by his youngest’s sudden appearance.
Emmanellain started sobbing.
“Dad…” he cried, staggering to his feet and collapsing against his father, shaking.
Count Edmont wrapped his arms around Emmanellain’s body, hugging him fiercely.
“It’s alright, my boy, you’re safe,” whispered Edmont, into his son’s hair.
Emmanellain’s only response was a muffled sob.
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pumpkinmagekupo · 11 months ago
where I wanna be...
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Mizuki awaited Tataru at the shore. She wondered who was visiting this time?
She was overjoyed to see her little brother turn up.
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After much bickering from Emmanellain and Sicard and a quick outfit change. They were ready to explore the island.
She was relieved Emmanellain found someone to rival his energy and enthusiasm.
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"Mizuki...are you not going to match?" emmanellain asked, looking at her hopefully. She sighed deeply and she couldn't very well deny her precious younger brother's request.
"Give me a moment."
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"how is this?"
"...but why boots-"
"Emmanellain...you wouldn't catch me dead in sandals..." Mizuki laughed "anyway. Lets go!"
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The adventure with the pair was fun and refreshing.
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Nothing mattered on the island. A nice little getaway from being a hero.
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"Do you think father would like to come?" Mizuki asked, "I'd like the whole family to come."
"Of course! I recon father would love to! Ser Aymeric too!" Emmanellain beamed "I shall pose the suggestion the moment I return! We need more family time."
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