#forgot the rest but honestly. with less screaming this is how they treat me normally too which i thought was a really sweet realization đŸ„ș
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chisungie · 8 months ago
#wait tmis all over but the reactions ive been getting since coming back have been so cute đŸ„ș💖#a bunch of the girlies im buddies w were at the front counter when i walked in and it was peak fangirling bc WHYS EVERYONE#SO PRETTY LIKE THEY WERE ALL REALLY PRETTY BEFORE I LEFT AND I DIDNT THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE BUT EVERYONE#GOT PRETTIER??? and they reacted the same way which was REALLY CUTE đŸ„ș#i wasnt sure if anyone would find it good bc we have. blue shirts. and i have red hair. but everyone was really sweet abt it đŸ„ș#anyw the guy reactions were boring </3#AND GIRL EVERYONE WAS WONDERING IF I QUIT 😭 NEVER!!@ Not withiut a reason i love this place ans i lvoe u guys tf😭😭#and its a fun way to make money imo đŸ€” i just dont wanna hate what im doing yk.. anyw#ONE OF THE GIRLS WAS LIKE. GIRL IF U QUIT ID FIND UR PHONE NUMBER (from the gc) AND MESSAGE U#and i have no clue what that means i asked but she didnt answer but i appreciate the enthusiasm LMAO#forgot the rest but honestly. with less screaming this is how they treat me normally too which i thought was a really sweet realization đŸ„ș#BUT MY 2 FAV COWORKERS ARENT HERE TODAY. WHAT IS UP W THAT >:((#my fav supervisor is but my 2nd fav isnt :((#anyw. fun đŸ„ș#44597#ok one fun guy reaction.#we're playfully bickering and at the end this guy goes. i missed this. and THATS REALLY SWEET ACTUALLY??#anyw its all fun he does check in and after poking fun a few times he goes “u know im joking right” yep ofc 👍#actually why tf do i keep bickering w guys everywhere i go đŸ€” like i never bicker w girls. if shes right shes right my bad queen /J#NO BUT REALLY idk why LMAO it was a fun day though im happy ^^
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xaibaugrove · 3 years ago
Everyone in the Krew is Problematic
I was inspired to go on this rant by someone who recently brought up a question in a server I’m in, asking why so many people in the fandom seem to hate Mako and Makorra and why. This wouldn’t be the first time I defend Mako and it most likely won’t be the last, but it might be the first time I tear him and everyone else in the Krew down in the process, only to bring them back up. Hear me out though.
I think I’ve totally accepted that a lot of people in this fandom will always hate Mako and that I will have to perpetually defend him, I understand that this is the relationship I’ve chosen with this world. But what I still will never understand are the reasons why people hate/dislike him because compared to how much they love other characters in the Krew who honestly aren’t that much better than him (in some cases, even worse!), it doesn’t make any sense.
Let me also preface this by saying, I love these characters with all my heart and soul, probably more than I should love fictional characters, but this is the life I live and with that being said, I am going to tear them apart just to prove a point. Okay, here we go.
Most of his detractors list the usual criticisms, which are valid when isolated. He cheated on Asami, he lied to Korra, he was a terrible boyfriend and essentially he treated the women he claimed to love or care about horribly. Gee, it’s almost like the man was a teenager with no experience in having long-lasting, healthy relationships and was raised in the streets by gangmembers while doing anything to survive and provide for his younger sibling after seeing his parents killed right in front of him and suddenly being orphaned

I think Mako has been torn down enough, so I won’t get too deep into the tearing down part for him. It really does baffle me how someone can claim to be woke and not comprehend how someone coming from poverty could possibly be a product of their environment. Like, does everyone think that poor people automatically have hearts of gold and turn out like Little Orphan Annie? Why are people surprised that when someone has a shitty life, they might do shitty things?
Also, sooo many people love Zuko, who actively tried to cause harm to Aang, Katara and Sokka numerous times, and sympathize with his troubled past. But like, sure Zuko had an abusive father and his mother peaced out of his life for whatever reasons but at least he had his uncle. Mako had his parents for maybe 8 years before they were murdered in front of him and then had...no one for the next 10 years? Except for Bolin, sure, but no other parental figure in his life. Dude literally had to become him and his brother’s own parent and joined a gang to survive, and after all that, the worst he does is acts as a bad boyfriend toward Korra and Asami and he is instantly thrown to the wolves. Something doesn’t add up. It’s just...I don’t get it.
Yes, the way he treated people was bad, but people can grow? That’s a thing humans can do. And he was a teenager, my god. No, we cannot allow our past to be an excuse for how we treat others, but we have to be aware that there is a growth process to being human. And being human in and of itself, isn’t pretty. You think Mako is problematic? Don’t get me started on your fave.
Ok, I love this woman to death but she is ridiculously problematic. She pursued someone in a relationship and essentially forced Mako to cheat on Asami by kissing him against his will, that’s already pretty awful and shows a lack of empathy on her part, also kissing people without their consent is no bueno. But also I just have to say it for the people who might not know this. One of the fundamental reasons why Makorra didn’t work was because KORRA WAS ABUSIVE. Okay? It wasn’t just that Mako was inadequate at relationships and didn’t know how to people, it wasn’t that she was secretly confused and wanting Asami the entire time (biphobia at it’s best) one of the main problems in the pairing was that Korra was crazy abusive towards Mako. Seriously, why don’t I see this more often in those discussions??
If we need examples, I have dozens. Honestly, it’s really easy to see how terrible Korra was to Mako, I’d actually argue that she treated him worse than he treated her. I mean, they were both terrible to one another, but in Korra’s case she went through the motions of being completely infatuated with your first teenage crush, getting with said crush, then crashing and burning once you realize that you have no idea how to treat a romantic partner so after the butterflies wear off you subject them to all the wonderful aspects of your anger issues. Not only did she scream at Mako during every argument they had, she also threatened him with bodily harm if she got really angry. Remember how their relationship crashed and burned in Book 2? Here are the things that Korra did during that time. Let me reiterate, this was not okay.
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Mako is visibly shaken by this!
This woman burst into her boyfriend’s place of work and violently kicked his desk out from in front of him with all his coworkers present. That is not normal behavior. That is a red flag. And after she came back, had amnesia or whatever and forgot they broke up after that scene, let’s not forget that Mako was legitimately Afraid to break up with her again. Korra made her partner frightened that they might suffer bodily harm if they upset her. Again, and I can’t stress this enough, this is not okay!
The little scene in Book 3 when Korra is lifting Mako like 100 feet off the ground with airbending while he’s screaming in fear just to make Asami laugh is cute, right? I’ll admit, I loved that little moment too, it’s one of the only instances of Korrasami development that we got, but also, there were sooo many things wrong with that scene lol. Not only does Korra terrify Mako for literally no reason, it’s also sort of just her continuing to exercise some degree of power over him for her own amusement. Almost like a subtle reminder to him saying, “I am stronger than you in every way and I can break your femur like a twig if I wanted to
 but I won’t, so look how much fun we’re having!”
Now of course, there are reasons why Korra acts like this. She was isolated for almost her entire life and never learned how to treat people and be around people. The Avatar is human because they must live amongst the people they protect and that helps them develop empathy and cherish life. The White Lotus deprived her of that fundamental aspect of her duty as the Avatar and it showed throughout the beginning of the series. Clearly, she was young, didn’t see how her actions could negatively affect others and hurt the feelings of not just her partner but also friends and family (she was really awful towards a lot of people in her life!). But as the series went on, we see her having less outbursts and learning to control her temper more.
One can only assume that she does not have the same behavior with Asami because for one, I don’t think Asami would play that shit, she seems like she would electrocute a bitch in a heartbeat and not hesitate if needed, but also Korra is not the same shitty partner she used to be as a teenager. Again, kids do stupid things. Adults do stupid things. And we learn and we grow. Korra will probably make some more mistakes in her relationship with Asami. I don't think anyone can have one bad relationship and suddenly learn all the lessons they can from it and have a perfect one the next go around. I can totally picture Korra losing her temper and raising her voice at Asami if she gets frustrated and forgets who she’s dealing with. Managing anger issues is hard, I know this from experience, and it doesn’t magically get easier. Of course, if Korra does pop off, Asami would definitely put her in her place because she’s a bad bitch who doesn’t take anyone’s shit, next character.
You know her, you love her, you fantasize about her and you probably have her on your list of fictional characters you would totally bang if you had the chance (I know I do), yes, even your best girl is problematic. It’s interesting to me that a lot of people sympathize with Asami and very few openly criticize her (so few that I’ve never seen anyone say a bad thing about her). What’s there to criticize though? The poor girl was cheated on by Mako, had her feelings disregarded by Korra, who claimed to be her friend but pursued her then-boyfriend behind her back and then made up for it by simping for her for the rest of her life? Also her mom was murdered when she was just 6 years old, her father threatened to kill her once and physically abused her, then died right after they started repairing their relationship, essentially making her an orphan at the ripe age of 22. Suffice it to say, Asami has been through it.
So, how could she be problematic, you ask? Why, of course, through the classic Bryke technique of romance progression in storylines called Kissing People Without Their Consent
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To be honest, I did gloss over this with Korra, simply because there were sooo many other issues with that woman and I just couldn’t go through every single one in as much detail but that doesn’t negate how serious this whole sneak attack kissing thing is. Sure, Asami is very emotional and lonely and sort of desperate too, (it's a little sad, really) but Mako is clearly uncomfortable and completely caught off guard by the kiss. This is also the second time this happens to him in the series! There are a couple factors that might contribute to why Asami does this and acts this way, maybe Korra’s general awfulness rubbed off on her (don’t make a dirty joke) but this is still wrong.
AND that’s...pretty much it. Kissing people without their permission is a big no no, though. Not wanting to gloss over that, but Asami really is a good person who just did a not-so-great thing. Getting burned by Mako twice probably made her a little less inclined to be as forward with anyone though, and it looks like she now takes her time and is patient in her relationship with Korra. It even seems like Asami is the only person Korra is afraid to upset, as Korra does seem more gentle and calm when around her. And who knows? Maybe Asami living a life where a majority of the time she got whatever she wanted when she wanted it might have also influenced her to be more assertive or even imposing within her relationships.
If anything, those three fools getting into relationships with each other just showed how not ready they were to be in relationships in the first place and also how not okay they were.
Originally I titled this as “Everyone in the Krew is problematic (except Bolin)” but then I remembered that Bolin totally kissed a woman without her consent so I deleted the shit out of that!
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This asshole looks genuinely pleased with himself after essentially assaulting Ginger. Not a good look.
Sure, Bolin is baby. He will always be baby to me. But that does not erase the fact that he also actively supported a fascist dictator. Not only was the kissing without consent thing bad, but there’s also that. No matter how many times people around him warned him about the fact that he was on the wrong side of things, that he was helping someone who was putting people into concentration camps...Bolin wanted to believe the best of Kuvira. He ignored obvious signs that the woman was a dictator committing human rights violations like crazy and you know, there’s gotta be a reason for that too.
Maybe Bolin wanted to feel like he was doing something good for once. When you think about it, with his role as the comic relief in the Krew, and sort of constantly being infantilized by his older brother, I wouldn’t be surprised if the man developed some insecurity in his ability to do anything good or useful for anyone without screwing it up in some way. In Kuvira’s army, it seemed like he was actually taken seriously, he felt like he was doing something that mattered. Korra had being the Avatar, Asami had her business and mindblowing philanthropy (honestly, her ability to be as charitable as she is profitable is insane) and Mako had his police work (ACAB, tho). Bolin had...the role of being a joke. A superficial actor. A former pro-bending meathead.
Bolin lived his entire life following after his brother that once they were adults and Mako finally decided to live his own life for once, it left Bolin completely lost. And lost young men are perfect recruits for fascists.
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So, in conclusion, my whole reasoning behind destroying the integrity of my favorite characters is to prove a huge point. All of these characters are problematic. They have flaws, some bigger than others (looking at you, Korra. Just...wow), but ultimately, even if your fave is problematic... that’s okay. A lot of people, mostly younger people it seems, are really obsessed with being right about everything that they do and stan. And that’s a wonderful thing, so much change has come about by the younger generations calling out people who do fucked up shit, don’t want or try to improve, and get away with it. But it’s also caused a lot of people to be unforgiving and completely unwilling to acknowledge when people do improve and try to be better.
Personally, I love my problematic Krew because having issues that you’re constantly working on internally is human. It’s human to make mistakes, it’s human to grow from those mistakes. And it’s inspiring to me, who is wholly imperfect, to see myself reflected in fictional characters who aren’t perpetuating unrealistic ideals of human nature, characters who are messy, crazy and ultimately human.
As one of my favorite manga artists and queen of impeccable character creation Rumiko Takahashi once said:
“I think that perfect people are not very interesting.”
And I will always wholeheartedly agree.
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harrylilies · 4 years ago
The Royal Series | Pt. V
The Royal Series Masterlist
"Think I should get my own flat." You said as you lied on Farrah's bed, looking at her ceiling that had scattered glow-in-dark stars.
"Like in secret? Out of the palace?" She asked, glancing at you then looking back at her laptop.
You hummed in confirmation. "Think I can do that?"
"If it were hypothetical, yes,” Farrah answered, looking at you. "It's unsafe given your status, no matter how much you deny it so if your family knows, it won't be pretty, and I know for sure it’s not easy.” "What if-" You sat up quickly, crossing your legs and looking at her with mischievous wide eyes. "What if I give it all up?"
"Give what up?" She asked slowly, looking at you warily.
"The status. What if I give up on royalty? Step down and live as some normal girl who's good in her work and owns her own flat? I don't have to marry F-"
"Y/N, you really need to sleep." She sighed, closing her laptop and putting it on her bedside table.
You sighed, lying on your back and pulling the cover closer to your chin. "I hope that's the case."
"Anyway, whatever you do, you know I'll support you, even if you end up living with me."
You smiled, snuggling into Farrah's cover, "You're an alright best friend."
"And you're a bitch. Goodnight, your Highness." She chuckled before rolling over and letting her back face you.
"Goodnight, peasant."
"Em, call them and tell them that we'll do what we talked about in the meeting and have their social media specialist start tomorrow. Has David called?" You asked your assistant as you both walk in a fast pace inside the palace, Kensington.
"He did. He said that we raised 2 million, we exceeded the target." She informed you.
You nodded, stopping in front of your flat door. "Good. Can you please schedule a meeting for tomorrow with Healing for The Future? We need to discuss the plan and start working as soon as possible."
She nodded, writing on her iPhone as you talked. "Consider it done."
"Thank you, Em. And sorry for keeping you busy till now," you smiled at her gratefully before checking your watch, "It's almost 11."
"It's my job. It's not like I don't enjoy it." Emelie assured you with a smile of hers. "Now you have a goodnight. You've been awake since 4 in the morning."
You nodded, both of you leaning to kiss each other's cheek. "Goodnight, Em."
Emelie walked off, making you turn and enter your quiet flat. You nodded at the two guards standing on your door before going inside, smiling and wishing them a goodnight.
Right as you were about to take off your shoes, a knock on your door made your move halt for a second before you granted permission to whoever was on the other side. In came one of the ladies-in-waiting, Pattie. "Your Highness?"
"Yes, Pattie? Is everything alright?"
She nodded, "Her Majesty is in His Highness Prince William's flat and requested to see you."
"Oh, she's here?" You furrow your eyebrows before standing. "Okay. Thank you, Pattie. You can sleep or do whatever you want. It's a quiet night for me." You smiled at her.
Pattie smiled back, bending her knees in a slight curtsy, "Thank you, Your Highness."
Walking to your brother's flat, you greeted the guards at the door before a maid informed you that “they were all in the drawing room.” Thinking nothing of it, you pulled out your phone as you walked towards it, opening yours and your siblings’ group chat.
HenryđŸ’‚đŸ»â€â™‚ïž: why on earth is he here? WillsđŸ‘ŽđŸ»: I honestly don't know... WillsđŸ‘ŽđŸ»: Y/N, I'd advise you to not come before 11
It was too late.
Your eyebrows which were furrowed in confusion at the texts and the frown fell once you walked inside the drawing room and looked up, seeming as if the air had been knocked out of you.
"Y/N, you're here! Fred was just telling us about his last polo match." Your grandmother smiled, patting the spot next to her.
You glanced at your siblings, Kate, and your grandfather who gave you sympathetic looks before your eyes moved to the moving man who was approaching you with a smile on his face.
"It's incredible to see you, Your Highness." Fred said gently, offering his hand.
You snapped out of it and put your hand in his, watching as he kissed it, "Lovely to see you, too.”
Fred motioned for you to walk inside, walking behind you as you sat on the sofa beside your grandmother, deeply breathing as you tried to remain calm.
"Prince Fred has a gift for you, Y/N."
"Ah, yes!" He chuckled nervously, holding a rectangular velvet green box from the table before approaching you. "I know you love emerald," he spoke gently, opening the box for you.
Your eyebrows were furrowed and a frown was set on your face as you stared at the necklace with an emerald gemstone. "Uh," you let out a small chuckle before looking at him. "May I ask what's the occasion?"
"Just a kickstart for what's there to come."
You nodded slowly, straightening your posture as your eyes went back to his face, "That's a lot for just a kickstart."
You heard your brothers snicker from behind Fred, watching as he gave you a small shrug. "It's okay if you don't want to accept it. I'd understand. I asked my mother and she told me it'd be a good idea, honestly." Fred chuckled, glancing from you to the necklace in his hands, almost as if he'd never seen it.
You glanced at your grandmother who gave you a pointed look, almost as if she was holding back a scream that said "take it!"
You stood up, taking a breath and reluctantly nodded, "It's okay, I-," You gulped, an uneasy smile coming to your face, "I'll take it. Thank you."
Fred smiled, "Want help wearin-"
"No!" You instantly replied, hand coming up to graze the teardrop pendant of your necklace around your neck. "I mean," you looked at him, slightly wide eyed, "I'm going to sleep now so it's not really a convenient time to wear it."
He cleared his throat and nodded, stepping back with an arm behind his back, "I understand."
“Y/N, you said you're going to sleep. Can I come with you for a second? I left Louis' bib at your flat the last time." William said, standing up.
Despite knowing that he was coming up with an excuse for you to leave, you went along. "Oh, right. I was meaning to get it but I forgot. Anyway," With the green box in your hand, you walked towards the door with your brother following you before you turned to look at the rest, "Have a goodnight." And with that, you and William were out of the door and walking towards your own flat.
"Show me." He opened his palm, making you rest the box there. "Not bad, huh?"
"Poor lad looked like he was forced to do this." You spoke your mind, hand finding its way to your hair.
"Just like you felt you were forced to accept it?" Will replied almost instantly.
You shrugged, "It'd be very rude of me to just not accept it. He'd look like a fool."
"And why do you care?"
"Because just because I don't see myself with him, doesn't mean I'll make him feel less about himself and treat him like a doormat. I have a feeling he's forced into this like I am." You sighed, walking down the stairs.
"When did you become so wise?" Will chuckled, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "How's Romeo?"
You chuckled, rolling your eyes. "He's fine. He's in Berlin."
"Busy lad, huh?"
You nodded, "Very. Makes time to call me though."
Will smiled, giving your shoulder a squeeze. "That's good to hear."
As you reached your flat and opened the door, you turned to look at your brother, "You can stay for some tea." You suggested.
"No, it's alright. I'll head back to them. You have a good night sleep, alright?" He leaned down pressing peck to your forehead.
You nodded, smiling sleepily at him. "Goodnight, Wills."
Getting into your bed after a long day was what you looked forward on busy days, and it was the reason behind the sigh that left your lips as you had gotten under the covers.
Right as you were about to lock your phone, the screen changed from your wallpaper of you, Charlotte and George lying on the grass as you laughed – a picture Kate had taken from above months ago and it had been your favourite – to an incoming call from none other than the man who gave you zoos erupting in your stomach; Harry.
You smiled, accepting it. "Hello?"
"Hey, love," His voice alone was enough to have you already blushing. "Are you done with the day?"
You hummed, "It was a long, tiring day."
"Want to tell me about it?"
And so, you did. You told him all about your day, meetings and your scheduled plans, leaving out the part where you saw Fred.
And he told you about his show and how he was on his way to travel to Amsterdam.
"Did you wear that suit you showed me?" You asked him, lying on your back.
"Yeah, I did," He replied, "I'm going to send you two suits for tomorrow's show, choose one of them for me, please?"
You grinned, "Of course."
"Alright, I'm going to let you sleep now. Uh, Y/N?"
You hummed.
Harry chuckled slightly and almost nervously before it got quiet for a second. "I miss you,"
You grinned to yourself, feeling your heart thump in your chest at the simple 3 words.
"Feel like I want to see you already. Think-" He stopped, "Think it's your kisses. You're very, very...kissable."
You let out a small laugh, one hand moving to cover your face as the other clutched the phone tightly to your ear. "Yeah?"
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I miss you, too."
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onyourzeus · 4 years ago
in ruins | kyh
title: in ruins pairing: kang younghyun (youngk of day6) & you genre: heavy angst, not a happy ending i’m warning you, small caps words: 4.0k
author’s note: i love hurting myself this way. 
any requests? check my pinned post if i’m accepting any at the moment, thanks!
you thought upon knocking on the door, you’d be greeted by the one person you have been looking forward to seeing all week. instead, an unexpecting friend of his unlocks it ajar, eyes peering over to your figure before realizing who you were. 
“wonpil, hey,” you greet him amidst the confused expression on his face. it brings him back to his senses, shaking his head slightly before fully letting the door open. he gulps slightly yet you catch it, but don’t question why he looks.. so nervous.
“is this a bad time?” you hesitate, taking one small step forward as you crane your neck to look around the apartment. wonpil immediately shakes his head again, sidestepping and gesturing his hand over. “no, no! please, come in. make yourself at home.” 
“okay, thanks
” you trail off, a small smile on your lips but a certain emotion tugging at your heart. with a better sight of the inside, you notice dowoon lying down on the couch with his phone on hand, seemingly focused on a game that requires both of his hands to control. wonpil closes the door behind you, and excuses himself to the kitchen before asking, “did you want anything to drink? water, tea?”
“i’m okay, wonpil. thank you, though,” you tell him, nodding your head to let him be. as he makes his way to get a glass of water for himself, you walk into the place further, taking in the minimal decorations and a few picture frames hanging on the walls. it’s been a while since you’ve set foot in the dorm, and taking in its unique scent and interior gives you some comfort from the anxiety building up from your stomach. 
you tell yourself that’s just how wonpil acts around you when younghyun isn’t around: a little shy, polite, and a smidgen bit careful not to say anything weird. you wish, at this point, he can get used to your presence. then again, you only get to see most of them whenever the bassist invites you over.
“hey, dowoon, what’cha playing?” you attempt to start a conversation, standing next to the edge of the couch where dowoon’s head rested. his sight is obstructed by the screen of his phone, so you bend down to check what has gotten most of his attention: genshin impact. 
“ah, jae had told me you rolled a keqing yesterday, that’s pretty cool,” you comment, and dowoon jumps from the sound of your voice so close to his ear. you get up, stepping back while apologizing. “sorry, sorry! didn’t mean to be nosy.” 
“no, you’re good—” he starts to say, sitting up from his comfortable position while pausing his game, haphazardly placing his phone on the side. a scratch on the back of his neck, he glances over to you. similarly to wonpil, he looks surprised to see you here. “oh! how’s it going?”
“it’s going,” you reply quickly, realizing more and more it doesn’t seem like you were expected to come. weird, you wander in the back of your mind, younghyun usually gives them a heads up when you’re coming over to hang out or just pick him up to leave. 
“did younghyun not say anything today?” an air of silence is felt, and now you’re more concerned when turning to look at his bedroom door— he’s not in there. 
“he probably forgot,” wonpil chimes in, approaching the living room as he sets down his glass. “hyung has been really busy lately, so it might have slipped his mind.”
“yeah, yeah. it’s no big deal. you’re always welcome here,” dowoon adds, an encouraging smile appearing on his lips. you reciprocate, albeit a little forced, feeling less sure of the fact that the plans you and younghyun had made and promised to pursue are starting to crumble beneath your feet. 
sighing deeply, you grip onto your purse and interrogate further: “he’s not in his room, is he?” 
the drummer and pianist steal a glance at each other for a split second, but every detail of their silent conversation is not lost on you. that’s a look of panic, worrying what you’d feel if they told the truth, rapidly forming excuses in their heads they can use to white lie their way out of the situation. 
” wonpil begins, and dowoon’s ears have warmed up to the tense air looming all over you three. a door to the left creaks open, and for a moment you’re relieved. maybe you were overreacting, already affected by the many times something similar has happened to you, but there was no reason not to forgive younghyun.
 however, this time, it’s different. if that’s not him coming out of the door right now

“hey, i’m gonna go on a run—” sungjin informs his roommates, locking the door in his wake. he finally looks towards the three of you in the living room, and given his certain sense of maturity— and analyzing what’s going on by the awkward expressions painted on your faces, he gives you a wave of his hand. 
“hi. you’re looking for younghyun?” 
“sungjin, i
 yeah. where is he?” you let your breaths stabilize, not wanting to break down in the middle of what once was a familiar space, and is now becoming more and more foreign to you. as wonpil and dowoon remain quiet, pretending to busy themselves with his almost empty glass of water and overheating phone respectively, you keep your eyes on sungjin. begging him to tell the truth. 
he delivers, but his stare is hard, almost as if he’s hiding something behind the glassiness of his eyes. “he’s been out for the whole day. he said to not wait up on him since he still has another work schedule tonight.” 
as you stand there, knuckles turning pale with the way it holds onto your purse for dear life, you scoff sarcastically. leaving sungjin’s gaze, the anxiety had reached the base of your throat, restricting words of profanities to come out of you like a broken dam. 
“you can wait for him in his room. did you text him?” sungjin continues to console you, walking closer but allowing personal space between you. “i can call him while i run, he’s going to get annoyed eventually and pick up.” 
“yeah, i’ll do the same as hyung. we’ll blow up his phone so he can come back home,” dowoon joins with a perk to his voice, seemingly anticipating their master plan to succeed. wonpil nods along, but doesn’t meet your gaze, only swirling the remaining liquid in his glass. 
“you don’t have to do that,” you let them know as much as your voice can muster before breaking. “i’ll take you up on your offer of waiting for him, if you don’t mind. i’ll call him myself.” 
sungjin brings his fingers in between the bridge of his nose, contemplating on accepting the compromise. to hurry things up, you bring a hand to his shoulder and squeeze it gently. he seems to understand as he nods firmly, patting your hand before you let it go. 
“okay. let me know if he doesn’t come back in an hour, yeah?” 
“yes, sir.” 
“do you want some snacks? leftovers? are you hungry?” wonpil goes off with his questions, and it’s an endearing sight to watch him treat you so politely in his humble abode. honestly, at this point you’d rather leave and forget this day even existed— but you needed answers, and you know you’re not getting it from them. 
you don’t want to, anyway, because they shouldn’t be involved in this. they don’t need to be. this is between you and younghyun, and if you were to wait for him again, for the longest time— and maybe the last time, then so be it.
you’re not going to leave until you get what you wanted. 
“don’t worry about me, wonpil. i’m sorry for intruding on your night,” you apologize, bowing down before him as you make your way to younghyun’s bedroom. thankfully, he left it unlocked, and you swung the door open and close in an instant. with your back on the door, your labored breathing comes back— it took a lot from you to stay calm, collected, and unbothered by what’s going on. you didn’t want to make it a big deal, they’ve seen this before, and it usually gets resolved.
like you said, forgiveness was not an uncommon concept with you and younghyun. you believe it’s essential with how
 complicated your relationship is with each other. you’ve fucked up a couple of times, said things that weren’t within your best intentions to, and younghyun didn’t hold grudges because of them. 
he would be upset, justifiably so, but after a day or two, you were both back to normal. he reassures you there wasn’t any bad blood, and he understand the frustration himself. 
from then on, you tried— really hard not to fuck things up anymore because it’s scary. it’s terrifying to think about the consequences of unwanted words, uncalled for actions with a person whose schedule is jam packed everyday, and his thoughts never ending. 
younghyun is always on the run, whether that be hopping from studio to studio or collecting ideas for a new song and another. 
it’s not like you aren’t busy yourself, but the degree to which he pushes himself further into his career is miles ahead from yours. and it’s not your place to complain about, it’s your choice to be supportive, though. which you promised. from day one, and he kissed you like it was the one answer he needed to hear.
you miss it. you miss him, his lips, his touch; everything that screamed younghyun, it’s right here. in his room. the only thing missing is the person himself, him. 
you walk over to his bed, kept clean and sheets folded. always organized, rarely leaving miscellaneous crap in random places. sometimes it’s intimidating, to visualize the kind of person who inhabits this room, but knowing who he is, you feel safer than insecure here. 
walking over to his desk, a black notebook sits atop with a pen to the side. ah, you notice the cap is missing, and you look for the miniscule thing all over the place. you find it on top of his dresser, and quickly put it back in its place. 
you guess, there are some things that younghyun forgets, that he misses, but never the big picture. 
you’re tempted to turn the pages over, but respect his privacy nonetheless. it might be lyrics he’s not ready to show anyone yet, and you of all people know what it’s like to write something new, a genre you haven’t dipped your pen in yet. it’s quite the daunting experience to bring it into the world, for other inquisitive eyes to read. 
most of the time, younghyun’s words are never amiss. in fact, they always fall in the category of perfect, for you. you don’t like to admit that because he will never believe you, so it’s best to keep it a secret for yourself. 
you enjoy his new releases better that way, making you feel more special in a sense that you’ve heard his melodies first. you’ve heard the stories behind these metaphors face to face. 
you wish you could see him face to face right now. 
before you forget, you pull out your phone and pull up younghyun’s messages with you. your text was sent three hours ago, and it was read which made you think okay, he’s seen it and acknowledged the fact that you’re coming over, maybe he’ll reply once he gets a break soon. 
he never did. 
you scroll up to the previous messages, a lot of back and forth short phrased responses that don’t mean as much as the way you guys would constantly bombard each other with long conversations. 
have you eaten? yeah, a lot. you? yup, out with a friend rn. ight, stay safe. u too. 
r u asleep? no, in the studio. oh, it’s super late. yeah, working on stuff. alright, text me when u’re home? i’ll try. 
he never did. 
feeling a tear fall down to your cheek, you wipe it away roughly and begin to type another text. 
i’m at the dorm. the boys didn’t know i’d be here. do you remember our promise? please respond.
your hand hovers on the send button for longer than you thought, and you bite your lip in anticipation for a decision so foggy in your brain. should you? should you be this upfront and accusatory? it’s not that bad, right, because he did promise. and now you’re here, the only one taking care of that promise— what’s his excuse?
i’m at the dorm. the boys didn’t know i’d be here. are you coming back soon? is what you sent instead, feeling the lump on your throat getting bigger and your eyes welling up hot, salty tears. you try to compose yourself. sitting on the edge of his bed, hands going over his white sheets as a way to ground yourself. 
you can’t cry, the walls are too thin and dowoon or wonpil will know. and wonpil will be too polite to leave you alone, and dowoon wouldn’t know how to confront the situation and just run to his room leaving wonpil by himself. 
it felt like forever that you wake up uncomfortable lying down on younghyun’s bed. you blink a few times before sitting up straight, your side hurting from the way you fell asleep on the mattress. you straighten out the right half of your hair that had been messed up having plopped down on the pillow, and look for your phone in your purse. 
it has been an hour since you got here, and no new notifications on your phone. 
you have had a fair share of getting stood up on blind dates before meeting younghyun, and at one point you stopped caring. boys don’t deserve your tears, you’ve never even met them and if they thought you were fooled by their persona online, then they were dead wrong.
but this is younghyun, the guy who proved himself different. the guy who came to your first date spot prim and proper, an hour earlier than the designated time. to think you were actually going to cancel this one because it was too tiring, too predictable at this point. 
but seeing his selfie that day, a table already reserved for the two of you and you haven’t even gotten ready yet, you felt guilty for assuming so wrongly of him. 
two years later, you’re thinking you should have listened to your gut all this time. 
as you are about to leave and practice what you have to say to the boys in the living room, the door opens and in comes a disheveled looking younghyun. his coat hangs on his arm, his hair a little haggard but his smile soon disappears upon seeing you invading his space. 
“oh, you’re here.”
oh? you’re here?
you stand up from the bed, eyes directly staring at him just five feet away from you even though he feels like a galaxy away with that kind of answer. 
“did you look at the texts i sent you?” you deadpan, trying your hardest not to seem fragile. 
younghyun shakes his head, plops the coat on his dresser and shrugs. “i’ve been busy, did you need something?” 
“you don’t remember?” 
he stands rigidly, his own fox like eyes avoiding your burning stare. they focus on the wall, with his lips in a tight line. 
he looks different to you. 
there’s something about the younghyun in front of you that makes you question your presence in his room. and how unwanted he’s making you feel. 
“younghyun, what’s going on?” 
“what do you mean by that?”
“don’t play dumb with me. you promised, hell, we promised we would see each other tonight,” you remind him, your voice rising a pitch higher and it strains your throat. you drop your purse on his bed, and cross your arms defensively. 
anything to make you feel safer in the cold that has entered the room once he got in. 
“something came up, i’m sorry. you know how work has been,” younghyun explains nonchalantly, still refusing to see you. refusing to tell you the truth with his eyes. 
it’s not enough anymore. 
“you could have texted? you could have let wonpil or dowoon or even sungjin tell me that , you’re busy, you can’t even do that?” 
“i don’t want to bother them.”
“well, younghyun, guess what? you’re bothering me!” your sudden outburst causes him to turn towards you, eyes wide and brows furrowed. 
they definitely heard that, and they’re definitely listening from the outside. but any worries about your image towards his friends had gone out the window by now, only to be left with an ounce of desperation for an explanation. an answer. an apology, even. 
he doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, and you’re scared to break off the eye contact at this point. you’re determined to tell him you’re not really mad, just frustrated. you’re not holding a grudge, you just want to hear it from him that he didn’t mean to do this to you. that he didn’t mean to hurt you this way.
your vision gets blurry, but you force the tears to pool over your eyes and not fall down. not right now, not when his gaze is steel and intimidating. 
“i’m leaving, stay as much as you’d like but i’m not going to be back until midnight,” he dismisses  you, grabbing his coat to bring it with him. 
a scorn burns on your mouth, words tasting like lead when you say: “leave, that’s all you know how to do.”
this stops him from his tracks. a pin can drop in the middle of the room, and you still can’t hear it. your thoughts are screaming, a headache forming on your temples not understanding how it’s come to this so suddenly. 
you didn’t mean that, but now your tears are saying sorry for you. you sob standing up, arms on either side and hands shaking from the pent up frustration popping out of your veins. 
you’re tired, so tired of being the one to adjust. of being the one to stay when he leaves, and foolishly wait for him to come back. only that he doesn’t, and this time he probably never will anymore.
“pull yourself together,” younghyun tells you, tone hinting pity which aggravates you further. he doesn’t look as mad anymore, but his shoulders are tense and his eyes fierce. “we can talk later. i have dinner with heejin and i still need to record kiss the radio later—”
“dinner? with who?” you snap, tears momentarily stopping with the mention of a name you’re unfamiliar of. “when did you schedule this? could it not have waited after tonight when i have been asking you for some time together for this very day?” 
younghyun rakes his fingers through already unkempt hair forcefully, distaste in his mouth as he shoots back at you, “i told you i’ve been busy, heejin and i have a song together and it’s supposed to come out in two days so we’re meeting up as much as we can—”
“yeah, okay. over dinner, at a fancy restaurant away from a recording studio, am i right?”
“you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“younghyun, it’s my fucking birthday,” you talk over him, your voice speaking over the loud beating of your heart. sweat drips down your temple, the headache hammering itself on your skull as the tears escape down the surface of warm cheeks. suddenly, you hear yourself laughing. monotonous, without emotion, as you see younghyun’s scowl snap into a look of confusion, then of realization. 
“i know what the fuck i’m talking about, brian. and from the looks of it, you don’t. you never did.” 
“you should have told me—”
“and i need to remind you of that? after knowing each other for years?” you snap back. the walls vibrate with the volume of your cries, and you hear a knock on the door and a person asking if everything is alright. 
younghyun looks back, but doesn’t respond and turns to you with pained eyes, a fine line between guilt and feeling bitter. he knows he should have remembered. besides, your first date with him was on your birthday too. 
“enjoy your fucking evening, brian. i’ll see myself out,” you mutter under hot breath, breathing hard and eyes red. grabbing your purse, you walk past the man you thought you knew. and now he just feels cold. 
it stings when he grabs you, and he loosens his grip when you exclaim loudly. “brian, stop.”
“i’m sorry. i’m sorry i fucked up.”
“it doesn’t matter anymore.”
“yes, yes it does,” he pleads, pulling you closer to his body. you shiver, not liking the way he presses into you with a desperate attempt to forgive him. maybe if it wasn’t today, you’d drown yourself in his needy touches, inhale the scent you miss having all over your skin, kiss younghyun on the lips and understand he’s human too. 
not anymore, not when all the chances you have given him were taken for granted, and there’s nothing left inside of you to give him another one. you’re all out, exhausted from the waiting, the forgiving, the crying. exhausted from it all. 
“younghyun, let me go. please. i’m tired.” 
he hesitates, but once you pull yourself off him he releases his stone cold grip. your eyes hover downward, face sticky from the tears you have shed. 
no more. 
coming out of his room, wonpil and dowoon are nowhere to be found anymore. it was only sungjin, sitting by the island counter, scrolling on his phone absent-mindedly. he notices your presence, looks up and offers you that warm smile of his even if his eyes sympathize with your heartbroken gaze.
“i’m so sorry,” he whispers. 
you close your eyes, shake your head and offer a grateful smile. for him. “not your fault. i’m sorry you had to hear that. please let the others know i’m deeply sorry.” 
“text me when you get home, okay?” sungjin hops off the barstool and places his hand on your shoulder this time, transferring the kind of warmth you have been needing all day, all week. 
you know he’s just being kind, roped into the tail end of your disastrous break up with younghyun so you nod once. he doesn’t take it and adds, “i’m serious. if i don’t hear from you, i will text you. multiple times. you’ve seen me do it.” 
with no escape from his compromise, you emit a small laugh and firmly nod this time. “okay, sungjin. thank you.”
“happy birthday, by the way,” he consoles you, and you do your best to keep another wave of pain locked up. you thank him, accepting the side hug he offers you, and make your way out the door. 
as the breeze outside doesn’t do well in vanishing the evident sadness on your expression. you walk the streets of the city holding in a breath, careful not to attract too much attention to your lonely self.
you get home barely alive, shoes left on the doorstep and your clothes slithered off on the hallway. you text sungjin what he wanted to hear, and once you’ve landed on your bed, you let it all out again. 
birthdays were never really a favorite “holiday” of yours before you met younghyun on this very same day two years ago. 
it was as if being alive on this earth for another year was a favor given to you by fate, having to know younghyun even more as the days go by past it. as much as he created meaning to your birthday for the past two years, this time, younghyun had destroyed everything you built together. 
the pieces are too small, much too fragile to make your heart whole again.
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hoodwinkd1 · 4 years ago
Your Eyes Whispered Ch 15
Ch 14 here.
Chapter 15: light hearted jokes
A pillow smacked his face, shocking Eris out of what had been an extremely pleasant dream. He almost snarled at the attack, turning onto his side, before remembering that the object of said dream was lying beside him.
“Sorry,” Rhia whispered, her eyes wide. “Did I wake you up?”
Her fingers played with the edge of the pillow still sitting between them. To Eris’ delight, she appeared to be in the process of removing the barrier, explaining the early morning attack.
“Not many people are brave enough to assault the High Lord first thing in the morning.” Testing the waters, he placed his hand next to hers, palm splayed open. The tumultuous ocean between them turned into a gentle stream as she took it.
Rhia let out a soft sigh. “Go on then, if you must. Lock me in the dungeons, imprison me for life.”
Was it his imagination, or had she shifted closer? Either way, Rhia looked entirely too tempting in the mornings. Her hair had fallen out of its updo and into complete disarray, but framed her face in a way that reminded him of cozy sweaters and falling leaves, of the brief moments he had ever truly relaxed in his life, of safety and of comfort.
He twisted their joined hands so he could press a kiss to her knuckles. “You shouldn’t dangle an idea like that in front of me. I may just keep you here forever, though certainly not in the dungeons.”
She hummed in response, releasing his hand to run hers through his hair. Her fingers continued to explore, drawing the most delicious shapes over his cheekbones, his nose, his jaw, and his neck. Eris would have traded all his fire power in exchange for the fiery lines her touch brought forth.
He also would have traded his powers in an instant for nothing at all. The unpleasant memory of the night before shadowed his thoughts, reviving the roaring self-hatred and guilt at causing her pain.
“Is this why you wanted to remove the pillows? I hadn’t guessed you’d be so affectionate this early.” Eris kept his tone light. She could take his question at face value or use it as an opening to talk about what had transpired.
Rhia grimaced. “Am I that easy to read?” She pushed his shoulder lightly, and he let himself fall onto his back. Eris almost lit the curtains on fire when she moved forward so they were chest to chest, one arm slipping on the other side of his waist. He curled his hand, the arm pinned underneath her, around her back, reveling in the simple touches. “The pillows were in my way.”
“We can’t have that,” Eris concurred. He grabbed the remaining pillow, resting against both of their knees and threw it over the side of the bed. He might have aimed too low and brushed her cheek. All’s fair in love and pillow fights, of course.
“Asshole!” Rhia launched herself on him in earnest this time, straddling his waist with her insanely gorgeous legs. She let a wisp of magic loose, pulling the pillow from the floor to her hands. Eris sat up, hands flailing to grab her wrists, but she got a good smack in before he could. He caught one of her hands and--
“This is too cute!”
Eris let out a snarl that could have woken half the palace at the intruder's voice.
Rhia desperately needed to catch up on inter-Court politics. She was relatively confident that  foreign diplomatic officials weren’t allowed to show up in High Lord’s bed chambers without invitation or announcement. And yet, Carina Archeron leaned against the door frame.
“Take your time! Just letting you know I’m waiting in the sitting room when you’re ready for a chat.” The dark-haired female sauntered out of the room, shutting the door behind her.
Eris dropped her hand and pinched his forehead in frustration. “I would say she’s not usually like this, except...she is.”
Rhia sighed and removed herself from his body. She had hoped that in the morning light, maybe some activities would be marginally easier than the night before. “We shouldn’t keep her waiting.”
“I have some very choice words for her,” Eris grumbled. “No more showing up wherever, whenever like she owns the building.”
“Oh? Does she show up in your bedroom often?” Rhia raised an eyebrow.
Eris’ reaction was better than she’d hoped. The High Lord, halfway through putting on a new shirt, whipped his head around, almost ripping the fabric apart. “We haven’t, she’s not, I can promise you that there’s nothing to worry about--”
“I’m teasing, love.” She reached up and helped navigate the sleeves down his arms. “Do you have a spare dressing robe? And not one that was meant for your previous consorts?”
He bit the tip of her ear as he moved past her towards the massive closet. “You’ll be the death of me.”
Carina perked up when they finally joined her in the main room. “That was much quicker than I expected. Look, I even put up a sound barrier.”
Rhia could feel the magic buzzing, right as Carina popped it. At least she had more faith in their sex life than Rhia did.
“I’ll be brief.” She sat back on one of the golden chairs, watching as the couple settled themselves on the couch. “I am sorry for interrupting; I forgot you would stay the night. Anyway, long story short, my parents have invited Eris to come stay the week before the Winter Solstice.”
“How wonderful,” he replied drily. “My ideal vacation.”
“They’ve also extended the invitation to you.” Carina winked at Rhia. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell them about your hero worship tendencies.”
She glanced over at Eris, who’d gone surprisingly stiff at the statement. “Isn’t that normal? Letting a fellow High Lord bring guests?”
“Of course it is,” Carina continued. She shifted in her chair, crossing one leg over the other. “Half of Prythian has heard the news of your mating.”
Eris let out a low growl. “I’m sure Rhysand has the purest of motives here.”
“Ignore him. Rhia, they stressed that you’re invited to come, even if you must come alone.”
Eris growled louder this time. “Not a fucking chance.”
Rhia whipped her head to face him, mouth gaping at the blatant demand in his tone. He never, not once, had said anything territorial or commanded her in anyway. “And who are you to stop me?”
“I would never stop you.” Eris clenched his jaw. “I just want you to see this charade for what it is.”
“Is it? A charade?” She directed the question at the Heir of the Night Court, who looked increasingly uncomfortable with every tense remark.
“I wouldn’t be here if I thought it was anything less than genuine,” she insisted. “Eris, you know I’ve never taken their grudge seriously.”
He leaned forward in his chair. Rhia tracked the movement of his arms as they slid down his thigh, hands joining together and elbows resting on his knees. “Tell me, then, with complete certainty, that the Inner Circle has no plans to investigate our relationship. That they have no desire to inspect my mate for themselves. That they have no beliefs that she might be in any danger.”
“What?” Rhia almost choked on nothing. “They can’t think — they have no reason to believe that you would harm me.”
Eris looked down into his palms, searching for something in the creases that brought her so much comfort. “You know our history. Of course they have reason to believe I would treat you maliciously.”
Carina glanced between the two of them. “Yeah, so third wheeling a fight isn’t really my idea of a grand time. I might just go—“
Eris cut her off. “Answer my question or return home with our most insincere apologies.”
“I don’t know! I didn’t ask and I honestly didn’t consider it.” Carina uncrossed her legs and stared him down, intensifying her gaze. “I swear on all the stars in the sky, I only came here with good intentions.” Her eyes jumped to Rhia and her smile turned apologetic. “And if they did pry, it’s only because they happen to be the nosiest assholes in this world.”
Rhia wanted to sweep this entire conversation under the rug and never address it again. She knew that Eris, like he would with any topic, would let her do exactly that if she asked him to.
But something in her heated. Some fire in her core, some deep-seated instinct urged her to defend, to protect, to snarl at any threat with every drop of her power.
“That isn’t fair. They have no right to judge what’s ours, without proof or complaint.” Her words were quiet, but the look from Eris screamed so loudly that she blushed. “If they have any sort of motive, then I have to decline.”
Carina dipped her head. “I can send that message to my parents. If you did say yes, I would set down clear and strict boundaries for your comfort.”
“Thank you. It’s not a yes or a no at this moment.” Eris’ response was much calmer than before, drawing a soft sigh of relief from her lungs.
Rhia offered a weak smile to the other female. She genuinely wanted to bond with Carina, sought friendship with one of the few Fae Eris trusted, and this conversation had deterred her from that goal. One last question lingered, though.
“I know the history between our Courts is tense, and rightfully so,” she began. “But truly, what purpose does it serve to antagonize Eris like this? After successfully allying with him for so long?”
Carina shrugged. “They always have to be the hero. My parents and family have centered themselves in one narrative for too long, unable to really break the molds they were forced into.”
“My father grew more powerful than anyone expected, than anyone knew how to handle, all while facing scorn from both halves of his bloodline. He had to comprise his own beliefs when dealing with the Illyrians and the Hewn City, yet never could find a way to actually fix the problems. My mother was thrust into almost unlimited power and given a hyper-dedicated soulmate at 19 years old, with no worldly perspective or aged experience.” Carina bit her lip, as if holding back a grin before adding: “oh, and of course they both died for Prythian, so that really set the entitlement in.”
She waved a hand casually, wiping away the fact that she had just analyzed the two most magical beings in this world with utter candor. “Whatever, enough about them. Think on it, and send me a note when you decide. Either way, I’ll still visit and demand the latest Autumn gossip.”
She winnowed before Eris or Rhia could move, a person much too used to always getting the last word.
“How are you feeling?” Rhia leaned back into the couch cushions and placed her hand on his shoulder.
Eris draped his hand over hers and squeezed. “I don’t think I ever feel normal after conversing with Carina,” he admitted. “But I’m no longer angry. I apologize that you had to see that.”
Rhia snorted. “You’re much too calm normally. I can appreciate some rage now and again.”
“Never at you.” He leaned over to kiss her knuckles. “Not ever at you. If you’d like me to rage at someone on your behalf, however, that’s completely acceptable.”
“A wonderful sentiment.” The hand on his shoulder slid behind his neck, while its twin danced across his abdomen. “I would like to see the Night Court someday.”
Eris hummed. “I’ll make sure you see all the Courts and the continents beyond, if you wish.”
“Even Illyria?” she teased.
“Why the hell not?” Rhia pouted. Rhia hadn’t felt any actual desire to go to the bitterly cold mountains, but his denial struck her as a bit odd.
Eris glanced up at the ceiling. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Well now I simply must know,” Rhia giggled. “Or I’ll assume something much worse than what it is.”
She watched him scrunch up his nose in the most adorably frustrated way. “The General and I....we don’t mix.”
“Eris,” she sighed. “You can’t let this grudge eat away at you like—“
“It’s not the grudge.” A blush crept up his neck. “It’s not me that, well, I don’t want you meeting  Cassian.”
Rhia swatted him. “Is he so horrible? Or are you worried I’ll take one look at his hulking body and fall madly in love?”
A beat of silence. Another. Too much time passed, and Eris still didn’t respond to her taunt.
He groaned and pulled her closer to him, hiding his face in her curls. “It’s not what you’re thinking! It’s beyond silly, I know, but he did manage to take not one, but two betrothals from me.” His voice went soft. “It’s silly to even think this.”
Rhia bit her tongue, trying to think of anything comforting or sweet to say. She couldn’t do it. A giggle slipped out, and Eris shot his head up.
“Don’t you dare laugh at me.” His eyes flashed in warning, pushing her over the edge.
Rhia gasped for air as the laughter fully overtook her. She covered her mouth. “I’m sorry, I’m trying to be serious but...” Another laugh interrupted her sentence. “That is so incredibly ridiculous and superstitious!”
Eris glared at her. “My ego is utterly shredded right now, thank you very much.”
“I love you.” She finally calmed down enough to  press a light kiss to the edge of his mouth. “I love you and we’re mates and I promise I won’t leave you for the General of the Night Court.” She kissed the other side of his mouth, punctuating her words.
He wouldn’t risk her pulling away, gripping her waist to keep her against him. She teased him with a few more pecks, adjusting her position to hover directly on his lap.
“Kiss me, you cruel, despicable creature.” His breath fanned her neck and she smiled against his forehead.
A heartbeat later and they were tangled up in each other, lips and tongues and limbs coming together as one. Rhia gasped when he bit her bottom lip and Eris purred when her nails dug into his shoulders.
"Promise me we won't be interrupted this time," she breathed, as he moved down her jaw and back to that one spot on her neck.
Eris smiled against her skin. "I've tripled the wards."
She licked her lips, drawing his attention back up to her face. Slowly, torturing them both, her fingers grazed the neckline of the dressing robe, gliding it down her shoulders, letting it fall off her arms. He looked at her with all the intensity and desperation of a drunkard on his last bottle of wine.
She leaned forward, kissing her way from his chin to his ear. "Should we try again?"
thank you for reading! 
tag list: @moonbeamfenrys @qamariana
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makingoutinthemojave · 5 years ago
This is something i thought of a few days ago, but fo4 companions reacting to the sole survivor taking off their prosthetic leg/arm and hitting someone ( maybe one of the othet companions lol) with it after being annoying.
I wrote a few of these! Feel free to message me if you’d like other companions!
“All I’m saying is that if Aliens exist- then why is it so hard to believe there are microscopic robots in all of our food?”
“Ok- Tom- that’s a lot to unpack,” Tinker Tom was in one of his rants again that he would go into while everyone was trying to sleep. However, his ramblings normally got everyone up and talking. Sole always tried to argue with him, which was hilarious to Deacon. “First of all, Aliens aren’t real.”
“Hey now- that ain’t true!” Tom interrupted them, “I saw that UFO the other day!”
“And we’re supposed to believe in everything you see?” Glory takes Sole’s side, lifting her brow at Tom.
“Hey, if the man says he saw a UFO- then who are we to say he didn’t! I believe ya, Tinker.” Deacon scooted from his mattress to Tom’s, patting his back. He loved to side with Tom in these fights- mostly because he reveled in the chance to tease Sole.
“Thanks, Deeks, at least you know the truth.” Tom puts his arm around Deacon, glaring at the other, less believing crew. 
“Whatever, ok, Second of all, how did you go from Aliens to microscopic robots?” Sole ignores the idiots arm-in-arm in front of them and brings up their second point.
“That’s obvious! The Aliens make the tiny robots!” Deacon declares in a dramatic voice, and Tom gasps.
“Do you think so? Maybe that’s why they’re flying over the earth- they’ve been experimenting on us!” Tom sounded like he was on the cusp of revelation- and Glory groaned.
“Come on, Tom, you can’t be serious.”
“I’m sorry that you can’t open your mind to the possibilities, Glory. I’m just trying to be safe!” Tom takes a condescending tone, and Deacon anticipates a shitshow.
“Oh, and being safe means being an idiot?” Glory snaps, and Deacon ‘ooh’s.
“Being safe means suspecting everything! And you don’t suspect enough!” Tom spits back.
“I don’t, do I? Well, Tom, I ‘suspect’ you’re about to get your ass whooped-” Glory starts getting up, and Sole grabs her arm.
“Wait, beat him with this-” Sole grabs at their hip, feeling for something.
“You’re not actually gonna beat me up, Glory-” Tom begins to nervously ask, Deacon recoiling from his friend to prevent suffering the same fate. He’s interrupted by a loud POP.
“WhAT THE FUCK-” Glory yells, jumping back from Sole. Sole then lifts their whole leg into the air.
“Get ‘em with this!” Sole offers the leg over to Glory, and she backs up.
“Woah, Woah- hold on, you can’t just hand your leg over to someone!”
“Yeah, you need to take them to dinner first- at least.” Deacon quips, making Sole laugh. He’s known about Sole’s prosthetic leg for some time and especially knows their tendency to use it as a disciplinary weapon. He’s just glad he’s not the one to receive their calf of wrath at the moment.
“What, do you not know about my leg, Glory?” Sole gestures with the leg while talking, “Damn, I knew I forgot to tell someone. Well, you can still use it to beat up Tom. Here.” They continue to hold the leg to Glory.
Glory thinks for a moment, still trying to take in what had happened. Then she nods. “Ah, fuck it, gimme the leg.” She takes the leg from Sole and turns with a vicious look towards Tom. “I’ll show you just how safe you are-”
Deacon learned a lesson that night. Don’t give a prosthetic limb to Glory when she’s angry. Also, don’t wake Desdemona up in the middle of the night. Both things produce terrible, terrible consequences.
Nick Valentine-
It ended up being a late night in the office and Nick said he’d make up for it by buying drinks for Ellie and Sole. The trio went to the Dugout inn, preceding to the bar.
“Hello, Detectives! What will I be getting for you?” Vadim greeted them in the same, loud way he always did. Nick began to fish the money out of his trench coat pocket.
“Hi, Vadim. It’s gonna be a round for these two. My treat.” Nick pulled out his caps, sliding them across the bar to Vadim.
“Oh, I see
cruising, huh, Valentine?” Vadim graciously took the money, chuckling to himself.
“Excuse me?” What is that supposed to mean? Nick sure didn’t know, but based on the way they scoffed- Sole did. Ellie started giggling as well.
“Oh, come on, Nick
I always knew you were a smooth operator. But shouldn’t you be keeping it professional with these two?” Vadim laughed, turning to grab their beers. Nick thinks he was starting to understand.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Bobrov.” Nick’s internal fans were working in overdrive to keep him cool, and Ellie kept laughing at his sake.
“Oh-hoh, that’s how it is! Well, good luck in your-” Vadim hoots, turning to put the beers on the counter. His remark is cut off by Sole.
“Alright, that’s enough of that.” Sole suddenly tears their right arm off, whacking Vadim on the back of the head.
Wait. They what.
Ellie squeals, jumping and standing back from the now armless Sole. It takes her and Nick one more second to register the straps and cords coming out of the detached arm.
“You have a fake arm??” Ellie declares, more in relief than anything else.
“You didn’t know?” Sole seems surprised just the same as they were.
“How would we have found out?” Nick defends, staring at them in confusion. He still wasn’t quite sure what had happened, 
“That’s one way to shut him up.” Yedim chimes up, interrupting their bickering, and making Vadim laugh.
“Yes, yes, sorry for teasing you guys! Enjoy your drinks!” Vadim apologizes and pushing the beers over to the three. Sole puts their arm back on, and they and Ellie grab the drinks.
“Thank you, Vadim. And sorry about the arm.” Sole apologizes, and they walk to find their seats.
“Well, kid, good to know you’re armed at all times.” Nick quips, watching the anguish wash over Sole and Ellie’s faces.
“Oh god- was that a pun? I thought you were better than that, Nick.” Sole cringes and Nick grins victoriously.
“Okay, now you have to tell us what happened
” Ellie nudges Sole, ignoring Nick’s dad jokes.
“Fine, I lost it when
Paladin Danse- 
“No wayyy!” Haylen shoves sole on the shoulder with her bottle hand, nudging them gently as they put their hands up in defense.
“I swear! I was out of the vault for like, less than an hour and already killing deathclaws!” Sole tries to convince their crowd, shrugging with their beer.
Sole and few other brotherhood members were drinking together on the lower levels of the prydwen, something Danse was completely unaccustomed to. He wasn’t one to do anything out of protocol and wasn’t interested in activities that could lead to said behavior. But Sole, the ever-inviting harpy they could be, convinced him the initiates would benefit from seeing a Paladin more relaxed. “Show them you’re a person like the rest of us,” they said. Sure.
“That would explain your pre-existing combat prowess, charging into that ghoul onslaught when we met.” Danse joins the conversation, taking a sip of his Gwinnett Ale. Everyone looks to him quickly, surprise in the initiate’s eyes. True, he hasn’t spoken at all yet, but they don’t need to treat it like a big deal. Danse tucked his head down a bit.
“Would you call that ‘prowess’ or ‘reckless abandon’?” Rhys, charming as always, chimes up before Sole could accept the compliment. He was always thorny towards newcomers, but he seemed especially so to this pre-war Vault dweller. Danse has handled in-team conflicts before, but when they involved Rhys, it was always more complicated.
“I would call it bravery.” Haylen says, glaring a moment at Rhys and then smiling back at Sole. She was always the compassionate one.
“What’s so brave about almost killing yourself?” Rhys continues to bicker, waving his beer in the air.
“Killing myself? I think I was doing most of the killing there!” Sole teases, always loving to mess with Rhys. Danse wishes they wouldn’t.
“Oh really? I think you ought to remember your place here.” Rhys frowned.
“Should I? Who got the instant promotion? Who’s working directly with the Elder to defeat the institute?” Sole continues to poke his buttons, making the initiates watching “ooh”.
“That’s it-” Rhys gets to his feet, and then does Sole.
“Wait a minute, Soldiers,” Danse quickly hops to his feet to stop the fight, but is interrupted by Sole swiftly yanking their arm off and wielding it like a weapon.
Haylen doesn’t hesitate to scream at the sight, and even Rhys seems spooked.
“What?? Y’all didn’t know I have a fake arm?” Sole reacts with just as much surprise, waving the arm around like it was nothing.
“We had no idea, Soldier, I-I-” Danse awkwardly stares.
“Well, I can tell you how I lost it if Rhys will just shut his mouth.” Sole glares and Rhys does the same.
“Settle down you two.” Danse crosses his arms and gets them to back down, going back to their seated positions. “So, tell us about the arm.”
“Okay, so way back before the war
X6 would probably walk in on Sole knocking one of the institute directors on the head with their prosthetic arm and instantly become over-interested. He’d start inquiring about the technical abilities of their prosthetic, what weapons it was equipped with, how it could be improved.
“It doesn’t really have any abilities, other than functioning as an arm,” Sole sheepishly responded to the questions, embarrassed by the sudden attention.
“That doesn’t do at all, Sir/M’am. You should see the Robotics branch to get an upgrade. The face of the Institute deserves the best limb enhancers.” And so, through X6’s urging, Sole would end up with a wicked arm. Robotics would hook them up with like
inspector gadget style tricks all in the prosthetic. They’d honestly look part synth, which shortly became Sole’s new favorite thing to trick wastelanders into thinking. Thanks, X6!
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pastabrand · 5 years ago
Unpopular PJO/HOO/TOA opinions
This is gonna be wordy but I’m not sorry for it.
Percabeth is hella overrated. It’s nice, but I would prefer other ships over it and some of y’all Percabeth shippers are scary as hell
I love TOA. A lot people don’t like it because it doesn’t include the main 7 and another topic that I’ll mention later but honestly, I could care less. I’m glad that the others aren’t there other than cameos. It means they’re getting a chance to heal after everything and honestly, good for them. People like to cast TOA as an unnecessary spinoff that didn’t need to be included yet it gives y’all the type of character development you scream and beg for in other books. It’s literally the perfect character development trope you crave, yet puts a good spin on it.
Some of you haven’t even READ toa and say you hate it. Like what? How is that supposed to work.
PJO was way better than HOO. TOA sits in the middle of the two.
I love TOA because it shows Apollo’s character growth from one of the most arrogant, cocky, and prideful gods. And even then, he doesn’t go from that to a helpless mortal loving fool, he stays arrogant and prideful but less so. Not to mention more understanding of mortals and demigods live and what they go through. He doesn’t go from one extreme to the other, but one extreme to more of a center balance. It’s more natural that way.
While Jason’s death in TOA was sorta cheap, it goes to show demigods can die at the least expected times. If Jason had died during the war, then it would be “oh, well, that’s what war does. It kills people. Nothing new.” Compared to Jason going about life as normal and one small mission is his end. It’s more impactful and realistic that way. It goes to show that life as a demigod is always dangerous, fighting or not.
Jason’s anger to Percy for not noticing Nico’s feelings towards him is absolute bullshit. Fuck that as a whole. Nico acting cold and hateful towards Percy doesn’t and shouldn’t equal “I like you, notice me please”. The internalized homophobia should be Jason’s focus, not Percy’s lack of attention at Nico’s feelings.
Same for Leo about Calypso. Not to mention they both shove the blame onto Percy like its his fault when it really isn’t. Having your memory forcefully wiped mere months after a war isn’t gonna help when remembering stuff like that. Not to mention the Gods are bums who will try to do as little as possible and leave the rest to demigods. It leads to one sided anger and unnecessary confusion and guilt on the other side. Bad writing on Rick’s part tbh.
People need to stop acting like Jason didn’t die. That’s clinging into a ghost and not letting it move on. I hate to be the one who says it, but Jason is canonically dead and acting like he isn’t won’t change shit. It’s gonna lead to unhealthy habits in the future, trust me. You can’t write a fic post TOA then be like “oh yeah, Jason’s alive because I want him to :)))” because that isn’t how life works sweetheart.
People also need to stop pretending TOA doesn’t exist. You might not like it but you have to acknowledge that it is actually there and it follows the PJO/HOO timeline.
Paul was just a card to give Sally a nice man to lean on when it wasn’t necessary.
Percy should’ve been wayyyy more suspicious of Paul when he was first introduced. 6 years of abuse from a “father figure” isn’t just gonna go away because “oh he’s nice.” Guess what? Gabe was nice at first canoncially (even if it was for a very short amount of time).
Percy. Has. Serious. Anger. Issues. He’s sassy and stuff, sure, but he’s also got some severe anger problems that he both inherited from Poseidon and developed and festered over time from living with Gabe for 6 years.
Percy is the type to act like Hades or Apollo, attack a lesser being(s) because he can’t go after the big shot without fear of punishment. I wouldn’t be surprised if some his expulsions were from beating up various kids and/or teachers.
For the first half of TLT, Percy did not like Camp Half-Blood or consider it his “home” other than Grover and Luke. The camp treated him like shit because he was a noobie at first and then because he was a son of the Big Three. He hated Poseidon for his lack of care and lack of help when he and his mom were abused under Gabe. Had Luke talked to him during that time period and/or Kronos spoke to him in dreams, he would’ve joined the Titans. His loyalty for the camp didn’t form until near the end of TLT.
Nico and Percy basically had somewhat personality switches. Nico was an excitable, happy, laid back, and naive kid while Percy was a quiet, angry, and irritable kid. Nico’s switch came from Bianca’s death while Percy’s was more gradual. In the end, Nico became the quiet, irritable kid and Percy became the more happy, laid back kid.
Stop ignoring the fact that Nico, a literal 14-year-old, traversed into Tartarus. Alone. There’s always fics of Percy and Annabeth recovering or suffering from the after affects of the fall and war while Nico is relatively normal. The boy is not and has not been okay. His life has been one shitshow to the next ever since he was ten.
Both Percy and Nico have incredibly dark sides to their powers that they seemingly enjoyed that was fueled by anger. Percy with Achlys and Nico with Bryce. Percy admitted to liking torturing the goddess and Nico, though more subtly, seemed amused by Bryce and his attempts to justify his crimes and then frantic attempts to stay alive. Bryce literally says “I’m Bryce Lawrence! I am alive!” And Nico casually responds with “Who are you?” as he turns Bryce into a souless husk of a person. You cannot tell me that he wouldn’t have tilted his head innocently and cracked a small smile at that.
Piper’s portrayal as a Native American. Do I even need to go into that?
Percy. Liked. Luke. The boy knew the son of Hermes for what? 1 week? 2? Yet considered him to be a friend, possibly a close one at that. It probably went the same route Nico’s crush did. Hero adoration to actual romantic feelings but godspeed. Not because he just wanted to like a boy, but because, other than Chiron, Luke treated him with kindness, patience, and understanding as a male figure, something Percy didn’t really have growing up. Not to mention Luke helped Percy when no one else would. As a 12 year old, those type of feelings were bound to develop.
People who make the characters treat Percy and Leo as dumb, oblivious, or one dimensional sassy boisâ„ąïž. Percy and Leo would be offended and/or defensive of such a thing because of childhood trauma. How many years do you think they can to endure that when they were younger from people they were supposed to trust or respect? You seriously can’t think they would be fine with it because their friends. Maybe a reference once or twice, but constantly? Absolutely not. Old habits die hard.
Solangelo seemed forced to me. I dunno, Nico’s whole confession felt like a ruse to get him set up with Will right away. I felt as though there wasn’t any real “connection” between the two prior to them getting together. It all felt rushed and out of place for the setting they were in. I’ve never understood it nor liked it and usually try to avoid it. That and Caleo seemed like a way to put all the characters in relationships so that they were “happy”, portraying that they needed to be with someone to achieve their happiness. Leo and Nico would’ve been better off single and learning to love themselves before loving someone else. Same applies to Sally.
Nico and Thalia would never get along because Thalia would be a reminder of what Nico lost (Bianca) and how easily how she could be replaced.
Demeter kids need more respect. I feel like that’s what Meg is for. To show that they can also technically be considered “Big Three” material because, if you forgot, Demeter is a child of Kronos as well. That means Demeter’s kids are cousins with the Big Three kids as well.
Aphrodite’s kids also need more respect. Aphrodite in the PJO universe is literally older than all gods, as she was born from Uranus’ gentials in the ocean and arose from there. Their powers could be exapanded wayyy more if they were focused on more.
Not to mention Poseidon kids could possibly gain attibutes of what would be considered Aphrodite’s powers since she was born from the ocean and vice versa. The possibilities are endless there.
That’s all I could think of for now! Lemme know what you guys think though.
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ohmrlove · 5 years ago
What if mc walks in while her boy is changing? Ps: Love your page!!!
Round two! Let’s try this again! Hello, my lovelies!
My migraine has finally eased off so I can bear to look at a computer again        ïœĄ^‿^ïœĄ
Treat as NSFW. It’s not explicit (in my opinion) but it is suggestive. Assume hip/v-line naked. Naked enough for someone to be surprised :o
đŸ·Â  Victor  đŸ·
You’re way more worried about it than he is. Trust me.
For Victor, you walking in on him is way milder and more appreciated than half the things paparazzi have done over the years
Also...you’re dating so...it’s normal to see each other naked
Wouldn’t back out half as fast if he saw you naked.
He stares at you coolly, almost with boredom, as you practically concuss yourself on the way out of the bathroom.
Victor laughs at you after you leave, finishes dressing, and starts towel-drying his hair.
You’re looking in a mirror, putting a band-aid on your forehead, when he comes up behind you
“I’d like to think I look good,” he smirks, draping the towel on one shoulder. He leans against your dresser. “That’s what the magazines say, anyways.” 
Thus begins the slow torment of lovably sarcastic teasing. He’ll bring it up at any and every non-work opportunity
Victor makes you an apology dessert (if he could write ‘I’m sorry I looked so good you hurt yourself’ on something, he would), and almost doesn’t give it to you
“But my wrist! It’s too much! And my neck, how scandalous!” as he puts one hand on your back to ‘catch you’.
If you get the dessert on him, or start to play-fight, it’s on
He thinks he should be naked more often, that way you overcome this
Honestly, he just likes to see you squirm, but he’s definitely not opposed to being naked with you.
Suggests practice
📱 Gavin 📱
Gavin’s the type to leave a trail of clothes through the house as he goes towards the shower.
His job is very intensive and physical so his brain goes one-track to SHOWER! as soon as he hits the door.
It’s so strong and automatic that he’ll do it even if you’re visiting. 
Gavin knew he’d given you a spare key (you were moving in soon, anyways) but he’d forgotten you were staying over to spend the weekend together.
You’d made dinner, put it in the fridge, and were hiding in his room to surprise him.
He set his gun, holster, and wallet on the nightstand, shuffling to the bathroom. Gavin started to step out of his boxers.
“SUPRI--WHY?!” you practically fell into the bathtub backing away from him. “WHY ARE YOU NAKED?”
Gavin was less startled than you, but still jumped. “I’m in boxers,” he rolled his eyes and pushed you to sit on the toilet as he started the water.
He couldn’t help but laugh at the way you covered your face. He could feel the heat coming off of your skin, and blew a tiny breeze around the bathroom to cool you.
You took your hands off your face, fixed your hair, and rushed out of the bathroom. You pulled the door closed so hard he thought you’d hurt your arm.
Gavin kicked himself for not saying anything cute or sexy to convince you back into the shower.
The more he thought about it and what he should have said (and what it could have led to), the longer he kept the water on.
🔬 Lucien 🔬
Sometimes you ran on autopilot, and this was one of those moments. You’d gotten so in the routine of doing domestic things for yourself--like laundry--that you forgot you weren’t always at your house
Just because you hear a buzzer doesn’t mean it’s yours. You’d spent the night at Lucien’s house and had a little fever dream where you got up, put the laundry in, and now it was telling you to get up and take it out.
Turns out the laundry was real and ready, but it wasn’t yours.
Lucien was picking through the hot, freshly tumbled laundry for an outfit.
He didn’t seem to mind that he was practically naked.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” you nearly take yourself out on the laundry basket, stepping in it and tripping all over as clothes spill everywhere
You’re finally taken down by a sock (or boxers?) and Lucien laughs.
“For what?” Lucien picks up clothes as he unhooks your foot from the basket. He helps you up, deciding to wear the pair of shorts you landed on.
As he dresses he goes into a semi-philosophical but scientific defense of being naked (’It’s our first natural state, and we’re driven to it for various reasons. Nothing shameful.’)
Lucien is, apparently, very pro-naked. “Clothes are a politeness, and only a necessity if you’re out in public or near law enforcement...or cooking with oil.”
He picks you up and sets you on the dryer to check those nasty bruises forming. He rubs your legs to ease the pain and you start to wish he wore a sweater so you could tie the arms together as his hands begin to wander.
You swat him away playfully and try to melt into the couch in embarrassment.
He’s not far behind, insisting on taking care of you and making jokes about being your doctor. “I’ll take good care of you,” as he slips in behind you to lie with you.
đŸŽ€ Kiro đŸŽ€
Kiro would also back Lucien up on the whole being naked thing. While his social media is tame because of his fan base, Kiro’s no stranger to being in various stages of undress
He’s been desensitized, maybe. And, in a way, it’s normal. No one’s ever fully dressed all the time!
Between all the costume changes on set and his busy schedule, Kiro’s used to changing on the run.
I headcannon that he can be heat-sensitive and quick to get sweaty, so Kiro would rather have less clothes on if he can get away with it
He’s also the type to undress in his sleep, but only to the point his body is cool enough to go back to sleep.
I can see him spending the night at your place, undressing to his boxers while dead asleep, and you waking up to a naked chest in your face
Kiro’s decently easy to wake up, he just doesn’t like that you screamed at him
“What, this?” he yawns. “I sleep better this way.” he stretches and snuggles up to you. “I sleep best with you.”
He could tell by your voice that you were embarrassed and he thinks it’s SO CUTE!
“I think I’m kind of cute! Don’t you? I mean, you tell me that all the time!” you could feel his Evol working, trying to calm you.
He hovers over you with a mischievous grin and big blue eyes, one arm above your head and the other keeping him from totally smushing you. Kiro wiggles his eyebrows at you as your face gets redder and redder.
Kiro rests his forehead against yours for a minute. Then, “If I put clothes on can I get a kiss?”
You hit him with a pillow
That starts a light pillow fight and some wrestling that drags half the sheets off the bed and puts more clothes on the floor.  
Hope you liked it, Nonnie :)
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vividlybnha · 5 years ago
Hi Hi! Love your Blog! Just wanted to ask if you can do Headcannons on Shinsou and Kirishima confessing to their S/O? They’re literally my favourite bois! Lots of Love, Loopf! ^.^
Author’s Note: Hey, I love you. 
At first, he’s kinda quiet and straight to the point as he is with most other students but then he notices the little smile you give him when he tells you about his day or when he casually jokes (he can’t help but think how you’re not afraid of him?).
 He realizes that he needs to hear you laugh again, he has to see that smile and thus he slowly comes out of his shell.
He tries to tell himself he doesn’t like you like that. You’re a friend, that’s it but he can’t help this beating feeling in his chest after he talks with you.
The addictive feeling of being with you. 
So maybe he is in love with you, what about it?
Shinsou so desperately tries to play off his emotions as calm, cool and collected but inside he is DYING.
He has those moments once he gets to his room where he goes over every interaction that you two had and he tries to memorize it. 
He thinks about it for hours on end. A much as he tries to deny it, he’s a little love bug. 
Part of him realizing that he loves you is teasing! Sure he did it a little before but now? Ohohohoho
He mostly likes teasing you because he loves getting a rise out of you.  
How you pout when he’s teasing you? He can’t help blushing up a storm.
His favorite is when he says something that makes you blush and he gets to see how flustered you are. 
Those are the ones that really affect him. The ones that leave him up all night thinking about that wide-eyed look you gave him as you stuttered over your words.
He says something that makes you laugh? He has that joke cataloged in his brain and is going to think about your laugh for the rest of his days.
Even with all these feelings, he doesn’t think he’s enough. It’s the main reason why he doesn’t confess.
Somedays he’ll go over every single flaw thinking why you would never want him. 
From how villainous his quirk is to how “weak” he is. 
It’s only once his friends hype him up into telling you that he does (but don’t be mistakened, this takes WEEKS). 
It’s really a spur of the moment thing. His emotions are running wild and he just wants to know! He pulls you aside during lunch, into the courtyard and sits you down on a bench.
“Okay, I know this is weird but please. Just-! Just let me say this, please.” 
He paces back and forth, brushing a hand through his hair. 
I can’t help but wanna make you smile
Did you know that? Every time you smile I just feel so happy inside. I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve never thought about someone this much, I’ve never wanted to make someone happy like I wanna make you happy. I think
I think- no, I know I love you. You mean so much to me and I know I’m not enough. I know my quirk is terrible but I want to make you happy. I want to spend my days with you.” He starts to choke up, sitting on the bench next to you. “I just-” 
He can’t help but ramble, going over every possible thing to convince you that he’ll treat you right, that he’ll love you right, he’ll spend time with you, care for you and anything else you want. 
He honestly won’t stop until you stop him. He’s just so scared. He thought if he kept talking, if he kept naming reasons maybe you’ll see. (also may be because how he always tries to refrain from talking so often to not scare people but because he’s so scared he lost that restraint he usually has). 
When you say yes he’ll probably shed a tear or two, not that he’d let you see and wrap you in the tightest hug (which is shocking to both him and you). 
He pulls away quickly and you both realize that lunch is going to end soon if y’all don’t get back. 
Please wrap your hand in his and give him a little kiss. He won’t be able to stop smiling once he gets back. I mean he is honestly going to be beaming with happiness. 
You make him so happy, and to get the chance to make you feel the same? He can’t help but smile.
When Kirishima first sees you he instantly wants to be friends! 
You just look so cool and manly and honestly how could he not want to be friends with you. 
Is it also because he thinks you’re really cute and wants to get closer to you? Maybe but thats not the point. 
He is as ecstatic and happy as always around you. 
This means a lot of casual touches and jokes. 
Do the touches last maybe a second longer than usual? Yes, but it’s not like your noticing. 
He studies with you a LOT. But you better be careful with him because half the time he’s watching you rather than his own notebook. 
He honestly won’t notice he’s in love with you until Bakugou or someone says something.
I mean, it’s normal to want to be around someone 24/7 and want to always be touching them and supporting them and oh no he understands what Bakugou is saying.
Once he realizes he is REALLY awkward around you. Usually, he just tries to play it off but he can’t! Not with how you look at him with such a big smile or how you always expect a hug from him when you leave because that’s what he always does.
Now that he realizes he loves you he wants to do more than just joke and laugh with you! He wants to kiss you and be with you!
He honestly needs help planning out a date or else he’s going to bring you out to Arby’s with a pair of crocs and his favorite shirt and pants that do not match at ALL.
He doesn’t really tell you its a date because in his rush to try and get you to go out with him he just kinda,,, forgot? Though it’s okay because Mina totally spilled the beans to you anyway.
Please help this boy.
The night you two spend together though is amazing! 
You both go out to this amazing restaurant where Kirishima spills barbecue sauce on his fancy shirt while yelling about how amazing this meat is. 
The small park that you both go out to is beautiful! And yet somehow Kirishima ends up pulling you into playing frisbee with these kids.
While you can totally see where Bakugou and the others came in, it’s all still so overwhelmingly him. How he jokes and laughs his way through the date, how he treats you like the most precious thing. 
He stops you at the front of your dorm room and suddenly he isn’t acting like himself. 
He is fidgeting with his fingers and he is looking up at you with the most vulnerable look in his eyes. 
“We’ve been friends for a long time, huh? Since the start of this school year. You
you’ve been with me through everything. Through the USJ incident, to Bakugou getting kidnapped
you’ve seen me when I’m my most unmanly and you’re still here with me. You’ve never left me or made me feel any less. And for that you mean the world to me. And
And uh-” He brings a hand to yours, you can see how it shakes. “I was wondering if you’d like to- to uhm, take our friendship a little step further? If you’d like to, of course.” 
If you look into his eyes, I mean really look you’ll see how utterly terrified he is. 
When you say yes he will whoop and scream and pull you into his arms and spin you about. 
There is no doubt everyone in the dorms can hear you. 
Before he can think about it he presses a quick kiss to your cheek and tell you goodnight, you do have school tomorrow after-all. And he skips down the hallway. 
As soon as he leaves you WILL get bombarded by every girl and they will DEMAND to know what happened
But don’t worry Kirishima is in his own room telling as many people that will listen. 
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tempthornton · 5 years ago
A Fragile Heart p2
((Part 1))
It was one of those blue-sky days in Boralus and Temperance was stuck looking in her mirror at Alexander’s house. She turned to look at the dark green dress she was wearing, it brought out her eyes, but it was also the nicest dress she had ever worn. All of her current clothing was the nicest clothing she had ever worn.
Every time Alexander came home he had something new to give her. Be it silk from the Nightfallen, china from Pandaria, tonics, and potions made by the night elves. It was all at his fingertips and he was experimenting in gift-giving. It was better than the other gifts he mentioned giving her. He would have offered her the heads of anyone who had hurt her, but she and Son’Ispa did talk him out of that.
Today was a new experience for both of them. Sir Luxton Morrie had paid her a call the day after the party to ask if they could go to a local museum together. It was not a date, or maybe it was. Temperance had spent the rest of the party talking to the young knight. He told her stories of the things he had seen and she was honestly impressed by him.
Now she had to hope he was equally as impressed by her.
“Are you ready?” Alexander’s voice called from the other side of her door. It was an eery quality, and if someone did not know he was a void entity, they might question how he was able to throw his voice so well.
“I am.” She looked once more in front of the mirror before turning to leave.
Luxton was in the entranceway, the furthest Alexander let anyone go into his home accept for Temperance. The deeper one went it, the more likely they might sense that something unhuman lurked in the house. But Luxton was like a breath of sweet spring hair in the winter of the house. He was dressed in a blue outfit and looked as happy as Temperance had seen the men of Stormwind.
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Alexander took Temperance’s arm and watched the knight before turning to Temperance. “Alright, come home before dinner and I will have a meal prepared for you, us.” He said stumbling over his words but then gave a smile. Leaning closer he whispered. “You make sure he treats you like the divinely born child that you are.”
That was the closest to a compliment Temperance was going to get from her guardian. With one last nod, she was almost itching to escape from Alexander’s sight. At least it would mean one less void creature to contend with.
Once they were out the door Temperance let out a breath and smiled at Luxton. “Thank you for asking me out today. Alexander likes to keep the house cold and dark.”
“I hear he has a few... habits that the locals have noticed. Not wanting to get married, adopting a woman who is the same age as him.” Luxton shook his head. “How did you two meet?”
She bit her lip thinking what she could tell him, but the truth was the best, at least, a form of the truth was the best. “He saved me from a witch who kidnapped me. I think she wanted to steal my youth.”
Luxton snapped his head over to her eyes wide. “Really! You’ve seen one of those witches?”
She was one of those witches, but Temperance nodded as she remembered only flashes of what had happened to her. “Yes, and that one was as wicked as the stories say. Alexander came in with his crew, they were in the area and were lost and needed a map. He heard me screaming upstairs and saved me.”
She didn’t mention Alexander had used the sheer power of the void to summon some of his armies to attack the woman. That was something people couldn’t handle.
Luxton’s expression looked truly sorry for her. “Did that witch hurt you?”
“She didn’t feed me much, and I was weak for days after, but Alexander thought to keep an eye on me. He found out my family was dead and offered to sponsor me and treat me like family. He’s, not the most social man in the world, but he is kind when he wants to be.”
They continued down the streets of Boralus and Temperance looked around smiling at the different faces. Faces she would never see again. There was always a constant rotation of people coming and going from the city. And she loved how easily it would be to get lost and never be found. It was a new level of security she didn’t know she loved.
The small museum was for the general history of Kul’Tiras, it is filled with impressive displays of how the settlers first landed. About the fight against Gorak’tol, and about the founding of the country. Temperance kept ahold of Luxtor’s arm as he started to talk more about the displays.
He looked so perfect. From what she knew he was just a knight, no connection to the light. His family was wealthy and he stood to inherit his family's estate when he was older. Son’Ispa had whispered after the party that this boy was exactly the kind of man Tempernance needed to look for in a mate.
Temperance didn’t argue, at least not this time.
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“I can’t believe half the stories I’ve heard about those witches in Drustvar. You had to have been terrified by the one that kidnapped you.” He said coming up to a display that had small miniature people in the middle of a battle scene between the Drust and settlers.
She shrugged. “I grew up in Drustvar, witches here normal... just like how you dealt with kolbalts and trolls. They live in our stories and our fears.”
Luxton nodded still holding her arm. It felt so safe, but Temperance wondered if this was normal, this amount of touch. She had never gone on a date before, was this even a date? The young woman found herself circling into questions and wondering if she was putting too much into the situation.
“You’re strong then, stronger than I. I would have hidden under my blankets if I knew trolls were around. I’m easily afraid of things.”
“But you’re a knight?” She looked back up at him. He was a few inches taller than her, and Temperance always felt the strange movement from her neck when she could look up.
“I am, but I still get scared.” He chuckled looking back at her winking. The wink caused a fire in her stomach. Was he flirting with her? Her whole body started to buzz with excitement. “You’re braver than a lot of women I’ve met.”
She could feel her blush now as he offered the compliment. She didn’t see herself as brave. Every time something bad happened she ran away.
That wasn’t true anymore. She didn’t run away when she remembered the poor soul she had summoned and left. Going back to the hospital was one of the bravest things she had ever done, and coming back from it she knew she’d never been able to run from her problems again. But she knew she wouldn’t have done it without Laurent’s help. The support he gave made her brave.
“Thank you.” She said her face stinging with her blush.
The rest of the day was full of running around the museum, talking about the things they saw and Temperance felt like Luxton was flirting with her. It was as he escorted her back to the house that he paused so they weren’t in sight of the windows. If Alexander was looking, which Temperance bet he was looking and didn’t need a window to know they were close.
“This was a great day.” Luxton said his voice warm and it warmed Temperance at the same time. She felt normal for once. She was just a girl, the kind of girl who went to a party and meets a boy and was now walking around town with said boy. This was what she had wanted since she was a child. “I was thinking if you would like. I hear there’s a show on Friday, some local opera. I have the tickets.”
She felt a blush burn her cheeks and she couldn’t stop herself from biting her lips. “I’d really like that. Should I tell Alexander I won’t need a chaperone?”
“Well, it would be less fun with your adopted brother there. I was thinking we could treat it like a date?”
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A date. That was the sort of thing young women did with good young men. “I would love that.”
Luxton picked her hand up and pressed a kiss on her knuckle. Temperance felt her heart speed up in a way she hadn’t felt before. “Then it’s a date, Miss Thornton.”
((I forgot to mention the gruff priest so @laurent-price​ for being the one who let Temperance take her first steps for being strong. She’s got a ways to go.))
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dedicated-but-delirious · 7 years ago
Pairing: Dean x Angel!Reader
Word Count: ~3,300-ish
Summary: You and Dean have finally stopped dancing around your obvious feelings for each other, but the situation is less than ideal. He thinks you screwed up a hunt; you think you saved his life. It all works out in the end, but not without a few sacrificed feathers.
Warnings: A bit of angst, but a happy ending; Nothing vivid, but talk of blood and injury(to the reader mostly); fluffy fluff; swearing; I think that’s it??? Oh, and speculated/personal opinion angel wing lore.
Your name: submit What is this?
“Hey Y/N, there’s a case about a town or two out. Feel like coming along?” Sam asked, ducking his head into the guest room you’d claimed as your own.
You knew he was only asking because the Winchesters’ resident angel, Castiel, wasn’t available at the moment. You were a back-up of sorts. An angel they knew just well enough to trust on a hunt, but not enough that you’d earned yourself a spot on their team permanently.
And yeah, that stung a bit. You prided yourself on being significantly more reliable than Cas, despite having more duties in Heaven and a higher angelic rank. You were also infinitely more in tune with human emotions. But try as you might, the brother duo never seemed to take a real liking to you. You’d patched them up (both with and without the assistance of your grace) more times than you could count. And for some confounded reason, they still prayed to Cas first.
Despite all of this, you didn’t hesitate to agree to Sam’s offer. Honestly, the more time you spent with them, the happier you were. More specifically, the longer you got to be in Dean’s company, the happier you became. 
That led to sitting in the backseat of the Impala for an hour straight. Your wings, although held on a different dimensional plane, did not go well with tight spaces like cars. But if you just flew to your destination, that was an hour spent without Dean jamming to his classic rock. So you endured.
On the way, Sam informed you (by shouting over Dean’s surprisingly pleasing singing) about the hunt; just a demon, maybe two, had been raising a little hell. So you three were off to raise a little hell of your own. In all fairness, you could've had the demons roasted in two seconds flat. Angel perks, and all that.
But Dean - Dean needed to get out of the bunker and kill something, and you knew better than to interfere. You were a safe-guard, only there to step in if things got out of hand.
And when there turned out to be twelve demons instead of two, that’s exactly what you did.
Shouting at the brothers to turn away or close their eyes, you had six of the demons snagged and smote with a brilliant flash of white-blue light, their eyes smoking with the intensity of it.
The fight was fierce; these demons weren’t playing around, and they weren’t run-of-the-mill grunts either. Armed with angel blades of unknown origin, they were a bit of trouble for even you. Sam and Dean had nearly killed one each, while you grappled with the remaining four. Finally, one caught you on the arm with his angel blade and your cry caused Dean to become distracted, a fact that did not go unnoticed by his opponent.
You didn’t have any options.
One demon slipped away from you and grabbed him from behind, locking his arms behind his back. His original quarry geared up to put a blade through his throat.
Dean froze, struggled, and finally slumped in defeat, all within a few fractions of a second. He accepted it. But you couldn’t. So without thinking you swung your wings wide and covered him. 
Blood dripped to the floor, feathers falling just after.
It hurt. It hurt more than anything you’d ever felt, but Dean was safe, and that’s what really mattered.
Your grace swept through the room, expelling the rest of the demons in a matter of seconds, more as a reflex than anything else. 
It was quiet.
“What the fuck, Y/N?” Dean growled after the long pause, stalking over towards your shaking form. It was hard to focus on anything but the flood of pain tearing at your nerves and making your vision fuzzy. 
“What the hell was that? I had it covered!” He shouted, pushing himself into your personal space, and you vaguely remembered him telling you off several times for doing the same thing. Humans were hypocrites.
“You would’ve been killed.” You answered softly and a bit slurred. You'd never injured a wing before. Was it normal for the pain to spread all the way to your vessel?
Dean scoffed, backing away from you.
“Y’know, Y/N, maybe you shouldn’t have come with us. You turned out to be a distraction and more trouble than you’re worth. We don’t need you.”
That cut deeper than any blade. It wasn’t just the words, it was the tone he used: totally calm and a bit exasperated. It would’ve hurt less had he shouted it in anger in the heat of the moment. 
Sam didn’t speak up, and you interpreted that as his silent agreement with his brother.
Your knees gave out and you hit the stained concrete floor, scuffing your knees and palms.
You had saved his life and this was the thanks you get? To be fair, you did eliminate his hunt. That didn’t justify his behaviour, but your pain-riddled mind couldn’t come up with much else. 
Suddenly, you felt overwhelmed. You couldn’t be here, not now. You needed to be in the bunker, or just away from the brothers you valued so highly. You needed to get the knife out of your wing and fix whatever you could, if anything.
Lucky you, with only one of four wings down, you could still flutter your way to the bunker, if a little haphazardly. So you did.
Dean was still pacing. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling but he knew it had to do with you. You and the flickering black shadow that had been cast over him when that demon went to kill him. He wasn’t sure what exactly happened.
The brothers had called Cas, but he was taking his sweet time. The boys had no way of knowing, but he was with you, his big sister who had been reduced to a shaking, sobbing mess, on the verge of passing out from the pure agony.
So when Cas did show up, the boys were shocked at the utter rage rolling off him in waves.
“What have you done to her?”
“To Y/N? Nothing, man, she took off after the fight.” Sam answered cautiously. Cas wasn’t usually so emotional, but when he was it was a serious matter. A furious angel was an unpredictable one.
“What fight?” Dean snarled, clearly still pissed. “She took them all out before we could gank hardly any!”
That’s when Cas spotted the silvery feathers on the ground, splattered with still-wet blood. And it clicked.
Cas scooped them up in one smooth motion, thrusting them in Dean’s face.
“She sacrificed one of the most important parts of herself and you’re upset with her? Her wings are her life, Dean, and this wound could prevent her from flying properly for the rest of her existence! Most angels would die before giving up their wings.” Cas growled. 
Dean blinked, his anger melting away. You had done that for him? Sure, he thought you were beautiful and funny, and your ability to joke with him made you different from most angels. But this was - this was so different. This wasn’t just you icing a nasty bruise or grace-ing away a few cuts. This was a part of you. Physical feathers and blood that, according to Cas, might never heal.
“I...” Dean trailed off, unsure how to fix his mistake. “I had no idea.”
“I’ve already tried to help her, but she won’t let me see her wings. But you - if she was willing to destroy them for you, she should be willing to let you help.” Cas speculated gruffly.
“She won’t. Not after what I said to her.” Dean plucked the feathers from Cas’s hand twirled them in his grasp. They were soft, but they places where the blood covering them had begun to dry were stiff and bristled against his palm. Your feathers were large and mostly silver; when the light hit them just right they reflected a thousand different colours. He couldn’t help but wonder what a whole wing’s worth of the colour-changing feathers would look like.
“It’s our only chance. If the wound isn’t treated it will worsen. Eventually...it could kill her. But we must hurry, she won’t be able to stand the pain for much longer and we need her conscious to bring her wings onto this plane of being.” Cas said impatiently, still acting unsettlingly emotional.
“Wait, wait, I thought humans couldn’t see an angel’s wings without their eyes getting barbecued?” Sam chimed in.
Cas shifted, appearing nervous.
“While that’s usually true, Y/N can, if she so chooses, make her wings take a more...physical form. But it will intensify her pain.” He revealed. 
“Well, shit.” Dean grumbled. “Guess we gotta try though, right?”
With a terse nod, Cas flew both himself and Dean to the bunker. Sam would bring the Impala.
The minute the two arrived, screams ripped through the air, causing Dean to break into a run, looking for you and calling out as he went.
. . . 
“Y/N, dammit, where are you?”
Was that - was that Dean? Calling for you? He couldn’t possibly be back yet unless - Cas! Your younger brother Castiel had pulled through and gotten Dean to come back.
Steeling yourself, you managed a weak “Library!” before the pain took your words away.
Dean’s footfalls sounded closer and closer until they came to a stop beside you. 
“Y/N...” He quickly dropped to his knees beside you, but didn’t dare touch you.
You opened your mouth to say something, but another wave of pain rippled through you, your body convulsing and trembling, weak whimpers leaving you.
“Shit, you’re really hurting...” Dean murmured haltingly, seemingly unsure of what to do.
“Cas...Cas says I have to fix you, Y/N, but it’s gonna hurt worse for a while. You gotta let me see your wings, okay?” His voice was velvety soft and gentle. For a moment you almost forgot about the hurtful words he’d spat at you minutes before. Almost.
“No.” You breathed, trying and failing to pull your legs underneath you to stand. “No, I won’t.”
“Y/N, come on - “
“No, Dean! I’m not letting - “ Your words cut off with a slightly muffled scream as you accidently shifted your wing in an attempt to find balance.
“Look, what I said was shitty and uncalled for. I’m sorry, but you need to get over it and let me help you! Then you can be mad at me, alright?” Dean took a hold of your shoulders, pulling you upright, his fingertips digging in and betraying his true worry.
You stopped and thought for a moment. The intense pain had your brain swimming and it was hard to put words together, but one thing you knew for certain. Manifesting your wings would hurt like a bitch but it was the only way to save them.
Making your decision, you slowly nodded your head.
“Okay,” Dean sighed, “okay, so, uh, what now?”
Wordlessly, you placed your shaking hand over his eyes; and then braced yourself as best you could. It took only a thought and a gentle tug to pull your wings into this dimension, and the blinding flash of light was accompanied by double the pain you felt before.
You couldn’t scream. You couldn’t move. The sounds caught in your throat as the agony ripped through you. Your hand slipped away from Dean’s eyes as you collapsed, your four silvery wings going limp. Your own eyes closed and the last thing you heard was Dean’s amazed gasp. 
You woke up alone. 
Which was unsettling to say the least, but also a bit relieving.
Your wings were still physically present. You’d chosen Dean, and only Dean, so having anyone else in the room would be highly upsetting. Wings were an intensely private thing for angels, and not even other angels were privileged with seeing them.
But the fact that Dean wasn’t there hurt. Did he think your wings were unsightly? Maybe he thought they were downright ugly? Maybe he didn’t think they were worth fixing...
No. The pain was gone, and you could move all four wings without any discomfort. You shifted your injured wing to wrap in front of you so you could inspect it. The angel blade had clearly been removed, and the wound left behind had been cauterized. It still left a sizeable gap in your feathers, but they would grow back, along with most of the missing tissue. Most of the blood that had covered your wing and clotted its’ shiny feathers together had been gently washed away. All in all, it was a better fix than you could’ve hoped for.
But where was Dean?
You didn’t know if Sam was back yet or if Cas had stuck around. You also didn’t know if ‘vanishing’ your wings would damage the delicate skin that was trying its best to heal. You shouted for Dean a few times, but ultimately did not receive an answer.
So you did the next best thing.
Tucking your wings as close to your back as you possible could, you eased your door open, peeking both ways before slipping out into the hallway. You were mostly silent, but a small squeak escaped you when you passed under a vent and the draft rustled your sensitive feathers.
In a flash, Dean was scrambling out of the doorway in front of you: the bunker’s library.
“You’re awake! You okay?” He questioned quickly, his eyes scanning over your form frantically.
Oh, so I yell from my room and you can’t hear me, but you heard that? Makes perfect sense... You thought sarcastically. 
“Yes, Dean, I’m just fine. Thanks for...you know...” You pulled your patched-up wing out from behind you, swishing it gently through the air before folding it back into place.
Dean followed the movement with his eyes distractedly and had to shake himself out of a daze to reply.
“Oh, yeah, it wasn’t, uh, it wasn’t a problem. You’re really feeling okay, though? Not hurting or anything?” He was being over-bearing but it made you feel nice. Cared for.
You noticed his eyes would not leave the few feathers that peaked over your shoulders. You weren’t quite sure what to think of that.
“Sam or Castiel here?” You questioned casually. If they were, you were hiding out in your room until your wing was healed. You were lucky enough that you hadn’t run across anyone else yet.
“No, they left. Sam got back but Cas said you would want privacy because of your, uh, your...wings.” He informed your thickly, finally tearing his gaze away from said appendages and meeting your eyes. “Cas said you couldn’t put ‘em away or anything for at least an hour or two.”
Well, it could be worse. Surely an hour or two wouldn’t kill you. You thoughtlessly shifted your weight, your wings adjusting themselves to the new position and Dean’s eyes were back on them.
“Do they bother you?” You questioned quietly, dreading his answer. 
“Do my wings bother you?”
“Oh - oh god, no, I’m sorry. Staring is probably rude, right? I’ll just - “ Dean’s gaze immediately found the floor and he stumbled back towards the library.
Was he - was he blushing?
He stopped, his body half turned away from you. He opened his mouth and then closed it repeatedly, as if he didn’t know what to say.
“I don’t mind the attention.” You began, taking a risk. “It’s flattering, really. I was afraid...well, when I woke up and you weren’t there, I was afraid you didn’t think my wings were worth fixing. I figured you didn’t like them.” You had unconsciously pulled your lower set of wings in front of you, nervously fiddling with the reflective feathers. Your larger set stayed tightly held to your back.
It took several moments for Dean to even acknowledge that you’d spoken. But when he did it made your grace buzz with warmth.
“God, Y/N, I feel like a jerk now. I thought you’d prefer the privacy. Cas kinda suggested that angels didn’t like anyone seeing their wings. Your wings are...I don’t have the words to describe them. I know that sounds really clichĂ© but your wings are incredible. And the fact that you were willing to protect me at the cost of a part of you. I mean, seriously!” He emphasized at your incredulous look. “And then I...I got so mad. I didn’t - you gotta believe me, I didn’t realize that you’d...” He trailed off, looking conflicted.
He wasn’t mad anymore? It wasn’t exactly an apology, but it was the closest Dean Winchester got. 
“And then, Cas showed me the feathers that you’d lost. I just - I got so worried, and I was furious that you’d go so far for someone like me; someone you had treated you so badly so many times. When I found you on the floor, I regretted everything. I regretted not having you around more. I regretted being such an ass to the one person who had done nothing but help me. I just...dammit - “
Before you could blink, he had rushed at you and pressed his lips against yours.
At that moment, you didn’t care that he was so self-critical. You couldn’t bring yourself to care about much more than the feeling of his lips, the feeling you’d dreamt about and never thought you’d get a chance to experience. 
Eventually though, he had to break away for air.
“I regretted not doing that sooner.” He was breathless and his voice had dropped an octave. It sent shivers down your spine. You could feel his fingers idly tweaking the downy feathers in the spot where your wings met the soft skin of your back.
“I’m just happy you did it at all.” You whispered back, sounding just as breathless.
“Never put yourself in danger like that ever again.”
“Well, if I get this kind of treatment...”
“I love you, you know that?”
“I love you too, Dean.”
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iwriteficsnottragediesladies · 7 years ago
Search and Seizure Pt 4
Request: un-surpassable: Need. more. search. and. seizure . Ahahahhhh Request: kyky9103: Can you do more anxiety attack and seizure posts
Lots of people were asking for another part. Ask and you shall receive! There are two-ish scavenger hunt items. See if you can find them!
Pre-read Epilepsy Disclaimer
The video of your seizure in the grocery store ended up everywhere. Gossip sites, entertainment sites, youtube, facebook, instagram, twitter
 It was awful. You cried. and cried. For days. Brendon and the boys were right at your side through it all.
You were just so terribly embarrassed and felt violated. Everyone in the world has seen you at your most vulnerable without your consent.
Some people were really nice. A lot of the fans and TV hosts were genuinely sympathetic and concerned. They all wished you well.
But some people were not nice at all. They made fun of you and left the most disheartening and offensive comments.
Honestly had no idea she could break dance like that.
That awkward moment when you realize your girlfriend is possessed...
Ew all that stuff coming out of her mouth. Looks like Brendon’s got himself a spitter, not a swallower!
Can she die from one of these so we can have Brendon back?
Brendon wanted to make all your hurting stop, but he couldn’t. He was absolutely furious with the way people were talking about you, especially people who claimed to be his fans. After finding you in a puddle one night, horrible comments from a fan website in your hand, he took to twitter.
It disgusts me the shit “fans” will say about the people I love most. If you’re one of them, just know I think you’re shit. Get fucked.
Perhaps the worst part was people concocting theories about your “rock star lifestyle” and how you must have overdosed on drugs. People were writing entire pieces about your struggle with addiction–addictions that didn’t even exist. “Crack whore” was the nickname for you, and it flew around the internet.
Finally, you want to put it all to rest. You are going to address it. Own it. You write up a message in your notes and post a screenshot of it on instagram.
To all of you who have been wishing me well: thank you SO much! I loved all the sweet messages you have been sending Brendon and I. I’m doing just fine now. To everyone who has tried to put me down, make fun of me, and talk shit about me: you need to take a serious look at yourself and your behavior. Have some compassion. I have epilepsy, which is a seizure disorder. Although it’s well controlled, I still have seizures from time to time. I never really liked to talk about it because I didn’t want people to treat me differently. But now, things have changed for me and that’s why I think I owe it to myself and all of my fellow epilepsy-warriors to speak up. I have epilepsy, but epilepsy does not have me.
Sending lots of love out to all of you, Y/n
You were too nervous to read the comments, so you had Brendon do it. He started reading all them aloud and it was incredible.
They talked about how happy they were that you were okay, that you were so strong, that you are perfect just the way you are, that they don’t see you any differently
 The best was how many people felt comfortable sharing their own struggles with epilepsy, a lot of them crediting you for giving them the courage to do so.
You made the absolute best of the situation you were put in. You finally felt free.
In another exciting turn of events, you and Brendon got engaged last month. You both knew you wanted to spend the rest of your lives together since the moment you met, so it was all coming true. You couldn’t be happier.
It was back to touring and you were backstage at a show. You knew you were tired and you were looking forward to calling it a night. You decided you might go back to the bus early, before the show ends. You were enjoying the thought of getting comfortable in your pjs–
Uh oh.
It hit you hard and very suddenly, interrupting your train of thought entirely: your arm was gone and your stomach flipped.
No, fuck, not during a show.
You stood for a moment, wishing it away with all your might. The heat around you became oppressive. Everything was only intensifying. You looked out onto the stage, seeing Brendon singing and running around as usual with his special performance glow. You smiled for a moment.
You come up with a plan: you’ll just grab Zack and go further backstage, out of view. You won’t interrupt the show and you can just tell Brendon after. You’re sure he’ll be furious that you didn’t tell him sooner, but you weren’t about to ruin the concert for everyone.
You dropped out of your thoughts as your body was screaming to get your attention, realizing how badly you were feeling. You spot Zack and start to make a beeline over to him. Your purposeful steps suddenly became weaker but you were determined to make it. You’re a little less coordinated as you reach him, stepping closer to him than you really meant to. His expression drops as he looks to you.
“Zeyh–” you slur as you attempt to reach out to him.
“Oh, okay,” He is instantly grabbing underneath your forearms, firmly supporting you. It’s fairly dark and hard to hear each other over the music, but you don’t really need to say much of anything. Zack didn’t need any more information to figure everything out. He has developed a sixth sense kind of thing about it now, actually. 
“Don’t feel–” you try.
“You don’t feel good?” he finished the statement for you. You nod and your lip trembles. “I know honey,” Zack comforted you, “It’s okay.”
You fall into his chest a bit and he adjusts his grip.
“I gotcha Y/n,” he reassures you quickly, speaking gently into your ear, “let’s lay down.” You’re so petite compared to him, he easily begins to move you to the floor.
The crew members nearby start to gather around the situation.
Brendon happened to be jogging his way towards your end of the stage. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices the unusual events unfolding offstage. He did a double take and saw you clinging to Zack as he was helping you to the ground.
He felt his stomach drop to the floor.
“Oh fuck,” he said under his breath, frozen for a moment. The next thing he knew, he was sprinting off stage to you as fast as his legs could carry him. He pushed a couple of stage hands out of the way and slid on his knees, arriving next to you. He shrugged off his jacket and Zack put it under your head.
You suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder and find Brendon above you, pulling his earpiece out.
“It’s okay baby,” he panted, “I’m right here.”
His voice was the last thing you heard. You started to seize and Brendon looked over at Zack, who had his phone out with the timer starting. Zack nods at him silently, and Brendon returns it, so grateful that Zack takes such good care of you.
Meanwhile, the band was left hanging. The crowd was also puzzled, disappointed by the sudden end of the song.
When the boys realized Brendon had ran, each of them kind of dropped off, confused. They looked after where he had gone and saw you on the floor, Brendon and Zack at your side. They were heartbroken and exchanged looks, wondering what to do. After a second, Dallon decided to speak up.
“Alright guys, sorry,” He said into his mic, “We’re gonna give Brendon some time to, uh, help out his beautiful fiancĂ© here, having a little trouble.” He kept it nonchalant, not exactly sure of what to say anyway.
The entire audience could guess what was happening and they all awed, feeling terrible for you. No doubt that every single person in the arena had seen the video of you in the grocery store.
“Oh no, she must be having a seizure!” “Poor thing!” “Oh Brendon is so sweet!”
The boys kind of just talked with the audience, joking around, playing a riff from time to time to stall. They wanted it to be quiet for you.
Brendon was brushing your hair from your face when you start to bleed a little. He and Zack both notice you’ve moved onto your back, not completely on your side anymore.
“Yeah, let’s–” Brendon directed Zack, not really needing to use words because he was thinking the same exact thing. Zack rolls you further onto your side while Brendon helps you along. The rest of the blood was able to drain out.
“There we go,” He sighed, wiping it away. He stroked your cheek gently. “it’s okay baby. You’re okay.”
Some of the stagehands started asking questions. Brendon was completely focused on you, so Zack took over answering, informing them of the situation. Brendon continued whispering to you and you started to come down.
“Shhh, good job baby,” He said quietly, wiping your mouth one last time. “Zack?” He called his attention.
Zack looked at him and then glanced down at his phone. “1:41,” He replied. “Alright, all you guys have to back off please.” Zack commanded the crew around you, waving them away. He didn’t want you to be any more scared than you already would be, waking up in a strange place.
“Wasn’t too bad,” Brendon consulted with Zack.
“Nope,” he agreed, “Normal length.”
“God,” Brendon sighed, “Did she seem different to you? I didn’t see this one coming at all.”
“No, she’s been fine all day,” Zack shrugged, “Maybe she forgot her medication.”
They give you another minute and you start to come to. They moved away.
You open your eyes and it’s dark. Why can’t you see? You moved your eyes up and realize you’d been looking at the black floor you are laying on. You see a hand right next to your face and stare at it intently. Suddenly you realize it’s your own hand, and try to move it. It took you a second but finally you were able to slide it a little. It still felt so foreign as it sat front of you.
You are drawn away from your hand as your disorientation tugged at you. Fear sat deep in your stomach. You know you’re laying on the ground, but where and why? You slide your hand against the floor again, wanting to put in a position that you could push yourself up from, but it was no use. You were far too week.
A wall of fuzzy sound hit your ears. You looked beyond your hand and saw boots. Black boots. Those do not belong to you. Oh my god, it’s a person, right in front of you.
“Y/n, you’re okay,” Brendon begins to speak quietly.
You start to panic and your fight or flight reflex kicked in. You rustle on the floor and try to get away from the figure in front of you, but the most you can manage to do is withdraw.
“It’s okay, baby,” Brendon continues, “You had a seizure but you’re okay now. it’s just me and Zack.”
You don’t really seem to be responding to him like you normally would by now. He’s not sure if you aren’t showing it, or if you truly can’t hear him.
Truth is, you haven’t heard a single thing. The figure comes closer to you and you try to hit it away, punching and whimpering.
“Baby, it’s alright,” Brendon called to you, blocking your weak hands as you tried to throw them through the air, “Shhh, it’s okay.”
Sound becomes clear to you and all you can hear is yourself. You hold your breath as you continue to struggle, wondering if you could hear something that would help you figure what was going on.
“Y/n, it’s okay,” Brendon tried again.
You hear it. That voice. Brendon. You still yourself.
“It’s Brendon, Y/n,” Brendon tells you, “You’re okay.”
You looked at him, taking in his features and trying to put it all together.
“Bren?” You questioned quietly. He lit up a bit and nodded.
“It’s me, baby,” He reassured you, “You’re safe.”
You respond by relaxing your hands back down to the floor.
“You had a little seizure, so I know you’re confused,” He explained sweetly, “but you’re alright. It’s me, and your BFF Zack is right there behind you, alright?” he said with a little smirk. A smile pulled at the corner of your lips.
You start to push yourself onto your elbow and ponder your surroundings. Zack and Brendon both hover their hands over you in case you start to fall.
“We’re at the venue in Ohio for a show,” He said.
You glance around and realize there’s stage crew around you. You looked at him and saw that he was soaked with sweat and in his stage outfit. Beyond him, you saw the boys onstage and one of their voices speaking casually on a microphone. Your eyes grew wide.
“OH MY GOD!” You exclaimed, “YOU’RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A SHOW!” You were quickly pushing yourself up to sitting and fumble to properly put your weight into your hands. You don’t have the balance or the strength and fall over backward.
Apparently Zack would rather die than let you hit the ground, because suddenly he is holding you upright and rests your back against himself. You forgot he was back there, even though Brendon had just told you that. You’re not really sure the physics of how it all happened, but you are sure that Zack is a ninja. What a great BFF.
Oh wow, even your inner monologue is seizure drunk.
“Easy, Y/n,” Brendon holds your shoulder, “It’s okay.”
“Oh my god,” You shook your head, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You start to cry.
“No, no, no, Shhh,” Brendon immediately soothes, heartbroken to see you brought to tears like this. He takes your cheek in his hand, “It’s okay,” he tried with a sad chuckle, “Y/n. It’s fine.”
“I’m sorry,” you repeated through your tears. Zack was rubbing your upper arm and Brendon was wiping each tear as they fell.
“Y/n,” he said, tilting your head up to look you in the eye. “Baby, it’s okay. I needed a break anyway, alright?” He chuckled again, “It’s hot out there!”
You mustered up a small smile for him. At his comment, you notice he’s not wearing his gold jacket. You look down and see it wadded up on the floor.
“Oh no I got blood on it,” you said sadly with a pouted lip, observing a puddle that had formed and smudged around. You feel terrible, like you’ve truly ruined everything.
“You know what?” Brendon said in a clear, optimistic voice. You look to him. “Tomorrow we’re gonna wash that thing and make our own fucking oxi-clean commercial, alright?” He joked, grinning widely. He makes you giggle. “It’s just clothes, baby,” He reminds you softly. You nod with a little smile.
You wait for a moment before breaking the silence.
“Go,” you say to him.
“What?” he asks.
“Go!” you repeat, “I’m fine here, go back on stage. You have a show to finish!”
He looked at you from beneath his eyebrows, annoyed.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” He scoffed, “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Why?” You huff, pouting your lip in an exaggerated fashion. Oh boy, here’s the seizure drunk coming through.
“Because my fiancĂ© just had a seizure!” Brendon responded, “I’m not finishing the show!”
“Seize seizin’ is a habit” You sing like David Banner’s ‘Stuntin is a habit’ with your best gangster style.
“Oh my god,” he covers his eyes in embarrassment.
“I’m fine now Bren, there’s nothing left to be done,“ you try, “Your fans deserve this!”
“You are my top priority,” He responded.
“Look, I have my BFF Zacky-poo,” You reached up and sloppily patted Zack’s cheek, “And you can go finish your show.”
“Y/n, I’m not–” He started.
“Brendon Boyd Urie,” You cut him off harshly, “If you do not get back on that stage right now, you are not touching my body for a month.”
The look on Brendon’s face is hilarious. He can’t believe you just said that.
“Yeah, that’s right,” You clicked your tongue. He evened his facial expression.
“You’re just seizure drunk,” He dismissed. You lean forward a little.
“Baby,” You coldly whisper in his ear, “I don’t lie when I’m seizure drunk.”
You lean away. Now he looks even more flustered. Poor Zack probably felt awkward as all fuck, but oh well, this was far too entertaining.
“Hm, better get back out there,” You said lightly with an innocent smile.
Brendon gives you a death stare for a moment and you just hold your smile. He looks to Zack.
“You sure you got her?” Brendon asks him, his voice flat and annoyed.
“Course, man,” Zack nodded dutifully.
“You’ll bring her back to the bus?” Brendon checks. Zack nods again.
Brendon pauses for a second and sighed, aggravated that you’ve won the battle. You’ve always been a fighter.
“Okay,” he surrenders. He kisses your forehead and pulls away enough to lock eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Bren,” You reply.
He takes off and as soon as he is back on stage, the crowd erupts with noise. Zack is working on getting you up and sitting in a chair for a little while before you actually trek back to the bus. You hear Brendon address the audience.
“We’re all good, guys,” he told them as they cheered, and then waited for them to quiet down a bit.
“Not that I wouldn’t anyway, because I do love you guys, but, uh,” he chuckled under his breath, “my fiancĂ© just threatened to withhold sex from me for a month if I didn’t come back out here.” The crowd roared with laughter and he literally giggled like a little girl,  “So you can thank Y/n for this one!”
You’re welcome. You smile and laugh to yourself. 
You have epilepsy, but epilepsy doesn’t have you. Life has to go on.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed the read. Zack is the fucking best and I strongly believe he would turn into such a little softie like this. This series is pretty fun to write. Like/reblog if you’re feelin’ it!
ps. Lol who would actually have the willpower to withhold sex from Brendon?
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elosnotebook · 7 years ago
Imagine being the first and only girl in the Penetrator Russ bus. Author’s note: GUESS WHO! HAHAHA so i know y’all have been hella patient with me and this fucking story, so i decided to take my saturday to try to write about it. i have read that like 648 times and every time i found a new error and i am pretty sure that if i read it again i’ll find more so please just ignore them and enjoy the part 8. WARNING THERE’S SMUT AND FLUFF and i have NEVER written about smut before, i felt like i was sinning the whole fucking time so give me a break, i’ll get better with time. also don’t ask me about part 9 because it’ll take time since i’ll be able to focus on my stories only in december. but honesly, you guys are the best and thanks for understand. love y’all (btw feedback is great so i can be sure you guys don’t hate me hahahah)
Part 1. Part 7.
Part 9.
Masterlist ❁
I couldn’t stop looking myself at the mirror. I knew how confident I must look for everyone but honestly? There was those days where I just... Wasn’t. I just had left the shower when Chris called me saying he wanted to talk. Our first day together in school wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. At all.
It can’t be this hard.
I remember telling Chris in the shower, two days ago. I should’ve known by now that nothing is actually easy when that boy is involved, especially hiding something so big as a - honestly, I had no idea how to call whatever Chris and I were.
It was Monday afternoon, and Chris managed to almost ruin everything twice. I knew him way too well to be assure that every time he got nervous about something, he became completely stupid about it.
After the amazing breakfast he made me on Saturday, I went home to process everything that was happening, and by these days, I still can’t tell what the hell happened. We texted the whole Sunday, creating plans to escape the classes - his idea -, and thinking about spots that would fit for a hot and discreet make out sessions on breaks - this one was totally me.
So, after a whole day of plans to get this right, I wouldn’t expect to be so hard for him to actually do it, what he proved me wrong on Monday morning while having breakfast with our Russ crew.
I was sitting between Julian and Henrik, laughing about some crazy shit they did on Chris’ party. All the boys were being extremely and out of normal polite and soon I realized it was because of the Theo situation. They didn’t bring it up but all it took was a look around to see how dying they were to know my side of the story. William told me Theo had to study for his upcoming tests but both of us knew it was an excuse for him not to face me.
I lost the track of my thoughts when my secret sat in front of us. His alarm didn’t ring and by his face I could see how annoyed he was because of it.
“I thought I was late,” he sighed. I pressed my lips into a thin line as a way to repress a smile. His hair was messier than usual and his shirt was inside out.
“Schistad, you look like shit.” Julian stated, analyzing the boy in front of him.
“And yet, he is still looking better than you. How is that possible?” I joked, earning a nasty glance from Julian.
“Thanks, babe.” Chris said, laying his head on the table.
My reaction was fast. I cringed to the nickname, not only because it was being told in front of other Penetrators but also because I couldn’t understand how fast he decided to call me that. Plus, I wasn’t a ‘babe’ kind of girl. Definitely not.
Julian and Henrik was staring at me with their brows knitted. I had every kind of nickname since I got in the bus. They always loved to make fun of the boys I hooked up with and they basically named me after a particular boy every week. But they never go to the cute level, when they want to be fluffy, the most they have ever done is to call me Cap. Babe, princess, sweetheart was completely out of the table, and honestly I couldn’t care less.
“Ew. Please, don’t babe me.” I told him, trying to sound the most disgusted I could. Frankly, it wasn’t hard at all.
Chris sat straight quickly, as a suddenly realization of what he did. He was the opposite of discreet, I thought, while fighting against the urge to slap him. Sadly, I couldn’t hold a deep sigh.
“Sorry, it’s just
” he paused. Oh my God, he was so bad at improvising, I swear. “My alarm didn’t work. I’m tired.”
I looked away from him, as I was searching for someone in the crowd of students. Honestly, I was just finding my strength not to scream at him.
“Fine.” Julian said, while standing up. “I need to go to the library, I’ll see you guys later.” He leaned in to kiss my cheeks. “Bye babe.” He left.
“Oh no, you little piece of shit, you didn’t-” I turned to yell at him, but it was too late. He was nowhere to be seen.
I turned back to Chris, giving him a distasteful look. He raised his both hands in the air and mouthed a ‘I am sorry’. There was still boys in the table, so I let the subject go for now.
“I need to go to my locker. I’ll meet you in class.” I told Chris.
“I can go with you.” He rushed to grab all his things, but he forgot to zip his bag, which cause everything to fall on the ground.
I turned around the table and kissed his forehead.
“I’ll meet you in class.” I repeated, earning a not satisfied groan from him.
I blew a kiss for the rest of the table, but the boys wasn’t paying attention at me. There was a new girl in the school and they couldn’t stop arguing about who she would choose of them.
I walked straight for my locker, stopping in front of it. Even thought I put my password three times, it didn’t open. I was just giving up when the new girl came and stood by my side.
She was definitely an eyecandy, I couldn’t deny it. Her skin was like cinnamon and it also was glowing. I tried to lock my eyes into hers so I wouldn’t stare at her glorious curves.
“Can I help you?” I asked her, sounding way more polite than I normally would.
“Hi, my name is Julie. I’m new here,” she smiled, while resting her body to the lockers. She started to twist her hair on her fingers, a gesture I knew way too well, since I’m used to do it everytime I was preparing myself to make a move on someone, but that girl wasn’t there to flirt with me
 Or was she?
“Welcome Julie. How these people are treating you so far?” I turned again to my locker, trying to open it one more time. Luckily, it opened.
“Very well. I heard everything about you and the Penetrators.”
“I don’t think so,” I smiled at her. “It’d take a lot more than a morning to hear everything about us.”
“So, why don’t you tell me over a coffee?” Her confidence was killing me. Of course I would have this kind of temptation on my first day as a monogamist.
“She doesn’t have time for it.” A voice behind me said. I chewed inside my mouth to keep me from turning and screaming at its owner.
I felt Chris’ hand on my waist, which cause the girl to raise her perfectly done eyebrows.
“Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t know you
” she hesitated. “You were off the market.”
I had absolutely no idea about what to answer, and my mind was having a lot of trouble to find something to say since it was filled with curses for Christoffer.
“I’m sorry.” The words seemed to be running from me. “He is just a possessive best friend.”
“So, can we have that coffee?” She asked again.
I sighed. “Maybe another time, I am just focusing on school these days. Sorry.”
I did everything in my power not to look at Chris. Knowing him as good as I did, he was probably thinking how fun this situation was.
“Okay.” Julie started to turn red, what made me feel a little bad about myself. I didn’t want to embarrass the girl. I would totally go out with her if it wasn’t for the jackass next to me. “See you around.”
I smiled at her and watched her go away. Chris’ cold fingers were playing with my shirt behind me. I wanted to slap him.
“Seriously, Chris. We literally talked about it two days ago. How can you possibly be on the full boyfriend mode?”
I had to admit I was a little mad, and scared. The only relationship I had was with William so truth being told, my experiences were based on a 13 years-old relationship that went wrong. Chris have dated more girls that I can count but he never lasted with none of them for more than three months. We both sucked at this.
The smirk on his face showed me he focused on the wrong part. “Boyfriend, huh?”
“Christoffer, I am serious!”
At least, he had the decency to look embarrassed.
“Sorry,” he said, still playing with my shirt. “I don’t know how to act around you anymore.”
“Chris.” I said, placing two fingers under his chin so he would face me. I had completely notion that there was a lot of people around, but they were all used to me and Chris looking like a couple. “It’s still us. The only difference is that now, we have a little big secret.”
He took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry.”
I was just too tired to argue about it, so I decided to let it go. 
“I need to go to class. See you later.” I stated, kissing his cheeks and leaving in a hurry.
Now, in front of that giant mirror, I’ve never felt so small. It wasn’t because of Chris, or the fact he doesn’t know how to act around me anymore. But somehow, big changes were happening and I was so scared of them.
I try to focus on myself on the reflection. I had a towel wrapped on my body, but it was like my eyes were a x ray machine, looking for every single little thing I always hated on me. It’s ridiculous how I feel really bad when I saw a girl hating on herself but I don’t know how to do it either. How hypocritical of me.
I didn’t know how much time has passed. I was too busy loathing myself until I jumped when a voice came out of nowhere behind me.
I turned to see Chris next to the door. 
“Your mom let me in.” He justified himself.
I took a deep breath and turn myself to the mirror again, trying to put on my confident mask, but something on the reflection of his face told me he wasn’t buying it.
“Cap...” He hugged me behind, strongly. I leaned into his touch. “Why are you doing this to yourself?”
“Doing what?” My voice sounded weak, and I hated the fact he was seeing this part of me.
“You were looking at the mirror with such hatred eyes, and I can’t understand how.” He kissed my neck. 
When he realized I wasn’t going to say anything, not because I didn’t want to, but because I was scared I would start crying as soon as I opened my mouth, he continued.
“You’re by far the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”
“When we met, I wore braces.” I heard myself saying.
His laugh filled the room, and I felt my body relaxing a little bit.
“Still, only you could look that good wearing braces.” He touched my hand, which was holding the towel. “Drop it.” He whispered.
I closed my eyes and did what he said. It didn’t take much until I felt his fingertips dancing on my naked skin. It was like he wanted to touch every single piece of my body. His hands stopped on my waist.
“You are like a masterpiece.” He said, while giving me gently light kisses on my shoulders.
He slowy turned me to face him. 
“Open your eyes, Cap.” He mumbled.
I did. He was staring at me deeply. There was so much love in his eyes that I started to feel the tears forming. He quickly wiped them away. 
“I don’t need to say the number of girls I have made out with, you know it pretty well. What you don’t know, is that I have never, and by never I mean, NEVER, found one remotely amazing as you are. You can make my darkest days go away just by the fact you are pure light, Cap.” 
He paused so he could breathe, “and your body?” His hands squeezed my waist harder. “This body is just a wonderful shell for your incredible soul. You are not perfect, but nobody is. I am not, and you know it. So accepting your flaws doesn’t make you weak, Cap, makes you human. It can take some time so you can accept them, but I’ll be here through the whole way, to make you love them, as much as I do.” He was looking tenderly into my eyes now, and I couldn’t remember how to breathe.
It hit me. It hit me like a train and I felt like I could break down at any moment. The only response to that was kissing him the most passionate that I could. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso while he pulled me the closer that he could.
He walked me to the bed before placing myself down. He tugged off his shirt, reavealing his toned body before tossing it to the side carelessly. His fingers brushed against my bare thights, leaving an eletrifying lingering on my skin. His touches always set me on fire... Then, he stopped.
I searched for his eyes, looking for an answer.
“I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
I grabbed the belt of his pants and took it off, throwing it aside, with a grin on my face. I kissed his stomach and found my way to his mouth, placing light kisses.  Our eyes met and our heated moment suddenly turned tender, the tension I was feeling was already slowly leaving my body.  
“I’ve never wanted someone so bad as I want you, right now.” As I said the words, I realized they were one hundred percent true.
He gave in. Chris didn’t waste any time and he ducked his head down to suck my nipples, his fingers disappearing into my hair. Pressing my lips together, I managed to strangle a loud moan before it slipped out. I rested my palms on his broad chest, before letting them slip down his chest to the hem of black skinny jeans. He bit me harder, and this time, a moan came out of my throat, and suddenly my boyfriend became whiter than he already was.
“Your mom!” He whispered, in completely despair and suddenly realization. 
“Don’t worry, I already told you, I am a quiet person.” I stated, pulling him closer again, without success.
“You literally just moaned loud.” He stated.
“It won’t happen again.” I kissed my pinky as I was making him a promise, but he wasn’t convinced.
Chris desperately ran his fingers through his steamy hair, gasping for air but failing at the attempt. “What if she opens the door?”
“Are you serious? Have you never had sex with a girl with her parents home?”
He rolled his eyes, a habit he had copied from me. “Of course I did, but I have never had sex with a girl I actually want to be together with her parents downstairs.”
I smiled. “Are you afraid of what my mom would say if she finds out that we are together together?
“I guess it depends of how she will find out. Her daughter screaming wouldn’t be a great way to do this.”
I looked at the ceiling.
“I told you I’m a quiet person.”
“You wouldn’t be with me.”
“Well, we don’t know about that. You know how we can find out? Doing it.”
“Cap...” He dropped himself on my bed, copying my position of stare at the ceilling.
I got up, and locked the door. Before he could protest about it, I sat on his lap, grinding against the thin material of his underwear. My hand trailed down from his stomach to his croach. Slowly, I unbutton his jeans and let them slip down  the fabric beneath my fingers, and tossed them out.
“Let’s see how quiet you can be, Christoffer Schistad.”
I took his length on my hand, and he stopped talking. He was concentrate as much as he could, but something was telling me it wouldn’t last so long. 
I softly ran my warm and wet tongue over the head of his dick and he gasped. I started to lick it, while pumping his shaft along with it. He groaned and slid his finger through my hair. His mouth was gaping wide open and his bottom lip trembling enough for me to notice, it was red of how hard he was bitting it.
I placed a hand on his thigh to keep him steady, my nails going roughly into his skin to relive some of my sexual frustration, so I wouldn’t explode right this second, right before I wrapped my lips around the head and started to suck it. He cursed lowered as I began to put him more in my mouth. 
I pulled him out of my mouth, earning an sigh from him. Before he said anything, I traced his dick with my tongue from the bottom of his shaft to the top, tracing all of his veins. His hands grabbed the sheets so hard and they ended up turning red. 
After a few minutes of a mixture of sucking and pumping, I slid more of him inside of my mouth. I felt the tip touch the back of my throat. 
“Fuck.” He let escape. “Cap, I’m going to...”
I felt his warm liquid inside my mouth. I quickly swallowed it, what made him even more chocked. His breath was uneven, and I had never been so satisfied in my life.
“I...” He started, but he clearly couldn’t focus at anything. 
I leaned in to kiss him. My hands slipped behind his neck and disappeared into his thick, messy hair so I could push his welcoming lips closer to mine. “You’re welcome.”
“It’s your ti-”
“No.” I interrupted him. “Not today. For now, I will just appreciate the fact that I made you melt inside my mouth.”
“I’ll make it up to you at some point.” He said, pulling me closer. There was a giant grin on his face, and I couldn’t help but smile either. 
I rest my head on his chest, and licked my lips, cleaning the remains of him off my face. “Oh sweetie, I’m counting on it.” I said, giggling.
After a few minutes of silence, I got up to find anything to dress. My pink Penetrator hoodie was the first thing I laid my eyes on and I quickly put it on. Chris’ chest was moving fast, although his eyes were shut. His entire body was shaking and his lips quivering more than I had ever seen them do before.
“Chris?” I muttered to make sure he wasn’t sleeping already.
“Hm?” Almost.
“I’m sorry about my confidence issues.” I whispered, while picking up his underwear and throwing it at him.
He put it on with his eyes closed, and I couldn’t hold a smile, thinking of how much practice he must have. “It’s ok, Cap. You can hand all your issues to me, and I’ll continue to love you as usual.”
My heart went from 200 to 0 real quickly when I realized he said the “L” word. He didn’t seem to notice it, or if he did, he was doing an excellent job to keep his calm. His body tensed up a bit, so I guess he was trying to hide it. Little does he know I was trying to do the same. 
Oh. My. God. Christoffer Schistad loves me.
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wavbleu · 4 years ago
Noen eubanks: Friends with a benefit
"I dont know if my mom will let me come over Noen." I say into my phone then plopping onto my cushioned bed, "Just ask, We known each other for years and she even lets me over for dinner, its worth a shot.","And if she says no ill just kidnap you and hold you for ransom."
You chuckle uncomfortably at the very dark joke . you bit your finger nails trying to plan out the conversation ahead of time, what to say, what to do and her likely responses.
I let out a deep sigh before i told him that i was gonna go tell my mom the crazy idea of having a sleepover with a boy, "Bye dork" He'd say before quickly hanging up. I sat my phone down on my dresser and took another long and very deep sigh.
One part of me was like "she will most definitely say no! Are you stupid!" but a very small portion of me was hopeful, i know you may be thinking "Its not that big of a deal" but it actually is, I've been wanting to spend more time with Noen ever since he moved states to go to school, this is the only time he's gonna be in state for the year, this is my only chance to have him in my arms again.
I stayed on my bed, looking up at the rotating ceiling fan, watching it continuously spin counterclockwise, trying to gather the courage to ask my strict catholic over protective mother if i could spend the night at a boys house.
"Hey mom.." Id say walking into my moms very zen bedroom, candles lit and dream catchers hanging. She seemed to be finishing up a prayer.
She got up off her knees, dusting herself off then turned her attention towards me, I felt sick, my throat became lump, my palms grew sweaty and oily, i began fiddling with my fingers in an attempt to calm myself.
I was either gonna be rejected and beat with a wooden spoon or she would empathize and let me go.
Everything i had planned in my head went out the window, it felt like i forgot english.
"Uhh.." I say hesitantly, then muffled "can i go sleep over at Noens house?" My mom squinted her eyes trying to make out what i just said. "What did you say sweetie, stop mumbling."
I then repeated myself in a slightly higher tone "Can i sleepover at Noens house?" , "Sweetie your gonna have to speak up-" cutting her off,  "Can i sleep over at NOENS house."
The room went dead silent, i felt like throwing up, instant regret formed on my face.
well great.
"Sure i dont see why not." She shrugged.
My eyes widened, i was dazed on how she agreed with no strings attached. or so i thought.
"You have to call me every 2 hours, and call me before you go to sleep. Don't sleep in the same bed, doors should remain open, no dirty music no scary movies, you must be a foot apart at all times. No drinking or smoking, no leaving his house"
My mouth hung open at the dumb rules she gave, "Mom, im literally 18 years old." ,"Why are you treating me like a child!", "Its fine you don't have to go." she says leaving the room, heading towards the kitchen, i followed behind her trying to convince her to let me go with less restrictions.
I quickly grabbed her arm making her look at me, I give her a small sob story for some empathy points. "Please mom this is the last time i get to see him for the rest of the year, i want to enjoy this." I bit my lip as the room went silent again, i cross my finger behind my back hopeful.
"Hm..." she sat and thought for a bit, my eyes filled with hope and optimism, "Please say yes" Repeated in my head like a broken tape recorder.
"no." She says opening the fridge nonchalantly.
I pull up to Noen's house and grab my backpack from the backseat, "Remember the rules." My mom announced, i press my lips together to form a smile to show compliance .
I walked to his front door jittery and excited i was finally gonna see him again!... for the last time.
I turned around to see my mom still staring at me.
I knocked 3 times, then waited for the response, Noen's Mom answered the door and her face brightened when she saw me there waiting.
"Your mom actually said yes?, what a shocker." She chuckled, Ms.Eubanks is a teenager stuck in a mom's body, she understands everything I go through because she grew up the same way.
She kinda hated my mom, she always said she was no fun and very boring, but honestly can i argue? She doesn't let me go to any carnivals or theme parks because shes afraid that "Ill catch a demon." on one of the rides.
Ms.Eubanks stuck her head out to say hi to my mom, out of politeness, my mom honked her horn in response, then signaled her to come over, probably to inform her the crazy and controlling rules she set in place.
I walked into there house, its always so clean because Noen and his mom are extreme neat freaks, its so clean you could probably eat off the floor without having anything in your food.
Noen walked out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist, he look startled when he saw me, because he panicked and ran back into the bathroom.
I had sat my bag down besides the door and went inside his room, his room is neat and clean, and its the perfect balance of hot and cold, not too hot to a point where you cant wear a sweater without melting, or to cold making you shiver and throw 10 blankets on to achieve normal body temperature. It was right in the middle.
I laid down on his rather soft bed, beginning to zone out into the ceiling again.
He walked into the room clothed and was blushing lightly, "I didnt know you were gonna come so early.","I cant believe your mom even said yes." He said lying down at the rear end of the bed.
"She gave me so many restrictions." I sighed, realizing i already broke 2 of them.
"What are they?" sitting up onto his knees, i sat up with him.
"We are already breaking a rule." ," I cant be within 1 foot with you or be on the same bed as you." i say looking down, he took two fingers and pushed my chin back up "Its fun to break rules" He would give me cheesy grin.
You stared into each others eyes for few minutes, your cheeks fading into a pale pink. The sexual tension built up like bricks every second you gazed deep into each others eyes. His gaze moved down to your rosy pink lips, to your slim and slender neck, to your narrow shoulders to-
"God your mom is crazy." Noen's mom said opening the door, cutting the silence and the tension, we turned towards her and smiled awkwardly.
"No scary movies? What kinda rule is that." She murmured in complete disgust, "Anyways im going to go run a couple of errands and ill stop for wing-stop and snacks on the way, i didn't have time to prepare since you came earlier than suspected.","No funny business, the condoms are in my drawer" His mom would wink at him then shut the door.
"MOM!" he would say slightly embarrassed.
"Sorry for her" He runs his fingers through his hair, his breath quickening, he's so cute when he's embarrassed.
"I wish my mom was like yours." I spoke joylessly, "I don't even remember the last time my mom actually called me beautiful." I put my head down again trying to cover the wave of tears that was about to come through my eyeballs.
"Well i think your gorgeous" He said with a soft and friendly smile, hesitant, going in for a light and airy kiss, i was confused and uncomfortable at first but then the kiss began to feel passionate and meaningful. My heart would flutter as the kiss continued to become more compelling and heated.
He came in closer carressing my silky hair tugging it backwards, making my head jerk up in response. He went in slight tongue, our tongues danced to a non-existent song before he pulled away to plaster purplish marks down my neck.
His surprisingly strong grip went from my hair down to my soft stomach, to my hips, placing more soft purple marks all of my neck and chest.
The rules my mom set in place were threw out the window and shat on.
I pulled off my shorts sexually and seductively, leaving me in a black thong, he took a quick second to examine my body, which made him really hard.
I began to straddle my self onto him, rubbing my clothed clit over his hard boner, i let out a soft moan as my pussy became impatient and wet. He grabbed onto my full hips as we both moaned in harmony. He slapped my ass supportively then threw his head back in pleasure; before completely flipping us over.
Noens pov:
She towered over me, a sexy stare like that is dangerous game to play, she slid off my shirt and placed love bites on my pale white skin, turning it blue.
I pushed her head down to my boner , that was desperately wanting to be pleased. She looked up at me with those innocent cute eyes and fluttery lashes.
"It hurts.." I complained playfully, then bit my lip as her hand pulled down my boxers, she seemed nervous, i didn't want to pressure her to do something she didn't want to do.
"Hey you don't have to do it if you don't want to." I empathize, "Its fine." She said with a gulp.
She pulled out my cock, beginning  to slowly stroking it. She had to use two hands because one hand wouldn't fit around it.
i moaned in pleasure as she sucked on my sensitive tip, and stroked the rest my of my dick, Her mouth was to tiny to fit any more.
Every time she attempted to go deeper she would spit up more saliva and gag, tears formed in her eyes and her mascara was messed up and drippy.
She sucked, licked and flicked my dick, considering her being half a virgin shes really good at handling dick.
"sit on it." I erotically say before she took orders , sliding herself on me, she let out a long and soft moan.
She whimpered as she rode up and down onto my dick, "Your to- big" She would complain, "Shut up and take it." Id reply to her whiny self.
"Im gonna go faster, alright ?" I tell her, she nodded in agreement.  i slapped her ass cheeks leaving a bright red hand print then gripped a large chunk.
I started pounding into tight pussy, making her cheeks clap in response, Her slutty screams filled the room, her big titties bounced on my face.
My dick went in-and-out of her at a very speedy  pace, her pussy gripped so tightly around my dick which was beyond pleasurable. I let out rough and sexual moans as i felt myself come closer to my finishing point, "Im gonna cum!" She yelled repeatedly, "Say your a dirty little slut and ill let you finish." I tease, i watched her face go red from embarrassment.
"Say it." I say aggressively, slapping her ass cheek again.
"Im a dirty little slut." She whimpered.
"Fuck yea you are," I repeat over again before i bust deeply inside of her releasing all of my warm liquid into the slut, her legs began to tremble and shake as she hit her finishing point a little to hard.
"Shhh.. calm down." I say comforting her running my fingers through her hair, she let out little breaths and laid her self down on my chest, i kissed her forehead gently to let her know its all over.
"I love you." i quietly whisper into her hair as she she drifted off to sleep.
should i write more long chapters or stick to the short ones.. or should i do both?
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dez-da-narusasu-addict · 7 years ago
A/N: My first Astro fic! Ugh what door have I just opened for myself. I hope to try writing more oneshots to get back into the habit of writing. Kinda debating making a part two of this for the “party” they mention. Anyways as always this is fiction and should not be reflected on the boys in any way. Hope you enjoy! 
I"I swear to god Bin if you try to steal Sanha’s candy one more time I will turn this car around and drop you off at home!“
“But Jinwoo-hyung I’m the joker.  I’m supposed to be his enemy. I’m just playing my role by stealing his candy.” Moonbin made another move to lean across Dongmin and steal candy out of Sanha’s pumpkin bucket, causing the younger to let out high pitched screams. Jinwoo was really about to turn around before Dongmin managed to get Bin to stop. Right in time too, as Minhyuk had been prepared to launch himself across the seat to protect Sanha’s treasured sweets.  
Jinwoo let out a sigh of frustration. The youngest four were all currently seated in the back of his car and they had not been able to go even ten minutes before someone started screaming. They were all college students so they really should be able to behave themselves, but they had all been friends for years so Jinwoo knew not to expect much.
I mean look at them, they were a bunch of college kids out trick-or-treating!
The fact that they were all practically on each other’s lap back there may also have had something to do with the amount of arguing.  
Myungjun gently patted Jinwoo’s thigh as some form of consolation, barely even able to attempt speaking before more arguing could be heard from Bin and Minhyuk. The two complaining that they were being pushed up against the car doors.  
“Yah! Stop complaining! We are supposed to be having fun!” Myungjun yelled as he turned around in his seat.
“Tell Dongmin to move his big butt over!” Minhyuk retaliated.
“Hey! It’s not that big
“Yes it is.” Bin said matter-of-factly.  
Dongmin hid his face in his hands in a poor attempt to hide his blush. Meanwhile Sanha stared at his lap, thinking the situation over.
.maybe we should just go home.” Sanha mumbled as he made eye contact with Jinwoo in the rearview mirror.  
Myungjun turned back around in his seat and looked at Jinwoo expectantly, awaiting his decision. The only reason they were even out here was for Sanha. Well, for Minhyuk too, but mostly Sanha. The two had expressed sadness over not being able to do anything for Halloween with their families together like they used too. It was their first year of college, the other four having entered college earlier. All of them were too far from home for a quick visit, and the holiday had fallen on a weekday this year anyway. Myungjun had decided last minute that they should all paint their faces and head out into the small town to celebrate Halloween ‘correctly’. It was a bit weird, but it was worth it to see how happy it made the maknaes, though Minhyuk would never admit it aloud. He didn’t need to anyways, his reserved nature melting away in favor of acting like the big dork they all knew he truly was.  
The locals had initially seemed a bit put off in seeing two adult men walking up to their homes along with the children to beg for candy, but after seeing how absolutely excited they looked they couldn’t help but give them at least something. The eldest four simply watched them from the sidewalk, standing among the parents. They weren’t in it for the candy, well Bin had wanted to but he was denied seeing as how he had already purchased several bags of candy for himself earlier that day.  
They were doing this for their friends. The two youngest were still trying to get used to being away from home. They had seemed so gloomy a mere two hours ago when they were all in Jinwoo and Myunjun’s shared apartment watching scary movies. They hadn’t seemed this excited all semester.  
So no. Jinwoo was not about to take them back to their apartment complex.  
“No Sanha, we’re already out here. And Myungjun-hyung already painted our faces, so let’s just head over to the next part of town and keep tick-or-treating, okay?”
” The response was quiet, but the smile was evident in Sanha’s voice and that made it worth it to Jinwoo. Everyone was quiet after that, trying to keep the mood light.
“Well,” Minhyuk began, “Hyung actually forgot to paint his face. He just looks like his normal self.”  
“Listen here you brat, I’ll let you get away with that because in insinuates that I’m funny since I’m a clown.” Myungjun huffed from his seat, but it was obvious the joke was meant to be lighthearted.  
“Why are we all something scary-ish besides Jinwoo-hyung?” Dongmin asked, ever observant.  
“Because he is pure unlike the rest of you little shits.” Myungjun retorted while patting Jinwoo’s head like the puppy he currently was. “I made you into a makeshift Jigsaw because you’re really manipulative and cunning when you want to be and it’s honestly scary.” The statement earned him a glare but everyone else still agreed.  
The rest of the night thankfully held much less bickering and much more happiness. Well, except when Minhyuk would accidentally scare the small children because of his skull painted face. Both he and Sanha actually managed to get their buckets filled with candy, and Bin actually left them alone after Dongmin promised to buy him a bag of candy tomorrow on clearance. It was still early but it was clear they were getting tired from walking around several neighborhoods. So they headed back to their apartment complex to continue their scary movie marathon. This time Dongmin sat in bin’s lap in the back seat, “Since my butt is apparently too big.” He claimed. Sanha joked the same option to Minhyuk, since his own tall stature would lead him to be crushed against the hood of the car much like Dongmin currently was (though he definitely didn’t seem to be complaining), and was surprised when Minhyuk actually did move to sit on him. Turned out it was mostly to crush Sanha under his weight. Dancing constantly leads to some pretty heavy muscles. Myungjun still turned around in his seat once again to tell them all to keep it PG. Their responses were to all yell different iterations of how it wasn’t anything like that followed by very unconvinced utterances from him and Jinwoo.  
They didn’t even get through one whole movie back at the apartment. Jinwoo and Myungun having fallen alseep leaning on each other about thirty minutes into it. Dongmin and Bin weren’t far behind, though Dongmin fell asleep curled in Bin’s lap, Dongmin claiming his butt was too big to share on the couch now too apparently. No one mentioned how the couch had easily fit all four of them before. Sanha and Minhyuk were seated on the floor, eating and trading their candies. Minhyuk turned around to make sure the others were all still sleeping before speaking.
“I can’t believe they did that for us.” He whispered as he leaned in towards the other.
“I know! The plan was to get them to buy us candy and maybe go to a university event or something. Our hyungs love us so much! I kinda feel bad for tricking them now
” Sanha mumbled before stuffing another chocolate into his mouth. He promised Dongmin he wouldn’t eat too many, but it was easier to get away with it now that he was sleeping.  
“First off, it was your idea–”
“But you–”
“Shhhhh! You’re going to wake them up! And second, we didn’t lie. We just
fluffed up the truth. It was really nice that we all went trick-or-treating like we used to years ago.” Minhyuk admitted, not looking the other in the eye.  
“Aw hyung!” Sanha giggled.
“Shut up! Not a word to the others or I’ll tell them about that stunt you pulled in the car. Myungjun might think Dongmin is the manipulative one, but I know better. Your innocence doesn’t fool me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure Sanha. Sure.”  
When the movie ended Minhyuk went about making sure everyone woke up and went to their respective beds. They still had classes tomorrow so everyone needed their rest. They didn’t have to go very far, they all lived on the same floor of the complex. Dongmin, though barely awake, still managed to scold Sanha for eating too much candy and made sure to remind him to brush his teeth. Sanha merely reminded him that he was an adultℱ. He still had to be reminded to do so later by Minhyuk.
As they walked down the hall to their own apartment Sanha suddenly had an interesting thought. “Hyung, do you believe in soulmates?”
Minhyuk would deny even years later that he choked on his own spit at that very moment. “W-wha? I mean why are you asking?”
“I just mean
like soul mates, but for friends? Friend soul mates!”
“Ah, that sounds dumb doesn’t it? Sorry.”
“No! It doesn’t sound dumb. I’m just not sure where you’re going with this.”
“We’ve just all been through a lot, and really care about one another and wow this is getting weirdly sentimental. I just feel like I see everyone else change friends a lot through the years, but we always managed to stick together! I like that.” Sanha continued before unlocking the front door.  
“What about romantic soulmates?” Minhyuk hadn’t really meant to voice the question, it was an inner thought that had slipped out. Thankfully Sanha didn’t seem put off, or surprised, by the question.
“I think people can be romantic and friend soulmates at the same time! Who says there are rules anyways?” The two boys smiled at each other before moving into their apartment to go about their nightly routines.
New message in groupchat: “The one without the children”
MJ: I told you guys they were lying!
Eunwoo: I’m the one that said that
Moonbin: But did you hear what they were saying in the hall?! We’re soulmates guys

Eunwoo: Binnie are you crying?

Moonbin: yes
Jinjin: It’s ok MJ is crying too
Jinjin: Shut up and come to bed
Moonbin: Dat’s gay
Jinjin: Bruh we’re all gay.  
Moonbin: SinCE WHEN?!
MJ: So are any of you saying that you’re not gay?  
Moonbin: *raises hand*
Eunwoo: WHAT
Moonbin: I’m bi
MJ: Ohhhh! Guys we should have one big coming out party for just ourselves!
Jinjin: No.  
MJ: 🙁
Eunwoo: We don’t even know if the other two are gay!
MJ: You’re joking right?
Eunwoo: Obviously.  
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pink-ink-goblin · 7 years ago
Darkmark or darkstache: "um... What did two lines mean again?"
((Double sorry mysterious being. One for taking so long to get to this. And two, for making you wait forever for me to essentially tell you no. I don’t do male pregnancy fics. At least, not with the ending you’re probably thinking of. No judgement from me on your proclivities, it’s just not something I like writing. That said, how about a disorganized, light series of probably completely unfunny events instead?))  
It had been a quiet day for the most part. No one was fighting, no one had died, and Dark hadn’t found a single squirrel darting around. It was a strange but very welcome sort of peace, so the demon took advantage of it by making himself scarce so he could not only enjoy it, but concentrate on the various more corporate aspects of maintaining a building full of unpredictable, and infinitely frustrating, beings as well. It was more than just watching over them after all. They did not reside there for free and silence was not a cheap item to buy, regardless of how much smooth talking there had been.
But that was honestly the easy part. The rest of the neatly stacked papers, however, were written requests from the more active egos submitted via form because Dark was done dealing with their whining face to face. The one in front of him currently was from their resident game show host, and Bim was requesting permission to expand the studio. He must be at odds with Wilford again if he was beseeching Dark about it.
However, despite enjoying the silence, he couldn’t ignore the strange fact that his main interruption had been absent all day, making the silence take on a more suspicious air, but Dark wasn’t concerned enough to go look for him and ruin his potentially quiet afternoon. Nothing was broken, nothing was flickering in and out of existence, and no one was screaming, so if it didn’t warrant world ending interventions, then he was happy to step back and let be.
True to form, however, his blissful solitude wasn’t meant to last long, and, with the sound of a bubblegum pop, Wilford was in front of his desk, fingers already reaching out to fiddle with his pen stand as he often did when he needed to ask something. It was less a nervous habit and more a plain annoying one, but one that Dark had grown used to so long ago.
“Yes, Wilford?” Dark droned, not even bothering to look up. What were the legal repercussions of letting Host run his own Podcast? As long as it couldn’t be traced, then he could have at it. Approved.
” Wilford hesitated, seeming to be trying to find the proper words for his question oddly enough, before settling, as he usually did, upon being blunt. “What did two lines mean again?”
Dark’s pen paused in his writing, considering the confusing nature of the words presented to him. He was more than certain Wilford was looking at him expectantly, the sentence of course making sense to the being but not quite registering that they may be puzzlingly vague to someone else. In the small stretch of silence, the pastel-themed being’s deft fingers had left the pen stand and were already reaching for his magnetic container of paperclips, but Dark reached over and snatched it away, still without looking up.
“That’s a very broad question,” The demon finally replied patiently, flipping a paper over and placing it neatly into another pile. “Why not ask Google? He’d be happy to list every single instance of significance that two lines can have in this dimension.”
“Because,” Wilford retorted somewhat petulantly, mostly at being denied optimum stimming material, before tossing something skinny and cream colored onto Dark’s desk that bounced to a stop right on top of his paperwork. “I’m asking you.”
It took longer than the demon would care to admit to recognize not just the stick, but the minimal information Wilford had provided with it, and when it clicked, it made him finally sit up in confusion.
“I can’t remember what the box said,” Wilford admitted, oblivious to Dark’s reaction. The pink ego had a habit of doing the same thing when he cooked, but instead of fishing the box out of the garbage with an air of defeat like a sane being, he would continue on stubbornly and then grumpily whine to Dark when everything went wrong. “Something about one line or two meaning something or other.”
“Wilford,” Dark said slowly, refusing to touch the offending thing with an air of disgust. “This is a pregnancy test.”
“So?” Wilford cocked an eyebrow at him, but Dark could see the man didn’t understand what Dark was implying. He couldn’t possibly actually be this oblivious.
“So you’re a male. Males don’t get pregnant. And, considering you are not a sea horse, I doubt you have anything to worry about. Once again, I implore you to ask Google for clarification. And also get this off my desk.”
“But what do the two lines mean?”
“Two lines usually means-” Positive
 Wait, what? “Wilford, did you use this?”
“A week ago. I forgot about it.” It took an incredible amount of willpower to keep Dark seated after that statement. Had Wilford just been sitting on that information for a week, or had he only just checked it now and thought to ask? Dark supposed it didn’t matter at this point, but it didn’t necessarily stop him from being not only irate, but also deeply concerned.
“And there’s no chance anyone else could have gotten a hold of it?”
“No, it was in my pen cup,” And with that, Dark made note to never touch anything on Wilford’s desk ever again. “Dark, what does it mean?”
Dark sighed heavily, fingers pressing into his temples as he prayed for patience. “
 It means we need to have a chat with our good doctor.”
It was only natural that their resident doctor’s immediate reaction was to laugh. It was a short bark because the man valued his life, but it was still enough to have Dark only just resisting the urge to throttle him. The demon supposed that if their roles had been reversed, maybe he might have found humor in it as well, but as it stood, he was much too irate to consider it from any side other than his own, and he didn’t even want that perspective either.
They stood now near the door, Dark with his hands behind his back, trying to pretend nothing was wrong with anything he had just said, while the doctor stood across from him, hiding his smile rather poorly as he leaned a hip against the nearest hospital bed with his arms crossed. Wilford, naturally, had become quickly disinterested and wandered off in the moderate space allowed because he was no longer being directly referred to.
“Okay, disregarding Wilford,” The doctor started quietly, the last of the humor finally working its way out of his system. At least for now. “Surely at least you know how this is all physically impossible?”
Dark gave him a flat look. “Why do you think I came to you?”
“Wait, so you don’t know?” Dr. Iplier’s face fell at the prospect of having to give ‘the talk’ to the last two beings he would ever have expected to give it to.  
“Of course I know how it all works,” Dark hissed dangerously, something bleeding out into his voice to distort it in his sudden offence, before he took a calming breath and composed himself once more. “That’s the problem. It’s a logical fallacy with a single point of truth.”
Despite the outburst, Dr. Iplier took a rather relieved breath. Thank God. “Well, yeah, it is, but there are too many issues with the theory of ectopic male pregnancy for me to even begin to take that single truth with any modicum of seriousness. It’s just not possible.”
“I understand that,” Dark humored. “Believe me I do, but why then was the test positive?”
The doctor shrugged. “Faulty maybe? They aren’t really an exact science, especially in a commercial setting. Or, you know, there have been cases where males have jokingly used them only to receive a true positive due to having prostate cancer. But I can almost guarantee you that Wilford doesn’t fall under the standard definition of human male even remotely enough for that to be a possibility.” Dr. Iplier paused to sigh before relenting, “Honestly, maybe he is actually pregnant. Who knows what the hell Wilford actually could be.”
“I’ve known him long enough that I can assure you that Wilford is more or less designed like a male human, proclivities included,” Dark vouched, turning to watch distastefully as Wilford raided the doctor’s lolli cup. Dr. Iplier made a subtle face through his own side glance but otherwise let him go at it. This had come to be expected every time the being came in anyway. “That should mean he has no organs to accompany such a thing.”
Dr. Iplier wisely chose to ignore the idea of how Dark could even begin to know that. “And I would be inclined to absolutely agree with you, but with you extra-dimensionals, I’ve seen a lot of weird crap that throws normal right out the window. Have you tried making him take one again?”
“No,” Dark admitted, mood growing more sour by the second. “Because I know for a fact that he’s incapable
 Maybe.” Dark rubbed at his face wearily. “Don’t you have a test of your own you could use? Perhaps take some blood?”
“I’ve plenty of cups he can pee in, but not a single machine or any chemical strips to test it with. That’s not my field.”
“You have lab equipment in the back room,” Dark stated, gesturing to the lone door next to the doctor’s corner desk. He even remembered helping Dr. Iplier acquire most of what was in there even if he wasn’t sure what half of it did.
“Yes, for trauma. I treat anything from superficial injuries to life threatening wounds, not deliver babies and happy news.” The doctor replied with equal flatness. “With maybe a minor degree in pathology. Go find an OB-GYN if you’re that insistent.”
Dark was tempted to remind the doctor of his revoked license purely out of spite. “Very well. Could you at least look at the brand and tell me if it’s trustworthy?”
Dr. Iplier shrugged again, looking like he wanted to reiterate what he had just said, but instead settled on a simple, “I can do my best.”
“Wilford, come here,” Dark commanded. Wilford looked up from the mess he had made on Dr. Iplier’s desk - some kind of paper fort built of pens and paperclips that had no business being able to maintain structural integrity given the current physical plane they were on - and wandered over obediently, two suckers in his mouth, three in his shirt pocket, and, when he got close enough, one held out to Dark jovially. Dark plucked it from his fingers and placed it in his own breast pocket to later add to his collection of stolen lollipops in his desk drawer. “Give the Doctor the stick.”
Wilford fished it out of God knew where and handed it over, mouth too preoccupied with the sugary treats to speak. Dr. Iplier took it without the air of disgust Dark had given and, after a good moment of scrutinizing, an inappropriately humorous smile began to spread across his face.
“What?” Dark asked suspiciously.
“This brand’s pretty trustworthy.”
Dark’s eyes went wide with sudden concern, voice almost cracking from the sudden tightness in his throat. “Jesus Christ, you’re joking.”
“Not a bit,” The doctor responded cheerily as he was want to do when delivering bad news. “But, see this?”
“Yes, that’s the second line.” Dark confirmed, unsure what he was getting at. The whole thing was a little faded, given Wilford had left it alone, but
 Wait. “Why isn’t it the same color as the first one?”
“Exactly. The color’s off because
 it was originally negative. This is what happens when you let them sit out too long after using them. They give a false positive. Also why you should probably follow the directions on the box.” Dr. Iplier quipped in quick tones, turning to toss the stick into a nearby trashcan. “Tough luck. Looks like you’re both doomed to a childless future.”
Dark could feel it on his tongue, the expletive that wanted to explode out of him and eviscerate Wilford where he merrily stood, but he reigned it in with a slow deep breath, swallowing a good portion of his irritation in the process. He should honestly feel relieved, so that’s what he decided to cling to. After all, this was probably the most harmless thing Wilford’s carelessness had ever done, emotional wear aside, and considering past exploits, Dark should be counting his lucky stars that Wilford hadn’t had to have come into the clinic with anyone else.
Maybe the man was sterile. Dark could really only hope. A quiet cough brought Dark back to earth and face to face with the rather mischievous smile of the doctor with something else on his mind.
“What?” Dark humored tonelessly.
“At the risk of being eviscerated,” Dr. Iplier said slowly, taking a few steps back to ensure he was outside of Dark’s immediate reach. “You two make a horrifying and cute couple.”
 Run. Now,” Dark watched the doctor flee from his clinic, coat flapping behind him while the threat did nothing to remove that smug grin from his face. He’d be back later when he was sure both of them were gone from his clinic. Dark also knew he wouldn’t have to worry about the doctor sharing this either, for if there was one thing the man wasn’t was a gossip, but all the same it still wore on him greatly that someone else knew of this draining experience. What an afternoon.
A hand fell on his shoulder, warm and heavy despite his aura and he looked over his shoulder to see the source of many of his daily irritations smiling at him, having finished the two suckers, but not yet spitting out the sticks. Dark sighed, about ready to ask why Wilford had even thought to buy one of those damn pregnancy tests in the first place, when, mid-turn, his elbow bumped something that made him freeze. Something very round and yellow.
And distinctly attached to Wilford’s abdomen.
Dark jumped back like a scared cat, thrusting himself out of Wilford’s grip and stumbling back in absolute shock and horror. He was about ready to freeze up or bolt when Wilford started laughing. The sudden flip to confusion was enough to ground the demon and make him pause to take a closer look, now realizing he could see something white and cloth-like poking out from between Wilford’s shirt buttons.
“Gotcha,” Wilford chuckled, patting the top of his faux-stomach hard enough to elicit dull, rustling cloth sounding thumps.
“Get that out of your shirt,” Dark demanded sourly, giving Wilford the harshest of looks while the being pulled the bed sheet out and unceremoniously threw the rumpled ball onto the nearest bed. He turned away and started walking out, Wilford trotting to catch up unprompted as Dark always expected him to. “What possessed you to buy one of those damn things anyway? Was this some kind of test?”
“I dunno, did I pass?” Wilford answered cryptically, and when Dark went to give him another beseeching look, he was met with Wilford grinning at him, lolli sticks stuck in his upper lip to look like tusks. Whether the effect was intentional or not, Dark suddenly found his mouth unwittingly pulling at the corners despite it all. A laugh, small and quiet as it was, even managed to sneak its way past his lips.
It was official. The ridiculousness of everything had finally hit him. He couldn’t even be mad anymore, so he just accepted that he would probably never know. Wilford was an enigma, even to himself, so it was always better to just let it go.
Dark reached out and looped his arm into Wilford’s as they made their way to the elevator, the pink ego’s grin turning smug with victory as they locked elbows.
“You know what?” Dark said, pressing the button for the top floor. He looked at the being, tilting his head as his own smile turned amused. “Why not?”
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