#for each other
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calexinred · 2 days ago
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ieatsand2763 · 9 months ago
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Gay challanges
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Something so inherently bonkers about duos in fandom is when you as the audience member haven’t watched the show or movie in a while, but when you focus on trying to remember the voices of the characters, you remember their voice really well specifically when they’re saying another character’s name. I am clearly the cause of this weird lil internal intimacy thing because I’m the one remembering their voices, but it’s still so insane because why is THAT the first word I can think of??? And for BOTH of the characters???? Crazy
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felinelun · 1 year ago
Hey, Vicdecai shippers! All of you! Espesially those who ship one-sided Vicdecai and relish that Mordecai-the-repressed-gay-man angst! Don't you find you all miss something? Because I think you are.
Because Victor, the cis man Mordecai has that tragic crush on? Well. Imagine you are Victor. That cis slavic guy who has a wife and beloved beautiful kid.
Imagine you had them, but you are changed by The Great War now so irreversibly your wife cannot accept you, she cannot live with the man you are now. She left and she took your dear child, too.
And than you meet a person, a person who is more than fine with that war broken man you're now, a person who's always by your side, a person worth diying for... Hell, a person worth putting a fucking tie on a fucking New Year for!
But you can't love him. Because you have a wife and a kid. And he is a man. And you cannot love him, because men do not betray their wives and do not love other men, that is simply a rule and you now can't live without being true to some rules in your broken life, without orders of life...
And than that person betrays you and your found family. And you just start losing your purpose
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obx-incorrect-quotes · 10 months ago
John B: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Sarah : Several traffic violations.
JJ : Three counts of resisting arrest.
Kiara: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Pope : Also, that’s not our car
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azrael-arryn · 5 months ago
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Anyone here enjoy Sam/Sebastian? Cause I know I do :3
I WOULD shade this but I’m tired and shading is tiring lmao
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rohirric-hunter · 2 months ago
I had the weirdest conversation with my mom earlier today. I told her about how when I was getting into LotR the movies were coming out, so of course there was merch and collectibles everywhere and since the movies were so massive and groundbreaking basically everyone knew basically what it was and it was super easy to find all sorts of special editions of it and games and stuff, and then I said, "Obviously there's less of that now, because the movies are so old and all the new stuff coming out is smaller."
She said, "No, it's not obvious. I don't know why there's less. Before the movies were even announced it was so easy to get Lord of the Rings merch. I had so much of it in high school." And then she told me about a bunch of cool things she had in high school that you can't find anymore. Things like a notebook that not only had a LotR-themed cover, but quotes and illustrations inside.
IDK, it's very fascinating. If I had to pin down a theory as to the reason for this, I would say it's because the internet has made it easier for IP holders to crack down legally on this sort of thing. Before the internet a small company could make some unlicensed merch and sell it locally and the IP holder would never know. The Tolkien estate hasn't really been known for going after people for that, but a lot of places probably just made it their policy to do less of that moving forward. Also now that Warner Bros and EA games have rights it's riskier, since they will crack down on it. They are also making less officially licensed merch too, though, and I'm not sure of the reason for that
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livefreebutwisely · 3 months ago
The fact that Jayce went through hell (also) because of Viktor in that post-apocalyptic future, but instead of hating him he swore that this time he would keep his promise (to destroy the hexcore) and then went even further because that was his duty in taking responsibility for his actions and preventing innocent people from paying the consequences, while what he really wanted was to have Viktor back with him, leaving everything else behind, because Viktor was his goal from the beginning, the mage who saved him by showing him a beauty that he tried to reach and bring into the world all his life, but that wasn't the arcane/magic but the understanding that beauty lies in the hope and strength we find in the darkest moments, when we have to look at things beyond what they appear and push ourselves to bring out what's inside us.
"You were never broken, Viktor. There is beauty in imperfections. They made you who you are. An inseparable piece of everything I admired about you. I thought I wanted us to give magic to the world. Now, all I want is my partner back."
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ronance4life42 · 1 year ago
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This is image is so gay. Look at them. See them being gay. At each other. For each other. It fucking radiates. It’s insane. You feel the intense gay vibes coming off of this picture like an overpowering wave. Because it is just that: overpowered. It’s so strong it can be felt from across a screen. From across decades. Time-travelling lesbianism. We love to see it. This why we go crazy. Because it’s crazy. It only takes a single image for it to be so blatantly gay. But on the other hand, it’s not a single image. There are loads more where this came from. And in all of them there is so much gayness, it’s just wild. Wacky. Gay.
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jackyjackdraws · 1 year ago
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Haven't posted these two in a while here 💕
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emwallas176 · 1 month ago
Cannot get over the duality of Smallville. In my mind, Clark and Lex are the leads of two very different shows. I’m only on season one right now but it’s so fascinating how everything that comes later is already baked in from the beginning. You can see the tragedy of their friendship even before the first crack forms because at the heart of it all, there’s always going to be a lack of understanding between Clark and Lex. It’s just who they are, how the both of them were raised.
Because on one side you have Clark. He’s an alien. He feels alone in the world, like he has to hide himself. This feeling becomes an instinct where even though he is an open and honest person there’s a part of himself that never really gets to see the light of day.
And then you have Lex who barely even knows the meaning of the word trust. He was raised in business and politics (most of it not even above board). And that’s not even mentioning the influence his father specifically had on him. He’s been taught to lie and keep secrets and ultimately restrain from divulging any part of himself without some serious teeth pulling. In fact, Lex usually won’t give up a lie until he’s been caught outright. He’s always dealing in half-truths and lying by omission so that he can stay ten steps ahead of everyone else because he was taught by his dad and has learned over and over again through experience until it was practically hardwired into his brain that sharing information with other people is a losing move and usually just puts another bullet in the gun someone’s already got aimed at your chest.
So what do you get out of that? Well, you get two people from two complete different spheres (two houses both alike in dignity and all that) who make the choice to be friends, not knowing that the choice is an impossible one. Because neither can ever be fully honest with the other (they don’t know how to be fully honest with anyone) and eventually the lies pile up between them. The misunderstandings become more than just circumstantial. They become delusion and obsession and mistrust and bad faith. They can talk and try to fight it all they want but at the end of the day their constant miscommunication leads to what was always their ultimate destiny—the end of their friendship and the start of something worse.
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lxvegod · 2 years ago
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Okay literal nadie me peló ojalá sí me hagan caso ahora 😾
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the-deal-breaker · 11 months ago
Give HuaXin some love.
OK I gave in, this is my cause now.
Am I a little mad my best peice of work so far is a HuaXin drawing? A little but not for the reason you think. This was my second attempt and apparently I just get better with in hours.
Anyway Hua Cheng is definitely a dog person now that I think about it.
You know that post which was just like dad that doesn't want a dog, then him and the dog but with HuaXin. Well technically the post was with HuaLianfeng but that's not my point right now.
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Also I made a little edit. That I refuse to post on tictok for two reasons
1) My mum follows me.
2) I don't care if she's seen my wattpad history she still follows me! I post ponies and mashups on there.
So here's the edit
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crookedghosts · 3 months ago
I'm so not normal about liper please why is he so "you would break your back to make me break a smile" I'm so sick with them
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leanned-too-hard · 10 months ago
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No no no, i learned from the best, Dan and Phil
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