#for almost 200 words
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finickyfelix · 3 months ago
First/Last Line Tag:
Thanks for the tag @cowboybrunch and @tragedycoded! This is much later than I normally do tag games, but due to the nature of this one I couldn't do it until I was done writing for the day.
Rules: Post the first line and last line you worked on that day.
Here's what I have for today:
First line:
You knew that if you opened that door, he would find out.
Last line:
When the cold wind hit your face, you felt both freer than you'd ever been and like you were chained to the room you'd come from, like you could both run away and couldn't take a single step past the door.
Tagging my beloved tag list, who are below the cut, as well as open tag for anyone else who wants to show me the first and last lines you wrote today!
Hello tag list <3 It's been a while. @the-letterbox-archives, @leahnardo-da-veggie, @the-scaredy-crow, @tragedycoded*, @drchenquill, @fifis-corner, @melpomene-grey, and @cedar-sunshine
(*: since you tagged me, you don't have to do it.)
Please let me know if you'd like to be added to or removed from my tag list.
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le-agent-egg · 3 months ago
fellas. is it cringe to make a whole comic about your fankid?
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god their relationship makes me INSANE. i am very normal. wahhhhh
yeah this is based off that steven universe episode
#danganronpa#mondo owada#daiya owada#daiya ishimaru#wtf two of them??? i mean i guess that’s part of the point of the comic JHSFVBJKHS#ishimondo#by proxy i guess#taka’s in here for one panel but i won’t tag him#trigger happy havoc#dr thh#danganronpa fankid#they make me SO SAD WAHHHHH#i have a oneshot brewing that’s semi related to this but it’s. still in the works (it has like 200 words 😐)#but yeah. something about mondo still clinging on to everything that happened with daiya#especially after naming his kid after him#and constantly realizing just how long it’s been since the crash and having therefore seen his brother#and starting to worry that he’s in turn messed up his relationship with his son by almost projecting daiya’s life onto him#and other daiya being constantly afraid to tell either mondo or taka that he feels like he exists to fill the void of his uncle#and then him and mondo talking it out both how mondo still very much is affected by the crash#and how daiya very much struggles with his identity and… an dthen they 🥺 they both learn hwo to like deal with eveerything#whahhhhh 😭 i’m so soft aboyt them#daiya would definetely have some. feelings. both happy and sad on his nephew being named after him….. hbsdjgfhkvsufvbhjkfbvghfj i’m normall#also i feel very cringe about posting this because it has a lotta my mondus headcanons.. we ball i suppose#ALSO daiya’s design of having the ourple eyes and black hair is VERY intentional. very intentional….#anyway#scott’s art dump#ALSO FUNNY STORY this was supposed to be one big image but it was so fucking crunchy that i had to split it up AIUHSDUYSGVFUCYKH
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tennessoui · 1 year ago
exploiting the body politic au -
“Oh,” Aayla says, and Anakin looks up from his phone. Aayla’s looking at her own phone, collapsed on her back on the couch. “Why’d you try glasses when you could have just passed these around to the bored suburban moms?”
“What?” Anakin says and leans over. He gets a deft kick to the ribs for his troubles, but then Aayla passes over her phone and—and all she’s been doing is scrolling through some male model’s recent press or something because all the pictures are of the same guy in various outfits, looking various levels of handsome while doing normal people things like picking up groceries or getting out of his car or leaving a coffee shop. “Probably cause these have nothing to do with Obi-Wan Kenobi,” he says, handing the phone back to her. “Are you trying to say you think I should grow a beard? Cause I’ve been thinking mayb—”
“Stop,” Aayla interrupts, holding up a hand. “First of all, I would never tell you to grow a beard. No one is ever going to tell you that. Second of all, that is Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
“No it’s not,” Anakin says automatically. “Kenobi is like, old.”
Well, he’s thirty-five, Anakin knows that. And thirty-five isn’t old, but it’s also certainly not devastatingly attractive. 
“Give me that back,” he demands, extending his hand and grabbing at Aayla’s phone. He clicks on one of the photos on the screen at random, a shot of the bearded man carrying a paperbag full of groceries. It’s at least a few months old, because there’s a bouquet of spring flowers in the picture, balanced on top of the bag. The man’s hair looks reddish brown in the sun; his beard’s all neat and orderly and he’s wearing a light jacket over a loose shirt and slacks. Anakin was right the first time around—he’s very attractive in a way that screams look at me. 
He supposes that’s something politicians could probably have in common with models, but the man in the photo is looking far too windswept and…and casual to be a politician.
But then he looks past the photo, down at its title and it says City Councilman Kenobi on Cars, Community, and Cooking in Coruscant.
It must have been a slow news day.
“Huh,” Anakin says, swiping across the phone’s screen to pull up the next picture. It’s part of the same article from the Coruscant Star, except this time, Kenobi is looking at the camera with one eyebrow raised, expression carefully crafted to look both infinitely patient and two seconds away from snapping. It must have been taken on a different day altogether because the man is dressed in a reasonably nice looking outfit, though his tie is all loose around his neck. He’s standing in his office, maybe, or a prop office more likely, leaning a bit over a very heavy and fancy looking desk, balanced on one of his forearms which is all freckly and exposed because he’s rolled up his sleeves.
“Is this what the city council is using our tax dollars for?” Anakin asks, scandalized. “Soft-core porn shoots?”
“What?” Aayla says, demonstrating a freakish level of flexibility by leaning over to look at her phone screen without removing her feet from his lap. “It’s just a photo.”
Anakin splutters. “I may have pledged my undying loyalty to my hot TA, but even I cannot admit that that is not just a photo.”
“Whatever,” Aayla says, flopping back onto her back. “Don’t screenshot it and send it to yourself to beat off to later, that’s gross.”
“You’re gross,” Anakin replies, but he tosses her phone back at her. He wasn’t going to screenshot anything. “That’s our city councilman.”
“He’s your city councilman,” Aayla corrects lazily. “I’ve decided I was going to vote for his opponent.”
All politics is, Anakin decides, is one betrayal after another. 
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faerieyuri · 8 days ago
Oh my god.....benbaro date where they don't both realize it's a date? Orrrr narugodo post-prison hook-up?
Warning: DGS 2-5 spoilers. Also, since this is a drabble I didn’t bother to check historical accuracy for things like Victorian dating norms lol.
“My, my! We’ve picked a wonderful day for a stroll!” Albert exclaimed as they meandered along the tree-lined promenade, arms linked loosely.
Barok let his lips twitch upward in a ghost of a smile. Albert’s schoolboyish enthusiasm had a way of rubbing off on him, and he’d found himself in much better spirits since his friend’s return to England.
The mild spring day had attracted throngs of people, though Barok paid scant attention to them beyond making sure none of them were Stronghart’s men. Even now, after the Reaper’s defeat, he remained wary that someone would sneak up behind them and attack his dear friend, though he was able to relax more and more each day.
“Isn’t it strange, though….” Albert chewed on his free thumb.
“Well, it seems as though everyone here…why, they seem to be young couples in love!”
Barok’s posture stiffened as he stopped in his tracks and unlinked their arms. “Is that so?” His sharp eyes scanned the horizon, and lo and behold, nearly everyone else was a young lady and man, strolling with eyes locked or picnicking beneath the stooped branches of a willow tree.
“I…” Albert’s cheeks flushed pink as he fluffed his blonde curls shyly. “I suppose I’d forgotten that this was the place where young lovers used to stroll when we were in university together! I had remembered it was a good place for a walk, but the reason why completely slipped my mind!”
Barok suddenly felt it was far too hot underneath his regalia. Now that he’d realized, he noticed all the curious stares from onlookers—their gender make-up was most unusual.
But he also noticed the way the sunlight dappled through the branches and caught Albert’s smiling face, and his heart swelled with an uplifting warmth he hadn’t felt in quite a long while.
“W-Well,” Barok cleared his throat. “It’d be a shame to waste this perfectly nice strolling weather, wouldn’t it?”
Albert’s smile widened. “Quite so, Barok! One must treasure these good spring days to get through the dreary ones!”
They resumed their stroll—this time, arms nestled together, their shoulders brushing one another’s as they walked.
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justablah56 · 5 months ago
omw to bed now but just know guys . that I am thinking about Dani and VR LA . siblings of all time . maybe I'll make a real post about this when I wake up but just . man . guys they're literally siblings ,,,
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crossedsabers10s · 3 months ago
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abhainnwhump · 1 year ago
"If there are any gods out there, then they all collectively hate me."
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i-like-books-and-women · 11 months ago
This is your friendly reminder that putting *insert scene here* as a placeholder so you can work on a part of your fic that is more interesting to you at that moment is in fact a valid writing strategy.
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heelycular-manslaughter · 4 months ago
game i made for the 200 word rpg challenge but ended up being like ~300 words. sighs. kicks ground. rips hair out until i bl
Standoff at the Edge of Memory
2 players, 1 coin
You are a hunter being hunted by your prey. 
One player is the Flipper, and one is the Caller. 
There are 6 bullets. The bullets are split between each player. There are 6 rounds in game, the last round presents the final standoff. On a private piece of paper, draw 6 circles representing scenes, assigning bullets to scenes of your choice. The other hunter cannot know your order. 
 Each scene with at least one bullet on it is a Cross. Scenes that you have a bullet on make you a Hunter. If your opponent has a bullet and you don't, you become the Hunted. 
If both players have a bullet, the round is considered a standoff. The flipper flips a coin, the caller calls the result. If the caller is correct, the player with the least amount of bullets left dies; if the amount is equal, you both survive and run away.
If neither of you have bullets, you do not cross paths. On these empty rounds, players flip a coin; if the caller is incorrect, they are no longer the caller, as players' roles switch.
The Final Standoff
Players flip a coin
Each time the Caller has been Hunted, they have planned more for this encounter; increase the Situation by 1. Decrease the situation by 1 for every previous standoff.
-1: Correct call leaves both alive, incorrect kills both
2: Correct call leaves both alive, incorrect kills caller
3: Correct call kills both, incorrect kills the caller
4: Correct call kills the flipper, incorrect kills the caller
5+: Correct call kills the flipper, incorrect leaves both alive
If there is only one hunter on the final scene, they flip a coin, the Hunted calls it. If correct, they survive.
If there is no hunter on the final scene, you cross paths, exhausted. You leave your prey alive.
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downbadforbadmen · 7 months ago
Uhh guys I just wrote like 5 paragraphs for the Sukuna x court painter! Reader au thingy and I feel like god what is thIS ENERGY-
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lilbittymonster · 12 days ago
i know my creative drive is down the shitter bc i've had to go into survival crisis mode but jesus christ dude. i just want to make shit.
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varpusvaras · 13 days ago
How to know if the book is 90% of nonsense corporate fluff language? When you go to take an exam based on it and write literally whatever and get a 4 on 1-5 grading scale.
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robotic-bakery · 6 months ago
chat I'm locked in rn (writing that fanfic about The Pumping Incident)
edit one 9/18 at 9:39pm; draft on ao3 confirmed, I'm adding the html in my draft so in my doc I'm at 294 words in comparison to the actual 237 on ao3
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goldentigerfestival · 4 months ago
Forgot to post this earlier but I did in fact comb the entire Vesperia script to determine how many times he uses ま/まあ throughout the game, along with a few other phrases he uses repeatedly. This counts all of main story, every single sidequest, and every single skit in the game.
Final counts were:
ま/まあ: 280
Ma/Maa; translates to "well". He uses this at the beginning of a sentence usually, but it's sometimes in the middle. "Ma" is usually more quick and snappy. "Maa" is more thoughtful and/or prolonged. Obviously it can vary based on context, but that's the general breakdown.
んじゃ and any variants: 133
Nja, along with variants such as "ja", "soreja", etc. Variants are counted when they're all used to express "let's get going", when they're about to head off ("ja" could be used in a sentence such as "ja/but then, why is xyz like this", etc). They encompass translations such as "well then" (let's get going implied. includes "so then", "then" "alright then", and so on), "we should be off", "let's get going", "let's go", etc. (not to be confused with 行こう(ikou), 行くぜ, (ikuze), and other similar versions of this phrase. That can also mean "let's go", but any instances of Yuri using that particular phrase was not counted because it wasn't a variant of, specifically, んじゃ, which is also his most common "let's go" ja variant).
おい / おいおい: 66
Oi/Oi oi; translates to "hey"/"hey, hey", though "oi" is more or less an accepted word in English nowadays.
おっと: 12
Otto (not to be confused with "oto", referring to sound); an expression of surprise that can translate roughly to "whoa there" (which is the most common translation I do see for it and what I'd use in most cases too, context of course varying). The reason I included this one despite it being so seemingly low in number is because it's not a particularly common expression, much less one used multiple times by a single character? It's so rare from anyone else, which is just a regular thing relative to Yuri and his dialogue/speech (i.e. most characters sparingly use phrases repeatedly, as compared to Yuri... as you can see lol. Other characters use these words/phrases, but nowhere near as regularly, if regularly at all).
Realized along the way I should've included やれやれ (yare yare, "good grief", "oh dear", "oh boy" etc), but by the time I realized I should have in case it was an interesting count, I was too far into the script to be able to handle going all the way back through it LOL.
No. No, I am not joking that Yuri used ま/まあ 279 times throughout the course of the game. That is to say, it could be more if I missed any, but on the assumption I didn't, that's where it stands.
Why do I love this so much? Because it's a very specific character quirk of a character I adore. I'm very fond of his repetition. Thank you.
#GTF Vesperia Things#GTF Yuri Things#so glad I gave him his own tag jpfjugDFJISHFG he fuckin' needs it#OH ALSO note that I may or may not have (I genuinely don't know I don't THIIIINK I did?) accidentally picked up#the “but then" etc variant of ja. at this point I don't remember and I'd have to go back through my doc of this#bc I was skim-combing the script juggling several phrases mainly for ma. if I ever do a recount I'll confirm lol#also shoutout to Rays for using ま/まあ 68 times for him which is 4 more times than he uses it in Vesp arc 1 main story#I'm both thankful and amazed that Rays' writers ACTUALLY kept it to the correct general extent at large (when you consider the size of#both games and Yuri's role) I've always expressed how dedicated they are to the source material of the legacy chars but#that CEMENTED it LOL. the way they retain speech quirks for legacy chars is amazing and I applaud them#he uses おい / おいおい 54 times throughout Rays#おっと was used 10 times throughout Rays which is hilariously almost identical to Vesp's usage#んじゃ they did keep but I didn't count the amount of times#now MIND YOU Rays is split into 4 arcs prior to Recollection (which he's not in) and has to contend with about 200ish legacy characters#Yuri is largely in arc 4 and has a large chunk of appearances in arc 2#he's mostly absent from arc 3 after the beginning of it and he's not in arc 1 much after the first chapter (which is his chapter)#he does show up in a lot of skits early into Rays tho since they only had so many chars to work with for arc 1 skits#and I also included count of those phrases in events (both skits and events throughout the game)#WHAT I'M SAYING is that Rays still managed to retain his word choice repetitiveness#and managed to get the count that high which is a very accurate reflection of it#while trying to put about 200 legacy chars through a revolving door#they were THAT on the nose with Yuri's quirks and further cements that this is a very Yuri thing#and a character quirk choice that was brought in from the game of origin#and they DID do this with other chars not just him... but the fact that they DID to me means#they thought it was important enough of a quirk to make sure they didn't lose it in his dialogue#WHICH. I AGREE. I AM VERY VERY DEEPLY PLEASED THEY KEPT IT#it just goes to show how dedicated they were in faithfully translating the characters into a gacha game#(not tl in the loc sense but tl in the ''writing a char outside their origin game for a non-origin game appearance'')#it also proved my theory that Yuri's vocal repetition was done intentionally bc they found it part of him enough to carry it over#anyway yeah i have yuri lowell brainrot and he pretty much owns 98 percent of the real estate in my brain these days
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blueseysyogurt · 5 months ago
what is in the air that is making writing the wip i forgot about for months suddenly so easy to continue right now? the words are floating out of me; i am simply a vessel for the ghost of some late writer at this point. because i genuinely can't believe that i'm actually writing AND that what i'm writing right now is actually good.
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florallychaotic · 7 months ago
I didn't think editing a chapter that was mostly written would take as many weeks as it did but hey that's the "tism
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