#for divine madness ingo
hoofpeet · 2 years
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Still don't know what to call this thing but uhmm thoughts on how Ingo could potentially accidentally found a pokemon. organization. whatever they're called
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patriamrealm · 1 year
I've been rotating the "frenzied nobles mean frenzied wardens" idea in my head since I saw it. Divine madness my beloved <3 Do you have any further thoughts on the topic? How much worse and/or dangerous does it make the situation
Oohh yes I have so very many thoughts, but to start off, the wardens also being frenzied makes it far far more dangerous and worse for everyone involved. Unlike their nobles,
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They're mobile.
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The frenzied wardens roam each area quick to attack anything that moves, the wardens that remain don armor and spend all their time protecting people and pokemon from them. Some like Ingo, and Iscan especially running between areas to face more than one maddened warden.
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For a time the only places that are safe from the frenzied wardens are the Obsidian Fieldlands and the Cobalt Coastlands, with no Lord Arcanine Palina was temporarily spared from frenzing. Lian and Sabi are considered too young to be going out and fighting directly so they help Calaba in the fieldlands where the injured are taken and kept. Lian spared from frenzing simply for not having aspects yet.
Not only must they fight against their fellow wardens there is building pressure from Kamado and Jubilive village for them to deal with the treat in a more permanent way. It is never outright said but there is that underlying threat to take it into his own hands. Irida and Adaman have meetings with each other and him often. That does not stop him from trying to pressure the remaining wardens directly.
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So if the answer is behind door number 2 and some evil scientist really did find them after they came through, it'd probably make the most sense if they came through unfrenzied but disoriented enough that they were captured fairly easily, and then had something horrible inflicted upon them, which triggered a frenzy, right? Or would a frenzy like that come only from rift distortion fuckery, and they came through frenzied but someone managed to tranq them. In the first case a spontaneous frenzy might help them bust out right after if happened, but if they're already frenzied it might make it harder for anyone to actually do anything to them.
I feel like that might make things too convoluted though. Them being dropped off near or in Nimbasa but accidentally being frenzied from passing through the rift seems like it'd work best. The question then would be, why were they fused when they came through. Easiest answer would probably be they were in one of the distortion bubbles when something went horribly wrong and they ended up being taken back along with all the other displaced pokemon. Second easiest might be that Ingo was given the chance to go back home, and Lady Sneasler wanted to come too because that's Her Guy, but the rules were that only one could come. And she's like, well luckily we have a solution for that! And they go through together and have the bad luck of it affecting her badly.
Poor Emmet is really going to have his work cut out for him here, though. First he's gotta figure out what this thing is, then he's gotta realize it's his brother (both of which he'll only be able to do once Clamberclaw is calm enough for Ingo to take the reigns), then he's gotta... take him home? Take him to a pokemon center? But to do that first he's gotta actually get them out of the train where they've only just calmed down because it's safe and familiar, then he's gotta get them out of the crowded subway station without Clamberclaw freaking out again or anyone getting too good of a look at them (especially if he's paranoid that some evil scientists might be out looking for their escaped experiment), then he's gotta do the same but in a crowded city this time until he gets them to wherever he's taking them. (Then he gets to have his breakdown once they're safe and asleep lol)
And that's too say nothing about his emotional journey here. Like, yay his brother is back and alive, oh no he's this bizarre creature now, oh shit what if he had been taken and was being experimented on this whole time, oh God how is he gonna get them out of here, yay his brother is back in a safe place where Emmet can watch over him, yay apparently this is a reversible thing and he's not actually fused together with this pokemon forever, oh no he's not going to separate anytime soon because he needs to make sure Lady Sneasler isn't gonna go on another rampage and also this is new and scary for both of them and it's comforting to not be alone in it, oh shit apparently Ingo doesn't remember anything of his life here including Emmet. He's gonna have a hell of a time of it.
Meanwhile, Clamberclaw is super tired and in pain, but actually doing sort of okay otherwise. Because even if Ingo doesn't actually remember him, Emmet is like, the person he trusts absolutely to keep him safe in his vulnerable state. Which is a lot to put in Emmet's shoulders! But they're not really in a position to be making any big decisions on their own in their state. In this they're just going to have to put their trust in Emmet.
oof the idea that they went as a fusion to game a "one person only" rule... it brings to mind, like, people outsmarting a god in a game of wits and so it gives them a horrible and dramatically-ironic curse as divine retribution. oh you think you're so smart, figuring out how to bring a friend with you? we'll see how much your smarts help when i inflict you with DIVINE MADNESS
(not that arceus/giratina necessarily did this on purpose, but)
the other thought i had as to why they'd be fused at all is that sneasler was about to kill ingo in the middle of a rampage and it was the only thing he could think to do to escape. like she had him pinned so there was no running, the only option he had was to reach back out and fuse bc now she can't attack him anymore, can she? and now they're staying together for the same reasons as before, bc sneasler's holding on in the frenzy and/or ingo doesn't want anyone else hurt, etc.
probably the easiest way to get them out safely is to either take the train, or just walk down the tunnels to a further-away, less-populated station, and then go around the long way to wherever their house is, avoiding the most densely populated areas of the city. (this also means clamberclaw gets to ride the train which they'll probably enjoy <3) however there's also the fact that they might have quickly evacuated some areas when clamberclaw was rampaging through them, which could open up paths too
&then yeah, emmet... :c he's gonna try so hard to stay calm where they can see, bc they really desperately need that and if they think they're in danger there's the very material side effect of potentially reactivating Panic Mode and causing a bunch more destruction/having them go running off into the city again. but that doesn't mean he isn't on a fucking rollercoaster here. his brother's alive! and doesn't remember him! and has possibly been trapped in an experiment-torture-hell for who knows how long! and is stuck together with some mystery pokemon! and that duo has been pushed to their limit and is now in dire need of rest if not medical attention. once he doesn't have the anchor of "ignore everything else we need to make sure ingo's safe and okay" he's gonna lose it
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tombstone-pisa · 1 year
king please go off about about your favorite aspects of your stolen divinity au. Is it your fav au? Why/why not? Also 👀👀 what’s up with the hearth god? If youre willing to drop spoilers
The stolen divinity au is my favorite AU!!! And it's so very special to me for a looooot of reasons. It's one of the only AUs that i've made with @unovanhunny that I'm like... in for the long haul with, it has a set story and one that is personally very meaningful to me in a lot of ways! It deals with healing and growth and living with disability and the bad things that have been done to you and that you have done to others.
I feel like people often expect the roleplay to be much darker then it is because of the backstory. I mean, a god going mad with grief and eating other gods is pretty serious shit. But ultimately the focus is on Ingo's recovery from his imprisonment and how Emmet heals both from having Ingo back and from finally getting to be a person again after spending so long seeking vengeance against the people that took his brother from him. They've spent most of the roleplay cuddling and being disgustingly sappy.
It also involves them uncovering a lot of horrible things that happened to them, sometimes without their knowledge and done by those that they trusted almost as much as they trust each other. Ultimately, it's an AU about unearthing (literally) trauma and healing from it.
As for the Hearth God... I want to keep their role in the current story underwraps for the grand reveal but! They're a childhood friend of Emmet (and to a lesser extent Ingo who was more of a friendly rival) and his best friend outside of Elesa and Ingo. When Ingo died and Elesa was forced to flee the pantheon, they were the only one to remain with Emmet and take care of him between blood baths. If you think of Emmet as Sweeney Todd during the war against the gods then the Hearth God is his Mrs. Lovett!
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squareshiny · 2 years
i still need to finish legends arceus the only things i know abt the plot are 1) ingo ikesai and 2) volo divine madness
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unovanhunny · 1 year
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Stolen Divinity follow up questions in the replies LOL
Ingo had no idea. Ingo had been fed lies that he was down there because Emmet was Mad at him. Emmet would come get him when he stopped being Mad. Because what Ingo did was pretty much a betrayal to the other Gods.
But Emmet knew Ingo's plans. He supported him in helping the mortals, he was just doing his own things when the whole betrayal happened so he couldn't be there to help him.
As for Finding Ingo, well Ingo was hidden away in an oubliette underground in the basement of a castle. The very Castle Emmet used as a base of operations. Because of someone giving their word that they checked the castle and didn't find Ingo (a lie) Emmet didn't even bother checking himself.
And it was someone outside of the wars who told him that Ingo wasn't dead, but had No Idea where he had been kept, just that he was still alive in some part somewhere. It took Emmet an embarrassingly long time to Find where Ingo was being kept, but he did eventually find him.
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waywardstation · 2 years
oh poor Melli, he's seen Ingo at his ultimately worst (? ig? idk being a warden to a poisonous fighting cat is cool but that's just the bio major in me) so his expectations are low bUT THEN HE GETS INGO AT HIS PRIME LMAO
In regards to this ask
Ingo is definitely at his worst when Melli gets to first see him (I’d agree with you anon I took one look at him and thought he was straightaway the coolest person in the game before I even remembered who he was haha). He looks like he really let himself go, with his bad posture and tattered clothes, and that’s all Melli’s ever known. So when Melli sees what he looked like at his best, he’s floored.
Melli might have watched Lord Electrode get struck head on by divine lightning from above, but not even that was as blinding as the photographs haha
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Melli goes through an absolute crisis. He wants to take back every insult and back-handed compliment he’s ever thrown at Ingo, and sobs about this to Lord Electrode. But his awakening™ ends up making him act even more short and snappy with Ingo whenever he’s around anymore because he’s so flustered, and he’s mad that he’s flustered haha
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awellboiledicicle · 3 years
i keep imagining that, post game, the MC playing with their little collection of dieties and introducing them to Ingo because you gotta warn a guy before making him fight god... and Dialga/Palkia just.  “He’s not when OR where he’s supposed to be.” “What the fuck. Hey dad” Arceus turns. “Did you pull this one too?” “..I summoned but one. This is... rather strange.”
And then the three of them just slowly pivot to look at Giratina, who is deeply invested in it’s berries all the sudden. Just deeply interested in the lil details so it doesn’t look guilty. 
“Giratina.” “What?” “Was this part of your doing?” “No.” “Giratina.” A sigh from an eldritch being tends to read more as the brief twisting of all things around it, but it soon passes. “Maybe? I just opened the doors, i didn’t check if anything came through. I just new it would make Dialga and Palkia mad enough to come see what was happening.” Arceus has to will his other children not to give a divine noogie to their sibling. “Put the human back.” Eldritch pouting results in the temporary inversion of existence for the grass under it. The look of celestial parental disapproval didn’t help matters. “You didn’t put yours back!” “MC is still serving their purpose.” “DON’T GIVE ME THAT! YOU’RE BORED.” “And i can return mine chosen at a whim. You continue to not clean up your messes.” “FIRST OF ALL--” Dialga clears its throat in much the same manner a waterfall lightly cleans mud off a rock. “You can’t remember when you pulled him from.” Palkia rolls its shoulders and the vibration feels tangible. So does the impression that it was enjoying teasing its sibling. “Or where.” “So you can’t put him back.” “Because you don’t know how.” Giratina ponders, briefly, if MC’s unconditional love is worth sharing space with these three. The math solves out to ‘yeah’ and once again things twist for a moment. “Fine! I don’t know which layer of reality, what time, what place! Are you happy now? I was wrong, and unlike the great and infallible Arceus, i errored. And i can’t fix it.” A light stomping sends the grass into another questionable turn of reality. “Won’t send him back, will it?” Arceus slowly inclines its head, gaze unyielding and even as ever. “It is well that you acknowledge this. Some maturity has been gained, after all.” Another incline in the opposite direction as Giratina pondered if it’s parent suddenly granted it a mortal set of lungs to be able to feel the weight in the air as it continued. “Work with mine chosen to remedy your mistake and perhaps we will discuss the future-- before your sibling pulls it to us.”
Meanwhile the MC and Ingo are just watching these literal titans make noises at one another and pondering how many pokemon a literal god can fight before passing out. Probably evolves into MC getting a series of Ye Olde Texts because while they could all talk in Mc’s head, it’d overwhelm them if arguing started and also its easier for them to just show ingo the arcphone.
Also so i can imagine Ingo going home to Emmet, supervised by MC who is now just being popped around the multiverse as much as Arceus feels like exploring in effegy. mostly so i can also imagine the giant fuck off battle the subway twins would have against the player character. imagine them having to borrow a stadium just because it WILL get wild, it WILL be big, and it WILL contain god
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r0-boat · 2 years
Helloooo~ it's me, ya girl Rouge, back here once again, with the Chaotic Inner Workings of my Mind +。゚φ(ゝω・`○)+。゚
Today I woke up giggling, thinking about how hilarious and hot that one idea on here was. The idea of Volo getting dicked down and given the taste of pussy and becoming a normal person.
Volo, the man trippin' on divine madness & revenge for the cruelty the world has done to him, uncovering the truth about the higher beings of the world and wanting to usurp that power for his own.... all while the sheeple continue worshiping lesser gods. This dude gets his pipes snaked and a good blowjob and all that is gone and he turns into an average joe.
"Hi, welcome to the Ginko Mart. Thank you for shopping with us today! Did you find everything okay? Would you like a receipt? :) /genuine"
he wouldn't still be with ginko after all That but shhhh its funny
uhhh I think the og idea was Volo/Reader/Ingo??
Warden Ingo pounding away at Volo's ass while you're sitting on his face. Volo is thoroughly enjoying it all and everyone's having a grand time. You lean back and catch Ingo's eyes and convey a message to him with just a single look. He nods. Message received and he's on board. One hand from each of you grasps Volo untouched dick and start pumping in unison, perfectly timed with Ingo's thrusts.
Volo, you wanted to meet Arceus to badly?? Well here you go. Here's your one way ticket. He's dying. Absolutely wrecked from the sensations and over stimulation. Goodbye Volo.
Then!! I remembered another part that added onto this idea that was like Volo/Reader/Ingo/Adaman?? Very Nice but That's too many bodies for me to count I failed math class once I'm not capable of juggling that many people. goodbye ingo. you just had your turn get out of here
Adaman really wasn't too fond of Volo at first :/ After all the shit he did and caused? Mmmm no thanks
But you, his dear Y/N, was so determined to reach out to Volo and forgive him, Adaman caved. "Alright, if you're fine with him I guess we can try and fix him. He is kinda hot ngl like DAMN"
Adaman goes full Clan Leader on Volo's ass. He's had practice dealing with brats, he can tame this tall blonde man. Anytime Volo brings up the past, Arceus or any type of negative thoughts...Adaman or you (or both) start making out with him. Getting him nice and riled up...
Volo gets chained up. Shackles on the wrists, pinned to the wall. Not allowed to touch himself or you two. But that's not the end of it. No no... this is just the beginning.
Adaman makes direct eye contact with blondie, points and says "Stay there and watch me fuck our partner. You're staying there until you've learned your lesson."
Volo has to stay there, untouched, no sensations, no friction, as his two loves have a romp so close in front of him. in the beginning, it took you and Adaman several rounds for Volo to break, begging to join, promising to release the past and accept your forgiveness. Just please, please let him touch you guys.
You and Adaman grin at each other and immediately go to Volo. Caressing and praising over every inch of his body.
Who needs heaven when it's right here? Goodbye Arceus.
I had. another idea!! That absolutely no one wants!! (except for me)
this is where the app restarted itself on me after checking a discord ping. not even tumblr wants me to share this but I will not be silenced!!! Y'all got food up top lemme have this! i swear to the gods if my pc randomly crashes here--
Ok ok so we have two TALL men who are kind of similar but also very different
Volo worked hard, discovered the truth about the world and attempted to subjugate Arceus in order to destroy and recreate a new world to his liking. He states his story ended when he was defeated atop Spear Pillar, but still swears he will get Arceus no matter how long it takes. This man wants to be a god.
Meanwhile Melli, likes to think he's a god amongst the mortals. With his arrogance believing everyone should be honored to be in his presence. this is the man who regularly gets into arguments with children btw
......Yeah so your role in this relationship, dear Reader-chan, is to keep them balanced and grounded. These two boys need Lots of attention.
Usually it's always two on one person. You and Melli fucking the pain away and assisting Volo towards a more healthy positive mental state.
You and Volo flustering the hell out of Melli. Aight bet. You wanted to be treated like royalty? Here you fucking go. Oh you crying? It's too much? Wasn't this what you wanted? 🤷‍♂️ The great Melli can't handle all this love??
Volo and Melli working together on YOU? Goodbye dear reader. Farewell. You're seeing Arceus again but they're gonna smh my head and send you back down to Hisui.
cries i had more to add onto that part but then i got angry at losing all this work. and my pea brain can only hold onto one thought at a time
I don't even know when i'm writing a long post, i just Talk and if turns into prose or several pages long i don't really notice or read back LMAO send tweet
∾ 【 Rouge Anon 】
Now please consider
The duo that will fuck your guts into mush.
Volo x reader x Emmet
Rip your holes because all of them are getting used and abused. And it only gets worse as the night goes on. Volo rams your behind making you choke and deep throat Emmet. Emmet knows what volo is doing and slams hard back into your mouth, force fucking you on volos cock. Each movement has animalistic desire.
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hoofpeet · 2 years
Legitimately love the idea of Ingo. basically starting a cult. For my au it never really went beyond him being considered crazy and becoming a hermit, but the cult idea? So swag. So funny. I think in addition to the zoroarks and emmet visions, he's probably found some way to tie chandelure into this as well, since the purple flames are so striking to him.
yeahg the more mentally ill i can make my blorbo the better .... <3
I imagine Ingo (divine madness edition) can have a habit of making pyres/bonfires/generally just liking to set stuff on fire because he's weirdly obsessed with watching fire
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hoofpeet · 2 years
maybe making religious delusions into a big joke about how ‘insane’ a character is for experiencing delusions at a time where folks with delusions are at incredible risk of violence both domestically and systemically isn’t. good. like ik every person w/ delusions has different opinions on this stuff but this is bordering on like. genuine ableism. making jokes at the expense of ‘crazy’ people, regardless of intent, isn’t cool. seeing all this stuff is genuinely upsetting, esp when ingo is being described as inhuman and feral for experiencing and acting on his delusions.
these posts are tagged with 'cults cw' if you want to blacklist it; otherwise divine madness is a fairly common trope and can be handled without necessarily harmful. I can understand if you're uncomfortable about it but I don't really feel. bad about exploring the concept of Ingo going insane
(+He's not being inhuman and feral he's. a guy going insane due to exposure to an eldritch entity in an era with little understanding of mental health issues)
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hoofpeet · 2 years
I was just wondering if the ingo cult stuff is going to be associated with the zoroark au you also have? I have major issues with cults in media due to escaping one myself but really enjoy sugar and spice so I just wanted to check.
No the replacement Ingo au will remain it's own thing, divine madness edition Ingo is just a separate idea I'm playing with right now
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unovanhunny · 1 year
Lol maybe I'm just a party pooper who keeps bringing up new angst, but Ingo's drop in confidence may make him more insecure about his relationship with Emmet. Like hes a former god who lost his power and divinity, and is now a shell of his former self. He doesn't doubt the sincerity of Emmets love, but he can't help but fear he can't maintain Emmets affections or, even if he can, that he doesnt deserve it.
Love is never a question because they are literally two halves of a whole. I've mentioned the whole Binary Star thing, but I don't think I've elaborated on that much. They are As Much the Stars in the Sky as they are physical bodies. Its like... There are two physical forms for each of them. After Emmet's rampage, the night sky is Empty aside from a small handful of stars of gods who stayed out of it or were spared for whatever reason, with Emmet being almost blindingly bright (and a very dull star beside him that can't be seen with the naked eye.) So Affection and Love is Guaranteed, they are bound to each other in an inextricable way. Ingo doesn't need to deserve it to know that he will get it. He loved Emmet before Emmet had formed from his star, he knows there is no question of if the love will always be there. (Have a trad doodle of Baby Ingo before Emmet existed)
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Attraction on the other hand is a worry that Ingo certainly has. He knows the time in the oubliette ruined him physically so how could Emmet be attracted to him? And he still fears that Emmet is secretly mad at him, he'll never shake that. He wants to believe in Emmet insisting he's still deeply attracted to him and that he's not mad, but it hasn't quite taken root yet.
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unovanhunny · 1 year
The tragic emotional rollercoaster here is great. If Ingo believed the lie, what did he think of it? Was he aware at the time he helped out the humans that Emmet actually supported him or did he not get a chance? Or maybe, given Emmet is a god of war, did Ingo think Emmet was mad at him for letting down his guard and giving mere humans a chance to take advantage of him? Or losing to the other gods? Was there some miscommunication between Ingo and Emmet or did the imprisonment mess with his mind?
At the time of the interactions with the human, when they took of his Divinity that got him into all this in the first place, Emmet knew that Ingo was going to help them. Emmet supported him fully. It was sort of like a Prometheus type thing honestly, and Emmet loved and trusted his brother, even if he didn't trust the humans. The gods kept him occupied at the meeting time so Emmet Couldn't be there to guard him.
Ingo made himself vulnerable and that was a mistake, but it was the choice he made. And he, for the most part, died for his choice. He remained with diminished divinity, but the core of him was dead, and Emmet Felt That Death.
Ingo being placed underground was a measure to prevent their bond from reaching each other anymore so Emmet continued to think Ingo was dead.
After so many years, reality doesn't mean anything. Are those memories or dreams or fantasies or wishful thinking? If you can't trust your own mind and people continue to tell you that your other half is Angry, Upset at what you did, feeling Betrayed and Scornful, then you would tend to believe them.
And honestly? It was the only thing Keeping Ingo Together. He had Hope. There was an end point! Emmet would come and get him when he stopped being mad! And as long as he hung onto that, he would be able to wait forever. Having nothing but an endless stretch of time with no end in sight would have absolutely broken him.
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unovanhunny · 1 year
It may be unintentional but I'm not very interested in the motivations of Emmets traitor in the lost divinity au. After all, why keep Ingo a secret? Did the traitor think he could use Emmet in Ingos absence? Did they have some twisted sense of loyalty and thought Ingo made war god Emmet 'weak'? Were they just an opportunistic trickster?
And evilly, and perhaps cruelly, did he actually physically check Ingo was there all those centuries ago? Did Ingo, earlier in his imprisonment hear someone arrive, maybe even spoke to him, only for them to leave him in the dark screaming to be let out? Was the traitor the one to feed ingo the lie about Emmet being angry with him? Was the traitor the last person Ingo saw before Emmet later found him?
There are definitely reasons, and while I won't give everything away just yet because that's something I gotta figure out with Karma how to present (maybe a meta post of some sort in the near future). The main reason is a Twisted sense of Love for Emmet. Ingo is the rival. It's kinda like a Mrs. Lovett from Sweeney Todd thing. (I love this character a lot tbh they're terrible)
And yes. They checked, they saw Ingo down there, they spoke to Ingo, the first since Emmet slaughtered the others who used to reside there and would occasionally check on him, the last before Emmet found Ingo down there himself. The last person Ingo saw Period, as he lost his sight some time after that. They didn't initiate the lie that Ingo was down there because Emmet was mad at him and would bring him out when he was no longer angry, but they did perpetuate it.
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