#former bunhead
perfectpurls · 2 years
I just got back from "the Nutcracker" and feel the need to write a drabble in which Ace plays Drosselmeyer to help Nancy solve a case. @scarletslippers I blame you for this turn of events
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
So I reread your headcanon of Doula being a rebel like teen Jess, and I would like to add something -
So I read in a Medium article of how siblings, when even despite being given the same treatment from parents, they end up becoming two very different people; they cited Luke and Liz as an example.
So I was wondering- could this mean that Jess and Doula can become mirror versions of each other even despite experiencing different versions of Liz as a mother?
So... For example, Liz ran to New York and raised Jess as a single mom, and Jess had to do most of his growing up on his own; so maybe Liz and TJ are romantically entangled that they don't pay attention to Doula, and she's supposed to take care of herself and doesn't tell Luke or Lorelai, because she feels like a burden. And then, there's the relationship between Liz-Jess and Liz-Doula, where the former is somewhat complex and the latter parallels ASP's fraught mother-daughter/daughter-in-law relationships (Lorelai-Emily, Midge-Rose, Fanny-Michelle from Bunheads) but Liz is the immature one and Doula is the one who looks pained but has the final mic drop (you can see that in GG season 2 episode 2; Mrs Maisel season 3 episode 8, and Bunheads episode 11).
In terms of Jess and Doula's relationship, it could parallel Luke and Liz's, but sometimes it can parallel Lorelai and Rory's relationship, where Doula says something and Jess is inspired in many ways...
I also think Doula and Rory should have a love-hate relationship, where Doula doesn't like the way Rory is very indecisive in choosing Jess or Logan and she gives her a very rude awakening/ shake up like Jess's tough love talk in GG 06x08. But then, she shows that she cares for Rory in different ways like encouraging her to pursue Jess or even help babysit Rory's kid and listen whenever Rory feels low.
What do you think? I would love to know your thoughts.
Thanks. 😃
So it's been a while since I came up with my Doula headcanons so I don't quite remember my reasons or if I imagined that a rebellious Doula was going to live in a AYITL-canon world. I think what I was mostly interested in was how Jess is sort of unique on the show when it comes to being such an outcast in town. I liked the idea of a grown Jess seeing his past replay itself with another teen and him standing up for that kid and sort of healing his inner child through that experience.
I also think it would've been a great excuse to get to interrogate Liz' parenting and what this was truly like. Because we sort of take for granted that she either 100% sucked or that she was just some goofball based on how we as viewers interpret the hints and references to Jess' childhood and her love life before TJ. But we never get a proper canon dive into how Liz was as a mother to Jess, and I think showing how she raises or fails to raise Doula could force that into the light.
I also just liked coming up with a different approach to Doula because at the time I wrote that headcanon I had only seen headcanons about Doula where she was a very ideal little sister who was mostly there to help set up Jess and Rory, and one thing I love about Gilmore Girls is how so many side characters genuinely get to exist outside of the romantic plots. We would not have characters like Lane or Paris or Sookie in the capacity that we have if all ASP and crew cared about was writing Rory and Lorelai's romantic storylines and their conflicts with Emily and Richard. So I'd like to think a teenaged or grown up Doula would get to be her own character with an actual arc in relation to her brother, if the show had continued in some way. And teenage rebelliousness felt like an obvious but solid route to go.
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interact-if · 2 years
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Day 4 of our Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Featured Author Interviews, continuing with Jinx!
Jinx author of Elsinore: After Hamlet
Once upon a time, a prince avenged his father’s death. If only he could have foreseen his own.
The year is 2021—or maybe 1602? Hamlet the Younger has just tragically died and Fortinbras the Younger, King of Norway and newly-conquered Denmark, has a lot of cleaning up to do. Elsinore: After Hamlet is a text-based interactive fiction exploration of William Shakespeare's Hamlet as a plague text and a reckoning of Asian American identity during these trying times. Also contains bad puns and glowing text.
Read more about Elsinore: After Hamlet here.
Play the Game Here.
Tags: Fantasy.
Jinx is also the author of The Harrowed and the Hushed and Rougi.
Q1. Hello! Could you tell us a little bit about to yourself and your project?
Hi! I’m Jinx (she/her), longtime listener and first time caller, writer, and lover of the cute and the gothic.
I’ve always loved writing and first got into interactive fiction during the first lockdowns in 2020. I fell in love with the medium and it’s been such a wonderful adventure since. My first project, Elsinore: After Hamlet,deals with a lot of the frustration and uncertainty I felt during that time as an Asian American with the rug pulled from under all of us. I’m currently working on The Harrowed and the Hushed, a low fantasy murder mystery set in Victorian London, and Rougi, a social intrigue mystery about a cursed ballet in Belle Époque Paris. I really enjoy working with illusions, intrigue, and how we can find ourselves in the strange and monstrous.
Q2. What inspired your current project?
My current projects, The Harrowed and the Hushed and Rougi, are rooted in my undying love of the late 19th century and gothic literature – I love me a good dramatic mystery too, which I’m sure comes as a surprise to absolutely no one. H&H draws a lot from the genre of sensation fiction, which aims to elicit physical reactions in its readers with sensationalized, page-turner plots. The genre traditionally deals very heavily with metaphors of social and identity anxieties, which also made it a very natural source of inspiration for me since those are themes that I really love exploring with my writing. H&H is essentially a love letter to a lot of things I adore, garnished with references to Gothic, Romantic, and Decadent literature, plus my own cultural spin on things. (If you were wondering if some of my characters were named in homage…the answer is probably yes.)
Rougi, which was my entry to interact-if’s January game jam, really came from me looking at color theory and running with it. Based on the “red herring” theme, I knew I wanted to do something with a very strong aesthetic component, so I went back to my bunhead roots and turned it up to the max. I love ballet and as a former dancer, I felt like drama backstage and onstage was the perfect backdrop for a mix of possibly supernatural, definitely interpersonal intrigue. Also, Art Nouveau is so gorgeous and I wanted to write about pretty things (possibly with ugly insides wink-wonk).
Elsinore: After Hamlet is my very first IF project and a real testament to the tangled state of mind I experienced for the bulk of 2021. That spring was so chaotic – lots of sleepless nights and worries gnawing at me from the inside out. E:AH originally started as a final project for a class on medicine and literature, and very quickly became a surprisingly intimate way for me to create some kind of catharsis while the world seemed to fall apart. (Shoutout to the professor who was very chill with me submitting literal plague doctor memes for class discussion, she made Zoom U much better.) I am a self-professed Shakespeare nerd, and looking at one of my favorite plays through a very personal, emotional lens was such an intense experience. I didn’t expect that the development process would break me out of the apathy I’d fallen into at all, let alone so fiercely, but it was a welcome change from feeling scared and dissociated almost constantly.
Q3. Do you pull from your own identity for inspiration? How has that been reflected in your work?
My identity definitely influences how I approach narratives. E:AH was a direct product of the stress I felt juggling my responsibilities as a student, pressure from the pandemic, and my fears as an Asian American woman in a space that became incredibly hostile and unstable. It’s really a slice of how I was experiencing life at the time, and I hope that resonates with players and gets them thinking. For Asian players, I hope that E:AH is a cathartic experience; for non-Asian players, I hope that it shares a different, impactful perspective.
As a kid, I really fixated on the few instances of Asian representation I found in media, so as a creator now, it’s incredibly empowering to be able to include characters who reflect my own experiences and hopefully connect with my audience too. Decentralizing whiteness, particularly in traditionally eurocentric narratives, is very hard-baked into what I create. On a lighter note, food as a love language is also a big cultural influence on my writing and that definitely shows, haha. I’m a huge foodie IRL as well, so coupled with my synesthesia, my writing definitely falls heavily on the sensory side.
Q4. What are you most excited about your project?
E:AH is deeply personal and combines two of my greatest passions (Shakespeare and ~ being melodramatic ~), so while it’s a little scary to have something so near and dear to me out on the internet, I’m absolutely blown away by the response it’s received so far. I’m super excited to see how the playing experience changes (for me personally and in general) over time – I can already foresee it becoming a little like a diary entry preserved online.
As for the two projects I’m currently working on, I am so excited to see how players react to the twists and turns I’m writing into Rougi. I was a little overambitious when planning it out for the January game jam I crafted it for, so I can’t wait to flesh it out fully. Rougi is also my first project written in Sugarcube, so the transition has definitely been a learning journey and I’m excited to show off what I’ve learned.
With The Harrowed and the Hushed, I think I’m most excited about sharing all the lore I’ve built up. Fantasy is the first genre I fell in love with, so getting to create and share my own magical vision is really, really cool.
Q5. What has your experience writing an IF and with the IF community been like?
My introduction to IF came during a lot of turmoil, and the community has been so friendly and supportive. It’s been a blast diving into all these amazing projects and meeting lots of wonderful people! Learning to code has been fun frustrating a very unique and rewarding journey, and it’s seriously such a fantastic feeling to see all the pieces – drafting, Twine-wrangling, writing, UI building – fit together to make a final product. I’m so thankful that my experience with the community so far has led me to make very dear friends and interact with kind and thoughtful readers.
Q7. What piece of advice would you give to fellow creators?
*Shia Laboeuf voice* JUST DO IT. No, but seriously: your story is uniquely yours and there is no one better to tell it. Storytelling is such an intrinsic part of human history and I think it’s one of the most beautiful records of our presence and our world. Despite the obstacles and frustration that comes with being a creator, there’s nothing like the satisfaction of fulfilling that scene you’ve been dying to write, or finally nailing the code you’ve been struggling with. Take care of yourself, and always remember the excitement and passion that led you to where you are now. I’m rooting for you!
That, and don’t code or debug when you’re sleepy. The bug will still be there (unfortunately) after you sleep, and you run far less risk of falling asleep at your computer and waking up to several pages of random characters in the middle of your stylesheet or having to hunt down every time you misspelled a variable…I may or may not be speaking from personal experience.
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shimmershae · 4 years
Doing the nostalgia thing again.  Go figure, lol.  Anyway.  Today I’m lamenting the early departure of some shows that I watched once upon a time and there are so many.  Too many that (were) ended either right as they were getting good or just weren’t given a proper chance.  Oh what could have been.  Here are some of them, off the top of my head.  This is by no means a complete list because there have been just too many for me to remember.  Feel free to add your own.
I either follow actors/actresses that I have enjoyed in previous shows or get drawn in by the drama or fantasy or utter sci-fi-ness (lol) of it all.  
"Bunheads" tells the fish-out-of-water story of Michelle Simms, a once-promising classically trained professional dancer who was drawn to the lights of Las Vegas, where she became a showgirl. After she impulsively marries her persistent suitor, she moves to his sleepy California coastal town, where he lives with his mother, Fanny, herself a former dancer. Fanny now runs a local dance studio. Michelle ends up bonding with some of Fanny's students after meeting them. Among the students are sweet Boo, who struggles with her body type; rebellious Sasha, who has the talent to be a ballet dancer but doesn't have her heart in it because of family issues; shapely Ginny, who's not comfortable in her own skin; and fun-loving Melanie, ready for whatever life throws at her. The students benefit from Michelle's knowledge, but she also benefits from them as they help her adapt to small-town life.
Off the Map
Idealistic, young Dr. Lily Brenner lands at an understaffed medical clinic in a tiny town in the South American jungle. She is joined by other young doctors, all of whom are running away from personal demons. The clinic was founded by enigmatic Ben Keeton, who was formerly the youngest chief of surgery at UCLA. Keeton will teach the newcomers how to save lives in the most-challenging environment they have ever faced.
Defying Gravity
An international crew of eight astronauts -- four men and four women -- sets off on a mysterious, six-year mission covering billions of miles aboard a ship called the Antares. Inspired by the fictional docudrama "Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets," the show tells the story of both the astronauts as they explore Venus and the other planets in the solar system, and their supportive and dedicated ground crew. Episodes alternate between the present, on the current mission, and flashbacks to earlier years when the final eight were still in the grueling selection and training process.
Residents of Los Angeles go about their day unaware that a mysterious event is about to change their lives. FBI agents Mark Benford and Demetri Noh are in a car chase; Benford's physician wife is in the middle of surgery; and Benford's friend Aaron Stark works on power lines high above the ground. Suddenly, something causes everyone in the world to black out for just over two minutes. During that time, each person sees a series of events in his or her own future -- some good, some bad, some apparently nonexistent. As people begin to piece together their visions on a worldwide website, Mark and Demetri use the information to try to pinpoint the cause of the blackout, and people are still trying to determine whether destiny can be changed, and what effect those changes may have on others.
What if natural disasters were alien smokescreens designed to mask something far more ominous? When a hurricane threatens a small town in Florida, park ranger Russell Poole's young daughter is the only one to see small lights floating towards the water, seemingly unaffected by the vicious winds. At the time, he thinks nothing of her claim, but begins to suspect something may be amiss when his missing ex-wife is found, with no memory of what happened during the storm. In the aftermath of the storm, water-based creatures infiltrate the town and take over the bodies of the town's residents through a cloning process.
V (2009)
Earth has its first encounter with an extraterrestrial race. Calling themselves the Visitors and promoting peace, they seem to be friendly, but their congeniality may be a cover for a malevolent agenda. Erica (Elizabeth Mitchell), an FBI agent, discovers a secret about the aliens that threatens the lives of Earthlings, including her teenage son, who sees them as a sign of hope. Meanwhile, Father Jack (Joel Gretsch), already questioning his faith when the Visitors arrive, seeks answers outside his church and finds other dissidents who believe the Vs are not what they claim to be. The ABC series is billed as a reimagining of a 1980s miniseries by the same name.
Gifted criminal profiler Will Graham has a unique way of thinking that allows him to empathize with anyone, including psychopaths. But while helping the FBI pursue a particularly complicated serial killer, he decides he could use some help and enlists the brilliant psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter. The two form a partnership and it seems that there is no villain they can't catch together, but Lecter harbors a dark secret. His own brilliant mind has gone to the dark side and he has more in common with the criminals they hunt than Will could possibly imagine.
Anne with an E
This reimagining of the classic book and film is a coming-of-age story about a young orphan who is seeking love, acceptance and her place in the world. Amybeth McNulty stars as Anne, a 13-year-old who has endured an abusive childhood in orphanages and the homes of strangers. In the late 1890s, Anne is mistakenly sent to live with aging siblings, Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, who live on Prince Edward Island. Anne, who proves to be uniquely spirited, imaginative and smart, transforms the lives of Marilla, Matthew and everyone else in their small town.
Talented baseball pitcher Ginny Baker immediately rises to fame when she is called up by the San Diego Padres and becomes the first woman in Major League Baseball. She immediately sets in on the task of proving herself to her teammates, starting with team captain and catcher Mike Lawson. The two share an immediate chemistry, putting Mike in the middle of tensions between the beautiful new player and certain teammates who don't appreciate a woman out on the mound. Not all of her fellow Padres are so averse to change, with center fielder Blip Sanders providing support through her journey.
In the not-too-distant future, Los Angeles has been invaded and occupied by outside forces, causing a rift between the city's residents; some have collaborated with the occupation, while others are rebelling and suffering the consequences that come with that choice. Former FBI agent Will Bowman and his wife, Katie, must consider their familial obligations when making their decision because they were separated from their son, Bram, during the invasion. Proxy Snyder, a cunning and powerful leader within the occupational government, offers Will the opportunity to get Bram back if he works with the invading faction. Will's decision doesn't sit well with Katie, but the couple risk their lives -- and their relationship -- to protect their family.
Life Unexpected 
After 15 years of being with different families in Oregon's foster-care system, Lux decides to try her luck as an emancipated minor. As she navigates the legal system in pursuit of that goal, she encounters her birth father, bar owner Nate "Baze" Bazile, living like an aging frat boy with two slacker roommates. He is stunned to learn that he has a teenage daughter and introduces Lux to her mother, radio personality Cate Cassidy, who is sad to learn her daughter has grown up in foster care but thrilled to meet and get to know the girl. She has plenty of opportunity to get acquainted when the judge decides Lux isn't ready to be emancipated and grants temporary custody to her birth parents.
A vengeful mastermind ambushes a schoolbus carrying the children of Washington, D.C.'s, elite, abducting the children and their chaperons, and creating a national crisis. The powerful parents -- including the president himself -- find themselves at the mercy of the abductor with nowhere to turn, creating an unthinkable situation that puts the entire nation at risk. As the authorities work to rescue the children, the parents discover how far they are willing to go to protect the people they love.
Emerald City
When a tornado transports Dorothy Gale from Lucas, Kansas, to the faraway land of Oz, her arrival sets in motion a prophecy about a disastrous event known as The Beast Forever and strikes fear into the land's almighty ruler, the Wizard. On her quest to meet the Wizard in Emerald City, Dorothy encounters witches, an amnesiac soldier, a sheltered little boy and many more mysterious beings who will ultimately shape the future of Oz and Dorothy's place in it.
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cosplayinamerica · 6 years
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Sailor Christmas started as a joke to myself. I initially didn't intend to take the cosplay seriously. I feel in love with the many Sailor Moon series when I watched them for the first time last year and knew that I wanted to cosplay one of the characters. Usagi wasn't the character to which I was most drawn, though I love her in her own way. But when the idea for a garland pony-tailed bunhead came to mind, I knew that was going to be my first holiday-themed cosplay. All of the little details fell in place from there. 
I love seeing a little smile or look of surprise when people see me in this cosplay. The thing that first tends to grab people's attention is the choice of garland for the pigtails. Which is fitting, since it was the initial reason as to why I wanted to make this cosplay. I especially enjoy people's reactions to this costume because not only did I make it myself, I added my own unique spin to the character. And I mean that in the most humble way possible. It just brings joy to my heart when people find interest or delight in things on which I've worked so hard to create.
When I wore this cosplay for the first time last year, I think it allowed me to make an impression in people's minds. Not only did I have multiple people ask me this year if I was the same cosplayer who wore Sailor Christmas last year, but I also met several cosplayers last year whose work I admire while wearing the costume and we still speak to each other today. One particular group of cosplayers that I met was cosplaying from a show that holds a special place in my heart. While I was gushing over how awesome their cosplays were, they were telling me how much they enjoyed mine. I really love those small moments in the cosplay community where you can connect with complete strangers over a shared enjoyment of these characters and this hobby.
I adorned the wig with ornaments on the buns, Christmas lights, and holly in the back. This was my first time styling a wig in any major way, but I was quite happy with how it came together. After the initial idea for the unusual wig came to mind, I knew that I wanted to really lean into the holiday theming for this cosplay. As a kid who grew up in the 90s, crushed velvet red and green dresses were a must every holiday season. I chose to go with green fabric of that kind for the skirt and collar to contrast the red boots. 
Of course, the boots needed to be crushed velvet as well. Although I was shopping at the right time of year, I could only find one affordable pair of boots in the correct style and color. Their only flaw was they were open-toed shoes. I purchased them anyway, and was able to close the toes with some of the fabric that I trimmed off the make the proper shape for the top of the boots.
Sticking with the Christmas theme, I chose to make the sleeve and mid rolls along with the boot trim out of the same material which is used for the top of traditional stockings. I sewed the skirt and collar onto a white t-shirt which I had altered to look like a bodysuit. The bows were created from multiple layers of ribbon fabric to mimic the layered look of holiday bows. The same fabric is used for the glove rolls and the red striping on the moon rod. Instead of a broach for the front bow, I opted to place the sailor scout's gems onto a large jingle bell. The gems in the moon rod are placed around a metal bow which I took from a Christmas necklace. The details of the moon rod are sculpted from thermoplastic, placed atop a painted PVC pipe. I really wanted to add some sparkle to the costume, so I created the necklace and earring shapes out of glittered foam and used a sparkling ornament from the dollar store for the crystal on the moon rod. 
The star atop the rod is another dollar store find which I painted to match the tiara. The tiara was created from thick craft foam with mistletoe in the center instead of a gem. I chose a mistletoe in particular because Christmas is considered more of a romantic holiday in Japan, and I could easily see Usagi waiting under it all night, hoping to catch Mamo's attention. 
Cosplay has allowed me to express myself in fulfilling artistic ways which I can't get anywhere else. I love working with my hands and challenging myself to learn new techniques for my every costume. As a former theater major turned graphic designer with a great love for anime, comics, and nerd culture in general: cosplay is really just a combination of all of the things that I love. Cosplay has been an expressive medium that I can turn to when life isn't going the way I want or expect. It has connected me with amazing people I wouldn't have met otherwise. I'm so happy to have this hobby and community in my life.
---- https://www.instagram.com/ladyrei_cosplay/
Photo : David Ngo
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cosmamas · 5 years
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i always said i was going to write a hc on how usagi and cosmos were alike and different but honestly the latter should be obvious from my portrayal / writing so i’m just going to talk about the former instead:
cosmos sleeps a lot. ( well at least a lot after chaos is defeated / the galaxy is in a better state. ) but due to basically being a god in all but name now, time doesn’t exactly flow the same for her as it does other people so she might just....sleep for an entire decade or two? when she wakes up, people are just like ‘where have you BEEN??? we thought you were dead!!’ and the whole time she’s just thinking about her next nap again tbh.
she was honestly probably an even bigger baby than usagi before her entire life went to [censored]. years of repressing her emotions, watching people die, and being involved in a war where they were undoubtedly losing has erased a lot of that. if usagi is a cry baby, cosmos is just ‘life is an eternal void of misery and despair’ baby. deep down there’s still a little bit of it in there though. she’s the physical embodiment of these two images at times.
not a hc on how they’re alike but before traveling to the past, she heavily resented her past self for making such a terrible decision by not destroying the cauldron + the fact she can remember what usagi ‘had’ that she did not: friends to fight beside her. although being with usagi as chibi-chbi makes cosmos see her in an entire different way and realizes how alike they are in small ways.
all those fancy dresses the royalty in sm wear? cosmos has one. she honestly loves wearing unnecessarily extravagant dresses and looking better than other people.
who knows how and why but luna is probably bound to serenity/usagi/cosmos at this point and once star seeds are able to be reborn in the galaxy cauldron ( as chaos was killing more than the GC could revive ), luna is going to be right at cosmos’s side nagging her once they finally reunite ( cosmos: don’t tell me what to do, i’m literally thousands of years old??? luna: does it look like i give a heck!!!!! )
she has terrible handwriting ( in her defense, she hasn’t had to write in years!!! ) and whenever she has taken care of a situation in a star system for the local senshi there, she’ll leave a badly written note like nqs ( she still goes out of her way not to talk to people if she can. ) 
yes, she does have a sweet tooth. she tries to be an adult™ but sometimes the usagi jumps out.
screw carrots man. you can’t make her eat them!!!! she can send you to another dimension if you try to make her!!
still gets mad when people call her bunhead >:(
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be-dazzled · 6 years
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She’s In Your Court #SIYC
Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser FFnet link: click here Tumblr: all chapters + misc, 1, 2, 3, 4 Genre: Multi-chapter, Romance Rating: M for sensitive language
Summary: Gray Fullbuster is a player both in love and in life. He plays Professional Basketball and is being groomed to be in line with Basketball Legends Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant and Stephen Curry. There’s just one problem, Gray Fullbuster is a play-ah. His life is a giant mess of crazy parties, waking up with random women and waking up in random women’s apartments. Just living the life.
The opinion of the public on him is waning. To save the million-dollar endorsements in the verge of disappearing, Gray needs to change his image. Therefore, Gray Fullbuster, Fiore Knight’s Team Captain and Most Valuable Player, will be in the next season of “My Star Can Dance”.
There’s another problem: it seems like his star isn’t that bright since his partner, one of Fiore’s prominent ballerinas, doesn’t know him? His billboard is hanging in front of her dancing school! And it was a good billboard since all he was wearing was his six-pack and an Aztec bandana. How come she didn’t notice?
How we gonna move together? Just come closer If we don't move together Come closer
– Move Together, James Bay
 “Dancing is like making-love.”
 How ridiculous.
 Juvia gathered the loose tussles of her silky blue hair and tied it in a bun. She scoffed at the words of her mother. In the entire trip from her home to the studio, all she could think about was how the hell could dancing be like making love and how ridiculous a notion it was. Making-love with the conceited Hoopster? Juvia felt her cheeks burn. Definitely and 101% pure craziness. Gray sweating and panting. Naked. A rush of yearning hit her.
 Juvia slapped herself numerous times in front of the mirror. When did she become such a pervert?
 “See what happens when that woman say crazy things. So irresponsible.”
 She shouldn’t let that woman get to her head. Otherwise, she would spend the whole day thinking about things she should not be thinking about. Especially, when the bighead Hoopster came to mind. Wait, he shouldn’t even be in her mind. Juvia puffed air in and out to even her breathing and to calm her erratic heartbeat. She should stop taking advice from the older Lockser.
 Juvia checked herself out in the mirror before she stepped out of the dressing room for practice. Olivia’s words were pushed at the back of her mind. She needs them to stay there – at the farthest back of her mind. When she thought she was finally out in the clear, Juvia bumped into a hard, sturdy body that almost thrown her off balance. Speak of the devil. Juvia almost jumped out of her skin when she realized who it was.
 “Will you stop lurking around? You’re scaring people.”
 Gray didn’t argue with her nor retorted.
 That’s odd.
 Gray would usually say and do things that completely annoyed her, ninety-five percent of the time. The remaining five percent was Juvia thinking how those lips could do so much more. Instead, Gray just obediently trailed behind her to the practice room.
 Really odd.
 She noticed that change in him but not how flushed Gray became.
 Saturdays used to be the days Gray get to spend in his bed. Sometimes, next to a beautiful naked woman he met the night before. Other times, just him and his thousand-thread count sheet. He always preferred the former. Today, however, was different. It was only a quarter after five and he was already dragging himself into his expensive shower, alone.
 The sun was barely up and the Fiore Knight’s star player was already out on the streets. All because the determined ballerina threatened to cut his thing if he did not get his act together. Juvia Lockser was a heartless dictator when it came to dancing. Now, he wasn’t quite sure if he had stumbled upon good fortune or simply the opposite.
 With that turn of events, he found himself driving down the school not only on weekdays but on weekends too. Not to mention that the team officially received the invitation for the intercontinental basketball games. Fiore Knights would represent the country. So, unsurprisingly, Briar, his team manager, was on his case all the time. He was all grumpy about the arrangement at first: Basketball training in the day and dance practice at night. It was like living a double life. The arrangement was taking a toll on him. He wasn’t getting any younger and he wasn’t Hannah Montana either.
 Gray glanced at the passenger seat where he dumped his duffel earlier. The elegant invitation sat on top of it. He smiled at himself. Lately, he wasn’t too tired to drive to the dance school. Lately, he was looking forward to it.
The school security guard greeted him with youthful enthusiasm. The middle-aged man was a big fan of Gray’s. He told him outright the very first time they met. He even asked for an autograph.
 Gray ascended the grand staircase that connected the ground floor to the second floor. As he was about to step into the practice room, Gray heard something. Hoopster was a curious cat. So, he followed the sound to where it took him. The next thing he knew, Gray found himself standing outside the women’s dressing room.
 This was bad.
 Gray reprimanded himself. As he was about to turn around, he heard a familiar voice. He stuck around to confirm his suspicion.
 “How ridiculous.”
 Gray’s ears perked up when he heard Juvia complaining.
 “See what happens when that woman say crazy things. So irresponsible.”
 Gray debated at first whether to leave or stay and listen. He took the door slightly open as sign and decided on the latter. What kind of woman changed in a room without locking it? He ordered himself to turn around and walk away but his feet wouldn’t listen.
 This was really bad.
 Bunhead would seriously beat the hell out of him when she realized that he was ogling her outside the dressing room. But it was her fault, right? For leaving the door unlocked, ajar even. Of course, Juvia wouldn’t take that excuse so he better leave now.
 But he’s feet wouldn’t budge. His eyes were glued at the figure now taking her shirt off.
 This was ‘apocalypse’ bad.
 He watched as Juvia Lockser gathered her hair behind, revealing her slender and delicate neck. Her generous breasts stared him through the mirror. Gray’s mouth ran dry. Under different circumstances, Gray would trace the bare skin of the woman whose back was on him. He would pull him against him and feel every inch of her body. He would shower kisses on the most delicate and sensitive parts of it too.
 Gray has seen a lot of naked bodies before, exceptional ones. He even rocked their worlds. Somehow, however, he found the sight before him more appealing – revealing little skin. Showing some, the right ones, but nothing more. It was sexier.
 But that didn’t last long. Gray felt a little disappointed when Bunhead put on a loose shirt over her head. He jumped back when he realized Juvia was about to turn around and discover him. The peeping Hoopster hid at the side and started to panic when he heard the door creak open. There was nowhere to hide! He needed to make up a story of why he was standing outside the women’s dressing room and fast. Else, he’d be nursing a giant lump on his forehead. He’d be lucky if that’s all he would need to take care of.
 Time was running out. Time pressure moved Gray’s feet. But instead of taking him away from the dressing room, they took him inside?
 This was the end for Grayden Harrison Fullbuster. The world would remember him fondly.
 Gray’s head throbbed when Juvia let out an ear-splitting scream.
 “Will you stop lurking around? You’re scaring people.”
 He didn’t say anything. How could he? Gray quietly dallied behind her.
 Was he still alive? Gray felt his body to make sure he was still there. Phew. That was close. Now, he just needed to calm himself down before Juvia noticed anything.
              Gray and Juvia have been practicing for weeks now. They started each rehearsal with a stretch routine. Then, not one to waste time, Juvia quickly selected a tune on her iPod connected to the practice room’s sound system. James Bay’s Move Together filled the entire room. Gray could almost memorize it now; he hummed to the rhythm.
             Juvia walked to the center of the room, waiting for her partner. She swayed her head to get into the rhythm.
             “Ready?” Juvia asked.
             “Born ready.”
             Juvia chuckled at Hoopster’s usual overconfidence. He’s finally back on being the annoying, self-centered airhead she knew.
             Gray walked toward his partner and placed himself behind her. (It was hard for him.) The image of Juvia changing in the dressing room earlier was etched in his mind. It was stirring some feeling inside him again: the need to touch, to feel, to move his lips all over. He needed to stop it before he thought or done something inappropriate. So, he stared at a distance, trying to resist the temptation. It proved hard to do so since Gray was standing so close behind her that he could feel her warmth all over him.
             His resolve was fading quickly because Juvia smelt really, really nice. Strawberries and champagne.
Gray Fullbuster, Fiore Knight’s Team Captain and basketball superstar, even with his vigorous training as a professional athlete, struggled to catch his breath. He had amazing cardio routine but dancing sure wasn’t a walk in the park. Who would have thought dancing in tutus could be that competitive.
 Weeks of practice somehow had improved the routine. But the unsatisfied impression on Juvia’s face said it needed more. Gray should really up his game. He gave himself an internal PEP talk; one he gave himself before the final quarter of a big game. With sharp breath, he rose from the floor to get into position. Juvia, however, had something different in mind.
 Juvia offered her partner a warm towel and a bottle of water. She balanced a cordless phone and a directory on her other hand.
 “I’m getting take-out. Do you want anything? Pizza, Chinese, or…” She trailed off. Juvia just thought of something.
 “Or what?”
 “Well, there’s this nice Italian place near here.”
 Juvia made sure she sounded as casual as possible. Of course, she had to. It was the big-head she was talking to, after all. Weird ideas ran in his brains all day.
 “Are you asking me on a date?”
 “I’m not.” Juvia quickly denied.  
 See? Weird ideas.
 Juvia turned about. She wanted to avoid the moron staring at her with a playful smile and a meaningful look.
 “It’s just… it’s some sort of thank you. It’s a Saturday and you didn’t have to do this but you’re here. So, don’t get any wrong idea.”
 He didn’t believe her or at least his mischievous grin said he didn’t. It was getting on her nerves.
 “Are we gonna order or what?” She made sure the irritation was obvious.
 “I like that Italian place idea. Is it okay if we look like this?”
 The both of them were on their practice clothes. It would look inappropriate if they went out wearing jogging pants and shirt. But the place Juvia was talking about was family-owned and that’s what she loved about it. It had a personal touch and homey feel.
 “Yeah. It’s nothing fancy so we’ll be okay.”
 Gray offered his car but Juvia rather walked. She told him it’s not that far so walking shouldn’t be a problem.
  Gray lived at the opposite side of the town – the upper, high class part. He was practically a stranger to the place so he let Bunhead lead the way. He put on the usual celebrity go-to disguise: bull-cap and sunglasses. He noticed, beneath the brim of his black bull-cap, that the buildings they passed by looked identical with each other in that block. Except for the establishment at the corner with the ‘Fratelli’s sign mounted on top of the entrance. Gray followed after Juvia when she turned the corner and entered the Italian-themed restaurant.
 The place was rather small and crowded. The walls were made of faded gray and brown bricks, giving an old-world feel. Paintings and pictures of different sizes and different art styles hanged on the wall. Gray recognized some of the people on the photos; athletes, celebrities, and other public personalities. The common thing, he noticed, that these people shared was that they were all Italian.
 The four-sitter tables were arranged so close to each other that one could hear what the people from the neighboring tables were talking about. The only thing that separated the kitchen from the dining area was a floor-to-ceiling wine rack. Gray took a mental note to check those wines later.
 It seemed like Juvia wasn’t only familiar with the place; it looked like she knew it in and out. She maneuvered the crowded area like a pro and led him to the two-person table near the kitchen.
 “Here’s okay, right?” She confirmed.
 Gray realized that the table was discreetly obscured by a tall indoor plant. If Juvia didn’t lead him there, Gray would never notice that there was a table in that area. He chose the chair which faced away from the public. As much as he loved attention, experience told him his fans could get a little out of hand. Plus, he wanted to enjoy lunch with Bunhead, alone.
   “Since, I guess, you’re kinda famous.”
 Juvia has a way of downplaying his enormous celebrity status; which rubbed Gray the wrong way. He wasn’t sure if he should be happy about it, since she was aware that Gray was somewhat a celebrity, or feel insulted for dimming his star status with the word ‘kinda’.
 “I’m not just kinda famous, you know.” He corrected as he took his glasses and bull-cap off. “I absolutely am.” Gray waved the black Rayban Wayfarer before he set them on the table. He fixed his hair too, messed-up by the bull-cap before he sat.
 “One time, when I was descending our company plane, a really hot flight attendant grabbed my ass.”
 Gray enjoyed reminiscing those times. He really got into a good mood retelling his ‘I’m famous’ stories.
 “She said she was a fan. (Because who wouldn’t be?) And then the whole time she– and it’s not important.”
 But he decided not to continue since Juvia was already scowling at him.
 It wasn’t too long when a buffed man in a white chef uniform approached them. Gray has been in a lot of restaurants, even fancy ones, not to distinguish the uniform. He also recognized him from the photos on the wall.
 “Finally found a boyfriend?”
 Before the man could continue on his greeting, Gray saw the surprise on his face. It probably dawned on him who Juvia was seated opposite to.
 “You’re Gray Fullbu…” The Chef stopped himself mid-name. As soon as he realized that a celebrity walked into the restaurant and his loud mouth might attract some fans, he lowered his voice as he continued.
 “You’re Gray Fullbuster.” The excitement was still there.
 Gray nodded in response, admitting to the fact.
 With his mouth still open in surprise, the Chef looked at Juvia.
 “Can’t believe you’re dating Fiore Knight’s Captain!”
 It sounded weird as he tried to lower his voice while he suppressed his excitement.
 “A ballerina and an athlete? Wow. Adult life’s cheerleader and football captain. It’s like High School all over again.”
 “We’re not dating.” She blankly denied. “We’re having the usual.”
 Not only was she really hungry but Juvia also wanted to dismiss her nosy and assuming friend before he embarrassed her in front of Hoopster. Bunhead wasn’t only a regular customer but also a close friend of the Chef/Owner – Bickslow.
 “Finally, huh?” Gray began interrogating.
 “Well, the word ‘finally’ implies that it’s been a while.”
 “It’s none of your business.” Juvia, understanding what the Hoopster was getting at and not wanting to engage with him, flatly told him off.
 She deliberately avoided his gaze and started to regret inviting him over for lunch. Olivia’s words haunted her, however. Like a plague that you just couldn’t shake off. Albeit irritating, her mother was right. She could at least open up a little bit to him.
 “Yes, it has been.” She said in a voice which wanted to tell him and not wanting to tell him.
 “I’m sorry?”
 “I said yes it’s been a while.” Her cheeks were burning. “Anyways…”
 She tried to change the subject but Gray cut in.
 “You guys dated?”
 Juvia didn’t understand to whom he was referring to. Dated who? When she finally put two in two together, she laughed at the idea.
 “Bickslow and I go way back. We’re just friends.”
 “If you say so.” Gray didn’t add anything nor did he tease. But something was telling Juvia he did not believe her one-hundred percent. She didn’t want to admit but it sounded like there was a little bit of bitterness in his voice. Couldn’t a man and woman be just friends? And most importantly, was he jealous?
 “So I’ve been researching you–”
 “–You mean stalking?”
 Gray loved to tease.
 “Researching.” She insisted. “And I found this interview in a magazine.”
 “The sexy kind of magazine?”
 Gray’s thick eyebrows danced playfully.
 “Will you stop interrupting?”
 “Fine.” Gray took a sip of the red wine from his glass; compliments by the Chef. “Go on.” Sounding like a detective listening to a prospective client.
 “I read that you’ve been playing basketball since High School.”
 “Yeah. My dad trained me.”
 Juvia felt the change in the atmosphere and the change in Gray’s midnight eyes.
 “I see.”
 Juvia took a sip out of her own glass, avoiding staring at Gray. He became really quiet and a bit detached. It felt like a wall suddenly isolated him. The man now sitting opposite Juvia was different from the usual, overfriendly Gray. She knew why. It wasn’t a secret.
 When Gray was sixteen he was being groomed to be the next Michael Jordan. His dad, Silver Fullbuster, was hands on in training him. They trained day and night. Gray would always say in his interviews that even if it was exhausting at times; he always enjoyed training with his dad. Gray loved and adored his father so much.
 “How about you? How long have you been dancing?”
 Juvia looked up from her glass of wine. She peeked at his midnight eyes. She felt guilty. Although he had a smile on, Gray’s playful eyes lost their previous glint.
 “Probably since I was four.” She laughed nervously. “Dancing is actually all I know.” It surprised even Juvia to realize that dancing was all she knew.
 “I don’t believe that.”
 Juvia wasn’t sure but it seemed like a glimpse of that annoying, mischievous Hoopster was peeking back at the surface. To be honest, she was quite relieved. She wanted to know more about him but she wasn’t sure if she was ready for it. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to know the real Gray.
 Gray leaned closer; which took Juvia by surprise.
 “I bet you are good at a lot of things, too.”
 Juvia didn’t know what came over her. Next thing she knew, she was a breath away from Gray.  Mirroring Gray’s meaningful smirk, she said something in a low, teasing voice.
 “You have no idea.”
 It was probably the wine.
 Juvia couldn’t thank Bickslow enough for his perfect timing. He brought the order personally, which he only did for special customers, balancing the plates in both hands. He expertly placed each plate in front of the guests, the smell of the spaghetti bolognese tickling their nostrils.
 (Note: I would like to thank ffnet user: Martygruvialover for pointing out that Chicken Cajun is not an Italian food. I sincerely apologize to anyone who got offended by this mistake.)
 Juvia savored the delicious smell of the Italian dish. It reminded her of the many lunches she shared with her parents. This was their favorite place.
 “She does that all the time.”
 Bickslow’s comment forced her eyes open. She gave him a face that said ‘you’re still here?’ He probably knew Juvia too well to get the message. Bickslow raised his hands in surrender, wished his guests a lovely meal and returned to the kitchen. He mouthed the words ‘good job’ with a matching two thumbs up before he disappeared behind the wine rack. The ever supportive Bickslow. Juvia rolled her eyes.
 Juvia’s gaze landed on Hoopster. He had this amused look on his face she has seen for the first time. She couldn’t help but feel self-conscious with the look he was giving her.
 It didn’t look ‘nothing’ because Gray couldn’t stop smiling. Juvia knew better not to dwell on it, though. Besides, it would just make her more self-conscious than she already was.
 “This is Bickslow’s specialty.”
 Juvia forked a few strands of pasta and twirled it so it wrapped around the teeth of the fork. She looked really excited as she did. It really was an amusing scene to look at. Then, she stared at Gray, waiting expectantly for him to have a taste. Gray obliged.
 She was right. The pasta did taste really delicious. He took another forkful. Which painted a big and proud smile on Juvia. She watched Gray lick his lips clean from time to time. A fuzzy feeling was brewing in her stomach. His inviting lips were so tempting that Juvia almost obliged.
 “How did you know about this place?” He asked after he wiped his mouth with a napkin.
 Juvia was taken aback. It wasn’t because the question surprised her but because she was suddenly pulled out of thinking about Gray’s lips. It took her a second to recover before she replied.
 “My dad always brings me here.”
 Gray suddenly realized he had never seen Juvia’s father.
 “Your dad? I haven’t met him nor seen him in the studio.”
 “Oh, that’s because he’s always out of the country.”
 Juvia’s father was an Ambassador. He travels abroad most of the time and was only in the country for a week or two every month. She explained how her mom goes overseas just to meet him. She wanted to come too but she couldn’t leave the studio.
 Gray continued asking Juvia things about herself. He answered a few of her questions, too. In the middle of lunch they found themselves talking just about anything: from the basic slam-book questions to funny stories about Gray’s teammates. Juvia never laughed that much in ages! She couldn’t wait to meet the members of Fiore Knights; sounded like a fun bunch.
 They talked about a few guilty pleasures; like her embarrassing taste in rap music, his obsession with Queen Beyonce, and his love for Mariah Carey’s music. Gray even sampled her with a small part of MC’s Obsessed, singing in falsetto.
 “God, that’s high.” He complained after he almost choked on the high note.
 Juvia laughed her heart out.
 The constant teasing was still there, too. Even if Juvia still reacted irritably, if she had to admit it to herself, Gray wasn’t as irritating as before.
  The two managed to come back to the studio without Gray attracting any attention. The lunch went well. Except that time they debated who should pay the bill. Juvia was quick at swatting Gray’s hands when he reached for it. She insisted it was her treat. Hoopster respected that. With his ego the size of the universe, Juvia was surprised he let her pay. She appreciated it.
 Juvia had to admit: somehow, her mother was right. She felt more comfortable around Hoopster. In the afternoon dance practice, they were more in sync; less dropping, less stepping on her toes. She was also growing out of her self-consciousness. Juvia felt less icky when he touched her. They were able to execute the more touchy choreography better than before.
 The afternoon practice wrapped better than the previous ones. The routine needed more polishing but there was evidently significant improvement. That thing that she thought was missing was already there – chemistry.
 After the practice, Gray took a quick shower; like he always did. He went back to the practice room with only his pants on. Juvia was used to that picture; just his denim jeans on and his six packs in full display. It wasn’t her first time seeing those packs in person. She has seen them in some billboards scattered around the city. She dreamt about touching them once. Maybe even twice. She wasn’t sure. Probably more times than she wanted to admit. So, she acted like she was all cool about it. But deep inside, her twenty-five year old hormones were raging.
 Gray used a clean towel to dry his hair. He dropped the damp towel inside his duffle and picked out a clean shirt from in it. He was a perceptive person and was well-aware of the assets he carried. He caught Bunhead staring at his packs on more than one occasion. So he puts on a show when he got dressed; deliberately facing her way and showing his hard and glorious six packs when they flexed. He was sure Juvia swallowed hard when he did.
 “You know, if you really want to watch me undress, all you have to do is ask.” He goaded.
 “As if.”
 And Juvia would avoid his gaze.
 Something dropped when he pulled his clean shirt out of the duffle. He picked it up and handed it to Bunhead; who had a quizzical look on her face when she received it. Before she could ask, Gray was already headed towards the door; his bulky Nike duffle slung over one shoulder. He announced that he was going to pick her up at seven.
 “It’s a date.” He declared with his famous knee-weakening wink.
 Juvia finally understood why Gray’s fans faint at the sight of that wink. She almost did.
Writer’s Corner: Okay so as suggested by @juviaesthetic, I revised this chapter to reflect the change in the storyline. I hope you guys look for ward for Gray and Juvia’s Not-A-Date.
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calzona-ga · 7 years
When Grey's Anatomy kicks off the second half of its 14th season on Thursday, the cat-and-mouse game between newbie surgical intern Dr. Sam Bello (Jeanine Mason) and Dr. Andrew DeLuca (Giacomo Gianniotti) is about to get even juicier.
Up to this point, Sam and DeLuca's past romantic entanglements were revealed to be complex at best. The two had dated in the recent past, with DeLuca moving across the country without so much as a phone call -- and then they unexpectedly bumped into each other at Grey Sloan. Mason, who was offered her plum Grey's role after working with executive producer/director Debbie Allen on a prior project, teased that the will they-won't they tension between the exes with benefits-turned-colleagues will be a running through-line for the rest of the season.
"Things continue to unfold between Sam and DeLuca, but you'll see starting in Thursday's [winter] premiere, Sam starts to regain her strength and assert her space and say to him, 'Stop distracting me. Let me do my work,'" the 27-year-old actress tells ET. "She is brilliant and she is top of her class and she is so very distracted by him. I'm excited for that push and pull to be introduced. It's a fun game that they start to play where they're actively starting to resist each other."
The So You Think You Can Dance and Bunheads alum credited the writers for knowing exactly what to focus on when it comes to potential new relationships to explore as the series goes on. It is, to be frank, a signature Grey's staple.
"The writers are the best in the game at that. They have such a good time leaning into it. They just know where the tension is -- the classic Grey's sexual tension -- combined with work responsibilities," Mason says with a chuckle. "They really lean into it with Sam and DeLuca. There are a few episodes coming up where it's just devilish."
Mason revealed that she didn't see the Sam and DeLuca storyline coming at all. "It was totally a surprise," she admitted. "That's another signature technique of the writers: things coming way out of left field. They love to surprise and keep us off our guard. It's been so fun that they've been leaning into their dynamic and to their little cat-and-mouse game because Giacomo and I are having a great time doing it."
Things are sure to heat up exponentially. As Mason teased, it'll be revealed soon that Sam and DeLuca will be working under Amelia Shepherd (Caterina Scorsone) in the neuroscience department. "We're just in the same little room working with brains all day long," Mason said with a laugh. "It's just a perfect set-up to watch the relationship unfold one way or the other."
Mason, who is Cuban American, shared her excitement in following in former Grey's star Sara Ramirez's footsteps.
"I'm excited that Sam is Latina, which is something that will be played with in the show. It's been a minute since there's been a Latina character on the show," Mason said, referencing the 2016 exit of Ramirez's Callie Torres. "Sara Ramirez was my favorite thing on the planet when she was on the show."
Last week, ABC unveiled a six-episode companion web series, Grey's Anatomy: B-Team, spotlighting the new Grey Sloan interns, which marked the directorial debut of series star Sarah Drew. Mason recalled Drew's nervousness over stepping behind the camera for the first time.
"She was so prepared and so adorable in her talent and in her passion in what she was doing on set. She kept going, 'This is really hard! Directing is hard!' and then she would run to video village -- you would never think she was sweating at all -- and then she would run back to set and give me a note and say, 'Oh my god, this is harder than acting.' It was the cutest thing ever. She was a joy."
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mariacallous · 6 years
Bunheads has Mitcham Huntzberger as a surfer dude/beach bum alcoholic bar owner with a leathery tan face and a blonde ponytail
Kelly Bishop is a Buddhist former ballerina/dance studio owner
Sutton Foster is a down-on-her-luck Reno Sweeney-esque Vegas showgirl
It’s a Very Sherman-Palladino Show
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1000 Follower Celebration!!!
guys I legit have no words, thank you so much for 1000 followers! much love \to all of you!
It’s My Fault Barry Allen x Reader by @theflash-fantasies Zoom attacks reader one night at the lab after some pretty cute Barry x Reader fluff.
No Longer You Dean Winchester x Reader by @dancingalone21 “Now a shell of her former self, the reader runs into an old flame.”
The Girl Next Door Tom Holland x Reader by @notsofastmaximoff “You just wanted to take a shower and relax in bed after a rough day.”
Decipiat Bucky Barnes x Reader by @avasparks “When you find out Steve is cheating on you, Bucky is there to help you through it; along the way, his feelings for you grow, as do yours for him.”
You Are My Heaven Steve Rogers x Reader by @avengerofyourheart “Falling for a good man, who happened to be her training partner, was unavoidable. Does the reader have the courage to find out if he feels the same way? What if he doesn’t? Life rarely unfolds the way we hope it would. (Events take place after CATWS)” Ongoing Series
A Matter Of Time Steve Rogers x Reader by @wayward-marvel-and-more “(Soulmate Timer AU) Steve awoke with a start. A baseball game was playing softly on the radio. He sat up, incredibly disoriented. He looked to his right arm. 3 Years, 84 Days, 2 Hours, 0 Minutes, 5 Seconds. He’d woken up 70 years in the future.”
Loving Danger Bucky Barnes x OC Reader by @lady-thor-foster “Danger couldn’t quite forgive Bucky for getting the both of them caught during their attempted prison break. Goddamn that man’s incessant need to please Sometimes revenge isn’t the best thing to solve a problem. Jax Cassidy is walking temptation, very few can resist her.”
The Things She Carried Dean Winchester x Reader by @effie-w “Dean meets a huntress. Well, he would define her a robot. At least until he gets to know her…” Completed Series
Bunhead Calum Hood x Reader by @txhohood “Calum has never been in love- ever; it’s not on his top priority of things to do either. But, when the band is on break for the holidays, and Calum wants to spend time with his mum, who is the owner of the top ballet/dance company in the country; Calum meets a girl whose eyes held more galaxies than the universe, and a smile that made his heart beat faster than ever before. This might just make him change his priorities up a bit, but sometimes there are tough decisions to make in the industry.” Ongoing Series
Heat Of The Moment Jensen Ackles x Reader by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Jared tries to get Jensen to hook up with some girl, unknowing of the reader’s massive crush on him. Ongoing Series
Caught Luke Hemmings x Reader x Michael Clifford by @5saucefanfic Just some Muke smut that everybody should read.
Coming Home Bucky Barnes x Reader by @sad-af1121 Bucky usually comes home from missions after reader has already fallen asleep, but after reader sends him an inappropriate picture, he decides to wake her up.
Co-Star Sebastian Stan x OC by @plumfondler “Broadway veteran Vanessa Vincent is getting her start in movies and is offered the role of a lifetime opposite someone she’s admired for years. What happens when they have to get up close and personal on set?” Ongoing Series
Like Limbs and Hearts Entwined Bucky Barnes x Reader by @ursulaismymiddlename “When the woven birch crown appears in the Sacred Grove, the village elders know that The God of Field and Forest, The Lord of the Ancient Wood, has decided to take a Bride.  The most beautiful girl in the village, chosen by him and blessed with his grace, is to perform the marriage rites on the First Summer Moon, thus ensuring a bountiful harvest and continued prosperity for the community…  And you are so very certain and so very thankful that it could never be you!” Ongoing Series
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lajulie24 · 7 years
Five things
I was tagged by @inelegantprose and @loveth1s, and this looked like fun, so:
Five things you’ll find in my bag
Keys (work and house keys have multiple keychains, including Lego bunhead Leia and Lego Hoth Leia, and car key has a Lego Wonder Woman keychain)
Phone (it’s pink! I love my pretty pink phone)
A pile of lipsticks in various colors
A little mirror compact with sparkly lips on the front (gift from my best friend since fourth grade, whom I still adore)
Nice earbuds that the husband gave me for Mother’s Day
Five things you’ll find in my bedroom
Wigs. One was my for serious wig from chemo several years ago (it was a good one, people kept complimenting me on my new haircut), and then I have my bright pink one (gift from a friend, I adore it), a wig that was my mom’s back in the early ‘70s, and the wig that goes with my Princess Leia costume.
The Lego Research Lab set with the female scientists.
About 7 journals that are partially written in--I have to hold myself back from buying new ones. 
A shelf full of books, including a number of books of poetry (Sandra Cisneros, Anne Sexton, ee cummings, Naomi Shihab Nye)
Some photographs of cairns I bought from a photographer friend.
Five things I’ve always wanted to do
Write a book. Hopefully I will eventually make that happen.
Travel! I haven’t been out of the country in a really long time; that whole working and adulting thing keeps getting in the way. Also, money.
Play in a band with other women.
Get a tattoo. I think I’m going to do it eventually, just not sure where and of what.
Make a movie, or at the very least write one.
Five things that make me happy
Friends, both IRL and virtual. Family.
Star Wars. Han/Leia. Cool fanfic stuff.
Creating things. Thinking up new ideas.
Eating brunch. Actually, I’m pretty into most meals, but brunch is the best because the food is good, and there’s good coffee, and you get to relax with friends, and sometimes there are mimosas too.
Using my brain to have fun, e.g. think up “what ifs” to some crazy scenario or make jokes about something, or figure out some kind of connection. (I might be just a LITTLE nerdy.) And sharing these things with other people who then add their little twists to it. (See, “why I use Tumblr possibly more than is strictly healthy.”)
Five things I’m currently into
Star Wars (duh). Mostly the usual, but I got on a tear recently thinking about bringing back some of the EU Jedi for a future fic of mine and thus have been reading up on Tenel Ka in particular. And a little Kyp Durron too.
Also, I started reading some of the Star Wars comics and am hooked. Han Solo #1 was really good.
Wonder Woman. I have been into WW forever, but the movie just hit all the buttons for me.
Having random solo dance parties while cleaning or while driving in the car.
Cuddling with my kiddo, a sweetheart and very into being cuddled.
Five things on my to do list
Finish several things at work that I just haven’t been getting to. Scheduling a bunch of meetings, writing up a board report, etc.
Clean the house before my parents visit this weekend (they don’t really care, and would never say anything, but I prefer not to have it look like a pit)
Pay some bills. #adulting bleah
Finish my shorter WIP fic and start the longer one. And probably acquiesce to my impatient brain and start writing down some scenes for the sequel I TOLD MYSELF I WASN’T GOING TO WORK ON RIGHT NOW but apparently has a mind of its own.
Get an appointment to get my hair done again. My former stylist moved to a salon all the way across town and I can actually see my gray hairs. I want the red and the blonde highlights and the purple highlights back.
Hmm, who to tag...uh, how about @generalherasyndulla, @hanorganaas, @onwardintolight, @drinkupthesunrise, @imaginationallcompact, and whoever else wants to play. (And if you’ve already done this or just don’t wanna, no pressure!)
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halesnoelle · 7 years
#trypod month
We are coming to the end of #trypod month and I’ve done nothing (oops). As a podcast obsessed person, I thought I should share a few of the things I have gotten more into lately. 
If you follow me, you already know that I will listen to all things Earwolf, so I won’t say anything about that past listen to all the Earwolf things. Some non-Earwolf pods worth a try:
- Don’t Get me Started  - two terrific improvisers talk to (mostly) comedians about the things they’re obsessed with that are not related to comedy/their jobs. It’s really great. I’ve learned some things about very widespread topics and it’s just really fun to hear people talk about the things they love.
- Inglorious Pasterds - If you grew up in a conservative to moderate church and find yourself “deconstructing” your beliefs, this is such a great listen. It’s three ex-pastors who all got fired from their church jobs for getting too liberal (and liking Rob Bell too much). It always starts with some A+ discussion of what they’re drinking, then they discuss insane or funny news stories from the week, then they will cover a more serious topic. This week’s episode was about the toxic masculinity in the church and how it harms both men and women. Also included in their feed every other week is the Twisted Sisterds - similar concept, but hosted by 3 females who met through listening to the main show. Their in depth discussions have a more intentionally female perspective. Anyway, if you don’t know what the fuck you think theologically and need to know you’re not alone, this is the place for you.
- Exvangelical - specifically explores different aspects of the evangelical subculture from the perspective of people who grew up in it. Most of the guests have moved on from evangelicalism, but some are sticking it out and trying to make some changes “from the inside.” It’s very interesting and provides a real “I’m not alone” feeling. If you are going to start, I recommend starting with the episode “weird everywhere,” which describes the feeling of former evangelicals and how they don’t fit in with the people they grew up with, but the people they fall in with now basically grew up in a different culture. It’s good shit, guys.  
- Stumbling Ballerinas - totally changing course, this podcast is 3 girls who watch Bunheads and take a drink every time something “classic Amy Sherman Palladino” happens. Recently, they also covered the Marvelous Mrs. Maizel pilot (sooooo good). If you find Bunheads to be an enjoyable show and want to just have a silly, good time talking about it, this is the show for you. 
- Go Bayside! - an oldie but a goodie. April Richardson (who is great) has a friend come hang out with her and they watch Saved By the Bell. Often these guests do not have nostalgic feelings about the show and find it baffling and it’s great. The podcast proper ended about 2 years ago, but a special episode came out this week covering the Vegas Wedding special.
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apocalypticmovierp · 7 years
‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ Is Must-See TV For Amy Sherman-Palladino Fans [Review]
Amy Sherman-Palladino is a showrunner to whom I feel minimal attachment. While most TV critics/superfans whom I respect have some level of undying love for “Bunheads” or “Gilmore Girls” or both, the latter was before my time and the former never caught my attention. Thus, the Sherman-Palladino name isn’t itself enough to excite me about an upcoming TV project.
The first four episodes of Amazon’s new Sherman-Palladino series, “The Marvelous Mrs.
Continue reading ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ Is Must-See TV For Amy Sherman-Palladino Fans [Review] at The Playlist.
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matthewshaffer · 5 years
Busting out a fun 8-count-closeup on #Bunheads #Choreographed by the fabulous @margueritederricks w/ Standout moments by the diva #Ballerina (and former @weareocsa classmate) @melissasandvig; lead by the multi-talented @michelleelkin; and a pop of orange w/ @cedricdodd_ | #Actors #Dancers #Writers #Directors You never know where a job will take you in #Hollywood; but you’ll always be surrounded by talented, creative friends! #ShareYourStory #ChoreographYourLife #DancingOutOfTheCloset @bunheads https://www.instagram.com/p/B8_pjJHpmXC/?igshid=6mkvnp11v04y
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her-culture · 5 years
Ex, Former, Past Dancer: How a Small Word Came to Mean so Much
“Are you a dancer?”
The question threw me off. How did he know? Was it the extreme arch imprinted on my foot from years of forcing it against its natural flexed movement? The defined calf muscles I thankfully haven’t lost (yet)?
This encounter on the subway shocked me not only because of his quick judgement after just a momentary glance over me—I was also lost with how to respond.
Last year, I would have given a resound “yes” without a second thought. Spending up to twenty-five hours a week at the studio at the cost of free time, a social life, and sleep—of course I was a dancer.
Now, barely managing to make it to class once a month, was I worthy of such a title?
I shudder at the thought of placing an “ex” or “former” label in front of the identity that defined me for fourteen years. But I know that I am in no way, shape, or form up to the level or technique I once had.
One Friday, I made my way up to the Lincoln Center with my friend Holly to attend a ballet gala. Dishing over dessert at The Smith after the performance, surrounded by stick-and-bone bunheads who proudly wore the title of “YAGP Finalist” around their long necks, I felt displaced among people who embodied what I once was and wanted to be. Strange to think that I went from a participant to an observer and that nearly all of these dancers—most of whom were younger than me—were on their way to beginning their professional dance careers while I had almost completed the first year of my new life at college.
Holly, someone who has been in this gray area, a sort of purgatory between dance and what we call the “real life” longer than I have, told me that even though she misses performing, the feelings subside after a while. I told her how I tried to take ballet class, but something was unnervingly different—I felt isolated, not feeling at home in my body or in the studio as I once did. She told me simply that it was okay. The feelings of loss are replaced by gratification and remembrance of a time that yes, was in the past, but can always be remembered fondly as it was—preserved as a memory tucked away in my mind like a music box ballerina, always spinning, never changing.
She reminded me that even though I’m not on the stage anymore, dance will always be part of my life—whether it’s through watching a performance, reminiscing over memories with my dance friends going through the same tug and pull towards dance as me, taking the occasional class when my body longs for the barre or just moving in the streets of the city and in my dorm room. She stated it as a matter of fact, made to appease my feelings of yearning and regret while simultaneously reminding me when I get those occasional thoughts to completely separate my past from my current life.
I used to think of my relationship with ballet as a passionate love-hate affair, that of a borderline abusive romantic partner that knew how to annoy me, frustrate me, and let me down, all while being there when I needed it the most. Now, it has evolved into one of an old friend. I’m less emotionally attached, and I only think good thoughts of the fond times we had together, pushing those towards the forefront of my memories while letting the harder times fade into the backdrop. However, one thing remains constant—ballet is, and will always, be there for me. Like certain people, places, and things that humans value, art keeps us grounded in reminding us of our nature of impermanence while simultaneously having the ability to lift us up and make us feel like we’re floating on air. Once we find this magic, it stays with us.
We licked our desserts clean. I passed by a dancer who had just performed and was sitting down at a table with her family, hair slicked back and false eyelashes still on. I told her she was amazing onstage because she truly was.
I am taking a ballet class tomorrow. As a dancer, I continue to accept that some things change while some things will never.
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'Grey's Anatomy's' Jeanine Mason: Sam and DeLuca's Complex Romantic History Gets 'Devilish' (Exclusive)
When Grey's Anatomy kicks off the second half of its 14th season on Thursday, the cat-and-mouse game between newbie surgical intern Dr. Sam Bello (Jeanine Mason) and Dr. Andrew DeLuca (Giacomo Gianniotti) is about to get even juicier.
Up to this point, Sam and DeLuca's past romantic entanglements were revealed to be complex at best. The two had dated in the recent past, with DeLuca moving across the country without so much as a phone call -- and then they unexpectedly bumped into each other at Grey Sloan. Mason, who was offered her plum Grey's role after working with executive producer/director Debbie Allen on a prior project, teased that the will they-won't they tension between the exes with benefits-turned-colleagues will be a running through-line for the rest of the season.
"Things continue to unfold between Sam and DeLuca, but you'll see starting in Thursday's [winter] premiere, Sam starts to regain her strength and assert her space and say to him, 'Stop distracting me. Let me do my work,'" the 27-year-old actress tells ET. "She is brilliant and she is top of her class and she is so very distracted by him. I'm excited for that push and pull to be introduced. It's a fun game that they start to play where they're actively starting to resist each other."
The So You Think You Can Dance and Bunheads alum credited the writers for knowing exactly what to focus on when it comes to potential new relationships to explore as the series goes on. It is, to be frank, a signature Grey's staple.
"The writers are the best in the game at that. They have such a good time leaning into it. They just know where the tension is -- the classic Grey's sexual tension -- combined with work responsibilities," Mason says with a chuckle. "They really lean into it with Sam and DeLuca. There are a few episodes coming up where it's just devilish."
Mason revealed that she didn't see the Sam and DeLuca storyline coming at all. "It was totally a surprise," she admitted. "That's another signature technique of the writers: things coming way out of left field. They love to surprise and keep us off our guard. It's been so fun that they've been leaning into their dynamic and to their little cat-and-mouse game because Giacomo and I are having a great time doing it."
Things are sure to heat up exponentially. As Mason teased, it'll be revealed soon that Sam and DeLuca will be working under Amelia Shepherd (Caterina Scorsone) in the neuroscience department. "We're just in the same little room working with brains all day long," Mason said with a laugh. "It's just a perfect set-up to watch the relationship unfold one way or the other."
Mason, who is Cuban American, shared her excitement in following in former Grey's star Sara Ramirez's footsteps.
"I'm excited that Sam is Latina, which is something that will be played with in the show. It's been a minute since there's been a Latina character on the show," Mason said, referencing the 2016 exit of Ramirez's Callie Torres. "Sara Ramirez was my favorite thing on the planet when she was on the show."
Last week, ABC unveiled a six-episode companion web series, Grey's Anatomy: B-Team, spotlighting the new Grey Sloan interns, which marked the directorial debut of series star Sarah Drew. Mason recalled Drew's nervousness over stepping behind the camera for the first time.
"She was so prepared and so adorable in her talent and in her passion in what she was doing on set. She kept going, 'This is really hard! Directing is hard!' and then she would run to video village -- you would never think she was sweating at all -- and then she would run back to set and give me a note and say, 'Oh my god, this is harder than acting.' It was the cutest thing ever. She was a joy."
Grey's Anatomy returns Thursday, Jan. 18 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.
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