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mundanalyst · 10 months ago
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Young Gulch Trail, Colorado; 4/2/2024
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myxomycota · 1 year ago
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plasmodial Hemitrichia decipiens
by Lucas Gutiérrez Jiménez
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exhausted-archivist · 1 year ago
Cookbook Sample Preview...
I'm perfectly normal about this, totally calm. But I noticed on Sunday that the Dragon Age official cookbook had a preview/sample that it didn't have last time I checked. To summarize, it shows the Table of Contents and 7 new preview recipes along with 2 from an earlier sample release. It's basically previews the whole first section "Starters and Refreshments".
I will be putting things under cuts in case people don't wanna see things. From now on and after its release, the tag I will be using for the cookbook if you want to block is #tastes of thedas or #da: tot
I will also be silently combusting inside as I try not to let the excitement amp me up too much. I expect to fail this mission lol. (Spoiler I did fail and have been making my excitement everyone's problem.)
So, the cookbook sample. Amazon had a scrolling preview that wasn't as nice as the spreads so I made them into spreads like we got with the previous six recipes. You can see them here in this post.
But the following is the full spread of the sample from the cookbook. It gives us the cover, the two title pages, the table of contents, an introduction of a new character/narrator, the table of contents for the Starters and Refreshers section, and the 9 recipes within that section.
Beneath the images, I have transcribed the lore blurbs of the recipe as well as give an image description, but I didn't type out the recipes. That's for a later post (Also because it doesn't fit on this post. I hit the limit, sorry.) For a similar reason, I'm not adding my commentary to any of the recipes.
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Introduction - 7
Starters & Refreshments
Eggs à la Val Foret - 11 Nevarran Blood Orange Salad - 13 Fried Young Giant Spider - 15 Stuffed Deep Mushrooms - 17 Rivaini Couscous Salad - 19 Crab Cakes from Kirkwall - 21 Fluffy Mackerel Pudding - 23 Snail & Watercress Salad - 25 Cave Beetles - 27
For the Road
Spiced Jerky - 31 Grey Warden Pastry Pockets - 33 Pickled Eggs - 35 Unidentified Meat - 37 Seheron Fish Pockets - 39 Crow Feed - 43 Black Lichen Bread - 45 Hearth Cakes - 47 Peasant Bread - 49
Soups & Stews
Merril's Blood Soup - 53 Fereldan Potato and Leek Soup - 55 The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew - 57 Fish Chowder - 59 Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup - 61 Lentil Soup - 63 Nettle Soup - 65 King Alistair's Lamb and Pea Soup - 67
Main Courses
Stuffed Cabbage - 71 Antivan Gnochi - 73 Antivan Paella - 75 Grilled Poussin - 77 Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce - 79 Nug Pancakes - 81 Fish in Salt Crust - 83 Roasted Wyvern - 85 Nug Bacon and Egg Pie - 87 Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie - 89 Cacio e Pepe - 91 Turnip and Mutton Pie - 93 Smoked Ham from the Anderfels - 95 Roasted Turkey with Sides - 97
Sera's Yummy Corn - 103 Stuffed Vine Leaves - 105 Honey Carrots - 107 Nevarran Flat Bread and Yogurt Dip - 109
Sweet Delights
Blancmange - 113 Poison Stings - 115 Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler - 117 Dwarven Plum Jam - 119 Sour Cherries in Cream - 121 Treviso Energy Balls - 123 Rice Pudding - 125 Goat Custard - 127
Baked Goods
Antivan Apple Grenade - 131 Found Cake - 133 Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls - 135 Croissants - 137 Cherry Cupcakes - 139 Chocolate Cake - 141 Varric's Favorite Pastries - 143 Sugar Cake - 145 Lamprey Cake - 147 Tevinter Pumpkin Bread - 151
Drinks & Potions
Lichen Ale - 155 The Hissing Drake - 157 Hot Chocolate - 159 Antivan Sip-Sip - 161 Dragon Piss - 163 Rivaini Tea Blend - 165 The Golden Nug - 167 The Emerald Valley - 169 Chasind Sack Mead - 171
Conversion Charts - 173 About the Authors and Photographers - 174
Dear Mum,
It's me, Devon! I'm all grown up now-- or, well, more grown up than before. You always said I was too much like a child for my own good, and given the number of times you caught me daydreaming about going off on some grand adventure instead of sweeping the floors, I will grudgingly admit that you probably - probably - had a point. But guess what? I finally went on an adventure! A big one! Just like the Hero of Ferelden!
Okay, well, maybe not exactly like the Hero of Ferelden. But I did travel across Thedas! From Ferelden to Orlais, to Rivain, and even Tevinter. Plus, everything in between. It was a long journey, Mum. Weeks and weeks on the road, with the occasional bandit or beast. You'd probably have hated it, but, by Andraste, I loved every second of it! The sights! The sounds! The food.
Oh yes, the food. The reason why I set out on this journey to begin with. I know that I wasn't particularly adept in the kitchen the last time we saw each other. And, yes, I do remember that I nearly set Castle Cousland aflame with my first attempt at a stew. But I am pleased to inform you that I have been practicing extensively, and I think that, if the position still existed, I could take up your mantle as the Cousland family's cook. Granted, I doubt I would be able to fill your shoes completely; no one could manage such an impossible task. But I like to tell myself that I still would be able to make you proud.
And that takes me back to this journey and the all-important question of why. Why did I spend the last year traveling from one end of Thedas to the other, sampling whatever local cuisine I could get my hands on, even dishes that were downright strange? You're probably thinking that it's because the Hero of Ferelden ate it at some point - yes, that's certainly part of it, though I'll have you know that I tracked down foods enjoyed by the Champion of Kirkwall and the Inquisitor as well! Not to mention all their companions. But the truth is, Mum, throughout all of this, you were right there with them at the forefront of my mind. Because when I thought of ways to honor you, I kept coming back to the most important lesson you taught me: Love through food.
Every time I left your kitchen with a warm, full belly, I felt your love for me. And though I can't do the same for you anymore, I can fill this book. I can stuff it full of different recipes, dishes you've probably never even heard of, and think of you with each new entry. Because, you see, Mum, underneath all that childlike excitement, the dreams of adventure and heroism, I'm still very much your child. And I always will be.
Thank you for everything, Mum. I can't wait to share this book and the lessons that inspired it with the rest of the world.
Love, Devon
Starters & Refreshments
Eggs à la Val Foret
Image Description: A pancake with ham and a sliced poached egg with paprika and herbs on top sit on a silver platter.
Recipe Blurb: Ah, yes. Tons of cream! Exactly what I've come to expect from Orlesian cuisine. Do I have any tips for creating the perfect poached egg? Well, ever since I heard that Solas's bald head was once likened to an egg, I simply try to make my eggs just as round and shiny! So far, it's worked wonderfully and never ceases to put a smile on my face.
Nevarran Blood Orange Salad
Image Description: A wooden bowl rests on a rock, it holds a colourful salad with blood orange slices resting on top.
Recipe Blurb: Although I knew that Divine Victoria left behind a life of wealth and privilege to join the Seekers of Truth, it wasn't until I was in Nevarra, seeing exactly what she'd given up, that I truly gained an appreciation for the path she'd chosen. The best way to describe my first glimpse of the gardens of Nevarra is that it was like seeing a painting come to life. For a long moment, I could only stand there, so dazzled by the richness and vibrancy of it all that I was half-convinced I was actually still napping in the carriage. Surely, there was no way such beauty could be found outside of a dream. And yet the beauty before me was very much real.
So, too, was the picturesque tableau that arrived later that day on a plate: perfectly cut slices of blood orange artfully arranged on a lush pillow of bitter greens. Was this a meal or a still life, I wondered. In truth, the answer was both. For Nevarrans, food is as much a feast for the eyes as for the mouth. But even if your arrangement isn't quite worthy of being displayed in a museum, this salad will sing a symphony on your tastebuds.
Fried Young Giant Spiders
Image Description: A metal bowl filled with salad greens and fried crab legs arranged on top. Plate sits on a wooden table with a metal item and a smoking pot in the background.
Recipe Blurb: Just as people on the surface raise cows and goats, the dwarves underground raise spiders. Yes, to eat. The legs are fried and served with a sauce, which, true to dwarven fashion, is made with some type of alcohol. The precise kind depends on the establishment where you're eating your spider legs. Unfortunately, I couldn't get an exact recipe from any of the chefs I spoke to. These sauces are apparently closely guarded secrets and have spurred many a nefarious plot to acquire them-the competiontion to be crowned Orzammar's Best Sauce is fierce. But I've been assured that lichen ale is generally not used.
I've therefore come up with my own recipe, based on the many varieties I sampled while in Orzammar. Given that sourcing the requisite spider legs above ground is not nearly so easy, and the demand for such exports is minimal, I've subsituted them with crab legs. It's not a perfect match, but it's close enough to satisfy me.
Stuffed Deep Mushrooms
Image Description: Three mushroom caps fulled with a green, cheesy blend topped with chives. Placed on a platter that looks like a cut of wood, red capped mushrooms with white spots in the right hand corner in the foreground.
Recipe Blurb: Though the mushrooms growing underground in caves and in many parts of the Deep Roads are all called "deep mushrooms," there is no singular variety. In fact, there are several! Some mushrooms are squat, with broad, flat caps, while others are long and spindly, reaching toward the sky like an old man's gnarled fingers. They also have a multitude of applications, used in the creation of everything from restorative potions to deadly poisons. But in Orzammar, mushrooms are farmed for eating!
I was able to sample some of these dwarven delicacies, prized for their unique flavor and intoxicating scent. After only a few bites, I was struck with inspiration. How delicious would one of these mushrooms be when stuffed with cheese and spinach? The answer is: very. Rest assured that I selected this particular variety of deep mushroom not only for its shape, which is ideal for holding the maximum amount of cheese (and spinach), but also for the fact that it does not carry the darkspawn taint. While certain dwarves will insist that a deep mushroom's proximity to lyrium and darkspawn can only improve its flavor, I am quite content to leave that particular question a mystery, especially where lyrium is concerned. Although I'm hardly and expert on the stuff, I can't help but think about Fenris and how much suffering he endured as a result of his lyrium-infused markings. It seems to me that, barring any natural resistance, lyrium and the body are two things that probably shouldn't mix.
Rivaini Couscous Salad
Image Description: A copper bowl filled with couscous, mixed with various veggies and a mint leaf on top. A letter with an amulet from Alistair in the bottom left corner - merch from the BioWare store.
Recipe Blurb: When I first encountered couscous, I mistakenly believed it to be a grain, like rice or the more familiar Fereldan barley. I was swiftly corrected. In fact, couscous is a sort of pasta, made with semolina flour and water, although it's far smaller than your typical Antivan pasta. Couscous has a very mild flavor on its own--maybe slightly nutty. But where it excels is in its ability to soak up surrounding flavors, making it a perfect base for any salad. I'd love to experiment further, but so far, this particular combination of red bell pepper and mint has proven to be incredibly pleasing.
Crab Cakes from Kirkwall
Image Description: A caste iron pan over a bed of coals and flames, filled with battered soft shelled crabs, red peppers, and lemon slices.
Recipe Blurb: I love it when recipes add a dash of whimsy into the mix. Food shoulf be fun. I, therefore, took it upon myself to put this into practice with a classic Kirkwall dish. After all, who hasn't looked at their crab cakes and wished they looked a little more like crabs? Okay, maybe I'm the only one who's thought this. But now that I've brought this possibility to your attention, I'm certain you're interested as well! Best of all, these extra-crabby crab cakes stay true to the original recipe's flavors, so nothig is lost--only gained!
Fluffy Mackerel Pudding
Image Description: Two red small bowls with baked masked potatoes and a slice of hard boiled egg on top sit on a net with a starfish in the background.
Recipe Blurb: Can it really be Feast Day without fluffy mackerel pudding? No! In fact, there's no dish I associate more strongly with the holiday than this unique combination of mackerel, onion, celery, and eggs. Granted, I've heard stories that, several decades ago, someone once attempted a diet consisting entirely of fluffy mackerel pudding. Now, that I certainly wouldn't recommend. It stops being Feast Day Fish if you eat it every day, no?
Snail & Watercress Salad
Image Description: A wooden bowl resting on a river rock, filled with a salad comprised of mixed greens, radishes, and cooked snails.
Recipe Blurb: When the Avvar can't get their hands on a gurgut or a wyvern, they turn their attention to smaller prey. Much smaller prey. Snails are found on many a hillside boulder, making them an abundant source of food for the Avvar. Now, while some would wrinkle their noses or cry out in disgust at the prospect of eating a snail, I am pleased to report that, when prepared correctly, the texture. and flavor are actually good! I could happily eat a plate full of snails dressed in butter and oil, but those still on the fence about a snail's place
Cave Beetles
Image Description: A carved bowl holding cooked whole prawns, lemon slices and herbs sit on a rock with fake beetles and a black rock with blue glowing lines in the background.
Recipe Blurb: You think that, after snails, I'd balk at beetles? Never! In fact, I greatly enjoyed this dwarven dish, which involves roasting cave beetles in their shells. However, I recognize that many may not have a palate that's nearly so adventurous. If that's the case, the cave beetles can be replaced with whole prawns while keeping the rest of the recipe the same. That being said, if you do enjoy the variation with prawns, I really recommend giving the cave beetles a try. They're quite similar in both texture and flavor. If you were to blindfold yourself, I doubt you could tell the difference!
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dawn-of-worlds · 5 months ago
Kirrik has 0 + (2D6 => 6) + 1 = 7 points to spend. She emerges from her cocoon and in response (Command Race, 4) the Genwe migrate west, to the Arnsgulf, and found a great city, Brintwi.
None are there to witness it when Kirrik is reborn. Her cocoon cracks with a noise to outring the thunder; fragments fall into the water and send waves buffeting the coasts of the Cursed Sea. A limb appears; then a wing in blue and gold, then another wing in red and white. Once Kirrik flew through the void by her will and the strength of her many legs; now she can fly in truth, and a drone fills the air as her many wings beat in time, casting gusts and tonardoes around her even as her full form is revealed, each colour of her wings and carapace so deep and rich as to bewitch the eyes of mortals fortunate enough to gaze upon her. She takes to the skies, clouds trailing each move and rain blossoming around her. Her connection to the Earth is gone, but her connection to plants and growing things, to parenthood and cultivation, to her children – these all remain.
As does the cocoon, in which something slowly stirs...
In the aftermath of the Harrowing, the Genwe and Psov have slowly gathered together, forging new communities after the destruction or displacement of entire populations by the Curse. The Genwe are the more communally-minded of the two, aided by psychic powers which they have steadily grown more comfortable and more adept with. Their powers most often manifest in their Inner Voice, a kind of projection of the feelings and experiences of the community each Genwe is part of which they can hear inside their mind and even, to a limited extent, converse with. Genwe can ignore their Inner Voices, or simpl leave a community if they do not like it, but Genwe communities tend to be quite egalitarian; it is hard to ignore the poverty or prejudice of a community if it can whisper inside your head.
Kirrik’s rebirth is felt by all Genwe like a great drumbeat in their head, building up to a moment of psychic joy that subsumes their populations. Compelled by this experience, many Genwe migrate westwards from the lands of the Iron Coast at the southwestern tip of what was once Kirrik’s Cradle. The Framelings of the Arnsgulf keep them from the water, but the Genwe simply migrate by land, until they find a fertile river valley where many settle.
They name the river the Strill, and soon a city is built just upriver of where the Strill becomes tidal, which they name Brintwi. Here there is a great island which the Strill splits to run around, and the city sprawls on the island and on either bank, linked by two large bridges; the Genwe build tall (to them) houses of four or five floors with the ample wood of the surrounding lands, and replace the forets they cut down with orchards to feed themselves. In the centre of the city they build a great temple to Kirrik, their mother, and they build many smaller temples as well, as well as smaller shrines in other places deemed auspicious to meditate in.
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streamedge12 · 7 months ago
Water Sports in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Welcome to the beautiful Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where the beaches are amazing, and exciting water adventures await! The islands, surrounded by the Bay of Bengal, are not just perfect for beach lovers but also for those who love a good thrill. The waters are super clear, and the beaches are like a dream. There are lots of water sports for everyone to enjoy. This guide will take you on a fun journey through these cool water activities in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, all while thinking about the comfy and luxurious De Foret Resort. We'll share some cool info about the best things to do in the water, making your time at De Foret Resort even more awesome! Let's dive in!
1. Snorkelling: Discover the Underwater Wonderland
Let's start our aquatic adventure with snorkelling, a popular and accessible water sport that allows you to explore the vibrant underwater world without the need for extensive training. With numerous snorkelling spots like North Bay Island and Elephant Beach, both easily accessible from Havelock, the Andaman Islands offer a kaleidoscope of coral reefs and marine life. Beginners can comfortably float on the water's surface, while more experienced snorkelers can dive deeper to witness the diversity of fish species, colourful coral formations, and perhaps even spot a sea turtle or two.
2. Scuba Diving: Dive into the Depths
For those seeking a more immersive experience beneath the waves, scuba diving is a must-try water sport in the Andaman Islands. With Havelock Island being a hub for scuba enthusiasts, certified instructors and well-established dive centers make it an ideal destination for both beginners and experienced divers. Explore the depths of the Andaman Sea, encounter vibrant coral gardens, and witness the kaleidoscope of marine life, including reef sharks, rays, and schools of colorful fish. Whether you're a seasoned diver or taking your first plunge, the underwater landscapes of the Andaman Islands will leave you in awe.
3. Sea Walking: Walk with the Fish
For a unique underwater experience that requires no prior training, sea walking is a thrilling option. North Bay Island offers this adventure where you can walk on the ocean floor while wearing a specially designed helmet. As you descend into the underwater realm, you'll find yourself surrounded by curious fish and vibrant corals. Sea walking is an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world without the need for extensive swimming or diving skills.
4. Parasailing: Soar Above the Azure Waters
For a taste of both thrill and panoramic views, parasailing is a popular choice among water sports enthusiasts. Havelock Island and Neil Island offer parasailing adventures where you are tethered to a colourful parachute pulled by a speedboat. As you ascend into the sky, the turquoise waters of the Andaman Sea unfold beneath you, creating a breathtaking vista. Parasailing provides an adrenaline rush coupled with a unique perspective of the islands from a bird's-eye view.
5. Jet Skiing: Zoom Across the Waves
For those who crave speed and excitement, jet skiing is a thrilling water sport available at various beaches around the islands. With the wind in your hair and the splash of seawater, you can navigate the azure waters, darting across the waves on your personal watercraft. Neil Island and Port Blair are popular spots for jet skiing, offering the perfect opportunity to combine the thrill of speed with the refreshing sea breeze.
6. Kayaking: Serene Exploration of Coastal Beauty
For a more relaxed yet adventurous water sport, kayaking allows you to explore the coastal beauty of the Andaman Islands at your own pace. The calm waters of mangrove creeks, especially around Havelock and Berating Islands, make for an ideal kayaking environment. Paddle through lush mangrove forests, navigate narrow waterways, and witness the serene beauty of the islands from a unique vantage point. Kayaking is not only a great workout but also an eco-friendly way to connect with the natural landscapes surrounding the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
7. Glass Bottom Boat Ride: Explore Without Getting Wet
For those who prefer to stay dry but still want to witness the underwater wonders, a glass-bottom boat ride is the perfect option. Head to North Bay Island for this delightful experience, where the boat's transparent floor provides a window to the mesmerizing marine life below. From colourful coral formations to schools of fish gliding beneath the surface, the glass-bottom boat offers a fascinating glimpse into the aquatic world without requiring any water skills.
As the sun sets over the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, the memories of your water sports adventures will linger. Whether you choose to explore the vibrant coral reefs through snorkelling, take a thrilling dive into the depths with scuba diving, or soar above the waves while parasailing, the Andaman Islands offer a playground for aquatic enthusiasts of all levels. From the serene beauty of kayaking through mangrove forests to the adrenaline-pumping excitement of jet skiing, the diverse range of water sports ensures there's something for everyone in this tropical paradise. So, gear up, dive in, and let the waters of the Andaman Islands be the canvas for your aquatic adventures.
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i0-0na · 7 months ago
Entry 7: First Hang Out
Date: 15.04.2024
This week was quiet, I didn’t go out that much because I was busy focusing on university work, for Bristol UWE, as the initial deadline was slowly approaching. However, on Friday, me and some of the other students decided to meet for a little drink/picnic in Ueno Park. Public drinking is legal here, I was shocked but not surprised because of the number of stories or things you hear about with Japanese drinking culture.
However, before I met with the rest, I decided to show Dom around Harajuku real quick. Specifically, the backstreets, and boyyyy he literally fell in love lol. Ask him yourself if you ever meet him hahaha.
I did my makeup gal style (gyaru) that day, whenever I go to Harajuku, I always want to dress up extra, and slay harder than usual!! Also, whilst we were there, we decided to go to La Foret, this cool shopping mall which has lots of j-fashion brands. I ventured to nearly every floor and added so much to my mental wish list (if I were to buy everything, I liked there I would’ve gone broke lol). As I went to the lower floors, Dom and I stumbled upon this independent artist pop-up area. Again, I found so many things I loved but I actually happened to find this one illustration artist who I was already following on Instagram selling her stuff there! Like stickers and stuff. https://www.instagram.com/gyaruuuuuuuu?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==
She is also a fellow gyaru~ So I decided to pick up some of her stuff✨
However further exploring this area I found this one guy setting up his station, he was a fashion designer and we got to talking for a while and they even complimented my look! They were really chill! When I went more into the centre of this area, I found Fruits magazines! FRUITS MAGAZINES!!
MAGAZINEESSS!!! MULTIPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those who don’t know it’s this famous magazine which captures J-fashion street styles from the 90s-2010s, it went out of publishment not so long ago. This was because of the creator … saying that “there were no longer any cool kids in Harajuku anymore”, extreme I know but if you remember what I said a while ago about “the death of Harajuku J-fashion/subcultures” you could kind of understand. This is a very influential magazine, I’d say most people who are into J-fashion found out about it through fruits magazine, I’d say maybe 70% of people find out about it through that magazine. In other words, this is like my bible! I had to buy it no questions asked!!
A very funny interaction I had whilst was going to pay was that on my phone case there’s a little see through part which allows me to put a little image of whatever I want. Typically, idols, fictional characters, lovers, friends or whatever photo you want can typically go inside! I decided a while ago to put this drawing I made of a somewhat recent character I’ve been obsessed with, Miguel O’Hara ✨ From Across the Spiderverse. If you haven’t watched it you totally should its amazingggggg, the first movie I liked, but the second one, MWAH, its cult classic material I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTT. I like what watched it like 4 times in cinemas or something, 7 ish times in general of the top of my head it was soo good! However when I went to pay one of the cashiers I caught peering at my phone case, she asked who it was, I responded, and she knew of Miguel and the movie TOT!!! We both like fangirled for a hot minute. I love to see that fangirling is a global phenomenon hahahhahaa.
However, time was of the essence, and we needed to go and meet the others. So, we met Matthijs and Minnie around the entrance to Ueno Park, and together we walked a lap around the park. We saw street vendors, public entertainers, swan boats and sooo many picnics as it was Sakura season of course. Without a picnic blanket we decided to sit down and vibe together. Another person from student exchange came later, Anna. It was really nice to get to know everyone before university started!
We also asked some people to take a photo of us with Minnies polaroid, she says for her documentation of her stay that she’ll take a polaroid photo every day. So cool~ In an exchange the people also asked to take photos with us too lol.
Later on, we headed over to somewhere nearby to look for an izakaya for some food and drinks, it was super busy, but again a nice vibe!! And food!!! ------------------------------------
I still have so much coursework to finish. I want to relax and explore Japan, so the quicker I finish this assignment the sooner I can be free and have fun! I am having fun right now still though >-<
Bye for now~~~~
Song Listening to Now: Magnetic - ILLIT
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ghostpill79 · 11 months ago
Sitting in Sanford , like last semester, about to walk up to 4th floor for grammar. Listening to xiu xiu - Le Foret. Started writing something inspired by a porn video I watched a few days ago. Two women stood face to face and just insulted each other. They spit in each others faces. They wrote each other, stuff like “ slut” and “ cum dumpster “. That stuff doesn’t really turn me on, I liked when they insulted each others bodies, one made of the others tea bag tits. And the other called her ass fat. I thought it was a oddly provocative image. Ok heading up now.
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thenorsepaganwitch · 1 year ago
#Herboristerytips : Where can you find herbs pt.1/2
Hi, it's Ash ^^, and today, i'm going to spill the tea about herbs (I know, this joke was lame). In witchraft, as in entitywork (i use this term to reunite ancestor and deity work), we are using a lot of herbs and incenses. Those elements can became, quikly, quite expensive. Here are my few advices to help you practicing with a more budget and environnemental friendly approach.
First of all, I recommand you to have a good correspondences book. I unfortunantly don't have any english recomandation, but i'm pretty sure a lot of people here do, so please, go check on them.
Why, you would say, because I just talk about saving money before ? First of all, it could help you create your own spells a hundred time more efficiently. And, more importantly, identifying why exactly you need an herb ; is it for protection, giving strenght to the spell, balance the effect of another element, refers to a certain entity domain... And, see if you can find another herb already in your possession that can do the job. Correspondences are possibilities sleeping into an herb, like a path with multiple directions. Consecrating a plant, is infusing magic into it, in order to awake the possibility that is interresting for you at the moment. This is why you could use mint for divination, protection, and a offering to the dead. So, a correspondance book could be an investment, but it's worth it, and you will be able to use it during all of your practice.
This point being said, let's revue the free ressources that you have while looking for an herb
Your witchcraft reserve of simples can, halas, be limited. I strongly advice you to go immediately looking into your cooking spices, aromats and infusions. There is no shame in using them, you just have to be careful with 2 things : blendings, because you will have to check every plants in there to be sure that everything is corresponding to your project, and artificial flavours, those things will not help you in a magic way, because the connexion of the plant and magic is no longer existing.
I will not advise you here to use essential oils. I will developp my point of view on this topic in another post, do not worry.
The last place that I can advise you to is go outside : in your garden, parcs, forets, swamps... Nature is the witch playground, so please, go on walks, and pick things that interest you. If you'r picking something that is already dead, on the floor (like a pinecone, or leafs), you don't necessery needs to thank the plant for it (you can do it however, it will not hurt a soul), but if you'r picking something that is still alive, you must ask permision, and give something in return as a sign of gratitude and compensation.
As you can see, all of this options are, for now, free. I will explore the rest of the list in another post. Until this time, feel free to ask any questions.
Take care ^^
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mycellpics · 2 years ago
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2022 Tillandsia usneoides - spanish moss
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monadortindeguey · 6 years ago
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⎐ fauves
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🥺🥺🥺 this is so wholesome
"What is that noise?"- Futakuchi says listening close
"That's weird. I was just about to ask that"- Tanaka says
Futakuchi and Tanaka round the corner to see all the precious baby third years including Aone and Kenma sprawled out on the floor as YN hums a precious lullaby
Futakuchi and Tanaka 👉🏻😐😳
"YN what the hell?"- Futakuchi whisper yells
Your head snaps up as you play wirh Kenma and Aones hair
"Wake them and I will kill you Kenji!"- you whisper yell back as you hear some of the boys stir
Futakuchi and Tanaka 👉🏻🤐🤐
You smile and go back to humming as the two feral children leave you to your peace ☺️
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streamedge12 · 7 months ago
Water Sports in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Welcome to the beautiful Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where the beaches are amazing, and exciting water adventures await! The islands, surrounded by the Bay of Bengal, are not just perfect for beach lovers but also for those who love a good thrill. The waters are super clear, and the beaches are like a dream. There are lots of water sports for everyone to enjoy. This guide will take you on a fun journey through these cool water activities in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, all while thinking about the comfy and luxurious De Foret Resort. We'll share some cool info about the best things to do in the water, making your time at De Foret Resort even more awesome! Let's dive in!
1. Snorkelling: Discover the Underwater Wonderland
Let's start our aquatic adventure with snorkelling, a popular and accessible water sport that allows you to explore the vibrant underwater world without the need for extensive training. With numerous snorkelling spots like North Bay Island and Elephant Beach, both easily accessible from Havelock, the Andaman Islands offer a kaleidoscope of coral reefs and marine life. Beginners can comfortably float on the water's surface, while more experienced snorkelers can dive deeper to witness the diversity of fish species, colourful coral formations, and perhaps even spot a sea turtle or two.
2. Scuba Diving: Dive into the Depths
For those seeking a more immersive experience beneath the waves, scuba diving is a must-try water sport in the Andaman Islands. With Havelock Island being a hub for scuba enthusiasts, certified instructors and well-established dive centers make it an ideal destination for both beginners and experienced divers. Explore the depths of the Andaman Sea, encounter vibrant coral gardens, and witness the kaleidoscope of marine life, including reef sharks, rays, and schools of colorful fish. Whether you're a seasoned diver or taking your first plunge, the underwater landscapes of the Andaman Islands will leave you in awe.
3. Sea Walking: Walk with the Fish
For a unique underwater experience that requires no prior training, sea walking is a thrilling option. North Bay Island offers this adventure where you can walk on the ocean floor while wearing a specially designed helmet. As you descend into the underwater realm, you'll find yourself surrounded by curious fish and vibrant corals. Sea walking is an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world without the need for extensive swimming or diving skills.
4. Parasailing: Soar Above the Azure Waters
For a taste of both thrill and panoramic views, parasailing is a popular choice among water sports enthusiasts. Havelock Island and Neil Island offer parasailing adventures where you are tethered to a colourful parachute pulled by a speedboat. As you ascend into the sky, the turquoise waters of the Andaman Sea unfold beneath you, creating a breathtaking vista. Parasailing provides an adrenaline rush coupled with a unique perspective of the islands from a bird's-eye view.
5. Jet Skiing: Zoom Across the Waves
For those who crave speed and excitement, jet skiing is a thrilling water sport available at various beaches around the islands. With the wind in your hair and the splash of seawater, you can navigate the azure waters, darting across the waves on your personal watercraft. Neil Island and Port Blair are popular spots for jet skiing, offering the perfect opportunity to combine the thrill of speed with the refreshing sea breeze.
6. Kayaking: Serene Exploration of Coastal Beauty
For a more relaxed yet adventurous water sport, kayaking allows you to explore the coastal beauty of the Andaman Islands at your own pace. The calm waters of mangrove creeks, especially around Havelock and Berating Islands, make for an ideal kayaking environment. Paddle through lush mangrove forests, navigate narrow waterways, and witness the serene beauty of the islands from a unique vantage point. Kayaking is not only a great workout but also an eco-friendly way to connect with the natural landscapes surrounding the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
7. Glass Bottom Boat Ride: Explore Without Getting Wet
For those who prefer to stay dry but still want to witness the underwater wonders, a glass-bottom boat ride is the perfect option. Head to North Bay Island for this delightful experience, where the boat's transparent floor provides a window to the mesmerizing marine life below. From colourful coral formations to schools of fish gliding beneath the surface, the glass-bottom boat offers a fascinating glimpse into the aquatic world without requiring any water skills.
As the sun sets over the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, the memories of your water sports adventures will linger. Whether you choose to explore the vibrant coral reefs through snorkelling, take a thrilling dive into the depths with scuba diving, or soar above the waves while parasailing, the Andaman Islands offer a playground for aquatic enthusiasts of all levels. From the serene beauty of kayaking through mangrove forests to the adrenaline-pumping excitement of jet skiing, the diverse range of water sports ensures there's something for everyone in this tropical paradise. So, gear up, dive in, and let the waters of the Andaman Islands be the canvas for your aquatic adventures.
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athenril-of-kirkwall · 4 years ago
For DWC: "Glass, Bliss, Gesture" with characters of your choice!
Thanks, great to see you again! :D I’ll do my first ‘official’ fic for Sian Trevelyan / Cullen based on this prompt.
f!Trevelyan/Cullen, “Can You Play Any Other Tunes?” (AO3)
The Winter Palace
“And for the last time, it’s just common styling oil! You can find it at any corner shop in a big town!”, Cullen complained, staring through the eyeholes of an Orlesian mask at a noblewoman who was still in awe at his hairdo even as she scurried off.
Sian walked over, back in the garishly red costume Josephine had picked out for all the Inquisition members who’d turned up. “Is there a problem?”
“Nothing beyond the usual gaggle of admirers, Maker help me,” he said. “So, were you able to find out more about—is that a cut under your eye?!”
She reflexively felt for it, commenting, “Oh, is that still obvious? I thought we’d cleaned it up enough after that last fight. Exactly who we were expecting.”
Cullen gulped down the wine from his goblet, murmuring, “So it is true then. Agents of…well…our foe, crawling all over the Winter Palace. I take it you’re back here to keep up appearances, then?”
“And have a drink. Maker knows I need one after cleaving through half a dozen of them. What’s that you’ve got there?”
He picked his goblet up, swirling the wine around as though appraising it, saying, “According to the manservant it’s their best vintage of ‘Flames of Our Lady’. Tastes about as acrid as any other wine, and leaves as much of an aftertaste.”
She picked it up, staring at the vessel quizzically. “I do wonder…”
“For such a fine wine, why are they serving it in a metal cup?”
Cullen’s eyebrows pinched together, reacting as though she was talking about a subject as alien to their current situation as, say, the Breach. “Whatever do you mean, Inquisitor?”
Sian swirled the wine in the goblet, explaining, “Generally speaking, wine is served in glass, or crystal, seeing as that doesn’t affect its taste. It’d be like eating the rarest shellfish from the Rialto Bay off a clay bowl.”
“Your, ah, noble side is showing,” Cullen wryly commented.
Taking a sip of his wine, she said, “Apologies. But then again, look where we are. Maker that’s the good stuff.”
“I’m quite aware,” Cullen said. “I believe it had something to do with a precaution against poisoning, with the goblets being lined with silverite or something to that effect.”
“So that’s where all the ore in Emprise du Lion was going? What a massive waste. Look at all the shelves and crannies! Some of the most finely crafted flutes and glasses in Orlais, from Val Foret to Verchiel, and they’re pouring the best wine in kingdom into silverite!”, she complained. “Look, if they’re going to keep casting gemstones before livestock, we might as well…we might as well…”
A certain glint shone in her eyes as she trailed off, leaning over the table to whisper in Cullen’s ear. “If you could distract that manservant for a moment there by asking him for a bottle of something less expensive…”
“Now what exactly are you planning?”, he asked suspiciously.
She gazed into his hazel eyes, and him her pale jade ones in response, asking, “You do trust me, don’t you?”
“I trust you with the fate of the world,” he answered, “but not always to behave yourself.”
“I promise not to break anything,” Sian said innocently.
“Andraste forgive me for what I’m about to do…”, Cullen said, rolling his eyes as he walked off to fetch a manservant, shouting, “Sieur!”
By the time he returned with a bottle of 8:69 Blessed, Sian had laid out all of the glasses she’d pointed out on the little round table where they’d been conversing, and was rubbing her gloved hands gingerly.
She turned to Cullen. “Oh, brilliant! Here, pass it to me.”
“Now what in the Maker are you…”, he said, before she practically snatched the bottle out of his hands, filling the glasses to various levels, then taking off her gloves, first dipping her fingertips in the wine, then gliding them along their rims.
“Shh,” she said, “I’m…calibrating them.”
“Calibrating them for what?”, Cullen asked, confused.
“Hang on just a moment…” Sian said, transferring wine from some of the glasses to others, sipping some out to lower the level manually in others, then laying them out roughly from empty to filled, before cracking her knuckles and dipping her fingers into the fullest one.
After a few more moments of preparation, the first lines of ‘Empress of Fire’ started sounding through the hallways, causing some conversations to die in silence, as she harped them on the glasses, rubbing the rims of the crystal in just the right order and timing to play the familiar tune, glancing up once every so often at Cullen to see his reaction.
Cullen stood rooted to the floor, first in horror at the audacity of what she was doing, then in slight appreciation of her performance in that she was at least hitting all the right notes, then back in horror that she still wasn’t done, and people were starting to stare.
Finally, she finished the last few notes, and took a ceremonious bow to absolutely no applause, instead facing a corridor full of bemused Orlesians and a mildly annoyed Cullen, who’d crossed his arms across his broad chest.
“I’m not clapping for you,” he grumbled.
Sian’s lip curled into a smirk. “Come on, you can’t deny that was at least slightly impressive. I’d say that was much better use of both their wine and glasses than anything else tonight, that’s for sure.”
“How ever did you learn that, anyway? Was it just that boring in the chateau of the Trevelyans?”, he asked.
“Something like that,” Sian shrugged, as she drained the least filled glass before moving onto the next one.
Cullen reached for one she hadn’t dipped her fingers into, turning the rim to a clean side before gulping it down. “Next time, please warn me before your next virtuoso performance. At least it’ll give me time to deny all knowledge of your intentions and depart the premises.”
“Maybe I’ll try ‘Sera Was Never’ after this,” Sian teased.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Sian shrugged. “Well, not right now, now that I’ve gone and ruined my instruments.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Cullen said, clinking his next glass against hers as they proceeded to work their way through the bottle.
[Court Approval -5]
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tims-tams · 4 years ago
It’s been so long since I’ve written but Hyunji made me do it again ugh.
There’s no title yet and this isn’t technically a fic 😂 but let’s see where it’ll go!
The stories are set about four years from now and are entirely fictional. Unfortunately, I’m not a fortunate teller.
I would love prompts from you guys on what you want to see “reported”!
Shidae Ilbo
Top star Kim Soohyun issued via his agency this morning an official announcement about his upcoming nuptials with fellow labelmate, actress Seo Yeaji.
Shortly after the statement was made, both Kim Soohyun and Seo Yeaji shared heartfelt handwritten letters through social media to seek understanding and thank fans for the love they have received all these years.
Gold Medalist, their agency also released a statement that confirmed the wedding and asked for the public’s continuous warm support towards the artistes.
The wedding will take place on 5th of May.
216HJ406: Oh my god, all these years of waiting!! They are real!!
Opparrrrislove: Wow I thought it was just shipper fans overthinking
Letsgetthis: Their kids would have daebak visuals
JangDongYoon4LYFE: Can Jang Dong-Yoon be their flower boy? ^^
Anon: My husband’s friend’s brother’s sister in law works in the bridal boutique they did their fitting at. She said they were both so gorgeous she thought they were born with lighting effects on them.
Myohmy: “... and will be marrying the woman who completed me.” “... at my lowest and brightest I was thankful that he was there with me all the time.” Both of them wrote such heartwarming letters, even as a non-fan I feel so touched T_T
Kpop444: I heard the wedding will take place in Phuket
User: yeon0506
14.03.2024 02:38
I was visiting my aunt who lived in XXX and when I was heading out of the apartment complex I swear I saw them!! It was close to 10pm and the weather was still chilly but I’m sure it’s them!!
They were both wearing black hoodies and holding hands!! Strolling around the garden facilities. I even heard SYJ laugh!! It was so distinct!!!!
9tailfox: No picture no talk
Camefromthestars: zzz stop making up stories
Hyehye23: omg my friend who lives there say they always take night walks, even before their wedding news got out. They’re always so low profile and discreet too.
Bbnbpppp: I would pay to be the security of that apartment complex :(
GTMYgood: @Hyehye23 can you share the address ^^
User: housepro
01.04.2024 00:49
KSH bought a new unit at Nine One Hannam.
Mymemine: proof?
Straw_berrymilk: wow, isn’t that place super expensive and exclusive??
Samgyupgod: Ooooh new marital home?
Cccyoon: my god, she’s just leeching everything off him huh? Bet she didn’t even pay a single cent
Maimeeka: Guys report that comment!!
Saiko Shinmun
It was recently reported that Kim Soohyun and Seo Yeaji bought a 4-bedroom unit at the exclusive Nine One Hannam.
A realty agency that was involved in the transaction commented that Nine One Hannam’s surroundings were the main draw for this couple.
“[Nine One Hannam] is not only close to the Han River, but it is located in a central area between Gangnam and Gangbuk [South and North of the Han River] and surrounded by an exquisite environment, including the Yongsan Park and Namsan mountain.”
Nine One Hannam is a high-grade apartment complex consisting of 9 buildings and 335 houses ranging from 249 to 334 square meters. Each house will be equipped with its own private elevator and yard.
Other celebs residents in this top end estate include G-Dragon and Bae Yong Joon.
Kpopcorn: Haha KSH is going to be neighbours with GD again after Galleria Foret
Hyunjibaby: I want to be a fly in that house
216x406: Omg I just love all these hyunji news we’re getting now, we no longer need to survive on crumbs!!
HyunjiisENDGAME: ***k yeah! This is the kind of news I want. Hyunji please fill up your new home with babies ASAP.
Benznoop: If anyone ever doubted KSH as the highest paid actor in this country lol
Rightnleft: ahhh another property that I’ll never be able to afford
Mangtaeismangtae: I did some research and omg the floor plan is so luxurious
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obsessedwithbbandsuju · 5 years ago
Not Quite
When she’d opened the door to find him standing there, she’d only had the presence of mind to take in his face. Now that he was inside, the dim light of the lamp at her reading corner, all the way across the living room, faintly illuminated Jiyong-oppa’s form. Clearly he had thrown on whatever his hands could find, if the scraggly, loose-fitting jeans and plain black T-shirt were any indication. His black hair was uncombed, strands sticking out at odd angles and making Taeyeon suspect he’d just rolled out of bed, washed his face, and brushed his teeth before trudging over to her place. Thankfully for him, she thought faintly, they lived in the same Hanwha Galleria Foret complex, although her floor was one above his.
Pairing: Kwon Jiyong/Son Taeyeon
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Warnings: Very slight angst, subtle references to depression, reference to smoking
oppa: a term used by a female to refer to a male, older than her, that she is close to
“I can’t sleep.”
Those three words from his mouth were all that it took for Taeyeon to wordlessly step aside, fully opening her door to him. She wasn’t sure why just that phrase was enough for her to let him into her house; they were supposed to be only friends, and she wasn’t sure if friends went this far, visiting each other’s places past one in the morning because they couldn’t find the temporary peace that was necessary for sleep.
But she didn’t mind. Jiyong-oppa shuffled inside her apartment, his dark brown eyes dull with… well, dullness. Taeyeon knew that feeling – she was going through it right now. Not being tired exactly, but at the same time more tired than words could ever express. Not exhausted enough to fall asleep, but somehow much too exhausted to fall asleep. A feeling that felt like nothing – a feeling that came when you were just too done to bother with feelings. ‘Emptiness’ was the closest she could get to describing it in one word, but even that wasn’t quite right. Maybe emptiness if emptiness could be something physical, weighing you down inside, sapping any ounce of motivation you could find in yourself.
Maybe proper hospitality should have opened to a scene of Taeyeon offering Jiyong-oppa something to drink, something to eat, or even asking what he wanted. Taeyeon didn’t do any of those things. She shut the door behind him, somehow bothering with a cursory glance to make sure that he took off his shoes before walking any further into her apartment.
When she’d opened the door to find him standing there, she’d only had the presence of mind to take in his face. Now that he was inside, the dim light of the lamp at her reading corner, all the way across the living room, faintly illuminated Jiyong-oppa’s form. Clearly he had thrown on whatever his hands could find, if the scraggly, loose-fitting jeans and plain black T-shirt were any indication. His black hair was uncombed, strands sticking out at odd angles and making Taeyeon suspect he’d just rolled out of bed, washed his face, and brushed his teeth before trudging over to her place. Thankfully for him, she thought faintly, they lived in the same Hanwha Galleria Foret complex, although her floor was one above his.
“Hi,” she said quietly, shuffling across the space to her reading corner and switching the light off. Now the only thing fighting against the blackness of the night were her nightlights, making the entire situation seem like it could be from a horror movie if not for the utter apathy for the world that was soaking through her at the moment. Several meters away, Jiyong-oppa’s outline could just barely be made out, vaguely resembling the paused screen of a computer playing one of those so-called ‘ghosts spotted on camera’ videos, and Taeyeon couldn’t find it in herself to feel even the slightest bit creeped out. She doubted she could have done it if someone put a gun to her head and threatened to pull the trigger if she didn’t.
“Hi,” Jiyong-oppa returned. They didn’t say anything else. Taeyeon let him be and departed the area in favor of walking down the hall to her bedroom. The soft footsteps that didn’t match hers coming from behind told her that Jiyong-oppa was following.
She didn’t really care. Common sense was tapping on her skull, questioning why the hell she was going to let him, someone whom she was supposedly friends with, follow her into her bedroom just like that, but the most mind Taeyeon could bother to pay it was the amount of attention she’d give a speck of dust floating past her head. She plodded into her room, not even bothering to take off her sweater before sinking down onto the mattress. She hadn’t slept since six thirteen yesterday morning, but sleepiness didn’t find her. Where she should be feeling like the world was fading away, her eyelids drooping, all she felt was that persistent, draining emptiness that she had seen in Jiyong-oppa’s eyes earlier.
She didn’t need to see his eyes again, though, to know that the emptiness was still stuck fast to him. His body language, his demeanor, was more than enough for her to know as he trudged into her bedroom behind her and closed the door without even looking back at it as she was settling into the mattress. Her desk lamp was still on from where she’d been reading about quantum mechanics from a book that her aunt had opted to give to her instead of throwing it away, and she couldn’t summon any incentive qualified enough to convince her to move her muscles and turn it off. Because of that, she could see Jiyong-oppa quite well, even in the dead of night like right now.
Blankly, almost mindlessly, Taeyeon watched as he moved toward the bed and joined her on the mattress. She normally wasn’t one to share her bed, disliking the idea in itself of being with someone else in that situation – Taeyeon suspected that even if she got married she’d want to have a separate room from her spouse for occasional use, at least – but somehow, it was fine in that moment, even if the amount of space she had was lessened to half. The scenario demanded that there was no space between their bodies, because her bed wasn’t made to accommodate two fully-grown adults, but Taeyeon didn’t mind small spaces and Jiyong-oppa was flexible enough that they managed to fit.
As a result, they found themselves pressed together, legs tangled over and under each other’s and arms wrapped around the other person – if one of them fell out, Taeyeon supposed, the other would go with them. Jiyong-oppa’s head was tucked under her chin, his mussed hair tickling her skin, but it was a willing trade-off for the fact that every breath she took, she inhaled some of his scent. He smelled vaguely sweet, like the shampoo he used, with the faintest, absolute most miniscule hint of cigarettes, so understated that Taeyeon wondered if she was just imagining it.
Nevertheless, she brought it up. “I told you smoking is bad for you,” she mumbled. Against her, Jiyong-oppa shifted, burying his face deeper into her neck. She could feel the puffs of warm air against her skin, in tandem with the movement of his chest and the soft wisps of his breathing.
“I know.” His voice was equally soft. “I should quit.”
“Yeah.” They’d had this conversation a million times before, and he still hadn’t.
They said nothing more for the rest of the night. At some point, Taeyeon placed her hand on the back of Jiyong-oppa’s head, sifting her fingers through the sleek black locks of his hair and working out the small tangles that she found here and there. At the edges of her mind, she faintly wondered what the public would make of this; Kwon Jiyong, the leader of Bigbang, and Son Taeyeon, the leader of Pandora, curled up together in the latter’s apartment, on the latter’s bed, Kwon Jiyong with his face tucked against Son Taeyeon’s neck, Son Taeyeon with her fingers brushing through Kwon Jiyong’s hair. Just the two of them, listening to each other’s breathing, lying awake through the entire night because they couldn’t find in themselves enough drive to even sleep.
A huge scandal, she supposed. More hate, more antis, more articles. But what else was new? They’re dating, people would say. There’s no way they can do that without dating. After all, the media liked to say idols were dating if a woman and a man were so much as seen standing together. How certain would people be that she and Jiyong-oppa were dating if they knew about this?
But they would be wrong, she knew. Because they weren’t dating. Not quite.
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compagnie-mehdia · 5 years ago
« Festival Antirouille 2020 » organisé par la ville de Créteil . Création « The Floor » . #music @class_hip . #dancers @julietshaker @fab_beaf33 @kokox7.1 @eva_lmoreno @mehdi_diouri_7.1 . #festival #creteil #antirouille2020 #ciemehdia #compagniemehdia #dance #hiphop #lifestyle #dancelife #thefloor #creation #show #street #streetdance #bboy #bboyworld #bgirl #circus #rouecyr #espacepublic #parcdupeyroux #foret #oxigen (à Créteil, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDOgaH5qpsp/?igshid=m17y0798c6nr
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