#for now have my baby s1 derek
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wanna-bee · 2 months ago
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TEEN WOLF nostalgia Favorite Characters, Season 1: Derek Hale
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leafy-m · 1 month ago
So I've been sick and miserable over the last week, which means I have been rewatching Grey's Anatomy. Idk why but whenever I'm really sick, this is what I watch. There's just something about their voices? And the music, and the opening credits song. (which I'm now realizing might be a slowed-down, pretty version of an emergency alarm?? Or am I imagining that)
Anyway, it's my forever go-to. I started watching this show back when it originally aired and stopped watching it somewhere before covid I guess, but even after all these years it's still a comfort. 💗
So now that I'm seeing it again, I'm having lots of season 1 and 2 thoughts:
It's interesting rewatching season 1. I always forget it's only 9 episodes, but it really feels like a such a tightly-run ship. I love the dialogue and the pacing of the scenes, and the camerawork. I love how characters will be framed by windows or doors when a scene ends and how that shot will reflect how they're alone or trapped by a problem, or whatever it is. I love how music plays in the show, and the little tidbits you get of the characters and their personalities without it being too much, while clearly being things that will be expanded on later. I love how Meredith and Christina become friends, and I love how Meredith and Derek's situation pushes and pulls until you really think things are going to work out... and then that lead-up to the final scene with Addison showing up is just incredible.
I am also just.. Amazed? Proud? That ep 2 dealt with a rape victim and demanded acknowledgement and respect for her as a person even as she was unconscious the whole episode, and that it never shyed away from calling it the penis in the cooler. Or that Christina was absolutely going to get an abortion. It drives me insane, these other shows where a character gets pregnant and they didn't really want a baby, but the only options discussed is keeping it or giving it away for adoption. And of course they always end up keeping it. So I love the GA wasn't afraid to make those steps.
Season 2 has been interesting because it immediately feels different from S1. The hype of the show clearly affected the writing, it feels like. "Seriously?" gets used to absurd levels, and other tropes amd character actions seem to be exaggerated too. And then near the end of the season character monologs really lean into this habit of repeating words/phrases. And having nearly three times as many episodes affected the pacing. But, still.
I like how Meredith and Alex became sorta-friends in the first half. It felt like a natural development/kinship of kids from fucked-up families, and a really good way of writing a genuinely platonic connection. Alex of course is Alex, but once she shoots him down, they start having something interesting and real. I have a long rant about other shows and how they don't really know how to write friends, but I feel like this is a good example of how to do it right.
On the other side of the scale, I love the dirty mistresses club Meredith and Mark have. The whole scene of his introduction is hilarious with the shots of them talking and everyone else's reaction to him talking to her, and then culminating with Derek punching him out hahahahaha. Like swatting a mosquito!! So funny. And then their talk in the bar later, about maybe for once things would work out for the mistresses.
It's interesting seeing a show trying to cheer on the 'homewrecking' characters while not shying away from the pain and consequences of those actions. But as seen with other (patient) couples, it's always a matter of the character choices and why they stay or don't stay in a relationship or the different ways they show their love, or don't.
Meredith and Christina remain my faves, but it's been so wonderful seeing Bailey again. It's bittersweet seeing George and Burke, knowing there was trouble behind the scenes, and Izzie a constant reminder of why one should not piss off the writers. But it's incredible seeing from even the early eps how easily she'd break the rules/cross the line to help a patient. All roads led to Denny and the cut LVAD wire.
Which leads me to... Holy Shit, I can't believe the Chasing Cars/Prom finale was a part of season 2. I always thought it was season 3?? Even with Callie and McVet showing up; i kept being like - "This is still season 2? I thought this was all season 3!" Maybe there was some kind of break before or after the Superbowl episode with the bomb in the chest, and so that's why I always remember this later half as being a different season?
Still though. Love the drama, even if it feels a lot more unwieldy with all the episodes.
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hedwig394 · 2 years ago
Derek Hale x Scott's sister, Sarah McCall
Sarah is older than Scott and only a year younger than Derek. (because big age gaps scare me). She works at the hospital with her mother and is a pharmacist and also a Druid of Scott's pack.
Timeline : In TW S1, after Sarah rescues Derek from Kate.
Sarah :
I run to the basement where they've been keeping Derek. Scott follows close behind me, and even when he is the supernatural one, it seems like I am running faster.
"CeeCee," Scott says, "Be careful." Even when I pretend like I don't like it when he calls me that, on the inside, I do. When Scott was a baby, he couldn't pronounce my name. He used to say 'CeeCee'. Even when he learnt the correct pronunciation, he still calls me that.
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"Are you sure that this is the place?" I ask him as we come to a stop outside the door. My heart's been hammering and I've been out of my mind with worry. I had met Derek not a long time ago, but him and I, there's a bond developed between us. I'm sure that we have a connection. Like when he growls at every man who looks my way, when he almost became a wolf and killed that one man who tried to steal my purse, yup, I know he's into me.
And so am I. I like being with him. To the world, he's a dry, humourless, dead-inside person, but to me, he's just a man who's been alone for too long. People look at him like he's some kind of monster, but to be honest, my father was more of a monster than he is.
I hear voices inside, and put my ear to the door. Scott doesn't have to.
Derek: "Are you gonna torture me, or are you just gonna talk me to death?"
Kate: "Oh, sweetie, I don't- I don't wanna torture you. I just... wanna catch up. Remember all the fun we had together?"
Derek: "Like the time you burned my family alive?"
Kate: "No, I was thinking more about the hot, crazy sex we had. But the fire thing? Yeah, that was fun, too. I love how much you hate me. Remember how this felt?"
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I take away my ear. I have to save Derek, not vomit at this door. Whatever Kate had in mind after she said that, it is disturbing. Still, a pang rocks my heart when I realise that she saw the innocent, kind part of Derek which I'll most likely never see.
Not the time to be jealous.
Kate walks away, and Scott and I burst open the door. I cough due to the dust, but Scott stands in front of Derek with his jaw clenched. Derek sees him first and then I step into the light. Derek's eyes widen.
"Why is she here?" He snaps at Scott, making my heart crack.
"I'd suggest you to be a bit more grateful, Derek! Since she was the one who insisted on saving your life as soon as possible after she located where you were being tortured!" Scott snarls at him. I give him a soft smile. If there's anything Scott doesn't tolerate, it's the disrespect of his sister.
"I am grateful for that." Derek grits his teeth. He refuses to make eye contact with me. "But do you remember that she's human? She can't heal like us! What if something happens to her-"
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"Look at me!" I snarl at him. "I'm done sitting safely in my house while a crazy werewolf hunter tries to hurt my brother and my-"
I break of mid-sentence. My? Derek? Mine?
"You!" I grit out. "And don't even get me started on that crazy alpha wandering around beacon hills." He's looking at me now, his eyes full of emotion, a rarity when we talk about Derek. "You need me, Derek. Admit it."
I don't give him a chance to speak and step up to him, removing his cuffs. Once I free his hands, he doesn't move, just keeps them on my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He touches his head to mine and says, "You have no idea how much I need you. I need you to control myself. You're my anchor, Sarah McCall."
"I thought your anchor was anger." I tease him playfully. He kisses my head. "That was before I met you."
"Can you two stop? I don't wanna vomit here." Scott says from behind me. "Derek, we need to talk to you. About Peter."
I try to move away but he holds my hand. "Derek, you cannot support Peter. You cannot be with him." I warn.
"If he's going to kill the Argents, I will." He says firmly.
"I'm not going to let you kill Allison!" Scott shouts at the top of his voice. "What is wrong with you, Scott?" Derek snarls at him exasperatedly, "She is from a family of hunters! Do you know what hunters do? They. Kill. Us. You're not in love, Scott! You're 16 years old!"
I flinch at his loud voice and he gives me an apologetic look. It feels like he's trying to explain that to himself other than Scott.
Scott is comtemplating and looks confused. "What if I told you, Peter was the one who killed your sister to become the Alpha?"
There is a shift in the air. I can feel it even without the wolfish senses. Derek's demeanour changes, and his eyes get darker till the shine into a vibrant blue.
"Derek," I whisper to him, "Calm down." The blue fades from his eyes but he still looks angry.
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After we escape from there, I first take Derek to his loft to take a look at his injuries. Most of them are healed, but not all of them.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you." He says quietly as I patch up one of his injuries. "I know you were just looking out for me."
"Looking out for you is an understatement. I had gone mad with worry." I snort.
"I'm sorry." He says again. I don't reply.
After he's all patched up, we start thinking of a plan to catch Peter.
"Wait, you're not accompanying us, are you?" Derek asks me, wide-eyed.
"Of course I am. You idiots will mess everything up without me." I say promptly.
"Sweetheart, you probably don't want to hear this, but-" Derek sighs, "It's too risky. Peter won't stop at anything to get what he wants."
"And I will remain careful." I assure him. "You don't have to babysit me, Derek. I can take care of myself."
"I know," he hugs me, "I'm just worried about you. You're one of those few people I actually care for."
"How much do you care for me, hmm?" I tease him as we separate. "This much?" I hold my fingers with a little gap in them. "This much?" I widen the gap. "Or this much?" I hold my arms apart, gesturing to the space between them.
"This much." He says and his lips crash down on mine. I've never kissed him before, and kissing him feels surreal. He kisses me passionately and lovingly, like his entire world is me. I kiss him back with all the care and passion I've felt for him since the day I first saw him near the Hale house.
It feels like his lips are made for mine, and I sink into the kiss as I rejoice the feeling of us being together.
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kinardsevan · 9 months ago
10 TV Shows
Tagged by @v88sy. Please feel free to join.
Veronica Mars
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I love a lot of procedurals, but this one found me at 19 and stole my soul. I love Kristen so much and refuse to accept that the final few minutes of season 4 exists. This is my ultimate rewatch, s1 all the way through. (Still haven't finished s4 though because of its ending).
2. Castle
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Again. 19. Found this one in the same year, found out it was a crime procedural with a writer as the protagonist. SIGN ME THE FUCK UP.
3. Law and Order (original recipe)
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I've only seen from s13 on because of the limitations with NBC streaming options, but I do love Jack. Dick Wolf found lightning in a bottle with this franchise.
4. Criminal Minds
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(have we sensed a theme here yet?)
Guess when I found this one? (Still 2011.) My mom loved Shemar Moore on Y&R when I was a kid, so starting this one was easy. She doesn't get into the borderline gore and horror of CM though, so she'll really only watch the lighter episodes. Me? Seen everything up through 15 (school and work have kept me too busy for 16 yet).
5. 9-1-1
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SOMETHING FROM AFTER 2011?! Found this one in the pandie. My best friend was watching it (we'd talked about it a few times from what I recall), and I know my mom was already into it and I had plans to watch it, but I was already in school, and 2019/20 was rough on my mental health between my job closing its doors, the pandemic starting, and me being back in school. Buck has literally always been my favorite. He's who I relate to most, and given the focus I put into the most recent rewatch, it's obvious why. We have a lot of things in common, both personality-wise and with childhood trauma. That all said, I've had spurts and starts with this baby. Started it in 2020, got caught up. Went through the mess of school taking over my life and falling off here and there, playing catch-up. I know I was fairly caught up in season 6, but post-infection with the brain damage, I kinda had to do the full rewatch this year.
6. Grey's Anatomy
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Quite literally grew up with this one. My aunt told my mom, who told us, and then by season 3, the whole family was watching. I fell off for a beat when Mark died (he was my favorite), but then really fell off when Derek died. Only started playing catch up when I found out about Nick and the fact that Ellen wanted to leave the show. I knew they'd give her a happy ending (of sorts), which drove me to watch everything I'd missed (plus my mom still watched even when I quit, so I knew about Deluca, who she loved).
7. Nashville
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Loved this one basically from the jump. Anything with music has the opportunity to steal my soul. It's also one of the reasons I can't get into the hate for Abby on 9-1-1. This show made me loved Connie Britton too much.
8. Schitt's Creek
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So this one 😂😂😂 I think I started Schitts Creek three(?) separate times? Never got into it. The humor was too dry, I didn't really feel anything about it all, and...idk. It was just not my cup of tea.
And then my life went to shit 😂😂😂 In all seriousness though, this was one of those shows that I can point to and say "this one saved me". The way it made me laugh in the face of some really unimaginable pain and an existential crisis is something I will never forget. Definitely due for a rewatch this summer.
9. One Tree Hill
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So. I started this show in season 2. Went out of my way to watch it after starting The OC halfway through both shows inaugural seasons. Literally everyone I knew didn't give two craps about this show then. They didn't care when it was nearly cancelled after season 4, and how hard the fans fought for season 5. Most of them didn't even really care after season 6 when CMM and Hilarie Burton were cut from the show. Nah, most of the people I know found OTH when it hit streaming a few years ago. I have complicated feelings about it now, given what we know about how MS treated the girls, and all of the trauma inflicted on them. I know that SB, HB, and BJL all support us still watching, but it's rough for me to contend with that even so.
10. Pretty Little Liars
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So..... I haven't watched this since it ended. It started when I was 17/18, so I was easily sucked in by the teacher/student concept and fell in love with Ezria. I also had watched American Juniors and knew who Lucy was (and subsequently lusted after her making music for AGES; still do). However, being a full-fledged adult now with babies in school (my niece is in HS now), I can't justify how problematic this ship is.
11. Instant Star
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Soooo a generous chunk of people know who Tim Rozon is now because of Schitts Creek and Wynona Earp, but have they seen this baby? Because I started this one after remembering Alexz Johnson from So Weird when she eneded up on IS in 2004. This was the show that got me through the end of of middle school and into high school, and I still listen to the music occasionally. I've done a few rewatches of it as an adult, and while I still don't like the age difference, these two at least waited until she was 18.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 1 year ago
Hello everyone!!! Welcome to this episode of Star and Sunny’s bullshit. If you don’t want to sit through of bunch of rambling memes and inside jokes, feel free to move on <3
Star: can i just say that s1 Reid is literally the most baby boy ever (i will do ungodly things to him, i wanna ruin him forever, like is this what a corruption kink is?)
Sunny: you know what this is EXACTLY what a corruption kink is. And I didn’t even think to add that to the tags for this (or Lessons for a Genius, but it totally applies). S1/S2 Spencer is SO FUCKING CORRUPTABLE. So bitable. Like I just wanna tell him filthy things and watch him explode due to the shock 
Star: skipping all the cw cause sunny's got me and I love surprises :3 whatever happens next is on me
Sunny: I do got you!!! Reading fics blind can be so much more fun lmao 
Star: "Sifting through someone’s apartment looking" unironically this would be the shit, i love going through ppls stuff (paperwork can die tho)
Sunny: okay but I would also love this. A chance to just be so NOSY. I would live for this 
Star: "Gideon said" i literally went "🥺 dad ???? 🥺" YES YOU DUMB BITCH WE'RE ON SEASON ONE !!!!
Sunny: If I was actually part of this team and Gideon said that I wasn’t living up to my potential or something, I would cry. Like him telling me I wasn’t doing well enough would be INFINITELY worse than one of my parents being disappointed in me. He is father 
Star: "The only upside was that you got to do it with Spencer" oh i'm gonna do a lot of things with Spencer
Sunny: and Spencer is gonna love it <333 
Star: "naturally fell under your authority" yes ??? cause he knows his place is under a mean woman
Sunny: EXACTLY. He doesn’t have the energy or the time to question us. And he likes being bossed around. He just doesn’t know it yet (but he will though) 
Star: "Reid, come on, take your feet off the dashboard!" you !!!! the germaphobe !!!! literally shut up forever i hAVE THE HIGH (moral) GROUND !!! "And put your seatbelt on!” OH HE'D STRESS ME OUT SO BAD !!!!! I HATE WHEN PPL DO THIS !!!!!
Sunny: HE WOULD STRESS ME OUT TOO. Like everything from this part of the fic was from my heart. I am this mf bossy with people in the car if they are being annoying or not wearing a seatbelt 
Star: "Aw, Reid, listen to your Mommy.” you wish you could call me mommy (or alternatively: well then i guess im letting You die in a car crash)
Sunny: I feel like Derek would be the type to call someone ‘Mama’ in bed. (or Mami?) Like he would call you a ‘hot mama’ - as a compliment, and it would slip out again later during sex. This was just floating around between my ears and I felt the need to share lmao 
Star: "“I bet if you’re a good boy, she might even breastfeed you when you get there" AAAAAAAA I FORGOT HE SAID THAT !!!!!
Sunny: Derek is thinking about our tiddies an UNHEALTHY AMOUNT. (or a very healthy amount, depending on how you look at it.) 
Star: "his voice low and mousy, looking straight ahead as he fidgeted with his hands in his lap" im shoving my tongue down his throat
Sunny: as you should. 
Star: "For the first time ever" preposterous (having to google the correct spelling for that was for sure humbling)
Sunny: lmao it’s okay I wouldn’t know how to spell this off the top of my head either and I’m a native English speaker 
Star: "Don’t worry about it, baby" : O did i just rizz MYSELF UP ????
Sunny: it’s easier to do so around Spencer who won’t question your rizz!!! 
Star: "Sorry, Mommy" you have never done me wrong ever
Sunny: I literally had SO MUCH FUN writing this part, because I was like ‘this is a meme, but it fits SO WELL into the fic, so I have to do it’. 
Star: see reader is stronger than me cause I would've pulled over, federal secURITY JOB BE DAMNED !!!!
Sunny: You have no clue how many times I have been writing a fic and thought to myself ‘they should just fuck NOW’ - but then I have to be like ‘no, we have to stick to the plot, we have to build more tension’. So I definitely agree with you in a lot of ways lmao. 
Star: "wanted to shoot his cum so deep inside you that it would ensure he could give you one" : O im calling the police
Sunny: I’m sure I have one of those monopoly Get Out Of Jail Free cards sitting around somewhere <333 
Star: "You don’t mind sharing with me, right" OMG I SEE WHAT YOU DID HERE !!!! *pointing maniacally at the screen*
Sunny: I had just been watching the Lila episode and it was too much fun to resist lmao 
Star: "he saw that there was only one bed" i KNEW not looking at the cw would yield good results !!!!
Sunny: again, it’s a meme, but it was too much fun not to include. Also usually the ‘there was only one bed’ trope is about two people being FORCED to share a bed because of extenuating circumstances (which is very fun to write) - but this time, it is purely on purpose. The reader character booked the room with only one bed so Spencer would be forced to confront the sexual tension between them. 
Star: "melting like butter over your tongue in a way that made Spencer’s knees wobble" baby and angel are SO DEEPLY ingrained into my daily vocabulary I think Spencer would spontaneously combust
Sunny: oh he absolutely WOULD 
Star: "beautiful natural teardrop shape of your breasts" *excitedly chanting* SAGGY TITS SAGGY TITS SAGGY TITS !!!!!
Sunny: this actually made me snort when I read it omg. #teamsaggytits 
Star: "weren’t actually offering to breastfeed him" we'll get there eventually >:3
Sunny: now I cannot stop thinking about Spencer with an actually pregnant or new mother reader who is over producing milk and Spencer offers to suck the milk out of her tits because they are swollen and painful so she doesn’t have to breast pump, acting like it’s just to help her, but it’s really self motivated because he loves tiddies (will this be a fic I will actually write? idk) 
Star: "your body could actually support the production of milk currently" well maybe if you put a baby in me like you wanted to i COULD'VE
Star: "or maybe Spencer liked that humiliation, he wasn’t even sure" we'll sprinkle in the fact that Reid is bi
Sunny: I was trying to sprinkle in the fact that Reid has a humiliation kink - but it does probably help that the humiliation comes from Morgan 
Star: "wouldn’t be able to stand the idea of another woman touching him after this" unless we're also there and the other woman is Elle (cause she'd be out mommy too, than everything's balanced out)
Sunny: (Staring at Elle, singing You Are The Only Exception) 
Star: "You knew it wouldn’t be long before he came in his pants" im gonna claw out of my little prison, plEASE GOD ALLOW ME TO HAVE THIS
Sunny: he is so wonderfully pathetic <3 
Star: "Anyone else would have likely let him rest" *in tears* you know me so fucking well, i love it here
Sunny: all that matters in life is writing fics for your one weird little friend <3 I am so glad this one hit !!!
Star: "Glossy and wet with his own release, his cock pinky red from the exertion and friction, still half hard" I think I have rabies, this is what rabies feel like, why else would I be foaming at the mouth?
Sunny: I feel like I need to put a warning on my fics now that they may induce rabies ??? 
Star: "You said that you only wanted to look" .... i can look with my mouth
Sunny: I need ‘I can look with my mouth’ on a shirt with no context 
Star: "he was the one making those desperate sounds" gone wild audio save, save me gwa !!
Star: "frail woman getting fucked to death by her husband next door" im husband ? 🥺
Sunny: again, this is one of those random lines that I put in there just for you. Because Spencer is babygirl and we love reversing gender roles 
Star: "That’s enough, baby" I WAS ABOUT TO SAY !!! 4 sugar packets ????? Spencer please, your poor heart
Sunny: he needs to be mommied. For his health 
Anyway, everyone!!! Thank you for coming to this episode of Star and Sunny talk shit <333
Meddle About
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Sub!Spencer Reid x Dom!Fem!Reader
‘Cause it's not just a figure of speech - you got me down on my knees.
It's gettin' harder to b r e a t h e .
You hate it when Morgan teases Reid. So when Morgan says that you are Reid's 'Mommy' - you verbally fire back without even thinking about it.
Reid vastly overthinks it.
So much so that he ends up calling you Mommy by mistake. And you definitely don't hate the sound of that word coming off his lips.
Sub!Spencer Reid x Dom!Fem!Reader. Co-Workers to Lovers. Smut. Set during Season One.
Word Count: 6,300
Criminal Minds Masterlist | AO3 Link
Detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: general smut fic - porn with some plot; dom/sub dynamics (but this isn't a pre-discussed dom/sub relationship, the characters just fall into these roles naturally), Spencer is submissive and the reader is dominant; the main theme is Mommy kink - Spencer discovers that he has a Mommy kink after a joke that Morgan makes, referring to the reader character as Spencer's Mommy; Spencer calls the reader 'Mommy' and the reader also refers to herself with that title; the reader uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina (and breasts); it could be interpreted that the reader has larger breasts/is plus sized (but I think anyone of any size could enjoy this fic); the reader is part of the BAU; this is meant to take place during season one (baby Spence my beloved) but there are no other major canon events mentioned and the case being discussed is one that I have made up; some very background typical elements of Criminal Minds - murder, killing, systemic vicimization of women/violence from men towards women (passing mention of bodies being consumed by wild animals); the reader and Spencer fuck while on a case (but they aren't endangering anyone's lives from lack of their attention, so it's fine); mentions of potential injuries from a car accident (theoretical - doesn't actually happen during the fic); very slight threads of Morgan x Reader (mentions of Morgan being attracted to the reader - it could be one-sided); very passing mention of Reid having breeding kink (doesn't take place during the fic, just one of his thoughts); for the actual smut section: this could be interpreted as virgin!Spencer but that's not explicitly stated here (at most, this is just inexperienced!Spencer) (the reader is definitely way more sexually experienced than him); praise kink (we all known Spencer is so eager to be praised); mentions of breastfeeding - Morgan makes a joke about the reader breastfeeding Reid, which later turns into faux breastfeeding kink (the reader doesn't actually lactate, but she lets Spencer suck on her tits and calls it breastfeeding); the reader calls Spencer: 'baby', 'good boy',; descriptions of subspace - but it's not specifically called 'subspace' in the text; thigh humping - Spencer humps the reader's thigh; cumming in pants (Spencer); multiple orgasms/overstimulation (Spencer receiving); handjob - the reader jacks Spencer off while he is sensitive after his first orgasm; using lube as cum; dumbification kink - the reader calls Spencer 'dumb baby' and generally enjoys seeing his intellect drop the more turned on he becomes (Spencer also likes being called this); technically the reader doesn't get to cum, but she gets turned on from treating Spencer like the good boy that he is (and this is more about him). I think that's everything.
A/N: This was directly inspired by the scene from Reid's birthday party, where Morgan says 'Mommy to the rescue!' (talking about JJ) and then Spencer says '...Mommy?' and it seems like he is discovering his Mommy kink in real time. Especially because he is then trapped between Elle and JJ and he makes direct eye contact with their boobs, and he just has such a look of scared kink realization in his eyes. I considered copying that moment exactly and just replacing JJ with the reader character, but this seemed like more fun lmao. I had so much fun writing this and I think this is one of my best fics in a while. I hope you guys enjoy it!!
Generally, you hated being stuck with grunt work. 
You knew that it was all part of the job - an important part of it. Paperwork, side interviews, background checks. Sifting through someone’s apartment looking for aspects of what kind of person they were based on their everyday life. 
But you thrived more on being right in the middle of things. You preferred interacting with suspects, chasing people down, harsh confrontation. 
Gideon said that you were overly controlling, impatient, brutally honest - that you had an ‘abrasive personality’ that put most men off. But that was why he often brought you into interrogations with male suspects. Many of the people you caught - men with superiority complexes who targeted the weak to make themselves feel powerful - they hated that you weren’t intimidated by them. That aspect of abrasion between you and the suspects often brought out a lot of information - things they spewed out trying to intimidate you. 
But you weren’t needed on that front today. 
No - instead, you were doing grunt work. The kind of work that made you impatient and generally aggravated. 
The only upside was that you got to do it with Spencer. 
He was one of the only men that voluntarily worked so closely with you so often, because he wasn’t intimidated by you. He took orders from you very well and naturally fell under your authority, bringing a natural chemistry to your partnership when you worked with him. Plus - his seemingly endless stream of ‘fun facts’ was like listening to the radio, which did help to soothe your boredom during these kinds of mindless tasks. 
You were on a case in Texas. Five women raped and tortured before having their bodies hung from a tree and consumed by cotoyes that the UnSub knew lived in the area. Since police had closed in on him, he had gone on the run. He had killed three more women since fleeing, while leaving no clues as to what his ultimate endgame would be or where he would be going next. 
Hotch sent you and Reid to find that out while the rest of the team worked victimology and profiled the scenes of the most recent murders, following the trail he was leaving. 
After spending hours sifting through the suspect’s house, looking for any small clue about where he might be going - you came up empty. When you touched base with Hotch, he told you that you and Reid would be going to visit the suspect’s ex-wife - who lived four hours away. You needed to interview her to see if she could give you any further insight to the man, and perhaps - beat him to the house if she was the ultimate target. 
(A lot of the victims looked like her, and it couldn’t really be a coincidence.) 
You knew that lives were at risk, and it was juvenile of you, but all you heard was: long, boring drive. Boring day. You hoped that Reid would be good company through it. 
Now, you were waiting outside of the police station in the bureau-issued SUV, waiting for Morgan to come and give you the file with the ex-wife’s address and contact information. 
“Did you know that over forty-six percent of Texans own a gun? Texas is second only to Montana in registered gun ownership, where over sixty-six percent of citizens proudly tote their right to bear arms.” Reid told you, continuing to look over the case files that were sitting in his lap. 
When you looked over toward him to reply to this odd factoid, your mind got caught up on something else. 
“Reid, come on, take your feet off the dashboard!” You told him, reaching over to gently smack his knee, trying to encourage his legs down from the awkward position. 
It bothered you for several reasons - the idea that he would leave shoe prints on the dashboard, which was minor and cosmetic, but still annoying. And the fact that if the car did happen to get hit head-on, the air-bag would explode out and push his knees into his chest, causing his shattered leg bones to pierce his organs and possibly kill him. (At the very least, he would never walk again.) 
Speaking of which: 
“And put your seatbelt on!” You barked, now noticing that he wasn’t wearing it past all of the files he had piled into his lap. “You of all people should know how many deaths are caused by not wearing a seatbelt.” 
Spencer opened his mouth to spout out this exact statistic, but before he could get the words out, another voice entered the conversation. 
“Aw, Reid, listen to your Mommy.” 
You were almost startled by Morgan’s voice coming from the open driver’s side window so suddenly. His appearance there as if out of nowhere was so jarring that you couldn’t get caught up on the way he had called you Reid’s Mommy. Your head whipped toward Morgan so quickly that you didn’t notice the flash across Spencer’s features - worry, dawning. You didn’t take note of the way he rushed to comply with putting on his seatbelt. As if he was rushing to please you, even unconsciously. 
“I bet if you’re a good boy, she might even breastfeed you when you get there.” 
Morgan then pursed his lips and made loudly suckling noises, clearly imitating breastfeeding in what he thought was a comedic way. 
Again - glaring at the muscled man through the open window, you didn’t see Spencer’s reaction. You didn’t see the way his large, glassy eyes flickered to your breasts (only emphasized by your own seatbelt crossed over the center of your chest) before he forced himself to focus on the files in front of him so that he wouldn’t feel so caught.
“Shut up.” You told Morgan, your voice so commanding and firm that his simple order was enough to get him to stop his antics. 
“And give me the address already.” You held out your hand expectantly, and Morgan handed you the file, which you placed onto the center console. 
Then, you turned back to him for one last point, determined to have the final word in the conversation. 
“Besides, we both know that you’re the one who’s got an obsession with my breasts, anyway. Just because you stare while wearing sunglasses, doesn’t mean I don’t notice. My eyes are up here, pal.” You told him sharply. 
He let out a scoff at this, and rolled his eyes behind his dark frames - but he made no clever comeback. 
You had successfully bested him. And with that knowledge, you rolled up the window and left him standing dumbly in the parking lot as you sped off. 
You pulled over later to put the address into the GPS system, and you let out a long-winded groan when you found that it was more than four hours away. Four hours and twenty five minutes. 
So you pulled over again to get gas and stocked up on snacks, and you were surprised that Reid wasn’t giving you some lesson about the colloquial use of ‘soda’ and ‘pop’ (thinking that you hadn’t listened the other ten times when he had gone on the same rambling point about linguistics and how language evolves). 
He was being far too quiet for your liking. 
But he was keeping his eyes glued to the files, and you guessed that he was churning over something in that big brain of his, like he usually was. 
You were entirely surprised when the next time he spoke - it wasn’t about the case at all. 
“How - how do you know that Morgan likes your breasts?” He asked, his voice low and mousy, looking straight ahead as he fidgeted with his hands in his lap. 
“What?” You gaped, the word flying out of your mouth as your brain was utterly slow to process what he had just said. 
Hearing Spencer use the word ‘breasts’ was jarring, but somehow utterly adorable. You found it stirring a slight heat within you. Especially because he was still so shy. The whole thing made you want to pin him down and force the shyness out of him. 
Spencer felt the need to further explain himself. 
“When - when you were talking to him, you said: ‘we both know that you’re the one who’s got an obsession with my breasts.’” He said, repeating back what you had said, word for word, using that perfect memory of his. 
You wondered if that’s what he had been doing, sitting there in his seat so silently for the past hour of the car ride - going over the conversation again and again in his head, trying to make sense of it. And because he couldn’t make any sense of it by himself, now he was consulting you. 
Again, you found it so utterly adorable. 
“Morgan didn’t deny it. So - was it a hypothesis based on something, or did you just call him out hoping that you weren’t wrong?” Reid continued, sparing only a singular glance in your direction, a look that you caught out of the corner of your eye with your gaze still mostly focused ahead on the road. 
You found it intensely cute that he was using the word ‘hypothesis’ in this situation. You wondered if he ever turned it off - the textbook big words and the intellect that he always carried himself with. You wondered if you could make him turn it off. You wondered if there was any situation where Spencer Reid could be as stupid as any other man - chasing a bone, desperate to get his nut off. 
For the first time ever - you imagined Spencer Reid underneath you, blabbering nonsense, begging for release with your hand around his cock as you pumped him, red and aching, so slick in your palm. Desperate, empty-headed, beautifully stupid. 
(See, this was what happened when you were forced to do grunt work. You got bored. And when you got bored - you had to entertain yourself somehow.) 
“It was a pretty well-informed hypothesis.” You replied. Now that Spencer had brought the topic up, you certainly weren’t going to shy away from the discussion. “Morgan often brings up my sex life, and wants to engage in detailed discussions about my sexual encounters with me. So I assume that he spends a fair amount of time thinking about me in a sexual way.” 
Reid let out a choked-off noise at this. 
You continued. 
“Plus, he’s always staring down my top. He’s not exactly subtle.” 
“You - you actually notice that kind of thing?” He chirped, his voice becoming a few octaves higher as worry flooded him. 
You bit your lip, suppressing a grin. 
Of course, you had noticed the times that Spencer stared at your breasts as well. He was even less subtle about it than Morgan was. You didn’t mind it when he did it, because you knew that Spencer wasn’t exactly casanova. He didn’t have a different girl every other week like Morgan did, so taking a glance down your shirt when he passed you a morning coffee was probably about as much action as he got. 
Secretly, letting him get away with it was your gift to him. 
“Don’t worry about it, baby.” You told him, the pet name slipping out mindlessly as you reached over and gently patted his knee as a form of reassurance. 
This movement unintentionally drew his eyes toward your chest, especially in his desperation to look anywhere but your face, not wanting to make eye contact with you. But he found his eyes glued to the swell of your breasts once again - hating how perfect they looked, even through the simple cotton shirt and plain bra that you wore. 
“Sorry, Mommy.” The word slipped out before he could even consciously process it. “Sorry!” 
Spencer raised a hand to smack his own face at lightning speed, and slumped down into his seat in embarrassment. 
You bit your lip to suppress a grin. It stirred a filthy heat in your belly. But you knew that Spencer likely needed a while to sit with this and wouldn’t want to talk about it - not yet. So you reached over and turned on the radio, letting the music fill the space so that the silence wasn’t so awkward and gutting. 
Spencer didn’t talk for the entirety of the rest of the car ride, which didn’t surprise you. 
When you finally arrived at the ex-wife’s house, his hands were shaking with nerves as he tried to unlatch his seatbelt. You probably should have just left him alone to struggle, but an evil spark, likely fueled by the boredom of the day, flared up inside of you. You couldn’t resist the urge to lean over the console, very purposefully showing off your breasts as you gently pushed his hands away and undid the belt for him. 
“Here, let Mommy get that for you.” You said, distinct teasing on your breath as you mumbled the words into his ear. 
Spencer huffed out a deep sigh and collapsed back into his seat, and pushed his hair out of his face in frustration. But he didn’t say anything more as you gathered the files in preparation for the interview. 
He only spoke when you moved to get out of the car. 
“Look, I-” He began a half assed explanation, and you easily cut him off. 
“You let Morgan get in your head too much.” You told him with a chuckle, opening your door and getting out. 
But as he forced himself to follow you with numb limbs - he knew that this definitely wasn’t all Morgan’s fault. 
The ex-wife didn’t know much. 
She described the marriage as hell - the suspect exhibited all the typical behaviors as a husband that they would have expected. He hated women, and he wanted full control over his wife at the time, which eventually led down the path of divorce. They had to sell the house they had bought together, but neither of them had moved out of Texas since. But he hadn’t contacted her in years. 
She had two young kids from a new relationship, and when the woman stepped out to take a call, you picked one of them up to soothe his cries, hushing him gently while you rubbed his back. 
Because of this, Spencer found himself even more dizzy and confused. 
He knew that it was Frueadian - some deep, misguided part of his psychology - something broken and missing inside of him because of his own fractured childhood. 
But seeing you being so sweet with a kid, especially after the day he’d had - he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be your baby, or if he wanted to shoot his cum so deep inside you that it would ensure he could give you one. 
(Ultimately, he knew that it was likely both - and that didn’t answer any questions for him. It just gave him far more questions.) 
Even though the ex-wife couldn’t give you guys much more than you already knew, Hotch wanted you and Spencer to stay close by in case the suspect decided to make his ex-wife the end game. The two of you would be able to make it to her first if she called for help. 
So you and Spencer had dinner at a random local barbeque place off the highway and Spencer still didn’t talk much through it, other than posing some theories about the case. Even though he was a bit more talkative, he still refused to look at you - he stared down at his plate the whole time. Though whenever he did look up, you noticed that his eyes lingered on your chest - and he still wouldn’t look you in the eye. 
By the time the bill came around and the two of you were ready to leave, you knew exactly what you had to do. 
Spencer waited by the car with his bag while you checked in and got a motel room (needing to stay in town, you got a room for the night). When you came back, you handed him the room key and then moved to get your bag out of the car. 
“Do… you already have yours?” He asked quietly. 
“Hmm?” You hummed in reply, slinging the strap of your go-bag over your shoulder before you closed the back door and used the remote to lock up the car. 
“Your room key?” 
You suppressed another grin. 
“I only got one room.” You told him. “You don’t mind sharing with me, right?” 
You gave him a purposeful look - looked at him through your lashes, bit your lip slightly, and subtly squeezed your breasts together with your upper arms, emphasizing them. You knew exactly what you were doing to him, but hopefully it seemed subtle. 
“I - uh - no.” Spencer stuttered. “It’s fine. We can share.” He gave a grin, not wanting to appear upset, even though his entire body was racked with nerves. 
Spencer followed you to the room and he fumbled with the key with shaking hands for a moment before he sighed and then handed it to you. 
His insides quaked when he saw that there was only one bed. 
He wasn’t sure if he should say anything about it. The two of you had slept in the same room before, but you had never shared a bed before. Sure, you had slept near each other before. He had accidentally fallen asleep on your shoulder on the plane or vice versa. But you had never crawled into bed together with the intention of sleeping together. 
And yes, just the entendre behind it made Reid’s head spin. 
He had a heavy knot in his gut, and hatefully - a distinct stirring in his crotch. He could only imagine how embarrassing it would be for you to wake up and see him compromised in some way. Or god forbid, if you caught him moaning in his sleep because of unconscious dreams that he couldn’t stop - for you to think that he was some kind of dirty sex pervert because of it. 
He felt an overwhelming need to clear the air overtake him. He had no clue how to broach the subject, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to spend the night like this. He wouldn’t be able to sleep with this anxiety hanging over his head. 
He studied you carefully as you sat down on the edge of the bed, ditching your bag off to the side and heaving out a tired sigh as you began taking off your shoes. 
Spencer put down his own bag and then stood there, fidgeting nervously as he searched for words. 
“I - uh - I am sorry about earlier.” He mumbled out the beginnings of an apology. “What Morgan said was stupid, and I-” 
“I don’t think it was stupid.” 
You let out a chuckle, and reached up the back of your shirt. Spencer found himself frozen, his eyes tracing your every moment as you unhooked your bra underneath your shirt and then moved to maneuver the straps out from your short sleeves while you kept talking. 
“I think he had a point.” You added on. “Good boys should get a reward. And I think you were fairly good today. You didn’t eat all your veggies at dinner, but you kept your feet off the dashboard and you were quiet during the car ride. You definitely get points for being patient during such a long trip, baby.” 
Your voice smoothed into a soothing tone, that word - baby - melting like butter over your tongue in a way that made Spencer’s knees wobble. He hadn’t known it until right now, but you calling him a ‘good boy’ and listing off such mundane things he had done that made him worthy of a reward fired off sparks inside of his brain. 
A breath choked off inside of his throat as you stood up off the bed and peeled your bra completely out from under your shirt. Somehow it was one of the sexiest things he had ever seen, revealing the hard peaks of your nipples and the beautiful natural teardrop shape of your breasts to him through the cotton fabric. 
Spencer wanted to speak, but his tongue felt so heavy and dry inside of his mouth. He knew that he was staring at your chest so blatantly now, but he couldn’t peel his eyes away. He couldn’t even feel ashamed anymore. 
That dull tingle in his crotch had turned into a full on stinging interest, and he unconsciously pulled at the fabric of his pants, trying to loosen some of the tension that was growing, not even considering how it might look to you - him dumbly reaching for his crotch to make it look looser when his hardening bulge was becoming more obvious by the second. 
It was one of the most ‘caveman’ things he had ever done in front of you - standing there with his mouth hanging slightly agape, pulling at his crotch without caring how it looked. You definitely wanted more, wanted to see how dumb he could get. How far you could make him devolve. 
“So what do you say, baby boy?” You hummed, stepping close into his personal space now, causing him to get a whiff of your perfume - something that was only a dull trace after such a long day, but still smelled so good. “Do you want Mommy to breastfeed you? Do you wanna suck on my tits as your reward?” 
You gently ran a thumb across his cheek, and paired with the words, Spencer’s brain short-circuited. 
He knew realistically that you weren’t actually offering to breastfeed him. There was no evidence in your life to say that your body could actually support the production of milk currently - but you were offering to let him play pretend. To suck on your tits with a very sexual air, to call you Mommy without the teasing humiliation behind it that Morgan had hinted at (or maybe Spencer liked that humiliation, he wasn’t even sure). (He hadn’t even known before this morning that he liked the idea of calling you Mommy, but here he was). 
All he could conjure in response was the dumbest, non-human sound. 
It was a grunt from the back of his throat - too much blood swelling to his cock all at once and too much direct attention from you making him dizzy. 
You giggled quietly. 
“Come on, baby. Just say the word. And Mommy will give you everything you need.” 
Spencer inhaled sharply. At this point, he was desperate to get some oxygen to his brain. 
His mind was racing, chanting out: 
‘Yes! God, yes! I want it so badly, Mommy! I want anything you’ll give me. I need you. I need you so badly.��� 
But all his lips could form in the wake of such dizzying lust was: 
“Good boy.” You sighed. 
You used a hand on his chin to tilt his face up to meet yours, and you consumed him in a kiss - he was hungry and eager to meet your touch, moaning loudly into your mouth, his hands racing to touch you now, rushing up to grip on your hips in the most utterly needy way. He balled the fabric of your shirt in his fists, like he couldn’t get enough of you - like he was afraid you would dissolve away if he let go of you for even a second. 
It was cute, to say the least. 
You only let the kiss last for a moment, though. You pulled away to a disappointed whine from Spencer, which you quietly hushed. 
“Hey, it’s okay baby.” You soothed him. “Come here. Mommy’s gonna take good care of you.” 
You lead him toward the bed, getting rid of his tie in the process, and Spencer stepped out of his shoes along the way. You slid onto the bed and laid up on the pillows on your back, Spencer clumsily following you, crawling on all fours. The two of you had barely started, but he was full-on panting now, racing to catch his breath while his blood hammered through his veins. 
He watched on with eager curiosity while you got comfortable, fluffing the pillow under your head before you then reached down and pulled up your shirt. You pulled the fabric to sit up under your chin, finally revealing your gorgeous breasts to him. 
If he was lost for words before, then he had receded back to a total neanderthal now. 
His mouth fell open and his salivary glands started working overtime as his eyes raked hungrily over your chest - enjoying the pure beauty of the fatty mounds, striped with zig-zagging stretch marks and completed by your hard peaked nipples. 
“Here, come on, baby.” 
You had to remind Spencer what the goal was, guiding him into place with a hand on the back of his head. You helped ease his body to lay on top of yours as he relaxed into you - and his mouth finally found its rightful place on your breast. He became greedy, suctioning hard on your nipple as though he might actually get something out of it. 
Truthfully, he did get something out of this. 
It definitely wasn’t any form of nutrition, but it was something that drove him lustfully insane and made his head fuzzy and warm in the best way. This was the only time in his entire life that he didn’t have ten thousand thoughts running through his mind like the news blasting on television in the background. This was the only time since his first conscious memory that he had actually known his mind to be quiet. 
He felt intensely thankful for it. Intensely thankful toward you for giving him this feeling. 
In that moment, without all the noise, all he knew was the comforting feeling of your fat tit under his mouth, the heat of your body under his own as you cradled him. The soothing firmness of your hands through his hair and down his back - and the distant, sweet purring of your voice in his ears. 
“Good boy.” You hummed, loving the feeling of him moaning around your nipple - so constant and so greedy now that you were sure he didn’t even know that he was doing it. “Such a good boy for me. Such a good boy for Mommy.” 
Your cunt was humming between your thighs, aching so hard at seeing Spencer like this. The usually composed, intelligent, practically robotic Doctor Reid reduced down to a blubbering, moaning, needy mess just because he wanted to suck on your tits. 
Just because you had called yourself Mommy a few times in his presence. 
It was so utterly beautiful, and you wanted more. 
(You didn’t think that you could ever let him go after this. You probably wouldn’t be able to stand the idea of another woman touching him after this. But you would have to think on that more later.) 
You noticed Spencer canting his hips, unconsciously seeking friction against his hard cock while he continued to suck on your breast. With his eyes closed blissfully, drool gathering around his lips where they met your skin in the most utterly adorable way. You couldn’t help yourself - you scooted your knee between his thighs. You then used a hand to help his hips into place, adjusting him so that he was getting good friction against your denim-clad thigh. 
“There you go. There you go, sweet boy.” You hummed, feeling another jolt through your body when he let out a sharper moan against your tit, and began humping your leg in earnest. 
You were quick to encourage him, putting both hands on his hips and helping him along while he greedily hung onto you. He had on your hip, the other hand slipping up to cup fingers around the bottom of your breast, making sure you didn’t escape him while he moved his body against you so frantically. 
“That’s just what you needed, isn’t it, baby?” You moaned out, your voice wavering slightly as the pleasure of it all thrummed through you. “Just a dumb little baby who needed Mommy’s tit.” 
The term ‘dumb little baby’ came flying out of your mouth before you could stop it. Though you knew exactly why it happened. Seeing such a brilliant genius reduced down to this truly did something to your ego. And apparently hearing those words from you did something to him, too. 
He whined sharply against your skin and his hips stuttered abruptly. You knew it wouldn’t be long before he came in his pants, his cock throbbing against the friction of your thigh. And this thought alone caused your mouth to run off without restraint. 
“Such a needy little thing.” You sighed. “You love being Mommy’s dumb baby, don’t you? Not a single fucking thought between your ears, just sucking on Mommy’s tit without a care in the world.” 
Spencer moaned and it sent another jolt through your body - another harsh pang through your cunt. You loved how much he needed you. You loved how much he was clearly eating this up. 
You didn’t even care if you got to cum tonight; you just wanted to exhaust him for all he was worth. Because he was so fucking pretty like this. 
“You gonna cum for me, baby boy? You gonna cum for Mommy? Come on, baby. Cum for me.” 
These words were what ultimately sent him over the edge. Well that along with your strong hands on his hips, encouraging him along while he was mindless and busy mouthing on your breast.
His jaw dropped open, finally loosening that desperate suction on your now slightly sore nipple as he began to pant frantically over your now spit-soaked skin. He moaned hotly while he humped you in an entirely adorable, almost distraught manner - absolutely desperate to have the most friction on his cock while his orgasm overtook him. 
You could feel his needy cock throbbing against you, trapped inside of his pants, shooting off hot ropes of cum that quickly soaked into his underwear and even then, seeped into the fabric of his slacks. You grinned and bit your lip as you felt that wetness even beginning to soak into your jeans, knowing he must have set off quite a big load. 
Spencer soon collapsed on top of you, gulping in air as he tried to catch his breath. 
Any normal person would have taken pity on him (seeing as he was clearly nervous and inexperienced) and wound things down to end the night here. Anyone else would have likely let him rest. 
But again, you felt devilish temptation overtake you. (It was a feeling that seemed to be much more ripe around Spencer Reid.) 
You just felt thankful that your temptation and inclination toward chaos came in the form of lust, rather than something more violent, like the people you studied every single day. Everyone around you should be thankful for that. 
You used your leverage (and the fact that you weren’t nearly as exhausted from the experience) to flip him over onto his back. He let out a surprised sound as his back made contact with the mattress - blinking up at you with shocked, glassy eyes as you moved down his body slightly. 
“Wha-?” He mumbled out the question, only getting out part of the word before you reached for the zipper on the front of his now wet pants. 
“Hey, shh, baby. I just wanna see you.” You told him quietly, causing him to stare down the length of his own body at your hands as you worked. 
You got the button and zipper undone quickly and you let out a quiet ‘fuck’ as you peeled back the wet fabric of his grey slacks to reveal the sight of his simplistic (very Reid) white cotton underwear slightly transparent and stuck tight to his cock, coated in wet, sticky cum. 
“So pretty baby.” 
He only whined in response. 
You couldn’t help yourself - you reached up and pulled down the waistband of his underwear, feeling more lust pricking through you as he was truly revealed to your eyes. He was perfect. Glossy and wet with his own release, his cock pinky red from the exertion and friction, still half hard. You pulled the clothes down over his hips and he lifted his body to help you, clearly glad to be rid of the mess, and the second you untangled the fabric from his ankles and ditched everything aside, you were back on him. 
You skimmed the tips of your fingers oh-so-lightly up his shaft where it was sprawled across his pelvis, and his hips jolted. He let out a bitter gasp - as though cold water had been splashed across him. 
“You said-” He choked on the words as you ran your thumb right underneath the crown, gently pressing into the head, causing him to choke on a moan while his knees quaked. 
You sat on his knees to keep him still and his head became so fuzzy once again. 
‘You said that you only wanted to look.’ 
The sentence died off in his lungs somewhere, and truthfully - he didn’t want to protest. He didn’t want you to stop. 
“Sens-sensitive.” He whined. “Too much.” 
“But you’re so pretty, baby.” You replied, your voice turning smooth and warm like butter again, melting over his whole body, causing all of his muscles to go soft and pliant for you. “Your cock is so pretty. I need to touch you.” 
He let out another strangled noise when you cupped your hand and took him fully in your grip this time, giving one good tug across his cock from root to tip. When you did this again, faster this time, his lungs seized inside his chest - trying to take in oxygen so quickly, as though he were drowning on dry land. 
“You gonna be good for me, baby?” 
“Yes.” He gargled back in response. “Yes, Mommy.” 
He was already so wet from cumming in his pants, and he let out a pathetic dribble of precum as you continued to move your hand - so it was an easy, slick slide. One that sent harsh shockwaves through him from overstimulation. Against his own will, he soon ballooned back to full hardness - becoming painfully swollen in your hand while you sped up your touch and closed your fist tighter around him. It caused the most wonderful hurt between his legs, and made a downright filthy wet sound as you pumped your grip faster along his needy cock. 
Spencer heard wailing and felt the soreness against his throat before he realized that he was the one making those desperate sounds. He distantly wondered what it might sound like to someone else, if the rooms on either side were occupied, if the motel would receive a noise complaint about some frail woman getting fucked to death by her husband next door - because that’s what he sounded like in his own ears. 
But any of those half-thoughts were chased out of his brain the second you flicked your thumb up over the head of his cock and your dirty mouth filled his ears once again. 
“Gonna milk this pretty cock, baby.” You told him, your voice firm. “You gonna show Mommy how much you can cum for me? Gonna show me what a good boy you are?” 
Spencer let out another pathetic sound, his body singing with pleasure at his pure need to prove to you that - yes, he was a good boy. 
He felt tears wet on the side of his face before he realized that he was crying, but it was all too good to ask you to stop. 
You used your other hand to cradle his balls and you swooped down to capture his gasping mouth in another kiss (a very messy, open mouthed kiss that Spencer could barely pay attention to). Spencer screamed into your mouth while he painted his stomach with cum once again.
You only stopped jerking his cock once you had truly milked every last drop from him, his hips seizing up off the bed and your hand almost slipping off him completely from how sloppily wet it was with more of his cum added to the mix. 
He was purely exhausted then. His eyes blinked heavily, struggling to stay open. He vaguely remembered you cleaning him off and tucking him into bed - but he definitely enjoyed falling asleep curled up next to your warmth. 
The next morning, Spencer felt hungover. 
He wondered if that’s what good sex always felt like - the combination of endorphins rushing through your body and physical exertion tackling you over. His legs were sore, as though he had run several miles. (Which wasn’t even something he could make a bold comparison to anyway, because he didn’t exercise nearly as much as he should for someone with this job). He woke up starving, grateful when you drove to a diner down the road after checking out of the motel and planted him in one of the booths before going outside to call Hotch in order to touch base with the rest of the team. 
You came back with a small grin on your face. 
“Turns out that tip the ex-wife gave us about their first house in Arlington was pretty solid.” You told Reid. “They caught the guy on his way there. He had another girl in the trunk. They got her back mostly unarmed, and took him into custody.” 
Spencer nodded. “That’s good.” 
When he moved to grab another sugar packet out of the caddy on the side of the table, three of them already open and empty beside his cup of coffee, you grabbed him by the wrist. 
“That’s enough, baby.” You told him. 
His stomach curled, that distinct feeling running through him again. And against his will, that word slipped out - again. 
“Yes, Mommy.”
A/N: This is a standalone oneshot. There won't be a sequel or a continuation, so please do not ask for one. If you liked the fic, please comment about the body of work that has been written, or consider reblogging to show your appreciation. If you want to see more Spencer Reid fics that I have written, you can check out my Criminal Minds Masterlist, or you can check out my Masterlists for other fandoms to see if anything catches your eye. Thank you for reading!
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targwh0re · 2 years ago
Thoughts of Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.3
Derek still sneaking around corners and just randomly appearing 😂 "🎶I always feel like somebody's watching me🎶"
Feel like Derek could scare Eli himself...give him that s1 Derek stare "I'm not afraid of you" 😠 "okay maybe I am afraid of you"
Eli is so me, clumsy af😭
Derek "😠" Hale
Malia! you can't just cut people open🤦‍♀️
Make the plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go wrong...throw away the plan
Man Allison pulled a Derek 🏃‍♀️💨
Allison's tweaking dudes
Why the hospital lockers look like the ones at high school? Would've been coll if that was one of Nogi's illusions to manipulate her
She's very confused and is supposed to be very dead
Split up!?! One of the biggest rules in horror movies is to never split up
Cause a ball cap is such a good disguise 🧢👍
I got her 👊💥🤛💥🤜💥 I don't got her
"Fuck me man" me whenever my alarm wakes me up for school😭
Allison is karate kid 👍
"Scott Who?" ...oop
"Where's the alpha, I have to find the alpha." "What do you want with Derek Hale?" "No, not Hale. McCall. Scott McCall." Vibes. Oh no, now Braedon flashbacks for me😢
Where is Braedon?! She's supposed to be Eli's badass step-mama
Damn to be honest, I wouldn't have taken that. Woulda thrown them scissors back at that zombie bitch ✂️🧟‍♀️
Poor Argent, imagine the pain of seeing your daughter again after 11 years of her being dead and she runs away
Move, bitch! We know she's back, now let us go catch her🙄
But...isn't it your job to hear about the crimes...sheriff?
oh never mind😂
How didn't he know he was a kitsune? Wouldn't weird shit start happening to him like it did Kira? C'mon you can't tell me this man ain't never got his picture taken w/ the flash on before
Could've made him Hikari's family in some way to add some emotional depth for her and give her more ties to the pack
Or he could've been a host for Nogi like his dad I think? If his brother was that one dude wouldn't that make his dad the man who was possessed by Nogi during Chris's first gun deal?
"I don't want to kill you" oh really?👀
🎶I wish that I could wake up with amnesia🎶
So the hunter thingy place is still here but Monroe's peeps are gone🤨
"who are you🏹" "a friend👹" yea okay Pennywise🤚
Nogitsune: "time to hunt" Pennywise:"time to float" I rest my case
No i would not trust my mother who's a psychotic bitch, especially when she looking at me like I just took the last shrimp fried egg roll that she wanted to save for later😑
bitch so was you 30 minutes ago ⚰
Hey don't talk about my smexy dilf werewolf man Derek like that
Oop, that light was a paid actor
Omg I love Jackson 😂 I never thought I'd say that😶
hahaha Derek holding Eli like a baby
"Yes you did, I saw it🥺"
Man Derek such a good dad, got me all up I my feels
I wonder how Talia was as a parent, especially with Derek since he had such trouble learning control 🤔
Man, Allison honestly fuck you. You had to ruin a good father-son moment by trying to take off Eli's head smh I could never. Stay unproblematic people💅
Not the Chinese ring daggers
Honestly flashbacks to the supply closet when Allison told Isaac that. Hey, wait a minute...no one thought to tell Isaac that his late girlfriend is back (bc they were still together when she died)
"Allison?" No bitch it's Katniss🙄
Hey foul play! You shot my man's while his back was turned!! Now you turn around allison, it's my turn! Imma pull a Peter...Peter where u at, she attacking your fav nephew, Kate her ass
Yayy Liam
dude Hikari that was fire 🔥 (no pun intended 🤣; I'm so sorry guys)
Awww he don't even care if he's hurting himself worse, he just cares about his son🥺
Shut up, Scott! Let the man talk!
Damn Scott, couldn't even take my man's pain?
Everyone but Stiles, Isaac, Theo, Kira, Cora, Corey, Hayden, and Braeden... *clears my throat and looks directly at the camera*
The oni really said, "Suprise shawty!"
I knew I should've retired 🤣🤣
Awww first thing he said was his son's name
if this was a short series we totally should've got a scene of Eli, similar to the scene where Scott Howard first transforms in the og teen wolf movie, and then he just passes out. It would've been so funny😭
I'm sorry but the song that popped in my head when that oni floated down was 🎶I'm spinning like a ballerina🎶
Why's mason's gun sound like its popping popcorn
Sheriff Stilinski said, I can be a ninja toooo
Peter's entrance is iconic and so him, such a western-soap opra villain😂
Deaton and Chris:🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
oh c'mon Peter, I thought we were past the whole throat slashing thing😬
How does Peter always know everything 🤔
Also I want to see Eli and Peter bonding, feel like they should have a relationship ay peast similar to when Derek and Peter were younger (hell I just want to see young Derek and Peter again, give me a Hale prequel)
Peter: "Is it me? Am I the drama?"
Ofc they have a plan Scott 🙄 not everyone just makes it up as they go and pretends that hunters aren't dangerous (that's always pissed me off about Scott, not everyone is redeemable)
Allison Argent that is a child
There's gonna be an explosion
There was an explosion
Jackson worried about his tail, please bye💀🤚
Would've been better if it was actually an illusion and not really Allison
You better hobble a little faster Eli
Oh, you can't hobbled fast but ur ass can climb
Me personally, I woulda stayed in that car
"Allison stop" bc that'll work🙄
Damn Scott pulled a Satomi, nice. Why he look confused though, you forget you have supernatural reflexes my guy?🤨
lmao not him trying negotiate as she shoots arrows at them
oh but what if I'm not a werewolf? Really Eli HALE?!
Pretty eyes though 😁
Run, Forest, run
"She's tryna get an arrow through you" Omg Eli is meee like fr Scott listen to the kid
"You faint at the sight of blood?!" "No, but I might at the sight of a chopped of arm!"
You think?!
Scott flashbacks, Eli's future partner is in that car "omg we almost hit someone" jk it's Sheriff Stilinski
Peter has a right to be filled with such anger, legit family was burned alove infront of him and was in a coma for 6 years, I would've been forever angry too bc that's not just something you get over
"Allison stOoOoOp" bc that worked so well last time
also backtrack to Chris saying that Allison wouldn't kill a 15 year old, what about Boyd and Erica? Legit grl went psycho in season 2 and I don't want to here and "Well Gerard..." She still did it
"sure lets talk" 🗡🗡🏃‍♀️💨 we have very different definitions of talking
Eli and Derek are the best part of this movie🥺
Hikari said, "I got one of those too mfs"🗡
Flashbacks to when Hayden got taken by the ghost riders 😭
Meanwhile in the Hale house:
Pt. 3- 5
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reidsconverse · 4 years ago
Okay but having an accidental pregnancy with young Spencer having a kid but he's just like 'w-we made that'🥺
S1/S2 dad!spence brings me so much joy!! 
hes worried of course, hes just starting his career and he cant really look after himself that well but when you tell him youre pregnant his reaction is nothing short of ecstatic.... hes starts preparing instantly, he starts reading all these parenting books, he even tries to be subtle and ask hotch for advice (he says hes just curious) and eventually morgan overhears and he’s like “whats with the sudden interest in kids reid? you knock someone up?” and he starts laughing bc theres no way spencer reid would do that... especially not when hes so sure spencers a virgin. spencer gets so flustered and hes like “a-actually yes... my girlfriend is pregnant.” and no one believes him at first but when spencer shows them the sonogram the room is stunned into silence, the baby of the team is having a baby!!!
everyone is soo supportive, jj and elle give him so many tips on how to support you in this time and gideon and hotch give him some fatherly advice, derek has a new found respect for spencer which spencer secretly loves and PENELOPE oh penelope she is just overjoyed, she knits the baby so many things and buys y’all so much and organises the best baby shower ever !! she also regularly checks up on you if spencers away on a case and spends so much time telling the baby about its dad and how cool he is... just the sweetest angel
now spencer....he is just the best, he makes those late night fast food/grocery runs if your cravings hit late at night, he’ll hold your hair back when youre sick even if he is a germaphobe ur carrying his baby and its the least he can do, he’ll do a bunch of research on how to avoid morning sickness and the best things you can do to have an easy pregnancy, he gives you massages and even stops drinking coffee because he knows you cant and the smell of it makes you crave it !! hes with you at every appointment no matter what and he definitely cries when you hear your babys heartbeat for the first time....
when its finally time for the baby to be born, he’s probably at work and you ring him and youre like “its time...” and he starts to panic because even though hes been preparing it hasnt quite him that hes going to be a dad!!! everyone notices him acting all strange and eventually jj takes the phone from him and is like “hello?” and when you tell her she squeals and tells everyone else who in turn rush spencer out of the building and back home so they can take you to the hospital... once you get there hes with you the whole time despite the nurses begging him to take a walk because he wont stop talking their ear off about what you need or how to do their job 😭 eventually its time to push, spencers a skinny little thing but he takes your hand in his and allows you to squeeze as tight as you like, and even though hes sure he can feel is hand breaking he would knows youre in a hell of a lot more pain than him, he talks to you the whole time and youre stuck between yelling at him for putting you through this and finding comfort in his voice, when it comes to the last few pushes he places sweet kisses along your sweaty forehead and whisperers so many praises...
the first time he hears your baby cry he cannot stop the tears from falling and when the nurses offer to let him cut the umbilical cord he doesn’t hesitate to grab his goopy baby and cut the cord... hes just in complete awe of this tiny little thing that you’ve created together, a baby... his baby.... when the babys all cleaned and up and everything has been done its just the two of you in the room, its silent but a peaceful silence.. hes sat next to you on the bed and you’re both staring at this amazing creation and hes just like “we made that....” and you’re just sending him these heart eyes and you have to give him a kiss because even though having an oopsie baby was terrifying theres no one you wouldve rather done with... and he feels the same way...
the team comes into the room a little later, all taking turns to say hello to the newest bau baby... spencer definitely makes them wear scrubs and masks because hes all too aware of how easily germs can spread to babies and he isnt going to risk anything, but anyway everyone is in complete awe of your baby its a perfect mix of you and spencer... with his hair and nose and your eyes and mouth... its beautiful and everyone knows they’d do anything to protect them, penelope definitely cries and derek gives spencer the biggest hug and gideon is just so proud of spencer, for rising up to this challenge and doing his very best... and spencer is just so grateful for everyone around him especially you and your amazing child....
im so emotional omg sorry for writing so much
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friendofhayley · 4 years ago
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Hooray for all content creators in all fandoms! Y’all make the world go round! This is April’s round-up of fics I read and recommend from multiple fandoms. This fic rec includes 9 fics from the Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, and One Direction fandoms!
Drarry (Harry Potter)
1. Nero su bianco by @zuzallove | oblivious boys in love - we get to see what Draco could have been thinking during 7th year Hogwarts - lots of drama, if you’re into it - Narcissa knows all and is great - 40k
September 1997. Hogwarts is under the regime of Voldemort and the Carrows. Finding himself alienated by both his friends and his supposed enemies, Draco puts quill to parchment, and writes letters. He addresses them to the only person he can think of, as Hogwarts rapidly falls into chaos and ruin: Harry Potter. He goes to great lengths to ensure the letters are never discovered, and he’s pretty certain he’s done a great job.
Until the day of his trial.
2. What’s Eating Draco Malfoy? by @actual-howlinglikeaseaturtle | this is a re-read so it’s v v good - cw eating disorder, suicide ideation, alcoholism - Ginny & Draco being friends is just so special to me - also everything is handled very well - 75k
"Tragedy struck today when Anorexia Nervosa claimed a young boy's life," he spoke loudly. "Very sad. He will be missed by one person, maybe two. Awful. Now to the weather with Carl!"
Ginny could not help herself; she burst out laughing. She didn't know what was more absurd. The way Malfoy joked about his own death or the fact that he had watched muggle TV. Muggle news even.
"You're a bloody lunatic!" she snorted, and Malfoy's smile widened.
Sterek (Teen Wolf)
3. Exactly Like You by Jerakeen | Pride and Prejudice AU whoo whoo!! - werewolves are known - stereotypical A/B/O - but everything else is the same except Scott leaves town with Derek after S1 - 70k
“It was Jackson’s idea,” Lydia explains, looking perfectly serious while standing in front of a March Madness bracket of Beacon Hills’ eligible bachelors.
Jackson looks smug. “It only makes sense.”
Stiles meets Isaac’s eyes over the heads of all the crazy people in the room. Isaac shrugs with a slight wince. “’Tis the season.”
4. But Then What... by Stoney | Derek is the same age as Stiles! - I just love how they’re written like real (horny) teenagers - they’re just so bad at communication - also Jackson is a Jackass - 24k
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
5. We’ll be Better Around the Second Time by @jordansaysno | I don’t know about y’all but this hits my wish fulfillment for running away from home in high school - side Isaac/Scott which is very cool - Stiles deserved better tbh - happy ending - 26k
It's been months. Months of fading contact with the pack. Months of the silent treatment from his father. Months of nothing but himself and the occasional lesson with Deaton to entertain him.
It's too much, and eventually, Stiles leaves.
For years, everything goes great, until of course his dad gets injured, and he is suddenly forced to deal with people he thought he left behind in his past for good.
6. Fireman Derek’s Crazy Pie [Cheeseburger Baby] by @thegloryof | this is such a classic and what I turn to when I’m really craving pie - NYC fic - some parts are just delicious to read (and not just for the food porn) - misunderstandings - 17k
“He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible."
Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant. "Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy."
"Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. "Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
7. Don’t Feed the Wolves by Amazonia_8 | another classic fic that’s also hot - cw: Derek thinks Stiles can’t consent - werewolves are known - the jailhouse scene is constantly replaying in my head - 30k
Stiles took the dare, because what else was he supposed to do when the whole lacrosse team was chanting his name? Even though the werewolf pack had left Beacon Hills years ago, nobody was stupid enough to set foot on the Hale property.
Except, apparently, Stiles.
Now he's got a feral werewolf following him around town with the sole purpose of claiming Stiles as his own.
Larry (One Direction)
8. take my hand (and my heart and soul) by @anylessreal | aaaaaa this was so good! - just so much misunderstandings, but it’s so cool that the audience/Harry don’t know what’s going on too! - amnesia - friends to strangers to lovers - 45k
Harry feels nauseous when he opens his mouth. "Hey. Um, hi. It's me," he mumbles before realizing with a jolt that Louis might not have his number anymore. "It's Harry... Styles," he tacks on, screwing his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose. This was a terrible idea.
There's silence on the other end for a long time. Harry understands. He shouldn't have called. He tries not to let the static swallow him whole.
"I – yeah. Hi," Louis finally answers, slowly, awkwardly. "I um. Sorry. I heard about your accident. You're alright?"
9. thinking about the t-shirt you sleep in by @absoloutenonsense | this was another re-read!! - traditional A/B/O - misunderstandings due to past abuse (not done by the boys) - get ready for some high/low emotions - 52k
Harry's alpha fraternity donates to a local thrift shop (because of Liam's latent crush on a cute beta in his lecture). Louis' financial situation (and confusing omega instincts) lead him to make some interesting fashion purchases. Lots of pizza, feelings, and not-really-lying.
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blairsanne · 9 months ago
All great points!
I especially love the Anders & Dawn part of S3. The way the brothers work together to stop Colin makes me so happy.
I want to clarify that in my previous post when I said "god spouses" I was specifically referring to gods who are married in Asgard (Hel/Hod, Odin/Frig, Braig/Idun). I do think we get plenty of examples of other gods hooking up and it going poorly or not.
I have a headcanon that the gods and goddesses are pulled to each other, whether that's simply a "subconsciously recognizing your own kind" or a "you need to make babies with each other so there are more vessels for the spirits to inhabit" thing. (Maybe both.)
We see that once the goddesses are connected to the Johnsons (et al) that they start to form pairings, and I don't think it's just that everyone is so hot. I think there is something about the other gods that they find comfort/interest in.
Axl and Suzie are so cute. Would love to see them get back together in a S4 tbh, or even just post-Ga. Did Suzie ever even get told she was Saga?? I know Axl finds out in that episode but I don't recall her being told on-screen. What happened after the Ga? She's now the bartender nobody knows, and she doesn't get why? What about Derek? (And all the other gods and goddesses they never met!)
I think Olaf/Stacey was a cute couple, and I liked Olaf/Ingrid as well. I didn't feel like they had any kind of big blowup, and they are able to hang out even after he gets with Stacey, so I think they were mostly on the same page with that one.
Colin and Michele, while they were both antagonists to the Johnsons in S2, ultimately weren't a great match because Colin didn't respect her. I thought it really interesting that she went for Mike (after suggesting he play martyr in S1) when Anders wasn't at the housewarming party.
I actually liked Mike and Michele together, but not how it ended. I think they could have worked it out with better communication and a bit more grace on Mike's end to the fact that not everyone sees things as black and white as he does. I feel like I can see both of their sides of the issue at that point, but it becomes too escalated for them to reach a common ground, which is unfortunate.
I also feel like maybe their breakup had more to do with plot convenience to free Mike up to chase Hannah, which is... not my favourite thing to suspect of writing.
Michele and Anders might have worked out in the long term if they were both on the same page about it and willing to be vulnerable with each other. I felt like we saw that willingness in Anders in S3, but Michele was more guarded in S3 (and who could blame her given everything else going on and both her history and what she knows of Anders). There was some hint of things being a little sweeter in the finale (thinking of the casino scene where he says he's happy where he is), so it would depend a lot on what the writers decided to do I think.
As for Anders and Gaia - totally agree that without the Axl aspect, there's every chance they could have actually tried to have a relationship. They were not super well matched in age or values, probably, but they could have tried. I don't think Gaia hated Anders before the Idun thing, but I do think she hated the situation, and they both wanted so badly to deny the Bragi/Idun thing that they were not honest about it, for sure. Which might have made it worse. It certainly led them to acting on their own, which... Well they both complain about how poorly that went, so there you have it.
There are some mentions throughout of things getting intense or being difficult when gods in general get together (like Olaf and their grandmother whose name I've forgotten, Elizabet and Johan, Karen and Johan). I'm pretty sure it's Olaf who says something like "when you bag a goddess, there's always a catch". Which seems to be truer earlier on in the series than toward the end.
Is that because the gods don't get along that well despite being pulled to each other? Is that because they all have particular natures and powers that complicate their lives? Does it have to do with living your whole life hiding part of yourself from everyone around you and that making it difficult to open up, even to another god? Who knows. We are left to speculate. XD
I find it really interesting, though, that Axl was set up to be endgame with Gaia (I do think S1 is full of hints at this, as well as earlier parts of S2) who was supposedly mortal. That would have been a great payoff for the S1E1 conversation about how the last Odin chose to love a mortal woman and didn't bother with the quest, and Zeb telling him that Gaia is not the Frigg he's looking for, as well as all the S2 Kvasir "you need to become yourself to become Odin" stuff. Choosing your lover despite the Frigg hunt feels romantic to me. (Whether or not she ended up as a goddess in the end, and whether or not she had originally been intended to be Frigg.) [Interestingly, Hannah is forced to do the opposite, 'going to' Axl despite her feelings for Mike. Though, given that she knew what would happen at the Ga, I don't get why that was such a hard decision for her. She acted like she had to 'break up' with Mike, but like... only for a day. Whatever.]
We also see that same dynamic with Ty and Dawn, where Ty even goes as far as to become mortal to be with her. Of note, Axl didn't have that option, because dying would have killed everyone else around him. [Though the show could have penwaved that by later deciding that it was all a coincidence that natural disasters happened when the last Odin died. It's not like the oracles had everything else right every single time - see the Ga.]
Since I love the characters so much, I like to headcanon that it's possible for them to have functional relationships, even though there are sooooo many examples of that not being the case for other gods and goddesses. The few examples we get seem to be enough to prove that it's possible. And (certainly after the Ga, former-) gods might be able to understand each other better overall.
I just finished my first rewatch of taj. This time around, I noticed more than the first time I watched. I was actually paying more attention to the storyline instead of just watching Dean in every scene and how good he looked lol.
I felt bad for Anders and how everyone treated him, even up until the last episode. Yeah there were times when he acted like a prick but hey that’s his character and I understand him putting up a wall and acting the way he does because if how others treat him. Still loved Ty. Yeah at times it was a little creepy with his approach to Dawn but I love the ending how it all turned out for them. Still cried. Mike, still can’t stand him. I think this time around I found him even more annoying. I almost got to the point where I had to wither mute when he was talking or just outright skip it lol. Axl was better this time around. First time I found him really annoying but this time he was better. Love Zeb, hilarious! Love all the goddesses still, except Gaia. Don’t even get me started on her! Especially the storyline with her and Anders. Nope hated that part, couldn’t watch it this time.
I loved it even more this time around! Since finishing it, it got me thinking about it they did go ahead with a season 4 and what would play out. I would’ve loved to see how each of them adapted to their life now without their god powers and who would embrace the new change, who would struggle the most, would they change anything about their life or try and keep it steady? Who knows!? And then what about Axl moving back in with Zeb, do you think he’d eventually start telling him everything or just leave that all in the past and build a new friendship? What are your thoughts on if they did another season and what they would tackle?
Yay, talking about TAJ is one of my favourite things!!
I fully agree re: Anders. I often feel sad for him when people who watch the show accept his brothers' opinions of him as fact, despite Anders himself repeatedly trying to tell them that he does the right thing often, that he's trying to protect them, etc. -- and the audience even being shown that effort on his part multiple times. It grinds my gears that other characters thinking Anders is a shallow jerk is taken as a statement of fact from the writers and not, y'know, the character's opinion.
Anders may not have the same set of ethics as Mike, but he clearly has his own set of ethics (which he brings up in S2 when he's uncomfortable with Helen's ideas for his powers, in S3 with Colin's ideas for his powers, etc...) and doesn't see his own actions the way his brothers interpret them, and I think it's a very uncharitable reading of his character to think of him as flat and selfish, instead of the very complex character that was actually written into the show, with flaws and good points and complicated family dynamics where mostly there's a lot of misunderstanding of each other going on. I could probably ramble on about that forever, but I'll refrain.
Mainly I wish that viewers would take Anders word for it what his own motivations are, because he does outright state them at multiple points, right from the first season where he explains that the thing that got him BANISHED FROM HIS FAMILY was done in an attempt to protect Mike.
I really disliked Mike my first viewing, because I felt like he caused a lot of strife for other characters by being inflexible and believing he knew best. As I've rewatched, I've come to better appreciate his character and the immense burden he bears. I think his attempt at controlling his family is his own way of trying to protect them, and that this was caused by the events surrounding both the toxic relationship of his parents and that he was forced to be the head of the family at age 21. (I still get annoyed with him during the S3 Odin contest stuff but I also headcanon that it was a "fate" thing to force Odin and Frigg together.) I try to remind myself that every character on the show thinks they are in the right, and why that might be.
I have a theory about Gaia, but that's a whole other essay lmao.
My answers to your questions re: S4 will be somewhat colored by the deleted scene from the final episode, which reveals what Colin was doing tossing a red gem on the ground before the Ga.
In the deleted scene (which they filmed in case they got renewed for S4), Loki comes out of the gem, and we were left with Loki and Colin standing in the woods, apparently about to cause some problems.
With that in mind, I have to assume that the Johnsons would discover Loki was in Midgard and try to do soemthing about it. I further assume that at least some of the other characters would have god spirits inhabit them again (mainly because that's more interesting than them coming back to Earth on their own and interacting with mortal Johnsons).
I think it would be REALLY interesting if they didn't necessarily get the gods they had the first time around. Maybe Odin doesn't want to leave Asgard, so Axl becomes another god. Maybe Freki, just for the lols. Maybe they find some new McGuffin that allows other mortals (liek Zeb and Dawn) to take on god spirits!
Re: Zeb and Axl living together, given how long their friendship was, I headcanon that - much like Dawn - Zeb would eventually start to remember Axl, and maybe everything. Alternatively, maybe part of the season is Axl finding a way to make Zeb remember!
Just re: the Johnsons being mortal in general, I have a bit of a hc where, since Mike's career wasn't based on his powers, he'd go back to construction (maybe rebuild the bar to sell it), and Axl would work for him. Anders (who I assume does know how to do his job, despite no longer being able to just Bragi his clients) might even do promo for the construction business. Ty could still be a courier, and as the only one to actually live as a mortal since turning 21, I think he'd have the easiest time of it, especially with Dawn remembering him and all.
I think initially there would be a lot of razzing Mike by challenging him to games and beating him, but overall I think Mike might actually feel really happy to get to be included in those games again after so long. I think losing Ullr would really help Mike chill out. Or, at least, I hope that for him.
I don't really see Michele and Anders working out long term unless Michele started to take Anders seriously. She didn't really seem to understand him very well even in S3. I did feel like Anders seemed to want a more serious relationship (not necessarily that he wanted what Ty or Mike would want, but just that he seemed to be looking for emotional connection in S3, and not only physical, perhaps because of the whole Idun plot?) so I could see with not having Bragi anymore that he might settle down a bit and get a gf. I've always sort of thought maybe mortal women didn't seem like suitable gf material to him because they couldn't know about everything going on (like he saw how being with Val was complicated for Mike) and that's why they're always little flings. We do see him treat Michele and Helen pretty well imo (not cheating on them, taking them seriously as people, etc.), so I thought maybe he would do better with a goddess gf. (See Lofn fic lmao)
Ahhh that was a lot of rambling, but I'm always happy to talk more about TAJ!! Thanks for the ask :)
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anxiousstark · 5 years ago
S1 06 | Co-Captain
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 2091
Warnings: Mentions drugs, child abuse, swearing (always).
A/N: I’m sorry but this is a filler chapter, an IMPORTANT one. Y/N’s past start coming back, her mom’s story is quite significant, and the mention of his dad. NEXT WEEK WE FINISH SEASON 1! THINGS START GETTING FCKING INTERESTING!
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Scott had told us last night what happened to him. Peter and Derek had gone to the changing rooms, searching for him. Peter had shown him what happened to the Hale family. It was a truly sad story. Stiles told him what happened in the hospital, including what I did. But he hadn't told him that while Peter was showing him his past, I was shaking in Stiles's bedroom while he searched what creature I could be.
"What's up?" Stiles stopped the jeep next to Jackson and his car. He was accompanied by Chris Argent, someone who looked like an asshole. He was.
"Is everything okay?"
"Hey, Scott. Your friend, here, was having car trouble. We're just taking a look." He replied with a smile on his face. His blue eyes weren't warm, they were cold, transmitting uneasiness.
"There's a shop right down the street. I'm sure they have a tow truck." Scott pointed down the street. I just silently sat on the back of the jeep, observing Chris.
"Yeah. You want a ride?" Scott opened the door while Chris turned his face to look at Jackson. "Hey, come on, Jackson. You're way too pretty to be out here all by yourself." Jackson started walking towards us, and Scott came out of the car to let him in.
"Hey, boys." He turned the engine of the car on, it was working. "Told you I knew a few things about cars." Then, he went back to his car, driving away.
"What, are you following me, now?" Stiles got out of the car while I decided to stay inside, rolling the window down so I could hear them better.
"Yes, you stupid freaking idiot. You almost gave away everything, right there." Scott started screaming. Seems like his 'anger issues' were still there.
"What are you talking about?"
"He thinks you're the second beta."
"He thinks you're me!" Scott grunted, punching Stiles's jeep. Uh oh, he touched his baby.
"Dude, my jeep."
Scott ignored his best friend and continued speaking his mind to Jackson. "I can hear your heart beating from a mile away, literally! Now he thinks that there's something wrong, and now I have to keep an eye on you so he doesn't kill you too!"
He turned to the jeep again, to hit it. But Stiles stopped him. "Okay, how about we step away from Stiles's Jeep?"
"This is your problem, not mine, okay? I didn't say anything, which means you're the one that's gonna get me killed. Okay, this is your fault." Jackson couldn't control his temper, pushing Scott against the jeep, making it tumble a little. I decided to go out, standing next to the owner of the said jeep.
"Can we stop hitting my jeep?" Scott pushed Jackson away from him. "Yo, all right, yo, guys, stop. All right?"
"When they come after you, I won't be able to protect you." His gaze landed on his best friend. "I can't protect anyone."
"Why are you looking at me?" I put my hand on his back, rubbing it to help him calm down. He had concluded that Scott couldn't protect him if he didn't have the power.
"You know, now you have to do it. Get me what I want, and I will be fine protecting myself."
"No, you won't! Just trust me. All it does is make things worse." His eyes were desperate, but Jackson didn't seem to care. "Yeah, I can run really fast now. Except half the time, I'm running away from people trying to kill me! And I can hear things like - like my girlfriend telling people that she doesn't trust me anymore right before breaking up with me. I'm not lying to you! It ruins your life."
"It ruined your life." He smiled wickedly. "You had all the power in the world, and you didn't know what to do with it. You know what it's actually like? It's like you turned 16, and someone bought you a Porsche when they should have started you out with a nice little Honda. Me? I drive a Porsche." He turned around, determined to go back to his so-loved car.
"You aren't a werewolf." I decided to speak for the first time that day. Jackson stopped on his track. "You are something. I don't know what, but you are something." I choked, it was Stiles's turn to rub my back. I wasn't human anymore, and I hadn't had enough time to sit down and talk about it with someone. "And I am too." I stepped in front of the other two boys. "You were there that night." I simpered. "Do you remember that day at school? You asked me if my wound was hurting, you told me you felt different, that you weren't the same Jackson anymore." He turned around to look at me, jaw clenched. "I told you that all that was because you were a teenager. The changes a teenager goes through, you know?"
"Are you done?" He interrupted. "Don't wanna be here anymore."
"I lied." His attention was back on me again. "I lied, Jackson. I could smell you. And you smelled like the dead." He got into the car, driving away.
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Stiles grabbed the milk from the fridge, deciding to take it with himself to his room, until he saw his dad sitting on a table, documents all over it. "Whatcha doing?"
"Anything I can help with?"
"You know, if you poured me an ounce of whiskey, that would be awfully nice." He didn't have to think it twice, grabbing a glass and the bottle of whiskey.
"Any leads?" Stiles was going to grab a document when his father slapped his hand away. "Wait. Before we get into that topic. Did you know that Melissa was going to bring Y/N?" He bit his lower lip.
Sheriff Stilinski nodded, drinking his alcohol. "An old workmate had that case. The case of Y/N McCall." Stiles waited for his father to go on. "As you know, Scott grew up without his father but seems like that man wasn't in her life neither. She only saw him a couple of times for what I know." He wrote down some information about Derek Hale. "Her mother was a disaster. My friend carried that case. He freed her from jail one time."
"Jail?" Stiles drank milk again.
"Drugs. An entire criminal record related to drugs; driving under the influence, getting into fights while high..." He coughed. "Then," Noah Stilisnki gazed at his son for the first time that night, ignoring the paper works that were on top of the table. "Child abuse." Stiles dropped the bottle, thankfully it was empty. "Y/N went to court with bruises a couple of times, nothing more than that. But still, abuse."
"Didn't they took her away? What are social services for? Didn't they protect her?" His eyebrows furrowed while he glanced at his dad, who was now looking at the documents on the table.
"They called Y/N's father to court, hoping he would take responsibility for his daughter like any father would do." Stiles's mouth was agape. "But he didn't. The judge decided that the environment wasn't the best one for a child. But, still gave an opportunity to her with the condition of going to rehab."
"Did she?" The teen asked, immersed in the story.
"No, she left Y/N on the front door of one of her friends, who was also into drugs in the past. However, that friend was clean."
"She said her mother died."
"She did." Noah stared at his son. "In jail. She died in jail. She...uhm, ended her life." Stiles was shocked. He had to talk to Scott. She wasn't there to make Scott mad, she was there because she had nobody.
"Why did she end up in jail?"
Noah shook his head. "She was on drugs, and...Uhm, she murdered someone. Then, she took her own life in jail."
Stiles could feel his heart beating loudly. He couldn't imagine how she felt.
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Someone knocked on the door, and I came out of my room to see Melissa all dressed up. "Hey." She grinned at me, eyes shining with happiness. "You look beautiful." I offered her a grin, she thanked me, looking back at Scott.
"Scott! Get the door. Scott! For the love of God, please! Hey. What are you doing? Aren't you gonna invite him in?" She was like a teenager on her first date. Not surprised if we remember that she once was married to the man who put his dick on the woman that I should call mom.
I walked down the stairs when I heard Scott talking to her mom's date. He must feel strange, but I was curious to know who he was.
"I'm ready, I'm ready. Sorry again." It was Peter. Peter Hale.
"Yes? Sweetheart?" She was grabbing Peter's arm. I could tell she wanted to go out with him, and have a delightful night. But we all knew why Peter Hale was here. It wasn't because he had fallen in love with Melissa, or because he wanted to get to know her better. It was because of Scott and me.
"Have a good time." The door closed in our faces. "Don't say it."
I did anyway. "Are you going to let your mom go on a date with that demented psychopath?"
"Look, he told me that if I said something-" He sighed. "And what do I tell her? That her son is a teen werewolf, and that dude is-" He had difficulties breathing. "And Allison is upstairs-"
"Scott." I interrupted. "Calm down, okay?" I bit my lower lip, trying to think of something. "Give me your phone." He was confused.
"C'mon!" When he handed me his phone, I called the only person who could help me. "Stiles? Hi! Uhm, I need your help."
I explained the situation to Stiles while we followed Melissa and Peter. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
I grunted. "I wish I was." I tried to get comfortable in the passenger seat. "Here they are." I glanced at him. "What do we do now?"
"We hit."
Both of us got out of the car. Melissa's face becoming red when she saw Stiles. "Oh, are you kidding me? Stiles!" Her gaze fell on me next. "Y/N?"
"Mrs. McCall?" Great acting, Stiles. "Wow, this is - this is just crazy. What a coincidence, huh?" He looked at me for a second. "I mean - I do not know what happened. You guys just came out of nowhere."
"Came out of nowhere! We were parked on the side of the road, Stiles."
"How crazy is that? I mean, we should probably call the cops, you know, do like an accident report thing." I nodded my head while grabbing Melissa's hand. Please, please.
"I don't think that's necessary." Peter interrupted, looking around.
"Are you sure? I think I'm feeling a little whiplash." He touched his neck.
"Whiplash? You hit us!"
"I don't know - there's something definitely wrong with my neck." Melissa started screaming at him, and Peter went far from us, he was probably communicating with Scott, who had followed us.
I went closer to Peter, hearing him talk about Jackson. "Don't get close to her." He turned around. smirking at me. "Be a man." I glared at him. "Melissa has nothing to do with all this. Be a man, go for the ones who have something to do with this."
He grinned. "What are you going to do, sweetheart?"
"I was not the one held against a wall with a hand on my neck, choking to death." I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to look intimidating.
"You don't even know how you did it." He came closer to me. "But I know-how. Don't you want to know? Don't you want to know what you are?" He tried to brush my cheek, but I slapped his hand away. "You, my dear, are very powerful. More than you think. Maybe even more than Scott. When you learn what you are and what you can do, you will be a great weapon."
"I'm a person, not a weapon."
"Aw, sweetheart." He pouted. "You aren't a person anymore, and you know it." He whispered the next thing, but of course, Scott was listening to him. "You could be stronger with me. Be part of my pack."
"She already has a pack." I hear Scott's voice in my head. How did he do that? "She is part of my pack."
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space-malex · 4 years ago
There's lots of back and forth on who Victor should be with, but all s1 and s2 showed me is that Victor isn't cut out to be anyone's partner at this point in his life. He did Mia dirty and couldn't even properly apologize for it in s2 and the Victor who actually prioritized Benji's happiness and tried to take all responsibility for their kiss with Derek so they can keep dating disappeared in s2. He couldn't even articulate that breaking Benji's trust was wrong with spilling his secret to Rahim, let alone understand him at any point during the season. I don't know if it's supposed to be an international character flaw to be worked on or if the writers think having everything from Victor's POV is a good excuse, but it bothers me a lot. I really thought Malex was the height of showrunner bias and uneven writing, but Venji is so much worse. Alex at least always had a POV and a well-defined personality I could easily empathize with. You can't pile a ton of trauma on a character and never explore it, especially if it's supposed to be half of your main ship. I don't know how reflective a Twitter poll is of the audience split (the one they did on Instagram was much more overwhelmingly in favour of Venji, but they also don't show how many people voted), but it's not surprising that a dynamic that was basically written to be pretty much perfect so far and a fun alternative for the main ship's drama is appealing to so many people. They could have easily sold Venji better this season as a couple. They can lay a better foundation for future romantic them if they spend real time together platonically in s3 and stop putting each other on pedestals. They can also ruin what's appealing about Vahim with drama in s3. It's anyone's guess how s3 is going to play out. All I know is if Venji is still the endgame, I don't want a redo of s1 with Victor trying to work harder at a relationship he ultimately doesn't want to be in than he ever tried to make it work with the guy he's supposedly in love with. That's a recipe for disaster. A lot of shows are guilty of never showing us an endgame ship actually working on screen before putting them back together at the end of the show. I really want better here.
A lot to unpack
Victor did apologize to Mia, said he loves her and never meant to hurt her. It’s a bit complicated because Victor never went into the relationship with bad intentions and it took him the majority of the season to come to terms with his sexuality. Yes, he should’ve ended it right away when he figured it out, and he shouldn’t have kissed Benji when he was still with her. But still, there is a fine line here because there’s only so much of an apology Victor can give without it feeling like he’s apologizing for who he is, for being gay, and that’s not something he needs to feel sorry for. I think we should also keep in mind that Mia had her little thing with Andrew at the same time and never told Victor about it. She didn’t cheat or anything (or when he kissed her she stopped it) but she had obvious feelings for Andrew that she hadn’t dealt with. Luckily they finally got resolved in s2 but they were definitely there when she was still with Victor.
Now, what is it with this Victor slander in my house? He and Benji were pretty much constantly arguing or making up, but I’ve rarely seen people apologize to someone else as many times as Victor did to Benji about things that weren’t even his fault. He spent all season apologizing for his mother, even though he has no control over what she thinks or does, but also assured Benji that she is trying and that she is getting better. And he would know that better than Benji because he knows his mother and Benji does not. Or apologizing for not being ready to come out to everyone. And then turned around and did it anyway, which was what he wanted to do, but it also felt a lot about Benji and something he was doing for him as well. Which, fine, it’s Victor’s decision and he didn’t regret doing it. But then when there were consequences that hurt him by his team being homophobic, Benji first shrugs them off and then encourages Victor to quit the team so that he’s not around homophobic people. Which okay, first of all homophobes exist everywhere but I digress. Victor was miserable after he quit the basketball team. It’s not actually what he wanted to do, and he loves basketball, and Benji had no respect for that either. He acted like basketball with some kind of leftover heteroness that needed to be expelled from Victor. And he talked shit about it with his friends right in front of Victor. In fact, every time Victor tried to express himself, he would be essentially shut down by Benji and end up apologizing. Until episode 6 with the birthday and episode 8 after Isabel caught them together.
So look, I don’t think Benji had to tell Victor anything about his alcoholism because it’s his personal business and it’s really difficult to talk about something like that and it was definitely up to him when he wanted to open up. But then he turned around and was basically pissed at Victor for knowing even though Victor found out by accident. And then he refused to talk about it. And then when Victor expressed his hurt that Benji didn’t want to talk to him, Benji responded by completely attacking Victor and straight up saying it was exhausting work being with him bc he’s got a religious homophobic mom and is newly gay. Like….what?? 
Benji judged Victor for 1) being a jock 2) his mother and 3) being a baby gay. Victor never once judged Benji for his alcohol problems, he was just hurt Benji didn’t share with him. He didn’t judge Benji for anything else for that matter. He definitely shouldn’t have told Rahim about Benji, even though I do understand he needed someone to open up to and he trusts Rahim, it was a violation of Benji’s trust and not okay. But that’s like…the only bad thing Victor has done all season.
As for the pov thing- it wouldn’t be such a big deal if they actually developed Benji as a character, which they have not. We get no moments of him where he’s not with Victor (except the one conversation with Isabel, which was about Victor). If you’re going to have a character not share about their life to the protagonist, you need to find another way to share it with the audience. It leads to a disconnect and lack of emotional investment in Benji for many people. The fact that I feel I know Rahim better after 5 episodes than I do Benji after 20 is saying something. But the writing has given Rahim development that it hasn’t given Benji. It’s not surprising a lot of people in the audience are feeling more connected to Rahim as a result. Polls are never the most reliable thing since it depends on who sees them and how many people (twitters was about 20k respondents iirc but no idea about ig). I see a lot of vahim shipping on twitter and ig, tumblr not so much. But I will say I’ve seen people coming around on vahim who are watching the season now, as opposed to the smaller number who immediately watched the moment it came out, went in shipping Victor and Benji and had a knee jerk reaction about the possibility of another romance for Victor.
This is not comparable to malex in any way so I have no clue why you’re bringing them up.
And personally, I was never invested in Victor and Benji’s relationship. Even in s1 I was like 🤷🏻‍♀️ And now, with or without vahim, I think Victor and Benji should break up. They’re just not a great couple and I feel like the show would do well to make it okay for your first relationship to not necessarily be right for you. Especially for a gay couple because that like…NEVER happens on tv. It doesn’t take anything away from what v*nji mean to each other. Sometimes people just aren’t compatible. I didn’t start shipping vahim bc of anything with v*nji directly, I just loved their dynamic. I love seeing Victor light up. I love seeing him comfortable instead of constantly feeling insecure and apologetic. To me, vahim connect in a way v*nji do not.
Victor did not develop feelings for Rahim just because he was having issues with Benji. Just like Benji did not develop feelings for Victor just because he was having issues with Derek. Implying that does a disservice to both relationships and kinda takes agency away from a character and their feelings. But I want him and Benji to end things for real before anything happens with Rahim. Which might mean trying to make it work for a while longer. 
We will see!!
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mythical-fangirls · 5 years ago
Was possessed with the urge to write this out
Aphmau’s Mystreet But Ein is raised as Aph’s lil bro because idk, his mom died and his dad is an asshole and because canon is an illusion And because this has been trapped in my brain for days
Aphmau would be more aware of her werewolf heritage and in high school specific that yes, my dad is a werewolf but I got my mom’s human genes
Second year
Alpha Aphmau: All of you BETTER play nice with my baby brother
The werewolves: You have a brother???
The Werewolf Trio: Yeah, a half-brother who’s a werewolf. So he’s going to be in our werewolf class
Ein is not the omega nor the alpha male because his sister forbade it. No one can pick on her brother but her and maybe Aaron
In first year, during a lot of events Ein is just there watching and knowing all the tea
He still dyed a bit of his hair blue because Aesthetic
He once turned to his wolf form and bit Gene during Aphmau’s first year
He still buys his hair dye from Hot Topic and constantly awkwardly have to deal with Gene who keeps asking for pics of his sister
Aphmau’s aware relatively early on that she was marked by the Alpha Male/Omega Aaron as the Alpha Female, because she grew up with a werewolf little brother so she knows a bit about werewolves and it’s one of the reason’s she intentionally signed up for Werewolf Class
Every birthday of Aphmau’s, there are two cakes. Red velvet because its her favourite, and another non-chocolate one for Ein
Ein also knows about Aaron being a werewolf in High School but he was raised with Respect and Manners so he keeps his mouth shut, but does tell Aaron when he and Aph start dating
Ein had a baby crush on Kawaii-Chan and Laurence at the same time
When Aphmau was turned into a werewolf for a week, he helped her adjust to all the shedding
Aphmau: Wait, you use a different shampoo for your fur??
Ein: ... Yes??? Fur and hair are very different, that’s why you don’t use human shampoo on dogs! Have you been using your regular shampoo??
Aphmau:... Yes
Ein: Use mine so there’s less shedding and mom doesn’t have to buy another bulk set of lint rollers
Second year is really calm and stuff, outside of Aphmau getting challenged by Maria everything’s chill
Ein also gets challenged a bunch because everyone thinks that Aphmau tagged him as Alpha Male but no, I’m just her brother
The Alpha Male Aphmau chooses is still Daniel because Shenanigans happen during the games
When he graduates, Aphmau assigns Ein as Alpha Male because they’re graduating in a year or so anyway so they have time to properly scout for proper replacements in the next year or so
Mystreet S1
He either owns his own house on the street or rooms with the Knight Boys or with Aaron to give Aphmau more of an excuse to visit him without causing someone to freak out
He was with Travis at the start but he heard Aaron and Dante talking about a thing and grabs Travis and Celestia and Laurence so they don’t get left behind
He helps Aphmau with mom freaking out
Makes sure everyone knows that his sister cannot swim and neither can he (cue group swimming lessons to help their friends learn how to swim)
Garrence because why not, except they’re still in the “we’re totally just friends bro” phase and Ein and Zane are already Tired, but its better than watching Dante try and fail at flirting
Is Suspect of Gene with Zane
He lives with either Zane, Garroth, and Laurence, or Dante and Travis
Was not transformed into a baby during the Halloween special and made sure Aaron doesn’t eat any chocolate
Post-S3 Pre-S4
He’s just along for the chaotic ride until pain
Idk who’d take his place honestly, with that in mind let’s not
They clean up the lodge and the weirdest thing that happens is a ghost that either gets exorcised or is sent to another place to haunt
They find the potion place and the notes on forever potions, Lucinda takes the book home
Ein befriends the local werewolf pack and asks them to avoid certain roads because of people coming in with this lodge getting repaired
All just happy and fun times, until he off-handedly mentions a weird book about Forever Potions they found to Derek and Garte does shit really start hitting the fan
Then Travis briefly acts off enough to have the warning bells ring in Ein’s head
Oh yeah, Ein’s “werewolf” pack is just the Mystreet crew, they don’t really get it for the most part but they try! (Outside of Aaron and Aph, and Aaron’s werewolf genes & instincts are happy for the familiarity)
Starlight happens but more because Aaron and Ein worked their asses off (because Ein wants to help his future-brother-in-law have the perfect proposal setting and mood because his sister deserves the best)
However, Derek and Garte bring their families plus friends of their family along as well
They tell them a month in advance
Aaron & Ein:...
Ein: Well, at least you can use the money to just buy the rings and eventually fund the wedding, right?
Aaron:... Yeah...
Vylad’s there, oh and Garroth and Laurence are now dating and help set up Zane & Kawaii-Chan
During that one episode where they encounter Kai, he and Ein almost throw hands because no on insults his sister like that but him and maybe Aaron and Katelyn and Zane and-
Aaron asks his family and Ein if its okay for him to turn Aphmau into a werewolf
Aaron: I don’t want to risk her getting hurt because I lost control
The Lycans: We understand, and we give you permission as long as she’s okay with it
The Lycans:
Ein: I thought you were just a normal werewolf, maybe a bit weird but the Ultima? Never in my wildest dreams
The Lycans:
Aaron: Fuck
Two days later
Ein: Okay, I’m calm now, yes you can, as long as you tell our mom and get her permission too and also tell Aph that she won’t be able to have red velvet anymore because of werewolf allergies
A day later
Ein, to the Lycans: Oh yeah, remember that Aphmau technically has werewolf genetics because of our father
Derek, having certain pieces clicking together: Just out of curiosity, what’s your father’s name
Ein: Zack *gags*
Derek, internally: PANIC 
Ein helps Aphmau adjust to her new ears and tail, and also makes sure she learn how to hide it as soon as she can
Oh yea, Garroth isn’t turned into a werewolf because Aaron has no reason to lose control because of Ein because Ein’s his soon to be brother-in-law
Starlight is fine but the Adulter Adults are preparing for a storm, Hyria is also there because they needed a powerful witch to prepare for the storm
Things are all fine and dandy until the end when Zack, Elizabeth, and Micheal make their resurgence and ruin shit
S6, now I haven’t fully watched When Angels Fall but I think I understand enough to get what’s happening
With the extra prep, Rowen and the Guardian Forces are informed of the situation to come, Toby has a small team that have been giving a special immunity to Micheal’s control
Starlight is still on high alert, Melissa is shot by one of Micheal’s puppets, Rachel helps the other werewolves in the island escape and leaves with them hoping to be able to see her family at the end of this
On the cannon, through a lot of work and trickery, Micheal is yeeted between Travis and Terry on the platform between the canon, he’s turned into a relic between yeets
The Guardian forces take the relic with Holla’s help and information
The cannon sinks, Zack and Elizabeth are arrested, Garte and Derek do a bit of time for their previous involvement, leaving their fortune to their wives and children
Her Wish
Since there was less disaster in this timeline, its a large Christmas Family gathering featuring Everyone
“Reenee” gets a different excuse to spend Christmas with them
Ein, Lucinda, and Kim hellp her buy a present for Aphmau and Aaron
Ghost/Emmalyn recognizes her and tells the others buy they all keep quiet about it and let her have her time with her all of her family for once, even if they’re different dimensional counterparts
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panharmonium · 4 years ago
How about Teen Wolf, Naruto and/or Stranger Things for fandom ask meme?
Ooo, I love it!  I got Naruto in another ask, so I’m gonna do Teen Wolf here.
[Also, disclaimer for everyone before I get started: I have only watched Seasons 1-4 of Teen Wolf!  I am definitely going to finish it, but for now I am scrupulously avoiding spoilers, so please avoid any discussion of future seasons if interacting with me here.  This includes personal assessments of how good you think various seasons were.  Thanks all! :D ]
My favorite parent-child relationship: hnghhhghhhhh my FAVORITE THING about Teen Wolf is the parent-child relationships; I love ALL of them.  I guess if I absolutely had to pick, I’d say Stiles and his father - I just - literally I don’t have the words for how much I appreciate that relationship.  There’s some talk from Jeff Davis in one of the episode commentaries about how he specifically set out to write parent-child relationships where the parents are allies to the children, as opposed to antagonists, and that comes through so strongly in this relationship (and with all of the parents, honestly) - but the way that like - Stiles isn’t a stereotypical teen in the normal “pushing parents away” stage of growing up, which even Scott displays a little of in S1 (even though obviously Scott loves his mama more than anything)- but Stiles has just had a different life experience so he just - LOVES spending time with his dad and like goes out of his way to have dinner with him in the cruiser or at the station even when his father is working, and they TALK to each other about everything and they both WORRY about each other and there’s never a sense of like...the parent being an obstacle the kid has to avoid.  Stiles’ entire arc in the first three seasons of Teen Wolf is about him NOT being able to tell his father something for the first time in his life, and about how guilty and upset lying to his father makes him because it’s not something he wants to do and it’s fucking up their relationship and uhh just - hoo boy, I haven’t written about Teen Wolf in a while and it is going to be VERY easy for me to fall into a hole here
My favorite sibling relationship: Almost everybody is an only child in this show, so - hm.  I liked Cora and Derek for the brief period where she was around, but she vanished after one season, so that relationship didn’t really get the development it deserved.  I also am VERY interested in Deaton and Ms. Morrell, but again, I don’t feel like she’s ever been fleshed out in a way that allows me to fully understand what’s going on with them.  She’s always been  one of the most confusing characters to me, honestly; I’m not sure I’ve ever really worked out her motivations.
My favorite family relationship (other): I am hardcore here for the McCall+Stilinski family unit...I think Melissa and Sheriff Stilinski have been co-parenting their children for years and years and I think they count as family even if they are not blood-related.  
My favorite friendship between two people: Actually impossible to answer.  I love EVERY friendship on Teen Wolf.  I guess like...Stiles and Scott?  If I really had to answer?  But I also love the way Stiles and Lydia’s friendship develops, SO MUCH, and literally every single relationship between the various kids, and Derek, too...
My favorite friendship between a group: Original McCall pack, baby.  And I don’t know if you could call this “friendship,” lmao, but the dynamic between the members of Derek’s original disaster pack (Erica, Boyd, Isaac) was just fantastic.  A MESS, but fantastic.
My favorite mentorship: Deaton and Scott!  Honestly, Deaton is one of my faves overall - I keep forgetting that there was a big bombshell dropped about him in the last season I watched, and now I’m like...curious to see where they take that).
My favorite rivalry: Not a rivalry, exactly, but just Derek+all the kids...how he’s kinda their friend but also they kind of hate him sometimes, and vice versa, and yet - he always comes through for them in the end, and they would never leave him behind to die.
My favorite hatred/antipathy: Allison’s mom + Scott lmao.  [And okay, as a bonus - I’m not gonna lie, I was LIVING for the antipathy between Papa Stilinski and Scott’s father in 3B...finding out what we found out about that whole thing was SO fascinating.]
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon: I keep not being able to answer this question correctly, because I just never think about it when I daydream.  Instead, a potential relationship between characters who could have talked MORE - I think incessantly about Stiles+Allison in a post-Season 2 world and about the relationship I think they developed outside of what we saw onscreen...I am firmly convinced that the post-Season 2 period was where they became friends in their own right, as opposed to “this is my best friend’s girlfriend/this is my boyfriend’s best friend.”  
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phoebehalliwell · 5 years ago
inspired by your "can demons love" and "nature vs nurture" - imagine Cole Turner if the prevailing influence in his life had been his human father and not his demon mother
oh see my kneejerk response is like superhero cole but then like i remember he was born in the nineteenth century so um. maybe not. and since i’m remembering he’s like a hundred something years old but looks like thirty, now i’ve got some questions about aging. bc like presumably his demon mother ages the same as him, so that was no biggie when he was being raised but like. does he age like thor where it’s human aging but at an incredibly reduced rated like it takes him four years to age one Or is it a renesme situation where he’s gonna age until he reaches an age that’s convenient for the plot and then stop. i think being a baby for like a full on decade is a lil too weird so we’ll go option two. actually before i can go into this What was the whole situation between coles parents? were they in love? did she trick him? was he specifically chose for some reason to be the father of the baby (prophecy, a position of power, etc?). bc if it was like a power play if she did trick him than why ever tell him he had a kid why not get pregnant and fuck off to go raise ur baby elsewhere. but then if they were in love, what happened that drove her to kill him? And While I’m At It: cole’s demon half is belthazor he looks Like That jumping all the way back to s1 with hecate i’m p sure the reason she wanted her baby to be half human was so it would look human (and be born into an affluent family). the same thing with the half manticore baby in s6 (also, again, how. how did that happen and how did derek even know he was a father. who told him). the point i’m trying to make is did coles mother have a demon half? a darth maulette look going for her? was her human presentation a glamour? a potion? was cole experimented on as a baby and that’s what made him belthazor? does he naturally have those markings or is he 100% red but with tats? i’m completely Not Answering ur question but like i have so many of my own. 
okay so ignore that whole upper paragraph specifically au where cole is raised by his father he does not have limited immortality his dad fell in love with a demon and she loved him back but then she was found out she had to go underground or whatever rejoin the fold to protect her family and they never saw her again. maybe she’s dead. maybe she’s still alive and well in the ranks of the underworld. maybe she’s wearing dinosaur armor in the uncharted sea at the center of the earth. who can say. not cole. blah blah blah the point is benjamin turner raises cole first and foremost as a human, but y’know when cole starts figuring out he can throw fire and teleport and when he gets really really angry turns into a stunt double covered in red paint his dad has to sit him down and give him The Talk (the he ur half demon as in underworld evil talk Yes magic is real). and i think the one thing ben would really try to express is how much his mom love him, how much she loved them both. and i do think cole would have these little memories of his mom making a lil mobile out of tiny glowing fireballs above his head and little baby him trying to knock them out of the air and y’know stuff like that. so cole always knew he could love. he always knew demons could love. and i think yeah he would definitely wanna help people i mean he has superpowers and all that hello (and part of him does know his powers come from evil and that scares him so he views doing good as sort of an act of penance to counteract the fact that he believes himself to be at his core evil) and his dad’s just like hey i know u really like helping people maybe pump the breaks tho bc ur starting to draw attention to urself and that can be dangerous i don’t want anything to happen to you and cole who’s like maybe late teens is all like yeah sure but in his head he’s like i am basically invincible i am incredibly difficult to kill nothing’s gonna stop me imma keep doing this But jokes on him bc you can only save so many people w ur demonic powers before rumors start to spread about those powers before rumors reach people who can id them as demonic powers before demons find out there’s one of their own on the surface and move to reclaim him so you know they scope cole out like hey kid we gotta a thrilling opportunity for you riches fame action you name it just come with us and cole’s like no thanks i gotta watch out for my bad maybe some other time and the demons are like oh word? ur dad? that’s the thing that’s keeping you here? uhh long story short those demons Kill Cole’s Dad and keep his soul and promise to release it into the great beyond if cole joins them and does what they say thus putting cole on track to line up with canon events in the plot but this time knowing his whole seduce the charmed ones plan has an ulterior motive not to murder them but rather to curry enough favor with them that they will help him free his father’s soul 👀👀
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writefasttalkevenfaster · 4 years ago
lmaooo I have THE funniest news. my brother started watching cm so now I'm watching w him!! and 1. I forgot Derek has a tattoo on his back in s1 2. I miss Elle so much man 3. JJ HAS SUCH A BABY FACE OMG 🦦
lmaoooo how ironic tbh - i’m def gonna rewatch crim with hannah (@bucky-of-the-opera) over the summer probably after the semester is over b/c i’m so fucking busy now. i was never the biggest fan of elle when i was a kid - but i need to watch those episodes now i don’t remember 
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sandalaris · 4 years ago
WIP Title Game
Tagged by @youbecool @alwaysupatnight and @fortysevenswrites Thank you all so much! I
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Some are repeats because of how I do my writing, but here we go! (under a cut because there’s a lot of them)
1A - the document I use to edit the latest chapter of multi-fics I am working on, currently A Lesson in Navigation’s next chapter
A Lesson in Navigation - holds all future chapters/scenes/snippets/notes for my WIP
A SethKate Community - fusion fic! the FDtD characters are now a study group at a community college… also has some scenes for the reverse
ALiN Alternate Scene - deleted scenes for A Lesson in Navigation
ALiN Pieces to reignite - I got writers block a while back and so just started randomly writing whatever came to mind for SethKate
ALiN Seth’s POV - what is says on the title
All The Little Pieces notes - because that sucker got complicated and I kept forgetting where people were at
Andy x Lauren - an in-pieces drabble/fic for the show Gifted exploring Andy and Lauren’s mental connection and what all it means. Kinda shippy
Baby, We’re a Cliche part 2 - sequel to a Sterek AU fic
Biscuit Teacher - from the kdrama Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy. I really wanted Bo Ri to find out that Hyun Woo lied about Tae In wanting her there and then have them break up sooner, probably won’t ever be finished but I’m glad I wrote it
Chapter something - I’m shortening this list because I technically have Chapter 26, Chapter 27 and Chapter 29 and this vaugly named Chapter something all as separate document for All the Little Pieces (the main document was getting too long)
Document1 - creatively named. SethKate, inspired by the tumblr post about someone’s grandparents meeting with their grandpa tried to rob their grandma
Document2 - a rough scene from a Community fic
Document3 - has two scenes from two different FDtD fics that I need to put back where they go
DW - a Doctor Who AU where nothing is alien and everything is fae
FDtD Fire Us - post-apocalypse SethKate fic based strongly on the Fire-Us series (or rather the set up for that world and the disease that killed almost everyone). Seth and Richie find a set of siblings squatting in one of their safe houses… except they shouldn’t exist.
FDtD Seth Kate Richie - probably Gen fic where Seth and Richie are Kate’s imaginary friends… until they aren’t
FDtD Touching With Intention - a post-series Kate-centric fic about her taking her healing into her own hands, background SethKate
FDtD - a shit ton of random snippets and fic ideas that are all firmly on the backburner until I either get the overwhelming urge to finish them, delete them, or post them as chapters in my never to be finished fic (mostly SethKate). Including scenes from: Zombie AU, dark Amaru/Brasa (+Kate) fic on those six months between season 2 and 3, cursed!Kate is stuck in an alternate reality dreamstate and the Gecko brothers have to go in to get her out, and superpowered S1 AU (featuring precog!Richie, Scott can “do the math,” Kate can make people tell the truth, Freddie’s not sayin what he can do… yet, and Seth the badass normal one)
 Good Bad Kinda Fairytale - FDtD inspired by the Kinda Fairytale series where people are born either Good or Bad. SethKate featuring oblivious!Kate and pissed off!Seth.
Leverage!Life With Derek - Derek/Casey fic where the McDonalds and the Venturis are each a crime family that decide to start helping people with their skills
Lydia and Peter - an exploration of the connection between Peter and Lydia from Teen Wolf
MacGyver weirdness - what it says on the title, :P
Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU - actually just lightly inspired by the movie. SethKate. After a year of marriage, Seth, a semi-retired master theif who never told his wife how he got the money, begins to suspect that Kate is also some kind of wanted criminal… she’s not, but he’s not the only one to make that mistake and now people are shooting at them.
Murdered by Pirates is Good - a Richie/Kisa Princess Bride inspired fic where Kisa is telling Scott and Kate her story
Murdered by Pirates is Good 2- the SethKate sequel or possible alongside fic
(another set of multidocuments that are technically all the same) Nano 2, Nano Edit Numero Uno, Nano - all various edited stages of the Community/FDtD crossover where Jeff is Seth’s lawyer
Random Rumbelle - what it says in the title, lol.
Rene x Trevor - probably another fic I won’t finish, but Rene’s reaction to finding out that “Trevor” is actually a traveler in her boyfriend’s dead body
SethKate - my attempt to write smut for the first time, post-season one with kinda-a-werewolf-but-not-really!Seth
Shin x ET - The Lonley God kdrama fic where Shin struggles with not kissing his newly found bride
Spark Stiles - a semi-dark Sterek fic where Stiles climbs his way out of hell to get revenge for Scott’s murder
Sterek - two Stiles/Derek fic ideas that are on the backburner for now
Sterek SS inspired Part Two- the sequel to Intervening Process (We’ve Got This)
Stolen Kisses of an Ill-Begotten Age - Jeff/Annie post-Debate fic where Jeff gets to finally talk to someone about how Annie knocked him on his ass with one kiss
The Salt of Man - Life with Derek, Derek/Casey post-apocalypitic fic
Tumblr - the SethKate sequel to the drabble of Kate finding a drunk and high Seth and running her fingers through his hair…. that’s actually pretty much done, I should post it
Untitled tumblr drabble - a Richie/Dakota kissing prompt from @alwaysupatnight
Untitled tumblr drabble 2 - a SethKate kissing prompt from @yossariandawn
Waiting - a Criminal Minds fic involving none of the main characters, lol
What the Hell - a Big Bang Theory AU where Penny ends up Sheldon’s roommate and Leonard moves across the hall
wtf - a collection of The Umbrella Academy scenes involving Five dealing with second puberty, Diego and Vanya bonding during their teen years, and a slight AU where when they jump back to 2019 with ghost!Ben something to goes wrong, or right, and now Ben’s alive!…. and in his fourteen year old body
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