#for christs sake stfu
mikesmelodrama · 10 months
you twitter people will do ANYTHING to cancel someone istg
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i am genuinely speechless
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press1forf1 · 1 year
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deepdrearn · 2 years
I got sick this weekend, coughing like crazy, mild fever and extremely tired. Was scared like hell it was covid again. Felt like I should start accepting that I may never really have a fit body again. It wasnt covid. I recovered fast.
And then...
Important post-post-covid moment today: riding the ten mile commute on my racing bike rather than the electric bike!!! Yes!!! Took almost 9 months before I could do that casually again, and then still have energy to work and think! But I'm here!!!!
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pengychan · 1 year
Look, with very few exceptions no one sets out with the intention of being a shitty abusive parent. A lot of shitty parents think they're doing it right. A lot of shitty parents think they're doing their best. A lot of shitty parents think that abusive shit they do is not really abusive and for the greater good of their child.
A lot of shitty parents love their kids, and would die for them, but they can still be abusive and shitty parents because they do shit they learned from their parents and don't pause a moment to think they may be doing it wrong because "I love my kid, abusive parents don't love their kids, so I can't be an Abusive Parent, not me, I'm good". A lot of shitty parents have their good moments, their good sides, and their kids can love them for it and then be doubly hurt when the good moment ends and things are shitty again.
Shitty parents are complicated people, the kids they raise are complicated people, and human relationships as a whole are a complex hot mess. There is not one right or wrong way to respond to abuse or choose how to handle the relationship to a shitty parent. No we don't wanna hear how you'd personally handle it in our shoes. You're not in our shoes. STFU.
BTW this is not some weird defense of shitty and abusive parents but for Christ's sake, this attitude that Shitty Parents - either real or fictional - are monsters out of a scary story who are contractually obliged to be shitty 100% of the time, all around, in every aspect of their lives, is actually harmful. It's untrue. It's stupid. It will lead kids of Shitty Parents to think that well, THEIR parents are not 100% evil and dastardly all the time, therefore they're not Actually Abusive, I must be exaggerating.
Shitty parents are not old school Disney villains breaking into song about how they love to do evil deeds to hurt their own children. They're people. Learn to tell the two things apart, for fuck's sake.
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bertoyana · 4 months
i'm so sorry i don't want to be the "the party ended 5 years ago and he's still here" person but dark phoenix's final scene is still SO funny to me. especially to see how erik plays charles like a fiddle
like: he shows up with NO helmet AND a chess set. (he did this last time in days of the future past, and it worked, right? so it should work again, right? right???)
so, he sits, completely uninvited mind you, and he tries (and fails terribly bless his heart) at starting a normal conversation, he asks charles about his retirement, probably trying to get charles to like, talk about it or whatever
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(rip erik's hairline)
charles is not having any of it, which... valid. the last time he and erik had a full conversation, erik told him to shut the fuck up 
anyways, erik realizes his failed attempt at being casual did NOT work like he wanted, so he pulls out plan b - he calls charles his old friend (which, if you pay attention, in the prequels they use 'old friend' as a term to de-escalate the situation)
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which WORKS, for some reason, and charles immediately deflates and gives erik the tiniest smile in existence, because erik showing he cares always seems to do it for charles lmao
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(he's so embarrassing . god bless. @ x men: is this your leader)
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anyhow, erik pulls out the second part of his plan b - he asks charles if he wants to play a game. still playing casual. just two buddies. just two guys. some guys. just some friends having a toootal normal n casual conversation.
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and you can immediately see charles close himself up, he crosses his arms and avoids looking erik in the eye. erik managed to soften him up with the 'old friend' and having his helmet off, but it's not enough YET so erik pulls out his plan c. luckily his last one, christ, charles really does like to keep them waiting doesn't he
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keep an eye on erik's entire demeanor in this scene, his position is not closed off like charles', he's open, he leans on the table, and maintains eye contact with charles. his head is tilted to one side and everything, completely harmless
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i'm so obsessed with charles' microexpressions here james mcavoy you are so insane
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anwyays, charles uncrosses his arms and his position does come off a little more open, but if you watch the scene you can see him shake his head. this obviously touches him - but he's probably intending to say still no. probably because he has the biggest martyr complex i've ever seen in a fictional character 
so, erik pulls up his fucking plan d (lol) and hopefully this time IT WILL be the last. he pulls the pawn out of his jacket pocket.
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(why the fuck is this played like a fucking romantic scene i'm so serious, why is he smiling to himself like that)
mind you, erik had the pawn in his pocket the entire time, which could mean either of two things:
charles looks surprised/confused the entire scene, but in THIS part he doesn't look confused, he just looks like he's still trying to figure out what erik is trying to do. so it either means erik makes charles play this 'guess where it's hiding' game all the time (????) which doesn't really sound likely for him to do, but erik is always begging charles to get into his head so it wouldn't surprise me if he actually did this every time. god knows he's desperate enough or
erik was expecting charles to reject his offer right away, and had multiple other plans shoved up his ass if this was the case. this also seems likely, he's obsessive enough to have thought multiple ways through. 
anyways, he puts his two fists up and pulls up the most mortal sentence in existence. one he knows charles won't be able to deny him
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"just ONE game 🥺 for old time's sake???? 🥺🥺🥺" man stfu you are 62 years old GET UPPPP 
anyways - pay attention to his wording. 
"just one game" because erik came ALLLL this way for charles, so charles might as well play ONE game with him, and then erik could be gone - if charles wanted it that way. 
"for old's time sake" when things were easier and when they were more at peace - when they were on each other's side. when they were together and the mansion, just after charles had saved him and gave him a hom- oh wait 
(also, there's 100% a hidden meaning here. and there’s also a 100% chance i’m reaching but idc. the pawn could be in his left hand or his right. the possibility is 50/50. the only way charles could know with 100% certainty was if he entered erik's mind - if he took up erik's offer. but he could also not get into erik's mind and just... guess and fail - by thus, not taking erik's offer. erik is giving him an out, a choice to make the first move)
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(and the chess piece he offers charles a WHITE pawn. the white pieces are the first ones to move. 
also also if you have paid attention to the previous movies, erik is always the one to use the white pieces, this is the first movie where we see charles play with white)
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anyways, charles does struggle a bit with the choice, but ultimately he decides to accept erik's proposal and """guesses""" right.  
and going from erik's... entire face and smirk lmao i'm guessing charles went into his head to get it right. mind you, this is like sex for them
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charles accepts - erik is very relieved to know he's not the only one who's down horrendously. and after the worst guessing game in history (seriously, the pawn was in erik's right pocket and then he had it hidden in his right hand... man i guessed that shit and i'm not even a telepath) they start rearranging the board
so anyway, erik gives charles this look like he wants to climb him like a tree, which means that playing edward 'down embarrassingly bad' rochester in jane eyre (2011) finally fucking paid off
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erik doesn't even blink mind you, and charles doesn't take his eyes off erik either way, which means they are just STARING at each other without blinking for god knows how long LMAOOO 😭😭😭
once everything is said and done, erik makes a silly little joke and charles rebuts. then erik gives him the biggest smile i've ever seen him give to someone since magda, and then he follows it up with a smaller, softer smile with no teeth
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seeing this for the first time in the theater was like getting shot in the chest, no joke
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mind you erik stopped trying like three minutes ago but for some reason, the first time we finally see charles soften up in the ENTIRE movie is after he sees erik smiling at him. which could mean nothing.
and the thing is: charles does have a big heart, and he means well, most of the time, but he also doesn’t necessarily has… the best way of showing it with his actions lol. erik knows this, and he knows charles has a thing for lost causes, for people the society has given up on. charles threw himself into the freezing water to save erik - even when he didn't KNOW him. 
AND he also knows charles has the biggest soft spot for him, he KNOWS - because all those years ago, charles' biggest accussation wasn't "you paralyzed me" it was "you left me". because after erik lost his wife and daughter, charles rushed to find him, to make sure he was okay. because nine years ago, charles looked at apocalypse and said "fuck you you are twisting erik's grief, and you are hurting him" to A GOD BTW. TO HIS FUCKING FACE NO FUCKS GIVEN AT ALL
tldr: call erik the fucking violinist because boy he sure knows how to play charles like a fucking instrument and how to press all the right keys to get him to say yes to him. he gave charles an out if he didn't want to come with him, but he also came PREPARED for it, mind you, he came PREPARED to take charles with him to genosha. he didn't get to take charles with him 30 years ago, and he was going to be dammed if he didn't take charles with him NOW (this time with no bullet wound and no helmet lol)
and the most insane thing to me is, that he knows charles has a soft spot for him, he's known this for 30 years, and yet, the only time he uses it in his favor is to get charles to say yes to him on this. the only time he uses it is when he thinks he can do something to help charles - to give him back all the kindness charles gave to him 30 years ago. 
anways i'm insane. i'll be back here eating glass if you need me. i'm so normal about them. simon kinberg broke something in me 5 years ago
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cxhleel108 · 6 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: I love winning!
(Fusebox hasn’t proven me wrong often…damn near at all, but oh do I love when they do!)
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• Ok but his body kinda tea I’ll give him that.
• Also do I spy a Libra tattoo??? LIBRA GANG STAND TF UP!!!♎️♎️♎️
• Luna really just want every man in here except her own like damn bitch just give Jin to me since you so open to change😭😭😭
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• The spat being us disagreeing on one thing for maybe 30 seconds and then Oakley immediately apologizing to and worshipping me like ok girl, sure.
• Keep trying all y’all want I’m not turning on my man😑😑😑
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• We not doing this again uh uh.
• The fact I was finna deny speaking to Hari and then he brings up that he has intel on my man ugh they know how weak I am help💔
• The intel in question being that he was gonna ask us to go exclusive. WOW! WHAT A SHOCKER!
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• Theo what I have to say to you couldn’t take any more than 5 seconds. Stop wasting my time PLEASE!
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• Oh yes I love when a man acts “playerfully”…
• It was so obvious that the letter was from our partner can we stop being fucking dumb?
• We didn’t emote enough after reading that letter. I needed my bitch to break out into tears while screaming or something!
• They are arguing over the letter omfggg the day that this villa knows peace, pigs will be flying.
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• I busted out laughing at this cuz some of y’all were theorizing that Bea was his sister. Do you know how funny that would’ve been if she was😭
• Oh for christ’s sake can Luna shut the fuck UP? I’m so tired of her getting pressed at Jin being flirty with other bitches as if she don’t do the same exact shit. Ho mad cuz he says Bea might be hot but was just begging Hari to give her pussy a taper fade haircut, girl byeeeee!
• Theo finally manned up and admitted he wants me. Woohoo! Can we move on?
• Outfit time!
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• Ngl I thought this was gonna look a whole lot more stupid but thankfully it doesn’t. Now as to why they made accompanying shoes that we couldn’t even put on is beyond me.
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• Jin stfu😭😭😭
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• Yes use the good punani powers to distract him sis exactly!
• I’m seriously so glad I didn’t have to wait 20 episodes to see my bookie bear again like y’all don’t understandddd.
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• He just got back and he already being messy helpskdmsmasnd.
• I know they ain’t actually shocked that I dropped the rope during tug of war…I already told y’all I am a one dick woman!
• Figures that Bea is the one that’s actually with my man, yet Luna is the one that’s making me wanna smack the shit outta her.
• Outfit time again!
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• Say what you want but they are definitely killing the outfit game this season. Another bad bitch fit!
• The fact we can just tell Hari to shut the hell up so we can listen to the other date awww he really shoulda chose another girl to go after.
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• Ok I fucks with you Bea! We love real bitches here💯💯💯
• And the fact Oakley recognizes that we would NEVER play those games oh when I tell you we fucking him real good tonight!
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• God why am I so evil😭😭😭
• We actually get a private moment and they didn’t hoodwink us this time omg can we get fed like this more often?
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• Oooooo wait clock his tea bae! Cuz that actually don’t make no fucking sense like how you out of practice for 2 years and suddenly you pulling out romantic ass stories just cuz you meet one bad bitch on Love Island?
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• Oh lord someone duct tape Luna mouth shut before she start another yap fest.
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• To clarify, when I say “you both” I’m referring to Oakley and his donk. Sorry Hari!
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• Mind you the stuff that’s supposedly gonna change my mind about him is finna be some shit like “Instead of buying you a box of chocolates, he said he was gonna get you a giant teddy bear and a bouquet of roses and carnations.” Like can y’all cut this shit out it do not be gagging us anymore😕
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• Because of course as soon as y’all bring me my baby daddy back you take him away again…
• Welp, loyal girlies I guess it’s time for us to suffer for another 2+ weeks!
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clarabowmp3 · 1 month
You forget that ttpd's streak was broken and then it re-entered number 1. why do you have something to always complain about? is it affecting you? no! are you affecting her in any shape or form? no! am i affecting her? no! so like, stfu for fucks sake
oh….oh my god??? I wouldn’t call my tags on that post complaining ??? That was just my opinion. And I dont know if it’s considered ‘forgetting’ if I never even knew that its streak was broken in the first place. Like you said, it’s not rlly smth that affects me, so the only times I’d hear abt its streak etc would be with the occasional variant drops. Also, Im very serious when I say I don’t care. I’m not celebrating every week it stays #1, and I’m not crowing over her “failing” ie dropping out of #1, I rlly dont care abt chart sales records etc etc
The reason why I talk abt it is cuz my feelings surrounding her differ from day to day. Some days I’m more apathetic so I don’t rlly care, but other days I miss the years when I rlly looked up to her and feel upset/betrayed (yes I know the parasocial is showing) because of how frequently I disagree with her actions these days, in comparison to pre-midnights era. For example, I’m not going to get into it here but I feel like she’s pretty unsportsmanlike with respect to the charts etc, and I think I made a post abt it a while back. Yes, it doesn’t affect me, but my brother in Christ you and I are on tumblr dot com what else would u expect?? this is pretty much my online diary/running internal monologue (like I post abt a lot of my thoughts, a decent chunk of them happening to be about taylor)
On a broader issue, you say that I “always have something to complain about.” In case it wasn’t clear before, I personally am not a cupcake swiftie. I’m mutuals with a few ppl who could be considered cupcake swifties i suppose, but that’s mostly cuz I’m too close to them to want to unfollow them etc. Sometimes taylor does things that warrant criticism imo, and sometimes I feel like talking abt it on my blog, which some ppl agree or disagree with - that’s pretty much the basis of tumblr esp when it comes to discourse. If you don’t like seeing it, you could always unfollow/block me/my #discourse tag (and I’m rlly not being sarcastic here; curating ur online experience to your tastes rlly helps in my experience)
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mouseymilkovich · 12 days
also Richie joking about you being old because I feel so old when my kids say some stuff and I'm like??? (I'm only like 3 years older than them)
NO HONESTLY. south park twt makes me feel fucking ancient cus of all the minors on there 😭 sometimes i wanna tell them to stfu cus i've been watching the show since they were in their dad's balls for christ sake
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s-sugustar · 8 months
I've seen this whole discourse on wattpad already and I didn't say a word cause I was afraid to speak my mind. 'It’s just a bunch of lines' , that doesn't justify why you writing smut about an aged up! minor who canonically doesn't have a time skip to when they are adults. Secondly, fiction is fiction, yes it is. We make our own scenarios and au's because we want to because we like but sexualized concepts that involve children whether real or anime/cartoon is pedophilia. REGARDLESS if 'it's just a bunch of lines.'
You an adult writing sex about Bakugou (majority of them I've seen includes him, idk what y'all see in that thing) who is an minor in the beginning of the manga and still will be unless there is a timeskip from the manga creator within the manga, that shows him as an adult. DON'T TELL ME NO SHIT THAT 'oh his birthday is today so he's finally legal 🥰.' Please, stfu.
There should be no difference between fiction and real life when it comes to talking about children. THEY ARE CHILDREN FOR CHRIST SAKE.
Oh, and this Ezra situation is plain disgusting. Point blank, end of story. Yes, more is coming to light as I speak on this, and I do sincerely apologize to all those who fell victim to his disgusting behavior. You didn't deserve it, none of it. For Ezra, I have no words. The amount of sheer anger and disgust I have for you is insane(even though I never knew you or interacted with you👩🏽‍💻.) For those defending him, what are you on?
Last but not least,I don't want to say this, but I have to. No amount of protests, website donations, and nothing like that will stop racism against black people. We will always be hated on. Racism against black people will never end, I'm sorry, but that's the truth. POC will never go through what we as black people had to go through and still is going through as of today.
To my mutuals and those who follow me, I love you, I don't interact with you a lot, cause I'm scared but I do truly love you and want the absolute best for you. Don't stop writing what you like, ignore them anonymous cause they can't write and they just jealous but please don't let their words get to you. I love you 🩷🩷!!
First and last last discourse post from me — Kai.
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louise-verneuil · 1 year
it’s so cute how some of y’all think igaf about your think pieces in my inbox. y’all know what i actually find funny? y’all love to claim how much you dislike & don’t care about louise and yet were the first ones in my inbox when i posted for the first time in four months -- you either follow my blog or louise’s tag on tumblr lmao, that’s how obsessed with louise you actually are. you can’t stfu about her. she gets you hot & bothered. 🤷🏻‍♀️ / For real you just read my mind. It's time for all the haters to fucking get over it and leave this woman alone for christ sake. Actually, I think these people in your inbox should be blocked.
glad we agree! :)
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troglobite · 1 year
don't read unless you really wanna--i'm being petty and mean under the cut. i'm not just saying that. i really, genuinely mean it--i am being petty, mean, and critical under the cut. (to nip any anxiety in the bud, this is not abt anyone i know, my friends, my family, or anyone i follow or who follows me)
[sits and seethes]
sometimes it's like people watching a show forget what it means to be a fucking person.
they forget what existing is like.
hey remember that time that you lashed out at your family and friends even though they'd done nothing wrong? remember that time you lied abt something that didn't matter and years later, you still have no idea why you did it? remember that time you made a joke out of nowhere, hurt someone's feelings, and when looking back, you still have no idea what possessed you, and therefore no satisfactory answer or apology to offer them?
or do you just ignore and shove down all your cognitive dissonance and human weirdness and insist that you are a consistent, narratively pure and perfect person all the time?
bc fucking christ what an existence that must be.
"this is so unlike you!"
no it's not. you've just never seen me in this situation before. so you don't know this side of me.
wild how that fucking works. almost like someone who's talkative, cheerful, and optimistic may eventually see the uselessness of words and explaining himself, bc everyone already knows what he'd fucking say.
i'm tired. y'all are exhausting. i'm fucking tired. what do i have to block so i only see shit i like or that's thoughtful and not the inane nonsense of ppl who forget what being a human is and that sometimes art tries to reflect life AND have themes AND have a narrative, and it manages all of them seamlessly, but you only recognized one of those things--or even none of those things--bc you demand flat characters that "make sense" bc apparently you were never taught to have compassion or thoughtfulness or critical thinking.
also for fuck's sake we need to take "abuse" away from y'all and put it on the fucking shelf. just like gaslighting. and unfortunately queerbaiting. stop that shit, if you can't be fucking responsible and accurate w your word choices then stfu, you are in fucking time out. christ.
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snabeus · 2 years
absolutely insane how the goncharov fandom just completely forgot about willem marius. “oh but he only has 10 minutes of screen time!” how about u stfu. he is arguably the most plot relevant character for christs sake he literally caused the boat scene by giving kayta that makeup kit.
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calypsoff3 · 2 years
Look at Chris talking about "she's not good for me" lil bitch, you're the one not good enough for her, stfu right now. He's really getting on my mfkn nerves right now. Robyn is a human being too for Christ's sake, does he expect her to continue taking his shit always, definitely not. She made the right decision with the choice she made about the baby, he has no filter and I remember very well he promised to change for her only so why the opposite change now. His mouth is worse than ever.
Not this little drag 😭. But I think Rih should walk away from him, it’s for the best.
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hollenka99 · 3 years
The children that have been screaming outside my building for 2 hours (derogatory)
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di0rdolls · 2 years
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oh daddy Issues this daddy issues that, for christ's sake stfu u annoying bitch
(sorry for delivering only trauma related whispers lately, I'll get back with my normal whispers soon!!!)
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masterbuginette15 · 3 years
Yall really see the Mlb fandom be arguing over two scripts that we don’t even know what is happening in those episodes, you’re gonna have Thomas Astruc cursing on Twitter that made me almost die yesterday from the lack of oxygen bc I couldn’t stop laughing. You’ll see toxic 12 year old’s making the fandom more toxic by accusing ladybug and cat noir and that “their show” is being destroyed ( I mean that’s they’re job anyway to make the fandom more toxic let’s be real here). You’ll see hate over two characters that ARE ONLY 14 FOR GOD’S SAKE THEY’RE F KIDS BRUH IMAGINE HAVING THOSE RESPONSIBILITIES IN YOUR TEEN AGE WHEN YOUR MENTAL HEALTH IS GOING DOWNHILL EVERYDAY LIKE BRO STFU. ITS NORMAL FOR THEM TO ACT THAT WAY. LIKE TRY TO UNDERSTAND THEIR FEELINGS.
Oh yes I of course want to see my favourite characters be happy, of course I want the show to have good development. IM A LADYNOIR STAN JESUS CHRIST. Do you think i didn’t want them to be happy and just get together? But the only thing I get is angst and things turn the other way around?
Like you have to get it in your head that this season started with angst and it’s gonna end with angst and maybe sadness idk you remember the Last attack of Shadowmoth synopsis RIGHT?
Bruh prepare for the angst bc yall’s immature a$$ is not ready for it.
There’s a reason why this is happening. There’s a reason why we have and a season 5 next ( let’s not talk about season 6 and 7) like the show is not ending now, there’s a continuation in this show the season 4 it’s not the end.
I don’t wanna sound rude but at the end this is the truth. If you have any other opinion you can tell me ofc.
Also thanks to those people who are actually trying in this fandom and understand every character and the meaning of the show. Those people deserve a big bravo bc they literally fight over toxicity saying facts and making this fandom a little better everyday.
Thank you if you’re still reading have a nice day and try to avoid toxic people, don’t let them ruin your day<3
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