#forever my favorite running joke in all my fics i can’t wait for that little reveal thank u anon for making me think of that
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The bodyguard au seems like it’s so close but so far 😭😭 I’m excited for the next snippet tho
i won't put a time stamp on it like i said bc i don't wanna jinx it but trust!!! but im really happy y'all are excited tho im really really excited to be close to posting!!! i love these little idiots LOL
but here's a little bit more of the last scene i posted!!!
A silence settles over the two of them—on Eren’s end, it’s due to her sheer audacity, mostly because he’s not sure if she’s actually being serious, and on Mikasa’s end, because she expects him to actually agree, awaiting his nod of approval.
Realizing would be waiting forever for a confirmation she wouldn’t get, Mikasa relents. “Fine. You don’t have to lock yourself in the room all day—do as you wish, I guess,” she says, releasing a huff. “But this brings me back to things we need to discuss.”
“Okay, you’re right, this is your house, your rules. Whatever you want. I’m understanding in that regard,” he concurs. While Eren wants to be firm, he also doesn’t want to make an enemy out of Mikasa—if there’s anything he’s learned so far, she doesn’t seem like someone whose bad side he’d like to be on. “So what do you want me to do, or what do you want to know—I am virtually a stranger that’s being forced to live here, I’m sure you have questions, at least.”
It’s easy for Eren to assume that Mikasa isn’t used to being met with such level-headedness, which is indicated by the slack of her jaw as he speaks, and what he almost thinks is a look of appreciation that washes over her. But he also assumes that she’s in no position to allow her guard to be let down so easily, so the less-than-amicable demeanor quickly returns, any semblance of gratitude gone before it could even be acknowledged.
“First thing’s first. That room—” she points down the hallway to a closed door opposite to both of theirs “—don’t even think of going in there. I don’t care if you hear me yelling or think I’m dying—let me. Don’t. Go. In. There,” Mikasa says sternly.
From what Eren gathers, whatever this room entails, it’s enough for Mikasa to not want Eren in there, which he can respect, but the way she speaks of it, he can’t help but be somewhat curious. “What’s in—”
“Don’t worry about it,” she cuts him off, not even bothering to entertain his inquisitiveness. “And anyways, didn’t you just say I was the one who could ask you questions?”
Eren raises his arms defensively. “Okay, you do the question asking then. Are there any more rules I need to know first, though, since you’re the one running things around here?”
There’s something Eren thinks may even resemble a smile that tugs at her lips but vanishes in an instant. “You’re not going to leave my house a mess, are you? Men tend to be… messy and you certainly don’t strike me as someone who acts like Levi.” Eren can see her eyes size him up, inspecting him—he can’t tell if he’s being scrutinized or if in some way she’s being nosy—either way, the steel of her stare leaves him fraught.
#asks#bodyguard au#eremika#vic’s wips#her is where the seed is planted where eren starts thinking mikasa is doing weird shit in her secret room LMFAO#forever my favorite running joke in all my fics i can’t wait for that little reveal thank u anon for making me think of that
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RWRB FirstPrince Everything Else Fic Recs
These are some canon divergence, some sad things, unique things. Click below to see the favorites I couldn't fit anywhere else, but needed to share.
Can't Help Falling by beck17. G, 1.2k. “Since New Years?”
Henry asks the question so quietly, Alex almost didn’t hear it.
An idea sparked from the subtle look Henry gave Alex after the latter told Zahra their relationship had been going on since New Years.
We're all the way up by @clottedcreamfudge. T, 1.4k. "Just making sure you don't try to run the moment I bring up a very specific topic," Pez says lightly, hopping up onto a low table and swinging his legs like a child.
"The topic of me loosening up and attempting to have a good time at a party?" Henry asks blandly, and Pez rolls his eyes and sighs dramatically.
"The topic of you quite clearly sneaking off with dearest Alexander, presumably to do things I must immediately hear about in excruciating detail. Spare no expense in the retelling; I want to feel it."
I can't breathe, if you're not there by softcinnamonroll. T, 2k. One moment, Alex was laughing at some joke Henry had made, and then the next there was a loud noise from the TV and the livestream cut out, leaving Alex alone in their dark living room. At first, Alex was sure there had just been a power cut, or some technical difficulties that caused the stream to cut out, but then the messages and BREAKING NEWS notifications started pouring in.
BREAKING NEWS: Explosion at Prince Henry of Wales Charity Event. Casualties Unknown.
You Must Allow Me To Tell You by @everwitch-magiks. T, 2.4k. “I don’t suppose there's any chance you’d like to marry me, Alex?”
Alex blinks. Then he starts to grin. “Right. Funny. What were you actually gonna say?”
“... I wasn’t making a joke.”
Alex waits for a beat — there’s gotta be a punchline here somewhere — but it doesn’t come. Henry is still watching him expectantly. He looks terrifyingly sincere.
“You’re actually serious?”
“You’re proposing to me?”
“I am, yes.”
“But you don’t even know me.”
“Astute observation.” Henry tilts his head to the side. “I can’t help but notice that you have yet to decline?”
Henry has a proposal. Alex has trouble remembering why he shouldn't accept.
It's Always One Step Forward, And Three Steps Back. by @alxclightwood. G, 2.8k. He was fine, he didn’t need to sleep.
He blinked several times, desperately trying to force his eyes open. But it was inevitable that there would come a time his eyes drifted closed, and didn’t open again.
What he didn’t anticipate however, was his blood sugars dropping whilst he slept, with no alarm to wake him to fix it.
you took the time to memorize me (my fears, my hopes, my dreams) by @coffeecatsme. T, 2.9k. “I know what you’re doing.”
Alex crosses his arms, arching his brow. Henry, to his credit, looks completely unimpressed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Really?” Alex wets his lips, enjoying Henry’s eyes following the movement, and lets a smile take over his face. He takes a step, closer to Henry, practically trapping him in front of the little coffeeshop.
“The ice skating,” Alex continues, taking another step, and he’s pretty much flush with Henry’s chest. Even though Henry tries to keep an impassive look, his eyes are glimmering under the afternoon light—he knows damn well what Alex is talking about. “The fire station. Indoor fucking skydiving.” He pokes Henry in the chest and grins. “You’re making my childhood dreams come true.”
Or, 4 times Henry makes Alex's childhood dreams come true, and 1 time he has to get creative.
Do we still have forever? by @hgejfmw-hgejhsf. M, 3k. Alex has a sudden, serious allergic reaction, and Henry can't help but think about losing him.
Powerless by floatingaway4. T, 3k. “Do you know what I’ve had to put up with in the last twelve hours?”
Henry wants to point out that in that same twelve hours he’s had his body sliced open and an organ removed, but this doesn’t seem to be the time. He also got to sleep through his experience, while Alex was very much awake while dealing with Henry’s family. And Henry got the nice drugs, while Alex looks like he could use a drink.
hell was the journey but it brought me heaven by alec_rhee. E, 3.1k. While he was sitting in class and daydreaming about getting Henry naked the moment he got home, his phone vibrated wildly in his messenger bag. He heard the vibrations in class, and although his heart yearned for it to be Henry he knew it wouldn’t be him because his day was filled with meeting after meeting; the texts are most likely from Bug and Nora, he remembers thinking.
And well, he isn’t wrong. There are texts from June and Nora and none from Henry, but it’s the Google Alert –
He reads the title of the article over and over and over again. He rubs his eyes and reads the title another three times.
This can’t be about my Henry, he thinks.
What I Need Tonight by @sparklepocalypse. E, 3.5k. It’s two in the morning on a Tuesday when the clatter of something hitting the bathroom floor startles Henry awake. At first, his groggy mind assumes it’s Alex – but then Alex snuffles in his sleep behind him and tightens his arms around Henry’s waist.
There’s another clatter, and then a shuffling noise, and Henry’s eyes widen. He reaches back and grabs Alex’s thigh, shaking him.
someday by rizcriz. T, 4k. “Where are you going?”
Henry freezes where he’s standing over his overnight bag, fingers still clasped around the tug on the zipper. His eyes slide closed of their own accord, dread pooling low in his gut. This was not how this was supposed to go. Alex is a deep sleeper, he should’ve been out the door and on a plane back to London long before he ever woke up. Not just for Henry’s sake, but for both of theirs.
This was not a conversation Henry wanted to have.
Or, Alex wakes up before Henry can sneak out.
i give you my heart (just to watch you waste it) by @villiageidiot. T, 4k. Henry moves to the U.S. when he’s ten years old. The very first time Alex finds him being picked on by some older students for sounding funny, everything changes. Alex shoves them to the ground, earns a detention, and becomes Henry’s best friend all in one fell swoop.
Well, they’re friends for Alex’s part.
For Henry, it’s always so much more.
(Five times fic wherein Alex never chooses Henry. Until he does.)
don't go where i can't follow by coffeecatsme. T, 4k. Henry turns away, hair silvery under the moonlight. He doesn’t even bother to look at Alex, and something like anger flashes in Alex’s gut when he sees him reach for his backpack, like it’s that easy to abandon Alex, like Alex didn’t bare his heart to him just a day ago. “You could’ve fucking said goodbye,” he whispers before he can think about it; his voice is quiet through the knot in his throat, yet it echoes in the room like a gunshot, stopping Henry in his tracks.
Alex wakes up at the lakehouse before Henry leaves.
All The Stars In The Sky by @absoluteaudacitywrites. T, 4k. Henry startles awake, blinking rapidly into the early morning gloom seeping into their bedroom and wondering hazily what woke him when two things become apparent.
One, Alex isn’t in bed with him.
Two, the sound coming from the bathroom is definitely what woke him and it is definitely Alex being quite violently sick.
you were more than just a short time by @hypnostheory. T, 4.2k. Alex leaves his mug on the porch railing. Inside the house is achingly hollow, an exhale with no inhale to follow. Alex feels like he can’t make a noise as he carefully pads back towards their bedroom. He pauses at their door, taking a steadying breath. He’s not as upset as he thought he’d be about this, having mentally prepared as the years ticked by and David grew older. Alex is okay.
Henry isn’t.
David the Beagle passes. Alex is there for Henry through his grief, and through the start of moving on
Tumbled Down and Tangled Up by @myheartalivewrites. E, 4.3k. “Yes, this is exactly how I always dreamed it would be. Locked in a cupboard with your elbow inside my rib cage,” Henry snipes. He sounds like he wants to punch Alex, which is probably the most Alex has ever liked him, so he follows an impulse and drives his elbow into Henry’s side, hard.
Henry lets out a muffled yelp, and the next thing Alex knows, he’s been yanked sideways by his shirt and Henry is halfway on top of him, pinning him down with one thigh. His head throbs where he’s clocked it against the linoleum floor, but he can feel his lips split into a smile.
nobody panic, but i've broken my leg by annesbonny. T, 5.2k. He collects his phone from Cash who's been holding onto his possessions, and shoots off a text to the group chat between pained breaths. nobody panic, but i’ve broken my leg. Then he slips it away again before he can read June's outraged response.
In which Alex Claremont Diaz breaks his leg at a charity Lacrosse game.
Ghosts by colorfulmoniker. M, 5.4k. After Henry leaves the lake house, Alex does not go after him. He doesn't storm Kensington in a fit of pique to call Henry an "obtuse fucking asshole." Instead, the pair spend nearly a year apart, both wrecked and miserable, until they find themselves on the list of speakers for an international conference.
baby, you were meant to follow me. by @chaa-kiao. T, 5.6k. “He doesn’t—” his breath hitches helplessly at the thought. “He doesn’t love me, June.” And, God, he’s fucking crying again.
The storm in his head rages on, his stomach sinking like a ship in its tide. Maybe Henry is exactly who Alex believes him to be: good and honest and true; maybe he’s perfect in every way Alex knows that he is and simply, plainly, doesn’t want him.
That's the worst possible answer to the questions that have become his entire being today. It sends another set of sobs hurling past his lips. The idea that all of this was real, Henry just doesn’t care that much, is sickening— debilitating— Alex doesn’t know how to face it.
Or: Henry and Alex never defined their relationship. Angst ensues.
simply, don't by rizcriz. T, 5.7k. The first voicemail notification sits in Henry’s inbox when he lands in London. He stares at it for a long while before quietly dismissing it and shoving his phone unceremoniously into his pocket. His phone feels like lead in his pocket the entire ride back to the palace, fingers itching to pull it out and just listen. But he’s stronger than that, isn’t he? He left, he got on the plane, he made it home without once looking back.
He had, though, contemplated the many steps it would take to turn around. Wondered if he could make it back with enough time to climb back into Alex’s bed and pretend none of this nightmare—the confession of love—had ever happened. But for every step he envisions himself taking back, three more lead him straight to Kensington Palace, because for whatever it is that he wants, there is only what he can have, and it is not a life with one Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz.
Or, Henry actually answers one of Alex's calls.
think I know where you belong (think I know it's with me) by coffeecatsme. T, 5.8k. “You got me a flower?” Henry gingerly uncurls Alex’s fingers and looks at it. Alex gulps and manages a nod.
“I know it’s not much—” he tries to say, but then Henry’s grinning and Alex quite forgets why he was so worried about in the first place. He finds himself mirroring the smile. “You like it?”
“I love it.”
Or, 5 times Alex is in love with Henry and 1 time Henry loves him back.
After Everything, I Must Confess I Need You by @mainstreamelectricalparade. T, 5.8k. “Fuck,” he gasps, tears springing to his eyes and mixing with the rainwater on his face. He’s not sure if the tears are from the asphalt biting into his palms, or if it’s a release of the emotions he’s been trying to shove down deep ever since he woke up to an empty top bunk at the lake house.
Wait. Asphalt.
Over the pounding rain, Alex hears the shrill sound of a horn honking, and looks up just in time to be blinded by a pair of headlights coming straight at him.
When Alex dares Henry to tell him to leave, Henry actually does. Neither of them could have predicted what happens next.
dearthisbe by @dani-dabbles. G, 6.6k. “If someone in this room had told me before the Queen,” he grits out, “then maybe I wouldn't be completely cut off from my boyfriend right now.”
Alex glowers at his mother and ignores the cowed looks of the various staffers lining the Oval Office. Two days of no contact. Not even a carrier pigeon - or a swan since the queen apparently has them all at their disposal - has been sent their way.
OR: the email plot is discovered before it can be leaked, the palace doesn’t handle the news of their relationship well, and Henry and Alex are left trying to find their way back to each other.
come and get me by rizcriz. T, 6.9k. The email arrives 8 days after Henry left the lake house. He contemplates deleting it without reading, but it sits in his Alex inbox, where there are over seventy emails favourited, and somehow it feels wrong and weirdly impersonal.
As if leaving without a note were any different.
He stares at the from line with an aching longing that seeps into his veins. It settles on his heart like a tangible thing; something warranted and cruel that casts shackles around the aorta and locks them tight so that he might never love again.
or, alex sends an email instead of flying to KP.
I'd Wanna Be Felled by You, Held by You by Anonymous. E, 7k. Henry has been hiding his second gender since Alex moved into his apartment three years ago. When Alex accidentally triggers Henry's first heat in years, Henry asks Alex to cuddle him through it.
everything's growing in our garden by matherine. T, 7.2k. That night, in the safety of his hotel room on the outskirts of the Olympic Village, Henry couldn’t catch his breath. He coughed and coughed, feeling like he was choking on nothing, but there was a scratching sensation in his throat that he just couldn’t shake – until a single blue petal flew past his lips, landing in the porcelain bowl of the sink.
After an hour of painstaking Googling, he learns that it’s a Texas bluebonnet. He also learns what the fact that he’s coughing up petals means – the beginning stages of Hanahaki Disease. Rare, but not unheard of, according to the NHS website he browses in an incognito tab. Common in royal bloodlines (thank you, inbreeding).
"Only curable if the afflicted’s love is requited with a declaration," he reads, and slams his laptop closed with a bitter laugh, wet with tears. "A surgical procedure removing the afflicted’s capacity for love may be performed if the love remains unrequited. Otherwise, the condition is terminal."
So, then. He has no chance.
you're on your own, kid (yeah you can face this) by coffeecatsme. T, 7.2k. “Let’s get it over with.” Henry attempts to move, but Shaan stops him with a hand over his arm, concern flickering in his eyes.
“Are you okay, Henry?” he asks, so silently that the PPOs wouldn’t even be able to hear it. Henry doesn’t even blink. He doubts that word exists in his vocabulary anymore—he doubts it’s in the cards for him. But he knows the script.
He forces a smile on his face. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Or, 5 times Henry feels alone in the world, and 1 time he realizes he isn't.
every version of you (i love) by coffeecatsme. M, 7.6k. “So,” the voice narrates as the man squishes the dog’s cheeks and laughs at himself. “There’s this guy that lives next to me with the cutest beagle in the world and this little guy climbs to the fence every day to drop his toys off at, like, 5:30 on the dot, I’m not kidding.” The camera shows the man boop the dog’s nose and press a little kiss to his forehead. There’s a ball in his hands that he hands to the dog, but it slips from his mouth all over again, making the man reach down to grab it. He glares at the dog, but even then he’s still smiling. “And this guy always walks by and picks up the stuff and it’s the cutest fucking thing ever you have no idea.” The camera zooms in farther into the man’s smile, genuine and wild, as he pushes his wild curls away from his face. His eyes flicker up when another figure walks into the frame, his blonde hair falling over his forehead in waves. The man’s smile, impossibly, widens.
“Oh. I’m also pretty sure he has a crush on my neighbor.”
Or, 5 times David greets Alex with something that belongs to Henry, and 1 time he greets Alex with something that belongs to both of them.
I'm Fine With My Spite and My Tears (and my beer and my candles) by Megg1223. E, 7.7k. Henry leaves Alex at the lake house, but Alex doesn't storm Kensington. What happens when they see each other after three months? With the election right around the corner can Alex keep it together enough not to cause another international incident? Alex just needs to get through the night and then he can forget about the boy who broke his heart, but he's finding it increasingly difficult as the night goes on.
Downburst by @cricketnationrise. E, 8.5k. Amy’s sudden shout of alarm cuts off whatever Zahra was going to say. Alex stares at Amy, uncomprehendingly. His heart is racing, his body already flooding with instinctive fear, brain scrambling to catch up, to process what she said—
Cash is at his side between one blink and the next, practically tackling him to the ground and oh—
That’s a gunshot.
in the shadow of two gunmen by matherine. M, 8.6k. There are over four hundred and thirty-three million guns in civilian possession in the United States. Alex isn’t sure where on the campaign trail that fact embedded itself into his brain — he thinks he picked it up from some memo between Minnesota and Missouri — but he’s never been able to forget it. It's one of those things he turns over and over in his head, running the numbers as if he could calculate the possibility of a bullet embedding itself in his brain.
In the end, Alex thinks that it evens out. More people want to kill him than the average person (and that number has grown exponentially over the years) but now he also has Secret Service protection and can’t go anywhere without a motorcade. So, really, statistically, he figures that he has just as much of a chance of being shot by one of those 433 million firearms as anyone else, give or take a few decimal points here and there. But doing the math doesn’t make it any less terrifying when it actually happens.
Locked In by @three-drink-amy. M, 9.2k. After their night together in Paris, Henry and Alex get quarantined in their hotel, locked in for two full weeks.
Henry's Cold, Empty Tower by @dracowillhearaboutthis. G, 9.6k. “I want you,” Henry said, slowly but clearly, “to leave.”
When Alex storms Kensington Palace, Henry sends him away. Then, their relationship gets leaked, and it's Henry's turn to fight for Alex.
There's Something Missing in My Heart by allmylovesatonce. M, 9.8k. When Alex goes to London to tell him he loves him, Henry sends him away. How do both of them react to being without each other and what happens when their emails are still leaked?
So I Will Weather the Storm by Mags (sparklepocalypse). E, 9.8k. They’re in the air twenty minutes before the next report comes in, this time over their headsets. “Patient is located on the eastern side of Sgòr Gaoith. He reports a sudden snow squall came up, and he lost his footing and took a fall. He’s conscious and reports no major injuries, but he’s stuck on a ledge and can’t make it back to the trail. Patient is wearing a red jacket and a black knit cap and states his name is – ” there’s a burst of static over the radio.
“Please repeat the patient’s name,” Henry says into the headset mic as Schlosser programs the mountain’s location into the GPS.
There’s a bit more static, and then the dispatcher states, “Alexander Claremont-Diaz.”
(Or, a movieverse canon divergent AU wherein Henry is in the RAF and Cakegate still takes place, but the PR campaign doesn't happen – and two months after Cakegate, Alex does something dumb on a mountain in Scotland.)
a series of non-disclosure dilemmas series by everwitch. E, 10k. It takes a bit of time, before they manage to find the right person – a guy they’re both into, who is into what they’re into, and who is willing to sign a massive NDA even before they’ve made it to the bedroom. But once they do? It’s good. It’s so, so good. Still, nothing lasts forever, and when Theodore’s career takes him across the pond, Alex and Henry must consider whether or not they should start searching for someone else. Except in the end, they don’t have to search at all – Kenji is equal parts a surprise, and an absolute delight.
But the biggest surprise of all is the fact that, somewhere between a lot of really fun sex and some lazy, post-coital Star Wars banter, Alex and Henry end up with a matchmaking scheme that could certainly rival any cinematic drama. Theo, and Kenji. So different, but so well suited.
But how to get them together?
(did my love aid and abet you?) by alasse. T, 11k. That night in Kensington Palace, Henry told Alex to leave. Eleven years later, Alex watches on the news as Henry comes out, and abdicates. A story of what came before, and what comes after.
i vowed i would always be yours ('cause we survived the great war) by coffeecatsme. T, 12k. Mary Mountchristen-Windsor dies on June 5th, 2020, on a Tuesday morning, after an unexpected heart attack takes her before she’s rushed to a hospital.
Alex Claremont-Diaz hates Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor. It's a fact, written in stone, deep enough that nothing, he believes, can sand it off. Until he bumps into the prince at his grandmother's funeral and sees a different side of him.
Or, 5 times Alex and Henry have to hide themselves and 1 time they don't have to.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words by TintedMirrors. E, 12k. "It’s not an innocent picture. It’s anything but. Henry is lying on his back in the wet sand of the beach, body completely bare and naked in a way that should have only been for Alex’s eyes, and Alex is lying on top of him. Alex’s still wearing his swim trunks, but he’s cradled in Henry’s thighs, his body blanketing Henry’s as he kisses him deeply. His arm is caught between them and Alex remembers exactly what he was doing. In the picture, there’s a peek of his fingers at the bottom of Henry’s thighs, and while it doesn’t show Henry’s cock or asshole, it’s clear where Alex’s fingers are.
Inside of Henry."
A picture of a private moment between Alex and Henry is taken while they're on vacation, which leads to a media frenzy.
Alex can't stop looking at it...
A Parent's Love by herebecauseimqueer. NR, 13k. An exploration of who Henry would be and how the events of RWRB would be different if Arthur never got sick.
Once I get a taste by clottedcreamfudge. E, 16k. “Please,” Alex begs, on fire with a clawing desperate need. “Fuck, please, I’ll do anything. Henry.”
Henry, entire body rigid with tension, slowly shakes his head. Alex sees his mouth – red from where Alex has been kissing him, biting him, well on his way to eating Henry alive – form the word no, even though he can’t hear it past the blood rushing in his ears.
Then Henry turns and leaves, and Alex digs his fingers into the cheap plywood of his own desk as he tries desperately not to fall to the floor.
Which is not, as it turns out, where this story starts.
A Heart Even More Your Own. by chaa_kiao. T, 16k. “Guess you’ll be writing those poems after all.” He swallows. "I should go."
Henry’s mind— every part of him, really— his heart, his body, his fucking soul— is screaming at him to take it all back. To hell with the monarchy, the American presidency, damn it all. This is the man he’s spent his entire life loving and he’s throwing it away for a legacy he doesn’t give a single fuck about. He forces out a rough “I think so,” but he can’t hear it over the ringing in his ears.
“I love you.”
“I know,” Alex says. “I just had to say it.”
Or: Alex and Henry getting back together takes a little bit longer this time.
Growth Is Uncomfortable (Because You've Never Been Here Before) by Jaistiel. M, 17k. "He said if I wanted to help, they would be instrumental in understanding how." Henry outright laughed at this. It was a hollow, joyless sound, and Philip, to his credit, merely looked chastised instead of angry.
"Do you? Want to help, that is." Henry narrowed his eyes and scrutinized the emotion written on Philip's face. He had never been easy to read, always hidden behind the stuffy upper class posture of a royal, but now it seemed that some of that wall built around him had slipped away.
"Yes." He didn't expand on his answer, didn't fill the room with platitudes and meaningless explanations. His response was, in full, simply: yes. Henry stared at him in shock.
In the week following the leak, Philip has a series of conversations that lead him down a path of introspection and understanding. Each told through a different POV.
I feel the beating of your heart, I see the shadows on your face by @anincompletelist. M, 18k. It’s certainly not what Alex would have predicted a few days prior. If someone had told him he’d be tenderly embracing his self-imposed enemy after switching bodies with him for seventy-two hours and embarking on an unintentional journey of self discovery and then finally finding their way back to each other to ask for a True Love’s Kiss that may or may not break the curse that flipped their lives upside down -
Well, Alex would have told them to fuck off.
Sure As the Stars in the Sky by anincompletelist. E, 20k. It shouldn't matter that Alex has been present for each and every one of Henry's most important life milestones, sometimes the singular catalyst for them. It shouldn't be important that he's grown to be more familiar to Henry than even some of his own family members, that part of him is burrowed so deeply into Henry's subconscious that he can taste it sometimes, that even when Alex crashes in, spirited and passionate, it feels like an easy exhale; like coming home.
It shouldn't matter, but it does.
flatline by rizcriz. T, 21k. Alex gets the call at 7:57am.
It’s from an unknown number, so he answers it with an accent on his tongue and laughter in his throat, ready to troll the scammer for all they’re worth. But the voice on the other side of the line is serious, solemn, when she asks, “Is this, I apologize, all I’ve been given are initials, AGCD?”
He frowns, turning away from the coffee shop he’d been about to enter. “Who’s asking?”
There’s a moment of hesitation on the other end. “There’s been an incident. On the individual's phone, there’s a sticker. It says, if found, return to AGCD, alongside this phone number. Does it sound familiar?”
Alex freezes in the middle of the sidewalk. “What kind of incident?”
Or, Henry's been in an accident.
Pump The Volume by absoluteaudacity. M, 22k. Zahra, sitting across the table from Alex, gives him a stony glare. “Aids?” she signs and he shakes his head obstinately. His hearing aids make his ears itch and he isn’t wearing them in his own house, even if that house is The White House.
everybody needs someone series by anincompletelist (soldouthaz). E, 24k. It would hurt less, Alex guesses, if he wasn’t head over heels for the guy he’s supposed to be fucking through an ancient one-sided sex curse with that was partially — a lot, actually — his own fault.
But. It’s not like there’s a fucking handbook.
Alex has looked.
Claremont 2008 by @happiness-of-the-pursuit. M, 26k. What if Ellen Claremont had gotten elected in 2008 instead of Obama? An alternate timeline story of FirstPrince.
2009 at Buckingham Palace for tea. A sleepover after a quinceañera in 2010. The 2012 London Olympics. A 2014 Model UN Conference. A funeral in 2015. College and another campaign trail.
And the texts, facetimes, and chain emails in between.
Vacation, Meant to Be Spent Alone by allmylovesatonce. E, 29k. Alex has the perfect trip planned out for himself after his graduation. The last thing he expects is for his room to be double booked. The worst part of it all is that he'll be forced to share the room with his nemesis: Prince Henry of Wales.
Oblivion by milowren. NR, 31k. What if the moment in the hospital wasn’t a false alarm and the publicity surrounding the forced bromance between Alex and Henry had the adverse effect of them being kidnapped together?
Someday Soon I’ll See You (But Now You’re Out Of Sight) by MaryaDmitrievnaLikesSundays. NR (MCD), 38k. Alexander Claremont-Diaz was twenty-eight years old when a car crash took his life.
The entire world grieved, and the entire world remembered.
But for some people, it wasn’t just a figurehead that died. It was a friend, a brother, a son. A husband. And remembering all of Alex was a hell of a task to undertake.
Or, how six people in Alex’s life work through his death.
You'll Get Better Soon ('Cause you have to) by Megg1223. T, 38k. Dr. Eden sighs and looks them both in the eyes. “I’m not going to lie to you. There is a possibility that he will never recover his memories. But, there are things we can do to help him along. I’ve already told him about the memory loss. He knows it’s 2023 and that he lost almost four years of memories. I think it may be best to update him on his current situation. His day to day life is drastically different then it was in 2019, is that correct?”
“Yeah, I would say.” Alex huffs out a bitter laugh.
Henry is in an accident and thinks it's still 2019. He still believes Alex hates him, and Alex is a just as much of a mess as you think he would be.
all the rumors are true by fxckingeyelashes. E, 53k. The door slams open in the middle of the night. Henry and Alex both shoot up, blinking through the dark.
“Wha- Zahra, what the hell?” Alex mumbles, making sure to keep the blanket over their naked hips.
Zahra exhales slowly as she flips the lights on. “We have a situation. You two need to get dressed and meet me in the office. It’s… it’s your emails. Someone’s hacked the server. They’re public.”
Alex isn’t sure he remembers how to breathe. Henry’s the first to move, grabbing the small trash can from beside Alex’s bed just in time to get sick.
Or, the one where the emails are leaked, but Alex and Henry are together when it happens. Bits from the book, bits from the movie, bits from my own personal AU I’ve created in my head.
Don't Initiate a Handshake, Always Address Them Properly, and For God's Sake, No Tiaras Until 6pm by TuppingLiberty. E, 63k. What happens when the White House decides to be proactive rather than reactive? Alex is brilliant and kind, but he's in need of a little polishing before he attends the royal wedding, and who to provide it better than Prince Henry? After all, they're both beholden to NDAs and with Princess Bea visiting as well, it's easy to pass off the two week visit as goodwill ambassadorship for both countries. No one has to know Henry is tutoring Alex.
So Alex is going to be left alone in the White House with his mortal enemy and three meddling sisters learning all about royal etiquette and protocol.
What's the worst that can happen?
Things I Cannot Accept by @sprigsofviolets. T, 69k. In 2016, Ellen Claremont lost the presidential election.
In 2019, Alex Claremont-Diaz is not the first son of the United States, so he’s shocked when his path crosses with Prince Henry for the first time in almost four years.
What Do I Know by allmylovesatonce. E, 83k. After a bad accident, Alex finally wakes up from a week-long coma. His family and friends are so relieved until they find that he has memory loss, forgetting the last five plus years. For Henry, he's forgotten their entire relationship. How do they go forward when Alex still thinks he hates Henry, but Henry is wearing his wedding ring?
I only tag an author once per post, but I'm still figuring out firstprince author handles. If you see one I may not know or find a broken link, please give me a heads up!
Master List of RWRB FirstPrince Recs
Master List of Recommendations
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🤠👨🏫🏫🐓Educational Occupations Fic Recs🐓🏫👨🏫🤠

Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: BeautifulCreature, Callsignsmax, Davidbyrne, Greenstuff, Hangmanbradshaw, Iprefervillains, LulaluzHazel, MadeItUp, Nimuetheseawitch, Ok_thanks, ProtectingH_ngm_n, ReformedTsundere, Rnadison, SunMonTue, Teacupivy, Vannral.
> High School & College/University
learning steps by vannral {E}
/Top Gun Instructor!Bradshaw/
”So, an instructor?”
A straight hit. Bradley shifts uncomfortably on the leather seat and clears his throat. ”… Yeah.”
In which Bradley becomes an instructor after the mission, Jake keeps showing up to his classes and his students are very curious about their dynamic.
sereshaw student/teacher 'verse by callsignsmax
/Physics Teacher!Seresin/
a first time for everything {E}
Mr. Seresin is his new physics teacher, he’s twenty six at the most. With how he looks Bradley would be shocked at anything more. He’s from texas, obvious from his accent and the obnoxious Texas Rangers banner he has pinned on the cork board next to his desk.
I see right through you {E}
“Nothing’s fair, Mr. Seresin,” He hiccups, throat sore and scratchy from suppressing his sobs. “Why don’t my friends support me and you being together?”
NSFW alphabet with Mr. Seresin and Bradley {E}
Learn the ins and outs of Mr. Seresin and Bradley's sex life, including the struggles of true love in a teacher/student relationship.
I’d wait forever for you {M}
“Red,” he manages to choke out, even though Mr. Seresin had already stopped. His hands were off of Bradley the second the younger froze up. “Stop, please.”
You Are My Treasure by hangmanbradshaw {E}
History's Like Gravity, It Holds You Down Away From Me
“That’s too much thinking for you, obviously. You should leave that to the professionals. Don’t want to hurt yourself.” This time Bradley let out a laugh. Jake had missed that sound. “I don’t see any professionals around here, do you?” “You wound me, Bradley.” “Sorry, princess.” Bradley didn’t look sorry at all. “Just don’t come crying to me when you get lost in the tomb and can’t read the hieroglyphics that say this way to the exit.” “I’m not worried. I don’t plan on leaving your side, problem solved.” “I will leave you behind.” “You would never. Plus, someone’s gotta talk you out of leaving society for good and moving into the ancient burial grounds to live amongst your favorite mummies and old ass relics, like some modern day form of an Egyptian hobbit hole.” Jake stopped. “You know, that’s a valid point. Weird ass way to put it, but valid.” Bradley grinned. “What can I say, I know you.” Jake was starting to realize just how accurate that statement was.
You Can Make My Wish Come True, If You Let Me Treasure You
“Jake…you know you’re my family right? If we do this, we do it together. It’s not a Bradshaw only thing.” The man blinked at him and then smiled softly. “Okay. You’re my family too so if you’re doing this, I’m riding shotgun.” Bradley nodded and grinned brightly. “Think we’ll have to fight off any zombie founding fathers brought back to life?” “I’m putting $5 on at least two. I call dibs on fighting off Franklin though.” Or, The one where, fresh off their mummy adventure, Jake and Bradley steal the Declaration of Independence, make way too many mummy related jokes, and get married, all with a little help from their friends.
I can be your fantasy (football punishment) by ok_thanks {_}
/HS Teacher!Seresin/
“This year, the second annual season of the Dagger Squad Fantasy Football League, the loser, one Bradley Bradshaw, must face a fate worse than death.” Nat pauses for dramatic effect. “He must – drumroll, please, boys... — Successfully and wholly complete the Scholastic Aptitude Test, also known to some as the SAT.” As if that wasn't bad enough, the proctor being Javy's stupidly handsome best friend — who he keeps running into — adds to his misery. AKA: the one where Bradley's fantasy football punishment leads to an embarrassing crush of high school teacher Jake.
it's such a magical mysteria, when you get that feeling by hangmanbradshaw {E}
/Paleobotanist!Seresin & Paleontologist!Bradshaw/
“So, they pulled you away from some bone dig for this? Let me guess, you were looking for a velociraptor?” He asked as he pulled out a toothpick and stuck it in his mouth. “It’s a little more than that.” Bradley replied with a furrowed brow. He was annoyed that he was right. “Sounds like a lot of sand and dirt to me. Then again, your type always loves that stuff. I’m shocked they were able to pull you away from it.” The man said with a smirk around his toothpick. He was being obnoxious, but the smirk sent a jolt down Bradley’s spine. “You’ll have to excuse Mr. Seresin here.” Simpson said with an annoyed grimace. “He suffers from a case of extreme personality.” “It’s Dr. Seresin.” Simpson rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
The Penguin Agenda by greenstuff {E}
/Marine Biologists!Bradshaw & Seresin/
Penguin Day at the aquarium not only means Bradley has to put on a penguin costume for their full day of elementary school kid tours, but he has to work with his rival in academia and life: Jake Seresin. He should have called in sick.
but I absolutely love him (when he smiles) by rnadison {G}
/Field Trip Educator Contractor!Bradshaw/
“Did you just hit on me?” Jake tilts his head, weighing his options. Clearly this wasn’t the response he’d been anticipating. “...Yes?” Bradley nods. “Right. Okay.” He pulls himself closer to his monitor and opens a new browser window. “What are you doing?” “Trying to see if I remember the link to the Title IX complaint form.” -------- In which they work in a museum, and Jake is the director's annoying assistant, and Bradley is just trying to get the Education Department name-brand markers.
Extra Credit by ReformedTsundere {T}
/History Teacher!Seresin & Maths Teacher!Bradshaw/
"I'm going to kill him," Bradley seethes, stomping into the teacher's lounge and briskly cutting across the room to get to the fridge where his lunch is waiting. Or 5 times Jake and Bradley's teaching forces them together, and 1 time there's no force at all
you were nothing but trouble, baby and I've been sifting through the rubble lately by hangmanbradshaw {M}
/Professor of Meteorology!Seresin & Storm Chaser!Bradshaw/
Rooster rolled his eyes, but didn’t go any faster. He was in his head, which Jake knew how to handle. He pulled out his phone and tapped on the music library, swiping until he found what he was looking for. The beginning strums of Slow Ride filtered through the car bluetooth. He lulled his head over, smirked widely, and said, “I love this song.” Rooster shook his head, but Jake could tell a small smile was threatening to blossom. It felt like a small victory. “You haven’t changed.”
Suitable Replacement by ReformedTsundere {E}
It's the middle of mid-term hell week, Jake's vibrator is broken, and the fastest Amazon can get him a new one is after the weekend. His only salvation seems to be the newest sex shop in town and the weirdest, hottest clerk Jake's ever seen.
A thief to catch a heart by LulaluzHazel {E}
/Art Professor!Seresin/
Using as an excuse that the Head of the Department, Professor Mike Metcalf, a goofy but authoritarian guy, was away one week before the Spring Break, Jake ditched Javy and Reubens, telling them that he was going to have some sort of crazy party. (Even if he would probably stay home browsing dating apps where people would promise crazy plans that would entitle them to pretend to go hiking and end up getting drunk at brunch. In the best case scenario.) What he didn’t expect, is to have to receive on Friday morning to the FBI in his boss’s office. “Sorry, Special Agent Mitchell,” Jake sat behind his boss's desk. He felt it was too big and out of place. “Let me get this clear, you need my help to certify if two paintings that were stolen from a museum in Spain are authentic.”
Most Arduously by MadeItUp {M}
/Film & Media Associate Professor!Seresin & English Literature Associate Professor!Bradshaw/
When the Dean of Hale South Western College announces a prestigious new writing course, rival Associate Professors Dr Jake Seresin and Dr Bradley Bradshaw find they've got to co-operate. But as the two of them pit their disciplines against one another, each set on proving the other wrong, they're grudgingly forced to admit that in order to teach, they've got to learn... Jake stares forlornly at his laptop as he contemplates withdrawing his acceptance. But damn if that wouldn’t make Bradley fucking Bradshaw happy. And Jake would rather drive himself to the depths of misery than give that dickhead one single second of satisfaction.
my love life waits for me by davidbyrne {T}
/Chemistry Teacher!Seresin & English Teacher!Bradshaw/
Jake’s been a Chemistry teacher at Winthrop Preparatory Academy for more than three years and has, so far, avoided holding over, the dreaded duty of having to stay over the holiday break to watch the kids who aren’t going home. It’s a two-teacher job, and in Jake’s experience, it’s always been Bradshaw and some other poor sap. Jake had been promised it wouldn’t be his year. He has plane tickets, family plans, and his mother’s pecan pie sitting on a kitchen counter in wonderful, warm Houston. And now he’s gonna have to stay trapped in this snowy hellscape with a bunch of obnoxious kids and Bradley fucking Bradshaw. or jake and bradley are two teachers at a boarding school, forced to spend the holiday season together
Experts In A Dying Field (the math prof au) by nimuetheseawitch
/Math Professor!Seresin & Poli Sci Professor!Bradshaw/
Experts In A Dying Field {T}
He gave in to the inevitability of gravity and slid to the floor, taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose. Taking a deep breath, he looked around his office and saw his early career researcher award and the excellence in teaching award he’d earned last year, and he reminded himself that he loved math, he loved teaching, he was good at both, and that the beginning of his fourth semester here was too early to lose his shit just because a student had asked him for the 27th time today what was going on with him and their favorite Poli Sci professor, Bradley fucking Bradshaw. It was the end of January, he hadn’t even seen his ex-husband this calendar year, and yet, their supposed rivalry and mysterious bad blood were the talk of the campus yet again. Jake had hoped that the incident in December would’ve been forgotten by now, but apparently not. OR Jake and Bradley used to love each other, and now they're working at the same small, Midwestern college.
I just want back in your head {E}
It's the faculty holiday party, and all Bradley wants is for his ex-husband to notice him. Once Jake does, the rest is history.
It's all academic darlin' by SunMonTue {E}
/Engineering Professor!Bradshaw/
Bradley is a professor but living his best life with IceMav parents. Jake is a pilot. Maverick sort-of tries (and fails) to play matchmaker, so he tries again. Touch of epistolary and sprinkling of one-sided unknown/mistaken-identity.
vesuvius by teacupivy {M}
/Chemistry lab/
It’s too much, and it’s infuriating, and Bradley has a lot of shit he should be doing, but instead he’s making goo-goo eyes at the asshole in the corner.
arms wide open (I stand alone) by BeautifulCreature {T}
/Graduate Student!Seresin & Librarian!Bradshaw/
Jake knows this is San Diego and all kinds of characters live out here, but he didn’t think he’d walk into the public library and see a man wearing a bright Hawaiian shirt and sporting a god’s honest pornstache. -- Bradley is a reference librarian and Jake is a graduate student studying social work.
Lucky One by ProtectingH_ngm_n {_}
/History Teacher!Seresin & English Teacher!Bradshaw/
Mr. Seresin is too amused by his students complaining about Mr. Bradshaw to stop them
Peer reviewed by SunMonTue {M}
/Engineering Professors!Hangster/
Secretly married Hangster in an academic environment.
Moss definitely a fern-tastic love story by Iprefervillains {T}{G}
/Science Teacher!Seresin/
The fern-tastic tales of Amelia setting up her big brother Bradley with her science teacher Mr. Seresin. She just knew they were mint to bee and when it comes to school camping trips the rule is the s'more the merrier.
White Hot by SunMonTue {E}
/History Teacher!Bradshaw/
#Educational Occupations Recs List#hangster#sereshaw#hangaroo#bradley rooster bradshaw x jake hangman seresin#bradley rooster bradshaw#jake hangman seresin#🐈red🐈furry🐈cat🐈tag🐈
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Sterek Fic Rec - February 2022. Hello! It’s my birthday month wooo. Anyway welcome to the next addition of my recommendations, sorry I’m late! It is reading time!
Leaf Bandit by paintedrecs (1/1 | 7,274 | Teen)
When Derek moved from New York to Beacon Hills, he loved everything about his new small town life: except for his next-door neighbor, whose excessive and inconsiderate use of a leaf blower was quickly becoming the bane of Derek’s existence.
The Treehouse by rieraclaelin (1/1 | 1,766 | General)
It has a lot of sweet memories, and some not so fond. But its favorite story, the one it will whisper to the leaves at night when the moon is bright and full, is the story of the wolf who fell in love with the human.
A Knight in Shining Flannel by Elpie (Horribibble) (1/1 | 3,650 | Teen)
When a frantic phone call from his daughter sends him speeding across town, Derek Hale is prepared for the worst.
What he finds instead are the Stilinskis.
An AU featuring tiny werewolves, awkward single dads, and one bad babysitter.
Derek and Stiles, sitting in a tree…house. by DropsOfAddiction (1/1 | 8,947 | Explicit)
Then Stiles hears the growl, familiar and furious.
“Oh shiitake mushrooms,” Stiles groans, turning around. “Heeeeey Derek. Isn’t it a little past your bedtime?”
Derek looks as pissed as Stiles has ever seen him and it kind of gives him a little bit of satisfaction, so he snuggles closer to Ricky. Derek bares his teeth at them, thankfully still human and his nostrils flare wildly.
“You’re drunk,” Derek accuses him flatly.
“You’re drunk,” Stiles tells Derek nonsensically.
“This is the ‘not boyfriend’ I’m guessing?” Ricky looks down at Stiles, eyebrow cocked.
Derek full on snarls at that and for the first time in forever, Stiles starts to worry he might lose control of the shift.
little boy lost by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli), smartalli (1/1 | 14,862 | Teen)
If someone asked Stiles to write a parenting book, Stiles would say the best and most important rule is to love your kid. Just love the hell out of them, and make sure they know it.
The second most important rule would be don’t turn your back on a curious three year old with supernatural speed.
Stiles is currently failing at the second rule. Badly.
erroneous manoeuvres by slippingfromreality (1/1 | 5,382 | Teen)
“Hey, Stilinski!”
Stiles clenches his teeth. “What do you want, Hale?” he shouts back, not bothering to turn around. The smug smirk that’s most likely waiting for him is already seared into his mind from overexposure.
“A date!” the answer comes, still as loud, and most of the bystanders giggle or snort in Stiles’ direction.
Stiles rolls his eyes. This is the third time this week. He’d complain that Hale’s jokes are getting pretty stale, but he’d probably be milking this situation for all that it’s worth, too, if their roles were reversed. “Wrong aisle,” he grouses back, “try the bakery section. I hear they have fresh tarts.”
Or, in which Stiles grievously misjudged his bullying situation.
Let Me Protect You by christinchen (1/1 | 1,904 | Teen)
He’s screaming, yelling Derek’s name as he watches the other man go crashing to the forest floor. There are shots being fired, bullets flying through the air as Stiles runs. He doesn’t even care if he’s being hit, all he needs is to reach Derek. Derek who is lying on the ground, entirely too still, not moving, not getting up.
The Stuffy Paradigm by Nutellargh (1/1 | 1,644 | General)
“It’s not just that we have to arrange forty stuffed animals every time we make the bed. It’s that they must be in an extremely specific order, like Blinky and LouLou can’t sit next to each other because ‘they have history’. And you want to know the sick part? I want to know what it is!”
The Hands-On Experiment by mintedpotters (1/1 | 6,040 | Explicit)
Excerpt: --- “Dude! Magic? Not as made-up as we thought! Call me back!” Stiles shoved his phone into his pocket, his legs and lungs burning as he tried to keep up with Derek, who was loping through the trees as if it was the easiest thing in the world for him. Which, yeah okay, werewolf, it probably was the easiest thing for him to do, but who cares about semantics when you’ve got an actual sorcerer chasing you through the woods? ---
Tonight Looks Good On You by teacupboyfriends (1/1 | 2,469 | Explicit)
“I don’t think you really want me to get off of you.”
“What makes you think that?”
“Because you’re holding onto me, dumbass.”
Or, Derek needs to go to work, but it’s hard to do with a grumpy little human in his lap.
princecharmingwinks special mention (I just loooove how Derek is written in this. Gosh so sweet!)
Something to Remember Me By by 1lostone (1/1 | 5,038 | Explicit)
At a graduation party, Derek makes some assumptions.
Stiles sets him straight.... so to speak.
And there we have it! Sorry again for being 2 days late, life happened. Hope you enjoy these recs and remember to leave kudos and comments for our fab writers. Till next time!
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home - o.power
summary - the aftermath of boston through a series of voicemails, and the next steps for y/n and owen……
type - 4.5k fic, part two of watching him fade away
warnings - nothing too bad; major feels, sappy voicemails, graduating college, and a little surprise at the end :)
(also when we reference the boys, I mean the frosh & sophomores)

voicemail #1 - the morning of the flight, after the fight
hey o, when you get this, you will probably be in the plane or already in florida. I just wanted to call to let you know that I’ll be here, when you want me. I love you more than words can say, and I know you are probably mad at me right now, but you know I did it with the best intentions. I want you to live your dreams without me holding you back, so I am letting you go. I hope you can make your way back to me someday, because I will be right where you left me, honey. I’m only me when I’m with you, but for now I’m just going to be me, and you are going to be you; mr owen nhl power! I am so damn proud of you and can’t wait to see your debut. you’ve got this. you have been doing this almost all of your life, don’t let the nerves get to you, and play your heart out. every day, every practice, and every game. I’ll be here, in aa, watching all of your games and cheering you on. remember that I’ll always have invisible string thing you to me, and I hope that one day you can tug on that invisible string so we can be together again. I love you to the moon and to saturn, my love. good luck with hockey and I’ll talk to you soon..
voicemail #2 - about two weeks after, the night of his first goal
hi n/n, when you get this message, I know that you will be asleep. we still share the conjoined calendar and I saw that you had a big mid term today, so knowing you, you spent the whole day in the library and then fell asleep as soon as you got back to the dorm. I— I scored my first goal tonight. I wish you were there to see it because it felt amazing, but not as amazing as I should be when I don’t have my favorite person in the stands. anyways, I know that in the future, everything will be different…… I plan on having a seat in the stands saved for you, and then maybe even a box for our children. children, that sounds so good, kids, having kids with you…… only if you want them of course. but you know how I’d love a little y/n or little owen running around to teach them how to skate, and be the kindest human like their mom. now the midnight mush brain is taking over, sorry. but I just wanted to call to say that I love you, and the future is bright, and will bring us together. I miss you deeply, and love you forever and a day, honey.
voicemail #3 - y/n's birthday
owen douglas power, it’s my birthday and I know you can’t make it, but now we are both 20 and I feel like it was just yesterday when we met in Econ. I hope your game in, coincidentally, florida did good. I know you guys won 5-3, but in some cases I know to you that doesn’t mean a good game. when I was sitting on my dorm room floor, getting ready and fixing my necklace before the night out brought me flashbacks to your birthday when you gave that 22 pendant to me. I know that you think that I took it off after the frozen four, but I kept it on. I have this anxiety tic since you have been gone, I— I mess with the pendant and rub it at least 3 times to calm me down. It’s silly I know, but it helps. today was a really hard day to be happy, because you weren’t with me. I couldn’t laugh at your jokes, or have you smash me into the cake like last year…. but thank you for the flowers, they were gorgeous. I love you pow.
voicemail #4 - the end of the season
hey love, it’s now officially the end of the season, and I cannot wait to fly to aa and see you. I have already talked with your parents, and after we help them move your stuff out of the house, we are stating at a lake house I rented for us this summer. don’t worry, your parents will stay for a week, then we will have a week or few to ourselves…… and then the boys and their girls are coming to stay for a few weeks… then I have at least one week with you left until I have to go, and you have to go to school. I cannot wait to see you and hug you so tight. I’ve missed out hugs and cuddles. I also can’t wait to kiss you, those sweet lips are calling my name, they probably taste like your strawberry chapstick. I’m so excited I can’t even think straight, I will see you soon, my love!
that summer was pure bliss, every promise that was made over the voicemails and the night in boston was fulfilled. owen didn’t want to focus on hockey too much, but did tell her all the stories that she didn’t get to see in person, and about his new teammates. soaking up every hug, every kiss, every— every everything….. she truly didn’t want him to leave again. he was home, she was home. the first half of summer went too great, family and friends circulating in and out of the house, spending all day on the lake and then late night bonfires all night…. the last week n a half of summer before the pair had to part ways however, was like boston all over again….
“babe I told you for the hundredth time, I can’t go with you to buffalo right now!”
“WHY you can just transfer and—“
“NO POW— I won’t do it. I love umich too much and I want to finish out my 4 years so I can graduate and start my career on the right track. I know that it’s not super far, but I hope that you can understand why I am so persistent on this..”
“but babeeeee—-“
“NO buts! I respect your decision on your career, so please, please respect mine, owen.”
“this— this is a main reason why I love you y/n….. you are so headstrong in your ways, and against my better judgment, I won’t bring it up again. I’ll support you and your career in every way possible. if this is the way to do it, I will do it.”
and he did. by staying in contact with her throughout her whole junior year while he was making his rookie debut in the NHL. it was hard at first, seeing that both of their schedules were so hectic, on top of the rumors flying about the two of them. many found it hard to believe that THE owen power was taken, and many cheating rumors circulated, but y/n never believed them. however, there was a rumor of luke and y/n being together after a game that really got owen riled up, and y/n of course assured him that nothing happened….. because nothing did. luke decided to keep an eye out for y/n since pow left, because he knew it was the right thing to do, and since he was his liney for a few months. luke knew how much the two of you meant to each other.
y/n made every near by game that owen had with the sabres that year, and then would make some sabre home games depending on her schedule. good thing was during the playoffs, she got to make the majority of them because she got to take her finals a little earlier this year, meaning the year ended early for her. she was on track to graduate with high honors, which everyone was thrilled for. the reason behind her being able to take her finals earlier than most, besides the high honors that she will be able to graduate with, she is graduating a semester earlier……. and owen was THRILLED to have her in buf months earlier than he was planning on. but that means his plans for their future together were getting closer and closer.
“are you— do you think this is the one?” owen asked his sister as adam put the ring holder on the table and opens it.
“this ring would mean everything to her em, she is going to love it.” adam says as he shines it in the light. owen is just admiring it, thinking of proposal plans…
“okay, what’s the plan?” em tells her two brothers, as she closes the ring box and opens her laptop.
“going to have to get the boys together again for this.” owen says with a little smirk on his face. he has had the idea for awhile, and hopes that the boys can pull it off.
calling all the guys up, one by one…. they were all so happy and willing to help owen with the plan for proposing to y/n on graduation day. he knew that it would be cheesy, so he decided to do something even cheesier…… and convince the boys and coach to make a proposal video to play on the screen as owen took her in a “empty” yost stadium for a couple skate to celebrate graduating. he made the video by starting out with the boys talking about their relationship, then their families, and lastly it will be owen, on the screen saying how much he loves her and how they met etc……. while y/n is speechless…… he will get down on one skate next to her and propose, while the boys hold up a MARRY ME ? sign. it was perfect, and he was glad that all of the boys that can, can make it. the ones that can’t however are in the video, so it would still work out.
the day came for y/n to graduate, and she had no clue about anything. no one was answering her calls or text messages. most of the nhl was on their christmas break, but there was some games going on. her family was there and owen’s was, but no owen or the boys that she can see from her seat. y/n felt too good for graduating early, and she got a new dress the weekend before for this with the help of owen’s sister, it was a simple white maxi dress with longer sleeves since aa in december isn’t the best for mini dresses, and against her better judgement, y/n bought the white one instead of her navy blue one that she loved so much. graduation took almost a hour and a half before she could walk the stage, and when she finally walked, she could hear the cheers of her family….. the almost two hours was worth the wait. sitting back down in her seat to watch the rest of graduation, she looked to find her family….. to see both families, and the boys!!! the boys showed up with signs and everything, she started to tear up. all of the old frosh and all of the sophomores could make it….. but not owen. her face dropped when she didn’t see him sitting next to kent.
the boys watched as one of their best friends finally got to graduate and get her degree. all of the hours that she has sacrificed to not only her studying for her degree, but tutoring the boys has finally payed off. sure sadly some of the boys had to leave umich for the nhl so they didn’t get to see her as much, but that didn’t stop them from checking up on her and being close friends. they really hoped (and knew) that their y/n would say yes to marrying pow…. but a lot of them thought that owen not being in the view of sight for y/n’s graduation was almost too far. two of the boys closest to y/n offer the years have been kent & luke.. so when kent was the first that y/n spotted in the crowd after she walked the stage… he could see her face drop when she figured out that owen “wasn’t” there. he felt awful, and frantically texted owen about how he was making her feel. but owen had to stick to the plan.
y/n ran into her parents arms after the commencement ceremony was over, tears in her eyes as she held up her degree. her parents hugged her extra tight, knowing that their only child was going to not only graduate university today…. but become a fiancée. after talking and crying with her parents, she thanked her family and then owen’s family before going over to talk with the boys.
“BOYS— HOW ARE YOU HERE?” y/n yelled as she leaped into luke & briss’ arms… causing everyone to laugh.
kent was walking behind them trying to hide pow as pow was crouching behind him. kent left straight after the ceremony to give pow a stern talking to, and a best friend pep talk before the plan was put into motion. he calmed owen’s nerves a little…. before he saw her (and was twice as nervous).
y/n was hugging and talking with all the boys until she saw kent walking oddly towards the group, through the crowd. her eyes lit up when owen jumped up behind him with a bouquet of flowers, semi running in her direction.he was wearing her favorite navy suit, with a maize tie and a M pin on the suit jacket, with his signature flow / glasses combo…. he looked like the umich owen that she fell in love with. she looked to bords, who was standing behind her filming. she muttered a “that little shit” and looked at the camera, gave a thumbs up before owen caught up to her. he gave her a big hug (which turned into a kiss) and spun her around, as she laughed.
“OWEN DOUGLAS POWER— DONT— don’t scare me like that again!!” she jokingly yelled at him as he put her down, causing everyone to laugh.
“surprised?” he says as he smirks a little at luke, who gave a thumbs up behind y/n.
“I’m so glad that you could make it pow.” she told him softly as she gave him another hug.
“okay babe, I got to take you away from our friends and family for a minute… is that okay?” he asked her as he reached his hand out so she could take it.
“uhhh— okay owen what ever you say. BORDS! If I get kidnapped, please call erik to find me or 911.” she joked before turning around to look up at owen as he lead her to the first step of the plan.
owen quickly turned around for a split second to smile at h to e group before giving them a “go go” movement so they could change into their old umich uniforms for the proposal.
after a 5 ish minute walk to wherever pow was taking her, her eyes started to water when she saw the familiar building.
yost ice arena.
it looked to same, it looked like home. she hasn’t been here in a few weeks, as the boys have had a few away games before the semester was over. but it wasn’t the same as it was….. every time she walked in, she remembered all the times with pow & the original sophomore boys…. that she got sad when they weren’t there skating or with her. it had been so long since she saw her boys in a uniform in so long. but she was glad that she was able to experience the time that she had with them. she was also glad that she could watch the current sophomores live their last full semester at umich... because she knew they were going to sign and move away in a few months.
she didn’t question owen’s motives, she was just following him as he lead her through the semi dark arena, it looked so peaceful. she was at peace, finally being at home….. with her home. owen was home to her, he had taken her heart… and she has his. two hearts and one home is what luke would always say to her for reassurance.
now the pair were almost down to the benches, and y/n could see a blue “power” jersey that was laid over the home bench. her eyes started to water again… that jersey brings back so many good memories. hopping over the bench, she could also see two pairs of skates, one says power, and the other one… that looked like hers had writing on it but she couldn’t read it because it was too dark in the arena still.
“put it in babe, please? one last skate with me.” he said as he sat down on the bench and passed her the jersey.
“of course, power.” she said, flashing back to the first date that she had with him…. which was taking her on a couple skate, in this very same arena.
owen quickly put on his skates and helped her fix her skates like he always did, and she put the familiar jersey back on. after they were both ready, y/n took his hand as they skated on to the ice. the lights were slightly getting a little brighter so they could see the ice. they skated and talked and it was perfect. y/n & owen’s families were at the top of the stands, watching and getting pictures of this sweet moment. the boys were in their umich uniforms and were watching in the tunnel, getting some up close pictures. about 20 ish minutes of skating and goofing around, owen took her to center ice, and the lights turned into a spotlight on center ice.
y/n confused on what was happening, frantically asked owen.
“owen? baby what is going on?” laughing nervously.
“nothing to worry about honey, just look up at the screen! you’ll see.” owen said as he stood behind her, holding her waist, towering over her as she leaned into his hold (so she could see the jumbotron better)
the video started to play, and the screen turned to almost a interview setting, with the famous blue and maize backdrop and podium as owen walked onto the frame.
“hi y/n, if you are watching this, this means that you have finally graduated from michigan! first off, congrats babe, I’m so prone of how hard that you have worked. secondly, I love you so so much and I wanted to make this video to help explain my love for you. so uh— here ya go honey.. hope you enjoy it!” the owen on the screen says as y/n laughs a little.
the screen then goes to a montage of owen goals over the course of the last year, and all of the cellys that he pointed to y/n in the crowd to. goal after goal, celly after celly, y/n started to realize how much that she loved him and how much she meant to him. the commentators would say like “power with another goal of the night! look at him go! and his girlfriend in the stands?! isn’t she the best supporter?” and stuff like that which made her tear up.
but what started the tears is when the podium screen came back up, but it wasn’t owen on the screen but coach p,, one of her favorite people.
someone off screen asked him
“what do you think about owen and y/n’s relationship?”
and coach replied with “I think that she is the best one for him, with her in the crowd, he plays on a even more exceptional level hat he normally does. many think that relationships are distractions, but this relationship is far from it. I wish them the best and I hope that he can keep his good luck charm with him in the crowd, for life.” and he smiles at the camera….
she is now almost crying as one by one her family answers many questions like that. then, owen’s family, who cracked her up as em & adam started bickering on camera. the boys did the same, one by one answering little things like that….. but the last question that was asked and answered was by the couple’s best friends…. kent & luke.
the question that kent was asked was…… “do you think if they get married that you will be best man? or adam?”
kent laughs and says “man, I love adam but I hope I am. owen is one of my best friends, and I love y/n like she is my sister. so I really hope they stay together and that op proposes.”
luke waits for his question, looking down at the podium.
“hughesy how do you feel? about the future of our highlighted hockey couple.” the question person asked.
“I—“ he looks up and makes eye contact with the camera.
“y/n was one of the first people that I met here, and I had a fast connection with her. I’m like her little brother and she is the older sister I never had. owen treats her like a queen and I respect all of the things that he has done for her. their future is so bright. I wish them all the best! but uh— when you watch this… can I be a bridesmaid?” he jokes at the end as he runs towards the camera, shutting it off.
the screen turns back to owen standing at the podium, saying some last words. he is wearing the same outfit as now, which prompts her to believe that this last part was filmed today. the boys are now quietly skating into the ice, signs in hand behind the couple. their family’s are now closer to the ice taking pictures. one of the girls from the social media team have been filming the whole thing , and bother was their photographer of the proposal.
“hi y/n/n, I hope you enjoyed the video that I put together. it took me a long time and a lot of prep, but I knew it would mean a lot to you.” owen on the screen says as owen starts to loosen his grasp on y/n’s waist so he can bend down on one knee to propose to her after the video is over.
“before this video ends, I want to say that I love you so so much y/n l/n. you are my home, the one that supports me through thick and thin, the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. you are the love of my life, and I cannot imagine spending another day without you by my side. I think about you and our future constantly and with every game until today I have thought of seeing your face as I said these 4 words that form one of the most life changing sentences I’ll ever say. so, y/n if you could please turn around.” owen on the screen finishes and the jumbotron plays the scene on center ice.
y/n turns around and gasps at the sight. all of the boys, in their white umich uniforms that she knows and loves (the frozen four ones as that was the last time that they were all on the ice together). she can feel the tears falling down her face as she sees them pull out signs one by one spelling out
Y / N, M A R R Y M E ? 💍
and she looks down to see owen on one knee with the ring of her dreams, his family heirloom ring from his grandma that she loved. she bent down and whispered a “yes owen, I so will.” which causes them to both stand up and put the ring on.
“SHE SAID YES!” owen yells as the couple kisses and then gets bombarded by hugs from the boys.
looking down at the ring after the boys gave her some space, she can finally see the words on the side of her skate, she smiles as she reads it
“mrs. power”
she was home, and now home was him for forever. <3
abbster's taglist: @owenpwr @studsccsnackavoybambi @jamiedryzdale @hockey-lover86 @hockeyboysarehot @hockey-lover-22 @pulpfixion @dylandukerr @oskarlidblom @owenpowersglasses @bellaguarneri @boeswhore @the-stars-shine-above-us @juliasahoshughes @pierrelucduboiis @dracoswhore007
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Spring Will Come Again
Pairing— Jeon Jungkook x reader
Genre— Photographer!Jungkook x Baker!reader, SMUT +18, fluff, angst, Virgin!Jungkook, Sub!Jungkook, Switch!Jungkook
Warnings— Finger sucking, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, squirting (?), slight choking, there are a lot of emotions, Jungkook is literally so sweet gosh I just wanna hold him tight, this fic is kind of a rollercoaster of emotions bc I myself do b going thru it
Word Count— ~10.9k
Summary— Springtime generally brings new beginnings, but being stuck in a small town all your life means nothing ever changes. Finally, something, or rather, someone, stumbles into your life. Can this shy boy manage to change your life forever?
A/N— This beautiful banner was made by @dee-ehn! Please let me know what you think of this fic! Hope you guys enjoy~
It all started on a beautiful spring day. Something had convinced you to go on an unprecedented early morning walk for some reason.
The morning air was cold but crisp. You were bundled up in your favorite sweater, and the scarf that your grandmother knitted for you was wrapped snugly around your neck. Normally you would be immersed in your headphones, but since today was already unusual you decided to forgo the music.
You walked along the banks of the stream that flowed next to your neighborhood. This particular stream held nothing but fond memories. You grew up here with all the other kids. During the summer breaks, you’d play out here from morning to nightfall. This was the place where you saw your first fireflies, and where you won your first fist fight.
You stopped to sit on the grassy hill that ran alongside the banks, relishing in nostalgia as you took in a breath of fresh air. Everything is so different now. Everyone moved away to pursue their careers or to go to a big university. You were the only one left. Your parents urged you to go to college, but you refused. Who else would help run the bakery?
As much as you hated to see it, your parents were growing old. Managing the family bakery was getting harder on them. You were such a huge help to them since you basically managed all of the front-of-house work. They worked diligently in the kitchen every day to create the best baked goods in town.
You had always dreamt of leaving this small town. You’ve fantasized about attending a big university in the middle of a bustling city since you were a little kid. Unfortunately, that can’t happen now. You can’t leave your parents or the bakery behind. You held no resentment though, you loved it. Being an only child was a bit lonely at times, but your parents made you feel loved no matter what.
You laid on the grassy hill, watching the clouds roll by. Maybe life was better this way. It was simple, and you always knew what to expect. Day in and day out, the routine was always the same.
Everything changed on that day. That was the fateful day that you ran into him. Or rather, he ran into you.
“Good morning, ____! Where were you this morning? Why weren’t you answering your phone?” your concerned mother asked when you returned home.
“Morning mom. I went on a walk and forgot my phone I guess. Sorry about that. I ended up laying on the hill by the stream,” you replied as you sat at the breakfast table.
Living with bakers was probably one of the biggest blessings in your life. Every meal smelled delectable and you had access to all the fresh goodies you could desire.
“Wow, you were awake before we were? What a surprise. Here, tell me what you think of this loaf,” your dad set it in front of you.
You tossed a piece of bread into your mouth. The taste was savory to say the least. It was your father’s signature banana bread loaf, only this time with a small twist.
“Why’d you take out the walnuts? It’s still delicious though,” you said, devouring another piece.
“Well so many customers complain about having nut allergies now. I thought we could sell more if we take them out! You think we can sell this?” he asked eagerly.
“I think this will be our newest best seller!” you happily replied, “I’m gonna go open up the shop. See you guys soon,” you kissed them each on the cheek before taking your leave.
The bakery was down the street from your house, so the commute was only about 5 minutes even if you walked slowly. You brought your phone with you this time, so you were jamming out to your music, oblivious to the outside world. You were so out of it, that you didn’t have time to react to the person quickly rounding the corner.
One moment you were walking to work, the next you were knocked onto the cold hard ground. Your assailant fell on top of you, and you soon locked eyes with him. It was as if time stood still for a moment. He was the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen. His eyes were wide with concern, and for a moment, you swore you saw stars twinkling within them.
It took a second to register that this stranger was on top of you, in a compromising position no less. You’ve never been this close to a boy since...well it has been a while. Your legs were intertwined and his nose was only inches from yours.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you until the last second,” the boy apologized as he scrambled to get off of you.
As he helped you up, you reassured him that you were fine. You laughed off the incident and took the boy by surprise. You had the most angelic laugh he’d ever heard. He stood awkwardly gazing at you, before you asked him if he was okay.
“I-I’m fine! I’m glad you’re okay. I apologize again for being so careless,” he bowed.
“I’m also at fault! I wasn’t paying attention either. So shame on both of us,” you smiled to show him you were joking, “Enjoy the rest of your day, don’t run into anyone else!”
And with that, you parted ways. You forgot about the stranger as the morning rush piled into the bakery.
Despite being located in a small town, your parent’s were nationally renowned bakers. The bakery was always busy. That was part of why you loved it so much, you were never bored. The regular customers were your favorite. Most of the townsfolk had been coming to the bakery since you were little.
“Is this banana bread new?” Mrs. Park, the local florist, asked.
“Technically, yes. It’s the exact same recipe but without the walnuts,” you replied.
“Perfect! I’m not too fond of walnuts but I adore your parents’ banana bread,” Mrs. Park beamed, handing you a loaf along with other goods she picked up.
“How’s Jimin?” you asked as you rang her up.
“Oh he’s doing well! He loves it out there in the big city. At first, I was terrified of letting him go. He’s just always been so passionate about dancing, I finally had to cave in. He recently auditioned to be part of some fancy dance crew, and he got in! Can you believe it?” Mrs. Park began to dote on her son.
“That’s amazing! I’m happy for him,” you smiled.
“You know, ____, Jimin is still single. You two would be perfect together--”
“Long distance relationships are hard, Mrs. Park,” your mother interrupted her, swooping in to save the day. Thank god. You wouldn’t have known how to react.
“She could always move out to the city to be with him!” Mrs. Park retorted, not picking up on the awkward situation she created.
“I could never leave the bakery,” you responded quickly.
“Ah, yes that’s right. You have such a good daughter, Mrs. _____. Jimin never took any interest in taking over the family business. I’m jealous of you!” Mrs. Park said to your mom.
After what seemed like an eternity, Mrs. Park finally left. You were fond of her, but she never knew when to stop talking. Jimin was a good friend of yours growing up. You never wanted to admit that you had a huge crush on him. You figured it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, since he was so fixated on moving out.
The morning rush had died down. You took this opportunity to restock and tidy things up before the afternoon rush. The store bell rang, indicating the arrival of another customer.
“Welcome in! I’ll be with you shortly,” you called out from behind the counter.
“No worries, thanks!” the customer yelled back.
Once finished, you popped up with a bright smile on your face. Your parents taught you to always greet the customers with a smile as soon as they walk in.
However, the customer wasn’t facing your direction. He was looking at the baked goods that aligned the opposite wall. You patiently waited for him to make his selection. He kept walking back and forth, eyeing all of the baked items. You left your station behind the counter and approached him.
“Can I help you with anything, sir?” you piped up behind him.
The man jumped back, startled.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you,” you apologized.
“It’s okay! I didn’t hear you at all. You must be some sort of ninja-- Oh it’s you!” the boy turned around to face you.
It was the gorgeous boy who ran into you earlier.
“Hello again! I guess it was my turn to frighten you,” you joked.
“That’s fair,” he nodded, “What’s the best thing here?”
“Mmm that’s hard for me to say, considering that I love them all. What kind of tastes and textures do you like?” your customer service persona kicked in.
“I like sweet things I guess? I like bananas too…” he trailed off.
“We don’t have any bananas in fruit form, but we do have killer banana bread,” you beamed.
“That sounds good, but I don’t really like nuts so--”
“There are no nuts in our new recipe! You must be lucky, this is the first day that we’ve started selling them. Want me to ring you up a loaf?” you interrupted him.
“Oh no nuts? Okay, I’ll try it,” he agreed quietly.
“Would you still like to get something sweet as well?”
“Yeah, if that’s okay,” he nodded timidly.
“Of course it’s okay! My personal favorite is our milk pudding bun. The pudding in the middle is pretty creamy plus the bread is unbelievably soft! If that’s not for you, then we have a classic chocolate bun filled with, surprise surprise, chocolate. We also have…” you led the boy around the entire bakery.
You were too focused on recommending various breads to notice him stealing glances at you that lingered longer than normal. He patiently let you talk his ear off about the goodies.
“I’ll go with the milk pudding bun,” he smiled shyly.
“That was the first one! You should’ve stopped me from rambling,” you huffed.
“I wanted to know my options. Plus you seemed pretty happy,” he added softly.
“Alright, let’s go check you out then,” you headed to the counter, “I haven’t seen you before. What brings you to our little town?” you attempted to make conversation.
“Mmm, to get away, I guess,” the boy said after a pause.
“Are you in some sort of trouble?” you leaned over the counter to whisper.
“Kind of,” he whispered back.
“Stay right here, I can call the police,” you frantically murmured as you whipped out your phone.
“No no! Not like that,” he couldn’t contain his laughter, “I’m a fine arts student. My main focus is photography, but lately I haven’t been able to capture anything worth printing,” he explained.
“Ohhh,” you said, feeling dumb, “Then why come to a town in the middle of nowhere? You won’t find much here.”
“To an untrained eye, maybe so. But to a professional, beauty can be found anywhere,” he said proudly.
“Then why can’t you find anything back home? And aren’t you still a student?” you questioned.
“You know, I was really hoping that you’d let me have that,” the boy deflated.
“Aw, I’m sorry! If you ever want to take photos of the beauty that is bread, you’re always welcome here,” you smiled.
“I might take you up on that offer,” he said as he grabbed the purchased goods, “What’s your name by the way?”
“____. Yours?”
“Jeon Jungkook.”
“I’ll see you around, Mr. Jeon Jungkook. Oh! And if you’d like a tour of the town, I’d be more than happy to show you around,” you suggested.
“That would be nice,” Jungkook pondered, “Where can I find you?”
“I’m here every day. I get off at 3pm,” you answered.
“Cool. I’ll drop by tomorrow, if that’s okay?”
“Sure! See you then!” you waved goodbye.
“Who was that?” your mother asked when the boy left.
“Some photography student that said he wanted to get away for some inspiration. I offered to give him a tour tomorrow after work,” you explained.
“Do you want me to come with you?” your dad offered.
“I’ll be fine on my own, thanks,” you quickly turned him down.
You spent the next morning frantically flip flopping between outfits. Should you go with a pretty top paired with a skirt? Or perhaps keep it casual with a t-shirt and jeans? Or should you go with a simple dress? You know you’re supposed to be a tour guide, but you still wanted to look somewhat presentable. You settled for the dress. It gave off a “cute but not trying too hard” type of vibe.
Time seemed to slowly drag on as you waited for Jungkook to return. You had already mapped out your route, making sure it was efficient (not like there’s much to see anyway). You wanted to surprise him with a picnic at the end of the tour. Hopefully it could help show off the natural beauty of the forests and meadows that surrounded the town. As the clock approached 3pm, you began to wonder if springing a surprise picnic on a stranger was odd. Oh god, what if it was? You hadn’t had much interaction with people your age once all your friends went off to live their own lives. Panic was starting to set in when the front bell chimed.
“Hey! I’m a little early, but I can wait around until you’re finished,” Jungkook greeted you. You noticed a fancy looking camera dangling around his chest.
“It’s all good! Business has been slow today, I’ve been bored,” you admitted.
“Oh I see--” Jungkook was cut off.
“Hi! I’m ____’s mom. Did you like the bread you bought yesterday?” your mom materialized out of nowhere with a pan of fresh bread in her hands.
“It was delicious! Better than anything I could get in the city,” Jungkook complimented.
“Why did you batch a new batch? No one has come in after 1pm,” you aggressively whispered to your mom.
“I got bored,” she pouted, “Here, have one! On the house, think of it as a welcoming present to our town,” she motioned for Jungkook to take a fresh loaf off the tray.
Jungkook’s face lit up at the offer as he thanked her for the snack. His smile lingered as he took a bite, savoring the taste.
“You must have some sort of good luck charm; you’re getting even more free food later,” you chuckled as you plopped a wicker basket onto the checkout counter.
“Sweet,” he beamed.
You let out a small sigh of relief. It didn’t seem like Jungkook was creeped out by the thought of eating with a stranger. With the basket in hand, you led Jungkook across the town. There truly wasn’t much to see. Your family’s bakery was in line with the rest of the town’s shops. You passed by the florist, the cafe, the grocery store, and the post office within the first 3 minutes just by walking down the street. You added in little personal stories with each business that you pointed out.
Jungkook paused by the flower shop, in awe of all the beautiful arrangements. His eyes scanned the outside displays, as if he was looking for something.
“Need something specific, dear?” Mrs. Park asked her potential customer.
“Do you have Tiger flowers?” he inquired.
“Tiger… No, but I can probably order some for you,” she offered.
“Ah, that’s alright. I’m sorry to bother you,” Jungkook apologized before rejoining you.
“Did you wanna take a picture of that specific flower?” you asked him as you strolled along the sidewalk.
“Yeah, it’s my birth flower,” he shyly nodded.
“Oh nice! I don’t know what my birth flower is, but yours sounds pretty. Ah, here is the town square. Over there is the courthouse/government building/boring stuff happens in there probably,” you said as you pointed out the building.
“This is cool,” Jungkook examined a decrepit well that stood in front of the courthouse.
“I guess. I always thought it would be better if they replaced it with a big pretty fountain or something,” you mentioned as you looked down into the dark abyss of the well.
Jungkook said nothing as he began taking pictures of the well from various angles. You watched him frown at each picture he took before he tried to take another.
“Maybe you could take a picture looking into the well? I mean, you’d probably have to stand on it to get a full shot and your feet will be in it but…” you suggested before realizing that you knew nothing about photography.
Jungkook immediately hopped onto the well, disregarding the loose pebbles that crumbled away under his weight. Pointing the camera directly down into the well, he snapped a couple of pictures. He didn’t bother hopping off of the well before scrolling through the pictures he just took. You caught yourself staring at him, admiring his features. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, his lips were pursed, and the wind was blowing his bangs over his forehead ever so slightly. He really was a handsome boy, though he seemed to be completely unaware of it.
“How’d it turn out?” you asked as he climbed down.
“Not bad actually. Better than the angles I took at first,” Jungkook smiled with approval, “I’ll show you after I touch them up.”
“I’m excited to see! Also, this basically concludes the tour because everything else is residential stuff. Unless you wanna take pictures of random people’s homes,” you joked.
“I’m good. Is this where we’re eating? I kinda skipped lunch,” Jungkook looked at the wicker basket in your hand.
“Nope! I’m gonna take you somewhere special. Are you okay with a bit of light hiking?”
“Sounds fun,” Jungkook grinned.
“Perfect! Now it’s your turn to lug this thing around,” you said as you handed him the deceptively heavy basket.
You took him to the outskirts of town, where nature was left untouched.
“Is this where all the cool kids have their picnics?” Jungkook asked as you led him down an old trail.
“All the cool kids left this town a while ago, so I can’t speak on their behalf. However, this is where I like to have my picnics so take that in whatever way you please,” you responded.
It was a sunny day on the verge of being too hot, but the densely wooded forest provided enough shade to make it comfortable. Your parents used to take you on walks in these woods when you (and they) were younger. Of course, now the hilly paths and loose soil would only wreak havoc on your parents’ old knees. You’ve grown accustomed to exploring on your own. Bringing Jungkook along was a pleasant change.
“You okay with eating here?” you suddenly stopped, pointing over to a field just off the trail.
“I’ll eat anywhere, I’m starving,” Jungkook quickly nodded.
“I’m fully aware of that; I could barely hear the birds chirping over the sounds of your stomach growling,” you teased.
An old tree that was large enough to cover up the entire picnic blanket with shade proved to be the ideal spot. Jungkook set down the wicker basket that you assigned to him earlier, eagerly waiting for you to finally open it.
“On the menu today we have fruits as an appetizer, ham and cheese sandwiches in homemade croissants as the main course, and last but not least, chocolate buns for dessert,” you proudly showcased each item.
“I never knew bread could taste so heavenly until I went to your bakery. I’m happy I walked in,” Jungkook praised as he wolfed down his sandwich.
“It’s not my bakery, it’s my parents’ bakery,” you corrected him as you ate the fruit.
“Don’t you work in it nearly every day? I don’t see how it’s not your bakery too,” Jungkook insisted.
“I’m not the one running the business,” you argued.
“You seem to put in the same amount as work as them. Instead of baking, you’re handling all of the customers. That’s gotta count for something, right?” Jungkook persisted.
“Fine, I guess you could say it’s a family bakery. Happy?” you huffed, clearly annoyed.
“Hey, I wasn’t trying to make you angry. I’m sorry if I overstepped,” Jungkook apologized, putting his sandwich down, “I wanted to let you know how much I love your family’s bread, that’s all.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you. It’s just…” your trailed off as you gazed at the blue sky.
“I don’t want to pry, but I’m happy to sit here and listen,” Jungkook offered.
“I don’t want to scare you away by dumping my personal issues on you,” you tried to lighten the mood.
“I don’t think you could do that, ____,” Jungkook assured you.
Your eyes widened ever so slightly since he caught you off guard with his sincerity, but soon you gave him a soft smile.
“Fine, since we’re just sitting here anyway,” you caved as you picked up your sandwich, “I wish I wasn’t here anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents and I love the bakery. I just wish I got to go to a big city somewhere and attend a real university. I don’t know what I’d study, I just know that I thought my life would be different by now,” you turn away from him to hide your watery eyes.
“It’s not all that great,” Jungkook responded after a short pause, “I came from a small town too. The only difference was that it was along a beach, not by a forest. Wait, the location doesn’t matter,” he quietly scolded himself, “What I’m trying to say is that I did get away from my hometown. I was so excited to finally be a city kid. I didn’t realize how overwhelming it would be. Now look at me. I’m a senior in college with no direction in life. That’s what I get for choosing a career with no job security,” he chuckled as he looked down at the camera around his neck.
“But are you doing what you love?” you quietly asked.
“I think so. Are you?” he asked back.
“I think so,” you sighed, finally turning to look at him.
“I could always take you back to the city with me,” Jungkook flashed you a big bunny smile.
“Don’t joke with me like that. I hate getting my hopes up,” you playfully punch him in the arm.
“I’m not joking!” he yelped in surprise.
The conversation turned into a more cheerful one. You both spoke about your dreams, both childhood and present day. It was fun talking with Jungkook as you both watched the clouds roll by without a care in the world.
“Maybe you could get some pretty shots of some wildlife while we’re out here,” you recommended when the conversation came to a pause.
“Do you want to model for me?” Jungkook asked.
“Huh?” his sudden proposal surprised you.
“It’s completely okay if you don’t want to! Actually, just forget I said anything,” Jungkook looked down at the camera in his hands in a futile attempt to hide his flushed cheeks.
“Just tell me how to pose,” you smiled, already getting up.
“Uh, just act natural,” he said awkwardly as you leaned against the thick tree trunk.
At first, you made some silly poses that made Jungkook laugh. To be honest, you only did that because you really didn’t know how to pose next to the tree while making it look natural. Forcing a smile, you attempted to lean on the tree like as if it were another person.
“You don’t have to fake a smile,” Jungkook called from behind the camera.
“I don’t know what to do!” you called back.
“Act natural!”
“How do I do that?”
His response rewarded him a sarcastic eye roll, followed by a burst of laughter. Jungkook furiously clicked his camera as you laughed even harder. He praised you for ‘being in your natural state’ as he took shots from ridiculous angles. He gave you a thumbs up after he was satisfied with the impromptu photoshoot.
“Is laughing until I can’t breathe just me being in my natural state?” you asked playfully as you sat back down on the picnic blanket.
“It was authentic, so I would say so. I wish I could capture sound too, your laugh is so cute,” Jungkook said nonchalantly as he scrolled through the photos.
His eyes widened as soon as he realized what he said. He opened his mouth to try and take it back, or at least cover it up. He looked over at you shyly, only to see that you were digging out dessert from the basket. He let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully, you didn’t hear him.
“How were the pictures?” you asked, scooting to sit beside him after handing him the dessert.
“See for yourself,” he proudly showed you.
You were amazed by his talent. Even without editing, the photos looked like they were ready to be submitted into a contest. Everything looked so perfect. Your smile was genuine, the lighting was optimal, and your hair looked surprisingly good. You applauded him for his talent, to which he bashfully denied by saying he was still such an amatuer. You both finally dug into the desserts.
“These chocolate buns were amazing,” Jungkook licked his lips after he finished it.
“They’re my personal favorite! They’re also the best things that I can make on my own,” you winked at him as you finished yours.
“You made these?” Jungkook’s doe eyes filled with awe.
“Yep! Don’t act so surprised,” you pouted.
“Sorry, it’s just that you told me your parents bake everything. These were really good! Probably the best things I’ve had since--oh wait. You have a little something,” Jungkook leaned forward to wipe the corner of your mouth with his thumb.
You both froze for a second, in shock of this intimate gesture. Jungkook’s mouth opened to apologize, but you stopped him before he had the chance. Without thinking about it, you put your mouth around his thumb. You sucked on it for a second before you snapped back to reality. You started apologizing profusely the instant his thumb left your mouth.
“It’s okay! I shouldn’t have touched you in the first place,” Jungkook shied away from you, refusing to look you in the eyes.
“I don’t know what came over me,” you apologized as you grabbed his hand.
Jungkook looked at you with an embarrassed expression the moment you held his hand in yours. At first you didn’t realize why he was so embarrassed, you were the one sucking his thumb. But then, you noticed Jungkook sheepishly resting his other hand in his lap.
“Jungkook,” you said sweetly.
“Yes?” he answered, his eyes averting yours once more.
“Do you want me to do it again?”
“Huh?” he looked back at you with disbelief.
You made a bold move as you moved to straddle his lap, each leg settling beside his waist. You brought his hand up to your mouth and batted your eyes innocently.
“Like this,” you say before licking his pointer finger.
Jungkook gulped while slowly nodding his head, giving you permission to continue. His eyes stayed glued on you as you wrapped your lips around his finger. You dragged your flattened out tongue from the base to the tip. You then reversed this motion, but instead only using the tip of your tongue. You began to work on his middle finger as well. It was hard to fit his long fingers in your mouth, but you’re no quitter. Your tongue weaved between his fingers, adequately coating them with your saliva.
Jungkook’s breaths quickened the longer you went on. You felt a bulge grow between your thighs as you straddled him. Perhaps wearing a dress was a great idea after all. Your hips began to move on their own as you slowly grinded on Jungkook.
“____…” Jungkook moaned quietly when you daringly took three fingers into your mouth.
Rubbing your clothed pussy against his hard crotch spurred you on even more. Drool was dribbling down Jungkook’s arm and your chin, but neither of you cared. It just made you look more erotic to him. His other hand was on your hip to help you maintain a rhythm. You opened your eyes to make contact with his as you suckled his fingers. That’s all it took to make him come undone.
He quickly pushed you off of him as he cried out. You were both too shocked to say anything for a few seconds. Jungkook seemed too embarrassed to look you in the eyes again, his cheeks bright red.
“Jungkook, I--” you started to apologize.
“You probably think I’m pretty lame huh? Cumming in my pants like some sort of middle schooler,” he looked down in defeat.
“What? No, of course not!” you disagreed.
“Don’t lie,” Jungkook refused to believe you.
“Jungkook, that was honestly the hottest thing I’ve ever done. What we just did was hotter than when I was actually having sex,” you tried to cheer him up.
“You’re not lying?” Jungkook finally looked up at you with sad puppy dog eyes.
“I swear I’m not. I could help you clean it up, if you’d like,” you offered.
“I think that would make me feel worse. Just hand me some napkins and I’ll go take care of it myself,” he declined.
You packed everything up while you waited for Jungkook to return. He discreetly threw away the ball of used napkins into the designated trash bag, praying to god that you weren’t looking.
The walk back was quiet and awkward. Neither of you knew what to say. You were horrified with how you acted; you’ve never been so bold before. Jungkook was ashamed of cumming before he had the chance to do anything to you. He felt so pathetic.
“I’m sorry for making you so uncomfortable, Jungkook,” you finally apologized.
“Are you kidding? You think I would cum that fast if I was uncomfortable?” Jungkook looked at you with incredulity, “I’m the one who should be sorry. I’m disgusting and came in my pants while you did all the hard work.”
“You’re not disgusting at all, Jungkook. I enjoyed it too. I can’t remember the last time I was that horny,” you laughed.
All the tension in the air had disappeared. Jungkook bounced back to being his cheery self. The conversation went back to normal as you brought him back to the bakery. You hugged him goodbye and were about to leave when he caught your hand.
“Thank you so much for the tour. I know we’ve only known each other for a day but... would you like to go on a date with me?” Jungkook asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.
“No,” you said firmly, watching his shoulders fall, “I’d love to go on a date with you,” you smirked.
“You jerk!” Jungkook gasped.
You couldn’t help it, he was too easy to tease. After working out the details, it was decided that he would come pick you up on Friday night.
Jungkook took you to basically the only restaurant in town (that wasn’t the cafe). It was a family run Italian eatery, and it took Jungkook by surprise.
“Is everyone in this place a master chef or something? This is delicious!” he praised as he ate his pasta.
“I guess it’s the authenticity of family recipes? You probably eat at more chain restaurants while you’re in the city,” you shrugged as you twirled noodles around your fork.
The date went on pleasantly. Jungkook wanted to know as much about you as you did him. The conversations you had were lively and fun; there was never a dull moment with him. Something about him just automatically clicked with you.
“What’s your favorite thing to photograph?” you asked.
“I like taking pictures of landscapes and buildings. That’s why I was super excited about going to a university in the city. It’s a lot easier than taking pictures of people! Unfortunately, that’s where the money is right now,” he explained.
“You don’t like taking pictures of people?”
“Not really, no,” he answered bluntly.
“Then why did you ask me to model for you?” you were genuinely curious.
Jungkook froze in his seat. He took a long sip of his drink before answering you.
“For practice, I suppose,” he said softly.
“I’m happy I was able to help then,” you smiled, thinking nothing of it.
Jungkook seemed grateful that you didn’t press for more details, and was soon coaxed out of his shy shell once the topic of anime came around. You were happy that he took you out on a proper date, you hadn’t been on one in so long.
He walked you back under the pale moonlight. You were admiring the twinkling stars when you realized that Jungkook hadn’t said anything in a while. His hand awkwardly brushed against yours when you first left the restaurant, but you didn’t think much of it. Jungkook seemed to be thinking hard about something as he walked alongside you. You were going to say something when the back of his hand brushed against yours again. He instantly pulled away and uttered a small “sorry”.
“What’s wrong, Jungkook?” you were worried now, you thought the date went well.
“Nothing…,” his voice trailed off as he looked away.
You interlocked his pinky with yours without a word. Jungkook looked over at you with surprise, but said nothing. He admonished himself for not committing to hold your hand, but he was happy with this too. In fact, he thought it was cuter than actual hand holding.
You arrived in front of your house. Bidding Jungkook goodnight, you went in for a hug. Jungkook also went in for a hug, but he leaned the same way you did. In a quick bumble, your lips grazed the corner of Jungkook’s, causing you to jump back. You stood in Jungkook’s arms, looking away in embarrassment. He brought up one of his hands to cup your cheek, forcing you to look back at him. His eyes sparkled under the moonlight as he gazed into yours.
Slowly, you found yourself leaning forward. Jungkook met you in the middle, his lips finding yours. It was a tender kiss, sweet and soft. You broke it off after a couple seconds to giggle, but Jungkook pulled you back into it. He kissed you gently, yet with so much passion. You reciprocated his affection as your fingers intertwined with his hair, deepening the kiss.
He finally pulled away, smiling back at you. To be honest, you wish it lasted longer. However, you knew you would have had a hard time controlling yourself if it did.
“Thank you for dinner,” you thanked him with a soft voice.
“Of course, thank you for accompanying me,” he bowed like a gentleman and kissed your hand. You couldn’t help but laugh at his gesture.
“Too much?” he tilted his head.
“Don’t change a thing,” you continued to laugh.
All sorts of thoughts about Jungkook swam in your mind as you fell asleep that night.
Jungkook soon began to hangout with you every day. When he wasn’t out trying to take pictures, he would be in the bakery keeping you company. Your parents teased him, saying that he better buy something or else they’d kick him out, but they never did. In fact, your mom would always sneak him some freshly baked goods.
After work, you and Jungkook would spend even more time together. It didn’t matter if you guys were exploring nature, cooling off in the stream, or just watching movies; you enjoyed it all. It was nice having someone to talk to for a change. Jungkook never asked to make plans with you, he just assumed you guys would hangout the next day when he said “see ya tomorrow!”
You knew you had a crush on Jungkook, but you didn’t know how he felt. Yes, he took you on a date. Yes, you’ve kissed. Yes, you made in cum in his pants (not necessarily in that order). You were waiting on him to ask you to be his girlfriend. You didn’t want to pressure him, especially when you knew that he’d be going back to school in the fall.
One day, much to your chagrin, Jungkook was helping you with inventory. You argued that he shouldn’t work since he wasn’t getting paid, but he smiled and replied that spending time with you was all the payment he needed. You were too flustered to argue after that.
“Great, everything has been accounted for! Can you help me put this box back up there?” you asked him, nodding your head at a particularly high shelf that was out of your reach. You grabbed a step stool for him to make it easier.
Jungkook lifted up the heavy box of supplies with ease, and placed it back on the shelf. He looked down at you and smiled.
“What?” you cocked your head.
He said nothing as he leaned down and kissed your forehead, “You just look cute from up here.”
You looked away as you blushed, not knowing what to say. Jungkook laughed as he got down from the step stool. He teased you about it for the rest of the day.
Days flew by as it was getting closer and closer to Jungkook’s departure. You let Jungkook decide on what to do during his last day there. He picked you up at the bakery after your shift. He wanted to take one last stroll with you around town before he had to leave. You were about to hug him goodbye when he invited you over, saying that he had a box of popcorn he needed help finishing.
After watching a couple movies, Jungkook had his arms around you as you rested your head on his shoulder. Cuddling had become a norm between you two. Jungkook suddenly nudged your side, causing you to shriek.
“Sorry, just making sure you were still awake,” he giggled.
“I was, but now I definitely am,” you said as you returned the favor and tickled his sides.
It soon became a war of tickling as laughter erupted from both of you. Jungkook was just as ticklish as you were, making it a deadly battle. Before you knew it, you were straddling Jungkook, gripping both of his wrists in your hands. You both stared at each other as the laughter subsided, now replaced with heavy breathing.
“You could easily knock me over, you know,” you said as you lowered your nose to his.
“What if I don’t want to?” he whispered back.
He moved his head upwards to kiss you, catching you by surprise. You kissed him back, pushing him back down. You lowered your hips to rest on his hardened crotch. You let go of his wrists to help him take off his shirt before removing your own.
Once your lips connected again, Jungkook’s hands moved freely over your body, gently caressing your breasts. He treated you so tenderly, it made you even hornier. Your hands reached down to unzip his pants.
“Is this okay?” you paused to ask.
“Only if you take off your pants too,” he answered with a smirk.
Soon enough you were both down to just your underwear. You palmed Jungkook’s erection, curious to see it. It already felt huge in comparison to your hands.
“I want to fuck you, _____,” Jungkook groaned as you kissed his neck.
“I’m glad we want the same thing. Where do you want me?” you cooed.
“Like this is fine,” he quickly answered.
He helped you take off his underwear, revealing his massive dick. Your pussy clenched at the sight of it. You wriggled out of your panties and positioned yourself on top of him.
“Ready?” you asked.
Jungkook just nodded, his eyes wide with anticipation. He gulped as he watched you slowly lower yourself onto him, taking in each inch slowly. You moaned as he went deeper and deeper in you. You hadn’t had sex in a long time (and admittedly it wasn’t very good). Now, you were sopping wet and Jungkook was filling you up perfectly. Once you reached the base of his dick, you took your time going back up.
From the look on Jungkook’s face, he was in pure bliss. You continued to tease him as you fucked him slowly. You transitioned from taking his entire length to just swiveling around his tip, making him moan from the overstimulation. Jungkook dug his nails into your lower back, begging you to take all of him in again.
You leaned back over and peppered kisses along his chest and up his neck. Jungkook whimpered at the sensation, his breathing grew uneven. You giggled at him as you suckled on his neck, leaving wet kisses in your wake. Once you had enough of teasing him, you slammed back down onto him, and both your moans filled the room. Your hips began to move faster as you bounced on top of him. Jungkook’s grip on you tightened.
“I--I’m gonna cum,” he panicked.
You immediately hopped off, hoping to edge him. He whimpered at the loss of your warm pussy, but your plan seemed to work. His eyes begged you to get back on top.
“Now it’s your turn to fuck me,” you demanded as you laid down on your back.
Jungkook complied and positioned himself between your legs. He bent over to kiss you while he pushed his cock back inside of you. He took his time at first, but then tried to pick up the pace. His movements were awkward and stiff, and his pelvis hit your hips in a way that you knew they were going to bruise later.
“Jungkook, just relax,” you commanded.
Jungkook steadied his breathing and took your advice. He was finally able to find a rhythm and stuck to it. Luckily, it was the perfect rhythm for you as he continuously grazed your g-spot. Jungkook moaned with every stroke as your warm insides squeezed around him. You wrapped your legs around him, bringing him even closer. You looked up at him to see that the usual sweet star filled doe eyes of his had switched to a version of pure ecstasy as he gazed down at you with blown out pupils. The change was a little jarring, but also incredibly sexy when you realized the potential duality Jungkook could have. You pulled him into a deep kiss, tongues exploring foreign regions as he pounded into you.
“I’m gonna--,” his breath hitched.
“Cum on me baby,” you panted as you furiously rubbed your clit, desperate to cum with him.
With perfect timing, Jungkook got to feel you cum around him for a few seconds before he had to pull out and finish all over your chest. He gave you a quick peck on the cheek before scurrying off to find something to clean you with.
He rested his head on your chest as you held him close. You were falling asleep when he said something.
“Sorry, what did you say?” you asked him since you barely heard him.
“I am, well I guess was, a virgin,” Jungkook admitted.
“Oh,” you tried to mask your surprise.
“I didn’t wanna say anything. I mean, how lame is it that I’m a college senior and have never gotten laid. You’re probably surprised huh? I’m not lying, I swear.”
“I am surprised, but only because you seem like ladies would be all over you. You’re so handsome, funny, charming--”
“Yes yes keep going,” Jungkook joked.
“--and a genuinely good guy. Plus I feel like being a photographer would help you meet a lot of pretty girls,” you reasoned.
“While all of that is true, the real reason is pretty embarrassing. I’m...I’ve always been kinda scared of girls,” Jungkook sighed as you tried to suppress your laughter, “I’m not kidding! I always get so nervous around girls, I could never actually talk to them.”
“So am I not a girl in your eyes?” you teased.
“You’re a woman,” he answered cockily.
“Shut up! I hope your first time was enjoyable. Thanks for entrusting me with your v card,” you laughed.
You both continued joking and laughing the night away until you fell asleep in each other’s arms. While that night was enjoyable, it made Jungkook’s absence hurt more.
Life had sunk back into the same mundane routines once Jungkook left. Of course, he still kept in touch. He would text and video call you as often as he could. He’d send you pictures of his newest shooting locations, and you’d always be the first person he’d show his finished products.
You loved witnessing Jungkook’s passion grow, he had a new spark in him that wasn’t there before. With your encouragement as an extra shove, he applied to his dream job. He explained to you that it was with an agency that would send him to a random country where he’d work with a participating magazine company. You secretly envied him for even having the possibility of exploring the world.
Days and weeks started to blend together. Your parents insisted on having you help out more in the kitchen, presumably to get your mind off of Jungkook.
It was a weird fling you had with him. However, it also didn’t seem like a fling. Most flings didn’t still keep in touch in a long distance “friendship”, or whatever it was you had. You were never officially dating, but it sure as hell felt that way. You cursed yourself for waiting for him to ask, you should’ve just done it yourself. Of course, part of you felt like you’d just hold him back if you guys actually ended up dating.
These thoughts constantly swarmed your mind. Ironically, the only time you weren’t thinking about your dilemma was when you were chatting with Jungkook. The end of the semester was quickly approaching, and you could tell that he was getting antsy. He hadn’t gotten offers from anywhere that he applied. You could do nothing but give him hope but assuring him that someone somewhere will hire him.
You watched snow fall outside when you got a call.
“I GOT IN!!!” Jungkook exclaimed.
“What?! Where?!” you jumped up in excitement.
“My top choice! The one where they send me to another country! Guess where I’m going,” he sing songed.
“Umm… Italy?”
“Close! I’m going to España,” he said with a spanish accent.
“That’s amazing, Jungkook. I’m so proud of you! I knew you could do it. When do you leave?” you asked.
“In a week. God, I’m so excited! Oh, my parents are calling. I’ll talk to you later?”
“Of course. Congrats again,” you cheered before he hung up.
Before you knew it, you were crying. You were honestly happy for Jungkook, but reality hit you. You were never going to be able to tell him that you loved him. You were never going to be with him, not while you’re stuck in this town. It sucked, but you had no choice but to accept that.
Two days had passed since that phone call. Jungkook was probably busy packing and working out minor details, so you stayed out of his way. You figured things would probably be like this from now on. Why would he bother talking to a small town girl while he’s out exploring the world?
You were restocking the milk puddings rolls when the front bell chimed.
“I’ll be with you in a second,” you called out.
“No worries, I’ll wait all day if I have to,” a familiar voice responded.
You dropped the rolls as you turned around with lightning fast speed. Jungkook stood at the doorway, beaming a big bunny smile at you. You ran to him, embracing him in a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.
“Surprise,” he smiled.
“What are you doing here?” you asked as you wiped tears from your eyes.
“I needed to see you. I was planning on coming back and surprising you even before I left. You didn’t think I’d leave without saying goodbye, did you?” he ruffled your hair, “Oh, and those tiger flowers are beautiful,” he nodded over to the flower bouquet on the checkout counter.
“I got them because they reminded me of you,” you blushed, your ears turning red.
“Did I hear Jungkook?” you mom poked her head out of the kitchen, “Oh my goodness! Honey look! Jungkook is back!” she called your dad.
Your parents came out to greet him. He explained everything to them, and they congratulated him.
“How long will you be here? Aren’t you leaving soon?” your dad inquired.
“I leave tomorrow night. I wish I could stay longer,” Jungkook answered solemnly.
“____ suddenly doesn’t have to work until after you’ve left,” your mom smiled fondly at you.
Your eyes lit up as you kissed your parents on the cheek to thank them. After grabbing your jacket, you took Jungkook’s hand and dragged him out. You both aimlessly walked around the town as you chatted. He went more in depth with the details of his job. He was most excited about capturing photos of the city. After looking up some pictures of the architecture, he immediately fell in love with Madrid.
Jungkook invited you over to watch some of the short films he worked on over the past semester. While they were just videos of his friends with no plot, you could feel their friendship seeping through the screen. The way Jungkook played with music and colors really enhanced the already well shot video. You felt at peace sitting beside Jungkook on his bed as he showed you all his past projects. Part of you wished that this moment would never end.
“You’ve made me a better person, you know,” Jungkook said out of nowhere, “I’m more talkative around my friends, and I’ve gotten more comfortable with being myself.”
“I didn’t do anything, that’s all you,” you smiled as you poked his chest.
“You definitely helped,” he ran his fingers through your hair, “I love you, ____.”
Your heart skipped a beat.
“I love you too. I thought I’d never get to say that,” you said with a sigh of relief.
He looked into your eyes before leaning forward slowly. You’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, you practically pounced on him. You kissed him passionately, as if to show him how much you missed him. Clothes were thrown in every direction leading to bare skin being exposed.
Jungkook’s soft hands roamed across your body as if he were trying to memorize your every curve. His touch was a bit rougher than the last time, his lips crashed against yours as he pinched your nipples. You couldn’t tell if it was desperation, carnal lust, or just a new side of Jungkook, but you didn’t mind in the slightest. His erection pressed against your thigh as your hands tangled themselves in his dark hair. You reached down to grab his cock, gripping from the base and slowly dragging your hand to the tip and then back down. He shuddered at the sensation, moaning into your mouth.
“Should I get on top?” you batted your eyes.
“Nope, I have a better idea,” Jungkook growled as he flipped you over onto your knees, “Can I fuck you like this?”
“Fuck me however you want,” you answered gleefully.
Jungkook rammed into you without hesitation. He firmly gripped your hips to keep you in place as he thrusted into you. His dick sent waves of ecstasy as he crashed into you. He surprised you when he reached his hand around you to play with your clit, causing you to squirm under him.
“Be a good girl and stay still,” he ordered.
His newfound dominance turned you on. He was no longer the baby boy that followed your every move, although you were sure that side of him was still there somewhere. You got lost in pleasure and didn’t realize how far gone you were till you felt liquid dripping down your inner thighs.
“You’re so fucking wet baby. All this for me?” Jungkook panted as he continued snapping his hips into you.
“Mhm, of course. Only for you,” you managed to moan out between thrusts.
“That’s my good girl. Get up,” he demanded as he hopped off the bed.
You obeyed, curious as to what he was going to do. As soon as you got off the bed, he spun you around and pushed your chest back over the covers. He slipped back into you with ease, groaning as your slick juices coated his cock. This new position enabled Jungkook to directly hit your g-spot with each thrust. Again, his hand wrapped around your waist to find your clit. His other hand found purchase on your neck, slightly choking you. The overstimulation had you crying out in bliss that you had never experienced before.
You were practically gushing now as your wetness ran down your legs and sprayed onto Jungkook’s thighs with each strong impact. Jungkook lifted up one of your legs onto the bed, spreading your pussy.
“Now touch yourself for me,” Jungkook directed.
He didn’t have to tell you twice. Your legs started to shake as you played with your clit at the perfect pace while Jungkook drilled into you. You were sure that you had already came numerous times by this point, but you could feel the grand finale soon approaching.
“Jungkook I--” you didn’t get a chance to finish your sentence as you climaxed onto his dick. He was infatuated with the way you looked from behind, and he couldn’t get enough of it. He pushed you back onto the bed with your legs still hanging from the edge. He reinserted himself while you laid there, completely delusional from the pounding you had been receiving.
“You’re such a sexy woman,” he moaned as he anchored the weight of his arms onto your shoulders.
He continued his torment downwards. Your bountiful cheeks bounced back and forth while he repeatedly rammed into your g-spot causing you to release more of the juices his massive cock craved.
He slowed his pace but still kept going to help you ride out your high for as long as possible. The sensation of you cumming on him was enough to bring him right to the brink of no return.
“Can I cum on you?” he pleaded in a tone all too familiar to you.
“Please do,” you nodded.
“God, you’re so sexy,” he said as he gave you a couple more hard thrusts before pulling out and coating your ass with white strings.
Jungkook held you in his arms after wiping you down with a towel, both of your chests heaving in sync. You both managed to work up a sweat, but Jungkook still smelled amazing. He played with your hair as your eyelids started to get heavy.
“_____,” he whispered softly.
“Yes, Jungkook?” you replied with your eyes still closed.
“Come with me.”
“What?” your eyes shot open.
“Come with me to Spain. I know it sounds crazy, but I don’t care. You’ll finally get the adventure you’ve always wanted, and we’ll do it together,” he kissed your forehead.
His unexpected proposition had you overwhelmed. You were speechless. You would go with him in a heartbeat. It wouldn’t matter where you’d go, as long as you were with him.
“Jungkook...you know I can’t do that,” you fought back tears, nuzzling yourself further into his chest.
“I wanted to ask your parents as soon as I arrived but you rushed me out too quickly and--”
“I can’t leave them, you know that,” silent tears rolled down your cheeks.
“I think they’d understand. Plus, you’ve said that they’ve tried to convince you to go to college,” Jungkook was getting desperate, he thought you’d agree on the spot.
“They need my help now more than ever. My parents are getting old. As much as I want to leave this place, I can’t. I’m going to be stuck here forever. I’m so sorry, Jungkook,” you wept.
“It’s okay, ___. We can ask them tomorrow, how does that sound?” he rubbed your back.
“No, I can’t do that to them. You know they’ll say yes. I have to stay,” you sniffled.
“You’re a great daughter. I can’t force you to come with me. I’ll miss you. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone,” Jungkook’s voice started to falter.
“Don’t worry about me. Go live out your life. Eat great food. Take beautiful pictures. Meet pretty girls,” you tried to lighten the mood.
“You think I want to meet pretty girls? Why would I do that when I have you,” he hugged you tightly.
“We aren’t even dating, Jungkook. I don’t want to hinder you more than I already have,” you blurted.
“I...I know we aren’t dating. Not officially. But that’s just a stupid label. I want to be with you,” Jungkook’s voice softened to hide his pain.
“Maybe this was a bad idea,” you said as you got up.
Jungkook immediately pulled you back into him. Your nose brushed against his wet cheek, causing you to freeze up when you realized that he had also been crying.
“Please stay with me. At least just for tonight,” he pleaded.
“Alright. I can do that,” you softly kiss him.
You woke up the next morning with your head on Jungkook’s chest. Jungkook looked adorable while he was asleep, with his mouth agape and his hair falling messily over his forehead. You tried to inch away, but he just pulled you closer, making it impossible to escape.
He woke up with a yawn a couple minutes later. He smiled down at you before ruffling your hair.
“Jungkook, I’m sorry about last night. I--”
“Let’s not talk about it. This is my last day with you for god knows how long. Let’s just enjoy ourselves, okay?” he interrupted you.
It had been three years since that spring when you met Jungkook. You sometimes reminisce about the times you had with Jeon Jungkook. It honestly felt like a dream. Communication with him slowly faded away, and now the only conversations you had with him were one message long during birthdays and holidays. You kept up with him more through Instagram. He regularly uploaded his beautiful pictures, and you could tell that his talent only grew. He had a knack for making dull buildings and streets come to life.
Your parents planned to retire soon, leaving you to tend to the bakery by yourself. They mainly managed the front-of-house work during the busy hours now. Their goal was to finally sell the bakery, but you protested against it. As much as you wanted to be rid of the chains that tied you down, you were scared. You didn’t know what you would do if the bakery was suddenly gone. It was all you’ve ever known.
Ever since your parents announced their retirement plans, you started to dabble in pastry making. They were impressed with your skills, and your creations got added to the menu. Word spread that the already famous bakery was now carrying delicious pastries, and business soared.
You were busy decorating your latest desserts when your mother came into the kitchen.
“Your father and I have to go run a quick errand, we’ll be back soon!” she said before giving you time to protest. You grumbled to yourself as you placed strawberries on your cakes, praying that no one would come in.
“Hello? Anyone here? The sign says open,” someone called from the front.
‘God dammit’, you thought before putting on a fake customer service smile.
“Welcome to--” you stopped in your tracks.
Jungkook was standing in the middle of your bakery, looking even more handsome than you had remembered him. His face lit up as soon as he saw you. You couldn’t help yourself as you ran towards him, colliding into him with a forceful hug.
“I hear you sell desserts now,” he grinned.
“Jungkook! What are you doing here? Your hair, it’s so long! And...do you have tattoos now?!” you were in shock.
“Do I look more artsy now?” he laughed, “I came to see you. I wanted to try your desserts too, of course. No one would believe me when I said nothing can compare to your family’s bakery. Oh, I have a present for you.”
You became giddy with excitement as Jungkook brought out a brown paper bag and handed it to you. You pulled out prints of a beautiful girl standing in a forest. Wait...it looked familiar…
“Is this me?” you asked as your mouth hung open.
“Yeah, these are the pictures from when you took me on that picnic. Would you believe me if I said I barely had to touch anything up? They were already nearly perfect,” Jungkook said proudly.
“It’s because you’re a talented photographer,” you smiled.
“That, and because I had the perfect model. How could I not ask the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen to model for me?” he said as he tucked your hair behind your ear.
“So I wasn’t just practice?” you recalled asking him about it all those years ago.
“I was so nervous back then, I couldn’t bring myself to tell you the truth,” he laughed, “I’m much more open now.”
You promptly switched the ‘OPEN’ sign to ‘CLOSED’ and sat Jungkook down. You brought out one of your fresh strawberry cakes, eager to hear his opinion. His face contorted with pleasure as he took the first bite. He complimented the flavors and textures, saying that everything tasted like perfect harmony. You laughed together as he shared stories of his time abroad. He intently listened while you opened up about the struggles of the bakery.
“Anyway, that’s enough complaining for now. I’m happy you’re back! How long are you staying for this time?” you tilted your head.
“Depends,” Jungkook answered as he gazed out the window. He looked back at you with a serious expression. He quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you close, bringing your face just inches away from his.
“Do you still want to explore the world?” he asked.
“Of course, that’ll never change. But...you know I can’t,” you answered somberly.
“After everything you just told me, you still think you have to stay here?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow, “My next gig is going to be in France. Come with me this time, _____.”
You stared at him with a stunned expression. You thought he had forgotten about you. Now here he is, asking you to run away with him again.
“Why did you lose touch? I thought you had moved on. I made peace with that. God, it hurt like hell, but I came to terms with it. And now we’re doing this again,” your voice cracked as tears welled in your eyes.
“Honestly, it hurt me too much. I couldn’t bear talking to you every day or video chatting you, without knowing when I’d see you next. I never stopped thinking about you. I tried. I tried to forget...but no one could ever come close to you,” Jungkook cupped your cheek in his palm, “There’s a really good patissiere academy close to where I’ll be working. You could go there and sharpen your skills! Then maybe one day open up a bakery of your own...if you wanted.”
“But what about my parents--”
“Stop using us as an excuse to hold yourself back,” your mom scolded you as she entered the bakery.
“Did you like your surprise?” your dad winked.
“You knew?” you were bewildered.
“Jungkook contacted us a while back, asking if we thought his plan could ever be a possibility. I figured you were still head over heels for him since you never dated anyone else,” your mom shrugged.
“If you want to go, go. Don’t worry about us. We can sell the bakery, and finally retire,” your dad said.
“You have your parents’ blessing, ____. This decision is entirely up to you. What’s it gonna be? Will you come with me to France?” Jungkook asked again.
“I..,” you looked at your parents before your eyes wandered back to Jungkook, “Yes. I’d love to,” tears of joy rolled down your cheeks.
Jungkook got up and embraced you in a tight hug before he whispered, “I’ve missed you so much,” in your ear.
“Well, we better start packing,” Jungkook turned to your parents.
���Packing? Already?” your eyes widened.
“We leave by the end of the week!” Jungkook gleefully took your hand and dashed out of the store.
Jungkook dragged you through the town up to your house. You couldn’t help but smile as you watched his long hair bounce around while you ran. You could’ve sworn that sometimes they looked like bunny ears.
He was definitely Jungkook, but he seemed like the upgraded version of the shy boy you once knew. He had a new confident aura around him, and he seemed more manly than boyish now. Everything was happening so quickly, but you were nothing but excited for the adventures to come.
As long as Jungkook was by your side, you were ready to take on the world.
Published March 26, 2021. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2021 Baepsaesbae.
#bts smut#jeon jungkook smut#bangtanarmynet#btscreatorscorner#btswritingcafe#ksmutclub#jeon jungkook fluff#bts fluff#jeon jungkook angst#bts angst#jungkook fic#kpop fanfic#bts fanfic#jungkook smut#jungkook fanfic#jungkook x reader
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Please wrote more surrogate fics please . could I request one with SakuAtsu or could you just start a series on these. If you'd me comfortable with that. That on IwaOi surrogate fic brought me so much joy. I can't even describe it.
oh my goodness i’d love to!!! it makes me so happy knowing you liked it cause like,,, idk why it’s just special to me :) also im so glad you asked for sakuatsu bc these two ships are basically my favorite jhfgbsj. and yesyes i’d love to have a mini series with like little scenarios of each ship <333
this was insanely long. like insanely.
content warning; artificial insemination, pregnancy, haikyuu manga spoilers, gay people being happy idk
being iwaoi’s surrogate
↬ it took forever to even get them together, so with a duo as indecisive as them, it’s imaginable how long the decision to raise a child together took. it took a long, long while for that transition from enemies to lovers to be final, and even then, they hadn’t realized how serious their relationship was until they were off getting married and then suddenly wanting a child?
↬ it was something atsumu brought up out of the blue, just casually as they sat side by side on the couch. “wouldn’t it be nice if we raised a child together?” and it stuck with sakusa ever since. he didn’t know why he was obsessively thinking about it as much, but it’s all he could think about. literally. anytime he so much as thought about atsumu with a child, and a child of their own too, his stomach did a thousand and one flips. sakusa was never the biggest fan of children, and he knew that neither was atsumu. but, this would be different, wouldn’t it? Still, he tried to remind himself of the cons; they were pro-athletes, they didn’t have time, they didn’t understand the weight of the responsibility, were they even ready for something like that? somedays it was too tiring to take care of themselves, of each other. were they ready to be responsible for a whole life, someone dependent entirely on them? it seemed too— unrealistic. like something he could only hope to dream about, and just dream about.
↬ until he thought of atsumu with a little kid, a spit image of either one of them, sitting on his lap, giggling and laughing and squealing in glee. and so he decided, there will always be cons, he just has to see if the pros outweighed them. and honestly, they did. they were pro-athletes, sure, but that also meant they were financially stable, and could provide for a child, properly. they were mature now, knew each other very well, and had adapted to living with one another. they had family and friends all around. the kid would for sure grow up loved and cared for, and him and atsumu would add another person to their family. it really seemed like a dream, but this time, an attainable one.
↬ so as he ate dinner with his lover, he blurted out, “let’s raise a child together,” and atsumu honest to god choked on his food. he asked sakusa if he was serious, if he meant it, if this was real, and sakusa’s answer was yes to every single one of his question. yes, he was serious; yes, he meant it; yes, this was real. as real as can be.
↬ they both already knew they wanted a surrogate, and it didn’t matter who was the father. so long as the child was theirs.
↬ finding a surrogate was, well, a pain, to put it into perspective. sakusa was so picky about the “requirements,” if you will, and atsumu was suspicious of every single woman, it was kind of ridiculous really. he just “didn’t trust that they wouldn’t run away with the baby!” in his words. atsumu suggested sakusa’s older sister, which seemed perfect in his head, but sakusa refused, claiming it was 1. extremely weird, and 2. he doubted she’d say yes, with her own life to handle.
↬ and it finally, finally, came to atsumu: he could always just ask, well, you. he had met you during his college years, and since then, he’d been coincidentally crossing paths with you ever since then, and you’d even managed their msby jackals team at some point. it was weirdly ironic how he’s coming back to you, kind of like fate.
↬ so he suggested it to sakusa, and for once, the latter didn’t really have any way to object, except, “what if this inconveniences her?” other than that, you were the perfect candidate. they knew you well, trusted you, knew they could rely on you. and atsumu was sure you wouldn’t run with the baby. with regards to the inconvenience part, well, they could always just deal with that when the time came.
↬ they invited you over for some breakfast two days later, after they’d thought about it properly, endlessly, and figured you were their best option. it was weird seeing them so nervous when you first arrived, like they were breaking up with you or something. atsumu barely ate with how nauseous he felt, and sakusa spent the entire time watching you eat instead, hands fidgeting and legs shaking. it was really weird, but you didn’t bring it up, letting them take their own time to tell you whatever it was they wanted to tell you, because obviously, they clearly had something to say.
↬ after breakfast, you sat in their living room, just watching the tv quietly, until sakusa offered to get you some water. you weren’t really thirsty, but you agreed anyways, unsurprised to see atsumu rise from his own seat a minute later with a, “be right back,” as he headed to the kitchen. you could hear them bickering and whisper-yelling, and if you weren’t starting to grow as nervous as they were, you would’ve had it in you to laugh. they returned looking like they were bearing the most daunting of news, sitting down on the couch perpendicular to you. atsumu’s hands were sweaty and intertwined tightly together, while sakusa tried to remain as composed as possible. it seemed like the dark haired man would speak up, finally, parting his mouth with a deep breath.
↬ but it’s atsumu that blurts out, “please have my baby!— our baby. please have our baby.”
↬ honestly, your first response was to laugh, in disbelief, as you clutch your glass of water. but then you see their faces — god they looked so goddamn scared — and you realized that, they were really serious. they really wanted you to carry their baby for them. holy shit?—
↬ you were mostly speechless after that, stuttering as you ask them to please explain, you’re honored but are they are, have they thought about this? properly? in depth?
↬ to your surprise, they really knew what they were doing. they’d done their research, and thought about a million other options before deciding that you were the best one. they also repeatedly told you that you didn’t have to do this, and that they didn’t want to guilt-trip you into doing it either. they wanted you to say yes only if you yourself wanted to say yes, and if this wouldn’t negatively affect you or halt your life in any way. you were the one that was going to be carrying the baby anyways, weren’t you? at the end of the day, this was all about you.
↬ you asked them for time to think about it, and reminded them that it wasn’t a no. you just wanted to make sure you were making the right decision whichever that ended up being. a few days later, you call them, asking them to meet up one way or another, and atsumu’s even more nervous than he was asking you; not even sakusa’s gentle lips to his temple or large hands soothingly rubbing at his back or his kind words could help him. sakusa himself was insanely anxious. in his head, it seemed like your ‘no,’ would finalize everything. that it would really mean no hope in having a child of their own, their very own.
↬ you invite them over to your home, and the kettle is already boiling when they arrive. you make them tea and make small talk if only to delay the inevitable. but, to each of their surprises, you take a deep breath and say, “i’d be honored to carry your baby for you,” with the brightest, warmest smile. sakusa has to bite his inner cheek to will himself to not cry, because he can’t believe you said yes. you agreed. you’re going to carry their baby. him and atsumu were having a baby.
↬ atsumu doesn’t stop himself from throwing his arms around you, collapsing on top of you in tight hug that you kind of can’t breathe, but you let him, and you laugh when he thanks you for saying yes, that he’ll “be forever in your debt.”
↬ it’s the happiest you’ve seen either of them.
↬ when you’re done with the process of insemination (of course, atsumu does joke that the three of you should go the natural way and have a threesome, to which he earns a smack from his lover and a smack from you, at the same time), the three of you just have to wait, really. it’s the longest period of waiting you’ve ever had to do, but you try to be patient, as patient as you can be. when you wake up one morning and throw up, you look at your period tracking app to see if maybe you were pms’ing. except, you weren’t. you were late. like a good three weeks late.
↬ immediately, you’re booking a doctor’s appointment. you wait to tell sakusa and atsumu after confirming your suspicions, because you don’t want to raise their hopes up for nothing. they’ve already been swimming in a pool of doubts ever since the insemination, calling you everyday to check up on you and ask for any progress. when the doctor confirms your pregnancy — holy shit you were pregnant — the first thing you do is go over to their house. you know it’s not the best idea to show up unannounced, but with how long they’ve been waiting, and how much they’ve been wanting this, the more and more you fed into it, you couldn’t wait any longer to tell them. you arrive, and the moment sakusa opens the door for you, you gasp out, “i’m pregnant.”
↬ sakusa’s quite literally frozen in shock, his mouth pressed in a thin line with eyes wide open, while atsumu walks over and goes, “oh hey,” in greeting before noticing sakusa’s face and just ???? “what’s going on?”
↬ “i’m pregnant.”
↬ “you’re what?”
↬ you show them with tears stinging your eyes the results of the test you’d taken at the doctor’s, and atsumu grips the report so tightly, like it’ll disappear if it slips only slightly from his hands. sakusa’s still in shock, trying to process everything. it takes him a good while before he can function properly again.
↬ the pregnancy itself is a lot smoother than you’d imagined. iwaizumi, as their athletic trainer, although not well versed with pregnancy, knew a lot about health and taking care of yourself in general, so he made sure you were always eating right and healthy. he even accompanied you once when sakusa and atsumu couldn’t, to the doctor, and made sure to ask him specifically what you should and shouldn’t be eating. all of the olympic/national team are more excited than anything. they’re insanely protective over you, and always pamper and care for you you when they can, whether that be back/neck/shoulder massages or giving you their food when they notice you eyeing it or letting you lean entirely on any of them for support as you walk. granted, they do make fun of you, especially the bigger your stomach got, but they mean well, really. suna once made fun of you and, because of the hormones, and because he was genuinely just mean, you started to cry. since then, suna swore off bullying you, at least until you gave birth.
↬ osamu is beyond ecstatic to become an uncle. he’s so excited it makes atsumu incredibly emotional. he goes with his brother on trips to ikea to buy a crib and gifts him an insane amount of baby clothes and always begins a conversation with, “how’s the baby?” every time you’re around, osamu’s hand can be found resting on your stomach, soothingly rubbing, excitedly grinning when he feels a kick. he is just so happy for his brother, he could cry.
↬ you ask them if they want a gender reveal when you find out or to keep it until the delivery of the baby, but they’re both insanely impatient (even though sakusa does try to convince atsumu to wait because it’ll be exciting, he himself isn’t even that convinced of that and they just ask you to tell them). with the help of osamu and his and atsumu’s parents, you organize a gender reveal party. the moment he sees the pink smoke, atsumu cheers so loudly it makes you laugh till your stomach hurt. sakusa’s grinning wider than you’ve ever seen him, grabbing atsumu’s face and kissing him, before pulling you into a tight hug. it’s literally the cutest thing ever, everyone just cheering loudly around you and celebrating with you.
↬ when you go into labor, you’re with neither of them, but with osamu, aran, and kita. they were staying the night at a hotel since they had training away from where they lived, and you were spending the night at osamu’s because the fathers of your baby really didn’t want you to be alone so close to your due date, and who better than osamu? your water didn’t break, but you kept having contractions. you were brushing it off as normal pain at the start, but they started to get worse, and closer together in time. kita, because he’s kita, had been keeping track, and told you how far apart your contractions were. to which you went, “contractions?!”
↬ aran’s calling sakusa and atsumu as kita grabs your bag as osamu grabs his keys and helps you to his car. you really couldn’t have been around a better set of men, because they were perfectly composed the whole time, helping you breathe and stay calm by staying calm themselves, reassuring you that you didn’t need to worry and that you will get to the hospital in time. they did flinch every time you screamed or cried out in pain, but aran held your hand the entire drive there, and kita guided you to steadying yourself as osamu drove as fast as he could.
↬ the issue was with sakusa and atsumu. to say they were freaking out would be an understatement. they were positively losing it. atsumu’s anxiety was louder than sakusa’s, but the latter’s was clear as ever on his pale skin and clammy hands. they were so annoying in the delivery room, literally faring worse off than you, who was pushing a whole baby out of her body. when you finally gave birth to a healthy baby girl, atsumu sobbed and sakusa cried in his hands, so maybe it was alright after all.
↬ they literally couldn’t believe their eyes when the nurse handed you the baby and placed her on your chest. she was so, so tiny, so beautiful, and theirs. honestly, you couldn’t hold back your own tears at the sight of her, and at their reaction to her. you held her in your arms as they thanked you, over and over and over again, for the biggest blessing they could ever receive.
↬ despite the fact that you were simply their surrogate, sakusa and atsumu knew they couldn’t just separate you and your baby, and neither could they just take her home all of a sudden. so for the first few months, you stayed in their guest room, but the baby slept in her own room. it was more difficult than you expected it to be when you were leaving her to go back to your own home, but they promised you repeatedly that they’re not really taking her away. it wasn’t as if you couldn’t visit at any time you wanted to come visit her. but at the end of the day, you knew what you had been signing up for, and that she was their daughter.
↬ she grows up to be a gorgeous woman. she’s interested in volleyball, sure, she’d been raised with volleyball players everywhere around her, but it’s not her immediate passion. atsumu thought he’d be more upset about that than he actually was, because he found out that it didn’t matter at all what she wanted to do. hell, if she wanted to do nothing at all and stay home forever with them, he was 100% on board with that. whatever made her happy and healthy, he was okay with. she grows up to be really close and really comfortable with both of her fathers, and they make sure with every passing day that no matter what, she can always come to them. and she does, about every little thing. and each and every time, they listen and advice and guide her properly. a s parents, they’re a perfect balance of strict and lenient. they set and raise her to never cross those boundaries, but otherwise they give her complete freedom. they respect her privacy, her decisions, everything.
↬ there was a day when she came back home from school, and they had taken a biology class for kids, where a teacher had explained periods to them. obviously, as curious as ever, she’d asked her dads about it, because she didn’t really get it. she wanted to know the how’s and the why’s and the what’s and the when’s. with every passing second atsumu had felt his lifespan shorten. eventually he suggested they call you, who she knew as her ‘aunt’ for the time being, since you were a woman and nobody would really explain it better than you. when she did get her period eventually, and had to sheepishly and shyly ask her dads to go to the store for her because she needed, um, supplies, atsumu lost it. sakusa had to try and calm him down all while laughing as he got ready to go to the store for her, because the drama of miya atsumu never gets old. he just couldn’t believe she was already getting her period. what the hell! what the actual hell!
↬ of course, he proceeded to embarrass her by telling osamu, telling sakusa’s parents, telling his parents. not cool :(
↬ when she was old enough, especially to understand the concept of being a surrogate (oh my god the sex talk was a whole other insufferable thing), they told her about you, and that you were actually her biological mother and not just an ‘auntie.’ she tried to be angry at them for keeping it from her, but she was honestly more excited about finding out than anything. it brought the two of you closer together, and for the next mother’s day, she organized a whole brunch for you, her and her dads, got you a gift, flowers, everything. yeah, you did cry.
↬ you genuinely have never been more satisfied and thankful for a decision like this one, ever, especially because of how much of a blessing the outcome had been.
can u tell this isn’t my first time thinking about this. ever since i posted the iwaoi one i’ve been wanting to do a sakuatsu one, but i didn’t really know whether anyone had enjoyed that or would want more, so thank you for sending in this ask!! love u all mwah <3
#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu headcanons#miya atsumu x reader#sakusa x reader#sakusa kiyoomi x reader#atsumu x sakusa#sakuatsu#sakuatsu x reader#atsumu x reader
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Pairing: ushijima x reader Genre: fluff Summary: looking back, you’re not sure what made you think that jogging with ushijima would end in anything but complete and utter disaster, but it’s too late to go back now WC: 5k Warnings: brief mentions of non-serious injury, a little blood, implied smut, too many paragraphs about ushijima’s hands A/N: first fic gang! this was supposed to be like 500 words but as the blog title suggests, i’m a liar -Dawn
You’re not sure what possesses you to go jogging with Ushijima at the ungodly hour of 5AM –and on a Saturday, no less– but here you are, tugging a windbreaker over your tank top and leggings while he waits for you by the door.
Most of it, you’re sure, is just because you miss him. The two of you have been so busy lately –you with your new job, him with the whole professional volleyball thing– so this is the first weekend in a while that you’ll actually be spending together.
It’s only natural that you want to spend as much time as possible with your boyfriend before your respective commitments are back to pulling you both in opposite directions, as they have more times than you’d like to admit in the past four months you’ve been dating.
Or maybe 5AM-you, lacking caffeine, sleep, and any sense of real judgment, is just losing your mind.
Ushijima certainly seems to think so, if the look he gives you when you volunteer to accompany him on his routine morning jog is any indication. He’s far from the most expressive person you’ve ever dated, but you’ve been with him long enough to register the surprise on his features; the way his pretty olive eyes widen a fraction and the way he pauses to watch you, like he’s trying to gauge how serious you are.
“What?” you ask as you join him by the door, removing your slippers.
He raises an eyebrow at you. “You hate running.”
“Running? Absolutely. Jogging, however, I think I can handle, especially if it’s with my handsome boyfriend who I haven’t spent nearly enough time with lately.”
With your slippers out of the way, you move to reach for your sneakers next. A quick glance in his direction confirms that he’s still giving you that same bewildered look, a crease forming between his eyebrows. It makes you falter as you pick up your sneakers, wondering if you’ve made a mistake.
Now that you think about it, he does usually jog on his own. The two of you are no strangers to working out together –if him doing push-ups with you perched comfortably on his back counts as working out– but you’ve never actually joined him on a morning run before.
Is this something he prefers to do alone? Are you overstepping his boundaries by inviting yourself along before checking to see if it was okay? Suddenly, you find yourself wishing you would’ve asked first.
“Do you...not want me to go with you? Because if you’d prefer to go alone, that’s totally fine, I’ll just–”
He catches your wrist before you can put your sneakers back down, and the rest of your sentence is lost somewhere between the fingertips he presses against your skin and the other hand he uses to lift yours.
It’s almost criminal, you think, the way a single touch from him is enough to completely derail your train of thought, whatever you were babbling about suddenly the furthest thing from your mind. You think you shouldn’t be as phased by it by now, not after all the time you’ve spent together, but no such luck.
Really, it’s his hands that are the problem, now that you think about it. His hands, steady and calloused and strong, but still so undeniably gentle and patient when it comes to you.
It’s hard to pick your favorite feature of Ushijima’s when he looks the way he does –all tanned skin, broad shoulders, and chiseled abs– but his hands are pretty high up on your list. They have been from the moment you met him at Iwaizumi’s housewarming party last year.
You had obviously seen him before, though you never actually spoke to him until the party. It was mostly during high school volleyball matches between Aoba Johsai and Shiratorizawa, courtesy of your childhood friendship with Oikawa and Iwaizumi.
You remember spotting Ushijima and thinking he looked so serious and unapproachable, even more imposing than he did in the photos of him featured in that Monthly Volleyball magazine you used to watch Oikawa vandalize with ridiculous-looking mustaches and devil horns.
When you saw Ushijima at Iwaizumi’s party, he still looked serious, not to mention larger and even more intimidating in person, but his hands were warm and kinder than you were expecting, careful in the way they wrapped around yours when he introduced himself. It was only hours later when those same hands reached for yours again to help you off the couch that you realized you spent the whole night with him.
Now, months later, you’re standing with him in his stupidly expensive apartment, half-panicked that you might’ve overestimated his desire to spend time with you. But Ushijima’s hands are still steady and warm against your skin, even now, reassuring in a way you don’t think you’ll ever get tired of.
“I’d love it if you joined me,” he says, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your hand, and if you weren’t smiling before, then you definitely are now.
You pull on his hand to tug him down towards you, a request that he silently obliges. You perch on your toes to reach him and deliver a chaste kiss to his lips, smiling against his mouth. When you pull away to look at him, you find him smiling, too, in that soft and subtle way of his that you’re so glad he’s chosen to share with you.
“Just promise me you’ll be careful,” he adds. “We’ll be running for a while, and I don’t want you to get hurt. You’re clumsier than most.”
Sadly, he’s not wrong. You are pretty clumsy, almost cartoonishly so. He’s watched you bang your leg on his dining room table practically every time you pass it, heard you curse to yourself after accidentally knocking down every item in his shower. At this point, holding your arm in his is as natural to him as breathing, just so he’s there to keep you from tripping over your own two feet.
And while you definitely appreciate the concern, you don’t think it’s entirely necessary, at least not for this. Sure, you have a bad habit of falling on your ass more often than not, but you’re also able to do so without sustaining any major injuries. You’re confident this time will be no different.
Besides, it’s just one jog. You’ll survive, even if your muscles might hate you for it later. Still, you know he worries about you, which is why you reach up to give him another quick kiss.
“Deal,” you assure him once you pull away. Then, you grin, voice taking on a more teasing edge as you look up at him. “As long as you promise not to be embarrassed when I leave you in the dust. You know, since I’m just so naturally athletic.”
Ushijima’s never been the best at detecting sarcasm, but with you, like so many other things, it’s different. He can tell you’re joking by the way you giggle and wink at him, and when he huffs out a quiet laugh, you smile and sit down to put on your sneakers.
He surprises you when he kneels to tie them for you before you get the chance to do it yourself.
“Careful, Wakatoshi,” you warn him, not for the first time. “If you keep being so sweet to me, you’ll never be able to get rid of me. You might just be stuck with me forever.”
“That’s fine,” he says, like he’s already considered the consequences before and has chosen to accept them. “You’re the only one I can imagine being with for that long, anyway.”
He moves on to tie the laces on your second sneaker, taking zero responsibility for the way his words make your heart flutter in your chest. He always does this: says stupidly romantic things with barely any prompting and absolutely no consideration or even awareness of the effect they have on you.
His voice doesn’t change when he says them, either. He uses the same blunt tone he always does, like it’s a simple fact, like he’s asking you to pass him his phone charger instead of alluding to a potential future with you.
It just makes you fall that much more in love with him.
Not that you’ve actually told him yet. You’re still waiting for the right moment. You wonder if maybe this might be it, but then he stands up and turns away from you to open the door and the opportunity is gone.
Maybe that’s for the best. This morning, you decide that you can handle jogging with your pro-athlete boyfriend or confessing your love for him, not both. The latter will just have to wait for dinner tonight, assuming you make it back in one piece and your legs don’t just fall off from the sudden exercise.
You stand up and follow him out the door.
Ushijima insists you both take the time to stretch before you actually start running, so you spend a few minutes doing so in the empty lobby. You pretend to struggle with a few of them, just so you’ll have an excuse to have his hands on you.
You’re almost positive he sees through your little ruse, if the amused look he gives you is any indication, but he doesn’t complain, guiding his hands over your body to help you bend and stretch like he can’t see the grin on your face.
Once you’re all warmed up, you’re ready to start jogging. You follow behind him as he leads you along his usual path down the block, the streets noticeably empty, save for the occasional passing car.
You know the only reason you’re able to keep up with him is because he’s slowing down for you, but you don’t let it bother you. He’s a professional athlete, after all, and you’re the kind of person who doesn’t even like to run to catch the bus, so it’s to be expected. Still, you give it your all, remembering to keep your breathing steady just like he taught you.
And you have to admit, your aversion to any sort of cardio aside, jogging with Ushijima is actually kind of fun.
For the first five minutes, at least.
Then it all goes to shit.
You’re not sure how it happens, either. One moment, everything is great. Sure, you’re already feeling a little sweaty, and maybe your lungs are screaming at you just a tiny bit –the price of inactivity, and all that– but you power through it because, in the words of so many great orators before you, mama ain’t raise no bitch.
But then you trip on something –a pothole in the street, your own foot, who the hell knows– and suddenly you’re wiping out for the entire world –or maybe just your boyfriend and that one stray cat you passed, which is still pretty embarrassing– to see.
Ushijima’s quite a few feet ahead of you now, because as much as he tried to slow down for you in the beginning, you figure he just can’t help but speed up a bit. He’s not the type to do anything half-assed, not even a casual morning jog. You’re almost grateful for it in a way, because it means he doesn’t actually see you trip and stumble like a baby deer learning to walk for the first time.
He does, however, hear the yelp that escapes your throat, making him glance over his shoulder just in time to see you fall forward. He runs back towards you, but he’s too far to reach you in time, and your knees hit the pavement hard, your hands shooting out to catch yourself as best as you can.
You don’t even have to look to know that the skin on both your knees and your palms is scraped up. There’s also a shooting pain that starts at your ankle and darts right up your leg, reassuring you that you most definitely stepped on it wrong.
Ushijima is by your side in an instant, normally stoic face scrunched up with worry. He helps you twist yourself into a more comfortable position on the sidewalk, though it does little to ease your embarrassment or your annoyance with your own incoordination.
“I’m okay,” you try to reassure him, but that’s not entirely the truth. Your palms are stinging and your ankle is throbbing, not to mention the fact that your knees currently resemble a cat’s scratching post. “It’s not as bad as it looks.”
The look he gives you is doubtful, and you know for a fact he doesn’t believe you at all. “You’re bleeding.”
And holy crap, you are. It shouldn’t be a surprise to you, since you felt the entire thing, but the sight of the blood on your knees and palms still stuns you a bit.
“Come on.” He wraps his arms around you, pulling you up with ease you would normally marvel at if it didn’t make you feel so pathetic. “We’re going back. I’ll be able to treat your wounds and take a better look at your ankle.”
“Whaa– but we’ve barely even started jogging!” you protest, pouting despite the stinging of your cuts. “I told you that I’m fine, Toshi. I can still walk–”
You try to put pressure on the ankle you rolled and immediately wince. You almost stumble forward again, but this time Ushijima is there to catch you, holding you against him with his arms around your waist.
“No, you can’t. You need to treat your injuries, so stop being stubborn and let me help you. We’re going back.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, eyebrows drawing together in frustration –mostly at yourself– but stubborn as you are, you know he’s right. There’s no arguing your way out of this one, not that he would listen to you in the first place. He’s always been protective of you, which means he won’t be budging on this.
You heave a defeated sigh but nod at him anyway, relenting. He helps you hobble along with your arm around his shoulders and his arm around your waist for a few steps before he seems to think better of it.
In one fluid motion, he’s picking you up in his arms, holding you bridal style against his chest. And while normally his arms are one of your favorite places to be, the fact that he has to carry you like this all because you’re an idiot who can’t watch where you’re going is doing nothing to ease your already damaged pride.
You try to convince him to put you down and let you walk on your own, but unsurprisingly, he doesn’t agree. Your face, which is already warm with embarrassment, just seems to heat up even more. Your mortification only increases when you spot his apartment building a few streets later.
God, the two of you were running for what, maybe five minutes? Six? And now you’re already back home? Talk about embarrassing. And right after you promised him to be careful, too.
The fact that the pothole –which you are now deciding to blame for your fall, because you don’t think your ego can handle anything else– had the audacity to trip you and then not immediately swallow you whole to save you this embarrassment is honestly disrespectful, at this point.
Ushijima was right earlier. You do hate running. And you hate yourself even more for believing that jogging at any hour –least of all 5AM– would end in anything other than complete and utter disaster.
Your only consolation is that it’s so early, chances are that no one else saw you trip and almost eat shit in the middle of the street. It’s the little victories that count, you suppose, though you might just have to burn this outfit later to rid yourself of the reminder. You’re not sure how you’re ever going to live this one down.
Thankfully, the universe seems to take some pity on you, since you don’t pass any of Ushijima’s neighbors in the lobby. He maneuvers you into the apartment, managing to close the door behind him and remove his sneakers without putting you down.
When he does finally let you go, it’s to place you delicately on his bed. He disappears from the room and returns a moment later with a first aid kit and an ice pack, while you flop defeatedly onto your back against his pillows, pouting.
“I can’t believe I actually fell.” You groan, throwing an arm over your eyes. You feel the bed dip beneath his weight as he sits beside you, but you still don’t move. “The one time I willingly decide to run, and this is what happens. We didn’t even make it past the supermarket!”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. It could’ve happened to anyone,” he says, opening the first aid kit. His voice is as straightforward as ever, but you know he’s trying to comfort you in his own way. “Besides, it could’ve been a lot worse.”
“Worse than twisting my ankle and making a fool of myself five minutes in?” You shift to prop yourself up on your elbows and raise an eyebrow at him. “How?”
“You could’ve twisted your ankle and made a fool of yourself two minutes in instead.”
The bluntness of his response makes you snort, cracking a half-smile as you push yourself to sit up fully. “Good point.”
You watch as he gets to work, mesmerized by how careful he is with you. He takes your palms in his hands, wiping away the blood gently and cleaning the small scratches it reveals. The scrapes on your knees, which he moves to next, sting more, but he moves slowly enough that it doesn’t overwhelm you. He’s always taken such good care of you, and this time is no different.
After all of your scrapes are covered, he examines your ankle, which is unsurprisingly the worst of your injuries. When he helps you tug your sneaker and sock off, you can both see it’s already swelling.
It’s not broken, he assures you, but it is lightly sprained. You’ll need to rest and compress it until you’re ready to walk on it again, but the ice should help with the swelling. He lifts your ankle on top of a few pillows to keep it elevated, covering it with the ice pack.
He moves higher up on the bed to sit beside you against the headboard, searching your face for any signs of discomfort. “How does that feel?”
“It still hurts, but it’s not as bad as before,” you answer. “Honestly, I think my pride is more damaged than anything else.”
You lean back against the pillows propped up on his headboard and sigh, unable to stop the guilty frown tugging at your lips. As grateful as you are for his help, you also feel really bad that he had to stop and take care of you at all.
If you hadn’t insisted on joining him on his run, then none of this would’ve happened. You would still have two normal-sized ankles, and he would be able to finish his run without having to worry about you and your chronic clumsiness.
“I’m sorry I ruined our jog,” you find yourself apologizing, fiddling with the hem of your shirt guiltily. “It was supposed to be cute and fun, but all I did was screw it up. I’m sorry you had to come back to take care of me.”
Ushijima shakes his head. “Taking care of you isn’t a burden. There’s no need for you to apologize.”
His hands reach for yours, large enough to engulf your own as he turns them over. His eyes follow the path his fingertips trace lightly over the band-aids covering the scratches on your palms. “If I hadn’t gone on ahead of you–”
You press a hand against his chest to stop him, his eyes flickering back up to meet your own.
As endearing as his concern is, he’s not the one at fault here. You don’t think anyone is, really, except for maybe that damned pothole you may or may not have tripped on. More importantly, you don’t want him to blame himself for this.
“Nuh-uh, nope, none of that. I’m the one who tripped, remember? It’s not your fault I suck at running. Or any kind of physical activity, actually.”
You pause, tilting your head thoughtfully as you mull over your own words. He watches the mischievous smile he’s learned to love appear on your face, hears the teasing edge seeping into your tone as you lower your voice just a bit.
“Except maybe the one that involves you railing me into the mattress,” you add with a smirk, playful and just shameless enough in a way that never fails to draw him in even more. “That one, I don’t mind, for obvious reasons.”
He sighs, though your words don’t surprise him. “I really wish you wouldn’t word it that way.”
“Too late~”
You’re practically singing as you grin at him, grabbing his chin and bringing his face closer to yours.
He mutters something about you having a one track mind, but you don’t miss the amusement in his eyes or the fond little smile he casts in your direction. He doesn’t stop you from pulling him in either, allowing you to rest your other hand on the side of his face.
“Thank you for taking such good care of me, Wakatoshi.”
You meet him halfway for a loving kiss that you hope is enough to express your gratitude, one he doesn’t hesitate to return. When you break apart, he rests his forehead against yours.
And right when you think you can’t possibly love him anymore, he promises quietly, sincerely, “Always.”
As usual, he gives you no time to recover. He kisses you on the forehead and then stands up, announcing that there’s something else he needs to go grab before leaving the room.
Honestly, you’re hoping it’s food. You’re starving, and after all of this morning’s excitement* (see also: trauma), there’s nothing more you want than to cuddle up alongside your boyfriend while enjoying a plate of your favorite breakfast food.
To your surprise –and slight disappointment– when Ushijima returns, it’s not with food or anything else to treat your injuries, but rather with a set of keys. He sits beside you again, opening his palm to offer them to you.
“Well, those aren’t pancakes.” You take the keys anyway, twirling the ring around one of your fingers before raising an eyebrow at him. “Are these what I think they are?”
“The keys to my apartment,” he confirms. “I want you to move in with me.”
Your eyes widen. It’s not the last thing you expected him to ask you when he offered you the keys, but it’s definitely not the first one either.
When he first held them out to you, you thought maybe he was just giving you a copy of your own to hold onto, just in case you ever needed them. You’ve thought about offering him the same a few times before, just so he could let himself into your own apartment whenever he comes over instead of you having to get up and open the door for him.
But that’s not what’s happening here. It looks like Ushijima’s chosen to skip the exchanging apartment keys step entirely in favor of just straight up asking you to move in with him. And while part of you is thrilled by it, your heart hammering in your chest with excitement at the prospect of getting to wake up next to him every day, of getting to come home to him, there’s another part of you that’s wondering if maybe you’re moving too fast.
It’s not that you don’t trust him, or that you doubt how much he cares for you, because you don’t. Your previous partners couldn’t even spell commitment, much less agree to it, but Ushijima’s not like them.
He told you, not too long after the first few times you went out together, that he doesn’t believe in dating casually or wasting his time. If he’s with someone, it’s because he sees a future with them. Hearing that was a bit intimidating at first, but it was also extraordinarily refreshing.
Asking you to move in with him, you know, is just another step towards that future. And while the idea excites you, making you feel more secure and adored than in any of your past relationships, there’s a part of you that’s still a bit hesitant.
After all, what sets you and Ushijima apart –more than your senses of humor, more than your completely different levels of athletic ability, as evidenced by the ice pack and bandages you’re currently sporting– is the fact that you, unlike him, often get caught up in the “what-if’s” of a situation. Whenever you have to make a decision, you psych yourself out by imagining every little thing that could possibly go wrong.
He calls your name, tearing you from your thoughts. He’s looking at you like he already knows what you’re thinking, like he can see the tangle of anxiety you feel nestling into your bones. Maybe that’s why he reaches out to take the hand that’s not holding his keys, lacing your fingers together.
“Are you okay?” he asks. “You haven’t said anything.”
“I know, I know, I’m just...processing.” You give his hand a quick squeeze, moving the keys around in your other palm. “How long have you been thinking about this?”
“Since my last away game.” He answers right away like he doesn’t have to think about it, like he just knows. Not for the first time, you find yourself envying his conviction. “I went straight to your apartment from the airport, and you were already there, waiting. I realized how much I liked the idea of getting to come home to you, and vice versa. I’ve been waiting for the right time to ask you to move in since then.”
“Wakatoshi, that was last month. You’ve known since back then?” You stare at him with wide, wondering eyes, your cheeks already warming at the implication, growing even warmer when he nods. “And you don’t think it’s too soon? You’re not the least bit hesitant about living with me?”
“Hesitation is only necessary for those who are unsure of their desires. I know what I want, and that’s you, if you’ll have me.”
If you’ll have me. He says it like it’s easy. Like he’s already yours, to love and to be loved by.
And he is, you realize. He has been for a while, just like you have. You knew you were in love with him this morning, and you’ve known it for weeks before that, too. You just weren’t sure when or how to bring it up, but now you are.
“I’d like that. I like you– wait, that’s not right.” You release his hand, and he stares at you in confusion, the corner of his mouth curving downward. You’re quick to smooth it away with your thumb, your eyes earnest and full of affection as you correct yourself, “I love you, Wakatoshi.”
The confusion in his eyes quickly transforms into surprise. You’re not sure what stuns him more: your confession itself, or the confident, doubtless way you say it. You smile at him and take his face into your hands, careful to move his keys so they don’t scratch him.
“I’ve known it for a while. I just wasn’t sure when to bring it up, but now I am. I don’t expect you to say it back unless you’re ready, but–”
“I love you,” he says confidently, unwaveringly, and now it’s your turn to be stunned.
You blink, taken aback for a few seconds before your lips begin curving into a goofy smile. “Really?”
He hums affirmatively, and after that you can’t do anything besides kiss him. He’s quick to return the gesture, moving his mouth against yours and winding one arm around your waist to pull you closer. He pulls back from you right when you’re about to deepen the kiss. You try to pout, but it’s hard to do so when you feel as giddy and over the moon as you do now.
“Does this mean you’ll be moving in with me?”
“Of course.” You beam at him. “I’d love to move in with you, Wakatoshi.”
He smiles, his arm moving up to wrap around your shoulders, and your own smile grows brighter as you lean into him, cuddling against his side and resting your head against his chest. Things between you are quiet for a few moments, both of you basking in the comfortable silence.
You’re shifting his keys in your hand when a thought occurs to you, and you can’t help the laugh that escapes your chest.
“So this is why you let me go running with you this morning,” you tease. “You knew that if I did injure myself, that would just make it harder for me to leave, so I’d have no choice but to say yes to moving in. How sneaky of you.”
“You volunteered to join me–”
“I know, Toshi, I’m just kidding.” You grin, tilting your head to look up at him. “So, what do you say we go make some breakfast in your kitchen? I’m starving.”
“Our kitchen now,” he corrects, and your heart flutters in your chest for what must be the tenth time in the hour or so you’ve been awake this morning. It can’t be healthy for you. “And I’ll be the one making breakfast. You stay here and rest that ankle.”
He kisses your forehead and stands up to head into the kitchen. You frown at the loss of his warmth, but another look at the keys in your hand has you smiling again.
Maybe jogging isn’t so bad after all.

Written by: Dawn
#ushijima x reader#ushijima wakatoshi x reader#haikyuu x reader#ushijima imagines#haikyuu imagines#ushijima x y/n#ushijima x you#haikyu x reader#haikyuu!! x reader#haikyuu#haikyuu!!#hq x reader#our writing#ushijima fluff#ushijima wakatoshi fluff#haikyuu fluff#dawn writes
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when you can’t think of the word for something...like this fic </3
Summary: Harry’s family navigating his impending fame, and the activity of reader and harry making their first belly cast
Warnings: fluff, slight angst?
Pairing: Husband, Dad!Harry x reader
“Hey! We’re back!” you yelled out, Harry following closely behind you as he shut the door, carefully slipping off your sneakers. It was pretty late at least for the two of you now. The sun was away, you and H coming back from your well deserved date night.
At the familiar sound of the slamming door came the different steps of your kids. Shuffling down the steps from your view you could see the face of your oldest ahead of the covey, bolting towards the two of you. The various sounds of ‘mom’,’mummy’, and ‘dad’ spoken out.
“You guys took forever” Sydnie; seventeen, was the first to say, exasperated as she latched onto you. But was quickly shuffled away by the twins. “Bloo” the seven year old was born a Penelope, but after watching her favorite show Winx Club when she was three. Demanded she be called after her favorite character Bloom, but couldn’t pronounce the name all the way through. If you had called her by official name she wouldn’t respond, going on about her day as if no one was there. And it had stuck since then, forever the stubborn one only to grow into a sweet, shy little girl.
And Alec, fraternal twins who had just turned seven.
“Careful babies the baby, remember” Harry lightly reminded. With that reminder he had loosened his secure hold.
“Well sorry” you teased, kissing all their forehead quickly “But we bought you guys some food too” you reported, holding up the labeled bag.
They responded with excited statements, as Sydnie took the bag from your hold, running to the kitchen with her siblings.
“My hugs!” Harry yelled out, hands cupping his mouth then putting his brawny arms out like a plane awaiting their bodies to clash into his. “ought to take away your allowance for that one” Harry teases, fingers stretching out to tickle anywhere they could.
As a result he got a lively mix of groans, laughs, and pleas.
“Joking” Harry says abruptly, kissing each of their cheeks before conducting all of you to the kitchen, assisting the twins into their own seatings at the kitchen. The light above all of you illuminating the room.
Embarrassingly enough it had been when you were pulling the plastic containers from the brown bag that you realized you were missing a kid.
“Where’s your brother?” you asked, opening Bloo’s Spaghetti and spreading it on the white plate.
“Talking to his girlfriend” Sydnie air quoted, rolling her father-like eyes.
“Why do you say it like that?” Harry asked, wonderingly his back turned, reaching for the Placemats, setting them in front of each child. Placing one in front of an empty stool for Chase.
“Daddy, he’s delusional! I’ve told him a million times. She found out his last name, connected the dots, and now she’s interested. I would know it’s happened to me hundreds of times since middle school” she said indignantly.
Finishing the last plate up, from the side of your eyes you could see and sense his deflation at the statement. Always overthinking about their last names and what it would entail as they grow up with Harry Styles as their father. His top five worry ever since the first time you were pregnant. His breaking point, however, had been when Sydnie came home, furious. From a day from school finding out that some girl in her class had tried getting closer to her with ill intentions.
He could also sense the worry that washed over you, catching your eye to let you know he was fine.
“He’s old enough to know better. He’ll be fine Syd,” you let her know, reaching your hand to fix the hoodie that overshadowed her precious face.
“I wasn’t, it sucks and he’s not taking me seriously”
“Cause you’re full of it” shifting your eyes to the doorway, the sixteen-year-old walked in towards you. His arm over your shoulders before placing a kiss to your cheek. Then making his way to his dad, who had pulled him in setting a kiss to his temple.
“You say that but just you wait!” she walked over to him quickly, flicking his the back of his head, shifting her way over to the fridge before he could retaliate. Pulling out a drink and some cups for everyone else, almost bustling into you, as you made your way to the microwave.
“Don’t wish that on your brother” Harry persisted.
“I’m not, but he better not come crying to me”
"Whatever” he paid her no mind, shifting the conversation to his parents. “How was your date?” he asked, setting himself at the island.
“‘Was fine we went to the arcade, I beat mum’s butt––”
“He’s lying, I beat him at air hockey”
“Just air hockey mum?” Bloo asked, a slight lisp from her missing front teeth. Her attention strayed away while Sydnie placed her cup in front of her, filling it with juice.
“Sadly” you mimicked a pout, Harry smiling with a smug grin.
“Then went to dinner. Guess what” he exclaimed, directing his energy towards Alec”
“Mummy looked so pretty tonight, some chum couldn’t stop eyeing her. So I had to give him a knuckle” he told the story, raising his fist and mirthfully brought it to Alec’s stomach. Eliciting giggles from his which bounced off to Bloo. The rest of you with gratified smiles at the meaningful interaction.
“Why are you such a fibber tonight” you urged Harry, smacking his shoulder.
“I’m not lying” he said, walking to you till he was hovering over your back, trying to annoy you with his insistent cheek kisses.
“Go away” you whined, faking your displeasure, shrugging your shoulders. The kids could note your slight smile except for him.
“Go away” he mocked.
“We all know you wouldn’t hurt a fly” Chase pointed out correctly. Thanking you as you set his plate of food in front of him.
Harry stood across the herd,resting back against the quartz countertop, arms crossed. Until you cuddled yourself into his side. His arm reaching down so his thumb could rub against the side of your belly. Your arms encircled around his waist, head on his chest.
“Not true” he replied.
“It’s okay, it’s why I married you” you sweetly said with a smile adoring your face. He could only look down at you with a close lipped smile reflecting yours, his dimple digging deep. Leaning down to kiss you, filling you up with his love for you.
Both of you had pulled away abruptly from the range of disgusted protests and a slam of an utensil. All except for sweet, shy Bloo. Who had watched with a smile on her face idolizing the love of her parents, swearing it was like the Disney movies. Like her favorite Princess and the Frog.
“We’re trying to eat!” Chase had said dramatically, pasta in his mouth. Sydnie covers her eyes with both hands, while Alec stuck out his tongue finger to his mouth.
“None of you would be here, if it wasn’t for this” you emphasized, your finger waving between you and H.
“No duh, you both won’t stop having children” Sydnie overstated, shuddering stagy.
It was late now, all of you stayed downstairs, more overdue than intended. The twins went down an hour early before the other two. Chase and Sydnie finished their meals for the night and instead of leaving, stayed up talking to their parents.
In your sleep shorts and a light weight tank top, your hands were in Harry’s who was massaging them softly.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” you asked feebly, peeking up at the overly focused man.
“We’ve had this conversation a handful of times, don’t see why we need to have it again” he replied, glancing at you quickly.
“I know, but it might make you feel a little better” you tried again not wanting to push him too far.
“I–It’s just” he had to stop for a minute, his throat closing up too much to even speak clearly. You propped yourself up against the headboard, your lower back aching a little bit, adjusting Harry so his red tainted face was laid on your shoulder.
You could only coo at him, kissing his forehead, while your hand ran laxly on the side of his face. Your fingers brushing against the slight scruff against his cheek. Before moving your arm so your hand could massage his scalp at the back of his neck. Letting your fingers run through his lengthy hair at the same time. Your other arm reaches over to pluck a piece of tissue from the box, wiping under his nose softly.
“Just want them to have a normal life like you and me, it isn’t fair to them that they’ve got to deal with shit like this constantly because of me”
“Baby don’t say that, regardless of it all they’d still have to go through life meeting awful people”
“It isn’t the same y/n, with people like them they know the reason is because of their stupid last name.”
“H” you start sternly, rocking the both of you slowly “Don’t say stuff like that, you think if they had to choose you wouldn’t be their dad? They cherish you so much. I know it sucks I do, but you’re an amazing dad, there’s no one better for them. They would never hold something like that against you, they love you too much to”
“You’re a brilliant mum too. I’m sorry”
“You don’t need to apologize baby” You stopped rocking the two of you slowly, smiling down at him only to see: glossy somber eyes, a subtle simper, and a hiccuping chest.
“Stomachs getting bigger” he stated, his hand rubbing against your stomach absentmindedly.
“Thank you baby, just what every girl wants to hear”
“No! Not like that beautiful. Just meant now people can see your pregnant again”
“I’m teasing H, I promise the hormones haven’t kicked in yet.”
“Finally get to sleep with ur boobs in front of me every night” He said smugly, naturally looking at you for his favourable reaction.
“You’re such a child” you return, pinching his arm lightly “You wouldn’t want to put it in the nursery?” you ask.
“Wherever you want angel”
That radiant morning led you to now, an impromptu family trip to Target, the kids getting whatever their hearts desired–– to an extent–– while you and Harry stood here astonished by the arrays of different casting kits.
You raise your conjoined hands to point your finger at a baby blue box.
“That one? Genie told me that’s the one she bought” you queried.
He inspected it, twisting the box practically reading every word, before turning to look at the ingredients.
“H you probably don’t know what half of those things are”
He shrugged his shoulder in response, looking at the box one last time. “Sure it was this one?”
You were both meant to go find the kids until they had bustled around the corner, Chase pushing the loaded cart while everyone walked ahead. At the view of his parents. Alec had run ahead towards the two of you a motor car in his hand.
“Mummy! Daddy! May I get this please?” he asked, raising the toy above his head.
“Can I get this too please?” Bloo asked quietly, a lego set sat up in her palms.
“You guys were meant to keep them away from the toys” Harry told the older two. Knowing this would just add to their continual influx of toys. “Yes you guys can, go ahead and put it in the cart”
Alec had done his little dance, skipping his way back to the cart while Bloo walked herself carefully. Placing her set down as low as she could without causing any noise or crushing anything else.
“You both get everything you need?” you asked, following after the twins along with Harry, placing the kit into the cart.
You looked down at everything noticing some groceries, a few skincare items, a book, something for their rooms, and other things you couldn’t find that laid underneath everything else.
“Yep, ready to leave when you are” Sydnie had responded.
“Okay let’s head out, Styles” Harry exclaimed, as low as he could, to not disrupt anyone else, Clapping his ringed hands together once.
“Dude, you’re such a dad” Chase quipped.
“Almost like I’ve been raising kids for seventeen years huh?” He jested back, eyes opening wide in faux disbelief, traveling to bother Chase some more.
Giggling at the two, you looked down when you felt a body pressing into your leg. Familiar arms around your thigh. A distraught Bloo, looking up at you, her chin resting against your thigh.
“What is it, baby?” you asked, softly, tuning out the rest of your family.
“There’s a lady over there. She keeps looking at us” she informed you, pointing her dainty finger discreetly as she could to the woman at the end of the aisle.
Being only seven the twins had a mutual understanding on why their dad had to leave at times, but that decreased once more when you had fallen pregnant again. They understood all the rules.
a) if anyone was ever following, acting suspiciously always let mum or dad know–– if dad was there, definitely dad. b) never talk back to the idiots with the bulky cameras. c) Be careful who you talk to and what you say, some people aren’t always what they may seem.
“H” you called him over.
He walked over to the two of you, eyebrows elevated in question. His hand instinctively brushing over bloo’s hair.
“Uhm maybe we should send the kids to checkout” you tilted your head backward at the not so prudent woman with the shocked face. Her phone pointing towards the two of you.
You undoubtedly saw the happiness of his face shift to one of vexation and frustration as he glanced quickly, shrewdly at the woman. He extended his hand out to rub your elbow soothingly, nodding wearily.
He turned to the kids, masking his face as best as he could. “You guys go ahead and save a spot for us, me and your mum are gonna grab one last thing”
They didn’t care much, just wanting to get home as quickly as they could, Sydnie grabbing both of the twins’ hands.
Harry had kindly walked up to the woman, a displayed smile on his face, asking her to delete whatever she had managed to collect. You watched the encounter from the side, rubbing your belly softly, filled with mild angst.
She had apologized profusely (the embarrassment seeping in her voice), the kindness in Harry letting her know it was fine as long as he could watch her delete everything.
From her camera roll, Harry could see a video still of before the kids came, when you and him were looking for a casting kit. And some other videos of the family loitering in the target section.
He bid her a tight-lipped goodbye, after he kindly asked her again, though it was starting to run low, to go to her recently deleted–– he wasn’t the most tech savvy but he also wasn’t an idiot. Once that was ultimately done, he locked your hand into his.
“Are you okay?” you asked, securing your other arm up to wind around his.
“Just tired of the bullshit...” he sighed. He was just happy that he was able to protect his family this time.
You halt him swiftly; he looks back at you in confusion, until you lug him down for as much of a hug as you could. Feeling his shoulders sag in relaxation and his arms winding around your waist.
You stood next to Harry, in front of one of the sinks, reading the instructions.
“So we start with the lubricant first, use these...” holding up a roll of the plaster tape “dip them into warm water, and just putting them on” you informed Harry of your summary.
He nodded, his lip between his fingers as his eyes roamed over the paper once again. “I’ll go get you a chair, pee before we start” He yelled over his shoulder.
He walked back in, a wooden chair between his hands. Setting it to the floor gently, smiling at you to take a seat. Walking back to the sink,resting his hip against the packet of lubricant in his hand.
You smiled back at him as you took your seat. Deeming it be fit to wear running shorts and a tank top. Harry only in a pair of his joggers. Surprisingly after four kids, this was your first time trying a belly cast and you were a bit nervous wanting it to look just as perfect as it could–– adding your husband being a precisionist into the mix there was no guessing how this would turn out.
“Take off your top” Harry said smugly, bringing the white packet to his teeth– side eying you–– while he ripped it off. Turning to start the camera propped up on the counter. You insisted this had to be recorded as a little keepsake for the two of you.
You could only roll your eyes, trying hard not to feed into his ego. But the heat rising from your neck reported him otherwise. Tucking your arms back in the arm holes and raising the shirt off your body. Your body is bare except for the shorts adorning your legs.
Ogling at you like a caveman playfully at the sight of your boobs out and about, eliciting quick giggles from you. He walked up to you clasping your face between his palms, pressing your aglow cheeks together lightly–– the white, cold packet sitting against your left cheek lightly. Giving you three earnest kisses to your lips and leaning down in front of you, giving a peck to your belly button.
He squeezed some of the lubricant onto his fingers, deciding to start under your belly. You hissed at the sudden coldness hitting your skin.
“Okay?” he asked, eyes a bit wide and mouth slightly open.
“A little cold, but you can continue” you let him know.
He got at it quickly, once he finished that area he stood up a bit getting the sides of your stomach coated. Once he had finished, you stood up looking in the mirror at the shine of your stomach.
“Now for the fun part” clapping your palms together sitting back down, wistfully watching Harry wash his hands of the substance. He got the scissors cutting the strips of various sizes. Walking to you at times to make sure it fits properly.
‘Wouldn’t it be easier if I was next to you’ you asked.
Only to be replied with ‘No reason to have you on your feet, if I can walk to you.’ He unquestionably is just a bag of sunshine and everything good in the world.
Filling the sink with warmish water and placing on gloves. Snapping it on dramatically as if he was a doctor in a drama series.
He walked over with the first strip in his hand, water dripping behind him as he stepped closer to you. You pulled out your phone quickly wanting to capture a cute picture of this. Right as he placed the first strip you snapped the image. The only thing being seen was your protruded belly and below, his hands placing the plaster tape to your stomach, and a small tuft of his hair from the top of the picture.
He pulled away proudly, smiling down at his work, with his hands on his hips. “Look at that, looks perfect huh?”
“You’re doing good so far H” you confirmed.
It was only fifteen minutes later, half of your stomach–– and that wasn’t saying much.
“Baby it’s fine we’ll just sand it down” you tried to convince H for the last time, but he was stubborn as ever.
His mouth open in excessive concentration, puzzled brows pulled together as he removed the plaster for the fifth time. And from your point of view, you swore, he placed it back on the exact same spot.
“Just wait” he sighed, it wasn’t where he wanted it to be.
“Harry, we’re gonna be forever” you sighed, swaying your feet softly until one of them accidentally knocked into Harry’s leg. He looked down at you, eyes telling you to quit it.
“See there, you big baby” he grumbled.
“You’ve set it back into the same spot!” you exclaimed.
“No I haven’t, you’re just impatient...sounded a little brit there” he hummed, turning his back to you as he grabbed another slip.
“Shut up!”
Then there was, naturally, the sudden interruption.
Bloo had stumbled into the bathroom, expressing out about something one of her brothers did when she stopped taking into account, trying to figure out what was wrong with her mum.
She gasped, eyes wide at the greying stuff. “What’s wrong with mummy?” she asked, looking between the two of you.
“Turning mummy into a mummy!” He screeched, holding up a plaster strip.
She brought her hands up to her mouth eyes growing only wider, her lip already starting to tremble.
“You and your stupid dad jokes” you pulled Bloo closer to you, turning her back to Harry flipping him off behind her head.
“We’re just doing a cast, don’t worry baby. Remember that episode of Jessie when Ravi got that mask stuck on Luke’s face and ripped his eyebrows off” you explained, She laughed at the connection of the episode.
“Kind of like that, but without the eyebrows and we’re just using my belly” bringing your thumb to brush her brows up and the corner of her mouth clean. God what were they doing down there.
“Ohh okay that makes more sense.” you smiled back at her.
And Harry who had a bit too much fun when it came to the upper portion of the cast. Acting like Alec does when Paw patrol was on or when Sydnie when her dad allowed her his card to shop. Finding any reason to smooth down the cast with his wet hands. Or taking his time to cover your nipple, using his thumb to level it out. A haughty expression on his face growing the higher he got from your belly button.
“You’re acting as if we don’t have sex or take showers together” you tell him, popping another goldfish into your mouth (But not the good ones, the disgusting wheat ones Harry urged you and everyone else in the house to eat instead.)
“As if you don’t act like this when I take off my shirt”
He got you there, looking up at you to see you were not going to give him the eye contact he wanted. Your lips closed tight.
He delicately planted the last strip over the top of one of your breasts.
“Wait, it doesn’t look right”
“Just joking y/n, now we wait five minutes and we can pop this off, sand it, and decorate it however you want” he told you, smiling at the finished product, leaning down to kiss your forehead then your lips.
“Wanna do it like this” you twisted your phone around to show him the image on Pinterest. A light blue belly cast, but you wanted it a pretty purple color, that was held against a frame, with butterflies of surveying sizes going across/diagonally the cast.
“However you want lovie” he told you again, pulling your head to his stomach, leaning down to kiss your head. Your arms winding across his waist.
“Thank you” you hummed in satisfaction.
– – – – –
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it <3
thank you to the anon who requested this!
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All Day Affair - Charlie Gillespie x Reader (18+)
JATP Masterlist - Valentine’s Masterlist
Warnings: 18+ Smut, swearing, light embarrassment (minors DNI)
Words: 2757
Summary: A rough night before leads to a slow morning after, causing you and Charlie to be late to Valentine’s brunch plans. All is forgiven and all is forgotten when he makes it up to you in the best way he can.
A/n: This weekend has not at all gone the way I’d thought/hoped it would and so I apologize for the slow churning of fics lately but I promise I am working on some much requested fics. On a lighter note, here is my contribution to the Valentine’s Day
My eyes groggily flutter open when I hear my phone rapidly buzzing on the bedside table. Charlie’s arm is draped over my exposed midriff, no doubt a position of his own doing. As I go to move his arm off my bare skin, he holds onto me tighter groaning an incoherent string of words. I attempt to grab the maniacally buzzing device with my eyes still closed. I’m incapacitated via Charlie’s hold on my waist, and thus, all I feel under my flattened hand against the cool surface are the discarded condom wrappers from last night.
“Charlie,” I scold, still not fully awake. He knowingly loosens his grip, allowing me to sit up and it isn’t until I’m upright and Charlie’s arm drops into my lap that I realize I’m completely naked under his t-shirt. My phone has not stopped vibrating like crazy much to my dismay. Haphazardly grabbing it off the nightstand, I wait for my eyes to adjust before I read the time.
“SHIT. Charlie! Charlie, we’re late!” I try and shake him awake. He whines miserably,
“Mmmmm, what?”
“It’s 11:26, we’re late!”
The messages are from Owen and Savannah, both of whom we were supposed to be meeting for brunch at 11. While Charlie and I wanted Valentine’s Day plans alone, we also wanted to spend time with our friends whom we love dearly. Since the original plan was for the two of us to have the evening all to ourselves, we agreed on having brunch to start the day off well. Look how that turned out for us. I scramble out of bed, and I nearly hit the floor as my legs give out from under me. Luckily, Charlie was right behind me and was able to catch me in time.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just sore.”
“Yessss.” I fake slap his chest before we resume in the chaos, frantically throwing on decent outfits. I toss Charlie one of his band shirts turned muscle tees after hopping into a pair of jeans. Once dressed, I run to the bathroom and pass a brush through my hair in a frenzy before I begin brushing my teeth at lightning speed. Charlie appears beside me to brush his own teeth, and I’m practically sprinting out of the bathroom as he does.
“Don’t forget to fix your hair!” My legs nearly give out once more as I struggle to slip on my favorite pair of sneakers. Once I’m upright again, and stable, I grab both of our wallets and the keys to the house and car and shove them into my bag. Together we bolt out the door and clamber into Charlie’s orange Subaru.
In a nice contrast to all the rushing around we’ve done this morning, Charlie drives at a regular speed; thankfully, we make it to the restaurant in one piece. As soon as he puts the car in park the two of us run to the entrance to see our friends waiting at an outdoor table on the patio. Charlie and I finally made it, albeit a tad out of breath.
“Charlie, Y/n, nice of you to finally join us.”
“11:44 on the dot. Not your latest arrival, but an honorable mention,” Savannah jeers, waving me over to sit beside her.
“What happened this time?”
“Overslept. My usual alarm didn’t go off, I must’ve forgotten to turn it on last night.”
“Classic.” I’m distracted from Owen’s teasing when Savannah’s humorous smile drops. She’s looking at me with an emotion I can’t distinguish.
“You okay?” She simply nods and then pushes her chair back.
“I need to pee and you do too. Come on, Y/n.” And without allowing me to reply, she has me up out of the chair and briskly walking toward the bathroom. It isn’t until we’re outside the single stall that I noticed she grabbed my bag from the back of my chair. Once she’s locked us both in the room, she looks at me with wide eyes and a suppressed smile.
“What’s going on?”
“What’s this?” She answers my question with a question, before using her left index finger to poke the right side of my neck.
“Ow!” My face drops once I realize. Brushing past her, I move to stand in front of the bathroom mirror, inspecting the assemblage of love bites all over my neck area. Savannah merely giggles at the realization before opening my bag.
“You don’t have a sponge, so we’re gonna have to use our fingers.” I turn around to look at her, not through the mirror and find a bottle of full-coverage concealer in her hands.
“How did that get in there?”
“I put it in there last week after you had to spend the whole day adjusting your shirt around your collar bones to hide more of these.” She gives a vague gesture to the marks on my neck and begins applying the makeup.
“You’re a lifesaver.”
“And you are unbelievable. That was literally last week, and you’re already marked up again. Don’t you and Charlie ever just make love? Does it always have to be ‘ravage one another’s body’?”
“I mean, occasionally. I don’t know, sweet and tender isn’t really our thing.”
“Clearly.” Savannah steps back to survey her work, “Okay, you’re covered but be careful because I didn’t pack setting spray.”
“I am forever indebted to you.”
“You don’t need to worry about me. It’s Owen that you should pray doesn’t notice.”
“God, you’re right.”
“If I were solely judging by his hair, I’d have guessed you guys went at it this morning and not last night.”
“Shit, he’s probably marked up, too.”
“Well, I didn’t bring him concealer, and you two are not the same shade soooo… sorry.” I shake my head dismissively as I hold the bathroom door open for her behind me.
“Better him than me.”
“How was it though? You told me you’d text me updates.”
“Yeah, and then I didn’t set an alarm. But no, it was… so good. I’m like, sore.”
“Okay, we’re entering TMI territory so let’s find something to talk about before we’re back within earshot.”
“What are your Valentine’s plans for the rest of the day?”
“I might get frozen yogurt and watch a movie, haven’t really decided. I would ask what you and Charlie are doing, but based on this morning, I think I can guess.”
Just as Savannah and I did, the two boys fall silent once we approach the table; when the four of us are settled, I take a quick glance over the menu, as if I’m unsure of what I want.
“Okay, in the spirit of St. Valentine, let’s talk love. Tell us about your first kiss, Y/n.” Savannah eyes me, already knowing the horrendous story. I deadpan,
“Wait, I’m actually curious. I don’t think I know this story.” Charlie leans forward in his seat, placing his forearms on the table in front of him.
“See what you’ve done?” Savannah merely shrugs and takes a smug sip from her water glass. “No, I’m not doing this. Why don’t you tell us about your first kiss, Sav?”
“I asked you first.”
“Fine, be that way. Charlie, tell us about your first kiss.”
“Well, I don’t know I-”
“Come on, what’s ‘love-master’ Charlie’s origin story?” Owen teasingly pats Charlie on the back, and the four of us all fall under a shocked silence at the sound of Charlie hissing in pain. My lips part in surprise but quickly press shut in a moment’s realization.
“You okay?” Don’t do it, Owen.
“Yeah, I’m fine just-”
“Oh my god.” Upon patting Charlie’s back, the fabric of his shirt moved out of the way to reveal a conglomerate of scratches across the surface of his sun-kissed skin. Owen laughs out in disbelief before poking one of the scratches again, causing Charlie to smack his hand away.
“Holy shit, did you get mauled by a bear?” Owen then gasps in a realization that I’d pray he wouldn’t have, and he begins to laugh even harder. “That good, huh Y/n?” My face heats up a million degrees and I cover my face with one hand as a desperate defense mechanism.
“It’s not a big deal, Owen.” Thank god, Savannah’s come to the rescue. “They just got a head start on Valentine’s Day is all.”
“Okay, can we please change the subject?” I plead as I’ve already had enough of their laughter. Charlie gives me a look that is both apologetic and embarrassed and I let out an exaggerated sigh as a response.
The rest of our brunch date is still a good time minus the occasional interjectory joke about my and Charlie’s romantic all-day-affair yesterday. Our foursome disassembles, already planning the next group outing post-Valentine’s intimacy.
“That was absolutely humiliating,” I state, buckling my seatbelt in the passenger's side as Charlie begins pulling out of the parking spot.
“You want me to be gentler next time?” Charlie asks sincerely and extends his right hand over the center console to rub a comforting circle on top of my thigh over the fabric of my jeans. The gesture pulls the warmth in my heart and the butterflies in my stomach a little lower.
“...No,” I admit shyly. The confession elicits a small, cocky chuckle from Charlie. He then gives me an affirming squeeze before tracing the seam along my inner thigh in a way that is too sensual to mistake his intentions.
The entire car ride home, the feeling of Charlie’s fingertips ghosting up my leg makes my heart beat a little faster and ignites a subtle heat where I wish he’d trail his hand up to. I’m sure my desire is apparent to Charlie but he doesn’t say anything about it. When we get back to our home, I stick the key in the lock and open the front door but freeze as I feel Charlie pressing into my entire backside. He leans down to playfully bite part of my earlobe as his hands come to rest on my hips.
“You said you didn’t want me to be gentle?” All of my senses are clouded by dense arousal so all I can do is nod. He airily laughs, a warm breath dusting the surface of my skin and I shudder involuntarily. “Go inside.”
After closing the door behind us, Charlie shoves me up against it, his hand behind my head to prevent me from actually getting hurt. He kisses my lips forcefully but doesn’t linger, and instead trails down the column of my throat. The kisses are rough in between small bites of affection, surely leaving more marks that I’ll have to wake up early to cover tomorrow. Or just not go anywhere. After this, it’s looking like the latter.
“You want me to rough you up a little bit? Huh?”
“Yes.” The love bites Charlie’s leaving behind become harsher on my skin, as he trails further down my neck, across my collarbones. “Charlie, can we…?”
“Can we what? Tell me what you want.”
“Please what? Use your words.”
“Please, fuck me.”
“Your wish is my command.” And with that Charlie pulls me into the bedroom, stealing kisses in between steps. Charlie moves to sit me on the bed but as he grabs me by the hips, I maneuver to switch places and push him down onto the bed. He looks at me with a mix of surprise and excitement, taking the hand that pushed him between his own. I smile delicately when Charlie presses a gentle kiss to my knuckles. That is the last trace of softness.
The two of us begin stripping out of our brunch clothes as fast as we can. It’s as if we’re running out of time. We’re both almost fully naked but before I can get my panties off Charlie’s lips are back on mine. His movements are swift, kiss after kiss is filled with an unrivaled lust that is glorious.
Crawling onto the bed, Charlie stays close behind, never allowing any loss of contact between us. I recover to a sitting position and Charlie wraps his arm under my stomach and presses a line of kisses across my shoulder blades.
“Can I take you like this?” He asks earnestly, running his hands over the vast expanse of my bare skin. I choke out a desperate plea and my breathing softens once I feel the absence of Charlie’s touch on my body. When I turn around I see him searching the room like a madman.
“What are you doing?”
“I can’t find any more condoms. I think we used them all last night.”
“What? We only used three.”
“I don’t know! Maybe I dropped some?”
“Fuck it. Charlie if I’m not getting absolutely rawed in the next ten seconds I will walk out that door.” He doesn’t need any more encouragement than that and is back on the bed. Charlie grabs both sides of my face to bring me in for a long passionate kiss before taking his place behind me. His warm hands fall from my face to my waist, gripping the skin slightly.
Charlie sits back on his heels and moves my body back to hover over his. He runs a sensual path with his fingers down the sides of my body and slips one down through the growing wetness between my legs. Tracing the arousal over my quivering clit. The anticipation of the moment has heightened my sensitivity and as a result, I let out a whine. My whimpering continues when I feel him run the tip of his erection through the wetness. As I open my mouth to nag him for moving so slow, Charlie slams his entire length inside of me at once, causing me to cry out in pleasure. I can tell it feels incredible for him too by the way he’s gripping my hips. If he didn’t leave bruises yesterday, he definitely will today.
It doesn’t take long for him to figure out a tempo that’s comfortable for the both of us and my labored panting fills the room. Charlie lets out a groan followed by a laugh because we could both feel the physical reaction I had to the noise he had let out. Wrapping his right arm across my stomach, Charlie reaches the left up to grab my tits, and roughly bite another hickey on my shoulder. He uses his right arm to pull my body into his own torso, and shifting his hips he makes a few adjustments. Charlie shifts one more time and when he thrusts back into me I cry out so loud surely our neighbors will put in a noise complaint.
“There we go,” he grunts to himself, but our proximity allows me to hear. Repeatedly thrusting into that spot, my eyes flutter closed in pleasure. Charlie resumes leaving harsh, lingering kisses, and love bites down the side of my neck, moaning into them in ecstasy. As I feel my heat begin to pulse, Charlie knows I’m close and tries to grab my attention.
“Hey, hey. Look at me.” I will my eyes open and turn to look. The pleasure of his movements is so overwhelming that in between moans and shallow breaths, I find myself leaning my head back to rest on his bare shoulder. “I want you to look at me as you come undone.”
“Okay.” I swallow hard from how dry my mouth is from panting so hard for so long. Each next thrust is measured and the sound of our labored breathing and pleasured moans fill the electrified air.
“I’m close. Where do you want-”
“Just stay inside.”
“You sure?” Before I can give a coherent response my orgasm tears through me like a wildfire. I’m doing my best not to scream and what comes out is a mix between a strangled cry and a deep, guttural groan. Adding to my ecstasy, Charlie reaches down to trace tiny circles over my clit and I feel tears of overstimulation prick the length of my lower lash line. While Charlie fucks me through my high, I feel his movements stutter and the familiar twitch before he relaxes his hold on my body. The two of us collapse back onto the bed in a symphony of gasps and bliss-fueled laughter.
“Happy Valentine's Day,” he says behind a smile.
“I love you. That was the first time I’ve forgone condoms…” I state to the ceiling in a moment’s realization, “How do I get this out of me?”
A/n: I really am so sorry about the slow churn of writing. I’ve gotten busy with classes and though I knew this was coming I’m still upset that I can’t spend more time writing. On top of that being in a block has been really rough but it’ll pass with time I hope :)
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All’s Fair In Love And War
The Marauders : Fic
Sirius x Reader and James x Reader!Platonic
Word Count: 3492
Warnings: ANGST my guy... copious amounts of ANGST but with a happily ever after 😊
Request: “Dudee! May the best man win was awesome! Please give us a part two of Y/N ignoring them so hard and making them regret!” - Anon
Part 1: May The Best Man Win
Remus tapped his quill incessantly into his desk, unable to concentrate on his exam. A few rows away he could see Peter staring at his parchment with his fidgeting hands in his lap. He had no idea where to begin with the list of questions.
Beside him was James, a sight to behold. Not wishing to be caught by McGonagall, he only snuck a few glances at his pale friend. James was disheveled, his hair unkempt as ever but with something more unnerving – as if he didn’t even care to look at it, brush it. The effort appeared to be in his school uniform, at least he managed to fold his collar despite how wrinkled the rest of his shirt was. His tie was loose, and it remained the reason Remus knew his friend was still breathing, cause he could see it rising and falling on his chest.
He was just sitting so still. He was staring into nothing. The circles under his eyes could rival Remus’ around a full moon.
And adjacent to him was an empty desk, one that should be housing Sirius. He hadn’t even shown up for their end of year exam.
Remus sighed, feeling his quill tip dull under the pressure he prodded. At least James was able to show. He had no doubt Sirius was brooding in the corner of the common room, butterbeer in hand. Or else he was sitting beside the Blake Lake, toes turning blue as he stuck his feet in the water.
Yes, at least James came to the Great Hall to take his exam, even if he wasn’t looking at the parchment. Remus knew he was staring at the pair of girls at the other end of the hall.
There was (Y/N) and her friend Mary, each scribbling along their exams as the rest of the students should be. McGonagall began walking between the desks and Remus returned his gaze to his own scroll of transfiguration questions.
It had been a few weeks since those dreaded Easter holidays and every second had been a personal hell for the marauders. James was humbled, became extremely tolerant, and had lost his first quidditch game in years. Sirius became something more irritable; he was edgy and sought the solidarity of dark corners. He rarely socialized, couldn’t even bring himself to take the mickey out on Peter.
It was a grand awakening for James, it made him regret and change. He no longer felt the need to terrorize younger students or attack Snivellus. He was kinder to those around him and even offered to help where he could. Though he did all of it with a glazed look in his eyes and a depressed smile on his face.
Sirius, in the classic fashion of being James’ complete opposite, turned in on himself. He became self-deprecating and didn’t wish to inflict that torment on anyone else. He believed in every ounce of hate he received, in the amount of guilt he harbored. He struggled to see past the bad. His life was teeming with it.
The Great Hall doors burst open, and the flittering steps of Professor Dumbledore appeared. At his side was a very reluctant Sirius.
“Ah, Professor McGonagall,” he said with lightness that did not match the person beside him. “I believe you’re missing a student.”
“Black,” McGonagall snipped, walking towards him and eyeing his ruffled clothes, “You’re thirty minutes late.”
Sirius merely shrugged his shoulders, looking anywhere but the corner of the room (Y/N) and Mary stared.
McGonagall released a heavy sigh, though her brow modeled concern. “Well, take your seat. You’ve still got around an hour to finish the exam. I suggest you use the time wisely.” She shared a look with Dumbledore as Sirius retreated.
Remus and James followed their friend with worry in their eyes, but his desk was too far for them to ask silent questions.
Sirius merely slumped in his chair and twiddled with his quill. He may have been forced to be there, but that didn’t mean he was going to comply with the test taking. Remus forced himself to return his attention to his own exam. And the rest of the hour was filled with a ticking clock and scratching quills.
By the time McGonagall waved her wand and called forth the scrolls of parchment, Remus devised another tactic to fix the wellbeing of his companions. Instead of greeting James and Peter, he chose to wait by the door until (Y/N) came by.
She had her head held high, book bag tight on her arm.
“Not now, Remus, I’ve got to study for Charms.” Mary was nearby, leading the way outside. “I don’t want to hear some other passed along apology.”
Remus wringed his hands, falling into step beside her, “I’m not trying to speak for them. I just want to talk to you. I – I’m worried.”
There was a small pause in her steps, but she kept forward, “It’s none of my concern.”
“But they’re not getting any better,” a new curt edge in his tone, “They’re not themselves anymore.”
“I distinctly remember saying that they don’t exist anymore. I don’t care, Remus.”
“You don’t want to care.”
She finally stopped and turned to him, “I’m moving on. And I won’t be able to keep doing that if you bring this up every time I see you.” But she hesitated at the look on his face, “Remus, what’s wrong?”
He bit the inside of his cheek, eyes full of fretting, “I know you think this was some kind of joke – and it was for a while – but I don’t think you realize how far they fell for you.”
“And that’s supposed to make what they did okay?”
“No,” he bit back, “Not at all. But what’s happening to them right now, that is proof that they regret. That they are sorry for what they did. I think they…”
(Y/N) folded her arms, clearly unimpressed, “Think they what?”
“They need a little forgiveness to get better.”
“No,” she snapped, whipping around and continuing down the entryway, “I’m glad they’re stewing in their regret. They should be.”
“For how long, (Y/N)?” Remus begged, following her steps, “I’m tired of watching them wither away.”
“Please,” she scoffed, “You were there when we had this conversation. I don’t want to see or speak to them. Ever.”
Remus felt his blood boil over, “It’s killing them, (Y/N)! And I won’t watch it anymore. I am terrified that they’re going to be like this forever. You see them, (Y/N), I know you do. You look when you think no one’s around.”
She stiffened, “What do you want me to do, Remus? I can’t forgive them – not yet at least.”
“Please, just talk to them. Make them feel less invisible.”
“I don’t know…”
Remus grabbed her shoulders and made her face him. “James keeps his snitch locked away in his trunk. Sirius gets detention and then does it without a fuss.” Her gaze was hard, but he could see it thinning. “I can’t get James to do so much as nick food from the kitchens – all he does is study like the obedient student he’s never been. I don’t think I’ve heard Sirius make a complete sentence since the holidays. He refuses to even keep company with his friends.”
She swallowed hard, “They hurt me, Remus. They hurt me bad. It’s – It’s hard for me to look past the game they played. Even if their feelings have changed.”
“Please, (Y/N), I’m begging,” he retorted. “Just talk to them, get some closure. I know you made a choice back on that train. Could you just give them some piece of mind? I’m sure it would help you too.”
She looked up at him with some remorse in her gaze, until it flitted to whatever was behind his shoulder.
He whipped around and found Sirius standing several feet away. There was a slouch in his shoulders and his hair fell across his forehead and into his eyes. But there was clear pain and longing there where he stared back.
(Y/N) took an involuntary step backward, hands winding tight around her book bag. Her breathing hitched in her throat and Remus sidestepped.
Sirius took a shaky breath, his eyes purple rimmed and stinging, “(Y/N) …”
But she had already turned on her heel and darted towards her common room. The sigh that escaped Sirius had Remus at his shoulder in an instant.
There was no one else on the quidditch pitch when she sat in the stands. She sat there and waited, her heart thumping a thousand beats a second. She knew he’d be walking by any minute; he always did on the weekends.
She could hear footsteps thumping against the grass and a chill went up her spine. James came around the corner, kicking dandelions as he went. But his steps faltered, his eyes went wide.
The edge of fear in his voice put a familiar thump in her chest, “Hey, James.”
His breathing got heavier, his hands running up to tangle in his hair, “You… you’re not running away.”
“I wanted to talk.”
After spending so much time avoiding him, it was a shock to see the state of him. His glasses hid most of the tiredness in his eyes, but he was pale, paler than usual. His voice was raspy where he choked on the words.
“Talk?” She patted the seat next to her and watched him weigh whether or not she was joking before sitting. “Had a change of heart?”
She took a deep breath, keeping her hands tight in her lap. “I’ve… I’ve been thinking a lot about the last time we talked. What I said to you.”
“It’s all right, (Y/N). You were right – you had the right to be angry. I’m just… I’m glad we’re talking now.”
She turned to him and was met with a pained grimace, “I think you need to hear me say it.” He shut his mouth real quick. “James, what you did was horrible, terrible. I thought of it as unforgiveable. But if there’s anything that could’ve proven to me that you guys felt differently about the joke, it’s how you guys have been behaving the last few weeks.
“I think I’ve been punishing you because of my own embarrassment. But honestly – this grudge holding deal isn’t healthy for either of us.”
“You’re looking better than any of us,” James laughed, disbelief ringing in his ears.
She smiled his favorite smile, “I forgive you James.”
He sighed, leaning over and putting his head in his hands. “Thank you, (Y/N), thank you.” He turned to her with an earsplitting grin, “I know I was stupid and arrogant, and it was just some childish bet. We didn’t think about the people we would hurt.”
She started to laugh, “I know, James – that’s why you’re forgiven.” But then she caught the subtle look in his eyes, and she had to suck in her lips. “Look James…”
“It wasn’t going to be me, was it?” the understanding in his voice was remarkable.
“You’re not mad?”
He leaned back, rubbing his tired eyes beneath his glasses, “Mad? You’ve just forgiven me from one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done – of course I’m not mad.”
(Y/N) ran sweaty hands against her knees, “I think you should talk to Lily.” That made his eyebrows raise, “Ever since you’ve knocked down your ego a few notches, she’s started seeing the good in you.”
A newfound smile crept onto his face, “There might be a happy ending for us all yet. Have you told… Sirius?” The stillness of her expression gave the answer away, “You know, I think he’s been far worse than me. You’re going to want to find him quick.”
She shared a glance with him and an appreciative smile, “It’s so good to talk to you again.”
It didn’t take her long to track down Sirius, he hid out in only a few different places those days. She kept James beside her, each taking turns talking and catching the other up on all they’ve missed. They trailed down the corridor, James falling easily back into how things used to be with (Y/N).
“Let me carry your book bag.”
“James…” The edge in her voice made him laugh, even more as she raised a brow.
“I’m just being friendly, just like we used to.”
And with a comforting feeling of nostalgia, she handed her bag over, giving him a swift punch to the arm for good measure. He rubbed the spot mockingly with a dramatic whine on his lips.
“So how do you suppose I should talk to Evans?”
“You can start by calling her by her first name.”
“She likes being called Evans.”
“Since when has she liked anything you do, James?”
He shrugged half-heartedly, “Just recently, if my sources are correct.”
(Y/N) sighed with an easy smile on her face, “You made friends with me fairly quickly. I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
James pondered with an animated look, “All right, you want to make a bet? How fast I’ll win Lily’s affections?”
“Too soon, Potter – way too soon.” But she was smiling, nonetheless. So much so that she didn’t notice the new visitor coming down the hall.
They were on their way towards one of the secret entrances that the Marauders discovered for their map of mischief. There was always the chance of finding one of the quartet skulking in the entryway or hiding along the passage in case Filch or Minnie was after them.
It appeared Sirius had taken such refuge, deciding to come out when he heard familiar voices. And the sight before him took what shattered glass his chest was and refine it to sand.
(Y/N) and James were walking side by side, laughing and talking as if no time had passed between the Easter holidays and now. Then deep in his gut, he knew, (Y/N) had chosen James – it was James from the beginning.
She chose to forgive James and now they were going to live happily ever after.
And Sirius was left to despair in painful silence.
(Y/N) looked up and found her sweet smile vanish instantly. James was quick to follow, readjusting the bag on his shoulder. He swallowed hard, as if the words he was just saying were suddenly lodged in his throat.
“Back at it, I see.” The hoarseness in Sirius’ voice was heart wrenching.
James flickered his eyes towards (Y/N), noticing her shock, and saying, “How are you, mate? It’s been a bit.”
“A bit.” Sirius muttered, repeating the last words with a hardened gaze. “You’ve moved on since last I saw you.”
(Y/N) couldn’t bear to hear the betrayal and anguish in his words. She knew what it looked like. Like she had chosen James and didn’t want to waste her time keeping Sirius in her life.
The way she said his name sent a flood of emotion in him that Sirius didn’t like. He didn’t like not being in control of his emotions. He didn’t like that he couldn’t hold himself together. He hated the fact that seeing her looking back at him after all this time was crumbling him as if she’d yelled at him all over again.
“I won’t bother you. Enjoy your evening.” And Sirius turned as quickly as his sleep deprived, wobbly knees would let him, and leave the corridor.
(Y/N) took one step forward and hesitated, a hand outstretched, but the words wouldn’t form from her jumbled thoughts. There was only a look of horror as she watched him leave. James was eyeing her with sympathy, his heart just as punctured by Sirius’ obvious loathing.
“Look at your face,” he feigned a smirk, “You really do care about him, don’t you?”
She finally shut her gapping mouth, biting her lip, “Now more than ever.”
James nodded, putting an arm around her shoulders and leaning down to whisper, “Then go after him.”
In an instant she was running down the corridor, turning sharp and feeling her shoes slide from her momentum. Her throat was dry, and her eyes burned, but she ran like there was nothing else in the world that mattered.
And there was Sirius about to make his way outside and to the courtyard. But she yelled for him first.
When he turned there were obvious tears in his eyes, tears that betrayed him and fell at the sound of her voice.
“Sirius, wait, please!”
He could only dare to imagine what she meant by that. But it was enough to keep him rooted to the spot. She was talking to him for the first time in weeks. She was looking at him with something other than hatred.
And the fine sand of his chest rustled with hope against his wishes.
(Y/N) ran so fast that when she collided with him, he was almost knocked off his feet. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him tight against her.
His breathing quickly began to rise to match hers, though he wasn’t the one who had just ran down the stretch of a few corridors. His arms remained limp at his sides, disbelief etching every part of his face.
Only to feel the doubt creep in.
She just wanted to clear the air, so it wasn’t awkward for James and her. She wanted him to be happy for her and James. She wanted them to be friends again.
The problem was that he wasn’t going to survive witnessing those two together.
“(Y/N), don’t do that.” He reluctantly reached for her arms and pulled her away, “You can’t do that.”
He was oblivious to the immediate confusion in her reddened face, “What are you talking about, Sirius? Do you not want me anymore?” Again he didn’t notice how her eyes began to fill with tears similar to his.
He dared to look at her face, to see the features he’d been dreaming about for weeks. He let his gaze linger despite the yelling in his head to spare himself from the pain that would later come. Another hot tear escaped the corner of his eye.
“How could you ever think that?”
She sighed out an exhausted breath, “You are determined to stay unhappy, aren’t you?” When his loving gaze faltered into confusion, she continued, “Sirius, what you saw back there… that was James and I being friends. I just spoke to him this morning and we made up. We decided to be friends again, and to just be friends. The only reason I spoke to him first was because… well, I was more nervous about talking to you.”
Sirius was too busy going over what he had seen earlier, analyzing the interactions between (Y/N) and James.
“Sirius, what happened between us was horrible. I was so hurt that I didn’t give any thought to how you felt. Obviously, an entire school year is a long time to spend with one person, and I’m sure pretending became real very quickly.”
He swallowed thickly, his eyes itchy from the tears. But he didn’t dare speak, it was all too good to be true. He didn’t want to wake up from whatever dream this was.
“I forgive you, Sirius.”
He let out an unexpected breath, blinking fast – he was not ready for it. His hands clenched into fists as she took another step closer.
“I forgive you – and it’s been paining me to see you like this. That I did this to you.”
“I did this to myself,” he rasped, “You could never do anything so cruel. Nothing I didn’t deserve.”
Then she was holding his face in her hands, wiping away his tears. She felt her heart skip at the way his eyes closed, and he leaned into her palm. “I want to make things right.”
He reached up and placed a trembling hand over one of hers. “Friends again?”
She smiled an easy smile that heated his face. “Actually…” And she encased his lips with hers. She could feel the stutter in his breath from shock. His limp arms hesitantly rose to graze her waist, unable to will himself over completely.
She broke away, pecking his lips once – twice – more. “Does that tell you plain enough?”
He was trying his best to get his breathing under control. His lower lip was starting to quiver, “So… just friends then?” A smile broke out on those trembling lips.
“Right,” she laughed, wrapping herself around him again, hugging him tightly. And this time he returned the feeling, holding her close by the waist. “I made my choice a long time ago. It’s just taken me a while to figure out how to tell you.”
Sirius buried his face into her shoulder, feeling his chest begin to repair itself. His heart thumped excitedly.
There was no possible way he was going to let go of her any time soon.
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Lost in Zero Gravity (P.22)
Title: Lost In Zero Gravity (Part Twenty Two) Summary: Fem!Reader x Mob Boss!Tony Stark x Mob Boss!Steve Rogers. Reader is a call girl who runs high end parties. She catches the attention of Tony Stark who invites her back to his room with his friend. She might have performed too well because she becomes their new favorite play toy and they don’t like to share. Words: 2,519 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, prostitution, infidelity, angst, domestic violence, stalking, possessive behavior, drug use
Part Twenty One || Part Twenty Three || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Sullen, you walked out of the bathroom. Luna had started scratching, luring you out of the bathroom, and she bolted in past you towards her litter box. You had been in the bathroom for almost a half hour, crying over the test you had been clenching in your hands. You had eventually tossed it into the waste bin, closing the lid so you did not have to look at it anymore. But it did not erase the fact you knew you were pregnant.
The apartment was quiet and you wondered if you were alone but coming out of the hall, you saw the balcony door was open, the curtains moving gently in the breeze. Tony was sitting out on the balcony in one of the new patio chairs that had been bought for the new space. He heard you shuffle in and turned his head. His hand was gripping the short glass tightly — almost empty of the amber liquid. The bottle was sitting next to him on the small table.
You stopped in the doorframe and his eyes ran over you, remorse in his expression.
“I’d offer you some but...” Tony said, stiffly holding his glass up briefly, trying to joke but it fell flat under the weight of the situation.
Tossing your hands out defeated, you asked tearfully, “How… why would he…”
“What do you want to do?” Tony asked, sincerely.
He sounded genuine, like he meant it that he wanted your opinion. The first time he had ever asked you to have control over a choice had to be this.
“I don’t know,” you told him, sniffling. Wiping at your eyes, you asked, “Have you spoken to him?”
Tony let out a wry laugh and said, “’Spoken’ would be a very loose term.” He saw you were looking at him expectantly and he offered, “I saw him last week. The same day you got moved. We fought. Badly. I actually suited up.” Your eyes widened. “I can’t take him hand to hand without it. I provoked him though so what else should I have expected?”
“What do you mean ‘provoked’?”
“I was furious about what he’d done and I made some snide remark about how he never seems to be able to be sure he’s the dad. It was… warranted but it wasn’t helpful. In hindsight, I mean.”
“So, you haven’t told him that I’m pregnant. That’s what I’m asking.”
“No,” Tony said quickly, his eyes stern, locked with yours. “No. I am not going to do that. You think he’s been bad? If he found out that, I don’t want to think about what lengths he would go to. I can tell you exactly what I think you should do and that’s making an appointment, terminating, and not telling him about it at all. But… what do you want?”
He watched you intently and you finally said, “I need some time.”
It looked like that was not what he wanted to hear but he said nothing, just taking another drink, finishing off his scotch. His phone buzzed and he looked over lazily. He rolled his eyes and opened up the bottle again.
Knowing the answer before you even asked, “Steve?”
“Mhmm,” Tony answered, pouring himself another small glass. He twisted the cap back on and picked up his glass. “He must have visited the apartment and realized you’re not there. I’m surprised he waited a whole week with how angry he was when I saw him last.”
“I suppose I should just go turn my phone off because I don’t want him blowing me up,” you muttered, turning and walking back into the apartment.
You had taken the day to figure out what you thought was best and even if it still felt a little rash, you felt confident that you could get the upper hand. Closing the bedroom door, you went and sat on the edge of your bed. Tony was working on his laptop in the kitchen with his headphones in. There was little risk he was going to overhear the conversation you were about to have.
“Where are you?” Steve answered tightly.
“Good morning to you too,” you replied coolly. “I think you know why I’m calling.”
“I have an idea. Look, Y/N. I can get that you feel a little shook up by what happened but—"
You interjected forcibly, “Why did you do it?”
He hated being interrupted, especially by you. And you heard it in his rigid tone, “Do what? Take you on the mission? Not tell you beforehand. You’re going to have to be clearer.”
At least he was aware he had fucked up multiple times. But he was not talking about his most egregious fault to date.
“My birth control. Why do you want me pregnant?”
It was quiet for a beat before Steve let out a scornful laugh. “Ah. So, Tony did say something. Bastard couldn’t keep it to himself.”
“Well, it does involve him pretty intimately!” you snapped. “You didn’t just fuck me over, you could have fucked him over too.”
Steve sounded a little breathless when he asked, “Are you...”
You detected an uptick in his voice; he sounded hopeful. And you wanted to sock him for it.
Not answering him directly, you inquired, “What if it’s yours? What then?” You could hear him breathing and you pressed when he did not answer quick enough, “What then, Steve?”
“If it’s mine and my wife’s isn’t mine, then I want it. I want my child.”
That is what you thought he was going to say and you played your card, “What do I get?”
Chuckling, Steve asked, “Bargaining, are you?”
“Seems I have the power to do so potentially. So, if it’s yours and you want it, I want you to buy me out. I don’t want to owe you anymore.”
“You talk to Tony about that?”
“I mean half Steve. The half you have invested. Don’t worry about Tony and I.”
“You still want to be with him,” Steve mused. He sounded dejected; you had wounded his ego and that was apparent. But what else did he expect with how he had treated you?
“Do you agree?” you asked ignoring what he said.
It sounded like it took everything in him to say the words; like he said it through gritted teeth. “Fine. I’ll pay you out.”
“And if it isn’t yours? Tony doesn’t want another kid. And I can’t get tested until nine weeks for paternity and it takes ten to fourteen days to get results. I would need an appointment made shortly after. To terminate, I mean.”
Steve was quick to answer, sounding sour. “Tony’s got connections.”
“You’ve got connections. This is your mess.” Steve was silent and you pressed, “I’m only going to agree if you agree to pay me out either way it lands. You owe me that. You betrayed me—“
Steve started to laugh, scornfully saying, “Betrayed. Do you hear your—“
You cut in forcibly, having a lot bigger confidence being on the phone and not having him tower over you, although you were shaking from nervousness still, “And you guarantee an appointment for termination if it’s Tony’s and not yours.”
“You might not even have to wait for the 9 weeks,” Steve said. “My wifes got an appointment in three days. I can order a test for her. If it’s mine, then you’re off the hook.”
‘Off the hook’, you thought to yourself angrily. Like it was a light thing you were discussing.
“If it’s yours, Steve, and I go through with this, I want it in writing. Legal. All of it.” You made yourself sound as threatening as you could.
“Man, you are learning very quickly. It’s impressive really. Where do you want me to send the document to?”
He was trying to be clever and figure out where you were. Get you to slip up in your emotions.
“Nice try. Tony doesn’t even know I’m calling you.”
“Hmm. He wants to keep you hidden away then. Classic Tony. He doesn’t like sharing; he was a spoiled, only child.”
“Or maybe he’s pissed at how you treated me,” you snapped, annoyed he was acting like Tony had done what he had out of left field.
“Right. Ticked off protective daddy. What do you think his endgame is? With you, I mean, dove.” The nickname made your skin crawl now. “Do you think he’s going to continuing pampering you? Forever? Tony gets bored quickly.”
You were not here to play mind games with him, and you were not going to rise to his bait. You were fighting one battle at a time, and he was yours right now.
“Look, I’ll talk to him,” you said, wanting to end the conversation. “You can give it to him at the facility.”
“Cause him and I seeing each other went so well last time,” Steve chuckled, and you knew he was referring to what Tony had told you about their physical altercation. “Fine. Work your magic on him. I doubt he’ll tell you no though cause he can’t deny you anything.” You gritted your teeth at his bitter tone. Steve tried another angle, “You really won’t even meet me in public?”
“No. One, because I know you’ll probably try to follow me and secondly, I don’t want to see you. Not after what you did at the docks and now this.”
Steve exhaled sharply and his tone made your skin crawl with apprehension at its ferociousness, “If you are carrying my child, Y/N, you need to see me. I will be around. I want—“
“You’ll want what? To have access to me?”
“You’re damn right. To check in.”
“I can take care of myself,” you said, fighting to keep your voice even.
“I don’t trust that!” Steve snapped. “You – or fucking Tony – won’t keep me away entirely. I won’t stand for it. I’ll be at the doctor appointments. I won’t budge on that, Y/N. I deserve to be there.”
You bit your cheeks, your mind racing. You had not anticipated him wanting to be around like that. You thought you could go through the pregnancy and give him the child at the end. It seemed he was not going to make it that easy.
“Fine. If it’s yours. Doctor appointments. But that’s it.”
“Good. Glad you fucking understand. I’ll be in touch,” Steve said tersely before hanging up without saying goodbye.
Steve was fuming when he hung the phone up. She was getting mouthy, and he hated she was dangling it over his head like she was. He had planted the idea though, her paying off her debt. She had found a way to get him by the balls and he had to play the game.
He let out a shout, kicking the waste basket by his desk, sending it careening into the wall.
Chewing your salad, you shot a look at Tony across the table. He was eating while he was working on a hologram. You had gotten off the phone with Steve and hour ago and made up a chicken salad for the pair of you. You had been quiet while Tony worked – he had a problem of stepping away when he was set on something – but you needed to confess because you needed him for this to work out.
You swallowed your bite and said bluntly, “I spoke with Steve.”
Tony stopped chewing and snapped his gaze up to you. He asked with a full mouth, “Excuse me?”
Twirling your fork around, you admitted, “I called him. He wasn’t here at the apartment. Obviously. You were here. You would have known if he was.”
He swallowed his food now, tossing his fork into the bowl, and then demanded, “Why?” He actually turned off the hologram. Apparently you could pry his attention away with the right motivator.
You met his eyes and said, “I wanted to hear it from him. Why he did it. And he told me...” you paused before saying, “And I wanted to know what my stakes are.”
“Yeah. Like what if it is his? What happens? And what do I get for carrying it for him?”
Tony’s expression pulled a 180 from confused to irritated. “Y/N, you can’t think—“
“I can think, actually,” you cut in harshly. “Very well too sometimes. He’s gonna pay me out of his half of the contract he said if I carry to term. Regardless of if it’s his. If it’s yours, he’s gonna set up an appointment to terminate. I’ll be free of him either way.”
“Free of him...”
“I don’t want him touching me ever again.”
Tony relaxed if only for a second at your admission, but the moment was brief. Exasperated, he argued, “I fully heartedly understand that, love. Believe me, I do. But... you can’t expect him to keep his word. He wouldn’t do it for me and —"
“He will keep his word, but I need your help. He is going to get a legal document done up about it. All the terms, if it is his.” Tony looked shocked. “I would.... really appreciate it if you would grab it from him and also make sure it’s legit. I don’t want loopholes.”
Tony ground his teeth, looking pensive. “I’m gonna regret this.”
“And the paternity test you ordered,” the doctor said, finishing listing off the things they would be going through during the appointment.
Cecile’s head snapped to Steve, who looked unperturbed. As he should since he had called the office himself to add it to the appointment. She was unnerved. “Paternity... Steve, you said you were waiting until after the baby is born!”
“I want it done now,” he returned dryly, meeting her eyes. She opened her mouth to protest, and he told her sharply. “This isn’t a discussion, Cecile.”
Cecile reluctantly closed her mouth, and the doctor went on, acting as if nothing had happened — he was on Steve’s payroll after all —, “It takes ten to fourteen days for results, Mr. Rogers. But I’ll make sure it’s done in ten for you.”
“I’m aware. And thank you for that,” Steve responded. He tossed a look at Cecile, finding her looking down at her stomach, gripping it possessively. He felt sick satisfaction seeing the worry etched in her features. He loved her so damn much and for the first time in a while, he felt like he had control over her again.
You were sitting in one of the patio chairs, sunglasses on, relaxing in the early spring weather. It was still chilly, so you had a sweater on, but you were content.
Your phone drug you from your thoughts and you turned your head to look over at the small table beside your chair. Your stomach clenched seeing that Steve was calling. This was it. You shot a look back inside, seeing Tony snoozing on the couch with Luna. You got up quickly and closed the patio door before answering the phone with a quick hello.
“It’s not mine,” Steve greeted you.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld
Fic tags: @icant-hangout-imdrumming @oceaniamaddness @multifandom-superlover @imsonick @holl2712 @here4thefanfics @agustdowney @fanofalltheficsx @buttercandy16 @last-saturday-night @woohoney
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i’ve been listening to my privately curated 100 song batjokes mix for three years now nonstop and I thought it was finally time to share the best of the best with the world, tragically 8tracks is dead so uh, enjoy youtube. i couldn’t resist copying out the best lyrics from each song, just in case the batjokes relevant lines weren’t already criminally obvious.
every single song by the wombats is an absolute batjokes infested delight to behold and trying not to put every one of their songs on this playlist was extremely difficult, but a special shout out goes to the batjokes anthem Be Your Shadow for being the thing i blasted in my car every summer night i was writing my fic
listen and enjoy!!! lyrics and tracklist under the cut ↓↓↓
JOKER’S POV Be Your Shadow by The Wombats Tonight we'll scratch each other's face / If it's in the moment no one complains Kiss me with your fist it's all right / Wrap your hands around my throat I won't mind / I’m permanent, now I won't go / I just wanna be your shadow Those machine gun eyes, fire crystals into me / You're such a violent high / And I'm such a loose cannon can't you see?
Obsession by Ok Go And it's physical / It's like standing at the edge / Your blood starts to pump, 'cause you're worried you might jump
Guns and Roses by Bohnes Baby I hurt you / But you don't seem to mind / We all like to be destroyed sometimes Cause you're more beautiful / When you're broken You've got an appetite for destruction / I guess that makes you just like me / You put the barrel inside your mouth / Just to feel the metal between your teeth
Irresistible by Temposhark Makes me laugh, you are such a joker / You’re sick when you joke but you’re cruel to be kind / Love you best when you are savage and bitter Love the way you treat me so badly You and me are irresistible / You and me are indestructible
Kamikaze Lovers by The Wombats Twist your knife deep into me / We're different creatures with similar needs
Love Made Me Do It by Ellise Love made me do it, I couldn't stop myself / His name is on that bullet /Plead insanity to it, yeah Love made me do it / Love made me lose my mind
Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met…) by Panic! at the Disco Ever since we met / I only shoot up with your perfume You have set your heart on haunting me forever
Mama’s Gun by Glass Animals Little voices buzzin poison / Backward noise drown everything Play with Me my love In the Summer sun / I’ll be waiting it / Your favorite Cheshire grin / Lay with me My dear / In the evening clear / I’ll Be dreaming in My Paper pale skin / In the summer silence / I was getting violent
The Louvre by Lorde Our days and nights are perfumed with obsession I am your sweetheart psychopathic crush Can you hear the violence? / Megaphone to my chest / Broadcast the boom, boom, boom, boom / And make 'em all dance to it
The Drugs by Mother Mother I would lose my decadence / I’d do away with all the dirtiness / For your love
Choke by I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME Now shut your dirty mouth / If I could burn this town / I wouldn't hesitate / To smile while you suffocate and die
Do You Want to Die Together by Stars Everything but you is an ugly lie Do you want to die together? / Yes I do
Your Love by Glass Animals We've got these summertime nights / Night by night / I let you eat me alive / I want you to eat me alive Don't you want some more / ‘Cause I can feel your love
Very Good Bad Thing by Mother Mother It was insane, the way we'd roll / You know the world at large / Is like a little rag doll / We were the big, bad pitbull / Try to get out but we just keep stickin' around / Cuz it is a very good bad thing we've found. We'll play 'til we die Gonna kill you yeah / You gonna kill me, true Gonna say true love is just a good bad joke.
I Found by Amber Run And I'll use you as a warning sign / That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind / And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be / Right in front of me
BRUCE’S POV Ice Cream by The Wombats You keep me wanting more / Everything gets blurry / Am I right where you want me? / Melting like an ice cream in the sun
Weak by AJR One kiss, bad for me / But I give in so easily
Heavy by Powers And now I'm feeling like I've got a sickness / Tongue-tied and white lie addicted /I don't wanna stop for a minute Heavy how I want you so bad / Heavy when it hits me so fast / Heavy and it's driving me mad / That I'm never gonna give you up
Lemon to a Knife Fight by The Wombats Lipstick on the backseat / Saliva on the dash / I’ve clawed my way out of here before / But I keep on coming back I push and you tend to shove / I give in and you don't give up / I’m not getting out of here this time / I brought a lemon to a knife fight / I kick and you like to punch / I’m unhinged and you're undone
Come Back For Me by Jaymes Young Afraid you might return for more / I miss your frozen love too much / And I'd overdose from just a touch
Worst In Me by Unlike Pluto I saw you standing there, and I knew / I’m done for, it's over, I'm through / Playing games from the start / Sinking your nails in my heart / You bring out the worst in me
Tormentor by The Wombats Sometimes I dream / Of your sweet demise Cutting the brakes and getting me Shanghai'd / Taking the cash and giving me side eye/ You're a tormentor
Oh My Dear Lord by The Unlikely Candidates Here's my confession, I've got a death wish / I’m in the fast lane, addicted to excess
Turn by The Wombats Baby, it's the crazy I like / I think I saw the world turn in your eyes
Emoticons by The Wombats It's tough to stay objective, baby / With your tongue abseiling down my neck / It's a bulletproof offer I can't accept You need to find a different boy's heart to chew
#BATJOKES#BATJOKES FANMIX#batman x joker#bruce x joker#gotham#idk#fuckin batjokes#failed posts#joker#joker fanmix#the joker#bruce wayne#batman#dc comics#thE WOMBATS
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Unexpected Changes
It’s time for a very special fic for a very special boy who lives in my head and my heart. Happy birthday Shawty I love you <3
I want to give a very very special thanks to my wonderful friend @otherlandshark for giving me this idea, your mind never ceases to amaze me and I love you so very much.
I would also love to give thanks to everyone who has encouraged me or helped me with this fic. There’s several of you, some of which aren’t on here. But thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.
Summary: You decide to surprise Shaw for his birthday, but some unexpected events get in the way.
Shaw x MC
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Some cursing, adult jokes.
Leaning forward you squinted at the calendar in front of you checking it, you confirmed the date, June 21st. The date was circled in a red pen, the little box for the date had Shaw’s B-day!!!!! Written in the same red felt pen. You smiled to yourself as you reached out to your phone left face down on the table beside you.
You’d half expected a text from Shaw already, after all he usually was the one to text you first. Yet when you checked your notifications you didn’t see anything from him. You sat down at the kitchen table, considering if you should text him first, maybe he was sleeping in today, his finals should be done by now so maybe he was taking a day to rest. Even if that didn’t really sound like Shaw’s style.
As it turns out, you didn’t have to wait too long to decide if you should text him or not. Your phone screen lit up with a text message, the contact image of a young lavender haired man.
Shaw: Do you remember what today is?
MC: Oh I know this one!
MC: It’s monday!
Shaw: Care to try again?
MC: Ah fine, it’s the 21st of June!
Shaw: You’re not wrong, but do you know what else it is?
MC: Hmmmmm
Shaw: Hm?
You knew very well that Shaw’s birthday was today, but still you wanted to tease him a little bit. Maybe just to get back at him a little bit for his usual rounds of teasing you.
MC: Maybe you should remind me what today is, since it seems I don’t know
Shaw: Or, how about we meet up?
Shaw: With my finals I’ve haven't had the time to entertain you
MC: Oh today? I’m not sure if I have the time…
Shaw: You can’t be that busy can you?
MC: Shaw it’s Monday! I have a job you know
MC: Buuuuut
MC: It is a bit slow today, perhaps I could take the day off.
Shaw: Meet me at the park. Don’t be late.
MC: Hey!!! I should be telling YOU that!!!!
Putting your phone back down on the table you quickly rose from your seat. You had preemptively taken the day off, preparing for today weeks ago. Today was not only his birthday, but also right after his final exams for school. Both events in your eyes were worthy of a celebration.
First, you got yourself dressed and ready, putting on the carefully chosen ensemble, an outfit more in line with Shaw’s personal style than your own, but one you knew he’d appreciate seeing you in.
You pulled out the large picnic basket from your closet, putting it down on the table while you opened your fridge door to grab the neatly packaged and wrapped food you’d spent the night before putting together. Once you finished your personal game of picnic basket tetris you carefully snuck in a picnic blanket on top.
The last step was the gift wrapped box sitting on the other side of your dining table, the gift was wrapped with the shark wrapping paper you’d special ordered on a whim the week beforehand. You slipped the box into your bag, trying to keep it at least a little bit hidden from view. You slipped on your shoes as you held your bag in one arm and the picnic basket in the crook of your elbow.
The bright blue sky was the first thing you noticed when you stepped outside. The warm new summer air swaying the newly bloomed flowers on your path. The summer breeze was just warm enough that you felt a bead of sweat appear on your brow as you walked to the park you had arranged to meet at.
Since the weather was so warm for the first time in what seemed like forever it looked like everyone in the city was outside today. Families walked into ice cream shops, groups of friends wandered into stores and restaurants. Couples holding hands walking down the sidewalk hand in hand.
The park wasn’t any less busy, it took several rounds walking along the park to find the perfect spot to get yourself set up, after walking the perimeter for a while you found a good spot you could get yourself situated.
Your phone rang just as you finished pulling out the last items from your picnic basket. Once the items were set down you reached out and quickly answered your phone without even really checking the caller ID.
“I’m almost there, where are you?” Shaw asked on the other end.
“I’m sitting under one of the trees, just walk around I’ll wave when I see you”
Shaw sighed on the other end. “You can’t just find me?”
“Nope! You have to find me. I’m not moving.” Shaw dramatically sighed. “Just come find me. Trust me it’ll be worth it.”
“Alright,” Shaw said. “I’ll find you, I can see the park now. Be ready.” He hung up the phone just a moment after that.
Your eyes swept around the park looking for him. You looked for that familiar lavender hair or that patented leather jacket he seemed so very fond of. Still, it was hard to see through all the crowds of people, the way they crowded up the paths and sidewalks and made it even harder to see anyone specific.
Once you saw that lavender hair sticking out of the crowd your hand was raised in the air, waving wildly to try and grab his attention, and as some of the people thinned out you could clearly see Shaw walking down the sidewalk, his eyes also looking around the park to try and find you.
After waving your hands for a few more moments, Shaw's eyes met yours, a spark of recognition crossing his face, and then, his facial expression slowly changing as he noticed where you were sitting, and the assortment of food that you had put around yourself. All for him.
He stopped just a few steps away from you, you could tell that he was trying to hide his exact facial expression. Trying to hide it with his classic cool and unbothered face, but his eyes didn't lie, and the way they seemed to be sparkling.
"What's this?" Shaw asked as he looked down at the set up. You smiled and motioned to the blanket you had spread out on the ground.
"Happy birthday Shaw." You said, his eyes looked like they were glowing. His pupils wide as he took it all in. His mouth was slightly open, like he couldn't quite believe what it was that he was seeing in front of him. "What are you doing just standing there! Come on, sit down."
After a half a moment of him staring he sat down on the other end of the blanket. He still wasn't saying much, almost uncharacteristically quiet.
"What do you think? I tried to make some things I know you like. It's no hotpot but I couldn't quite figure out how we could do hotpot in the park, but since the weather is so nice I figured that a picnic would be nice!"
Shaw looked at you, and in the moment that he was staring at you it was like an instant change. He cleared his throat and let his usual cool and collected expression return to his face, looking cool, calm, and collected like he had been expecting this the whole entire time.
“It doesn’t look too bad.” He finally said. You smiled at him, a comment like that from Shaw was quite the compliment. “You did all this?”
You nodded. “Yeah I made all this last night and this morning.” You handed him a can of coke and a can of pepsi, his two favorites. “Consider this a double celebration, we’re celebrating your birthday and you finishing your finals.” Shaw looked up and down at the picnic food on the blanket and you sitting on the other end of the blanket.
Shaw’s usual smirk reappeared on his face as he popped the tab open on the can of coke, taking a long sip. “I suppose I can admit you made an okay show of pretending to forget today.”
“I would never forget!” You said, “I’ve had the date written down on my calendar ever since I found out when your birthday was.”
Shaw’s face was unreadable, he hid his expression by sipping on his soda. Trying to keep his face away from you, as if by looking at you it would reveal something he wasn’t ready for you to see yet.
Maybe you would have asked if he was okay, or try to say something to make him face you again. But before you could do anything about that thought your attention was broken by the raindrops that fell right on top of your head.
The rain started to fall faster, dark rain clouds overtaking the whole no-longer blue sky. You looked up at the sky, as the raindrops started falling faster and harder. Within seconds it was pouring down rain on the once warm soil.
It seemed to take Shaw a bit longer to notice the rain that was soaking his hair and clothes. Once he noticed his eyes went upwards to look up at the now darkened sky.
Although he didn't say it, and neither did you, you had a very good feeling that you knew what had caused this sudden rainstorm.
Looking around the park, the once happy families and couples were packing up their things, running for shelter or to their cars, no one seemingly prepared for any kind of sudden rain. Even you, who should have prepared for this possibility, hadn't even considered the idea that it could rain. Especially with the person you were with.
"Shit, the food!" You quickly tried to repackage and rewrap the food you'd brought, trying to keep it from getting wetter and ruined.
"It's just a little rain" Shaw said looking up at the sky, he must have known the rain's origin. There's no way that he couldn't have known what caused this.
“I would say it’s a little more than a little rain!” You tried to shove them back into the basket. "Also I don't want all this food getting wet and soggy." You pushed back some of your wet hair as the raindrops ran down your face and neck.
Quickly you put all the food back into the basket, and motioned for Shaw to stand up, the blanket below you was already soaked, and the mud started to stick to the other side. You bit your lip and you tried to fold it up the best you could.
“Did you bring an umbrella?” You asked him, Shaw shook his head.
“Didn’t think it would rain.” You glared at him. “What?”
“You don’t just keep one on you in case of sudden rain? That seems to happen a lot around you.” You hugged yourself to try and keep warm as the rain soaked your clothes.
“I didn’t think I’d need it.” Shaw said. “Besides, it’s June.” You resisted the urge to remind him that not only does it rain in June but the time of year doesn’t seem to matter when you have an Evolver who makes it rain whenever he’s in a good mood.
Trying to hide from the rain under the tree you held the picnic basket close. “How about we go back to my place, we can eat there.” Shaw picked up your other bag, the one with his present hidden in it, biting your tongue you tried not to make clear that you didn’t want him seeing the contents just yet. But he didn’t try to look.
“Here.” Shaw shedded his jacket and handed it over to you. You took the jacket, wrapping it around your shoulders, the arms a little too long and the jacket not quite fitting, but it was comfortable, and you could feel the lingering warmth from his body heat on it.
“I’ll follow your lead.” Shaw said casually, shoving his hands into his pockets.
Looking out to the rest of the now deserted park you mentally mapped the quickest way home, the two of you would be soaked, no doubt, but at least you could get back.
Together you took off into the rain, trying to walk beneath any kind of cover you both could find on the way back. You held Shaw’s jacket close, as you did the scent of peppermint and light cologne was easy to pick up, an almost comforting smell.
Throwing open the door to your apartment building you both breathed a sigh of relief when you were out of the rain, so filled with relief it took a few moments to realize something wasn’t right.
“Someone turned off the lights.” You commented looking at the dark lobby. Shaw punched the up button on the elevator, to no avail. No elevator sounds, no lighting up on the button.
“The power’s out.” He said, pushing wet hair out of his eyes. “Probably the heavy rain.”
You withheld the groan growing in your throat. “Seriously?” You tried the elevator button
yourself, with no better result.
Shaw didn't seem nearly as bothered as you did, or at least he pretended like he wasn't bothered. He looked to the door leading to the stairs up.
"Come on. I won’t carry you up the stairs." Shaw said, pushing open the door.
You followed up, slowly trudging up the long stairwell, your socks squelching uncomfortably in your shoes. Your hair dripping with the rain, Shaw's jacket being the only thing giving you the smallest bit of comfort at the moment.
The two of you eventually made it up to your floor, and down your hallway to your door. You couldn't waste any time with sticking in your key and getting through the door.
Your apartment was dark, just like the lobby, no lights on, not even the stove or oven. The apartment was completely dark beyond the small amount of light coming in through the window, and completely silent without the hum of the fridge or your computer.
You set the picnic basket down on the table, rushing to the bathroom to grab towels. Grabbing the biggest towels you had in your cupboard. Tossing one to Shaw and using your own to dry your face and hair first.
"I'm gonna change clothes." You told him. Then looked him up and down. “I’d offer you some of mine but I’m not sure they’ll fit.” You racked your brain, there must be something you could offer him. “I could ask my neighbor, he’s a little shorter than you but maybe-”
Shaw shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not that wet.” Shaw said as he dried off his hair, the lavender strands still damp when he pulled the towel away. Shaw looked you up and down, that mischievous look reappearing in his gaze “You on the other hand-” He said with that tone that could have suggested anything.
“Shaw!” You said as your cheeks flushed red. His smirk intensified at your flustered face, and you did your best to reel it in. After all that was the reaction he was hoping for. You huffed and pulled out a set of clean clothes from your closet.
You left him in the living room while you changed clothes, drying your hair further in the darkness of the bathroom. You probably should have predicted a result like this, but it was too late to go back now.
In dry clothes and sufficiently put back together you ventured back into the living room. Shaw stood with his shirt in his hands as he set it on your clothes drying rack in the corner of your apartment.
Although his back was turned to you, you quickly averted your gaze from him as the flush returned to your face. You kept your eyes on the ground as you put away your other damp clothes to be washed and dried once the power was back.
“Oi.” Shaw said, You kept yourself from looking directly at him. “Why are you staring at the floor like that? Did you break your neck putting on a shirt?” Your face turned an even brighter red color as he spoke.
“I-” You turned your head away. “I’m just thinking.” You tried to steer the conversation in a different direction. Maybe so he wouldn’t try and pull an even more embarrassed reaction out of you.
Shaw’s slit brow raised up, his classic playful expression returning in full force. “What could you possibly be thinking about?” He said, walking towards you. Still feeling too flustered to look at him, you grabbed the throw blanket from the couch and tossed it at him.
“You’re probably cold right? There’s no heating right now so you must be freezing.” Your words came out faster and maybe a little more jumped than you’d typically like. Watching him out of the corner of your eye he unfolded the blanket and placed it over his bare shoulders, relieving a little bit of your embarrassment.
The picnic basket still left on the table caught your eyes once you felt calm again. The basket was still a bit wet, raindrops clinging to the top and sides of the basket. The bag with Shaw’s present is also just as damp. Glancing from the picnic basket to the blanket around Shaw’s shoulders, an idea formed in your head.
“What’s going on in your head?” Shaw asked, poking your arm playfully.
You smiled and looked at him. “The rain ruined my original plan but, I think I know what we can do to still celebrate.” You picked up one of the other throw blankets on the couch, and unfolded it and spread it on the living room floor.
Shaw caught onto your plan pretty quickly, you handed him the picnic basket and pointed to the blanket. “You get this all set up, I’m going to go and find some candles so we can have a little bit of light.”
You arranged your candles and flashlights around the blanket so there was at least some light overlooking your picnic food, even if some of the items had become slightly soggy from the rain.
“Nice atmosphere.” Shaw joked.
You rolled your eyes at him. “We can always eat in the dark.”
“Nah.” Shaw said as he took a bite of the sandwich you’d made. “The dark is for other things.” He gave you a suggestive look as he said that, making your face turn red again.
“Don’t be gross!”
Shaw’s suggestive smirk only intensified. “I saw how embarrassed you were when you came out here. I know what I look like. You can-”
“Shaw stop it!” You said louder, trying to hide your flustered expression in the shadows left by the candles and flashlights. “I don’t care if it’s your birthday, I will make you go back out in the rain.”
Shaw’s expression changed, but you still saw that mischievous spark, although that was just a regular feature of Shaw’s face. “You sure do get embarrassed easily.” He said as he took another bite. You ignored his comment, not interested in humoring his dirty mind further.
“I’m surprised you didn’t have other plans today.” You said, looking up at Shaw. “I figured you’d go to Live House or hang out with the band.”
Shaw shrugged. “Birthdays aren’t that big of a deal.” He said, sipping on the new can of cola you’d gotten him. “Besides, I knew you had something planned.”
“Wait, how did you know?”
“You’re not very good at surprises.” Shaw set the can of cola down as he picked at the side dishes. “I will give you one thing though, I wasn’t expecting this.”
A smile broke across your face. “Do you like it?”
Shaw looked back up at you. “It’s alright, you didn’t do too bad.”
“Well,” you sat up straighter and leaned for the closed bakery box you’d set next to the picnic basket. “I still have a few surprises left in me.” You set the bakery box between you. Shaw’s expression changed as you opened up the top. Revealing the birthday cake you’d gotten for him. A simple cake frosted in blue with a dorky looking shark frosted onto the top, Happy Birthday Shaw! Written in black frosting below it.
Shaw’s face shifted through a variety of emotions in a few seconds, at first confusion, surprise, and then he started laughing. Covering his mouth as he laughed.
“What is that?” Shaw said between laughter. “It looks so childish.”
You huffed, “It’s what the bakery had! And I figured you wouldn’t want a boring cake!”
Shaw managed to get his laughter under control as he looked at the cake again. “Let’s hope it tastes good for your sake.” He said, handing him a fork you both dug into the cake, not even bothering to slice it.
The cake was sweet, and thankfully unaffected by the rainstorm, the cake flavor was fairly basic but the sweetness was enough to make it good. Shaw also seemed pleased with the flavor, taking bite after bite of the cake without complaint.
Once the two of you had pretty much eaten the entire frosted shark you both considered that more than enough cake for the two of you. Now, it was time for your final surprise.
Shaw was still focused on the cake when you pulled out the two gift wrapped packages, holding them out for him.
“Your final surprise of the day, I promise.”
Shaw took the two boxes, setting one down and unwrapping the other. You watched him intently as he ripped away the wrapping paper.
A slight surprised noise came from Shaw as he looked at his gift. “A children’s fossil dig kit?” He held the box in his hands, the front showing two children digging in the play sand for plastic fossils. He gave you a bizarre look.
“I thought it’d be fun! Little field work practice.”
“It’s for children.” Shaw said. “Do I look like a child?”
You reached for the toy. “If you don’t want it I’ll just return it then-”
Shaw pulled the box away. “Nuh uh, you don’t get to take a gift back. This is mine.” Shaw set the box down beside him, out of your grasp. You settled back where you sat, even if he wouldn’t say it, you knew he did like the gift. He picked up the second item, much smaller than the first, barely bigger than a stack of envelopes.
Tearing the wrapping paper away, once again he seemed a bit confused by the gift in his hands. A stack of notecards, hole punched and held together by a binder ring. Each one with slightly different writing on it.
“This is?” Shaw asked you, giving you a look.
“It’s a coupon book, for my time and for favors. If you want to drag me along to a concert or an antique fair, you can use those, and I can’t say no.”
“And I can use these for any kind of favor?”
You nodded. “Yep! Anything at all.”
Shaw looked back at the coupon book and then at you. A particular look in his eye. As he looked at you, you watched as the blanket that had been around his shoulders started to fall.
Opening the binder ring he handed you one of the notecard coupons. “I’m using one right now, my first request.” Shaw scooted closer to you, so close you could feel the body heat radiating from his bare torso. “I want you to spend every one of my birthdays with me.”
“Every single one?”
Shaw nodded. “Every single one.” Your eyes were locked together, your wide eyes against his slightly troublesome gaze. Still you weren’t worried about what was going on in his head. Beyond that troublesome gaze, there was also the softness in his face, the way he looked perfectly calm, and perfectly happy. “I think I have another idea for a coupon to use right now.”
Smiling gently at him, you reached out to hold his hand, not breaking eye contact for a second.
“I think I’ll let this one be a freebie.”
Shaw leaned closer, until your foreheads were practically pressed together.
“Perfect.” He whispered, closing the small gap between you. His soft lips pressed against yours he pulled away just a centimeter after one long kiss.
“This, I think, is the best gift I’ve gotten all day.”
#mlqc#mldd#love and producer#shaw ling#ling xiao#yeon siho#mr love queens choice#mr love fanfic#shaw x mc#birthday
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you say you hate me
summary: four times you were forced to spend time with Matthew plus one time you chose to.
warnings: mentions of drinking, swearing
word count: 7.2k
note from the writer: is it bad that I’ve already started another Matt fic? also this gif is *chef’s kiss* amazing
You knew you ran the risk of running into him when you moved from St. Louis to Calgary. But you couldn’t pass up the job opportunity you were given, even if it meant you were looking over your shoulder as if to avoid running into him.
But after three months of living in Calgary you hadn’t seen him, so you were certain you were in the clear. You reasoned that he would’ve popped up sooner, you followed each other on Instagram and have each other added on Snapchat, so you knew that he knew you were in Calgary. You pushed him to the back of your mind, though, not wanting him to take up any more residence in your mind than he already did. And after a while you figured you were safe from his presence and any headaches that seemed to follow him around.
So imagine your surprise when he shows up while you’re in the middle of a date.
Chris is a nice guy. It’s your third date, and the bar he’s taken you to is a little more on the casual side, but the Edmonton vs. Canucks game was on the television above the bar and you knew he was a big hockey guy.
Clearly, you had a type.
“So, I think my boss is going to give me a big project, which would be a huge step in the right direction for the promotion I—” You were gushing about the news you had received earlier in the day, but you were unable to finish your thought as Chris yelled.
“Oh, fuck off, Mcdavid! You should have scored that.”
After realizing that he wasn’t talking about your ability to buy a goal or calling you McDavid, you learned two things about the man sitting across from you. One, he hadn’t been listening to a single word you were saying and you could count on the hockey game being more interesting to him than anything you could have said. You should have known, anyways, on your first date he spent five whole minutes talking about how the Oilers were his favorite team after you mentioned you grew up in St. Louis. And two, he was that kind of hockey fan. The kind that tore down their team’s top players over any little screw-up. The kind that made your skin crawl after having grown up with the sport.
“It was a rookie mistake.” Chris’ attention turned to you since it was a T.V. timeout and you blinked at him for a moment, wondering just how your night took a downturn so quickly. The bar was so low, and he managed to limbo under it.
“McDavid. Rookie mistake?” You blanched, propping your chin on your hand as you waited to see what kind of bullshit excuse he funneled at you. He stuttered over his words, and you were about to interject with a very well laid out explanation about how players were people and able to make mistakes without having their skill questioned. Plus, it was McDavid.
But then a hand landed casually on your shoulder, and your first instinct was to turn and face whoever decided it was a good idea to randomly touch with a scowl. Your frown only deepened when you spotted who it was, completely ignoring the choked noise Chris made.
Of course he had to show up on the one night you were on a date.
“Couldn’t hide from me forever.” Matt drawled easily, removing his hand from you and leaning against the edge of the tall table you were sitting at. You rolled your eyes, not at all surprised at the fact that he decided to start the first actual conversation you’ve had with him in weeks with a tease.
“I’ll try harder next time.” You stated dryly, taking a sip of your nearly empty drink and avoiding the gaze of both men around you. Well, Chris was too busy eyeing Matthew and puffing out his chest as if he was trying to assert his dominance. Please.
You didn’t get the appeal of Matthew. Sure, he was attractive and pretty good at hockey, not that you’d ever admit that to anyone, but he was a pest. He grew up next door to you, which meant the better part of your childhood was spent at the mercy of Matt’s teasing. You adored the rest of his family, you had a four-hundred and thirty-six day Snapchat streak with Taryn, a number seven Senators jersey hanging up in your closest, Chantal’s number was saved as ‘mama tkachuk’ in your phone, and you had once called Keith in a panic when you were sixteen and got a flat tire and your parents weren’t answering.
Matt had laughed at you when you stumbled walking across the stage at graduation.
You were not his biggest fan.
“Hot date?” Matt questioned, not even looking over to Chris who nodded the moment the words entered the air. You winced at the question, because you were technically on a date, but you weren’t exactly feeling it, especially after what had just transpired. But you would marry Chris on the spot if it meant annoying Matt.
“I’ll see you later.” You spoke through gritted teeth, plastering on a forced and obviously fake smile. Matt grinned at you, his mischievous look that you had seen a thousand times growing up that warned you that he was going to do something to get under your skin made warning alarms flash in your mind.
Your suspicions were proven correct when he reached a hand up to ruffle your hair before slipping back into the crowd. You pouted, glaring at his back until you couldn’t see his mop of curls anymore and turned to face Chris again. Your date was looking at you with an annoyed expression, one that was surely mirrored on your face but the only difference was his look was directed at you and yours was at Matthew for showing up out of nowhere.
“Are you okay—?” You barely got the question out before Chris was interrupting you. Again.
“You can’t talk to him if we’re going to see each other.” He stated, as if it was that easy.
It wasn’t as if you wanted to hang out with Matt, not since you hit middle school, but it would be a cold day in hell before some guy told you who you could and could not talk to.
“We’re neighbors, nothing will ever be going on there but our families are good friends. I literally have to talk to him whenever I go home.” You weren’t sure why you were explaining this to him, maybe a part of you wanted to see if he’d bactrack and apologize, even if the relationship was damaged beyond repair. Those hopes were squashed the moment he spoke next.
“Then I’m out.” And he was standing up, barely giving you a second look before he was headed towards the door.
It was pettiness that had you crossing the bar in search of the one person that you couldn’t stand to be around for an extended period of time. You had seen a whole new side of Chris in a matter of five minutes and a small part of you was glad that Matt interrupted and brought it out. Emphasis on small, though.
“You owe me a drink.” You nudged Matt’s shoulder, sliding in next to him at the bar. You didn’t care that you were interrupting his conversation with one of his teammates, you had just been dumped by the guy you’d been somewhat seeing for a few weeks because he couldn’t handle the idea of you knowing a NHL player. “Scared my date away because he didn’t like the fact that I talk to you.”
“I feel like I did you a favor, if he really is that insecure. We don’t even like each other.” He had waved down the bartender with a chuckle, ordering you a beer like the one he had clutched in his hand. It was seconds before the cool glass was set in front of you. Perks of being a hotshot hero in Calgary, you assumed.
“I’ll drink to that.” You clinked your bottle against his, taking a generous sip as Matt watched with an amused grin. He was leaning against the counter, his back now fully turned on his teammates. Clearly, he wasn’t planning on letting you finish your drink in peace.
“Mom told me you got your dream job, so tell me about it.”
“Like you care.” You rolled your eyes with a scoff. You were feeling especially bitter, and you were taking it out on Matt. To be fair, he was taking it all in stride, but you knew he was biding his time until he could make a joke.
“Try me.” Matt wasn’t a bad guy. Annoying, sure. A pain in your ass? Since the day you met. But you knew him better than most—begrudgingly, of course—and you could tell he was genuinely curious. He probably had plans to tease you about it later, you would put money on the fact, but with the way your night had turned out, you couldn’t find it in you to care.
“Fine, but just until I finish this drink and my Uber gets here.”
mama tkachuk: Hi sweetie! Keith and I are in town for the weekend and were wondering if you wanted to get dinner with us and Matt! Text me when you get a chance!
It was so unfair. How could Chantal be as sweet as she was and have produced a child like Matthew? You were so caught up in how kind her invitation was that you had agreed to meet up with them before it really set in that you would have to sit through a dinner with Matt.
You had arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later than the agreed upon time due to traffic, so everyone else was already at the table by the time you made it. Chantal was the first to jump up and greet you with a hug, Keith following after with a ‘how are you, kid’ and a tight squeeze. You shot Matt a tight-lipped smile, trying to remain civil infront of his parents, and he returned with his typical smug grin, though it was more subdued than usual as a result of sitting next to his mother.
“You always liked to be late.” Matt teased as you sat down. You rolled your eyes at him, annoyed but willing to let the comment slide for the sake of his parents.
“I don’t know why you guys bicker all the time, you used to tell us all the time that you were going to be a family someday. You guys even practiced with Taryn and Brady.” Chantal reminisced, and you smiled uneasily at the memory. It wasn’t necessarily an unpleasant one, some of your best memories took place in the Tkachuk living room. Back when you were kids, you and Matt were attached at the hip. Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum—if Matt was caught sticking his hand in the cookie jar you were right at his side reminding him to grab one for you too. This particular instance stuck out in your mind, though, because your mom teased you about it whenever she got the chance.
It was a rainy Saturday, Keith was out of town for hockey and your dad was at the office, which left the moms sitting in the kitchen chatting about whatever adults talked about. Taryn had just learned how to walk, which meant that she was trying to follow you around to the best of her ability, even if that meant watching from the sidelines as you played mini sticks with her brothers.
But after Matt had scored against you and Brady enough times, you declared that it was time for them to play your game—house. Taryn was your baby, and she happily filled the roll as she toddled behind you. Brady was your other son, and Matt was the dad. You played like that for an hour or so, Matt pretending to come home from road trips while playing in the NHL just like his father, only to help you pretend to cook dinner and put ‘the kids’ to bed.
At six years old, he was a dream pretend-father.
“I can’t help it if Matthew runs his mouth too much.” You chirped, and though you meant it in good fun there was some seriousness. Matt never knew when to quit, his comments more obnoxious than endearing most of the time. Though, he did have his moments, you were willing to admit. You knew he had your back when it came down to it, but he also would be the first one to crash your date and tell the guy you were with some embarrassing story about you from when you were seven.
He did that no less than three separate times when you were teenagers.
“Remember when they pretended to get married at like six? And Matt cried when I told him that he wasn’t actually her husband.” Keith nudged his wife with a grin, his statement earning a groan from Matt. You flushed, keeping quiet as the memory flashed in your head—the theme of the night, apparently.
It was a summer wedding, so to speak. Sometime during the offseason your family and the Tkachuks rented a lake house for a week and you spent the entire time racing from one activity to the next while clutching Matt’s hand. Your aunt had just gotten married, so weddings were on your mind and you decided you wanted a party like she had. Your choices for potential husbands were limited, Brady and Matt the only other boys close to your age. When Brady claimed that you had cooties and ran away, Matt was the only option left and it simply took the bribe of sharing your dessert with him after dinner for him to agree.
You had made paper rings and even forced Matt to fake propose to you, all while both your mothers looked on with camera’s clutched in their hands. You had claimed your unending love for Matt that day, and he had done the same. In an effort to tease you, your mom had said that he had to kiss the bride and you both looked at her like she was crazy—though he did end up pressing a quick and sloppy kiss to the back of your hand to appease her.
And then twenty minutes later he shoved you off the dock because you were too scared to jump in.
Matt was watching you as his mother told the story, chuckling as she added in anecdotes about how she and your mother had almost started planning your real wedding that day and similar comments. It was no secret that she was rooting for you to get together with her son, and even though Keith would try to get his wife to tone down her comments, you saw his smug grin every once on a while.
The rest of dinner and dessert passed by with minimal reminiscing, and soon enough the check was paid. Matt picked up the bill, and though you tried to argue that you could pay for yourself, Matt simply stuck his tongue out at you and Keith said that he would’ve paid for everyone if he had only been able to grab the check faster. You rolled your eyes at Matt’s childishness, but thanked Keith for his kindness despite the fact that he hadn’t even really done anything.
“So where did you park?” Chantal asked as the four of you stepped outside. The cold air made you shiver, and you used one hand to tighten your coat around you while the other gestured over your shoulder in the general direction of where your car was.
“Like three blocks away. It was pretty busy when I got here.” You replied. Chantal nodded, opening her arms for a hug you readily reciprocated.
“I’ll walk you. It’s way too late for you to go by yourself.” Matt spoke up, interrupting your goodbyes with his parents. He handed his keys off to his dad so they could wait in the car while he went with you, and because he simply couldn’t just be nice, he added his next comment. “You’d probably get lost if I don’t go with you.”
“Thanks, Matt.” You said sarcastically, the roll of your eyes coming almost naturally. There wasn’t room for you to argue, because Chantal was nudging you in the opposite direction she was headed to get to Matt’s car. Part of you wondered if she somehow planned this in an another attempt to get you to spend time alone with her son. You didn’t have time to think about it too much, between saying goodbyes and making plans to meet up when you went home for the holidays, you were rushing a bit to get out of the cold.
While you walked, Matt stayed quiet, something you didn’t realize he was capable of. Your hands were shoved deep into your coat pockets to try and stay warm, but you felt his arm brush against yours every once in a while.
“Thanks for coming tonight, mom loved it.” He was softer now, his voice devoid of any of its usual smugness.
“Are you kidding? I love your parents.” You teased, trying to figure out where this quiet side of Matt was coming from. It was the side of him that rarely came out, especially in front of the media and never on the ice, but it was the side that you got along with the best. You stopped at your car, turning to face Matt. “Thanks for walking me.”
“No problem. Uh, text me when you get home, or whatever. So I know you got there safe.” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, a slight redness to his cheeks that caught you off guard. You nodded, unlocking your car and offering him one last smile and goodbye before climbing in.
You couldn’t help but grin to yourself as you drove home. He was trying.
You had the worst luck.
Firstly, the only flight you could get home for the holidays was a red-eye to try and save some money. Secondly, your parents were making you get a cab from the airport instead of coming to pick you up. It was fine, you were an adult and could handle both those things. You had long come to terms with it by the time you were settling into your seat as everyone boarded.
But third—
“No way am I this lucky.”
The sound of the familiar voice had you tilting your head back with a groan, not even bothering to look at the person who was dropping unceremoniously into the seat beside you. Though his curls were tucked under his hoodie and he was trying his best to remain undetected, his presence was one that you would recognize anywhere.
“I’m just really, really, unlucky.” You told Matt, and though your comment was a jab at him, he wore the same grin he always did.
“That’s mean.” He teased, reaching over to poke your side because of course he hasn't outgrown giving you jumper cables. You glared at him, momentarily pausing your efforts to dig through your bag in search of your headphones just so he knew how annoyed you were. Not that he cared, or that it ever really stopped him.
“Look, Matt, I’ve had a long day, and I was looking forward to just sleeping this whole flight.” You sighed, dragging a hand down your face in frustration.
“I’ll leave you alone, promise.” Matt grinned that stupidly smug grin of his.
Yeah, right. You thought, but kept the comment to yourself. It was better to let Matt think he won than invite him to keep going by replying. He grinned at you, simply miming zipping his lips shut as you rolled your eyes.
He lasted longer than you thought he would—ten minutes.
“I don’t know what you don’t like about me so much, it’s not the hockey thing, because you love Brady.” Matt spoke up, going so far as to pull your headphone out of your ear so you could hear him.
“Brady’s adorable and like a baby brother to me.” You said matter-of-factly, earning a snicker from Matt. “You chipped my tooth when we were twelve and then blamed it on me.”
“I’m sure he’ll be glad to hear that.” He snorted, and for a second you thought he’d leave it at that. He had succeeded in getting under your skin, just like he usually did. “And it was your fault. You weren’t paying attention.”
“You didn’t have to shoot the pucks at me that hard!” You frowned at the memory. You had offered to stand in goal for him while he practiced shooting, and though you were definitely not destined to play in the NHL like him, that didn’t stop him from acting as if he was taking part in the hardest shot competition.
Matt didn’t respond, instead he just shook his head with a grin. Clearly, he was more amused by the memory than you were.
He went back to leaving you alone, though he stole one of your headphones and placed it into his ear to listen. He scrunched his nose up at the song, and you rolled your eyes at the silent jab at your taste in music.
Eventually, you did end up falling asleep. When you woke up to Matthew shaking you gently, you realized that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder and that he was waking you since you had landed and people were starting to exit. You waited for the chirps to come about your subconscious action, knowing he probably had a few comments up his sleeve. Except, he didn’t say anything, only stood up to retrieve both of your carryon bags from the overhead storage.
Matt stuck by your side the entire time you got off the plane and headed to luggage claim, unable to help himself from chirping you at the fact you couldn’t find your suitcase. You poked your tongue out at him, admittedly a little juvenile on your behalf, when you spotted your bag come around the carousel. Before you could grab it, though, he snagged it and stuck his tongue out at you before departing into the airport in search of his parents. Now, you were forced to trail after him.
Your annoyance faded, though, when you heard Chantal call your and Matthew’s names. You smiled at the woman, who hugged her son quickly before turning and pulling you into her arms.
“Guess who I got to sit next to?” Matt chimed, sounding a bit too pleased with himself for your liking. You rolled your eyes, unable to help the tiny bit of amusement you felt at how excited Chantal looked at the idea that you had each other on the flight. You and Matt may both be adults, but to her, you were still toddlers that needed constant supervision and she loved the idea that you were there to watch after each other.
“Oh, that’s lucky!” Chantal cheered and you grit your teeth, forcing a smile on your face at the way Matt was grinning smugly at you. Okay, you figured it could have been worse, you could have been seated next to a creep, but you weren’t about to admit that to Matt.
“So lucky.” You muttered sarcastically. Thankfully, Matthew wasn’t given a chance to comment further on your response, as his dad spoke up before he could.
“Is your dad here? I got a new set of clubs I want to brag about.” Keith questioned and you shook your head with a genuine smile. Living next to a retired NHLer gave your dad plenty of opportunities to bring out his competitive side, and golf was definitely one of their favorite pastimes.
“No, he and mom couldn’t come to get me because they both had work.” You explained and Keith rolled his eyes in good fun. You always wondered how both families got along so well when you couldn’t stand Matt.
“Do you want a ride home then?” Chantal offered sweetly.
“That’d be great, thank you.” You were glad you wouldn’t have to worry about getting an Uber, and you didn’t feel as if you were crashing the Tkachuks’ time with their oldest son since as soon as you started to head to the car, Chantal fell in step with you.
“Oh, Matt, you’re being such a gentleman, carrying her suitcase for her.” Chantal gushed after having noticed that Matt had an extra bag and you didn’t have one. She shot you a look and you just knew this was only fueling her belief that you were destined to end up with Matt. She would probably mention it to your mother, and then you really never would hear the end of it.
“Didn’t know you had it in you.” Keith chirped, earning an eye roll from Matt and laughter from you and Chantal. It was all in good nature, the teasing comments a sign of love amongst the hockey family.
And really, you had no choice but to agree with Keith.
“I need you to run next door and give this to Chantal.” Your mom told you, holding out a tray of holiday cookies. You sighed, reluctantly getting up from your spot on the living room couch. You weren’t doing anything, but the aspect of having to walk all the way next door was not totally appealing.
But you did as she said and stuffed on some shoes before heading next door and letting yourself in. Taryn was the first to greet you, taking the tray of cookies and leading you towards the kitchen. As soon as the platter was set down, you both helped yourself to a cookie.
“How’s Calgary? Is Matt showing up randomly to bug you?” She was teasing, but she was right. You laughed, nodding as you broke off a piece of your cookie to eat.
“He showed up while I was on a date, completely by chance, and ruined it.” You chuckled at the memory and at the way Taryn laughed loudly at that. It wasn’t entirely true, Chris was doing a pretty good job of ruining the date on his own, but Matt’s appearance was the final nail in the coffin.
“That’s because he's practically in love with you.” She spoke between giggles. You rolled your eyes, having heard the comment countless times before. It had followed you and Matt around since you were kids, and by the time you were thirteen it morphed from platonic love to your moms explaining what soulmates were to you guys. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t considered the idea of Matt having a thing for you, but you had long since given up on that idea.
You didn’t have time to comment on it, though, because speak of the devil, and he shall appear.
“What’re you guys talking about?” Matt marched into the room, a smug grin on his face. While he spoke, he reached across to where you were standing and broke off a piece of the cookie you were still eating. With a pout, you watched him pop your cookie into his mouth all the while eye contact with you and wearing a self-satisfied grin.
“Oh, just how you’re in love with each other.” Taryn said casually, her sentence punctuated by Matt choking on the cookie. Clearly, he was caught off guard.
“You deserved that, and no, we were not.” You told Matt as he tried to catch his breath. You couldn’t help the grin you were wearing, and for a brief second you acknowledged that he looked adorable all flustered. Matt shot a glare at his sister, who was laughing hysterically at him, and launched forward to dig his fingers into her sides.
You watched carefully as he tickled his sister mercilessly, preparing to make a break for the living room if he turned his attention to you. You were smiling, widely and genuinely, as you watched Matt mess around with his sister.
This was the Matt that you grew up best friends with.
As you were distracted, Matt let his sister go and she caught her breath while cursing him out and you let out a loud laugh at some of the creative things she said. She certainly was from a hockey family.
But then Matt turned his attention to you, a wicked grin on his face and a playful look in his eyes. Your own eyes went wide, and as soon as he took half a step towards you, you spun on your heel and dashed out of the kitchen.
You heard him chasing after you, but you didn’t risk looking back knowing that if you even wanted a chance to outrun him you would need to stay focused. And as you took a particularly sharp turn into the other room, you heard him crash into the wall, clearly not as agile as he thought he was.
“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Tkachuk! I brought cookies from Mom!” You greeted with a laugh as you sprinted past Keith and Chantal in the hallway. You barely had time to register their looks of amusement before you felt Matt’s fingers brush your back, signaling that he was close to grabbing you.
“Don’t hurt her, we like her more than you!” Keith called after you, teasing Matt and catching him off guard enough that he stumbled, and you were able to put some distance between you and him. You were laughing maniacally, the sound mixing with Matt’s chuckles and Taryn encouraging you to run faster.
Eventually, you made it to the living room, and you spotted Brady’s head poking up behind the back of the couch as he watched some rerun hockey game. You know it’s a longshot that Matt will give up and that you need to bite the bullet and let him catch you, but your stubbornness is what makes you throw yourself over the back of the couch, your head landing in the lap of a very confused and surprised Brady.
“Protect me.” You order, grabbing the younger Tkachuk brother’s bicep as Matt leaned over the back of the couch, his curls wild and grin wicked. For a second, there was a softness in his eyes that made your heart skip a beat, but then he was back to being smug.
“Brady can’t stop me.” Matt teased, leaning against the back of the couch. Brady didn’t comment, though he rolled his eyes at his brother. It was an argument that had been going on for a decade or so—which brother was stronger? And though they wrestled from time to time, Brady being victorious more often than he used to be, you knew they would never actually fight. You had been there when Keith made them shake heads and promise not to drop the gloves the first time they played each other.
“He’s taller.” You argued, and Matt chuckled as he made his way around the couch. You watched as he lifted your legs, dropping into the spot on the couch they once occupied before resting your limbs across his lap.
“Doesn’t matter.” He replied, giving your shin a squeeze as he spoke. You rolled your eyes, getting comfortable in your spot laying across the Tkachuk brothers and turning to watch the Blues vs. Stars game Brady had put on.
It felt nice to laugh with Matt again. It was as if things were back to normal, and you tried to ignore the funny fluttering feeling in your stomach as his thumbs brushed back and forth along your legs. You hated it, because it was Matt, and you had long since declared that you couldn’t stand him. And yet, there you were, melting under his touch.
“Oh, come on, you’re not going to attack her?” Taryn complained as she dropped into the free chair on the other side of the room. You stuck your tongue out at her, smiling at the sound of Matt’s chuckles. You were going to make a comment about how she was supposed to be on your side in response, but Brady was faster, and his words—for whatever reason—made any reply die on your tongue.
“It’s because he’s in love with her.”
You hated the fact that you weren’t able to sleep. But even more so, you hated the fact that you knew exactly why you couldn’t get your mind to turn off. You couldn’t stop thinking about how sweet Matt had been earlier in the day, and though you knew he always had a soft spot for his sister, for some reason this time it was hitting you differently. Plus Taryn and Brady’s ‘he’s in love with you’s were bouncing around your head.
Finally, after what felt like the hundredth time you had tossed around under the covers, you sat up and snagged your phone off of the nightstand. You sat up, unlocking your phone and opening messages and before you could really think about stopping yourself you typed out a text and sent it.
Only after the message was sent and you couldn’t do anything about it, did you reread what you said and check the time. You couldn’t help but cringe at the one in the morning ‘hey, are you up?’ text that seemingly glared back at you. But then the three dots appeared that signaled that he was typing, and you quickly slid out of the conversation so he wouldn’t think you were waiting for his text. You were, and though he responded within a minute, you didn’t want to give his ego that extra boost.
matthew: usually I’m the one that sends that text
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, having expected him to say something along those lines. You had practically handed that joke to him. Before you could type out a reply telling him to forget about it, your phone buzzed again with another text.
matthew: front door is unlocked, meet in the basement for a movie?
He was giving you a choice. You could go to bed and pretend this never happened and continue to tell everyone around you that the only thing you felt for Matt was annoyance. But you didn’t. You knew that you might regret it, but you slipped out of bed and tugged on a pair of leggings and a hoodie over your sleepshirt. Shoving on a pair of shoes, you tip-toed outside and to the house next door. It felt a little ridiculous, you were an adult, sneaking around to visit a boy like a teenager. But, you were quiet, and made sure you didn’t make any noise as you slipped down the stairs.
“Why am I sneaking around here like we’re fourteen again?” You teased as soon as you saw Matt already on the couch as he flipped through movie options. For a reason unbeknownst to you, your heart skipped a beat in your chest and your breathing stuttered as you cataloged just how attractive he looked in something as casual as a hoodie and sweats, how suddenly you wanted to run your fingers through his curls that definitely needed a hair treatment.
“I don’t want my family to know you’re here because then I’d have to share.” He teased, snapping you out of your thoughts and opening his arms to silently ask you to cuddle him. You hesitated for a moment, because that was not something you usually did except for maybe when you were three, but decided to throw caution to the wind and curled yourself into his side, your head resting on his shoulder. Besides, you didn’t usually text him at one in the morning either, so precedent was already out the window.
As soon as you settled into him, he draped the blanket that had been folded over the back of the couch over both of your legs. You blushed at the thoughtful action, but tried to hide the flush of your cheeks by staring straight ahead at the television.
“What are we watching?” You found your voice after a moment. When Matt didn’t respond right away, you turned to face him to find him already watching, a small smile on his face and a gentle look in his eyes. For the second time that night, you felt your breath catch in your throat, and it was only the surprised look on your face that had him snapping out of it.
“Oh, uh, you can pick.” He handed the remote to you, and you raised a brow at his odd behavior. You reached a hand up, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead as if to check his temperature with a confused look on your face.
“Are you feeling okay? You must be sick, if you’re letting someone else choose the movie.” You teased, grinning when Matt laughed, swatting your hand away and tugging you closer all in the same movement.
“I’ve been thinking—” He started, but after having grown up with hockey players, you were quick to think up a chirp.
“Are you sure you’re okay then?” You teased, enjoying the warm feeling you got when you heard his laugh. He had your back pressed to his front, so you were facing the television and couldn’t see whatever the look on his face was.
“Would you just let me talk for a minute?” He chuckled and you felt the vibrations in his chest from where you were cuddled against him. And though he was teasing you, there was a softness to his tone that had you nodding, still facing forward. “I kinda sucked when we were teenagers.” He confessed, and you couldn’t help but laugh at him. Though, holding true to your word, you stayed quiet and let him talk. “I was a preteen boy that didn’t know how to act around you and ended up making an idiot of myself.” You knew there probably was a deeper meaning to his words, but you weren’t ready to dive into that and he kept going. “And then we were fifteen and you were in love or whatever with Tommy Banner and I was jealous. And then you broke up but I had to go away for hockey and I don’t regret that, but I do regret not making things better with you before I left.”
His confession hung in the air for a moment as you processed his words. He threw a lot of information at you at once, and you cringed momentarily at the memory of your first ‘serious’ relationship.
See, the thing was, as much as you talked up your annoyance at Matthew, he had always been your person. You fake married the guy for a reason, even if you didn’t really know the implications of your actions way back then. You knew what marriage looked like from your parents and Matt’s, and you wanted that for yourself. You wanted that with Matt. He was your first real crush, and those never really go away. Or at least, yours didn’t.
But once you were teenagers, you stopped pining after your neighbor, a seemingly unattainable goal, and started hanging out with other people. You and Matt started to drift, and then eventually his teasing comments always seemed to be directed towards whatever guy you were seeing, thus making you grow contempt for him.
But now, he was showing his softer side, and those feelings from when you were younger resurfaced as he confessed that he felt the same. You couldn’t deny that you felt something when his hand brushed against you or when he grinned at you—no matter how self-satisfied he looked.
Suddenly you became aware that you had been silent for a moment too long, and you sat up straighter and turned to face Matt. He was studying you, and for the first time in as long as you could remember—except maybe that one time in eighth grade when he asked you to go to the school dance with him because he wanted to make his mom happy—he looked unsure of himself. It was an emotion that didn’t sit right on his face, and as often as you complained about his teasing, you much preferred his shit-eating grin.
“It’s your turn to talk now.” He joked, trying to lighten the mood but only succeeding partly since the breathy chuckle he gave at the end told you he was nervous.
Before you could help yourself, you had cupped his face with both your hands and pulled him forward to connect your lips to his. It took him a second to relax under your touch, but as soon as he realized what was happening, he grabbed your elbow to hold you in place.
When you felt his tongue swipe at your lips you knew you had to pull away before you got too caught up in him, which you knew you would, and you separated. His grin was wide, a little smug like usual, but mostly he was looking adoringly at you.
“I thought you hated me?” He teased, because it’s Matt and of course he would. You rolled your eyes, willing to admit that you had set him up with that one.
“Don’t push your luck, Tkachuk.” You pecked his lips once more, wondering why you had waited so long to do so. If he had been telling the truth, and you knew he was, then he had been crushing on you as long as you had been on him.
“Yes ma’am.” He joked, mock saluting while leaning towards you to chase after your lips for another kiss. You complied, but then pressed a hand on his chest to lean back enough to give him a serious look.
“And if this is going to work, you have to stop being such a pest all the time. Tone it down a bit.” He nodded, grin widening at the mention of your relationship moving past the night. You smiled at him, leaning up to give him one more kiss before settling back into his side. “And I still get to pick the movie.”
Matt chuckled, but didn’t argue. Instead, he settled for pressing a kiss to the top of your head. He let this arm fall from around your shoulders to your waist, and you knew without looking at him that he was wearing a satisfied grin.
“Who’s going to tell our moms that they were right about us?” He spoke up after a moment, and you chuckled. You were as stubborn as Matt was, and neither of you were too excited to admit to anyone that you had been wrong about the fact that you’d end up with each other. You were even certain that Brady, Keith, and Taryn had a running bet about when you and Matt would get together.
As it turns out, neither of you would have to, because you fell asleep together on the couch and Chantal was the first to find you cuddled into her son's chest.
Just like she knew you always would.
#Matthew Tkachuk#Matthew tkachuk imagine#Matthew tkachuk imagines#Matthew tkachuk x reader#hockey imagine#NHL imagine#calgary flames#calgary flames imagine
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Kit Herondale Fic - Am I Enough?
Summary: Kit wonders if he has what it takes to be the big brother Mina deserves and goes to Alec for some advice, which proves to be really useful.
It was funny, Kit thought as he got up from Magnus’ fancy couch, leaving his parents happily chatting with Jace as he retold some of his favorite memories with Alec. Everyone saw Jace as this untouchable hero, an example of glory and fierceness, even Jace himself thought that, Kit was certain, but nobody was more worth of admiration to Jace than Alec, that much was clear in the way he looked at his parabatai for affirmation every time he spoke in public, the anchoring hand he would always lay on Alec’s shoulder before battle and the softness of the words whispered between them.
Alec was Jace’s hero in every sense of the world. Alec was everything Kit hoped he could be to Mina, little Mina that would hang on to his finger like her life depended on it, who would smile at him every time he picked her up, Mina, who he would die for and live for and do anything and everything for. His light and wild rose, she was so much more than he deserved, but Kit was determined to be exactly who she needed.
That determination is what kept Kit going as he walked into Magnus and Alec’s kitchen, finding the Consul of the Shadowhunters, the highest authority of their people, one of their most skilled and wisest members, with glitter all over his hair and a well-intended, but still tragically messy rainbow on his cheek, courtesy of his son, Rafael, who looked quite proud of himself.
— Yes, now you are ready for the party! — Rafe announces, putting the paint-brush down.
— Thank you for that, I am sure I look... — Alec stops, looking over to Kit, noticing his presence. — Interesting? — He completes, hesitant.
— That is one way to put it. — Kit answers, barely containing a laugh.
— He looks gay! — Rafael says, fiercely, crossing his arms.
— I look what now? — Alec asks, confused, but still entertained.
— You heard the kid. — Kit is laughing now, not being able to help it.
— Gay, dad. Papa told me gay means happy as well! He said you would be gay twice if I made you happy on your birthday! — Rafael explains, looking offended his point wasn’t understood. — I know how much you like my drawings, so I made you a gay one, like the flag we bought last week. — Kit feels like he is intruding a lovely family moment, but he is too touched by Rafe’s dedication to miss the scene. Alec smiles and bows down to kiss his son’s forehead.
— Gracias, hijo. — He says, messing his hair up in sequence. — I do love your drawings and I love you even more. — Rafe smiles back to his dad, pleased with himself. He gets off the table, where he was sitting to be able to paint his dad’s face, and runs to the living room.
— He is adorable, you know. — Kit says and Alec smirks.
— Yeah, he really is. I’m lucky. — Alec’s words are simple and direct, like many things about him are, but they stick with Kit. Before he met his family, he used to think love was a complicated, painful and disastrous thing, like what his dad seemed to feel for his mom and for Kit himself, like the lies and betrayal he saw in the Shadow Market, like the tricks he pulled as well. It was only after getting to know Tessa and Jem that Kit noticed love was quite simple, that good, real love was calm and peaceful and felt like home. The trust and the care he learned from them made Kit understand that loving somebody is not about the big gestures and dramatic moves, it is about knowing someone inside out and still staying, not because you desperately needed them, but because you desperately wanted them.
Alec’s love for his family was a lot like the one Jem and Tessa had, the love they shared with Mina and Kit. That is what prompted Kit to come after Alec today, seeking some guidance in how to present this very same type of love to his little sister.
— Alec, could I ask you something? I know it is your birthday and I don’t want to bother you, but I promise it will be fast-
— Kit, just ask it. You’re not bothering me. — Alec cuts his rambling off and Kit is grateful for that, not even understanding why he is so nervous. Ever since he moved in with Tessa and Jem, he had met Alec many times and grew quite close with his family as well, since Tessa was one of Magnus’ oldest friends. If there was one thing he knew, it was that Alec could never be anything other than kind towards him.
— Okay, sure. Good. — He answers, eyes casting down. — This is probably a weird question, but... How did you make sure you were the brother your siblings needed? Because, honestly, Jace and Izzy adore you and it seems so effortless to you that it blows my mind. I have known Mina her whole life, which is not much, you know? She is only one. But, for her, it is a lot of time! Still, I don’t know what I’m doing. I feel like- By the Angel, like she needs so much more than I can give her. That is insane, I get it, her favorite word at the moment is poop and she adores to scream it at the top of her lungs every time we’re out, of course she doesn’t have great expectations right now, but she will someday and I don’t think I will be able to be who she needs me to be. Will I even deserve all the trust she puts in me? All the love she gives me? Will I even-
— Kit, stop. — Alec firmly demands and Kit is so shocked by the action that he finally turns to look at him. It is quite astonishing to find a sly smile on Alec’s lips. — Just stop, okay? You’re overthinking away too much, trust me: I have been there. It was never effortless to me, quite the opposite. I spent most of my life doubting I could be the right person to keep my siblings safe. When Max-
He stops, swallows dryly, seeming to gather himself for what he is about to say before speaking again.
— When Max died, I was destroyed. I felt like I failed him. Somedays I still do, so does Izzy, so does Jace. Still, I know Max would never think that of us, he knows Sebastian is the only one to blame for what happened. — His expression softens for a moment and Kit hopes he didn’t bring out any hard memories on such a happy day. — What I’m trying to say is that you will never feel like you’re enough or like you know what you’re doing, it will always be hard and the idea of letting Mina down will always be scary. There is no running away from that.
— So, I will just feel this terrified forever? — He is well aware of how disturbed he sounds, but can’t help it when Alec just dropped this bomb on him.
— No, not if you learn one little thing, that took me many years to understand. — Alec’s voice is soft now; the tone Kit only ever saw him use around his family.
— And what is that?
— Mina already thinks you’re the everything she needs. She already thinks you deserve all the love and trust she gives to you. You know why? — Alec questioned and Kit just stared blankly at him, not knowing what to say. — Because, every single day, you get up and choose to try your best to make her happy and keep her safe. That is all she needs from you: to never stop trying. She doesn’t want you to drive yourself crazy or sacrifice anything for her. I once thought the same, I was sure I could never be myself or be happy, if I wanted my siblings to be proud of me. I thought that was the only way I could protect them. Angel, how I was wrong. All they ever wanted was for me to be exactly who I am. — He glares at Jace laughing loudly in the living room, Izzy rolling her eyes at him, but still smiling softly at her brother shortly after, and something shifts inside of Kit.
That is what he wants for his and Mina’s future. He wants her to laugh at him until they are both out of breath, he wants her look at him with the just right combination of exasperation and affection, to still grab his hand when she is scared and run to his arms when she is happy.
— So... You are saying that I should just be myself? — Kit queries and Alec nods, as if he just asked him if the sky was blue.
— Yes, as cheesy as it sounds, just keep doing what you’re doing and I’m sure you will be fine.
— But what if who I am is not enough, Alec? — His voice cracks and he hates how obvious his uncertainty is, but Alec doesn’t shudder.
— Kit, you are more than enough. The fact you even question it already shows you are, that is why you care so much. Still, I know, better than most, that I can’t be the one to tell you that. Any words will fall flat if you don’t believe in it. Look, I wouldn’t worry too much about Mina if I were you. She already adores you. Maybe just focus on believing in yourself, make sure you see why she does. Do that, kid, and I can assure you all these doubts will vanish. — He lays a hand in his shoulder and squeezes it, dropping it shortly after.
— That was really... Wise. — Kit blurted out, trying to absorb what he just heard.
— Don’t sound so surprised. — Alec jokes and Kit can’t help but fell an overwhelming sense of gratitude settling in his chest.
— Thank you for saying all of that. It really helped, like, you have no idea how much. — Kit thanked him; glad he had gone to Alec with his questions.
— You’re welcome. — He calmly responded, just as Izzy entered the kitchen with an empty glass.
— Alec, where do you keep the wine? Because I’m sure Magnus is hiding the good stuff from me! — She claims, coming to rest against the door way.
— If I told you where he keeps it, I will probably have divorce files on my desk by morning. — Alec playfully provokes his sister, that just waves his concern away with a hand.
— Fine, for the sake of your marriage, I will just have you ask him for me. — Then, upon realizing Alec’s lack of interest in the idea, she pouts, moving to hang on Alec’s shoulder. — Please? — He looks down at her and sighs.
— As you please. — She claps in excitement and kisses him in the cheek.
— I’ll be waiting! — Izzy announces, before leaving the kitchen.
— Are you good? — Alec asks Kit once his sister disappears into the living room.
— I will be. — Kit answers and he is only half faking the confidence in his voice, so he takes that as a win.
— Yeah, you will. — Alec confirms as he walks away, Kit on his tow. He drops himself back in the couch, deep in thought. He is startled when a tiny hand grabs his left leg. Once Kit looks down, he finds Mina holding on tight to him to push herself up. He smiles down at her as she stands, her grip on Kit so strong he wonders if that is some sort of Shadowhunter-Warlock baby superpower.
— Min-Min, you are getting though. — He proudly states. Mina giggles, as if she understands what he’s saying and puts both of her hands up, a common indication she wants to be picked up by him.
Kit gladly does so, placing his sister in his lap. She wiggles her little feet up as she rests her head against his chest, one of her hands coming to grip the collar of his shirt. She must probably be tired, her nap time coming up, but Kit tells himself he’ll soon put her down in Rafe’s bed like Magnus offered, even though he knows he most likely won’t. He holds her against his heart as she dozes off, feeling her hand relaxing the grip in order to rest against his heart, her five little perfect fingers going up and down with every heartbeat beneath them.
In that moment, he’s absolutely sure they’ll be just fine, not because he’s perfect or sure he will never make mistakes, but simply because he loves her away too much to be anything other than his very best self.
#Kit Herondale#Kit Rook#kit herondale fic#Alec Lightwood#Jace Herondale#izzy lightwood#max lightwood#mina carstairs#jem carstairs#tessa gray#rafael lightwood bane#the shadowhunters chronicles#my fics#the dark artifices#the mortal instruments#ghosts of the shadow market#fluff
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