#footage from crystal dreams on youtube!
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megabeasts ¡ 6 months ago
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pink-vacancy ¡ 3 months ago
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Hi ^^
It’s me, the creator of some gifs you like and the creator of many gifs you could’ve probably lived without. A few people have asked me for a giffing tutorial recently so I have made one documenting my normal process! I’m going to gif this Aespa stage in this tutorial because I am still pretty bad at coloring stages. So come struggle along with me 🫶!
Step 1. Getting Sources & Vapoursynth
The worst enemy of the tumblr gifmaker is tumblr itself. You will spend your time making the clearest gif imagineable only for the blue site to reduce it to pixels. But alas, we must gif on. The best way to get good results is have a good source and to precompress your gif with vapoursynth.
As far as downloading from Youtube the best app to use is 4k Video Downloader. 4kVD let's you get download your file as a .mkv which is how youtube stores their 4k quality vids. Only limitation is on the free tier you get only 10 downloads. There are other more technically dubious methods to get 4kvids but I've literally never hit this limit.
10 out of 10 gifmakers agree if you want those good good crystal clear gifs you gotta stick with 4k or 1080p sources. Although if you are a complete sicko like me you can gif 720p and still get pretty good (not great) results.
So now you got your source video but you won't actually be able to open that bad boy up in PS yet. This is where the Vapoursynth step comes in. Vapoursynth will blast that footage into a nice denoised, sharpened and resized little baddie of a video clip for us.
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To download VS and get a more in depth explanation of the exact steps on how to use it please reference this post. The basic steps of Vapooursynth are:
Drop your source video on the "vapourscript (drop a video file on me).bat" icon and type in the timestamps
Crop your gif to your liking (I do a lot of 540 x405 or 540x335 for horizontal gifs. 268x480 for vertical.)
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Apply the sharpness and denoise (these are the options I use):
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copy the code from the white box and paste it into the script like below
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I set my denoiser to 1.5 and my sharpening to .5. (I stole this from @hyeongseo lol)
Go to Script > Encode Video. Make sure on this screen to name your file and set the header option to 'Y4M'. (Sometimes this is the step where it crashes and all your dreams are ruined because it can't convert it unfortunately. But 99% of videos are good lol)
You will find your Photoshop ready clip in gifs/output
Step 2. Photoshop
You are now good to open up your clip in Photoshop.
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if we export our gif at this moment it will look like this:
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Which isn't too bad. They just are pretty washed out and a lot of times at this step you'll see a lot of grain.
Sharpening (again lol) and Noise:
This might sound weird cause we just denoised lmao but stick with me.
We are going to convert our clip to a smart object. If you want to slow down or speed up your clip make sure to do so before converting.
(Often times if i have 60fps clip I put it at half speed, but if the action of the gif is really jerky or flashy at 30fps a lot of times I'll set it to 85% speed)
Convert your video to a smart object by right clicking it in the layers panel and selecting the "Convert to Smart Object" option
Create a copy of layer 1 and arrange it so it is aligned perfectly on top of the first video in the timeline. You have to drag it outside of the video group to do this. It should look like this once you are done:
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On the bottom clip (layer 1), select filters -> sharpen -> smart sharpen. Apply the filter with these settings:
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Then on the same clip (layer 1) apply the same smart sharpen filter with these settings
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Setting up the Sharpness like this makes sure the finer details with stand out with crisp lines in the final product. (Look at how the mesh on her arms is in finer detail now)
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Your video might look a little crispy at this point and that is ok cause we are going to soften that.
Now on our top video layer (layer 1 copy) select filters -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur. Use this setting:
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Finally apply filters-> Noise -> Add Noise to layer 1 copy with these settings
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"Vacancy what the hell? It looks like shit now."
Yeah... But now we'll put layer 1 copy at 25% opacity and it will look less like the shit that it does look like right now I prommy. Here is the current output:
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The idea behind all this blurring and adding noise is that it will help create smoother transitions between the colors of the gif and reduce large blotchy bands of pixels that can sometimes show up
PLEASE!!! Save your current step as a PSD file. You can skip having to apply all those filters and just drag the filter groups on to the layers after the smart object conversion step.
Step 3. Coloring
Now to the fun part! There is a lot of trial and error in this step since we only have 256 colors to play with.
Typically my goals for this step are:
Raise the black point (Make Giselle's outfit in this gif black so more color can be used on her hair, skin and the background.)
Reduce the overall contrast of the gif. (Darken the lightest lights if possible)
Saturate the colors enough so they stand out but not so much that everything looks gross.
Depending on how we do these steps we may need to subtract frames from the gif. (Which I hope not cause there is exactly 69 frames in the current version lol)
Here is an example of what my coloring difference can look like:
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In this case the colored gif is actually smaller because I elminated a lot of the dark greys in the background.
Vacancy's Dumbass Original Recipe thing
This is probably the only thing different that I do from most creators
My first adjustment layer is usually a gradient map. The green and red one to be more specific.
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I then change the blend mode to luminosity and set the opacity somewhere between 12 and 20% (Usually 15%).
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This step brings all our shades closer together so we have more freedom with coloring later. Also when idols are very white wash this seems to bring out the shadows and skin tone better in later steps as well. If you overdo it though the person in the gif can wind up looking very orange or yellow so less is sometimes more here.
There's also probably a better way to achieve this but you know... oh well
My Other adjusment layers usually consist of:
Levels: With the gradient map applied you can darken the blackpoint of your gif pretty significantly.
Selective Color: This is the most useful adjustment layer. Make sure to expirement with adding to the black slider on the blacks and neutrals color options. Often times kpop vids are over exposed and darkening this can bring out a lot of unseen color.
Hue/Saturation: I use this layer to darken the blues of the background with the lightness slider as well. You can adjust individual colors with this layer and with selective color and that is a very powerful tool for coloring.
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Because I darkened the gif so much I was able to add around 6 frames!
Though I’m not 100% satisfied with this gif, this would be my process from the start. You can put those adjustment layers all in a group and save it to the psd as well to skip all the steps to apply them. I used all the same adjustment layers for the header gif of this post as well which saved me a lot of time ^^!
Since every video is different you usually have to play around with the sliders a lot between clips.
Step 4. It Flops…
Jk jk but it does happen a lot tho on this site so don’t get discouraged ☺️
Parting Notes
If you want a really nicely colored fancam to practice on I would see if MIRAI on YouTube has a fancam of your fave idol. Their videos are really nicely color balanced from the start where stages like this tend to be very bright.
I’ll probably make a follow up post with more coloring tips and my thought processes while making gifs but this is the very basics to making hq gifs hope you learned a lot.
You can always hit my dms or inbox with questions if you have them ^^!
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cyonofgaia ¡ 2 years ago
[NEW SONG] [VKirby Crossover] TRISAGION ~ Seraph omnis iudicii
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WARNING for Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe Spoilers - especially Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler
Audio Only Ver | Download (SoundCloud)
This is a music video and the first part of the VKirby crossover project featuring characters from VShojo (mainly Ironmouse) and the Kirby series by HAL Laboratory. Please note that this crossover is non-canon and may not correctly reflect any canon details shown in VShojo lore videos and any lore material in the Kirby series (eg. pause screen special pages, Kumazaki interviews, etc.)
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This scenario is what happens if Magolor is somehow diverted in his escape when an entrance to a fallen Heaven has opened up in the deeper depths of Another Dimension. Joined up by a dimension-traveling Bubi who seeks to find a helpful magician who might aid him in freeing Satanael, Magolor ventures into Heaven and follows his orders.
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In this adventure, Magolor & Bubi will encounter the Seraph of Aeons - ELYSIUM, who despite being sealed away for thousands of years, has been summoned to judge Magolor for his misdeeds. (Seems pretty fishy, though.) The music video details ELYSIUM's theme song, "TRISAGION ~ Seraph omnis iudicii".
Credits can be found below. Leitmotifs can be found in the video description - can you recognize them all?
Artwork from the music video will be posted to my Tumblr soon, and to most Kirby servers if I see fit.
Inspired by Ironmouse Lore - Heavenfall & The Origin of Bubi, uploaded on Ironmouse's YouTube channel
Also inspired by Morpho Medley music videos by Light MetaS, as well as Kirby Star Allies & Super Kirby Clash (additional inspiration from Magolor Epilogue: The Interdimensional Traveler)
Characters by Ironmouse, EleCyon, and HAL Laboratory/Nintendo
Artwork made in Inkscape by EleCyon, featuring fonts from Kirby & the Forgotten Land & Kirby Star Allies
Featuring footage by: sparkswordkirby (Super Kirby Clash), Samwell/umbra/kirbypwnedyou (Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe, some footage was made for WiKirby)
Featuring music by: Hirokazu Ando (Onward to a Pain My Heart Knows Well, Limitless Power), Yuki Shimooka (Settling A Score ~ Atone for One's Misdeeds!)
Kirby Super Star
Kirby's Dream Land 3
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Kirby: Squeak Squad
Lil Alien's Lil'Sness
Lil Alien's KEYGEN
Sampled from:
Bright Spinning Planet (Kirby: Planet Robobot. Composed by Hirokazu Ando)
When I Die (S3RL ft. Razor Sharp & Krystal)
Elysium (Scott Brown & Special D, Original Mix & S3RL Remix)
Famitracker (Arpeggios, Nintendo MMC5 Chip used)
Miracle Matter (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, deconstruction by Perfectdisharmony. Composed by Jun Ishikawa
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fruit-sauce ¡ 3 years ago
We doing headcanons again cause I am procrastinating writing the next chapter for my fic so hhhhh i’m also tired so if there’s any mistakes woops:
- The piano that is heard in the Patch Castle theme is played by Prince Fluff, or, at least he can play that song. Same thing with Kirby’s Pad, I believe it is a kalimba, which is something Fluff can also play and taught Kirby how to
- Kirby loves to draw, and has since improved from their blobs of color. Everyone is very proud
- Sailor Waddle Dee and Bandana Waddle Dee have the strongest sibling rivalry, while Parasol is too tired to deal with them
- To summarize Sailor, she is all talk, all bark and no bite. She can def blackmail, but once Meta and/or Dedede are involved, she will turn a 180 and get all nervous. Meta for obvious reasons, but Dedede because she used to work for him alongside Parasol and Bandana, so she still highly respects him, even if she helped try to take him down and make Meta the new ruler
- All of DDD’s Dees that are a part of his “army” all start out with a parasol as their weapon and move up to something else, most commonly spears and swords, as well as the occasional bow.
- Bandana is basically DDDs child so he falls under this, as well as technically Parasol who was dragged into signing up, they are very lazy and just wanna nap so they’ve never gone past a parasol, but don’t underestimate them! Sailor also once had a parasol, but since joining the Meta-Knights, now has a wider array of weapons including but not limited to: spears, swords, harpoons and harpoon guns, lasers, canons, and more.
- Sailor also does most of the more mundane tasks around the Halberd, which is something she is not opposed to at all, mostly because the rest of the crew offer to help anyways so she rarely has to do much heavy lifting. They all like to go on 3 am grocery runs.
- Javelin Knight likes buying candles, it will sit in the candle isle and smell candles until one of the other Meta-Knight come and say that they’re leaving. They really likes strong pineapple smells, like, pina colada candles are S tier to them
- Daroach likes messing with Dark Meta by throwing random stuff through the Dimensional Mirror and pretending it wasn’t him. This worked flawlessly until one of the Squeakers went through and got caught
- Francisca and Flamberge are biological sisters while Zan is not related to them at all. They still are very close anyways
------- I was in a Gartic Phone game a while ago and they brought up the idea of what the Dream Friends would post on YouTube, I feel like I’ve seen this on tumblr before so apologies if it feels like I’m copying:
- Morpho explains differences in flowers as well as what they mean, explaining flower language in general, but always ends the video with how they taste cause butterfly
- Dark Meta does asmr, but the type where it started off as a joke but now he takes requests for what to say and is strangely popular
- Fluff does knitting tutorials, both in and out of Patch Land so he has a normal series and a “how to make a living person” series
- Galacta is the lo-fi girl of Kirby, they have a livestream that is just footage of them in their crystal with lo-fi music over it. No one knows who actually manages the account it’s just there
- Sailor and Bandana do pranking videos on each other that has progressively gotten more and more intense to the point where it’s now very dangerous, but seeing as they’ve helped stop the end of time and space, it’s nothing more than a prank
- Of course, Dedede does mukbangs, expect he stands out by making it kinda a podcast too? He’ll invite a different person each episode and talk, again, strangely popular
- The rest of the 4 Meta-Knights all share a channel, all posting their own stuff, it’s very confusing
- Meta almost did asmr too, but he switched to sword fighting tutorials that turned into tips and tricks to use in battle and 360 poses with weapons for artist. Yes he has one of those spinning plate things to stand on so he can just hold the pose and get all the angles
- Shadow Kirby does late night variety streams, he’s very well known in the mirror dimension
- Elfilin does those videos that are like, kids roleplaying with LPS or stuffed animals
- Marx also does asmr but joke asmr where it’s a crappy mic and loud noises, as well as low quality gameplay with the same crappy mic with him being very toxic
- Magalor is a nerd so I feel like he plays obscure games and table top stuff, or at least videos explaining how to play, with guest helper Marx explaining how to be toxic in whatever the topic is
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muthaz-rapapa ¡ 4 years ago
PreCure stock footage
More pointless ponderings.
This is a comparison count of all the recurring attack animation sequences (meaning excluding one-time attacks) we’ve seen so far in Precure’s tv series. Done mainly because I wanted the numbers all on one page. :P
Of course, as I haven’t watched all the seasons (Futari to Splash Star) and my memory is crap, this should not be considered accurate. So any help correcting would be appreciated.
Originally, this was supposed to focus only on sub-attacks but that term’s definition seems to vary widely from season to season. So let’s not confuse ourselves with what counts as a “finisher” and what doesn’t and just stick with the general words “stock footage”.
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Futari wa [3?] - Marble Screw, Rainbow Therapy, Rainbow Storm
I’m reading here on the wiki that Rainbow Therapy is “hardly used”...I don’t really know what that means, hence the question mark if it counts as a recurring attack or not.
I also don’t want to include upgraded attacks as separate entries if there are hardly any significant differences between the original and the upgraded one (like StarPre’s) but when I compare it to Marble Screw...it seems okay in my book? Since I haven’t watched this season, I’m not confident enough to make the final call so I will leave it at 3 for now.
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Futari wa Max Heart [2?] - Heartiel Action, Extreme Luminario
Alright, Marble Screw Max is pretty much the same as the original with a little extra tacked onto the end. So technically, if there’s nothing else I’m missing, the count for this season should be 2. But still gonna leave room for debate.
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Splash Star [3?] - Twin Stream Splash, Spiral Heart Splash (2)
The two versions of Spiral Heart Splash are distinct enough from each other to count as separate.
Spiral Heart Splash Star is a one-time, final boss group attack so not gonna include it.
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Yes! 5 [7]
Individual Attacks [6] - Dream Attack, Crystal Shoot, Rouge Fire/Burning, Lemonade Flash/Shining, Mint Protection/Shield, Aqua Stream/Tornado
Group Attacks [1]: Five Explosion
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Yes! 5 GoGo [7]
Individual Attacks [6] - Shooting Star, Fire Strike, Prism Chain, Emerald Saucer, Sapphire Arrow, Milky Rose Blizzard/Metal Blizzard
Group Attacks [1]: Rainbow Rose Explosion
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Fresh [5]
Individual Attacks [4] - Love Sunshine Fresh, Espoir Shower Fresh, Healing Prayer Fresh, Happiness Hurricane
Group Attacks [1]: Lucky Clover Grand Finale
Not going to include Triple Fresh since it’s just a mash-up of three individual attacks.
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Heartcatch [10?]
Individual Attacks [7?] - Pink Forte Wave, Blossom Shower, Blue Forte Wave, Marine Shoot, Gold Forte Burst, Sunshine Flash, Silver Forte Wave
Group Attacks [3?] - Floral Power Fortissimo, Shining Fortissimo, Heartcatch Orchestra
This is where things start to get confusing with the introduction of sub-attacks. I’ve only included Blossom Shower, Marine Shoot and Sunshine Flash because it’s obvious they were meant to be shown as a set for the initial trio while everything else was done in real time.
And after debating about the Fortissimo ones, I decided that I’ll keep Shining as its own entry for now. Not quite happy about it (Shining is just old attacks laid out on top of one another with some minor new animation in between) but it doesn’t seem entirely right to call it just an upgrade either......I dunno.
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Suite [10]
Individual Attacks [7] - Music Rondo (2), Miracle Heart Arpeggio, Fantastic Piacere, Heartful Beat Rock, Sparkling Shower, Shining Circle
Group Attacks [3] - Passionato Harmony, Music Rondo Super Quartet, Suite Session Ensemble/Crescendo
...I think Suite has everyone else beat on having attacks with the longest names.
also, it’s a travesty that there is no HD video of Session Ensemble uploaded to youtube.
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Smile [7]
Individual Attacks [5] - Happy Shower, Sunny Fire, Peace Thunder, March Shoot, Beauty Blizzard
Group Attacks [2] - Rainbow Healing, Rainbow Burst/Royal/Ultra
Can’t remember how often the upgraded individual attacks were used but to my knowledge, there are no stock footage for those anyways.
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DokiPre [17]
Individual Attacks [14] - My Sweet Heart, Heart Shoot, Heart Dynamite, Twinkle Diamond, Diamond Shower, Diamond Swirkle, Rosetta Reflection, Rosetta Wall, Rosetta Balloon, Holy Sword, Sparkle Sword, Sword Hurricane, Ace Shot, Ace Mirror Flash
Group Attacks [3] - Lovely Force Arrow, Lovely Straight Flush, Royal Lovely Straight Flush
*whistles* Quite a jump in number of unique attacks. Just wait till HaCha.
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HaCha [20]
Individual Attacks [17] - Pinky Love Shoot, Passion Dynamite, Poppin’ Sonic Attack, Lovely Powerful Kiss, Blue Happy Shoot, Arabesque Shower, Hawaiian Alohaloe, Princess Windy Wink, Sparkling Baton Attack, Ribbon Heart Explosion, Maracas Rhythm Spark, Honey Temptation, Stardust Shoot, Starlight Ascension, Oriental Dream, Sakura Blizzard Dance, Emerald Illusion
Group Attacks [3] - Twin Miracle Power Shoot, Happiness Big Bang, Innocent Purification
Oh yea, if this wasn’t stock footage-restricted, HaCha would still go home with the prize and the cake because of the sheer number of sub-attacks not listed here.
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Go!Pri [18]
Individual Attacks [14] - Floral Tourbillon, Rose/Lys Tourbillon, Sakura Turbulence, Mermaid Ripple, Frozen/Bubble Ripple, Coral Maelstrom, Twinkle Humming, Full Moon/Meteor Humming, Galaxy Chorus, Phoenix Blaze, Scarlet Illusion, Scarlet Spark, Scarlet Flame, Scarlet Prominence
Group Attacks [4] - Trinity Lumiere, Trinity Explosion, Eclat Espoir, Grand Printemps
A lot of the secondary attacks are essentially the same thing but with different effects. Scarlet Spark and Flame almost look identical but the movements diverge once the attack is released so I consider them distinct from there.
Trinity Lumiere and Trinity Explosion would’ve been under just one entry, too, but the CGI animation leading up to the attack are different.
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MahoPre [9]
Individual Attacks [4] - Linkle Stone Spells (Miracle ver, Magical ver, Felice ver), Emerald Reincarnation
Group Attacks [5] - Diamond Eternal, Ruby Passionale, Sapphire Smartish, Topaz Esperanza, Extreme Rainbow
I’m glad that I changed it from sub-attacks to simply stock footage. Counting the same animation sequence thrice would just make my head spin worser.
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KiraPre [10]
Individual Attacks [7] - Whip Decoration, Custard Illusion, Gelato Shake, Macaron Julienne, Chocolat Aromase, Un - Deux - Tres Bien! Kirakuru Rainbow, Parfait Étoile
Group Attacks [3] - Three-2-Wonderful A La Mode, Animal Go Round, Fantastic Animale
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Hugtto [13]
Individual Attacks [9] - Heart For You, Flower Shoot, Heart Feather, Feather Blast, Heart Star, Star Slash, Heart Song & Dance, Macherie Poppin’, Amour Rock n’ Roll
Group Attacks [4] - Trinity Concert, Twin Love Rock Beat, Cheerful Attack, Tomorrow with Everyone
I know Heart Song and Heart Dance can be standalone attacks but since we didn’t get to see much of either of them before Macherie and Amour got their Twin Love Guitars not long after, then I count them as one. Also, Macherie and Amour are considered as one Cure split into two anyway so there’s that.
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StarPre [8]
Individual Attacks [6] - Star Punch, Milky Shock, Soleil Shoot, Selene Arrow, Rainbow Splash, Cosmos Shining
Group Attacks [2] - Southern Cross Shot, Star Twinkle Imagination
Again, how ironic is it that the season that touts the theme of imagination has the least creative stock footage across all variations in their attack arsenal?
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HealPre [tbd]
Individual Attacks [4?] - Healing Flower, Healing Stream, Healing Flash, Healing Hurricane
Group Attacks [1+] - Healing Oasis
Since the secondary elemental bottles barely have any animation sequence and don’t even include the Cures in them, they won’t be counted. 
That said, with the upcoming super form upgrade (new promo art has already been released), we know there will be one more group attack to be added. I suspect there might be another upgraded version of that super group attack as well so perhaps a total of 6 formal attack sequences for HealPre altogether.
Unless they plan to give the Cures individual attacks with that...needle arrow weapon whatever it is but I somewhat doubt it.....we’ll see.
Season with the most attack sequences: HaCha [20] Season with the most individual attack sequences: Hacha [17] Season with the most group attack sequences: MahoPre [5]
Top 5 Seasons w/greatest total # of attack sequences: HaCha [20], Go!Pri [18], DokiPre [17], Hugtto [13], Heartcatch/Suite/KiraPre [10]
Again, if I’m missing anything, let me know.
Updated 9/10/20
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keelywolfe ¡ 6 years ago
FIC: Reaction Shots, ch.3 (baon)
Summary:   Still in the aftermath of the events of ‘Any Other Tuesday’.
Notes: Time for another POV! This time we are looking from Red’s POV. Yeah, good luck with that. Lookout for the kustard in this one!
Tags: Spicyhoney, Original Undertale Characters, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Prejudice Against Monsters, Violence, Injury, Prejudice from Police Officers, LV issues, Kustard
part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Read Chapter 3 on AO3
Read it here!
No one could’ve dragged it out of him, not even with pliers, but Red was exhausted and that was a fact.
Didn’t matter, not a fucking jot or tittle. Not like it was the first time he’d gone without sleep. Once this shit was finished, he’d go down but until then? He’d learned years ago how to use his magic to shore him up when he was flagging. Both he and the idiot twins had magic in spades, and if those two never bothered to figure out how to use it right, well, Red wasn’t interested in demonstrating. He had a handle on this.
After he returned the Blueberry’s car, keys left in the ignition for him to bitch about later, Red stopped back at his place for a coupla things. He made a point of walking, even if he was bitchin’ tired. Shortcuts ate up magic and he needed all he could spare. He already had another car lined up to borrow, that was next on his list.
Turned out that choosing not to teleport was a mistake, but what could you do? His hindsight had always needed glasses.
“so where do you think you’re off to?”
Red stopped, briefly closing his sockets. Sans hadn’t asked permission before coming into his house for a couple months now, not since their little spat.
Spat, yeah, that was a good name for it. More like someone forcing a choice that he hadn’t wanted to make, but Sans…well, Sans was a fucking asshole.
The real problem was that Red had a thing for assholes, hell, he’d mostly raised one. Assholes were handy dandy, so long as they were facing the other way.
Red didn’t need any fucking liabilities, thanks. It was enough of a pain in the ass to look after Edge’s and no matter what Sans said, trying to play it off like it wasn’t like that, didn’t change anything, did it.
That smirking asshole was his own personal albatross and now Red got to lug him around. The bitch of it was, that sometimes? He didn’t even mind.
Today was not one of those fucking times.
He turned, taking in Sans’s lazy sprawl on his sofa, for all the world like he was on the Titanic just waiting to strip off so someone could draw his nudey shot. But see, Red knew better than to believe that shit. Those pale eye lights didn’t miss much, Sans was a shit and an asshole, but he was on the ball.
Where was he off to? Please, like they both didn’t know where he was headed and what he had planned. Sans might not that the details but he knew, same way he knew that Red’s soul was cobwebbed with cracks, LV or no. He saw, like Stretch did. Like Red did.
They always knew too much when they wanted to; only difference was that lately, Stretch didn’t go looking very often. That was honestly okay by Red, kept him out of trouble.
But Sans knew, of course he fucking knew. Only question was whether or not he was gonna let Red play it off. “aw, you worryin’ about me, sweets? i’m heading in to work is all.”
“you can’t kill them.”
Welp, that was a pretty clear no. Red sighed and made a mental note to delete all of his living room recordings. They were locked down with triple redundancies, but no such thing as too careful, now was there.
“can’t?” Red said, lightly. “thought we were pretty clear last time about my cans and can’ts.”
That was the deal they’d settled on with pinkie swears and spitting in palms, the works. They could fuck exclusively, no outside players, and Sans didn’t have to keep it a secret anymore so long as he didn’t hire a sky writer or some shit. But that was it, there was none of that telling each other what to do bullshit, no fuzzy bunnies and matching outfits.
Well. Not more than they already matched, anyway.
Sans didn’t look particularly moved by that, and yeah, none of ‘em liked to break a promise. Didn’t mean they wouldn’t squeeze around it if they could find some wiggle room. “i get the urge, but you gotta let this one play out. last time, i get it. he was threatening a lotta people, that game needed called. these assholes though? it was just a few drunk guys pulling stupid shit.”
“stupid shit?” Red said, low. “that what we’re callin’ attempted murder these days?”
He looked hard at Sans, at that face, similar and yet not to his own. “it wasn’t just a coupla drunk guys, those fuckers aren't even from ebott. they came in from out of town special for this, all ready for dinner and a show. they were lookin’ for a couple of monsters to fuck over.”
Sans didn’t so much as flinch and yeah, that was how Red ended up in his pants to begin with. Stupid fucker, almost suicidal tendencies, really, ‘cause he didn’t get involved until he did, and when Sans was in, you better believe it was for 110%.
“yeah, and you need to stop planning some of your own stupid shit right now,” Sans said, cool as a drink of water. “they need to go to court. it’s shitty, but we need this publicity. i don’t want to wait for someone to get dusted before they actually make attacking monsters a real hate crime, with real consequences.”
“they would have killed stretch. they almost killed andy.”
That was the flat fucking truth of it, didn’t even get into the rest of the trouble it caused. He’d seen the cell phone footage, all of it. None of ‘em had a clear shot of Stretch healing Andy and the ones that came dangerously close were taken care of before they even hit YouTube. That had been the important part, making sure no one with an agenda and any mad scientist tendencies in ‘em got their hands on it…or on Stretch.
They’d all had their fill of that kind of shit, thanks, and the buffet was closed.
“would have. almost. didn’t. you can’t fix this that way. not yet.”
And wasn’t it chuckilicious that Sans was right? Because he was, Red knew he was. Antwan has been busting his balls for months on proposals for the criminality on hate crimes against Monsters, being that it was a fuckton more dangerous than a lil’ human on human action. Humans bled, Monsters died, and that was a fact. This was almost a fucked up blessing in disguise, really, but—
—that wobbly cell phone footage. The kid laying there, bleeding on the ground, the shock on his face, on Antwan’s face, and his bro, the cold fury in his sockets and he had it covered, he did, might have killed those fuckers right there if Stretch hadn't said something and he had LV, would always have LV, he protected what was his, shouldn’t have to but he did, and so did Red…
Sans only sat there like he was waiting on some tea and fucking scones. No pity on that face, no sympathy, only maybe a shred of understanding, but Red got the picture in crystal-clear HD. Sans wasn’t going to let him do anything; he’d put in the effort this time to stop him, and that…would not end well.
It took Red a sec to sort through his internal sarcasm files but in the end, he settled on grudging honesty. “i can’t just sit here.”
Neither of them had the capacity to not smile, but wasn’t nothing stopping their smirks from widening and Sansy’s did. “well, see, i knew that, dollface. why do you think i’m here?”
The way he licked his teeth made a lotta dirty promises and wet dreams seem like a possible raunchy reality.
Wellie, well well. Sans was a shit and an asshole, but he wasn’t half-bad as a distraction, too.
Beneath that bulky hoodie were sleek bones, not quite as stocky as his own, Sans wasn’t a battle-ready model. He was more delicate, more fragile. Almost pretty.
Fucking liabilities.
And as Red pushed Sans down on the sofa, most of his thoughts were on those bones and that mouth doing a damn fine Hoover impression. But there was a dark corner set aside, in the same place that Stretch kept his math brain and Sans kept his tech one. Red’s quirk was planning, yeah, and that never turned off.
All right, so he couldn’t kill them. But what no one could see wasn’t gonna be a problem. A little pain tended to build character and Red was in the mood for a little karmic retribution.
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teryn84 ¡ 2 years ago
Elvis DEEPFAKE!!! 😳 🥺
I don't really know what I'm trying to say with this post, I just feel like I need to say something, anything to verbalize all of these unexpected feelings that a YouTube video managed to conjure inside of me.
I am quite new to the world of deepfakes. I've seen it done a few times with different celebrities and when they get it right it's quite impressive.
I wasn't paying attention today when this video played randomly after another Elvis video I was watching. Distracted, I missed the intro but when I did finally look up at my screen, my breath quite literally caught in my throat.
At first, I couldn't understand what I was looking at. The stage was modern, as were the lights and equipment. The video and audio quality were crystal clear. But it was HIS face, HIS beautiful bedroom eyes and HIS sexy, crooked smile. My heart was racing! For those few precious, fleeting moments, before my brain realized it was CGI... he was alive again.
I know how dumb and idiotic it sounds but for that split second in time I really, truly did think that he was here and ok somehow.
And then my brain caught up with me...
It was like waking up from one of those dreams you want so badly to be true. The cold, stomach dropping disappointment I felt when rational kicked in and whispered "No, wait. This isn't possible... he's dead."
I managed to drag my eyes away from him and read the title of the video. Heartbroken doesn't feel like an adequate enough word. He was gone all over again.
I don't know what to do with all of these jumbled emotions rolling around inside me.
At the risk of sounding like a fool, I wanted to share my experience with other fans and I'm truly curious as to what others think.
Could they have done the movie this way? Nothing against Austin Butler, he did a fantastic job, but to use Elvis' actual face... could you imagine?
Anyway, thank you for listening to my TED talk.
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officialotakudome ¡ 4 years ago
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, Tech, and Geek Culture
New Post has been published on https://otakudome.com/dolmen-gameplay-at-gamescom-2021/
Dolmen Gameplay At Gamescom 2021
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Prime Matter will show off Dolmen at Gamescom 2021:
Larkspur, Calif. (August 20, 2021) – Prime Matter and Massive Work Studio are bringing Dolmen, a third-person action RPG taking place in a unique cosmic horror sci-fi universe, to Gamescom 2021. Define your own timeline in 2022 when Dolmen launches for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
Eager fans can lay eyes on how the game plays, as we are showcasing Dolmen gameplay footage for the first time, including a truly epic boss fight.
Players who want to see what Dolmen is about should tune in to the following events:
August 25 – Gamescom: Opening Night Live 2021 Pre-Show: 10:30 am PDT
August 26 – Future Games Show: 1:00 pm PDT
About LobosJr:
LobosJr is a streamer with a devoted fan base known as The Wolfpack which he primarily acquired through his skill and knowledge with video games. In addition to his cool calm and collected demeanor while playing difficult games, he is most famous for his Dark Souls and Bloodborne challenge runs which have received hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube. He enjoys giving back to his community in a variety of ways and interacting with them as much as possible.
Players who can’t get enough of Dolmen definitely need to tune in when LobosJr gets his hands on Dolmen during Gamescom. But he won’t fight the horror of Revion Prime alone. The developers of Massive Work Studio will join him and the “Commander” on his dangerous mission… and maybe there will be some time to answer your questions as well.
“I remember checking out Dolmen early and it had great promise. Excited to see how the game has evolved over the course of development,” said LobosJr.
“Beyond the fact that LobosJr is an expert player, analyst and influencer in video games, his work has inspired many developers around the world to strengthen two foundations in their projects: community and fun. It will be a privilege and satisfaction for us to play and talk about Dolmen with him at Gamescom,” said Kiev Martins, producer for Dolmen.
The streaming schedule for LobosJr playing Dolmen at Gamescom is below:
 August 27 – 9:00 am PDT
August 28 – 9:00 am PDT
August 29 – 9:00 am PDT
Follow here to see LobosJr and Dolmen on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lobosjr
About Dolmen:
Dolmen takes place in a sci-fi universe where humanity has colonized several star systems using space travel technology and genetic manipulation to adapt to the conditions. The Revion system is distant from the main inhabited area of the galaxy, but drew the attention of Zoan Corp. for emitting radiation different from other systems, suggesting the existence of other universes. Mysteriously, there is only one planet in this system, which was named Revion Prime.
Before the discovery of the Revion system there was no evidence for the existence of other dimensions. The scientific and military interest behind this discovery could destabilize the existing political balance but, more than that, research on Revion Prime also revealed the existence of an alien species called Vahani – whose role appear to be to roam the universes helping other species evolve. Their interests are obscure, and it remains to be seen if the creation of xeno-species could have had any influence from them. The player will need to discover the secrets of Revion Prime and the Dolmen crystals to find out.
For more news, please make sure to follow Dolmen’s timeline on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DolmenGame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DolmenGame
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dolmengame/
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/dolmengame
About Massive Work Studio
Massive Work Studio is a game development company whose goal is to deliver significant game experiences through the creation of amazing universes.
Based in Brazil, it’s HQ is located in Natal with also a highly skilled number of professionals spread across the country and the world.
Massive Work was founded late 2016, initially by a group of friends, now has more than 20 professionals in different fields of the game industry, all of them sharing the passion for the first game ip from Massive Work Studio, Dolmen.
About Prime Matter
Headquartered in Munich, Germany, Prime Matter the premium gaming label dedicated to delivering a range of diverse and immersive games from amazing gaming development talent all around the globe.
Working across projects of all styles, scopes and sizes, single-player, co-op to live ops, from producing to publishing, from ambitious teams taking their first step that need full support without compromising their dream to larger established successful studios searching that next step in the global market and building of brands.
Prime Matter looks to lead through creativity, expression and passion, with games that will grip and enchant with enthralling story-telling, winning an audience with its incredible moments and larger-than-life experiences. Prime Matter is a proud member of the Koch Media Group.
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rawiswhore ¡ 7 years ago
Story Time: How I Got My Crushes in 2017
I still can remember when I got a crush on Freaky Fred from “Courage the Cowardly Dog”. 
It was a Friday morning, and I had a dream where he appeared in it, I think his girlfriend Barbara appeared in that dream too, and then I woke up early in the morning. Then I fell back asleep, and once I fell back asleep and woke up a few hours later I looked up Freaky Fred online. 
The night before, I had bought some Crystal Pepsi at Wal-Mart since it’s an iconic artifact of the 90′s, and supposedly it tasted terrible, and I bought it the night when hours later, I had my Freaky Fred dream.
When I was looking up Freaky Fred that morning, I completely forgot about the Crystal Pepsi. I didn’t drink it the night before because it’s a soda with caffeine, and I can’t drink or eat anything with caffeine and/or sugar because it will make me stay awake and not fall asleep. 
I’m not sure how I got a crush on Rick Sanchez from “Rick and Morty”, but methinks I got a crush on him either from someone making a drawing of his head on a desk near mine in my art history class, watching one of Rebeltaxi’s videos about how Justin Roiland once made a cartoon that’s a parody of “The Cat in the Hat” or looking up “Dirty Disney Confessions” on Youtube to laugh at and seeing a “Dirty ‘Rick and Morty’ confessions” Youtube video.
But pretty soon, Rick replaced my crush on Freaky Fred, and Rick was my biggest, #1 crush.
I also had a small crush on Fritz Huhnmorder, the mad scientist in the “Robot Chicken” intro who looks like a cross between Rick Sanchez and Freaky Fred. 
My crush on him started when I had a crush on Freaky Fred, and Fritz and Fred look alike, don’t they? 
Rick was my #1 crush, but there was another crush I had on someone, and this person was the inspiration for Rick: Doc Emmett Brown from those “Back to the Future” movies.
I used to follow countless amounts of “Rick and Morty” blogs on my other blog when Rick was my #1 crush, and I found another Rick related blog titled @fuckmyassdaddyrick.
This person doesn’t just lust after Rick Sanchez, but also Doc Brown as well.
Thanks to this person, I ended up getting a crush on Doc Brown as well. I even told this person that once before via IM.
I actually have another tumblr blog, and I follow many other tumblr blogs on my other one, and I found this gif of Beetlejuice from the late 80′s/early 90′s cartoon dancing with Lydia, and when I saw that gif I was strangely attracted to him, even though I didn’t want a crush on him.
One night, in my art history class, I was fantasizing of talking with this girl I used to talk with on my other blog called @y2k-aesthetic and she told me she’s dating a guy who was an 80′s kid and she thinks 80′s cartoons were crap and I want to believe her.
I was thinking of talking with her about 80′s cartoons, and in 2017, I wanted to go as Lydia from the late 80′s/early 90′s “Beetlejuice” cartoon for Halloween (and the “Beetlejuice” cartoon is one of the few cartoons of the 80′s that wasn’t just good, but also a good cartoon based on a movie, although I consider the “BJ” cartoon to be more of a 90′s cartoon than an 80′s one since it aired more in the 90′s than 80′s, but that’s another story).
And during that night, I wanted to go home and look up porn/rule34 of Beetlejuice from the cartoon and I did.
That’s what gave me my crush on BJ from the cartoon (I also had a slight crush on BJ from the movie but moreso on the one from the cartoon).
Around that same time, I had found out 80′s comedian Sam Kinison was considered to play Beetlejuice in the Tim Burton movie, and I remember around that time I was worried I was getting a crush on Sam Kinison since I was looking a bit up of him, but I didn’t get a crush on him...then...
In May, I got a crush on another Rik that replaced Rick Sanchez, and that’s Rik Mayall.
What I think gave me my crush on Rik was Freaky Fred. I think because Rik does look a little bit like Freaky Fred, heck, he even played a character named Drop Dead Fred and Freaky Fred and Drop Dead Fred look a bit alike, minus their hair colors.
If they were to make a live action “Courage” movie, Rik could’ve played Freaky Fred, but he’s dead now, and in his later years he was a bit too chubby to play Freaky Fred. 
In June, I got a crush on German actor Klaus Kinski. How? Well, I went on this website titled amiannoying.com, and when you go on this website, they’ll have some random person when you type in the website’s bar. 
I can’t remember what actor it was on this page, but I scrolled down and it said “Faerie Tale Theatre”, which means that person acted on that show.
I thought Rik Mayall guest starred on “Faerie Tale Theatre”, although it turns out, he narrated a TV show a bit similar to “Faerie Tale Theatre”. 
I clicked “Faerie Tale Theatre” and scrolled down.
I didn’t find Rik Mayall, but I did, however, find Klaus Kinski.
Earlier that year, I would look at the Youtube comments of videos that had Freaky Fred in them and I remember one of them comparing Freaky Fred’s looks to Klaus Kinski’s (which is true, they do look alike).
And I remember clicking on Klaus Kinski, and looking up Klaus Kinski online and wondering if he looks like Freaky Fred.
Soon, Klaus became a crush of mine, even though I didn’t want a crush on him.
Then by August, Willem Dafoe became a crush of mine. Why? Well, I’ve seen some people online say Freaky Fred and Willem look alike, which I agree with.
Finally, the last two big crushes I had by the end of 2017: Bobcat Goldthwait and Sam Kinison.
One day, I was really bored out of my skull, and I decided to watch CNN’s “The History of Comedy”, and I watched it because I wondered if Rik Mayall would be mentioned on that show since he’s an icon of British comedy. 
I haven’t seen him in any episodes so far, however, one episode I watched, I saw Bobcat Goldthwait, and seeing old footage of him in the 80′s caught my eye. I thought to myself “He was HOT!!!”. 
And also in that episode, Sam Kinison had a small clip in there, because this episode was about comedians and their struggles with things like depression, drug abuse, etc. And Sam had issues with drugs and alcohol.
When I saw Sam in that episode, I had these little butterflies in my stomach. My stomach felt so tingly, not like I was going to throw up or anything, but I had this tingly sensation like a teenage girl about to talk with her crush. 
Some time after I watched that episode, there was the Donald Trump/Kim Jong Un situation, and remember “Mad TV”? That sketch comedy show based on Mad magazine that had skits like Miss Swan (”He looooooook...like a man!”) and Stuart (”Look what I can do”!), etc.?
Well, “Mad TV” is on par with “The Simpsons” as TV shows that predicted the future.
Back in 2004/2005, there was a skit where Kim Jong Il had his own talk show called the Kim Jong Il show and Donald and Melania Trump were guests on the show (it wasn’t the real Donald and Melania, just cast members impersonating them).
I was reading the comments because of how it eerily predicted the future (although this was when Kim Jong Il was leader, not Kim Jong Un).
One person in the comments said: “Trump looks like Sam Kinison here. Lord help us, Sam Kinison would make a better prez than Donald Trump...” which I agree with.
Y’know, when you think about it, Donald Trump and Sam Kinison look alike, they even sound a little bit alike too. 
Minor Crushes:
Peter Capaldi- I’ve never watched “Dr. Who” or cared for it, but when Rick Sanchez became a crush of mine, many people have said if they were to make a live action “Rick and Morty” movie, Peter should play Rick, and I do see the resemblance. I’ve also seen a post on tumblr say Willem Dafoe should play Rick.
Yahoo Serious- When Rik Mayall was still a crush of mine, I remember being at my local community swimming pool, and getting out of the pool to dry myself off, and in my head popped “Yahoo Serious”.
Never heard of him? He was an Australian comedic actor in the late 1980′s who was famous for about 15 minutes. He was very big for a little while, even being on the cover of Time magazine, but once the 80′s ended, so did his career.
The reason he popped in my head is because Rik Mayall played Drop Dead Fred, and Yahoo Serious kind of looks like Drop Dead Fred, he could’ve probably have even played him. In fact, I’ve sometimes even wondered if Yahoo Serious was like Australia’s answer to Rik Mayall, although Rik is a legend in his native England, I don’t even think Yahoo Serious is even remembered in his home country of Australia! (No disrespect to Yahoo Serious though) 
Josh Todd- Lead singer for the rock band Buckcherry. On this website amiannoying.com, I looked up Amanda Todd, that teenage Canadian girl who made this viral video explaining her story of how she flashed some boys online and got bullied for it, and then killed herself after she made that video. When I looked up “Todd”, I found Josh Todd from Buckcherry, and I’ve seen people say that Josh Todd and Willem Dafoe look alike, which I agree with. So I clicked on Josh Todd and got a crush on him. 
Richard Lynch- Never heard of him? He was this actor who acted in a lot of horrible B-movies as well as guest starred on a lot of popular TV shows: “Starsky and Hutch”, “Star Trek: The Next Generation””, “The A Team”, etc. 
I never even heard of him until 2017. I was on Klaus Kinski’s IMDB page and he’s in a few IMDB lists, and I was scrolling down and found a list dedicated to men this person would be down to fuck or just kiss, and I clicked it, and not only was Klaus Kinski on this list, Richard Lynch was too. I was attracted to Richard by his IMDB photo, and I looked him up. 
Years ago, I used to watch horror movie trailers on OnDemand on my TV, and I remember one of the trailers was for a “Nightmare on Elm Street” knockoff called “Bad Dreams” which Richard appeared in. That trailer scared me. Looking now, the trailer isn’t that scary. 
I’m pretty sure when I saw that trailer years ago, I thought Richard looked like Freaky Fred from “Courage the Cowardly Dog”, and this was way before I got a crush on Freaky Fred.
It’s a shame he was never all that famous. He was very handsome and had a hot voice too. 
Junkrat- I don’t play video games nor do I care for them, however, I’ve seen people on tumblr, when typing in “Freaky Fred” in the tumblr search engine, people have compared Junkrat’s looks to Freaky Fred’s. I see the resemblance!
I’ve followed a lot of Rick Sanchez blogs and looked at them, and one person said “People who think Rick is hot are probably the same people who think Junkrat is hot”.
The thing is, I think Junkrat is a lot hotter in people’s fanart than he is in the video game. 
Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter from “Batman: The Animated Series”- When I typed in Freaky Fred in the search engine for tumblr, someone made a gifset/pictureset of his first childhood crushes. 
This person’s crushes were Double D from “Ed, Edd n Eddy” (he was my first crush too), the black boy from “Coraline”, Static Shock, Jervis Tetch from “Batman: The Animated Series”, Freaky Fred, Edward Scissorhands and Beetlejuice from the live action movie.
Nergal from “The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy”/”Grim and Evil”- Nergal is strangely hot. I’ve always found him kind of hot. 
When it was Halloween, I made a lot of gifs of him and put them on my other tumblr page. 
Also, one last thing, in 2016...my celebrity crush was David Duchovny from “The X Files”, and I followed a lot of David Duchovny stuff on my other tumblr blog.
Someone’s tumblr page had “Rick and Morty” stuff on it as well as “X Files” stuff on it, and it was fanart of Rick, and I remember seeing that fanart and thinking Rick was hot. 
Also, before I got a crush on Rick, I once had a dream where Rick and Morty and BoJack Horseman appeared. But I didn’t know who was Rick and who was Morty, I had never watched the show, I just heard of people talking about it.
And I was even worried that Rick (or Morty) would become a crush of mine. 
Rick eventually did. 
Now that I think about it, I think since I got a crush on Freaky Fred thanks to a dream I had of him, I got a crush on Rick because I remembered a dream I had of him.
Also, one last thing...Freaky Fred is basically why I had crushes on men like Rik Mayall and Klaus Kinski. 
I was on “Horror Movie Confessions” on tumblr, and I looked up “Courage the Cowardly Dog” since that’s a horror themed show, and someone said this confession about how Henry Kane from “Poltergeist II” looks like Freaky Fred, and the resemblance is undeniable.
I actually worried of getting a crush on him since he looks like Freaky Fred and I looked up some pics of him. This guy was very ugly and creepy looking, I know about how he suffered from cancer later on in his life which is why he looked the way he did, but I didn’t want a crush on this guy because he’d be considered creepy and ugly by society. 
I never did get a crush on this guy and I don’t want one. 
Actually, all of the men I had crushes on this year, I didn’t want crushes on, even Rik Mayall, but looking back, Rik Mayall is someone I’m proud of having a crush on. Josh Todd wasn’t bad looking either. 
Then again, I’ve seen people online say they want to be banged by Pennywise from “It”, both versions, I’ve also seen one person on the Horror Movie Confessions on tumblr say she wants to be fingered by Freddy Krueger, and I’m like “What the fuck?!?!”. 
Also, there was this guy who followed this blog who called himself @boredandabroad, and his tumblr avatar is an image that says “dirty old men need love too”.
I looked up that phrase on Google, and I found a video that I completely forgot about...a video of an old man who called himself Edarem, and his real name is Edward Muscare, and he was this old man who uploaded videos of himself dancing to these songs or lipsynching these songs. He became notorious for being creepy AF.
I looked up this guy’s videos and this guy in some of his videos looked exactly like an elderly Freaky Fred, especially the video where he uses a toilet brush as a back scratcher, at the end of the video when he smiles and says “Spread the word”.
I also saw some people compare his looks to Doc Brown from “Back to the Future”, another crush of mine.  
I did NOT want a crush on this Edarem guy at all, I never did have a crush on him, in fact, in many mugshots I’ve seen of him, he’s very ugly. He was even creepier looking when he was younger. 
It’s a shame that the comments on his edarem videos are filtered and you can’t see them, I want to see the comments people have left on his videos! 
Also, one last honorable mention:
There was a guy who calls himself @inthemidstofthis27 I found on tumblr when looking up “The Angry Beavers” on tumblr, and he was wearing an “Angry Beavers” T-shirt. 
I clicked on his page and I ended up getting a crush on him. He kind of looks like Bobcat Goldthwait in the 80′s, especially when he has long hair.
I talked with him and I wanted him to check this blog out, it also turns out he loves “Rick and Morty” and he’s around the same age as me. 
Unfortunately, he blocked me on tumblr even though I didn’t say anything bad to him. 
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funnynewsheadlines ¡ 6 years ago
Ryan Reynolds Trolls Detective Pikachu Fans With A Fake Leak Of The Movie
It’s safe to say that the actor Ryan Reynolds is one of the most lovable Hollywood personas – if you need proof, just check out all the times Bored Panda wrote about the guy. The man is known for his amazing sense of humor which we often get to see on the actor’s Twitter feed. Fans of Ryan Reynolds have probably heard about the upcoming Detective Pikachu movie where the actor plays the main role. Well, Ryan wouldn’t be Ryan if he didn’t make a joke about it.
More info: Twitter | Youtube
Detective Pikachu starring Ryan Reynolds is set to hit UK and US theaters tomorrow (May 10)
Image credits: Warner Bros
The movie is about a young boy who comes across a talking Pikachu whose dream is to become a detective. Pikachu is voiced by none other than Ryan Reynolds, an actor who has a huge following on Twitter and is known for his love of pranks and refreshing sense of humor.
This Tuesday, Ryan Reynolds surprised fans by sharing the link to a ‘leaked’ full movie on YouTube
Image credits: VancityReynolds
Ryan Reynolds retweeted the link with the video from a user named Inspector Pikachu and tagged official Twitter accounts for Detective Pikachu as well as the Warner Bros company. The tweet received more than 100,000 likes and more than 30,000 people commented on it.
Image credits: DetPikachuMovie
However, as you have probably guessed, the so-called ‘full movie’ is not the one that’s hitting the theaters soon
Image credits: Inspector Pikachu
Instead, it’s a glorious 100 minutes of Pikachu dancing to upbeat ’80s aerobics music. Oh, and if the dance moves look oddly familiar, it’s because they certainly are. The video itself is a reference to the Internet’s favorite aerobics video – the 1988 Crystal Light National Aerobics Championship dance.
See the ‘leaked’ Detective Pikachu video below which already has almost 10M views
Image credits: Inspector Pikachu
The video worked as a perfect publicity stunt to promote the movie. Numerous people were retweeting Ryan’s link of the “leak” and millions have already watched the video and commented on it. People on YouTube have been commenting that this ‘movie’ was even better than they expected.
Some fans remembered that this is not the first time the actor has leaked films on the Internet
Image credits: alicenabs
Back in 2016, Ryan Reynolds admitted (sort of) to leaking the test footage for the superhero movie “Deadpool” in order to pressure studio executives to fund the movie. Consequently, “Deadpool” fans all over the world were stoked and basically pushed Fox to greenlight the movie – which they did.
Last year, Ryan himself posted a tweet about the “4-year Leak-iversary” of Deadpool
Image credits: VancityReynolds
It is no surprise that the movie industry must find new ways of marketing their production and this one proved to be working just right. Ryan Reynolds and the creative team behind Detective Pikachu created a buzz around the movie and people who weren’t intending to watch it might just change their minds after having watched the “leak”.
Apparently, people really liked the ‘leaked’ movie
Image credits: DetPikachuMovie
Image credits: stupidfatlion
Image credits: LordOfTheWiFis
Image credits: Honest_Abe_1865
Image credits: hopeworld_jhs
Image credits: Lee5
Some admitted to have fallen for the prank
Image credits: BrotherKaufman
Image credits: HuzzyGamesLoL
Image credits: joeymalott
Image credits: shitcoinisseur
Image credits: cocokiitie
Image credits: NeonKnightTX
Image credits: DetPikachuMovie
from Funny – Bored Panda http://bit.ly/2PUuraq via IFTTT from Blogger http://bit.ly/2Vq6VIx
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thedestinysunknown ¡ 8 years ago
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Spyro the Dragon:
Genre: Platform;
Console: Playstation;
Year: 1998;
Story: “During the intro, a news team sets up an interview with a couple of dragons within the Artisan World, one of five realms in the Dragon Kingdom (the others of which include Peace Keepers’ world, Magic Crafters, Beast Makers, and Dream Weavers) which have lived in harmony for years. When the reporter asks about Gnasty Gnorc, a gnorc who lives within his own, sixth realm, one of the dragons describes him as an ugly, simple minded creature who poses no threat to the Dragon Kingdom. However, Gnasty is watching the live feed from his home world and, enraged, uses a magic spell to encase all dragons in crystal and sends out his hordes of gnorc soldiers. One dragon, Spyro, is able to avoid the attack due to his more short-bodied appearance in comparison to the much larger dragons. Aided by his dragonfly companion, Sparx, Spyro vows to rescue his dragon brethren and defeat Gnasty Gnorc once and for all. He visits each of the dragon realms in sequence, freeing trapped dragons, collecting treasure, and rescuing dragon eggs from pesky thieves within each realms’ portal worlds before facing realm bosses. He then makes his way to Gnasty’s Junkyard World where he fights his way through two precursor portals before confronting the Gnorc himself. After he defeats Gnasty, an ending clip shows him back in Artisan World discussing his victory with the news reporters. (info from the wikipedia). Let’s go to my favorite little dragon, Spyro. I love the Spyro series since I was a child. I used to play the demo version of the Spyro trilogy all the time, so when I got the chance to play the first game fully, it was pure heaven.
Gameplay: you play as Spyro the whole game. You can jump, spit fire, use your horns to attack and use your wings to slow down your faults and reach other platforms. This is a platformer, so expect to do a lot of jumping and all of that. There’s also some levels, where you have to beat them in a time limit. In this levels, Spyro is flying the whole time, and he cannot stop or you will lose. The dragonfly that follows you everywhere is called Sparks. Sparks is your life meter. He goes from yellow to blue, to green and then he vanishes (everytime he gets attacked, that’s the order of the colours). He can also help you collecting the gems in each level. That’s the last thing I need to talk about: the collectables. The Spyro games are known for being a game that has a lot of collectables, in order for you to beat the game over 100%. In this game, you need to collect all the gems, so you can unlock an extra stage, in the end. Honestly, I’m not a big fan of games where they make you collect everything, however, I don’t mind in this game at all. Collecting all the gems can get tricky, but I find it quite enjoyable. You can also find some eggs, in some of the levels. They are important for completion, as well. Lastly, you will have to find all the dragons in each world.
Graphics: this is a very pretty game. I really like the way they presented each world. It has such a mystical and fantasy vibe. Really dig it. Fortunatly, the visuals get better and better in each game.
Soundtrack: it’s very unique. Their music fits the game very well, and it was produced in quite an unique style.
Final Thoughts: this game is too awesome. I love it so much. The characters are goofy and funny, the gameplay is amazing and the whole world of this game is so gorgeous to explore. I had fun as a kid with this game, and I had fun with this game as an adult to the point that I’ve beaten this game more than once. In conclusion, I will give this game a 10 out of 10.
PS: I do not own the footage of these gifs. The content of these gifs are from a Youtube video. Click HERE, if you want to check out the source.
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attract-mode-collective ¡ 8 years ago
Please Enjoy: This Supercut Of LSD: Dream Emulator Footage
Above is 24 minutes worth of footage from the PlayStation 1 cult classic LSD: Dream Emulator Footage, the Limited Edition version to be exact. Every bit was directly exported from the game disc with care, hence why such obscurity is so crystal clear.
You know, speaking as a somewhat self-professed expert on wacky Japanese PSone imports, even I’m fairly clueless about LSD. It doesn’t help that the game itself… much like dreams as a whole… are truly indescribable.
Though here’s a video that presents just the facts, ma’am. On that note, I also have to wonder if many are apprehensive about tackling the subject, due to the fact that it’s the go to for the lazy Lets Players on YouTube who just want an easy excuse to scream “OH JAPAN!!!” Thankfully, the following is devoid of all that nonsense…
Again, there’s not as much in-depth writing about LSD as one might hope or expect. I was actually surprised to find only one dedicated post about the game… actually, the accompanying book that’s mentioned in the video above… over at Eastern Mind. Right off the back, it’s interesting how the book, alongside the soundtrack + remix release, are almost considered equals.
BTW, time once again to state how much I truly miss Eastern Mind. Bruno de Figueiredo’s efforts towards shedding light on the lesser-known video game artisans (not just over at Eastern Mind but CoreGamers as well) have yet to be matched. Though, despite not knowing the specifics, I still understand Bruno’s decision to walk way… mostly due to the fact that, as of late, I too have considered doing the same.
But, back to Bruno, at least he did an article of another PSone curiosity that I just found out about, which is less of a game and more of a database compiled by Japan’s most renown authority on UFOs around those parts…
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havenleamusic ¡ 4 years ago
This week, Havenlea Music takes you to Mexico's stunning beach resorts and the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean Sea. Known for its exciting beach party atmosphere and tropical environment, many couples choose this as their dream destination . Enjoy our Mexico sightseeing. // N E E D M O R E F L Y - O V E R S ? 👇🏽 Flying Over Paris: https://youtu.be/qZ47iRx9F2o Flying Over Cyprus: https://youtu.be/inuZXfQ1-QA Flying Over Mexico: https://youtu.be/XNmGsimUy40 Flying Over Dubai: https://youtu.be/LA8bQ678PfI Flying Over Greece: https://youtu.be/fc-xEA_U40g ⛱️Subscribe to my channel to get inspired by new videos weekly! ❤️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSKOwII6-_mI8Q8jj0edOWg?sub_confirmation=1 // T O P L I N K S ✧ Facebook | https://m.facebook.com/HavenleaMusic ✧ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/havenleamusic ✧ Twitter | https://twitter.com/HavenleaM ✧ Reddit | https://www.reddit.com/user/HavenleaMusic ✧ Relaxing in 6 minutes | https://bit.ly/relaxin6minutes 🔔Do not miss any our of new video uploads. Please HIT THE BELL ! 🔔 // RELAXATION DIARY: TOP 5 MEXICO RELAXING DESTINATIONS Mexico travel is one of those things that a good many people only dream about. Here are the top 5 Mexico travel destinations. 🌴Acapulco is one of the best places when it comes to Mexico travel. Long thought to be the destination of the many lovers of the world, it is actually the number one spot for honeymoons in the entire world. 🌴Cabo San Lucas makes one think of the days of old. A largely untouched land, this area of Mexico travel is so exciting that one can not imagine. Making the finest in overall destinations is not an easy thing to do but this site has come through in fine style 🌴Cancun is one of those places that once rested without visitors and now makes up for that with the good many tourists that flock here every year. A major player in the tourism industry, 🌴Cozumel is a place that many people have ignored over the years and that is good news for those that travel there. Big companies have not found this site to be very hospitable and that means that it is mainly natives that run the sites and attractions. There is a good many places where you can have lots of fun for very little. 🌴Guadalajara brings to mind some of the old ruins of the past. There is many historical attractions here and the natives will be sure to please all that come in. The prices are very reasonable and the food is great all over the area. ___ Havenlea Music provides you with many different musical genres in over 35 languages. I know you enjoyed the top 10 things to do in Mexico city. Do you need to relax a bit more ? Check out the playlists on my homepage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSKOwII6-_mI8Q8jj0edOWg. ___ ►Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSKOwII6-_mI8Q8jj0edOWg?sub_confirmation=1 🔔Be sure to ring the bell to get EVERY new video notification! 🔔 HAVENLEA MUSIC - HEARTWARMING | SOUL-SATISFYING | MIND-RELAXING MUSIC © Copyright: Music, Images & Footage Licensed From - Storyblocks - YouTube Library - Envato Elements This video is for entertainment purposes only. It was inspired by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPqF6yFFuS4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP88oqYYX-E ✅ Relevant hashtags: #relaxingmusic, #mexicosightseeing, #havenleamusic // HELPFUL LINKS https://bit.ly/relaxin6minutes https://www.youtube.com/havenleamusic https://youtu.be/XNmGsimUy40 // M E T A D A T A Our channel has various other similar video clips concerning top 10 things to do in Mexico city, best things to do in Mexico city and Mexico city travel. Please check them out : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSKOwII6-_mI8Q8jj0edOWg Did you enjoy our Mexico sightseeing tour featuring the top 10 things to do in Mexico city or best things to do in Mexico city? Let us know in the comments below.
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smartphonenews-blog1 ¡ 7 years ago
I have said this before, and I probably will say it again: Rugged phones are fantastic! In my view they have taken what we can do with smartphone technology to the extreme. How could that not be cool? Summertime with its visits to the swimming pool or beach, the outdoor life is probably the best time to use a rugged phone. We talked about the newest rugged smartphones here on WiredLeaks, like the Oukitel WP5000. Or the Leagoo Xrover.
Today however, we will take a look at the IP68 rated smartphone that has beaten its competition by miles: The Blackview BV9000. This phone is an absolute beast and packed with awesome features. We will get into the juicy details later. But first, I want to explain this will be the first a a two-part review. Like mentioned today the spotlight will be on the Blackview BV9000. The king of rugged phones at this very moment. But there’s a new kid in town!
Blackview BV9000
Indeed there’s a new rugged phone soon to be launched that looks like it’s ready to go face to face with the BV9000: The ioutdoor X! Regular readers might have seen the introduction we posted on this device earlier. To be fair, on paper it looks like it might even be ready to beat the BV9000. But will it also in a real hand on situation? Well your reporter is happy to announce that I have won the ioutdoor X in the company’s giveaway!!! That was a cool surprise and ofcourse, I will bring the news to you first! Ofcourse I thank the guys at ioutdoor for the generousity!
The ioutdoor X, is this the newcomer that will take the BV9000’s crown? More soon!
Now, that being said I am also a big fan of the Blackview rugged phones, and the BV9000 is just the most complete rugged phone out there, beating it will take one hell of a job. Now let me enlighten you as to why I think the BV9000 is one of the best rugged devices out there. One would lie if the outside, the design would not be a factor. The Blackview BV9000 looks more like something that fell out of the Batmobile or a Klingon Bird of Prey (full nerd alert going off … I know and: Sod it! I couldn’t care less!) It looks stunning and really like it can handle pretty much everything. Which… it basically can!
Now for the specs: It comes with a Mediatek Helio P25 chipset with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of ROM (unless you’re willing to spend another 50 quid on the 6GB/128GB Pro version). That is not the fastest processor out there but in daily use it’s very swift and fast. What makes the BV9000 great to look at is the octagonal glass that basically makes out the entire front of the device. Yes! The BV9000 comes with a 5.7″ screen in 18:9 ratio.Now even though that sounds very modern and trendy… Keep one thing in mind. In order to protect that gorgeous screen it’s surrounded by bezels that are bigger than on your granny’s phone.
The bezels on the Blackview BV9000 are anything but small. 
The resolution of the gorilla glass protected screen is another definite con of the BV9000 if you ask me. It comes with a 1440 x 720p resolution which is not the greatest on a 5.7 inch screen. Thankfully the screens settings are okay and it comes with MiraVision so you can enhance the quality slightly. The Mali T880 GPU makes sure the graphical side of this rugged beast are more than decent. Throw any game at it and it runs like a dream. There’s only a light theming going on, the OS is rather standard Android for the rest. And you can feel there’s certainly no slowing down going on from that side.
Now let’s quit the nit-picking and nagging and jump straight to the reason anyone would decide to buy a BV9000. Its ruggedness. And that is just top notch. And I am not saying this because I took a crystal vase out of the cupboard, fill it with clean tap water and left the phone in there for 20 minutes, like most reviewers. Neatly, with a blended-in clock in the corner. Nah, if  I get a rugged phone I will test it! I have dropped the BV9000 on concrete floors, threw it down a hardwood staircase and threw it over my shoulder on a sidewalk. There was not the smallest scratch to be found on the extremely well-build body of the Blackview BV9000.
Then the water test. I went to the closest little lake we have, and I decided I would not only do a water test. Instead we decided to shoot some footage under water. Some passing by spectators that caught me with my arm down the water stayed there cause they were wondering what I was doing. Their faces when I pulled my arm back and a mobile phone covered with waterplants emerged… PRICELESS! Ofcourse I wouldn’t withold this footage from you so I will share the link to the entire YouTube Camera Review of the Blackview BV9000 right here:
There is no doubt about it the Blackview BV9000 is the rugged phone with the best camera out there. The dual camera’s are real, the effects are okay and you are able to actually get some pretty decent pictures out of it. Especially if you consider you can take pictures of any situation now, in deep snow, in the pool, surfing, climbing you name it! It also survived a night in my deep freezer and I must say I’ve seen some rugged phones, but I’m still impressed by the sturdiness and build quality of the BV9000. A quality even Blackviews own other models even can’t reach. So yes, this is a very special rugged device leaving the competition miles behind. Will it be able to hold this position or will it loose it’s position to the new kid on the block?
The BV9000 has a fantastic build quality
The fast charging is there, the powerful battery is there. And the customizable physical button on the right side of the BV9000 is certainly useful. The only thing I couldn’t relate to, is the somewhat quirky style of the UI. The themed icons are okay, but other dowloaded apps don’t adapt the style. Turning your homescreen into a proper mess in no time. Ofcourse that’s nothing a good old home replacement launcher couldn’t fix.
So in conclusion: I won’t need to much thinking to rate this one. At this time it is, without a doubt the best rugged smartphone under 500 euro price range. So I will give it a 9.2. And like metioned earlier, stay in the rugged mood because we are going to do a hands-on on the most promising newcomer: The ioutdoor X. This is going to be a Battle of the Giants for certain…
And as always we end with some picture samples shot by the Blackview BV9000
Blackview BV9000 The King of Rugged Phones… or? I have said this before, and I probably will say it again: Rugged phones are fantastic! In my view they have taken what we can do with smartphone technology to the extreme.
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amahalomermaid-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Caring For Your Mermaid Swimming Tail
If you would like a tail but don't wish to sew one, then you can find a company that makes mermaid tails, tops and accessories. There are several out there, such as a couple of eBay sellers. Prices range from a hundred dollars to over a million bucks.
Now that you have your tail, a fitting top and perhaps a seashell necklace or 2, you're ready to mermaid.
Well, it's possible now to be a mermaid-though I'm afraid I can't guarantee you'll be able to breathe under water!
Many of us were inspired by the famed international model, Hannah Fraser, also referred to as Hannah Mermaid. As she got older, she began modeling. Eventually she started crafting her own complete mermaid costumes and performing underwater photo and movie shoots. She has three stunning, one-of-a-kind scenes and lots of amazing footage you can see on her website from googling "Hannah Mermaid." She has mermaided with sea turtles, dolphins, snakes and fish!!! She has trained herself to withstand ocean pressure down to nearly 40 ft, and she can gold her breath for two minutes.
The tails use a monofin, which is a single flipper which both your feet fit into. It requires a bit getting used to, swimming together with your legs attached together on your own tail. If you already know the dolphin swim, then this is a fantastic Discounted swimmable mermaid tails for sale stroke to do with the tail on. But you don't need to know any particular swim strokes-the tail together with the monofin itself can cause you to swim mermaid-fashion. It looks very beautiful from the sport, is fast and fun to perform.
You could also do an internet search on YouTube for "mermaid" and you will come across a great deal of folks who are swimming and making in their own mermaid tails.
Have you ever dreamed of having a mermaid tail and then skimming through the water with the fish? Of looking and feeling like a real mermaid, your hair flowing as you swirl and twirl submerged?
If you practice this a lot, but find that there are times you can not get by without holding your nose or an excessive amount of water comes in, I suggest you get a crystal clear noseplug particularly for swimmingpool. You can slip it onto the surface of your nose and it will keep the water out, regardless of what you do from the water. As it's clear, it won't draw attention to itself.
So now you know about mermaiding, and you can not wait to begin. If you know how to sew and have the time, you can make your own simple tail. Sasha Mermaid includes a fantastic YouTube video tutorial "How to Generate A Mermaid Tail."
Wearing a mermaid costumes is among the best choices for women when going to a Halloween celebration. Having a glittering tail and some accessories, there is no doubt that everyone will notice you. However, there's just one question that you have to know, which is "what is the best costume to wear?" Upon reading more on this article you will able to learn more info about mermaid costumes, how to get the perfect outfit that will fit you the very best.
No, I am discussing a new pastime that's growing around the world, and it's called mermaiding. Not just women and girls are doing it, but are men and boys.
Second, you need to practice holding your breath for longer amounts of time under water. But from my study I have found that learning to hold your breath for long periods of time only includes training and learning how to relax in the water. A number of them have learned to hold their breath up to six minutes! Another mermaid model, Mermaid Linden, hires herself out for mermaid performances plus she's trained herself to hold her breath for four and a half minutes!
Now, to enhance your mermaiding, there are several abilities to master. First, you have to swim, dive and do twirls from the water without ever holding your nose. If you are utilised to holding your nose, your first step would be to learn how to blow out a little when you first go below and learn to not hold your nose anymore. 2. Ladies Mermaid apparel: If you are attending your local celebration with your daughter, make her a mermaid apparel as well, she'll delight in feeling as the goddess of the ocean.
3. A outfit For Baby: That's right, if you have a baby you will find mermaid outfits for your baby Also, so your infant Won't be left out
Choosing a costume is a bit difficult. There are many types costumes to choose from, some people today want glitters on the tail that makes it more realistic, others needs their dresses more accessorized. Here are some outfits which are easily available for you to get at an affordable price at the local stores.
Ariel became famous on TV and at the movies when Disney made an animated film length feature movie based on their famous cartoon character Ariel. Kids loved to see the Ariel animation, and they enjoyed watching the Ariel childrens mermaid tails Servces film even more, that's the reason there is no doubt they will also love wearing an Ariel Mermaid Costumes that Halloween. Reason enough for you you to choose a toddler mermaid costume for your little toddler.
1. Sexy Mermaid Costume: In case you're healthy and do not mind showing your midsection. This is the costume mermaid tails for girls for you but beware of this attention you'll be getting out of guys. You will be the goddess of the party.
4. Mesmerizing Outfit and plus size apparel is also a great choice for you.
There are various explanations for why a mermaid costume is loved by most women. Mermaid costumes are available in a variety of different unique designs, styles and colors. Color is a very important part of any costume. The colours of the mermaid costumes are bright, cheerful and very attractive.
Well, some of those costumes do come at a price, and if you're on a tight budget, then you can buy only parts of the costume and create sure components and the accessories yourself.
Ariel is a extremely common name along with your little girl would like to be dressed as this Halloween.
They're stories that the children love away course. They're tales about little girls, like Cinderella, the Sleeping Be. Fairy tale costumes and costumes designed around all the little girls of those fairy tales have been the most well-known outfits for little girls. One of the costumes that have been popular is the fancy ensemble, inspired from the Disney cartoon character Ariel and the various legends that surround the mermaids.
Let us not take the expression 'Fairy' literally and conjure up an image mahalomermaid's facebook that has wings and flies around setting a sparkling magic wand.
Whatever you decide upon, just make certain your little girl would enjoy it. A toddler mermaid costume is among the most versatile of costumes available in the marketplace nowadays. Pick one for your adorable little woman and for sure you'll get
It is possible to design the whole costume and the accessories, if you want. Only a bikini top, a sarong, a few shells, a little bit of imagination and you've got the dress to get a little mermaid princess.
The most important part the fish tail and the fins may take a small producing, but what the hell, it is for your little princess, therefore it would be worth all the trouble and effort.
A famous statue of Atargatis reveals her as a lady from the waist up and a fish out there down. All sea goddesses inherit the sea qualities. Basically mermaids have tails and sometime they've colorful hair. Certain movies like small mermaid, Barbie's Mermaidia and other movies linked to mermaids may provide you a good idea about exactly what mermaids looks like. With a little accessories and imagination, wearing this costume would be a blast.
3. Make sure that your little mermaid's accessories (headdress, necklace, tiara, trick or treat basket, shoes, etc) are comfortable for her.
The Way to take care of your mermaid Halloween costume:
When we think of mermaids we think of Princess Ariel at the Little Mermaid. She was an enjoyable character, beautiful, cheerful, wide-eyed, and most important of all, free to roam. Little girls everywhere would like to be that fresh-faced under-the-sea attractiveness which Ariel faithfully embodies.
1. My top pick for a mermaid movie is "Splash". Not only is it funny and the plot fantastic, but there's quite a little awesome footage of Daryl Hannah mermaiding from the sea. We can not get enough of that! Keep in mind that this is not a children's film. It was created in the '80s, and also for the most part it is okay for your family to watch. But there is a little bit of nudity (evenwhen the mermaid is walking right into New York from the ocean with nothing but her long hair to pay her) and there is some implication of what she and the Tom Hanks character are doing in the elevator, even although nothing is shown. The movie is fantastic, with a great story and awesome mermaid footage and lots of laughs, as well as a great romance.
1. Mermaid Halloween costumes can be made from mesh fabric, organza , and silk. They're also adorned with either hot-glued glitters or sewn-on sequins, making for a delicate ensemble. Handle with care, of course, particularly if you've got long fingernails.
5. When trick or treat is finished, store the mermaid outfit in its original box and then keep in the cupboard.
These are Mermaid costumes mermaid tails Mahalo Mermaid Ariel will be proud of.
Mermaid costumes come in different styles; there is no prescribed form. Whether at a blue and green sequin-studded skirt tail or in a glittering halter top with two starfishes covering the bosom, mermaid Halloween costumes are always fun to wear.
2. Make sure that the mermaid costume is just the perfect length for your kid. When it's too long, the dress is not only going to be prone to ripping, but could also cause injuries because of tripping.
Halloween costumes can be pricey (understandably so), also it is important that you understand how to care for those. That way, your little girl's Halloween costumes, mermaid or can last for decades, and may even be passed down to her cousins and friends.
2. My second top choice is "The Secret of Roan Inish". This is a secure, quiet movie the entire family can enjoy. It had been created in Ireland, and as such is slower and quieter than most American films. It's about a small Irish girl who moves to live with her grandparents. As she gradually solves the puzzle, she brings unity and healing back to the household. In this movie the mythical monster is a selkie, maybe not a mermaid. The selkie lives in the form of a seal. On occasion she climbs up on a stone and eliminates her seal skin, showing a gorgeous woman. So this movie is a bit different, and you will never look at a seal the same manner again.
Most of us have seen Disney's "The Little Mermaid" animated film. But there are numerous others that are absolutely excellent - classics.
Do not worry; your little girl can still walk around inside her mermaid outfit. That's obviously a misconception of parents that believe their little women will just get stuck in their mermaid tails all night on Halloween's eve. Mermaid Halloween mermaidtailsforsale.com costumes end in a tail, clearly, but with a hole for the feet. Your own homegrown little Ariel can trek the whole area in fashion, trick or treating. It is like she is a genuine mermaid newly gifted with thighs, freshly out of water.
4. When it states Dry Clean Only, it means Dry Clean Only. Otherwise, gently hand-wash and use only color-safe bleach when required.
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touristguidebuzz ¡ 8 years ago
26 Epic Adventures by Travel Bloggers in 2016
26 Epic Adventures by Travel Bloggers in 2016
Well, it’s about that time again. Time to look back on the year that was and look forward to the year that has just begun. For the past 6 years we’ve put together a year end round-up that highlights some of the adventures fellow travel bloggers have experienced throughout the year. It’s so awesome to see so many people fulfilling their longtime dreams!
Looking for travel inspiration? Check out these epic adventures from years past.
25 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2015 
40 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2014
28 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2013
25 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2012
19 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2011
There are literally hundreds of awesome travel blogs out there, so we couldn’t possibly include every one in our annual round-up. If you are a travel blogger that had a memorable adventure in 2016, please share your experience in the comments section below. I’m sure our readers will want to learn about your adventures just as much as we do!
Will one of these adventures inspire your travels in 2017?
Trekking to see wild Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda
Cailin O’Neil, the travel blogger and YouTuber behind Travel Yourself, fulfilled a longtime dream this year when she witnessed wild mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Talk about a once-in-a-life experience! Check out the video in the link below for some video footage of these fascinating animals.
“Sadly there are less than 800 wild mountain gorillas remaining in the world, so when I was given the opportunity to see these adorable creatures for myself, I literally jumped at the chance.
There are only 80 trekking permits given out each day to see the gorillas, with those 80 people being divided into 10 groups of eight to visit 10 different gorilla families, one group per family.”
Read more – Trekking to see wild Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda
Hiking in Afghanistan’s remote Wakhan Corridor
In 2016, Matthew Karsten, the adventurous travel blogger and photographer behind Expert Vagabond, traveled to a place that many of us would have avoided – the mountains of Afghanistan. I remember doing a double take when he first announced his trip plans earlier in the year. As the photo above indicates, the mountain landscapes in that rarely visited part of the world are outstanding.
“When I told family & friends I was planning a trip to Afghanistan, they thought I’d lost my mind. Afghanistan, that war-torn middle eastern country full of terrorists, soldiers, car bombs, predator drones, and IEDs. Parts of Afghanistan can be dangerous, sure, but it’s also full of beauty, hospitality, and history too. 
I learned that the version of the country most of us see each night on the evening news is simply not the full story…This is the Afghanistan I was on a mission to seek out and share.”
Read more – How To Visit Afghanistan’s Wakhan Corridor
Exploring the Land of Fire and Ice
Iceland always seems to find its way on this annual compilation. It’s probably because we have Iceland on the brain and plan to visit later this year. Norbert, the long time globetrotter and man behind GloboTreks, visited the Land of Fire and Ice earlier this year and captured some wonderful images from his adventures.
“Iceland might be the most beautiful country I’ve visited so far and one of the few that has truly amazed me from start to finish. While the country might be relatively small, what it lacks in size it makes up with a variety of stunning scenery that ranges from crystal blue glacier lagoons to green moss volcanoes, red sand beaches, and black desert landscapes.
Read more – 20 Stunning Places you should visit in Iceland
Offbeat Trekking in Kyrgyzstan
It seems like every year we share an epic trekking adventure by Dan and Audrey, the couple behind Uncornered Market. That’s because every year they introduce us to a completely new corner of the world. This year was no different. If you like playing in the mountains, click on the link below to learn about their multi-day trek in the remote mountains of Kyrgyzstan.
“With over 90% of its territory covered in mountains, Kyrgyzstan has no shortage of treks filled with stunning landscapes, alpine lakes, shepherds, yurts and a feeling of being very far out, immersed in nature. It’s why we often recommend Kyrgyzstan to travelers interested in trekking with a taste of the offbeat.
Our recent trek of the newly developed Jyrgalan trail in the Tian Shan mountains above the towns of Karakol and Jyrgalan reminded us again why we make such recommendations.”
Read more – Offbeat Trekking in Kyrgyzstan: The Jyrgalan trail
Visiting the Moai Statues of Easter Island
Sam and Audrey, the Canadian travel bloggers and YouTubers behind Nomadic Samuel and That Backpacker, had an epic year of adventure in 2016. A clear highlight was their visit to Easter Island, arguably the most fascinating island on the planet.
“We hopped in the car and drove out to Rano Raraku, which is an extinct volcano that happens to be the quarry that supplied the stone from which the moai were carved. 
The quarry was used for roughly 500 years, until the early 1700s, and it supplied 95% of the statues that you see scattered across the island. It’s a pretty cool site to visit because you can see some moai that were left unfinished – some are still attached to the rock – and it helps you visualize what the whole process must have been like.”
Read more – One week travel itinerary to Easter Island
Hanging out with Polar Bears in Churchill, Manitoba
Fellow Canadian travel bloggers Pete and Dalene Heck, the couple behind one of our favorite blogs Hecktic Travels, traveled to the frigid coast of Hudson Bay in Northern Manitoba to witness polar bears roaming in their natural habitat. Check out Pete’s incredible polar bear photos in the link below. Reading their posts this year reminds us just how awesome Canada is.
“Despite knowing their grievous plight, in real life it is easy to believe that polar bears just want nothing more than snuggles. They aren’t aggressive or territorial like other bears. They make no sound except for slight gripes to each other, and several approached our buggy with what appeared to be only genuine curiosity.”
Read more – So Darling, So Deadly.
River Surfing in Calgary and Kananaskis, Alberta
Prior to reading Matt Gibson‘s article about surfing in Calgary, I had no idea river surfing was actually a thing. Add freezing cold glacier water to the mix and you’ve got yourself some serious adrenaline pumping adventure. It looks pretty hardcore!
“By the end of my hour-long surf session on the river wave they call ‘The Mountain’, I was so fatigued that after falling and being swept downstream, yet again, I didn’t even bother to try and paddle upstream. 
I was completely spent, not from exertion, but from the frigid water.
I had new respect for Calgary’s river surfers. Not because of the ease with which they caught and slashed back and forth across the touchy wave on their ultra-short surfboards, but because they would spend whole days in the depths of the Canadian winter in the river, which is fed by glaciers.”
Read more – River surfing in Calgary and Kananaskis 
The Mother of All Road Trips
Our friends Erin and Josh, the team behind the popular family travel blog ‘Travel with Bender‘, completed an adventure that is very high on our travel wish list – they did an epic one year road trip across Canada and the USA.
We met up with them during their visit to the Pacific Northwest and got the download on their crazy itinerary. They put together a detailed post that highlights their route(s) and best articles from the #motherofallroadtrips. Have a read, get inspired.  
Read more – 31 Weird Things About the US
Hiking to Angels Landing in Zion National Park, Utah
Amanda, the solo female travel blogger behind A Dangerous Business, put on her hiking shoes and tackled the infamous Angels Landing in Zion National Park. The national parks in the US Southwest have been high on our wish list for years. Reading Amanda’s adventures in Utah has reminded us that we need to get down there sooner than later. The landscapes are unbelievable!
“Angels Landing is one of the most iconic hikes in the national parks system (and certainly in Zion), and I knew I could do it if I prepared properly. 
Well, let me tell you that it’s difficult. And kind of terrifying.
Not only do you have to scramble up rough sandstone “steps,” but if you’re short like me you’ll also have to pull yourself up onto ledges using the fixed chain, and probably slide down some exposed sections on your butt. All with 1000+-foot dropoffs, sometimes on both sides of the narrow trail.”
Read more –  I hiked to Angels Landing and Didn’t Die!
Helicopter tour over Cape Town, South Africa
Our friend Keith Jenkins, the man behind the popular luxury travel blog Velvet Escape, took to the skies on his last trip to Cape Town in South Africa. There’s nothing quite like experiencing a new destination from a helicopter. And, judging by the photo he captured above, it looks like it was a epic place for a helicopter tour!
“We climbed into the helicopter, buckled up and put on our noise-cancelling headphones. I was so excited I could scream! The scenery was just mind-blowing!
I remarked how awesome it must be for the pilot to see this every day – during the whale season, you can also see whales (especially in Hout Bay and False Bay) and the odd Great White shark! Maurits, our pilot, laughed and said, “It’s the most beautiful office in the world!”
Read more – Helicopter tour of Cape Town, South Africa
Jungle surfing in the Daintree Rainforest, Australia
Caz and Craig Makepeace, the Australian family travel bloggers behind Y Travel Blog, had an epic family adventure in the Daintree Rainforest, located north of Port Douglas in Queensland, Australia. They took their girls high into the canopy to ‘jungle surf’ through the dense rain forest. It looks like tonnes of fun!
“There is no place like the Daintree in Australia, possibly the world. At an estimated 110 million years old, the Daintree Rainforest is the largest continuous area of tropical rainforest on the Australian continent and the oldest living rainforest on earth – even pre-dating the Amazon Rainforest.
Yes, you can drive through the Daintree Rainforest, walk through the forest, climb to the top of the tower at the Discovery Centre, but the most exhilarating experience is by jungle surfing (zip lining) high up amongst the canopy.”
Read more – Getaway to the Daintree Rainforest from Port Douglas
Scuba Diving at the Komodo Islands, Indonesia
Kiersten, the California native behind the popular female travel and lifestyle blog The Blonde Abroad, had another epic year of adventure in 2016. From the Galapagos Islands to China to Brazil, it was tough to pick just one adventure to share. Scuba diving in Indonesia has long been on our travel wish list, so I suppose that’s why it made the final cut.
“Komodo definitely ranks among the best spots in Indonesia to dive. You can pretty much dive off any beach in the area and find gorgeous coral and an impressive array of underwater life. 
Komodo National Park is made up of three large islands located in the heart of the Indonesian archipelago. The volcanic islands Komodo, Rinca, and Padar provide a dramatic landscape to this lush park. Full of sandy beaches and sparkling water, this is the perfect place to explore the natural beauty of the country.
Read more – Scuba Diving the Komodo Islands, Indonesia
Exploring the Canadian Rockies in Alberta
We love it when people visit our beautiful country and return with great things to say. Christy and Scott, the American travel bloggers behind Ordinary Traveler, visited two of Canada’s greatest treasures – Banff National Park and Jasper National Park.
“Alberta has been on our travel bucket list for many years and in early September we finally had the opportunity to visit this part of Canada.  
During this trip, we got see the infamous Lake Louise and Moraine Lake in Banff and experience some warm-weather hiking in Jasper. September turned out to be the perfect time to visit. We avoided the summer crowds and we were lucky enough to see the fall colors changing!
Read more – 15 Photos That Prove Alberta is Heaven on Earth
Experiencing Jordanian culture through its food
Mark Wiens, the hungry man behind the travel and food blog Migrationology, ate his way around Jordan earlier this year. He produced a fantastic Jordanian food guide that you should definitely check out. But be warned, it’s dangerous to read that post on an empty stomach.
“Food is such an integral part of Jordanian culture, and when you start eating, you’re almost certain to meet and mingle with some of the most hospitable and friendly people you’ve ever met.
The highlight of my trip was eating Maqluba at a local family home in a small village. The family prepared the dish, put it all onto the tray, and sprinkled on freshly oil fried peanuts and pine nuts on top. The food and the sharing of the meal with this family was an awesome experience.”
Read more – 25 of the Best Jordanian Dishes You Should Eat
Journey into the Heart of West Africa
Nellie Huang, the newbie mom and travel writer behind Wild Junket, had another epic year of adventure in 2016. We tip our hat, because we know firsthand that traveling with an infant/toddler is not easy. A highlight from her year was visiting West Africa, where she learned about the Cape Coast slave history in Ghana and met a voodoo expert in Benin.
“West Africa may not have major bucket-list attractions like the Big Five or Victoria Falls, but it is so under-explored that makes any trip there an adventure.
Far from the well-trodden tourist trails in East Africa and Southern Africa, West Africa is a wild, wild world chocked full of remote yet epic landscapes from the world-renown Timbuktu to the slave forts on the Atlantic coast.
I’m not going to lie; West Africa is probably the most challenging destination I’ve been (solo), but that’s exactly what makes it such a rewarding experience.”
Read more – My Journey into the Heart of West Africa
Endless adventures in Western Australia
Kate McCulley, the woman behind the solo female travel blog Adventurous Kate, traveled to the other side of the world to explore the vast and remote region of Western Australia. While there, she visited Rottnest Island, Ningaloo Reef, Karijini National Park, Nambung National Park, Hutt Lagoon and Broome, to name a few. Quite the adventure!
“I was so excited to take selfies with quokkas on Rottnest Island and it did not disappoint whatsoever! Quokkas are small marsupials endemic to a few regions in WA, including Rottnest (which means rat’s nest in Dutch — when they landed, they thought the quokkas were rats).
In the past few years, selfies with the adorable, friendly quokkas have become the ultimate WA souvenir. I was determined to get as many as possible.”
Read more – My Favorite Experiences in Western Australia
Rappelling down a crater in the Negev Desert, Israel
Hannah and Adam, the American travel bloggers behind the blog Getting Stamped, traveled to Middle East this year and spent time exploring the Negev Desert in Israel. Aside from hiking, biking, camping and wine tasting, they rappelled down the side of a steep rocky crater. How’s that for an epic adventure?!
“The adventurous can strap themselves in and rappel down a vertical wall of the Ramon Crater. From one of the main viewpoints around the crater you can make the 50-foot vertical journey down to a ledge in the rock wall.
For those with a fear of heights it may take some time to work up the courage, but the experience and the views of the Negev desert are worth it.”
Read more – Things to do in the Negev Desert in Israel 
Hot air balloon over the Serengeti in Tanzania
Matt Long, the man behind the luxury travel blog Landlopers, fulfilled a lifelong dream by going on a wildlife safari in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park. On his final day, he woke before sunrise and boarded a hot air balloon to witness the magic of the Serengeti from above.
“Right below the balloon was a lone lion, eating a freshly caught wildebeest in a bloody show unlike anything I’d ever before witnessed. I couldn’t believe it. We spent a week touring Tanzania and saw any number of amazing wildlife experiences, but this was different.
As I soon realized, floating above the grasslands in a hot air balloon gave us unique access to the animals impossible to replicate in any other way.
The best moment occurred near the end of the hour-long flight when we were fortunate enough to find herds of zebra and wildebeest on the move, all part of the Great Migration that passes through every year.”
Read more – Serengeti Balloon Safari: Floating Above The Action
Fun in the Sun in the Maldives
Dave and Deb, the Canadian travel bloggers behind the award winning travel and photography blog The Planet D, visited the Maldives in 2016 and captured some beautiful images of the iconic over-water bungalows.
The Maldives are on a whole other level of awesome. Seriously, look at those bungalows! Beyond the dreamy, sun-drenched beaches, they were able to find plenty of adventure on their trip to this tropical nation.
“I must admit, we expected to do nothing more than bask in the sun, sip cocktails and watch the sunset over the Indian Ocean, but once we arrived at the islands, we found out that there are more things to do in Maldives than we originally thought.
It’s true, the over the water bungalows are a spectacular sight and those images are what drew us to the Maldives in the first place. But are there things to do in Maldives besides relax? Oh yeah! We actually ended up having an amazing adventure holiday!”
Read more – 10 of the best things to do in the Maldives
Hiking the West Highland Way in Scotland
Laurel Robbins, the woman behind the adventure travel blog Monkeys and Mountains, hiked the West Highland Way, Scotland’s first official long distance walking route that spans 150 km (95 mile). It’s a popular route that attracts over 15,000 hikers each year.
“It’s one of the most beautiful long distance hikes I’ve ever done, with its  dramatic changes in landscape, from walking along the shores of Loch Lomond, to hiking over mountain passes in the Highlands.
Scottish hospitality is also out of this world. I felt so welcome at each B&B. I’d highly recommend walking the West Highland Way to anyone even remotely considering it.”
Read more – Hiking the West Highland Way in Scotland
Hiking to Melatsunyane Falls in Lesotho
Not only did Brendan van Son introduce us to an incredible waterfall and canyon, he introduced us to a new country! Prior to reading about his trip and seeing his photos on Instagram, I could not point the country of Lesotho on the map. I have never heard of it before. Yet another reason to follow travel bloggers – you’ll learn something new every day!
“Melatsunyane Falls might actually be my favourite location for photography in 2016, it was that good. I’m not really sure how no one knows about these waterfalls, or how Lesotho in general is so under the radar as a tourism destination.”
Read more – Melatsunyane Falls is Crazy!
Hiking Spain’s Camino de Ronda Coastal Path
Sherry Ott, the long-term traveler behind the blog Ottsworld, returned to Spain in 2016 for some unfinished business. After completing the Camino de Santiago hike a few years ago, she knew she would return to the Costa Brava region to tackle the Camino de Ronda Coastal Path.
“Salty sea breezes, colorful flowers that reminded me of bowls of Easter eggs, skies that stretched forever and ever, burning calf muscles, salty sweat running down my forehead, and methodical crashing waves; this what I experienced my last two weeks in Costa Brava while hiking the Cami de Ronda coastal trails.
I finally accomplished my goal of hiking the Camino de Ronda from L’loret de Mar to Portbou at the border of France.  My father and I completed the nearly 100 miles of hiking and became entranced with the landscapes and culture.”
Read more – Finishing Business on the Camino de Ronda
Self drive safari in Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa
Erik van Erp, the man behind the travel community site Around the Globe, traveled to South Africa this year and went on an epic safari in Addo Elephant National Park. The park is located about 800 km from Cape Town. The content on his site is written in Dutch, but you can easily translate the content to English to read about his adventure.
“Addo Elephant National Park is one of the parks in South Africa where you can easily drive around and find elephants and many other wild animals, including the Big Five. 
You will see herds of elephants at Harpoor dam. Here, elephants come regularly go to cool down and drink. Sometimes they walk in a parade one meter of your car!”
Read more – Exploring Addo Elephant National Park
Attending the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
Earlier this year, we added the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta to our travel wish list. When I was doing a little online research I stumbled on Laurence’s awesome photo collection from his time there early this year. Laurence is the award winning photographer behind the awesome travel blog Finding the Universe.
“This is the largest balloon event of its kind in the world, and it plays host to around 600 hot air balloons, who fill the skies over Albuquerque for almost two weeks. It’s billed as the most photographed event on earth, and the largest event in the USA. Obviously – we had to visit!
You don’t have to actually attend the festival fields (although we highly recommend you do!) in order to see the balloons. As soon as they launch, the skies over Albuquerque become filled with balloons, which you can see from all over the city!”
Read more – 26 Photos from the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
Overland through the Kimberley in Western Australia
Becki Enright, the award winning travel writer behind the blog Borders of Adventure, went on an overland trip through the Outback of Western Australia. Often referred to as Australia’s Last Frontier, the remote and wild Kimberley is a place few travelers get to experience.
“From Broome to the Kimberley coastline, that jags along the northern stretches of Australia’s largest state, is a single road that journeys up to the tip of the Dampier Peninsula. It cuts through a stretch of land where the coastline to the west quickly starts transforming into desert to the east.
For hundreds of kilometres lay places where humans haven’t ever trodden. One of Earth’s last preserved wilderness areas, full of arid desert and Protected World heritage landmarks including craters and National Parks.”
Read more – The Indigenous Outback of Western Australia
Road tripping around Albania
Nick and Dariece, the Canadian travel bloggers behind the blog Goats on the Road, rented a car and took a 10 day road trip around Albania. They began their journey in Tirana and continued through Albania’s farmlands and countryside. They spent time in Berat, one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities, and the coastal town of Saranda, located on the Albanian Riviera.
“Our final drive in Albania was the most beautiful one of the trip, and possibly the most scenic drive we’ve ever taken in our lives. We took the coastal road from Saranda to Tirana, which meandered along the coastline, up over a high mountain pass, and back down to sea level.
While winding our way along the Adriatic Sea, with the windows down and the warm breeze blowing in, we were able to reflect on our time in the country. Aside from a tumultuous recent history, Albania has everything a traveller could ask for – great food, friendly people and stunning scenery. 10 days just wasn’t enough!“
Read more – Acclimatizing to Albania: A 10 day road trip
Discovering Kashgar – China’s Silk Road City
Michael Turtle, the Australian travel writer behind Time Travel Turtle, explored the historic Old City of Kashgar in China. I must confess, I had never heard of Kashgar before reading Micheal’s story. A quick Google reveals that it’s located in China’s far west, bordering Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. It’s one of the oldest cities in central Asia, with its history stretching over 2,000 years!
“Kashgar was a key city along the Silk Road, the network of trading routes that connected Asia to Europe for centuries. What makes it so fascinating today is that the atmosphere has hardly changed.
Arriving in Kashgar is like emerging from a time machine. Nowhere do you get the sense of China’s Silk Road history more than in the historic Old City of Kashgar. The community was built here behind raised walls to provide protection and inside is a warren of more than two hundred streets and alleyways that bend their way through residential and market areas.”
Read more – China’s Silk Road City
Tracking leopards on a Wildlife Safari in Sri Lanka
Liz Carlson, the voice and photographer behind the travel blog Young Adventuress, went on a wildlife safari in Sri Lanka and was lucky enough to witness a leopard in its natural environment. Yes, you read that correctly. Wild leopards. In Sri Lanka! Who knew?
“Yala National Park has the highest leopard concentration in the world, and found all over the country. However, they  are also an apex predator in Sri Lanka, so they have little to fear which means that can be much easier to spot than in Africa.
I saw three when I was in Yala. One under a tree a million miles away, one on the infamous Leopard Rock at sunset my second night there, and finally a young leopard hiding behind the bushes near the jeep. Jackpot!
Read more – Wildlife in Sri Lanka: expect the unexpected
What was our most epic adventure in 2016?
When we reflect on 2016 the trip that stands out the most was our 2 week road trip around Ireland and Northern Ireland. We love a good road trip. And Ireland is the perfect country to take a young family on the road.
Highlights from our trip included drinking Guinness in Dublin, marveling at the Cathedral Church of St Colman in Cobh, witnessing the beauty of the Cliffs of Moher, driving the Wild Atlantic Way, exploring the coastal town of Portrush and walking on the Giant’s Causeway. We had great time.
Read more about our trip to Ireland:
Highlights from our 2 week Ireland road trip
Traveling to Ireland for the first time? Here’s what you need to know
The Blarney Castle in Ireland – is it worth visiting?
25 Photos that will make you want to visit Dublin, Ireland
And that’s a wrap! Phew, you made it to the end of this 4,600 word post. Some pretty epic adventures by travel bloggers this year! If you’re still searching for more adventure inspiration, make sure check out these posts from previous years:
25 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2015 
40 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2014
28 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2013
25 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2012
19 Epic Adventures by bloggers in 2011
Your turn! What was YOUR most Epic Adventure in 2016?
Share your experience in the comments section below. Feel free to leave links, we’d love to read about your epic adventure!
26 Epic Adventures by Travel Bloggers in 2016 is a post from: Traveling Canucks
Related posts:
10 Common Family Travel Mistakes (and how to avoid them)
Traveling to Ireland for the first time? Here’s what you need to know
Highlights from our 2 week Ireland road trip
It’s resolution time! Here’s how we’re going to make 2017 great.
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