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thelaughtercafe · 1 year ago
All's Fair In Love And War
Tea Type: Half and Half with a lemon (Tickles with jealousy and some suggestive tickling)
Potential Triggers: Nothing except suggestive tickling, and speaking of it!
Pairing: Thancred x F!Mi'qote! Reader x Estinien
Length: 2.2k+
Summary: A sequel of sorts to my tword headcanons for FFXIV. You can gather it fine from reading, but I’d recommend giving them a gander if you want to get the full picture!
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“So , who’s this Estinien fellow Alphinaud told me you bonded with on your travels?”
You flinched, looking behind you to see Thancred with a taunting grin on his face and glittering eyes. You hadn’t even heard him enter House Fortemps. It hadn’t been long since you’d found him and healed the Dragoon in question from Nidhogg’s all encompassing affliction and seeing Alphinaud’s cheerful grin behind his back you growled his way, ignoring Thancred for the moment.
“You little brat- he hasn’t even been back a full week!”
Your upset only amused him further as the Summoner took a casual sip of his tea, meeting your gaze from over the rim of his book, Refia chirping happily from around his ankles.
“And? I thought it would serve to cheer him up to hear of your exploits. Besides, it felt only right to inform him another was in competition for his affections.”
You went bright red and were left sputtering.
“I-how-whatever gave you that idea?”
Alphinaud’s eyes flicked behind you and he snickered with a hum.
“Oh? Am I wrong then? You’re blushing mighty hard for one meant to be apparently unaffected.”
“I-I don’t have to answer that.”
You huffed, crossing your arms and were surprised as Alphinaud merely shrugged and stood, beginning to leave.
“Alright then. I’ll leave you to it; do try not to kill her, yes? She does have duties to attend to in a day or so.”
With that he was gone and the back of your neck prickled which could only mean…
A hesitant turn of your head and you smiled nervously at Estinien, the unmasked Dragoon staring you down with the faintest of smirks playing on his lips. Thancred looked to be on the verge of laughter at your back.
“…Do I want to ask how much you heard?”
“Much and more than you would’ve liked I suspect, as seems to be customary in our relationship by this point.”
Amusement was thick in his deep voice and you hid your face in your hands as Thancred approached and slung an arm over your shoulder.
“Well I for one, should very much like to know more about this relationship you developed in my impromptu absence."
His grin was sharp and from the tightness of his grip you knew he was the slightest bit jealous of Estinien, not that he’d ever dream of letting the Dragoon know of it.
Estinien, for his part, remained stoic as ever save the smallest of smirks, his eyes taking in all and giving away nothing.
"Hmph. I’m surprised she hasn’t already told you as much. Well, I’ve nothing to hide in any case. I believe she should be the one to tell all, however. What say you to taking this somewhere more private?”
You nodded eagerly, desperate to not be caught by Emmanellain or worse Haruchefant . He’d never let you live it down if he caught you like this and you were already drowning in embarrassment. You looked to Thancred to see his smile had strained thanks to Estinien’s prodding. You opened your mouth to suggest your quarters but Estinien was already opening the door for you all to exit.
“We can retreat to my quarters. The Dragoon barracks are all but abandoned in the wake of our victory and they’ve moved back in with their families. The building is essentially mine to do with as I please, according to Aymeric. No-one will overhear us.”
The walk to the barracks was silent until you broke it, trying to distract Thancred from glaring into Estinien’s back and instead speaking of your other Ishgardian friends and the other Scions alike. That relaxed him and his grip around your shoulder loosened. Even Estinien’s shoulders relaxed and you swore you caught him glancing back with a fond expression more than once.
“I can’t believe Alphinaud truly fell for that hair-dye prank. Alisaie near laughed herself hoarse.”
You playfully nudged him as you entered the barracks.
“Don’t think I didn’t see you stifling laughter too in the corner. You’re not as slick as you like to think, sir thief.”
Estinien opened his mouth to quip and you cut him off with a knowing smile.
“…and you’re not any better. You act all broody but I catch you smirking at Alphinaud and I’s antics all the time so don’t even try to deny it.”
He seemed affronted as he led you both up to his room but by the time he was closing and locking the door he was smirking again.
“True enough. That scene where you laughed yourself hoarse and nearly came from my voice alone was particularly smirk worthy, if I may so.”
The smugness was thick in his voice and you coughed, laughing nervously as Thancred froze.
“Y-You shouldn’t joke like that Estin-”
“Oh I assure you I’m not. Your friend wished to be informed of our relationship. Besides, you and I both know there’s better ways to make you laugh.”
“I’m going to end you. What happened to keeping it secret or regretting it!?”
“I didn’t explicitly say it, now did I? It’s still up to you if you wish to tell him and be punished.”
You sputtered at that in outrage but when you finally looked up at him, the impassive look on his face ensured you stayed silent.
Thancred finally broke his silence, removing his arm only so he could cross them across his chest and stare down at you.
“I see you’ve developed a bratty streak in my absence. Hmph. A pity. We’ll have to see that remedied.”
His eyes glittered in competition and you swallowed, hard.
“Either you tell me plain this little secret you and the Dragoon are dancing around or I’ll deliver a punishment all my own. I suggest you choose wisely which of us you’d prefer.”
His hands moved to his scabbard, and belt deftly removing both and you looked away to see Estinien removing his heavy armor as well, revealing a white t-shirt just underneath along with black sweats.
Great. So you were to choose between a punishment you knew what to expect and one you didn’t.  Unfortunately, you really wished their positions were reversed. Estinien wasn’t the type to change his method over jealousy- Thancred was and if you chose to keep your mouth shut you had no doubt he’d have no problem making you regret it. Thancred would never hurt you but he wasn’t the one who typically interrogated your enemies for nothing.
But say you did the opposite, and told? That’d just rile him up more you were sure of it. The fact that you explicitly told Estinien about your little kink before him?  When he’d teased you with it for so long while oblivious? Gods you couldn’t take the embarrassment. You risked a glance at Estinien, now fully out of his armor who merely raised an expectant eyebrow in response. Asshole. He was calling your bluff. Of course, all that wasn’t even including the public humiliation of being absolutely wrecked to the point of tears, likely until you safeworded if you told. Like it or not, the choice was made.
“Eyes up here gorgeous.”
You blushed as Thancred drew your gaze back to his, an amused smile tugging at his lips.
“What’s it gonna be?”
“…I can’t. I’m sorry Thancred.”
You could feel the way Estinien stood up taller in pride, the huff of laughter under his breath and your cheeks burned brighter as Thancred took you in.
“So it’s to be an interrogation, is it?”
“…that’s not as scary as you make it sound. I know you’d never hurt me.”
You tried to play it off in some vain attempt to make him change his mind but he only shrugged, easily seeing through you.
“Of course not. Pain isn’t the most effective method anyway until the psyches been worn down some. Not that I plan on using that either. No, I think you and I both know what I’m planning to do.”
You tried not to let it show on your face but you were nervous and before you could think better of it, you were pleading your case to Estinien.
“I didn’t tell, aren’t you going to help me? This is your fault after all!”
Estinien snickered, shaking his head.
“My fault? Interesting phrasing. It’s not my fault you’re so frightened of a little tickling by my hands you opted not to confide in your long term friend. The only help you’ll receive is if he asks for it. You’ll like it anyway, I’m sure.”
Your mouth fell open in betrayal.
“But you said-”
“That you couldn’t say anything without punishment. Nothing about my end. In any case, I’d worry about your current situation before it’s too late.”
Your eyes widened and you whirled to look at Thancred but he was already staring back at you with wide eyes.
“By the Twelve… you really…? This whole time? Ha. And here I thought I was imagining things. You really do like it.”
Your eyes moved past him to the window but you startled as Estinien’s long fingers squeezed your shoulder.
“I wouldn’t try it. I’d catch you even if you did manage the jump and Thancred is too quick for you to run towards the door, not to mention it’s already locked.”
He mumbled into your ear, causing you to shiver.
Thancred cracked his knuckles and you flushed, ducking your head but he was there to corner you against the wall just behind, Estinien moving back to let him do as he wished.
His fingertips once again guided your eyes to his and this time he held it.
“Oh no. You’ve hid your reactions from me far too long as it is. I want to savor this. You’re going to tell me, truthfully. Do you like being tickled? Have you gotten off to the idea of me teasing you until you come undone as many times as I wish? Hm?”
The self-satisfied smirk was evident on his lips as you squirmed and just about melted in his arms; already giving him his answer. He’d never seen their Warrior of Light so red before.
You nodded and Thancred was content to let you go, but Estinien pushed you back by your shoulder, just behind Thancred’s own, his azure eyes burning into you.
“We both know he wanted a verbal response. Give it to him.”
At the familiar dominance in his tone, you folded, eyes rushing to Thancred’s.
“Y-Yes I have. More than once! To both of you!”
You squeaked it out before looking to Estinien for approval, to which he nodded, hand moving from your shoulder to your head where he ran his fingers through your hair.
“Good girl.”
It was a quiet mumble, but the praise filled you with warmth where the adrenaline once was.
“To both of us, huh?”
Your eyes flew open at the playful lilt in Thancred’s voice.
Oh Gods had you really said that?
You were still too content with Estinien’s soothing ministrations to move but you looked nervously to your favorite thief.
But he wasn’t looking at you.
“Estinien. What say you to a friendly competition?
"There isn’t many in Coerthas. What would it entail?”
“Who can make her come undone the most? Winner gets to stay with her for the night and the loser has to be on guard duty and stay awake.”
“Not very high stakes but I’ll take it. As long as she agrees to it, of course.”
“That goes without saying.”
They both turned to you and as sheepish as you felt, you still agreed.
“…Okay. But we’re obviously including the typical safewords. Lahabrea for you, Thancred and Nidhogg for you, Estinien. Still okay to use?”
You always checked, ensuring the words weren’t triggering for them and both nodded.
“You both have more in common than I realized, actually. Huh. So…how are we doing this then?”
Thancred looked vaguely amused as he shrugged.
“I can always run out and fetch some restraints. You’re awfully calm given your earlier flusteredness, you know.”
“No need, I have my own. It’s the hair. Makes her melt. Ears too, and those triple as an extra erogenous and ticklish area so I target it often. Her back will have the same affect.”
Thancred’s eyes lit up at that.
“No way; I didn’t even know she was ticklish there!”
“Wait don’t-eep!”
You yelped as Thancred moved before you could stop him, nimble fingers slipping underneath your shirt and drawing patterns into your back, occasionally spidering or digging in slightly to make you squeak. Nonetheless, you melted forward into Estinien’s waiting chest and sighed in content, small giggles slipping out now and then.
“So this is why you tensed and would jump away whenever I tried to massage your shoulders. Could you get any cuter?”
You nuzzled Estinien and grumbled weakly, taking solace in his warmth.
“This isn’t playing fair.”
“You’ve got a safe word darling. You need only say it if you need us to stop at any time.”
His deep voice rumbled in your ear before his teeth pulled, making you arch a moment before a purr escaped you, making you gasp, flinch away and cover your mouth.
The two men froze.
“…Tell me you heard that too, Wyrmblood.”
“Loud and clear. Naughty kitten, hiding such sounds from us for so long.”
Both men’s voices had deepened in their lust and it was obvious to see it in the way their eyes darkened as well.
“Now then, why don’t we find out what other sounds you can make for us. Shall we truly get started?”
Breathless you could only whimper as Thancred tongued your throat, while Estinien retrieved the restraints.
“I’m fucked aren’t I?”
“Not yet you aren’t. But you will be. Thoroughly .”
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thelaughtercafe · 1 year ago
FFXIV Elf Boys + Thancred finding out you're ticklish*
Tea Type: Rose Boba
Potential Triggers: Some suggestive mentions of twording causing an aroused response aluded to for both Reader and Estinien!
Pairing: Thancred/F! Reader, Estinien/F! Reader, Haurchefant/F! Reader, Alphinaud/F! Reader (platonic), Aymeric/F! Reader
Length: 4k+
Summary: N/A
A/N: For those that are curious Thancred’s and Alphinaud’s take place in A Realm Reborn and Haurchefant, Aymeric and Estinien’s all take place within Heavensward! 
Please do offer feedback if you know the characters; no-one else had done any tword based stuff for FFXIV really yet so I decided to be the first lmao. 
Hope you enjoy, and forgive the Estinien focus towards the end- I just really enjoyed how cool it was that they all flowed into one another. 
Thancred Waters:
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One word for Thancred as a Ler: mean. 
He’s super mean with teases, and how he tickles; his poor Lee is never safe. 
First off how he finds out. 
A squeeze meant to scare you from behind is what makes him catch on. You squeal and give a violent jerk in his arms. When he tightens his grip in an attempt to steady you, and opens his mouth to reassure you it’s just him, fearing he scared you too well, you instead laugh and squirm more in his arms. 
“Th-Thahahancrhehehed!! Cut it ohohohout!”
From then on the poor man is smitten with your laughter and tickling you to bring it forth.
Hearing his name fall from your lips in joyful mirth is just too addictive, unfortunately for your ticklish nerves. 
The perks of Thancred’s roguish upbringing gave him a knack for staying in the shadows. He mainly saved his tricks for unsuspecting enemies. 
Yet he found immense comfort somehow even more infectious than his name falling from your lips in turning his skills which had originally only seen use for espionage and death into something that could bring mischief and laughter. 
Therefore, expect to be tickled constantly. He’s such a brat about it too, popping up at the most inopportune times just to make you mess up. 
He relishes in the way your cheeks flame when you stutter as he innocently blows in your ear on his way past while you’re talking to the grand company leaders
Bribes Alphinaud to have you look after his clingy Carbuncle for a full week, (knowing full well the creature adored lounging around on necks like a bright blue scarf that you couldn’t get rid of, tail swishing happily and no doubt tickling maddeningly wherever it brushed.)
He also, of course gets into a heated debate with Yda on who can make you laugh the hardest. 
You try to run and he admits, it’s adorable that you tried. He wins, by the way. He always does. 
Alphinaud Leveilleur:
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He finds out thanks to the Carbuncle incident from Thancred. Twelve above, was it embarrassing but at least he was kind about the whole thing. 
When you come back to return his Carbuncle but 2 days into the week you burst into his room trembling with his beloved eikon around your neck and at first, he worries about your health. 
Until your shaking smile crumbles into giggles you desperately try to stifle in your hand as you bend in two, no doubt mortified. A surprised look graces his face before he smiles softly. He watches you giggle and squirm, desperate not to harm his pet as you hug yourself tightly around the middle, not out of any sense of malice, but pure fondness before he raises his fingers to his lips and whistles. 
Immediately, his naughty Refia perks up and hops over to his shoulder instead, standing on her front legs and decidedly not tickling Alphinaud to death as she had you.  
You pout a little at the realization as you come back to yourself and hear Alphinaud scolding his summon, giggles gradually dying down. 
Even scolding his tone is gentle, and he scratches her chin adoringly. 
“Naughty girl. I know you know better than to toy with people so carelessly! Who put you up to this?”
He listened to Refia chirp and chatter quietly and then sighed. 
“Of course it was Thancred. Cheeky bastard…kupo nuts was it? Hmph.”
He turns to you with an apologetic smile on his lips. 
“Seems my girl has caused you quite a bit of mischief. My apologies. Truth be told, Thancred said you’d be overjoyed to look after Refia…I merely assumed you wished for companionship but clearly he meant to inflict quite a different type of joy. That man is slippery as an eel when he wants to be.”
You blushed and averted your eyes shuffling back and forth on your feet in a way that made him hold back a coo. He understood why Thancred was so smitten, surely. 
“I intend to absolutely end him later.”
Seeing your embarrassment but also the giddy smile tugging at your lips Alphinaud quickly put two and two together and his eyes gained a very different glint as he casually approached.  
“Well, if you’d like to borrow Refia here for some payback; I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”
It hits you as you turn to face him again that Alphinaud had drawn closer and your smile widened in nervousness as you shyly backed up against the door. 
“Of course; I think maybe hearing some of your adorable laughter for myself would be a good trade off…don’t you?”
His eyes sparkled with mischief and he wiggled his fingers at you, laughing as you turned bright red and then bolted. 
Fine, he’d catch you later. He had a long memory after all. One that would later get you into some trouble. 
Estinien Wyrmblood:
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Estinien is nothing if not perceptive. He prides himself on it. The lack of others being able to see his expression, hidden beneath his Dragoon armor ensures he always somewhat has the upper hand in social situations. 
Which was good, given he struggled mightily with them. 
Nidhogg’s influence was a constant, open wound that throbbed at the slightest amount of anger he allowed himself to vent. Better to remain as stoic as possible, to stem the monster’s control as best he was able. 
He found teasing Alphinaud to be too simple, really. He got riled so easily, and trailed after you like a baby chick. When Estinien offhandedly mentioned surely knowing more about the Warrior of Light, the boy’s cheeks puffed up and reddened and he blurted out some very interesting information indeed after a back and forth. 
“Oh yeah? Well, I bet you didn’t know she was ticklish!!”
There was silence for a moment and then Alphinaud was no longer the only one red. You’d buried your mortified face in your hands before trying to appear strong and shooting a half hearted glare, more nervous than threatening his way and Ysayle’s. 
“Try it and I’ll end you!”
Estinien hummed in acknowledgement, still leaning casually against the tree. He propped his leg up and when you flinched his smirk widened enough to be seen from underneath his mask. 
“Somehow I doubt that. Be careful such information does not fall into the wrong hands. ‘Twould be a shame for the fabled Warrior of Light to meet her end being tickled to death.”
His words made both Alphinaud and Ysayle laugh uproariously and you turned a beautiful shade of ruby red. How endearing.
“D-Don’t be mean.”
Ysayle nudged you playfully. 
“Oh come now. You laugh with me at Alphinaud’s flustered reactions at Estinien’s taunts yet can’t take it yourself? I find myself surprised by how much more adorable you become by the second.”
“Ysayle! Not you too-”
“Oh you were laughing at me, were you?”
Alphinaud cut you off, tackling you playfully and wrestling with you as you both fought for the upper hand. 
Estinien watched the tussle in amusement and noted with great interest as you didn’t fight back nearly as hard as you could, quickly left to squirm lightly as the boy pinned your arms above your head and cooed at you.  
“Why don’t I give you something to laugh about instead if you’re so eager hm?”
“Alphie c'mon we can talk about-" 
Your voice was tinged with nervous energy but Estinien swore he picked up on a twinge of excitement just underneath your words. 
”Alphie? Oh my-“
Ysayle cut herself off as she turned away and Estinien quickly had to clamp down on the grin that burst across his lips as she stifled a squeal into her hand, clearly no less than smitten while he snickered openly at the new nickname he pocketed away. 
Alphinaud, for his credit was white in contrast to your red and you were now appearing to genuinely struggle as you pleaded. 
"Oh by the Twelve-I swear I didn’t-”
Estinien could sense the boy’s intentions from his aura alone, if the sadistic smirk on his face wasn’t enough, and snickered coolly, clicking his tongue at you.  
“Tsk tsk tsk. Quite the mistake you’ve made. Seems you’ve put dear Alphie in quite the mood for payback while you’re quite helpless. Hm. A shame no-one appears to wish to offer you aid. If only there were heroes around to offer you the assistance you give to them so freely. A pity.”
Alphinaud snickered darkly as he leaned down to nuzzle into your neck making you swallow nervously. 
“I remember exactly how ticklish this area is. Between my strategy, Ysayle’s nimble fingers and Estinien’s mocking, I wonder how long the great Warrior of Light can last. Shall we find out, my friend? I’ll be optimistic, and vote an hour, if only for my own eagerness.”
You shuddered, opening your mouth to protest but Ysayle had been happy to take Alphinaud up on his offer and began scribbling into your sides, teasing you playfully the whole way and making you blush madly at her coos and compliments.
Ysayle halved Alphinaud’s time, proclaiming you’d surely last 30 minutes.
Estinien was somehow worse than both combined. He claimed you’d only last 15 minutes total, after letting the other two work in silence for 5 minutes and then the Azure Dragoon couldn’t stop talking. 
The teases mixed with degradation on your strength being laid so low by mere tickling was Hell.
 He was merciless. You’d never seen him so invested in anything less than a battle.
By the time he’s bent down to hiss into your ear, voice lowered an octave you had tears blurring your vision. What finally broke you entirely was his final tease in your ear, along with the scrape of- oh by the Twelve- sharpened teeth on your earlobe. 
“You’re not struggling very hard for the supposed mighty Warrior of Light. Seems to me you like this. Do you not?”
His teeth met your ear, voice a primal growl that made you want to cower or keen or both. 
“M-Mercy Merchehehehey!”
You gasped as Alphinaud and Ysayle instantly were off you, fawning and making sure you were okay; all but shoving water down your throat and whining at how Estinien cheated somehow.
Estinien wordlessly returned to his post at the familiar tree, posing in a way that reminded you too strongly of Thancred for your liking.
You felt his eyes follow you as you prepped for sleep and you definitely didn’t stiffen when he traded posts with Ysayle and proceeded to make himself comfortable at your back. 
You couldn’t deny you were eager to soak up the warmth he offered though, and when his strong arms wrapped around your waist and you jumped with a mouselike squeal he snickered, warm breath against the back of your neck tickling you enough to make you squirm a little in his unyielding grip. He only pulled you closer in response. 
 "If I pushed you too far today, or was wrong in my assumption…tell me now.“
His voice was calm. Gentle, even. Yet you still should’ve expected it. 
When you remained silent, embarrassed at your wordless confession he was right and hadn’t pushed your boundaries making your face heat he covered your mouth before once again nibbling at your ear, this time at the top, where the cartilage was. 
It was no less hellish and you spasmed in his grip as he snarled in your ear, finally giving you relief as you whined into his hand, trying to keep quiet. 
"You’re going to wish you never told me kitten, I promise you that. Lucky or unluckily for you I don’t enjoy sharing my prey. So no more getting tickled by others-”
A rough skitter of hot fingers underneath your light armor made you squeal again. 
“Or you’ll be punished. Understood?”
He didn’t give you time to respond that such a task was impossible(Thancred was a menace and if you tried to convince him to play nice surely he’d do the opposite, or even grow possessive himself in response.) as he moved his hand off your mouth and down to your waist, holding you against him protectively. 
“Good. Now sleep. We depart on the first light of the morrow.”
Haurchefant Greystone:
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Bless him the energetic Elezen definitely finds out while sparring. He’s so bloody careful with you that he refuses to use weapons after accidentally injuring you. 
You’d tried to reassure him otherwise but he’s vehement, and Estinien learns not to spar with you in the open, lest mama
Haurchefant appears to challenge him instead, Aymeric typically in tow for good measure to keep the Azure Dragoon in check.
This particular sparring match was going well; you were alone meaning no Alphinaud outing you because he can’t keep his mouth shut, no Thancred to taunt you from afar or Estinien to fix you with a stare warning you to mess up and let your secret slip in his presence.  
Just you, and Haurchefant. Admittedly, you’d let your guard down, too caught up in the fight to do otherwise. 
Big mistake. 
You end up pinned beneath him, both of you panting as you catch your breath. He grins down at you, and you smile softly back, playfully teasing him.  
“Gonna let me up anytime soon, oh great winner of sparring matches~?”
He snickers fondly and moves to lean back on his feet, hovering by your legs, hands on your knees which he squeezes reassuringly. 
“You fought well, you’ve grown stronger yet still.”
His eyebrows furrowed as he noticed you stiff as a board. 
“Are you alright? I didn’t harm you did I? I know I kicked your legs out from underneath you. Is aught amiss? You need not feign strength for my sake.”
You shook your head, quickly trying to cover as you moved to stand. 
“No nothing like that! I’m perfectly fine, you have my word. Shall we go inside?”
Haurchefant eyed you warily but nodded, moving off you to allow you to stand. You managed to make it to your feet but of course, your damn leg had to revolt against you, spasming and nearly giving out before you caught yourself on his shoulder. 
“I’m checking out your leg once inside. Even if you’re fine, spasming like that means you have too much tension. Perhaps you just need a massage.”
You mustered a nervous smile and nodded reluctantly. 
“Alright…if you insist then. As long as it’s just us.”
Haurchefant wouldn’t take advantage unlike the others. You were sure. He was like a puppy, surely he’d tease you a little but no way could he be worse than Estinien, Thancred of Alphinaud. 
He led you to his chambers, and gave you a hot drink you quickly set down. With the way you’d be jerking you didn’t want to risk hurting him or yourself. 
You braced yourself with your hands behind you, looking down nervously as he knelt beside his bed, looking amused. 
“Is aught amiss my friend?”
You shook your head, but quickly bit your lip to try and keep down the grin wanting to break across your mouth at bay. 
He hummed, fingers moving too gently along your knee as he raised your cloth to massage the bare skin. 
The second he dug in you barely swallowed a squeal and looked towards the ceiling, feeling your face flush with a blush. 
“Hmph. Definitely tense. Perhaps if I…”
Haurchefant was ignorant to the torment he was inflicting, bless his heart. His voice was soft as he talked more to himself than you. 
He dug into the back of your knee with his thumbs and you gasped, arching a little.
He stopped immediately, frowning in contemplation. 
“Look at me.”
His hand gently guided your face to meet his as you sighed in relief, recovering. He looked so worried. 
Gods you should just tell him! Rip it off like a bandaid. You could do this!
“Don’t worry it’s not you-I’m not in pain I swear! I’m just um…s-sensitive that’s all!" 
The words were squeaked out quickly but you forced yourself to meet your Elezen friend’s eyes, for fear he wouldn’t feel you were being truthful otherwise. 
He seemed to be deciphering your words and weighing their truthfulness. 
He finally opens his mouth and smiles, eyes kind. 
"Ah. So it’s a pre-existing condition then?”
You groan and fall back against the bed. 
Twelve above. 
He’s gonna make you say it, isn’t he? 
“It’s not like you’re thinking. I’m- forgive my stuttering this is a bit flustering for me but well- I’m afraid I’m t-t-”
You took a deep breath, looking at the ceiling and covering your eyes with an arm in an attempt to cover your blush as you finished in a shy mumble. 
“Ticklish. I’m just t-ticklish okay? No need to worry.”
“Ah, that’s all it is? You had me worried you were hiding injuries. Tataru informed me it was a nasty habit of yours she’d caught you doing more than once and I confess I was concerned.”
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, but his smile was carefree now that he knew nothing was amiss. 
“Oh I-aha. Didn’t realize I was getting caught. Guess I’m in for a lecture. That’d definitely explain why she called me to the Rising Stones tonight.”
Haurchefant watched you flit around his room anxiously, now unable to stop moving until he gently caught your wrist and turned you to look at him. His unusually serious expression gave you pause.  
“You needn’t flee from me. I confess I am bewildered why your confession would fluster you so. There is nothing wrong with being ticklish. I, and many others are as well!”
You shyly looked to the side, now the one feeling shy.
“Well I just-”
There was something so soothing about Haruchefant, and you found yourself confessing before you could think better of it. 
“I like it more than most. It’s fun with friends, a good way for affection and bonding and it makes me feel cared for and loved. With a significant other I’m sure it’d be more…ah…”
You averted your gaze. 
“You catch my meaning.”
The whole time he listened intently, no judgement on his face though you saw the giant twinkle of amusement in his eyes as well. 
He gently released your wrist, raising a knowing eyebrow at you.  
“Mm. And exactly who do you have in your life that has made you realize such an act may do more than fluster you in a sexual context?”
You sputtered a moment at the bluntness and he snickered lightly. 
“Calm my friend, I hold no ill will of course and I make no assumptions. I merely mean to ask you to address this question yourself. If it helps you to talk it out with me then all’s the better, of course. I also must confess I am curious.”
You reluctantly met his eyes, scanning for honesty as you spoke next. 
“…I have your word you won’t speak of this? Not even if you perchance know them? Or run into them?”
His eyes sparkled all the more as he quickly crossed his heart, moving to sit on the edge of his bed and looking at you eagerly. 
“I vow it on my duty as a knight. Now come, don’t keep me in suspense!”
“Well, first there’s Thancred. You haven’t met him yet but he was who gave me my first inkling it was those that I was initially attracted to that I had such an primal reaction to. And while that still holds true for him the one who really awakened it was ah…”
You steeled yourself, scratching your cheek meekly and then squeaked out the one you were sure he’d react to. 
Haurchefant’s eyes were wide as dinner plates and he gasped making you rush to shh him quiet. 
“Estinien? Our Estinien? The Azure Dragoon? You’re positive?”
He was all but bouncing on the bed in his excited shock, a positively gleeful expression on his face. 
You smirked in amusement and snarked. 
“Unless you know any other Dragoons whose wit is as sharp as his armor I doubt it.”
His grin grew more mischievous in turn as he saw you relaxing around him as usual.  
“Definitely Estinien then. Oh this is too humorous I truly can’t fathom it. Estinien. Twelve grace me. Is that why you called it a primal reaction too?”
At your confused look he quickly grinned, cheekily.  
“Sorry my friend, you’ll have to ask Aymeric about any further inquiries you may have. I’d say ask Estinien, but while he’d merely shut others down; I have a feeling you’d find yourself in for the session of a lifetime. If you’re truly curious, ask him.”
Aymeric de Borel:
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You tried to hold out. You swear you did. But your curiosity really needed to be sated, if only for your own sanity. 
Luckily, Aymeric had been urged by Lucia to take a break, so he was free for the rest of the day. 
“Yes, how may I help you, my dear? My apologies for the wait. It seems the paperwork never ceases flowing these days.”
You waved off his apology with a smile, sitting in the recliner next to his own and taking a sip of the tea he offered before asking the question plaguing your mind. 
“Haruchefant told me I should come to you to ask about Estinien and his more…" 
You hesitated, debating how to word it. 
"Animalistic tendencies.”
You said slowly after a moment. 
Sir Aymeric frowned just slightly at that. 
“He hasn’t done aught to frighten you or cause you harm has he?”
Despite shaking your head vehemently, he was already turning to get to his feet. 
“This can’t stand. I’ll be sure to have a word with hi-hm?”
He turned back at the feeling of you clutching his sleeve, though you quickly released it.
He catches the blush on your cheeks and your near whimper as you pleaded with him not to tell him.  
His eyes narrowed but he reluctantly returned to his seat and opted to answer you, in favor of asking questions.
“…Estinien does indeed have very crude urges now and again. An unfortunate side effect of Nidhogg’s influence he has learned to cope with."
"He typically releases it through the heat of battle but I have seen a few other occasions where his mask slips. It typically only occurs when he is enraged, or otherwise "heated”. Does that answer your question?“ 
Oh, it answered your question alright. You’d never been so gut punched. How could you have missed it? 
You weren’t the only one that liked it. 
You nodded hastily at Aymeric as he repeated your name at lack of answer and then left in a rush after thanking him profusely as he looked after you in bemusement. 
Well then. Seems he has the answer for why you were asking. A glance outside to where he saw you sprint right into familiar armor had him humming merrily as he prepared to return to work. 
He’d drag the story out of Estinien later. It’d make for a fun break. T'was sure to be an enjoyable one, in any case. An uncharacteristically teasing grin broke out across his lips as his eyes lit up with an idea, however. 
Perhaps he could speed things up a bit…
You squealed and rushed to look up as in your haste to escape you had bumped right into hard armor and felt your eyes widen at the sight of Estinien. 
He looked down at you in confusion, hands rubbing up and down your arms already to warm them from where you had left without your coat. 
"I’m surprised to find you out here. What has you so-”
His deep rumble was cut off by Aymeric’s call from above. 
“Estinien; I hope you don’t mind but I filled her in on your impulsiveness since she was curious. Ah and Lightbringer,  I’m afraid you forgot your coat in your haste.”
He was the picture of innocence as he waved your coat in the wind from the window. 
Estinien said nothing and you gaped in shock, quickly followed by a muffled yelp as Estinien suddenly jumped, returning with your snatched coat in his grasp mere moments later. 
He roughly helped tug it on, bundling you up and then dragged you by your wrist without a word away from Aymeric’s estate as you sputtered and searched for words to speak that didn’t come. 
Well. At least you’d die with a smile on your face.
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thelaughtercafe · 1 year ago
Tickle Fic Masterlist
Before reading
A * means NSFT
The names after the titles mention who tickles who (the lers are before the / and the lees after)
Lightened Darkness* (Alucard/Reader)
Critical Role Campaign 1
Tension (Vax'ildan/Reader)
Danganronpa 3: Despair Arc
Inevitable* (Nagito/F!Reader)
Final Fantasy XIV
All’s Fair in Love and War* (Thancred & Estinien/Reader)
Discoveries (Mentioned, each subsequent chapter will have tickling)
Warm Goodbyes (Thancred/Reader, Urianger/Reader, Reader/Ryne, mentioned G’raha/Reader and Estinien/Thancred/Reader)
Genshin Impact
Fanning the Flames (Diluc/Venti)
A Short Sulk (Oikawa/F!Reader)
Convenient Interventions (Oikawa & Tsukishima/Kageyama)
Chance Meetings* (Oikawa/Kageyama)
Total Drama Island
Angel (Duncan/Reader)
My Hero Academia
Impactful Intervention (Bakugou/Reader, very little mention of twording)
Coping with Hope (Bakugou/Reader, very little mention of twording)
Neo: The World Ends With You:
New Discoveries* Shoka/F!Reader/Rindo
Tales of Vesperia
Spooky Scary Soulmate (Yuri/Reader)
The Walking Dead
Enough (Daryl/Reader)
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