#for now tho i mimimimi
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roetrolls · 2 months ago
just spent over an hour adding trolls to my spreadsheet and the big wall of icons on my toyhouse profile page
every time i work on that thing i ask myself "why the fuck did i do this, why would i force myself to code every character onto two different select pages"
and then i finish and i scroll through and watch all my guys' faces go by and i go HEHE WHEEEEEEEE YAYYYYY
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c10v3r · 2 years ago
YOUR ART THREW ME BACK INTO THE II COMMUNITY!!!!!!!!!!! i swear you are the only person with the correct bright lights takes /silly (i just wanted to say i love ur art so very much it is squishy and chewy and tastes like fruit gummy)
HE,LPPP TYSM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lip wobbles soo niiceeee POS
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nobody understands the bright lights like i do they r so kewl i love them
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hailsatanacab · 2 years ago
me, having done absolutely nothing but lay in bed all day: i deserve a nap
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trueiceybagel · 10 months ago
Oh god I had another thought over the animatic (GO WATCH IT SERIOUSLY, MAEPLETEA ON YOUTUBE, YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE/lh)
Okok so look at Phil’s eyes as he’s falling
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The first one is fear, because yeah, he’s falling to what is most likely his death. The second one is what I’m thinking about tho
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That’s not the look of someone who is scared. That’s the look of someone who has accepted their fate. (There’s still a hint of fear but listen he’s about to die of course he’s still a little scared). Phil resigned himself to dying because *he knew* this was going to happen. He knew that the wings were going to melt and he was going to fall, and he was okay with this because he still achieved his goal.
I have so many thoughts about this animatic and this little guy, but alas, I’m so very tired (it’s almost midnight) and I work tomorrow morning, so I now go mimimimi
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twinsyy · 10 months ago
PROM DONE WOOP WOOPPPP HAD SM FUN MY TOES HURT FROM DANCING SO MUCH IN MY HEELS (that thankfully weren’t too tight or too tall)
real tired tho so for now it is time to eep snork mimimimi. and dream about my next digital sagau ideas
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g1gglee-rxccoon · 2 years ago
hey no need to be so rude about it!! i asked politely!!!! i'll have you know though that im his age when he made that joke and i know Very well that I should Not say that - as for the dream joke, it's something which has not yet been resolved and happened only just recently - he was being insensitive about something which happened only just recently towards people who were possibly targeted in this whole ordeal, AND never apologized for it!!! schlatt also gets shit on like hell, idk if you noticed, so thats not a very good example!!! and honestly, you say it like "Oh tommy did one thing wrong and gets shit on" its not just him 💀 bro wilbur got shit on for antisemitism a while back, just shows how fucked up this fandom is - im not even in it anymore, i left it months ago, havent watched any of those creators for months, and that made me come to realize how done fucked up it is!!! your words literally dont affect me in the slightest because i dont care about no drama, i dont care about no things you say, literally shut the fuck up because I. Don't. Care. I only care about the victims involved, and the people hurt by his fucked sense of humor, and people hurt doubly by his lack of apology!!!
thank you for your response tho!! i just didnt know if or if not i should block you haha
Oh now you're back? Back again to be a little fucking asshole. No. Fucking expose yourself right now.
I know it's not only Tommy, but you only talked about him? So, where's your stupid little fucking comeback to that? Oh waaa!!! Mimimimi this person hurt my feelings just cause they don't have my same opinion!! Waaahh wahhh!!! You need to get your shit straight. "Oh don't be so rude about it!!!" Actually fucking like.chill. You don't deserve to be on this planet just to bitch about something you have no fucking clue about. As @strangleetomz stated, it was Tommy's chat, and not even fucking him.
Youre such a fucking overdramatic little baby. You say it's Wilbur and schlatt too, but you only go ahead and shit on Tommy? You must have some fucking disease. Nobody actually fucking asked for you to go in someone's ask box on anon and shit on a CHILD for something that happened years ago. You actually need to get checked out. And I hate to say it like that, but like. Actually. Fucking GET. YOUR. SHIT. STRAIGHT.
Fucking expose yourself and be done with it such youre such an insensitive asshole who cries if someone's not sharing the same opinion.
And I don't give one single shit about what you say either, cause you're an insensitive little fuck who can't seem to understand people lie. You should really get your brain fucking checked, considering youre such an insensitive little brat as of now. It's clear you were never disciplined.
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alw4ys-ch4ng1ng · 7 months ago
iii feel a lil bettwr now uh. i hit the honk mimimimis… yeah…. ty tho!!!!!!
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tbe honk mimier
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rqslasher-sequel · 8 months ago
honk shoo honk mimimimi
dw i accept biting just be aware i’ll bite back
nom nom grr arf uhhh yip yip fox noises and the such
also yeah anygays was something we started saying like last year, AND WE UNIRONICALLY USE EVERYPONY TOO WAHHH
i find it funny how this vent blog has just become us talking back and forth through the askbox there’s more messages between us then there are vents now i think PAHAHHA i hope this has made you feel a lil better maybe hopefully :3
okay anygays i’ll let you sleep now
yessss mutual biting 😈😈
LOL I THOUGHT IT WAS A TYPO that's so real tho. we say twitch emotes & emojis out loud lol
true eginjsfdv i am not immune to the lure of being able to yap.... you did in fact make us feel better :3
i hope u sleep well whenever u go to sleep !!! <3
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chocogoblin · 7 months ago
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lol follow up post time.
honestly didn't expect anyone to see this. i completely forgot I made this post.
First off, Half-Troll Jim and Mk def bond over the "dude... omg all i do is hurt the ones i care abt. I'm literally holding the weight of the world rn. And I got turned/found out I'm not entirely human, so I'm freaking out with the dysphoria/trauma rn. Isn't it crazy both our main antags (LBD and Morgana) wanted to create a new world because humans were dumb and weren't exactly nice to everyone?" These dudes have a lot to talk abt.
anyways, to the meat of this post.
Wukong would def be the one to beat up Merlin.
solely for the fact it's the same as "lol stuffy old dude, get hit with a stick" vibe he has going with like, literally every god in the celestial realm. Also Merlin probably tried to tell him "smth smth, your successor is going to do terrible things smth smth kill him now." idk. then wukong goes "lol, takes after his mentor, get hit with the stick." and bonks him (harder than mortals should be hit) with a stick.
If it was macaque..... well if we're going with "macaque mentors claire" route.
i'd imagine it's slightly ooc, but hc merlin had a bias against claire solely for the fact she's a shadowmancer. But since she hadn't cultivated it enough, he was alr with it in the shows, cause she couldn't rlly use it without a staff until Wizards.
But with super powerful, super emo, shadowmancer extraordinare, The Six Eared Macaque mentoring her.... yeah he might have some "dude don't trust him." "girlie pop, dump ur mentor." "you can't do this it's evil." "mimimimi dark practice, literally and figuratively." etc etc. those vibes/doubts. When macaque hears about this and the fact claire is like "omg wait im like... super evil for being like this even tho i was born this way." (which like if i remember correctly she had a small arc similar to that in the show) wellll..... that's probably the point when macaque hits him with a stick.
slightly longer, less goofy expo than wukongs lol.
btw while i'm here i had a second idea for a TOA x LMK crossover that i'm writing into a one shot rn if ppl want that.
ToA x LMK (?)
Had a random crossover idea. Spoilers for people who haven't seen the last season of Trollhunters, but then again that show is years old so like :p
Basically, in the final fight between the Trollhunters and Morgana, when Claire and Morgana go into the shadow realm. Yano how it's not shown? Yeah had a funny idea if Macaque from LMK was coming through, and looked at the two and was like (to Morgana) "Bitch for the last time I told you not to start fights here," and beats the ever loving shit outta her.
Anyways, bro is looking around and is like "oh shit kid you're still here-" as he looks at Claire, who is still recovering from the fact Morgana is dead and gone now, and everything is over, and hey the shadow realm is nice without the fear of Morgana being there looking over her shoulder.
This is my convoluted way of saying that Macaque after seeing a baby shadowmancer, (cause you can never find any of those these days who aren't absolutely ancient) just looks at Claire and goes "you can do better than that" and starts helping her with shadow magic. Maybe at first it was a way to get more power and then he just starts to care for her. But in my head a majority of the reasoning that Mac decided to help her is because it's a dying art and she's probably the youngest shadowmancer in the world at the moment.
I can see a lot of stuff coming out of this. Like just from the top of my head:
-Claire becomes one of those immortal wizards and flash forward to the future meets LMK crew. (from this idea stems my second idea of Pigsy and Tang trying to unlock Claire's tragic backstory(TM) even though there isn't much of that here.)
-Dad Macaque, because, come on.
-ROTT movie just, not happening now that there's a monkey on par with the guy who beat up all of heaven including all it's gods on their side. I'd imagine Demi-gods (because that's what arcane order is listed as on the wiki) is alot easier than gods, and def a lot easier than losing (lol) to Sun Wukong.
-Angsting to eachother. Think of any lmk x toa pairing, and you can make an angst conversation out of it some way or another.
-Half-troll Jim just going to Megapolis with Claire to visit Mac and becoming obssessed with the anti gravity arcade because it's open at night and just hell yeah.
-Lore building perhaps with the two universes mixed together??
-Claire helping out with the shadow play stuff while she visits Mac. Bonus points if she gets a mention in his vent play about the hero and the warrior.
-Toby and Mei playing games together, and Toby getting his ass absolutely handed to him.
-Mac going away to visit Claire during s3 or between seasons to vent about "what the fuck is going on kid- " because alot of the lmk villains don't go outside asia except if they want to rule the world (cough, lbd) so they can't really find him all the way in California, America lol.
-Bonus points if Claire learns how to speak Mandarin or Chinese (i forgot what the LMK gang spoke originally because i'm a silly lil english speaker who only watches the eng dub) so now she's trilingual. Spanish, English, whatever the hell the lmk gang speaks.
I dunno the ToA fandom is pretty dead, and I don't know how many LMK fans know about ToA, so. rip me ig. if this post gets a few notes i'll consider posting the art i made for this so far ('art' as if i'm not talking about a few sketches in my lil book of sketch).
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choccymilllk · 2 years ago
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sobredunia mutie ,love this carefully selected section of memes👍👍 i feel like im gifted gourmet chocolate hejshejehe the last one speaks to me:
🫵🫵give me one billion dollahs. today. for free.💥💥
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also i liked the shark one a lot look 🫵🫵 we r fishing
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incompleteloveletters · 2 years ago
I have so many thoughts to express and I’m gonna make a post about them tomorrow because oh my god
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years ago
New pronouns have been unlocked !!! U can only use them once you get to friendship level 15 tho
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the-pigeon · 3 years ago
mutual changes url 13 dead 7 injured
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jadeneppy · 2 years ago
Took a nap at a very bad time GDJENEMME
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leviathiane · 3 years ago
Please go to bed sir, get yo sleep.
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maskyartist · 3 years ago
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started replaying strikers with my partner and like...
im having ideas for an AU.
im having thoughts.
and im about to make it everyones problem >:3c
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