#for elros lol
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iminye · 1 year ago
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→ elros & elrond — the first king of nĂșmenor and the lord of the last homely house
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armenelols · 6 months ago
Actually. Star crown Elrond is important to me because it keeps the theme of his family carrying stars with them, their connection to the stars and skies far beyond what even all other elves have. Thingol, who fell in love with a Maia from beyond Arda and Aman and from before time itself existed, and who, of all the elves, was alone named ElwĂ«, after stars; LĂșthien and the nightingales, birds, free with their wings, soaring the skies; Dior who carried the silmaril with the light of the Trees inside it; and Elwing who inherited it, and turned into a bird, flying as LĂșthien's nightingales once did; EĂ€rendil, a literal star; and Elros, who followed his father's star to NĂșmenor, a star-shaped island where eagles dwelt. Star crown Elrond is important to me okay
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anghraine · 7 months ago
About a month ago, I found copies of Morgoth's Ring and The War of the Jewels in a local used bookstore after many years of looking for used editions, and immediately snatched them up to go with the copy of Peoples of Middle-earth and the LOTR drafts I've had for years.
I don't have The Fall of Gondolin, but even so, I was kind of fascinated by the different variants of the story Tolkien was coming up with until very late in his life. Christopher Tolkien could pretty authoritatively date some of the revisions to the 70s based on the typewriter his father was using, and iirc it was the last First Age material (JRR) Tolkien worked on, and he seemed to really think he could get it done after not touching it for 20 years.
But between the different texts that I do have, there are so many different versions and ideas for the Maeglin backstory that it's pretty wild.
Eöl was captured by Morgoth at some point and his skills made him useful enough in Angband that he got some limited privileges among the slaves and prisoners there, and also he learned some of his craftmanship because he was there. He either escaped because of this or """escaped""" (unconsciously a tool of Morgoth still). JRRT really liked this idea on a narrative level but rejected it for being too similar to Maeglin's own story.
Eöl was a Sindarin relative of Thingol's but had always been a hater in general, and left Doriath out of some mixture of personal antagonism and not wanting to be limited by the Girdle of Melian. His incredible craftmanship had nothing to do with Angband; he advanced his skills through his friendship with the dwarves.
Or maybe he was never one of the people of Doriath, actually, but akin in a looser sense of the broader Sindarin kinship group. He was, incidentally, wrong about the Noldor stealing Sindarin lands; the Sindar weren't occupying those particular lands in the first place.
Eöl was actually a Noldo who refused the final step of the journey and trapped/misled a young Aredhel before the Noldor ever even got to the Undying Lands (thus denying her the sight of the Two Trees). The Valinorean Noldor look down on him for being personally a loser, but there's no racial subtext to it.
Separately from any of this, Tolkien keeps confusing the exact generations that the Nolofinweans and Fëanorians belong to, so there's a draft where Aredhel is accidentally moved up a generation and Eöl regards Curufin and Celegorm as his shitty nephews.
JRRT wrote a whole passage about Curufin's motives in his interactions with Eöl, what he knew or guessed at what point about just who Eöl's mysterious wife was, and the importance of showing the better side of Curufin's character (given how awful he usually is, esp in Beren and LĂșthien's story) in his relationship to Aredhel and his distaste for Eöl, even if he remains arrogant. Although Curufin unfortunately doesn't choose murder on that specific occasion, his annoyance with Eöl does cause significant delay that buys some time for Aredhel and Maeglin's escape.
There's more, but those are things I found interesting!
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eccentricmya · 1 year ago
Kids: Fëanor, Findis, Fingolfin, Lalwen, Arafinwë
Grandkids: FĂ«anorions, Ñolofinwions, Arafinwions
Great grandkids: Celebrimbor, Idril, Maeglin, Orodreth (and CelebrĂ­an)
Great great grandkids: EĂ€rendil, Gil-Galad, Finduilas
Babies: Elrond & Elros
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 7 months ago
Your beef with the feanorians is funny af but honestly, what's even more funny (and genuinely pathetic) is this weird ass insistence on the fanon ass 'elrond and elros resent their parents for 'abandoning' them đŸ˜€' because there's always that and never an 'elrond and elros (especially in their years as adult) resent m&m for destroying their actual home and robbing them of their childhood and forcing them to grow up in a harsh environment, essentially becoming child soldiers'.
'THey bOtH cAn cOexisT', yeah sure dude except everytime there's a debate on E&E's relationship with their twins, there's always the 'yEah ElRond and eLRoS ReSeNt tHeM BUT tHeY SuRe dO lOVe THe kInsLayERsđŸ˜đŸ„°đŸ˜˜'. Like I can see what they're doing and they ain't slick with it.
It's truly ironic, coming from the tolkien fandom lololol.
lmao they act like elrond and elros were newborns and can't remember anything when the third kinslaying happened. but the twins were six and more than old enough to remember what maedhros and maglor did to them, and more than old enough to hold rightful grudges over it. i don't believe there's any indication that m&m forced the twins to fight or put themselves in danger -- but regardless, they lost their mother, their home, their friends, and everything they ever knew because of m&m. and i don't mind the relationship being complicated and having positive as well as negative feelings, because it is stated that love grew between them. i don't even mind ideas that explore that perhaps when they were young, elrond and elros on an emotional level felt abandoned by their parents, because they were children and regardless of what they know to be true logically, it's hard for a child to adjust on an emotional level to a parent's absence. complicated relationships are the fun of fiction!
what is not understandable is the idea that elrond and elros would love and cherish the people who ruined their lives and pushed their mother to commit suicide more than they would love and cherish their parents. and it really reeks of an agenda when the same people who claim that elrond and elros must resent eÀrendil and elwing and not consider them their parents for "abandoning" them (canonically untrue! both twins honor their heritage and their parents in multiple ways in their own homes, long after they've become adults) also wax poetic about how beautiful and wholesome and emotional the kidnap fam is, and how m&m are elrond and elros' REAL family. the intent is so obvious, but sorry, maedhros and maglor will never be elrond and elros' dads. they have an actual father whom they both name their daughters after.
also lmfao, elrond never even mentions maglor in lotr. guess who he does explicitly state as family? eÀrendil and elwing.
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isilwhore · 2 years ago
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I’m not going to get nitpicky about NĂșmenĂłreans with beards, but the choice to give Elros one is so funny to me.
He’s just like: “This is who I am, Elrond. I’m a man now. I have a beard đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž
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morianar · 9 months ago
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( art by @diomemedes)
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lconoclasts · 10 months ago
Can't add the exact timestamp (it's at the end) but they just??? Jump off screen???? Do they not die???
My general consensus with this fight is that it's just extra content and... in-between canonicity. They don't show up in the credits (in a scene) regardless if you kill them or not, and the pupils are alive(?) or possibly some other ones are alive as they could just look similar/be reused sprites
long speculation under the cut
Fitzroy is lore for sure which contradicts some of the implications about trancending that we get but like. Royal is kind of a dumbass AND is being told all of this from mother/one concern. There's multiple implications of the "ancestors" (both isi and Him followers) coming from somewhere else/resetting the planet and leaving instructions/tech for their respective people to use. Fitzroy seems to fit in the between stage before the concern has studied the tech, but AFTER the Ancestors arrived/reset the planet. In The Tower and the Bastion there are images of famous earth landmarks (taj mahal, new York, pyramids I think) implying that some sort of Earth was destroyed/minerals drained (more connections to the themes about environmentalism) and that humanity was "reset". RIGHT BUT CANONICITY. Fitzroy is more lore... If u want him to be. The true past of humanity is still foggy ESPECIALLY with conflicting views from Him followers and the Isi. The concern claims to have longer records of history, and has aforementioned images, but they shape it to their beliefs and leave out certain parts intentionally as well as only educate people deemed more faithful (concern staff) and censor/mysticize parts for the common folk and ESPECIALLY city one residents. Cough cough 'merica haha but not really I doubt he was thinking about Americans specifically. This is more likely a commentary on religion specifically they larger ones and how they shape societies views and history! (Remember when we used B.C?) I'm not going to say this is an effective commentary or a scathing remark on Christianity (I believe that Christianity is used as a reference as it's the poster child to westerners for what "religion" is. He probably intended for this to be about religion as a whole but like. Come on. It's definitely Christianity with a few changes to make it a "generic religion" especially with the focus on punishment and ascension to a "good place". They also use sin/sinners a few times but that may be for familiarity especially since he had a whole npc for explaining terminology) that aside. Canonicity. Again. The history behind the Starworm followers vs the Isi is intentionally left a mystery! Fitzroy and Leticia are real as fuck (if u think they're canon) and provide some ideas for what actually happened in history but who knows! I should get back to my conversation I got distracted haha.
#text that should be about royal#iconoclasts#lore speculation#mothers corners#Youtube#long post#analysis#(?)#also feel free to reply my ideas are very foundational especially on the religion part :-P but I have a lot of thoughts on xtianity#Being seen as “what religion is”. Especially when not every culture uses the “good place bad place” idea#Or the nobility of suffering Or Or the focus on punishment and atonement#I do think elro is telling the truth with what they teach the lower class so I may use him as a point of reference in the future#He's also a really funny and interesting character. I also completely understand why people don't like him#I'm sorry for not having other examples but he is literally Walter fucking white#Oh my God for Halloween I should draw him in that costume. I have an old sketch of him as reanimator actually#I'm too shy to show it tho hehe... Also the only connection is “science” and “crazy syringe!”#Also by calling him funny I mean his actions are. I like how he gives up on his religion immediately...#Definitely only because it affected him personally (penance) but he probably wasn't that devout#If a follower anyways. Especially with Robin helping out. “Lol it won't get me!” >Wife and daughter die#A lot of his actions are absolutely caused by grief and I really like how he's written. I like the themes of grief!#He's absolutely an asshole tho ESPECIALLY to mina actually honestly to any woman in his life#Teegan get with a real man. Fuck that guy. Also counting grey as a woman in this instance. Woman in a lesbian way not as a gender#Teegan is the only person who survived elro besides robin#themes#Teegan has her shit TOGETHER. I saw her and Gustavo talking in the credits I hope they become good friends :-)#robin survived elro and like he won't try to protect/control her anymore but... God...#elro#(mentioned) (also I might talk about him in the future I really like how iconoclasts deals w grief)
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veilder · 29 days ago
This is just Kidnap Fam, lol. XD
Was scrolling through AO3 and found this gem
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Enemy to parent is a trope we have to popularise lmao
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isilwhore · 2 years ago
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The twins can always cheer up Ada Maglor đŸ„č
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sakasakiii · 1 month ago
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when i first designed erestor 3 years back i wasnt totally aware of his potential half-elf status, and since then ive come across some more fanon interpretations of him being haleth and caranthir's kid which i really liked!!!! so ive decided to rework him a little by combining my original lore for him into this concept 👉👈 i ended up getting carried away on whole different tangent with his backstory which ive summarised down below HAHA
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tldr to expand on some key points under the cut:
born in F.A. 371 to haleth and caranthir; his parents' romance is short but passionate, and while many of the haladin are initially unsure about the nature of this union, they dont oppose it. for 4 years they live an unconventional but happy life together
haleth leaves thargelion in F.A. 375 and raises erestor with her people once they resettle. he's too young to remember much about caranthir. throughout his childhood she never tells him who his father is, but he also never really feels the need to ask.
he's captured in F.A. 460 (40 years after his mother's death) and escapes in F.A. 510. two years later, he finally finds refuge in Amon Ereb-- six years after the deaths of caranthir, celegorm and curufin in the 2nd kinslaying.
is tasked by maedhros to assist maglor with elrond and elros' education after they're taken in following the 3rd kinslaying in F.A. 538. he becomes a weird mix of a nanny/older brother/teacher figure to them, and a strange but sweet bond forms between them.
entrusted to protect elrond and elros following the break out of the war of wrath. he leads them to the Host of the Valar, where the twins are given the choice of the half-elven; to his surprise, he's afforded this choice as well, and decides to remain elven out of compassion for elrond after elros chooses mortality.
remains by elrond's side to watch over him for most of the 2nd age. during this time he resides in lindon as a healer, translator and archivist; later joins elrond in imladris, and partakes in the war of the last alliance as a combat medic.
in the 3rd age, is beset with sea-longing after what he regards to be a long and tiresome existence; he's also filled with guilt for being unable to help elrond heal celebrian’s psychological wounds, and contemplates following her back to Valinor. ultimately decides to stay back a bit longer, however, and lingers until after sauron’s defeat when the rest of the elves finally depart for the West. 
that's just a very condensed version but one day i hope to explore in some 4th age stuff where he finds out who his dad is...?! or will he?!?! who knows lol
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morganas-pendragons · 3 months ago
grief | elrond peredhel
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a short little thing about helping Elrond through his grief over Elros. Think I may release one more drabble tonight as I am really trying to clear my drafts out. This is an actual drabble this time!!! It's less then 1K LOL
"I not only live each day in endless grief, but live each day thinking about living each day in grief." - CS Lewis, A Grief Observed
For someone who has believed until this point that you knew Elrond Peredhel well, this may be the only time you can confidently note that you cannot find him in any of his usual hiding places.
That is what causes you to go seeking Galadriel and The High King. To you, it is a normal day. A normal day in Lindon among comrades and friends in which you spend weeks preparing for the next event featuring the court of musicians that Gil-Galad employs for such an occasion. Your free time is spent with Elrond, lingering amid the trees within each other's embrace and whispering poetry among the rays of sunshine and flowers that scatter along Lindon's fields.
You do not find him there today. Not there, not at the waterfall, not in the garden. He is nowhere to be found. The thought of something having happened to him concerns you, and that is what leads you to GIl-Galad's courts where you find him and Galadriel conversing with one another. Their conversation is hardly perceptible enough for you to hear. It does not matter. You stride towards them with haste, intent on finding Elrond before the sun reaches its peak of the afternoon.
Gil-Galad seems to have been waiting for your arrival. He does not look surprised that his violinist has come to meet with him.
"High King," You begin, bowing lowly to him and Galadriel. “Forgive me for the intrusion.”
“It is not an intrusion, dear friend,” Galadriel’s calm voice responds. She is always, to you at least, the perfect picture of composure. You envy that ability. “What ails you?”
“I cannot find Elrond.”
You know something is wrong by the way that Gil-Galad and Galadriel look at each other. Your gut has been telling you all morning that Elrond’s sudden disappearance has a purpose, and it seems you are right.
“This is one day of the year that Elrond does not wish to be found,” Galadriel murmurs, sadness tinging her tone as her eyes fall to the floor. Her fingers skate across where she used to keep Finrod’s dagger at her hip. “We are never able to locate him.”
“Why? What is important about today?” You ask. Dread bubbles in your stomach as you fidget with your fingers. The King will not meet your eyes.
Elrond has been forthcoming about most of his upbringing to you thus far. Being the son of EĂ€rendil The Mariner and Elwing, the Silmarils, Maglor and Maedrhos... All of it.
The one thing he has told you little about is Elros.
For the first time in the time you'd known her, sympathy flickers across Galadriel's face as she crosses the gap between you to take your hands into her own. You are dearest to Elrond. Due to that, she feels a deep obligation to look after you when he can't.
"This is the anniversary of Elrond's twin's death," Gil-Galad interjects before Galadriel can reply. Your fearful aspects crumples into something akin to sadness and a familiarity of grief that makes your heart ache. "I often do not call upon Elrond on this day. I never have found where he hides, but he sits in his solitude to ruminate over the loss of his brother on this day every year."
You square your jaw and squeeze Galadriel's hands before stepping away.
"If you will grant me leave, High King," You remark. "I wish to find my beloved before nightfall."
Of all the people Gil-Galad would expect to successfully find Elrond, you may be the only one on that list who could offer him comfort and bring him home before he caught ill in the chill that lingered in the air. Gil-Galad knows the depths of which Elrond loves you. It is a depth that far surpasses the weight of his upbringing, which he has endured.
He nods.
You are bounding up Lindon's staircases and out into its golden forests before you can hear their farewell, keen Elvish eyes peeled for the familiar form of your lover as you seek him out in all of your secret hiding places.
The lake, the waterfall, the garden, the library. All are empty.
"Where is it that you go to grieve, love?"
"Where the song is heard the quietest, where all the world comes to a halt, and where the heart falls somber."
You find him at the edge of Lindon where a single statue stands amid a small graveyard. You've seen it while coming and going from the city, mostly to Eregion to meet with other musicians and artists. No one would pay attention to it if they were not looking.
You have never truly taken the time to recognize it for what it is.
Elros Tar-Minyatur.
You don't say anything as you approach. Elrond is knelt at the feet of the statue, hands wound in the fabric of his cloak as he weeps. Not a sound escape his lips. This must be what grief feels like. Silent suffering over a face, a name, a heart that the rest of the world will never come to know again because you are what remains of their memory.
You hum softly to acknowledge your presence and rest your hand on his shoulder. He leans into it, seeking out the touch of your comfort, while his hands move upward to hide his face and the tears that stain his cheeks.
You do not shush him. You simply kneel in the dirt and take Elrond into your arms, kissing a head of damp curls as he slides into the part of your legs and clutches at you so hard that you're sure his fingerprints will leave bruises. His grief will slip into your bloodstream, and you too will feel the aching hole that comes with the loss of one so dear to him.
You do little but hold Elrond there. Press a kiss to his temple, to his hair, to his forehead.
There, wrapped in the warmth of the embrace of one who loves him still and will continue to do so, Elrond allows you to see the heart of him that bleeds over a twin who chose mortality, who chose men.
You wonder if Elros would choose him, were he allowed to live again.
You stare up at the statue as if Elros will speak to you.
I will live to love him for you. I promise.
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sesamenom-sideblog · 2 years ago
Even funnier- Middle Earth is basically supposed to be Ancient Europe, and raccoons are native to North America. So the presence of a live raccoon implies somewhere along the journey, Boromir sailed across the Great Sea, past Valinor, to Arda’s N. America, caught a raccoon, then dragged it back with him. in 110 days.
I saw a post saying that Boromir looked too scruffy in FotR for a Captain of Gondor, and I tried to move on, but I’m hyperfixating. Has anyone ever solo backpacked? I have. By the end, not only did I look like shit, but by day two I was talking to myself. On another occasion I did fourteen days’ backcountry as the lone woman in a group of twelve men, no showers, no deodorant, and brother, by the end of that we were all EXTREMELY feral. You think we looked like heirs to the throne of anywhere? We were thirteen wolverines in ripstop.
My boy Boromir? Spent FOUR MONTHS in the wilderness! Alone! No roads! High floods! His horse died! I’m amazed he showed up to Imladris wearing clothes, let alone with a decent haircut. I’m fully convinced that he left Gondor looking like Richard Sharpe being presented to the Prince Regent in 1813
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*electric guitar riff*
And then rocked up to Imladris a hundred ten days later like
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runawaymun · 1 year ago
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Elwing's goodbye, for @nolofinweanweek filling both prompts for Day 4 and for Day 5 (Elwing, Elrond, Elros). Double posting today because I'm working the rest of the weekend and I don't think I'll get around any more prompts this year.
This hurt to paint lol. I need to go lie on a cold floor for a while.
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serene-faerie · 5 months ago
In my opinion, the ideal way to adapt the entire Silmarillion is through a multi-season anime, with each major event being made into an arc
The Ainulindalë Arc: the Music of the Ainur, the Two Lamps, and the Battle of the Powers
The Journey to Aman Arc: the Awakening of the Elves at Cuiviénen, the Creation of Orcs, the Sundering of the Teleri, Thingol and Melian's meeting in Nan Elmoth, etc.
The Years of the Trees Arc: the life of FĂ«anor, the creation of the Silmarils, Melkor's corruption of the Noldor, etc.
The Darkening of Valinor Arc: the death of Finwë, the destruction of the Two Trees, the Oath of Fëanor, and the First Kinslaying
The First Battle Arc: the First Battle of Beleriand, the Flight of the Noldor, FĂ«anor's death, Maedhros's capture
The Sun and Moon Arc: the Coming of Men, Finrod's friendship with the House of BĂ«or, Fingon's rescue of Maedhros, the Mereth Aderthad
The Glorious Battle Arc: the Dagor Aglareb, the construction of Gondolin, Thingol learning of the First Kinslaying, etc.
The Long Peace Arc: Aredhel leaving Gondolin and her encounter with Eöl, the birth of Maeglin, their escape to Gondolin, etc.
The Dagor Bragollach Arc: the Dagor Bragollach, Finrod's rescue by Barahir, the Fall of Fingolfin, the Outlaws of Barahir, etc.
The Quest for the Silmaril Arc: the story of Beren and LĂșthien, of course
The Nirnaeth Arnoediad Arc: the lead-up to, and the actual Battle of Unnumbered Tears
The Children of HĂșrin Arc: HĂșrin's capture and curse, and the story of TĂșrin Turambar, of course
The Second Kinslaying Arc: Thingol's death, the Battle of the Thousand Caves, Dior's ascension to Doriath, and the Second Kinslaying
The Fall of Gondolin Arc: Tuor's quest to Gondolin, his romance with Idril, Maeglin's betrayal, EĂ€rendil's birth and childhood, and the city's destruction
The Havens of Sirion Arc: the meeting of EĂ€rendil and Elwing, their childhood together, their eventual marriage, and the births of Elrond and Elros
EĂ€rendil's Voyage Arc: the Third Kinslaying, Elwing's transformation into a bird, EĂ€rendil's voyage to Aman, and their plea to the Valar for aid
The War of Wrath Arc: the War of Wrath, the defeat of Morgoth, the reclaiming of the Silmarils, the choice of Elrond and Elros, the death of Maedhros, etc.
Basically, a Silmarillion anime would give One Piece a run for its money based on length, lol. And it would be even better if it was done by the studio that did Spy x Family, since their animation style is absolutely beautiful.
I would watch the hell out of a Silm anime!
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celebenarinya · 2 months ago
If it's okay, could you draw a FĂ«anĂĄro with his grandson(s) obtained via larceny - Elrond and/or Elros? :3
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Hey, he'll take what he can get.
THANK YOU the-beliegmiester for the first request!!! Ahh I was so excited for it I'm sorry it took a while LOL!! I hope you like it!!
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