#chris schistad smut imagine
elosnotebook · 7 years
Imagine being the first and only girl in the Penetrator Russ bus. Author’s note: GUESS WHO! HAHAHA so i know y’all have been hella patient with me and this fucking story, so i decided to take my saturday to try to write about it. i have read that like 648 times and every time i found a new error and i am pretty sure that if i read it again i’ll find more so please just ignore them and enjoy the part 8. WARNING THERE’S SMUT AND FLUFF and i have NEVER written about smut before, i felt like i was sinning the whole fucking time so give me a break, i’ll get better with time. also don’t ask me about part 9 because it’ll take time since i’ll be able to focus on my stories only in december. but honesly, you guys are the best and thanks for understand. love y’all (btw feedback is great so i can be sure you guys don’t hate me hahahah)
Part 1. Part 7.
Part 9.
Masterlist ❁
I couldn’t stop looking myself at the mirror. I knew how confident I must look for everyone but honestly? There was those days where I just... Wasn’t. I just had left the shower when Chris called me saying he wanted to talk. Our first day together in school wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. At all.
It can’t be this hard.
I remember telling Chris in the shower, two days ago. I should’ve known by now that nothing is actually easy when that boy is involved, especially hiding something so big as a - honestly, I had no idea how to call whatever Chris and I were.
It was Monday afternoon, and Chris managed to almost ruin everything twice. I knew him way too well to be assure that every time he got nervous about something, he became completely stupid about it.
After the amazing breakfast he made me on Saturday, I went home to process everything that was happening, and by these days, I still can’t tell what the hell happened. We texted the whole Sunday, creating plans to escape the classes - his idea -, and thinking about spots that would fit for a hot and discreet make out sessions on breaks - this one was totally me.
So, after a whole day of plans to get this right, I wouldn’t expect to be so hard for him to actually do it, what he proved me wrong on Monday morning while having breakfast with our Russ crew.
I was sitting between Julian and Henrik, laughing about some crazy shit they did on Chris’ party. All the boys were being extremely and out of normal polite and soon I realized it was because of the Theo situation. They didn’t bring it up but all it took was a look around to see how dying they were to know my side of the story. William told me Theo had to study for his upcoming tests but both of us knew it was an excuse for him not to face me.
I lost the track of my thoughts when my secret sat in front of us. His alarm didn’t ring and by his face I could see how annoyed he was because of it.
“I thought I was late,” he sighed. I pressed my lips into a thin line as a way to repress a smile. His hair was messier than usual and his shirt was inside out.
“Schistad, you look like shit.” Julian stated, analyzing the boy in front of him.
“And yet, he is still looking better than you. How is that possible?” I joked, earning a nasty glance from Julian.
“Thanks, babe.” Chris said, laying his head on the table.
My reaction was fast. I cringed to the nickname, not only because it was being told in front of other Penetrators but also because I couldn’t understand how fast he decided to call me that. Plus, I wasn’t a ‘babe’ kind of girl. Definitely not.
Julian and Henrik was staring at me with their brows knitted. I had every kind of nickname since I got in the bus. They always loved to make fun of the boys I hooked up with and they basically named me after a particular boy every week. But they never go to the cute level, when they want to be fluffy, the most they have ever done is to call me Cap. Babe, princess, sweetheart was completely out of the table, and honestly I couldn’t care less.
“Ew. Please, don’t babe me.” I told him, trying to sound the most disgusted I could. Frankly, it wasn’t hard at all.
Chris sat straight quickly, as a suddenly realization of what he did. He was the opposite of discreet, I thought, while fighting against the urge to slap him. Sadly, I couldn’t hold a deep sigh.
“Sorry, it’s just…” he paused. Oh my God, he was so bad at improvising, I swear. “My alarm didn’t work. I’m tired.”
I looked away from him, as I was searching for someone in the crowd of students. Honestly, I was just finding my strength not to scream at him.
“Fine.” Julian said, while standing up. “I need to go to the library, I’ll see you guys later.” He leaned in to kiss my cheeks. “Bye babe.” He left.
“Oh no, you little piece of shit, you didn’t-” I turned to yell at him, but it was too late. He was nowhere to be seen.
I turned back to Chris, giving him a distasteful look. He raised his both hands in the air and mouthed a ‘I am sorry’. There was still boys in the table, so I let the subject go for now.
“I need to go to my locker. I’ll meet you in class.” I told Chris.
“I can go with you.” He rushed to grab all his things, but he forgot to zip his bag, which cause everything to fall on the ground.
I turned around the table and kissed his forehead.
“I’ll meet you in class.” I repeated, earning a not satisfied groan from him.
I blew a kiss for the rest of the table, but the boys wasn’t paying attention at me. There was a new girl in the school and they couldn’t stop arguing about who she would choose of them.
I walked straight for my locker, stopping in front of it. Even thought I put my password three times, it didn’t open. I was just giving up when the new girl came and stood by my side.
She was definitely an eyecandy, I couldn’t deny it. Her skin was like cinnamon and it also was glowing. I tried to lock my eyes into hers so I wouldn’t stare at her glorious curves.
“Can I help you?” I asked her, sounding way more polite than I normally would.
“Hi, my name is Julie. I’m new here,” she smiled, while resting her body to the lockers. She started to twist her hair on her fingers, a gesture I knew way too well, since I’m used to do it everytime I was preparing myself to make a move on someone, but that girl wasn’t there to flirt with me… Or was she?
“Welcome Julie. How these people are treating you so far?” I turned again to my locker, trying to open it one more time. Luckily, it opened.
“Very well. I heard everything about you and the Penetrators.”
“I don’t think so,” I smiled at her. “It’d take a lot more than a morning to hear everything about us.”
“So, why don’t you tell me over a coffee?” Her confidence was killing me. Of course I would have this kind of temptation on my first day as a monogamist.
“She doesn’t have time for it.” A voice behind me said. I chewed inside my mouth to keep me from turning and screaming at its owner.
I felt Chris’ hand on my waist, which cause the girl to raise her perfectly done eyebrows.
“Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t know you…” she hesitated. “You were off the market.”
I had absolutely no idea about what to answer, and my mind was having a lot of trouble to find something to say since it was filled with curses for Christoffer.
“I’m sorry.” The words seemed to be running from me. “He is just a possessive best friend.”
“So, can we have that coffee?” She asked again.
I sighed. “Maybe another time, I am just focusing on school these days. Sorry.”
I did everything in my power not to look at Chris. Knowing him as good as I did, he was probably thinking how fun this situation was.
“Okay.” Julie started to turn red, what made me feel a little bad about myself. I didn’t want to embarrass the girl. I would totally go out with her if it wasn’t for the jackass next to me. “See you around.”
I smiled at her and watched her go away. Chris’ cold fingers were playing with my shirt behind me. I wanted to slap him.
“Seriously, Chris. We literally talked about it two days ago. How can you possibly be on the full boyfriend mode?”
I had to admit I was a little mad, and scared. The only relationship I had was with William so truth being told, my experiences were based on a 13 years-old relationship that went wrong. Chris have dated more girls that I can count but he never lasted with none of them for more than three months. We both sucked at this.
The smirk on his face showed me he focused on the wrong part. “Boyfriend, huh?”
“Christoffer, I am serious!”
At least, he had the decency to look embarrassed.
“Sorry,” he said, still playing with my shirt. “I don’t know how to act around you anymore.”
“Chris.” I said, placing two fingers under his chin so he would face me. I had completely notion that there was a lot of people around, but they were all used to me and Chris looking like a couple. “It’s still us. The only difference is that now, we have a little big secret.”
He took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry.”
I was just too tired to argue about it, so I decided to let it go. 
“I need to go to class. See you later.” I stated, kissing his cheeks and leaving in a hurry.
Now, in front of that giant mirror, I’ve never felt so small. It wasn’t because of Chris, or the fact he doesn’t know how to act around me anymore. But somehow, big changes were happening and I was so scared of them.
I try to focus on myself on the reflection. I had a towel wrapped on my body, but it was like my eyes were a x ray machine, looking for every single little thing I always hated on me. It’s ridiculous how I feel really bad when I saw a girl hating on herself but I don’t know how to do it either. How hypocritical of me.
I didn’t know how much time has passed. I was too busy loathing myself until I jumped when a voice came out of nowhere behind me.
I turned to see Chris next to the door. 
“Your mom let me in.” He justified himself.
I took a deep breath and turn myself to the mirror again, trying to put on my confident mask, but something on the reflection of his face told me he wasn’t buying it.
“Cap...” He hugged me behind, strongly. I leaned into his touch. “Why are you doing this to yourself?”
“Doing what?” My voice sounded weak, and I hated the fact he was seeing this part of me.
“You were looking at the mirror with such hatred eyes, and I can’t understand how.” He kissed my neck. 
When he realized I wasn’t going to say anything, not because I didn’t want to, but because I was scared I would start crying as soon as I opened my mouth, he continued.
“You’re by far the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”
“When we met, I wore braces.” I heard myself saying.
His laugh filled the room, and I felt my body relaxing a little bit.
“Still, only you could look that good wearing braces.” He touched my hand, which was holding the towel. “Drop it.” He whispered.
I closed my eyes and did what he said. It didn’t take much until I felt his fingertips dancing on my naked skin. It was like he wanted to touch every single piece of my body. His hands stopped on my waist.
“You are like a masterpiece.” He said, while giving me gently light kisses on my shoulders.
He slowy turned me to face him. 
“Open your eyes, Cap.” He mumbled.
I did. He was staring at me deeply. There was so much love in his eyes that I started to feel the tears forming. He quickly wiped them away. 
“I don’t need to say the number of girls I have made out with, you know it pretty well. What you don’t know, is that I have never, and by never I mean, NEVER, found one remotely amazing as you are. You can make my darkest days go away just by the fact you are pure light, Cap.” 
He paused so he could breathe, “and your body?” His hands squeezed my waist harder. “This body is just a wonderful shell for your incredible soul. You are not perfect, but nobody is. I am not, and you know it. So accepting your flaws doesn’t make you weak, Cap, makes you human. It can take some time so you can accept them, but I’ll be here through the whole way, to make you love them, as much as I do.” He was looking tenderly into my eyes now, and I couldn’t remember how to breathe.
It hit me. It hit me like a train and I felt like I could break down at any moment. The only response to that was kissing him the most passionate that I could. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso while he pulled me the closer that he could.
He walked me to the bed before placing myself down. He tugged off his shirt, reavealing his toned body before tossing it to the side carelessly. His fingers brushed against my bare thights, leaving an eletrifying lingering on my skin. His touches always set me on fire... Then, he stopped.
I searched for his eyes, looking for an answer.
“I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
I grabbed the belt of his pants and took it off, throwing it aside, with a grin on my face. I kissed his stomach and found my way to his mouth, placing light kisses.  Our eyes met and our heated moment suddenly turned tender, the tension I was feeling was already slowly leaving my body.  
“I’ve never wanted someone so bad as I want you, right now.” As I said the words, I realized they were one hundred percent true.
He gave in. Chris didn’t waste any time and he ducked his head down to suck my nipples, his fingers disappearing into my hair. Pressing my lips together, I managed to strangle a loud moan before it slipped out. I rested my palms on his broad chest, before letting them slip down his chest to the hem of black skinny jeans. He bit me harder, and this time, a moan came out of my throat, and suddenly my boyfriend became whiter than he already was.
“Your mom!” He whispered, in completely despair and suddenly realization. 
“Don’t worry, I already told you, I am a quiet person.” I stated, pulling him closer again, without success.
“You literally just moaned loud.” He stated.
“It won’t happen again.” I kissed my pinky as I was making him a promise, but he wasn’t convinced.
Chris desperately ran his fingers through his steamy hair, gasping for air but failing at the attempt. “What if she opens the door?”
“Are you serious? Have you never had sex with a girl with her parents home?”
He rolled his eyes, a habit he had copied from me. “Of course I did, but I have never had sex with a girl I actually want to be together with her parents downstairs.”
I smiled. “Are you afraid of what my mom would say if she finds out that we are together together?
“I guess it depends of how she will find out. Her daughter screaming wouldn’t be a great way to do this.”
I looked at the ceiling.
“I told you I’m a quiet person.”
“You wouldn’t be with me.”
“Well, we don’t know about that. You know how we can find out? Doing it.”
“Cap...” He dropped himself on my bed, copying my position of stare at the ceilling.
I got up, and locked the door. Before he could protest about it, I sat on his lap, grinding against the thin material of his underwear. My hand trailed down from his stomach to his croach. Slowly, I unbutton his jeans and let them slip down  the fabric beneath my fingers, and tossed them out.
“Let’s see how quiet you can be, Christoffer Schistad.”
I took his length on my hand, and he stopped talking. He was concentrate as much as he could, but something was telling me it wouldn’t last so long. 
I softly ran my warm and wet tongue over the head of his dick and he gasped. I started to lick it, while pumping his shaft along with it. He groaned and slid his finger through my hair. His mouth was gaping wide open and his bottom lip trembling enough for me to notice, it was red of how hard he was bitting it.
I placed a hand on his thigh to keep him steady, my nails going roughly into his skin to relive some of my sexual frustration, so I wouldn’t explode right this second, right before I wrapped my lips around the head and started to suck it. He cursed lowered as I began to put him more in my mouth. 
I pulled him out of my mouth, earning an sigh from him. Before he said anything, I traced his dick with my tongue from the bottom of his shaft to the top, tracing all of his veins. His hands grabbed the sheets so hard and they ended up turning red. 
After a few minutes of a mixture of sucking and pumping, I slid more of him inside of my mouth. I felt the tip touch the back of my throat. 
“Fuck.” He let escape. “Cap, I’m going to...”
I felt his warm liquid inside my mouth. I quickly swallowed it, what made him even more chocked. His breath was uneven, and I had never been so satisfied in my life.
“I...” He started, but he clearly couldn’t focus at anything. 
I leaned in to kiss him. My hands slipped behind his neck and disappeared into his thick, messy hair so I could push his welcoming lips closer to mine. “You’re welcome.”
“It’s your ti-”
“No.” I interrupted him. “Not today. For now, I will just appreciate the fact that I made you melt inside my mouth.”
“I’ll make it up to you at some point.” He said, pulling me closer. There was a giant grin on his face, and I couldn’t help but smile either. 
I rest my head on his chest, and licked my lips, cleaning the remains of him off my face. “Oh sweetie, I’m counting on it.” I said, giggling.
After a few minutes of silence, I got up to find anything to dress. My pink Penetrator hoodie was the first thing I laid my eyes on and I quickly put it on. Chris’ chest was moving fast, although his eyes were shut. His entire body was shaking and his lips quivering more than I had ever seen them do before.
“Chris?” I muttered to make sure he wasn’t sleeping already.
“Hm?” Almost.
“I’m sorry about my confidence issues.” I whispered, while picking up his underwear and throwing it at him.
He put it on with his eyes closed, and I couldn’t hold a smile, thinking of how much practice he must have. “It’s ok, Cap. You can hand all your issues to me, and I’ll continue to love you as usual.”
My heart went from 200 to 0 real quickly when I realized he said the “L” word. He didn’t seem to notice it, or if he did, he was doing an excellent job to keep his calm. His body tensed up a bit, so I guess he was trying to hide it. Little does he know I was trying to do the same. 
Oh. My. God. Christoffer Schistad loves me.
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avnkin · 5 years
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never did you think that someone like chris would give you as much as a second glance, but oh boy were you wrong.
part one - part two - part three
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wolferals · 5 years
fluff (!)
sensitive content (!!)
sexual content (!!!)
*Arón Piper (Ander in “Élite”)
<clubbing (!)
<dating (!!!) (aka my first smut dont judge me)
<”i dont like the way they look at you” (!)
*Timothée Chalamet / his characters*
<being friends with Elio Perlman (!)
<first date with Timothée (!)
<growing up with Timothée (!)
*Armie Hammer / *his characters
<dating Armie (!)
<meeting Oliver (!)
<meeting Armie (!)
*Chris Schistad (”SKAM”)
<first day (!)
<studying session (!)
*KJ Apa (Archie in “Riverdale”)
<endgame (!)
*Timothée Chalamet / his characters*
<kill yourself part 1 (Timothée) (!!)
<kill yourself part 2 (Timothée) (!!)
<movie night (Timothée) (!)
<hiking (Elio Perlman) (!)
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thirdverse-blog · 8 years
a/n: hi hello i’m back i hope you like this!!! my mind started wandering halfway through lmao
anonymous asked: Could you write one where y/n is distansing herself from Chris for some reason and Chris is getting worried she might leave him and confronts her like 'Tell me what happened, tell me why everything changed' Thank you if this is something you can write :)
pairing: reader x chris
word count: 1,2k 
warnings: angst i guess
Christoffer’s biggest fear initially was committing into a relationship and letting someone in his life, letting someone know him on a more personal level. Nowadays, it was loosing you. The thought of you not being a part of his life was terrifying to him, as dumb as it might sound you were the best thing to have happened in his life so far. Even if it was really early in your relationship, he was pretty sure he was falling in love with you, fast. Too fast even. He never thought he’d feel the way he feels for you, but it was something he treasured.
It had taken him time to accept that his crush wasn’t only based on looks and that he liked you as a person and that he actually wanted to be with you, not only occasionally as a random hook up. You were understanding and gave him his time, never rushing him in anyway. He had appreciated a lot, so when he actually was ready you were both beaming with happiness. People had found it funny how happy you both were back then, the bravest ones tried to tease Chris about it, without success though.
But good thing don’t last, not for Chris at least. The universe probably had something against him or his happiness in general, because his worst fear was actually happening. You had become distant suddenly, Chris doing everything possible to stop it from happening in a way that he doesn’t look too clingy. As the whole relationship thing was new for him, he couldn’t help but wonder if he had fucked it up already. Had he said something to offend you? Did he do something wrong? In his mind, the options were endless.
Maybe Chris was a little dumb for not confronting you about it immediately and giving you some alone time, but as days went on he grew more and more worried. He was hung up on the idea of you leaving him, the less confident side of him completely taking over on the matter. Chris knew that he had to act quickly, before it’s too late.
Even with all of that, he was ready to save your relationship at all costs. That was exactly what he was doing currently, as he was walking around in the school in hopes of seeing you or your friends, so far it had been unsuccessful.
A sigh of relief got past his lips when he spotted your little group of friends, boldly walking up to them. They immediately noticed that Chris was walking towards them, growing quiet in matter of seconds. He examined each one of them, noticing Eva was there too. It probably wasn’t the greatest idea of his to hook up with Eva when he was interested in you, it was something he deeply regretted and often worried about. That of course was before you were dating or he was getting ready to do so.
”Where’s Y/N?” Chris asked calmly, tapping his foot against the floor of the cafeteria. They all seemed hesitant, contemplating whether they should tell him or not. Chris’ previous calmness was quickly fading away, replaced by annoyance. ”Look, you can dislike me all you want, but if you know where Y/N is I’d like to know.”
Vilde was the one to crack up and tell him that you had left to get your books for the next class, earning a glare from the others. Chris mumbled out a quick ’thank you’, before sprinting off towards your locker. And you were there, standing in front of it. He walked up
”We need to talk, preferably now.” he said, looking at you.
”Later, excuse me I have to go to class now.” you told him, not bothering to look at him as you tried to leave, only for him to grab your wrist, softly enough to not hurt you.
”Classes don’t start for another 15 minutes, you’re not in a hurry yet and I think it’s crucial that we talk right now,” Chris told you, briefly pausing before continuing. ”Even if I have a reputation of not caring about other peoples feelings, I’ve always taken yours into consideration and I think I at least deserve an explanation for your behavior.”
Your heart was pounding like crazy, you knew sooner or later Chris would confront you about it. You knew you could’ve handled the whole situation better, distancing yourself from him wasn’t smart either. It wasn’t that you didn’t like him anymore, because you did. A lot actually.
A small crowd was following the situation, already probably gossiping about it. Thankfully Chris noticed this, pulling you into a more quiet place where you could be alone. You stood there in silence, not sure of what to do. Chris ran his hand through his hair, a nervous habit he had had as long as you can remember.
”Do you still even like me?” Chris carefully asked, afraid of the answer. This was nerve-wracking for him, he didn’t want your relationship to end. In his mind it didn’t make sense to break up or even take a break, because everything had gone well before. You laughed together, you held hands in the hallways like every annoying new couple did and you respected each other.
”I still like you.” you managed to whisper out as you were on the verge of tears, doing your best to not. Every moment you spent in silence made you feel more and more guilty, regretting your actions. The last thing you wanted to ever do was hurt Chris in any way.
”Then please just tell me what happened, tell me why everything changed? I promise I’ll do my best to fix it.” Chris said, nervously chewing on the inside of his cheek.
Silence. You were struggling to find the right words to explain yourself. As you took a deep breath, you started explaining. ”Ultimately, I think I got jealous and insecure. I know this is dumb, but I heard that you had a thing with Eva and liked her and it just really made me feel insecure. I started overthinking, which ended up in me distancing myself from you. It was a way to protect myself from getting hurt, but in the process of this I hurt you. I’m sorry.”
Christoffer’s facial expression softened seemingly, he was relieved to say the least. ”I can understand that, I was actually worried about it earlier. You’re the only one I have ever liked, I don’t want you to worry about things concerning the matter.”
“I hate how you always know what to say to make me feel better.” you said with a small laugh, wiping some tears away. 
“I can’t help it, I’m pretty much a genius.” 
You smiled a little, pulling him in a much needed hug. It felt nice and cozy, like home. Chris pressed a kiss to your front, making you slightly blush. One of the many qualities of yours he loved was that he still managed to make you blush with the simplest things.
It was no mystery that you both sucked in this whole dating thing, you were the two newbies who messed things up constantly but no matter what happened did your best to get through it. Things get hard from time to time, but as long as you were both happy together it was worth it.
812 notes · View notes
hielloww 💕💕, i was wondering if you could do a chris schistad imagine where the reader and him have been friends for a while, and one night they both end up hooking up while drunk and even tho he tries to keep his mind off her by hooking up with other girls he eventually cant keep himself away from her any longer.... ps: smut if possible 😏😏😉
Sure thing love
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avnkin · 7 years
Would any of y’all like me to continue with my chris schistad series? Oblivious😬
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238 notes · View notes
avnkin · 7 years
Could you write 53 with Chris please? 😊
i was hoping someone would request this one lmao
53. “take off your shirt”
It was a Saturday and surprisingly you had decided to not attempt any parties. You hadn’t been feeling well and had left school with a massive headache and stomach pain. So you told the girls you were going to stay in tonight and so here you were sitting on your bedroom floor trying to find any movie to keep you company that night.
You suddenly heard the window open startling you as you jumped up letting out high pitched squeal in process. But you calmed down as soon as you saw the familiar penetrator hoodie and blonde fluffy hair falling down onto your bed.
“jesus Chris you scared the hell out of me” you chuckled sitting down next to him, he didn’t say anything instead he turned over letting out a groan in the process, and you gasped as you saw the bloody mess that laid before you.
you slowly lifted his head onto your lap, examining his injures. There was a huge gash along his cheeks which at been the source of most of the blood covering your white sheets.
You quickly helped him up leading him to the bathroom were you sat him down on the toilet seat, turning on the faucet you bent down in front of Chris feeling your eyes tear up at the sight in front of you. It pained you so much seeing your boyfriend like this, the one person you loved more then anything in this world looking so broken.
you shook your head turning the faucet in the bathtub on “take your shirt off” you commanded while you took his shoes and pants off. He did so wincing as the soft material of his hoodie ran over the bruise on his stomach 
you helped him get into the tub reaching for the shower tap you, turned it to medium heat letting it explore every inch of his body as you carefully let your hand explore his soft skin looking for any scrapes or cuts but to your satisfaction you found none.
You leaned your forehead against his letting out a sigh as you kissed his forehead, he looked down ashamed that he had to come to you for help. He would usually go to William’s but since he was in London you were the only one he had left
“Chris..” you said sweetly, cupping his face with your hands making him face you “it’s okay” you mumbled pressing your lips to his in a sweet loving kiss 
as you pulled back you helped him get out of the tub grabbing your pink towel that had your name engraved on it you ran the soft material over his chest being careful as to not hurt him
when he was completely dry you ushered him into your bedroom where you quickly changed the sheets so he could lay down and as soon as he did, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in
“Thank you” he strangled out, his voice full of pain, regret and sorrow. you smiled at him lovingly laying down next to him pulling him close to you so his face was pressed up against your chest and his arms lazily wrapped around your waist
“it’s okay, i’m right here” you would say pressing a kiss to his forehead before you would both fall asleep in each others arms.
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avnkin · 7 years
wrong choice of words
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a/n: im trying to write as many imagines about Chris as i can because i feel like people have just stopped writing about him and it makes mama bear mega sad cuz i need more Chris imagines
pairing: chris schistad x reader
word count: 572 (it’s not that long i’m sorry)
warnings: yelling and fighting and such? little bit of smut nothing major
again you and Chris were having a fight about the most stupid things, it was always who forgot to close the door or who ate all the cereal you both would just find something, anything that you could yell at each other for but this time things had gone a bit out of hand
you had arrived at Chris’s apartment to apologise for the last couple of days, you were beyond nervous the knot in your stomach only tightening when you heard footsteps coming closer and closer towards the door. The door swung opened and a very sleepy Chris opened it he rolled his eyes as soon as he saw you  
“what y/n?” he asked clearly annoyed by the fact that you were here, you didn’t say anything you simply walked towards him and connected your lips together in a sweet loving kiss, but he didn’t kiss back instead he pushed you off and started walking away going to sit on his couch 
you were hurt by this and felt like you could start crying at the spot, but you blinked your tears back and went to sit down next to him “Chris i came to apologise for the last couple of days i’ve just not been in the best mood and it was wrong of me to take it all out on you, i’m really sorry Chris”
he didn’t say anything he simply just sat there “Chris?” you asked scooting closer towards him “leave” he growled looking you straight in the eyes, there was no sign of sarcasm in his voice “what?” you asked furrowing your eyebrows you really didn’t know what you had done wrong
“you heard me leave! god you’re so annoying y/n i don’t even know why i’m with you!” your mouth parted and you felt your eyes fill up with tears. Chris’s eyes had widened realising what he had just said “y/n i-” but you cut him off
 “no you know what you’re right why are we together this is pointless you clearly never loved me, this is over Chris” you said standing up from his couch going to walk towards his door but he grabbed your wrist and spun you around being careful not to hurt you
“y/n i’m so sorry i didn’t mean that i love you so much please don’t leave, i can’t lose you too” Chris was crying now as well holding onto your hand for dear life hoping that you wouldn’t leave him because of his wrong choice of words 
“i’m sorry Chris i-i can’t” you sobbed trying your best to untangle yourself from Chris’s tight grip “no i won’t let you leave you’re the only thing i have” he frowned wrapping his arms around you
you quickly gave in wrapping your legs around his waist whilst connecting your lips in a much needed kiss. It started out as a slow and loving kiss but quickly escalated to much more your tongues battling each other for dominance whilst Chris carried you up into his bedroom not breaking the kiss once. 
As soon as your back hit the mattress his lips traveled down to your neck leaving an obvious love bite, you moaned running your fingers through his hair whilst moving your head a little to the side giving him more access to the tender skin on your neck, he smirked at this and continued what he was doing knowing that you loved it. the rest is history
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