#for the love of a woman
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I just watched Hank Green's comedy special "Pissing out cancer" and there's a line that immediately made me think of you and Vinelle because it looks like it could have perfectly come out of one of your Twilight fics.
The line is "I did shield him from my poison semen"
I can see so vividly a Edward/Jacob fic were that is a sentence that comes out in Edward's inner monologue.
What have you done to me that that's my first instinct?😂😭😂😭
I hate it here (Nah I don't, I'm just feeling very far from sane)
I assume anon's still traumatized by For the Love of a Woman by me and @therealvinelle
Look, @therealvinelle, praise and suffering!
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 1 year ago
How, exactly, did the phone call from Charlie to Renee go after the events of For the Love of a Woman? How does poor Charlie explain that clusterfuck? Or does he skip past mentioning the No Homo Diner Sex? "Bella's killed herself because... reasons."
For the Love of a Woman by me and @therealvinelle
Also relevant, details of the cut funeral.
I imagine Renee presses for details, why would Bella do this when Charlie had said she was getting better? How could Charlie make this kind of mistake? Renee trusted him to take care of her daughter.
I imagine Charlie explains that Edward and Bella broke up, that Edward cheated on her with Jacob, but doesn't go into all the details such as how public that cheating was, that Edward had made out with Jacob in her bedroom in the middle of the night, or how Bella had to cancel the wedding herself and send all the notices without Edward even seeming to notice.
While all of that was awful and just made it worse, it's not really the point, and venting about them won't bring Bella back from the dead and he won't be able to say it in a way Renee will understand.
Renee, of course, still does blame herself as well as him, and that they as parents didn't teach Bella that breaking up or even being cheating on isn't the end of the world.
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therealvinelle · 2 years ago
Hi, I have a question about Alice’s behavior in FTLOAW/in general. Alice doesn’t seem to me to have a firm sense of morality, but there are moments in that fic (Ch 7) where she makes jokes about how horrific Jacob and Edward are being. She usually doesn’t care about how awful Edward is. Is this her pretending to have a sense of morality to fit in and keep herself in with the rest of the Cullens? Did she give up on Edward because he was being too obvious about his insanity?
(Anon is referring to For the Love of a Woman by myself and @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin)
Anon sent this on November 28th, long before this fic was even conceived of, in which we learn that Alice can be persuaded to go along with the plan but only if Edward is a nag.
Her refusal in the original fic was more because she was just so disgusted with the entire plan and Edward gave up on her rather quickly, so she never had to try to force herself.
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stillgotscars · 4 months ago
this part of stevie nicks’ interview with rolling stone is taking me out
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biblicallyaccuratemoth · 10 days ago
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My twin brother is the most important person in my life. He is a wonderful, kind person who (like me) often struggles with communication. But I never doubt that he loves me and he supports me. Where he struggles with stating feelings, he excels in gestures to show his love and support. On top of learning how to braid hair, he also did intricate research into fashion to help me develop my style, stood with me in the face of transphobia in the workplace, and buys me plushies when he knows that I'm sad. I would not be where I am today without him.
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iwasbored777 · 2 months ago
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noperopesaredope · 1 year ago
I wish we had more female characters like Eleanor Shellstrop. One of the most unlikable people you've ever met. Read a Buzzfeed article on most rude things you can do on a daily basis and decided to use that as a list of goals. Makes everyone's day worse just by being there. Dropped a margarita mix on the ground and tried to pick it up, only to get hit by a row of shopping carts which pushed her into the road where she was hit by a boner pill delivery truck, killing her instantly. Cannot keep a romantic partner despite being bisexual. Had a terrible childhood but will die before she gets therapy. Best employee at a scam company. Just the worst but also can't help but root for her to improve.
Absolute loser. Girl-failure. Bad at almost everything. Literally perfect female character.
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iwritelmao · 2 months ago
Penelope: hey since you’re “not my kind and gentle husband” could you move that wedding bed bc I’m actually supposed to share that with my husband so…
Odysseus: *has just killed 108 people* *has not seen his wife in twenty years* *goes batshit at this bc THATS THE OLIVE TREE WHERE THEY FIRST MET!!*
Telemachus: oh hell nah, idgaf who you are no one yells at my-
Telemachus: my parents are perfect for each other
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blakelovely3 · 3 months ago
Do you want an early Christmas present ? 🍆💦
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onbearfeet · 5 months ago
A conversation at a wedding, beside the gifts table. There is a large box wrapped in violently purple paper sitting beside the table.
Guest: That's a big box. Wonder what's in it.
Me: A custom handmade quilt on an oak quilt rack.
Guest: Really?
Me: Yup. Wanna see?
Guest: Sure.
Me: *shows pics on my phone*
Guest: Wow. You made that?
Me: Yep. Finished it last night.
Guest: That's amazing. Very purple.
Me: Yeah, (bride) asked for that.
Guest: Oh, she knows about it?
Me: I worked with her on the design. But she hasn't seen the finished quilt yet. It's a surprise.
Guest: So you take commissions? Could you make one in, say, two weeks?
Me: That depends. Do you have ten thousand dollars?
Guest: What.
Me: Materials, labor, overtime to make that deadline--yeah, it would start at 10K. Might be higher if you wanted expensive materials or some really fancy technique.
Guest: That's a lot of money!
Me: It is.
Guest: Did you charge (bride) that much?
Me: No. Hers is a gift.
Guest: A ten thousand dollar gift?
Me: Well, to the extent that I am part of a quilting tradition at all, the tradition I'm part of is that quilts can ONLY be given as gifts. Anyone who could casually afford to pay for the amount of work involved in a quilt is probably not someone to be trusted with art.
Guest: Art?
Me: ART.
Guest: ...
Me: I also made her a nice satin dressing gown, which she wore for hair and makeup earlier.
Guest: Is that art, too?
Me: I mean, it's got pockets.
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nataliescatorccio · 6 months ago
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CHAPPELL ROAN Attends the 2024 MTV Video Music Awards September 11, 2024
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 1 year ago
trick or treat
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Oh no! You got that time Edward cross dressed as Bella on his and Jacob's and Bella's wedding night in For the Love of a Woman by me and @therealvinelle
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therealvinelle · 2 years ago
I'm currently making my way through your and the muffin's ao3 works and i finally read For The Love of a Woman (the descent into utter madness was so 😘👌). I know it wouldn't fit in the story but oh what I'd give to read about Bella and Marcus trying to analyze the Jacob-Edward-Bella dynamic. You guys write Marcus so well he manages to outshine even Aro when they're both in a scene 😁
I'm so glad you're enjoying our works! Look, @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin, praise!
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valea65 · 4 months ago
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On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you want to suck my girl cock? 🥵
Can pm me on my telegram channel
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hopelessromanticsavage · 4 months ago
They will burn this shit down before they allow us to shine. White ppl are weak and fragile. Yep I said it
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