#for the record when i made that post i wasnt doing it from a 'young queers suck' pov
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ratbastarddotfuck · 2 years ago
as a young queer whos pronouns are "eh whatever i dont care" 😭, ppl either default to "you look like a girl so its she/her for you forever" or violently shaking with anxious energy. helppp
Godddd i feel you. Stay strong brother.
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quaritchsbunny · 2 years ago
Tsu’tey as a Yandere - 1/2 (hc styled fic)
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Wc: 4.8k Warnings/Tags: tsutey x f!Reader, human!reader, yandere behavior, stalking, obsessive behavior, tsu’tey is a bit scary here, traditional yandere kidnapping, Jake makes a cameo, Tsutey refers to the reader as mate. A/N: So uh.. I dont know why the full thing ended up being 8k either but enjoy this first part (this is one of the most mid things i’ve written ever but)
Extremity Scale: 4/5
Type of Yandere:  Overprotective, desperate, violent (not to reader), slightly manipulative
-The forest of pandora gives, endlessly, mercily, and without seeking in return as long as the energy of life is respected and cycled properly
-Bioluminiscent ferns lit the trodden soil in the cool nights, guiding ways to hunts, hometree, waterfalls, and spirit trees alike, animals graze on the herbous plants that made themselves home to the forest floor, age old trees and forests that served to harbor navi, young viperwolves, pandora gives and gives, only taking what was necessary for survival
-And so does a particular warrior of the Omaticaya Clan
-Tsutey was no rookie to the cycle of sacrifice and giving in the life of a navi
-He had given everything to be the sculpted, skilled, and scorn sigma he is now
-Climbing through the piles of tasks, waking up before the dawn everyday to dedicate his every breath to the clan, muscles trained to protect even if eyes were closed in deep sleep
-Ever since completing his coming of age trials, the tribe held no candidate for the next olo’ekytan other than the overachieved young man that had rose through the ranks like it was his destiny to be the best, at everything and anything
-Whether it was direhorses, ikrans, or even thanators, the creatures of pandora bowed at his will and he was able to tame his first ikran at the record setting age of 8
-His physical ability was no surprise either, the young man who hunted with the accuracy of the eye from eywa, though never taking more than the clan needed
-His loyalty to the omaticaya was also unmatched, always the first to lead a hunt, offer his share of food to a young navi, training adolescents, taking up any dangerous risky situations in the name of assistance
-He gave his all in absolutely everything he did, his heart pumped beats of dedication to his clan, strong arms working to hunt and support the people he loved, mind laid down solely on the purpose of serving his community, giving, giving, and giving more
-It was his nature, and though he seemed like an intimidating, judgemental man in the eyes of other members of his clan, he never complained about doing what he had to for his home
-However, it seemed that the more Tsutey gave to the world, the more they took from him instead
-Draining him of passion with piling the responsibilities, looking eyes, and hovered breath on the next olo’ekytan in line 
-Suddenly, the kill he brought back from hunts didn’t seem enough, hungry eyes always seem to ask for more, more, more
-Suddenly, more and more tasks were layered on to him with no specific reason
-At first, they only took his energy, his loving nature towards the clan became more of a scorned pain as he dutifully agreed to risk his life over and over again
-The tasks eventually drained him of the humble, dedication he had clung to over the years, his pride only settling in the growing reliance and place of authority and respect he rose to be in the clan, because the members themselves didn’t exactly see much other than that
-While others his age were able to scamper about finding mates, he was stamped day and night at posts in the forest acquiring materials for the people
-But what could he do? It was for the greater good, and in any way, who would step up to do it if it wasnt him? If it wasn’t the prodigy warrior of the forest clan who was much too good to be true?
-Then when the sky people began to settle, everything began to be snatched from the corner of his eye
-It all began to collapse with the damned avatar, Jake Sully, strolling into the tribe Tsutey had sustained and supported with his bare hands for years and accepted without much of a protest from anyone in the tribe
-He had to give more and more, investing in a person he didn’t even want, training him, leading him to tame his ikran
-Before he could even prove his point of the avatar being an infiltrator by demonstrating to the clan, the newbie had snatched his promised mate, neytiri, right away from him
-Truthfully, tsutey knew deep down he and neytiri didn’t feel anything for each other besides mutual respect, but this was a hard blow from the hard resolve he had been holding onto since life began to drain him
-It seemed unfair, even a sky person could find a mate in a little less than 3 months, what contributions had Jake even made to the clan other than clumsily stumbling through hunts? All Jake was is another taker, another person who relished in the harbor of the home tsutey fought to protect, gave everything for, taking everything without appreciation
-Tsutey was tired of it, drained after neytiri announced her and jake’s union, he was done
-He was done with giving
-He was done with the rituals he dedicated himself for in the greater good of the tribe
-His heart still pumped loyalty, but his heart was also tired
-Tired giving and giving with no return.
-Maybe it’s his turn to take something. For his own. 
-After all, he deserves it more than anyone
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Tsutey’s trudging through the forest, arrow in hand even though he didn’t intend to hunt anything. He wanted to take something, out of spite, just to prove that he can own something, something that belongs to him. Take something instead of giving himself out until he’s hollow. Show that he didnt have to be the sacrificial honorable clan warrior he always takes on. 
God, when was the last time he’s been in the forest for a purpose other than for serving the tribe?
Lost in his thoughts, he stopped marching through the soil angrily.
He had been stomping on the grounds that gave him life, gave him everything, the air he breathes, the fruits he savors, and now he’s taking his anger out on the forest for the stress he’s been feeling
Staring into the muddy reflection in the water, he sees eyebags, cracked face paint for the most recent hunt, bright free strands of air tinted red at the end looking distressed
The bright pandora night vibrates around him, as he takes deep breaths and continues pacing onto “his spot”
The spot he went to unwind and relax before Jake sully came, before life seemed to take more and more from him. After a bit of sidetracking and remembering paths, he arrived
However, something wasn’t right
He inspected the moss surrounding the area, still green and vibrant, the tree branches, though now longer, still extended from the same angle from the main trunk, what is it?
He took a deep breath to process before it hit him. A scent. But not just any scent, a human scent
His blood boiled, finally, he had came to his spot to relax and unwind and even that's being taken away from another sky person
Another one? Did Sully send an extra spy?  He thought scornfully as he quietly trailed the scent
Stepping closer and closer until it was certain to be near, tsutey narrowed his lime colored eyes, four nimble fingers running against the auburn of the wood cylinder on his arrow. Searching for a small frame that smelled of soft cotton until he spotted you. He gulped. 
He softened a bit at your dress, instead of cargoes and thick vests that the human warriors wore with their heavy firearms and came to suck Pandora dry of its resources, you were wrapped in a crisp lab coat, the same kind his childhood teacher who taught him english - Dr Augstine-  used to wear. He could see your back, as you were hunched over on the ground, delicate hands trembling as stray locks fell from the messy scrunchie ponytail you held your hair in as some strands were held under the snug band of a camera around your neck.
A scientist? Tsutey pondered, pupils dilating as he snuffed out your scent, trying to distinguish it under the blouse that fit you snugly.
God, you were all wrapped up in unnecessary layers of sky people layers like a gift for him. And oh god did he wanna take you.
With the grace and expertise of a trained warrior, he stepped closer without making a sound, ears tipping towards your direction to pick up signs of why you were laying on the ground
Suddenly, his senses picked up a strong punch of blood, he gulped as he realized it, a small patch of red under your arm that spread through the pristine white of your lab coat. But it wasn’t your blood.
He tilted his head to catch a hint of a pali (direhorse) foal, bleeding out as one of it’s small hooves caught painfully onto a split branch, you had pulled it out and were now wrapping it’s hooves 
His heart tingled as you cooed softly, admiring your gentleness as your fingers curled around hoove, pressing the human gauze into the wound as you layed down, wet soil mulching into the flappy ends of your lab coat as you treated the foal
Oh never in his navi life had he wished so desperately for eywa to take his soul and put it in the injured direhourse, he wanted to feel this cotton sky girl’s touch, your gentle fingers that ran across the deep injuries he stuffed away to give endlessly to others. 
Never in his navi life had he been so grateful to have his sharper senses, and exceptional eyesight, built to sculpt out the tiniest of movements in the dim nights on pandora even without bioluminiscent plants helping, it was the reason why he was basically a arms length away from you but can smell you, see you, and just almost feel you like you were next to him. Where he was so sure you belonged
That was when Tsutey decided to take you
Well, not immediately, and definitely not because of the way his world seemd to melt and his instincts sharpened to smell you, hear you, and god- he imagined touching you.
He closed and eyes and imagined it, splitting resolutions of holding you underneath him, your pretty little body, so much smaller than his, biting into your lab coat as he mated and-
No, that's not why he decided to take you
He obviously only wanted to observe you as a potential prisoner of war and another alien sky person he can bring back to the tribe to show how the invasive species have been encroaching more
That’s exactly why he decided to silently move boulders around your path, gritting his teeth as he lifted the heavy rocks three times his size, silently gliding through the lush forest and blocking every possible way you had to reach the RDA lab or even contact them again, creating a nice enclosed radius so that he can observe this prisoner of war (charged for stealing his heart)
After the inital trap was set. He waited. You seemed to finally come to your senses to let the foal heal on its own when the night settled matte black around you
His heart pierced with thrill as he began to smell your panic, your widened eyes and your useless flimsy arms that tried to push over the boulders a certain navi warrior planted to capture you (what were you thinking? You couldn’t move these without the strength training tsutey had from wrestling ikrans, silly girl)
After a while, you and the pali foal both lay down in the opening of “his spot”, which was an intimate cave, decorated by tsutey’s memories with the vibrant yellow paint on the stone walls. 
Even in a threatening situation, your eyes stayed glued on the foal, muttering in fluid english under your breath about it’s “adolescence” and “need for its mother” as you took off the crimped ivory hair band that bound your now dissheveled hair, wrapping it around the foal’s 
Hmm, maybe Tsutey wouldn’t immediately take bind you and take you back to the tribe, not because he was getting soft for you, but clearly because the foal needed more treatment
His heart almost swells in pride, finally seeing someone take care of Pandora with the same hospitality it gave, with the same hospitality tsutey gave. What else could he possibly do? You were so helpless and he was the only one who could possibly help you in this situation!
That night, he found himself in a trance, tail swatting against the cave happily as he watched you sleep after you took pictures of the foal for documentation (funnily enough, you wanted photo evidence to show your coworkers back at the lab, like you were ever gonna see them again), when he heard soft puffs of air from your nose becoming slow and steady, he decided to take the pali foal back
He tread carefully, until he gently uncurled the foal from you, its hoove still wrapped in your scrunchie. 
He had made the smallest move in his boulder, dropping the foal off at the nearest direhorse den before rushing back to you. His heart beat with the unfamiliarity of taking something, so unapologetically, so fearlessly, but everything felt so right. The scrunchie that had been wrapped loosely around the foal’s hoof was now clean of blood and bound tightly around his own wrist, the ivory color complimenting his azure skin 
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By the time he made it back to the cave, the morning eclipse had risen, light slowly pouring into the mouth of the cave. He watched slowly as you woke up, panicked when you didn't see the foal anymore. You groan, the sore in your shoulder from sleeping on the stone floor of the cave becoming stronger as you stand up. Still dazed and slightly panicked as you made your way around, uslessly pushing the stone boulders that remainedl stiff and restricting. You had given up on leaving, and instead curled up on the forest floor, sighing as fat tears rolled down your cheeks. What have you gotten yourself into? Is this what you deserved for helping out like an idiot? All you wanted was to nurse the poor foal and guide it to safety like a decent human. You had no means of communication with the RDA or the lab, and now you’re stranded all alone without even a source of water or someone to talk to.
Well, while you might’ve been right about having someone to talk to, you definitely weren’t alone.
Tsutey frowned when he smelled the saltine tears and heard your sniffs. Had he messed something up already? He was doing a huge favor for you! You were just a bit too overwhelmed to see it. Was it so bad for him to seperate you from those resource hungry humans that couldn’t possibly appreciate your kindness and generosity towards Pandora like he did? Questions raced through his mind, and unfortunately he knew exactly who to ask. And he quietly tread out, the slight crunch of a boulder moving unnoticed as you lay on the ground, scared and lonely. His poor mate! She’s all worked up, clearly she hasn’t ever had someone court her in such privacy, maybe she needs some food to calm down, that's it!
Tsutey sprinted his way back to hometrree , swinging by his hut for the briefest second and giving a sleep deprived scowl as he got the biggest straw basket he could find. On his way out, he pushed aside any adolescents pestering him for training lessons and respectably denied any hunt leads with a shallow bow of his head, not giving them a drop of attention of time.
Tsutey had just gotten to the base of hometree, arms clad with a basket full of fruits and a canteen of water before a familiar, english dialect infected voice sounded. “Tsutey, hold on!” the newly mated Sully scampered forward, awkwardly holding out his five fingers for a handshake as if he didn’t already know navi didnt like those
Tsutey turned the other cheek, not wanting to waste more of his darling's time on the awkward conversation that was sure to follow with the avatar. 
“Listen, I just wanna say I never knew you and Neytiri were-” Tsutey huffs impatiently, red strands hitting the side of his cheek as he looks to him
“It doesn’t matter Sully, I don’t care anymore” Tsutey says, feet already taking him down the path to the forest
“H-hey wait, whose scrunchie is that?” Jake calls out, fingers around tsutey’s wrist as it caressed the distinctly human design of a hairband
Tsutey nearly swung the basket at Jake's face when he felt fingers touch something so precious, the only possession he had from his mate. “God, Sully, planning to steal my actual mate from me now?” the words came out without filter, and he can see Sully’s amber eyes widen as the words computed
“What?” The avatar exclaimed in full english, numb fingers falling from the scrunchie as Jake blinked his eyes hard as if he was hallucinating the conversation
Tsutey rolled his eyes, he knew he shouldve just got going instead of talking
“Well, since you’re here anyways, mind telling me some human friendly pandorian fruits or anything that can make them more comfortable?” It wasn’t a request, more of a demand as Tsutey picked the canteen of water off the ground and into the basket again
The dumbstruck avatar shook his head “Wait- Tsutey- who even”
“I’ll answer after you tell me what a human scientist female’s favorite fruit can be”
With Jakes help, Tsutey was able to acquire a makeshift blanket, which Jake had emphasized was very important for humans and their comfort in sleep, some pandorian fruits similar to popular earth fruits, and Jake even helped Tsutey write a note in English to go in the basket full of goodies to comfort your captivity status
Jake almost offered to follow along with Tsutey to be an interpreter, and Tsutey almost fought him on the mere idea. How dare Sully judge his English skills? What if he helped his darling escape? He shook the thoughts out of his head and made his way back to where you were instead, thoughts heavy as his arms cradled the heavy basket of goods for you
Although Tsutey was excited to claim you as his officially, he wanted to subtly ease into it, with small signs and mating gestures. What you definitely didn’t need right now was a 10 feet navi overwhelming you
Plus, what could he possibly say? “Hey, I just saw you yesterday, I love you, I love the way you do everything, I love that you healed an animal, I need you to be my mate, you make me feel like a valid person again, and I don’t even know why I’m so attracted to you? You’re too pure to be hanging out with your breed and I’m just acting the initiative to protect and take what’s meant for me”
No, all those words were useless, and anyways, Tsutey was always more of a physical and show over tell person, so he’d slowly earn his way to your heart, no matter how twisted it is because in all honesty, it shouldn’t be hard for you to accept since he was the only one you’d be interacting with in this enclosed piece of the forest
So, he dropped the basket off, as your overwhelmed frame was curled up in the corner of the cave, back facing the opening as you sniffled before you were interrupted with a clad thump agains the stone floor
You sprang to your feet defensively, hands in front of you as if you were gonna be able to defend yourself from whatever the forest of pandora had to offer
Your swollen eyes narrow on a handwoven basket, overflowing with things sitting in the opening of the cave. Were you hallucinating? Did you die or was that a basket full of fruit that looked awfully familiar to what you always craved as a kid? 
You slowly creep closer to the basket, looking around the opening of the cave, stepping out to completely scan your surroundings for any movement or sign of another living mammal that could’ve dropped this well-coordinated basket of essentials
After spotting absolutely no one except for hearing the hint of polymeruses hooting a few hundred feet away (tsutey was actually hiding on top of the cave, perched elegantly as he watched you scan your surroundings like a cautious cat. you were too short to see him from that angle.) you decide to settle back into the sunlight of the cave opening, carefully peeling back the thick woven blanket as a crumple of paper fell out, your fingers frame around it, deciphering the english even through Tsutey’s rough handwriting (nothing you weren’t used to as a lab scientist)
“I didn’t mean to make you cry. I just can’t let you go now that I’ve found you. Please just eat and stay healthy right now, or I might have to show myself a bit earlier than I’d like and feed you. I hope you like the blanket.” 
Your hand shakes as you read the note. So it wasn’t any coincidence? Someone had seen you and trapped you here? When? How? Why? Your heart raced as you ran through the millions of possibilities, but all of the panic was gone as soon as you saw the canteen of water. God you were thirsty, you hadn’t drank in how who knows how many hours it had been since you last drank anything. The canteen was downed immediately and tsutey’s hand unclenched when he heard you drinking.
There was progress! You’re allowing him to take care of you, more or less, mate or not. 
You picked up a fruit, ripe, washed, and about the size of your palm. Biting into it reminded you of moments on earth when they still had fruits, before most fresh foods went extinct as people prioritized corrupt tech industries and manufacturing over agriculture. You look at the fruit in wonder before you take a second bite, relaxing and reading the note again, sighing as you accept your situation
Well, goodbye to your underpaid, overworked position at the RDA, your heart did twinge at the fact that an unknown person (person? Navi? Pandorian mammals that can speak and write English, who knows) had intentionally trapped you. But if they were nice enough to give you fruit, water, blanket, and even the grace of a handwritten note, there’s no way they can be that bad, right?
Tsutey’s face carves into a rare, toothy smile. Holding back a heart chuckle when he sees you chew through the fruit and visibly relax. See? You were so perfect for him, you had just been hungry and panicked before.
By the time you finished, you decided to set the blanket up in the corner of the cave that you slept in, putting your heavy camera down in the basket as you lifted the blanket. You inspected the woven material, trying to decipher any hint of where it came from, it seemed to be made of fur with a base of what felt awfully like woven bamboo. You recognized a traditional omaticaya pattern and from the scent left, it smelled of a male. 
For an unknown reason, the scent relaxed you, you gulped and beat yourself up in your head. Why were you sniffing a blanket a stranger gave you? God you were being even creepier than whoever was holding you captive here.
You had decided to dispose of the remains of your fruit (the big pit in the middle) by replanting them, you head over to pull them out of the basket before you realize it’s gone without a trace, and so is your camera, all left is the note.
Your heart picked up, realizing whoever sent you it had been actively watching to make sure you ate and finished, before taking it.
With a lighter mindset about your current predicament, you decided to pace around, examining the strategically placed stones as you explore the little area around you. It was nice, to be honest, it seemed to be a hideout spot. You pace back to your cave, you couldn’t see it last night due to the lack of light but you make out little paintings on the cave, hint of life and creation. Could it be that many people have been here before? Was your capturer regularly kidnapping humans? How many have been here before?
Dark thoughts rush down your spine with a chill as you take a deep breath, closing your eyes and trying to think rationally. Why would they take the time to feed you and keep you alive, going as far as giving you a blanket? You knew Navi well, they acted on their intention and if your capturer had wanted to kill you, you’re almost sure he would’ve done it, or at least send you back to his tribe to question it
You wonder if it could be an avatar? You hand’t known many Navi to be able to speak English. You shook the opportunity away, there was only Jake, who had assimilated well to the omaticaya tribe now and would never go this far out from the main village.
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Your mysterious captor, on the other hand, was rushing back to the home tree and gushing to Jake about how successful the first basket of goods had been, demanding Jake to tell him more ways of earning a human female’s heart as he rushed to fill the basket up with a variety of goods. 
Jake picks up the RDA scientist issued camera, recognizing it as he tilted it, flipping through your previous photos. 
“So, a scientist? Interesting, Tsutey” Sully says lightly, watching as tsutey again denied any regular tasks and strode around, looking for something new to give you to eat
Tsutey’s head flashes to the camera as Jake clicks through it, multiple photos of your lab results and the recent picture of the injured foal lighting up on the screen.
“Suppose so” Tsutey says in english, peering through the dialog of your photos
As Tsutey scowls through the the puffed grain selection, scrutinizing each one as if he doubted if it was good enough for you, Jake silently clicked a photo of Tsutey’s frame, chest leaned over the basket as his toned arms reached to select the most perfect of grains. He then closes the camera and slips the black machine back into the basket wordlessly
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By the night time, you were leaning against the trunks of a tree, examining the bioluminiscent moss that adorned the wood before you heard a quiet tap on stone floor
You look back towards the direction of your cave, recognizing the basket as you see it loaded with more food, what seemed to be puffed grain, and your camera returned.
You weren’t exactly famished yet, so you picked up your camera first, opening the lens to snap a picture of the moss. Might as well make the most tof your time here as a scientist and not just as someone held captive. The screen loads but lands on a recent photo in the dialog instead of the lens perspective and you catch a pretty full photo of sleek, toned arms, the beaded layered neck cover adorning his upper chest as he leaned over a familiar basket as nimble fingers sorted through grain, the blue skin clad against woven strings of a loingcloth that hung low on the hips. And ah, there, the scrunchie you had wrapped around the direhorse yesterday, cleaned and sitting cozy on his wrist. There was a hint of a tail but photo ended at the chest, giving you no identity information without the face
The corners of your lips lifted in admiration and your heart raced as the pieces fit together, so it was a navi who was watching you and caring for you, taking the time to hand pick out your food. You recognized the sculpted form of an omaticaya warrior anywhere. And who took the photo? Not many navi knew how to operate a modern camera
Questions float through your head, and from his spot on the roof of the cave, Tsutey’s heart leapt too. Damn the sully, of course he snapped a photo using your machine. It was lucky enough that he didn’t expose his entire face, but his thoughts were quenched as soon he saw your little grin while you stared at the photo. His photo
You smile one last time, clicking a save to the photo of Tsutey before you go back to the lens to take a photo of the moss. Your second night in the cave was spent munching on puffed grain, huddled in the musky pine scented blanket as you dreamed of beaded neck covers and toned blue arms.
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aemiron-main · 2 years ago
what if henry just ends up having killed people instead of it being edward creel or whoever that is because that is a whole new character youve invented babe.......................
also are you gonna keep stanning henrys ass if he truly does turn out to be a murderer who killed his own family because he decided to play god and punish them (including his sister. who is a child) for past mistakes
im pretty sure you said you think virginias abusive or something but im curious. what if youre wrong
“a whole new character you invented” babe he’s in the show. you can read his name and backstory on the screen in front off your eyes right now. open netflix. pause during the indianapolis gazette scene. and read alllllll the details of edward that are completely different from henry. i didn’t just make them up. they are In The Show. It’s not even like, speculation. It’s literally written there word for word in front of our very eyes. It’s Right There.
As usual though, people like you can never be bothered to read even one of the 1526384848484 posts I’ve made regarding Edward and/or the multiple 001s we see during NINA (all of which can be easily accessed from my pinned post). It’s clear that you’re not actually interested in having a nuanced discussion about the topic because if you were interested in nuanced discussion about it, you would have read the posts, and it’d be pretty clear to you that Edward isn’t just someone that I made up. Like it or not, his name and backstory and family and details of how long he lived in Hawkins is written on screen in S4. He’s there.
And two things about this question a.) so what if i was going to continue stanning? what are you going to do, explode me with your mind??? and b.) this is a redundant question because he didn’t kill his own family to try to play god and punish them, the evidence (and if you’d actually read any of my creel murders posts before whining in my inbox you would know this) overwhelmingly supports the idea that Henry didn’t kill his family/the only member he MIGHT have killed is his mother, and based on what we learn about him and his mother, her death was very much deserved because his choice was “kill your mom who is trying to send you to live with a pedophile scientist for the rest of your life” or “live with a pedophile scientist for the rest of your life”.
How did he supposedly trance Victor and kill alice at the same time? Why don’t we see Alice’s death? If he was so dead-set on punishing them, why doesn’t he ever actually give any indication of what he was supposedly punishing Alice for?
And just an interesting sidenote re: the Creel murders, I was listening to an interview with Kevin L Johnson last night (who plays Young Victor), and he said that when filming the multiple versions of the murders, he overhead Sean Levy talking about how there was “one version where Henry wasnt the one killing Virginia and one where it seems like he might be the one doing it,” so neither of the scenes in the show were intended to definitively portray Henry as the murderer. And this wasn’t just something Kevin was told as a coverup or something, it was something that he overheard that he wasn’t supposed to overhear, and what they did tell him on the matter/why they were recording two different versions of the scene was “incase we try to go a different direction,” but then as we all found out, they DID use both scenes.
And I know I’ve talked before about how the main focus should be what’s in the show rather than interviews etc, but again, this interview/the talk of Henry not definitively being the murderer completely lines up with what I’ve already analyzed from the show & how it doesn’t make sense for Henry to be the one doing things & how Hawkins Lab was very likely watching the Creels/messing with them from day 1 at the house. Both of the scenes of Virginia’s death/the murders leave a LOT of room for doubt about Henry being the perpetrator- and it’s intentional!!!! Because he’s not!!!!
And who gives a fuck if I’m wrong???? Are the Stranger Things Police going to arrest me????? Should i throw myself off of a cliff dramatically??? What sort of answer are you fishing for here, anon?? I don’t know about you, but I’m more than capable of handling being wrong- I just don’t think that I’m wrong as of right now.
Like if I’m wrong so what!!! The world goes on!!!! I won’t explode into a billion little teeny tiny pieces!! I had fun analyzing!! Who cares!!! Are you betting on me or something, anon?? Is that why you’re so worried about me being wrong?? Or- do you have 💕💕feelings 💕💕 for me, anon?? Are you worried that if i explode into a million little pieces if I’m wrong that we won’t be able to sail off into the sunset together?? đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș rest assured, anon, our honeymoon in france is safe, as even if I’m wrong, nothing bad is going to happen and I’ll still be there on the beach waiting for you

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castlebyersafterdark · 6 months ago
i know youre not parasocial so this is like preaching to the choir, but i am listening to the Little Bit Fruity podcast and theyre talking about parasocial fans through the lens of the latest chappell roan controv. they compare it to britney and fan entitlement etc, and i love this topic it always fascinates me. one of the early signs to me is calling people you don't know by first names (even before people start stalking the fams of their favs and claim its not weird). and it made me think of in jokes i used to have with my fam where we referred to famous people we admired by their first names. its especially funny when theyre like... a minor tv nature documentarian or something haha. and i remember once we actually went to a live radio recording with an audience, it was a science podcast, small fame but still a public figure where we are from. and we saw the a guy crossing the street to go in before we did. i remember distinctly feeling like i would never want to actually invade his life, esp when he wasnt at work being the person i admire.
they mention this in the podcast too about chappell. when the person you admire isn't being the person you admire - the celeb persona etc - theyre not at work, theyre living, so they dont actually owe you their time, a hug, a pic, anything. i agree. seeing someone like noah who is always kind feels lovely but i truly think people's natural personalities have to be considered. for example i am often in my head/appear moody/actually am moody when im out walking in the world lol. i feel like someone like finn would be similar, whereas noah seems to live more in the world than his head, so he can engage with fans at a moment's notice without feeling like he's been torn from a daydream/private place mentally.
so i wonder what you think of parasocial relationships and their meaning for fans. why is it that these fans don't worry about how they will come across to the celeb? why do they prioritise getting whatever it is they want over manners or how they look to others/the person they admire? and why are they not able to appreciate that some people aren't always bubbly and happy all the time and have trouble engaging with others socially even if theyre famous?
the podcast is great but they don't have any connection to actual fan community and i think it could greatly benefit from an insider lol! imagine if they got an actual ex-stan or something on to be interviewed and share insight. not that you are, but i like to hear your opinions. x
Also a very interesting topic for me, especially as I've been drawn to celebrity culture and tv shows and movies for most of my life, pretty young. But I've strived to catch myself if I get too invested, ya know? We don't know these people. We love their work and love their personalities, what they share with the world - but I think it's the nature of social media, making everyone too familiar to an extent. There's always been obsessive fans ever since the concept of fame existed - think of royalty in the past and how everything they did influenced the trends that trickled through different classes of society. Patrons of the arts who could be some random person who got overly fixated on some painter or musician and they may even feel ownership as the fan who elevated themselves by literally paying their way.
It's something I've seen in stan culture - how people pin social media "interactions" like medals awarded to the top of their page. "Noticed me on (insert date here)" because the celeb liked their post or read their comment in a livestream. And it becomes clout. I guess it's the rush of your idol or crush or object of obsession noticing you for a single moment, for that moment they know you exist. It's like purposefully putting up a flirty photo on your instagram, hoping the guy you've been admiring and trying to talk to likes the post. They saw you. They're looking. The rush of being seen. I do understand that, to an extent. "Maybe if they like more of my posts they'll follow my page. Maybe if they follow my page we'll eventually talk. If we eventually talk online maybe we'll become friends." You think of groupies at rock shows back in the day waiting at the stage door or getting dolled up in the crowd, hoping they're one of a few girls tapped in the audience to go backstage after the show. And I know that must happen now, too. People in general just wanting that validation by someone who they've devoted so much of their mental space and emotion and energy towards.
My question is always - what makes someone step so far over the line? I'll admit I'll say things of the mindset "Oh, yeah if we were peers and we met at a party or bar or some event, yeah I'd want to talk to them. Maybe I'd even go home with them if I was available." A normal day-to-day human interaction and encounter. But the reality overrides and interest remains in being fans of their work or even them as people, and it remains in fandom or fantasy. And so - I really don't know what people get out of crossing boundaries. Because it's one thing to do what I've described so far and actively invading privacy.
I think some do believe they are entitled to every aspect of these people's time and lives. Because of some warped mindset of despite them just being people who have wealth or got lucky by means of talent or the perception of talent, there's an entitlement of "well they wouldn't be famous without fans who care, so they owe us." And I say... no? Their job is to make whatever it is they make and live their lives. I don't really care that they make more money than most of us. Still people. Anyone with a job has an on-duty/off-duty persona. Doing an event where you meet fans? Yeah, they should be cordial and friendly because that is the purpose of doing that event - otherwise don't do the event. Walking in the grocery store? Leave them alone or treat them normally like anyone else. Let's say I randomly saw Finn or Noah or whoever in the grocery store, I might treat it like any other person I "know" and ran into in public. I think if we made eye contact I'd say hello and say something friendly, but I'm not chasing them down and begging for a photo. Maybe the vibe is chill and they seem chill acknowledging you're a fan and the natural progression leads to a photo - but you should also leave people alone and not harass them and not stalk them? And you can stalk people online, too. Not good.
I can't really pin why it is that people have this underlying obsession to feel ownership over a celebrity or need that validation to be content. There's a big difference in just really spending a ton of time following every move online and every like and post and follow - I think some believe there needs to be a reward for dedicating this time and mental energy. I'm your biggest fan and I need you to know this. You need to know who I am. Maybe that's it. It's when interest and obsession become unhealthy. I've spent a lot of time online looking at stuff and engaging with stuff about the celebrities I like - but it's been with a healthy distance. I have no ownership feeling. I need no validation. I actively don't want it. Self-reflection. How would you like to be endlessly harassed online? How would you like someone to stand outside your home or follow you into a restaurant or gym? Mindfulness. Kindness. Remove entitlement.
I don't know too much about Chappell Roan other than a few articles that I've encountered and some posts - mostly about the harassment angle which I think is a reasonable request to want a normal life and to still be famous - but obviously aspects of your life are going to change. Because... no one needs to be famous. There's going to be a change. BUT - humanity NEEDS to get better. Leave people alone. Treat each other better. I have thoughts on the other side with the need for the famous to have a platform - mostly I think I'd like to hear less from celebrities about current events. You can think I'm wrong for that but it's how I feel. It leads to resentment and this misconception that because you can sing - you need to become a political figure. You can act - you need to become a political figure. You have a platform - you need to become a political figure. I don't necessarily agree. I miss when some celebs were more enigmas and had a stage or screen presence and we admired from afar a little.
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moondoposting · 3 years ago
We know Marc developed DID when he was around 8 (I believe that's how old he is in the flashbacks as a child). But I do really want to know when he was officially diagnosed. Like did Elias take him to see a psychologist as a child like in the comics where he was diagnosed or did he find out later? I really want to know how long he's known he has DID
ok disclaimer from post-writing me. i kind of typed a lot more than i thought i would. it is very stream of consciousness oh my god. also i do not have DID so any information comes from my own personal research and is not reflective of every experience. i will HAPPILY be corrected if anything ive said is harmful/incorrect. also if any of my timeline stuff is wrong!
oh my god when i say i was literally just having this exact thought anon PLEASE get out of my head
because ok
like you said, comics, we already know. but mcu, we dont get aaaaany indicators of when he found out iirc i think partially as a result of marvel's refusal to name it in the show but w/e
and its really setting me on an interesting path of thinking about marc going through most of his life like we see steven in episode 1. just kind of living his life, but with occasional blackouts that leave him somewhere he doesn't recognise having done something he doesn't remember. maybe even rationalising it to himself as a sleeping disorder like steven does.
like, the closest i could think of him finding out would be around 10 probs, if his dad takes him to a psychologist like in the comics (which side note, was so fucking well integrated and didnt feel stupid or forced literally marvel you could have just done this) or latest? honestly after his mom's death? like that event perpetuates a lot of things. and maybe the fact that he finds himself blacking out more and more prompts him to seek a diagnosis (even if he wasnt looking for a did diagnosis specifically).
mmm but then who was steven calling. i always assumed marc set up a number to call.
but then theres also khonshu saying his mind is broken or w/e and marc doesnt give an indication of either "wtf how did you know" or "wtf what are you talking about". and then theres marc saying he made the deal to "save us". but that might have been an after the fact realisation.
HONESTLY MAYBE HE ONLY FINDS OUT CAUSE KHONSHU IS MESSING AROUND IN THERE. khonshu finds this funny british guy bouncing around in his head and hes like "omg marc check this out" and marc has a whole existential crisis about it. so when khonshu finds ANOTHER guy in there hes like "yk im just gonna. keep quiet about this one" and silently feeds him snacks on the side.
cause he also doesnt mention getting booted from the army for a botched psych eval iirc!!! cant lie in an evaluation if you dont know what you have. maybe getting kicked out for the dissociative fugue state incident is what motivates him to get a diagnosis. maybe its mandated after the event. idk enough about military protocol to speak on that.
all is to say marc is definitely aware To Some Degree of what is going on with him, he just probably doesnt have a name for it. which is like. fine. diagnosis is helpful but its not the be all and end all of experience.
i think in any of these scenarios, at least when he was younger it was a lot easier to understand as an "imaginary friends" situation and maybe that faded as he grew up maybe it didnt IDK.
ok so tldr
situations where he would have gotten some kind of diagnosis that would be the most interest story-wise IMO
young, around 8-10 - follows the comics completely, has him spend most of his early life some degree of institutionalised (would explain his mental association with mental hospitals)
post military discharge - pretty big point in his backstory, would work to really solidify the shame he feels around his mental illness (being very public and on record and all that) and would make sense as there would probably be some kind of investigation into the incident that would lead to a diagnosis
post-steven's reappearance - would be the culmination of a Lot of things happening in his life to the point that even stubborn marc spector can't cope and seeks out help. would explain why layla didnt know as i personally believe he cuts contact with her after his mom's shiva. does bring into question a lot of the more solid aspects of steven's life tho, like the phone calls.
crack versions that make me laugh
khonshu just drops the bomb on marc one day and it fucks him up so severely that he never brings it up again
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beesmygod · 3 years ago
despite being such a gossip and drama hound myself, i do not relish being the subject of it. you might think its because being the subject of scrutiny and attention is stressful. it’s actually because the people who keep lining up to try to shots at me wind up being the dumbest people alive who knock themselves out somehow. i think its important to get in front of “a narrative”, especially in this case, where every player is a lying liar who lies ahahaha. this one is way funnier than morbi actually. up until now, i was tactfully setting aside what happened out of uh. whatever kindness was left in my heart, i guess. more fool me!
im not going out of my way to crop ppl out of this if you look bad its your own damn fault. no one made you type this shit but you. dont post shit you can’t cash.
you might have been confused by the exchange between anon and this guy yesterday when i reblogged it to set the record straight on morbi. i was, until very recently, an infrequent contributor to his webcomics discord. earlier this year, i tried to reach out into more communities so i could get to know more artists and keep up with what’s hot (what a stupid fucking idea that was, in hindsight). a few days ago, some weirdly supportive of kiwifarms tweets from a comic artist who was ruined by them were posted for discussion. everyone pretty much just noted that it was weird with one person asking what kf even was. everyone else explained so i added this stupid shit
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note: this is at 5:24 am. because at 7pm that night, one of the people in the discord goes completely full fucking tilt out of literally nowhere. i have screencapped the entire conversation up until that point as proof that i 1. literally did not say anything else the entire day and 2. proof that the conversation was completely normal up until that point.
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inexplicably, people in the server put on kids gloves and start trying to come to a middle ground with this dipshit like hmm yes maybe we are a little kiwifarms could you explain more so we can understand you. when i noticed an hour later i saw red.
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for someone who was “not helping”, the attention-seeking hysteric suddenly evaporated into thin air. i dont think anyone has actually shamed them for their behavior before. the conversation was shut down rather than resolved because i raised the temperature. daniel invited me to speak to him more privately in his dm if i had any more concerns bc i was pissed it was being swept under the rug. so i did.
here is the conversation in full. im posting it bc it makes him look like a clown and because later, he characterizes this as “chasing him” into his dms. what i didnt realize until today is that he says that the person going nuts is a moderator’s sibling, which explains why they’re permitted to take huge shits on people with no repercussions.
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having committed the worst crime you can do in a nerd group (be mean) i was subjected to a post-mortem about the event (?) which culminated with this unbelievable irony cap
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after my 10 mins were up, i said “i am not a good cultural fit or share the same moral priorities as this server and i will show myself out” and left. i vented on my twitter with blistering posts basically saying “well they’re all young. its annoying and seems bad but what can i do but leave”. and left it there.
it seems insanely obvious to me, so obvious that i struggled to even have to explain it to people whose entire brain appeared to have leaked out of their skull, that allowing someone in your discord for artists accuse random artists of wanting to reboot the mass shooting and violent transphobia website is literally the worst possible behavior you could permit. i wasnt expecting the mods to leap into action and do something, as they seemed to desperately think. i wanted to not belong to a community that would tolerate or entertain this.
anyway, yesterday morbi happened. i reblogged that post and daniel, after being told he wasnt a problem, decided he absolutely had to be one right now. he followed me on twitter and began posting ominously about a “write-up” of what happened between morbi and i because “some people” (this could literally only be the discord chat, and the reason he didnt want to post it there so they could snicker at it to themselves was because he thought this would humiliate or scare me) were curious.
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maybe you’ve noticed a little flaw in the logic both morbi and dan have when it comes to “doxing”: for two people who are very concerned about privacy they’re out here retweeting the very information they’re decrying as invasive and then dan goes and fucking googles her and posts on a public platform more information about her than i cared to know. i cant stop thinking about how these morons were completely convinced they were doing something noble and righteous here by standing up for someone that maybe might be a black woman (hence: racism) based entirely on like a pintrest account
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the cloying, transparent attempts to seduce me into messaging him first to soothe his battered ego are so desperate and pathetic that they make you hurt from the sidelines. you can see me gently try to explain why they look like a complete lunatic clutching their pearls over unmasking anonymous hate before i give up. there was so much obviously wrong about what they were doing that i was in disbelief that they were telling me that they were doing it.
1. taking a “both sides” approach doesn’t work when one person is a serial sexual harasser and the other posted an email address attached to a near cry-typing comment.
2. the attempt to use black women as a cudgel to defeat his posting enemy.
3. whatever this. attempt at banter is. idk man.
all of this didn’t work, so he tried showing me a piece of what he was writing that was the most deliberately inflammatory in the hopes that this morsel would finally compel me to bite and come begging for a re-write to save my webcomic career.
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i wasn’t posting in a way that was drawing attention to this, it was a nosy (positive) friend who noticed this happening and went “holy shit what the fuck are you doing” which caused him to backpedal furiously
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i was planning on letting him post it and just letting it speak for itself. i cannot think of a more ruinous thing to do to yourself than to ally with a sexual harasser and post openly and transparently about how extremely mad you are about how a girl made you feel. what could have possibly gone wrong.
in the end, daniel signed off with this post, signaling a more positive future for himself and his comic since his plan to annoy someone with a reputation for being a huge bitch multiple times by trying to downplay the severity of his and his friend’s actions, somehow blew up in his face
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ah wait hold on. im getting word that he posted this after deleting a different post. this one
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if there were any doubt what this were all about, daniel went and tweeted it out (literally) because subtext is difficult. my demand for a public apology for being accused baselessly of a career ending lie in order to stop this behavior from ever happening again has been recontextualized in his head as mean old bea picking on him and forcing him to do terrible things like “moderate” as a moderator.
over the past week ive been subject to racists, sex pests and 0/10 trolls but the spineless, moral coward is the most egregiously memorable of the lot. despite the amount of leeway i gave him for his repeated weak-willed behavior, he always found a new way to own himself without external prompting. despite me walking away and being satisfied with that, he came back for more. there are some people you cannot help, there are some people i don’t want to help because they cannot stop putting their hands on hot stoves. and then there are people who are begging for it.
somehow, it will be my fault that he feels bad and embarrassed about his behavior because i have catalogued it after being pushed around enough and it will not be seen as a direct result of his repeated failure of conscience.
anyway lol, lmao
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years ago
The Detectives Den
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Summary: walter take you to a cabin for what you thought was a romantic weekend, but he has an ulterior motive afterall mateing season is just arou d the corner~
Warnings: Adult Situations +18, Smut, rough sex, primal sex, male dom, werebear Walter, Mating, Breeding, Turning, Noncon Bite?, claiming bites, soulmates, au shifter
A/n: so here it is! The were bear i started months ago and abandoned but picked up again today because of this post. Typos ahoy!
Taglist: in reblogs
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You cried into the matress clawing desperately unsure if it was an attemt to help the huge male above you, or tryingmto escape him. For some reason since being here at the cabin he seemed different? Instead of being your huge soft teddy bwar he was wild, dark and growly both at peace and on edge. It was like he was now this big bad bear of a man, growling and strong all macho 'chop wood and start fire'
You grunted as he rutted harder almost fucking your hips pff the bed sending your feet scrabbling on the wooden floor, your socks sliding on the smooth wood.
"oh god~ sl-slow down! WalteAGH~" you cried out pressing up onto your elbows and stamping a foot on the floor grunting. Walter snarled into your back almost viciously before pressing an open mouthed kiss to your back lappjng the salty skin. He growled feeling his inner beast beat on his own restraint. The beed to uck and bit was almost overpowering. He wanted you dripping, ozzing his cum as he stained your perfect frailty with his venomous bite and change you for the better. He needed it like he'd never needed anything in his life. It was his own fault he was so needy and eager... restless. Hed had you at his side for six months far to lost in his bliss of having his mate he'd all but forgot about the mating season untill he was weeks away.
He snarled grolwing deeper and deeper his inner bears bellows trying to break through damanding you put your head down and take your mating properly. Face down ass up and minimal complaints! The deep sounds echoed through as the harsh breaths and grunts fanned over the sensitive skin of your shoulder blades.
"W-walt! Fuck please- hurry!" You whimpered over your shoulder as the large hands of your lover held you still bent over the bed pinning your hips into the matress and he thundered away, burrying himself to the hilt again and again still trying to feed you every thing he had and more. You cried out as he arched, tipping his hips striking your clit with his heavy sack moaning out his pleasure, the small pats making his cock twitch flexing agaisnt your tight channel as he speared you pryingnyou opene like never before.
These were no calculated strokes, he was fucking you with little care to how you withered and cried at his onslaught. Maybe thats why he brought you out here? You were deep in the woods and no one could hear you scream out your pleasure.
He growled low in his throat again biting back at his beast who was watching as you keened and scrabbled bent over on the bed your bare back glistening, tiny beads of sweat rolling down your sides. The scent of your arousal was enough to make him rabid, he needed this! Needed the release. His instincts were screaming savagely just below His mate! His female! His entierly!
And you were. He'd known the second he'd seen you in the cells. He thougt you were coming to bail out your foster dad who'd been caught at the center of a party filming a snuff film. A dark bdsm practice where the sub was unknowinly 'snuffed out' usually sufficated or break their neck from trying to escape. Either way it was a disgusting practice that was hard to pin blame, who was the one to arrest? The person tying the bonds? The dom? The spectators?
As it turned out you were there to cuss him out and hand in evidence phone records, emails, previous incidences. It turned out your father had been arranging these snuff films as a quiet hitman business silently offing people for a price.
Walter had gone out of his way to protect you, luring you to him with sweet dates and raw sex appeal. It had taken just over two months but he managed to secure a relationship with you. Youd been a couple for six months now, and finally it was time!
Finally he could claim you as his own kind did. Allbeit a tad late with only weeks to get you used to your rightfull place. Beside him. Below him!
He'd managed to et you out here to his den, secluded in the forest for a month long stay, mot that you knew it'd be a month. He'd said it'd be a long week end, you wasnt the outdoorsy type... well not yet.
"Shh, shh mate~ calm down you'll get there, just not yet... don't come yet we need- I need you to hold on for me" walter growled lowly into you making you sob and slump on the bed moaning into the covers. He moved slower trying to remember you were human, no matter how close the season was he couldnt mate you just yet. He had to give you the bite, then claim and help you come around to your new form and mate you... all in three weeks. If he tried to mate you properly now youd never survive him.
"Bu-but Bear!? Please i cant!" You wailed grunting and pressed back on him urgently unaware of just what was about to happen. He almost felt guilty, but it was better this way. Bite and help them transition then breed and continue the line. Or risk looseing you? His one mate! Once you were turned you'd feel the bond and wouldnt leave. It was how things were done, tradition!
Walter shook his head ridding the doubts that collected in his mind before chuckling... if only you knew how right you were~. Because be was a bear, a grizzly to be exact. It always brough a smirk to his face when you called him that, it'd soon be an inside joke between you. For every shifter there was a soul mate. The wolves had it easy,being pack animals their mates were mostly wolves themselves. But bears? No. Bears were solitary and their mates tended to be human.
For everything that happened in his life, he never imagined getting such a sweet gentle mate! You were a prize, his prize. Gifted to him by the old gods. You'd love and raise his cubs to be strong, fierce boy's and dainty smart females. His mind drifted, he couldnt wait to fill you, to plant his seed inside your womb and watch you create his cubs. But first he had claim you.
His eyes glazed as you beat at the bed arching your back to him trying desperately to pull him deeper clenching your pussy tight trying to force him to his own end where you could join him. You walls trembled as the suckled on him desperate to have walter quake at the knees and rut you into a tantelizing climax.
Walter snarled eyes now flickering with the burnt red brown that his beast held, the copper tinge glowing with a primal rage and need to latch onto his female and hold her still, repriand his sow for trying to take control and steal his seed before he was read to gift it to her!. Thoughts of tearing the skin and biting you twisted around his mind like a raging storm, his fangs ached. The venomous gift that would seal your fate to his forever thrumming in his jaws eagerly waiting. He was ready. He.was .ready! Years of woundering, then months of play the human game had made him impatient. He needed it, needed to feel the bond tie you together!
"Fine! You asked for it!" He snarled, an inhuman tremorto his voice made you pause, just as you tried to turn and question him you screamed out in panic. Walter bit you. Hard!
You thrashed squealing and panicking, kicking your splayed legs as your neck siezed, cramping. You muscle constricting around what felt like two deep thorns searing into you. Then a deep burn built. You cried in panic, fat tears rolling down your face mind bearly grasping what was going on around you. The shunts of your lovers hips became heavier and more pronounced, every breathnow a severe growl ratteling your bones. His cocks invasion slicing through the pain and terror as he moved faster and harder into you hitting your clit.
You wept tears streaming down your face as he fucked you rougher growling into your neck. Then despite the pain and fear the knot in your tummy snapped and you came around him. The trembling and mind numbing orgasm tore through you making you massage his still thrusting cock. You sobbed collapsing, giving up the fight as your sensitive body ached.
As if rewarding you for finally giving in Walter released your neck leaving it wet. You shuddered knowing that there would be blood but there wasnt much you could do about it. You keenesoftly as he roared over you victoriously painting your insides with his essence, lightly fucking into you. Instinct driving him to scent your cunt as deep as he could for your change, so youd smell of him warding off all other males in the area. This female was taken.
"Fuck. Fuck that was- better then the stories" he hummed over you smileing to himself head hanging down feeling at peace now his mate was claimed and would change. You'd be like him, strong fierce and safe. Able to take care of yourself and protect yourself and his young... fend off any vile human, fend off anyone but him~ your bear, your male, your mate!
"W-walter? My neck? What did you do?! Whh did you!- it feels funny it tingling" you panicked as walter pulled away from you befor slowly crawling onto the bed pullingnyou gently onto the soft bedding tugging you up to rest on your back.
"Its fine, perfect even- its the venom getting to work love" he explained cooing at you wiping you down patting the wohndmon your neck. In his spare of the moment bite he'd been rougher then he could have been, and that was part of the reason his venom was making you go limp already.
"V-VENOM! WHAT VENOM?" You bellowed now bawling panting, hyperventilating eyes wide and tears rolling down your face. His heart clenched as your hand waved in the air trying to hold him but you couldnt feel it, only a heavy numb limb that was useless.
"No, no its not bad- not bad my we t little mate... your turning, you'll turn and be like me" walter said hushingnou craning over you taking your waving hand an pressing kisses to the palm.
"Turn?! What are you- you bite me! We need help! Im gojng numb! Cold walter im bleeding out! Am i bleeding!?" Yu yipped still not understanding what was goingnon? He bit you... HE BIT YOU!? you tried pryingnyour hand free wanting to feel the damage on your neck. The room was spinning, you were growing cold you felt li,e you were dying!
"No shh your not bleeding, your turning... youve taken the bite soo well, so well love... you'll be fine... you'll sleep and then wake up stronger then ever" walter hummed fawning over you, giving you small gentle stroke's he knew he couldnt sit you down and explain, you were falling fast. He just had to reassure you untill you drifted off into the change.
"Shh im here im here mate... your gonig to be a bear just like me" he whispered softly grinning down at you unable to stop. He was too damn proud, he found you and bit you! Youd be with him always!
"Bear?" You muttere trying to hold him closer as the room began shimmering, lights and blaack dots laceingnyour vision as the heated chill rushed through you drowning your body in a strange soothing yet frightening feeling.
"Yes... I'm a shifter, I brought you here to- to my den, the den of my forefathers, ive given you the bite just as my father did to our mother inthis very cabin!" He rushed trying to explain best as he could not liking the scent of terror on you. He never wanted to scare you, but fear was inevitable. Still if he could ease your worries before you succumbed he would.
"What- walter im- its fuzzy!" You cried desperately tryingnto cling to the little consciousness you had. But it was getting harder as the seconds ticked by.
"Hush im here, it's the change my love... youll be like me... a bear shifter- and just before mating season too...You'll change and then we will mate over and over untill your carrying my cubs~" walter said as a lump swelled in his throat. His father had said this was the worst bit. The fear and panic as your new found mate fell to the transformation. But as the guilt and anxiety sent in so did the excitement of your furture. Your mateing, your family-cubs and a den of your own! It was enougn to make the grown boar cry like a young cub!
"W-walt your scaring me~" you slurred as the room began spinning, a hot sensation coursing through your veins but your skin was cool and prickling.
"Shh its okay love, you need to sleep, just rest when you wake things will be... they will be perfect, sleep, give in don't fight, you dont want to be awake for this part" he said movi g to lay your hand back down at your side. Then sat up besode you looking around for another pillow tomprop under your head.
"W-walter! No, dont leave-" you cried bawling frightened as your eyelids got heavy, he sounded as if he was drifting further from you. Bringing another wave of panic, especiallywhen he placed your hand down.
"I'm not, i wont leave you, not for a second my beautiful female" he said leaning over you holding your chin peppering kisses over your face. Making sure you felt he was still there even as you drifted into the comatose state that would protect you from the pain of your initial transformation. You cries slowly doed off as you closed your eyes unable to fight anymore and let the black take you.
Walter stayed put watching you with baited breath. Now it was his job to gaurd you. Protect and care for you as the grueling first shift took holdand he spied what bear you'd be. The venom in all shifters was the same, each becmea different animal in accordance to their individual traits. He was a grizzly one of the largest bear, his cousin geralt was a polar bear and sy a kodiak. He knew youd be a bear because you were mates, and thats just how it worked.
He sat back cringing as you grunted moaning as things began to shift, your body would rid itself of toxins and ailments first. Flush your system before the real process began. He stood from the bed making his way to the bathroom to fetch the many damp towels he'd need to clean you up. It had been him to insight the change and now it was his duty to care for you through this difficult transition. And it would be is absolute pleasure, because this was the all important duty for him as a male his kind, this would tighten his bond with your beast. He would oversee everything and help you, even help break bones to help you shift faster. Anything to get you through a full shift cycle, to beast and back so you could awaken that little bit faster and begin your life as a true pairing. Despite th grusome nature of the event, walter couldnt be more pleased because thos was the true beginning of his life with you, and he wouldnt change a damn thing.
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kubrik-was-a-c-nt · 3 years ago
So I am watching Halloween Kills right now and I'm going to write all my thoughts down on this one post. Obviously spoilers ahead
Wow, I'm glad they immediately brought back Cameron to show what he ended up doing the rest of the night. It's insane to think that after all the events of the 2018 movie that there were still people who didnt know what was going on because it wasnt reported yet.
I'm very surprised that Hawkins made it to the hospital, he must be tough as nails.
I feel so bad for young Hawkins he was in a trolley situation where either he shoots Michael and might kill his partner too, or he doesn't and Michael kills his partner anyways. It took me a lot of thinking to figure out that he could have shot at their legs to break up the struggle, but he had less than a minute to decide. At least his partner died knowing that they had captured Michael.
I'm tickled by the fact that so many surviving victims of Michael gather together every halloween to have drinks. It's good to find people who know what you're going through... though maybe limit the alcohol.
Imagine the call into dispatch: "hello, 911" "hi, theres a fire at the Strode house..." "yes we've already dispatched several fire engines to fight it" "right, you need to call them back" "excuse me?" "Yeah, theres a psycho murderer trapped inside and he has to die. If the fire is put out, he'll escape and likely kill all the fire fighters" "..." "Michael Myers is in there" "I'll call them back right now"
I'm glad they took a moment to process the death of the dad whose name I cant remember. They never mentioned it in the previous movie but Laurie probably mentioned it during the truck ride to the hospital. "Hey sweetie, I'm really sorry to tell you this but Michael murdered your husband/dad when he was breaking into the house"
Washing the tremnling hands, going to a secluded place to cry, trying to see his body in the morgue, so little said but so much said. The coroner looking absolutely exhausted while surrounded by Michael's victims. You never think about the cleanup afterwards, how a flood of murdered dead bodies can make people who see death every day weary.
Lady your husband said that there was an intruder in the house and shouted at you to run, WHY DID YOU STOP TRYING TO OPEN THE DOOR??? You had such a long time to get it open and keep running and you just stood there!
So I completely forgot that Lonnie was Cameron's dad. I like how I went from a passing line in the first movie to an important plot point here.
Doctor lady knows the rules of horror movies. Get in your car and you hear something in the back seat? GTFO. She knows what this night is gonna be like.
So theres another prisoner running around Haddonfield? Wtf does this guy want? Steal cars and listen to opera? Now you know he isn't Michael because he can't drive worth a shit. I actually thought, "Michael knew how to drive in the previous movies, why is he fucking up now?"
I love these gay dudes living in the Myers house, making cauttuturie... catchuttury... catturchatty... meat and cheese boards, vibing to vinyl records, and spooking kids with the story of Michael Myers. I'm going to be sad when Michael rips off one or both of their heads.
I'm really glad that Ally set aside her argument with Cameron from earlier that night. Relationship issues come later, stopping a murderer happens now.
Ally is going to be the reason why Laurie lives through this movie. She knows she needs a weapon by her side.
I'm glad that they are forming a mob to track down Michael in this one. I'm hoping it will go better than when the police tried to track down Michael in Halloween II and everyone was wearing the same mask as him. Ben Tramer might survive this time through.
Okay, I want to know what that kid in the skull mask was doing to get killed by Michael. He only kills kids if they're in the way of him getting from point A to B.
Yes. Take the gun away from the nervous man who doesn't know how to use it.
AND NOT MALE NURSE. WHERE IS LADY DOCTOR AND HER GUN??? (Also I think a stab wound to the head like this is survivable, theres a chance it could have missed the brain and if it didn't, the frontal lobe can sustain a lot of damage and still function)
Please be okay Lindsey... please survive this Lindsey... Yeah! Grab his mask! Steal his face! NO KEEP RUNNING, KEEP RUNNING! YOU CAN'T HIDE KEEP RUNNING!
Oh no... Laurie has no idea and Karen doesn't want to tell her. She's going to find out no matter what, but she just got out of surgery and can't leave her bed. She needs to tell the nurses to lock down her room so she can't hear what's going on outside. Once she knows he's still out there she'll want to get up and go fighting again.
Oh god no, no bodies in the car? Wtf are you doing with them, Michael? Putting together some kind of horrifying Halloween decoration?
So we got the Halloween 3 pumpkin and skull masks. I guess Marion is the witch? Oh dear, yes she is.
Yeah... just talk to Frank. Dont look out the windows and keep talking to Frank. NURSE DONT YOU DARE MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT MICHAEL. PUT A SIGN ON THE DOOR THAT SAYS "DO NOT MENTION MICHAEL MYERS".
Oh Brackett... oh Oscar's mom... oh all the loved ones of the victims... this is going to be a tough night.
Tommy: we will fucking kill Michael Myers tonight!
Black Police Officer: um... you cant just kill someone...
Sheriff Brackett: KILL MYERS!
Yeah, I know you want to protect her like she protected you, but now she's trying to get out of bed right after having surgery!
Oh Laurie... I know the system failed you, and I know you need to protect your family... but you won't get far without ripping out the staples keeping your organs inside your body. Just set up a dummy in your bed and find a good place to sit and hide, it worked in another universe.
Since when do you knock, Michael?
God damn it you always lock the door!!! I dont care if its Haddonfield or Bumfuck Kentucky, you always lock your door! Especially if its night!
Oh, it's that other mental patient who escaped. Oh. And people think hes Michael because hes in his hospital outfit. You would think the Strode ladies would be able to tell that the man is way too short and stocky to be Michael. He was even talking.
Big John this is all your fault, if you had just run out the door with Little John, Michael Myers wouldnt be gouging out your eyes right now. But noooo, you had to be the big man and search the house.
Well, at least the Strode women are trying to stop them now, but Laurie got ripped right open.
God damn it, now there's an angry mob in the hospital. I hope this patient guy isnt a violent offender.
God fucking damn it, that mans blood is on your hands, Tommy! He was a mentally ill man just looking for help and you riled up the mob into chashing him! Brackett is right, you guys are monsters too.
Hawkins, you shooting your partner was an accident too. You were trying to save him from Michael but Michael used him as a shield. You took the chance where if you got a good shot, he could have lived. Had you not shot at all, he would have died anyways.
There was no point in getting everyone at the hospital riled up, they weren't planning on leaving to go search and none of them had weapons to take down Myers if he showed up. The best thing he could have done was get a description of Myers from Karen and then make signs describing him and telling people to either run if unarmed or shoot if they're armed. "Super tall man in dirty white mask and coveralls" is fairly unique, even on Halloween.
What, weren't the cops at the Myers house earlier? Taking photos of the John killings? Wouldnt there be tons of 'do not cross' tape and signs everywhere?
Dont get distracted by the dead bodies, pick up your gun and help Cameron search the rest of the house- NO CAMERON RUN
Holy shit, Ally got a few stabs at Michael! But it's a little late to start taunting him now. Cameron's neck is in many, many pieces.
Yes, angry mob, all go for him at once! He's good at one on one or one on two combat, but he can't do one on at least a dozen.
Oh come on! You had him on the ropes! He was down! Just a few more bullets to his skull and some dismemberment and he would have been dead!
And now Tommy is dead. And Brackett.
You go fuck him up, Laurie
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megashadowdragon · 4 years ago
jaune will end up amping cinder to get rid of the grimm arm freeing her
jaunes semblance allows him to amp all of the effects of aura including healing effect and we know that her grimm arm isnt protected by aura and when a external object like an organ from someone else is implanted into someones body there is a risk of organ rejection
( his amplification was powerful enough to amp weiss’s aura to the point she healed from cinders spear without any scarring ( and any internal organs that were damaged were completely healed ) ( when in the fight with knight when her aura wasnt able to heal from the wound on her eye which was much shallower)  and it still scarred)  
rhodes name may be a reference to the name of the earliest version of cinderella   Rhodopis
crowno-0 . tumblr . com/post/620188897794768896/just-looked-at-saphrons-wiki-and-oh-look-saphron#notes

okay, so I was just looking at the story of Cinderella, and Wikipedia helpfully told me that the earliest known variation of the story is that of Rhodopis.
Rhodopis is a slave girl who was bathing on day, when an eagle swoops down and grabs her sandal. It travels to Memphis and drops the sandal in front of the King (not Elvis). Taking this as a sign, the King sends his men around the Kingdom to find the owner of the sandal, and when Rhodopis is brought to him, he married her.
This story was first recorded by the Greek geographer Strabo, somewhere between 7 BC and 24 AD.
Rhodopis is mentioned by an earlier writer.
In 440 BC, the historian Herodotus recorded the tale of Rhodopis, a courtesan from Thrace, owned as a slave by Iadmon of Samos (who also owned Aesop) during the 5th Century BC. He eventually took her to Egypt, where a man named Charaxus of Mytilene buys her freedom for her.
Charaxus of Mytilene is best known for being the brother of the famous poet, Sappho.
So the earliest version of Cinderella is freed from slavery by Sappho’s brother.
Food for thought.
Saphron and Terra Cotta  refer to the ancient Greek poetess Sappho of Lesbos, so famed for her romantic preference for women that the name of her homeland coined the term “lesbian”, and her own name coined the term “sapphic”. Many of her works that survived did so on terra cotta pottery shards
and jaune is saphrons brother and the grimm arm has been equated to the shock collar except the grimm arm won't be taken off so easily and jaune would be the one to free cinder from it  free her from salem 
 and given how jaune always put his hands on someone to amp their aura he will put his hand on cinders head when he amps cinders aura 
According to the Wiki:
“The Indecisive King draws various parallels to Jaune Arc and Cinder. The King and Cinder have nearly identical lines when reuniting with the Widow and Jaune, initially not remembering the grieving person but “starting to remember you” once the adventurer does something to affect them. Furthermore, Jaune and the Widow have parallels in having to grieve a lost loved one in over a year, and Cinder connects to the Crown of Choice through being the key to unlocking it in the Beacon Vault, as well as her conflict views regarding choice and destiny. 
the indecisive king ended up being saved by the widow which supports the idea of jaune saving cinder
hoepunkausta . tumblr . com/post/620858326965731329/very-true-salem-is-a-widow-in-a-sense-but-also/embed
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it also fits given that jaune is rubys foil
hawkeyedflame . tumblr . com/post/152581160728/on-rubys-elusive-character-development-or-why
“ jaune is a foil To Ruby. She’s a prodigy who quickly became a deadly warrior at a young age and is welcomed into Beacon two years early as a result while Jaune is a hard worker who progresses slowly and had to lie his way into Beacon because of his nonexistent combat background. Ruby is a strategist specialized on pre-defined team attacks and wields a self-made weapon capable of long range combat. Jaune is a tactician specialized in creating new team attacks according to his analysis on the battlefield and wields a family heirloom only capable of close range combat. Ruby has a rather broken family but they fully support her decision to become a huntress while Jaune’s family is large and united but they don’t support his choices nor have any faith on him. Ruby is a tomboy who dominates the battlefield but doesn’t enjoy dancing whereas Jaune tends to act girly and is initially terrible at fighting but also a great dancer. The more you look into them as a pair, the more contrasts that can be spotted in the details.”
jaune has a more “feminine way of dealing with emotions” while ruby has the more masculine way of dealing with emotions
aminoapps . com/c/rwby/page/blog/why-its-good-for-jaunes-semblance-to-be-a-support-type/xpp7_XQ4s2u6RGX2zboa6JwM2XMekWGZd68
“Joan of Arc is known for breaking gender stereotypes about what it meant to be a woman. And if you think about it in a lot of ways Jaune doesn’t fit into the stereotypical “man box.” We are don’t “men don’t cry.” He wears his emotions on his sleeve. While in the real world men (and in the world of RWBY BOTH men and women ARGUABLY) are told to be strong. And that many people superficially equate physical strength with heroism (Raven?) it is fitting that Jaune’s semblance doesn’t so much doesn’t so much empower himself, as it empowers others. (as well as himself but its more effective on others in the team since they are more skilled than him) The so called “Feminine” strength.” P.S. Hmm as a follow-up to my The Importance Of Foils Part 2 post. I think that Ruby, despite being a girl, fits into the “man box” better than anyone else including it’s UNHEALTHY WAYS OF DEALING WITH EMOTIONS. The only difference is on remnant, it’s not because a man doesn’t cry. But because “a hero doesn’t cry.”
ruby first activated her silver eyes leading to her to learn about them when she saw pyrrha jaunes partner impaled by cinder and burnt to ash failing to save pyrrha  her awakening being in reaction to her death while jaune activated his semblance and realized what it was when he saw rubys partner weiss  impaled by cinder and  was able to save her  life awakening his semblance to do so allowing him to learn what his semblance was ( which is a good example this is an example of them being foils  and how its been shown and effected their storys )
rubys special ability that  she awakened due to cinder hurts cinder due to the grimm  salem put in her while jaunes special ability would end up saving cinder from the grimm part of her
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cultofbeatles · 5 years ago
beginners guide to the members of led zeppelin (kind of)
a disclaimer before anyone starts reading: we all know led zeppelin is shady as hell and we hardly ever get anything confirmed or denied around here. so some stuff is up for speculation. everything in this post are things i've read in books, heard in interviews, or got from some other source. when it comes to “facts about led zeppelin” sometimes you gotta take it with a grain of salt. but honestly it’s led zeppelin we’re talking about, anything is possible. also this is all in good fun and giggles. with that being said, let’s get started with introductions to the members themselves.
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jimmy page 
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james patrick page 
born on January 9, 1944 
he’s a capricorn sun, cancer moon, and scorpio rising so you just know he’s a crazy motherfucker 
was an amazing session guitarist and basically everyone wanted him 
went to art school bc he’s just talented at everything i guess 
if you didn't know already he played the guitar for Joe cocker’s ‘with a little help from my friends’
declined his first offer to join the yardbirds but later decided to join 
was the last member to leave the group
basically was the leader of led zeppelin 
was gifted a telecaster guitar by his friend jeff beck and he adored it 
and he painted a cool dragon design on it 
played on it for the first led zeppelin album 
when he was on tour one of his friends painted over his dragon design and ruined the guitar 
he produced all of led zeppelin’s albums and is responsible for the remastering of those same albums 
paid for led zeppelin’s first album to be produced with his own money
deadass would have whips and handcuffs around with him on tour for the groupies 
but was apparently an amazing lover and cared for the people he slept with
one time he got naked on a food cart thingy, put whip cream over his body, and had john bonham push him into a room with groupies in it 
has such a small and soft voice 
was fascinated in aleister crowley and his work
would collect crowely memorabilia 
even bought crowley’s boleskine house 
had a bookstore at one point so he could get books easier 
struggled with addiction to drugs for most of the seventies 
went on a liquid diet late seventies and refused to eat solid food 
he got really skinny bc of it :( 
miss pamela (one of his girlfriends/lovers) once said that jimmy cried on the phone to her over her playboy photoshoot lmaoo
once flied pamela’s pet raccoon in first class 
allegedly had a relationship with lori maddox who was about 15 years old 
laughed as two of his girlfriends were fighting each other 
was kind of constantly nervous about his and the band’s image
has amazing guitar solos and improvisation but damn sometimes they drag on foreverrrr
deadass scared the shit out of david bowie so much that he had his house exorcised and would avoid jimmy at parties 
we love demons 
he’ll never tell us what zoso means and I'm mad
had two people die in his home. one was a friend who died from a drug overdose, and the other was john bonham when he died from choking on his vomit.  
has been accused for the deaths of john bonham and robert plant’s son karac bc of that stupid “curse” rumor
deserves critiques for several things but doesn't deserve hate for that 
has been through a lot and come out pretty okay
produced his current girlfriend’s, scarlett sabet, spoken poetry vinyl 
check out scarlett’s work bc it’s amazing
would probably always be down for another led zeppelin reunion 
robert plant
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robert anthony plant 
born on august 20, 1948
this is the most attractive man ever. do not argue with me. 
nicknamed percy 
wasnt jimmy’s first pick for a singer 
jerry reid suggested robert to jimmy. and when jimmy asked what he looked like jerry said, “like a greek god.”
jimmy thought something was wrong with robert when he first found him bc he was such a good singer and hadn't been signed yet 
after a practice together jimmy knew he had his singer 
he would call robert “the young guy with the powerful voice.”
he thought about leaving the band early on bc he was so nervous about being in it 
convinced john bonham to join the group bc they were the bestest of buddies 
he’s not credited on the first album bc he was still under another contract 
started song writing for the second album by jimmy’s memory 
it didn't take long for him to gain confidence and start owning the stage 
once when he was performing a dove flew in his hands 
there’s an audio of him singing john bonham happy birthday and it makes me so happy 
he would call himself a greek god 
would party with john bonham a lot 
kind of the hippy of the group 
moans moans moans and even louder moans into the microphone 
would wear women’s shirts and looked amazing in them 
nurses do it better 
not to mention his super tight jeans 
we all know his dick is huge and he’s just showing it off 
has the prettiest, fluffiest blonde hair 
and the sweetest smile 
can you tell that i find him attractive yet?
has a fear of earthquakes 
also supposedly had some sort of a relationship to an underage groupie named sable starr (14)
also has a fear of led zeppelin nowadays 
either fear or amnesia 
it’s likely that he’s the reason we’ll never get another led zeppelin reunion 
though a close friend thinks that if the show went to charity robert would probably do it 
robert loved john bonham too much to play in led zeppelin without him
and i respect that a lot 
no matter how much he’s offered for a show he turns it down every time
in 1975 he got in a severe car crash and ended up being in a wheelchair 
still went on to record zeppelin’s album 
once while recording on crutches and started to fall and jimmy apparently zoomed in to save him. robert never saw him move that fast before
his five year old son (karac) died from a sudden stomach illness while he was in america on tour
absolutely crushed him 
was deeply upset that neither jimmy page or john paul jones reached out to him during that time of his life 
john bonham was there for him though 
robert apparently never forgave them for that 
a car he was working on fell on top of him and crushed some of his ribs as well 
late seventies was not a good time for robert plant 
but he got through it all like a champ
hates stairway to heaven with a passion lmao  
one time he paid a radio station a shit ton of money just to make sure they'd never play stairway to heaven again 
almost didn't sing stairway for the 2007 reunion but ended up agreeing to it after all 
he said he breaks out in hives when he has to play that song 
he and jimmy made their own symbols. robert’s is the feather inside the circle 
in 2007 he won beard of the year 
john bonham
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john bonham 
born on may 31, 1948
nickname is bonzo
oh boy, there’s a lot of stories about bonzo 
he was known as the nicest and sweetest guy ever 
unless he was drunk 
he drank a lot :/
denied jimmy’s offer to join the group and continued to deny it until robert convinced him 
once flew the starship (led zeppelin’s plane) even though he didn't have a license to 
hated touring so much 
he always missed his family 
so he drank 
he was so damn crazy when drunk that the other members would book rooms floors above where his was so he wouldn't disturb them
tore about his hotel rooms like no other 
he has a son named jason bonham who he loved a lot 
bought him a nice drum kit when he was younger 
jason is just about led zeppelin’s biggest fan next to jimmy page 
one time bonzo broke a girl’s vibrator when drunk
also punched a girl in the face when drunk once bc she waved at him 
partly responsible for the famous mud shark story where a girl was apparently fucked with a dead shark by him and zeppelin’s tour manager 
liked cars a lot 
really really loved his family. cannot stress it enough
was irked that john paul jones got out of playing shows during the christmas holiday and he didn't 
punched robert in the face once too 
him and john paul jones equals the best rhythm section ever 
jimmy would call it magic how well him and bonzo got along 
bonzo could handle anything jimmy threw at him 
he wasn't really a part of it, but he had to go to jail bc peter grant and two other dudes almost killing a man (long story omfg, but apparently the doctors had to put the dude’s eyeball back into his socket)
was there for robert when karac died 
they were really good friends 
there’s an interview with them together where bonzo is laughing at robert about his little farm 
gave good hugs apparently 
played drums like no other could and knew he was good 
but still sometimes got insecure and got upset when someone he looked up to said his drumming wasn't all that special 
his symbol is the three rings and he picked it out of a book like john paul jones did his 
he died in jimmy page’s house (not the crowley house btw)
he had to drink the equivalent of 40 shots of vodka and choked on his vomit in his sleep 
led zeppelin died on the same day 
nobody can replace john bonham 
his son filled in his role for the 2007 reunion show and did an amazing job of it. the whole show is on youtube, go check it out
john paul jones
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 john richard baldwin 
born on january 3, 1946
nickname is jonesy 
was also a session guitarist like jimmy 
they had worked together before 
when he found out jimmy was forming a group he called jimmy and was basically given the spot immediately 
not only was the bassist but also the keyboardist 
and could play the recorder 
insanely talented. put some respect on his name 
he talks in italics i swear to god 
i don't have mainly crazy stories about jonesy bc he wasn't about that life 
deadass he would go on stage, perform, walk off stage and go to a whole separate hotel from the other
he would only tell one person where he was at and told them not to call unless for super urgent emergencies 
pissed peter grant off so much lmao 
wasn't really super close to anyone in the band tbh 
but bonzo was probably his greatest friend in the band 
jimmy and robert kind of leave him out in my opinion 
or they use to 
when he found out that jimmy and robert were making their own symbols instead of picking out of a book like he was he said “of course!”  and laughed 
was pretty much left out of the live aid show 
he had to squeeze himself on the stage and wasn't even able to play bass. he had to play the keyboard 
“and thank you to my friends for finally remembering my phone number” -savage as hell john paul jones 
he was one of the two people who found john bonham dead 
it’s sad to think about
is actually quite funny
he has this kind of dry humor?? idk but it’s amazing 10/10 content 
when john paul jones walks into the room interviewers break into a sweat
managed to look like a completely different person every year throughout the seventies or is it just my eyes?
has an Instagram account now go follow it for cute throwback photos lol
that’s all i really have for generic useless information about led zeppelin members for beginners. i hope it was somewhat entertaining. i'll make some more beginners stuff for led zeppelin. i will make y'all stan them lmao. i'm tagging @babygotblueeyes​ bc i know for a fact you want to get into them <3
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wanda-peitro-lorna-maximoff · 4 years ago
Chapter 4
Part one here:
Morgana was 16 now. Itd been a year since her father Uther announced she would be of marrying age. At the very least of age to be promised to someone, and it was easy to say that Morgana was not pleased at all. Arthur had tried to sway their father, as gently as he could without angering him, but Uther wasnt having it. The old man was already confined to his room, sick beyond repair, and he 'had to make sure his children were taken care of.' It didnt matter how. It didnt matter if Arthur would be miserable as a young king, or Morgana miserable as a house wife; as long as they were taken care of. And that's when Morganas teen rebellion really kicked in. Everyone knew about it, Morgana would sneak out late, making it incredibly easy for anyone to find her going to see her latest 'crush' of the week. She didnt mind the gossip-- she even welcomed it. The one suitor who had been at the castle when he heard about her 'cheating' - which, for the record, the prince had only asked Uther to court her; never morgana herself- was absolutely mortified. And Morgana couldnt have been prouder. Gwen and Arthur were... reasonably a bit embarrassed, but they had about as much of a chance of stopping her as Uther did. And if Gwen was really being honest, she found it hilarious. All Morgana had to do was ask for a kiss from a fair lady and the busybodies in the castle would get to work.... unfortunately the more it happened the more Gwen and Arthur were less amused. Gueinivier couldnt quite put her finger on it but it made her stomach turn whenever she saw Morgana kissing some other lady... Arthur was more annoyed in general, in a brotherly way.
But today seemed different. A lot more relaxed... no one was giving her letters from princes' or kings, and no need to ask for more favors from the ladies in the town or working in the castle. The perfect day to get up to something with Morganas favorite people in the world... Gwen and Arthur. ... well, Gwen was definitely a favorite, arthur really got on her nerves a lot, but he was still her brother. So that's what brings us to the now. Gwen and Morgana walking through the forest in comfortable silence... Arthur had unfortunately been roped into another meeting with the king and the round table, so the two thought to make it a girls day. As they walked, Gwen couldnt help but let her mind wander, glancing over to Morgana... it was true, the Pendragon siblings were both very good looking. Anyone anywhere would love to be their king or queen... but gwen loved them beyond their looks. Morgana was mischievous, mysterious and bold. Arthur was strong, dependable and kind... the two put her head in a tizzy. But with Morganas.... escapades lately... she couldnt help but give the witch the cold shoulder. The secrets and kisses from other girls were funny and cute at first but now they had gotten a bit more frequent... a little more bold. And unfortunately, Gwen was far too good at hiding her true intentions because Morgana hadn't even noticed anything was wrong. Sure she had acted a little off at times but, times were strange now... with her fathers declining health and tensions on making sure Arthur was ready to be king...
... and then Gwen nearly jumped out of her skin. Her thoughts were so abruptly interrupted by a sudden presence that she let out a squeak in suprise. the suprise guest in question laughed at her reaction, along with Morgana.
Mab had been watching the two for a few minutes, waiting for a good moment to suprise them and drop from her place in the trees. "Hello you two." Mab put her arms around the girls. Admittedly it had taken her a while to accept Gwen even as an acquaintance. But what really sealed the deal for Mab was Gwen's pure, genuine fascination. Whenever she looked at magic and its byproducts her expression held nothing but amazement, wonder and fondness. And if anything, Mab wanted to keep amazing her, just to see that look on her face. It never failed to make her laugh. "I'm suprised you're both out today..." the princess trailed off, and Morgana groaned. "Its been absolute hell back at the castle." She rolled her eyes and slumped her shoulders for emphasis, to which Gwen chuckled and shook her head. "They... that is, Arthur and Morgana... have had their hands full to say the least." Gwen further explained to Mab, who got a thoughtful look on her face before replying. "Sounds like you've come to the right place to decompress then." She winked at the girls before wordlessly leading the way further into the woods...
"Ahhhh...." Morgana sighed in relief as she sunk down in the fairy made hot spring. She didnt realize how much tension she was holding in her neck and shoulders until now, but the hot water was absolutely amazing on her muscles. All that running away from terrible princes, knights and responsibilities does a number on ones self she supposed... "Are you two done yet?? The waters going to get cold." Morgana called through the thick veil of greenery to Mab and Gwen, who were currently whisper fighting with eachother. Since neither girl was exactly ready for a suprise swim, Mab had let them borrow some of the stollen goods she... acquired as offerings in her woods. People who dont want to be kidnapped, killed, cursed or worse always left her a little something at the threshold of her home. And the few cloaks she'd acquired she allowed Morgana and Gwen to use... they were her least favorite anyway. But honestly, Mab didn't see *why* you needed to cover up around others while you swam, showered, bathed, etc. It was a completely foreign concept to her, but she got a kick out of the red faces from Morgana and Gwen she just told them both to hop in. "I cant just go in! What if its... not secure enough." Gwen gestured to the 'swim-suit' Mab fashioned for her. "Well, then itll fall off. What do you *think* would happen?" Mab hissed back at her sarcastically. "You'll be fine. Its not like she'd bite you.... well..." Mab had to reconsider that. Gwen shoved her arm and the faerie princess grinned. "Follow my lead." She said confidently, Gwen watching as Mab strutted out. She had her usual attire on. Not uncommon, since it looked like the plants that made up her base clothing were just a part of her; but the few nice touches of clothing or signs of humanization were gone.
She stopped at the far end of the spring before jumping in and swimming over to Morgana with ease. "Come on Gwen." Mab said impatiently, and Morgana shouted after her. "Sooner you get here the sooner we can play water games!"
Gwen took a deep breath. Be brave. Just like them. She rolled her shoulders and closed her eyes, calming herself down before opening them again, now with new determination. Her nerves wouldnt get in the way of this rare day off. So, she took off running... and dove into the water. She could hear Mab and Morgana clapping and laughing above, swimming over to them now as she breached the surface. "That was amazing!" Morgana said with a big grin. "One things for sure we've got to do that together-- just... neyoooommm... " she put her fist in the water suddenly, making a splash. "See how big a splash we can make..."
"Well. One things for sure, the fun is only just beginning." Mab gave them a mischievous smile.
The fun was officially in full swing. Mab had invited a few fresh water sirens to come play a guessing game with them, and it only escalated from there.
Some of the river nymphs were playing as a referee for the games going on; some of the kelpies at the bottom of the hot-water would sing while a few of the fae would try and guess what they were singing. Some of the sirens were playing a competitive diving game with their treasures; bits of bone, a pearl or two. Whoever got to it first kept it. Which, without supervision quickly devolved into a bloody fight. A few of the not-so-water-resistant creatures were having loads of fun just on the shore, making flower crowns for any winners and not so subtly trying to help the contestants who they thought were the cutest. Morgana had joined Gwen in the kelpy game, since the creatures had a tendency to drag any losers down underwater and drown them... but Gwen was doing suprisingly well. Morgana was only a little bit jealous. Mab had split from the girls briefly to compete with the sirens, winning a few games and rejoining her friends once she had enough trophies of victory. They came to sit with eachother at the edge, all three of them smiling to themselves and basking in the fun. "So. How's your day off been?" Mab asked them with a grin. "Well considering Gwen's won more games than I... I'd say not so well." Morgana joked, making Gwen laugh. "Well, I can give you some pointers next time." She winked and nudged Morgana with her elbow; making Morgana blush just a little. "Well. Either way you both look just about ready to join the sirens with the way you're pruning up there. Let's get you two dry." Mab hopped out of the 'pool' and shook herself dry a bit. "Okay *mom* " Morgana teased as Gwen and her followed. "No you pronounced it wrong. Its MAB." Mab corrected her. Morgana wasnt super sure if she was being serious or not, but it didnt matter. Mab lead them to a closed off area where she stashed the twos clothing. "Once you're dressed we can do some land-games." Mab winked at them, squeezing out her hair. Gwen and Morgana went over and grabbed their clothes as Mab got some cloth to help dry them. The fae girl allowed them both a screen of ivy and vines to get dressed in a bit of privacy...
Today was... something else. Gwen couldnt remember the last time shes had this much fun. The amazing wonders around her filled her head with dreams and her heart with hope and longing for adventure... discovering more and finding things no ones ever seen before... but only if it was with her friends. As cliche as it was... she wanted Morgana... Arthur, even Mab there with her. Wherever the road took her. They completed her in a way she could never have imagined. She wanted to be there for them. Just as they would for her... Gwen had many friends as a child. But when her family moved to Camelot, all of it was ripped away from her. She wondered sometimes... if they thought of her. But the Pendragons and this magical world... took the heartache away.... but... recently? With Morgana..? The heartache returned... no it wasnt the same as before. No force on earth could take Morgana away from her. No, the heartache wasnt one of sadness... it was longing. So similar but so different. The heartache that belonged to Morgana was one that was bitter-sweet. Whenever she looked at her it was the feeling of coming home to a warm fire and sweet fruit.
So then... why did the thought of being with Morgana... hurt at the same time?
..she knew the answer. Arthur. She loved arthur just as she loved Morgana. And yet... not. They were so different but she loved them all the same. The kind of love she'd want to come home to and kiss before bed every night.... Arthur and Morgana... were her love.
Meanwhile, Morgana got dressed. Nothing in particular was on HER mind. No... but something was on Mabs...
The faerie peaked her head through to Morganas side. Seeing she was infact decent. Mab had been infatuated with Morgana for a long time. She'd known it in her gut. Shes told so many of her friends and they all dismissed it as wanting a pet. And shes seen fae have human pets... the feeling wasnt the same. For them It was control... dominance and cruelty. But Mab wanted Morgana for the very reason just to love her. When she thought about kissing Morgana her heart raced, when she thought about curling up with her, going to bed and waking up to see her face everyday... it made her heart hurt with how much she wanted that. Real love...
"Morgana." Mab began... there was a pause. "... Mab?" Morgana questioned her. She looked incredibly suspicious... was this the start of some prank? "I..." Mab stepped further in. "Wanted to tell you something." She crossed her arms loosely. Mab had never actually planned this part out. She always figured that somehow, someway, she'd just sweep Morgana off her feet and Morgana would have no choice but to practically marry her on the spot!.... but this was definitely not how things were going to go. Morgana was... difficult to really wow, or 'sweep feet'. "... okay." Morgana narrowed her eyes at the faerie, getting ready for some sort of prank or attack of some kind... Mab walked closer... and awkwardly put her hand on Morganas shoulder... and came in closer... until the side of her face touched the side of Morganas... okay so maybe it wasnt 'telling' her anything... Mab didnt even know if she could say the right words... but she hoped and metaphorically prayed that Morgana understood.
She did. It was an intimate gesture. Mab trusted her... to turn her face to her and keep her close; faces touching just slightly. This was big... and Morgana couldnt help the huge suprised grin that spread across her face. Off and on throughout their friendship she's thought about it-- being with Mab. Theres no doubt that they got along and shared so many things in common, but she never even dreamed that Mab would come to her first. And like this.
Mab slowly pulled away. Looking reserved and guarded, waiting for Morganas reaction... still hopeful she understood, and accepted. "So... you like me?" Morgana asked with her grin. Mab looked just a little insulted at that. "Of course I like you! What do you think I am? An idiot? It would be stupid of us not to court! We love the same things, we're already so close and we-" Mab was cut off by Morgana kissing her on the cheek. "Ah yes. How could I argue with such air tight logic?" She asked sarcastically. Mab was completely frozen for a moment. "Is that a yes?"
Morgana smiled. "Does this answer your question?" She pulled Mab back in and kissed her. The faerie could feel her heart hammering in her chest. She pulled Morgana as close as she could, and kissed her back... unbeknownst to them, the screen Mab created was falling apart into beautiful wild flowers to reveal the scene to Gwen...
When Gwen saw the two... she felt like she was going to vomit. Not out of disgust. Never. But she never thought that seeing her secret love and good friend kissing could break her heart so much... she just stood there. Frozen.... until Morgana noticed. And she laughed.
"Wow. Look at miss queen of the fae... cant control her plants when shes kissing." Morgana teased Mab, who was now red in the face, looking around to see Gwen and of course... no screen of greenery. "A-um- i- I can control them! I can do... anything!" Mab argued. Morgana laughed. "Does that include making your face go as red as my hair?" She asked. And honestly... in the moment... gwen couldnt help but laugh along..... it was better than being heart broken.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 5 years ago
media mania(*) peter parker x reader
Okay so y'all know that tik tok trend of the girlfriend standing in front of her SO And dropping her towel? Yeah well that was the inspo for this so enjoy.
Also this takes place way in the future, after thanos and graduation, and all that other fun jazz. Think like their both college age.
* - it's implied but doesn't have a follow through. They've been together for a long time (and are trying to get pregnant to say the least)
Song: baby by carla thomas
tag list: @cynic-spirit
I finished drying myself off and brushing out my hair before opening tik tok. I never meant to get addicted to it but It just kind of happened. As I scrolled through the 'for you' page I found a video that intrigued me. It was a lady dropping her towel in front of her unsuspecting boyfriend and her filming his reaction. I laughed at first before realizing that I had, in that moment, the perfect set up for this to possibly work. I was still in a towel and had a phone with a tik tok account on it. What could possibly go wrong? other than, possibly someone else in the compound seeing me naked but that was a risk i was willing to take.
I started recording, showing myself in my towel quickly in the mirror before walking down the hallway to where peter was. I closed the door so no passer bys would see us and made my way to him. He was sat at his desk, playing a game, trash talking as best he could into his headset. I watched the small hairs on the back of his neck raise as I got closer. When I was close enough i dropped my towel and waited, it took him a second to notice me. I smiled widely to myself as he took a quick side glance at me, realizing what was happening after a second look. His mouth hung open as he dropped his controller to the desk. I laughed, watching his reaction as well as the shakiness of my hand holding the recording phone. His mouth hung open.
He said, making me giggle. Then realization washed over him.
"what, You wanna do this now? Like it's time?"
He asked in disbelief, making me laugh more. I nodded and he stood up, walking towards me but getting choked by his headphone cord. He made a weird croaking sound before pulling them off. I laughed as the recording stopped. I went to post it but dropped my phone to the ground as he picked me up, draping me over his shoulder.
"Ah! Peter put me down!"
I laughed, watching the tiles disappear behind us as he opened the door and walked with me back down the hallway to our shared room.
"Peter I'm naked!"
I protested as held me tightly to him.
"You said now."
He quipped back, making me shake my head.
"We could've done it in there, then no one else would see me. You know we dont exactly have our own private wing."
I said a little panicked. We were in the compound after all, and no matter if we had our own wing or not there was still a chance patrol would be walking around. Or cap for that matter, Sam liked to take jogs around the building.
"No ones out, it's fine."
Peter squeezed my leg as he kicked the door open, walking me across the room and dropping me on the bed, making me laugh.
"You dork, what if Sam would've been out?"
He laughed a little bit.
"But he wasnt. Now do you really wanna do this? Like it's time?"
I nodded, sitting back a bit.
"So says the calendar. I was gonna ask tonight but I saw a tik tok."
I blushed madly at the thought and he just shrugged.
"Works for me."
He said, a smirk spreading across his face. I raised a brow at him before he bent down and kissed me passionately. I hummed into his mouth as he pushed me further up the bed.
"Let's do this."
I sat on the couch in the lounge and scrolled through my phone, watching more tik toks and answering more of people's comments on the video I had posted of Peter's reaction. It had kind of gotten crazy after i posted it a few weeks back. i didnt think anything of it but I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard the ringing of the phone. I sighed deeply before answering it, shuri popping up in front of me with a wide smile on her face.
I said cooly. She just looked at me knowingly.
"Why didn't you tell me you were trying to start a family? Imagine a little super baby running around!"
She said excitedly. I was so confused, and that must've shown on my face.
She said, pulling up a news article for me to see.
"This was posted this morning about the tik Tok you made! Everyone is saying it's about time you two get to it."
She joked and my eyes went wide. We hadn't told anyone we were trying yet. After all we'd been together for a while but we didn't want anyone to expect anything from our attempts.
"Shuri was does the article say exactly?"
She pulled it up and started playing the feed. I watched the telecaster in worry.
"Young avenger y/h/n filmed yesterday her and her long time boyfriend before getting busy. The trend has popped up on the popular app tik Tok of women dropping their towels for their boyfriend's to catch their reaction. In the video y/n's partner asks if 'its time?' confirming media accusations that the couple have been trying for a third member of their family. We have reason to believe-"
I dropped the feed, cutting him off as I went back to shuri.
"How could they possibly get that we are trying to start a family out of that?!"
I said angrily, crossing my arms over my chest and falling into one of the chairs at the table. She just shrugged.
"I don't know, but is it true?"
I sent her a look and hesitated before answering.
"Well yeah but we weren't telling anyone until it actually happened. Do you know how much pressure that puts you under? It's bad enough I've been stressing about trying anyways and now everyone's gonna start asking how it's going. And I am not ready for that!"
i watched her as she just shrugged.
"dont think too much about it. you dont have to confirm anything with anyone."
i pouted a little bit but my attention being pulled away when peter walked into the room.
"hey baby."
he said, pecking me on the cheek.
"hey shuri."
he said, sitting next to me and taking my hand in his.
"hey peter."
she said knowingly and he looked at me a little confused. i rolled my eyes.
"the news has been reporting that we are trying to start a family."
his eyes went wide and i watched a deep blush creep to his face.
"theyre what?"
he croaked out, making me laugh a little bit.
"i was kind of surprised too, i mean i did post that video weeks ago. i guess it just took longer for it to go viral?"
i asked looking to shuri.
"doesnt it always?"
she asked and i shrugged.
"well either way id better get going, brother needs help with something."
i nodded.
"tell him we say hi."
she nodded back before disconnecting the call. i looked back at peter who was just staring at the table.
"are you okay pete?"
i asked, rubbing his back absentmindedly.
"i dont know y/n, knowing that people know weve been doing that makes me feel weird."
i sent him a pity smile.
"would it make you feel better knowing it paid off?"
he looked at me and raised a brow.
"what do you mean?"
i inhaled deeply.
"well, i wanted to wait to tell you but... im late."
he looked a little confused for a second before it clicked.
"wait, like late late? like we could possibly be pregnant?"
i laughed a little bit and nodded.
"i havent taken a test yet but possi-"
he cut me off when he brought me into a tight hug.
"we could be pregnant?"
he asked again, more excited this time. when he pulled away he held my arms in his hands.
"we could be pregnant!"
he practically yelled, making me laugh.
"oh my god."
he said pulling me into another hug.
"i love you so much."
i hugged him back, kissing his neck lightly.
"i love you too peter."
he pulled away and stood up, taking my hand and dragging me up too.
"come on! weve gotta go get a test!"
he said, pulling me out of the lounge. i just laughed at him as he led us down the hall.
"peter youre gonna take my arm off."
he looked back at me but kept walking.
"time is of the essence y/n."
i shook my head at him and picked up the pace.
"goof ball."
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tfw-no-tennis · 5 years ago
hunter x hunter thotz so far
soooo ruth and i started watching hunter x hunter woohoo finally! we’re like 10 or so eps in so i decided to collect some thots below on what i think so far (i havent rlly been spoiled so im interested to look back on this once ive watched more)
first off i love gon sm, hes immediately so endearing...hes just a baby!!!! just a little baby boy!!!! hes just so cute and good, im so not ready for him to get put thru the wringer later on as ive vaguely heard happens
the first few episodes were really fast paced which i enjoyed and thought was for the best. the characters came thru really strongly and i feel like we heard juuuust enough about the setting, premise, and what a hunter is 
i wasnt expecting leorio and kurapika to show up in the FIRST EP lmao that surprised me. i love so much how the three of them like IMMEDIATELY became a family unit in like 3 eps lmaoooo it was like ok here are 2 parents and their son bam. also leorio and kurapika having a showdown on the boat (which didnt end up happening) was a wild ride 
i have like zero fucking idea what a hunter is and the more they attempt to explain the more confused i get. its honestly kind of hilarious how little sense it makes. to be clear this doesnt detract from my enjoyment of the show at all (if anything it adds to it)
oh my god fuckgin hisoka is the worst he hasnt done much but i hate him so much already. good villain writing/design so far, hes so hateable
ruth every time hisoka shows up: WE HATE UR PUSSY BIIIITCH 
the character design in this show is....a lot lmao. ruth and i decided its a cross between soul eater, jojo, and one piece in terms of aesthetic. the designs are certainly unique and so many of them are just so ugly hvbjafdbdskgs it reminds me of that post thats like ‘masterpost of jojo characters who look busted as shit’ lmao
i already love this show a lot tbh like the way its structured so far has been kinda atypical for a shounen, at least in terms of fights - we really havent seen a lot of fighting yet. also nen hasnt shown up yet and its reminding me of stands not becoming a thing in jojo until p3 lmao 
anyways in litrally ep1 i already loved the 3 main characters we saw...leorio is a wild dude, i love him sm, especially as a fellow medical binch who wants MONEY. like, thats literally me. and kurapika is also wild, like damn they rlly just dropped their backstory in ep 1 huh. like we rlly are jumping right into this 
also when leorio said he was a teenager i was like WHAT???? just like evryone else which YEA omfg. i cant believe hes that young lmao. kurapika too
so leorio is one of those 19 yr olds who looks 40 and kurapika is the type of teen who looks like a 12 yr old
and KILLUA i love him sm also....hes an adorable assassin catboy and hes perfect. i love how quickly he and gon hit it off (tiny bfs.....) and how hes just like, this extra as hell 12 yr old with a SKATEBOARD and ASSASSIN SKILLS and then he sees gon and is like guess im gonna fall in love 
i gotta talk abt gon again i just love him. hes so polite and cute and kind and good, i just love him...wht a good protag. his motivation is just wild too, hes like well my dad abandoned me to go off and be a hunter (which he isnt even mad abt, what a nice lad) so im gonna do that to see what the deal is
i love how gon (just like the audience) doesnt really know what a hunter does/is and just goes into the exam totally blind lmao. also the fact that his skills seem to include jumping good, being speedy, having the energy typical of a 12 yr old, being a weather sniffer, being nice, and having good instincts/constitution as a result of having eaten random grass and forest shit growing up...amazing. 
is this gonna turn out to be one of those things where its like, wow theyve been using nen this whole time without realizing! tht would honestly explain a lot lmao 
i really enjoy how like....semi-normal the power levels are rn? while also being all over the place and wack as fucks obvs (like hisoka dissolving that guys arms in his first appearance was A Lot, as well as all the card stuff hes done..). like the part wher that blue guys (evil franky one piece) punches the ground and it leaves a crater and everyones like !!!! wow wtf thats unnatural! that literally threw me off bc that kinda thing is so normal in anime lmaoooo. but i like that thats the starting point bc it leaves a lot of room for power escalation w/out it getting too out of hand 
specifially our protags are starting out pretty low on the Shounen Badass scale - especially gon (and leorio, tho i kinda predict he wont be as fight-y? what with him being premed)
i find it kinda hilarious how killua hasnt done too much (aside from murdering those 2 randos in like half a second) despite being so clearly skilled...like when they have to do the 5v5 fight thing in the tower, i wouldve thought hed be the first up cause hes so badass but nope
actually thats what i find interesting - i was expecting all 5 (or maybe 4, we’re in the middle of leorio’s ‘fight’) of the fights to be physical smackdowns but so far nope, theyve been very cerebral. that bodes well, w/how smart the fights have been, bc i doubt the fights will get stale tht way 
tho they might be kinda frustrating sometimes - there are times when u DO just wanna see a good ole fashioned shounen beatdown yknow. but we do get enough of that now (and im sure we’ll get plenty more) to satisfy (like kurapika decking fake-franky) 
oh also the opening. its so charming and cute and i love the song...its also so hilariously basic and classic - like one of those typical 2000s anime openings where theres stock run cycles of all the main characters and theres a little animation of all the characters fighting together (and that fight doesnt actually happen, its just for the op) 
also love that leorios the only one who doesnt fight in the OP, instead getting saved from death by gon lmao. im curious if he’ll end up fighting at all (i assume a little?) and if he’ll use nen (probably healing type nen?) 
also i already wanna fistfight ging for abandoning his perfect angel son. also leorio is literally gons dad already, they even look alike wow 
that guy hanzo has done basically 0 things so far but i rlly like him already, im curious if thatll change. also sorry for calling u ‘hanzo overwatch!?!?!?!’ upon first viewing my guy 
tonpa is str8 up so annoying pls leave u pathetic loser 
tho it cracked me up when he and Evil Mr Clean were facing off and starting getting all detailed/shaded and i was like o shit is he actually badass. are we abt to see like a nen battle or st. but no....lmaooo
i found it interesting that leorio didnt really admit to wanting to be a dr at first...hes such a good dude, he kinda just let kurapika think that his motives were superficial and greedy when in actuality theyre selfless
also wanting to be rich can be a rlly interesting character motivation and i love when its done right
oh my god i cant believe it took me this long to mention the hilariously edge ED....like holy shit, its so 2000s, the song sounds like its been re-recorded like 40000 times bc of how bad the audio quality is, or something, idk how to describe music but its hilariously specific in tone and its rlly funny to see shots of the main characters smiling while this screamo whatever plays in the bg....wow. 
also s/o to killua for being king of edgy with that ‘tear of blood’ shot
i rlly like how much of the plot, especially the early hunter exam stuff, is moved along simply by gon being a good kind polite boy. 
love the fact that he and leorio and kurapika (and later killua) all team up without even saying anything...i love that, most shounen would have them be like ‘che, i cant team up with anyone, i have to prove myself ALONE or my victory wont be EARNED’ or w/e idk. who knows that might happen later but rn i love how they all effortlessly work together (and how they all contribute - without each other they would have all failed at different points) 
oh man also killuas first appearence was so funny when he drank a bunch of tonpas poisoned drinks and was like [smirks] tch, loser, im immune to poison. get dunked on. [skateboard away] i love him so fuckgin much 
omfg that part where killua looks all shoujo/kawaii and is talking abt how hes gonna kill his family or w/e and gon is just like ^_^? i love they
HOOOOLY FUCK I ALMOST FORGOT, BUT 65% OF THE REASON I MADE THIS POST WAS TO MENTION HISOKAS THEME LMAOOOOO his music being like fuckgin, spanish guitar/traditional mexican type music is sooooo goddamn funny to me for some reason, like the first time it played i was like ok whats going ON with this spanish guitar lmao but then i figured out that its his theme and god thats so funny 
hisoka is also so fuckign jojo like he could so easily be in jojo. he and dio would be the fakest best friends ever and would constantly try to kill each other on the lowdown and shittalk each other constantly in private but be super sweet to each others faces. also they would hatefuck. no im not taking criticism bye 
i rlly love everyones backstories also, and i find it interesting that weve gotten to hear/see at least some of all 4 of the MCs backstories. theyre all compelling and interesting and i cant wait to dive in further 
also calling it now but kurapika is totally gonna get way too absorbed in revenge and get fucked up/disregard their own life (maybe in the style of robin in one piece?) we’ll see but i feel like it aint gonna end well. i could be wrong, i really havent been spoiled at all, thats just my guess 
hbahjfbshjf the ep that was called ‘hisoka x is x sneaky’ was SO funny that reads like a dora the explorer ep title 
also i had no idea the ep titles were formatted like that w/the x’s and thats rlly funny 
ok but the part where leorio - who seems to be pretty bad at fighting - tries to fight hisoka - whose literal first appearence involved him effortlessly dissolving a dudes arms - is so fucking funny. leorio rlly b a premed w/no brain cells....same bro. 
also i loved the Cutthroat Kitchen portion of the hunter exam and how not a single contestant was any good at it lmaoooo. do they not have the cooking channel in hxh-verse earth 
ok i love how the main characters are all intuitive in different ways depending on their own skills, like how killua can immediately guess that kurapika has never killed anyone before after they didnt kill evil-franky
kurapika joined killua in the Edgy Corner during that part also. like, they both have legit reasons to be edgy, but the shots of kurapika sitting in the darker tunnel part was kinda funny
also killua, a literal 12 yr old, calling out kurapika for being a murder virgin was pretty hilarious 
ok also i didnt know that madhouse animated hxh which is rlly funny but w/e i love the animation especially the occasional chibi parts and the facial expressions (like killuas ‘i love murder’ catboy expressions) 
oh also when killua murdered those 2 guys and his hand was all vein-y and his nails were pointy, his hands looked like hisokas do...i wonder if thats a legit connection or it hisoka just b getting his nails did 
kurapika talking abt how even seeing a regular spider makes them rlly angry was both very sad and kinda funny. kura u have so many issues god bless 
kurapikas smackdown on evil blue franky was fuckin dope tho. and the red eyes reveal was SPOICY 
rlly love how the individual fights highlights the characters strengths/morals/motivations/whatever....the writing is already really strong tbh 
ugh ok ive ranted enough this is a Lot lmao its so disorganized but w/e 
basically i love this series so far and im rlly curious whatll happen next. also everything seems pretty chill and upbeat so far (relatively) and i know this shit gets dark and im NOT FUCKING READY. 
til next timeeee
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strawberryjun · 7 years ago
one hundred reasons to love lee jeno
eye smiles !!!!!! hes all (âˆȘ ◡ âˆȘ) all the time
his we young hair !!! metallic and blond and Beautiful
"no jam-jeno" what a b a b y
hes actually hilarious trust the rest of nct just makes him look bad
his dancing !!!! he always tries so hard and I know a lot of ppl compare to jisung, but they have 2 completely different styles and hes amazing in his own way
in his joy interview when he literally did Not Stop smiling
baby dont stop dance cover with jisung
his fashion sense is really nice and cute and colorful
"manners make men"
when jaemin was trying to kiss him and hes all "no,,,, ,, , help me,,,, , , sa ve m e"
speaking of jaemin , ,,,, nomin,, ,, , icons
he named his airpods "jeno's shower heads" like honestly wow
the very beginning in we young where hes dancing in the front ykno and in go and in black on black: Powerful
his face when haechan called him the funniest member
his voice is so nice to listen and it makes his raps so much better
search up "60 seconds with jeno" and u will be b l e s s e d
when he was too excited during the go filming that he was running and ran into and broke the green screen
jeno was one of the members who could do a wheelie on a bike
he tried So Hard during the I love you game but couldn't keep going bc the smile :))))))
whenever hes disgusted by something and his whole face shrivels up and wow
his commercial with the milk when he was younger and the ~cutest~ smile I have ever seen + all the other cfs he was in
I talk about his smile a lot but during weekly idol when the host complimented it and he couldn't stop smiling UWU
such guitar skills !!!!
his eyes literally Glow like I was showing my friend a video and she now stans because the universe is actually in his eyes
his instructions on how to ride a hoverboard
whenever he gets excited it's so evident and beautiful
did a whole one legged spin on the hoverboard time to Stan
part of 00 line aka the ppl who are gonna take over the world
emceeing legend
is allergic to cats, but has 3 of them ?????
hes a taurus (like me wow our bdays r three days apart too !!) and taurus men r very affectionate and love giving gifts and making ppl happy so basically is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for
hes literally the lead rapper, lead dancer, a vocalist and a visual hes really Out Here
hes soft, and his face is soft and his voice is soft and Oof soft icon
he couldn't open the package so he just ,,,, ,,,,,, , ,, ,, started hitting it
"this is jisung" stabs the mochi
just think abt how much his voice changed in two years bro I'm weak
listen,,, , jesus starts with a j,, , ,,, and so does jeno,,, ,, , coincidence ??? I think not
on the most recent the show that hes emceeing, he did this lil eyebrow raise and he got so flustered and omg
he looks so good in hats ??? wow ???
at the end of the joy behind the scenes vid, hes wearin this rlly puffy back jacket and black cap and my heart: burst
he looks so good in glasses ??? not only like framed ones, but goggles too like damn
when mark, jaemin and him were singing go in the car and he just started screaming and made them all have a Chuckle
his beautiful white shirt in the go dance practice he looked so fly
doyoung being his number one fan (other than me, of course) and always hyping him up this is what everyone should do stan jeno
when he kept slipping during one of their performances and he just kept sheepishly smiling to himself I'm gone
dude when he was playing love yourself on the guitar and haechan was singing but jeno moved to the chorus when haechan wasnt finished the verse and the way he looked and smiled at haechan wow
his go photoshoot: Art
him in eye contacts (I mean he doesnt need them but mans still looks hot)
in the joy mv, his highwaisted pants thingy oof that was Good
whenever any of the members makes fun of him, he doesnt say anything and just smiles hes so lovely
he said he likes haek-no jam !!!! and that he wants us to remember him by that and eye smiles !!!!
his laugh is a sound from heaven tbh
he won the random dance because he is a dance legend !!!!
he always seems to look at people with the utmost sincere love I've never seen him mad
in the nct recording thing when the producer said that he sounded like mark and he just goes 'well that's no good' s a v a g e
speaking of the recording he sounded angelic and also he does like this lil turn right after he finishes his part and it's so cute he like bounces back bc he whipped around to hard
his face in the song challenge thing where he was focusing and his mouth was open and he was squinting and looking towards the ceiling
him and haechan pranked jisung but changing his bg to a cockroach no jam-jeno who ???? I only know prank legend-jeno
he always goes straight from his emceeing duties to his nct duties hes a busy loyal man
his fingers r so long ??? how
he looked like such a Nerd predebut ,, , but I dig it
during nct night night where he went on with renjun whenever he spoke he spoke so softly and beautifully and I Cried
ok but his body is really nice like wiki how to have a jeno body
that predebut vid of donghae taking pics of him and he like shoved him at one point bc of how shocked he was of their similar appearance but jeno just stood their smiling at him
theres this picture !!!! its part of the nct dream official goods photoset I think !!!! he has black hair and hes like pulling on a marshmallow and honestly Blown Away from the beauty of this boy (I'll post it l8r)
his hands r so so nice and I just want to hold them :(
his black hair !!!! wonderful !!!!
jAW LINE g u y s
k I already said abt his dancing but he just picks stuff up so quickly and hes so effortless but at the same time giving all his effort idk it's just Amazing
those polaroids of him and jaemin idk of it's the lighting but he looks so Damn Good in those
when they were trying to get the food using the grabbing machine and jisung failed so jeno just 'thank u <3' and proceeded to get three foods
that video where hes woth doyoung and he kept messing with him and slapping him
his color block sweater !!!! I love that sweater so much
the random faces he kept making at the beginning of the 00 live, the one featuring his tongue rlly got me
that vid of him looking renjun then pretending he had nothing to do with it
when he thought that his wish wouldn't come true so he just ran around with his arm in the air
jeno grabbing marks leg and mark clinging onto him like a koala so he wouldn't fall while saying sorry for whatever he did
jeno looks soft but he'll kill u with his eye smile and strong arms bro
the vids of him and jaemin at school: Pure
that vid of jaemin speaking thai and jeno saying no when jaemin asked if he was cute
the thing he did with jisung where jisung made a buzzing sound and jeno pretended to catch the bug and when he shook his fist m8 I uwu so dang hard
when he played the crocodile teeth game with jisung and scared him and he thought it was so funny he had to lay back on the couch to laugh
I really,, , , love his eyebrows ??? idk if it's just me bu t his stylists must have a rlly fun time filling them in cuz they're already so perfect
his legs !!! so nice and long wow
the biting of his bread, almost as powerful as his dancing
jeno-imnida !!!
he always looks good but when he has those stupid filters it just makes my day
his cherry bomb aegyo !!
when they were waking up on nct life and renjun kept making that noise so jeno fell on top of him
on nct life when he was playing the guitar and just Setting The Mood
he said jaehyun was one of his favourite artists he just respects and admires nct so much
shoulders: Wide
hes an absolute god tier denim wearer
I think the question was something a long the lines of who would be the best emcee and they kept saying chenle but the whole time jeno was just in the back pointing to himself and trying to flex well guess what mOrk
sleepy jeno = clueless jeno =baby boy jeno
"jeno hwaiting !!!! hehehhe"
when doing the holding hands with jaemin his "I'll hold u like this, ,,,,, UAOOOoooOh"
right before the we young (?) performance markhyuck were arguing and blocking jeno fron getting to the front where hes supposed to be and so he just moved mark out of the way ICONIC 100. literally softest boy ever, loves his members and what he does so much and I'm proud of him and his no-jam there I said it
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blueyesandleatherjacket · 6 years ago
Ghost of you, 14/?
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 14/?.
Pairings: Human!Nine x Rose; Human!Ten x Jack; Clara Oswald x Olivia Baxter (OC).
Synopsis: "Rose opened the interactive screen and changed the setting for the attached glass wall. It became transparent. Allegro turned around to see Maxence wandering around his cage, a washable felt tip in hand. He had a screen open with all the results his team had entered on their work space and all the other walls were covered with his handwriting."
A/N: I've started writing this fiction last year after I had a particularly weird dream (as usual) and after I wrote the prologue, I've put it aside to work on other stuff. I've gone back to it not so long ago and decided that it would be the fiction I would post next, after not posting anything for a while. I must have watched I am legend and Game of thrones way too much to come out with something like this but I hope you will like it. I am not a scientist, nor did I have a particular knowledge of sciences. I do my researches on the internet like everyone to make sure everything is as close to the reality as possible. I have a literature degree only. Writing is what I do and it makes me explore next fields, and learn new things.
“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.” - John Joseph Powell.
Amy didn’t leave Rose any second while she worked. It was an offer Rose had made to her: observing her as she worked so she could make her own opinion on her. She wouldn’t be biased by anything her patient would have said. Rose was only natural when she was working. She wasn’t pretending to be fine. She wasn’t wearing a mask. She was just herself and being a witness of it would help Amy understand her patient better. The therapist was glad that this idea came from Rose herself and not from her. The woman wasn’t gonna refuse this opportunity and she wasn’t gonna abuse this benefit either. Rose had also offered her to be a friend and that was very unexpected for Amy. Someone asking to be a friend. Rose hadn’t asked questions about why she had had to leave the session for a few minutes. She was giving Amy the time to build a good friendship before opening up to her. The therapist was sat beside Zachary who was keeping his eyes on the screen before him. He was trying to fix the intrusion that had happened a couple days ago. The hacker had left a real mess inside the codes and he had to fix this. Amy’s eyes were focused on Rose though. Standing in front of Allegro’s cage, she was reading the updates on his condition. She was studying the scans from two days ago and the ones Tegan had done in the morning. There was a clear evolution. Being exposed to the UV lights had caused him to develop some symptoms of the virus and react consequently. Now that the lights were off, he had gotten back to normal and was being completely normal again. He was a bit shaken by the situation but he was talking to Liv when he felt the need to. He refused to speak to Amy. He trusted Liv more than the therapist to be honest. The security guard came to the intercom and pressed the button. He was curious about his own situation. Except for Liv and sometimes Zach, no one was speaking to him. And no one was telling him much about how things were evolving for him, for Maxence, for the cure. “How is he going?” he asked. Rose raised her head from the notes she was taking and glanced at Allegro. She tucked her pen in the pocket of her white coat. She pressed the button to answer. “He’s better. Kyle has been brave by going inside unprotected to save his life. I’ve released him today. He hasn’t developed the virus thankfully.” “Antibodies?” “We’re working on that. His body has rejected the noctiagus very fast.” “It’s good. He’s very young. Would have been a really bad thing to lose him too.” “We haven’t lost you, nor Maxence.” “But we’re both in a cage, and he’s infected.” “Both of you are helping us to find the cure.” “How?” Rose opened the interactive screen and changed the setting for the attached glass wall. It became transparent. Allegro turned around to see Maxence wandering around his cage, a washable felt tip in hand. He had a screen open with all the results his team had entered on their work space and all the other walls were covered with his handwriting. “Someone hacked the system and made us believe that his sensors had to be changed. But when we proceeded to the change, the phial wasn’t the right one. Someone has replaced the sensors with a supposed cure that did more damages than anything else.” “Have you found who did this?” “Not yet. But we have a couple of detectives here. Maybe they will find this for us.” Rose chuckled lightly. It was her first joke in a while. She set the wall back to opaque. For a second, Allegro was silent. He put his hands in his pockets. “Who are those detectives?” “Camden McCarson and Donna Noble. Jack has recommended them. Him and Clara think the virus has been created by someone and the detectives are looking for the patient zero.” “Is there any chance to find him or her?” “Very little. But if we don’t try, we’ll never know.” “Indeed.” Their talk was over for now. Allegro walked back to his camp bed and lay back down. His hands behind his head, he looked at the ceiling. Rose finished taking her notes and put them aside. She went to Maxence’s cage and read the new formulas on the walls. He was doing quite a nice work. She was a molecular biologist too and all of this made sense to her
 except for one thing. She pulled out her own washable felt pen and wrote down another formula right under the wrong one. She did it backward so he could read it from his cage. Then, she knocked on the glass wall to draw his attention. Maxence raised his head when he heard the knock and walked closer to where Rose was. She pointed to the formula she had written. He took his time to read it and checked his notes. He shook his head and pointed to another formula. He was trying to explain her how he had come to this conclusion and she was trying to tell him where she thought he was wrong. It was a silent communication, all in hand gestures and written formulas on a glass wall. It was fascinating for Amy. Any other couple of scientists wouldn’t have had this alchemy between them. They were working together as if they were the same person. If there was a picture next to the soulmate definition in the dictionary, it had to be them. They were the perfect representation of this word. Even in the darkest times, they remained together, hand in hand. Amy grabbed a pen and a piece of paper to note her observations. Usually, she was recording them but she couldn’t record what was happening here. She could later ask for the videos but they wouldn’t be as convincing as seeing it happen live. She was envious. She had never had this kind of love with someone. Not even with her ex-husband. The thought distracted her and, for a minute, she was unable to focus on Rose without thinking about what she had lost on this terrible night. She could hear it still. The screams, the screeching of the tyres on the road, the gasp of surprise, and that sound. That so terrible sound that was haunting her nightmares. She closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath. She needed to push it away quickly, before anyone could see her weakness. Now wasn’t the time but she was vulnerable and had troubles controlling herself. “Are you okay?” Amy jumped when she felt a hand touching her shoulder and turned around. Rose was done with Maxence. They had managed to find a solution to the problem they had found in the formulas obviously and Maxence was using a new colour to distinguish his new notes from the old ones. “He’s a busy bee,” she remarked. She hated how her voice was trembling, how Rose was seeing clear in the poker face she was showing. She hated being this vulnerable. Rose glanced quickly at her husband. “Yeah. We found something. I’m waiting until he’s done to compare our results.” If he happened to have the same as hers, it meant that they were on a good path. They couldn’t be wrong if the two of them were coming to the same conclusions. “He’s almost done.” Rose knew she shouldn’t do what she had in mind but she would do it anyway. She had promised to be a friend for Amy and her mission was to help her to get better. So she was gonna take her to the room she was sharing with Maxence and she was gonna force her to have some rest there instead of going to her office like she always did. The therapist was as exhausted as Rose and a bit of rest was hardly a luxury. Maxence concluded his formulas and Rose checked them. She smiled. They had the same results. They hadn’t used the same way to get there but the result was there. She pressed the intercom button. “Add this on your interface. I’ll transfer it all to Tegan.” Maxence nodded. He would do just that. Rose watched him sadly for a minute. She really wanted to come in there and hug him tight to tell him that everything would be alright. She would find this cure. She murmured an ‘I love you’ and told Amy to follow her. “Where are you taking me?” “To a place that used to be my oasis of calm before.” Amy had to admit that she was intrigued and it didn’t get any better when she recognised the private parts of the building. They passed by the dormitories but didn’t stop before they reached the kitchen. “First, let’s eat something. I’m rather hungry. Aren’t you?” “Sort of.” Amy wasn’t eating much. It had been this way since that night. She was eating just enough to have strengths for the day. This meal was the first real one she was eating in a while. But Rose wasn’t letting her refuse. She was even forcing her to eat a bit more than necessary. After that, she took her to the room she was sharing with Maxence, the room where all their pictures were. A room where she was supposed to find her own peace and have a better night of sleep.
Tegan was standing in the middle of his office, his arms folded on his chest, and his foot lightly tapping the ground. He was being impatient and angry all at once. Soon as he was done with the detectives, he had sent them to work. Jack had tried to stay and find out what was annoying him so badly but Tegan had resisted and convinced him that this matter only concerned Martha, Colin and him. He would let him know later maybe. No one else should know about this attempt of sabotage. Martha and Colin were there now. Both were sat on the couch and they were waiting for Tegan to speak. Martha was rather worried about this sudden summoning and Colin
 Colin was Colin. He was sat there, impassible. Tegan couldn’t do anything against him. He was the real boss here. So he wasn’t worried. “Are you gonna look daggers at us all day or tell us what has made you summon us?” His words were sweating with sarcasm but he was trying to be as nice as he could be in front of Tegan. There was a witness and he couldn’t be caught bullying him once again. He doubted Martha would intervene between them but she could spread rumours just by talking with her stupid boyfriend, Ricky. Or Mickey. Whatever he was called. Tegan grabbed the report on his desk and threw it on Colin’s lap without a word. He was so furious he wanted to punch him in the face. But that wasn’t the attitude of a leader. So he was containing his rage. “One of you had mixed a new cure without telling me and this cure was given to our patient number one.” “And? What’s the matter? Isn’t that why you’re keeping him downstairs?” Tegan swallowed the anger rising in his chest. Colin was obviously looking for troubles with him. Martha was glancing at them worriedly. She didn’t know the story between the two of them but it didn’t seem to be a nice one. “This cure hasn’t been registered and it has been given without any consent. Everything is supposed to be given to me first for approval before anything.” “I haven’t mixed anything,” admitted Martha. “I’m still waiting for the new results. They haven’t been approved yet since
” She gave a look to Colin. He wasn’t in the elite team so she didn’t know what she could say before him. She didn’t want to make a mistake and be yelled at for it. Tegan was in a murderous mood and she wouldn’t cause him to have a go at her. “Martha, you can go. Not a word about this to anyone.” “What? A couple words and you believe her?” Tegan made a gesture of the hand to signify Martha that she was dismissed. He believed her. He would believe anyone but Colin. Martha hesitantly left the office. This matter was interesting but she wouldn’t know the final word of it obviously. “I have reasons to believe that you’re trying to sabotage our researches. I have no proof but I am convinced you’re still working on this cure, that you’re trying to beat us to it.” “Why would I do that?” “We both know why. You’ve been removed from the noctiagus researches and you’re angry. You hate me and I’m your boss now. To me, there are enough reasons here for you to get on my way.” “You’re being paranoid.” “You’ve created that cure.” “Maybe.” “Don’t try to lie. I know you did. I have access to all the cameras in this building. I’ve seen the videos.” He was bluffing and hoped that it would work because he wasn’t a good liar usually. Lying in his bully’s face was harder too. Colin didn’t let any reaction appear on his face. It was infuriating Tegan so much. “So, how’s good old Maxence? He hasn’t gone mad in that cage of his?” “Maxence hasn’t come back from his last mission.” “Oh, don’t play fool with me. I know he’s down there. Everyone knows. It’s not because you created this special team that keeps secret everything they do that there aren’t leaks.” “If you had good narks in this building, you would know better.” Colin was done with Tegan’s assumptions on him and his hidden threats that would lead nowhere. If the man had had the courage to do anything, he would have done it already since he had full power now. He had admitted himself that he didn’t have proof that he was guilty of what was done to Maxence. It was an attempt of murder. Despite his condition, Maxence was still the head and heart of this department and of this team. Attacking him was attacking the whole team. It had been made to destabilise them. But Colin was too clever to admit that he was guilty. “The same works for you, Smith. If you had good narks in this building, you’d be better informed about what is going on in your department.” Colin was playing it nasty. He was playing on the guilt that was eating out Tegan. He was the one who made that injection who could have killed his so precious mentor. He was the one who made a mistake and that was torturing him. “Shut up, Appleton. My mistake was created by some freaking bastard that messed with our stuff. And that freaking bastard is you, you can’t convince me otherwise.” Colin got up and grabbed Tegan by the throat. He pushed him so hard that the young man had to step backward to keep his balance. Tegan noticed for the first time that he was taller than Colin. The man was more aggressive but he was just like small dogs who kept barking and never really were able to hurt. Tegan was one of the bigger dogs who never hurt anyone in anyway, a dog that could attack and kill at any time. He hated this comparison because that just wasn’t defining him at all. He refused to be mean and evil for free. It just wasn’t in his character. “Careful what you say, Smith. You might be the boss now but there’s no witness at the moment and I can destroy you with a snap of my fingers.” “Go on then. Let’s see if you really have that pair you’re boasting about.” Colin had reached the point of no return this time. His fist collided with Tegan’s beardy jaw. The punch resounded in the silent office and the sudden shock threw Tegan against the wall behind him. For a moment, all he could see was black. He shouldn’t have provoked Colin that way and this punch was more than enough to sack him. It was one more reason added to the long list of why Colin shouldn’t be working here anymore. “There’s nothing you can do against me. I’ve created this cure and made sure you would inject it to him. His reaction to it wasn’t the one expected but I’m not gonna apologise for him almost dying. I should have taken his place when he was infected. But he gave it to you instead.” Tegan just laughed despite the pain of his jaw. Colin was so overwhelmed by his jealousy that he wasn’t doing anything right anymore. He was giving himself away – certainly thinking that Tegan would find no clue to prove this – and beating his superior. As if nothing mattered anymore. “You won’t find that cure, Colin. You’re fired.” “Oh, who’s firing me? You?” “Maxence promoted me to this position. So yeah, I am firing you.” That second punch met his face properly. He would have a black eye for sure but he couldn’t help but laugh. It was infuriating Colin but laughing was relieving him from all the pressure Colin had previously put on his shoulders. Now he wasn’t fearing this man anymore. It was over. Even when Colin threw him to the ground, he kept laughing. He didn’t even try to protect himself. “You’re so done.” “Shut up! SHUT UP!” The door was unlocked and suddenly two security members were surrounding Colin. They grabbed him by the arms and arrested him. They would throw him into a locked room for now. Tegan had pronounced his sentence but he wasn’t cruel enough to force Colin to leave the building and live among the infected. He wasn’t wishing it to his worst enemies. “Liv is on her way,” said one of the security members. “We’ve told her you would need her.” Tegan nodded to thank them. Indeed, he would need Liv. But it was only for the physical part. On the psychological part, he would need Amy. Later. When the adrenaline would have come down. When he would realise what he had done and what it would imply now.
Camden and Donna were surrounded by dozens of cardboard boxes full of results of different patients across the world. There even was a list of all the infected people – that was updated every day – and a list of some of dead. No one could keep clear records about the dead because no one was staying outside long enough to keep track of it. Camden wasn’t gonna blame them. Outside was hell and this place was safety. Even if it was too sterilised for his liking. And people were too serious. No sense of humour. Lots of glaring if he was making a remark. Most of them were wondering why they were here. Why would Tegan hire detectives? It was a mystery and Camden wouldn’t tell them about his mission. He was too focused on it. He would go to the end of it and go back to his little life in his manor. Donna was just as focused on their mission as he was. Highlighters in hand, she was adding colours to the documents she was reading. She was also writing down notes. In front of her, there were bottles of water and snacks. They had been brought earlier by Clara so they wouldn’t be starving or become too thirsty if they were working too much. She had also taken that opportunity to speak with Camden that she hadn’t seen in a while and given him some clues for his own researches. She doubted she would be of any help but better try than do nothing. “How have you met her?” Camden raised his head from the documents he was reading and glanced at Donna. She was having a break and drinking water from one of the bottles before her. She picked a snack and opened it. She had been curious about how Camden could know people like Clara Oswald and Jack Harkness. Two people that were very different from each other but also from Camden. Too joyful, too flirty. Not that Donna minded Jack flirting with her. “Who?” “Doctor Oswald.” “She wasn’t a doctor when I’ve met her. She was just a little girl.” “Are you that old?” “Oi!” “Just kidding. Relax.” “Her parents owned a paper shop. They had really good stuff. I used to order my notebooks to them and I was coming to get it when I was around. Clara was always playing in the shop. A girl full of energy and always smiling.” “I didn’t know you liked kids.” “I don’t. But she was different.” “That’s what we say.” Camden sighed and went back to work, ignoring Donna’s chuckle. She had had her answer, now they could go back to work. He was currently reading a report from the early days of the infection. Something dragged his attention. A name. “Wait, isn’t the nickname Missy ringing a bell?” “Nope.” “I’m sure to have seen that name somewhere.” He looked into the files he had already flipped through. This name had appeared somewhere. He remembered it well. He had a very good memory. It wasn’t in a list of names. It was a report. A report from before the infection. Missy or Myrtle Appleton. Sister of Colin Appleton and mad scientist. What was she working on at the moment? He glanced at the different reports he had under his eyes. Xeroderma pigmentosum. Disease of the sun. If you were suffering from this disease, you wouldn’t be able to go out unless it was night and the lights would be a bother. A terrible disease and a very short longevity. “Xeroderma pigmentosum,” he murmured. “Hm.” “There has always been this disease. The disease of the sun. People who can’t stand the ultraviolet lights. They are living a very short life and suffering from multiple complications.” “What’s the link with that Missy?” “Myrtle Appleton was a specialist of this disease. She was leading researches to find a cure.” “Was?” “Her methods weren’t very conventional.” And this was why she had been sacked from the lab she was working in and the reason why she had been forced to continue her researches in the deepest secret. If there was a path to follow for their mission, it was clearly this one

To be continued...
Ghost of you © | 2017 - 2018 | Tous droits réservés.
In the next chapter:
However, for Maxence, things were getting complicated. His brain seemed to have switched to a standby mode. A sort of sleep that wasn’t really sleep. He was just laying there with his eyes closed. Zachary was keeping an eye on his vital signs. His brain activity had reduced to the minimum, to the very minimum. If Zach didn’t have the other information under his eyes, he would think that the man was dead or about to be. Maybe he was dying. Zachary wasn’t very qualified on this field but he was clever enough to understand that something was wrong. The vital signs weren’t good at all. He entered an alert on their interactive group work. Someone needed to come and do a check up on him. Just to be sure that the fake cure given to him wasn’t having any effect on him anymore. Just a precaution not to lose him all of a sudden.
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ask-the-smallest-fireteam · 6 years ago
Destcember 1 - Guardian and Ghost
MOD NOVA HERE BITCH THOUGHT I WASNT GONNA DO IT??? Yea you were almost right. 
These are all super short, being posted hella last minute and are all out of order since I had inspiration or some and not for others, pls let me live. Many thanks to @caydefillionfour whose tooth-rottingly sweet destcember entries which you all must go read now inspired me to pull some of these together. Each of these entries is based around one or a few of the fireteam, character studies if you will Okay enough procrastination
Guardian and Ghost 
What would they be, really, without their Ghost? A still dusty corpse, left undisturbed since time long past? An empty shell, called back to the front lines of an unknown war, to fight for an unknown power, by the voice of someone...familiar. "Whose voice are you using?" Jackson poked Apollo across the air, leaning on the small table and narrowly avoiding knocking the old, battered clock onto the floor. 3am. Apollo blinked at him, not all that different to how they'd looked when they found him, only weeks before, in the ruins of Venus. "What do you mean?" They were young, male, today. "I mean, your voice changes. Nobody else's does, and every voice you use is familiar in an...odd way." Apollo floated a little closer to his face, spinning silently for a moment. "We pluck a voice from your memories, to make the rez less..." "Traumatic? Nice job with that." His Ghost made their best attempt at a glare, hovering back to where they were scanning some old records. "I did my best and you still had a fit, it happens." Jackson sighed shortly, a burst of static, and took a moment to observe his fingers in front of him. Firm silicone, glinting joints, an almost imperceptible hum of motors. "My memories. Before I was like...this?" "Don't know." Their voice had jumped up, older, female, almost playful. He prodded them again, harder this time. "Look, you changed again." "You had a lot of important people in your first life, I suppose. You still don't remember anything?" They shot the question back at him and Jackson sat back, contemplating in the empty silence. The voices, they were so, achingly familiar but still just dancing on the edge of his mind, names that should've come spilling out but were instead loose in his head, faces that were just out of reach. It wasn't like he was...completely blank, though. Warm eyes, a vague impression of laughter, choruses of chatter. The past, the soft glow of it was so, so inviting, but the details were faded and swimming around, and- Jackson dropped his head into his crossed arms. 3:11 am. "No. Still nothing."
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