#for any grammar errors and the like
iaxsl · 8 months
domestic cross guild, where mornings start off with a sleepy Buggy floating to the kitchen, eyes semi-closed. Mihawk at the kitchen island with two ready-made coffee mugs in front of him, silently sipping from his own while he passes one of the mugs to Buggy who wordlessly accepts and sits down across from him. Crocodile is soon trailing after him, also accepting the offered mug from Mihawk. no words are exchanged. Crocodile sets to making breakfast while Mihawk and Buggy move to sit at the table to give him more space. eyes still heavy with sleep, Buggy drapes himself on the table, trying to get a few more minutes of shut-eye. the sounds of Mihawk turning the pages of the newspaper and Crocodile humming as he cooks is a soothing lullaby to Buggy's ears by now. he has never had peaceful mornings like this before.
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the-last-quest · 7 months
While Nine isn’t the same as Tails something they have in common is their love for mint.
But like most things their experiences with it were very different.
[2152 words]
Tucked away in an alley a small kit winced as he tried to hide himself away from the glaring eyes and harsh fists that the city was filled with. He had already had an unpleasant encounter earlier in the day, and while not being the worst he’d experienced he was still left with a throbbing ankle and the taste of blood in his mouth.
His ears perked up as he heard faint footsteps heading towards the alley. He pressed himself against the wall as much as he could, eyes squeezed shut. He tried to quiet his breathing but as the footsteps drew nearer it picked up as his thoughts began to race. ‘What if the same cat from earlier came back for more? What if he doesn't stop after a few hits this time? What if he brought others to help him? What if-’
“Are you alright dear?” A female voice cut through his spiraling thoughts.
He waited for a moment before opening his eyes to look at the owner of the voice, an older red cat lady who seemed to be concerned for him. He didn’t answer her, knowing she hadn't noticed why he was in this state. He knew he needed to be ready for when she did, for when her kindness would turn to attacks that he was far too used to. He watched as her eyes scanned over his small frame, the exact moment she noticed obvious to the fox as her face changed from a look of concern to one of disgust.
He flinched at the change of expression and curled into himself, eyes screwed shut again, he didn’t think that she would hurt him, but one can never be too trusting in this city. Anticipating an incoming impact he didn’t see what the lady was doing. He was about to look up again when something came flying towards him, just barely missing. He braced himself for more, but none came. The only thing he heard was the sounds of footsteps fading away,
Only after the sound had long faded into the distance did the kit open his eyes again. He peeked out of the alley looking both ways down the road. It was empty now as it was getting later, less people venturing out of their homes. As he returned to the safety of the alley something on the floor caught his eye.
It looked to be a candy of some sort. He picked up the candy and held onto it as he dragged himself to the end of the alley, ignoring the shooting pain that came from his ankle. Despite it being late he didn’t want to have an interaction like that again. In the safety of the back of the alley he sat against the wall ready to settle in for the night.
He opened his paw to examine the candy the lady had thrown at him. He had never seen anything like it before. It was a remnant of before the chaos council took over, the small treat lacking any of the council’s usual obnoxious packaging, instead wrapped in a thin clear plastic, the green and white swirl intrigued him. He wondered if he could trust the candy. The cat didn’t seem to have malicious intent, leaving the fox to his own devices for the most part, but she obviously didn’t care for him. As he stared at the candy in his paw, pondering whether or not he should eat it his stomach let out a low rumble. He bit his lip, the candy wouldn’t help his hunger much, but at the moment he would take anything he could get.
With shaking fingers he cautiously unwrapped the plastic wrapper. Taking the candy up to his nose he took a small sniff of it.
He coughed, not expecting how strong it was. The scent made its way through his nostrils down to his mouth, the flavor ghosting in his mouth. It gave his mind something else to focus on. It distracted him from the taste of copper in his mouth, even with just the faint flavor from the scent.
‘This could be useful in the future.’ He thought while he lowered the candy to look over it again. The attack from today wasn’t that bad compared to others he had in the past, and he’s certain he’d have worse ones in the future. It would be a good idea to hold on to the candy for later, to have a distraction. He grabbed the plastic to wrap the candy up when his stomach growled again.
His eyes glanced from his stomach to the candy. ‘It won’t do anything, save it for later.’ The rational part of his mind told him. ‘Save it for later, it'll be more useful then.’ But that didn’t take away the situation he was in right now. He was hurt, hungry and tired and tucked away in a cold alley in the city and right now that small candy, while not being able to fix any of that, could take his mind off of it.
He popped the candy into his mouth.
Just like when he smelled it the taste overwhelmed his senses. He never had something that strong before and in this moment that was all he needed. As he got used to the flavor he leaned his head back onto the metal walls of the city. Right now he didn’t care about the state he was in, he just focused on the flavor hanging in his mouth. He focused on it instead of the throbbing pain coming from his ankle. He focused on it instead of the difficulty he had breathing. He focused on it instead of the ever growing emptiness of his stomach.
On the streets of New Yoke the fox focused on the flavor of the candy for as long as he could.
Many things had happened after that night in the alley.
The young fox grew older and more tired of the attacks he endured in the city. He built himself mechanical tails to protect him, along with giving himself a name.
He distanced himself from others in the city, none of them cared for him so why should he care for them. He grew cold as he focused on surviving.
Then a blue hedgehog had broken into his bunker and turned his life upside down.
He learned many things from the hedgehog. He learned of friendship and care. Of hope and heartbreak.
After everything he was left in a state worse than before. In a castle that represented his rage as he lashed out against the shatterverse, with no long term hope to survive, and with a corner that he couldn’t bear to look at.
As he stood and looked at the green portal in the distance he decided this wasn’t going to be the end of the story.
It was nighttime in Green Hill. A large moon casted its light onto two figures walking along the grass.
Sonic and Nine moved in silence. The hedgehog had just found the fox in the cave where the prism had lied. It was a rough reunion with neither of them expecting it, but each of them having something they needed to say to the other. With emotions running high and both of them becoming exhausted it had been cut short when Sonic had offered Nine to stay for the night, for both of them to get rest and clear their mind so they wouldn’t run themselves dry. Nine was hesitant until the hedgehog had mentioned that Tails wasn’t going to be in their shared home for the day so they could deal with one thing at a time.
The two reached the house that Sonic and Tails shared. Sonic opened the door and held it open for Nine with a weak smile. Nine didn’t return the smile, but the small nod he gave as he walked through the door made the hedgehog’s smile grow just a little.
As Nine walked in and waited for Sonic to lock the door behind them his eyes were drawn to a small bowl of candies on a table next to the door. They were the same candies that the lady had given to him years and years ago, a candy that he never thought he would have again.
Sonic must have noticed him looking at the bowl as he let out a quiet amused chuckle. “Those are Tails’ mints. He has them out in case he’s had a bad day and needs one as soon as he gets home.” A fond smile formed on his face as he thought of the fox so different yet so similar to the one in front of him. “You can take one if you want.” He offered. Nine thought it was some sort of olive branch to release the tension the two had between them. He glanced at the hedgehog and back to the bowl of candies and decided to take one, as long as it made Sonic happy.
There was another silence between the two, much lighter and much shorter than before as Sonic spoke up again.
“Come on, room’s this way.” He said with a gesture to follow him.
Nine followed Sonic as he brought him further into the house. When they reached a hallway Sonic stopped at the first door and pushed it open for Nine silently.
As Nine stepped into the room he looked over the interior. It was simple, being an obviously very underused guest room, the only furniture being a bed and a side table and a lamp. It had very minimal decoration and looked like it had been untouched since the bed was brought in.
Sonic sheepishly scratched the back of his head, “It’s nothing much but-“
“Thank you” Nine interrupted with a small murmur, looking up at Sonic, a light ghosting on his face. While the room wasn’t much to look at it was still better than any of the ones he had back in the city. Even with all his decorations it couldn’t hide the cold metal that made up the space. This room, even while being barren, gave Nine a sense of comfort that he had never had in his one space.
Sonic returned the smile and placed his hand on Nine’s shoulder giving it a small squeeze. “Get some sleep okay kid? I’ll be right out here if you need me.”
Sonic exited the room, closing the door with a soft click behind him.
Nine rubbed his hand down his face wearily as he made his way to the bed and plopped himself onto it. He opened up his other hand which contained the ‘mint’ as Sonic had called it. The green and white swirl taunted him as his mind raced with thoughts
In the back of his mind he cursed at having another similarity to Tails. Another part cursed about his counterpart having easier access to the candy if the bowl full of them was anything to go by while he had only had the treat once in his life.
And yet another quieter part of him reminded him of why he liked the candy so much, of how he got his first taste. If the two were really that similar could Tails have been introduced to it in the same situation? Could it be a comfort for the other fox as well?
Letting his thoughts fade away, Nine unwrapped the mint. Holding it in between his fingers he brought it up to his nose and took a sniff of it.
The scent had a similar effect as the first time, traveling up his nose and into his mouth, the flavor bringing him comfort as it had so long ago. Along with the comfort the scent brought back memories of a time he longed to forget. Being hurt and alone, with the only comfort being an act of pity that didn’t even last.
But right now he wasn’t alone. Past the door he could still hear soft footfalls that belonged to a certain blue hedgehog. A hedgehog who had cared for him since they first met. Even when he realized that Nine was different than he initially thought it didn’t waver. Even after showing him the ugliest sides of himself and nearly destroying everything the hedgehog had ever loved, he opened his door for the fox to stay in.
The rational part of his brain told him he didn’t need the mint. He was safe right now and should save it for when he really needed it. Just as he did before he didn’t listen to it. Sure he was safe right now he didn't need the mint, but he wanted it. Plus they weren’t in short supply either so he didn’t have to hold onto it forever.
Nine popped the mint in his mouth.
It tasted exactly like he remembered it.
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My TOA brainrot come to life
All of these were originally just supposed to be sketches and I was gonna leave it, but next thing you know it’s 1am and there’s a bunch of colours.
(None of these are ships)
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Hi, are you okay I hope so, could you recommend me some Error × ink fics?
Howdy, thanks for asking! Here are some fics that might fit what you're looking for!
From Your Point of View by 0Sion0, TGK Translations (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
They say that to understand another person you should imagine yourself in their place. But what are you to do when you're pretty much forced into the body of your sworn enemy?
The Two Cockroaches by Mutatedbunnies (Mature, Incomplete)
In the aftermath of a messy breakup, Ink moves into the city to begin his life anew. After a fateful encounter with his neighbor, he falls head over heels for someone new. Error, a graduate student who’s hesitant when it comes to romance, is immediately swept up in Ink’s brilliance and vitality, unable to stop himself. While Ink and Error are consumed with one another, their friends and family fall into romantic affairs of their own. Cross, Error’s best friend, falls in love at first sight with Ink’s ex-boyfriend, who isn’t sure he’s ready for a new beau just yet. Geno, a promising young doctor, has an unfortunate tendency to be stalked by one of the hospital’s top forensic pathologists, Reaper.
I want your soul | Errorink / Errink by Yumikokun (General Audiences, Incomplete)
~ This story is inspired by another one...so if you stumble upon a story similar to this one, you know where I got the inspiration :) ~ . . . A story about a young prince who lives in a castle with his three older brothers. The oldest brother catches a mysterious flu that can not be healed with simple treatment. And thus, the kingdom is ruled by the second heir. The young prince, desperate to find salvation in healing his brother, travels in search of a wizard who might help him. Though, he stumbles upon more than he anticipated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Published: 2nd of June 2022 Ended: ?
Curiosity Killed the ErROr by ShandyCandy278 (Teen And Up, Complete)
After realizing that he knows next to nothing about how Ink came to be and that the guardian knows nothing as well, Error decides to start looking into it. The Creators are egging him on, and shenanigans from the other outcodes are proving to be quite the distraction; Ink just wants to be his friend (not happening), Dream is acting weird, and Nightmare can't believe his eye. The chances of Error learning everything are slim-to-none, but since when did that stop him?
Tangled Memories by honey_bubbletea33 (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
Ink is forgetful, sure, but he remembers basic, necessary things, most of the time. So when Error finds him clueless, unable to remember how he got there or any of the people he interacted with, it's nothing short of a good opportunity. Ink knows where the Omega Timeline is, so Error can just go there and destroy it, right...? Turns out, Ink's memory is still limited at best, which leads him and Error on a hunt for more clues about Ink's previous life in the Omega Timeline, revealing a side of Ink Error never knew about. ...All he needs is for Ink to never remember who they were to each other.
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a-mossy-amethyst · 2 months
Hi! I saw your post about needing writing prompts. Maybe one of Faroe and Arthur going to the park and Faroe making flower crowns for the both of them? Or something similar :-]
Family fluff!! We love to see it <3 I swapped it to Arthur making the flower crowns, hope that's alright
The park is rich with life, children playing and parents watching and chatting with each other. Arthur wasn't good at all the small talk, dreading the question of where his wife was. He'd rather spend time with Faroe.
The two of them walk along a wide path lined with the occaisional bench. The grass surrounding is a vibrant green and littered with white and yellow flowers, a collage of nature. Trees sprinkled around the park outstretch their branches, drinking in the afternoon sun. Leaves shake with the wind, alive with the breeze. It's a sunny day, the sky a clear blue and the summer sun blinding.
It'd been a struggle to convince Faroe to wait after lunch, the noon heat to strong for her to run around in.
Arthur crouches down, whispering in a conspiratorial voice, “Look at all those flowers, Faroe!”
Faroe giggles. “I wan',” she says, still struggling with saying ‘t’. She tugs Arthur's hand towards the field, so small within his own.
“Do you want to look at them?” he asks, knowing full well they'll be going home with a handful of handpicked flowers. They have a cup of water on the dining room table full of small flowers Faroe collects. It’s endearing, but convincing her to let him throw out flowers that have wilted is a lesson in patience and comforting tears.
She nods eagerly, slipping her hand out of his and running off the path into the soft grass. Arthur watches her inspect each flower, overwhelmed by the amount. He follows at a leisurely pace.
Faroe sits down, falling into the grass with her legs sticking out. She grabs fistfuls of grass, waiting for her father's approval on the flower patch she chose. He joins her, folding his knees underneath him. He wraps an arm around her shoulders and leans in to get a proper look at the flowers.
It's a patch of daisies with dandelions scattered about, sticking out from the grass.
“They're very pretty,” he observes, hooking a daisy between his fingers and tilting the flowerhead to face them better.
Approval obtained, Faroe begins picking the bigger flowers. She grabs them in fistfuls, the grass blades surrounding victims of her picking. Arthur plucks a long daisy and tucks it behind her ear, pushing her thick hair out of the way for it to stick out.
Faroe's eyes go wide, and she reaches for the flower. Arthur gently pulls her hand away. “Leave it,” he says, “it suits you.”
She frowns, and he chuckles. “I'll lift you up in front of the mirror at home so you can see it.”
That seems to satisfy her. She returns to collecting flowers.
Arthur brushes his hand through Faroe’s hair, gently avoiding tugging on knots. He tries his best to brush them out in the mornings, but anything save of completely soaking her hair makes it difficult. Faroe inherited Bella's hair, thick waves that got frizzy in the humid air unless she put enough product to tame it.
Her hair, his eyes. Blue and clear, a piercing gaze even from a child.
Faroe stuffs a handful of flowers into his hand. “Crown,” she demands.
“What's the magic word?”
Her cheeks puff up. “Crown, p’ease.”
Arthur grins, biting down his laugh. “Of course, darling.”
Tess taught him how to make flowers crowns. She made them a few times when taking Faroe to the park, and she absolutely loved them. Arthur is grateful she took the time to teach him– the struggle is worth seeing Faroe light up.
He takes the pile of small flowers from her and lays them out in front of him. He grabs two daisies and a dandelion, noting with gratitude Faroe had been careful enough to keep the stems on the longer side. He lines them up and begins braiding, twisting the flowers together with clumsy hands.
Faroe watches him at first, leaning in and poking at the flowers braided into place. He explains the process to her in a soft voice until she gets bored and returns to playing with the grass.
The sun bears down on them, coming in waves. It isn't as bad as it was earlier, but Arthur can still feel sweat collecting at the back of his neck. He quickens his pace on finishing the crown, tucking the ends into the beginning braid.
“All done! Look, Faroe, do you like it?” Arthur says, presenting the crown to her in open palms.
Faroe smiles and claps her hands, her lips curling in and revealing a row of tiny teeth. He slips the flower crown onto her head gently. She raises her hands to her head and pats at the crown.
“Careful,” Arthur warns her, worried about the crown’s fragility. He's gotten better over the past few attempts, but he's no expert.
Faroe complies, lowering her hands. She learned her lesson after she had messed with it too much the first time and it had fallen apart. The tears had left Arthur with a bleeding heart. And a headache.
Arthur looks around and spots an empty oak tree nearby. “Let's go to the shade, okay?”
Faroe looks up at him with wide eyes. He stands and picks her up, collecting the extra flowers with one hand and holding her in the other, careful to not let the crown fall. She wraps her arms around his neck, leaning into his chest.
Arthur dreads the day she'll be too big to be carried.
He strides over to the tree, setting her down at its base where the shade is best. He settles beside her, leaning his head back against the trunk.
“Baba,” Faroe says, patting his thigh.
Arthur looks down. “Yes, darling?”
He smiles. “You already have one. See?” he asks, pointing to the flowers settled neatly on her head.
She shakes her head, frowning. “Crown,” she repeats, pointing at Arthur.
He blinks. “Me?”
She nods.
“I don't need a crown, that's for you.”
This does not satisfy her, and her lips start trembling. “Crown!”
“Wh– okay, okay, a crown for me, too,” Arthur assures, holding up the remaining flowers. He huffs. “You're quite the negotiator, aren't you?”
Faroe responds with a beaming grin, knowing she's won. Her eyes turn into little cresents, nearly closed. It's the most endearing sight.
He sighs, heart melting. “Well, you're adorable, so I’ll let it slide.”
He begins to twist the flowers into a second crown, but quickly finds he doesn't have enough. “Faroe, darling, won't you fetch me more flowers?”
Faroe looks up from her massacred grass patch. Arthur decidedly ignores the pulled out blades of grass strewn all over her legs and pats her back encouragingly. “C’mon, there’s a patch over there,” he says, pointing at a collection of dandelions a few feet away, just outside of the tree’s shadow. Faroe stands up and hobbles over to them, picking the flowers and inspecting them to make sure they suit her liking. Arthur twists a few strands while he waits.
She returns with another handful, dumping them into his lap.
“Very good, Faroe! These are perfect,” he praises, patting her shoulder instead of her head to avoid damaging her flower crown.
Faroe squeals and begins tapping his arm. “Crown! Crown!” She babbles.
“Yes,” Arthur laughs, “I'm working on it. Sit down beside me, you can watch.” He picks her up and sets her down beside him, tucked into his side.
Restless, she continues tapping his arm and outer thigh while he finishes working.
“There we go!” Arthur announces. This crown is much more yellow than Faroes, only the first few flowers from the original patch daisies. The rest are large dandelions, a warm bloom of liquid gold.
Faroe cheers. She grabs the crown and tries to place it on Arthur's head. He ducks down so she can reach better, adjusting it to sit steady.
“Thank you, my lady,” he says in a posh British accent.
Faroe giggles, patting his cheek. Arthur grabs her hand, giving a kiss to the back it.
It's a beautiful day, the sun shining, the sky clear, butterflies fluttering about. Arthur sits with Faroe and enjoys the summer from the shade of an oak tree, wearing matching flower crowns.
A few boys will laugh at his accessory and a mother with her two children will compliment it and coo over Faroe. Arthur barely registers them in his memory, the moment focused fully on his daughter.
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snarlesofthesewers · 5 months
a taste of poison
snarles x reader part 1 - if there's enough demand maybe ill make a part 2 lol idk i hate writing so it would probably take just as long as this one
a while after landing on this strange planet, finding yourself in the dark and haunting forest known as Subcon a spirit known as snatcher steals your soul and forces you to do his bidding unfortunately for you while working to complete one of snatcher's tasks you end up far deeper in the forest then you should have been and end up in someone else's hunting grounds
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after searching for nearly two hours you find yourself running into a small clearing leaves rustling and twigs snapping underfoot as you ran towards the rare flower snatcher had asked you to gather for a certain potion he needed to make what kind of potion? you had no idea but what you did know is that snatcher would probably kill you if you came back empty handed you should have been paying better attention to your surroundings while running you weren't exactly paying attention to anything other then the flower leading to you tripping over a fallen tree and planting your face directly in the cold and wet soil of the forest which definitely woke you up but when you realized just how much noise you had made on the way here you could feel nothing but dread something probably heard you no.. something definitely heard you you quickly wipe the mud from your face and come to your knees scanning the tree line and tuning in your hearing as you slowly get up but you see and hear... nothing nothing but the sound of wind howling between the cracks of broken trees the coast is clear and you are alone so you begin to stand and reproach the flower pulling it from the ground with the roots intact and stashing it somewhere safe for the journey back to snatcher's house but just as you pick it up the smell of something absolutely awful fills your nose its hard to stop yourself from puking and you probably would have if you weren't already so used to the constant smell of death that lays thick in Subcon's air... but this wasn't the usual smell of old decaying bodies this smelled far more ripe where the hell was that smell even coming from? "right behind you that's where~" a small crack and snap can be heard in the treetops above with the faint sound of hissing that transitioned into a shrill and wet sounding cackle that followed soon after you run but you didn't get far before you are promptly pinned to the ground by something far larger then yourself with its claws digging into your shoulders causing fresh blood to trickle down the side of your back and onto the cold wet ground and it was at this very moment that you realized YOU BLEW IT YOU TOTALLY SCREWED YOURSELF!~ you feel the smooth and slimy skin of whatever creature had you pressed against the ground began to coil itself around you like a snake ready to suffocate its prey your mind and body had already started to go numb but before you could pass out you were quickly snapped out of it by a voice... and maybe also the claws still stuck in your shoulders like knives but mostly just the voice
"finally.. fresh meat its been days with not a single soul... I was starting to worry that people had finally gotten smart and started to avoid this wrenched forest~"
"...now then.. how about we get started my lost little mouse~ it would be a real shame if I let fresh meat like you go to waste"
you struggle and struggle and struggle some more attempting to worm your way out of its firm grasp but its no use but if you were going to die you at least wanted to get a good look at whatever was about to kill you so you continued to struggle until you could get a good look at its face even if that meant completely exhausting yourself you catch a glimpse of its soulless yellow eyes flickering
"oh how cute the prey thinks it can escape~? you keep making this easier for me I almost feel bad... maybe the hunger is finally starting to get to me or maybe its just that scent.... wait hold on that scent" they lean in close to your face and just stare at you for what felt like an eternity before uncoiling you and towering above your sore body "is... this some kind of cruel joke?" they hissed in frustration before grabbing you by the leg and pulling you close to their face "no this cant be the case... did his previous contractor kick the bucket already? its only been a week there's no way he's dead already" they drool at the thought of eating the remains of snatchers previous victim even if there's no guarantee he was even dead...yet "well well well~ ...might you be snatcher's newest pet? oh ...don't worry about trying to speak.. I have other ways of finding out~" "my little mouse"
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
“Sorry, English isn’t my first language” Well it’s mine and I still suck at it so like. You’re doing way better than me lmao
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Roles in the r1999 heathers au from prevblog
I've been thinking about this AU for a while now but haven't really gotten a solid idea of which character should be which.
Though, I've already decided from the start that Sonetto would be Veronica, Vertin would be JD, and Schneider would be H. Chandler because... red. Other then those 3, everyone else is still up for debate. For example, Matilda. At first I wanted her to be Martha but then I had a thought of making her H. Duke.
If anyone's interested in my 2am thoughts of an au let me know what characters you think should be who. It'd be great.
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dracallyart · 17 days
Share with us the lore behind Shieru and Orochimaru, please! I found your art through the latter's tag and they look so appealing together in a way that's hard for me to put words to. Old friends, perhaps?
Thanks for sharing!
AAAAAA!! Absolutely!! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to yap about these two hehe 🙏Also, thank you so much for finding them very appealing, you made my day!
I don't have their full story completely complete, as I only started working on it a few days ago and kept building on it as I went. As a warning; this will be LONG. The reason why is because Shieru and Orochimaru's story would be considered a slow-burn, due to Orochimaru needing a proper redemption arc and eventually receiving forgiveness.
Some important things to note about my character before going on; Shieru is around the same age as the Sannin's, and is considered a very well respected veteran among Konoha. Having been kidnapped when she was young into Danzo's root, eventually escaping in her early twenties where she assisted Konoha during the Second Shinobi war, became a hermit for about a year or so after (due of her past trauma and actions) and returned with being able to summon the legendary bird she made a contract with and learned new, powerful jutsu. In her clan (the Fūrin clan, a fictional clan I made) she is considered the most powerful.
She's incredibly wise, is a sage without the official title and is incredibly knowledgeable on things relating to anthropology from life experiences.
Now! On to her and Orochimaru. (I will be referring to Orochimaru as they/them!) She is aware of everything they have done in the past, and have even affected negatively a student that she ends up rehabilitating back into Konoha. So, when Orochimaru is pardoned in Konoha due to assisting in the war efforts by saving Tsunade and even guiding Sasuke into assisting the village. Shieru begins to keep a close eye on the Sannin, and not long after they wander aimlessly around the village during the "Blank Period Episodes" she asks Kakashi, the current Hokage, to take Orochimaru to travel for around a year or so. As she wishes to see whether they had the ability to be properly redeemed. Due to her experiences as a veteran shinobi, she is allowed to as long as she is with Orochimaru at all times.
So, the two set off. Orochimaru asking why she would take them on a "leisurely jaunt" this way and Shieru would explain she's made a journey like this before, which changed her for the better, and wants to see whether that will do the same effect for Orochimaru. Of course, due to their circumstances, Orochimaru requires constant supervision and so they go on this journey.
Early during their travels, Shieru attempts to act professional and rigid with Orochimaru, often humbling from their acts of the past and occasionally snapping at them. Orochimaru meanwhile would act incredibly sly, teasing and equally as stubborn as Shieru in terms of their conversations. At some point, Orochimaru even begins nicknaming Shieru "Shi-Shi", which only grates her further.
Many points during their travel amongst different lands, Orochimaru finds themselves frozen as they recall a specific memory of certain events that have occurred to them in the past. Whether that be a specific hideout they had nearby, or even finding the spot where the "Three-Way-Deadlock" occurred where he nearly killed Jiraiya. At the beginning they put it aside, but little do they know all these memories begin to eat at them from the inside.
After a good long while into their travel, they've had their fair share of rogue ninja attempting to ambush them. One time, Orochimaru breaks the rule of no direct attack and assists Shieru in fending off some rogue ninja. They both end up working very well fighting together. And this specific incident is what causes Shieru to feel comfortable enough making fun of Orochimaru, she was never afraid of them to begin with. But she gives him the nickname "cornsnake" which causes Orochimaru to react at the slander, which eventually makes the two jab at one another in a more teasing, casual manner. It's around this time Shieru begins acting less professional and rigid with Orochimaru too, as they start having more and more conversations, albeit, it is still too early for Oro to talk too deeply over their thoughts.
MUCH more into their journey, Orochimaru begins to feel emotions they did not feel capable of feeling before. Some of them being shame, and regret. They at one point hurt Shieru's feelings with a statement so out of bounds, and at the beginning they feel nothing, but the abrupt change in Shieru's attitude makes the bubbling feeling of shame rise in their gut. So, a few nights later, they force themselves to apologise. Their apology makes Shieru have to stifle a laugh, and forgive them, which... surprises Orochimaru. But they move on, and it gives Oro much to think about.
The last half of their journey is a lot more eventful, Shieru eventually going the same route she went before on her journey from many, many years ago and telling Orochimaru about her adventures, and eventually opening up about what she got over in her trauma through this journey. Giving her plenty of quiet time to reflect. Though, she jokes due to her being here, Oro had little time to reflect. They disagree with her, but don't continue the thought. It's only through the course of a few more weeks and months that they begin to show frustration, regret and shame for what happened before. Shieru meanwhile is patient, open to hearing Orochimaru's thoughts on the manner, and offers her genuine opinion on certain things. And is, honestly forgiving as she comes to further understand Orochimaru in a deeper level, which does let Orochimaru express deep emotions he's not felt in years.
Through this journey, Orochimaru learns to (slowly) be a better person, and Shieru learns to forgive and further give belief that even those who are villainous by nature do so for a reason.
The drawing I made where they are going for drinks is the day that they return to Konoha, now as friends. And they go for drinks as a bit of a victory for their journey and Orochimaru's much more mellowed out personality. And redemption? They act like indeed old friends going for drinks that night.
And over time, the two do form a deep partnership, specifically once Orochimaru has made up for their past mistakes in a meaningful way, which surprises everyone, but Shieru pacifies Orochimaru in a good manner and does genuinely feel love for them, and Orochimaru treats Shieru incredibly well and feels equal amounts of love for Shieru. This occurs when they're back in Konoha and still continue to hang nearly every day, Orochimaru became accustomed to their presence and finds themselves restless without them around, and Shieru has come to find Orochimaru endearing and enjoys their company just as much.
This of course further mellows out Orochimaru to the point of Boruto! And of course, Shieru is basically Mitsuki's mom (merged their DNA into a petri dish LMAO).
One reason I wished to make this ship is to further give explanation for Orochimaru's personality during Boruto. Since I do feel we're missing plenty context to why Orochimaru changed so drastically over the decade, I suppose when you've lived so long and have attained the immortality you wish, you do mellow out. But! I also personally love Orochimaru since the Blank Period Episodes, so I wanted to give this little ship a shot!
BUT! This is all of my thoughts! I definitely have more that I might have forgotten to mention, but I will most likely be drawing them a lot more and exploring their relationship further over time, since they've infested my brain since the day I made Shieru. Especially on their one year journey, a LOT can happen at that time, but I only have the template for what occurs.
Either way! Thank you so much for asking me about them!! Once again you made my day by asking that <333 I apologise if it was so long, but if you made it to this point, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!
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greatprotector-if · 1 year
hi i was possessed with inspiration and very quickly cobbled something together for the neo-twiny jam on itch.io!
it's about learning to drive (but mostly the anxiety that comes with) play it here [:
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kakejiszkas · 1 year
do y’all want robot gvf? cause these gross invasions of privacy are how we get robot gvf!!!
just because a musician/actor/literally WHOEVER puts themselves in the public eye does not mean we are entitled to EVERY ASPECT OF THEIR LIVES??? having come from previous fandoms where this shit happened and seeing how it ends up….. if these “fans” continue to try to research and share and tear apart EVERY bit of gvf’s private lives, we will end up not getting any content at ALL except for from a social media manager on the official band acc.
¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
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snakesinsocks2005 · 2 months
I’m so curious about your specific interpretation of Thor as someone who hyperfixated so hard on marvel at one point, especially the first two Thor movies for some reason. What is your opinion on the Thor movies actually, being as you seem to consume the animated series and comics too!
Ough believe it or not there was once a time I had very little idea about marvels comics, and solely fixated on the movies, and that's where my initial love for thor came from!
I still very much to this day Adore and wholeheartedly appreciate the first two thor movies (as admittedly boring Dark World was-) the amount of D e t a i l and work went into the costume design and the cgi and the sets and the. God just the everything... was Sooo well done. Chefs kiss.
Thor ragnarok, when it first came out in 2017? I think it was? I actually really liked! It was and still is a solid and fun movie. However looking back im kinda bitter at how it and taika kinda put the first domino (atleast in my opinion) in the downfall of the mcu.
The complete 180 on the dialogue, the writing off on sif and the w3, really just taking anything and everything thor ever had before like his family his friends his hammer his HAIR his eye his planet his culture his.well I could go on. And reading interviews on how taika thought of the previous movies and comics put a bad taste in my mouth, it was real clear he had little to no respect for the original (And Original) material, and how he was just making it more enjoyable for him specifically, no matter how it was planned to be in the start. Impulsive with good intentions middle english speaking mcu thor I miss you so much,,
I've grown up watching various marvel animated shows on Disney xd (rip) such as ultimate spider-man, hulk and the agents of smash, guardians of the galaxy, and my favourite of course Avengers assemble. After disney xd's TV channel poofed off into the void, I had to delve deeper into the mcu to get my marvel fix, and that worked for a good while. Until it was clear marvel was on a steep downslope (after endgame I kinda lost interest, I've kinda stopped keeping up with the mcu completely after quantumania and multiverse of madness. Sigh. I reckon wandavision was the last top quality thing theyve put out)
Re and rerewatching marvel shows has helped me regain interest with marvels characters, with that plain to see with thor especially (the latter half of the fourth and fifth seasons of aa im totally ignoring, seeing as how its desperately trying to mush itself into the mcus continuity sespite making No sense and just being kinda :///)
I've since then taken a greater interest in the comics, despite having no easy resources to read through any completely other than small snippets I happen to find (most of the comic pages I've seen I've reblogged on here lol)
And man!! There's such an appeal to love a character from a specific source and find out there's possibly hundreds of versions of him out there with different writers, story directions, and art styles with unique yet recognisable designs!!! (Herald of thunder from what I've seen of you you are GORGEOUS.)
As for my specific interpretation of thor and marvel overall, it's quite alot of my own indulgence and preferences sksjf. Mixing what I liked from parts of the mcu, the animated shows and the comics heaps of lore/s, it's basically a big hoge-poge au of mine.
Thor is both classified as an Alien and God because why can't he be both? There's elements to him that are very very different to humans biologically (hyper density, more efficient senses, inhuman physical capabilities, glowing eyes, glittering blood, no finger prints, etc etc) with mystic (able to sense and 'see' different energies, everything to due to his asgardian Allspeak ability, able to surive in space with no air) and asgards incredibly advanced it looks like magic tech (mjolnir!!!!!!) With lots of things a mix of the three (his ability to harness storms, lightning in particular (probably the best idea taika put in that film was having thor have magic on his own with mjolnir only serving to harness and focus it)
There's lots of other details I could write but Man is this getting long lmao
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dayz-ina-daze · 1 year
Was playin’ on my Clangen save and suddenly had EMOTIONS about two of the family members of the previously mentioned Quietfin…
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“W-why doesn’t she love me?”
Raincrawl felt his heart shatter as he approached Hushpaw, who he had noticed slipping out of camp and set after to follow him. He had assumed it was the young cat taking advantage of his newfound freedom after his injuries had healed, and had fully been prepared to tease the younger tom while guiding him back… He hadn’t been expecting to find his self-assured, rough-pawed nephew hunched over, sobbing quietly to the night, and then to his uncle once he had noticed his presence.
“... I’m… Assuming this is about Quietfin?” He asked softly, moving closer on unsteady paws. The burns he had suffered a few moons prior were still painful, parting his pale fur with angry marks that ached whenever someone so much as breathed on them. It upset Asterbounce endlessly, and she was usually lurking around the medic’s den as of late, learning how to make paste to soothe her mate’s pain.
Hushpaw let out a bitter laugh. “Who else?” He hissed, bitterness coiling across his tongue, though it was interrupted by another sob that wracked his body. Raincrawl pressed against his side, feeling his throat tighten as the dark-furred apprentice immediately curled into his side. “I-I just-! I don’t understand… I try so hard to be good, and brave, and strong, so she’ll look at me, b-but-!”
Raincrawl sighed softly, lowering himself - and Hushpaw in tandem - down into a crouch, carefully shifting his weight to accept more of his nephew’s. “I know,” he murmured, lapping between Hushpaw’s ears gently. “She’s… Grieving.”
“Silentpaw and I are nearly grown,” Hushpaw shot back, his face still buried in his uncle’s fur. “S-she should be over it! She didn’t even know them-!”
“I think,” Raincrawl interrupted carefully. “I think that’s why… Because she never got the chance to know them. Watch them grow… Even give them a name, like she did with you.” Hushpaw stilled, and Raincrawl took it as permission to continue on. “I’m not saying that her behavior is okay. She should have been a mother to you both, a proper mother, but… She wasn’t. There’s no changing that now. She didn’t get to know all of her kits, and so, I assume… She didn’t want to know any of them.”
Sighing deeply, Raincrawl lifted his head, catching the faint glimmer of the stars far above as they peeked through the shelter of the branches. “Quietfin’s always been that way. It was always all or nothing with her, with everything. She was already a warrior when I was born, but I grew up watching her give all of herself to everything she possibly could… I think she tried to do the same as a mother, but… Grief is a wicked thing. It dampened her spark. She was never the same after she delivered you into the world.”
Hushpaw was silent. Raincrawl grimaced, replaying his words, wondering if he had said something wrong or too insensitive. He lowered his head again, resting his muzzle on top of his nephew’s head. “I’m… Sorry, Hushpaw,” he murmured. “In the end, I’m not Quietfin. I don’t know what she thinks, or why she does the things she does… It’s unfair to you, what she’s going through, but it’s… Unfair to her as well.” Raincrawl sighed, defeated, and said again, “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be,” Hushpaw mumbled, his voice half-muffled by Raincrawl’s fur, before he withdrew his head to look at the earth beneath their paws. “It’s… Not your fault. I’m okay with not knowing why she does things, sometimes, but sometimes it’s… Just a lot.” He sniffled, flicking his ear, before tentatively lifting his gaze. “And… For the record… I’m glad you’re not her. You’re better. You’re… More of a parent than she ever was, a-and I’m grateful to have you, really. I don’t say that enough…”
Raincrawl felt his heart soften. Perhaps this conversation hadn’t been the best… There had been no ground gained or lost, after all. But… It seemed to have worked, in cheering Hushpaw up, at least a little bit. And to hear something so genuine from the usually closed-off little tom made Raincrawl feel a little lighter, himself. “You don’t have to say it, Hushpaw,” he soothed. “I know. I’m grateful to have you, too.” Heaving a great sigh, Raincrawl forced himself upright, gritting his teeth at the pain that accompanied the action, but allowing the tension in his lungs to escape him in a laugh as Hushpaw fell over with an awkward squawk, not expecting the warrior to get up so suddenly and without warning.
“C’mon now… Better get back inside camp before Ivystar notices you’re gone,” he purred, remembering his own apprentice days beneath their leader as he nudged Hushpaw to his paws, snorting again at the disheveled state of his fur and reaching down to lick between his ears once again.
“Yeah, yeah, m’ comin’,” Hushpaw grumbled, pressing himself against Raincrawl’s side and beginning to walk, offering his body as a crutch for his uncle to lean on, an offer that he accepted with quiet gratitude. Looking away, and beneath his breath, Hushpaw added softly, “... Thanks, for this…”
“Of course,” Raincrawl purred, butting his head against Hushpaw’s own. “Everyone has a rough day from time to time. I love you, Hush’.”
“... I love you too, uncle…”
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fruitisthenewvegitable · 10 months
Sometimes I think I’m not of the Buried.
But then I remember the feeling of being under my blanket. Of wrapping a belt or skirt around my waist. The feeling of my friends leaning on my chest at a sleepover. Of wearing oversized and warm clothes. Of closing my bedroom door and pulling the curtains shut so that all I know is this space I’ve decorated for myself and no other. The feeling of being held.
Sometimes I think that the buried is simply not for me. But then I remember all the times that weight on my chest and belly and legs and back has comforted me in a way not many other things can. In a way that makes me feel secure. In a way that grounds me until I am ready to face the world again.
I used to think the Buried wasn’t for me. But then I remembered that without weight on my chest I would simply float away into the outer depths of space, somewhere I would love to see but hate to exist in. And that if I were to pick between never setting foot on the confining grounds of the earth, letting all my worries and fears go, and flying off to the horizon, the border of our atmosphere, the moon, the sun, and the stars, never stopping until I simply couldn’t anymore, or choose the earth. Then I would still choose the earth, for even if it keeps all my discomforts, it still holds the weight that gives me the ability to calm and ground myself until I am ready to face the world anew, so that I may experience the joy of the presence of others and not just the burning core of the stars, for being able to face the things outside my door is what makes me who I am.
And I fucking love who I am.
So I will take the weight and pressure and comfort that allow me to think straight, and once I am calm again I will have my strength back.
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Alrighty! Schedule announcement! Yay! 
Submissions will be closed on 21 of June at 10pm EST. 
I will announce the brackets/competitors around 7pm EST the next day.
Polls should start on 25 of June. Not sure about the time yet.
The theme for round one will be announced sometime after the brackets are revealed but thats all I’m going to say. 
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sketch-guardian · 1 year
Mc putting bows,ribbons,stickers or just painting (with they’re consent of course) on the eye things and just being fond of them +plus mobim joining in plausibly? - Mc who loved Mobim asker
Hello Mobim lover anon!🤗 Don't worry I remember you, since your ask was quite recent and I'm glad you enjoyed last time's post about Mobim☺I'm also happy to see demons like Mobim and the eye-like creatures getting appreciated✨especially because I'm not sure how they would be canonically viewed in Obey Me honestly🤔Anyway, before starting, since you didn't specify "RAD classmates with MC", I assumed you meant just a scenario between MC and the other little monsters for this ask🙈I hope I understood correctly😣if I didn't, please feel free to tell me so,in that case I'll try to fix the problem as soon as I can😢Now, moving on to your ask:
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Odon's eye-like creatures have each shown to possess different behavior traits, so MC may receive conflicting answers depending on which creature they interact with. Usually only two eyes are mainly shown in public, one rather cheerful and playful while the other serious and exasperated. MC would have no problem dealing with the first one, it would prove to be a rather affectionate, cordial creature and willing to be scrambled, provided MC doesn't touch it right in the eye with fingers or other objects, because if they did so,even on accident, both creatures may lash out involuntarily out of pain.
Besides that point, bows and ribbons would be not only cute, but also pratical, useful for distinguishing them, as it is particularly difficult to do so and the stickers and painting would be an interesting experience for them, having never tried anything like that on skin, however it would be safer to use non-harmful products and then help them remove them after a while, for although they are hardy, they have no arms to clean themselves with and it is unknown what effect human products might have on them,still they appreciate being asked for consent and MC's concern for them. As for the other eye-like creature, the grumpy one, it would show a little more resistance to being touched,playing hard to get, despite secretly wanting to feel MC's affection too and in the end, it would join the fun, still a bit jealous with Mobim in the same room, who would not understand the situation or notice the glare of the grumpy eye, therefore limiting itself to gladly helping MC to decorate the creatures, to arrange the details and in turn act as a model too.
The eye-like creatures and Mobim, if we don't count the slight jealousy present when MC has to decide who to spend their time playing with, get along quite well and help each other both for serious things and for activities such as playing together,after all they're all very fond of MC and they don't want to upset them.
Basically, the eye-like creatures would respond with silent enthusiasm, some more and some less, but there is something MC should be aware of: although usually only two eye-like creatures manifest, these monsters just like Odon's limbs in their demon form are multiple and by taking care of them with love and care, there is the risk of attracting a whole up to ten or more of these creatures, waiting for their turn to receive their dose of affection from MC and some even from Mobim. In that case MC could boast, feeling like the most protected and kept in sight human of Devildom, but perhaps it would be better to avoid such situation, because taking care of so many different eye-like creatures and distinguishing them with bows, stickers and paint could be complicated,so perhaps it would be better to limit to three creatures only for the moment, namely the two main eye-like creatures (who Azul once playfully named Bob and Rob-) and Mobim
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