amoreemioo · 1 year
[ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 ] ― sender and receiver lay under the stars to stargaze (EEP ag6)
one of the best things life had to offer was, well, this exact moment. the clear night sky, the warm weather, and the love of his life against his chest. what more could ares ask for? he was happy to watch the stars as he slowly carded his hand through seunggi' hair, though he'd be lying to say his gaze didn't keep dropping to the other man. he just couldn't help it, he'd never be able to get enough.
ares almost didn't want to ruin the moment, either. but he also didn't want seunggi to actually fall asleep before he had a chance, you know?
"you awake, baby?" he was shifting a little as he spoke, doing his best not to disrupt his boyfriend as he slipped his hand under one of the pillows. ares didn't say anything else right away, wanting to make sure he wasn't actually talking to himself as he brought the wrapped gift over to his side in silent offering. only when he caught a glimpse of those eyes did he go on, a smile curling his lips as he did. "you might not even remember," or maybe he did? it felt like it was a lifetime ago at this point in their relationship, ares would completely understand if this present made no sense to seunggi. in which case ... well, he didn't know. maybe seunggi would still like it even if it meant nothing to him?
ares lifted the gift after another beat, eyes roaming what he could see of his features with nothing more than the moon and stars as light. it made sense, this gift — kind of? to give it to him now, at least. a book — kind of? nothing official, more like ares doing arts and crafts over a years time, or something. the front cover was legit, something he had bought, but inside? scribbles and notes, drawings and stories, an occasional picture taped in. everything from how ares felt the first time they met, to how his feelings grew over time. each and every interaction that made him love seunggi more was detailed, and seeing as tonight was their anniversary? not the anniversary, of course, but the same day they had met two years ago? not only the same day, but the same spot on the rooftop? it felt like the right time to give it to him.
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interxstitial · 1 year
@fooleds liked this for a starter . . !
"take your shirt off."
it's a simple instruction. a dog learns well enough how to sit, shake, roll over. certainly hyunsoo gyo must be at least as smart as that. without any further explanation, julien disappears into his bedroom and gets to work. he pulls the bed sheets askew, throws a pillow on the ground; peels off jeans and tosses them near the french doors leading to the balcony. after a brisk stroll through the enormous walk-in closet, he emerges wearing the same silk shirt, but with the very edge of something lacy peeking from underneath the hem and lips bitten red by his own doing.
"give me that," is all julien says when he returns to the living room, glad to see that hyunsoo isn't in fact dumber than a dog. slipping out of the silk top, he throws it over the back of the sofa and wears hyunsoo's shirt in exchange. one hand cards through his hair while the other goes for hyunsoo's, pushing his fringe back from his forehead several times until it begins to stick. for the final touch, he reaches over to pinch the other's cheeks, then his own—just enough to bring out a bit of colour.
"stay here," julien directs, gathering the fortunately few documents left on the marble center table. those swiftly go into a cabinet built seamlessly into the wall, opened only under the right pressure at the right angle. with a warning look over his shoulder, julien heads for the front door and adds, "if you mess this up for me, you're dead."
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entityforged · 1 year
for @fooleds
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“i couldn’t sleep,” is all he says when seunggi happens upon him in the hotel bar, pretending to drink the mint mojito the very nice bartender gave him half an hour ago. he should be sleeping, or at least resting, mentally and physically preparing for the biggest show of his life tomorrow—but instead he’s here, talking to the source of at least half his anxieties about the next day. but instead of letting him go so he can continue to wallow, tae speaks again. “do you have a—routine, or anything? something to help you get ready for a show?”
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paramcur · 1 year
@fooleds sent: [ 📲 sms: ] thinking a lot of things about you i can’t say … but i could text. (from seunggi heheh)
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[ 📲 sms: ] you play your cards so close to your chest, you know that?
[ 📲 sms: ] unlike me. i'm an open book. one that has been banned in many public schools
[ 📲 sms: ] can you for once, throw a dog a bone?
[ 📲 sms: ] i can't tell if you're thinking of violent assaults upon my person or something saucy. it could go either way, knowing you 😒
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svcreds · 1 year
                         ↬  @fooleds​  ♡
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                    “  if  you  weren’t  going  to  study,  why’d  you  call  me  over?  you  haven’t  even  answered  a  single  question  on  that  page,  and  your  chairs  fucking  suck.  ”
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mconlight · 1 year
006. a music room, filled with melodies of an instrument . (musicians hannie n sg 🤝)
status: acceping~
haneul asked seunggi to open for them on tour when he was doing well. he felt optimistic— riding on the high of a well-selling tour, the inklings of someone special asking about his day, and having his most recent interview be received with high praise and cute little edits on the internet. it was nice, feeling as though everything was finally falling into place— the right place.
it's the end of the fifth night and haneul should be packing up his things to head back to the bus on the way to the next city. instead, he sits on the couch in the green room, scrolling through files on his computer until he lands on one labeled, for him. haneul wrote it months ago when his someone special kissed him for the first time, and recorded it shortly after.
"i wrote this a while ago but... i don't think it suits me anymore," he explains, glancing up at seunggi to resist the urge to check his phone for a message from his someone, fully knowing it's not there. it hasn't been for weeks. "i know it's shit, but there might be something you can use."
haneul presses play and lets himself relax a bit when his guitar fills the speakers, and then his voice. the melody is sweet and the lyrics soft— obviously carefully sewn together while still dazed by the euphoria of being heard, and being loved for it— but haneul frowns. he checks his phone again.
"i can send it over or trash it," he mumbles over the chorus. "you don't have to take it just 'cause i'm offering it."
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oh-look-car-horns · 6 months
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Reblog if its ok to spam you with boops
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cosmos-kitty · 6 months
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Maybe the real treasure was the boops we made along the way
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amoreemioo · 9 months
“Sometimes I wish… you didn’t have to keep dealing with my shit.” ag1 😖
ares … ares didn’t say anything right away. he didn’t know what to say, first of all, but mostly? mostly he was thinking about what seunggi might be going through to be having these thoughts — not only that, but to be saying it. more than just that, but where had ares dropped the ball, so to speak? to make seunggi think he was, what — some sort of burden? something that ares had to deal with?
“i don’t deal with you, baby.” with him, his shit — no, seunggi was not something ares dealt with. “you’re the best part of my day. every day.” his eyes were still closed, his hands were still folded on his stomach — how they always ended up on the floor when they broke out the wine, he didn’t know. actually — ares was pretty sure he climbed down here to go after muffin… maybe seunggi just followed along? either way, it didn’t really matter? they were sprawled out and comfy, and he saw no reason to change that now. “so what if you’re a little stinky sometimes.” purely a buzzed tease, one said as the corners of his lips pulled into a small smile. “or if you snore —“ what other shit could seunggi be talking about? “or if you — if you leave the kitchen drawers open sometimes?” or was that ares? maybe ares did that once in a while —
while a little joking, teasing fun was okay to try and lighten things, ares didn’t want this to just disappear into thin air. did something happen recently? was work stressful? family trouble? was seunggi thinking about past struggles? was his addiction rearing its ugly head? was he thinking about what the future held for them, and maybe that was scaring him? was he — ares didn’t know, but he wanted to.
ares’ eyes finally opened to look up at his husband, which was easy to do seeing as his head was on the other man’s lap. unless — like, seunggi’s head was tipped back, or his eyes were closed, or something — “where’d that come from, love? talk to me.” with that his hand went lifting in the hopes of finding one of seunggi’s, wanting to hold it in his own. “do you know how much i love you?”
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interxstitial · 1 year
@fooleds sent: i just wanted to see you. i'm sorry. (witchy sg n otherside wonie 🥹)
jiwon doesn't mean to snap. he hates feeling so restless, constantly on edge, and it's embarrassing to admit that he'd been worse this morning. waking up to his front door wide open and the sofa pushed up against the balcony door had done something to him. rather than ask security if they'd seen anything unusual, jiwon locked himself in the bathroom and screamed into the pillow he keeps in the tub. someone came into his home, moved the furniture around, and left without bothering to shut the door—but to what end? and why hadn't jiwon noticed until morning? surely he would have heard someone pushing a sofa across wooden floors, but the fact that he'd slept through the entire ordeal makes him sick to his stomach.
even after emptying his stomach into the toilet, jiwon still couldn't find peace. he still felt like screaming at nothing, crying 'til his eyes felt raw. for the first time in years, jiwon broke his promise to stay in control. two lines of white, gone in seconds. a third on the coffee table, crooning his name. jiwon knows he looks a right mess when he pushes the barstool out of the way and opens the front door. he hasn't changed out of his wrinkled sleep clothes, hasn't bothered to brush his hair since waking up in the bathtub. refusing to open the door any more than a few inches, he's managed to keep the mess in his living room hidden from seunggi.
"i'm— i'm sorry," jiwon chokes out, sweat freezing cold on the back of his neck. it cuts like ice down his spine. his throat feels swollen, no doubt the result of his breakdown, and somehow his eyes find a way to produce yet more tears. "i'm just— i'm not having a good day right now, and i wasn't expecting... sorry, can you just give me a second? i just have to, uh, i just. have to. sorrytwoseconds."
swinging the door shut with more force than he intends, jiwon rushes to hide every trace of his problem. shoves them under the sofa cushions, rubs them into his gums. if he had enough time to lick the table clean so no grain would go wasted, he would. but jiwon tries his best. that's all he can do anymore.
when he opens the door, he still looks a mess. the sofa is still up against the balcony door, and his hair still refuses to lay flat. and still, he apologises. "sorry, i just had to— y-you can come in."
it follows starters: ACCEPTING!
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entityforged · 1 year
for @fooleds
it feels uncharacteristically cruel for insoo to text fable about a potential date with someone else, but the mere idea of it makes their heart sink. it's not until the other texts come flooding in that they're pulled from their masochistic imagination and realize who he was talking about, and they—
well, they have to lie on the floor about it for a few minutes before they can respond.
[ sms -> 🫠 ]: .........that was about me? [ sms -> 🫠 ]: you wanna ask me on a date?
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notamamiboye · 6 months
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Happy April Fools 2024
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lakanakana · 6 months
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war never changes
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phosphorus-noodles · 6 months
Reblog to let your followers know that they’re safe from jumpscares/screamers/etc from you on April 1st but they are NOT safe from getting boop’d like an idiot amen
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gwenlena · 6 months
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hello tumblr
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